//------------------------------// // Chapter 3: Accepting the Mantle // Story: Power Rangers: Harmony // by ShootingStar25 //------------------------------// "So, remind me what the hell happened?" asked Shining Armor to his buddy. "We had managed to corner one of those creatures into the building. And then, he showed up. He entered the building, after that there was some kind of shockwave that we had to evacuate everybody in the surrounding area. Once we got the people to a safe distance, we entered the building but found nothing. The only thing was that stuff was tossed around which signaled some kind of struggle occurred." said Spearhead. "Did you get a glimpse at who he was?" asked Shining Armor. "Me and the boys saw that he was wearing some kind of yellow suit. It also had a symbol of a wolf in the middle." "A yellow suit? A wolf?" said Shining Armor with a raised eyebrow. "Here's the photo that was taken." Spearhead handed his buddy the picture that was taken by a nearby person. It was a clear image for once as the captain now could see who they've been dealing with the past month. Safe to say, his best friend was telling the truth, the image was that of the boy as he was wearing his yellow ranger suit. He saw the design, and the symbol of the animal in the middle was a shadowed wolf head. "This? This is who we've been dealing with?" asked Shining Armor as he wasn't fully buying what his men saw. "I'm afraid that's all we have so far, sir." "Then get on the case. Next time this guy strikes, we make sure to capture," said Shining Armor as his buddy gave a salute. The doors to the throne room opened up as in came Pharynx. "Well, look who screwed up big time," snickered the girl mutant. "Zip it, Starlight!" shouted the mutant to his comrade. He then approached the throne as sitting there on the throne was his leader. His brother and mother were also present. "My lord, I..." The leader closed his fist as Pharynx knew that meant to be quiet. He remained silent as the sound of his fingers tapping his chair could be heard. After a few moments passed, the leader began to speak. "Tell me, what happened?" asked the leader. He knew what went down as they were looking through their device as they saw Pharynx carry out his mission, but he wanted to hear it from his general. "I... I encounter the ranger. He arrived at the docks to stop me. Safe to say, he's not the rookie he once was when his entire team was wiped out. He's been chasing us since we destroyed his dimension. And now... seems he has a new team." "A new team?" said Pharynx's mother. "Who are they?" "Just some girls from what I noticed," said Pharynx. "Really? He's gotten a group of girls to be his new teammates? How laughable," said Pharynx's mother with a cackle. "He didn't choose them. The gems did," said their leader as it got her to shut up. "I know about the power of the gems. So the fact that they were able to unlock their powers after being dormant for so long, means that these girls are a force to be reckoned with. That being said, we have a job to carry out. Find these rangers and destroy them." "Yes, sir," said the four generals. All around there was darkness. Darkness. Floating through that darkness was someone. It was the boy who had rescued the girls from earlier as he seemed to be drifting in the black space with his eyes closed. A light now began to shine as he was heading for it. It glowed brightly as the scene changed. Now the person was shown running along a path. He was running as he was in his ranger outfit. The boy soon came across a sight as it got him to stop and gasp. Before him, laid four other individuals. They all had suits of the same color as the ones the girls transformed into as they laid there lifeless. All around were small flames and embers as the crackle could be heard. He slumped to his knees as he saw his team not moving, not breathing. He then bent down to his leader in red as he turned the body over. The visor was destroyed as the face of the person was revealed. At that moment, a hand was brought up to his helmet as the eyes of the individual looked at him. "Son. Why? Why?" asked his mother as she looked at her child with a look. "I'm sorry," responded the boy to his mother. The hand now began to drop as it descended. In slow motion, the hand hit the ground, which served as the sign as the person he was holding was no more. The boy could see the eyes of his beloved mother as they closed shut forever. Despite wearing his helmet, on the inside, he was crying as he held his mother in his arms as she had passed away. He pulled her in close as the small embers now began to fan. They were sensing the hurt and pain inside of the boy as it fueled them. "NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" shouted the lone ranger as the flames now turned into a raging inferno. The fire swirled around the bodies of the others and him as it consumed everything. As a result, the boy now woke up. He sat up as he felt the nightmare. From his forehead, sweat was shown as it rolled down the side of his face. His breathing was out of control for a second as it was soon slowing down. Once he was able to get his composure, he took some deep breaths. He ran his hand through his hair as he felt his temperature returning to normal. "You're awake," said a voice. The boy turned to who said that as standing in the living room was Sunset and the rest of the girls. They had been watching the boy since they brought him back to her house as he was exhausted. They heard some sounds coming from him as they saw him roll around in his sleep. The boy saw the girls as he quickly did a flip over the couch he was resting on as he brought his fists up ready to fight. "Who are you?!" asked the boy. "We asked you first?!" countered Rainbow. "Simmer down, Dash. He's been through a lot," said Aj as she held her friend back. She could that the boy had some issues. "We don't want to hurt you. We just want to talk," said Twilight putting her hands out trying to show they weren't going to do anything. "You collapsed after fighting that thing, and we brought you here. We've watched