Our Name Across The Multiverse: 10 years later


Chapter 7: What Is Love? Don't Hurt Me.

"Who are you? Why are you here?" asked Dr. Wonder, pointing her wand at the unknown girl.

"You can say...I am the ending sun, the last sunrise in the multiverse," smirked Rainbow Sun Dawn, standing there, her chest leaking rainbow liquid slime and not moving, which filled Dr. Wonder and Amazement with worry and fear.

Wonder summoned a few magical circles near herself and was ready for a fight: "We will not let you do whatever you came to do!"

"There is nothing you can do to stop me, I'm afraid. I finally found her again! We'll be together again, and this multiverse will die. It will all die, and the multiverse will reset, but she will be in every universe!" Sun Dawn clutched her fist and looked up into the endless prism windows in the black sky. "...why...WHY!? WHY DOESN'T SHE EXIST IN ANY OTHER UNIVERSE!? SHE'S WONDERFUL! KIND! LOVING! BEAUTIFUL! WHY!? WHY DOESN'T THE MULTIVERSE CREATE HER!? " Sun Dawn shouts out in rage, feeling nothing but anger.

"I have no idea what you're talking about, but you need to stop!" shouted Wonder as she started to shoot blasts of magical spells towards the girl.

Sun Dawn wasn't phased, as she took the blast head-on and just stood there. "It's no use. I'm stronger than anything in the multiverse, including you," she just smiled and tipped her head to the side, freaking out Dr. Amazement as she hid behind her girlfriend. "Honeybun, she's too powerful. I can sense it. Her magical power is beyond even us!"

"I sense it too, but why do I feel like I felt this power before?" Wonder asked, sensing the girl's magical power. Like she sensed it before, soon, Sun Dawn started to creep forward, still smiling and bleeding out more rainbow liquid. This caused Wonder to prepare her next wave of spells as she shouted at the girl, "We will not let you harm the multiverse! I will stop you and protect my world! All the worlds!"

Amazement watched as her girlfriend slowly walked forward. "Wonder, she's too powerful! She'll kill you!" she quickly grabbed her arm, stopping her and turning to her.

"Don't worry about me! Just run away, Amazement! I was wrong in bringing you here!" replied Wonder, as she was scared deep down but trying to be brave.

"How many times do I have to tell you? I love you, I'm not leaving you!" shouted Amazement, as she used her magical sword to unleash the constellation stars of a giant Ursa Major bear and order it to attack the girl in front of her.

Sun Dawn stood her ground and let the Ursa Major bear sweep at her; she didn't even move an inch when hit. "I have nothing to fear. No one can harm me, not anymore." She soon started to walk up to the bear, raising a hand and touching its paw, sliding across it as she walked towards it. The Ursa Major was trying its best but couldn't budge the girl from its paw, and the girl just kept walking up to the bear as she reached the face and stared at the starry eyes.

"Every star is a sun doomed to fade out. Lose its meaning to shine."

Suddenly, the all-stars within the Ursa Major bear went out, and the girl continued walking through the bear's body as the Ursa Major disappeared. Dr. Amazement and Dr. Wonder were shocked.

"She killed a high-level magical summon beast! Just by looking at it? How can someone have such powerful  magic?" Amazement shouted in fear, seeing her sword going dim, as the bear was part of the sword's power and needed rest before the next summon.

Sun Dawn just walked toward the two, staring at them as she realized something about the summon and the weapon in Amazement. "Oh? A sword that can summon a powerful monster? Just like that universe I wiped out before coming here, part of the Gold Sun universe tree." she looked to her left, seeing the scattered prism window she came. "I was lucky to destroy it. That world was ending anyway. Fools kept the Golden Sun sealed away, and that was their downfall. The last lighthouse was never going to be lit anyway. Mercy killing."

Amazement had no idea what the girl was talking about, but she could see Wonder sweating and understanding her like she knew what she was talking about.

"Honeybun? What is she talking about? I have no idea what she's talking about."

"I can't believe this. She destroyed part of the Golden Sun universe?" asked Dr. Wonder to herself, feeling even more scared.

"That's right. That universe is gone; it was easy; I didn't have to lift a finger too much. They did all the work. That water element user, Alyx Glimmer, a unicorn, tried to get the Golden Sun for herself. Too bad I ended it all. Her face was wonderful to see." she started to laugh like a crazed person, freaking the girls out.

"Honey! What is she talking about?" shouted Dr. Amazement, wanting answers.

"Our universe is just a branch on a tree, a tree that is called the prime universe. That tree behind her is that tree, and the branches are endless universes with different versions of said prime universe. We're completely different people in the prime universe. As the branches keep going further out, they will soon merge with another different prime universe tree and share a universe—a crossover, you might say. There is a prime universe called the Golden Sun." explained Wonder, as Rainbow Sun Dawn moved her arm back, making the two women jump back, but soon the darkness became white again, revealing the endless rows of prime universe trees around them.

One tree was pure golden, and a branch once connected to the rainbow-colored tree was black and dead.

"I'm amazed you know this much, little witch. You're more amazing than I thought." smiled Sun Dawn. "Why aren't you the one called Amazement rather than her?"

"I know this because of the Prime Discord; after saving those twins, is how I know this, you monster!" answered Wonder, with anger in her voice.

"Twins?" whispered the girl, as her black core started to flash like the core wanted to come back. "Wait, are you one of the people who saved her? The one I lo-" But before she could finish, magical circles appeared all around her, and purple chains wrapped around her, stopping her. Soon, a giant blue magical circle appeared above her, and what came out of it was a giant blueberry cake. "Is that a cake?" said Sun Dawn, confused, before getting crushed by it, and an enormous blue explosion filled the area.

"What...?" whispered Amazement, confused by that weird spell but noticing that Wonder was filled with pure rage. "...Wonder? Honey?"

"I WON'T LET YOU TOUCH THEM!" screamed Wonder, knowing the monster was still alive. "HOW DO YOU KNOW THEM?"

The blueberry cake remains exploded, revealing Rainbow Sun Dawn, who didn't look hurt and just had cake on her body.
"That was rude," said the girl, shaking the cake off of her, and her core was still glowing. "You are, aren't you? then..." Wonder and Amazement were shocked to see the girl, not covered in darkness, falling to her knees and crying with joy, and her core was filled again but not completely. "Thank you, thank you," sobbed the girl, smiling and crying.

"Honeybun?" spoke Amazement, holding her girlfriend.

"I don't know what she's doing. This doesn't make sense," said Wonder as Rainbow Sun Dawn kept crying.

