//------------------------------// // Chapter Seventeen – Guiding // Story: Marking the Generations – Part Two // by Glimbursts //------------------------------// “Hello? Is anypony there?” Sunny looked around with surprise and confusion. She was sure she’d just walked through the same portal that she’d entered the Night Market. However, instead of being in Maretime Bay, she was in what looked like a large crater. All around her was a huge vertical cliff face, the ground curving up from where she stood to meet the bottom of it. She walked around her basket of berries in a circle. A feeling of apprehension welled inside her as she suddenly realised, she was completely alone. “Where are the others?” she muttered. “Wait, where’s the portal gone? I’ve only just walked through it, and it’s already disappeared.” She was right, the portal that she’d emerged from had already vanished. She looked up at the huge cliffs that circled her, quickly realising there was no way to climb them. At the very top of the cliffs, she could just see an outline of trees, silhouetted against the moon as it shone from above. “It’s still dark then,” she frowned. “Maybe the others were deposited elsewhere? I’ve got to find them.” She reached into her saddle bag and withdrew her phone. Only to groan as she realised there was no signal. Suddenly, she heard a voice which made her squeak with surprise. “Funny you’re thinking of your friends before yourself. There’s hope for you yet.” “Who’s there?” Sunny demanded. “Where are my friends?” “Don't worry, your friends are quite safe in Maretime Bay. As for me, we have a mutual friend.” Sunny gasped as she spun around, unable to determine where the voice was coming from as it echoed around the cliffs. Remembering she was in this on her own, she panted for air as her eyes widened in fear. “Oh, I didn’t mean to scare you,” the voice cooed. “Are you that unsure of yourself nowadays? What has happened to the Sunny Starscout who was full of hope? "The one that was always so sure of herself that she never gave up on what she believed in, no matter what others told her. The pony who reunited all of Equestria and saved magic.” Sunny gulped, her mouth and throat feeling dry. She looked to where she’d left her basket only to see it wasn’t there anymore. Her eyes widened and she desperately looked around for it. The voice chuckled lightly, “Oh, don’t worry about your haul from the market. I’ve made sure it’s safely deposited in your smoothie cart's fridge. Can’t have those delicious-looking berries going bad, can we? Oh, and the Zap Apple Jam is positively delightful. I’m sure you’ll enjoy that. You’ll find Granny Smith’s instructions for that in your basket once you return.” “You’ll let me go then?” Sunny asked. “Let you go? You can go whenever you like, it’s not like you don’t have wings.” Sunny gulped as she felt the knotted feeling inside her tighten. “I’m an Earth Pony. I can’t fly.” “You are no ordinary Earth Pony. You’re Sunny Starscout. There’s more to you than meets the eye.” Sunny gasped as the echo finally stopped as she heard her name. She turned around to see a creature standing before her. One she remembered from the stained-glass window in the old Canterlot Castle throne room. One she remembered from the Scrapbook of Memories. “You’re Discord. Y…You’re still alive.” “Nahahaha, that’s so funny,” Discord chuckled. “Why is the fact that I’m still here so surprising to everypony? I’m the lord of chaos. Like I told Starlight, I was around for millennia before I met her, and I’ll be around for millennia to come.” “Starlight?” Sunny gasped. “She knows you’re still around? You’ve spoken to her?” “Most certainly,” Discord smiled. “She suggested I give you a helping hoof.” “Aaah,” Sunny cried with surprise as she felt something on her back. Discord’s goat hoof had disappeared and as she spun around, she realised it had appeared on her back. As she spun, the hoof was dislodged and fell to the floor. There was a flash as it landed and disappeared, reappearing reattached to Discord’s leg where it belonged. “My you are jumpy aren’t you,” Discord commented. “Must be all those negative feelings all knotted together.” “How…How do you know?” Sunny asked. “I’ve been watching,” Discord replied as a pair of binoculars appeared before him. Grasping them with claw and paw, Discord looked into the binoculars. His eyes appeared in the ends before disappearing. Sunny blinked with surprise as one eye appeared on either side of her, the pupils following her as she backed up. Discord grinned as the binoculars disappeared