//------------------------------// // 06 - Moment of Truth // Story: Dusk & Twilight Swap Places // by Cxcd //------------------------------// Dress. “Check!” Cleaned Library. “Getting there!” Set table. “Almost!” Food. “Not-so-check!” Rarity sighed. “Very, super-duper checked!” A pink menace said. “Check!” Rarity corrected herself. Time was running thin. Apparently, sewing together an entire dress with enough time to set and clean an entire library was a difficult thing to do, and nopony knew this better than the three currently residing inside. Twilight quickly galloped around the library, dusting any little last dollop of dust that she could reach without the assistance of her magic. Rarity was equally busy, setting the mood with an array of candles and making sure the fireplace was lit in just the right way, in order to douse the library with the optimal amount of light, enough to set the romantic scene. Pinkie Pie was a new hire. She had just gotten done hosting a Cutecenera and somehow still managed to find the energy to bake a meal for the very impromptu date night. Although Rarity was competent with her cooking skills, (Twilight was out of the question,) she probably wasn’t good enough to cook a meal that would make this night a night to remember. Although Pinkie was more of a confectionery cooker, her Earth-pony magic ways always seemed to apply to everything, no matter the situation. And, more importantly, she was very adept at not burning down the library. Twilight spit the feather-duster out of her mouth. “What if she doesn’t show up?” Twilight asked hurriedly, pulling a curtain closed. “What if she misunderstood me? What if she thinks I said ‘come back tomorrow’ instead of ‘tonight?’” “Then we reschedule!” Rarity raised her voice so Twilight could hear her from across the loft. She had begun straightening the spoons and forks on the dining table, making sure the cloth drooped off of the table just right. The red sofa that Rarity had passed out on the night before had been moved away and out of sight, a dining table with fancy chairs taking it’s place. It was very romantic, and Rarity missed out on it by being somepony else. If this was her, and this was what her date night looked like, she might just pass out. Again. “But all of the food waste!” Twilight huffed, throwing the curtains back open after deciding they didn’t look right. She noticed that the sun had begun dipping below the horizon. “The sun is dipping!” She shouted, running over to Rarity. Rarity didn’t have any time to react as Twilight grabbed her by her withers, shaking her quite hard. Not Apple family hard, but enough to rattle a few bolts loose up top. “She will be here any minute!” “Alright!” Rarity put her hoof on Twilight’s chest, pushing her away. “Alright.” She took a calming breath. “The sun is down… she’ll be here any minute… go get on your dress.” “Oh! Oh, right!” Twilight looked at her naked body sheepishly. She turned around, quickly galloping up the staircase and into her room… for all of the privacy it provided, which was about zero. Rarity tittered, looking up at the clock above the fireplace. Indeed, it was now six. Twilight found it much more difficult to put on a dress without magic. Putting on clothes were super easy to her, no matter the complexity. Worst comes to worst, and Twilight didn’t mind burning a little magic, she would levitate the clothes to stretch a little wider than they were supposed to, and she would teleport in. Over the past day, she had begun developing a newfound respect for Earth-ponies. Even Pegasi could use their wings like claws in order to assist with the trickier parts. Eventually, Twilight clipped on the bright star to her mane, just behind the right ear. She quickly trotted in front of her full length mirror by her bed, giving herself a little twirl. The dress was familiar in every aspect, from the way the silk danced on her body, to the way it reflected the candlelight. It was just like the one Elusive had designed for her- only fresh and brand new. Hers had been getting old. Twilight descended down the staircase, taking care to not trip on her own dress. Rarity turned around, squealing in awe at her own work. It was a beautiful dress, and Rarity practically patted herself on her own back. “It looks great, Rarity!” Twilight exclaimed. “Pshaw, it was nothing!” Rarity smiled. “Now, quickly! Go spray on some perfume!” “O-Okay!” Twilight nodded, turning around and moving her hooves as quickly as they could take her. Her hoof shoes were clinking on the floorboards, and she felt like a princess. Twilight stopped in front of the bathroom door. There, hung on the wall, was the exact same portrait she had looked at earlier today. It was darker and harder to see, but… right where Dusk