Kung-Fu Equestria 3

by Lady Umbra

The Beast of Vengeance

Peach blossom petals swirl across the floating ruins, angled to look like a yin-yang symbol.

Deep within the ruins, Celestia meditated, yellow light shining from her form, set in the prime of her youth. Her white and gold robes shined with radiance, and her jade staff glowed with the symbol of her and her sister’s school.

“Inner peace..." Celestia breathed in contentment. "Inner peace…” A peach blossom petal landed on her nose. She twitched. “Itchy nose.” She blew the petal away, but when it got sucked back in by her breath, she sneezed, blowing the petal away. She grinned. “And back to inner peace.”

Unfortunately, her outer peace wouldn't last long. As a familiar, ominous presence brought a frown to Celestia's face, a green blade attached to a chain swung at the alicorn.

Celestia caught the blade, without opening her eyes. She sighed. "Oh, what now?"

She opened her eyes just in time to see another blade coming at her. Humming, the white alicorn tossed the green blade before seizing her staff, knocking the first blade into the second one and sending them soaring away with a spark of jade. She grinned softly, even as her feet planted in a combat stance.

“Tirek," she greeted. "My old friend.”

On the other side of the ruins, Tirek emerged from the shadows; a creature with red fur, cloven hooves for feet and a pair of large horns on his head. He wore a pair of black pants that stopped at his shin with a fur pelt wrapped around his waist along with a black sleeveless shirt that hugged at his muscular torso, a series of Jade jewels hung and jingled across his belt. With a yank of two chains wrapped around his wrists, the jade blades retracted to his hands, and his yellow and black eyes glittered darkly as he stared the white alicorn down.

“Master Celestia Solaris,” Tirek greeted with a grin. "Our battle may have ended five hundred years ago, but I'm finally back. Ready for a rematch."

Celestia merely chuckled. "Took you long enough."

With a growl of anger, the satyr charged Celestia, cutting aside a stony archway that floated across his path. He hurled his weapons at Celestia, but the Alicorn Master easily jumped away. All the same, she hummed as his attack shattered the foundation she had stood upon.

“You've grown stronger, my friend,” Celestia noted, glancing at his hooves before using her staff to draw a symbol with a golden aura before firing it at Tirek. "Haven't missed leg day, yes?"

Though Tirek was hit by the glowing symbol, it didn't seem to deal any damage to him.

“Five hundred years in the Spirit Realm can change you, Celestia," Tirek boasted, moving his hand to his belt. "Can help you pick up a thing or two.”

Celestia tilted her head as she saw jade pendants jingling on his belt. Tirek smiled evilly.

“I have taken the Chi of every master here, including...” Tirek lifted two pendants that Celestia recognized. “The Chi of the bug and her pony you've been so fond of as of late.”

Celestia narrowed her eyes. "No..." she muttered.

“Yes, and soon...” Tirek said, pulling his blades back to his hands. “...I will have your power too!” Tirek swung his blades, gaining momentum.

“Tirek, when will you realize? The more you take, the less you have?” Celestia protested.

But the satyr did not listen, throwing his blades into floating chunks of rock. Using the rocks like a slingshot, Tirek launched himself at Celestia, dragging the boulders behind him.

Celestia drew another yin-yang symbol, spinning it and making it grow in size as Tirek neared her. Just before Tirek could collide with the barrier, he pulled his chains and launched the rocks at the symbol.

The collision created a shockwave that shattered the boulders into dust. As Celestia rose out of the dust, Tirek hurled his weapons again. But this time, rather than cutting, Tirek snagged Celestia with the chains. Smiling in victory, Tirek drew the alicorn close, while a green glow enveloped his hands.

“With your chi Celestia," Tirek boasted. "I will finally be able to return to the mortal world. And this time…” Tirek laughs as the alicorn began to turn into jade. “...you won't be there to stop me.”

Yet, even as the alicorn's body was petrified, Celestia couldn't help but chuckle.

“Something funny Celestia?” Tirek asked with a raised eyebrow.

“It was never my destiny to stop you Tirek,” Celestia said with a smile. “Just like it was my sister's destiny to train the one who saved my wonderful Nephew” Celestia looked into the Satyr’s eyes with a peaceful smile on her face. “I have set another on that path.” And with that, Celestia closed his eyes as the jade encloses his entire body.