over while you recovered." "How long was I out?" asked the boy still in his battle stance. "A day." "A day?" said the person as he couldn't believe he was unconscious for that long. "You took a beating trying to save us from whatever creature that was," said Sunset as the boy now looked at the bacon-haired girl. "Thanks, by the way, we are grateful that you protected us." "I was just doing my duty as a ranger." "What's that? And who are you?" asked Rainbow as she wanted to know the answer to that question. "Why should I tell you, Skittles?" said the boy to the chromatic girl. "What did you call me?" said Rainbow as she looked to get physical with the boy they saved. "Simmer down, Sally," said Applejack holding her friend back again. "Aj, let me go! I'm gonna make him regret ever calling me that!" "If you're feeling froggy, jump!" taunted the boy. "That's it, I'm beating his ass!" shouted Rainbow even more as Aj now pulled back even more. Rainbow wasn't too pleased she was being punked out by this stranger that they chose to save. She was now kicking and screaming trying to free herself from her country friend so that she could punch the boy. Applejack managed to get Rainbow into a chair as she pulled out her trusty lasso and tied her athletic friend down as she still looked ready to brawl. "Rainbow!!" said Twilight as she scowled her friend for the way she was acting. "Look, we're not your enemies. We just want some answers. And maybe... we can help." said Sunset as she approached the boy. He was hesitant on the girl as she came closer. His fists were still raised; Sunset then put one hand out as she was hoping that he would grab it to show that they weren't going to harm him. "Trust me," said Sunset. The boy looked at the girl as she stood there with a genuine smile as her hand was out. The expression on her face told him that she was sincere and that she was telling the truth. Still, he wasn't fully convinced if this was a trick or something. A few seconds passed as the boy now extended one hand towards Sunset. It hovered above hers for a bit as he struggled to make contact with it. His palm now touched hers as he held her hand. Upon first contact, he could feel they were warm. They gave off a certain aura that signaled the girl was someone who was dedicated to helping her friends. He soon got that way aura from the other three who were watching him. The boy now looked at Sunset's face as the smile seemed to have gotten bigger and happier. He then brought his other fist down and returned to a regular stance. "Now then, let's try this introduction again." said the bacon-haired girl. After a few moments, the boy was now sitting on the couch he awoke to as he was drinking something. The girls had gotten him some water as Applejack offered him some of her delicious apple cider. Seems it worked like a charm as the boy tasted the liquid and the best way he could describe it was like melted gold. The cool refreshing substance and how it hit his tongue triggered his taste senses. And then feeling it hit the back of his throat as it soon traveled down to his stomach where it filled him up with a warm feeling. He finished the last bit of the drink as he removed his lips from the bottle and let out a satisfying sigh. "This shit's good," said the boy as he looked at the empty bottle. He then tossed the bottle to Aj who caught it with one hand. "Family recipe, sugarcube." smiled the country girl. "Feel better?" asked Twilight. "Yeah," said the boy. "So, can you tell us who you are?" asked Sunset as it got the boy to put his head down. "Maybe, it's better if we introduce ourselves. My name is Sunset Shimmer." "I'm Twilight Sparkle." "Howdy, the name's Applejack. But you can call me, Aj." "Rainbow Dash. Don't forget the name," said the girl with a boastful tone. "And you are?" "Well, I have a different name from where I'm from. But here... just call me Ash." "Nice to meet you, Ash. So, you said you're not here. Where is here if you don't mind me asking?" said Twilight. "I... come from a different dimension. One that's different than yours." "Dimension? Do you mean like that shit on the science fiction channel?" asked Rainbow. "If that's how it makes the most sense to you, then yes. There are tons of other dimensions besides this one and the one where I come from." "So, what brings you to our dimension?" asked Sunset. "To be honest, I didn't plan to come here. It's just this is where they are currently hiding." "Who's they?" asked Applejack. "You know that thing you guys saw? Well, that thing is a mutant. His name is Pharynx. And I've been chasing him and his buddies, as well as their leader for the past five years." "Five years? Just how old are you?" asked Twilight. "In my dimension, I'm 35,000 years old," "What the fuck?!" shouted Rainbow as she couldn't help but say that when she heard Ash's answer. "35,000 years old. But you look our age?" said Sunset. "Time works differently in my dimension. So while I'm actually 35,000 years old back there, here according to your math, I'm about 16 years old. That's why I'm technically a teenager." "Well, I'll say this. You look good for someone who's 35,000 years old," said Dash as she gave a genuine compliment to the boy. "Okay, so you're from a different dimension. And you've chasing these mutants for the past five years. So, why did they come here?" asked Sunset. "Who knows? The biggest thing they want to do is destroy this dimension just like they did mine." "Destroy it?" said Twilight as they got her to be frightened a bit. "They will stop at nothing till all is left in chaos and disarray. That's why I've been tracking them down. Nonstop. I won't rest until I complete my mission." "And what mission is that?" asked Aj. "To destroy them," said Ash. "I must, for them." "Them?" asked Rainbow. "My comrades. My... team as you could say. They were struck down in our final stand against the dark lords. Out of everyone to make it from my dimension, I was the sole survivor. I was but a rookie at the time, but I trained days on end to get better. Then, we encountered our enemies. We fought as hard as we could, but