//------------------------------// // Chapter 26: The End Isn't Coming Yet But It's Coming To A End In Another Chapter // Story: Our Name Across The Multiverse: 10 years later // by DATONETWIxDASHFAN //------------------------------// "WHAT'S GOING ON!?" shouted Rarity, slowly flipping around and her dress falling down but stopping as she held it back. "WHY IS THE GRAVITY GONE!? WHAT'S HAPPENING!?" Twilight quickly glared at Moon. "That's why you're called "Moon," isn't it!?" She could see Moon was getting closer as she softly jumped towards them. "Just like the real moon, having weaker gravity!" Moon laughed and snapped her fingers, returning Twilight's gravity, dropping her to the ground, and making her let go of Wallflower. "Yes, well, Mother Earth created me in the image of the moon." She raised her arm and blasted the ceiling off the room, making the debris float around her. They all looked up and could see the clear night sky with the full Moon out—and the cracking of all reality. "My dear Mother Earth, shape me into the most beautiful moon in the universe." She floated out of the room and hovered in front of the Moon. "I'll protect her work; I'll protect you all! I'm always watching over you." She reached out her hand towards Twilight. "Hand her over, hand over the anomaly, and everything will return to normal. Just leave and return doing what you were meant to do." Twilight stood and paid, then stood in front of Wallflower. "So you can kill her!? No! I won't allow that!" Moon frowned and shook her head in disappointment. "Why can't you listen? I'm only trying to help. Mother Earth loves you all, so why go against her?" Rarity floated out of the room through the ceiling, grabbed a broken metal steel beam, and caught Ragamuffin as he floated by. She ponied up, created a barrier around him, and touched the magical shield. "Sorry..." "Miss Rarity?" said Ragamuffin before he was sent away to the other part of the ship and called out for her. Rarity clutched her chest in pain but quickly turned her attention back to Moon and Twilight. She created a floating shield, hopped on it, and headed towards her friend. "Rarity!" shouted Twilight. "Don't! Leave! I'll deal with this!" Rarity landed near her, creating a massive shield in front of them, ready for any attack from the enemy. "Twilight! I'm not leaving you alone with this woman," she turned, seeing the odd-looking girl trying to stand but failing as she held her chest in pain. "And this poor girl. What's going on?" "I'll explain later!" said Twilight, turning to her. "Trust me; take the girl and find Sunset and the others. Dash and Pinkie are already fighting others like Moon here. I think Dash is right; they are targeting our friends like you. To help them, and..." she watched as Rarity put Wallflower on the hovering shield. "Protect her. She's a Wallflower. Well,  a different universe version." "WHAT!?" shouted Rarity, turning to Twilight. "Twilight, are you telling me..." she gasped as she could see it. The girl looked slightly like their Wallflower. Twilight nodded. "Yes. She's the reason why the world is breaking. She needs to return home, but they!" she pointed to Moon. "They don't want to. GO!" ordered Twilight, blasting Rarity and Wallflower away through the exit of the stage room. Moon quickly pointed her hand towards Rarity, but her powers of gravity did nothing, allowing Rarity to escape with Wallflower. She quickly looked at her hand but realized what happened as she turned to Twilight, who was glowing purple now. "Of course, using your magical telekinesis to block my gravity," she smirked. "But that will only delay the inevitable. You're a fool, thinking you can save her." Twilight pointed at her. "I'm no fool! I'll gladly be one if saving someone makes me a fool." Moon giggled and felt proud of Twilight. "You and your friends are something. I can see why Mother Earth loves you all so much." She raised both arms, lifting the ship along with the seawater as the Moon in the background glowed brightly. Moon's eyes gleamed with raging whiteness as her calm demeanor turned into an enraged expression. "BUT ENOUGH WITH THIS FOOLISHNESS!" She pointed her hands down, and Twilight was launched off the ship, falling through the sky like a shooting star. "AH!" screamed Twilight as she flew into the clouds, flying upwards toward the stars and space. She needed to act quickly, or she was going to die. Her eyes glowed, and her body became covered in her magical aura, stopping her from flying anymore. "That was a close one!" She looked back down and saw the ship passing her with the whole ocean behind it as it smashed into her. Twilight now drowned in the ocean as she rag-dolled around, not knowing where up and down were. "Okay, Twilight. Think. There has to be a way to fight her," she said, as she was now spinning in the water, unsure if she was right-side up. "She's like the Moon, right? She's using the Moon's gravity like how it can control tides but at a much higher level." She suddenly stopped, and she could see the surface of the ocean. "I have it! But I need to get back on the ship!" She used her magic and launched herself out of the water, flying towards the ship. Moon floated there and watched, as she could see Rarity was getting away. "I should go after her. But." She could sense something behind her and quickly turned around. "TAKE THIS!" shouted Twilight as her body glowed, and Moon started to shine brighter. Rarity turned back, seeing Twilight fighting Moon. "TWILIGHT!" shouted Rarity as she saw a purple light covering the Moon. Suddenly, it disappeared, and Moon started to lose control. "What!?" screamed Moon, as she could feel the Moon was just gone. "YOU DESTROYED THE MOON!?" Twilight punched her and smiled. "Nope, just made it..." She raised her hand and summoned a tiny ball to her hand. It was the Moon. "Smaller." She held it tight, but she could hear a crushing sound, and she freaked out as she realized she had crushed the flag on the Moon, along with the moon landing stuff with her thumb. "ARMSTRONG! FORGIVE ME!" Moon fell to the deck, losing most of her power and raging in anger as she quickly looked around. "YOU MADE THE MOON SMALLER!? ARE YOU INSANE!? DO YOU KNOW WHAT WILL HAPPEN AROUND THE WORLD!? YOU'LL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR A TIDAL WAVE OF MASS PROPORTIONS, YOU IDIOT!" Twilight landed and smirked. "You didn't think I wouldn't think of that first?" Twilight walked up to her, covering her magical aura around the ship, taking control from Moon, and putting it back down. "Right now, I'm using my magical powers to keep all the tides in check." Twilight looked at her hand. "I thought I'd be completely drained, to be honest, but for some reason, I feel like I'm not even using all my power." Twilight looked back at Moon, hearing and seeing her pounding the deck with her head, scaring Twilight. "Um, miss?" The Moon stopped and looked up. "What!?" "You, uh, hurting yourself?" Moon looked away and sighed. "You remind me a lot like Mother Earth, not afraid to use all her power when needed." Moon rose and returned all happy and calm. "I should do the same then; shall we continue?" "NO!" shouted Twilight. "We don't need to fight; just let Wallflower go home! You don't need to kill her!" begged Twi, not wanting to fight anymore. Moon giggled and turned her attention back to the sky, where the cracks of all reality were getting worse. "It's the only way." Twilight steps forward. "I don't believe that! You could send her—" Twilight stops as she sees Moon lowering her head and crying. "We can't. Only Mother Earth can do that, and she's just...gone? We can't feel her anymore," she started to sob, making Twilight feel bad. "Who is this 'Mother Earth,' you and the others have been saying? Is that your mast-" Moon quickly raised her head and arms at Twilight, pulling her towards her hands, and grabbed her neck. Her eyes were glowing brightly, blinding Twilight. "SHE'S NOT A MASTER! WE'RE NOT HER TOOLS! WE'RE HER DAUGHTERS, AND SHE'S OUR DEAR MOTHER! "How dare you call her a master!?" Twilight gasped for air, trying to free herself, but she was stuck, and her vision was darkening. She could hear a voice, a female voice, calling out to her, but as... "Mother..." Twilight saw a flash of a teenage girl wearing a puffy rainbow jacket and reached out to her. Moon kept squeezing Twilight's neck tighter. "YOU WILL PAY! YOU ALL PAY! FOR RUINING HER WORLD