//------------------------------// // [Chapter 3] The Rites of Command // Story: Worlds Apart: The Chosen of the Prognosticus // by GMSeskii //------------------------------// The location was effectively a bar, though anyone who went to a bar in a more normal world would consider the drinks served there to be an affront to nature itself. That said, the atmosphere was still welcoming and friendly, not to mention significantly less rowdy than most other establishments of the sort. The counter was smooth and well cleaned, with many stools seated for close conversation with the barkeep should it be desired. However, most patrons of the establishment took to the many tables, their largely red, blue, and yellow clothes giving the place an unusually organized feel, making the occasional person wearing a different color stand out. The bartender herself was one of those people: a dark-skinned woman wearing a flowing purple robe and a decidedly unusual hat that could have been used as a table if it wasn’t slanted to the side. She looked out over her many patrons who sat, chatted, and enjoyed the view out the window. And what a view it was: endless stars, streaking by with rapid speed. Few of the patrons looked at the familiar sight, but it was still beautiful nonetheless. The yellow door manifested right behind the bar and the barkeep. It opened, depositing our heroes into a very public place. There would be no hiding this time.