the battle took a toll on us. And in the end, both sides suffered losses. The dark lords escaped through a dimension portal, but before they left, they had constructed a weapon so powerful that anything it was caught in its blast would be wiped out in mere seconds. So my team and I tried to stop it, but we couldn't. In the end, they made the ultimate sacrifice. They gave me their gems, and I was flung into the dimension portal as I saw the blast engulf them in seconds." The girls were listening to Ash's tale as they had sad expressions appear on his face. "They were all that I had left, and they keep me alive all this time. For the next five years, I trained to become better. So that way, when it came time, I would defeat the dark lords. And so I grew from rookie to ranger, honing my skills, pushing myself to be better. Then I got the signal. My gem started to glow as did the others. They were telling me that the dark lords had come out of hiding and were set to carry out more destruction. So using the last bit of power from the four gems of my fallen comrades, I was transported to your world. And from there, I began to scout my mission. And the rest, you all know. The reports for the past month, people saying they saw a masked vigilante. That was me." "We're sorry for your loss. I can't imagine what you must have gone through to be by yourself all this time," said Sunset. "Yeah, it was hard," said Ash putting his head down. "So, what about these devices?" asked Twilight as she showed Ash her wrist. "Those are morphers. The gems you guys picked up, they transform into that when you need to fight," explained Ash as the device on the girls' wrists now changed into wristbands with the small stone embedded in the center. "Morphers? So, what are you?" asked Aj. "I'm a Power Ranger." "Power Ranger?" repeated Rainbow. "Someone who fights for justice. Who fights to protect all that is from evil," said Ash. "So you're like a superhero?" said Dash. "Yes," said Ash as he got up. He was making his way towards the door as the girls followed him. He was now leaving Sunset's house as he needed to get back to his command center. "Where are you going?" asked Sunset. "I need to leave and get back to tracking them down. Missing a day means that I'm already behind." "Let us help. We can totally kick mutant butt," said Rainbow pounding her chest. "No, cause you won't ever get a chance to do it again," responded Ash. He then grabbed Rainbow's wrist as he flipped her over as took the girl's gem from her. Applejack approached them as Ash caught her arm and did a small knee strike to her midsection before taking her gem off her wrist. Sunset and Twilight saw this as they saw the boy approach them. He didn't want to harm them as he extended his hand out. They knew what he wanted as they willingly gave him their wristbands. With the four gems back in his possession, the wristbands turned back into stones. He then pointed his morpher in front of him as his cycle appeared. "What the hell!!" shouted Rainbow as she was getting to her knees from the assault given to her by the boy. "This isn't your fight! Stay out of it!" "But we can help!" said Applejack also getting up from the knee strike. "No! You can't! Don't tell a word to anybody. Cause if you do, I will find you," said Ash. He then revved up his engine as he now sped down the street until he was out of sight. "Asshole," said Rainbow as she rubbed her wrist as the four of them watched the boy disappear. It didn't take long as Ash had arrived back at the forest. He entered the command center as he got out of the elevator. "Welcome back, sir. I was worried about you," said the computer. "Sorry, Rachel. I had a slight delay. Anyways, has there been any activity in the last day?" asked Ash. "None sir, all has been quiet since Pharynx retreated." "That's a relief. By the way, see if you can deactivate these gems," said Ash as he held the four gems and put them into the scanner. He sat down in the chair as he leaned back and let out a sigh. "Sorry, sir. I'm afraid I can't do deactivate the stones." "What? Why not?" asked Ash. "The stones have been reawakened to their former glory." "But that's impossible because, for that to happen, the oath would... need... to be... said," Ash was now starting to piece together what his computer was telling him. "The girls. Son of a bitch!" "Whoever, the stones have bonded with. They have become the new owners. And they now had a duty to uphold, just as you do, Master Ash. The time has come." Ash was listening to what the computer was saying as he leaned forward with his hands clenched. He was thinking about the girls and how the stones decided that they were worthy and made their connection with them. It wasn't that he was against the girls being the ones the gems chose, but moreso that it would require them to be his team. And that meant, the possibility of having a repeat of what he went through. "I know this may be hard, but we do not have another choice," said Rachel. "This isn't gonna be easy," said Ash to the A.I. The next day at CHS, the students had been talking amongst themselves. Seems the incident that happened two days ago was still the hottest topic. From what the news outlets had reported and the statement issued by the police, they said that one of the mutants had been cornered as the masked person had shown up. He then entered the place as a few minutes later there was a shockwave of sorts that caused the people outside to scatter. The authorities did their best to quiet the people by saying that they had people who were on the case of bringing the masked vigilante to justice. However, there were also a few people who believed the vigilante wasn't a threat and that he was here to get rid of the mutants. "So what's the word around the school?" asked Sunset. "Most of the students are in favor of Ash. They believe he's a good person and doing the job of keeping us safe, better than the authorities can," informed Rainbow. "Still, I feel like he could use our help. Even if we're not rangers, it doesn't hurt to have some friends who know this place better than him. We