Side Stories of a Man in a Pony's World

by Nugget27

Three Alicorns, a Very Late Unicorn, and a Human Have a Sleepover

Tonight will be a night when the fun will be seriously doubled. Tonight, Bob, Luna, and Celestia would actually just have a fun little sleepover. Hopefully Cadance would be there too, so the fun tonight will be quadrupled. The small group of friends, now that Celestia was actually giving being friends with Bob a chance, were going to be spending the week together. Bob happily skipped along to the train station, on his back was a backpack, and Twilight was walking along.

“So The Princess said they would have a surprise for you.” Twilight said, reading his letter.

“They never said what, though,” Bob shrugged as he broke his skipping into a more calm walk.

“Then it wouldn’t be a surprise, would it?” Twilight asked.

“Fair…” Bob smiled. “I’ll be happy to rub Luna’s belly, and totally wear these nice PJs,” Bob lifted his bag. “That Rarity made me. I appreciate the gesture, but I haven’t used pajamas since I was a wee little baby.”

“You will have to wear those at any sleepovers that I have with Rarity and the rest of the girls, you know.”

“I know… I shouldn’t have told her how kids back home did sleepovers.” The two siblings stopped at the train station, and Bob knelt down to Twilight’s level to give her a hug. His arms wrapped around her neck. “I’ll see you in a week, Twi. Take care of yourself, aight?”

“I’ll be fine, Bob. Are you sure you don’t want me to come along just to escort you through Canterlot?”

“I’ll be fine, Twi. Celly said she would have a guard escort me through Canterlot; not the one that tried to take my head off at the very first sight of me. That guy got fucking fired right after Shining Armor wasn’t getting mind fucked by Chrysalis.”

“Well, I suppose you’ll be fine.” Bob gave Twilight one last squeeze, and Twilight gave Bob a nuzzle, and the two parted. The human stepped on the train while Twilight sat on her rump and waved as the train started pulling off towards Canterlot. The human waved until he couldn’t make out the unicorn anymore, before sitting back and relaxing for the rest of the trainride. He did take a nap, as he knew he would be staying up extra late to spend some extra time with Luna, and especially get some snuggles in with Cadance before she has to go back to the Crystal Empire.

When the train stopped, Bob greeted his guard, a single bat pony mare. She was a little, dark brown with large, fluffy ears, her mane and tail were almost as dark as the night itself, which stood out a lot during the day. Her wings… heavily resembled bat wings, hence giving her species the name ‘bat pony’. The proper term is thestral, but this is the first time Bob’s seen one up close; he doesn’t know if bat pony is offensive or not. The human greeted the bat pony before the two started on their way.

“So are you actually a bat pony? I know some of you thestrals tend to mostly just be an illusion; a result of that night guard armor gives y’all.”

“I am actually a ‘bat pony’ as you just called me-”

“Uh… shit. I didn’t accidentally call you a racial slur or something, did I?”

Bob’s guard actually smiled. “No, you didn’t do anything bad. Thestral, bat pony? Same difference to me. I would prefer being a thestral, personally, but being called a bat pony isn’t that bad. It’s better than being called a blood sucker at least.”

“...How could anybody call you a bloodsucker, if you’re what a typical bat pony looks like, then I can safely say that as long as you don’t try to kill me, you bats are adorable.” Bob raised a hand. “Mmm, your ears look very rubbable.”

Bob's guard giggled. “I think I would get in trouble if I let you do that to me on duty. I’ve… heard a lot of good things about your paws, mainly from hearing Princess Luna moan whenever she summons you to her quarters. You two…”

“I tend to rub her belly and massage her, and yes, we are two very good friends. I’m only sixteen, miss. Luna doesn’t date children.”

“Oh… That would explain the moaning at least. Perhaps when I have a break, I’ll let you rub the inside of my ears… if you would be interested.”

“Mmm… That is a good offer. How about you take a day off next monday? I’ll still be in Canterlot so I can pay my pony family a visit, and then I can rub your belly either in the park, or wherever. Give me a time and a place and I’ll come and pamper you. With your little fangs poking out from under your lips, it is taking me a lot of self control to not boop ya on the snoot.”

“That… would be a good idea. It wouldn’t be wise to steal the Princess’s human when she said it was her turn with the human for the week.”

About halfway through the walk, Bob’s urge to scratch those ears became worse and worse, and as soon as they entered the castle and got to Luna’s wing, he reached over and started petting his guard, who he learnt was Echo. “Sorry,” Bob whispered as his guard froze in place and started drooling. “You have to stop looking so darn cute.” That was how Echo got yelled at for drooling on the carpet, only for Bob to say it was his fault. No, Echo never got punished, even the captains of the guard know how dangerously nice it is to be scratched by a human, after all.