was, she couldn’t help but see her own face. And for some reason, she looked a little less out of place. “Twilight!” Pinkie said, surprising Twilight. She turned around to see Pinkie balancing about four pots and pans on each of her limps. Using her one free hoof, she bounced over to the archway separating the kitchen and hallway. “You look super-duper perfect! I still can’t believe this is happening! Two of my bestest-bestest-best friends are going on a date! Ooh, this is sweeter than a cupcake!” “I-I can’t believe it’s happening, either!” Twilight said quickly. “Excuse me, she could be here any minute!” “Of course!” Pinkie returned to the kitchen, bouncing back. Twilight didn’t wait to see how it would turn out, instead slipping into the bathroom and closing the door. Crystal light bulbs lit up the bathroom in a cold white as she opened the medicine cabinet, and almost instantly realized the roadblock ahead of her. Dusk was a stallion. She was in Dusk’s library. There was a single bottle of Hatchet Body Spray. “That’s… fine.” Twilight said, sliding out the bottle and balancing it on her hoof. It wasn’t like she smelled bad, per say, but rather that dates, especially mares, smelled like flowers! Right? That’s what she read in books, anyways. She sat down on her flank, bringing her other hoof up to tap the spray nozzle. It let out a fine particulate that settled on her neck. And she almost instantly started gagging. Hatchet smelled like the combined body sweat of every hoofball player back at her blunder years of Celestia’s School for Gifted Unicorns. The level of regret she experienced when she took that first inhalation of the body spray was comparable to none. It was quite possibly the most strongest and pungent smell she had ever experienced. “Ack-ack!” She raised her hoof to cover her mouth. Instead what happened was the Hatchet that had been balancing delicately on her hoof instantly toppled over, falling into the sink with a mighty shatter. Glass shards exploded outwards, leaving an impressive amount of debris in the sink. “Shit!” The smell that started irradiating from the sink was enough to clear entire armies out. She felt the particulates enter her throat through her nose, and she began letting out awful coughs to try and dislodge the smell from her nostrils. She reached over the fumes, bravely putting her hoof into the danger zone, and turned on the sink. Instead of washing down the smell, all it did was expiate it, spreading it further around. She instantly turned it off, coughed one last time, and staggered out of the bathroom more lopsided than a drunk stallion. Pinkie was standing by the stove, completely motionless as she stared at Twilight. “All good!” Twilight said. Pinkie shrugged, going back to cooking. Twilight took a huge breath in, still smelling the body spray, and started walking back to the loft. Her dress caught on the door, and with one larger tug, it broke free. “Twilight!” Rarity greeted as her friendly face popped back up and into the loft-turned-dining room. “We’re almost done! She should be here ant-” Rarity stopped talking, her face twisting into a gruesome expression. “E-E-Eww! What in the name of Celestia’s flank is that smell?” “Hatchet Body Spray.” “Hatchet Body Sp- What in the ever-loving horsefeathers and flower petals is wrong with you?” Rarity backed up, putting a hoof against her muzzle in an attempt to block the smell. “That smells awful!” “It’s all Dusk had in his cabinet!” “Nothing is better than Hatchet! And I mean that quite literally! Nothing is better!” She started coughing, waving her hoof around in order to air out the immediate area. “Quickly! Before Rainbow gets here, go take a shower! You need to get all of that smell off of-” Twilight’s heart froze. From somewhere downstairs, the echoey sounds of a knocking door reverberated through the library. “Uh oh. Too late.” Rarity said. Twilight slowly turned around, facing the terrifying staircase. “Pinkie! It’s show time! Places!” “Show time?” Pinkie poked her head out of the kitchen archway. “Showtime! Who’s going to be the waiter?” “I’m the waiter!” “What? I want to be the waiter!” “I’m- Ugh. Twilight.” Rarity prodded the stunned mare’s shoulder. “It’s not polite to keep a lady waiting…” She teased. Twilight gulped down a newfound lump in her throat, and began trotting slowly. The bottom of the library was much better lit than the upstairs. It almost felt like a planning room before the big date, which for all intents and purposes, it was. She stopped at the top of the staircase, taking in a huge breath. Her hooves didn’t feel like cooperating. She could even see, through the intact and not shattered glass of the door, the rough and blurry outline of Rainbow. What was going to happen during dinner? What