"Thank you. Thank you for saving them, 'her'! I wouldn't have met my rainbow comet light if it wasn't for you and the others. She wouldn't have saved me. She gave me a chance. To be loved. Thank you. Thank you for saving me,"

"I don't know who you are, but you need to stop," said Wonder. "Don't destroy the multiverse. Do it for Blitz and Breaker!"

"But...but my rainbow comet light...the light of my dawn, she doesn't exist in this multiverse..." whispered Rainbow Sun Dawn as her core started to go black and her body was slowly covered in darkness again. "I found her again. I won't let her go again." smiled the girl, as her core was black again and started to ooze out rainbow colors, mixing with the darkness, turning it into a colorful rainbow liquid.

"Who are you? How do you know the twins? Are you from the Dashie and Twilah universes?" demanded Wonder, trying her best to keep her rage in check.

"Twilah? Dashiell? I killed them after they took my rainbow light," giggled the girl, causing Wonder to charge at her with magical circles behind her. "Oh? Are you upset by that? Don't worry; you'll join them and the others soon."

Wonder attacked the girl and used her full magical strength, causing the whole area around them to become destroyed. A large dome formed around the area, and tons of magical circles filled the dome and unleashed different kinds of magic spells. With a barrier up, Wonder was in front of the girl and saw her getting hit by the magic spells. "MONSTER!" roared Wonder as Sun Dawn stood there, not moving or trying to defend herself, making Wonder even more mad. "Why aren't you moving or fighting back?"

"I'm just waiting, dear. I want to kill you when you give everything you have, so your little friend over there will suffer more as she watches you die," answered Sun Dawn with a smile, pissing off Dr. Wonder.

"Amazement, run!" shouted Wonder, looking at her lover.

"No, honey! I'm not leaving you alone!" cried Amazement, trying to break the barrier but couldn't.

"Please, go! Get help! I'll hold her off!"

"I'm not leaving you! I love you too much, Wonder!"

Wonder could only sigh and gave her a sad look. "You're so stubborn..."

"Love is wonderful," said Sun Dawn as she stepped up to Wonder, passed through the barrier, and grabbed her hands. Wonder could feel something, and her magic was gone like it was drained. The dome slowly faded away as Wonder dropped to her knees and looked at her hands. They were normal again, with scars on them after having had nerve damage from the car accident.

"How?" whispered Wonder, looking at her ruined hands.

"All magic belongs here," answered the girl as she pointed to the core, and something within her stared at the young witch.

Soon, the rainbow colors stopped oozing, making the girl back away from her prey as she held her hands up and closed her eyes. The rainbow liquid started to flow back into her, as the core was no longer black and had a rainbow hue around it, as the core was pulsating.

"WONDER!" screamed Amazement as she could see a rainbow slime monster blasting out of the core, standing behind Dawn, and opening its mouth, revealing a waterfall of rainbow slime. A bright, cracked rainbow orb shined out on the girl's core chest before disappearing into the darkness.

Dr. Wonder turned to Amazement and, with the last remaining magical powers she had left in her, pushed her love into the prism window that was cracked and damaged behind her, smiling, "I love you."

"WONDER!" screamed Amazement, but Wonder didn't respond as the slime monster clamped down its mouth on the poor, poor witch, covering the area with rainbow slime and making the prism window close up. Amazement was being tossed through a prism light and was blasted out of it, flying over a town and soon crashing into the woods. It was nighttime, as the stars were out. Amazement slowly sat up and rubbed her head, feeling pain and confusion about what had happened. "...Wonder? Where are you?" She spoke with fear, realizing her lover was gone and feeling heartbroken.
She started to sob as she dropped to her knees in the woods. The forest animals were around her, not knowing what to do when they heard the crying and the weird creature in front of them. Until a white bunny noticed her; a yellow pegasus appeared behind the bunny.

"Hello? Are you okay?" asked the pegasus.

hours before

Spike was out of breath and had difficulty catching up with the twins and Dawn outside Sugar Cube Corner. "Huff...huff...please...slow down...next time!" begged Spike, holding the bags of apples.

"Dude? You are well in shape; why are you so tired?" asked Blitz, who was carrying a large bag of apples and didn't look like she had broken a sweat.

"Spike is a dragon. His body looks like that, but he's not in good shape!" giggled Braver, who took a bag from Spike, which was the heavy one, causing Spike to collapse from being free from the weight.

"Well, thanks for the help...now," said Spike, lying on the ground, panting. "What's the rush anyway?"

"Yeah?" chimed in Dawn, only looking at Braver, not Blitz.

Both sisters looked at each other and smiled before returning to Spike and Dawn.

"I want to see how different Pinkie is from my Penny!" Blitz said, giving the two a big smile.

"I want Aunty Pinkie to make me a big apple pie! Plus, I haven't seen her in a long time, and I'm not counting 'that' day!" giggled Braver, walking to the bakery door.

Dawn was confused but was still curious about what Blitz was talking about.

"Who is this 'penny' you speak of? You were saying AJ had another version of herself?" asked Dawn, looking at Blitz as they entered the bakery.

"AJ and Pinkie have alternate universe versions of themselves in my universe. Everyone in your universe has a version of themselves, not just in my universe but in other universes. I'm friends with an alternate version of you in my universe. She has a ton of friends, " Blitz answered with a friendly smile, but her smile faded as Dawn gave her a look she had seen before. She saw that look from Dawn's parents when they saw her mothers. They hated lesbians, which is why Blitz is scared of saying her feelings to Dawn. "We're not dating or anything! Just...friends..."

"Okay..." whispered Dawn, as the real reason she looked Blitz like that was because she refused to believe another version of her would have friends.

"Welcome, welcome!" called out Pinkie, with her back turned to the group. She was packing cupcakes into a box but didn't turn to look at them.

"AUNTY PINKIE!" shouted Braver, rushing towards the counter, but Blitz could see Pinkie suddenly twitching.

"Pinkie senses are tingling!" giggled Pinkie, but suddenly, her tail scattered like glass, and she quickly realized who it was here. "BRAVER!" shouted Pinkie, spinning around and seeing the young pony running towards her, but Pinkie could see into the future and quickly zip her way to Braver, who tripped over her hoof and slammed right into Pinkie. The two were a pile of giggling messes as they hugged. "It's so good to see you! Also, save the bakery walls!" Pinkie squeezed her niece.

"It's been too long!" laughed Braver, hugging her with love.

"Wow..." whispered Dawn, shocked that a pink pony could move so fast and stop Braver from destroying something.

"Penny can't do that," whispered Blitz, shocked by Pinkie's speed.

"Penny can; she doesn't want to." giggled Pinkie as she turned to Blitz.

