Quest for Harmony

by SonicSpeedster97

Strange New World

The first thing Sunset felt was a cool summer wind, fresh grass brushing against her neck… and a throbbing pain in her head. “Ugh… ow…” she groaned as she reached up and gripped her forehead in pain. “Oh, what just happened?” She finally forced herself to sit up, which only made her headache worse… and saw she was wearing an unfamiliar set of tall black leather boots and a pair of bright teal pants. “What the…?”
A small lock of her red and yellow hair suddenly fell into her field of vision, and she really didn’t need to deal with that right now, so she brushed it behind her ear… and froze; her human ears had never felt this pointy. Then it hit her: she wasn’t human; she’d somehow been transformed into an elf. Promptly leaping to her feet, she saw she was wearing a deep purple sorceress mantle with a black collar and an orange and gold-bordered train in the back. She looked next to her and saw a bright gold, red, and purple metal staff in the grass then she touched her face and felt a small gold coronet with a bright red crystal on her forehead… exactly as she’d designed her character for the DnD campaign.
Quickly she grabbed up her staff and saw the other girls around her on the ground, all looking like their characters as well as they pulled themselves up, all equally disoriented.
Twilight was wearing bright purple wizard’s robes with a dull blue shirt and a heavy tome strapped to her hip and a gnarled wooden staff with a crystal orb in the top… but what really stuck out were the highly visible pointed ears on her head; not as prominently pointed as Sunset’s, but enough to show she wasn’t totally human. And writhing on the ground next to her, clear from the purple and green coloration of his scales, was Spike in his pseudodragon form for the game; subtly different from the appearance of his counterpart from Equestria, but still clearly Draconic.
Applejack still had her Stetson and leather boots, but beyond that, her wardrobe was totally different; she was wearing bunched denim pants tied with an old rope and a white Viking-style shirt with a bright green neckline, with a spear and bundle of javelins strapped to her back, a lasso strapped to her hip, and a heavy warhammer near her hand.
Fluttershy wore an interesting set of leather armor that looked like tightly wrapped leaves with a wooden teardrop shield on one arm and a staff in her other hand that looked like a still living tree branch, with her own pointed elven ears poking out from under a wreath of holly.
Pinkie was wearing a bright pink jester outfit with blue and white striped pants, yellow boots and gloves with a small hammer on her hip and a gold amethyst ring on her left index finger, though she was especially short and had more broad pointed ears, making it clear she was a gnome just as she’d intended.
Rainbow Dash wore a thick suit of bright blue chainmail that clinked and rattled as she moved, along with the javelins on her back and the shortswords at her hips, a glimmering golden sun amulet hanging at her chest, and bright blue feathered wings on her boots’ ankles.
Rarity was dressed in a fancy deep purple dueler’s coat over a white collared shirt with a purple strap holding a quiver of silver-fletched arrows and an ornate bow made of bleached white wood on her back, while an ornate silver basket-hilt rapier and white leather bullwhip hung at her hips, elven ears similar to Sunset’s standing through her hair.
Almost immediately, they all started freaking out as they saw their new garb and attributes, but Pinkie Pie seemed to be really enjoying it more than any of the others. “Okay whoa, what just happened?” asked Spike, more than surprised he was now a pseudodragon.
“Where are we?” asked Applejack.
“At a guess? Inside the game.” Sunset pointed out, gesturing to everyone’s outfits and equipment.
It was only now that Rainbow saw her chainmail and swords with their gold pommels and cross guards. “Ho-ho, awesome!” She smiled and immediately drew them both, looking at the clean steel blades glimmering in the morning sun.
“This doesn’t make any sense; how are we in my brother’s game?” asked Twilight.
“Best guess? I saw some sort of Equestrian Magic hit the die when he rolled it.” Sunset shrugged. “I don’t understand what it did, but it must’ve opened some sort of portal to this world.”
“So how do we get back?” asked Spike.
“Why would you want to? I mean, look at us!” Rainbow smiled, swinging her swords around; they were weighted perfectly in her hands. “We. Look. Awesome!”
“Well yeah, but aren’t you the least bit curious as to why this happened?” Sunset pointed out. “Because that’s probably really important.”
