My Life as a Sonic OC Season 6

by Kitsulestia

Fluttershy Versus Dot! Who is More Cuter?

*Fluttershy's POV*

Some time after the buckball contest, Danyelle soon arrived at my place with a scroll that was from someone who had challenged me to a cuteness contest.

“W-Who is it from? And why would anyone wanna challenge me to that?” I asked, really nervously.

Danyelle spoke "You're not gonna like this but it's Dot Warner.... She thinks she's the most cutest thing in existence."

I was confused. “Who?”

Danyelle shows me a picture of Dot.

I couldn’t help but find that adorable. “Aww…”

Danyelle warns "Just be careful Shy, she's not one to lose in cuteness contests."

Flowerstep spoke "I agree."

Hawkbreeze mewls.

Flowerstep spoke "You don't have to accept the challenge if you don't want to."

I took those words to heart, but something deep inside me was telling me to accept that challenge.

Danyelle spoke "She won't take no for an answer."

For some strange reason that I didn't know, I was excited and psyched for that competition. "I'm in."

Danyelle spoke "very well then."

*One warp ring to the Warner Brothers studio later,*

Danyelle had automatically shifted to Mobini form.

Danyelle spoke "Well, we're here."

I sensed something as I looked at a water tower. "Is that where she lives?"

Danyelle spoke "Kind of, she and her two brothers get into a lot of trouble."

But then two males showed up. "Helloooooooo Alpha-Queen Nurse!"

Danyelle growls "Down boys, I'm already taken. As is my Pegasus friend."

Dot spoke "So, you're here, Klutzershy."

I saw what I assumed was Dot. Normally I'd shrink and hide when I'm called that, but for some reason, Dot calling me that made me... Angry.

I growl "are you talking to me?!?"

Danyelle spoke "uh oh...."

I growl "are you talking to me?!?"

Flowerstep spoke "She shouldn't have said that..."


Danyelle spoke "Now she's in for it!"


I beat the cuss out of Dot.

Flowerstep covered Hawkbreeze's eyes.

But Dot was really putting up a fight as both of us were in a fight cloud.

I pulled Dot's tail before spanking her.

Dot yelped before she chomped down on my tail. When the dust cleared, the two of us were panting to catch our breaths. "Actually, now I'm not regretting about accepting that Cute-off challenge one bit."

Flowerstep spoke "Last thing we need is an alicorn freaking out because someone put a quesadilla near her..."

But then Twilight showed up, completely terrified.

Danyelle pulls Twilight close to comfort the mare.

Danyelle spoke "Relax Twi, it's okay."

And one minute later, the Cute-Off was ready to begin.

Danyelle spoke "Nyx is much cuter than you are Dot."

Nyx soon shows up in a midform.

Nyx spoke "Hey."

Dot spoke "Then she’s in this competition too!"

Nyx hid behind Danyelle.

Danyelle spoke "Face it Dot, you can never out cute Sweetie Belle."

Sweetie Belle showed up, having heard that. “Danyelle!”

Dot spoke "She’s in the contest too!"

Rarity and Blizzardstar were with Sweetie.

I spoke "No Dot, this is between you and me!"

Dot spoke "I won’t stand for anyone cuter than me! So Nyx and Sweetie Belle are in too!"

Danyelle snarls at Dot.

But then Sumarda showed up. “Okay everyone, calm down.”

Dot taunts "What? Are Nightmare Moon and Sour Dumbbell too afraid?"

A bolt of magic zaps Dot.

Nightfall growls "That's enough out of you missy!"

Nyx spoke "Y-you have the wrong alicorn, I used to be a plushie though."

Nightfall spoke "You anger one Crusader, you anger the whole lot!"

Sweetie Belle spoke "No, me and Nyx accept your challenge!"

Nyx whines "Sweetie... I don't want to take part in the cuteness contest...."

Sweetie Belle asks "Come on, Nyx! We can beat her! Cutie Mark Crusaders forever?"

Nyx spoke "B-but..."

Nightfall spoke "I believe in you, sis."

Asriel spoke "As do I."

Nyx asks "R-Really?"

Asriel spoke "Yeah and no spoiled brat is gonna say otherwise."