and his eyes returned to their normal positions. “Let’s make this simple shall we? I brought you here, but you are no prisoner. You are free to leave whenever you wish.” He pointed to the sky before continuing. “Just fly straight up and you’ll see the prisbeam. You know what’s at the foot of that particular rainbow.” Sunny scowled as she looked pointedly at Discord. “I can’t fly, not anymore. My powers are gone.” Discord gave a reassuring smile. “No, they aren't. You’ve just knotted them up and you can unknot them.” Sunny scowled as she turned. “No, they’re gone,” she sighed before starting to walk towards the nearest cliff face. “Let’s get a little visual representation then shall we,” Discord replied. With a flash, he disappeared and reappeared floating in front of Sunny as she walked. She squeaked with surprise as he tapped her on the forehead with his claw. Suddenly, she felt something around her legs. “Wooah,” Sunny cried as she flopped to the ground and landed on her side. Looking down to her hoofs she gasped. All four were tightly bound together with golden orange ropes, the same colour that her horn and wings normally were. Grunting, she tried to free herself but quickly found she was unable to do so. “What is this? Why have you tied me up? You said I wasn’t your prisoner.” “You’re not,” Discord replied with mock hurt. “Besides, I didn’t tie you up, you’ve tied yourself up. I just moved where you’d tied the knots. Only you can untie yourself.” Sunny grunted as she tried to free herself again. However, she made no progress. As she started to think it was a hopeless task, she felt the ropes tightening. Discord watched with interest as he floated around her. “Here’s a hint, it’s not struggling that will free you.” “Then what will?” Sunny replied with a hint of desperation in her voice. “Hope,” Discord replied simply. “How can I have hope right now?” Sunny demanded. “I don’t know where I am. I’m here against my will. I’m tied up. And all the while I’m being told I’m not a prisoner.” “I’ve told you how to get home,” Discord smiled. “You’re here because you need a helping hoof to untie yourself.” “Then…Then help me.” Sunny pleaded. Discord grinned with glee as a large armchair appeared which he promptly sat on. A clipboard appeared in his paw which he studied intently for a moment before tapping on it with his claw. “I’ll start with the easiest one, it’s actually one you've overcome before.” “Which is?” Discord smirked with glee. “The Alicorn. In other words, how everypony thinks you are special.” “I’m not special,” Sunny sighed. “I’m no different to anypony else.” “Being special is debatable,” Discord replied. “What did your friend Pipp tell you about fame?” Sunny blinked with confusion before suddenly remembering a conversation she’d had with Pipp. One she’d had just after reuniting the Unity Crystals. Spotting her change of expression, Discord clicked his clawed fingers and a window appeared. Pipp and Sunny were walking away from the ruins of the lighthouse, just after Sunny had transformed for the first time. “This is going to make you famous Sunny,” Pipp smiled. “What is?” Sunny smiled back. “This, and these,” Pipp giggled flicking Sunny’s horn and ruffling her wings. “Ponies are going to look up to you, they’ll put you on a pedestal and expect the world from you. So, you’ve got to know how to handle them.” Sunny frowned with confusion. “Okay, so how do I do that?” “Most important thing is don’t worry about how others think of you,” Pipp replied. “Keep your private contacts private. Just because some random pony says they’re your friend doesn’t actually mean they are. Just be yourself, don’t change because you think others want you to.” “Thanks Pipp, I’ll keep that advice in mind,” Sunny smiled. Sunny closed her eyes as the window disappeared and a feeling of relief washed through her. “Don’t worry about how others think,” she echoed. “Don’t change because you think others want you to.” Sunny gasped as she felt the ropes loosening, she experimented again but realised they’d need to loosen a lot more before she’d be free. “You see, you can free yourself,” Discord encouraged as he ate popcorn from a large striped bucket. “Now, let’s speed this along by grouping the next things together. Shall we?” “What things?” “They’re best summarised by others getting hurt. Starlight, Misty, Glory, to name a few recently. What did Hitch tell you when you went camping?” Sunny frowned with confusion. “Camping?” “When you were foals,” Discord clarified. “You went on a trip together; you Hitch and Sprout.” “One