Zap To The Future

by Lulamoon-Crystal

A Spark of Hope

The six ponies sat at a nice wooden table, each of them sat on a chair chatting. Chatting about what their future would be like, would they get home or not?

“A different time!?” Shouted Scootaloo, “How!?”

“Uh, don’t you remember? I think while we were doing our homework Twilight and Starlight were talking about a spell,” Replied Sweetie Belle, “They must have been making a time travel one, but not one that goes to the past,”

“Ah time spell!” Applebloom shouted as she clapped her hooves together.

“Oh yeah! That’s it!” Scootaloo responded.

Scootaloo blinked and slowly looked at a certain unicorn, that very same unicorn that got them all in the mess they are in right at that moment. She felt anger burn up inside her body, it looks could kill, Trixie would be dead. It felt hard, no, impossible to forgive Trixie, she just wanted to hit her stupid face so hard that her descendants would feel it.

Sweetie looked at Scootaloo with worry as she had a view of her face since she was sitting in between her and Trixie. Trixie rolled her eyes, either ignoring or not noticing how angry Scootaloo was at her. Applebloom wasn’t sure what was happening, so she simply watched.

Izzy decided to light the mood and seemingly pulled a bunch of friendship bracelets from under her couch. Sunny raised a brow and was clearly confused at Izzy.

“Uh... where did those come from?” Asked Sunny.

Izzy shrugged and smiled as she offered the CMC and Trixie a friendship bracelet, “Oh, just my secret stash!” She sang.

Sunny got off her chair and looked under the couch, she couldn’t see any, “So, unicorns have a talent with hiding things, huh?”

Izzy hummed happily and nodded as Sunny walked back to her seat. Trixie had a smug smile plastered on her face, Scootaloo just wanted to tear that smile off and burn it! She slapped the friendship bracelets out of Izzy’s hoof and got ready to give Trixie a mouthful.

“Aww...” Izzy responded sadly.

“And whose fault is it that we are here?” Scootaloo snarled as she glared daggers at Trixie.

Trixie’s stupid grin grew a bit more, the more smug and happy Trixie looked, the more Scootaloo wanted to throw her in a volcano and watch her burn.

“Eheheh...” Trixie chuckled as she rubbed the back of her head with her hoof, “In Trixie’s defence... she had no idea...”

Scootaloo growled at Trixie’s worthless excuse, she could have at least knocked! Izzy quickly hid the friendship bracelets back in their spot, much to Sunny’s surprise, she looked back under the couch but couldn’t see them.

“Wow, you do have a talent for hiding things, It’s almost like it went into a portal or something?” Sunny responded, “You have anymore stashes of friendship bracelets around?”

“Yes, but they will be revealed when the time comes!” Izzy responded.

Sunny heard Scootloo scream at Trixie and chuckled.

“Not knocking is not an excuse! They could have been doing a much more lethal spell that could have killed us! Imagine what our family and friends are thinking!” Scootaloo ranted.

“I...” Trixie responded, “I wanted to surprise them... Pinkie Pie does it,”

“Ooh! Me too! I love surprises!” Cheered Izzy as she jumped in place and pranced around the table.

Scootloo gave Izzy a quick stare for interrupting, Applebloom spoke before she had a chance to say anything.

“But that’s part of Pinkie’s talent, she’s an expert at it! And I’ve heard she did accidentally do surprises at the wrong times, but she learned to make sure there isn’t a dangerous spell going on,”

Sweetie Belle defended Trixie, “Yeah! And any pony can do a surprise! Not just Trixie! She made a mistake, she didn’t mean this to happen! Isn’t that right?”

Trixie looked nervously around the room and chuckled nervously, she looked at the three fillies and thought of what to say. She indeed knew they were doing a spell, but she didn’t know it was such a dangerous one and expected them to be done by the time she jumped in to surprise them.

“A little,”

The three gave her stern looks.

“Well I wasn’t expecting a time spell! I was expecting something more like transfiguration or teleportation... Starlight did tell me that she was doing a spell that day, but... I wasn’t expecting it to be in progress around that time either,”

The fillies all face-hoofed in sync.

Sunny looked at Trixie, “Classic Trixie, getting into mischief,” She smiled and rolled her eyes.

“Huh!? What mischief!?” Shouted Trixie

“Oh! I know!” Izzy exclaimed in excitement as she went to the bookshelf, “This book!” She flopped an old dusty book on the table in front of the four ponies, who gasped in shock.

“That looks like...” Sweetie Belle started.

Sunny smiled, “Twilight’s journal, well, one of them anyway,” She smiled as she flicked to a page, “Trixie Lulamoon learning that eating someone else’s food just before a magic show isn’t the nicest thing,”

Izzy and the CMC looked at Trixie wondering what happened, the CMC heard there was an incident doing a show in Ponyville, but it was too gross.

Trixie blushed, “How was I supposed to know that Starlight’s cupcake fell on the floor and was expired anyway?”

The CMC jumped back in disgust, Sweetie Belle and Applebloom also felt bad for Trixie, but Scootaloo didn’t really care. Sunny cringed a little, that was more disgusting than she thought.