Tirek compressed Celestia into a jade pendant. As Tirek brings Celestia’s pendant towards him, green rays spread across Tirek 's body. Tirek formed a vile smile as he looked at Celestia's jade pendant in his hand - a calmly resting Alicorn in the shape of a Yin-Yang.

“Then I will find them, and take their chi too,” Tirek replied as a green glow covered his body

Tirek smashed the pendant on the ground. A ball of green and dark chi spread around, teleporting Tirek out of the Spirit Realm.

Twilight burst through the front doors of the Celestial Palace, her face alight with determination.

“Time for Revenge,” Twilight said, leaping into the air, followed by the Furious Five as she swung off the staff of a statue of Celestia.

Fluttershy flew over the path, while Rainbow ran along the ground. Briefly, Twilight tripped and crashed through the trees, but just before she could hit the ground, she cast a rubber spell, bouncing off the ground and catapaulting into the air, sharing a chuckle with Rainbow Dash.

In the orange sky, Twilight saw a cloud shaped like Master Macintosh. Twisting into a kick, Twilight shot through the cloud, separating the head from the body. Plummeting towards the ground at a speed that left tears in her eyes, Twilight used magic to slow her descent and landed in a dramatic pose, the Furious Five following her lead.

"We are here," Twilight declared, gazing up at their destination with glee: the Jade Dragon.

"Daring Do and The Revenge of Ahuizotl" was written in big letters across the flyer plastered to the front door.

"And not before time," Rainbow declared, dashing into the library. Twilight barely managed to avoid getting hit by the swinging door before Rainbow came back out, two books in her arm and a wide smile on her face. Tossing one of the books to Twilight, the two masters prepared to indulge in the latest adventures of Daring Do... only for Pinkie to snatch them up and shove them into her hair.

"Ah-ah-ah," PInkie chastised, waggering her finger at the two of them. "You guys said 'only getting.'" She pointed to another building just across from the Jade Dragon; the Wild Spark Winer and Diner. A changeling waved at the masters from outside.

"Read while we eat," Pinkie bargained with Twilight and Rainbow. "Sound fair?"

Twilight and Rainbow exchanged a glance, before shrugging.

"Fair enough," Rainbow replied, and together, the kung fu masters entered the restaurant.

"Welcome, Masters," the changelings inside declared, bowing to the group. They had changed from the minions of Sombra; their wings now shined with a new luster, and their shells sparkled with new colors.

“Please, you all don’t have to be so polite,” Twilight said, blushing as she and her friends sat down at an empty table.

A changeling server walked up with a green glow on her cheeks. “Wh-What can I get... you all,” she asked, glancing at Rainbow Dash with a hopeful expression.

“Two justice platters, please.” Twilight said as the Changeling wrote down the order on a notebook

“Three, Darling,” Rarity corrected with a smile holding up three fingers.

“And a few tofu buns,” Fluttershy said quietly

"Oh, and the spicy noodle soup," Rainbow added, struggling to pry her book from Pinkie's hair. "Extra on the side."

After their meal, the Furious Five and The Celestial Warrior made their way back to the palace, high fiving the crowd along the way. One pony freaked out as her hand was unintentionally set on fire from the speed of the kung fu masters.

Eventually, Twilight and the Five landed outside of the Training Hall. Twilight landed in a combat pose, though, for once, the Five didn't copy her.

“You guys aren't doing the dramatic pose?” Twilight asked, keeping her pose

“We don't have to strike a pose, every time we land,” Applejack replied, adjusting her stetson.

"Then you clearly underestimate the power of a dramatic entrance," Twilight replied, summoning a scroll. "I could tell you about so many masters who won a fight just by throwing open the door. Like this!"

To prove her point, Twilight lunged at the door, ready to kick it open in a dramatic pose. However, her leg stopped in front of a stoic-looking Luna. Twilight yelped, barely avoiding hitting her master, though Luna's ears were still blown back from the wind of her kick.

“Dramatic entrance?” Luna asked with a raised eyebrow

“Master Luna!” Twilight yelped, meekly backing up.

“The Celestial Warrior is correct,” Luna said, closing the doors to the training hall. Twilight looked up.

“I am?”

