The Grim adventure of Ed,edd,eddy and sunset

by Savant 123

Chapter 7: A grim magic school

At Sunset Home, Sunset and Sunny were sitting down on the sofa in their living room, flipping through the channels of the TV, bored out of their minds. Not far from them, Ed, Edd, and Eddy were sitting down in the other chairs or on the ground, bored as well.

“Honey, I am home,” Grim said, bursting through the front door. He walked into the room, noticing the state everyone was in. ”What's wrong with you guys?“

"Bored," sunset said.

“I quite agree with sunset; it has been a long day with nothing productive,“ doubled d added.

The room was silent afterward. It was like this for a minute before it was broken by grim.

“I can’t take it,” he shouted. ” My clients are more lively than you guys.”

“Then what do you suggest we do?” Eddy asks.

Grim thought about it for a second before an idea came to him.

“I know what we can do." Grim said as he made pamphlets appear on one of his hands. “We can go to Toadblatt's school of sorcery.”

“School of Sorcery,” Eddy asks.

“It is a school that teaches magic,” Grim said, gaining everyone's attention, especially sunset, since the ideal that there was a school that taught magic like Celestia School for gifted unicorns, and she was going to one excite the former unicorn to no end.

“Cool, a magic school,“ Ed said happily.

“Um, how are we supposed to enroll?“ Double D said, "It's not like we can just enroll suddenly, and how are we supposed to convince our parents to let us enroll?“

“Oh, just leave all those little details to me." Grim just said, ” Just pack your things and get ready; we are leaving in an hour or so.“

“Hey, me and Plank want to go,” Johnny said, suddenly walking in.

“Johnny, what are you doing here?” Sunset said in shock.

“You left the door open, and me and Plank heard everything,“ Johnny said, pointing to the open door. ”So, can we go?”

“No way, mon,” Grim said. “We are already going with Ed to this school, and one annoying idiot is all I can take.“

Yeah," Eddy said. “So hit the road.”

“What if me and Plank give you this jawbreaker?“ Johnny said, producing a jawbreaker from his pocket.

“In that case, welcome aboard,” Eddy said as he grabbed the jawbreaker.

“Oh great, another idiot I have to deal with,” Grim said in annoyance.
The Ed’s, Sunny , sunset , Johnny, and Grim were in the waiting room with the other students, waiting outside the door to Toadblatt office with the receptionist.

"Alright, everyone," said the receptionist, Ms. Largebottom. "Mr. Toadblatt will see you all now."

Everyone walked through the door to the office of Dean Toadblatt. Toadblatt is a humanoid toad-like creature wearing purple robes that a wizard would typically wear. He had a matching pointy wizard's hat with yellow stars on it.

He smiled, seeing everyone walking in. “Greeting everyone, “he said as he got up from his chair at his desk to address everyone. ”Welcome to Dean Toadblatt's School of Sorcery. I am Dean Toadblatt, and through these halls have passed the greatest wizards the world has ever known, and as long as my wizard hat is on, I shall dedicate as much time as possible to teaching you ladies how to better yourselves with knowledge and crud like that."

Dean Toadblatt then explained the houses of his school. "You see, children, the students of Dean Toadblatt's School of Sorcery are divided into four houses that all compete to be named the head house. First, there's Gunderstank. They're obviously THE BEST OF THE BEST, which is why they win Dean Toadblatt's Head House Competition every year."

Ed then interrupted to ask him a question: "Oh, oh, oh, does this mean we have to earn points by having a wizard duel or..."

Toadblatt interrupted, "Please save all questions at the end of the presentation." Toadblatt continued his lecture. "Then there's Bandibor House, and finally," he said with a sigh of disapproval, "We have Weaselthorpe, THE WORST HOUSE ON THE CAMPUS. They were the ones who wrote bad things about me on the bathroom walls."

"Hold on," said Sunset. "I thought you said there were four houses on the campus."

"So... what's your point?" asked Dean Toadblatt.

"Never mind," said Sunset, thinking it best not to continue with this topic.

“By the way, what with the unicorn?“ Toddblatt asks, pointing to Sunny.

“I am an alicorn,“ Sunny said, "and I am also a new student."