AND NOW, YOUR ALL PAYING WITH YOUR LIVES!" screamed Moon, but she stopped, seeing a rainbow aura around Twilight's purple aura, and with a flash, she found herself in space, far from the earth as she could see it in the distance. Even the Moon returned to its spot with a bright rainbow flash. "The first anomaly..." she whispered, as she could see Twilight floating in front of her but wearing a rainbow jacket. Twilight looked at her and opened her eyes, revealing her pony-self cutie-mark star as a dim rainbow star. Without saying a word, she pounded her fists together, creating a mini solar system with glowing magical mini planets. Moon watched as Twilight became the glowing rainbow sun and unleashed billions of magical rays at her while the orbiting magical planets also flew toward her. Moon sweated as she started to dodge the attacks, moving through space and avoiding the rays and the planets. "Impossible!" screamed Moon, hardly dodging everything. "This is almost the same level of power from Mother Earth! Was this why she rewritten this anomaly into 'canon'!?" Twilight finally spoke. "Mother," she repeated, making Moon confused. "MOTHER!" screamed Twilight, releasing more laser rays and creating all nine solar system planets and increasing their size to almost moon size, sending them towards Moon, who became enraged. "I WON'T LET YOU BEAT ME!" Moon summoned all the moons in the solar system and beyond, all appearing behind her and her eyes glowing brightly. "MOTHER EARTH! I'LL PROTECT HER BOOK, HER WORLD; SHE CARES SO DEEPLY!" All the moons sent out energy tubes and connected her back. "EVEN IF IT MEANS DYING HERE! I'LL...crush...you...What?" Moon could feel it; she looked behind her and saw all the moons scattered, every single one of them. She looked back to Twilight, seeing her cracking her knuckles, and Moon laughed with fear. "NO! IMPOSSIBLE! HOW!?" Twilight glared and just said, "Mother..." Moon's laughter turned to sobbing as she knew she was going to die as the sea of rays and the magical planets were almost near her. She didn't want to die, not like this. Tears ran down as she called out for her mother, Mother Earth. "Mother..." Lauren quickly looked to the morning sky as she was about to close the door of the plant car. She felt like something terrible had just happened as she held her chest. "Are you okay?" asked Brishen, seeing Lauren acting strange. She snapped out of it and said she was fine, then led him to the beach shore before them. Brishen walked behind, with the staff on his shoulder, and just looked at her, wanting to ask her something that was bothering him. "Um...Lauren?" Lauren turned, seeing him. "Hmm?" He looked away and said, "You said an outside force would unleash those "guardians" to kill it, right?" He turned back to her, seeing her nodding. "Then...why didn't those things attack sooner? When did Braver and her parents come here?" He lifted the staff and stabbed the sand. "Why didn't they appear when Blitz came to my universe? Dash, Braver, and Sunset said Blitz is from another universe, so..." He waited for an answer from her, but she looked at him like she was thinking. Brishen realized something and shook his head as if he were being dumb. "You used your powers, didn't you?" he sighed. "I see; you can't tell me everything, can't you?" Lauren shook her head. "Sorry." Brishen shrugged. "I get it. You don't want to risk messing things up, right?" He walked past her but heard her say sorry again. "It's fine. You don't need to apologize for not ̴t̴e̴l̶l̷i̶n̶g̴ ̷m̵e̵.̵ I̶̻͝ẗ̶̻́'̶̲͝ṣ̵͌ ̸̨̓c̶̹̈́o̶̠̐o̷̥͐l̷͓͑,̵͕̔ ̵͙̑r̵̫̓ë̷̤a̷̠̅ḻ̷̈l̷̝̎y̴͚̒.̸͎͂ ̷̬͑W̴͎͋a̷̻͠i̴̠͝t̸̨͌,̴͔͛ ẘ̸͚̪̭̪̀́̚h̶͎͖́̈a̸̘̭͖̩͋̈́̎ţ̸̀̓̇'̶͓̳̆̒̑́s̴͍̺̟̳̅ ̷̹̫̐̍g̵̱̬̯̫̀̄̒̽o̵̹̳̱̐î̸͈̒͘ñ̸͈̼̞̕̕g̵̘̹͇̰̀̐̆ ̴̡̝͕̈́o̶̞̜̅̎ǹ̸̤?̷̟̜͒̕ ̸̢̣͝M̷̞͊̅y̴̗̘̋͠ ̶͔̗̇͊̽h̷̡̥͍̼̃́ȅ̴͎͇̪̆̉ả̶̬̤̖̗ḍ̵̿͋̔͠ ̷͔͉̦̍̄̊̌ả̸̩̱͍̳ṉ̶̯͉́d̸̹͚̀ ̴̲̞̆͠b̵̧̧̲̯̿o̷̢̒̽͜d̷̛̯̠̭̑̀̈́ͅy̶̦͚̿͜ͅ ̷̳̭͔̓h̶̰͈́̿̌͘u̸̮̹̥̤͠ȑ̵͈̹͖̅́̈t̴̨͈̭͋̔͒̃͜.̶̡̥͙͗ ̵̝́̐W̴͎͓̝͗͆͐͆ͅḫ̶͆͒̽ä̵̛̼̯͖́̓̽͜t̴̯̩̏̀ ̴̠͎̥̼̄͐â̸͕̭̱̤̒̂̚r̶̡͇̫̍̉́ę̵̡̤͙̽̃̃ ̸̛̮̹͖̮̑ÿ̸̹́͛͝ö̴̺̖́̋̆͋ư̷̫̍ͅ, a̴̧͍̭͍̗̭͙͔̲͈̭̺̥͔̮̼͉̦̹̹͛́̃͜a̸̡̢̤̩̝̦̟͙̗͚͕̍̚ͅa̵̳͕̘̟̟̬̝͚̥̥͍̳̬̣͓͈̠͚͍̍̉͂̔͜͜ȃ̵̧̼̠͈̣͎͈̪̲̬̻̖͖͔̼̠͚̩̦͈̟̱̜̝̻̼̫͚̥̱̀͊̅̉̿͐̂̂͐̏̀̐̇̑̀͒̀̉̌̒̍͒͒̈́͒̊͊̆̊̆̂̕͜͝ͅą̸̡̧̡̛̥̰͉͉̹̲͖̪̘̣̖̈́̊͌̐͂͗͛̓̄̌̂̎̚͘͜͝ͅa̷̛̫̼͙̦̝̤̥͑́̔̈́̈́̿̀̑̇̆̅͐͋̃̊̃̏͆̄̋̅̚͘͝ẖ̴̨̼̳͔͚͓̀̌̄̀̀̔̒̏̇̍̀̿͌͌̃͒̎̓̑̐̇̎͌̕͝h̸̡̧̧̤͖͕̭̯̩͕͈̟̥̟͓̺̠̼̳͉͔̱͍̲̠͉̙̝̥͆͌̀̈́̾̈͌̑̿̆̈́̈̉̋̑̒͛̀̂̈́͗ͅh̶̡̧̛̝͚͕̳͓̪̻̗̝̠̻͎̙̮̲̬̮̞̮̰̱͉͖̣̲̱͙͖̻̖͌̇̒̈́́̀͋͑͑̊͗̄̄̃̀̀̃̽̍̋̅͂̈͌̄̈̿́̚͜͝͝͝͠h̶̨̹̰̦̙͚̳̥̳͈̖̝͓͓̰̟̞̳̥̼͓̍̊͆͋̇̓̈́͑̂̆̈͑̎̾̒̂̈́̇̂̄͆͗̕ͅḩ̵̧̧̰̟̩̯̳̹̦͍̦̤͔̬̘͎̥̱̟̱̥͍̥̮̌̌̎̄̈̒̄h̴̢̡̖̯̦͈̝͎̫̝̯̝͉̹̹͉͋́̿̇̊̆̽͑̚͝ͅh̶̨̢̢̛̦͇̝̙̰̗̘̺̺̗̻̺͈͕͈̞̦̮̯͔̤̄̄̿̒͂̔̄̃̆ẖ̶̨̛̛̤̱͇̗̻͓͓̻̳̗͔̗̝̜̞̜̟̼̺̐̄͒̃͝?̶̨̡̡͓͎͔̦̹̜̮̠̣̱͔̲̲͔̭̥̣͉͇̜̘͂͐̈́̓̅̈̽͒͆̋̊̓̅̎͊̾͛̔͒͘̕"̴̡̨̧̢̢̡̡̰͉͚͇̣̦̮̥͍̹̤̭̬̠̪̹̖̤̺̣̦̹̦̜͙̹̰̽̽͌̌͐̚ Brishen walked past Lauren and turned back to her. "You okay? You have been acting weird since you got out of the car." "Sorry..." she whispered, but she quickly put on a brave face, smiled, and walked past him. He scratched his head and followed her. "You're such a mysterious woman. First, you know everything because you can time travel; second, you're a goddess." Lauren laughed when she heard that. "With god-like powers but the way you act, you're like a normal middle-aged mom who's a big dork." He laughed but stopped, seeing Lauren staring at him. "Sorry, was that rude?" Lauren nodded, making him laugh again. "I'm sorry, you're just..." he said, stopping as he watched her look up at the sky, holding her chest. He looked up and saw nothing. He returned, looking at her. "What's wrong? Is it the guardians?" "Yes, but not this universe guardians, but..." clutched her heart harder. "....mine." Moon was stunned by who saved her. Her savior quickly blocked Twilight's attacks. Standing there was the leader of her group. "...Milky Way?" Milky didn't look at her; instead, she deflected the attacks with her hands. She narrowed her eyes and floated toward Twilight. Moon wanted to join her, but Mars and Venus appeared and held her back, making her swing at them. "You guys, help me! Let's take this anomaly down!" Venus and Mars shook their heads, opening a gateway and forcing Moon inside, who was fighting back before they disappeared into it and the gateway closed. Milky could sense Moon was gone and safe, finally speaking. "Release Twilight, or I'll destroy you, even if Mother Earth allows you to exist in the canon. I won't allow you to control her and use her body for your ends. Choose now! Or..." She stopped, and the whole universe shook with great force, showing how powerful she is to body-control Twilight. Twilight ended her attack, turned away, and vanished, leaving Milky alone, who sighed with great relief. "That was close." She looked at her hands, seeing them badly burned. "...and that wasn't even her full power since only seven pieces of her landed here as Mother Earth explained to this girl...useful memories...." She looked back to the earth, seeing that reality on the planet was getting much worse. "I have to hurry. It's almost time. The end is coming, and I can't have anyone messing with my master plans..." Milky smirked, and she then teleported away. Rarity was still flying on her shield hoverboard when she checked on Wallflower's chest. She opened the old-looking jacket and saw the black and blue bruise. "My word, she's badly hurt!" Wallflower was breathing hard, and Rarity couldn't do anything for her. She was scared as the ship rose into the sky and slowly returned to the sea. She had no idea what was going on. She just needed to find Sunset and the others as soon as possible. "Oh dear. What should I do?" Suddenly, she heard a female voice throwing up at the railing of the ship. She knew who it was. "APPLEJACK!" Applejack wiped her mouth as she was having bad seasickness. "Oh no. I shouldn't have eaten that sandwich," mumbled AJ, turning back and throwing up again. Rarity quickly flew to her and gave her a tight hug. "Thank goodness you're okay!" She could feel AJ throwing again and asking what she meant, why the ship flew into the air, and why the sky was cracking. All questions that she didn't have an answer to, just the first, explaining that some evil-looking girls are after another universe, Wallflower, whom Rarity showed AJ, then said she's trying to get back home to her universe. AJ kneeled and could see how nasty the bruise was. "They did this to her?" she asked, covering it with a Wallflower jacket. Rarity nodded, making AJ pony up and tip her hat forward as she stepped forward, standing in front of the two as she noticed two girls walking up to