//------------------------------// // Chapter 7: Spa Day // Story: A Dragon's New Home // by Mister E-Nonymous //------------------------------// Chapter 7: Spa Day Aaron and Smolder were in Smolder's apartment, watching MLP G5. They just finished watching the first Chapter of Make Your Mark, and Smolder smirked and slightly shook her head after seeing the baby dragon. "Yeah, right," Smolder said. "Like a dragon hatchling in Equestria would be born with wings." "We don't know how far in the future this is since the battle for Equestria," Aaron said. "That's what I'm calling the battle with Tirek, Cozy Glow and Chrysalis." "Huh, that's actually a good name," Smolder said. "But still, that is not when a dragon gets its wings." She then looked at Aaron. "I mean, you're actually lucky to get your wings without going through the molt." "Luckily, Spike had a loving family that loved him no matter what," Aaron said. "No amount of stone scales, fire bursts, volume shifts or nasty smell would let Twilight kick him out of the family." "Right," Smolder said. "He was raised by ponies his whole life." She then went wide eyed at what came on the screen. "Who is that?!" Aaron looked at the screen and went wide eyed. "Whoa," Aaron said. "There's a new alicorn?" "Hopefully, she's not from before we were born," Smolder said. "If she was... I think we'll have to have a talk with Princess Twilight," Aaron said. "And if she doesn't know, we might have to find Princess Celestia and Princess Luna." "Perhaps we'll need to find more information on this new alicorn by watching this show more," Smolder said. Just then, Marissa came into Smolder's apartment, exhausted. "Whoa, aunt Marissa," Aaron said. "You feeling okay?" "I'm just... a little... overworked," Marissa said. "My assistant thinks I need to take a day to relax myself. She suggested I should take a spa day." "Huh," Smolder said. "Well, I heard that spa days can help relax you." "Where did you hear that?" Aaron asked. "Well, Professor Rarity said that spending a lot of time at the spa relieves stress," Smolder said. She then moved her eyes from left to right multiple times. "Like I'd know what it's like." "Rainbow Dash talked you into joining her at the spa a few times, didn't she?" Aaron asked. "What?!" Smolder asked, shocked. "How did you know that?!" "I didn't until just now," Aaron said. "Also, I found this image." Aaron pulled his laptop up onto his lap and looked up an image, and showed it to Smolder. Smolder grumbled and said, "Those fans are good. Plus, they got mine and Rainbow Dash's exact expressions correct when Professor Rarity, Professor Fluttershy, Professor Applejack and Ocellus came to the spa that day." "Well, if you like going to the spa back in Equestria, how about you come and join me?" Marissa asked. "N-no, I couldn't," Smolder said. "Oh, it'll be fine," Marissa said. "Just you and I." "You might wanna keep your cool if people at the spa wax your legs," Aaron said. "Wax my legs?" Smolder asked. "Why would I dip my legs in wax?" "Oh, no, that's not what that means," Marissa said. "It when they apply some sticky stuff onto the hair on certain body parts, and they connect some strips of paper to the sticky stuff, and quickly rip off the sticky stuff and the hair from that body part. It's painful to those who haven't gotten used to it." Smolder was wide eyed when she heard that. She then asked, "I think I'll skip that part if I do go to the spa with you." "Let's see those legs of yours," Marissa said. Smolder then pointed at her legs, since she was in dragon form. "I meant your human legs." Smolder went wide eyed at that. She then changed into her human form, reached for her pant leg, and slid it up, showing that her legs had a little bit of hair. "Oh, you are definitely getting your legs waxed." "What?!" Smolder asked, pulling her pant leg down, then changing back into her dragon form. "Oh, no. I'm not going to be taking that much pain. We dragons prefer that our pain should be as low as possible. You're not making me get my legs waxed!" Smolder, who was in human form, was with Marissa at a luxury spa. She had her arms crossed as she and Marissa were waiting in the waiting room of the spa. "I should've snuck back to Equestria this morning," Smolder whispered. "Marissa Blazer, party of two?" a man coming from a door asked. Marissa stood up, grabbed Smolder's hand, and the two of them headed towards the door and went on through. Marissa and Smolder were changing into their swim suits. Smolder had a purple two-piece swim suit with light blue outlines. Smolder then said, "Aaron got a lucky break." "Oh, stop it," Marissa said. "I've actually wanted to do something like this with a daughter of mine for a long time." "Well, why didn't you have kids of your