//------------------------------// // Finale: The End is Where We Begin // Story: Dragon’s Odyssey // by GrumpyMonk97 //------------------------------// The world felt like it was spinning as Smolder slowly stirred awake. As she tried to stand, she felt something yank her back and looked down to see herself encased in sturdy chains looped around a very large rock just behind her. Looking around, she saw that Garble was chained to another rock directly across from her, his head hanging down as he was still unconscious. All around her she saw several of those same Minotaurs that ambushed them earlier, as well as a few Wights that floated ominously all around the ritual site. She heard heavy footfalls and eventually saw Obsidias’ head poke around the rock, resting his mace on his shoulder as he knelt down next to her. “Enjoying your new accommodations?” He asked smugly as he knocked on the rock. “Oh yeah. Nothing like being chained to a rock by a literal psycho.” Smolder spat sarcastically. “Unfortunately for me, I have to keep you alive. Opaline says you’ll be the perfect bait for the others.” Obsidias said, a grimace forming across his face. Smolder heard the chains on the other rock rattle as she saw Garble start to stir awake. “Woah, my head’s killing me.” He groaned as he blinked rapidly, trying to get a bearing on his surroundings. His face dropped to a frown once he laid eyes on Obsidias. “Great. You again.” He said in a deadpan tone. “Oh look, now the other one’s awake. Charming.” Obsidias gave back. “What’s Opaline planning? Why use us as bait?” Smolder asked as she struggled against the chains. “Why, to gather all the major players of course.” They all turned and saw Opaline strolling up towards them with a wicked grin on her face. “And after you’ve all served your purpose, I’ll take back what’s rightfully mine.” Meanwhile, the group consisting of Spike, Ember, Flurry Heart, and Emziko had managed to find a safe spot to hunker down as night had fallen on the land, which meant that the most dangerous monsters would be roaming about and inhibiting their travel. They all jumped as a loud shriek echoed into the cave, keeping an eye on the cave entrance to make sure nothing would follow them inside. After a moment of waiting, they all let out a sigh of relief as nothing wandered into the cave. “Some of those monsters are freaky. Mom never mentioned anything like that being locked up in Tartarus.” Flurry Heart shuttered as she settled in for the night. “Tell me about it. Even after having been to a lot of different places, I’ve never seen anything like that.” Emziko chimed in. As they engaged in idle conversation, Ember noticed Spike staring blankly into the fire they had started, occasionally prodding it with a loose log that had rolled out of the fireplace. “Got a lot on your mind huh?” Ember asked as she sat down next to him. “I’ve been working towards this goal for a while now. But now that it’s in reach, I’m afraid of what comes next.” Spike answered, his gaze remaining unbroken from the fire. “What do you mean?” She asked. Spike exhaled a ragged breath as he prodded the fire once more. “It’s just, once this is over, what do I have? Can I even go back to a normal life after this?” He said as his gaze drifted over to Emziko, who was playfully teasing Flurry Heart and laughing as she prodded her back. “You know you didn’t have to run off like you did.” Ember said softly as she also stared into the fire. Spike’s head lowered in shame as Ember’s words sank in. “You did it because you felt guilty about Garble right?” “I didn’t want anyone else getting hurt because of me. The stakes have only gotten higher, and there’s no need for you to risk everything for my sake.” Spike explained. “Spike, we followed you on this journey because you’re our friend. If you need us, we’re there.” Ember said as she placed a hand on his shoulder. Spike gave her a nod and a small smile. “You’re right. I should have been more honest with all of you.” “Well, it’s getting late and we’ve got a big day tomorrow. See you in the morning.” Ember said as she gave him a pat on the shoulder. Spike nodded as he noticed the others already beginning to drift off to sleep. He rolled over onto his back next to the fire and stared at the cave ceiling, reflecting on the events that brought him to this point; Equestria’s fall, his recovery in the Dragon Lands, and ultimately the decision to pursue Opaline. He thought of the different individuals he had with him along his journey, both old and new. His mind flashed with images of his companions who had stood by his side through this