“Oh well, the more, the merrier.“ Toddblatt said, shrugging his shoulder before directing their attention to his right and saying, "Now, it's time to put on the squidhat." Aheheh."

The curtain to the side of the room opened, revealing a singing squid with a guitar. "Oh, I'm slimy and ugly and covered in mold, but I'll tell you where you can go! Put on your squidhat, baby!"

He sang before being pulled away by Dean Toadblatt. Dean Toadblatt placed the squid hat on one of the unnamed children's heads. "This one goes to Gunderstank." Dean Toadblatt then took the squidhat off and placed it on the head of the next child.

"Gunderstank." Toadblatt moved the squid to the next child again. "Gunderstank."

"Splendid," Dean Toadblatt said.

He then moved it to Johnny's head.

"This one goes to Weaselthorpe," said the Squidhat.

"Weaselthorpe?!" Dean Toadblatt bellowed.

"Weaselthorpe," the Squidhat repeated.

"ERRRGH!" Dean Toadblatt grunted before stopping when he saw everyone staring at him. He looked on sheepishly. "Oh, I mean, uhh." He said , never finishing, as Johnny interrupted him.

With the Squidhat still on his head, Jonny exclaimed, "I guess my best buddy Plank is next, huh?!"

Johnny then shows Dean Toadblatt toadblatt plank.

Dean Toadblatt looked at Plank before shrugging, then said, "Eh, I've seen weirder." Dean Toadblatt then stuck Squidhat on the plank.

Squidhat's pupils shrank slowly. "No," he whispered. "No!" he shouted in terror. "NO! he screamed again before jumping onto Toadblatt's shoulders and saying, "Just put the rest in Weaselthorpe," he said, shaking in fear.
Everyone was now in Weaselthorpe House, being introduced by one of the students there.

“Today we have a new member of our house,“ a young boy said who is around the age of ten said , introducing them to everyone. “I am Nigel Planter, the head of this house, and I hope you have a wonderful time, and I hope we can get along.”

“Yeah, especially since you are being hunted, by the one who should never ever be named,” one of the students said to Nigel.

“Hunted, what does he mean?” Double D asks.

“Oh, currently, right now I am being hunted by the darkest wizard to ever exist, the one who should never ever be named,” Nigel said.

“Is he that scary that people refuse to say his name?” Sunset asks Nigel, genuinely curious and a little afraid since the idea of a dark wizard running around freaks her out a bit.

“No, because usually when someone says his name, something always breaks, hence why people don’t say his name,” Nigel said.

“So what is his name?” Ed asks.

"It, Lord Moldybutt,“ Nigel whispered, and one of the lenses of his glasses broke.

“Lord, moldybutt,” Ed said, and a part of the wall broke down.

“Don’t say that name,” Nigel said.

“You mean, Lord Moldybutt,” Johnny said as a part of the celling breakdown, hitting one of the students and knocking him out.

“Yes, and stop saying that name,” Nigel yelled.

“What name?” Ed asks.

“Lord Moldybutt,“ Nigel yelled before he quickly covered his mouth, realizing what he had done, and immediately many of the furniture and pieces of the building, including the walls, celling, windows, and rooftop, broke off.

“He has me scared like a... ", he said before stopping. “Maybe you guys can help me; you look quite capable.“

"What in it for us?“ Eddy ask.

“Yeah,” Ed said, agreeing with Eddy.

“Eddy” Double D said reprimanded Eddy.

“How about tickets to the jawbreaker factory?“ Nigel said, bringing out some tickets from his pocket.

“ We in” eddy said as he grab the tickets.

“ Good now I just need you just protect me until the end of school year from you know who” Nigel said.

“You mean, Lord Moldybutt,“ Johnny said, causing the building to shake.

“I thought I told you to stop saying that name,” Nigel yelled.

“What name?” Ed asks.

“ Lord….” Nigel said before his mouth was covered by sunset hands.

“Yeah, we are not going through that again,” Sunset said as she pulled her hands away from his mouth.

“Thanks,“ Nigel said. “I almost said Lord Moldybutt.“

He quickly covered his mouth and realized his mistake, but it was too late as a piece of the celling landed on him, knocking him out.