were they even going to talk about? Was Rainbow going to make the same advances towards her? Would she even be ready this time? Twilight shook her head lightly, making sure her mane was perfect. Then, she had a wicked idea. “Come in!” She shouted. There was a moment of fumbling on Rainbow’s part. She eventually twisted the door handle, swinging it inwards. Twilight bit her lip, closed her eyes, and breathed out. She began walking down the staircase. Rainbow’s jaw hit the floor as she watched Twilight. There she was, in all her glory. She didn’t look exactly the same as she did a few hours ago. Instead, she was prettied up in the dress she wore to the Gala, much like Twilight. However, it was painfully apparent that Rainbow had done the prettying up herself. The age of the dress was more than apparent by the numerous crease lines uglying up the surface. It looked like the dress wasn’t quite on right, by the shoulder looked like it was almost falling off. But she looked gorgeous. “Well… at least I know I’m not overdressed!” Rainbow stuttered. Twilight watched as Rainbow kept trying, and failing, to keep her eyes on Twilight’s neck. She reached the bottom of the dress, walking towards Rainbow and giving a little twirl, much like the one she did in front of the mirror. Rainbow took it as a sign that yes, it was okay to look. “Wow.” Rainbow said. “You look… good. Really good. I mean-” “It’s okay, Rainbow.” Twilight laughed, stopping her spin. “I think you look… hot.” “Oh, it’s okay to say that?” Rainbow rolled her eyes dramatically. “Twilight Sparkle, you are smokin’.” Twilight let out a small giggle, much to Rainbow’s amusement. “So… this is like, a date night, or something?” “You could say that…” Twilight nodded her head back. “Come on. Our waiter is waiting for us.” “Waiter?” She asked, following Twilight up the staircase, only hovering and letting her half-on dress hang uselessly below her. “We have a waiter?” “Two, if we’re lucky.” Rainbow shot a questioning gaze, but decided to not question it any further. Twilight ascended closer to her destination, passing by the kitchen. She took a cursory glance, noticing how unlike mere moments before, the kitchen was completely deserted. The only thing left was the slight fragrance of cooked noodles hanging idly in the air. Twilight gulped. She didn’t know why she was suddenly feeling nervous, but she was. “You smell really good, Twi.” Actually- she did know. She was on a date with a cute mare. Yes. Cute. That’s a word that I know. Twilight thought. She is… cute. She let a smile temporarily grace her muzzle. Twilight was the first to enter the loft area. She took a breath, trying to clear her thoughts as she took in the scene. The smell of lit candles with the distinct aura of strawberries flooded her nose as she closed her eyes, sinking in the scene. “Woah!” Rainbow said immediately, landing on the ground with a clop. “You- you did all of this?” She asked, stunned. The flames licked across the floorboards, elongating the shadows off of te table. All of the lanterns in this particular room had been turned off, instead being replaced with about fifty or so candles, giving off the smell she had previously noticed. The walls of the library danced with the orange flickering color. “Of course!” Twilight said, bumping Rainbow on the shoulder. Rainbow seemed taken back for a moment, before giving Twilight a playful smile and bumping her back a little harder. “Okay- let’s calm down, Dashie.” Rainbow’s ears perked at the nickname, only used to hearing it from a select few ponies. “Let’s go sit down.” “Cool!” Rainbow said, a fluttering feeling in her heart guiding her forwards. She pulled her own seat out, taking the left one, but paused for a moment as she stared at it. Then, without another word, she quickly galloped to the seat on the right, pulling it out. “For you, mad’am!” She said with a fake Fancy accent. “Why, thank you!” Twilight giggled, sitting down. Rainbow pushed her in, quickly returning to her own chair. Twilight cleared her throat, idly pushing a glass positioned by Rarity around in an attempt to distract herself from Rainbow. “So… um…” She looked up, meeting Rainbow’s eyes. She seemed just happy to be here. “You… think I’m an angel?” “What?” Rainbow asked. Twilight wasn’t aware the Rainbow’s were blushers, but yet here Dash was, her muzzle slowly turning a darker shade. “When did- did- did I say that?” “Yeah. Earlier today.” Twilight put her elbows onto the table, getting comfortable. “You said I was an angel.” “Oh.” Rainbow adjusted her dress on her seat, idly playing with the extra fabric. “I’m sorry. I kinda panicked. I’m sorry about… freaking out like that, I guess? It was just- you know, heat of the moment and all.” “Oh, don’t worry, Dashie.” Twilight