//------------------------------// // Chapter 16: Magical Test // Story: A Sparkle's Little Dusk II: The Shining Path // by Mister E-Nonymous //------------------------------// Chapter 16: Magical Test The ponies who have attempted to get rid of Nyx tried going in to take her out once again. They didn't get the chance since they had a personal royal guard guarding the Sparkle Family. But they didn't see any sight of Flash Sentry. They had a feeling that now was their chance to go in and take Nyx, and they were going to take that chance. Only to be surprised at the sign on the door. The sign on the door said: "Out of town. Library closed for the week." "Oh, c'mon!" shouted one of the masked ponies. "Where could they have gone?!" It was dark in the city of Canterlot. Twilight, Spike, Dusk and Nyx walked into a guest room in the castle. They headed off towards the beds in the room. "That... was a long trip," Twilight said, before yawning. "Right now, I just can't wait and get some sleep." "Twilight," Nyx called out, quietly. "Why are we here in Canterlot?" "Princess Celestia called us up here because she wants to run some tests on you, Nyx," Spike said. "They're just going to see if you're not going to grow up..." "To be Nightmare Moon?" Nyx asked, drooping her head. Twilight sighed and looked towards Nyx. "Nyx, I know you're worried, but you have to relax," Twilight said. "It's just going to be a test of who you really are. I'll make sure that nothing bad happens to you." Nyx thought about it. She then went into the bed she was going to sleep in, and fell asleep. Dusk looked over at Twilight and asked, "Are you sure she's going to be alright, Mom?" "This test will only be for making sure she doesn't grow up evil," Twilight said. "As soon as Nyx is tested, an announcement will be made to Equestria. If the test says that she won't grow up to be evil, then the ponies will not be able to harm her. And those who think otherwise and take actions against Nyx will be punished for attacking a member of the royal family." "Who's going to be testing Nyx?" Dusk asked. "That would be Spell Nexus," said Spike, heading into his bed. "I think that might be a little frightening for Nyx," Dusk said. "According to Nyx, in the Equestria she came from, the last time she was tested by Spell Nexus, she woke up as Nightmare Moon. And he was the leader of that cult." Twilight went wide eyed, rubbed the back of her neck and said, "Oh... right. She did say that, didn't she?" She then sighed and said, "Don't worry. We'll make sure that Nyx will not be punished." "I hope not," said Dusk. "For Nyx's sake." Nyx was somewhere in a dark void. She looked around to see if there was any way out. She was hoping to find some way to get out of that place. "Hello?" Nyx called out. "Is somepony there? Twilight? Spike? Dusk?" "Oh, they're not coming to save you now," came a voice that was familiar to Nyx. She even used that voice. She turned around to see a face she did not want to see again. Nightmare Moon. "No... No! It can't be!" Nyx said, backing up away from Nightmare Moon. Nightmare Moon cackled evilly and said, "Oh, yes, it is! You cannot escape your fate from me!" "N-no!" Nyx said, angrily. "A night eternal cannot happen without casualties! I won't be what you want!" "Oh, you really think that's a possibility for you, foal?" Nightmare Moon smirked. "Face it. You'll eventually be me." "No! I don't want to be like you ever again!" Nyx argued. "You don't have a choice! You are me!" Nightmare Moon said, looking down at Nyx. "But you can be a better pony than I was!" "Trust me..." Nyx said, giving Nightmare Moon a cold look. "I already am." Nightmare Moon softened her angry look, then smiled. She then said, "I... just wanted to make sure." Nightmare Moon was then surrounded by blue lights, and changed back into Princess Luna. She then spat out some fake teeth with fangs, and smiled down at Nyx. "Princess Luna?" Nyx asked. "Are you...?" "Yes, Nyx," said Princess Luna. "I am here to inspect your mind. You might have done things you didn't want to do, but you had made up for them by protecting your town." "I had to," Nyx said. "I made some mistakes, but it wasn't my fault. I wanted to stay with Twilight, but the Spell Nexus of the Equestria I came from didn't care of what I wanted. But it wasn't his fault." "The darkness that came from the shreds of Nightmare Moon was responsible for all of that," said Princess Luna. "Although, there is a bright side." "What's that?" Nyx asked. "If the ponies of that world haven't been corrupted you wouldn't exist," said Princess Luna. "And you are a good little filly, Nyx. No matter your appearance, or misdeeds." Nyx then looked back at her Cutie Mark. Nyx then said, "At least I didn't get the same Cutie Mark Nightmare Moon had. I got this one just for standing up for Equestria. I literally said..." "I know what you said, Nyx," Princess Luna said. "But there's a difference. The Cutie Mark of my darker self came from my special talent. But without me, there is no true Nightmare Moon. You make your own choice." Nyx smiled. She then said, "Well, I guess I have to wake up soon. I'm supposed to be tested in the morning." "You've already been tested," said Princess Luna. "My sister thought it would be best for you to be tested while you were asleep." "Wait, what?" Nyx asked. "I'm already being tested? In the middle of the night?" "Actually, it