them. "I reckon you girls are the ones responsible for hurting her." The first girl, wearing headphones and blasting music, stepped forward and answered her. "Nah, sista, it wasn't us, but no doubt it was Neptune who did the sick beat down on the anomaly here." She started to move her hips around like she was moving hula hoops, and AJ was staring. "So, sista, whatcha gonna do now, huh? Your friends aren't here, and the cracks in the sky are getting worse since you noticed. You have to give me the anomaly, ya hear, so that we can kill her. If you don't, I'll beat your ass, you, and your little friend. How does that sound, sista?" AJ removed her hat and looked at it, thinking. "Applejack," said Rarity, concerned. "It's okay, Rarity." She put the hat back on and looked at the two girls. "Sorry, but NOPE, not letting you touch her, 'sistra.'" mocked AJ. The second girl growled like a wild animal, stepped forward, and showed her teeth. AJ, Rarity, and Wallflower couldn't believe a girl would act like that. "Eris, stay! Cool it, sista!" shouted the black girl, standing by Eris's side. Eris turned to her and answered her. "Come on, Saturn. Let's just beat their asses already! They're not listening to us! Just let me fight and kill the anomaly!" Saturn sighed and agreed with her. She summoned two golden hula hoops and moved her hips to keep them in the air, confusing the others. "You're going to dance!?" laughed Applejack, thinking it was stupid. "Dance? Nah, sista, we're going to fight and kill the girl you are protecting." Saturn blasted her headphones up and danced, creating energy from the hula hoops. She unleashed energy rings at them, making Rarity step forward and shield them from the blast. AJ could sense something powerful charging their way as the smoke blasted around them. "Rarity, move!" shouted AJ, pulling her back as the shield was scattered as Eris charged her way through it. AJ shoulder tackles Eris, crashing into each other and sending each other flying backward and landing. "Don't get cocky, ya hear!" Rarity could see Saturn jumping off the deck, floating towards her. She wasn't sure what she was doing, but she was ready. "I'll show you what fashion and style can do, darling!" Saturn landed on the edge of the second deck and looked down. She could hear Applejack and Eris fighting, the latter screaming in rage and the former dodging her punches and kicks. Saturn could sense the anomaly behind the shield, but she also knew that Rarity was in the way, and she was firm with those shields. Saturn looked away, looking back at the sky. "We can't hold back, not anymore when..." she could see reality break down even more. She looked back down and moved her hips faster, blasting her music even louder. "Time to beat your white ass, sista!" She fired her ring energy, and like before, Rarity blocked it, but the explosion created some gas, causing Rarity to drop to her knees and cough. "RARE!" shouted AJ, seeing what happened, but she was suddenly grabbed by the waist by Eris. Eris smirks. "BETTER WORRY ABOUT YOURSELF!" She flips AJ backward, slamming her through the deck and crashing below through each floor until they hit the bottom level. AJ was hurt, but she was able to move her limbs. "Damn. She's strong," mumbles AJ, sitting up. Eris steps forward, looking down and mocking her. "You're weak. How does it feel, huh? Being weak? Using harmony power is for the weak. You should use chaos like me!" AJ stood up and dusted herself off. "Ah, just like the Greek goddess of chaos, Eris. So, you are a goddess or something, shorty?" Eris growled. "How dare you call me short!? I'M THE TALLEST OUT OF ALL MY SISTERS! How dare you?" she ran forward, charging right at her. "Wait. Did she say sisters?" thought AJ. AJ ran forward and met her halfway, punching each other. AJ tried to keep a smile as her knuckles fell on fire, and Eris's punch was like getting hit by a steel fist. AJ backed away, spit out blood, and wiped her mouth. "You're powerful. Must be chaos magic, huh?" Eris just glared and answered her. "No. I'm naturally strong and fast. Mother Earth made me that way!" she started to flex, showing off. "Mother Earth always says to drink milk; it helps you grow strong and tall. Look at me! I'm a big girl now!" AJ looked around and spotted a long wooden plank. She picked it up and charged forward, using the plank like a baseball bat, hitting Eris in the stomach. Eris fell backward and landed hard, rolling over. AJ didn't want to hit a girl, but Eris was being cocky. "That's what you get, ya hear?" Eris growled and grabbed the plank, snapping it in two. She threw the broken wood, and AJ caught it and saw her running right at her. AJ blocked the punch and tried to knee-kick her, but Eris dodged and kicked her. AJ stumbled backward and blocked a punch, feeling a hard impact, and then was kicked again and sent flying into a steel wall, crashing through it and falling. Eris walked towards her, picked her up, and threw her against another wall, causing it to break, and poured water into the room. "What's wrong? Aren't you going to fight anymore?" AJ struggled to stand, and she saw the water rising. "The boat's sinking!" shouted AJ. Eris laughed. "So what!?" "They're people on the boat! Don't you even care!?" shouted AJ, punching Eris, but she caught her punch. "Pfft, who cares about background characters? The only lives that matter are yours and your friends; you girls are the main characters here. The rest don't matter, not even the friends you befriended like Trixie." AJ felt sick to her stomach and headbutted Eris, making her stumble backward. AJ staggers a bit. "How dare you! We're not the main characters here! This isn't a book or something; real human lives are in danger here! And you and your sister don't care!? You're nothing but selfish and evil girls!" Eris didn't listen and attacked AJ. AJ, despite the pain and bleeding from her forehead, dodged her attacks, and then Eris was hit in the back by a steel pipe that AJ broke off from the wall near her. "What's going on!?" screamed a man, running by and not noticing Eris was about to attack him. AJ quickly ran past the man, pushing him down and taking the hit for him, making her slam through the wall and fall into the next room, which was the engine room. The man looked around and then saw Eris, who was growling at him. "Whoa!" screamed the man. "Move," growled Eris, making the man quickly get up and run for it. Eris could hear him calling for help, which made her laugh. She entered the room and saw that AJ was gone. "Where are you, you little girl? Hiding, huh?" She looked around, seeing the massive engines, the gears, and the pipes. "Why is this place so hot in here?" she asked herself, not seeing a large pipe to the engine that was missing and hot air pouring out. Suddenly, something heavy hit her, causing her to fall. It was part of the engine pipe and was tossed to the side, as AJ was on top of her now, and the two started to wrestle each other. "GET OFF ME!" growled Eris, kicking her. "Not until you stop attacking us!" answered AJ, punching her. Eris flipped her around, slamming her onto the ground and standing over her. "Shut up! You and your friends are the main characters of this story, the world, and everything. Everyone else doesn't matter; if they get killed, then oh well. You and your friends are the only important people, not the people you meet along the way. Not the background characters." AJ just stared and asked. "You're joking, right?" Eris looked confused. "The people—everyone we met—we don't look at them like background characters, ya hear?" AJ punched Eris right in the nose, breaking it as blood came splattering out. AJ quickly stood up and cracked her knuckles. "They're alive; they have their own lives; they have dreams and goals; they have families and friends; and you and your sisters don't even care? What makes us special, huh? We're the same as everyone else, just having magical powers, but the same. What makes you think we're the universe's main characters, huh!?" Eris was wiping the blood off her face and looked pissed. "I'm going to kill you and the anomaly!" She charged forward, but AJ stood her ground, held her hands out, and caught her. Giving it all so as not to be pushed back surprised Eris. "What!?" AJ slammed Eris into the flooded steel floor and kept punching her face. "WE'RE. NOT. CHARACTERS!" she screamed, her last punch knocking Eris out for good. AJ looked