"What?" said Blitz.

"Penny is a great alt, Pinkie! She talks about you often when the Pinkie Company meets up on baking recipes and shares on Mondays! We're voted the best company in the multiverse for our baking skills! Of course, Anna Company isn't happy about that!" laughs Pinkie, showing Blitz a photo of her and other multiverse Pinkies, from looking the same pink pony to different colors, genders, and races. Penny stood in the far right with this universe Pinkie on the bottom left.

all posing for the company reward photo shoot, as Prime Pinkie held the reward. In the background, Anna is looking upset from different Fire Emblem games.

"...again, what?" Blitz is completely shocked and confused by what she sees and hears.

"Pinkie is a great baker! Aunty, can we bake these apples with you?" asked Braver as she ignored what was said and shown.

"Of course we can! How about a pie?" suggested Pinkie, letting go of Braver and turning her attention to Blitz and the others.

"Sure," whispered Blitz, still trying to understand what happened, but Spike patted her back and said this was normal.

Pinkie noticed the dragon. "Oh! Hey, Spike!" smiled Pinkie, waving at the dragon.

Suddenly, in a flash, everyone could see Twilight and Dashie before them. Blitz and Braver could see their parents holding hands; Braver didn't care, but Blitz was shocked.

"Pinkie!" cheered Twilight, waving her free hoof and having a big smile on her face as she saw her old friend.

"Oh! Hiya, Twilight! How are you doing?" Pinkie waved and smiled back.

Twilight let go of Dashie's hand, walked over to her friend, and hugged her. "It was just great! Sorry, we couldn't talk more after 'that' day."

"No worries," smiled Pinkie, hugging her, but she noticed Braver looking sad, so she brought her into the hug and said, "Don't be sad, sweet Braver; never be sad about what happened that day. We love you, and we're here for you. Okay?"

"Thank you, Aunty Pinkie," whispered Braver, holding back tears and smiling at her.

"See," Dashie said to her daughter, who looked at her. "She's loved here, no matter what."

Blitz remembers what she said before when she was mad and nodded in agreement: "Yeah. I want her to be happy, that's all. I don't want to see her hurt and sad again. We've been through that already, Mom." Dashie looks at her daughter after she says that, and she is smiling now. "Thank you. Thanks for saving us that day."

Dashie put her hand on her daughter's head and pushed into her chest and, smiling as she said, "I'm proud of you; you're a great daughter and sister." whispered Dashie, who didn't see the tiny tears in Blitz's hurt eyes, who looked hurt, but she did her best to hide it.

After some time, everyone was in the kitchen, and Cheese Sandwich and his son were done talking to Pinkie. They left the room to handle the store. The twins and Dawn were busy making apple pie while Spike was relaxing in the corner, enjoying milk and diamond-covered cookies. Twilight and Dashie asked Pinkie to help them with their cooking skills.

"I don't know Twilight. There was a reason why you were banned from the castle kitchen. You burned everything and created a fire demon," said Pinkie, remembering Sunburst and Spike's tale.

Twilight nudged Dashie in a very playful way that only Blitz noticednoticed was off. "Yeah, yeah, I get it. But that was the past, and I'm way better than that. Right, Dashie?"

"How bad was the fire demon?" asked Dashie, curious. Also, it causes Twilight to puff her cheeks in anger.

"Oh, it was a giant, black, ugly thing and was very destructive. It almost ate the whole kitchen, but thanks to Shining Armor and Flurry Heart, they managed to take care of it," answered Pinkie, remembering the damage the demon did, told by her friends.

"Wow... I just made the salad super hot that once...but nothing that bad," smirked Dashie, turning to Twilight, who puffed her cheeks even harder.

"Okay, you're right. But still, I'm a better cook!" huffed Twilight, crossing her arms.

"Well, how about a friendly competition?" Dashie asked smugly, which surprised Blitz and Braver. The twins were waving at Pinkie to tell her no, but she said sure, making them both facepalm.

"You're on!" said Twilight, excitedly.

"I'm going to kick your tail so hard!" Dashie, cracking her knuckles, was ready for this challenge.

Spike ate his last cookie and got out of there as fast as he could, while Blitz ran up to Pinkie and said, "Pinkie, are you sure about this? Mom burned cereal! CEREAL!"

"I know, your mom is a horrible cook. Don't worry, it's okay; nothing will go wrong, trust me. I got everything under control, so enjoy the show, Blitz." giggled Pinkie while Braver and Dawn put the apple pies in the oven.

"Braver, want to do something while the pies cook? Maybe go outside or something?" asked Dawn, looking nervous.

"Sure, that sounds like a good idea, Dawn!" smiled Braver, heading for the door as fast as she could, grabbing Dawn by her hoof, causing her to lush.

Soon, it was just Pinkie and Blitz, as they would judge Twilight and Dashie on their baking and cooking skills.
The round was...

Pinkie rang a bell and yelled, "MAKING A CHOCOLATE CAKE!"

Dashie and Twilight were given the same ingredients to make their cakes. Blitz watched, nervous, while Pinkie was smiling happily.

Dashie poured the flour, the sugar, the eggs, everything, but it suddenly caught fire somehow, making Blitz facepalm while Pinkie was laughing and clapping her hooves. "GOOD JOB, DASHIE, THAT WAS VERY SPECIAL!"

"How!" shouted Blitz while Dashie tried to extinguish the fire. Twilight was done putting everything in the battle, and everything started to mix up.

Twilight had trouble mixing. Something was holding the mixer down, making her push harder and harder before snapping the handle off. She looked at the handle, threw it behind her, and used her magic to mix everything, but that wasn't working in mixing the cake batter. "Why!" whined Twilight, pushing her magic hard, but the cake batter was somehow stuck.

"Come on, Twilight, I know you can do it!" encouraged Dashie, still trying to extinguish the fire. Twilight blushed as she pushed her magic more until she could mix the cake batter.

"Hooray! Go Twilight!" smiled Pinkie, waving at the purple unicorn.

Twilight smiled but turned to Dashie, who finally released the fire, sighing at the burned batter. Twilight could only shake her head in disappointment, so she poured some of her batter into a new bowl and gave it to her.

"What? Why?" asked Dashie, holding the bowl as Twilight stopped pouring the batter.

"I'm helping you out; now, come on. You got this!" cheered Twilight, pushing the mixer but getting stuck again. "Come on! Not again!" whined Twilight, making Dashie laugh. She stood behind her, pulling out the broken mixer, putting it into the bowl, and putting Twilight's hoof on it, causing her to blush as they were mixing.