could find where the bad guys are located and put a stop to this." "You're still set on helping him. After the way he treated us?" asked Dash. "Yes, 'cause he's lonely. He's suffering from losing his team. Imagine how you would feel if all of us weren't here? What if I suddenly passed away the next day?" asked Sunset to her friend. "I never thought of that. Yeah, it'd leave a shitty taste in my mouth. I guess I can cut him some slack. Still, he could have asked us to hand the gems back to him instead of beating us up." stated Rainbow. "I swear, I'm going to make him pay for--" "For what, Skittles?" said a voice that interrupted the chromatic girl from finishing her sentence. The girls now look in front of them as standing there was Ash himself. Safe to say, they weren't expecting to see the boy since they last saw him. Especially, at their school. The two girls were curious as to why the boy was present as the last time he told them to forget they ever saw him and to not tell anybody his identity. The four kept to that word as they didn't tell anybody since that incident. "What are you doing here?" asked Rainbow. "Not that we're not grateful, right Dash?!" said Sunset giving her friend a stern look as the girl just huffed. "But, she is right? Why are you here? I thought you said to forget we ever met." "That was the original plan. But the rules have changed. We need to talk." said Ash. "Is it about those mutants you've been chasing?" asked Sunset. "I'll explain everything in a moment. First, take my hand. Both of you." Ash put both his hands out. Sunset put her left hand in Ash's right. Rainbow was hesitant about doing what the boy asked as she didn't trust him based on how he acted after they all saved him. She glanced over to Sunset as she saw her friend. Her expression was telling her that they should listen to him. She then looked at Ash to see his face as he had a straight look. But the way Sunset was looking at her and the fact that the boy was letting himself be vulnerable by extending his hand out. Rainbow took a deep breath as she put her right hand in Ash's left. Once Rainbow was ready to listen to him, Ash now used the power of his gem as all three now disappeared in three streaks of light as they zoomed away. Nearby, there was a small kid who had seen the trio. He was taking a zip of some apple cider when he saw the boy approaching the girls. He then saw all three disappear before his eyes as he blinked several times. The kid looked at the bottle in his hand as he then tipped it downwards as the liquid drained. The trio soon found themselves standing in the hangar of the command center. The girls were stunned by where they saw as they soon noticed Applejack and Twilight were also there. "You two as well?" said Rainbow. "I went to fetch them before I got you," said Ash. "Now that you're all here, follow me." The four girls glanced at each other as they tighten their backpacks and followed the boy. They saw him approach an elevator as he pushed a button and it opened up. He entered as he looked at the girls. They soon filed in as the door closed behind Twilight. it zoomed upwards as from the top view, Ash was in front of the girls as they remained behind him. The elevator came to a stop as the doors opened up. The boy exited as the girls trailed behind. They were amazed by the room they saw. They saw the command center as it was huge. Tons of rooms were present, a training ground, a sofa with a few couches in front of a huge screen TV, a kitchen. Up above there were several rooms as they each had the symbol of an animal on the doors. The girls were stunned that they heard Ash clear his voice as they walked towards the main computer as he stood in front of it. "Nice digs. When were you going to tell us, you had a sick pad?" asked Rainbow. "That's not what I'm here to discuss. First, let me introduce you all to someone," said Ash as he pushed a button on the panel behind. "Welcome back, master." said the A.I. "Hold on, did the computer just talk?" asked Aj. "This here is Rachel. She's a computer program that has helped me to track down these dark lords. She's also taken care of me since I was by myself. Anyways, she runs this whole place when I'm out on missions and scouting." "You're too kind, Master Ash. Now then," said Rachel as she began to have a small drone pop out. The drone now began to circle the girls as it began to scan them. "Scanning... Name, Ms. Rainbow Dash." said the drone as it moved to the next girl. "Scanning... Name, Ms. Jacklyn Apple A.K.A. Applejack." "You're name's Jacklyn?" said Ash as that piece of information got him off guard. "Don't you dare say that name again, or I'll stick mah boot up yer ass!" threatened the girl to the boy as she wasn't too fond of her birth name. "Scanning... Name, Ms. Sunset Shimmer." "So what's this doing?" asked Twilight. "Scanning... Name, Ms. Twilight Sparkle. Scan complete." The drone now flew back into its compartment as it was now transmitting the data to Rachel. Soon the profiles of each girl were shown on screen as the image of the stone they touched was next to them. "Rachel now has your info. So, do you remember these?" asked Ash as he held the four gems in between his fingers on his right. "Yeah, the stones we touched. And then we transformed into rangers," said Sunset. "Now, tell me. Did you all hear a voice when you touched them?" asked the boy. "Well..." said the girls as they looked at each other. They were now thinking back to what occurred when they touched the stone. "I mean when we touched them. It felt warm..." started Rainbow. "Like it was comforting us..." spoke Applejack. "Like, it was filling us with warmth..." said Sunset. "It was saying that should we accept, then we would be helping," said Twilight. "Just as I figured," said Ash bringing his hand down as he let out a sigh. "See, these gems allow anybody to morph when they touch them or if they're in danger." "Hold on, so you're saying that just because we were present and touched the stones. We transformed into rangers. And that if say, one of our other friends was there instead, they would have