My Life as a Sonic OC Season 6

by Kitsulestia

Newbie Dash

*Rainbow's POV*

Danyelle and I were flying to Wonderbolt Academy since we had just been promoted to official Wonderbolts.

Danyelle spoke "I can't believe it Dash! We're official Wonderbolts now!"

I spoke "I know!"

The both of us were so psyched!

Danyelle spoke "I can't believe that I'll be the first Mobian Wonderbolt!"

But then it hit me! “Wait, thanks to our necklaces, Fleetfoot, Soarin and I are the first dragon Wonderbolts!”

Danyelle giggles "Eyup."

“This is gonna be so awesome!” I cheered.

Danyelle spoke "Just be careful where you're flying... I don't think you'd want to be given the nickname Rainbow Crash again..."

“Don’t remind me…” I groaned at that mention.

Megaman was flying on wings made from data.

Megaman spoke "Since my sister's a full fledged Wonderbolt... That also affects Roll and I too."

“But that’s pretty awesome, you two.” I added.

Megaman snickers "And I heard a rumor that Bass has a crush on someone but I don't think it'd work out... She's not made of data..."

Then I had an idea of who it was, but I didn’t like it. “Let me guess, Lightning Dust?”

Megaman spoke "Afraid so..."

Bass snaps "SHUT UP MEGAMAN!"

Roll spoke "You're one to talk Bass, I saw you staring at her the last time we were at the academy."

A loud explosion was heard off in the distance following a pillar of fire that had been shot into the sky thus destroying a comet full of evil aliens.

Danyelle spoke "Least we don't have to deal with the Black Arms later on...."

“Definitely.” I agreed.

Danyelle spoke "Fifty bits says that it was Twilight's doing."

Megaman spoke "Double that though on Twiliterasu."

Roll spoke "Don't look now but I think Lightning Dust is here."

A flustered Bass spoke "Sh-shut up...."

Danyelle snickers "Oh wow.. I didn't see that coming..."

“Wait, you seriously have a crush on Lightning Dust?!” I asked in shock.

Bass had hidden his face with his cloak since he was too flustered to talk.

Roll spoke "But he knows it just won't work out though, he's data and she's a living being..."

Danyelle spoke "We'll deal with this later, we're here."

“Alright!” I cheered.

Since Bold was in Daria's care, it was easier for me to focus.

Danyelle spoke "Good thing Daria offered to foalsit."

I spoke "Yeah, she's good at things like that."

Spitfire spoke "Hey, new Bolts."

Danyelle spoke "Greetings Captain Spitfire."

Lightning Dust was wary of me since she was humiliated back during training.

Spitfire spoke "I can see you’re probably wondering why Lightning Dust is here."

Danyelle bops me on the back of the head.

Danyelle spoke "She's owing up to the mistakes she made back during tryouts."

Spitfire spoke "Yep. And she’s actually taking care of janitor duty."

Lightning Dust growls "I hate being on cleanup duty!"

Spitfire spoke "At least you’ll know what’ll happen to the Wonderbolt who had the worst performance of the day."

Megaman spoke "I agree... Least she learned her lesson."

Roll had whispered into Spitfire's ear about Bass's crush on Lightning Dust.

Spitfire facehoofed at that but then she burst into laughter as she was rolling on her back.

Roll was giggling.

Megaman spoke "My wife is crazy..."

Danyelle giggles "Hey, we're a crazy family, little bro."

Bass spoke "Idiots..."

*Some time later,*

Danyelle was wearing an altered Wonderbolt outfit.

Danyelle spoke "Dang, I look good!"

"Hay yeah we are! We look unquestionably, undeniably awesome!" I boasted.

Danyelle spoke "Don't make me bop you."

"I'm just saying." I responded.

Danyelle spoke "Though it would be weird to see Silverstorm in a Wonderbolt outfit once shi's older."

Roll spoke "True..."

Spitfire spoke "Alright, enough chitchat! It’s time to get to practicing!"

Danyelle spoke "Right!"

“Yes, ma’am!” I agreed.

After leaving the 2DS in her new locker, Danyelle was flying about while practicing various moves.

Danyelle spoke "AW YEAH!!!!"

“Awesome!” I cheered!

