Marking the Generations – Part Two

by Glimbursts

Chapter Five - Reuniting

Sunny sighed as she closed the Scrapbook of Memories, she was about halfway through but felt she’d seen enough for now. She closed her eyes and took in a deep breath before letting it out slowly. She could still feel a knot of emotions deep down but she knew sitting and feeling sorry for herself wasn’t going to make it go away.

As she walked down the ramp towards the living area, she saw the group gathered in the kitchen. She smiled as she saw Misty and Sparky embrace.

“I think Sparky’s already forgiven you,” Hitch smiled. “Don’t worry, I know we’ll all do our part together, hoof to heart.”

“Hoof to heart,” Misty echoed with a smile.

“Hoof to heart,” Pipp added.

“Hoof to heart,” Sunny added as she approached. “Thank you, Misty. Seeing Twilight’s memories did help.”

“So, are you okay now Sunny?” Pipp asked earnestly.

Sunny shook her head solemnly. “Not fully, I know you’ll all help me work through it though.”

She held the book out towards Starlight, a small grateful smile on her face.

“You ought to keep it,” Starlight suggested. “Sunset keeps warning about spoilers for our futures. I may have made the first parts, but I know Twilight has added to it.”

“Oh, okay, that does sound sensible.” Sunny smiled. “Has Sunset come back yet?”

“Not yet,” Starlight sighed. “I’m sure we’ll see her soon enough though. She won’t have gone far.”

Suddenly, there was a rhythmic knock at the door.

“No Way!” Sunny exclaimed.

She ran to the door and flung it open to reveal Kendi and a muddy Sunset. “Aunt Kendi!” Sunny squealed as she pulled Kendi into a hug.

“Hello my dear, Sunny,” Kendi grinned. “I have long awaited seeing you again. I have been told there is much for you to catch me up on.”

“Yeah, I’ll be back in a bit,” Sunset sighed as she walked past. “Just going to wash up.”

Sunset avoided Starlight’s gaze as she made her way towards the bathroom. Starlight grimaced at Sunset’s muddy appearance quickly realising what had possibly happened.

“I’m just going to make sure Sunset is okay,” Starlight explained as she headed after her.

Sunny was beaming as she showed Kendi towards the living area. Kendi grinned as she set her two large saddle bags down before taking a seat, Hitch, Misty, Pipp and Sunny following suit.

“Aunt Kendi, this is Misty, Hitch, and Pipp,” Sunny introduced. “Everypony, this is Kendi, she’s an Archaeologist who helped my dad with his research.”

“I have travelled all over the land,” Kendi smiled. “Seeking artefacts and treasures from the earliest days of Equestria. I was on my way here when I found your friend Sunset in quite the mire. She tells me you all reunited Pony kind.”

“Eee he he, yes we did,” Sunny grinned. “Did you want to hear the story over one of your favourite smoothies?”

“Oh, most definitely,” Kendi grinned. “I would never pass up on one of your smoothies, Sunny.”

“Okay, one round of smoothies coming up,” Sunny smiled as she headed for the kitchen.

“So, Kendi,” Pipp smiled. “How do you know Sunny? I presume she’s not your actual niece.”

“Oh no, we are not related directly but I know her through her father,” Kendi smiled. “Before Sunny came along, he used to accompany me on my expeditions. We have been to many historical sites in Equestria together. Then, when Sunny arrived, he remained at home to look after her. So, I brought objects and information to him. He carried out the analysis on them which allowed me to spend more time in the field exploring.”

“How much have you found out about ancient Equestria?” Misty asked.

“Not as much as I would have liked,” Kendi replied. “I am hopeful that now Equestria is united again there will be more opportunities.”

“Oh, I’m sure there will be,” Hitch grinned. "I've seen you coming into and out of town before but always wondered, where you call home?"

"Wherever I am is my home," Kendi grinned. "I sometimes book into hotel rooms but mostly I camp out under the stars. I enjoy the time on the road."

“One round of smoothies,” Sunny beamed as she walked in and passed them out.

“Okay, that’s got to be a record time,” Hitch laughed. “You must be really excited.”

“Aunt Kendi is here so there’s nothing else to worry about right now,” Sunny grinned. “She always brings the best things.”

“Ah, if you want to see what I bring you first need to provide me with a story,” Kendi laughed. “So, how did you come to reunite Equestria and return magic to the lands?”

Meanwhile, Sunset sighed as she dried herself off after washing off the mud. Showering still felt odd in her pony form. She missed being able to let the water run all the way from head to toe. She’d tried standing on her hind hoofs but still couldn’t balance properly. She exited the bathroom and frowned as she saw Starlight sitting nearby.

“Should you be walking around this much?” she asked.

