//------------------------------// // Chapter 3 // Story: Generosity's Wakfu // by steel soul //------------------------------// The soft brown eyes of the young pony colt fluttered open once more, and as the haze of sleep continued to lift from his mind, he found himself entranced by the cream-colored ceiling above him. The pattern was both strange and soothing this his dazed state of mind. Gazing down at himself, he noticed a blanket draped over his body. Beneath the soft fabric, he could feel the familiar tightness of bandages wrapped around parts of his body. He had been hurt, badly it would seem, and whatever the case, he knew that someone had treated him for his injuries. The area he was in had the scent of a healer's office, the smells of antiseptic and rubbing alcohol being the most prominent. Deciding he needed more information, he looked off to his side and was greeted by the sight of the sun's rays shimmering through an opened widow nearby. The blue sky's above were as crystal clear as water in the sea. The sight of Treetops in the distance clued him in that he must be higher up as well. Maybe the second floor. He wanted to look to see where he actually was, but with the slight aches and pains he could feel just from moving one of his limbs, he knew he wouldn't be able to do so anytime soon. At least as far as he could tell. Forgoing that idea for the moment, he slowly turned his head to the other side of the room. There he spotted a door nearby, brown in color. Closer to him was a bed stand of some kind. Upon it lay a folded piece of paper with some strange symbols written upon it, as well as a weird looking figure, one of a bird of some kind. It looked round and puffy, despite it clearly being made of wood. It kinda reminded him of... "Az!" His voice croaked, almost as if he had not used it for a very long time. He didn't have time to worry about such a thing though. His friend. He wasn't with him. He had to find him. Though his body screamed at him not to, he pushed himself to sit up, and roll over off the bed. An action he would soon regret. The colt's world world was upended as he fell from the bed, his small form tumbling to the hard ground below. A sharp wave of pain surged through his already injured body, causing him to hiss in agony. He could only lay there, disoriented and in pain, unable to gather his senses enough to even think about moving. He could, however, hear what sounded like a voice, a female one, though it spoke in a language he had never heard before. Soon after, the strange sound of hooves clattered could be heard, drawing closer to him. the voice would sound out again, this time it being much closer then it before. Still not understanding it, he could feel fear and anger were evident in her tone. If nothing else, he guessed she was yelling at him falling off the bed. Though his eyes stayed shut from the pain, the young boy could sense a gentle force lifting him off the floor and placing him back onto the bed he had fallen from earlier. The sheets felt warm to the touch, more than likely due to the sun shining upon them. As his pain slowly resided, he would once again gain control of his sight, looking over towards the one who had picked him up before. Before he could speak, he was stunned into silence upon looking at his savior. The one before was a cream-colored furred creature with sky blue eyes that looked down upon him beneath ginger red hair. She had a short snout of a nose and her eyes were as big as dinner plates. He would upon the creature, his mouth working wordlessly as he tried to process what he was looking at it. He could see the creature's gaze held a mix of concern and annoyance, though that would be expected due to him causing her this trouble. She spoke again in that strange language, and while he couldn't understand the words, he could sense the meaning behind them. She was scolding him for being careless, for endangering himself further. Despite the harshness there was a hint of kindness in her tone, a softness that made him feel safe. At the very least he knew that she didn't want to hurt him. He reached up to speak, only to stop when he finally noticed something odd about himself. The sight of rust colored fur greeted his eyes, despite only seeing bits and pieces sticking out from his bandaged limb. As strange as that was, the sight of the limb ending in a weird hard stump was ever more concerning. Traveling back up the limb, he would find the same fur covering his body from end to end. The young boy's eyes widened in shock, trying to make sense of what he was seeing. He blinked a few times, shaking his head as if to clear his vision. But no matter how many times he did it, the sight before him remained the same. His breathing became more frantic the longer he looked at himself, his heart beating faster by the second. Looking up, he would find himself looking into the eyes of the one who had picked him up, and he saw a flicker of concern in her eyes at the sight of his panic. The young boy tried to speak, but his voice was still weak and shaky. "W-What...Happened to me?" ~ "Q-Que...m'est-il arrivé?" Nurse Nightingale leaned back in surprise. She had expected him to be in a state of shock, given his injuries, both then