journey. Smolder. Garble. Ember. They’ve been with me through thick and thin. He smiled to himself as he felt his eyelids getting heavier. His thoughts then drifted back to when he first met Emziko, causing his smile to grow wider, though it was quickly replaced by a growing unease in the pit of his stomach as he drifted off to sleep. Spike’s eyes opened and he found himself in a familiar setting. He stood up from the bed and realized he was back in Sweetie Belle’s house, and he heard faint noises coming from downstairs. As he descended the staircase, he stopped dead in his tracks as he saw not Sweetie Belle, but Twilight standing in the main living space. Spike’s jaw hung open as he struggled to find the words, his hands clenching and unclenching as he wrestled with his emotions. “It so good to see you again Spike.” She said with a smile. “I-I don’t know what to say.” Spike walked slowly towards her, his hands still clenched at his side and his head hanging low. “You look sad. What’s wrong?” Twilight asked. “It’s just that… I let you down. I wasn’t there when you needed me. And all this time, I’ve never been able to forgive myself. I’m sorry Twilight.” Spike’s voice cracked as tears began to roll down his cheeks. He felt himself enveloped in a hug as Twilight helped to calm his emotions. “Oh Spike. You’ve been carrying such a heavy burden for so long. But I want you to know I’ve never blamed you, and you don’t need to punish yourself any longer.” Twilight soothed him. “And there’s somepony else who feels the same.” Spike turned his attention to the door as he heard it open and saw Sweetie Belle enter the room. She gave him a soft smile as he collected himself and slowly approached her, placing a hand lovingly on her cheek as he looked her in the eye. “Seems like you’ve been through a lot recently.” She said as she placed a hoof to his cheek. “You could say that yeah.” Spike responded with a nervous laugh as his hand dropped and his gaze drifted towards the floor. “What’s wrong?” She asked. Spike let out a sigh as he lifted his head to meet her gaze once more. “I made a promise to you a long time ago that we would live a long and happy life together. But recently I feel like I’ve betrayed that promise. I betrayed you.” Spike explained, his eyes full of shame and regret. “It’s about that other dragon isn’t it?” Sweetie Belle asked. Spike’s expression changed to one of shock before he gave a simple nod. “I know we made that promise, but you can’t let the fact that I’m gone stop you from living a happy life. Open your heart to her as you opened it to me all those moons ago and you’ll find that long and happy life with her.” “She’s right Spike. And don’t forget, you have other friends who need you now.” Twilight and Sweetie Belle both embraced him as Spike now felt fresh tears roll down his cheeks. But this time, they were tears of joy as he held them both close as he recalled all the memories of his friends, how they laughed together, cried together, and how much they trusted in each other when all hope seemed lost. As the world shifted and changed around him, Spike awoke to find himself back in the cave they had make camp in. He sat up quickly, his eyes darting around the room as Twilight’s voice echoed in his mind with one final message. Don’t forget. Wherever you go, we’re always with you. He chuckled to himself as he wiped his eyes and gave a content smile. “Thanks everyone.” He whispered to himself. His attention returned to the present as his companions began to awaken as well. “Spike? What’s wrong?” Ember asked drowsily as she slowly awakened. “Oh, it’s nothing.” Spike responded. “Nothing at all.” The rest of the group awakened not long after and they soon made ready to depart, drawing ever closer towards Opaline’s ritual site. “Hey, Emziko.” Spike called out. She stopped and turned back to him as they exited the cave. “What’s up?” She asked. Spike rubbed the back of his head as he tried to find the words. “Look, there’s something I need to tell you. Something I want to tell you. I just, never knew if it was the right time because-“ Emziko placed a finger to his lips in order to silence him before he could say any more. “Tell me once all this is over, okay?” She said with a smile. Spike gave back a smile of his own. “I will.” He said softly. “Hey! What’s the hold up guys?” Flurry Heart called to them from up ahead. “Coming!” Spike called back as the two of them rushed to join their companions. The air crackled and hummed with power as Opaline prepared her ritual. Smolder saw twelve dragon eggs situated in perfect symmetry around her as her eyes were closed and she