Ratchet, Clank, And Spike: Journey Through The Galaxy

by Dragonfan101

13: Pokitaru

After the three talked things out and made up, they proceeded to fly to Pokitaru in order to stop Drek from dumping toxic waste into the waters ruining it, they once again landed out and got out, Spike looked around and saw that there were ships all over the sky and dumping waste.

"This is sick, this place looks like a perfect place to relax, Drek will not get away with this!" Spike said with anger.
"Let's find the owner and see how we can help out, let's go!" Ratchet said as they got going, luckily the owner was just down the platform next to they're ship.

"Hey! You three are the first friendly faces i've seen in weeks! You are friendly aren't you?" He asked.
"Don't worry we are, we're actually here to help take care of those ships ruining the resort." Spike explained.
"Yep, we saw what was happening, we weren't gonna let it stand by and be ruined." Ratchet told him.

"Well friends, have i got a deal for you two, since the blarg has been dumping they're toxic waste into our waters, the wildlife has uh.." He tried to explained.
"Become reminisce mutants?" Clank asked.
"Yes, you can say that." He agreed.

"All me guests have either left, or become lunch, so i'm closing the place down." He told them.
"Hold on sir, we're here to put a stop to this, so we won't allow it to." Spike explained.
"Really, well then if thats the case, i happen to have 2 o2 masks" He said pulling them out.
"How much?" Ratchet asked but he pulled them away.

"It's not for sale, i said i had a deal and indeed i do." He told them.
"What do we need to do?" Spike asked.
"You three get rid of the blarg ships, and they're yours, just escort me to the other side of the resort, and you can pilot our jet fighters." He explained.
"Sounds simple enough, what do you say guys?" Spike asked, Ratchet thought of something clever.

" Give us a free membership to come here for as long as we want, and we'll do it." Ratchet told him, Spike was wanting to back off of it but this place did look really pleasant if they stopped them.
"Deal, i'll give you them if we take care of all of these guys." He agreed.
"Great, let's move!" Spike said as he and Ratchet and Clank escorted the guy back to the resort.

The three proceeded to fight they're way through more monsters, the wildlife has mutated and were now monsters, Spike looked furious as he saw these monsters were because of drek, he would not allow them to keep harming the wildlife like this. He slashed through them with his swords at every angle while ratchet was using the suck cannon to take care of multiple at once.

They had to fight on a raft and take down more monsters as they landed on it.
" How many of these things are there?!" Spike asked as he slashed them up.
"Don't know, but we aren't letting these things past us!" Ratchet said as he shot down another one.

The two finally were able to make they're way past all the monsters and were able to safely deliver the guy back to the resort.
"I'm never asking how bad can it be again." Spike said annoyed as he walked to the platform.
"Yeah, good idea" Ratchet said a little annoyed too as they walked up to the place.

After pressing a button on the ground, they opened up a bridge and took down a few more monsters, they sighed in relief as they were done with that. they came upon a large button of sorts that had a area closed off.

"Were here, now where's those fighters?" Ratchet asked.
"Yeah, where are they?" Spike asked curious as well.

" Right there in that locked garage" He said as he pointed at a closed door.
"One tour scratches the jet and wham, lawsuit." He explained.

"So it's in there.. locked behind that thing?" Spike asked a little upset.
"That lock is unlike anything i have ever seen." Clank said as they looked at it.

" Very good observation shiny, i can't open it either! I Don't trust the tourists, and the board of directors don't trust me!" He said chuckling.
"So.. wait.. you mean we can't get past this?! After all that fighting?!" Spike asked mad.
"so we have a little problem.." He said nervous.

"We have a problem? We're here to take down those ships, and because of this stupid design choice we can't!" Ratchet said upset.
"Who is designing these things?!" Spike asked mad at this stupid design.

" I can see you really want to fly our jets, so i'll tell you what, go talk to bob in his robo shack, he knows about these locks." He said pointing at the building nearby as the doors opened.
"Fine.." Spike and Ratchet both said annoyed as they walked into the place, they then noticed another scientist that looks like Al

"Well well, what do we got here?" He asked as he picked up Clank and looked at Spike's robotic wings and turned him around looking at them.
"Hey watch it!" Clank said upset.