at her bleeding knuckles and then back at the beaten Eris and sighed, putting her on her shoulder and hurrying her way back to Rarity. As AJ was sent falling below with Eris, Rarity was coughing badly as the weird gas got into her lungs. "My goodness! What is this stuff!?" coughed Rarity, trying to block it with her shield. Saturn landed, and she grooved towards her and Wallflower, answering her. "Tell me, do you know what Saturn is made of?" Rarity could only shake her head, not understanding why she was asking her this. Saturn stopped, and her rings let out more gas. "Mostly hydrogen, methane, and ammonia, and we can create this bad boy with those other elements in the atmosphere. I won't lie, sista; amazed you're not dead from breathing it in. It must be your plot armor or the magic you are using. Doesn't matter." Rarity was getting weak and didn't understand what was happening to her. She was losing her focus. Saturn moved her hips, creating energy and unleashing it. Rarity's shield shattered, and the blast hit her hard, sending her across the deck and landing far from Saturn and Wallflower. She slowly looked up and saw Saturn picking up Wallflower by her collar, and the girl looked scared. "Sorry, sista, but the anomaly must die. So, no hard feelings, okay?" Wallflower could see Saturn was serious. She was scared—not for herself, but for what would happen to Blitz back home. If she dies here, the sad fate of another Blitz will happen again. She couldn't let that happen. "N-no...you can't." "Hmm, and why's that? You're the anomaly, aren't you?" Wallflower could hear her voice's fear, but she had to stay strong. She wasn't going to die without a fight. "Please, we can talk this out." Saturn could sense the anomaly's magic was increasing. Saturn unleashed her gas, sending it into Wallflower's mouth and forcing her to breathe it in, but she was shocked to see her gas being blocked by a shield barrier. She looked at Rarity, who was using her magic to save Wallflower. "Darn, white girl," said Saturn, looking pissed and her eyes glowing. She blasted energy rings at her, destroying the barrier Rarity created to protect herself. "Run, Wallflower, I can't hold her off for long!" shouted Rarity, sending her shields at Saturn and hitting her arm, freeing Wallflower. Wallflower did as she was told, running behind Saturn, entering the ship, and disappearing. Saturn was going to give chase, but a shield blocked her path. She turned back and started to move her rings but in anger. "Move, bitch! You're going to make me angry!" "Sorry, darling, but no. I won't allow you to kill her. You won't be touching her. So, bring it." "Oh, you want to get your ass beat, sista? Fine!" Rarity didn't know what she was doing. All she was doing was keeping Saturn busy, so Wallflower could run and hide, giving her friends time to find her. It was all she could do. Her shield magic was just used for defending, not attacking. Saturn unleashed her rings at her, and Rarity blocked them, only for the gas to be unleashed, making her stagger backward as the gas went into her lungs, making her cough once more. Rarity didn't like this; she didn't like how her outfit was getting dirty from all the smoke and dirt and how it was smelly—not her style. She felt something in her chest, though, something painful. She was coughing, and she felt a lot of pain. Her body was screaming at her, and it hurt a lot. "What is...this!?" cried out Rarity, feeling something warm and wet, and when she looked, her hand was covered in blood. Saturn smiled. "It looks like I win, sista." Rarity dropped to her knees, feeling the blood leaking out of her mouth and coughing harder. "Am I going to die?" Saturn moved her hips, and ring energy was building up, getting ready to finish her off—until a bright rainbow flash appeared between them, and Rarity smiled as she saw Twilight standing there. "T-Twilight!?" cried Rarity, shocked and happy. "I'm here, aunty!" shouted Twilight, smiling at her. Saturn was not pleased. "Another one? Ugh, I guess it was going too easy...Wait." Saturn could tell the first anomaly was in control of Twilight and could sense the power and magical energy from her. She knew she was no match for her, as she was on Milky Way level in power. She backed away in fear. "S-shit." Twilight smiled and said, "Won't hurt my aunties." A bright light blinded Saturn, and when her vision returned, she saw Twilight was no longer there. "Where did you go?" she froze as she saw tiny sparks in front of her. She slowly turned around and saw Twilight standing there as she left behind those sparks. "Crap..." Saturn suddenly became blasted by those sparks nonstop and fell to the ground, losing consciousness. "T-Twilight. You're...amazing." Rarity fell backward and was suddenly caught by Twilight, who just appeared and was gently putting her down, but the rainbow jacket started to dim, and Twilight suddenly held her head in pain, not understanding how she got there. "Oow, my head hurts. What's happening? R-Rarity?" asked Twilight, holding her head. Rarity held her and was going to ask her about the ghostly glowing rainbow jacket, but they both heard AJ calling for her as she carried Eris on her shoulder and tossed over Saturn's body. AJ explained how the ship was going to stink and needed to get everyone off the boat, but they stopped when they heard a loud noise and saw a rainbow blur and a gust of wind running past them. AJ and Rarity could tell it was Dash running, but they couldn't tell who was running along with her. But Twilight could, and she didn't know how. It was almost like everything was slowed down for her. She could see the girl, with a short, punk-looking girl on her back, as they were punching Dash and Pinkie, who was on Dash's back. "What's going on?" asked Twilight. She stood up and walked between the four, and they slowly ran past her. Before Moon lifted the ship into the air, Dash and Pinkie dropped the chef off in a safe spot and continued looking for Twilight and the others. Pinkie kept putting her hand through the ghostly jacket that Dash was wearing now and found it neat. "I can't believe you're wearing a jacket and can't even feel it!" laughed Pinkie, poking her. Dash could only roll her eyes. "Pinkie, stop poking me already, and I don't know how this jacket got on me. I can't even get it off." she slowed down, letting Pinkie off, and tried again to remove it, but her hands just went through it, making her groan with frustration. Pinkie giggled as she watched Dash try again but quickly heard rock magic and ducked as a skull guitar passed her head, destroying the wall in the hallway and leaving a huge hole. Pinkie rolled away and stood with Dash, who was ready for the fight. The girl standing there, cursing like a sailor, was Pluto, as she put her guitar back on her shoulder and gave the two a middle finger. "Yo dip shits. Where is the anomaly? So I can crush her skull in," she asked, holding her guitar like a sword. Pinkie and Dash didn't say anything as they just glared at her. "Hey, I'm talking to you. Don't ignore me, bitches," growled Pluto. "Don't think we'll let you hurt her or even tell you where sh-oof!?" shouted Dash, feeling someone hitting her in the face and a gust of wind passing by. This continued until Dash Jacket blasted the speedster away, revealing Mercury, who stood next to Pluto, and fists pounded each other. "Great, another one..." mumbled Dash, wiping away the blood from her mouth. Mercury laughed and spoke. "Hehe, what a slow poke. I don't know how you are still standing after getting hit by me, but it won't matter. Your slow asses are mine! My name is Mercury, and this shorty is Pluto. So!" She started to do running warm-ups. "Where is the anomaly? Don't make me beat the answer out of you two." Pinkie and Dash could see she was fast, maybe even faster than Dash. The ship started to rock before they could do anything, and the four struggled to stand. "What's going on!?" asked Pinkie, getting back up with the others. Pluto cursed and said Moon was doing this. Mercury sighed and pointed at Dash. "Yo, slow poke! Gonna tell us or what!?" Dash grew tired of being called a slow poke. "Why you! I'm no slow poke!" Dash ran towards her, going to punch her, but her fist went through her. "An afterimage!?" Dash suddenly felt her jacket warning her and making her dodge a kick from behind and leap away; Mercury was amazed that Dash could dodge that kick. "Maybe