But that is how Bob made a bat pony friend. Even if Echo started pouting over looking like an idiot before her very, very not finding her situation funny at all, commanding officer. The Night Guard was actually a lot more lax with Bob, as they all knew Bob, so instead of reprimanding Echo, the captain just stood there, snickering at Bob as he had to take care of a bat pony that was lying in his lap. Somehow, Echo’s helmet ended up on the human’s head during their exchange, which fit almost too perfectly by the way. Only when Bob realized he would be late for his sleepover did he, very, very reluctantly make the bat pony get up. When the two separated, and Bob was actually led up to Luna’s chambers, Bob noted one thing that was actually pretty important.

He was let into the room, but there was a severe lack of alicorns inside the chambers. Bob figured Luna was just getting into the onesie she had apparently bought specifically for this sleepover. If not, then maybe she was getting Celestia and Cadance, and she mistimed Bob’s arrival? It definitely didn’t help that Bob spent a better part of an hour petting a bat pony and rubbing said bat pony’s belly for a half of that. So, Bob set himself on the couch and waited for Luna to leave her bedchambers, or to invite him inside of them. He promptly pulled out his notebook and started looking over some ‘sheet music’ that he had written down. It wasn’t actual musical notation, as Bob still wasn’t very good at reading it. It was more like the letter of a note, and which octave it was in.

He hummed, before deciding trying to write anything, without anything to play with what he wrote out, was probably going to result in a fat load of nothing, but it sounded like a fun idea. Write the song, without hearing how it sounds, and then play it. Maybe it would become something decent.

The door to Luna’s bedchambers clicked open and Bob got ready to either get tackled into a hug, or tackle an unsuspecting Luna into a hug.

“Of course you would have planned this out, Luna,” a very childish voice said.

“Well, I said I wanted to surprise Bob, and this should be a nice surprise…” another, very childish, though distinct voice said. “Hey, Bob’s on the couch, get ready.”

“I doubt Bob would mind the surprise, anyways; I know he’d probably love foals,” a third voice said. Bob raised an eyebrow… every single one of those voices sound like Celestia, Luna, and Cadance in that order. Except you know, if they were children. The human slowly set his notebook into his backpack before peeking over the back of the couch. There he saw something that almost made him pass out. Sitting just outside Luna’s bedroom door were three little alicorn fillies. Unsurprisingly, after what Bob just heard, it was Luna, Celestia, and Cadance all as fillies.

Fillies wearing onesies.

Luna’s was obviously meant to resemble the night sky, Celestia’s had little suns(she had a little sun button in her mane), and Cadance had a onesie covered in little hearts. The problem was the looks all three of them were giving him. They were all staring at him, in unison, with the same look that the Cutie Mark Crusaders gave him whenever he didn’t scratch their ears for the exact amount of time Bob had promised to rub their ears. Well, their eyes were saying that.

Each filly had a huge little smile on their faces. Celestia and Luna’s manes and tails were actually normal, as if they weren’t flowing in the wind. Celestia had a pink mane and tail, whereas Luna had a light blue mane and tail. Cadance… well, her pink, blue, and yellow mane and tail were always a sight to see. Bob sat there, just peeking over the couch while trying to not pass out at the absolutely adorable sight before him. He knew that they would be pretending for the week, but… It was three foals, three adorable little foals. Bob slowly got off of the couch before going to meet the alicorns.

The fillies all ran up to meet him halfway, each skidding to a stop, before Cadance acted first. She gave Bob the universal signal that all young creatures gave when they wanted ‘up’. She threw her forelegs into the air, with a big, wide smile on her face. Of course, even if Bob knew it wasn’t an actual filly, how was he going to deny something that was giving him the most adorable puppy eyes he’s ever seen? Bob knelt down, slid his hands around Cadance’s barrel and lifted her up by her leg pits, before proceeding to cradle her in his arms.

“Holy fuck…” Bob whispered. He felt Luna and Celestia rub up against his legs like cats, before both their horns lit up, put him back on the couch(while he was still holding Cadance), and before long, he had three alicorn fillies all laying across him, snuggled up in onesies… Meanwhile, Bob was just struggling to put his thoughts into words, before deciding that he could sum it up pretty quickly. 

This is really cute, and I am going to develop diabetes because of how sweet this sleepover is going to be. 

“Bob,” Luna hopped up on his shoulder before planting a big, fat kiss on the human’s cheek. That made the human giggle slightly before he held Luna’s jaw in his hand while she whispered into his ear. It was mostly just Luna dropping the act for a few moments to say how happy she is that he could make it to the sleepover, and that the snuggles will be quadrupled when it comes around for everyone to actually go to sleep. Then she went back to acting like the filly she currently was…

Her belly was subsequently rubbed for thirty minutes straight, before Cadance and Celestia got jealous. The fight that ensued was adorable, and did eventually lead up to Luna being forcefully moved(by Celestia) away from the human, so that she and Cadance could get belly rubs. Luna was less than thrilled and pouted the whole time.

“This feels so good…” Cadance let out a contented sigh as Bob stopped petting Celestia, before picking her up, and holding her like a baby. The young Princess of Love rested her head in the crook of Bob’s neck.

“How’s life goin’ Cady?” Bob whispered. “Shining, holding the Empire together while you’re here?”

“He is,” Cadance whispered. “It’s good to see you,” Cadance whispered back.

