//------------------------------// // Chapter 10:The new mean girls // Story: The Grim adventure of Ed,edd,eddy and sunset // by Savant 123 //------------------------------// In Peace Creek Prison, the guards are on high alert as two prisoners manage to escape from their cells. These two prisoners are Nergal and Sombra. In Nergal cell, there was a hole under his bed that led outside. Said person is now running in the woods, having just dug out of the prison, and is now trying to put as much distance between him and the jail as much as possible. “I never actually thought those prison movies were accurate when they said they were always the one guy in prison who could get you anything,“ Nergal said as he thought back about how he managed to buy the pickaxe from the one guy in jail by paying him with prison money, which is raisins. In the sombra cell, there was a hole in the celling, and currently, said person was in a small rocket being driven by one of his old minions who came out of hiding to help break him out of jail. “Great job, Wind Rider, "Sombra said to his minion. “Thank you, sir,' Wind Rider said. “Now I want you to head towards this location,“ Sombra said as he input a coordinate into the GPS of the vehicle. “What is in that location?“ the wind rider asks. “My secret base that I have been hiding in till now” Sombra said, ”I want you to take me there so I can freshen up, and once I am done, I am going to go and get my revenge on the girl who was responsible for me being in jail. "Sir, may I suggest we just ignore the girl and go back to rebuilding the Umbrum syndicate? "wind rider said. “No, that girl humiliated me by putting me in jail, and I won’t let that brat get away with it,” Sombra said. …. In the cul de sac Sunset was doing her afternoon jog around the neighborhood. While she was jogging, she saw Johnny nearby, who had his head stuck in a tree again. This distracted the former unicorn enough that she didn’t see the person in front of her. She ran into the person, and both fell to the ground. Sunset, being the first to recover, stood up with her hand rubbing her head and her eyes closed. “Sorry,“ she said as she opened her eyes and looked down on the person she ran into. She was immediately shocked at who she saw. The person was Sonata Dusk, a member of the dazzling. The former siren looked up and screamed when she saw sunset, and she immediately got up and ran off. “What with her?” Johnny said, having seen everything. Sunset then turned her attention to Johnny. “Do you need help?” Sunset asks. “No need; Plank is getting help,” Johnny said. Sunset looked down and saw plank under him. Sunset decided to cut her jogging short and just walk back home. “One of the sirens is here, “ though Sunset.“What does this mean, and more importantly, is the others also here?” …. Sonata burst through the front door of the dazzling house and ran to the living room, where the other two sirens are currently sitting on the sofa watching TV. “Sonata, don’t burst through the door,” Adagio said, not taking her eyes off the TV. "Guys, bad news,” Sonata said, panicking. "What are their no tacos in Peace Creek?” Aria said, not even bothering to look at her. “No sunset is here,” Sonata said, gaining the other two sirens attention as they turned and looked at Sonata in shock. "What?"both shouted. "Yeah, I ran into her just now." Sonata said, "What are we going to do?” Adagio put her fingers on her chin in though. “If sunset is here, then the rest of the rainbooms aren’t far,” Adagio said. “So what are we going to do now?” Aria asks. “Simple, gear up; we're going to war,” Adagio said. “It took us forever to move to this place, and I refuse to abandon this place when we literally just moved here yesterday. Adagio stood up from her chair with a look of determination, as she was determined to win the battle with sunset and the rainbooms. …. Sunset had just arrived inside her house, and she saw all her friends were already inside watching TV. “Hey sunset,“ Double D greets her when he sees her enter her house. “Oh,hey guys,” Sunset said casually. “You don’t look good,” Double D said as he saw the worried look on her face. “You look like you had something in your mind.” “Well yes,“ Sunset said, deciding it was probably best to tell them, ”I just encountered some people from my old school here.” “Let me guess these people aren’t friends,“ Grim said as his attention was now on sunset. However, before anyone could say anything, a brick was thrown through the window, hitting Grim and causing his head to fly off. “Sunset Shimmer, come out and face us,” Adagio said from outside. “I guess that is our cue to go out,“ Sunny said as she and everyone walked to the front door. …. The Dazzling are now outside of Sunset House. Aria is currently wearing a baseball helmet, and she has a baseball bat in her hand. Sonata had a cooking pot on her head and a golf club on one hand, and Adagio had a hockey helmet on and was carrying a hockey stick. “You sure we got the right place, Adagio?