appeared to be chanting to herself. Gotta get out of these chains. Smolder thought to herself as she struggled against her bindings. She saw Garble attempting to do the same with little success, the both of them exchanging knowing looks at the gravity of their situation. “Struggling won’t do you any good.” Opaline called to them as she temporarily broke concentration on her ritual. “Just sit back and enjoy the show.” “Yeah right lady. I ain’t down for being bait!” Garble snapped back as he struggled even harder to no avail. Opaline sighed and rolled her eyes as she went back to focusing on the ritual. A few moments passed before Opaline was approached by Obsidias. “Got word from some of my boys. They’re close.” He said in a low tone. “Excellent. Be sure to give them a warm welcome.” Opaline responded. Spike and the others noticed just how strange the atmosphere felt. They knew they had to be almost at the ritual site, and yet no monsters were there to greet them. “It’s too quiet. I don’t like this.” Ember said. “No kidding. You’d think we’d have seen at least something by now.” Emziko added. Spike could feel a strange energy in the air, almost as if they were being watched. Suddenly, they found themselves surrounded by Minotaurs who emerged from behind bushes, from the tree tops, and even from the very ground beneath them. “Looks like our escorts are here.” Emziko said sarcastically. “Get a move on. You’re expected.” One of the Minotaurs grunted as they roughly shoved each of them forward. Spike growled to himself but ultimately bit his tongue. He knew these Minotaurs were going to lead them to Smolder and Garble, and ultimately to Opaline. The air hummed with magical energy as the ritual neared completion. Opaline’s concentration was broken by the sound of approaching footsteps as she turned to see the scouting party she had sent out returning with three dragons as well as a young Alicorn princess. “Well well. Looks like everyone is finally here.” Opaline’s attention was drawn to the young Alicorn among the dragons and gave a slight smirk. “Take the pony away. Leave the dragons.” “Flurry Heart!” Spike yelled. Flurry Heart kicked and thrashed as a couple Minotaurs dragged her away, the others being left to keep Spike and the others in place. “She’ll get what’s coming to her later. I can’t afford to tolerate rivals.” Opaline said. “Why steal the dragon eggs? What do you need them for?” Ember asked angrily. “For the dragonfire of course. It’s much easier to take from dragons who can’t fight back after all. Though now that I have you right where I want you, I can take your dragonfire as well.” Opaline explained as a wicked grin spread across her face. “You little…” Ember growls. “And once I have it, I’ll reopen the way to Equestria, and retake what’s rightfully mine. What that wretched little Twilight Sparkle stole from me!” Opaline seethed as she recalled her original defeat by the Princess of Friendship. “That’s not gonna happen.” Spike said defiantly. “Really? And what makes you say that, little dragon?” Opaline asked snidely. “Because I made a promise to make sure Equestria was safe.” Spike responded, causing Opaline’s grin to drop to a snarl. “So if you’re planning on causing trouble, you’ll have to go through me!” He threw an elbow into the face of the Minotaur standing directly behind him as Ember and Emziko followed suit and broke free from their captors. Spike shot a breath of flame directly towards Opaline, though he was caught off guard as Opaline’s jaw hung open and absorbed the fire in an instant. Magical energy flashed across her body and eventually flowed to her wings as she began to laugh manically. “Keep them busy you idiots! I need time to complete the ritual!” Opaline yelled to the Minotaurs. At that moment, Spike felt himself get knocked onto his back as he saw Obsidias standing over him. “Time to die, wyrm!” He roared as he took a swing with his mace. Spike rolled out of the way just as the mace impacted the ground and left a sizable crater in the dirt before shooting out a stream of fire, blasting Obsidias in the face. He then dashed forward and rammed his shoulder into Obsidias’ chest, sending him flying backwards before he slammed the head of his mace into the ground to stop his momentum. “So you joined up with Opaline huh?” Spike sneered. “She’s given me a chance to take another shot at you, and I’m gonna enjoy making sure you actually die this time.” Obsidias growled. “Take your best shot then.” Spike responded in a low tone as he put up his hands. Obsidias’ horns glowed brighter and sparked with magical power as he let out a ferocious