//------------------------------// // Chapter 6: Lifelines // Story: Dragon’s Odyssey // by GrumpyMonk97 //------------------------------// The other dragons were panicking. Spike had just been critically injured by Obsidias, and now they had to figure out what to do. Looking at his wound, it didn’t look normal as it pulsed with that same strange purple energy that was shot out of Obsidias’ mace. Smolder tapped on her collar. “Luster, you there? We’ve got a problem.” “What kind of problem?” Luster answered. “Spike’s been hurt pretty bad, and the wound doesn’t look normal.” There was a moment of silence before Luster answered. “What do you mean not normal?” “There’s this strange energy pulsing around it.” Garble answered, being the one who was closest to Spike at the time. “It sounds like a Necrotic Seal. If it’s not treated soon, it’ll spread to his entire body and he’ll eventually die.” All of the dragons looked to each other even more concerned now. “We don’t exactly have anything for treating that. Do you just expect us to do nothing?!” Smolder asked, her voice showing a hint of anger now. Luster Dawn let out a sigh. “It might be a long shot, but legend speaks of a place called Gaea’s Grove that resides to the west. The waters there are said to have incredible healing properties. If you want any chance of saving him, it’s there.” The other dragons looked to each other and nodded, setting out to find the fabled Gaea’s Grove before it was too late. It had been half a day already, and the journey had been a grueling one. Garble was carrying Spike on his back, with Ember leading from the front and Smolder watching their backs. “How is he?” Ember asked. Smolder moved up next to her brother to get a look at Spike on his back and saw that the purple energy pulsing from the wound in Spike’s abdomen had started spreading up his right side, almost to his chest. Spike was clenching his eyes and gritting his teeth, clearly doing his best to hold on. “It’s spreading. We need to hurry.” Smolder responded in a worried tone. Garble readjusted Spike on his back and continued to move forward. “He’ll make it.” Garble reassured them. “He has to.” Meanwhile Spike, being unconscious from his wound, felt himself dreaming of the past once again. The Dream: Spike leaned on the railing as he waited at the train station. He saw Twilight fidgeting excitedly, and he couldn’t help but chuckle; Cadence and Shining Armor were visiting from the Crystal Empire for the Festival of the Two Sisters, and Twilight had been acting like an excitable filly ever since. “You’re gonna rattle apart if you keep fidgeting like that.” Spike told her sarcastically. Twilight shot him a deadpan look before sticking her tongue out at him. “Oh hush. Besides, I’ve been so busy running Equestria that I haven’t had time to just relax. This is bound to be a great change of pace.” Just as she said that, the train pulled into the station. The doors opened and the royal fanfare began as Cadence and Shining Armor exited the train, and Twilight rushed over excitedly to greet them. Cadence met her halfway and they did their secret greeting, something Spike found greatly amusing that they still did after all this time as he and Shining Armor greeted each other happily. “Ooh, it’s so good to see you two! And where’s my favorite little munchkin?” Twilight asked playfully, looking for the third member of their group when she was suddenly ambushed in a hug by a little alicorn filly. “I got you Auntie Twilight!” Flurry Heart giggled happily. “Yes you did.” Twilight responded playfully as she squeezed Flurry Heart in a big hug. Flurry Heart flew up and plopped herself on Spike’s shoulders and gave him a hug around his head. “I got you too Big Brother Spike.” She said giggling to herself. “You sure did kiddo.” He responded with a laugh. They all walked towards Canterlot Castle, regaling each other with stories about what had happened since they last saw each other. Twilight was happy to hear that Spike had taken her advice on showing Sweetie Belle the meteor shower. “Aww Spike, that’s adorable.” Cadence said as she put a hoof to her heart after hearing the story. “Are you and Ms. Sweetie Belle gonna get married?” Flurry Heart asked innocently. Spike suddenly got very flustered, with everypony else laughing as his face turned red a bit. “W-well, that’s uh, you see…” He sighed as Flurry Heart laughed along with the rest of them. Spike just sighed and gave a chuckle of his own as Flurry Heart took off into the air from her perch on his shoulders, flying all around them before Cadence called her back down and she landed on her mother’s back. Spike watched happily as they went