“K.O.” one of the students said.
That night everyone went to sleep, and in one of the towers, Nigel was sharing his room with Grim, Ed, and Eddy.

“I can’t sleep knowing you know who is still out there,” Nigel said in fear as he tried to sleep. He was currently sharing a bunk bed with Grim.

“Don’t think too much,“ Grim said. ”If you time comes, it comes, so you better get some sleep,” Grim said from the bed above and go to sleep.

“Don’t worry, we are here to help,” Ed said from his bunk bed, holding a wand.

”He won’t get past us, right, eddy," Ed asks eddy, who has fallen asleep at the top half of the bed. However, as soon as he said that, Lord Moldybutt came out under Ed's bed and knocked him out with a mallet.

Lord Moldybutt resembled a demon-looking creature whose entire body is blue-colored and has claw-like hands. His entire head was green, and he had blue eyes and white pupils.

Moldybutt then tossed the mallet aside, and before Nigel could scream for help, he rushed towards him and closed his mouth with his hands.

“Not a word, boy,“ he said before letting go of his mouth and grabbing him by the collar of his shirt. “Listen here and listen well. Stay out of the chamber of secrets if you know what is good for you.”

“But I don’t know where it even is,” Nigel said.

“It is in the secret dungeon that can only be accessed through a secret entrance hidden behind a painting located in a secret room that can be found in...” Moldybutt stopped as he realized what he was doing. ”Just stay away from it,” he threatened Nigel.

“What's even in it?” Nigel asks.

“It's a secret wise guy,“ Moldybutt yelled, waking up grim, and Eddy, both of whom immediately noticed him. Grim, who was the nearest, summoned his scythe and tried to hit him with it, but Moldybutt managed to dodge it and ran through the door, but not before dropping Nigel on the ground. All three run after him. Grim fired a magic blast from his scythe at him, but Moldybutt used his magic to conjure a magical shield that deflected the blast back to Grim, who managed to dodge but hit a passing student who went out of his room to see what the commotion was, turning him into a donkey.

Grim hit his scythe on the ground, causing the ground to open up, leading to the underworld, but Moldybutt quickly cast a levitation spell on himself and floated above it. The crack, however, reached a couple of students who went out of their room to see what was causing all the noises and fell through the crack. Grim then jumps on his scythe, followed by the other two boys, and rides it like a witch broom as he chases after moldybutt.

Moldybutt blasted a fireball at them, but they managed to dodge it, and as Moldybutt was still floating away, he was blasted by a magical blast, causing him to be thrown out of the air and land near one of the windows. He looked up and saw sunset, Double D and Johnny were riding on Sunny, looking down on him. Grim, Eddy, and Nigel catch up to his location and immediately jump off the scythe.

Moldybutt stood up and glared at them before turning his attention to Nigel. “Remember my warning boy,” he said before jumping out of the window and into the moat around the building, where he immediately jumped out of it and ran for his life while being chased by a crocodile. Sunset, who had walked near the window, saw all of this. She then notices something on the window and slides her finger on it.

“Powder,“ she said as she brought her finger close to her eyes to examine it.

“Magic powder?“ Nigel asks.

“Not sure," Sunset said.
The next day, Ed, Johnny, and Nigel were walking through the front door of the Weaselthorpe building.

“Remember to keep a close eye on Nigel,“ Double D said as he, Grim, Eddy, Sunset, and Sunny were seeing them off.

"I got it,” Ed said.

“We will watch him like a hawk,“ Johnny said.

“I can’t take it anymore." Nigel said, ”I can’t eat, sleep, or do anything with you; you know who's still after me.”

Unknown to him, Moldybutt was nearby, hiding behind a tree.

“You mean Lord Moldybutt,“ Johnny said, causing the tree to fall on top of said person.

“I told you guys to not say his name." Nigel yells angrily.
The rest of the day was spent with Nigel trying to continue his school day while Ed and Johnny guarded him. However, unknown to them, moldybutt was nearby, and he has been spending the entire day trying to get to Nigel.

First, while walking through the hallway, Nigel stopped next to a trash can to tie his shoes while Ed and Johnny were looking around, trying to look for any traces of moldybutt. Unknown to them, however, is that said person was hiding in the trash can nearby and was poking his head out of it. He was about to grab Nigel, but he was already done tying his shoes. and walked away follow by Ed and Johnny , and immediately afterward, the janitor walked up and picked up the trash can and emptied it out into his cart with him still in it.