been selected to become a ranger." stated Rainbow. "Technically, no. See it would transform them to escape from the danger. For it to truly make you its owner, you have to hear a voice. And that voice speaks to you and offers you an oath, should you choose to accept that oath, then you'll be a full-fledged ranger." said Ash. "So, you're saying that the stones chose us. But why?" asked Twilight. "Cause they sense the goodness in your heart. You're all willing to fight and protect the ones you love when it matters the most. Plus, as cliché as it may sound, it's your friendship with each. That's the most potent thing that I sensed as well when I looked at your auras. And it was that friendship that the gems were drawn to." said Ash. "So, what now?" asked Sunset. "Girls, I'm offering you a choice. You stand before me as teenagers, you have your lives ahead of you. Full of promise and aspirations. However, the gems have selected you as the new owners of their powers. But just because they selected, doesn't mean you have to listen to what I'm about to say. With the stones, they have selected you four to be the new rangers." Rachel now showed on the screen behind Ash the images of the girls in their suits as all five were now present and standing side by side. "So, we're Power Rangers?!" said Dash as she had her tongue out panting like a dog in excitement. "Let me finish. If you chose to accept this responsibility and to follow me into battle. There is no turning back. Your lives as you know will change. The days of being a normal person will cease to exist. Everything will change, school, work, responsibilities. All of it will be affected greatly. You will choose to protect your world against the dark lords that seek to destroy it. Either we defeat them, or we fail. Do not accept because you're obligated to, or because the stone said it picked you. If you choose to walk away, then I understand. Only accept if you're willing to commit and fight as Power Rangers with all your heart." "Everything changes? What about our families? Our friends?" asked Twilight. "That too will be affected. The reality of being a Power Ranger isn't the good work that you do. It's about the sacrifices you have to make. You must be willing to part with things that you normally would do. You must sacrifice those closest to your heart if you hope to save your dimension. You must sacrifice, no two ways about it." said Ash. The girls all began to think about what was said. That they would need to make sacrifices should they choose to accept this lifestyle. Safe to say, this was a hard decision to make. For each one of them had things they were near and dear to their heart, but if they were to protect their dimension to avoid it being destroyed like Ash's was. Then it was the price that they were going to have to pay. "Without hesitation," said Rainbow as she gave her answer. "I accept," said Sunset. "I'm ready to give it all I've got," said Twilight. "I ain't lettin' no mutants harm my home," said Applejack. "Very well," said Ash. He now approached the girls as he began to give each of them their gems. "Rainbow Dash, your loyalty to your friends will prove vital when it matters the most. And for that, the cobalt gem has chosen you to be the Harmony Guardian Blue Ranger," said Ash as he handed the gem to the chromatic girl as it now changed back into a wristband. "Applejack, your strength, and honesty are immeasurable. It will go a long way in helping us in our crusade. For that, the emerald stone has chosen you to be the Harmony Guardian Green Ranger," said the boy as he gave the gem to the country girl as it turned into a wristband. "Sunset Shimmer, the empathy you've shown will be a great asset. And with that empathy, the ruby gem has selected you to be the Harmony Guardian Red Ranger," he said as he gave the stone to the girl as it transformed. "And lastly, Twilight Sparkle. Your intellect may be just what we need to defeat our foe. On top of that, it's the magic inside of you that will help us to be victorious. Now normally it sounds a bit weird when you say the name, but the sapphire gem has chosen you. So you will be known as the Harmony Guardian Purple Ranger." He gave the stone to the bookworm as it transformed. "From this point, you shall be known as the Harmony Guardian Power Rangers," said Ash as he stood in front of the girls. "We promise to serve as rangers!" said all four girls. "Good, now then. There are three rules you must commit to when being a ranger. Number one: You must not tell anyone your secret. No one must know, not even your family or your friends. Number two: When duty calls, you drop everything that you're doing. As I've said before, you must be willing to make sacrifices. And Number three: You must swear to use your powers not for personal use, to use it when doing good." "We understand," said all four. "Good, now then. Time to teach you all how to morph," said Ash as he raised his left hand as his wristband now changed into his morph. The girls raised their arms as the wristbands now changed into the devices. They then began to listen to Ash's instructions. "Now repeat after me. Harmony Gem, power up!" "Harmony Gem, power up!" shouted the girls. Ash now began to trace the symbol that his topaz gem showed as it recognized it. It then had the gem encase the boy as he landed on a platform as his whole body turned into the suit with bits of his gem on his shoulders. He lifted his head as the vizor covered the last bit of him as he did his pose with the animal that was on it appeared behind the boy and let out a howl. The girls were tracing the symbols that their morphers showed them. Like with Ash, the gem encased the girls as they landed on platforms as their bodies turned into the suit with bits of their gems on their shoulders. They lifted their head as the vizors covered the last bit of their face as they did a pose with each of them having that animal they command behind them as they sounded off together. "Look at us!" shouted Rainbow as she was admiring her suit. "This feels amazin'!" said Aj. "It has tons of functions," said Twilight as her