Love takes many forms

by coolpony01

Ch 2

The date is August 20 2005. Fortunately our two nations didn’t end up going to war. We managed to sign a peace treaty and I’ve even heard talks about possibly starting trade and exchanges of culture between our two nations. I am very glad that we have been able to keep the peace. It would be wrong to break a 60 year peace. War wouldn’t result in anything good and I highly doubt Princess Celestia would go to war with a country that hasn’t done anything bad to them. The fact that we are a race of one that had attacked Equestria doesn’t matter because we are not like them. 

Princess Celestia is a very fair and wise pony. I highly doubt she would have any ill will against us. She was the pony that made it that no sentimental being could be killed, brought into slavery, or experimented for the basis of their species after all. 

Of course ponies like Captain Shining Armor don’t really like us changelings and wish to see us punished over what some of the members of our species did. At least, not everyone from Equestria wishes for our blood to be spilled.

I am right now going to visit my brother Thornton. He has a dark red mane and tail with holes in it, dark red insectoid wings and dark green slanted eyes. He is a very nice person and I am glad to have him as my brother. He is a local Author and he writes a lot of scientific fictional stories they’re really good. Our parents didn’t approve of his career choice. Our family has a long line of working for the hive guard and they wanted both of us to do the same and continue the family tradition. I personally liked the idea of fighting crime and protecting the civilians so I chose to follow my parents' hoofsteps and joined the hive guard. My brother, on the other hoof, wasn’t really interested in joining the hive guard. 

He was more interested in creativity and had quite the skill for writing and decided to become an author. I supported him because I knew this was what he wanted. Our parents went against us at every turn. They kept saying he would never make a decent income from such a career. They also said that being a member of the hive guard was an honor and saying there was no reason to deny such a job and that he should honor the family tradition. Our parents wouldn’t pay for his college if he didn’t join the hive guard but he didn’t care abd made the money to go to college and get the job he wanted. I scowled my parents for refusing to even help him with college just for choosing a different career. They told us it was because he was being “disrespectful” but I’d hardly call choosing one’s career disrespectful. I am still very proud of the person by brother turned out to be.

I am right now walking down the various pathways of the hive. It is full of various homes, shops, restaurants, schools, hospitals, everything you would expect from civilization. This hive is alive and colorful unlike the hive of Queen Chrysalsis. When I got there I let out a knock and heard my brother’s hoofsteps approach the door I went over to hug my brother. “I’m so happy to see you Thorn.” I said to my older brother.

“I’m happy to see you two A.” He said using that nickname he gave me. “Come inside I got dinner ready.” Thornton said.
“I like the sound of that.” I said while smiling.

“Oh you will, I made pad thai for dinner.” Thornton said. Pad thai is a noodle dish that many changelings commonly eat. It is very delicious. 

“You’re right I do like the sound of that. And I think you’ll like that I made cupcakes for dessert.” I said.

He had such a cute face at that he does love sweets. He hugged me “Thank you sis.” He said thankfully.

I chuckled. “You’re welcome brother.” I said.

I then went and sat down with my brother before we ate we did a little prayer. “We thank the providence for this delicious meal and for our family and our lives.” We believe in a religion called the providence. It is a religion commonly practiced by changelings. We believe that our actions determine where we will end up in our deaths nothing more. 

We began to eat our dinner. tThe pad tai noodles sweet flavor hit my tongue. “This is so good.” I said complimenting my brother for his cooking.

“Thank you sis. I put a lot of effort into making sure that our dinner would be delicious.” Thornton said.

“Well I should compliment you if you know how to cook after all.” I said. I always admired the skill of cooking and all the foods that the hive has to offer like pad tai and rice noodles.

“Well then I guess I’ll be complimenting your cupcakes.” Thornton said.

“Aww thanks bro.” I said thankful at the compliment.

“Well I should compliment you. You have quite the skill for baking after all.” It was true I did have a skill for baking. I used to bake for the school’s fundraising events and I did quite a good job at that. I even considered getting a job at baking once but then I realized I could instead make it into a hobby because my real passion was law enforcement.

“Thank you brother to be honest I bake because not many places around here hive nice found like they used to.” I said.

“Yeah quite a lot of places have food that doesn’t quite taste the same it is why I don’t really go out to eat very often.” Thornton said.

“Hey we gotta give people some credit there’s still some good restaurants around here like the golden leaf.” I said as a marvelous example of fine dining.
“Yes that is a great restaurant and we should be grateful that we have wonderful things like that.” Thornton said.

“Oh I am grateful for all the good things we have we’d be nothing but ungrateful assholes if we weren’t.” I said.

“It is unfoturnat that some people are like that.” Thornton said. 

“Yes it is rather annoying that we have to deal with people like that.” I said.

“Yes it is but wile we may have to deal with those assholes we musn’t forget all the good things we still have.” Thornton said.

“Yes you’re right while there are many bad things in this world there are also good.” I said.

“It is nice knowing that the world isn’t completely full of trash.” My older brother said.

“Yes we are quite lucky that we have things in this world to value such as each other.” I said.

“Yes we are very lucky to have each other family and love are some of the many blessings of life after all.” My older brother said.

“Yes you are right blessings such as love and family are what bring worth and meaning to live after all.” I said.

“Yes we musn’t forget the passions of life.” Thornton said.

“Yes we have to remember what life is like and while it may have some bad things all the good things in life are what make it worth it.” I said. 

I enjoyed being ankle to have dinner with my brother we had a pleasant time and I was able to catch up with him. 

Afterwards we began to eat the cupcakes 

“Amber, these are really good, you did an excellent job.” My brother complimented.

“Well I did make homemade frosting after all.” I said.

“Aww thank you sis.” He said delighted and grateful.

“Well I wanted to make the moment last after all.” I said while smiling.

“You know we could make the moment last more by watching a funny movie” He offered. I smiled at him.

We picked Shitstorm. It is this movue that is about a bunch of teenage changelings who wanted to act crazy for the night and have a bit of fun. They decided to go swimming in a place they weren’t allowed drunk some beer things that teenagers tend to do. Eventually the hive gaurd showed up and the kids had to run for it. The hive guard kept catchiung them down but they wouldn’t give up. Eventually one of the teenagers took one for the team and distrated the police so everyone else could get away. He was in jail for a week since he didn’t say the names of the other teengaers but they all learned their lesson and realized that whole they can have fun there has to be limits. 

After that it was time for me to go home. I went and gave my brother a hug thank him for the meal and he thanked me for the cupcakes and I left with the feeling of enjoyment knowing I have such a wonderful family and who knows once things change I may even make a friend that isn’t another changeling for once.