"Like this, Twilight. You have to use a little more physical force than always using your magic," Dashie said with a friendly, smug smile as the mixers started to move and the batter started to mix up. Twilight could only blush and stutter as she felt her heart would explode, and Dashie loved it, not realizing she shouldn't.

"Okay, now we need to bake the cake! Dashie, can you put the batter in the oven, and Twilight, can you do the same?" asked Pinkie, smiling wide, not noticing the flirting going on while Blitz was watching in disbelief.

"Sure, but can Twilight do it without a strong woman helping her?" asked Dashie, looking over to her friend.

"Of course I can. Watch this," smiled Twilight. As the mixer was empty, she magically picked it up and floated it to the oven.

"Show off!" chuckled Dashie, using her spatula to playfully spank Twilight as she went to turn on the oven.

Twilight could only squeak and blush even harder as Dashie was laughing.

"What..." whispered Blitz, seeing the love before her.

"Such good friends!" giggled Pinkie as she hopped to them, leaving Blitz confused and confused.

After some time, the cake was baked. Dashie was using the spatula to check if the cake was made and pulled it out, seeing how the cake was coming along, while Twilight was waiting to take her cake out.

"It's done," smiled Dashie, using her spatula to flip the cake. Twilight was using her magic to carefully get her cake out, being careful not to burn herself as she hovered it near her face and looked at it. "I win!" laughed Twilight, setting the cake on the table. Hers was perfectly baked, while Dashie's was black, burned, and crumbled...and caught fire.

"I'll be the judge of that!" Pinkie said as she walked over to them, grabbed a fork and knife, and cut into Twilight's cake. Pinkie cut into the cake until it exploded, sending the cake everywhere. Soon, a cake demon was born from the remains and ran outside; screams could be heard. "Too evilly!" said Pinkie, chewing a piece.

Blitz wiped the cake off her body and hurried out of the kitchen. Looking back, she saw Twilight on top of her mom as they were blasted on top of each other, both blushing. She didn't like what she saw, and feeling angry, she took off to fight the cake demon to blow off that anger she was building up.

"Are you okay?" asked Twilight, getting up and using her magic to wipe the cake off her.

"Never batter...get it?" smirked Dashie, cleaning some cake off Twilight's cheeks.

"Not really, but nice try," Twilight chuckled, making Dashie sigh and smile. But thanks..." Twilight whispered, looking away and blushing.

"No problem, that's what lovers are for—I mean friends!" shouted Dashie as she started to remember who her real lover was and blushed, while Twilight remembered as well, and both turned red.

"Oh god, we were acting all lovey-dovey," said Twilight, holding her cheek, realizing how much they were acting like a couple.

"YEAH!" shouted Dashie, not thinking, as she stood up, forgetting she had cake all over her face, and spoke, "In front of Blitz too! Oh god!"

"We were in front of Pinkie, too! Oh god!" groaned Twilight, covering her face. She did not realize that Pinkie had left the kitchen after Blitz had, as she needed to help her husband with something, and she never saw the two saying all this.

The two only blushed as they started to clean the mess and the kitchen, Twilight using her magic and Dashie wiping the table and floor.

"I'm so sorry," said Twilight, ashamed.

"It's not your fault; it's the stupid universe!" Dashie replied, tossing the rag into the stink but missing the sink.

"That's true!" smiled Twilight, catching and floating the rag to the sink and using her magic to rinse it.

"...I'm scared. What if she finds out? Blitz is going to freak, you know?" asked Dashie as she watched her friend using her magic.

"She won't," assured Twilight, now ringing her rag out.

"But what if she does and she hates us? Hates Twilah!?" asked Dashie as she started walking around the room, tripping on a small cake piece and falling on Twilight, who turned around as it happened. Dashie opened her eyes, realizing she was back in her anthro form and seeing the worried look on Twilight's face and their noses touching, their lips so very closed. Both blushed. Soon, both opened their wings, and both of their wings stood tall and firm "Oh shit," whispered Dashie as she and Twilight realized that their wings were standing tall, showing each other that they were both in..." SORRY!" she screamed, as she got off of Twilight and used the stink to blast cold water on her, trying to calm herself down and trying to turn back.

Twilight wanted to help but noticed Dashie's white shirt was see-through, revealing the rainbow sports bra. Her wings opened wider, and she, too, put her head in the stink and joined Dashie in cooling off as steam came out.
Both were breathing heavily as they were calming down. They looked at each other, seeing how the two were soaked, and sighed, feeling bad.

"You didn't do anything. I was the one that fell on you," said Dashie, as her wings started shrinking, and she no longer stood tall.

"I know, but..." answered Twilight as her wings returned to normal and started to fold up while Dashie's were doing the same.

"I'm sorry. I was just scared," Dashie told her, rubbing her arms. She was shivering but realized her shirt was see-through, covering herself up.

Twilight looked away and could see her cake monster outside, being beaten by Blitz.

"Why does this keep happening? Am I cursed or something?" asked Twilight, using her magic to dry her and Dashie off.

"Maybe. Maybe this is just some stupid joke the multiverse is pulling on us because it's bored and wants us to suffer," laughed Dashie. "I wish I could cook something, you know? Twilah is always doing the cooking... I feel so useless in that department, you know?"

Twilight nodded as she said how Dash does all the cooking. "You know what's more awful? She was an awful cook, too, but she got better for me and Braver before she moved in with me in the castle. So don't give up; if your counterpart can cook, so can you!"

Dash smiled as she said, "You think so?"

Twilight nodded as she patted Dashie back, saying, "Of course. You're awesome and can do anything."

Dash laughed. "Thanks, you're so sweet. I could eat you."

Twilight smiled as she blushed. The two were getting closer, but she quickly backed away and coughed, looking away.
Dashie wanted something to do to ignore the feelings she was having, so she took out a book from the counter and wanted to make something so simple that even burning it wouldn't stop it from being edible. She looked in the cookbook. Twilight was watching her, seeing her trying so hard to cook something but also trying to ignore their feelings for each other. "This looks easy," said Dashie, pointing at the picture in the book, making Twilight walk over and look at it.

"That's just a cupcake?" laughed Twilight.

"I know, but let's try to make some!" smiled Dashie.

"Okay, let's start baking," replied Twilight.

Dashie went to the fridge and removed the milk and eggs, then took the butter and flour from the cupboards and set it all down. Next, she went over to get the sugar and got some vanilla, chocolate chips, and some other ingredients.
Twilight was surprised to see how determined Dashie was. As the blue anthro pegasus was going through the cookbook and getting everything she needed, Twilight got the cupcake pan ready. Dashie looked and nodded as she started to mix all the ingredients together and pour them into the pans.