“ Aria asks. “That weird kid who was trapped in the tree said she lived here,” Adagio said. The front door opened, and sunset and the rest of her friends came out of the house. “Well, look who we have here." Adagio said, ”Sunset shimmer.” “The dazzlings," sunset said. "What are you guys doing here?” “I should be asking you that question,“ Adagio said as she pointed her weapon at sunset in an accusatory manner. “I want to know why you are here and where the rest of your friends are.” “Those people aren’t my friends anymore,“ Sunset said. Before anyone can say anything, Adagio notices something that caught her and the rest of the sirens attention. “Grim, what are you doing here?” Adagio asks in shock. “You guys know each other,“ Eddy asked in surprise, like everyone else. "Well, yes,“ Grim said. "Adagio and the two girls are ancient sirens that have been around since the dark ages. They were banished here from their world centuries ago and have been living among humans since then. They had a few encounters with witch hunters, which led to a few close calls with me.“ “We were sirens until goody two shoes stripped us of our powers and turned us into humans,” Aria said, pointing to sunset. “Well, what am I supposed to do? You guys were trying to take over the world,” Sunset said. “Well, it matters, not since you are dead,” Adagio said as she held her weapon up. “By the way, who is the alicorn?“ Sonata asks as she points to Sunny. “Forget the alicorn sonata,“ Adagio said. ”Tell us where the rest of your friends are.” “They aren’t my friends anymore,“ Sunset said. ”Not since Anon-A-Miss.” "Anonymous," Eddy asked. "Ok, seriously, can someone tell us what's going on here?” “ Sunset I think it might be best if you told them "double D said. Sunset sight before turning her attention to the dazzling “Time out for a second, please,“ Sunset said as she turned her attention to her friends. “I am going to tell you guys the truth, and this time the whole truth,“ Sunset said as she began telling everyone and even double D the whole truth, which also involved the magic part that she didn’t tell double D the first time. “Wait, so you were some princess student,“ Eddy asked, ”and you were a unicorn.” “And you turn into a demon." Ed asks, "cool.” “And you were a bully,“ Grim said. “Yeah, I make a lot of mistakes that I regret,“ Sunset said as she put her head down in shame. She suddenly felt a hand on her shoulder, looked up, and saw that it was Double D, who gave her an encouraging smile. “Sunset, like I said before, you make mistakes, but you are now trying to be a better person, “Double D said. "If you want proof of you being a better person, then look no further than the batter of the bands. It was thanks to you that the dazzling were defeated and the world is safe. You have changed for the better, and you old friends are fools for not seeing that.” Sunset smiled as she hugged Double D. “Thank you, double D ,“ she said. The hug was broken by a gagging sound, and both of them let go of each other and turned to the source of the noise, which was Adagio and Eddy. “Get a room,” both said at the same time, much to their shock. “So you not with the rainbooms anymore or came here for us?“ Adagio asks. "Yeah,"Sunset said. “So what now?“ Sonata asks. “Look, you guys obviously didn’t come all the way to Peace Creek to fight me, and I didn’t come all the way here to fight you guys, "Sunset said. “How about a ceasefire? I won’t bother you guys, and you won’t bother me.” Adagio stood still in thought before answering her. “Fine,” Adagio said as she and Sunset walked towards one another and shook hands. However, something big suddenly landed on the ground not far from them. It was so big that it shook the ground. Everyone turned to the source and saw a large robot that was fifteen feet tall. The chest of the robot opens, revealing Sombra, who has changed from his prison outfit to his old outfit he used to wear during his time as the leader of the umbrum syndicate, which consists of a black military coat and black gloves. He wore black pants and boots. “I’m back,“ Sombra said as he laughed evilly. “Sombra, how did you get out of jail?” Sunset asks. “One of my old minions busted me out." Sombra said, "Now it's time for my revenge.“ The hatch closed as one of the robots hands turned into canons and aimed at them. Everyone quickly ran away as fast as they could as the cannon fired a large laser blast, leaving a hole at the place they were at. Everyone looks at the damage that cannons cause in shock. Sombra then redirects the cannon towards them and fires again. All of them begin running away as fast as they can to avoid the robot. “Run as fast as you can,” Sombra said as he laughed evilly. “Your end is near.