//------------------------------// // New Restaurant in Canterlot // Story: My Life as a Sonic OC Season 6 // by Kitsulestia //------------------------------// *Blanche's POV* I decided to head up to Canterlot to get my mind off my ex-boyfriend. Lillian, Tempest and Katie were with me as well. I spoke "Maybe some time off from fighting with that jerkwad is what we need." Lillian spoke "Believe me, we know how you feel." But then Saffron Masala showed up. A young cockatoo girl was on my back since she was a painful reminder of what Nigel had done to me before I dumped him. I spoke "Jerk or not, Nigel left me with a girl that I had to raise alone... And I refuse to let him near Brooke though." Saffron spoke "My friends!" I spoke "Hello." Brooke spoke "H-hi." Lillian asks "Is something wrong?" Saffron spoke "Well there is something strange. There’s a new restaurant right next to my father’s." I spoke "Odd, none of the Pony Guard were called to solve this problem." Tempest yawned. “Sorry, didn’t get enough sleep last night.” Lillian spoke "My shoulder is real stiff. And we’ll need to get Katie to a dentist soon." I spoke "I happen to be a dentist though since my parents were dentists." Lillian spoke "That’s good to know. But maybe you could work after lunch." Saffron spoke "And good timing too, because we're here." As the others started going inside, I noticed something on the wallpaper. “Diner-dependent? What does that mean?” After passing through a warp ring, Michiru spoke "I have a feeling that there's going to be a cook-off..." Sporting a Mobian fox form thanks to the necklace she now wore, Nazuna spoke "Yeah." Michiru and Nazuna joined up with us as we entered the restaurant. A wolf spoke "Benvenuto." We looked at the entrance to the kitchen, seeing a male Italian Wolf Mobian walking over with a jug filled with water. The wolf asks "A table for seven today?" Michiru's ears pin back. Nazuna spoke "Tonio..." Tonio spoke "Ah, Signora Michiru and Signora Nazuna. How wonderful to see you again." Nazuna kept Michiru close to her, indicating that she was a lesbian. Tonio chuckles "Ah, so you have finally tied the knot with each. Bravissimo, you two." Both females growl "We aren't married yet." Tonio spoke "My apologies. With how close you two are, I thought the deed was already done." Nazuna spoke "Michiru and I have been dating since the kraken incident." Tonio spoke "Ah. I see." Lillian asks "So, could you give us a menu?" Tonio spoke "A menu? I’m sorry but, we don’t use those." Michiru growls "What kind of restaurant doesn't use menus?" Lillian spoke "Come on. Please give us the menus." Tonio spoke "That won’t do. First I’ll have to examine the customers and then I’ll decide what to cook for them." Michiru snarls "If you don't give us the dang menus, I WILL CALL SHIROU DOWN HERE!!!" Nazuna was pissed. Tonio inspected her hand. “Hmm… Let’s see, you had diarrhea yesterday.” That left Michiru shocked. Tonio: Your intestinal walls are inflamed, and it’s obvious you have sleep deprivation, which would explain the puffy eyes. Your foot is infected with a fungus, you have a stiff shoulder and you have two cavities. Michiru was caught completely off guard. “How-How did you know all of that?! Everything you said was on point!” Tonio spoke "Simple really, it is all in the hands. They are like a window to your soul. I’ve studied with doctors as well as other chefs, so the meals I make are good for the mind, body and soul." Michiru snaps "I'm an earth pony for Ginrou's sake!" Tonio spoke "Or hooves in a pony’s case. And I can see that Lillian has a stiff shoulder, Tempest being sleep deprived, and the young Katie having a bit of a cavity." Tonio poured the water into the cups. Tonio spoke "Now if you’ll excuse me, I must get started on making the first course." Tonio walked into the kitchen. I spoke "I don't trust him...." Michiru whispers "I don't see other staff workers...." Saffron spoke "If the food tastes odd, we’re leaving." Lillian spoke "Agreed." Tempest spoke "Yeah." Tempest drank his water before freezing in amazement. Tempest spoke "Guys, this water-No. it’s gotta be mineral water." Michiru's wings manifest on her back before using them like hands to pick up the glass. Michiru sniffs the water warily. Michiru spoke "It's got an odd smell to it..." Lillian asks "What is it?" Tempest spoke "I-I haven’t been as sure about anything as I am right now, but this is the best water I ever tasted." Tempest drank a bit of the water again. Tempest spoke "Amazing! It’s overflowing with sophistication! It’s like something a mountain princess playing a harp would drink while strumming a beautiful