we weren’t supposed to,” Sunny remembered. “And we weren’t foals, we were older than that.” Discord smiled and clicked his clawed fingers again and the window reappeared. The campfire was burning brightly as the sun sunk below the horizon. Hitch grunted as he tied a bandage tightly around Sprout’s hind leg. “I’m sorry, Sprout,” Sunny sighed. “I didn’t think you’d follow me.” “That was the aim of the game though,” Sprout grunted with annoyance. “Follow the leader and you were the leader.” “Doesn’t mean you should have followed her over those rocks,” Hitch responded. “You know Sunny’s more agile than you are.” Sprout only grumbled in reply as he looked down at his broken hind leg. Hitch had done a good job of bandaging and splinting it. “So, what now?” Sprout asked. “We head back,” Hitch replied. “First thing in the morning, we head back and fess up.” “I’m going to be in so much trouble,” Sunny sighed. “I just wanted to find Ponyville so badly. Now I’ve gotten Sprout hurt. I’m never doing anything that will get others hurt again.” “Pony’s get hurt all the time, Sunny. If you beat yourself up about it, you’ll never be able to do anything,” Hitch replied knowingly. “You can’t put cotton wool around everypony. The important thing is we’re still alive, bones will heal. I want to be a Sheriff someday so I can protect everypony. But I know ponies will get hurt. I just want to do all I can to help them if they do.” Discord clicked his fingers, the window disappeared again and a mischievous grin appeared on his face. “So, who was angrier? Phyllis or Argyle?” “Phyllis of course,” Sunny chuckled as she felt the ropes loosen again. “I get it now. The ropes are linked to my feelings. Could we do this without me being literally tied up?” Discord gave a snort of laughter. “Oh no, it’s too late for that. My magic is chaos magic. Moving your knotted feelings to your ankles was easy. I can’t even fathom how to make them go the other way.” “Thanks,” Sunny muttered as she flexed her hoofs again. “So, recap. What have you just learned?” Discord grinned. A chalkboard appeared and he got ready to write on it. Sunny smirked as she spotted ‘Don’t worry about how others think,’ and, ‘Don’t change because you think others want you to’ written on it. “Ponies are going to get hurt and I cannot stop that,” Sunny replied. “The important thing is to protect everypony as best I can.” Discord grinned as he wrote on the board. “Exactly! Which leads onto what’s next.” “Which is?” “Everypony is relying on you and expects so much." “No,” Sunny responded robustly. Discord looked back with surprise, “No?” “Everypony isn’t relying on me alone,” Sunny answered. “They’re relying on me and my friends. We’ll defeat Opaline but we’ll only do that together.” Discord smiled, “Then why are you beating yourself up so much?” “I already answered that one,” Sunny sighed. “It was because I’m the one that’s been given Alicorn powers. But that doesn’t mean I’ll do it all on my own. I’ve seen Twilight’s scrapbook, how she relied on her friends so much to achieve what she did. I can do the same.” Sunny couldn’t help smiling as the ropes felt even looser. Surprisingly she found she still couldn’t unravel her hoofs from them. However, she did find she was finally able to move enough to sit upright. “I don’t know what Starlight and Trixie always used to complain about,” Discord grunted. “This counselling thing is easy. You’re practically doing it yourself.” Sunny smirked as she gestured to her hoofs. “Only because you’re making me. What’s next?” Discord clicked his fingers and a picture of a pony appeared. “Phyllis Cloverleaf. Specifically, that little argument you had outside the Brighthouse.” Sunny gasped, the bindings suddenly becoming tighter. She closed her eyes and focused on stopping the feelings from resurfacing. She didn't want to undo the progress she’d made. “I was out of order." “Oh? What makes you say that?” Sunny sighed as she opened her eyes, looking down sorrowfully. “I was intimidating. I used my powers to create fear in her. That’s not what they’re for.” “But that’s exactly what they’re for. Amongst other things they create fear in your enemies. Take it from somepony who knows what being on the receiving end of the Elements of Harmony feels like. Truthfully, after that, I always got tingles when I saw those necklaces around Twilight n Co's necks." Sunny scowled and looked pointedly back at Discord. “No, Phyllis isn’t my enemy,” she responded robustly. Discord chuckled as he snapped his pawed fingers. “You could have fooled me." Sunny gasped as