The second was when Nigel was in potion class on the second floor of the school, working on his potion with Johnny and Ed. Moldybutt was climbing up the window and was about to pull himself into the classroom, but one of the students accidentally mixed the potion wrong, causing it to shake as it was about to blow up. He then threw it at the window, accidentally hitting moldybutt, causing him to fall off the window and onto the ground. The potion landed on top of him, causing it to explode on him.

The third was when they were in broom-riding class, practicing to fly magic brooms. Ed, Nigel, and Johnny were flying their respective brooms in the sky, and, unknown to them, moldybutt was behind Nigel riding a broom. He stretched his hand towards Nigel, and he was about to grab him, but Ed, who was distracted due to him having fun with his broom, accidentally knocked him out of the sky. Moldybutt then landed in the manticore cage, which is located in the magical animal care class. The manticore, after noticing him in the cage, attacked him.

Fourth was when Nigel, Ed, Johnny, and the rest of the class were being led by a teacher on a path to go to the field to observe a magic plant. Moldybutt, dressed in a Batman costume, jumped from the cliff he was on and glided down towards Nigel. He was very close to him and was about to grab him. However, everyone goes through a cave, and he ends up hitting the entrance of the cave.
“Wow, it's been an entire day, and so far no sign of you know who,” Nigel said as he, Ed, and Johnny were walking through the school hallway. Unknown to them near the window was moldybutt sitting down on the branch of a tree.

“You mean, Lord Moldybutt,“ Ed said, causing the branch of the tree that Moldybutt was on to break apart and fall down, taking him with it.

“Stop saying that name,” Nigel said.

“You mean, Lord Moldybutt,“ Johnny said, causing the tree outside to break and land on said person.

As they continued walking, the school intercom switched on. “Nigel Planter, please report to the Dean Office," the voice in the intercom said.

“I wonder what frog man wants with you,” Ed asks.

“Not sure,“ Nigel said. "Let go and see what he want.”

All three (four counting plank) immediately went to the dean's office.
“I am afraid I have to let you go,” Dean Toddblatt said to Nigel.

“What, why?” Nigel asks.

“We just can no longer be held responsible for when you know who will come and get you,” Toddblatt said.

“You mean, Lord Moldybutt,“ Johnny said, causing the dean desk to split into two.

“Bingo,” Dean Toddblatt said. ”So this is goodbye, good luck, and have a nice life. We're going to miss you.”

"Oh, get a room,” a familiar voice said, and everyone turned and saw moldybutt claw out of the air vent.

“Holy cow,it's Lord Moldybutt." Johnny said.

Immediately after Johnny said that, the bookshelf in the office broke down.

“You can’t be real,“ Dean Toddblatt said.

“Wait, what do you mean he is not real?" Ed said, "What about all the things you say about not being responsible when moldybutt comes and gets Nigel?”

Immediately after Ed said moldybutt, the dean chair broke, causing him to fall on his butt.

“Oh, I am real, all right,“ Moldybutt said, ”and guess what I found in the chamber pot of secrets.“

“A book full of powerful spells,” Nigel guesses.

“A lifetime supply of gravy,” Ed guesses.

“Pie,” Johnny guesses.

“No, I found ," Lord Moldybutt said as he grabbed his head and pulled it off, revealing it was a mask and that the person wearing it was none other than sunset. “This cheesy custom”

“Cheesy,” Toddblatt said.

“Yes, the same cheesy custom that the person who has been using to scare Nigel will leave the school forever, "Sunset said. “Can you guess who?”

Nigel thought about who the culprit was for a few seconds before he realized who the culprit was. He turned to Dean Toddblatt and pointed a finger at him. “Dean Toddblatt, how could you?”

“What?” he said in shock. "It wasn’t me,” he defended.

“He's telling the truth,“ Sunset said.