own?" Smolder asked. "I just... haven't met the right man," Marissa answered. "Also, taking care of Aaron for nine years and working full-time at a doggy clothes making store wasn't helping me with finding a boyfriend of my own." "Well, now you don't have to worry about that since you and Aaron came here," Smolder said. "Especially now with that Police Officer you've been seeing every Friday Night. He must really like you." "We'll see how it turns out," Marissa said. "Plus, I think Aaron will like it if you take care of yourself. Both as a dragon and as a human." "Pff... yeah, right," Smolder said. "Sure, I have to stay human in public, but when I'm back at the house, I remain a dragon. Unless there's a guest at the house." "Good call," Marissa said. "Well, we should get going. First off, facials." Smolder rolled her eyes with a smirk. Then the two of them walked out of the changing rooms, heading towards where they were going to get facials. Back at the house, Aaron was alone, working on his homework. He was currently working on his science homework and listening to some music through earbuds. Unbeknownst to him, something was coming up from behind him. He didn't know it until it put its forelimb on his right shoulder. Aaron got up quickly, turned around; making his ear buds come out of his ears, and got into a defensive stance. Only to drop his guard to see someone there, or in this case, somepony. "Hey, Aaron," Twilight Sparkle said. "How are you doing?" "Twilight?" Aaron asked. He then chuckled and said, "You almost scared the poop outta me." "Yeah, sorry about that," Twilight said. "You should've seen the Nightmare Night prank I pulled on your friends before you showed up." "Let me guess," Aaron said. "You used an invisibility spell on your head and wings and pretended to be the headless horse as Sandbar was telling the exact scary story and slowly came up from behind a bush that was behind him?" Twilight went wide eyed and asked, "How did you know?" "Fans of the show made fan art and fan comics," Aaron said. "What was it? Their first or second?" "Second actually," Twilight said. "After Cozy Glow was put in Tartarus." "Oh, yeah," Aaron said. "I've been wondering about something. Ever since she came into the show, Cozy Glow's backstory was never officially revealed." "Really?" Twilight asked. She then put a hoof towards her chin and turned her head. "I should probably look into that when I get back to Equestria." She then noticed something out the door. "Oh, right. I almost forgot. I brought a couple old friends of mine who would really like to meet you." Aaron looked towards the door and saw two ponies coming in. He was astonished by who he saw. "So, this is the human you were telling us about," Princess Celestia said. "Princess Celestia? Princess Luna?" Aaron asked. "That's right," Princess Luna said. She then looked towards Twilight. "Are you sure he's also a dragon, Twilight? He looks like a normal human to me." "Right," Twilight said. "Aaron. Mind showing them?" "Oh, right," Aaron said. He then changed into his dragon form, surprising the two princesses. "I spent four months in Equestria looking like this. One month underneath Twilight's School of Friendship." "A jade dragon," Princess Celestia said. "I'm sure you've heard the legend of that one terrorist dragon." "Ragnarok?" Aaron asked. "I've heard of, battled and killed him." "It's true," Twilight said. "After Aaron finally came out from under the school, Smolder told Aaron the legend. Then Ragnarok attacked when we were preparing the portal that took him home. But when we got the portal ready, Ragnarok shook the place, causing Aaron to bump his head, knocking him out. So Smolder had to carry Aaron through the portal. The portal was enchanted with a transformation spell meant for one creature." "Ah, so because the two went into the portal at the same time, they're able to transform from human to dragon and vice versa whenever they want," Princess Celestia said. "And I'm guessing it would be useful for the two to keep their dragon forms a secret." "Well, that was until I accidentally teleported the entire Equestrian Continent to this world," Twilight said. "An army general thought of us coming was a personal attack and he thought we were invading. But then Ragnarok woke up and tried to attack me. So, Discord took us to where Aaron was." "Which was in Las Vegas," Aaron said. "And yes, it is very similar to Las Pegasus, but more advanced in technology." "Makes sense," Princess Luna said. "Then that army general set out to attack us with a nuclear missile to kill us all," Aaron said. "Then... I had to do one thing." "And that is?" Princess Celestia asked. "Remember when Spike and I told you about what happened the day after Spike's first