Twilight was watching her. "You can add whatever you want to the batter if you want," Dashie said, making Twilight smile and pouring more stuff into the batter, making it thicker.

"Like this?" asked Dashie, showing Twilight the batter.

"Perfect!" nodded Twilight as Dashie put the batter in the oven.

Soon, the two were waiting for the cupcakes to cook, as Dashie was sitting on the floor and Twilight was next to her.
"I hope it comes out fine. For once, I want something edible," sighed Dashie, putting her head on the counter wall.

Twilight could only pet her friend's rainbow hair as she said, "It's okay. Don't worry, I'm sure it will come out good."

"You think?" asked Dashie as she leaned against Twilight and laid her head on her side like a pillow.

"I know," replied Twilight, still petting her.

"... I remember my first real date with Twilah. After saving the multiverse and dating for a few months, I was going to take her out to eat at this high-class place, but it was a disaster, like usual. So, to make it up to her, we headed back to my house, and I wanted to make her something, even if it wasn't good. I tried making her a pizza; it was super terrible, but she ate it even though she didn't have to. But we laughed and had a great time, eating some ice cream after." Dashie said with a small smile.

"Sounds wonderful," said Twilight

"It was," replied Dashie. "But...that was when she started to put me down from doing anything. She didn't want me to cook and just wanted to go out to eat, order takeout, or have her cook dinner for us. It was fun at first, but then it got tiring as I realized she was doing everything while I was doing nothing, and even worse when we moved into our place. Then, she showed me off to everyone at one event where she was invited. I thought nothing of it, but then I started hearing those suck-ups, saying I was just a trophy wife, someone Twilah was keeping around for sex. That's when I got angry—at myself, making Twilah look bad because of how freaking useless I was, just a trophy wife. That's when I started trying to prove myself. I tried cooking, but it made Twilah mad, as I kept wasting food. Then I tried baking, but it was the same thing. Then I tried cleaning, but I just messed that up, too. I just wanted to do something, prove my usefulness to her, and show that I wasn't useless. So I decided to try something different, so I started doing sports and fitness at the YMCA, which worked, but I wanted to do more. I noticed they needed someone to watch the kids and play with them, so I applied, which Twilah wasn't happy about initially, but I didn't care. Twilah finally agreed, if it was only on certain days, as Blitz was in our lives by that point, which was fine with me, and I had fun with the kids, playing sports and other games, but then taking care of Blitz almost full time was hell."

Twilight was surprised, as she said, "So... you're a babysitter for this "YMCA"?"

"I guess? I don't get paid because I don't need to," replied Dashie, laughing as she continued. I love doing it. I'm having fun, being myself, and making people happy."

Twilight smiled as she said, "That's awesome."

"Yeah," replied Dashie, smiling too.

It was quiet between the two as they looked at the oven and the orange glow. Soon, Twilight spoke up. "But you weren't happy, right?"

Dashie could only sigh as she said, "Yes and no. I was happy being myself and active and helpful, but I still felt useless to her. So..."

"So?" asked Twilight, curious.

Dashie closed her eyes, trying to find the will to say it, as Twilight noticed it, knowing it wasn't something great. She was right, as Dashie whispered in sadness, "I started to try being a good trophy wife to her...in bed..."

Twilight was surprised and hurt when she heard that.

"...and we had fun, and she was happy, which was what I wanted, but deep down, I hated it. I hated how this was the only good thing I could do for her." Dashie said, trying to hold back her sadness and be strong for herself.

Twilight placed her head near Dashie's face, saying, "Don't say that," and started to nuzzle her, "Please don't say that."

Dashie slowly reached out to her friend, holding her as she said, "It's true; it's all I'm good at for her—being her pretty little girlfriend, her plaything, and not much else."

Twilight held her friend as she could only whisper, "Don't say that; you know that's not true. Twilah doesn't see you like that; you know it." Dashie said nothing, causing Twilight to worry, as she said, "This is weird."

"How?" asked Dashie, looking up at her.

"Twilah and I might be feeling and going through the same thing, seeing our loved ones being trapped with us...feeling like we're using them," said Twilight, surprising Dashie.

Dashie sat up and couldn't believe it, asking, "Trap? Dash?"

Twilight nodded, saying, "I have a feeling. She wanted us to live in her cloud house after we got married, but I couldn't. My place is the castle, and I can't say goodbye for long. She understands that, so she moved in with me, and every day, when not doing Wonderbolt work, she's in the castle, trying to find something to do—anything to do. It worsened when Braver moved out, as Dash yearned for adventure again. I know she doesn't mind staying here and not doing much, but she feels trapped, even though she doesn't want to say it. She's unhappy, being here, not doing anything."

"I never notice," sighed Dashie, as she never noticed Dash looking trapped. She also never thought Twilah might know she was feeling useless to her.

"And neither have I...until you spoke about your problem being useless...stuff that Dash did was the same thing, said or took action on...like in bed...it all started to click, it was the same thing," added Twilight, sighing.

The two sat there as the oven dinged, making them look at it, but both just sat there, not moving.

"Maybe you should stop being a princess? If it's making her unhappy," asked Dashie.

"I can't give up being a princess, but..." replied Twilight before looking down. "Maybe I should start stepping back and stop being a princess for a bit. Just spend time with my friends and family."

"Really?" said Dashie, surprised that Twilight quickly agreed.

"Well, not yet. I need to talk with her first and make sure we're on the same page," Twilight replied, getting up with her friend.

"Okay," nodded Dashie as the two headed over and checked the cupcakes.

"They look good," replied Twilight, seeing how they were cooked so well and burned one bit.

"I'm worried. What if they are bad?" asked Dashie, worried.

"They won't be. I know," said Twilight, looking at Dashie, who blushed.

"Okay. Let's eat them," smiled Dashie.

Soon, the two took out the cupcakes and blew on them as they waited. Soon, Dashie couldn't wait anymore and bit into hers. "It's not bad, not good, but not bad!".

"See? You did it," smiled Twilight as she tried her own and reacted similarly.

"Thanks," smiled Dashie, as she was so happy.

"I told you, you can do anything," replied Twilight, eating her own.

"Yeah. I can," she looked at the cupcake. "Maybe I don't need to prove to anyone that I'm good enough because I already know I am."

Twilight smiled as she could only nod, eating her cupcake.

Dashie turned to her friend with a small, happy smile. "Thanks, Twilight."

"Anything for a friend. You did the same for me," replied Twilight as the two enjoyed the cupcakes.

