//------------------------------// // Chapter 1 - Rogue on the Moon // Story: The Rogue Stallion // by darkangel_31314 //------------------------------// Chapter 1 - Rogue on the Moon He heard her before he saw her. She wafted past, just outside his bedroom door; a black cloud with golden eyes, just like every time he saw his captor. However, this time something was wrong. She was nearly manifested into reality. She limped, she cursed, and she wasn't supposed to be here. He chuckled at this sight which only served to draw her attention. With a tendril of nighttime sky she opened the door all the way and glared at him. "What are you laughing at, Foal?" She demanded of him with narrow, hate-filled golden eyes. "Oh, nothing as usual... my Queen..." He responded, heavy with sarcasm. He knew how to press her buttons after a year of being imprisoned on this rock. She scoffed at him, glaring. "What? I didn't expect to see you again. You know, 'getting a whole new body' and 'getting my revenge on that little princess and her friends' and all that stuff. Heh heh heh. And here I thought you intended to leave me here." "I did. There were... complications..." She hissed in pain. He could only smile. "Well now... seems that 'my chosen' was too much for you, eh?" He chuckled again, referring to a pretty, violet mare that the Nightmare had abducted, brainwashed, used her to kidnap him, then used her for a nefarious plan to give the Nightmare a new body. Obviously, that plan had failed. "Silence this insolence!" She hissed and slapped him across the face with a forehoof. He recoiled, the chain leashing him to the bed clattering as he fell back against it. He wasn't surprised, however. He'd gotten used to this long ago. He merely spat a bit of blood to one side and grinned. "Oh my... I expected better from you, Queeny. Seems she did manage to break free of the brainwashing?" That earned him another backhoof. Once again, he chuckled weakly. "Come now, you should have expected it. You brainwashed her, you forced her on me..." He grinned. "How does the foal look? A pretty filly like you wanted?" Instead of crying in pain, he merely laughed as the Nightmare proceeded to take out her frustration on him. She hit him a few more times for good measure before finally letting out another roar of anger and vanishing in a flash of black cloud. He lay there, nursing a hurt jaw, but he was also smiling. It seemed the Nightmare had underestimated the mare. The Nightmare was hurt and angry, and this meant she was now weak. That meant it was now nearing time for him to escape. He was already working on plans. To escape... to find his mare... With the Nightmare distracted by her injuries, it was easy to sneak a few pieces of metal left behind for a thousand years. These he used to undo his shackles once the enchantments wore off. Seems the Nightmare was so distracted she forgot to redo them. Her loss... Eventually, it was several days between visits. He took this time to snoop around the castle. He'd eventually come to know the main levels like the back of his hoof. He already knew a bit of the layout from when she used him to do some odd deeds as well as care for the purple mare. These random walks allowed him to map out the area, and some months ago, learn that his prison was located on the Moon. How that was even remotely possible was beyond him. How the Nightmare had gotten him there after abducting him and the mare... He shook his head, refusing to think about the past. Especially of his time in a Guard unit in Marelin, when he first saw the beautiful mare. At that time he didn't know she was being mind controlled by the Nightmare, and that she had selected him for his magical abilities and physical form. The mare had been used to select and steal him away for her plans involving said mare. He couldn't blame her, she was being controlled and used. Even as he plotted his escape, he worried about that mare. The Nightmare had sent her off when her time was near. He indeed knew of the damned ghost's plans concerning her - 'Her Evilness' was quite boastful about them - so why did she come back without the mare or the foal? Why come back at all? He shook his head, remembering the brief times they had together, especially when she was lucid enough to realize what was going on. She was able to give her name - Twilight Sparkle - but not much else before the Nightmare resumed control to use her, again and again. If he could, he'd break the Nightmare's jaw. If he could get off this rock and back to Equestria, he had long ago decided to do whatever it took to find Twilight. Getting off would be a problem. Fortunately for him, fate knocked. A flash down a side corridor drew his attention during one of his secret forays into the castle, more than a month after the Nightmare's failed mission. Immediately into his mind four words came to the front: Survival. Evasion. Resistance. Escape. The four-steps a soldier should take when trapped behind enemy lines, as he was now. He crouched, relying on his training to help him avoid detection as he slipped forward to investigate the disturbance. What he did find was disturbing. The Nightmare. Her colors were off, lighter, and she was smaller. She looked around the room she had appeared in, kicking things over and grumbling to herself. The cutie mark was a crescent-moon on a splash of nighttime black so it was definitely her. She was apparently weaker than he originally thought, having managed a physical form. He pondered slipping back to his bed before being discovered, but he noticed her building up magic. He could sense the teleportation spell - a big one. This was his chance! He grinned and timed his move. At the moment his horn could sense the initiation spell, he pounced, latching onto her with all four hooves. "GOTCHA!" She recoiled in surprise, and released the spell. They vanished. The two re-appeared in another room. He immediately punched her. Her decision to adopt a physical form was the opening he needed, and allowed the