birthday in Ponyville?" Twilight asked. The royal sisters went wide eyed. Princess Celestia looked back towards Aaron and asked, "You used the greed induced bigness to take down Ragnarok?" "I couldn't let my friends get killed by Ragnarok or the Army," Aaron said. "I had to concentrate, grab Ragnarok, fly up towards the nuke, and throw Ragnarok at it. Then I went back to normal size before the missile exploded, killing Ragnarok in the process. The force of the explosion also knocked me out." "Smolder had to give him mouth to mouth," Twilight said, smirking. "Ah, so the tough girl dragon showed a soft spot," Princess Luna said. "Is that why she chose to stay in this world?" "That's right," Twilight said. "So, where is Smolder?" "Marissa wanted her to join her for a spa day," Aaron said. "Well, it wouldn't be her first," Twilight said. "Rarity told me about when she and Rainbow Dash were at the Ponyville Spa." "Well, if she's gonna be staying here, she might as well do a lot of human things," Princess Celestia said. "And you say he knows about us through this... show... he watches?" "Me being sent to Ponyville for the one thousandth Summer Sun Celebration was the Series Premiere," Twilight said. "Ah, that would be a good start for the Series Premiere," Princess Luna said. "Since it was the events of that day that brought you and your five friends together." "A lot of things have become stronger because of that," Twilight said. "But, there are also those who'd want to take all of it away. Like Tirek, Chrysalis, Cozy Glow." "I'm pretty sure that there are more villains who are power hungry," Aaron said. "Like Grogar?" Princess Celestia asked. "Yeah," Aaron said. "In fact, there might even be new villains in Equestria coming to claim the power of the magic of Friendship for themselves." "New villains?" Twilight asked. "Like who?" "There's a new series that takes place somewhere in the future," Aaron said. "Could be one or two hundred years. And for some reason, all of the ponies had been separated." "Separated?!" Twilight asked. "What do you mean separated?" "Somepony had made all three average ponies start distrusting each other," Aaron said. "Like how Cozy and Chrysalis made all three pony types distrust each other. But this time, there were no Windigos." "Ponies arguing, and the Windigos didn't come back?" Princess Celestia asked. "That is very peculiar," Princess Luna added. "Although, I have a feeling that new Alicorn is somehow behind all that," Aaron said. "New Alicorn?!" Twilight, Princess Celestia and Princess Luna asked in unison. "Let me show you," Aaron said. He then typed on his computer, showing them a clip from the new MLP series, Make Your Mark. The three alicorns in the room were surprised to see the Alicorn that was on the computer, Celestia and Luna were more shocked than surprised. "Opaline?!" Celestia and Luna asked in unison. Twilight and Aaron looked at the two older Alicorns. "You know her?" Aaron asked. "Let's just say the three of us were fillies together," Princess Luna said. "Although, she was more... demanding." "Tell us more about Opaline," Aaron said. "Yeah," Twilight said. "We should know as much about her before she gets what she wants." Smolder was sitting in a seat, having some sticky stuff put onto her legs while a face mask was on her face. Smolder was being held down by the man who gave her a massage. "Alright, Missy," said the woman who was waxing Smolder's legs. "Last one." She then ripped it off, making Smolder yell in pain. "Okay, all done." Smolder was wincing in pain, still trying to avoid becoming a dragon in front of all of them. She was breathing in and out through her nose, trying to soothe the pain. "Alright, Samantha," Marissa said. "It's alright. It's all over." "Ow... Ow... Ow..." Smolder said, every time she took a step. "How do you... handle... all this... pain?" "It takes some getting used to," Marissa said. "How about we end this Spa Day by taking a soak in the hot spring?" "Hopefully, it'll all be over after this," Smolder said. They walked away from where they were currently, heading towards a private hot spring. As soon as they got it, Marissa was a little overwhelmed. Smolder was lasting longer than Marissa. "Aaaaaaaah...." Smolder said, feeling so much better, sticking out her tongue. "How are you able to take the heat?" Marissa asked. "Maybe it has something to do with my dragon physiology," Smolder said. "We can basically bathe in hot lava." "Oh, that's right," Marissa said. "I just hope that Aaron has the same ability while he's a dragon." "Oh, he does," Smolder said. "I got him into eating gems when he was in Equestria." "When did you start feeding him gems?" Marissa asked. "After a week of him living under the school," Smolder said. "Although, those