helmet was relaying some info for her as she was reading them. "Uh, it's a little tight," said Sunset as she could barely move in her suit. "That's an easy fix," said Ash as he approached Sunset. He grabbed her wrist as he began to reconfigure the morpher to change Sunset's size. The suit then began to glow as Sunset stood in the same suit, but this time she could breathe a bit more as she could feel her limbs were comfortable. "That better?" asked Ash. "Much better. Thanks." "Don't mention it. Just... take good care of the suit," responded the boy as he turned his back and began to walk. "This was your mother's, wasn't it?" asked Sunset as Ash stopped in his tracks. "Yeah. She was... our leader," said the boy as he could feel a tear roll down his cheek as he silently wiped it away. While Sunset couldn't see it, she could tell that the suit brought the boy some painful memories. Before she could say anything, an alarm went off as the entire command center was flashing red. "What the hell's that? A fire drill?" asked Rainbow. "No. Something much worst. Rachel!" called Ash as his suit deconfigured his helmet as he approached the computer. "Seems the scanners have picked up some activity," said the computer. "What is it?" asked Twilight as she and the other approached the computer as well. Their suits did the same as their helmets deconfigured. "Mutant activity by city hall," said the A.I. "It's time," said Ash to the girls as they knew what he meant. "Are you girls ready?" "Ready!" they said in unison. "Then let's go!" said Ash as he began to race towards the elevator as the girls followed him. "Rachel, authorize Order 22667RT!" "At once, Master Ash. Good luck," said the computer as she spoke to them through their morphers. The team made it to the hangar as some platforms were being lowered as on it were more cycles that resembled the one Ash rode on. They were color-coordinated as the girls were smiling as their vizors allowed them to see with their own eyes. "Ladies, your rides," said Ash with a smile as the girls disbursed towards their vehicles. "Hello, handsome," said Sunset as she saw her cycle and was giddy like a filly. Rainbow let out a wolf-whistle seeing her bike as she began to feel the seat. "Where have you been my whole life?" said the girl with a smile. "Purrin' like a kitten," said Aj as she turned the handle of her bike as she heard the sound of the engine. Not to mention the tires on the bike as they burned rubber. "Uh, no offense, but I've only ever driven a car before. I'm not used to something going faster than 35 miles per hour," said Twilight as she saw her bike. "Don't worry, the cycle comes with an autopilot feature. Whenever we're on missions, the destination will be programmed into the interface, and it'll take us there. Once you get used to it and practice, you can then turn it off." said Ash as he got on his cycle. "Well, that's good to know," said Twilight as she began to approach her cycle and got on it. "Alright, girls. Let's ride!" said Ash as his vizor now covered his face. He turned the handle of his cycle as he popped a wheelie and then zoomed forward down the tunnel when the doors opened. "Wait for us!" shouted Rainbow as she didn't like someone else doing her gimmick. She then turned the handle on hers as she zoomed down the tunnel as well. The rest of them soon followed as Twilight was the last one to exit. Ash was approaching the end of the tunnel as the doors at the end opened up on the other side, the rocks slid to the side as the boy came busting out. The others soon came out as they landed and were zooming through the forest. They caught up to the boy as they now got onto the road as the GPS was guiding them to city hall. "I am in love right now!" said Sunset through her helmet as she was enjoying how her ride was handling. "How you hangin' Twilight?" asked Applejack. "So far so good, still a bit fast," said the nerd as she was still frightened that she might fall off going at high speeds. "Don't fall behind!" said Ash as he picked up a bit more speed. "Why must I chase the cat?" said Rainbow as she began to laugh. She too turned her handle to put more speed to her cycle. "Rainbow!" said the girls as they saw their athletic friend trying to show off. Ash was focusing on the road as he looked down to his cycle and saw a blue dot getting closer. He then saw Rainbow next to him as he could see through his helmet, she had a smug look. She now zoomed ahead of the boy. "Smartass," said Ash with a smug smile of his own. Rainbow was now in the lead as she smiled. She then began to pop a wheelie on her cycle as she was laughing. "Oh yeah, you think you're shit, Skittles," said Ash with a chuckled at seeing the girl was trying to punk him out. "Let's see you top that, Ash." said the girl as she was still holding her wheelie. Her cycle then landed as she kept up her momentum and zoomed ahead. "Alright, Dash. I got something for your ass," said the boy with a smug smile. He now began to put more speed to his ride as he was catching up to the girl. The others were seeing what was happening up front as their rides picked up speed so they could watch from a few meters behind. Ash was now next to Dash as the girl noticed her comrade. She could see through her helmet that he had something planned as his cycle zoomed ahead in front of her. "Alright, bitch. Watch this," said Ash. He now managed to turn his cycle around. The screech of the tires could be heard as they rotated. It left tire marks on the road as the maneuver was complete. The cycle was now riding backward as the girl was stunned by what she was seeing. Ash was grinning the biggest as he managed to punk Rainbow once more. To add insult to injury, he was now only driving backward with ease, but he made sure to give her the middle finger to her face as he was laughing. "Shit!" said the girl. "Yeah, Dash! How do you like them apples, huh!!!" taunted Ash with a laugh. "Show off!" responded the girl. "That's the Ash school of driving right here, baby!" said the boy as he did a quick look behind him, making sure that he wasn't going to hit anything. Once