“But what about you saying about Lord Moldybutt not being real?” Ed said, causing the photo frame on the wall nearby to fall down and break. ”It sounded like you knew he wasn’t real since you were the one dressed as him the entire time.“

“It's because while Dean Toddblatt doesn’t believe in you know who existence doesn’t mean he will pass up a change to use it to his advantage,“ Sunset said," which is to get rid of his most hated student. You see, after some research, we discovered that Dean Toddblatt despises Nigel Planter and has been using any means to get him out of his school. So when he heard of Nigel being supposedly hunted by you know who, he used that as a justifiable reason to have him kicked out of the school on the ground that the school couldn’t be held responsible for him.”

“Yep, that's true,” Dean Toddblatt admitted.

"So, who is Lord Moldy..." Ed said before Dean Toddblatt covered his mouth.

“I like to keep my school in one piece, please,“ Dean Toddblatt said.

“So who is it that was pretending to be you know who?” Nigel asked, and as if on cue, a young, blond-haired boy around his age came walking in through the office door. Nigel gasped upon seeing the person.

“Drake Malcom junior, my school rival, I should have known," Nigel said.

“What I am just giving Dean Toddblatt the paper he assigned to me?” Drake said as he handed the paper to the dean and walked out of the room.

“Ok, if it isn’t him, then who?” Johnny said as the door suddenly opened again, and in came a blond adult man dressed in fancy attire.

“Drake Malcom senior, I should have known,“ Nigel said, pointing his finger at him.

“What? I am just informing the dean that I am here because my son needs to leave school early today due to a doctor appointment,“ Drake said.

“Sure, you can take your son and leave,“ Dean Toddblatt said, and immediately Drake senior closed the door.

“Ok, seriously, who is the culprit?“ Dean Toddblatt said impatiently.

Immediately, the door opened again, and Ms. Largebottom came in handcuffs, escorted by two policemen, with Double D, Grim, Sunny, and Eddy following behind.

“This is your culprit,“ Sunset said, pointing to Ms. Largebottom.

“Ms. Largebottom,“ Toddblatt,Johnny, Ed, and Nigel said in shock.

“You see,“ Sunset said as she began explaining everything to them. ”After Ms. Largebottom escaped from Weaselthorpe House, she left a trail of powder behind, and after me and Double D analyzed it, we discovered it wasn’t magic powder but regular powder, the same powder found on a cheap custom. Afterward, we contacted the magical police, and after further investigation, we found hair and fingerprints on the crime scene, and DNA tests revealed that they belonged to none other than the receptionist, Ms. Largebottom.”

“But why?“ Nigel asks.

“It's because of your constant pranks from Whoopee Cushion, Pie in the Face, and Drawing on My Face. I needed a way to get rid of you, and this seems to be the perfect way to do it, and I would have gotten away with it too if it weren't for you meddling kids and your stupid wing unicorn thing,” Ms. Largebottom yelled.

“Well, in that case, I have no choice but to let you go." Dean Toddblatt said.

“What like fire?“ Ms. Largebottom asks.
Ms. Largebottom found herself in an arena that was full of students and teachers, and on the audience seat was Dean Toddblatt, along with Nigel Planter, Sunset, Grim, the Ed's, Johnny, and Sunny.

“Release the giant one-eyed dwarf,“ Dean Toddblatt said, and a giant one-eyed dwarf carrying a club was released into the arena.

“Shouldn’t it be cyclops?“ sunset asks.

“Don’t think too much about the technicalities.“ Grim said as he ate his popcorn.

The giant, one-eyed dwarf ran towards Ms.Largebottom and raised its club over her.

“Oh, crud,” she said.

“Well, glad that everything turn out alright ,“ Sunset said, drinking from her soda cup.

“Agreed,“ Double D said.

“I knew there was no such thing as Lord Moldybutt,“ Nigel said, causing sunset cup to break into two and spilling the drink on the floor. Earning him a glare from the girl.

“Ah, oops,” Nigel said sheepishly.

However, unknown to them, watching from a nearby cliff through a pair of binoculars was the real Lord Moldybutt.

“So they think I am not real,” he said. "Well, we will see about that when the real lord moldybutt makes his debut,“ he laughed, but unfortunately, due to him saying his name, the tree next to him broke down and fell on him, causing the edge of the cliff he was on to break down, taking him and the tree with it.

“Ow!” he said.