Near the doorway, Blitz heard everything and looked sad. "Mom was hurting? Even more when I came to live with them? She's always happy around Twilah and me and never acts sad. She never acted like it around us, so why? And how could I miss all this?" thought Blitz as her mind started to go to a dark place. "...I shouldn't have chosen them. I'm draining Mom's life and making her suffer. If I weren't alive, she wouldn't be sad. If I weren't around, Mom would be happier."

Blitz's eyes glowed, and a rainbow orb light lit very dimly on her chest.

"Mom doesn't see me as a monster but as a burden. I'm the one who made her like this; I'm why she's hurt," thought Blitz. Her mind started to flash images of Sky, as Sky was hurting as she faced off against her daughter after Blitz killed Nightfall. She could remember all the sadness that Sky had on her face: "She hates me. Everyone hates me. Mom just doesn't know how to say it," whispered Blitz as she could hear Sky's voice, hating her for ruining her life.

"Blitz!" said Pinkie as she noticed something was wrong with her as was returning to the kitchen

Blitz was breathing heavily and sweating; her chest was glowing, and her purple eyes became blue.
"...I need to die. It's the only way to fix everything. Then mom won't hurt anymore." said Blitz, as she could hear the screams and cries of the universe she had wiped out, even hearing Sky's voice screaming out in pain. She walked away from the doorway after shutting the door quietly.

"BLITZ!" shouted Pinkie, as she was worried.

"Everyone will be happy. There will be no more pain or suffering; everyone will be happy, including Mom..." Blitz closed her eyes, and her chest stopped glowing. Her eyes returned to purple when she opened them. She blinked and shook her head, realizing she was going to have a trigger attack.

"Blitz! What's wrong!" asked Pinkie, worried.

"Nothing," replied Blitz, looking down. "Just having a bad day."

"Are you sure? Do you want to talk about it?" asked Pinkie.

Blitz tried to smile as she looked at the kitchen door. "No, I'm good."

Pinkie looked into the doorway, saw Dashie and Twilight talking and laughing, and then looked back at Blitz.

"They're happy. They're having fun together. I shouldn't bother them. I should leave," said Blitz, looking down.

"Smile," whispered Pinkie, closing the door behind her.

"Huh?" asked Blitz, confused and looking at Pinkie.

"Smile," repeated Pinkie as she smiled, showing her dimples.

Blitz did the same, smiling as Pinkie laughed at her. "No, silly. Your real smile! not the fake smile you put on for others. The smile, that's all you," Pinkie replied, looking at her.

Blitz looked at her and smiled, but Pinkie shook her head again. "That's not your smile," said Pinkie, smiling sadly.
Blitz didn't understand her, as she didn't know her 'real' smile.

"This is," smiled Pinkie, closing her eyes. She suddenly smiled and laughed, showing her dimples.

"How?" asked Blitz, as she was surprised to see such a happy smile.

"It's my smile. The one that is mine is mine. A smile shows who I am. Who I truly am when I remember all the good and happy things in my life," replied Pinkie.

Blitz was still confused by all this "What?"

"Close your eyes and remember all those happy and good memories. Remember what made you smile?" replied Pinkie.
Blitz said nothing as she closed her eyes.

"Remember the good times—the times you had with your sister, the times you had with your mother, the times you were happy." smiled Pinkie.

Blitz did, remembering all the times with her mother and sister, making her smile.

"Remember the good things," repeated Pinkie, as Blitz remembered a specific memory with her mothers.

"Mommy!" smiled a little Blitz filly as she was in a playground with her mother, Sky, and Nightfall. Sky was sitting on a bench, watching the two while Nightfall and Blitz played on the swings.

"You swing so high! Look how fast you're going!" laughed Nightfall as she watched Blitz swing high, almost flying off.

"Whee! This is fun!" Blitz shouted with happiness, swinging faster and higher.

"You have to slow down," said Nightfall, getting worried. Sky was cheering her daughter on to go higher, which made Nightfall glare at her.

"Awww!" whined Blitz, slowing down.

Nightfall smiled as she continued to push her daughter.

"Can't I go higher?" asked Blitz, looking at her mother.

"Not today. You're too small. You might get hurt since you can't fly right now," Nightfall replied, looking at her daughter.

"But..." said Blitz, pouting.

"You're just not ready yet, Blitz. Trust me, dear," Nightfall said with a warm smile.

Blitz pouted but understood as the two continued to swing.

"When you're older and ready, you'll fly. Like your dumb mommy over there," Nightfall whispered to her while pointing to Sky. Sky was looking at them but wondering what Nightfall was saying since Blitz was giggling and smiling at her.

"Really?" asked Blitz, always wanting to be her like mom, a great flyer.

"Yes," replied Nightfall as she pushed her daughter.


Soon, the memory changed to teenager human Blitz, sitting on the swings in the town park and blushing as Dashie and Twilah were behind her, trying to hold in their laughter.

"Blitz, can you repeat that?" asked Dashie, smiling as Twilah couldn't stop giggling.

"No! I can't believe you two are making me repeat it!" said Blitz, covering her face.

"Please, for us," smiled Twilah as Dashie smirked joyfully.

Blitz sighed as she looked away and blushed. "Can you push me, mommy?" said Blitz, as the two giggled and pushed the girl with little strength, causing Blitz to get up. "Sorry! Sorry for burdening you with this stupid request. Let's just go. Forget I even asked." Blitz started to walk away but felt both of her hands being held, and she was forced back into the seat.

"Burden? You? Never. You could never be a burden to us," said Twilah as Dashie and she started pushing Blitz again.

"Yeah. You're our daughter, Blitz. We would do anything for you," Dashie added as she pushed her harder.

Twilah and Dashie stopped pushing her. "Anything at all!" Twilah gave Blitz a big hug Blitz.

"Mom, don't hug me. You know I'm not a touchy-feely type of person," said Blitz, looking down. She could see people looking at them as they walked by.

"I know, but I can't help myself. You're my little girl, and I'm the one who gives you hugs and love," said Twilah.

"You're so embarrassing," sighed Blitz, rolling her eyes.

"You love us, and you know it," smiled Twilah, squeezing harder.

Blitz did the same, still rolling her eyes but smiling.

"Oh! Can I have a hug?" asked Dashie, feeling felt out.

"Yes," replied Blitz, as the three hugged, and soon both mothers started to push her again, but with more power behind it. "Weeeeee!" smiled Blitz, swinging higher and higher as the two continued to move but stopped as Blitz fell off during the highest swing and landed on the ground. She laughed as they hurried over to her to ensure she was okay.

Soon, the memory faded away, Blitz's eyes opened, and a bright smile appeared.

"Feel better?" asked Pinkie, smiling and rubbing her back.

"...yeah," replied Blitz, her eyes becoming a mix of colors until they became purple again.