“ He chased after them while shooting at them. Sunset, the dazzling, Ed's, Sunny', and Grim were able to avoid each blast as they ran for their lives. They continue running until they run out of the cul de sac and into town, where they manage to eventually lose him. All of them are currently hiding in an alleyway, catching their breath. “What now?” Eddy asks. “We need an idea on how to stop that guy,” Sunset said. “Wait, why are we helping you guys?“ Adagio asks. “Because that guy thinks you are with us and thus will no doubt try to kill you guys.” Grim points out. “He got a point,“ Sonata pointed out. “Fine,“ Adagio said. “So how do we stop this guy?” Grim put a hand on his chin in though before he snap his fingers as an ideal came to mind. “ I have an ideal” Grim said. …. In the town street , the group had set up a taco stand with the word free tacos on it. The dazzling Ed's, Susnet, Grim,and Sunny are also attending the stand dressed in a Mexican poncho, sombrero, and a fake mustache. “This is the same plan from last time,“ Sunset pointed out. “No, it’s not” Grim said, ”Last time was free ice coffee, and this one is free tacos.” “And how are tacos going to help save the day?” Aria pointed out. “Despite being good,” Sonata said as she and Ed ate a taco. “It's really simple,“ Grim said as he brought out a taco that was covered with red hot sauce. “The tacos I am planning to serve to Sombra will have Eddy Brother special hot sauce.” “Yikes, that stuff is really hot,“ Sunset said. “That's the point,“ Grim said before coughing and began talking in a fake Mexican voice, “Free tacos ,free tacos get that while they're still hot.” Sombra robot landed next to them, and immediately the hatch opened. "Yum, tacos,“ Sombra said as he climbed out of his robot, grabbed the taco, and ate it. ”This is delicious.” As Sombra finishes eating the taco, he suddenly feels like his mouth is burning and his face is turning red. "Ahhhhhh! "he screamed as fire came out of his mouth and steam came out of his ears. " Water!” "Here,” Grim, still talking in the fake Mexican accent, said as he brought out a jug that was full of the same hot sauce and gave it to Sombra. Sombra, not thinking, grabbed it and drank it as quickly as he could until he finished the jug. Once he was done, he dropped the jug and screamed in pain as a large fire came out of his mouth. He screams and runs to a fire hydrant, where he breaks the top half, letting the water come out. He plunges his head in front of the water stream with his mouth open to drink as much water as he can. He eventually pulls his head out when his mouth stops burning. He was about to walk back to his robot, only to see sunset and co is now in front of him. “ Is over sombra”Grim said as he and everyone took off their disguises. “Oh yeah,” Sombra said as he brought out a remote control. ”This controller allows me to control my robot from a distance.“ He moves the joystick of the controller, and the robot moves as well. However, Sunny just uses her telekinesis to pull the remote from his hand and have it float next to her. She looked at the remote for a second before pressing a button on it, causing the robot to blow up. “Self-destruct button,“ Sunny said. “Curse it!“ Sombra yelled, ”Why did I install a self-destruct button?” "It's over, sombra,“ Sunset said. "It's not over yet,” Sombra said as he pulled out a remote and pressed a button, and immediately a helicopter driven by wind rider arrived and flew over him, and a ladder fell from it. Sombra grabbed it as the helicopter flew higher, taking him with it. “We will meet again." Sombra yelled as the helicopter flew away, leaving sunset and Co behind. Everyone stood in silence before Aria broke the silence. “So what now?” Aria asks. “Lunch,” Sonata and Ed suggested. Everyone nodded in agreement as they went to have lunch. …. Everyone was now in the dazzling house, eating lunch that Sonata had prepared. Which were tacos. “This is pretty good,” Grim complimented. “Yeah,“ Sunny agreed. “Want some gravy with you, tacos sonata?” Ed said as he brought out a small water bottle filled with gravy. "Sure, Ed," Sonata said, and immediately Ed poured the gravy on it. She then ate the taco and smiled. “This is so good,“ Sonata said in bliss. “So does this mean we are friends now?“ Ed asks everyone. “We are not friends,“ Adagio said. "We're just not going to fight with one another, that’s all.” “Ah, but Ed and I want to be friends,“ Sonata whined. “Fine, you can be friends with him and the rest, but just leave us out of this,” Adagio said. “Yeah!” Sonata and Ed cheer as the two hug. “Best friend forever,“ the two said in happiness. After that, everyone went back to eat their lunch, and after that was done, sunset, and Co left the house. As sunset and everyone walk home, the former unicorn can’t help but think about how the day turned out, as not only the dazzling is here, but her friends now know the whole truth of her past, and even then they still accepted her. One thing the former unicorn knows is that things are going to get even more crazy than they are now.