//------------------------------// // Post-Script: Omake! Fun with Konami // Story: Excitement = Twilight * Death^2 // by Needling Haystacks //------------------------------// Twilight Sparkle popped into existence in the in-between. Today's experiment was to see how far back she could contact the dead by learning about someone older from each creature in the chain. How far back did Pony history go? She was practically prancing with anticipating. And by practically... "Oooh, this is so exciting!" Twilight Sparkle said with a squee, prancing about, "Who should I start with? Starswirl the Bearded? Oh, right, he's still alive. Clover the Clever then. Just have to... what's this?" Twilight spotted a sealed letter that she had not envisioned in this realm of pure thought. By all accounts that should be impossible. When she saw the draconequus on the seal, she understood. She broke the seal carefully with her magic, just in case there was some trick. Sure enough, a pig flew out as soon as the letter was opening, before vanishing in a puff of smoke. "Dear Twilight Sparkle," she read, slipping into her imitation of Discord's voice as she went along, "Thank you for cleaning out my dimension. Even if it was your fault it was a mess to begin with. In thanks, try this the next time you find yourself on the border between life and death." Following this was a series of instructions. "Friendily yours, Mr. Dr. Professor Discord." Twilight grimaced at that title. He was STILL calling himself that. She briefly considered ignoring his instructions, but curiosity got the better of her. "Let's see... step forward twice... Step backward twice..." she said while carrying out the instructions, "Then left... right... left... right. Jump on your right legs... then the left... and say as loudly as possible...." "START!" Twilight yelled into the misty space. A short tune played and something like an arcade cabinet's screen appeared. 'CONGARTULATOINS!' it displaced, 'NOW BEING A NEW ADVARNTURE!' Twilight blinked at that for a moment. Then reached out her hoof and touched a little box labelled "Translate into proper ponish." A little image of Discord appeared, winked, and gave a thumbs up. The screen went blank and was replaced. 'New game plus unlocked!' it said, 'Please select an option!' Huh, Twilight thought, maybe there was a bit more to all this than she thought.