Ark: Friendship is Survival

by Pomp-Neigh

Chapter 6 - The Obelisks

Everyone is currently positioned on the patio of Celestia's room as they wait in anticipation for this grand event to transpire. 

Floating high above the Canterlot Castle is the serpentine form of Discord, who seemed to be concentrating as he even went so far as to wear monk-like attire.  

"Hold onto your butts, everyone," Helena says as she looks up towards the Overseer. "What you're about to see is something breathtaking. I must say, even I was entranced by their beauty when I first saw them a long time ago,"

"Soooo… what are we even supposed to be looking at?" Rainbow Dash questions.

"Patience, patience, Discord's calling them as we speak," Helena replies.

The AI's words seemed to satisfy them all for the moment as they continued to observe the draconequus. However, two of them began to speak their minds internally.

-If these Obelisks are anything like Helena's AI, or our Ark, then they must be a sight to see. However, what did Discord mean by them causing worldwide panic? Indeed it will only be limited to those in Equestria… right? Come on, Twilight, of course, it will. I mean, it's not like these things are going to be that big, right?-

-Helena and that other machination, the Spectator, are already technological wonders in their own right. Not to mention that our world, itself, consists of incredibly advanced technology.

That reminds me, I must question Helena later about Sunset Shimmer's world and how we're truly connected. In addition, what about some of the past foes we've faced? Will King Sombra be reinjected into the Ark since Twilight and her friends destroyed him? What about the Pony of Shadows? Is he even a living entity? What about Chrysalis, Cozy Glow, and Tirek? They're currently in stone, but what if… what if they could've had lives completely different from their own? Just because that show portrays them as villains, it doesn't mean that they should fulfill that destiny, for lack of a better word. These recent revelations have changed my outlook on even those I considered my enemies.

If we weren't forced to live this way… how different could things have been?-

"So many things could've been different had you just given us the freedom to choose… Discord," Celestia said, following her inner monologue. She then turns towards her sister and mutters: 

"And many others could've been prevented from ever transpiring. I'm so sorry, Luna. I've ignored your feelings over one million times before." 

"Did thou sayeth something, dear sister?" Luna inquires.

"N-no, sister. I'm just-"

Suddenly, Celestia's words are cut off as the entire landscape around them starts to shake. Fortunately, it's not enough to cause the Canterlot Castle to come crashing down the mountainside.

There is no doubt that those from the nearby towns and cities, such as Ponyville, are also startled by this phenomenon.

"Look! Something's gathering around Discord!" Spike exclaims as he points his left claw towards the Overseer.

High above the capital of Equestria, Discord gathers three different energies of various colorations: Blue, green, and red. These forces surround the Overseer as they practically dance around the serpentine entity's body. His eyes were currently closed as he hummed in concentration, an eagle's talon and lion's paw stretched outwards in opposite directions. Then, an unexpected scenario plays out as the draconequus starts to spin rapidly into a spiral of red, green, and blue lights.

Everyone down below stares in awe, and even those throughout the entirety of Canterlot become entranced by the light show. Even cities and towns near Canterlot witnessed this wondrous spectacle.



"Whoa… look at that!"

"It looks so beautiful! Are the Princesses putting on a show?!"

"Wow! Looky there, mommy!"

"I see it, dear. It's quite lovely."

-Sweet Apple Acres-

"Woah, nelly! Big Mac! Sugar Belle! Com' 'ere a second! There's some light show going on!"

"Coming, Granny Smith!"



"You guys! Come check this out!"

"Is that a Wonderbolts show?"

"I kind of want to fly over to it."


Discord suddenly stops spinning as the three energies shoot towards the skies and breaks off into three separate directions. Notably, the green energy zooms off in the direction of The Crystal Empire, to the north. The red energy heads south-east while the blue energy heads south-west.


-The Crystal Empire-

Both Princess Cadence and Shining Armor are currently in their royal bed chamber as they discuss various topics regarding their beloved empire. As the royal couple converse, Flurry Heart is starting to laugh and giggle as something has caught her eye outside the window positioned right next to her cradle. Her parents chuckled in response as Cadence began to walk over to the young alicorn, saying:

"What's going on, Sweetie? Is something outside? Oh! I bet you see some of King Thorax's changelin-" The alicorn's words die, and her eyes went wide open as a large object started to lower itself from the skies.

Shining Armor, who has yet to see the phenomenon, chuckles lightly and starts to make his way towards his family as he comments:

"Looks like you've got your attention stolen just like Flurry's, I bet it's-" Much like his wife, Shining's eyes enlarge, and his mouth practically drops to the floor as he too finally sees the large object: The Green Obelisk.

"Hey, Cady?" Shining Armor questions with a twitching eye.

"Y-yeah?" Cadence responds, her eyes twitching as well.

"Is that a large flying metal object outside of our bedroom window?"


"An… and we're not dreaming?"

"N-no… I think..."

Flurry Heart continues to giggle and extends her forehooves towards the object as if she were trying to touch the Obelisk.

Finally, the royal couple shakes off the fuzz and shouts in unison:

"What the buck?!"