images of her many activism activities appeared all around her. From putting up posters to standing on corners with placards. Then, bigger than the rest, all her gatecrashing of Canterlogic’s events. “Seems to me that Phyllis Cloverleaf embodies the very things that you’ve spent your life campaigning against,” Discord explained. “She’s still no villain,” Sunny argued. “She’s somepony who cares for what she believes in. The same that I do.” “Exactly, but what you both believe in are opposites. Then you won, and she lost.” Sunny closed her eyes and let out a deep breath. “M…Maybe that’s true,” she admitted. "She…She's needed to readjust.” Discord gave an honest smile. “Many who lose their way have to. You’re looking at one.” Sunny gasped as she opened her eyes and looked directly at Discord. “Of course, you reformed.” “Just like Starlight." “And Sunset,” Sunny gasped. “All three of you had challenges to overcome after you reformed.” Discord grinned as he clicked his pawed fingers and another window appeared, the image within made Sunny gasp. Sunny is standing with her alicorn wings flared wide. Nostrils flaring, she looked down at Phyllis Cloverleaf. “You know, Sunny,” Phyllis said softly. “You’ve always talked of friendship between all of Ponykind but look at you now. You’re not a beacon of friendship. You’re exactly what’s wrong with magic.” Sunny’s eyes widened in realisation. High above them, the prisbeam blinked. As it did so, Sunny’s alicorn powers disappeared. She took a step back as her ears drooped in shock at herself. “Clearly, there are always going to be those who think they’re stronger,” Phyllis said. “Those who think they are above the rest of us. How do those of us with little power defend ourselves?” “By relying on those with power that they trust,” Sunset said stepping forward. “It’s true that hostilities in my time can be linked back to magic in some way. However, the ponies in my time knew there were ponies who would protect them. They relied on the Princesses, relied on Twilight and her friends. Sunny and her friends are the same. Together they will protect Equestria from such powerful threats.” “Sunset’s right,” Sunny gasped. “And you’re right too.” “Oh? How so?” “She didn’t lose her way, but the world has changed around her. Out of anypony, Phyllis has probably got the most adjustment to do. She’s used to being in control. In charge of the biggest company in town. But she’s lost all that now. Canterlogic is gone and Phyllis has no purpose.” “It’s not just you she’s been arguing with,” Discord replied as he clicked his clawed fingers. “Seems she’s already on her way.” Phyllis and Sargent Skywalk are standing in the Sheriff’s Office, it’s clear they’re in the middle of a heated discussion. “Once again, Pegasi are doing the work of Earth Ponies,” Phyllis grumbled. “We clearly need a new Earth Pony Deputy. Confirm this for me then please, if you received new orders from Zephyr Heights that clearly contradicted those you have from Sheriff Hitch, what would you do?” “Standard procedure would be to inform both superiors of the conflict so they can resolve it,” Skywalk replied calmly. “When my unit was posted here, Queen Haven herself made it quite clear Sheriff Hitch was to outrank us. That is why there’s no captain here, Sheriff Hitch has taken that role.” “Oh?” Phyllis replied. “You wouldn’t just take one side?” “Certainly not,” Skywalk responded robustly. “That goes far beyond the whole Earth Pony or Pegasus debate you are troubled by.” “Damn right I’m troubled by it,” Phyllis replied. “I always looked out for this town, now I’m all but powerless to do anything for it.” “I’ve seen the council’s response to the Flanksy murals,” Skywalk replied. “Exactly!” Phyllis exclaimed. “I was outvoted, and they’ve protected them!” “Mrs Cloverleaf, with all due respect. This is quickly turning into you against everypony else,” Skywalk explained. “It’s clear that you want what you think is best for the community. However, maybe the community has other ideas. You’re a business pony, maybe it’s time for you to find yourself a new challenge, one you can take control of personally and succeed in.” Phyllis blinked with confusion before letting out a deep sigh. “I’m sorry for being such a pain in the hoof Sargent. You’re right, I’m the one who’s lost her way. Everything is changing around me so fast, a new challenge sounds like a good idea.” Sunny smiled with relief. “That’s exactly what she needs. She needs a new challenge, and I ought to help her in any way I can.” “So, how is Sunset right?” Sunny looked at