on ahead of him a bit. “Such a lovely family. A shame that your indifference cost them everything.” A mysterious voice echoed out around him as the dream suddenly went black. Real World: It was nighttime now, and the group had made it into a dense forest with plenty of cover above. They started a fire and were all just watching over Spike now. “We’ll have to set out at first light. We don’t know how much time he has left.” Ember informed them. Garble nodded while Smolder looked into the fire for a while before turning her gaze to Spike. “You better not die on us Spike.” She whispered to herself. They heard howling unsettlingly close and the bushes started rustling, which caused all of them to jump to attention. It was at that moment that they saw blank, featureless green eyes staring back at them, and a pack of Timberwolves emerged from the bushes. There were about ten in total, all looking hungry and ready to strike. They turned their gaze to Spike, who looked like easy prey in his weakened state. “Of all the rotten luck.” Ember grumbled as she readied the Scepter in her hands. “Make sure they don’t get Spike!” “Come get some!” Garble taunted as the two groups began to clash. The Dream: Spike woke suddenly when he smelled something burning. He recognized his surroundings as Sweetie Belle’s house as he got up and ran to where the smell was coming from. He saw her in the kitchen putting out whatever she was trying to cook. She just groaned and turned to give him a blank stare as he tried to hold back a laugh at her cooking attempt. “Don’t laugh.” She said as she walked over and plopped her head sadly into his chest. “I was gonna surprise you with breakfast when you woke up. Y’know, do something nice.” “Well I was technically surprised by the breakfast so, mission accomplished?” He asked cheekily as she pouted angrily before giving him a sassy smile. “You’re lucky you’re cute, or else I’d have hit you for that.” “My charm is natural armor, what can I say?” Spike asked with a toothy grin. Sweetie Belle playfully shoved him as they both started laughing and play wrestling, eventually landing on the couch. Sweetie Belle snuggled her face into the crook of his neck as he held her close. They just sat there for a minute, being content in each other’s presence before the medallion Spike wore around his neck started blinking. “That seems important. Does Twilight need you for something?” Sweetie Belle asked as she noticed the medallion. Spike lifted his head up and saw it as well before rolling his eyes and taking it off, setting it on a table to the side. “It’s probably just boring dignitary work. I think she’ll live if I take some time to live a normal life for once.” He responded. He looked concerned when Sweetie Belle got up and moved to look out her window, seeing ponies looking at each other slightly paranoid. “Hey, you ok? What’s wrong?” “Things have been getting pretty scary out there lately Spike. It’s like everypony’s going insane. Pony turning against pony. I’m just worried is all.” Spike pulled her into a loving hug and gave her a kiss on the forehead. “Everything will be alright. We’ve dealt with this sort of thing before, and we can do it again.” He looked her directly in the eyes. “And I promise that nothing bad is gonna happen to you or anypony else, not while I’m here.” “Thanks Spike. I really needed that.” Sweetie Belle said as they shared a kiss. As they pulled apart, Spike gave her a smile. “How’s about breakfast? I’ll cook this time.” She lightly smacked him on the arm with her hoof as he went to the kitchen laughing. As he started to make the food, he could have sworn he saw something out of the corner of his eye as the same voice from before filled the room. “So this is where you were. At least your happiness was tended to while Equestria burned.” They suddenly heard a huge explosion and the sound of screaming coming from outside. Spike and Sweetie Belle went outside to check it out and saw a large plume of smoke coming from Canterlot, and Spike found the dream going black again. Real World: The Timberwolves had all been dealt with, and the three dragons stood there panting from the intense fight they just had. Ember slumped against the tree and slid down to a sitting position as she caught her breath, looking over to see Garble and Smolder also taking a breather. “Alright hey, we did it. Awesome work guys.”Smolder wheezed out with a thumbs up as she was still catching her breath. “You think that was the last of them? Don’t want any sneaking up on us in the middle of the night.” Garble asked as he checked on Spike, whose condition hadn’t really changed. “We should be fine for now. Let’s