he had his fun with the girl, he then turned the cycle around. He was now driving forward as he zoomed ahead. The others all caught up to Dash as they snickered a bit as seeing their athletic friend get a taste of her own medicine. They all zoomed ahead as now Rainbow was the one getting left behind. With that, all five were now rushing towards city hall. At city hall, tons of minions had appeared out of a portal. They had been sent by their generals to cause some havoc. The things appeared as people saw them and screamed. They all began to run as a few fell over as the mutants chased after them. Some aimed their weapons at some nearby buildings as some pieces of rubble were flung, but nobody was hurt by it. The people were running for their lives as the chaos continued. A lady was shown running as she tripped on her heels. One of the minions appeared over her as he looked to bring its weapon down on her. She covered up to protect herself. Shoots were fired as they collided with the minion as he was thrown onto the floor and vanished. Our heroes had made it in time as the blasts came from Ash's cycle as he managed to get rid of the minion before it could harm the women. The gang approached the women as they were out of their suits. "Are you alright?" asked Ash. "Yeah, thank you." "Get to safety, move!" said the boy as they watched the women leave. Once she was out of sight, the five of them all turned to the number of minions in front of them. The girls all took their positions next to Ash as they were ready to show how serious they were taking their new roles as rangers. "Let's do it, girls," said Ash as he looked at them as they nodded. All five brought their arms up as their wristbands now changed into their morphers. "Ready?" "Ready!" shouted the girls. "It's Morphin' time!" shouted Ash. "Harmony Gem, power up!" said all five in unison. Each one was given their separate transformation as they changed into their suits and did their pose with their animals in the background. "With the courage of the wolf, Harmony Guardian, Yellow Ranger!" "With the speed of the falcon, Harmony Guardian, Blue Ranger!" "With the fiery of the phoenix, Harmony Guardian, Red Ranger!" "With the cunning of the owl, Harmony Guardian, Purple Ranger!" "With the strength of the rhino, Harmony Guardian, Green Ranger!" "Harmony Guardian, Power Rangers! United as one!" said all five as an explosion went off in the background to add more to their presence. "Let's take them down," said Ash as he pulled out his mini saber as the girls did the same. All five began to charge forward as the minions did the same. Each of them was now in smaller circles as they were taking a section of their foe. With the small weapons in their hands, they were having an easy time taking out the minions. The girls were starting to get into the rhythm of fighting, even Twilight, as they were mowing them down. "This is too easy," said Rainbow as she spun and did a slash attack when she landed, flinging a minion into a tree. "Girls, pull out your blasters," said Ash as he put his saber away and then pulled out his other weapon as he began to fire at the minions in a row. "Now, we're talking!" said Sunset as she flipped onto a hood of a car as she had her blaster. She bent down and spun, firing at all the minions around the vehicle as they fell. "By the laws of gravity, what goes up, must come down!" said Twilight as she leaped off of a column and kicked a minion in mid-air as it flew past her and slammed onto the ground. The girl landed on a balcony as she began to engage with the minions on the higher ground. "Comin' through!" shouted Applejack as she charged at them as she bulldozed over the minions as they fell. One of them tried to punch her in the chest as she stood there not feeling the effect as the minion hurt his hand. The girl then did a punch tossing the minion to the side as her strength was on full display. "Time to upgrade," said Ash as he tapped his morpher. He was now summoning his personal weapon as appeared in front of him. "Harmony Sword!" shouted the boy as he wielded his blade. "Cool, what do I get?" asked Dash as she saw her teammate get his weapon. She tapped her morpher as soon the weapon appeared in front of her. "Harmony Lance!" shouted the girl. She was using the long weapon as she was now taking out the enemies and helping her to do some acrobatic moves. "Mah turn!" said Aj as she tapped her morpher as an ax appeared. "Time to make the earth shake!" shouted the girl. She then charged up her weapon, and she let out a cry as she brought it down. The ax hit the ground and created a mini earthquake as it caused the minions to fall. Sunset did the same as her weapon appeared as it was a bow. She grabbed it and rolled through as she pulled the string, and it fired some arrows made of red light as they collided with the mutants. She was now taking them out from a distance as she turned with such precision and did a few flips while firing. The girl landed as behind her a small explosion went off. "Man, I'm good," smiled the girl. Seems having an artistic eye helped her when it came to aiming. Twilight saw her teammates get their weapons as she did the same. For here, the girl was awarded a shield as it appeared in her left hand. "Well, they say the best offense is a good defense," said the girl using that logic. The minions now fired their weapons at the girl as she acted on her instincts to cover up. The blasts hit the shield the girl was hiding behind as a smokescreen occurred. Once it died down, the shield appeared without a scratch as Twilight was perfectly unharmed. The girl was pleased with how well made her weapon was to handle all the firepower. They began to charge at her, as Twilight got an idea. She threw her shield at the minions as it ricocheted between them and returned to her hand. She then did a parkour flip as she tossed the shield once more. She landed and began to trade some fists with some mutants as the shield was doing its thing. The girl was able to calculate the angles as she threw her weapon at the nearby buildings as it bounced off of many