melody! It’s wonderfully fresh and smooth! Like the glorious first taste of water after wandering in a desert for three days!" Michiru growls "It's drugged!" Nazuna grabs the glass from Tempest. Lillian tried hers and didn’t find any traces of drugs in it. “No! It isn’t drugged at all, I tasted it myself and J didn’t find any drugs in it!” Michiru spoke "A wolf's nose never lies." Lillian asks "Did you smell any drugs?" Michiru spoke "Well no, but-" Lillian spoke "Then it should be fine." I spoke "They're just wary...." Michiru and Nazuna hesitantly tried theirs as the rest of us drink the water, and it was really delicious! Tempest spoke "Divine!" Michiru "I’ll admit, it is good." “Yeah, it’s first-rate. I wonder what kind of brand it is.” I said before Tempest wiped his eyes. Tempest spoke "It’s so good, I think I might actually shed a few tears over it." I spoke "Aside from the apparent lack of staff, I don't think we should have lunch here..." Michiru started wiping her eyes as well. “I think I might shed a few tears too.” Lillian spoke "Come on, the water can’t be that good." Tempest spoke "It must be its purity. Could you give me and Michiru a handkerchief? The waterworks are in full force." Nazuna wipes a few tears from her girlfriend's eyes. Lillian gave Tempest a napkin, but then more tears started flowing out of Tempest and Michiru’s eyes. Tempest spoke "These tears just keep coming. They just won’t stop!" Michiru stammers "W-Why can’t I stop shedding tears all of a sudden?!" Danyelle soon shows up via teleportation. Sitting down, Danyelle took a sip of the water. Danyelle spoke "Oh my chaos.... It's spring water....." Michiru and Tempest then started to cry rivers, before I saw something freaky. “Tempest! Michiru! The white parts of your eyes! They’re getting all shriveled and loose!” I panicked as everyone else saw that happening to Michiru and Tempest. The two bolted to the washrooms. Tonio spoke "Calm down." We looked behind us and saw Tonio. Danyelle hisses "What was in that water?" Tonio spoke "Tranquillo, my friends. Those two’s eyes have only been temporarily withered. They had fifty-thousand year-old mineral water made from melted snow retrieved from Mr. Kilimanjaro in Africa. It flushes the eyes’ interior of harmful contaminants, and is an effective treatment in cases of sleep deprivation. The reason the rest of you didn’t cry after drinking the water is because you all obtained an adequate amount of sleep last night." Tempest and Michiru spoke "Guys!" We saw Tempest and Michiru, who had smiles, bright eyes and looking good as new. Tempest spoke "We’re not sleepy anymore!" Michiru spoke "We feel spectacular even, like we slept for ten whole hours!" Suddenly, Nazuna bolted to the girl's washroom but for a much different reason. Danyelle asks "Mind if I take a bottle back for Twilight?" Tonio spoke "Not at all, Signora." Danyelle spoke "Raising three alicorn children isn't easy for her, since one is bigger than the other two." Danyelle teleported back to Twilight’s house with the water as Tonio brought out two plates for Lillian and Michiru. Tonio spoke "For our antipasto, I’ve prepared insalata caprese with mozzarella." Lillian asks "Mozzarella?" Michiru asks "seriously?" Tonio spoke "Goodness, you haven’t heard of mozzarella before? It’s a soft low-fat cheese that’s quite tasty. It is a national favorite in Italy. The first people to use tomatoes as a culinary ingredient were the Italians. The Italian people lead the entire world when it comes to tomato-based cuisine. I’m not bragging, it’s the honest truth, we take pride in our work. Now, I hope you enjoy your meal, friends." Michiru spoke "Danyelle's got all sorts of connections though, she even knows a pair of Italians." Tonio spoke "Ah, I see." Lillian spoke "Well, here goes." Lillian tried a piece of the cheese. Lillian spoke "Well it is good, very good even. But the cheese itself doesn’t leave much an impression." Tonio spoke "No no. It’s not meant to be eaten by itself, you have to add tomato to it." I spoke "As a warning though... If you see a human male or a male cockatoo with strange powers, don't give them anything." Tonio spoke "Understood." Lillian tried a piece of cheese with a piece of tomato. “WOW!!!” “Huh?” Me and the rest of my friends asked in confusion. Lillian spoke "It’s incredible how the tomatoey nectar gently caresses the fresh delicate cheese! What a great combination! The cheese and tomato enrich each other! It’s a perfect symphony, I tell you guys! A harmony of tantalizing flavors! A dynamic duo the likes of Simon and Garfunkel! Or even Abet and Costello! It’s like Yin and