//------------------------------// // It’s Not Sunny’s Day // Story: Zap To The Future // by Lulamoon-Crystal //------------------------------// Sunny sighed in slight annoyance, “Let’s go, Izzy,” She mumbled as she put on her helmet and roller skates, “Best we go and find them before they get hurt, this world is too modern for them.” Izzy jumped around Sunny, “Like a game of hide and seek! I love that game!” She said as she stood facing the town happily. “Well... in a way, but way more serious, we need to gather them up,” She explained as she put on the last skate, “And bring them back here, let’s split!” “Okie dokie lokie then!” Izzy cheered as she strutted towards the town. Sunny rolled her eyes, Izzy really liked Pinkie Pie, she even made a little outfit for her Pinkie Pie figure, it was cute. She smiled as she started skating while humming a tune and keeping an eye out for the four ponies. She skated through town, hoping they weren’t in trouble anywhere. But soon enough, she spotted them rolling through town, sharing a skateboard. Sweetie belle in front, Applebloom in the middle and Scootaloo at the back, speeding it with her wings. They were cheering loudly. “Cutiemark Crusaders explore future Equestria, yay!” They cheered. Sunny gasped, “I thought you guys stopped saying that after getting your marks!” She shouted as she tried to speed up to catch them. They all did a turn and went down the Main Street, ponies dodged as soon as they saw them, Sunny apologised as she raced after the fillies on the skateboard. “Girls! No! We must figure a way to get you home, cmon!” She said as she looked at them. They looked at her and at each other as Scootaloo slowed down a bit, so Sunny could be skating next to them and chat. “Yeah, but we want to have fun first,” Sunny nodded, “Fair, but we must stick together!” The four turned a corner, the CMC sped up a bit, so did Sunny, so she could stay with them. Soon enough, it was basically a race. “You three, lighthouse, now!” Sunny shouted sternly. “Left!” Sweetie Belle exclaimed. “Huh?” The three made the skateboard do a left turn. Sunny didn’t even have time to react before she crashed into a wall she didn’t even realise was there since she was focused at the three. “Ouch...” She exclaimed as she shook her head. To make things worse, it was right near somepony’s front door. The owner of the house Sunny crashed in to had no idea she had crashed into their house, so when she shook her head to get rid of the dizziness, the front door slammed open and hit her flank. She jumped and exclaimed in shock. “Oh...” Responded the homeowner, “I’m sorry miss, I didn’t see you there,” Izzy skipped around happily and knocked on the door of the sherrif’s office. There was no response, but she stood there waiting and humming a tune to herself. She waited for a few minutes before giving the door another knock, soon enough she heard Sprout’s voice. “Ugh, I’m coming!” Soon the door opened, revealing the annoyed red earth pony. Izzy hummed a bit, ignoring the sherrif’s annoyed sigh. “Oh, it’s you... what do you want?” He asked rudely, but Izzy only hummed with a smile on her face. “Oh... not much, hey, know where Hitch is?” She asked joyfully. Sprout grumbled, “Yeah, yeah... he’s out getting donuts or something, goodbye,” He said bluntly before slamming the door. “Oh okay,” Izzy shrugged before walking away, humming the tune Sunny raced around, she saw them turn a corner and go down a street that went towards the Main Street. She nodded as she raced down that aisle too. She went as fast as she could with roller skates, unfortunately there was a manhole in her path. Usually this would have been alright, but today it went up creating a ramp. She had no time to slow down or stop, she screamed as she went flying towards the air. Sunny went straight over Main Street and towards the sea, she screamed before crashing into the salty water. After struggling through the water, skates were hard to swim in, Sunny made it to the beach, she gasped for air and laid on the sand for a while, coughing out water. Soon she pushed herself up on the sand. She shook water from her head and sat on her rump. Each skate was filled, she had to take each one off and empty the water and sand from them. She grumbled as she opened her bag after taking it off, this was sure one of the few times she’d be happy about leaving her book at home. It was filled with sand, Sunny turned it upside down and got most of it out, along with a pack of plasters. Having a few cuts from rocks underwater, she plastered them up. “Really isn’t my day...” She mumbled as she put each skate and her bag back on. As she got up she discovered a band from her mane went missing, her braid was going undone without it. She sighed, a bit annoyed. Soon she walked to the roads and started skating again. Today was not Sunny’s day. While zooming around calling the trio’s name, she got caught in a kite string