objects that hit the enemy consecutively. When it kept bouncing from enemy to enemy it sounded like it was forming the notes to a song. It sounded like it was about ponies or something. The girl managed to use her legs to kick the last foe as she turned around and caught the shield in her left hand. "Normally physics don't work like this, but I'm not complaining," said the bookworm. The last bit of the mutants now gathered as Ash was in front of them. He was soon joined by the girls as they spun their weapons in their hands. They had smug smiles through their helmets as they knew their fun had to come to a close. "Time to send the rest of you packing!" said the boy. He pointed his sword at them as it started to power up with his gem. "Topaz Slash!" He then leaped into the air as his weapon had finished charging up as he did a diagonal strike as the last group of the enemy was taken down. He landed as all five now turned their back to the explosion. They took their pose as it went off once again adding to their presence and how fluid they worked as a team. "Hope you're watching," said Ash to himself. His message was directed towards the dark lords. They so happened to be watching as they wanted to see what the minion strike force they sent, cause some damage. But mostly, it was to see if Ash indeed did find a new team and to their amusement, the girls didn't disappoint. "So, boy. You have some new friends. Let's hope you will not make the same mistake as you did before," said the leader as he saw the image of the yellow ranger through their viewing device. "That. Was. Awesome!!!" shouted Rainbow as she jumped into the air and did a fist pump. "Did you see how amazing I was out there?!" "Please, I was too busy kickin' ass," mocked Applejack. "These powers are unbelievable," said Twilight. "We couldn't have done it without you, thanks," said Sunset to Ash. He was about to say something when the sound of applause was heard. The group of teens now looked around as they saw some people were clapping. They had watched from their cover as they saw the heroes take down the creatures. They showed their appreciation as they cheered. The gang raised their hands as they waved to show their love towards the folks. A few pictures and videos were being taken as the group kept on waving. The five now arrived back at HQ. "If every mission is like this, I can't wait to fight!" said Rainbow as her excitement was still high. "Remember, Dash. Being a ranger ain't bout showin' off," said the country girl as she tried to remind her friend of their responsibilities. "Yeah, yeah. But come on, you gotta admit, we were awesome out there!" "I'll admit, it was a valuable experience," said Twilight. "However, you can't just rely on the suit to do the work. We're gonna need to work on your fight skills so that you can improve your move set," said Ash to the girls as he approached Rachel. "So, now that we're rangers? What happens now?" asked Sunset. "We wait. Whenever there's an attack, we act immediately. But... a team isn't complete without a leader. Someone to guide us in battle and through tough situations." said Ash. "Okay, I volunteer myself." "Hell no!!!" shouted the rest of them at the chromatic girl. "Come on!!" groaned Dash. "Who do you think, Ash?" asked Aj. "Well, normally, it's the responsibility of the red ranger to lead." "So, Sunset?" said Twilight as they all looked at the girl. Safe to say, she wasn't expecting that. "Look, I'm not stoked about that idea. I mean, I just barely knew what a ranger is. And now you're all expecting me to lead us. No offense, but I don't think I'm qualified to lead us. If anything, it needs to be someone who has experience with dealing with our foe." said the girl. Sunset now turned her attention towards Ash as the girls did the same. It was now the boy's turn to be shocked as he saw the glances from the girls. "No, I can't. It's tradition," said the boy as he tried to decline. "Besides, I'm..." "The only one who has the experience to know what we're up against. You said so yourself, you've been chasing them for five years. Trying to take them down to avenge your team." said Sunset as she approached Ash and put her hand on his shoulder. "Look, I know you have a way of doing things. But it makes sense for you to lead us." "But..." "She's right, sugar. You know who our enemies are," said Applejack. "But..." "The logic is there," said Twilight. "But..." "Master," said Rachel as the boy looked at the computer. "Your team has made their decision. I know you don't feel like you should be the one in charge, but I believe you are ready. If your were parents were here, they should say the same thing." "Mom, dad..." said Ash as he was thinking of his long-gone parents. His home, his team, his friends. All of it, gone. And now after tracking his enemy for so long, he had a chance to end it. With new allies by his side, the boy now had a team who was willing to help him out. From rookie to a ranger, and to being a leader. It was a lot of pressure for the teen as he felt like this was a mistake. But upon looking at the girls and how Sunset still had her hand on his shoulder, it seems they had full confidence in that he would lead them to victory. "Alright, I accept," said Ash as he grabbed Sunset's hand and held it firmly. She smiled as soon the others all gathered in a circle. They put their hands in as they looked at each other. The power bestowed upon them, the adventure they were going to have, but more importantly, the responsibility they were going to have to carry. With a smile, they all looked at Ash as this moment before him, brought a feeling he didn't think he ever have again. For the boy, he looked at the girls for a split second, his brain had them change into the images of his former teammates as if their spirits were smiling at him. Like they were telling him, that he was going to be alright. They soon changed back as the girls were still smiling. He too caused one to form on his face. "Harmony Rangers!" "United as one!" shouted the girls as they all broke their hands as it was the final still image before fading to black.