battle cry and charged forward, taking a swing with his mace at Spike’s head. As Spike dodged out of the way, the impact from the mace managed to split the ground apart, the earth crumbling into a seemingly bottomless hole in the process. They both stumbled for a moment before regaining their footing, Spike using his wings to his advantage. As Obsidias shot the head of his mace out to grab Spike, it was suddenly deflected as Ember landed in front of Spike with the Blood Stone Scepter held out in front of her. “Can’t let you be the only one getting a crack at this guy. I owe him another beating for last time.” Ember said without breaking eye contact from Obsidias. “Go, take care of Opaline. This guy’s mine.” Spike did a double take at Ember’s statement before giving a firm nod and running to stop Opaline’s ritual. Ember and Obsidias stared each other down for a moment, neither one daring to move as they clenched their respective weapons tighter in their hands. “I still owe you for my horns Dragon Lord.” Obsidias growled. “Let’s have it then.” Ember shot back as she readied the Scepter in her hands. They both charged each other as their weapons clashed, resulting in a loud clang that echoed across the field. Meanwhile, Spike rushed back towards where Opaline was conducting her ritual and saw her beginning to absorb the dragonfire from the eggs that were situated around her. “No!” He shouted as he flapped his wings and sped towards Opaline like a speeding bullet, ramming her with his shoulder and knocking her out of the ritual circle. He moved to land another attack only to be stopped dead in his tracks by a Wight, whose touch sent a devastating chill throughout Spike’s body. As he felt the life being drained out of him, the Wight was suddenly blasted by simultaneous streams of fire, which caused it to release its grip on Spike. Releasing a huge gasp of breath, he looked up and saw Smolder and Garble standing over him. “Need some help?” Garble asked with an outstretched hand and a grin on his face. Spike gave back a smile of his own as he took Garble’s hand and hoisted himself onto his feet, pulling Garble into a hug as he did. “It’s good to see you man.” Spike said in relief as they gave each other a firm pat on the back and released the hug. “You too. Sorry for giving everyone such a scare.” Garble said back. “How’d you guys get free anyway?” Spike asked quizzically. “You’re welcome!” Emziko called as she threw a punch into the face of a rather large Minotaur. Spike chuckled to himself as Smolder raised an eyebrow. “Who is she anyway?” “Long story. I’ll tell you later.” Spike answered. All of their heads snapped towards Opaline as they heard her cackle maniacally as she rose from the dirt. “Now that you’ve all had your fun, it’s time for me to take back what’s mine!” She roared as she stamped her hooves into the ground, sending forth a magical shockwave that threatened to topple them all over. She shimmered and glowed with a magical aura that soon coalesced into her curved horn as she shot forth a blast of energy that knocked them all prone. “Aww crap. That hurt a little bit.” Garble groaned. Meanwhile, Ember and Obsidias were locked in combat, their weapons colliding fiercely as neither one of them planned on backing down. Obsidias swung downward with his mace, a blow which Ember blocked with the Scepter before shooting a stream of fire right into his face. As he roared and charged her once more, Ember swept his legs out from under him and swung the Scepter downward, splitting the already fragile ground apart even more until eventually it gave way entirely. Obsidias scrambled to try and get one last hit in but was unable to regain his footing as he fell through the cracks and tumbled down into the bottomless hole below. She dropped to one knee as she took a moment to catch her breath. I forgot just how tough Obsidias was. Ember thought. Her attention was drawn to the sound of explosions and flashing lights in the distance, causing her to quickly pick herself up and rush towards where her allies were engaging Opaline. Spike struggled to get to his feet to fend off Opaline’s assault as Smolder, Garble, and Emziko all tried to land a few blows of their own to no avail. It was honestly frightening just how proficient Opaline was with magic, and this was merely with the small amount of dragonfire she extracted from the eggs. If she was able to get her full power back, it’s possible she could even rival Princess Celestia. Spike thought. As he sprinted towards her and took another swing, Opaline used magic to bind him in place, forcing him to his knees in the