"That's good. I taught your sister that. When she was ever sad, she stood up tall and smiled. Don't let the pain take away your happiness. Never give up on that happiness. It's the one thing that can't be taken from you but the one thing you have to fight for. Don't forget." Pinkie said with a warm yet sad smile.

Blitz's eyes went wide as she saw an image of Rain standing behind Pinkie, smiling, before disappearing when she blinked. "...Rain said-"

"That? I know your sister helped me in the past when I lost my happiness and said that to me. Those versions of Twilight and Dash are wonderful people; they left their inspiration within you and your sister. So stand up and continue to grow and smile. Be happy," said Pinkie, helping Blitz up.

She got up and hugged her. "Thank you, Pinkie,"

"Don't thank me, thank them," said Pinkie, looking down at Blitz's chest.

Pinkie touched Blitz's chest, smiling. "Thank you," cried Blitz, but Pinkie could still see that Blitz was still hurting deep inside.

Meanwhile, Braver and Dawn were walking around Ponyville, stopping on the bridge to look out at the river and watch the stream flow down.

"Braver?" said Dawn, slowly looking at her.

"Hmm?" hummed Braver, still looking into the river.

"Are you alright? You've been acting weird, and you're not talking much," Dawn asked.

"Huh? What? No. I'm fine," replied Braver, melting a tiny bit.

"Liar. I can tell when you're not okay," said Dawn, walking closer and looking her in the eyes.

"It's just...my mom," said Braver, still trying to hide her pain. This made Dawn smile inside, but she looked worried outside. "It's been hard. I can't get what happened out of my mind."

Dawn wanted to be there for Braver, but she couldn't, not right now. "What happened is not your fault, but I gotta ask you something—something that's been bothering me," said Dawn, looking away.

Braver replied, "Sure?" and felt worried about her friend.

"We're friends, right? And we're friends no matter what happens," asked Dawn as she looked at Braver with a worried expression.

"What kind of question is that? Of course we are!" said Braver, surprised by the silly question.

"Good," smiled Dawn as she wrapped her arms around Braver's neck and looked down, a little nervous. "Just...don't be mad at me because what I'm going to do is all for you and only you because I love you. Always have and always will." Braver didn't understand until Dawn kissed her, surprising Braver.

"Mmmm?" muffled Braver as Dawn continued to kiss her. As Braver could feel her body heat up, her cheeks going red, her heart beating, and her body melting, "Mmm...mmm!" muffled Braver again, closing her eyes, as she and Dawn started to kiss more, their tongues touching, feeling the warmth of their mouths and saliva. Braver's mind was going blank, as she couldn't believe she and Dawn were kissing and her first kiss at that. She couldn't think as she didn't know how to feel about this. It was the same feeling she always had when looking at Dawn, but it was burning more in her chest, like a giant burning sun.

Dawn's mind was also blank; her heart was beating fast, and she could feel warmth. She always felt that warmth around Braver, but it was burning more. She could feel Braver's soft lips and the wetness and warmth of her mouth, and she felt a burning in her chest. She felt complete and whole. A love that she had always wanted in her life.

The two continued to kiss until Dawn pulled away and saw Braver's slime wings standing tall and doing a weird dance. Braver herself was completely star-struck by the kiss, and her mind was a mess. Dawn blushed as she saw the wings becoming solid and hard and could see the light blue and purple sparks within them.

"That was...wow," said Braver, in a daze.

"Braver, your wings are different than those of normal Pegasus and Alicorns—even normal slime creatures," said Dawn, amazed by them.

"...huh? ...oh! Wow, you're right!" Braver looked at her wings. "Why are they like that?" asked Braver. Then, she saw Dawn blushing and looking away, which confused her. "Sorry, I don't know why my wings act like that. I mean, it's not the first time they act weird. They always act up when I see you!" she confessed.

"What!" blushed Dawn with tears in her eyes, hearing Braver confess, "I knew you always loved me and only me!" shouted Dawn, jumping on Braver as they both fell into the river.

"Ack!" Braver shouted as she and Dawn came back up. Dawn was still on top of her, but Braver's body was now in its slime form because she had gotten wet. "Love? Yeah, I love you as a friend!"

"What? As a friend? But...but..." cried Dawn.

Braver nuzzled her face. "Yes, my greatest friend. When I look at you, I'm always filled with joy and happy to be around you."

"But what about the kiss we had?" asked Dawn as Braver tipped her head to the side.

"Don't people you love so much kiss each other? My mom always kisses me," smiled Braver, as Dawn could feel her heart drop.

"You're a big dummy; you know that, Braver," said Dawn, hitting her with her hoof. Braver fell back in the water and melted in the water as she tried to form, but Dawn shouted at her again. "Don't you understand what 'love' is!"

"Love? That's a feeling I have towards everyone and everything. My family, friends, and moms!?" said Braver, raising her head.

"It's more than that! "I love you, like my mother and dad love!" cried Dawn.

"So do I!" smiled Braver, forming more. "I love you, like how your parents love you!"

"No! You are not getting it! I love you like they 'love' each other, meaning I want you to be mine, only mine. NO ONE ELSE! MINE!" shouted Dawn, as she started to cry.

"So do I. I love you like that, to the point where no one can have you because no one else can be my biggest and greatest friend!" Braver smiled, almost returning to normal.

Dawn looked down and started to cry and shout at her as the two argued about love. "You just don't get it! Never will...because..." Dawn stopped as she walked close to Braver, held her walk up, and was going to hit her. Braver looked confused, wondering what she was doing until Dawn lowered it and turned away. "...because they keep taking you away from me. Even taking away your love for me, your real love. Don't worry, Braver, I'm going to save you. No one will stop me, not your parents, sister, fake friends, or even Cozy."

"Cozy?" whispered Braver, even more confused.

"Wait for me, and please understand; please don't hate me, and even if you do, I'll make you understand because you're a big blockhead! A cute and lovable blockhead, but still a blockhead," said Dawn as she started to walk away.

"Dawn..." Braver called out to her and tried to follow her. "Dawn! Wait!"

Dawn turned to her and, with sadness, just said, "This is goodbye for now. Don't cry, Braver... I know you'll cry like the big baby you are." With that said, Dawn teleported away, leaving Braver in the river and more confused, as her heart was hurting now, and her wings were changing colors.