blow to land true, knocking her senseless. So, just to be sure, he hit her again to put her down for the count. "Should've checked up on me more." He laughed down at her, then looked about the bedroom they had appeared in. The moon motif was rather tacky, but he couldn't be choosy and thus began ransacking the joint, looking for supplies, or anything he could use to escape before she woke up. A door opened nearby. A dark Night Guard stood there. The two stallions blinked. They reacted at the same time. At the same instant the two charged each other; the stallion faking one way before sliding under his opponent's left wing. He didn't even turn before he bucked, striking the Night Guard in the groin. It was a low blow, but being held prisoner and in the midst of an escape attempt was a desperate situation. When in a desperate situation, one had to fight dirty. He quickly turned and put down the stunned guard with a blow to the gap between the helmet and the neck piece. Good thing too as another appeared. He waited patiently for the second stallion to charge, before striking out with a forehoof at the last possible moment, landing a square blow onto the bat-winged pony's nose, sending him sliding back into a wall, out cold. "Looks like my time's running out..." He muttered and gathered the few items he had located so far into a pair of saddlebags. He secured the guard's weapons for himself, hiding them under the saddlebags. He knew he had to move quickly if he was hoping for a chance to escape. A nearby window and balcony gave a teasing glimpse over a city. He was back on Equestria! "... this ...was unexpected..." He muttered to himself. So the Nightmare was still able to move between the Moon and Equestria? Perhaps she hadn't failed as badly as she had let on. This made it more imperative to find Twilight and their foal, as quickly as possible. He selected a point and used a teleportation spell to get him to the ground. Slipping past both gold and black-clad guards, he made his way out of the castle grounds and into an ally. He wasn't sure what city he was in, but it resembled the descriptions of Canterlot he had gotten. Why the buck was the Nightmare in Canterlot? This was serious. He needed to find Twilight, and find out what in Tartarus was going on. Unfortunately, he had no clue where to start. The Nightmare didn't give her a chance to say where she lived or where she was going to end up. That meant that there was one way he could find her. He took out a small knife, a piece of paper, and a gold chain he had taken from the Nightmare's room. He lay the paper out, and used the knife to prick one of his legs. He let the blood drop onto the paper, along with some ash from a brazier he passed, a couple of other items, stirred with the tip of the knife. He quickly folded it around the potion into a small, tightly packaged arrow before it could soak in or dry. Using his magic he threaded the thin gold chain around it, and suspended it in the air before him, dangling from a forehoof. Then, he worked the spell he'd learned during his training in tracking fugitives, careful to ensure his own self was omitted from the equation. The basics of the divination spell was that using something of the target, a certain spell could be used to track somepony, the charm always pointing toward that pony. Hopefully, the target that held his blood would be in close proximity to Twilight, especially after the mental conditioning the Nightmare put the poor mare through. It was his only chance. After finishing the spell, he gave the charm a spin with a forehoof and it settled to point to the southwest. He slowly turned in a full circle, holding it up; sure enough, it continued to point in that direction. "Excellent..." He whispered, and put the charm around his neck. It was time to begin his journey. ..... "ALARM!" The shout rang out through the upper towers of Canterlot Palace. Guards began rushing to and fro, checking their assigned areas for intruders, and securing important passageways. In one of the highest towers of the palace, Rainbow Dash charged down a hallway with the squadron she had been preparing to move to Ponyville, close at the heels of Princess Celestia. They burst through a set of open doors to behold a pair of elite Lunar Guard checking over an unconscious Princess Luna who lay sprawled in the midst of her bedchamber along with two bruised guards. "What happened here?" The Solar Diarch demanded. "We saw the door guards were not at their post and investigated. We found them like this, your Majesty." One of the night Pegasus quickly reported. Rainbow Dash stepped forward and checked the Princess. "Bruising. She got clocked real good. Any idea where the attacker went?" "No, Lieutenant." "Lock down the palace. I want it searched, top to bottom!" The conscious Alicorn barked at two of the Solar Guard whom accompanied her. As they saluted and went to obey, Dash looked around the room. "Something's not right... this wasn't an Assassination attempt." "What do you mean?" Celestia asked. "After knocking her and the guards out, there is no other injury. Plenty here to cause harm." She stepped over to a nearby writing table with all its drawers open. "This place is ransacked. They were looking for something." She tapped the Princess' fallen crown with an armored forehoof. "... something specific." The dark Alicorn groaned, and sat up. "Sister! Are you all right?" Princess Luna murmured and rubbed her chin. "I'll be all right... just got surprised, that's all..." "What happened, Princess? Did you get a good look at them?" Rainbow Dash walked up. "No... but it was a Stallion..." She blinked. "A Stallion!" Her eyes shot open. "I went to the Moon, to ensure the Nightmare was truly imprisoned there... but when I was teleporting back, a Stallion jumped on me from nowhere. When we materialized, he knocked me out!" "A Stallion? On the moon?" Celestia looked aghast. Rainbow Dash could only frown at the implications. "Yes... " Luna looked around at the