//------------------------------// // Issue #1: Condemnation // Story: The Cozy Glow Saga // by Failwhale34 //------------------------------// From the infinite cosmos of the universe, countless stars twinkle to and from. It was an endless void of cosmic activity where everything was peaceful, relatively tranquil. That was until- *SMACK* A comic book(?) was haphazardly slammed onto an invisible surface. The Cozy Glow Saga Issue #1: Condemnation The cover had a battered Cozy Glow sitting in her sell with a bitter, resentful glare. Day 300. 65 more days and that would make it a whole year. A year since incarceration. It had been almost one year since Cozy Glow had been sentenced to Tartarus. Everyday, she would draw Tally marks on the pavement of her cell to keep track of how long she had been here in Tartarus. Since the moment she stepped into her cell, she just kept at it. It served as reminder of why she had been sentenced here in the first place. It was why Cozy would always reflect on how she ended up here. Well, most of time anyway. The growls coming from the worst kinds of beasts in Equestria were the reason why. She couldn't have a moment's peace because of these idiot freaks. She couldn't do anything about it. She couldn't even get a wink of sleep because of this. Cozy yell at them to shut up, but to no avail. Her neighbor, or former neighbor, hadn't been any help much either. At first, Cozy had tried to befriend Tirek, but the evil centaur proved he just couldn't stand her. At some point, Cozy would only talk to him just to pass the time. She basically had nothing to do. She couldn't even eat. The food that was given to her was absolutely horrendous. She honestly had no idea how she had even managed to go on without food. It was simply because... she wasn't going to let them win. She wasn't going to give them the satisfaction. She had to keep going. Like she always had before. She wasn't going to show them weakness. Not after everything she had gone through. It wasn't like she could rely on Tirek anymore, anyway. A while ago, guards had came and moved him to a different section of Tartarus. Tirek had no objection to this and was simply glad he wouldn't be bothered by her anymore. Cozy was on her own. Like she had always been. Just like... It didn't matter. She had survived on her own before and she could damn sure do it again. 'Didn't work against Headmare Twilight and her dumb friends though' Cozy thought sourly as she tried her best to tune out all noises around her to focus on her thoughts. Her plan to take over the School Of Friendship would've worked had it not been for those students. But nonetheless, Cozy's plan failed and now she was here. But this wasn't over. Somehow, someway, she was going to get out of here. She had to. She wasn't going to spend the rest of her life in this cage. She would find the checkmate to remedy this situation. She always did. But for now, until that day came, she would wait and bide her time. Wait for the right opportunity to come and then she would escape. And then she would- "HURAGGGGHHHHH!" Roared an incoherent voice from below as a tsunami of growls rose up again which snapped Cozy Glow out of her thoughts. "HEY! CAN YOU ALL JUST KEEP QUIET FOR ONCE!?" Cozy snapped angrily. "THAT'S ALL I'M ASKING!" And as usual, she was ignored. She facepalmed before slumping against the bars of her cage. Almost a year and she was still losing her temper over this! Day and night, she tried to listen to all these idiots. Actually... she couldn't even tell if it was day or night at all since the moment she was locked up in here. Ignoring that, Cozy did her best to tune them out for the umpteenth time and go to sleep. Or at least try to anyway. And yet... She couldn't help of think about everything that had transpired up to now. She tried to take over the School Of Friendship to obtain power. So, she could feel powerful. So she could never be looked down on by others like she had been before. Nopony could truly understand her motivations. Nopony could ever truly understand her. Cozy Glow sighed in exasperation as the noises from the other animals grew louder and louder. She curled up on the hard pavement of her cage, trying to make herself comfortable as possible. If only she was a fully grown Pegasus right now. She could've used her fully grown wings to cover herself from the shivery presence that was all around Tartarus. 'Instead I'm locked up in here with all of these idiots' Cozy bitterly thought as she covered her ears to try and zone of out of all the incoherent noises that were happening all around her. She really wanted to hit something right about now. Maybe those guards would suffice when they came back the next day. Or Cerberus. Actually, scratch that, she'd be crazy to try and hit the bestial guard of Tartarus. 'And it would be pretty stupid to do something like that in hindsight' Cozy considered as she absentmindedly sat up to look at the Gates Of Tartarus. The Gate to freedom. Her ticket out of here. Oh, how she longed to get out of this place and have that taste of freedom. And then go after those who had wronged her like she had intended to originally. Not just those at the School Of Friendship, but those before as well... Her hatred for those who had wronged her all throughout her life rung deep. Cozy seethed angrily knowing those ponies living their oh-so happy lives. With friends...and...family. 'Stop it!' Cozy scolded mentally. 'Don't dwell on that.' There were a few rare times where she thought about that. And them. Cozy sighed as she tried to rid herself of these absolutely annoying thoughts. She couldn't dwell on the past. Not right now, anyway. Not when she had to come up with a way to get our of here. A part of herself wondered why she hadn't given up after almost a year here, but she simply shunned those thoughts away as she already remembered her motivations. She would have her revenge and those who had ruined her life. She would get the power she needed to accomplish. And she would never feel weak again. Never again. And with those firm thoughts in mind along with all the incoherent noises coming from down below, Cozy Glow laid back down and slowly but surely went to sleep.