Nyx spoke "Then I’m in!"

Asriel spoke "You got this Nyxie, I know you can."

Nyx spoke "Thanks, Azzie."

Asriel spoke "Good luck."

But then a strange bald man with glasses showed up. “Vhat is going on here?”

Danyelle spoke "Cuteness contest, sir."

The Warners exclaim "Dr. Scratchansniff!"

Nyx was hiding behind Asriel.

Dr. Scratchansniff spoke "Let me guess; Dot."

Danyelle spoke "Eyup... She's got it into her head that she's cuter than Fluttershy is..."

Dr. Scratchansniff groans "Oh nein. Nobody can’t snap her out of it vhen she’s like zis."

Danyelle spoke "Princess Twilight's the same way but I have a method to stop her from lashing out at allies."

Dr. Scratchansniff asks "Vhat?"

Danyelle spoke "Sit girl..."

Twilight was face down on the concrete.

Twilight growls "Danyelle...."

Danyelle spoke "uh oh...."

Danyelle flew off fast with Twilight on her tails as she dodged the angry alicorn's magic blasts.

But then a cat showed up. “I was told that I was one of the judges.”

Then a young squirrel appeared. “Wow! A contest that I’m gonna judge in?! Awesome!”

And then finally a hippo couple appeared.

The female hippo spoke "Oh look Flavio, we’re judges for a competition."

Flavio spoke "Yes, Marita."

Twilight threw a boulder at Danyelle.

Danyelle taunts "What was that supposed to be?"

The boulder had squashed Skippy.

But then Skippy dug out of the ground right next to it. “What was that?!”

Nyx spoke "My mom used the word on Twilight and well... That happened..."

Rita asks "Is it something a human would say to a dog or cat?"

Nyx spoke "Well, Twilight's got a short temper due to her other self..."

Asriel spoke "But Danyelle's done so much for others too, she freed an entire nation of monsters and gave me a new body."

Skippy exclaims "Wow!"

Rita spoke "At least Twilight’s no Katie Kaboom."

Danyelle teleported to dodge a roar from Twilight.

Asriel spoke "But Miss Sparkle's part of what Danyelle calls the Pony Guard."

I spoke "Forget the contest, this is way more fun to watch."

Dot yells "I! WILL! NOT! FORGET ABOUT IT!!!"

I tail slap Dot across the face.

I growl "That's enough out of you missy!"

Dot growls, “Oh that’s it! We’re setting this Cute-Off, one-on-one, right here, and NOW!!!”

Hawkbreeze spoke "GO MAMA!!!"

Dot spoke "And since we’re settling this here and now, we’re going for the biggest kind of cuteness; softness and cuddliness!"

Nyx was snuggling Asriel, causing the young prince to blush brightly.

Nyx spoke "Fluffy boi!"

That made Asriel faint as Dot sighed before Yakko and Wakko gasped in horror!

Yakko gasps "No! Say it isn’t so!"

Wakko gasps "You can’t mean…!"

Dot spoke "I’m afraid so. SUMARDA!!!"

Then Sumarda appeared. “You called?”

I spoke "Seems Nyx wins this time."

Dot spoke "The contest didn’t even start."

Nyx giggles "It doesn't help that my boyfriend is so fluffy."

Dot’s eye twitched in anger, but she tried to stay calm. “Sumarda, could you explain the rules for the ‘Softness and Cuddliness’ version of the Cute-Off to the new competitors?”

Nightfall glares at Sumarda.

“Don’t worry, the competitors will be back to normal after the Cute-Off is done.” Sumarda said before whispering quietly to me, “Except one spoiled Warner.”

I snicker "Sumarda, you are just as chaotic as Discord."

Sumarda asks "Well, we are cousins, and would you forgive me after the contest because I invented this version?"

I spoke "Fair enough but you should have seen it earlier, I spanked her on the butt."

Sumarda spoke "Now that’ll make the aftermath of the competition all the more satisfying."

Soon, Asriel regained consciousness before sighing swoonfully at Nyx.

Nyx asks "Azzie?"

Asriel spoke "Sorry about that. It’s just you’re so cute."

Nyx blushes.

Nyx spoke "You’re cuter than me though."