and now. But here he was, speaking in a language she was unfamiliar with. She could sense the fear and confusion in his voice and knew that she needed to calm him down before he hurt himself further. "Shh, it's okay," she said in a soothing voice, placing a gentle hoof on his chest to try and steady his breathing. "You were injured and we had to treat you." He looked at the hoof and then went back to his own. And then went right back to hers again, as if trying to figure something out. She could see something click within him and could tell that he was slowly calming down, though there was a look of uncertainty in his eyes. "Qui es-tu?" His words came out calmly, but his wings on top of his head flicked slightly, an action that caused the mare to flinch. She had almost forgotten that he had a pair upon his head. Quick as she could she regained her composure, pondering what the colt had just said. It sounded like a question to her, but she had no idea what he was asking. Slowly she would shake her head, pointing towards her mouth after that. The colt would tilted his head in confusion, his wings flicking softly, clearly not understanding. Nightingale sighed, realizing that they wouldn't be able to communicate until they found a common language. The sound of hooves behind caused the Heard Nurse to turn her head, finding Doctor Stable making his way into the room. The brown and amber unicorn looked between the nurse and the colt before addressing the former. "Nightingale. I heard what happened and came as soon as I could? Let me see him." As she moved, the unicorn place the bag he was carrying with his magic down. before turning towards the young colt. Carefully, he would raise a hoof, gently moving the young one's head from side to side. He turned his head to look back at the mare. "Is the little guy okay?" The nurse shook her head. "He fell off the bed and aggravated his injuries, but nothing too serious. He's been experiencing some kind of shock though." Doctor Stable nodded before turning his attention to the colt. "Hey there, little guy. I'm Doctor Stable. How are you feeling?" The colt would only frown at his voice before looking up at the horn on top of the unicorn's head. His gaze would shift to try and look up at his own head, his hoof reaching out towards his forehead just below his dirty blond hair. The doctor would reach a hoof to stop him, putting it back down at his side. "Hey. Don't want to hurt yourself do you. You gotta keep still okay?" "He won't understand you, Doctor." Nightingale chipped in. "He doesn't seem to speak equestrian." Doctor Stable furrowed his brow, looking at the colt with a mix of confusion and concern. "Well, that's a problem. We need to figure out a way to communicate with him effectively." He sighed. "The Princesses did ask us to report to Miss Twilight should something come up regarding the colt." The Head nurse said. "Perhaps she could enlighten us on what to do." "You maybe right, Nightingale." The stallion stood up before nodding to her. "Please keep an eye on the little guy until I get back. Wouldn't want another accident like before now would we? And Check over his injuries. Make sure none of his wounds reopened after the fall." Nightingale nodded, watching as Doctor Stable left the room. She turned back to the colt who was watching her every move with a look of curiosity. She couldn't help but feel a sense of pity for him. He was lost, confused, and injured. She couldn't imagine what he must be going through. She took a moment to examine his bandages, checking to make sure that none of his wounds had reopened. Something the young colt was surprisingly calm about. Though he would wince in pain from a leg being pulled too far, he didn't cry or lash out as she would think any foal in his position would be. If nothing else, he seemed almost curious. The young colt watched her as she worked, his eyes following her every move. When she was done she would pull away, with a smile and a nod. "There." She paused before speaking again. "I...Know you can't understand me. But...I want you to know that you are safe here." She placed a hoof on his shoulder, an action that would cause his wings to flutter once again, despite the slight head tilt of not understanding her. ~ Twilight and Rarity arrived at the children's hospital in the mid afternoon, escorted by two other mares. The first being a wonderfully pink earth pony, and the second was a blue pegasus with a mane and tail of rainbow hues. When they arrived at the door that the mysterious colt had been placed on the other side of, they were met by Redheart, a young nurse with a rosy pink mane and snowy white fur. "Twilight." She spoke softly. "Its good to see you again. And under better circumstances no less." "Indeed." Twilight agreed. "Though taking a hurt colt to the hospital for treatment could never be the best of circumstances I suspect." The nurse nodded. "Truer words never spoken." Turning to look towards the alabaster mare beside Twilight, she smiled and nodded. "Rarity. I'm glad you are in good health too. How is your sister doing?" "Much better all things considered. Though she wasn't hurt, it was still quite the shock to find a foal her age in such a condition. She's with her mother and