said again. Rainbow leaned into her seat a little more, the blush that had been developing gaining a significant amount of progress. “I’ll forgive you on one condition.” She leaned forwards. “Call me an angel again.” “Really?” Rainbow asked, pulling at her dress harder. “You are… so cheesy. First, trotting down the stairs like Cinderella, now this? I didn’t know Dusk was this romantic.” “Says the one who called me an angel…!” She trailed off. “Now, do it again.” Rainbow let out a little giggle that made her heart flutter. Twilight didn’t know why she was acting like this. Was this what flirting was? Was this was flirting felt like? Was she even doing it right? “Man, I can’t believe Princess Celestia sent me an angel!” Rainbow said, leaning her chin into her hooves and half-lidding her eyes in an attempt to be seductive. Twilight hid her laugh behind a hoof. “And such a pretty angel, too!” “Oh-” Twilight sighed. “I’m only half as pretty as the mare sitting across from me!” Rainbow, apparently not expecting the return on flirt, had her ears collapse as her muzzle exploded the next shade. It was honestly impressive, the mass amounts of blood flooding to her muzzle. “Aww!” A familiar voice said from the staircase. Rainbow and Twilight froze. Rainbow wasn’t exactly aware that there were more than Twilight here, and Twilight had been so entranced in her flirting that she had totally forgotten that she had waiters. There, balancing a plate with a silver dome on her back, was Pinkie Pie. “That was adorable!” Rainbow pulled her dress up to her face, hiding it from embarrassment. Twilight just kept staring, feeling blood rush to her own face. “I’m here, too!” Rarity walked out behind Pinkie, levitating her own plate with a dome on it. Pinkie was Pinkie, but it seemed that Rarity had dressed up for the occasion. Rarity had her hair back in a bun, and from the back, it looked like she had a bob cut. This was perhaps the closest she had ever looked to Elusive. She also wore an immaculate suit, no doubt crafted by herself. “Hey, Rares…” Rainbow cringed, letting her dress fall a few inches from her face. Rarity nodded politely, approaching the table. Pinkie did the same, only bouncing up and down instead of walking calmly. It was impressive that the silver dome didn’t manage to fall off of her back. Rarity was about to deposit the food in front of Twilight, when her eyes suddenly went wide. “Rainbow! You… dressed up!” She said in surprise. “Yeah… I thought it was-” “And you did it terribly!” “What?” Rainbow looked down, suddenly feeling her clothes become enveloped in a blue aura. Against her will, they began being tugged left and right, being straightened out into something a little more presentable. “There. That’s fixed.” Rarity said, now finally delicately dropping the plate with a dome on it in front of Twilight. Pinkie finally approached the table too, sliding the plate down a little more violently than Rarity’s politeness would allow. “Thanks… I guess?” Rainbow wagered. Rarity nodded. “Just- can we not tell anypony about this? I… kinda want it to be a secret.” “Why?” Rarity asked. “I think it’s charming, dear.” “And cute!” Pinkie charmed in. “Eh…” Rainbow laughed nervously. “I mean- that’s the thing, right? It’s… cute. Come on. Look at me. Am I cute to you?” “Absolutely not.” Rarity responded. “Enope!” Pinkie said. “Yes.” Said Twilight completely seriously. Rainbow slumped into her seat, her muzzle starting to burn again, even after recovering. Rarity flashed a grin at Pinkie. “Well, we should give them some privacy, Pinkie!” She turned around, beginning to trot away. “Have fun, you two!” Pinkie stood, staring awe-induced for a few more moments, before snapping out of it and quickly following Rarity out. Although they had left the room, Twilight had a suspicous feeling that they weren’t quite out of ear-shot. “You want this to be a secret?” Twilight asked. Rainbow lowered her head, looking at her twisted reflection in the silver dome. “I mean… yeah.” Rainbow played with the gap between the plate and the dome, moving it back and fourth as much as the manufactured give would give. “Ponies don’t exactly play… nice to me.” “What does that mean?” Twilight asked, genuinely confused. Rainbow looked up, meeting her eyes. “Well- I’m gay.” Rainbow said, as if it wasn’t obvious. Twilight nodded, egging her to continue. “Back in Cloudsdale- when the kids at Flight Camp figured that out- I mean, I couldn’t escape it. If we started… dating… You don’t want that kind of heat, right?” “If it means I get to be with you-” “No-no. No more flirtsy stuff. I’m serious.” Rainbow huffed, aggravated at her flacidness. “And I’m serious.” Twilight said harder than before. “If I’m with you, I don’t care.” Rainbow looked taken aback, but in