she failed to notice, it took a while to get untied. White she was getting untied, a bird pooped on her head. That was not all! Because after that a poster flew in her face blocking her view and she crashed into a group of ponies holding smoothies, all the smoothies ended up all over her. As she skated around, she sang a bit of a tune. Good morning, cloud No time to chat, not feelin’ proud 'Cause I've got ponies to find... This can’t be true Worried, yes, and angry, too. These foals are messin’ with me... I never worry 'bout Upsetting carts, hardened hearts Or wonder "Will I belong?" I've had this enough, I'm callin' their bluff I'll never get lost in the grey There's somethin' inside, burns bigger than pride Shines out of me lighting the way It not be, it not be, it not be my day (be my day) it not be, it not be, it not be my day (oh-oh-oh-oh) It not be, it not be, it not be my day (gonna be my day) it not be my day (ooh-ooh) Hey! Yoo-hoo! Crusaders and Trixie, I’m gonna help you please just answer my calls! Not playing hide Not gonna keep you stuck inside Not gonna start hurting you all Come on and party with me Join the band, understand We'll all be singin' this song I've heard it enough, I'm callin' their bluff I'll never get lost in the grey I wanna go home, Sunny or Rainy I’m smelly and raring to say It not be, It not be, It not be my day (be my day) It not be, It not be, It not be my day (ooh-ooh) I know you’re afraid Tear Sheddin', Fear showin’' Ain't it time we start The team, the dream? Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-ohhhhhh! Just open your eyes, Sunny’s starting to cry And really wantin’ to say It not be, it not be, it not be my day (it not be my day) it not be, it not be, it not be my day (it not be my day) it not be, it not be, it not be my day (be my... day!) It was a while before Sunny caught up with the three again. This time she was sure to pay attention to where she was going Sunny shouted, “Guys c’mon! Why are you being like this!?” Applebloom saw the that Sunny was tired and annoyed as she skated behind them, calling out to them. “Uh... Scootaloo... are you sure Sunny is finding this fun? She doesn’t look like she is,” Applebloom claimed. Sweetie belle nodded, “Yeah, she’s trying to help us, I don’t think she’s playing anymore,” “Wait... you wanted to play!?” Sunny called out as she skated next to them, “You could have asked!” She scolded. “Oh,” the three said in unison. They all looked at each other, Sunny smiled as Scootaloo shrugged. “Actually, I wanted to explore but okay,” Scootaloo said as she slowly lowered the speed of the skateboard with her wings They all stopped on the Main Street next to the sea, a monorail went past them. They looked out into the ocean as they approached it. The fillies gave Sunny a hug. “We’re sorry,” They said in unison. Sunny sighed, “Well, no one’s hurt... on the way home, I’ll buy you some ice cream, I’m sure Izzy has found Trixie by now,” The three nodded and followed Sunny. Sunny grumpily and tiredly made it to the front of her home, skates laid on her back with the laces tied together. The fillies finished their ice cream and were happily walking ahead of her. Zipp and Pipp were standing near her front door, concerned, they were waiting for ten minutes. Hitch was there, too, looking a bit confused. “Hey Zipp... Hey Pipp...” Sunny greeted tiredly. When the three saw her, they all gasped. Sunny’s mane was undone, dripping with water and sticky from the smoothie, and also had specks of sand. Her body fur was also damp and had grains of sand within it. Pipp’s mouth was wide open, Hitch had a concerned expression, Zipp looked like she didn’t know either to laugh or be concerned. “Wh-What happened to you?!” Zipp asked. Sunny shrugged, “You... don’t wanna know...” “Uh... we may have sent her on a wild goose chase...” Applebloom responded apologetically. Hitch gasped, “Oh! That must have been why Izzy asked if I saw three fillies or a unicorn mare, and explained what they looked like! Seems you found the fillies,” “Mmmhmm,” Sunny nodded, “Did Izzy find Trixie, the blue unicorn?” Hitch shrugged, “Not sure, I told her I saw a blue unicorn wearing a purple starry hat run out of Maretine Bay, not sure if she went after her or not,” Sunny sighed, Zipp patted her on the back, “We’llfind her, she can’t have gone that far, right?” “Ummm...” Pipp said quietly. Applebloom thought she saw a figure coming towards them. Scootaloo did, but the figure teleported, seemingly in a flash of pink. “What was that?” Asked Sweetie Belle. “Huh?” Asked Zipp. Pipp nodded, “I think I saw something,” Soon a flash of pink appeared in the middle of them all, most of them jumped in fright. It was Trixie and she wore a terrified expression. “Trixie!” Zipp called out. “She’s coming!” Screamed Trixie. Everyone looked around in fear, Trixie could hardly speak, she was that scared, she wheezed out words. The gang went