father for the time being all the same." "That's good news." The nurse mused softly before looking past the two unicorns. Her expression happy expression turning into that of mild deadpan. "I assume you two," she began, glancing between the hyperactive pink pony and the usually abrasive rainbow one, "Are able to keep yourselves under control, at least while you are in the foal's ward?" Pinkie Pie bounced on her hooves. "Of course, Redheart! We're always on our best behavior around the little ones!" Rainbow Dash nodded in agreement, though her expression was less enthusiastic. The nurse nodded, satisfied with their response, at least for now. "Very well then. Follow me." Turning on her hooves, she led Twilight and her friends down towards the foal's ward of the hospital wing. As they approached the door to their destination, the mare could hear the faint sound of a feminine voice genlty echoing from behind the door. Upon opening it they were greeted with the curious sight of the young colt frowning over a board of checkers, his The colt's gaze left the game in front of him and was cast towards the five new mare to enter the room. Ever so slightly, his head tilted questioningly towards the mares, an action that caused his wings to twitch in response. Rainbow Dash couldn't contain her amazement as she saw the colt's glowing wings on top of his head. She released a soft whistle. "I thought you were joking, Twi...but he really does have wings on top of his head. Kinda weird but can't say they aren't seriously awesome! I've never seen anything like 'em." Pinkie Pie on the other hand, true to her energetic and enthusiastic nature, couldn't contain her her already building excitement upon seeing a new pony. She zoomed over to the colt and marveled at his glowing dragon wings on top of his head. Her face lit up with joy as she exclaimed, "Wow! They're so pretty! Hi there! I'm Pinkie Pie! What's your name?" "Pinkie!" Twilight called out, her hoof stomping upon the ground to gain her bubbly friend's attention. "I'm pretty sure that I told you before that he won't be able to understand us. He doesn't speak equestrian." "Ooooooooh!" the pink mare exclaimed after a moment of silence. "I forgot." She giggled as she was pulled away from the colt by the lavender's mare magic. Now free from the pink one, Rarity approached the bed, her eyes scanning the colt's bandages and injuries. "Oh, the poor dear. At least he looks a little better than he did three nights ago." She turned towards Nurse Nightingale. "Well enough to play checkers too." "It took a lot of effort, but he managed to get the basic idea of how to play, even in such a short time." She glanced at the peculiar colt. "He can understand simple gestures as well so I think his mental capacity is fine, as far as I can tell at least." Twilight nodded as she drew near, rummaging in her saddlebag, pulling out a scroll and a quill pen. "...Able to grasp simple concepts." She jolted down upon the scroll before turning back to the mare "As for the language problem? Could you make him repeat what he said? I don't like to brag...but I do know several languages-" "Nerrrrrrd~" The lavender mare frowned a she casted a glare at her prismatic friend. "Languages, and I might be able to penpoint what it might be that he is speaking in." Nightingale sighed and shook her head. "I'm not sure I can. He kind of stopped talking as soon as he realized that we weren't getting what he was saying." Twilight hummed, tapping the feather of the quill to her chin in thought. "Do you...remember what he said? Maybe I can go off that." The Heard nurse thought for a moment. "I think I can repeat it, though I doubt I can say it as good in whatever language he's speaking." Clearing her throat, repeated the first set of words the colt had said. "Q-Que m'est-il a-arrivé. I think it was something like that, but I may have messed it up a bit." "Oh! Pouvez-vous comprendre ce que je dis maintenant?" The boy instantly said, surprising everyone within the room with his sudden outburst. Twilight was the first to recover, her mind reeling. "Oh...Oh wow...I...hang on...I've heard that dialect somewhere before," she said swiftly writing some notes on her scroll. "It's not a dead language, but it isn't spoken much anymore these days." "Really, Twi?" Rainbow questioned, arching one eyebrow skeptically. "To me, it just sounds like nonsense." "It only sounds that way, Rainbow Dash, because you've never heard it spoken before." the lavender mare countered. "I was still in the middle of studying it quite a few moons ago and only know a few phrases, but...I think I may be able to talk to him...at least...somewhat. Give me a second." Making her way towards the colt, she smiled softly. "Ahem...Bonjour." The colt's ears perked in her direction, a smile playing across his face. "Enfin! Quelqu'un qui peut me comprendre! Je m'appelle Yougo! Et moi-" "Ralentissez, s'il vous plaît. Parle peu. Comprendre peu." Twilight instantly said, cutting the young one off. "What happened?" Rarity asked, moving a bit closer to the lavender mare. "What did he say. He sounds rather frantic, darling." "It was difficult to grasp everything he said, but I think he mentioned something about finally being understood. And...I