“Sure, but it’s nothing we can’t handle.” Rainbow smiled. “I saw all our characters’ stats; with that and our superpowers, we can handle this without even trying.”
That suddenly made Sunset realize something; this entire time, she hadn’t felt the weight of her geode around her neck at all this whole time. Quickly she checked and realized she wasn’t even wearing it. “Wait, does everyone else have their geodes?” she said, seemingly panicked.
“What are you talking about? Of course, we do; mine’s right-” Rainbow froze midsentence as she pulled back on the collar of her chainmail and didn’t see her geode. “Huh. Okay, that’s weird.” Thinking quickly, she checked her sun medallion, thinking it may have been fused with the item, but it wasn’t there either. “Uh-oh.”
The other girls quickly looked and saw that they had all lost their geodes as well. “Wha- where’d they go?” asked Applejack.
“You don’t think they were left behind when we were brought here, do you?” Rarity asked in worry.
“Maybe. But I think it would be more likely that they were scattered across this world.” Twilight theorized. “Maybe they’re weird magic relics we need to locate.”
“That’s one problem dealt with, but it still doesn’t answer how we get home.” Sunset shrugged.
“I think I read a weird story about this sorta thing online once.” Pinkie smiled jovially. “If we finish the story of the game, we can go home.”
Sunset looked at Pinkie in confusion. “Where on the internet did you find that?”
“I don’t remember.” Pinkie smiled with a funny look on her face.
“Well, I suppose that’s the best idea we have so far.” Rarity shrugged. “And while I admit that I love this outfit, I would much prefer to admire it somewhere more… civilized.” She looked around at the wooded meadow the girls were in as emphasis.
“It’s not that bad.” Sunset shrugged. “Kinda reminds me of the valley Ponyville is in.”
“Yeah, but we’re not gonna have a big adventure out here.” Rainbow pointed out, finally sheathing her swords. “Everyone knows that all the best fantasy stories like these start with the heroes getting a quest at a tavern.”
“When have you ever read any fantasy stories?” Twilight asked with a raised eyebrow. “And no, Daring Do doesn’t count.”
Rainbow smirked right back. “This may come as a surprise Twilight, but I do have a life outside of you guys.” she pointed out. “It’s boring since I’m alone, but it still counts.”
“Well, it’s not like we have any better ideas.” Sunset shrugged. “We’ve gotta start looking for our geodes somewhere.”
(Spike – Perception roll Nat 20) “I don’t think we have to worry about that,” Spike remarked as he skittered up onto Twilight’s shoulder. “There’s a road over there.”
The girls all looked over and saw a dirt road not far down the hill from where they had just woken up. “Good eye, Spike.” Twilight smiled. “That’s gotta lead somewhere.” With that in mind, they grabbed the backpacks of gear scattered around their makeshift landing area and moved down the small hill toward the road.
But they didn’t really see anything when they reached the road. “Okay… now what?” Rainbow asked.
(Fluttershy - Survival roll 13) Fluttershy found herself drawn to the dirt of the path and noted several sets of tracks. “Um, I think it’s this way,” she noted, pointing up the road leading over a smaller hill.
“How can you tell?” Rainbow asked.
“Um, well, these wheel-marks are really worn into the road,” Fluttershy noted, pointing to the tracks in question.
“Only one place they could be goin’.” Applejack agreed.
“Well, we have our heading.” Rarity nodded, holding her hand out. “Shall we?”
“Let’s.” Sunset smiled as the girls started hiking up the road. From the top of the hill, they could see a small modest-looking hamlet in the valley next to a small brook… though it did appear unusually quiet.
(Twilight Sparkle – Insight roll 9) Twilight couldn’t quite put her finger on it, but something about this village didn’t feel right to her. “Everyone watch yourselves; I’ve got a bad feeling about this.” she cautioned.
As the group wandered down the hill, they could see why Twilight was concerned; the town looked trashed, with smashed crates and overturned carts everywhere. “So much for civilized,” Rainbow remarked to Rarity.
“Hello? Anybody here?” Applejack called out, though as far as she could see, this town was abandoned.