"I recognize those works, you've been to see Al ain't you? Bob asked.
"You know Al?" spike asked curious
"Yeah, he installed the Heli pack and robo wings for my friends." Ratchet explained.

" I can see that, i taught that engineered brother of mine everything he knows!" Bob told them.
"So that's why you look a little like him." Spike said as he looked at him.

"Look if you two want real hardware, i can fix you two up with thruster packs!" Bob offered.
"Thruster packs, would that help us get past that lock?" Spike asked.

'Yes sir, what do you say?" Bob asked.
"Sure thing, let's do it." Spike said as he payed him a good amount of bolts they've been stockpiling up.

"We've got it." Clank said as he and Spike went onto the desk and they let him do his work, after a few screws and drill sounds, we see Spike and Ratchet now with they're wings looking like that from a jet.
"Awesome!" Spike said looking at them, he tried them out and he was able to hover in the air without trouble.
"It's like i'm actually flying with real wings!" Spike laughed as he landed down.
"Thank you Bob." Clank thanked.

"Sure thing pals." Bob told them, he then noticed Spike's weapons and armor.
"Say, this tech of yours looks familiar." Bob said looking at them, and that caught they're interest.
"have you found anything that looks similar to this? We can take them off your hands." Spike offered.
"Why yes i have, hold on a minute." Bob said as he took out a box of sorts and dug through it.

After a few moments he pulled something out.
"Aha! Here you are, i found this when i went scuba diving some time ago, tried everything i knew to try to activate it, hope it works for you." Bob said as he handed Spike another familiar looking metal.
"That's like the 4th one so far.." Spike said looking at it, the device suddenly glowed again and the thing materialized into something.

They all saw it became a specialized magnet of sorts, it had gold outlining with green waves of light around it, Spike decided to press it down and the thing had such a huge magnetic force, it pulled Clank and most of the stuff in the workshop to it!
"Whoa!!" Spike said as he deactivated it and dropped Clank down.
"Well that was something.." Ratchet said in awe, Spike then put it away for later.

"Sorry about that." Spike apologized.
"Don't worry about it, i'm just glad i finally know what it does now, you have a fine day sirs!" Bob told them.
"Thank you bob!" Spike said as they leaved.

"That is the 4th one we've come across so far, who is leaving these things?" Clank asked curious.
"I don't know, but this one i feel really connected with.." Spike said looking at the thing.
"Well i think it's best we focus on the ships for now, let's go." Ratchet said walking to the garage again, they both agreed to talk about it later and they used they're new upgrades to open the lock.

"Finally!." Spike said relieved as they saw two fighter jets.
"Let's get this over with." Ratchet said as he put the helmet on and Spike put his on and they got inside.

They both were able to get the handle of things really quickly, they took off into the skies and proceeded to take down the ships, Spike took down the ships dumping the waste into the water, while Ratchet took down ships trying to attack them, they picked up more and more ammo as they continued.
"Woo! This is awesome!" Spike said as he shot down another one.
"You've really come into your own with these things!" Ratchet said as he shot down the last one.

"That's all of them, let's get those masks now." Spike said as he proceeded to fly back to the garage with Ratchet following behind, they both landed down and came up to the owner.
"Well i guess that should do it, here you go you two!" He said and threw them the masks and they caught it.
"It's about time!" Ratchet said as he looked at it.
"Finally." Spike said as he put it away, they both waved goodbye and went to another teleported back to they're ship.

They once again entered they're ship and flew off again, Spike looked at the tech again curiously.
"Are you wondering about who left these for you Spike?" Clank asked.
"Yeah, it's really strange on how familiar they are to me, but how? I never have seen these kinds of things before." Spike asked curiously.
"Don't worry Spike, we'll find out soon, once drek is done with, we're gonna find this out" Ratchet assured him, Spike sighed as he put it away.
"Thanks, let's just hope Dreks planet has something important for us back there." Spike said as they flew back to the blargs old planet again to find something interesting