That pushed Dot over the edge. “That’s it! Asriel’s in too!”

Nyx turns to face Dot in anger.

Nyx snarls "You leave.... MY BOYFRIEND OUT OF THIS!!!"

Nyx roars loud, sending Dot flying far away.

But then another Asriel showed up, before pulling a zipper on himself, revealing to be Dot.

Asriel stammers "*Blushing madly* W-What?"

Nyx gasps "What the?"

The Asriel suit just unzipped itself before Dot jumped out of it.

Nyx growls "You little cusshead!"

Twilight had dropped an anvil on Dot.

The Dot jumped out of the water tower.

Sumarda spoke "Since Dot won’t let it go, Asriel is in the contest as well, but he will be in a team with Nyx."

Danyelle spoke "THAT IS ENOUGH DOT!!!"

Dot was completely unfazed.

Dr. Scratchansniff spoke "Ze only vay Dot vill calm down is if ze contest happens."


Dot still didn’t seem affected by that.

A mechanical Twirama had grabbed Dot before strangling her.

Danyelle asks "Where did that come from?"

Twilight spoke "That's his stand! Where Evil Grows! It's a near unbeatable stand that turns people into robots!"

Dot’s head suddenly popped off, before ladybugs started crawling around Mecha Twirama’s arms, causing the robot to squeal in fear before running away as Dot reappeared next to the life-sized Dot doll. “That’s the thing with some copycats, they get the strengths, but they also get the weaknesses.”

Asriel spoke "Doubt it... I heard from my mom that it has no weaknesses.. It's immune to all attacks too."

Twilight was on top of the water tower in fear.

Dot spoke "That may be so, but I mean emotional weaknesses."

Danyelle spoke "That may be so but even robots have flaws.... Regardless if they're built to be flawless. Last time Eggman tried to turn Twilight against us, his plan backfired because love is a powerful emotion."

Dot spoke "Exactly."

Danyelle spoke "With Eggman still a major threat, all contests are cancelled. No ifs, ands or buts."

Dot spoke "Fine… But this is not over!"

Danyelle growls "Do I need to spank a whiny brat?"

Dot spoke "Just try me."

Like a blur, Danyelle soon has Dot in an embarrassing position while spanking the female hard on the rear.

Yakko spotted a sign as he read out, “‘Make all deliveries in the rear,’ a Tom & Jerry classic.”

Danyelle's hand was now on fire as she kept spanking Dot.

Danyelle spoke "Hope that teaches you a lesson. If someone says no, you give up."

Dot spoke "Oh, shut it you-"

Yakko slammed his hand onto Dot’s mouth. “Ah-ah-ah! Not in front of the kids. *Wink!*”

Danyelle spoke "Two foul mouths are enough, none of us need another... Especially from a lady."

Dot spoke "Oops, I forgot that me and my brothers are from a kids show."

Danyelle spoke "A proper lady should know when to back down if someone else says no."

Twilight spoke "Remind me to soap Shadow's mouth later."

Yakko spoke "Mwah! Good night, everybody!"

I spoke "Let's say that we're cute in our own way."

Nyx and Sweetie spoke "Agreed."

Asriel spoke "*Lovingly* Yeah…"

I ask "What do you think Dot?"

Dot spoke "Well, when ya put it that way, it’s a good point. But when this threat is eliminated, you, me, Sweetie Belle and Nyx are still doing the contest, but it’ll be for fun and not the title of the cutest."

Danyelle spoke "I thought I had killed Eggman with an ancient technique but he somehow survived...."

Twilight asks "You do remember that Giorno told us that he stabbed himself with that Stand Arrow, right?"

Danyelle spoke "Yeah, he's far too dangerous now. Not even the Mobian Guard and Pony Guard can stop him now."

But then Danyelle got a call. “That’s because we’ll need some help and we’ll need to strengthen our abilities.”

Danyelle spoke "Polnareff!"

Twilight spoke "But no matter how strong we get, his stand will be stronger."

Polnareff spoke "And that is why Giorno Giovanna, the boss of Passione, can help you all. Because I was the one who gave him the arrow, allowing him to turn Golden Wind into Golden Wind Requiem."

Danyelle spoke "We can't give up though because I have an idea."