“But of course. Before the battle of the fist, comes the battle of the mind. Hence, the dramatic entrance.” With a kick, she blasted the door open, thrusting her staff at the air. From above, Celstial Palace archers - having recieved Luna's signal - fired flaming arrows at large pots. The room lit up, revealing two snow leopards who let out loud echoing roars, before one erupted into green flames revealing the current Changeling Queen and her mate. Twilight watched the whole thing with stars in her eyes.

“Nice!” Twilight declared before glancing back at Luna. “What's the occasion?”

“Today, shall be my final class.” Luna said.

Twilight and the Furious Five exchanged shocked and worried glances.

"W-Wait. Final? But... are you sick?" Twilight teleported to Luna, checking her wings and ears. "You have been looking a little..."

"I'm not sick," Luna barked, grabbing Twilight's hand and twisting it. Twilight wisely backed up.

"You are right," Twilight stammered as she retreated. "Healthy. Very healthy." She massaged her hand. "Very-very healthy."

Luna exhaled, rubbing the bridge of her nose. “This is my final class because from now on, your training will be in the hands of..." Luna pointed her staff towards Twilight. "The Celestial Warrior."

“Oh well that’s a relief…” Twilight paused, the weight of the alicorn's words hitting her with a force that rivaled the Royal Canterlot Voice. “WHAT?!?!” Twilight looked back and forth. "M-Me? Teach? But I... I mean, why not Rainbow? I mean she's always telling everyone what to do.”

“Oh, shut it, Twilight,” Rainbow said, crossing her arms.


“Rainbow Dash is not the Celestial Warrior.” Luna replied, pointing at Twilight. “You are.”

“But... come on, they're the Five!” Twilight said, looking back at her friends. “What can I possibly teach them?”

“There is always something more to learn,” Luna replied. “Even for a master. For instance, let me show you another move…” Luna twirled her staff before holding it in front of her. “The dramatic exit.” She pointed. “What's that?”

Twilight fell for it; briefly looked away, she turned back to Luna just in time to see the door quietly close behind her.

“Oh no...” Twilight said before glancing at the others. Applejack shrugged.

"Well..." she said, before all five bowed to Twilight.

"Master," they said as one.

“Girls, Master Luna left.” Twilight insisted. But they were not fooled by her denial.

“We await your instruction, Darling,” Rarity said with a smile

“All you have to lose... is our respect.” Rainbow added, grinning up at Twilight.

“Seriously Twi,” Applejack said, walking up behind her. “how bad could it be?”

Twilight chuckled nervously at her friends.

“Very bad! Very, very bad!” Applejack screams before getting slammed by two wooden clubs

Twilight flinched, trying to hide behind the bo staff in her hands.

“Okay-okay, let's switch it up. Uh, Rarity, immovable mountain stance!” Twilight said to the white unicorn who was training on the moving dragon planks.

“Yes, master!” Rarity says becoming still... and falling through the Dragon Planks.

Twilight cringed before looking to Rainbow, who was dodging flaming clubs. “I mean... Rainbow, tornado backflip!”

“On it, master!” Rainbow said, flipping backward... and getting hit by the fiery club. As she recovered, Twilight noticed the tip of her wing on fire.

“Fire!” Twilight shrieked, pointing to Rainbow’s wings

“Fire!” one of the Palace Archers asked, causing the others to fire their flaming arrows.

"NO!" Twilight wailed.

But it was too late, the archers fired randomly through the Training Hall's interior. One of the arrows hit Rainbow in the rear, eliciting a yelp of pain.

“Sorry! My fault!” Twilight stammered before looking towards Fluttershy. “Uh, Fluttershy, go high!” Almost too late, she saw the yellow master heading straight for Pinkie, who was swinging from the rings below. "Wait, LOW, I MEANT LOW!"

Her command came too late, and Fluttershy flew into Pinkie. Both mares tumbled on top of Applejack, who had been laughing at Rainbow Dash as she struggled to put out the fire turning her blue gi black.

“Kick Mcgee!” Applejack wailed, holding out her leg.

“Uh... Pinkie and Rainbow!" Twilight commanded. "Do... uh, like a totem pole!”

"Okie dokie!" Pinkie declared, balanced on top of the cyan pegasus.

“Poison... Technique! Uh, you two... do... a swarming insect bite with a yellow tail, yellow jacket, uh, spicy... tuna…” Twilight slowly shrunk back as her commands only resulted in more and more injuries. "Okay, stop! STOP!"