believe he said his name was, Yugo?" She spoke to the colt again, her words coming out deliberately. "Votre nom... Yugo?" The colt nodded eagerly, a smile on his face. "Oui. Yugo." "Oh! Ask him if he likes parties!" Pinkie Pie interjected, bouncing over to the bed. "I bet he does! And we could have a party right here in the hospital room!" "Pinkie!" Nightingale admonished, pulling the mare's ear. "Not while the patient is still recovering." Twilight cleared her throat, trying to regain control of the conversation. "If everyone would please calm down." She turned back to the colt. "Yugo, Rappelez-vous quelque chose...après le réveil? Parle lentement. Comprendre peu?" The colt made to speak, and almost instantly, it was like a shock flew though his head. He reached up, grasping at his noggin with hiss hoof, stifling a scream of pain as he did so. Nightingale was by his side in a flash, the mare pushing the colt gently pushing the colt to his back and laying him on his side, keeping him from choking as doubled over in pain. "Rainbow! Get the doctor here, now!" The head nurse spat. Turning towards prism maned mare. "Twilight, help me hold him still. We can't have him trashing about or else he will reopens his wounds." Twilight quickly nodded and moved to the colt's side, using her magic to hold him down while Nightingale examined him. Rarity and Pinkie Pie watched anxiously as Rainbow Dash flew off to fetch the doctor. The young colt's face contorted in pure agony, his eyes screwed tightly shut. It was clear that he was in extreme distress, and everyone in the room felt it. After what felt like an eternity, Yugo's body would finally relaxed, the young colt laying still on the bed, breathing heavily. Twilight released her magical hold from him, at the nurse's nod, her heart pounding as she felt a cold sweat brake out of her forehead. Doctor Stable was there seconds later, the stallion pushing past the crowd of mares to get to the colt. As if it was like clockwork, he went to work, a hoof moving towards his neck, checking his vitals. After a few moments, he would sigh and turn towards the nurse. "Whatever happened to him, He seems stabilized for now. But we'll need to keep a close eye on him for the next few hours." "What could have caused that, Doctor?" Rarity asked, a look of concern on her face. "He was fine until a second ago...And then...He just..." "That...I do not know. Not without a though checkup. Even then..." The doctor shook his head. "Was it...my fault?" Twilight asked, slowly backing away as she shook her head. "Did I...I pushed him too hard or...asked too many questions before he was ready...Oh Celestia...I...I nearly..." "Twilight! No! It wasn't your fault." Rarity instantly moved to comfort her friend. "We don't know what caused it so don’t you dare go blaming yourself for something you didn't do." "Yeah Twi! Rarity's right." Rainbow told her, moving to place a hoof around the shaking mare. Pinkie nodded as she threw her own hooves around the mare, "And don't you dare run away and blame yourself and leave us having to chase you! Cause then who would help the colt when you were doing so well before?" "I-I...of course...I...Sorry girls...I just" Twilight lowered her head. “Sorry.” The room fell into a somber silence, everyone exchanging worried glances and wondering what could have caused Yugo's sudden outburst of pain. It was clear that there was much more to the young colt's condition than any of them had initially thought. Pinkie, mane deflated due to the stress of the situation, asked the question that was on everyone's mind: "Will he be okay?" "For now," Dr. Stable replied. "I've sedated him. He needs his rest...and I suspect the rest of your girls too." He turned to Twilight. "Miss Sparkle. You were the one questioning him right?" "Come with me. I need to ask you a few questions." The doctor gestured for her to follow him out of the room, leaving the rest of the mares to worry over Yugo's condition. It was only a short distance before the doctor stopped her in her tracks, turning to face the mare. "Miss Sparkle, I need you to tell me everything that Yugo said to you before he experienced his pain." Twilight took a deep breath and began to recount the conversation. She had told him everything, starting form the time she entered with her friend to the...incident. She couldn't stop the pang of guilt hitting her. She knew what her friends had said but...it was still there. No matter how much she tried to deny it. When she had finished, the doctor would nod slowly before placing a hoof on the young mare's shoulder. "I'm not blaming you Miss Sparkle. Like your friend said. We don't know what happened. It could have just been an old injury acting at that time. But for now no questions until I say so...at least...nothing too strenuous." Twilight nodded, her mind still reeling from what had just happened. She couldn't help but feel responsible for Yugo's pain, even if the doctor had assured her that it wasn't her fault. "If you are willing. I'll still need your help. We still need to talk to him and right now, you are the only pony able to do so." "I...Of course...I just...I'll be more careful..." She looked towards the room where the young colt lay. "I promise..."