"Dawn..." whispered Braver as she started to cry rainbow tears. "Dawn, come back! I'm sorry! Please come back! I didn't mean to hurt you!" shouted Braver, as a few minutes passed and no Dawn. "Please. I love you and will protect you, no matter what!" cried Braver, but still no Dawn. Braver started to freak out. "I'LL LEARN WHAT 'LOVE' IS! PLEASE COME BACK! DAWN! Dawn, please don't leave me! Please!" shouted Braver, crying loudly and falling back into the river. Her wings turned white and started to spark, making her cry louder as the water began to glow.
Braver looked at her wings and became mad. "Damn it! Stop sparking! You're just a wing and a part of me, yet you're a jerk! You made her hate me!" cried Braver, hitting her wing as it kept sparking. Braver tried to hit her wing again, trying to stop it, but it wouldn't, which made her cry louder. "Dawn..." cried Braver as her tears continued to fall in the water, as her wings and body started to glow and spark, like an electrical storm, as the river water glowed and the water and she began to rise, as her wings started to shine. Within her chest, a scatter of pieces of grey orbs of different sizes started to glow, trying to spark, but Braver grew madder and screamed as she pulled her wings off, finally ending the event with her body and falling into the water. The stumps of her wings were glowing bright light blue, while her wings were still glowing white but soon melted away in the water. Braver slowly hid under the bridge, and it started to be night.

Braver had no idea how long she had been crying under there; she could feel someone looking at her. She looked up and saw Aunt AJ. "Hey, Aunty Applejack. I'm fine. Dawn and I fought," smiled Braver.

"I didn't hear you all fighting. What happened? I was coming into town with a friend and heard you crying," AJ said.

"Huh? A friend?" asked Braver, wiping her tears.

"Yep," smiled AJ, pointing behind Braver, who looked around and smiled.


"Hey, Braver," smiled Tempest, who had her cloak on, hiding her body, but her hood was down. "Are you okay? It sounded like you were crying."

"Oh, yeah, I'm fine," smiled Braver as Applejack and Tempest saw her tear marks. "It was a little fight I had with Dawn as friends will have."

"Friends, huh?" whispered Tempest, looking at AJ, who nodded.

"Yeah, friends," smiled Braver as the two sighed.

"Y'all sure you're okay?" asked AJ. "What happened to your wings? Why is your slime glowing blue?"

"Huh? Oh, that. Well, my wings decided to be a big jerk, so I took them off," shrugged Braver.

"Your wings are part of your body," said Tempest. "Why haven't they healed?"

"I don't know." Braver touched the glowing blue slime, and something happened that she had never felt before, greater when getting sunscreen on her body. She was in great pain, like her body was dying. "IT HURTS! WHY!?" shouted Braver, holding her body.

"Braver!" shouted AJ as she and Tempest helped her.

"What's wrong?" Tempest asked. "Why is her own slime hurting her?" The two could see the blue glowing slime starting to turn hard and give off sparks, and Braver started to cry and scream in pain.

"I don't know, but we need Twilight and Dash, NOW!" shouted AJ.

"Got it! Hold on, Braver!" said Tempest as she used her magic to carry Braver, but Braver fought back.

"NO! I don't want to see Mom right now! NOT LIKE THIS! NEVER LIKE THIS!" shouted Braver.

"What? What are you talking about?" asked Tempest as Braver cried more.

"I SAID NO!" shouted Braver, fighting the two off. Her slime hardened and started to glow brighter, giving off powerful sparks.

"Damn, she's strong!" groaned AJ, trying to hold her down.

"Come on, Braver. This is not the time for that. Let's go," said Tempest.

"NO!" shouted Braver as she shot her slime out, creating a powerful explosion that knocked the two back and landed them in the water.

"TEMPEST!" shouted AJ, getting up and not seeing Tempest anywhere.

"Mama!" called out Braver as her body swelled. Soon, her whole body and her new wings were covered in slime. AJ was speechless as she saw Braver looking like Luna as if she were made of the night sky.

Braver closed her eyes, and soon, the slime oozed across her body and into her mane and tail. Once again, AJ was speechless and in pure shock when she saw Braver's mane and tail having slime rainbows in them, but what caught her off guard was Braver'sthe cutie mark. It started as a blue star in its first form, but now it looked like it was trying to form into Twilight's cutie mark. AJ could feel herself crying as she watched Braver become...


"Mama..." Braver chest started to glow again, but as a completed rainbow orb, but it quickly scattered back into different broken parts, and the glow vanished as four color ghost figures suddenly appeared and held Braver, who was normal again, and slowly put her on the ground, and three of the four ghosts disappeared. The remaining one was pure orange. As it looked over to AJ, it vanished.

In Sugar Cube Corner, Blitz and the others enjoyed the pies, and Twilight was done raising the moon but looked worried.

"Where are Braver and Dawn? In fact, where are Twilah and Dash?"

"The kids are being kids; don't worry, but I agree with you on Twilah and Dash," said Dash, looking out the window and looking at her wedding ring. "Those two haven't returned, and I'm getting worried."

"Have faith in them," whispered Twilight, to which Dashie nodded, but they suddenly heard Blitz screaming out in pain.

"What!? What's going on??" asked Pinkie Pie, who was feeding Lil Cheese

"BLITZ!" shouted Dashie, hurrying over to her. They all could see her chest glowing as a rainbow orb appeared, and her eyes were crying out rainbow tears.

"What's happening to her?" Twilight asked, looking at her chest and using her magic on her. "Wait, isn't this the element of harmony?"

"SIS!" Blitz screamed in fear and worry as she pushed off her mother and Pinkie and quickly dashed out of the store at lightning speed.

"Is she okay, mommy?" Lil Cheese asked, looking at his mother while his dad helped her.

"I don't know..."

"Blitz!" cried Dashie as she ran out the door but couldn't see where she went. "BLITZ!?"

In the dark ocean of the wall in between, Rainbow Sun Dawn smiled as the rainbow slime monster returned to her and soon entered the core where it came from. But she suddenly felt something and screamed out in pain as her core became whole again, and the darkness was gone. She looked normal again.

"...what!? This pain...she's in pain! Who hurt her? Where are you? TELL ME!" cried Dawn as the black void vanished and the whiteness returned, and standing in front of her was a white alicorn with a brown mane. As she just looked at her, "DID YOU HURT HER!"

"No, but if you keep this up, you'll be the one who hurts her...again," said the alicorn as she stood up, turned away, and disappeared.

"No, that's not true! I didn't hurt her! I LOVE HER! She's my reason to shine like the morning sun! I didn't. I didn't," cried Dawn, falling on her rear and hearing both Braver and Blitz screaming and a third voice. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I love you...'

She kept crying, and the sun started to beam brighter. Her hair had pink in it. Her black jacket and black jeans became pink, and her boots were pink with brass colors mixed in.

"...please...save me..."

End of chapter 7