I was wrong; you're no slow poke, but still slow." She was gone, and Dash quickly looked around, sweating as she couldn't keep track of her, but thanks to the jacket, she could somehow dodge each attack with ease. Mercury appeared before her, making Dash jump away, and the ship shook again, causing Pluto to lose balance. Pinkie took this chance and kicked her in the face, slamming her head into the wall. Both started to fight while Dash and Mercury stared each other down. "You never cease to surprise me, blue girl," Mercury said, walking to Dash's side, but Pinkie stopped fighting, quickly took out a boombox, and started playing a song as Dash started jogging slowly, while Mercury followed. "You know what I can say? I die hard!" smirked Dash, starting to pick up speed. Mercury also started to pick up speed and glared at the rainbow jacket that Dash had on. "The first anomaly...did it awaken?" She could sense great power coming from it and spoke out loud, saying, "What are you anyway?" Dash rubbed her nose, being cocky like always. "What you see is what you get! Just a girl who loves adventure! I'm Rainbow Dash!" Mercury chuckled, and both were running at full speed now, running around the ship. "I see. But, you know, I can't let you protect that anomaly! Your adventuring days are coming to an end!" Both were running up the wall, leaving cracks and dents as they jumped, doing flips, kicks, and punches. Dash could sense she was stronger; her speed wasn't enough; she had to try harder. "Come on, jacket, help me out here!" pleaded Dash. "Jacket, what are you talking about? Is the first anomaly helping you out?" laughed Mercury as she ran circles around her, making Dash dizzy and confused. "First anomaly!? What are you talking about!?" "It doesn't matter! Just give up!" Mercury jumped and aimed to kick her down, but Dash's jacket suddenly started to glow brightly, catching Mercury off guard. She was shocked to see it glow, and Dash quickly kicked her back, sending her crashing into the ground and creating a huge crater. Mercury slowly lifted herself and was pissed. She was done playing games. She charged up her foot and slammed into the ground, creating a shockwave that sent Dash flying, destroying the ceiling and sending her to the ship's upper level. "Crap!" shouted Dash, recovering, landing, and running off, but only to find Mercury next to her, smiling as they raced around the top deck, breaking the windows and cracking the floor and walls as the two girls tried to beat each other with their speed. "Damn it, damn it! She's too fast! Hey jacket, can't you do anything else!?" "What's the matter? You can't keep up," Mercury teased, trying to trip her up. But the jacket warned Dash, and she leaped over her, and the two continued their speed battle. Mercury could tell the first anomaly was helping her, making her angry. It was cheating, and she had to put a stop to it. "Stop interfering!" she yelled, unleashing her aura and energy, creating a speed force around her body, blasting off and returning, ready to blast through Dash. "Is she boosting!?" shouted Dash, dodging the boosted attack but not having enough time to dodge again as Mercury was already returning. She could tell if she got hit; it was like a bug hitting a car window at high speed. Dash knew she couldn't dodge, so she had to do the next best thing. She stopped and braced herself, and her jacket was warning her. Mercury was heading straight for her, smiling as she would end her. "Give it up, girl! You can't keep running forever!" "I'm not running! I'm flying!" shouted Dash, and she did a Sonic Rainboom, stopping Mercury dead in her tracks and blasting her back as Dash tackled her, destroying the walls and roof of the ship. The power was so strong that it destroyed the speed-boosting aura around Mercury as Dash flew out of the boat, while Mercury followed her as she was running on air. "Geez, you are fast. No wonder you're the first anomaly favorite. I should stop messing around and go all out. Let's see if your luck runs out!" Dash couldn't hear her, as her jacket was flashing brightly. She could see visions of herself in pony-up form and picking up a kid. She could see visions of herself training the child to run and be... "Why do I feel so proud?" She whispered, feeling tears running down her cheeks. She touched the jacket and tried to understand it, but Mercury suddenly tackled her and crashed back into the ship. Both rolled out of the smoke from the crash and ran towards Pinkie and Pluto, playing jacks rather than fighting, causing Dash and Mercury to roll their eyes and pick them up. They ran around some more, and until they saw Twilight and Rarity... Dash stopped and turned to Twilight, as she could see the same jacket on her. "Twi, you too?" asked Dash, smiling at her. Twilight was shocked to see Dash moving usually rather than being slowed, but Pinkie was still moving slowly on Dash's back. She finally took notice of the jacket on Dash and could only say, "What's going on? I can sense something from these jackets." Dash didn't say anything, and she suddenly had a flash of memory, a vision of the past, and saw her pony version talking to a shadow figure of a little girl. "I'll make time for you! No matter what! No matter the day, month, or year! You can always count on me! Rainbow Dash!" Dash said as she flew next to the child, patting her head, "You'll always have me in your corner, no matter what happens, because that's what good friends do. Keep going, kid; you'll find those that will always be there for you and be called 'friends.'" Dash held her head in pain and suddenly heard Twilight yelling in pain, seeing her standing nearby. Both could see Twilight's pony counterpart also appearing and talking to the child. "I will do everything in my power to help you get better. I will always be there to support you. That's what a good friend does," whispered Twilight as she hugged the child. "Even without us, you always keep going, flying further than us and shining brighter than the rest of us. I know you; I saw your life through your mother's eyes, and I'll always believe that you will find your path again, that you will finally be happy again, and that no matter what, you will always have help, maybe not from us but from others. Others who love you the same as we do. As your mothers did." Dash and Twilight started to cry, and they didn't know why. They just felt so sad, like they knew the child and her suffering and pain before being saved by their pony selves. They had to save her, saw their exact copies, stepped out of their bodies, and walked up to the child. "We will always be there for you, always supporting you, always putting you first, and caring about you, even if it means we'll get hurt. We love you. Keep running! Fly!" smiled Twilight as she grabbed the little girl's hand. "Showing us your feelings and the suffering you went through. I want to protect you; I won't ever let you down. You're the best of all of us. You're on your way. ...just keep going...just keep running," smiled Dash as she grabbed the other hand, causing a rainbow jacket to appear on the child's body and blasting away the darkness. The light blinded Dash and Twilight, but they heard a little girl's voice and felt happiness and joy as she spoke to someone. "I want to live with Dasha and Twyla!" Suddenly, they could see many memories through the child's eyes: being raised by them, living a happy life, growing up and going out in the world, traveling, and finding adventure. They could hear the child laugh, telling stories of her adventures, meeting her friends and the love of her life. "We will always love you," they both said in unison. They could see a young girl smiling at them until she scattered into pieces as a cloaked female figure appeared, holding a book and laughing as she wrote in said book. Dash and Twilight started to cry as if they had lost something very dear to them, a part of their soul. "What did you do!?" shouted Twilight, glaring at the Cloak woman. The Cloak Woman just laughed, causing Dash to scream and run towards her, saying, "You killed her! OUR-" Dash punched her, and she found herself back on the ship, punching Mercury in the face with a rainbow aura fist, sending her and Pluto off the ship and crashing into the ocean in the distance. "Our daughter..." whispered Dash as she fell to her knees, crying and sobbing as she and Twilight could feel the hole in their hearts, a