“Ew!” Izzy exclaimed, “You ate a mouldy cupcake!? Hm... how’d it taste? Was it good?”

Everyone looked at Izzy with disgust, surely she should know how gross that was.

Trixie had a disgusted look, “Wouldn’t recommend it...”

Sunny chuckled nervously a little and changed the subject, and was ready to try and get them back home.

Sunny smiled, “Well, you are quite far away from your time,”

The four sighed, The CMC looked desperate while Trixie looked a bit nervous and curious, and she peered towards the window.

“Bu-but, how do we get back home?” Applebloom asked with flat ears and puppy-dog eyes.

Scootaloo corrected with a sigh, “More like, back to our time...”

Trixie got off her chair and proudly stood on her hind legs with chest puffed and cape blowing in the breeze from an electric fan she had turned on. Everyone wondered how she did that so quickly and without anypony knowing.

“The great and powerful Trixie has an idea!” She boasted, “We use the same spell that sent us here!”

Izzy giggles a bit, she was quite amused by Trixie’s accidental rhyme. She also thought that was a great idea, Sunny stopped herself from face-hoofing.

“Oh yeah!” Izzy exclaimed, “Duh!”

“Good idea, girls! But one problem...” Sunny said with an unimpressed expression as she shut the book, “We don’t have the spell,”

Applebloom looked like she saw the world ending, Scootaloo looked at Trixie like she was about to send her to the moon like what Celestia did to Luna. Sweetie Belle looked as if she was about to burst into tears, while Izzy had her mouth wide open. Trixie noticed Scootaloo’s stare and looked at the CMC with begging eyes.

“Does she usually do this?” She asked the three.

“No, but I don’t blame her,” Applebloom responded as she tried to comfort Sweetie Belle, who had tears going out her eyes.

“We’re n-never g-going ho-o-ome!” Sweetie Belle sobbed.

Sunny felt really bad for them, her ears drooped down, seeing the reactions on the fillies about the possibility of not going home. But Sunny was a hopeful pony that always tried to look on the bright side. She noticed Trixie leaning back away from Scootaloo who was now closer to her, she had moved her chair between Trixie and Sweetie Belle’s.

“Let’s not lose hope! There’s still a spark, maybe we can think of something!” Sunny exclaimed.

Scootaloo growled and put her hoof on Trixie’s chest.

“When we get home I will cut-“ She quickly looked at Izzy who was gesturing to her to not to.

Izzy exclaimed, “We don’t want to raise this story’s age rating, right!?”

Everyone stared at Izzy, wondering what the heck she was talking to, Scootaloo shrugged and continued to threaten Trixie.

“I will cut a hole in your wagon! With a chainsaw!” She shouted.

Trixie yelped, fell off her chair and winpered, “Not my wagon, please!” She begged.

Sunny and Izzy looked at Scootaloo with annoyance.

“I think you should just forgive her,” Sunny explained, “I’m sure she regrets this! So please, forgive her and let’s work together! Fighting isn’t going to get us anywhere!”

Scootaloo sighed, knowing Sunny was right, the CMC nodded and Trixie got back on her chair. They got ready to listen to what Sunny was going to say.

“I actually don’t have an idea...” Sunny sighed sadly, “I’m sorry...”

Izzy patted Sunny on her back, “It’s okay! Maybe taking a walk through Maretine Bay might give us an idea!”

“I guess so...” Sunny responded, “There’s always a spark of hope,”


The six stood in front of Sunny’s house and looked into the town. Scootaloo was amazed by the size and how shiny it was, she wanted to go and explore.

“C’mon guys! Let’s explore this thing!”

“Yeah!” The three exclaimed.

Trixie sadly looked at the town, it was so different, she didn’t recognise it or the name, and she travelled through Equestria heaps of times. What happened? How far in the future was she sent?

“I wonder if I’m a famous magician!” She exclaimed, trying to give herself some hope.

Sunny chuckled, “I don’t think so but those who were interested in the past and wanted me to tell them stuff or read the journals really liked you, you are actually pretty popular amongst them... some even found you relatable” she spoke not noticing the four run off into the town to explore.

Izzy bounced, “Oooh! Hide-and-seek!”

It was quite a surprise that the four were no longer standing next to them, she shouted, hoping they weren’t too far.

She gasped, “Hey! We should stick together!” She shouted, but they were already out of sight.

Sunny was shocked she didn’t see them leave and Izzy didn’t go after them, she gave Izzy a quick annoyed stare before looking towards the town. She was worried that they would get hurt, somepony else would get hurt, or they would embarrass themselves due to all the new stuff and tech that they aren’t familiar with.

“Oh ponyfeathers...” Sunny sighed as she face-hoofed.

“Hey! I remember that was said a lot by the ponies in their time!”

Izzy giggled as she jumped after them like it was a game, Sunny looked at her roller skates with a smile. She put them on and skated down to the the town to catch up with the runaway ponies that she had to chase after. Hoping she wasn’t too late to save them from embarrassment or getting hurt by something.