process. She did the same to his companions one by one until they were all incapacitated. “It’s clear how outmatched you are. Now sit there like a good pet while I take back what’s mine.” Opaline said smugly as she walked back towards her ritual circle. As she did, the Blood Stone Scepter was impaled into the ground in front of her, causing her to look up and see Ember floating above her with a scowl on her face. “Hope you didn’t forget about me!” She called. As she flew down to strike at Opaline, she suddenly found herself bound by magic as she dropped to the ground like a rock. Opaline used her magic to slam Ember into the ground a few more times before placing her under the same binding spell as the others. “I most certainly didn’t.” Opaline responded. She moved back into the center of the ritual circle and coalesced magic into her horn once more. She sent a beam of magic forward, and all the dragons saw as the beam collided with a magical barrier. Opaline struggled against the barrier as she tried with all her might to shatter it, feeling it begin to crack under the pressure while also feeling some of her power begin to slip away. At the same time, Spike felt the magic binding him in place begin to fade as he slowly rose to his feet once more and saw the barrier phasing in and out of visibility at Opaline’s repeated attempts to bring it down. Did Twilight do this? It doesn’t matter. I have to stop Opaline, no matter what it takes! He shook the thought from his mind and took off in a sprint. “I won’t let you take over Equestria! Not if I have anything to say about it!” Spike bellowed as he took flight, summoning as much fire in his chest as he possibly could. “It’s a good thing it won’t be up to you, dragon!” Opaline roared back as she stopped her work on the barrier and coalesced magic into her horn once more. They both let out a ferocious roar as they shot their respective blasts towards each other. As they collided, the blasts erupted into a huge explosion which blinded everyone in the vicinity. When the dust settled, Spike saw that Opaline was nowhere in sight and that the ground had given way where she once stood. “Spike!” He heard Ember call. “Spike, you good man?” Garble’s voice came next. “Spike! Where are you!” Smolder’s voice echoed. “Spike! If you’re dead I’m gonna kill you!” Emziko’s voice came, a slight hint of panic in her tone. “I’m okay!” Spike called to them. The other dragons all let out a collective sigh of relief seeing that Spike was okay. “Where’s Opaline?” Ember asked as she looked around. “I don’t know. I’m not sure if she got away, or if she…” Spike trailed off. “Hey, no need to go there. We stopped her for now, and that’s all that matters.” Smolder reassured him. Spike looked ahead and saw Emziko keeping a bit of a distance from the rest of the group. “Get a move on slugger. She won’t wait forever.”Garble said as he nudged Spike’s shoulder. Spike let out a chuckle as he waved Garble away. “Yeah. You’re right.” He approached Emziko slowly, a smile growing across his face the closer he drew to her. Open your heart to her. Sweetie Belle’s words echoed in his mind as he finally stopped just in front of her. “That was some fight wasn’t it? Things always get this crazy around you?” Emziko asked with a laugh. “Not usually, though I guess this is the new norm now, isn’t it?” Spike chuckled. They both shared a laugh as they nervously shuffled in place. “So, you had something you wanted to tell me?” Emziko asked as she rubbed her arm. “Yeah, I did. But I think I’d rather just show you.”Spike pulled her close as they locked into a deep kiss, her arms wrapping around his neck in the process. They pulled apart and rested their foreheads against each other. “I think I can get behind that.” Emziko quipped with a grin as they looked into each other’s eyes, their smiles growing as they did. “Hey! Anyone out there?” Spike was surprised when he heard Flurry Heart calling out. “Over here Flurry!” Ember called. Flurry Heart galloped over to where all of the dragons had congregated and saw Spike and Emziko still locked in their embrace. “Oh. Am I interrupting?” She asked slyly. Spike and Emziko broke apart and tripped over their words as they tried to explain the situation, causing Flurry Heart and the other three dragons to let out hearty guffaws as a result. “You’re okay right? How did you manage to escape?” Spike asked. “It was pretty easy once I learned my guards were total idiots. Getting the drop on them turned out to be pretty easy stuff.” Flurry Heart explained with a sassy look on her face. “What about Opaline?” “I don’t know. She may have