to calls her down, Pipp patted her on the back while Hitch fetched a glass of water. “Calm down... say it slowly, what did you see,” Asked Zipp. “I-“ Gasped Trixie. Hitch had a plastic cup filled with water instead. He rushed it over to tried to pass it to her but she snatched it and gulped it down. “Was it remains of our time!?” Asked Scootqloo. Trixie wheezed, “No- she... Izzy!” Sunny perked up, “Izzy? What about Izzy? Is she okay!?” “Oh, what happened!?” Pipe shouted. Trixie took deep breaths as Zipp gave her small pats to try and calm her. “She’s got the evil...” Trixie said a bit calmer. “The...?” Everyone asked in unison. “The a-“ Trixie managed to say before a red blast of magic hit her. Everyone has to block their eyes from the red light before being revealed of what came of Trixie. She was still there, but a lot smaller, her cape and hat were far too big. Trixie looked around, a bit scared. She was reverted to a baby, Trixie started to cry. “Trixie!?” Zipp shouted. “A baby!?” Screamed Pipp. “Baby?” Sunny questioned. The CMC gulped in shock. Sunny quickly put her hoof in her bag to grab the book, hoping to find information, she knew this reminded her of something she read about Twilight experiencing. She needed to find whatever it was that Trixie didn’t have the time to mention the name of. But she forgot one thing, she left the book inside! Sunny got up and turned around, but before she could even start running a red glow formed around her neck and she was lifted into the air, she heard her friends scream her name as she gasped for air. “Sunny!” Pipp shouted. “Let her go you!-“ Pipp flew into a fighting pose and faced the offended before realising who it was. It was Izzy, with a grin, eyes and magic aura glowing red. And with a strange necklace on that had wings with the had of a unicorn and a red gem in the middle that glowed. “Izzy!?” Everyone shouted Sunny wanted to scream in shock, she wanted to warn them about the amulet, but Izzy had such a hold on her neck she only let out a squeak. Her limbs wiggled in the air. “She’s got the evil-“ Scootloo was about to say before being blasted by red magic and having her mouth vanish. Zipp wanted to attack but was scared she’d hurt Izzy. Applebloom explained quickly, “Its the evil amulet! Izzy needs to take it off!” Sweetie Belle nodded, “Only the wearer can take it off!” Just as they finished saying that, Izzy took away their mouths too! Everyone stared in shock, Pipp had a plan, she slowly went up to Izzy. Everyone watched hoping for the best and hoping Pipp would be okay. Hitch gulped nervously, not wanting anyone to lay a hoof on his friend. “Hey, Izzy, nice necklace...” Pipp sweated, “Can I... try it on?” Izzy rolled her eyes, “Nice try, feather brain!” Izzy shot a spell at Pipp, making her frozen solid, unable to move at all. “Pipp!” Hitch, Zipp and the CMC shouted. “Trying to revert me back to normal, huh?” Izzy chuckled as she looked at Sunny, “I think I like this me better,” Izzy threw Sunny at the wall of the lighthouse hard enough to cause damage to the wall. Sunny flopped to the ground, seemingly lifeless. “Sunny!” Cried everyone. There was no response Sunny just laid there, presumably injured. Hitch rushed over as Zipp flew at Izzy only to be grabbed in mid air. “Let Izzy go!” Shouted Zipp only to be thrown into the air, luckily she caught herself before she hit the ground. Izzy gathered up Pipp, Zipp, Hitch and Scootaloo in her magic, sticking them in a cage that stops the flow of magic from those inside. “Waste of time, I got other things to do, I’ll be taking these fools and this filly so you can’t go home!” Izzy muttered before vanishing in a flash of red, taking the cage with her. When she teleported away the spells she put on others where removed. Then Applebloom and Sweetie Belle hurried over to Sunny who was on the ground still. Trixie stayed behind and looked into the distance, she looked guilty. “Sunny...” Sweetie Belle said with tears in her eyes. Sunny didn’t move, not even then a beetle walked across her face. She looked peaceful, as if she was only sleeping, but that wasn’t the case. Sweetie Belle put a hoof on Sunny’s back, “Is she okay?” She asked. “I don’t know...” Cried Applebloom as she tried shaking Sunny. They hoped for any kind of response from her, even if it was her shouting. They held back tears as they tried getting her to get up. Trixie looked towards the town, guilty. “Izzy has the Alicorn Amulet... it corrupts the user...” Trixie muttered. Applebloom nodded sadly, she sighed. “We know... but they didn’t...” Applebloom said sadly. Sweetie Belle patted Sunny, “Sunny, please get up! We’re sorry!” Her voice cracked, “We’ll be good! I promise!” Trixie looked at the two frantically trying to wake Sunny up. Sweetie Belle broke into tears, and there was no way home. They can’t go home and leave Scootaloo behind, they need to save her. “What have I done?” Trixie whispered.