Danyelle's eyes shimmer suddenly.

Flying at full speed, Danyelle tackles Wind Rider to the ground with her claws on his neck.

Danyelle growls "What are you doing here?"

Spitfire spoke "Wind Rider, I thought I kicked you off the team for good!"

Danyelle digs her claws into Wind Rider's neck, causing it to bleed a bit.

Danyelle growls "If you ever come near me, my friends or my family again... I'll turn you into a Pegasus skin rug..."

After Danyelle backed off, Wind Rider flew away.

Lightning Dust spoke "Holy shit... That was scary..."

Spitfire spoke "Now that’s some red-hot rage."

Danyelle spoke "Side effect of being a firebender on top of being an alpha-queen."

But then I noticed something. “Uh… Danyelle? The blood is going onto your Multitrix.”

Danyelle spoke "Seems I unlocked a new form and some new attacks..."

But then her Multitrix went off her wrist and onto her middle finger as it turned red and gained a strange symbol.

Danyelle gasps "What the?!"

Multitrix spoke "Blood and Rage detected. Unlocking and engaging Red Lantern Mode."

But then Danyelle’s Wonderbolt suit turned black and red, getting the same symbol on her chest.

Danyelle snarls "With blood and rage of crimson red… Ripped from a corpse so freshly dead… Together with our hellish hate… We'll burn you all--that is your fate!"

Megaman spoke "This is bad....."

Bass spoke "I've only heard rumors but that's the ring of Rage! If she has all nine, then her power will surpass that of Serenade!"

Danyelle spoke "What… is… happening?! All of this… ANGER!!!"

A mysterious NetNavi appears before knocking Danyelle out cold by pinching the back of the neck.

Serenade spoke "I do apologize, this girl should not have such power since it will cloud her mind and thus cause her to see everyone else as her enemy. Be it Equian, Mobian, chakat or even NetNavi."

With a snap of the fingers, Serenade removes majority of Danyelle's rage thus causing her outfit to revert back to the normal colors.

Multitrix spoke "Red Lantern Mode deactivated. View of different Lantern Spectrums available."

Serenade spoke "I'm afraid I can't let a cat like her run around with such powers since they're on par with a genie."

Multitrix spoke "Self-defense systems activated."

But as Serenade tried to grab Danyelle’s Multitrix, which was back on her wrist, he was suddenly shocked by it.

Megaman asks "You okay?"

Patch crawls to his aunt before hugging her.

Serenade spoke "Looks like removing that thing will be difficult."

But then Chameleo showed up. “More like impossible, because the Multitrix becomes a part of the user’s being, so only the user of a Multitrix can take it off.”

Danyelle groans before sitting up.

Danyelle spoke "If that's how it is, then I don't want to have this Multitrix anymore. I'm going to fight with only my OWN powers."

Chameleo spoke "Whoa whoa whoa! Hold on! I may have given you a Multitrix, but it chose you. No way I can take that back."

Danyelle spoke "Well, I don't want it!"

Danyelle's flames over-react around where the Multitrix was.

But then the flames grabbed the Multitrix and put it back in its place.

Chameleo spoke "Oooookay… This is new."

Danyelle broke down into tears.

Danyelle cries "I never asked to have this sort of power...."

Chameleo asks "Listen, did I ask For Rivershifu and Articuno to be sealed in me the moment I hatched? Or did Twilight ask for Kurama to be sealed inside her?"

Danyelle cries "Kurama didn't have a choice though, his soul was reincarnated...."

Chameleo spoke "Exactly! Sometimes, things happen even though we don’t like it. Besides, it’s what and how you do things that makes you you."

Danyelle spoke "But I also hurt one of the most strongest NetNavis.... On accident..."

Chameleo spoke "Actually, that was self-defense because if anyone else other than the user tries to take a Multitrix off of the user, that activates the security system."

Danyelle spoke "Technically, this one has three users..."

Chameleo spoke "True, but you get what I mean."

Danyelle pulls the multitrix off.

Danyelle spoke "If I can't control my emotions then I'm no better than Tirek."

Chameleo asks "Hmm… Maybe Master Shifu can help?"

Danyelle spoke "Very well, I'll train under him until I can control my emotions better."