The training concluded, and the Furious Five slowly walked up to Twilight. Twilight winced at their state: Rainbow had scorch marks along her body as well as the tip of her ear on fire, Pinkie was somehow tangled herself around a training dummy, Fluttershy's blindfold was a single thread away from being split in two, and Rarity pulled herself along the ground with Applejack in tow.

“Good... job….Twilight.” Fluttershy mumbled before passing out.

Twilight hesitantly reached out to snuff the flame on Rainbow's ear, only for the cyan pegasus to slap her hand away.

"So..." Twilight mumbled. "Did you... learn anything?"

“Yes I did actually.” Rainbow Dash growled smothering the flame in her fingers. “I learned you can't teach.”

“And Rainbow's flammable,” Applejack added, before one of the training equipment fell from the roof.

Twilight sighed, leaving the Training Hall and the Celestial Palace. Taking refuge behind a rock, Twilight found herself flashing back to her first days as she once again heard voices.

“That was a complete disaster.” one of the archers was commenting.

“I'm glad we're not Twilight right now.” the other agreed.

“What a loser."

“What was Luna thinking?” a third added.

“Not just Luna; what was Celestia thinking?” the second archer laughed. Unfortunately, their conversation brought them around the rock, where they found Twilight staring at them, unshed tears glistening in her eyes. Her horn flared, and she teleported away, leaving the archers glancing at each other guiltily.

"Do you... think she heard us?" one of them noted.

Twilight appeared in the statue garden. Right before the statue of Celestia. Twilight gazed up at Celestia's visage, sighing as she lowered her head.

“I'm sorry, Master Celestia," Twilight whispered, turning away... to find Luna in front of her. Twilight yelped, nearly teleporting again. “Would you stop doing that?!”

“How was your first day teaching?” Luna asked with a smile.

“Humiliating.” Twilight replied.

“So I’ve heard.”

Twilight rolled her eyes and crossed her arms. "Who told you?" she asked. "Rainbow?"

"Rarity," Luna replied. "And Fluttershy. And Applejack. And Tai and his wife. And Mrs. Cake from the gift shop. And the archers. And yes, Rainbow."

"Well, they all should've mentioned that it's not happening again," Twilight replied, walking past Luna. "Because I'm done."

“Teaching?" Luna replied. "Or being humiliated?”

“Both!” Twilight shouted. “Why did you ever think I could teach that class.”

“I knew you couldn't.” Luna admitted with a chuckle

Twilight's eyes narrowed. "So you set me up to fail," she realized. "To teach me more lessons?"

“If you only do what you can do, you'll never be more than you are now.” Luna replied.

Twilight's eyes lit up. "Master Starswirl said that to his student Stygian," she remembered.

"Technically, my sister said it to Master Starswirl first," Luna pointed out.

"But..." Twilight shook her head. "I don't want to be more. I like who I am."

"Do you? You don't even know who you are.”

Twilight blinked. “What do you... of course I do. I'm the Celestial Warrior.”

Luna closed her eyes and shook her head. “And what exactly does that mean?”

Twilight started to open her mouth, before she blinked in shock. What 'did' that mean. “It means... you know... saving people. By fighting. A lot."

"Fighting and saving people?" Luna asked. "You think that is what the great Master Celestia saw for you?” Luna pointed her staff at her sister's statue. “A five hundred year old prophecy fulfilled, just so you could spend your days fighting and being praised by ponies and dragons?”

“Um... Yes...?”

“No!” Luna barked, causing Twilight to jump.

"Okay, no!" Twilight stammered, as Luna sighed and put her hand to her forehead.

“Celestia saw greatness in you, Twilight," Luna insisted. "Against my better judgement... More than you can see in yourself. Incredible power awaits you. Power beyond anything you can imagine.”

Luna placed her hands close to each other and formed a stance. As her hands glowed a dim yellow, she directed them towards a dying plant. Twilight's eyes widened as the plant slowly rose back into life.

Twilight ran to the plant, peering at the petals. “Whoa! What was that?” Twilight asked looking back to Luna. “I thought you lost the ability to use magic?”

“That wasn't magic," Luna replied, putting her hands behind her body. "That... was chi.”

“Chi?" Twilight brushed her chin, trying to remember where she had read that. "I think I’ve read about that somewhere in my brothers library.” After a moment of thought, it clicked. “Oh yeah! Master Amore was able to use Chi to heal others, but it never really explained what Chi was.”