Discord with determination. “My friends and I are the ponies that others can trust. We’ll defeat Opaline for those who cannot defend themselves.” Sunny smiled as she felt the bindings loosening further. She lifted her forehoofs, finding that they were free to move wherever she wanted. However, she frowned as she still saw the golden orange ropes running from each one to the others. She tried to pull them off, but they seemed stubbornly attached. “There’s one thing left,” Discord said seriously. “The one thing that you’ve not yet overcome.” Sunny looked back at Discord with confusion. Then, after a moment, a look of calm understanding appeared on her face as she realised what he meant. “Dad?” Immediately the ropes began tightening, Sunny gasped as she felt her hoofs being pulled back together again. She nearly toppled back on her side but just about managed to remain balanced in her seating position. Discord sighed and looked at her gravely. “You won’t be able to use your powers to their full potential unless you forgive yourself." Sunny frowned and shook her head. “Then I’ll have to stay tied up." Sunny gasped as the ropes tightened again. This time there was no stopping herself from flopping back down onto her side. She grunted, finding they were now just as tight as when they had started. Then, through the chair legs, she spotted the twenty empty popcorn tubs that lay beyond. “Enjoying the show then,” she muttered before gasping and looking pointedly at Discord. “Show me!” “What?” “Show me what happened to my Dad!” Sunny demanded. “If you do, then I’ll know it wasn’t my fault.” Discord thrust his arms out wide in exasperation. “You weren’t there! How could it possibly be your fault?” Sunny grunted, her face screwing up into an almighty scowl. “You won’t show me." “It’s not that I won’t. It’s that I can’t,” Discord clarified. “Your father disappeared, why do you think he’s dead?” “Because he’s gone,” Sunny sighed as her scowl melted away. “He’s gone and I wasn’t there because I was selling smoothies. Selling smoothies I didn’t need to sell.” Discord couldn’t help smirking as he sat back in the chair. A pipe suddenly appeared in his paw which he proceeded to blow bubbles through. “Smoothies you didn’t need to sell you say. Why?” Sunny sighed, “Because we didn’t need the money. I sold smoothies because Dad suggested I did it.” “You were doing what your Dad told you to do then?" “Of course,” Sunny blinked as tears started to well in her eyes. “I’m so stupid. I opened the cart because Dad suggested it.” Discord smirked confidently, “So, suggested it that day or to begin with?” “Both,” Sunny gasped as the ropes began to loosen again. “He got me the cart to begin with and said I should sell my smoothies. Then that morning, I wasn’t going to go but he convinced me that I should.” Sunny sat upright again before wiping her eyes. “He knew, he knew something was going to happen.” “That’s a question for another day,” Discord replied gravely. “The important thing is what he always told you.” “To stand up for what I believe in,” Sunny breathed. “Which you did,” Discord beamed. “And that gave you hope. Hope you should still have now. After all, he only disappeared.” “So, what you’re trying to say is, Dad isn’t dead?” Sunny deduced. “I’m saying you shouldn’t just give up,” Discord said knowingly. Sunny looked down and closed her eyes, taking in a deep breath. "You're right." Suddenly, the golden orange ropes disappeared with a flash. Still with her eyes closed, Sunny got to her hoofs. Then, she jumped a few feet in the air before there was an almighty flash as her wings and horn appeared. Landing on her hoofs, Sunny panted lightly before opening her eyes. She flexed her wings and looked gratefully at Discord. “Thank you, Discord,” Sunny smiled. “Starlight was right, you were an excellent councillor.” “Maybe helps that I’ve been watching,” Discord smiled. “Also, I made a promise that I would help you when the time came. Starlight just advised me when that should be, that’s all.” Discord beamed as he finally stood up from the chair and pointed to the sky. “Now go! Your friends are waiting and you’ve new challenges awaiting.” “Stop by the Brighthouse soon,” Sunny grinned as she took to the sky. “Don’t be a stranger.” “Oh fine, I won’t,” Discord shouted back. “See you soon.” Discord waved as Sunny streaked upwards, eventually, she crested the top of the cliffs and trees before disappearing. Discord grinned, feeling quite satisfied with himself. He took one last look around before clicking his pawed fingers and disappearing.