Cheetos he brought were pretty good." "You had some Cheetos?" Marissa asked. "How did you deal with those flakes on your fingers when you grabbed them?" "Oh, so that explains why I kept leaving orange prints," Smolder said. "Those things were basically blending in with my claws." Marissa was laughing. "Guess I should be prepared when I eat Cheetos in dragon form again. How would I get rid of the flakes?" "A lot of people just suck them off," Marissa answered. "Okay," Smolder said. Marissa then tried getting into the hot spring again, trying to push through the pain. She then asked, "Seriously, what you're doing shouldn't be possible. How are you doing that?" Smolder shrugged her shoulders to answer Marissa's question. Later, Marissa and Smolder arrived back home. Marissa headed for the couch while Smolder headed for the door where her apartment was. That was until the two of them heard hoofsteps coming from the stairs. They looked at the stairs and saw Aaron, Twilight, Princess Celestia and Princess Luna coming down the stairs. "So if she does come back, be prepared," Princess Celestia said. "She'll do anything to get what she wants." "We'll be sure to remember that," Twilight said. She then noticed Marissa and Smolder. "Oh, hey, Miss Blazer. Hey, Smolder." "How was your spa day?" Aaron asked. "The leg waxing hurt... a lot!" Smolder said. "Luckily, the hot spring soothed the pain away." "I still don't understand how she was able to take that much heat," Marissa said. "Dragons are basically fireproof," Aaron said. "Basically, a pool of lava is like a hot tub for them." "He's right," Twilight said. "I've seen Spike belly flop into a pool of lava." "That was painful to watch when I saw that episode," Aaron said. "Everyone knows belly flops leave a burn mark on the stomach." "Tell me about it," Twilight said. "Spike told me how much it hurt his belly when he jumped in the first time." "That's why you always do a cannonball," Smolder said, changing back into her dragon form. "It's much less painful." She then noticed a package on the coffee table. "What's this?" "Oh, that's a package Aaron ordered about a week ago," Marissa said. "It's a hardcover book of a very popular MLP fanfiction," Aaron said. "The time was supposed to be around after the Crystal Empire returned. And there was a bit of a problem with one name. The Crystal Empire's return was the Season 3 opening, and Spoiled Rich didn't make an official appearance until the episode where the Crusaders got their Cutie Marks." "So the writer didn't know her actual name," Twilight Sparkle said. "I see. So, what's this fanfiction called?" Aaron then took the package and opened it, revealing the book. Twilight looked at the book. She then read it out loud. "'Pen Stroke. Past Sins'." "Pen Stroke is the username of the writer that wrote this story," Aaron said. "Ah, so the book is called Past Sins," Twilight said. "What's it about?" "It's about a filly who was supposed to be a reincarnated Nightmare Moon brought back by a cult of ponies who were corrupted by the darkness of the shreds of the Mare in the Moon that were left behind after you and your friends stopped her," Aaron said. "Wait, what?!" Twilight asked. "How is that a popular story?" "I was actually planning on sending it to you to see for yourself," Aaron said. "But since you're here, I might as well let you have it." "Okay," Twilight said, opening the book and reading it. "I just hope this story has a happy ending." "Oh, it does," Aaron said. "You'll see." Twilight then headed towards Smolder's part of the house. Princess Luna then walked over towards Aaron. "Does that book have a happy ending?" Princess Luna asked. "It has major ups and downs," Aaron said. "But the ending is worth it." "Well, I suppose it's time for us to get back to Equestria," Princess Celestia said. "We better make sure 'she' isn't returning anytime soon." "She?" Smolder asked. "Remember that alicorn at the end of the first Make Your Mark special?" Aaron asked. Smolder nodded. "Turns out, she's not a new one, but a forgotten one." "A forgotten one?" Smolder asked. "Oh, boy. Who is she?" "You better tell her as much as you can," Princess Celestia said. "Right now, we better make sure Opaline doesn't rise again." Somewhere in the land of Equestria, there was a bunch of Crystal stalagmites, surrounding a giant crystal sphere. In the middle of it was a certain alicorn that Princess Celestia and Princess Luna knew a long time ago in their past, stuck in place. She was stuck, shouting loudly, her wings spread out, her eyebrows in an angry position, and her forelegs would've been moving back and forth if she wasn't stuck in place. If you could see her closely, you would see her eyes slowly moving towards where you were looking.