Pinkie quickly popped up near a small stand. “Nobody here!” she said jovially as she popped all over town. “Or here. Or here! Or here, or here, or here!” Suddenly she stopped in front of Sunset and examined a rock. “Wait……” She tipped the rock up and then shook her head. “Nope! This place is empty!”
Sunset just rolled her eyes and looked around. “What happened here?”
“I’m not sure I wanna know.” Rainbow shrugged.
“Well, can we at least find some shelter? I feel strangely vulnerable out here.” Rarity pointed out.
(Fluttershy – Perception roll 10) (Rainbow Dash – Perception roll 14) That got Fluttershy nervous as she looked around as if expecting something to jump out and attack at any time. Rainbow looked around too, and the two definitely saw some movement heading out of town, but Rainbow saw it clearer; it was a dark figure in a cloak holding something close that was struggling. “I’m with Rarity; we’d better get off the streets,” she noted. “Which way to the tavern?”
“Not sure. Spike, scout ahead.” Twilight ordered simply, prompting her pseudodragon to flit from her shoulder on his leathery wings… and immediately faceplant into the mud.
He pulled his face up and spat the mud out, scrapping it off his scaly muzzle. “Sorry; still trying to get the hang of these things.” he shrugged and tried again, flapping his wings harder as he slowly took to the air. It took a lot of effort, but he eventually made it up above the roofs of the village. He looked around cautiously and indeed saw a rather large building with a sign hanging over the door a few buildings down from the center of town.
(Spike – Perception Roll 16) Quickly Spike swooped down toward the girls and glided over the road. “Follow me!” he called as he flew onward, the girls quickly racing after him through the streets.
Rainbow couldn’t help but groan as she felt her chainmail rattle against her. “Man, why’d I choose this suit? Everyone in town’s gonna hear us coming from a mile away,” she remarked in annoyance.
“Better that than dead, I guess.” Applejack shrugged before the group stopped in front of the tavern; it was a modest place but remarkably filthy on the outside.
Sunset looked up at the sign over the door and noticed the place’s name. “The Gray Prince… Hm. Nice name.” she shrugged and knocked on the door. “Hello? Anyone here?”
Rainbow heard a loud clicking from inside the tavern and quickly saw through a broken window that a crossbow was pointing at her. “Get down!” Quickly she jumped to Sunset’s side just as the bolt fired, bouncing off her mail and causing a bad stinging pain right on her left shoulder blade. “Gah!” (??? Attack Roll 17 w/ heavy crossbow – Rainbow Dash AC 16 – damage roll 1 – Rainbow Dash -1 – 10hp)
“Rainbow!” Sunset yelled in worry as her prismatic friend fell to the ground, her sun medallion glimmering in the light.
Almost immediately, the crossbow inside the tavern dropped to the floor with a loud crash prompting Rarity to draw her rapier and point it at the window. “I would strongly suggest an explanation.” she insisted.
There was intense hushed muttering from inside the tavern until the door was opened. “Please forgive my son; he doesn’t know better in situations like this.” the old woman assured.
“Ugh. Yeah well, I’d probably be more receptive if I could lay down.” Rainbow groaned in pain at her shoulder as Rarity sheathed her rapier.
“Of course. Please come in.” the old lady smiled and allowed the girls into the tavern… where a large group of people was apparently hiding; mostly men and older women though a few younger girls were hiding in the back, and probably more than could reasonably fit in a building like this.
Rainbow didn’t seem to mind much as she sat at a table and fiddled with her chainmail, finally managing to take it off and reveal the simple pale blue shirt and breaches under it. “Gah. Man, that hurt.” she groaned.
“My deepest apologies.” a young man’s voice said next to her. Rainbow looked and was actually impressed; this guy was actually kinda cute with his curly ginger hair and brown eyes… though the crossbow in his hand and quiver at his hip did kinda mess with the image. “If I’d known you were a paladin of Pelor, I would never have shot you.”
Rainbow seemed confused. “‘Pelor’?”
“Your medallion.” the man noted, pointing to the sun charm at her neck. “That is the holy symbol of the Dawnfather Pelor; god of the sun, is it not?”