huge gaping hole. "I..." Twilight couldn't get the images out of her head; she was shaking with fear, anger, and sadness as Cloak Woman's laughter echoed within her mind. "I let her die... I wasn't there for her... I couldn't support her like I said I would," she said, dropping to her knees and holding the rainbow jacket. Dash punched the floor in anger over failing to protect her daughter from another universe. "How can I... not be there for her!? She died alone. Scared. Sweet pea...". "Dash?" whispered Pinkie, who was still on her back and heard her and Twilight talking about something about a daughter. "Why are they upset, Pinkie?" asked Rarity as she and AJ hurried over, being told what Pinkie heard. "Daughter?" "That doesn't make sense," said Applejack, looking at Twilight and Dash, who was still sobbing. "It's the jacket! The geodes we found in Everfree Forest came from another universe," answered a familiar voice. The girls turned to see Sunset, helping Wallflower walk. "Sunset!" shouted everyone but Dash and Twilight, but they quickly prepared themselves as they saw Fluttershy leading two other guardians behind Sunset and Wallflower. "Sunset! Watch out!" screamed Dash and Twilight, running toward them but stopping as Fluttershy raised her arms to protect the two guardians. "Shy?" whispered both girls. "It's okay, girls! These two aren't like the others; they want to help!" She lowered her arms and introduced the two guardians. "This is Ceres and Jupiter." The brown girl, known as Jupiter, made a peace sign while Ceres waved, looking like she didn't care about anything. "help? HELP!?" shouted Dash in anger. "How could they help us!? They wanted to kill Wallflower here!" snapped Twilight, her magic flaring and her eyes glowing brightly. Fluttershy was afraid but stood her ground. "You have to believe me!" Sunset and Wallflower joined her. "Listen, you two, calm down and hear us out!" ordered Sunset, putting Wallflower on a deck chair and allowing her to rest. "Listen, please!" Dash and Twilight couldn't control their anger, but Sunset was right. They didn't have time to waste, and if what Fluttershy says is true, then the Guardians will help them. They and the others listen to how Fluttershy met them and how Sunset found Wallflower. "Just like me!" said Jupiter, giving off energy, only to hop over to Fluttershy and show off her pets, who were orbiting her. "I always wanted to meet you! Another animal lover!" "Yes, yes," said Ceres, annoyed as Jupiter kept going about Fluttershy being her favorite out of the primary seven, so she returned to tuning her bass again. "I think you're cute and adorable, and I want to be your friend!" she said, nuzzling up to Fluttershy. Fluttershy petted the space cat and had no idea what to say to this at all other than saying. "Who are you? How do you know my name?" Jupiter explained who she and Ceres were, being guardians and here to kill the anomaly that came here, but... Fluttershy petted the space dog, taking all this information in. "I see, but you two don't want to kill her. Why? Aren't you ordered to do that?" "Orders are orders," sighed Jupiter, leaning on the dog and hugging him. "But sometimes rules must be broken, you know? Mother Earth showed me your stories and your friend's stories, and I feel inspired by you girls. I would rather follow your path in talking than go the violent way." Fluttershy felt somewhat proud to hear this, seeing someone follow her and her friend's lesson in kindness and understanding. "So, what about you?" she asked, looking at Ceres. "I could care less, but Jupiter won't shut up unless I help her, so here I am," answered Ceres in the most bored voice possible. "Hey!" yelled Jupiter. "At least pretend you want to be here. For me?" "No. But whatever, let's just end this already." Ceres put her bass down and looked up. "I think the ship is back on the water again. It seemed Moon got countered by Twilight. Only she can match her, but..." She looked back down and saw the two looking at her, waiting for her to continue. But she didn't, making the two a little annoyed. "The ship wasn't on the water?" asked Fluttershy, confused by what was said. Jupiter stood up, dusting her knees, and answered her as she walked off with Ceres, with Shy behind her. "Yes, but I kept us unaffected by the movement with my gravity orbit. It is advantageous when on a ship, as my friends are fighting your friends. We better hurry and find the anomaly and get her home before...Milky decides to show up and handle this herself." She stopped and turned to Shy. "Trust me, you don't want her to show up.". The Fluttershy nodded in fear and followed them. Meanwhile, Sunset was in her room, listening to music on her headphones, not hearing the battle, panicking crew and students as they ran past her door. It wasn't until the ship started to rock and shake that she noticed something was up. She stood up and walked out, seeing the chaos from her classmates and the ship crew, as many were saying something about powerful teenage girls and fighting other groups of teenagers. "Crap, was Rainbow right about the evil equestrian magic?" She groaned in frustration and started to run, trying to find her friends. It was a bit hard as there were a lot of people running around, bumping and shoving, and almost getting trampled a few times, but she managed to get to the upper level and could see a girl falling to the ground and clearly in pain. "Is that a wallflower?" Sunset hurried over to her. "You okay, Wall-wait, you aren't Wallflower?" Sunset could see how this girl looked like Wallflower, but small details showed she wasn't Wallflower. But when she heard her speak, though... "...Sunset!?" said Wallflower in disbelief, slowly standing up and being shocked to see Sunset here—well,  this universe version of her. When Sunset heard her, it was no doubt Wallflower. "Can't be? You are-whoa!?" Sunset suddenly fell backward as Wallflower grabbed her and started crying. I heard her happy to see her and even say something about this universe. She softly pushed her back and said, "Whoa, dial it back a minute. What do you mean by 'this universe'?". Wallflower started to explain her story, what was going on in her universe, and who was chasing her in this universe. Sunset listened very closely and had no idea what to say to any of this. She just held her head in pain. "Let me get this straight: you are from another universe, where Dash and Twilight are a couple and have a kid they took in, but that kid is really from another universe. Her twin sister is living in Equestria, where her twin was raised by that universe, Twi and Dash as well, and...oh my head." Sunset grabbed her head, trying to take all this in. How an evil girl named Dawn is trying to eat her good version, then the twins, restarting the multiverse, and Sunset's version of herself is helping this 'Blitz' girl to stop that, and this Wallflower somehow got here and wants to head back home. "Are you okay?" asked Wallflower, all worried and concerned. "I'm fine. I'm just trying to wrap my head around all this, which hurts a lot. This is a lot to take in." Sunset looked at her and could see that Wallflower was hurt, as she could see the bruises on her chest. "Wait, are you hurt?" "Huh? Oh, this?" She pointed at her chest and tried to explain what happened—how a surfboard smacked her by one of the guardians. Sunset ordered her to put her arm around her shoulder; she would help her to the sick bay and talk more. "Thanks, and sorry," said Wallflower, holding onto Sunset. "Don't mention it; we're friends, right? Well, in both universes, we're friends. That's why I'm helping you." Sunset smiled and walked off. "Let's get you better, and then we'll find my friends." "After that, we bumped into Fluttershy and the two guardians here, telling us why they're helping. Then they sense you girls out here." finished Sunset while checking on Eris and Saturn, but they were still knocked out cold. She turned to the girls and noticed the rainbow jackets on Dash and Twilight, then turned to Wallflower, who looked surprised. "Do you know what's with those ghost-looking jackets?" Twilight was the first to answer. "Yeah, it was our daughters' jacket." "Daughters?" asked everyone but Wallflower. "Yeah, she was raised by both Twilight and I." she corrected herself. "A version of...us," answered Dash, looking over to Twilight and blushing, surprised there was a universe where they fell