Prince Rutherford was listening to various yaks playing their Yovidaphones within a large hut as he leaned left to right in motion with the music. Suddenly, another yak enters hurriedly and exclaims:

"Yaks, come outside! Yaks see something completely weird to yaks!"

"Yak better have good reason to interfere with yak's music! Yak knows how sacred Yovidaphone sessions are to yaks!" The yak prince shouts as he stomps the ground and causes the entire hut to shake.

"Come outside! Yak show you!" The yak responds as they turn around and run back outside.

"Fine! Yak prince go see what yak talk about!" Prince Rutherford exclaims with annoyance as he and the other yaks in the hut start to make their way outside.

"Now where this strange-" The yak prince's words are halted as he bears witness to the large metallic object in the distance: the Green Obelisk.


-The Dragonlands-

Dragon Lord Ember was currently inside her cave as she pondered on today's events and excursions while tapping the top portion of The Bloodstone Scepter.

"Let's see here… watch over the dragon hatching… settle the dispute between the blue and red dragon clans… visit my father…"

"Dragon Lord Ember!" A new voice calls out as a red dragon flies into her cave.

"What is it, Garble? I have a lot to do today and-"

"Shove whatever you're doing aside! You've got to see this! Some large red object is floating over the Dragonlands!"

"I swear, Garble. If this is some trick, I will order you to spend a whole year in Ponyville." Ember replies with annoyance as she follows Garble outside the cave. "I think we both know how much you'd just love to do that."

They reach the cave mouth.

"Now what in the world are you-" The female draconian's eyes were shot wide open, her words failing as Garble smirked upon seeing her reaction.

"Still think this is a trick?" The red drake questions with a smug grin.

Ember was so shocked that she didn't even comprehend Garble's words as the two dragons, along with those throughout the entire nation, stared in disbelief towards the Red Obelisk.



Queen Novo sat upon her throne as various hippogriff maids brought Seaquestria's ruler her latest meal.

"Ah, good. I was starving my fins off," The Queen comments as she rubs her fins together in anticipation, licking her lips. The maids set down her food within reach, a well-assorted feast that sat on fine glassware. "Come to momma-"

"My Queen!"

"Aaaaaand there goes my lunch break…" Seaquestria's ruler says annoyingly and sassily before turning towards the source of the exclamation. Another sea pony now floats before her as they kneel respectfully before saying:

"My Queen, something urgent has transpired to the west."

"What is it, General Seaspray? Ugh, let me guess… some buffoon has taken up the Storm King's mantle?" She sighs with a hint of frustration, "I'll call the ponies..."

"No, Queen Novo. A large blue metallic object is lowering itself from the skies and seems to be settling down on the ice fields beyond the former Storm King's domain."

Queen Novo was instantly curious about this as she raised a brow, nodded, and responded:

"I'll be top side in just a few minutes; get the army ready to approach this object. Oh! And please make sure my daughter doesn't get too curious. You know how she can be..."

A short time goes by as Queen Novo was currently swimming to the surface, escorted by a large battalion of guards and General Seaspray as she says internally:

-I've got the feeling that I'm going to hate what I'm about to see.-

The ruler of Seaquestria breaches the ocean's surface with her subjects, upon which they all undergo a particular transformation and become hippogriffs. They all take flight as Queen Novo inquires:

"So what's this about a… metal… ob… ject," Her words dragged as she came to witness the large metallic object that her General had informed her of: the Blue Obelisk. Her eyes widened in shock, and her mouth fell agape upon seeing this unknown marvel.

After a few moments of observation, she manages to recover her composure and says:

"Yup, I knew it... I hate this…"

Everyone who stood upon Celestia's balcony was dumbfounded as they stared off towards the direction of The Crystal Empire. Specifically, the object that now floats above it is the Green Obelisk.

"Wow! That thing is huge!" Pinkie Pie exclaims.

"My word… it's marvelous," Rarity compliments.

"That's got to be the most awesome thing I've ever seen!" Rainbow Dash shouts.

"Ah' be darned! Ma' family must be losin' their minds about this!" Applejack exclaims.

"O-o… m-my…" Fluttershy said, fear present in her tone.

Starlight, Spike, and Twilight imitate a goldfish as they are repeatedly opening and closing their mouths, eyes wide open.

"S-sister… thy hath to be the most awe-inspiring sight we hath ever seen. We couldst fit all of Canterlot on thy object," Luna comments in shock, eyes wide open with a matching expression.

"I-I m-must agree…" Celestia responds, sharing Luna's expression.

Helena observes the large Obelisk from afar before turning to everyone else present, saying:

"We've got some work to do, loves," She turns to Twilight in particular, who the Green Obelisk still dumbfounded. "You and your friends go take some time to say goodbye to your loved ones. When we send you off to The Island, you'll no doubt be gone for quite some time," The Ai now turns to the alicorn sisters, "Be ready for some crazy reactions from your neighboring nations. They undoubtedly can see the obelisks from wherever they are," She then returns her gaze towards the direction of The Green Obelisk and exclaims:

"Once everyone gets their affairs in order, it looks like we're heading to the Crystal Empire! According to my map, that is."