Rainbow was surprised; she didn’t remember choosing any god when she made her character, but if Pelor was well-respected enough for people like this guy to apologize for attacking her, she was happy. “Oh, where are my manners? I’m Maccus.” the young man introduced himself.
Rainbow smiled and shook his hand. “Rainbow Dash.”
Maccus appeared confused by the name but shrugged. “Well, welcome to the town of Impekka. Or what’s left of it anyway.”
“Yeah, what’s going on here anyway?” Twilight asked as she adjusted her glasses.
“For the last few weeks, our town has been under siege from bandits camped in the Saubalt Forests east of here.” Maccus’ mother explained, pointing out in the direction of the forest. “You arrived right as their latest raid ended.”
“Well, Ah s’pose that explains why they’re so jumpy.” Applejack shrugged to Rarity quietly, who simply nodded in agreement.
“Well, from the looks of things on our way in, they bled you dry a while ago,” Rainbow noted as she looked out the window at the devastated village. “Why’d they come back?” No one answered; they all just looked around balefully.
(Sunset Shimmer – Insight Roll 18) It didn’t take long for Sunset to figure it out. “The town’s girls…” she reasoned simply, earning looks of shock and disgust from her friends.
“Yes.” Maccus sighed sadly. “They came seeking ‘pleasurable company’, as their leader put it. They rounded up nearly half the young women in town. Those who escaped have gathered here, but we’re still missing a few stragglers. Including my sister Eva.”
Rainbow’s eyes popped as she remembered that struggling form heading out of town… in the direction of the bandits’ camp. Without even thinking twice about it, she pulled her chainmail back on, ignoring the pain in her shoulder as she stood up. “How many bandits are there?”
Her question surprised Maccus as he looked at his mother in confusion. “Uh… at least thirteen, plus their captain. Why?” he asked.
“Why do you think? We’re gonna go handle ‘em.” Rainbow insisted as she slung her gear bag onto her back… cringing at the pain in her shoulder.
“Not like that you’re not.” an older man said as he walked over, carrying a small metal club with the same sun symbol on the top as Rainbow’s medallion and wearing priestly robes.
(Acolyte casts Cure Wounds – Rainbow Dash +1HP – 11HP) He set his hand on Rainbow’s shoulder and a warm light glowed under his fingers, instantly soothing the pain until it seemed as though it didn’t happen at all. “Whoa. Thanks, man.”
The priest simply bowed his head. “Always happy to help a Sister of the Dawnfather’s Faith.” he smiled. “Though I am surprised you didn’t simply heal yourself.”
Rainbow was confused by that… until she remembered Paladins could heal. “Uh… I only really joined the faith the other day.” she shrugged. “Still kinda getting the hang of my powers.”
“Perfectly reasonable.” the priest nodded. “Well, I feel I speak for us all when I wish you luck. May Pelor’s Dawn light your way.”
“Thank you, Father.” Twilight nodded as the girls all slipped out of the tavern.
“Well… looks like we got our first quest.” Applejack smiled.
“Not exactly what I had been expecting, but I must admit; this will definitely be enjoyable.” Rarity smiled as she gripped the handle of her rapier in its sheath.
“This is gonna be so much fun!” Pinkie smiled before she suddenly gasped as she realized something. “We need a name for our group!”
“Huh?” asked Sunset.
“We wanna be well-known adventurers, right? Then we need a name!” Pinkie insisted.
“A guild name couldn’t hurt.” Twilight shrugged.
“Why don’t we keep it simple and just go by the Rainbooms?” suggested Rainbow.
“Eh. Feels too obvious. And kinda confusin’.” Applejack pointed out.
“The same for calling ourselves the Wondercolts.” Sunset agreed.
“How about… the Warriors of Harmony?” Twilight suggested.
Sunset mulled the idea over in her head. In Equestria, there were the Elements of Harmony, so this seemed like a homage to the protective artifacts of Sunset's home world, as well as the geodes they sought to return to their own world. “I like it.” she smiled.
“Alright then.” Rainbow smiled as she drew her swords. “Warriors of Harmony it is. Now let’s go to work.” With that in mind, the group marched out of town toward the forest, ready to begin their adventure in this world as heroes.