“Probably not,” Starlight admitted. “But I wanted to check you are okay.”

“What, after blowing up at everypony?” Sunset sighed. “I thought I had gotten to grips with my temper. It’s gotten me in trouble before and so it does again.”

“I saw the mud,” Starlight replied. “I guess you didn’t appear where you wanted to.”

“Heh, not quite,” Sunset snorted. “I was lucky that Kendi came along to pull me out and was heading here. FYI, she’s an Archaeologist, not sure if we ought to be careful with what we learn from her.”

“I don’t think it will be an issue,” Starlight smiled. “You need to stop worrying about it, Sunset. What we learn we learn, if anything it must shape our future, not change it.”

“I’ll try to look at it that way,” Sunset sighed. “I expect you finished the looking glass in the meantime?”

Starlight shook her head. “Nope, firstly because Pipp and Hitch only just got back. More importantly, we couldn’t finish the spell without you.”

“Why?” Sunset frowned. “You’re up and about, you could…”

“No, you started it so you’re going to finish it,” Starlight smiled. “You’re more than capable of doing it. It’s just deciphering the old Ponish the incantation is written in. That's the problem, not your abilities.”

“Thanks, Starlight,” Sunset smiled. “So, shall we go and get it working together then?”

“Definitely,” Starlight grinned.

With that, the pair headed back outside to get the fire going again.

In the meantime, Kendi was sat stroking Sparky as Hitch finished explaining how he’d found him.

“I have only seen dragons in the items I have found,” Kendi smiled. “It is truly special that you have found him, Hitch. I must say, Sunny, your father would be so proud of you,”

Sunny’s ears suddenly drooped, and she looked down with sadness.

Misty gasped moving over to hug her, “Oh, Sunny?”

“I’m…I’m okay,” Sunny replied as she returned the hug. “I dreamt of him last night, which kind of adds to the whole mess I’m making of everything right now.”

“I’m sorry Sunny,” Kendi sighed. “I wish we knew more about what happened to him.”

“We all do,” Hitch replied.

“I’m sorry, I don’t know that part of the story,” Misty sighed.

“Me neither,” Pipp admitted. “You don’t need to tell us though.”

“No, not if it makes you feel sad again,” Misty added.

“It’s okay, Misty,” Sunny smiled as they broke off the hug. “He, well, disappeared. I came back from the smoothie cart and he just wasn’t here.”

“There was nothing to explain where he’d gone,” Hitch added. “No tracks, no sign of a struggle. No evidence at all.”

“It was like he’d just vanished into thin air,” Sunny sniffed. “His glasses and necklace were just left on the side, and he never went anywhere without them.”

“Okay, I think that is enough doom and gloom,” Kendi replied. “Sunny, I want to show you my latest find. I hoped we could discover its contents together.”

Kendi reached into one of her saddle bags and produced a book. The others gasped as they spotted both Sunset’s and Starlight’s cutie marks on the cover.

“Gasping already when I have not yet opened it,” Kendi grinned with satisfaction. “I wanted to do it with you, Sunny. The symbols on the cover reminded me of you.”

Kendi carefully set the book down on the coffee table. Before anypony could say anything more, she opened it to a random page and started reading.

Hey, sorry for not getting back to you. I hope things are going okay at the school.

Things aren’t going well for me right now. I’ve had an accident on my motorbike, skidded off the road in the rain. AJ said it was too wet and I shouldn’t have taken it.

Actually, I need to be honest. I'm…

“Stop! T…That’s enough,” Sunny said earnestly, placing a hoof over the writing.

“Sunny? I don’t understand, what is the matter?” Kendi gasped. “This is fascinating, who are they? Who could they be writing to? Why is it in a book like this?”

“Kendi, there’s more we need to tell you about,” Hitch replied.

“Yeah, lots more,” Pipp added. “That’s getting way personal way quick.”

“Personal?” Kendi frowned with confusion.

“You need to know something important,” Sunny replied.

Meanwhile, outside, Sunset and Starlight were making far better progress than they had previously. Sunset closed her eyes and focused on the incantation. Her eyes opened and she fired a magical blast at the mixture and beamed as it didn’t blow up in her face.

Instead, the translucent liquid flashed before taking on a silvery sheen, like molten metal.

“You see,” Starlight smiled. “I knew you were more than capable.”

“I am when I let you actually help to read the incantation,” Sunset sighed. “I can't quite believe it was just one word I was getting wrong. I’m sorry for getting so paranoid.”

“Pffft, you were just being careful,” Starlight grinned. “Now the Scrapbook of Memories, that’s something I don’t want to dive too far into. You know, I reckon it’s about twice as big as when I made it. I expect that will have lots of our future in.”