“Chi is the energy that flows through all living things,” Luna explained to the unicorn.

“So what you're saying is..." Twilight whispered with a gasp. "If I teach, I'll be able to do cool stuff like that?”

Luna smiled and nudged Twilight back from her. "No," she replied. "I'm saying that if you teach, 'I'll' be able to do cool stuff like that.”

Twilight deflated with disappointment. "Oh."

“Mastery of chi requires mastery of self.” Luna continued to explain. “Celestia sat alone in a cave for hundreds of years asking one question: Who am I? Who am I? I'd be lucky if I get five minutes before someone interrupts.”

“So... I have to sit alone in a cave for years?” Twilight asked

“Eventually,” Luna confirmed. “After you master teaching.”

“Teaching?" Twilight sighed. "But there's no way I'm ever gonna be like you.”

“I'm not asking you to turn into me, Twilight.” Luna said, plucking the plant from the ground and putting it in the unicorn's hair. “I'm asking that you turn you... into you.”

“Turn me... into me?" Twilight looked away, brushing at the plant in her hair. "Wait a second, that makes no...“ Twilight started to say, only to find Luna already descending the stairs. Twilight rolled her eyes. “Almost there, Master Luna! Just a little more confusing and you'll be the next Celestia!”

Luna chuckled, while Twilight glanced at Celestia's statue with worry.

“Oh, ah, sorry. No offense, Master Celestia. I just…” Twilight lets out a sigh. “I'll let you get back to your eternal peace.” Twilight said bowing to the statue before going to her room in the dorm.

As Twilight left, a green aurora glowed in the sky behind Celestia's statue.

Miles away on a farm, a Pony and a female Griffin were tending the earth, when a green explosion knocked them off their feet. The two farmers glanced at each other, before walking closer to the dissipated explosion.

In a massive crater, the farmers gasped in shock as Tirek rose from the dirt.

"Uh, nope," the pony said. "Nope-nope-nope, not getting involved in that."

Unfortunately, Tirek had other plans, and cut their escape off with a toss of his blades.

"I guess we are getting involved in this," the griffon whimpered as Tirek towered over them. "Who cares what we think after all?" She tried to chuckle, but eggs of extreme fear shredded her pants and piled between her legs.

“What is this place?” Tirek asked the farmers.

"Uh, my... brother's farm," the pony whimpered.

“Ah. And if I stepped on you, would you die?” Tirek asked stepping closer to the trembling pair.

"Yes," the griffon whimpered, now almost able to sit on the pile of eggs she was laying.

“The Mortal Realm.” Tirek mused as he lifted Celestia’s jade pendant. “You hear that, Celestia? I'm back.” The Satyr let the jade pendant fall back to his belt before turning his head to the sky. “Tirek has RETURNED!”

Both the pony and the griffin look at each other in confusion before looking back to the Satyr. “Who?” they both said in unison.

Tirek stared down at them in confusion. "T-Tirek," he insisted. "You know, General Tirek? Supreme warlord of all Equestria?"

The farmers glanced at each other. "I-I don't know," the griffon mumbled.

"Um..." Tirek mumbled. "Oh, wait! The Jade Slayer!"

They shrugged.

"Master of pain?" Tirek asked. "The Beast of Vengeance? Maker of Widows?"

Title after title he offered, and each one was answered with only confusion from the farmers. Tirek glanced at his pendants.

"Uh... I used to work with Celestia?" he offered.

"Oh, Master Celestia!" the griffon gasped in recognition. "I know her; she was a great warrior.”

“Yeah, We've heard of Master Celestia…” the pony agreed. "Wise and..."

"ENOUGH!" Tirek boomed, sending the two running with cries of terror.

As Tirek grumbled in annoyance, he pulled six pendants from his belt. Turning the jewels in his hand, Tirek tossed the jade pendants onto the ground. The pendants glowed and expanded, materialized into six familiar beings, coated in jade.

“Find Celestia's students and bring them to me," Tirek commanded, causing the jade figures to split off into multiple directions. Watching them leave, he turned back to his pendant of Celestia. “By the time I am done with them, Celestia, there will be no one left who will even remember your name.” Tirek laughed maniacally, turning his head back to the heavens and the green aurora glimmering in the sky. "TIREK IS COMING!"