in love with each other. Twilight nodded. "Yeah, we saw visions and memories of the past through their daughter's eyes. Seeing her being saved by  them." Twilight looked over to Sunset. "I believed your Dash and Twilight? They were ponies, but maybe another version as well? Anyway, I'm sure they'll also do the same and save her, just like us." Their friends couldn't believe it: Rainbow Dash and Twilight Sparkle were a couple!? And raising a kid. They looked at Dash, who was blushing bright red. "You have a kid!?" asked Sunset, excited and wanting more information. Dash swung her arms around, all flustered and trying to say anything. "Well, kinda, I mean, yeah? Not Twi and I; another version did, as I said." Dash stopped and looked over at Wallflower. "Blitz, right? That's her name? Blitz?" Wallflower nodded, getting up from the deck chair and walking to them. "Yes, she was raised by my version of you two—just having normal skin color. Anyway, those jackets are the same ones I'm wearing," she clutches her brown jacket. "She died alone, scared and cold, calling out for..." "Dasha and Twyla, right?" said Twilight and Dash in unison, surprising the girls, but Wallflower looked at them confused. "...that's not their names? Maybe Blitz was saved by another version of her parents?" Wallflower put her hands on their jackets, and suddenly, a bright rainbow flashed, sending everyone back. AJ stood up first, seeing the blazing light and the ship starting to go down, as she remembered the hole below. "Girls, the ship is going down! We need to save as many as we can!" The girls agreed but looked over to Twilight, Dash, and Wallflower, seeing them standing in the bright rainbow light. Fluttershy was the first to ask about them, as she was worried about them. "I'll take care of it," said the female voice, making everyone look up and see Milky with another girl hovering there and then landing. She faced Ceres and Jupiter, telling them why they disobeyed orders. "Because this isn't right, Milky Way! Mother Earth wouldn't want this!" begged Jupiter, while Ceres added, "Plus, screw the man, which is you, by the way; I'm no one's lap dog. I'm my person and can make my own choices, no matter the consequences. We're not like those mindless other guardians; we can think for ourselves!" "What do you mean by that? Mindless?" asked Pinkie, who was scared, as was everyone else but Milky, who just stood there and stared. Saturn stood up with Eris, and soon, all the other guardians arrived and landed near Milky. Milky stepped forward and spoke. "Guardians are just tools, weapons to protect their creator's work, their book, like this universe." Milky rolled her way to them. "Mother Earth isn't like the other authors; she cares about us and allows us to think for ourselves," she said but stopped before them and smiled. "But we can't let her down; we can't let her book be destroyed. I'm sorry, but we're running out of time. Look up." Everyone looked up and saw reality almost breaking down. The cracks were much wider now, as pure whiteness could be seen within them. "The anomaly needs to be wiped away now, or your universe and everyone in it is gone." She looked over to the girl with her and gave her an order: "Sun, hold them down." Sun nodded and released an orange glow, and before Sunset and the others could do anything, they somehow became frozen, but their moving eyes showed that they weren't fully frozen. Sun walked up to them and gave them a sad smile, explaining. "Sorry, please don't be mad at us; we must protect our Mother Earth work; this is the only way. We can't send her back; if that were the case, Milky would have done it as soon as the anomaly arrived. So the next best thing is death. She'll be put out of her misery and won't suffer anymore." "You can't do this!" cried AJ, struggling to break free. She even used her strength to break the orange magic aura but couldn't. "You can't escape from my orbit. It's a reason I'm called the Sun. You are locked to me and under my gravitational control." Milky walked past Sun and stood before the group. "I'm sorry; you are a wonderful creation, and Mother Earth loves you so much, as we all do. But it has to be like this." She walked past them, heading towards Wallflower, but Ceres and Jupiter stopped her, pleading for her to stop this. "She has no place in this universe; she's a threat to everyone here," stated Milky. "That's no excuse to kill her; please, you can't do this. There's always another way," begged Jupiter as she walked towards her leader. "Please, Milky, this isn't like you... I know you're kind, caring, and gentle, like me. Why are you doing this!?" Milky looked at her; her face had no expression, and her eyes were empty. "This is for the greater good, Jupiter. Now." She blasted her away and looked over to Ceres, who took a battle stance. "Stand down or die along with the anomaly." Ceres looked over to her, her eyes narrowing. "Fine." "Good girl, now-" Milky couldn't finish her words as Ceres pulled out her bass and blasted Milky, sending her flying back. The others covered Milky and were ready to take Ceres on. Ceres lowered her bass and spoke. "Girls, you must have noticed it? Milky isn't being herself! She's never cruel and never kills. She's the nicest of all of us; she's like Mother Earth the most, but she isn't being herself. She's under someone else's control!" The others look at each other and then at Milky, who had a few burns but is otherwise okay. "Enough of this." Milky got up and was about to blast Ceres but quickly moved out. A rainbow bomb landed near her and blew up, and the one who shot it was... "Enough! I'm not letting you keep doing this! Stop it!" Sunset and the girls were very confused, as they could see Their friend, Dash, is in her pony form but is wearing a white shrine maiden outfit and standing on a pole. She jumped off and landed, did some hand movements, and blasted someone above Milky, revealing strings and black seeds and someone jumping down and facing this new Rainbow Dash. "So, switching sides, are we?" said the black-haired anthro girl, looking hurt. "...Rainbow..." Rainbow looked at her sadly but answered, "She's using you. Can't you see it? I'm not going to let her destroy my friend, my world, my everything." She walked up to her and held her hands, smiling. "I love you." "And I, you." She smiled, but it was quick as she stabbed Rainbow with her fist and pulled her close to her, holding her in her arms and crying. "...why...?" Rainbow looked down and could see her white shirt being soaked in her blood. "...because I couldn't see my best friend destroy herself anymore. You're the nicest, the sweetest, the kindest girl... I couldn't save 'you' in my universe but knew I could. Please..." She was thrown away and landed near Twilight, Dash, and Wallflower, bleeding out. "Stupid Rainbow, that idiot got to you, didn't she? This is the only way! Ending all our suffering! Sparing all of us of our sad fate!" She started to cry. "YOU SHOULD KNOW BETTER THAN ONE ELSE! YOU WERE THE ONLY ONE WHO UNDERSTOOD ME! NOW LOOK AT YOU! BECAUSE YOU BELIEVE THAT HORSE SHIT OF HAPPY ENDINGS!" The others looked back at the scene and were confused about what was happening and who this other Rainbow Dash was. Rainbow lay there, feeling weaker and weaker, looking up at her and answering. "I do...and look what you've become..." She closed her eyes and smiled. "I wasn't strong... I was never strong like 'her'. I still wish it was me who died that day and not 'her .'Maybe she... " She could feel herself being picked up and opened her eyes to see Dash and Twilight holding her, their eyes glowing. They looked down and smiled. "No matter who it is, everyone deserves a happy ending. Everyone!" said both in unison, as a rainbow glow enveloped Rainbow, healing her wounds. Both girls looked over at the black anthro girl, who looked at them and Tsk loudly. "Damn, I am not fighting you. Even if it's a dying ghost." She started to laugh as she summoned a black dead tree. "By the way, your cheap knockoff is following your path. She'll die, just like you did. You can't save everyone; there's never a second chance or happy ending. I saw it firsthand." She walked into the dead tree and disappeared along with it. Wallflower walked over, looked at both girls and gave her a sad look. "Blitz and Braver, if they..." Twilight and Dash put Rainbow down, grabbed Wallflower's shoulders, and smiled. "They won't. Have