Yang!" Tonio spoke "Grazie. Nothing makes me happier than knowing you enjoy my cooking." The others dig in. Nazuna groans "Got any ginger pop?" Tonio spoke "Si. That said, the only ones getting their stiff shoulders corrected today, will be Michiru and Lillian." The pink furred Mobian vixen walks over to Michiru before massaging the mare's shoulders. Lillian spoke "Stiff shoulders? Wait, I’m starting to feel a little bit and itchy all of a sudden." Michiru stutters "S-Same here." Tonio spoke "Signoras, might I humbly suggest you remove your jackets." Michiru removed her jacket, keeping the tank top on. Nazuna spoke "Hmm... seems like she's got fleas.... A common occurrence among Mobians and Beastmen with fur. But Michiru's fur on the right shoulder didn't grow back properly due to a bite scar." Tonio spoke "I suggest you look closer." Lillian asks "Why am I so itchy all of a sudden?!" Lillian started itching her left shoulder before she found some flaky stuff on her fingers as Nazuna spotted flaky stuff on Michiru’s left shoulder. Lillian asks "Wha-What is this?!" Tonio spoke "Semplice, it’s dead skin." Michiru and Nazuna both gasp "Dead skin?!" Tonio spoke "This is proof that we greatly improved your metabolic function and circulation. The calcium, vitamins and minerals of the starter dish have stimulated your thyroid and it’s metabolic hormones secretion. The harmful cells are being expelled as dead skin, which is why you two have been overcome with an itching sensation. *Lillian and Michiru started to itch their shoulders more* Molto bene signoras, keep scratching like that. Because at the rate you’re going, the dead skin will be gone in no time." I spoke "A good bath would be a better choice for getting rid of dead skin..." Quick Strike soon arrives with a warrant to shut down the restaurant. Quick Strike spoke "Hold it right there mister. Encouraging your customers to itch at their skin is a health code violation for any place that serves food." “Guys! Calm down! This dead skin is the size of a softball, and you’re digging into your shoulder’s muscle now!" Tempest spoke. But then suddenly… Lillian exclaims "Wow! I’m so limber!" Michiru spoke "My shoulders feel loads better and springier!" The two of them started to stretch in positions that would be considered difficult to pull off with their shoulders being good as new. Lillian spoke "This is awesome! It’s like we don’t have any bones at all!" Michiru spoke "The stiffness we had is good and gone!" Tonio gathered all of the dead skin and putted then into the trash. “Please, do not worry officer. I care very much for the health of my customers. So as you saw, I putted all of the dead skin into the trash. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’ll be heading back to the kitchen. That pasta isn’t going to get up and serve itself while we stand here and chat.” Quick Strike froze, knowing that Tonio was absolutely right about that. Michiru spoke "Too bad I can't get rid of this scar..." Lillian spoke "But still, you gotta admit, Tonio’s amazing." Saffron spoke "I don’t think so. This is getting too weird. There’s something seriously strange about Tonio’s cooking." I spoke "I'm with Saff on this." Katie and Brooke nod in agreement with me. Soon, Tonio came back with dishes of spaghetti for Michiru and Katie. Tonio spoke "Now, shall we continue with the next dish? This is the primo piatto, today is pasta; Spaghetti alla puttanesca." Michiru spoke "This spaghetti, it looks like it has chili flakes in it." Tonio spoke "An astute observation. The special sauce used in spaghetti puttanesca is one of the oldest recipes found in Italian cuisine. And not to brag, but my hometown, Naples, is considered its birthplace. So of course, I give it the highest possible recommendation." An underweight Black Widow shows up but she was in rough shape since she had been attacked by Eggman's Stand. Widow collapses soon after arriving. Tonio spoke "Oh dear." I spoke "She's underweight...." Tonio spoke "It seems that she will need food when she wakes up." Katie spoke "But what about the pasta’s spiciness? I just don’t get along well with that." Tonio spoke "If it’s not to your liking, don’t force yourself. I’d be more than happy to remove the pasta from your bill. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’ll prepare the main course. I hope the secondo piatto will suit you better. But so you know, I make my spaghetti to be enjoyed, even by those who have the lowest tolerance for spicy foods." Katie yelps "I can eat it even if it’s spicy? *Licks bit of spaghetti on her fork* Hot!" Lillian spoke "You'll get used to it sweetie." end