try to get some rest. We’ve got a long day tomorrow.” Ember said as she got up and planted the Scepter into the ground. Smolder looked over Spike again, seeing him pinching his eyes shut tighter and clenching his jaw before she curled up next to the fire. Garble took a seat next to Ember and looked up to the sky as he tapped softly on his drums. “Hadn’t noticed it before, but it’s a pretty nice night isn’t it?” Ember didn’t say anything and just conked her head onto Garble’s shoulder. “Worried about Spike?” “He did it to protect me, Gar. I’d feel terrible if we lost him.” Ember replied, showing genuine vulnerability in that moment. “He’s tough. He’ll pull through.” Garble reassured her. “You’re not worried?” She asked. Garble stopped playing on his drums for a moment and sighed. “To be honest, I’m terrified. We’re really in uncharted territory now, and we’ve gotta rely on this magic water to save the guy I can say is my first real friend. And all this time I’ve been trying to keep it under control to make it easier on you. Huh, and after that lecture I gave Smolder about not hiding your problems.” “I’d say we’ve all got a ways to go in that regard. We’ve gotta be able to lean on each other when times get tough.” Ember said as she wrapped her arms around Garble. “Spike really did have an effect on all of us didn’t he?” Garble asked as he put his arm around her and rested his chin on her head. “Sure did. If it wasn’t for him, I don’t think you and I would have happened either.” Ember responded with a smile. They pulled away and looked each other in the eye. “Best thing that ever happened to me.” He told her as they kissed and then cuddled into each other for the night. As dawn’s first light peaked over the horizon, the dragons set out once more, determined to make it to Gaea’s Grove in time to save Spike. They traveled for what felt like hours, and the woodland got thicker and thicker, to the point where they could barely see the sun. Smolder checked on Spike’s wound and saw that it had spread even more. He looked like he was in excruciating pain, clenching his jaw tighter than ever before. “Hang on Spike. We’ll be there soon.” Smolder said softly. Garble gave his sister a reassuring squeeze on the shoulder as they continued on. “Guys, you might wanna see this.” Ember called out from up ahead. Garble and Smolder hurried to join her and saw that the treeline let out into an open area surrounded by cliffs, waterfalls flowing down into a giant lakebed that shimmered with arcane light. “We made it. It’s Gaea’s Grove.” Smolder said in awe. Suddenly, Spike’s wound gave out a large pulse, causing the energy to spread even more. It now covered a large amount of the right side of his body, even up to his face. He gritted his teeth hard and groaned in pain. “Let’s get Spike into the water, quickly!” Ember ordered. Garble set him down from off his back, and all three of them picked him up now and gently submerged Spike in the water. And now, all they could do was wait to see if the waters of Gaea’s Grove lived up to the legend. The Dream: Spike opened his eyes and saw that he was back in Canterlot and saw a familiar sight, the same dream he had many times before. He hobbled towards Canterlot Castle, barely able to move. He tripped over his own feet and face planted into the dirt. “Twilight, I’m… sorry.” He choked out. “Oh you’re sorry are you?” That same voice echoed out again. Spike looked up and saw a figure standing over him. To his surprise, he saw that the figure was a shadow version of himself, who looked down on him with contempt. “Who are you?” Spike asked as he stood up slowly. “I’m you. I’m everything you’ve tried to bury all this time. The one, unavoidable truth you can never escape.” The figure responded. “What truth?” Spike asked, getting slightly agitated at the figure’s implication. “It’s like I said before, your indifference cost your family everything. You’ve been running from the truth this entire time; had you listened to Twilight’s warning, maybe this could have been prevented. All of this is your fault.” Spike suddenly felt a pulse inside and he collapsed in pain. “You say it’s your responsibility to fix this. Is it for justice, to restore peace, or just to ease your own conscious? Face it, when they needed you most, you weren’t there. And after you promised Sweetie Belle nothing bad would happen. Guess you’re not only a coward but a liar too.” Spike looked up and suddenly saw shadow versions of his other friends surrounding the shadow of himself. They all looked at him with blank, vacant eyes, almost like the living dead. “Why did you abandon us?” They all said in unison, over and over again. Spike