“You’re right there,” Sunset replied. “I’ve already probably looked at it more than I ought to. Lucky the memory I saw was one I recognised.”

“Right, so the next thing is to apply the mixture,” Starlight smiled. “The new large mirror is here, but where’s Izzy’s nest?”

“Right here!” a voice called from the path.

As if on cue, Izzy came walking up the path from the town. As well as two bulging saddle bags, she was carrying the nest.

“Sorry, I just realised I had the perfect finishing touches to add to it back in Bridlewood so took it with me,” she grinned. “I’ll get the mirror out so you can cast the spells.”

“It’s no problem, Izzy,” Starlight smiled.

“Yeah, we're only just ready for it so no harm done,” Sunset grinned.

It was a short time later that both doors to the Brighthouse were opened by Izzy and Starlight. Giving plenty of room for Sunset as she levitated the new Looking Glass inside. She had a look of focused determination on her face and grunted as it appeared it was heavier than it looked.

Sunny gasped as she saw them and looked pointedly at Kendi. “Hide the book."

“I still do not understand,” Kendi protested. “What you are saying. It is not…”

Kendi trailed off as she suddenly spotted Sunset’s cutie mark and then Starlight’s. She looked between them and the cover of the journal in confusion.

“Please, Aunt Kandi,” Sunny sighed. “With what happened earlier…”

Kendi held up a hoof and stowed the journal back in her saddle bag.

Meanwhile, Sunset grunted slightly as she carefully positioned the mirror next to the ramp upstairs. Making sure that they would see it from as many angles as possible. Once she was happy, she let go.

“I could have helped you know,” Starlight said playfully.

“I know,” Sunset winked. “But you’re supposed to be recovering,”

“So, is it all working now?” Misty asked hopefully.

“It is, Misty,” Sunset smiled. “I’m sorry for how I blew up at you all this morning. Especially you, Sunny, you asked an honest question and I reacted way out of proportion.”

“I’m just glad to see you’re okay,” Sunny replied. “We were getting worried.”

“So, who are all these new faces, Sunny?” Kendi asked. “I must say it’s wonderful to see you surrounded by so many friends now.”

“Oh, of course,” Sunny grinned.

She went round each of those Kendi hadn’t met yet and introduced them, leaving Starlight till last.

“Sorry for disappearing when you arrived, Kendi,” Starlight smiled. “I just wanted to make sure Sunset was okay.”

“It’s no problem, she did have quite the misadventure,” Kendi grinned. “I do have a question for the pair of you though.”

Sunset and Starlight shared a knowing look.

“No, we’re not going to be a massive font of ancient Equestria history,” Starlight winked.

“So, it is true,” Kendi breathed. “You are from the past?”

The pair looked at each other and grinned before turning so their left flanks were visible. Kendi gasped when she saw both also had cutie marks on that side. “So dual cutie marks are true!” she gasped.

“It’s one of the odd things that’s different,” Sunset replied. “Same as the maps.”

“Oh, how so?” Kendi frowned.

“Take Maretime Bay,” Starlight continued. “We wouldn’t have a clue where it was on a map of the Equestria we know.”

“So many places that have just disappeared,” Sunset added. “If I didn’t know better, I’d think this was some alternative world.”

“So, could you confirm for me what time you are from?” Kendi asked.

“Just after Twilight became ruler of Equestria,” Sunset replied.

“That’ll be her second coronation,” Starlight specified. “Not her first after she became an alicorn.”

“I am in town for a few days before departing on my next journey,” Kendi explained. “Sunny, my dear, the two saddlebags here contain items I wanted to leave with you to look through. If you are still interested as we’d discussed previously, so much has happened.”

“Of course, I am,” Sunny beamed. “Wait, that sounds like you’re leaving?”

“I’m just going to go and check into my hotel room,” Kendi smiled. “Trust me, I will not leave before I’ve spent more time with you. Plus, I want to work out exactly what questions to ask our time travellers here. There are so many.”

With that, Kendi started getting up. However, Sunny did too and walked with her towards the door.

“I’ll come with you into town. I want to spend as much time with you as I can,” Sunny said. “It’s been too long.”

“I can’t deny that,” Kendi smiled. “A good evening to all of you. I hope to see you in the morrow.”

With that, the others said their goodbyes as Sunny led Kendi outside.

“Feels like Sunny didn’t want Kendi to leave because she didn’t want to go back to how she was feeling before she arrived,” Hitch sighed.

“She’s certainly going through something right now,” Starlight mused. “Exactly what, we’ll just have to wait and see.”

“And be there for her when she wants us to be,” Misty smiled.

“Exactly,” Sunset grinned. “Now, where’s Zipp? She’s got a nest to deliver.”