mess he had caused. Celestia stepped over to the balcony and looked out across Canterlot. In the distance, flickering on one by one, were the lights of Ponyville. "... A stallion... and he's on the loose... " The co-ruler of Equestria scowled. "Lieutenant!" She spun to glare at Rainbow Dash. "You need to deploy at once to Ponyville." ..... The following morning found Twilight Sparkle sitting on Granny Smith's rocking chair on the front porch of the farmhouse. The old mare had finally passed, but the chair had found a new use with the home's new (hopefully temporary) tenant. The new mother, and curled against her the adorable daughter with the nighttime blue fur and silver mane streaked with purple whom slept silently. Twilight could only relax and smile as she watched Applejack bark orders at a couple of farmhands who seemed to have trouble figuring out where a cart of apples needed to be pulled to. Among the shouts was something along the lines of; "If'n I didn't have a bum leg I'd smack you all aside and move the darn thing m'uself! But then again, if'n I didn't have a bum leg we would'na need to hire the likes of you!" "Heh... she may be handicapped, but she is still Applejack." The unicorn smiled recalling how not long after she first met the farmer, with her sister too young and brother laid up with a busted rib, the Earth Pony was determined to harvest the entire crop by herself rather than ask for help. A flutter of feathers and a rush of air announced the arrival of a Pegasus. "Good morning, Twilight." Came a sweet voice. "Good morning, Fluttershy." The voices awoke the filly who smiled up at the butter-coated Pegasus doctor who trotted up to sit by them. "And good morning to you too, Moonlight. How are we today?" "We are cranky." Twilight caressed her daughter with a smirk. "Can't sleep more than a few hours at a time without needing some attention." "They are all like that for the first few months. She will eventually get her own sleeping schedule worked out." Fluttershy said, dropping a pair of saddlebags nearby. "Hi Flutters!" Pinkie poked her head from the front door. "Still got some grub left if you want some!" "Oh, sure! I only had a bagel before checking in at the office. I'll be glad, that is, if you don't mind." "Of course, anything for a friend!" The pink pony quickly ducked back inside. After a moment, Fluttershy glanced at the new mother. "And how's she?" "Better." Twilight gave a weak smile. "Refuses to leave me alone for a moment unless I'm within earshot. Treats me as a foal just as much as Moonlight." "It may take awhile, but she'll get over it. Pinkie just got you back, I doubt she'd let you go easily." Another pause. "And what about you?" "..." Twilight gently rocked back and forth, cradling her daughter. "... It's... I guess it's still is sinking in. The fact I'm a mother, the fact my friends are still getting back together. And the memories are still jumbled blurs. With no reference point I don't know where to start sorting them." Fluttershy placed a hoof on her shoulder. "We're here for you, Twilight." "Thanks." Twilight smiled back as another, louder flapping could be heard. To everyone's surprise, a full squadron of Pegasus Guards landed in the yard. Their leader tore off her helmet with an angry scowl. "Come on, kids! I used to do that kind of hump in my sleep! And hold down two full-time jobs at the same time! You heard the Princess, this is a combat assignment, but don't think I'm gonna let your training slack! We're gonna work on that endurance!" "Hay, Rainbow. I knew you were a weather manager, so what was the other job?" Twilight smirked. "Why, being awesome!" She trotted up to the porch. "That alone is worth overtime." "I thought you weren't supposed to be here until this afternoon." Fluttershy asked. Rainbow's face fell. "Princess Luna was attacked last night, while checking to ensure the Nightmare was firmly locked away on the moon." "Oh, dear!" The doctor put a hoof to her mouth. "Is she all right?" Twilight asked in concern. "She got clocked real good on the chin, but otherwise she's fine." The guard officer sighed, then looked aside. "Rainbow..." Twilight glared. "There's something you're not telling me." "... it was a Stallion." There was silence, before Twilight barked; "A WHAT?" "A stallion." Rainbow confessed. "Possibly a Unicorn, judging by the way he ransacked the Princess' chambers before vanishing on us. He jumped on her as she was teleporting back, using her to escape from the Moon." She explained slowly. "We don't know his story, if he's another of the Nightmare's ploys, or another brainwashed slave. He good, I'll grant him that. He beat up two of the Lunar Guards during his escape without breaking a sweat. Princess Celestia wanted us here watching you early in case he is bad news." She plopped her helmet back on her head and turned toward her squadron. "Okay, kiddos!" The half dozen guards immediately snapped to attention. "Squadron C.P. will be right here!" She marched back and forth in front of them. "I want a full perimeter sweep of this farm, by the numbers. I want to know the location of every pony, cow, pig, dog, tree, rock, fence post, what-have-you, I want to know who, what, where, and a description of them, and I want it by the book! Now, hop to it!" The guards scattered to obey. "Seems like you've taken well to being a guard officer, Rainbow." Twilight smiled and resumed rocking. "Yeah, well, not that different from training a group of civilian Pegasus to make a tornado." She smiled in return. Pinkie emerged with a plate balanced on her head with slices of apple and three glasses of orange juice. Somehow, she knew Rainbow Dash would be showing up. Looks like her Pinkie Sense is coming back in strength. As Twilight took the glass offered to her in her telekinetic field, her mind went to the Stallion that escaped from the moon. Could he be the one? She looked at her daughter who watched the guards circle the farm. More importantly... could he be a danger to Moonlight?