heard it surrounding him as their words repeated. He clutched his head as it became louder and louder until it became almost unbearable. “Stop it!” He shouted as he pounded his fist into the ground, leaving a sizable crack. He felt his eyes start to well up with tears. “I… I never meant to…” His tears now flowed freely as his shadow self stood above him. “This is what you deserve, abandoner.” Spike closed his eyes and sobbed quietly. He felt the weight of his inner turmoil crashing down on him, and felt that maybe he did deserve this. Everything was starting to go black. But suddenly, he started to see images of many important figures in his life; Pinkie Pie, Applejack, Big Mac, Fluttershy, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Starlight, Trixie, Thorax, Ember, Garble, Smolder, Sweetie Belle, and finally Twilight. Their memory is what encouraged him to keep going, to keep fighting. He knew that he couldn’t afford to just let it end like this. “No, it’s not over. Not by a long shot.” He said to his shadow self as he wiped away his tears and slowly rose to his feet. “You think this’ll absolve you? That you’ll find peace?” Shadow Spike snarled. “Maybe, maybe not. But this isn’t about me, it’s about doing the right thing. It’s about putting the needs of others before my own. And Equestria needs peace again, no matter what it takes.” Spike stared down his shadow self, who looked at him with fury and spite before his anger faded and he simply scoffed. “Fine then, I’ll play along. You can play savior for as long as you want, but I’m on the inside, and I know the truth.” Real World: Spike shot upward suddenly, breaking the surface of the water and surprising his compatriots, who had been waiting patiently to see if Spike’s condition would change. “Spike!” They all said in unison as they rushed over to his side. “How do you feel?” Ember asked worriedly. Spike looked down to where his wound was and saw that it had completely healed, and that the strange purple energy was gone too. “Gotta say, I’m feeling pretty good for having almost died.” Spike said with a slight smile. All of the dragons then enveloped Spike in a big group hug. After a few moments of just taking that in, Spike felt himself get punched in the shoulder by Smolder. “Oww. What was that for?” He asked. He forgot how hard Smolder could hit. “Don’t ever do that again. You had us all worried sick!” Smolder exclaimed. Spike chuckled as he rubbed his shoulder. “I’ll do my best. Scouts honor.” He said as he put a hand over his heart and raised a two finger salute. Their collars turned on once again and they heard the voice of Luster Dawn. “Good to see you up and about again Spike.” The dragons all looked to each other in shock. “How are you able to see us? I’ve been wondering that for a while.” Spike asked. “The collars can do more than just let me talk to you. They let me see you up to a certain distance. Had you gone any farther, I wouldn’t be able to contact you like this.” Luster Dawn answered. “And you didn’t think to say anything before?” Smolder asked in an annoyed tone. “It’s more fun to surprise you with it.” She answered Smolder playfully. Her tone then got more serious. “Now, I think you have something that belongs to me.” Spike pulled out the glass orb and took a look at it. “Don’t worry Luster, you’ll get your prize.” He said before putting the orb away again. “Be sure that I do.” Luster shot back before her voice went silent again. Spike stood up and stretched out, still a bit sore from the entire ordeal. He thought back on his journey through his memories, his reckoning with his own demons. He had to admit, his resolve was shaken for a bit. He did feel like just giving up and being done with this whole quest. But that would have been an insult to the memory of his friends, to Equestria, and everything it stood for. Equestria used to be a beacon of hope. And we’ll make sure that it will be again. “You good to go Spike? If you need to, we can rest a bit.” Ember asked, still a bit concerned over his condition. “I’m good. Let’s get this thing back already.” He said as he waved the glass orb in his hand. “And, thanks. You know, for going to such lengths for me.” “It’s what friends do. In times like this, we need to be there for each other more than ever.” Ember told him with a smile as they prepared to set out yet again. It was a long journey, but the group finally made it back to Klugetown. The streets bustled with all sorts of creatures going about their business, with them even seeing some of the guards escorting a cage that had a bugbear thrashing around inside. They made their way to the giant tower in the center of the