gotten away, and if that’s the case, we need to be ready for whatever her next move is.” Spike said. “I agree. For now, we should probably get you home. And also get these dragon eggs back home too.” Ember chimed in. Spike saw that both her and Garble had their arms full of dragon eggs. As they all walked away, a white dragon egg with purple spots was shown floating away on a nearby river. Opaline let out a panicked gasp as she emerged from below the earth. She looked around frantically and saw that her back was up against a wall of some kind. She put out her hoof, only to have it connect with a magical barrier. I did it! I’m on the other side of the barrier! Opaline celebrated internally. But now my power is tapped out and I’m all alone. I’m going to need better servants if I’m going to reclaim my power. As she processed her thoughts, she heard the sound of crying coming from nearby. Opaline scrambled to where the sound was coming from and heard it beneath a pile of rubble. She moved it out of the way to reveal a small unicorn filly, who wailed and cried as she had been left all alone. Her fur was a light blue color, and she had kinky navy blue hair with teal highlights that swept to the right side of her head. Her horn was a light blue color with a pink gradient towards the tip and pink swirls all across the horn. Her eyes opened to reveal teal-green orbs that looked up at her curiously, and suddenly Opaline had a brilliant idea. “Yes. What I need from a servant is complete loyalty. I’ll conquer the lower ponies with one of their own. And soon, all of Equestria will be mine!” Opaline cackled maniacally as she carried the little filly away. Moons Later: “Hey, wake up sleepyhead. We’ve got a lot of important stuff to do today.” Emziko said as she poked Spike’s face in an effort to wake him up. Spike groaned as his eyes slowly open and saw the crystalline ceiling of the main palace in the Crystal Empire. His mind raced as he remembered that they had an important meeting with Cadence today to discuss the Dragon Lands joining in on the trade agreement between Klugetown and the Crystal Empire. “Alright alright, I’m up.” Spike groaned as he sat up out of the bed and stretched. “Hey you.” Emziko said as she planted a kiss on his cheek. “Come on. We don’t wanna keep Cadence waiting.” “That’s true. We’ve got a lot of important issues to discuss don’t we?” Spike said with a smile. “Sure do.” Emziko said as she gave him a light boop on the nose. They both exited out of their guest room and into the main corridor of the palace, where they met up with Smolder, Garble, and Ember, who were already waiting for them. “Bout time. Was starting to worry you two would sleep through the whole thing.” Smolder stated. “Well not the whole thing. Only part of it.” Emziko quipped sarcastically. “Oh very funny.” Ember chimed in while Garble chuckled at the scene. “You two have certainly gotten familiar over the last several moons.” “I could say the same about you two.” Spike gestured between her and Garble. “It’s a boy, right?” “That’s right. I’m gonna make sure he grows up nice and strong. Just like his dad.” Garble stated as he flexed. “Oh boy.” Ember ran a hand down her face while everyone chuckled. “Come on. We don’t wanna be late.” Spike gestured ahead as he adjusted the strap that ran across his chest to the single pauldron on his right shoulder. In the wake of their battle against Opaline, Princess Luna decided to create a task force of sorts to help restore order to the world, the Knights of Harmony, of which they had all been made members. They each bore the sigil upon similarly designed pauldrons that they had all donned for this important occasion. As they passed by an open window, Spike looked out and felt a strangeness in the air, as if something groundbreaking was about to happen. “Yo Spike, you good?” Smolder asked. All of a sudden, a bright flash of rainbow light shot outwards in a wave across the sky, alerting all of the residents of the Crystal Empire. The rainbow lights hung in the sky as many of the pony residents made a startling discovery; their magic had returned. Spike looked to the others as they all exchanged knowing nods. “Looks like our meeting just got a lot more interesting.” He said as he looked back out the window. Elsewhere, Opaline watched out the window of a mysterious dark castle as the rainbow light shone across the sky. “Uh Opaline? What happens now?” A light blue unicorn mare asked nervously. “Now Misty, the game truly begins.” Opaline responded, a wicked grin lighting up her face as an evil laugh echoed throughout the halls of the castle. The End.