a good way. She let a little smile grace her lips. “Really?” “Really!” She laughed. “Plus, Cloudsdale is a little different culturally from a lot of places down here. I can think of like- three gay couples off the top of my head.” She looked up, literally trying to see the top of her head. “Babar and Harpsy… Octavius and Vinyl… uhh…” She drummed her hooves on the table. “Okay- only two. But still. You don’t see them getting and flack for being couples.” “I didn’t recognize any of those names except for Vinyl.” Rainbow said bluntly. “But… okay. I trust you.” She breathed out. “Only you girls- and Dusk- know that I’m… you know. I don’t even think my parents know.” “We can cross that bridge together.” Twilight said. “Now- time to dig in, right?” “Oh- I totally forgot!” Rainbow beamed, looking down at her silver dome. Rainbow was the first to take it off, using her wings like a claw. All at once, a huge waft of steam drifted straight up, harassing her senses as she backed up, looking away in order to breathe. Twilight did the same, using both of her hooves to pinch the knob, lifting. Similarly, she wasn’t exactly ready for the assaulting. “Woah!” Rainbow leaned forwards. “It looked really good!” “Yeah!” Twilight agreed, looking down at her own plate. It seemed to be a beautiful combination of several different things. Noodles was the main coarse, taking most of the plate, covered in a thin layer of cheese. To the side, a small serving of mashed potatoes, and finally, broccoli. Rainbow’s dish was mostly then same, except for one small change. Instead of broccoli- “Fish!” Rainbow exclaimed. “Oh, Pinkie knows me so good!” “F-Fish?” Twilight asked, leaning forwards over her own dish to take a look. Sure enough, there were thin slices of fish in place of where broccoli was on her own plate. “You eat fish?” “Of course! Only Pegasuses can!” Rainbow slipped on one of the forks with a Velcro strap on it. “Pegasuses love fish. It’s like- totally awesome!” “Pegasi can? Can I not?” “Apparently not?” Rainbow shrugged, stabbing the fish with her fork. “I dunno. Some sciency-thingy about evolution and gut bacteria.” She bit into her fish, shredding the meat with her teeth. “Awh so good. Your missing out. It’s a little bit like burnt hay fries, but good!” “I didn’t know any ponies could eat meat.” Twilight said, watching as Rainbow took another bite. “My science teacher told me it’s because Pegasuses used to dive for fish. Like- in the ocean, or whatever. I tried it, and- belly flops hurt.” She shuddered. Twilight shrugged, apparently satisfied with the answer, and begun eating her own meal. It was super creamy. Like somepony- probably Pinkie- had dumped every good-tasting thing in the kitchen into the dish. She was barely halfway done when her food was interrupted by the crackling sound of a gramophone. Twilight turned around in her seat, Rainbow leaning to the side, to watch as Rarity was in an army-crawling pose, her horn alight as she fought with a record. “Oh, hello!” She said, standing up as if nothing was wrong. “I forgot to play some mood-music!” She admitted, turning around and giving the gramophone one big buck with her hind legs like Applejack. The stylus clicked into place, a romantic and soothing song playing over the speaker. “There we go! Enjoy!” She said, quickly galloping out of the room. If Twilight didn’t know better, she would’ve assumed Rarity knew how to teleport with how quickly she vanished. Rainbow was the first done with her meal, chewing as she removed the Velcro strap. “So.” Rainbow said, wiping her hoof on a napkin. “Why did you… decide to give me a chance? I mean- didn’t I come off creepy?” “Why not?” Twilight asked. “I’ve- well- you see, the thing is, I’ve never really been attracted to anypony before.” She set her own fork down. “Like- I can gauge if somepony is hot or not, right? But I’ve never felt- like- like- I feel like I’m missing that crucial part of romance. You know?” “Well…” Rainbow fluffed her wings, making them appear softer. “I could… help with that?” Rainbow suggested. “I-I may not be the best at being all sappy, but…” She flexed her jaw. “I could… if you’d want to, I could be your special somepony?” She shrugged. “It would be like… an experiment.” “Experiment?” Twilight asked, her ears falling down. “I-I don’t want to see you as an experiment. If we’re going to try this relationship, I want to commit.” “R-Right. Yeah, of course.” Rainbow tapped her head. “Duh!” She giggled nervously. Just like before, if Twilight didn’t know any better, she would’ve assumed Rarity knew how to teleport. “Hello!” She beamed, suddenly appearing at the side of the table. Both of the ponies jumped in surprise. “I can’t help but notice you two are talking about… committing.” She cringed. “That’s