“It’s good to see you… granted, I wish I could see you in your adult form, but hey, you’re an adorable filly.” Cadance giggled at that. “Not as cute as Luna is, though. Look at the onesie she is in, and that pout she has because I’m not paying attention to her. She is fucking adorable!” Bob squealed. 

“I know, Auntie Luna came up with this idea. We’ll be like this all week, so don’t feel too bad if you give one of us more attention one day than a little attention the next. Though, between you and me, I think Auntie Celestia could use some extra snuggles; she genuinely wants to believe you two are friends, now that you two have started patching things up between you both.”

“I’ll keep that in mind. One day, I’m gonna ask to have a one on one with you, as a filly. Y’know, you get to be ‘the baby’ for the day, bring Shining Armor along if the Empire can run without both of you at the same time.”

“I’ll consider it. I’m sure Shiny wouldn’t mind being babied.” Cadance yawned. “Your neck is really comfy.”

“Now you know how I felt when I laid my head on the side of your belly that one time. That was fun… Can’t believe you actually laid still for me to take a full two hour nap.”

“Well, technically you are my brother in law, and my youngest sibling. I had to get my snuggle time in with you. What better time than a nap?”

“You’re my favorite pink pony for a reason… Well, you’re tied with Pinkie for that spot.” Cadance wiggled free from Bob’s grasps, before laying down on his lap before promptly taking a nap on the spot. Celestia and Luna noted that technically, Bob didn’t need both hands to pet a sleeping filly when the filly won’t be feeling anyways; she’s asleep after all. So the two sisters waddled up, and promptly got their desired dosage of petting. A few moments later, Luna and Cadance were snuggled up together on the couch, dozing off. Sitting next to Bob was a very much awake Celestia.

The human promptly picked her up and started gently rubbing the filly’s belly. “So Celestia,” Bob whispered, as to not wake his other friends. “How is life going for you at the castle? Are you and Luna getting along just fine?”

“We are. After… We made up, Luna and I have been doing better. I’ve been trying to get the rest of the castle acclimated to her, and even got a maid to bring food up to her room…” Celestia squealed when Bob went from rubbing her belly to scratching it. “Oh… I wish I treated you better from the start, I really do. Looking back at it now, I know that you merely wished to stay alive; I did my best to at least make sure you were kept alive when I first found you. As much as you may not believe me, once I found out you were sapient, and a child at that, I didn’t want to hurt you. But…”

“You had to keep your ponies happy?” Celestia nodded. “Well, that’s all in the past; we’ve got plenty of time to become good friends. Like today, you’ve been nothing but a sweet little filly, and I appreciate you making an effort to be nice to me… and I admit, I do appreciate being mostly lax with that punishment, even if…”

“It wasn’t exactly warranted. If I knew how well Twilight Velvet would’ve reacted to you, I would’ve sent you to her from the beginning; she absolutely adores you, you know.”

“I know; I still have to come up to Canterlot again to celebrate my birthday with her… and on mother’s day, I’m gonna kidnap her, carry her to Ponyville and spoil the ever living shit out of her. I’ve been making enough to do just that.” Bob picked Celestia and nuzzled her with his cheek. “You are so fucking warm,” he whispered before leaning back into the couch and laying down. His head came to a rest on two fillies that were sleeping on the corner of the couch. “Well, I’m going to hit the hay, Celly. It’s nice seeing y’all like this; I didn’t realize just how precious a baby Cadance, or even Luna would look…” Bob got close to Celestia and laid her head next to his.

“Don’t tell them this, but you’re probably the cutest as a filly. You just look so precious.”

“...Thank you, Bob. I’ll make sure the rest of this week goes well for the both of us… Luna would appreciate it if you just spent a whole day playing with her.”

“Oh, I definitely will spend a lot of time one on one with each of y’all. How could I say no to playing with Luna when she looked like that. She’s adorable!” Bob rolled over, curled himself around Celestia before falling asleep. Celestia soon followed, for the first time in a while, Celestia felt like she could genuinely relax. Bob didn’t know it, but thanks to the spell, she, Luna, and Cadance were roughly sixteen, biologically, for the time being. While that didn’t matter, since Bob likely wouldn’t agree to sleeping with them, he would agree to snuggling with them. 

He still found each Princess to be adorable as a filly…

“Perhaps I shall invite Twilight and ask if she would like to partake in this sleepover as a filly.”

She then promptly sent a letter and received a ‘yes’. One purple flash later, and Twilight was sleeping on Bob’s face, as a tiny little filly, around twelve judging from her stubbier legs.

The next morning, Bob immediately started doting Twilight, constantly, while rubbing her chin. “Who’s the cutest little girl in the world, you are!” Bob squealed, and Twilight kept on giggling like the filly she currently was, while happily taking all of the human’s babying in stride. Of course, now three alicorn fillies were sitting and pouting while Twilight got the human’s attention, but deep down, they also just found the whole thing to be adorable, and were just pouting for the sake of pouting.

Now, the snuggles had been quintupled, and the cuddles have been extensively cuddlier.