faith! Like a bright knight once told me, 'Never give up on faith, and we won't give up on you. Stand tall and proud, and others will stay with you." Stand with them, no matter what happens. Don't let their spark fade because they're their future and no one else's." They released rainbow energy in her, and everything around them started to warp and change. "This should allow my teacher to get you and take you home. Be brave, Wilma; follow your spark." They started to cry and then hugged her. "Least I could say goodbye to you. I love you, even if I'm just a memory created by the broken elements.". Back on earth, Brishen was told to stand in the water and hold the staff in the air. Soon, the symbol of the storm king appeared under him and started to go into the staff as blue electrical power was shooting off everywhere. "Keep holding it! Don't let go! You can do it!" shouted Lauren. Brishen felt something hitting his soul; he could see a white monster and see him taking over the land, then seeing him being killed. He opened his eyes and screamed as the last of the electrical power entered the room, dropping to his knees. "Man, what a loser that version of me is..." He stood up, walked up to Lauren, and smiled as he raised his staff and fired a blue electrical blast, blowing a sand mound up. "Nice, how are you feeling?" asked Lauren. "Good, thanks to this power. I can help Blitz even more. There are two days to go before Lucy's evil copy comes. I hope we'll be ready, huh? What's wrong?" asked him, seeing Lauren looking very confused and freaking out. "What you just said?" She was scared now. "I just said that. I hope we'll be ready. There are two days to go. Wait, did I forget to tell you?" Lauren's jaw dropped. "What, why are you looking at me like that?" Lauren shook her head. "NO! Dawn! You gave them the wrong number of days!" Brishen double-looked. "Sorry, what? Not the right number of days!?" "Yes!" "Oh, shit, how man-" "One day left! She's comi-what?" She stopped and looked around. She could see through the static. She could see Wallflower and leaped out of her body, becoming her Alicorn form and landing on the boat, as reality was being held together by a rainbow aura. She could see Milky Way and the Galaxy Girls looking at her. "MOTHER EARTH!" screamed her girls as they ran towards and hugged her, but she could see Milky sitting there, disappointed. "Milky, what's wrong?" asked Lauren as the girls let her go, allowing her to walk over to Milky. "One of 'her' saviors tricked me... I was looking for you, but I sensed what I thought was you, but it was one of the saviors. She started to control me and ordered me to kill her." She looked over to Wallflower. "I'm sorry, Mother Earth. Please punish me." Lauren petted her and smiled. "You're not a bad girl, Milky. I can't be mad at you. We can talk about this later; I need to send her back to her universe right now." She stood up and walked over to Wallflower but froze as she saw Dash and Twilight. She could see 'her' taking control of them. "Hello, my student," she cried. "Hello teacher. It's nice to see you again, but there's no time. The last of the memories of the element are fading. Since you are here and seeing a version of Wallflower here, tell me the end is coming." They could see her nodding. "The true ending is near then. Happy another version of me could get further than I did." Lauren touched Wallflower. "Listen, dear, when you return home, return to Blitz as soon as possible! You only have one day left before Rainbow Sun Dawn comes, not two." Lauren could see how worried she was. "It's going to be okay. Just get back there and be by her side, please. Just don't let her fight alone, like," she said, looking at Twi and Dash with a sad look on  their faces."...like in another story." Wallflower held on to her brown jacket and smiled. "Don't worry, I won't let that happen. Thank you for your help." Wallflower could feel herself getting teleported. "Good luck," both said the teacher and student. Wallflower opened her eyes and found herself on the beach, with Brishen shaking her. "LAUREN!? SPEAK TO ME!?" Wallflower pushed him off, asking what he was doing. "Oh shit! Wilma! You are back!? What happened!? Lauren sai-whoa!?" screamed Brishen as he was pulled by Wallflower vines and tossed into the plant car, and she got in and drove off. "We don't have time, Lucy-" "The version is coming in one day. I know, Lauren told me." Brishen finishes, sitting upright in the car seat. We can't stop for nothing. We must get to town and save everyone. But where is Lauren now?" "Don't worry, she's fine," said Wallflower as the car drove off. Lauren could see the two in the car as they drove away. She opened her eyes, and everything returned to normal. Time restarted but was frozen. But Twilight and Dash were still standing next to her. "So, this is the new story, the new timeline." Lauren faced the two. "Yes, and this is the furthest we come to reaching 'her' and finding that true ending, the original. You and others told me the same thing about when you saved those kids a few years back. Tell me, before you disappeared, you said the person who came to your aid was wearing all white, correct?" Both girls nodded. Lauren couldn't help but smile. "...then it is 'her. ' We just need to keep moving forward like always." She hugged the two and could feel her student's fading memories disappearing. Long lastly, this version of her student could rest in peace. She heard Dash and Twilight asking what was happening, but Lauren closed her eyes and soon opened them. She was floating in the air, seeing Dash looking at the water and seeing the storm king symbol. The story was back on track once more. "Mother Earth?" whispered Milky, floating towards her. "Why are you here? Within the prime tree?' Lauren shut her eyes and soon found themselves in a snowy town. "Getting the prime mane six and all their friends. The end is coming, and everyone is needed for this final battle." She turned back and smiled, seeing all her daughters here. "This also includes all of you. Everything will end if 'she' writes her version of the true ending. Will you join me? Please?" All the girls nodded, and they could feel themselves being taken into the portal as they vanished. In the distance, Lauren could see the school and teleported inside, where she could see the Prime Equestria Girls in the auditorium—laughing as they wore funny outfits for a photo shoot. She couldn't help but smile as she could sense the scattered elements within them, sensing her one last time. "She's gone. Only remains is her hope and spark." Lauren walked down the stairs and saw Rainbow from before, sitting and watching the girls having fun. Lauren walked over and sat with her. "Rainbow, I'm happy you listened to 'her' and are helping us." Lauren could see her smiling but crying. "If everyone deserves a happy ending, why did she deserve that sad ending? Dying while I lived? It wasn't fair—not to her. Why did it have to be her and not me? I wasn't as special or as cool as her. Why did I get the chance to live and her to die? What made me so special?" Lauren just sat there and held her. "Nothing. You're just another person living their life: you and her, everyone in both the multiverse and the Time-verse. There is nothing special about any of you." she smiled. "You are just as important as everyone here. All of you keep moving forward and following your destiny, no matter the cost, how scary, or how much pain. Everyone deserves a happy ending and a chance. That's all that matters. Now, stand tall and proud, and follow your heart and future. Write where your stories go; maybe it will overlap with...' her'." She opened her wings, flew up, released white energy in front of her, and a brown book with a gold unicorn appeared. "...overlapping...with..." whispered Rainbow, taking out a dirty and old-looking object and holding it tight. "I'll make sure she finds that happy ending by saving her!" She could hear Mane Seven yelling as they could see Lauren and her. She looked up, seeing the Prime Prism Window, and within it was Equestria Prime. She smiled, seeing the old mane six as they were watching Luster Dawn heading to Ponyville but stopping as she and the others could see the window. Lauren forced open the closed brown book. "The end will come, but not right now. All of you are needed. Please help us. Everyone. Friendship is needed once more." End of Chapter 26