sweet and all, but you two need to remember that this can’t last.” “What?” Rainbow exclaimed. She turned to Twilight, who also had the same expression. “It can’t last? Why not?” “Well- Twilight has to go home eventually. Right?” She asked. Twilight’s gaze went far for a minute, before she snapped out of her temporary daze. “Oh. Oh, fuck.” Twilight suddenly put her face into her hooves. “I totally forgot!” “What’s going on?” Rainbow asked. “Go home? But- she is home!” “Home as in her dimension, dear.” Rarity clarified. “She’s but a visitor. If all goes well, Princess Celestia will send her home within the week.” “Oh.” Rainbow said. “No. No, no, no!” She quickly said. Rarity backed up as Rainbow struggled to get out of her seat, flapping her wings and letting her dress return to a normal state of being. She landed, quickly crossing the distance to Twilight, who still had her head buried in her hooves. “That’s not- that’s not right, right Twilight?” She asked, prodding Twilight in the shoulder. “We can make this work, right?” “Did she tell you she fractured her reserves?” Rarity said. Rainbow looked away from Twilight in surprise, meeting Rarity’s gaze. “In coming over to this universe, she damaged her head. She’s lucky it’s not worse. More than likely, she won’t survive another trip over here if Princess Celestia doesn’t like sending Twilight back and forth all of the time.” “No!” Rainbow turned back, grabbing Twilight in a hug. “It’s not true. Damn it! Damn it!” Rainbow sighed harshly. “I finally found somepony I love!” Twilight suddenly looked up, brushing past Rainbow’s hooves. She met her bright, purple eyes as they connected. Rainbow realized their distance, her face suddenly blushing once more. “L-Love?” Twilight asked. “You love me?” Rainbow swallowed. “I-I mean, isn’t it obvious?” She asked. “I called you an angel.” She sighed. Rainbow leaned forwards, resting her head on Twilight’s chest. Twilight nuzzled back down, now wrapping both of her hooves on Rainbow. Rarity watched awkwardly. “And now- your gonna have to leave me.” “I don’t-” Twilight’s breath hitched. She squeezed her eyes, digging her muzzle into Rainbow’s mane. “I don’t…” She took one last, huge breath. “I don’t have to leave.” “Huh?” Rainbow broke the hugging session, looking up at Twilight in surprise. “What?” Rarity asked, stepping forwards. “Of course you do. Your home is in your own world.” “Think about it.” Twilight said, turning to look at Rarity. “My home has the same ponies. My home has the same ponies with the same jobs. My home is Equestria, where two monarchs lower and raise the sun and moon everyday. My home has every memory and experience that had ever been memorie’d or experience’d.” “What are you-” “Everything that I had ever done back home. Every book I’ve read, tear I’ve shed, every paper I’ve turned, even every pebble I’ve kicked down the road has happened the exact same over here.” She let a small smile spread across her face. “There’s only one thing that’s different.” “What’s that?” Rarity asked, concerned. “I found love here.” Twilight turned back to Rainbow, and in a moment that surprised both of them, locked lips. This was it. She had found her soul partner. And Rainbow had just admitted that she loved her. This was something that could never work back in her own world. This was something that only could work here- and she was okay with that. Rainbow’s wings shot open at max velocity. So fast, in fact, that a few feathers managed to find themselves drifting through the air. Her eyes were initially wide open, but taken by the taste of lavender, she slowly closed them, leaning into the kiss harder. Rarity wasn’t expecting it in the slightest, suddenly backing up with a blush developing on her face. She backed up into Pinkie, who had a bucket of popcorn out and was watching the show on a red sofa. Rarity flopped onto the sofa, watching with awe. Pinkie offered the bucket. Rarity shook her head. But- perhaps the most surprised of the four ponies in the room had to be Twilight herself. This past day she hadn’t been acting like herself. Not in the slightest. From not worrying nearly enough about her magic than she should’ve been, to skipping breakfast, to asking Rainbow out- it was all out of her comfort zone. And maybe that was a good thing. Finally, after forever, they broke. “Woah.” Rainbow said. Her entire face was now red, and Twilight found the sight of an extremely flustered Dash amusing. “That was-” “I’m staying here.” Twilight interrupted. “And you can’t get rid of me.” She whispered. Rainbow grinned. Her wings, which were still at full mast, fluttered a little bit in excitement. “W-Who are you, and what did you do with Dusk?” Rainbow asked, still smiling goofily. “I’m Twilight.” She said. “And I feel alive.”