city, taking the elevator up to Luster Dawn’s office. The elevator doors opened to reveal that same office room they visited before, and Luster Dawn with her chair turned around facing away from them. “So, guess I didn’t need those collars after all.” She told them as she turned around to face them. “Be honest Luster. The exploding collar thing was a bluff, wasn’t it? You weren’t actually gotta blow our heads off if we failed were ya?” Spike asked as he raised an eyebrow. “Maybe, maybe not. Be grateful you never had to find out.” She told him, her tone suddenly going ice cold, indicating that she may not have been bluffing after all, which actually made the dragons a little nervous. “But that’s all in the past now. So, my item?” “First things first lady. Collars. Off.” Smolder said as she crossed her arms and glared at Luster Dawn. She simply smirked and pressed a button that released the collars from around their necks, causing them to drop to the floor. Spike pulled out the glass orb and set it on her desk. “So, what’s it do?” Garble piped up. Luster motioned for them to follow as she led them to a secret room in her office. Inside, there was a contraption that had cables and wires everywhere and a pedestal in the center where Luster placed the glass orb. “This item you retrieved for me is a Scrying Eye, and it was the final component I needed to upgrade my surveillance system. When combined with this contraption, I can see all the way to Yakyakistan, Farasi, or even Mount Metazoa. There’s almost nowhere my sight can’t reach now.” She explained to the dragons. “Ok Luster, we honored our part of the agreement. Your turn.” Spike said as his brow furrowed. “Right, your mystery alicorn.” Luster said, not looking away from her contraption. “Honestly, there wasn’t much to find. She’s almost a complete mystery. But my spies did manage to get a name; Opaline.” Spike’s hands clenched into fists as he heard the name. The other dragons could tell he was doing his best to keep his emotions in check. “Any chance that Scrying Eye can find where she’s holed up at?” Ember asked. Luster Dawn thought it over for a moment. “I suppose I could use it to look. But this is the only freebie you get. Anything beyond this, and we’ll have to talk payment.” Luster started up the device, and metal rings began to whirl around the Scrying Eye, harnessing and amplifying its power. Eventually, the Eye revealed an image of an alicorn with deep purple fur, covered in a dark cloak and looking as though she was talking to someone. The Eye changed to reveal that she was speaking to a dragon with dark red scales and orange eyes. They appeared to be making some sort of deal, and Ember looked furious. “Snapjaw, that traitor!” She fumed, looking like she was about to take someone’s head off. “Come on, we’ve gotta get to the Dragon Lands so I can teach that good for nothing traitor a lesson!” “Why would Snapjaw ally with this Opaline pony? What’s he get out of it?” Smolder asked with a puzzled expression. “Oh believe me, I intend to find out.” She was still seething but Garble was attempting to calm her down. “Wait. Before you go, take these.” Luster Dawn told them as she motioned to four of those strange handheld devices. Spike picked one up and examined it. “What is it?” He asked, having the strangest feeling he had seen them before. “It’s a communication device. If you touch the screen, it turns on.” Luster told him. Spike did as instructed and the screen lit up with a bunch of strange icons. “How did you come up with something like this?” He asked her. “Before Equestria’s fall, I got a chance to meet your friend on the other side of the mirror. I found their devices fascinating, and decided to take a crack at making some of my own.” Luster Dawn answered with pride. Spike suddenly remembered who she was referring to. “Oh yeah, Sunset Shimmer! Haven’t been to that place in a while. Wonder if I’d be a bigger dog if I crossed over now.” Spike wondered aloud. “I’m sorry, what?” Smolder asked as she looked completely dumbfounded by his strange statement. “Long story, I’ll tell you later. Anyways, I think we outta get going. Sounds like we’ve got some business to attend to.” Spike said as he took the remaining three devices and handed them off to his companions. Spike thought back to his conversation with his shadow self, and his brow furrowed. It’s not about me. It’s about making things right. Pushing his thoughts to the side, he and his companions set out for the Dragon Lands, determined to get as much information as possible out of Snapjaw about the mysterious pony named Opaline, and hopefully learn more about her ultimate goal in the process.