is already 7:30 in the morning," said Princess Luna. "But, you have nothing to worry about. You will receive no punishment from anypony in this world." Nyx smiled. She then started getting dizzy. She then asked, "What's happening?" "It would seem that it's time for you to wake up," said Princess Luna. "You shall be awoken..." Luna's last words were echoing as she was fading from Nyx's sight. Nyx was laying down on a pillow in the throne room. She was surrounded by Twilight, Spike, Dusk, Princess Celestia, Princess Luna and a stallion that Nyx knew well from her Equestria, Spell Nexus. "Intriguing," said Spell Nexus. "This little filly is truly pure. It must be because of the pony who raised her. Isn't that right, Princess Twilight?" "It had to be," Twilight smiled. "She was raised by the Twilight from the Equestria she came from." Just then, Nyx was stirring. She yawned, and opened her eyes. She looked around and saw that she was in the throne room. "Is... is it over?" Nyx asked. "Yes, Nyx," Princess Celestia said. "The test is over. You are not, and never will be, evil. You're a good hearted filly, and we are happy to have you a part of the royal family." Nyx smiled at Princess Celestia's words. Her stomach then growled. She then blushed in embarrassment. "No need to be embarrassed, Nyx. We have arranged for you all to eat in the dining room for breakfast." "Breakfast sounds good right now," Dusk said. "I could go for some pancakes." Twilight rolled her eyes and said, "Alright, alright. Let's go." Then she, Spike, Dusk and Nyx headed on out of there, going towards the dining room. "Thank you for your assistance, Spell Nexus," said Princess Celestia. "Of course, Princess," said Spell Nexus. "I'm just glad we don't have to worry about any trouble from her." "Indeed," said Princess Celestia. "She is a good filly." She then headed out of the room following Twilight, Spike, Dusk and Nyx. "Now, will you excuse me, I'm going to prepare some breakfast for our guests." Princess Luna yawned and said, "Well, I'm heading to bed. My night has been tiring, but even more when having to look into Nyx's mind." Spell Nexus smiled and headed out. In the dining room, Twilight, Spike, Dusk and Nyx were having some breakfast with Princess Celestia. Dusk and Nyx were really enjoying the pancakes. "Wow," said Dusk. "These are the best pancakes I have ever tasted. Even before I came here." "I agree," said Nyx, before putting in another bite. She then spoke with her mouth full. "These are really good." "No talking with your mouth full, Nyx," said Twilight. She then used her magic to dab Nyx's mouth with a napkin. "It sure is a pleasure to serve you all breakfast," Princess Celestia said. "I do enjoy cooking for the pleasure of my special guests. Especially you, Twilight." "Thank you, Princess," said Twilight. They continued eating, but then the doors opened, and in came Blueblood. "Auntie, I don't have time to eat with you," Blueblood said, unbeknownst to who else was in the room. "I have a lot of things to do and..." He then noticed that Twilight, Spike, Dusk and Nyx were in the room with Princess Celestia. He was especially looking at Nyx. He got angry and asked, "What is that monster doing here?!" Nyx shied away from Blueblood and got closer to Twilight. Princess Celestia then said, "Nyx is no monster. We have tested her, and she shows no sign of being evil." "You seriously don't believe that, do you?!" Blueblood snapped. "She's Nightmare Moon! The evidence is clear in her eyes! She must be punished!" "No," said Princess Celestia. "Nyx is now a member of the royal family. Any offense against her is offense against the royal family." "You're crazy to let her be a part of this family!" said Prince Blueblood. "One of these days, I know that monster will doom us all. Especially with that all powerful magic within her." "Her magic has been drained to a minimal level, before she arrived here," said Princess Celestia. "It'll take years for her magic to be as powerful as it used to be." "You can't be serious?!" Blueblood snapped. "I will not stand for..." "Any negativity against Nyx one more time, and I have no choice but to remove your royal status, and banish you from Canterlot," Princess Celestia said. "WHAT?!" Blueblood snapped. "You can't just...!" "I do have the power to do so," said Princess Celestia. "I will not allow any harm to come to Nyx." Blueblood growled, and then he stomped out of the room and closed the doors behind him. Nyx then went back to her seat, and continued eating her breakfast. But she was still worried about Blueblood's behavior. "Don't worry, Nyx," Twilight said. "Blueblood got the warning. No harm will come to you." "Hopefully, everypony will get the gist when Princess Celestia makes the announcement," said Dusk. "I hope so, too," said Spike. "Oh, don't worry about that," said Princess Celestia. "Everypony will be assured about the news, and the consequences." Prince Blueblood angrily walked into his quarters and slammed the door behind him. He then said, "Why do they even bother?! Am I the only one who's not being tricked by Nightmare Moon's deception?! I will show them that Nightmare Moon is not a filly, but a monster!" He then looked out of his window. "Nightmare Moon must be punished for her crimes. For good. And I know those ponies will do better next time. I know that mare, Spoiled Rich from Ponyville, agrees with me."