The Rogue Stallion

by darkangel_31314

Chapter 5 - Rogue No More

Chapter 5: "Rogue No More"

Okay, Twilight. The first step in problem solving: Identify the Problem.

A quick look around confirmed that they were indeed surrounded by at least two dozen Royal and Lunar Guards led by a very angry Rainbow Dash and Princess Luna. At least a third were Unicorns with charged horns. Yep, that's a problem!

Now, Step Two: Analyze the Problem.

Uh... Yeah. She or Janus moves, they attack. See? That was easy!

Step Three: Identify Possible Solutions.

Fight? Not likely. Twilight will have to pull on her inherit magic to fight, and that would cause more than enough serious injury or death than she would like. She only held out for so long against Princess Luna because she was being driven to go all the way by the brainwashing - she was actively trying to kill the Princess - but now is a different story. These guards, on the other hoof, were only following orders and thus didn't need nor deserve to die. Thus, fighting was out of the question.

Flee? They were quite surrounded, and the Princess no doubt had magic prepared for such an eventuality. Plus, Rainbow Dash was the fastest Pegasus in Equestria and had the trophies and awards to prove it. Twilight herself had seen the mare in action, thus it was not to be disputed. That meant that running was also was out of the question.

Talk? Might work, but the Princess was obviously in a very agitated state, and might believe that Janus had done something to her to make her talk in his defense. Rainbow was also a tough nut to crack. Being the Bearer of the Element of Loyalty meant she was loyal to Equestria and her friends and nothing could be said to change that.

Now, on to Step Four: Choose the best solution and implement it.

Twilight cleared her throat. "Ahem. Good morning, Princess."


She winced at the response. "Um... Yeah. I do suppose you are aware I am currently unwilling to acquiescence to your demands?


Rainbow and the guards began pawing at the ground, eager to charge.

Before Twilight could reply, Janus appeared to look down, considering his next words, before he took a determined step forward. His hoof hit the ground hard, determined to make a stand, head held high, charging his horn with his soft silvery glow.

"My wife is already free to choose where she goes and whom she goes with!"

Even the wind stopped at that proclamation.

Both Luna and Twilight stood there with blank looks, the gears turning in their minds as they tried to comprehend just what Janus had said. Twilight was the first to respond, taking the moment to blink, double-checking the results of her study of his words before comprehension finally hit: "Janus! What in Tartarus?!" She hissed to him quietly.

"Consider that my proposal." He whispered back as an aside to her, still glaring daggers at the Princess. "You can accept later, once we're not threatened with being vaporized by an angry Goddess."

The Goddess in question, however, couldn't even form a word for another full minute before she understood. It still took a few seconds more for the connection between her brain and mouth was finally re-established. "You-You-Wife?-But-" (apparently, it was trial-by-error to fix the link) "-THY DARE! HOW DARE THOU CLAIM HER AS A MATE!"

The morning sun was blocked out by clouds, the sky darkening as a result of the Demi-Goddess' anger. Lightning flashed, immediately followed by the ear-splitting crack of thunder that tore the canopy off the trees in the forest. Janus pushed Twilight back, barely clearing the lightning bolt that struck the ground between him and the seriously pissed off Alicorn.


Wind tore through the newly made clearing, yet Janus stood fast before Luna, his body positioned to shield Twilight. The mare, however, peered around him wide-eyed in fear. She couldn't dare fight against Luna! The power required would harm Janus and the guards! Maybe even kill them! What was Janus thinking?!

Still, she had to try something to prevent this fight! Her daughter needed both her parents, after all!

Okay, Step Five: Review and Correct...

"Sorry, Luna..." Twilight pushed her magic into overdrive, leaping atop Janus and latching on with her forehooves as her mind's eye focused on the clearing she awoke in just eight weeks ago. Her magic soon released, a teleportation spell sending them deeper into the Everfree forest.

"AFTER THEM!" Luna's angry yell followed them through the trees.

"I guess that's our cue to RUN FOR OUR LIVES!" Janus recovered, bolting in a random direction, quickly followed by the metal-on-wood sound of several Pegasi Guards led by the rainbow-maned Lieutenant in hot pursuit.

"You cannot out-run Rainbow, Janus!" Twilight warned, still clinging to his back.

"In a straight-run, of course. So we don't go straight!" He made a sharp left turn around a large tree, then quickly jinked back to the right, forcing the Pegasi to slow down

Rainbow's teeth-grinding could be heard over the panting and pounding hearts of the two Unicorns.

'She's actually smarter... need to congratulate her on that.' Twilight thought as the Lieutenant pulled sharply upward, flying over the treetops, and shooting out ahead of the two fleeing ponies.

Janus slid to a halt, avoiding the plunging mare whom slammed into the ground not five paces in front of them.

"End of the line, scum!" She snarled. "Now give me my friend back!"

"Rainbow, this isn't what it looks like!" Twilight tried to plead as Janus set her down.

The mare snorted, pawing at the ground.

"Stay back, Twilight..." Janus gently pushed her back, eyes-locked on the challenger. "I may be a year behind, but I could probably still take you, Lieutenant..."

"Try me."

"I had awoken from my bed, to see a friend returned from the dead. And a battle about to ignite, so tell me, what is the reason for this fight?"

For the second time that morning, everything just stopped.

Heads turned to the side to find a Zebra mare standing in the front door of her little home, turquoise eyes mirroring the look of confusion on her face, head canted to the side.

"Zecora!" Twilight smiled and bolted over to her friend, grasping her in a tight hug. "I'm so glad to see you!"

"And to you as well, my friend, who I am glad to see has not met her end." The zebra returned the hug, then looked back at Rainbow and Janus. "So why the fight? Might does not make right."

"Its a big misunderstanding. One blown completely out of proportion, mistakes and assumptions..." Twilight shook her head.

"For this fight to truly be over, perhaps explanations are in order?"

"If it were only so easy..." The purple mare rolled her eyes. "Janus is the father of my daughter, Moonlight." She pointed to him with a hoof. "... whom Luna thinks is being mind-controlled and wants to put me under a spell. But all he did was escape the moon by pouncing Luna." She shrugged. "He thought she was Nightmare Moon and was only looking for me to ensure me and our daughter were all right. Now Luna has sent Rainbow Dash, whom thinks he is mind-controlling me, to capture him."

Zercora nodded, listening.

"Everything's spinning out of control, everypony's blaming everypony else for mistakes that I made on my own!" She held her head, mane coming undone as she yelled in frustration, "CAN'T WE ALL JUST GET ALONG!?"

Zecora patted her on the back motherly, before walking into the clearing, looking up at Rainbow. "To escape the moon, a ride he did take. Attacking the Princess, a simple mistake. You did not know him, as you were not there there, but for Twilight and Moonlight, he does seem to care."

The Rainbow frowned at her old friend, looking down at the ground, before eying the Zebra. "How can we be sure." She growled, still refusing to lower her guard for the moment. "All he has done is proven that he is a danger to our friend." She glared at Janus who glared daggers right back. "You've been stalking her for days now!" She shot forward, pressing her nose to his, her cerise eyes staring deep into his powder blue ones. "You're obviously a spy!"

"I am Janus Key, former Lieutenant in the Germane Guard, father of Moonlight Sparkle, and former Prisoner of Nightmare Moon." He snarled, pressing his nose to R.D.'s and even pushing her back slightly. "So lay off, rookie, and let's let your boss do the talking." His horn glowed again and the Pegasus was snatched from the air by her tail and unceremoniously levitated over to be dropped to the ground in front of the arriving Guards and Princess Luna.

"You're also a bit temper-happy, Janus." Twilight said from where she sat beside Zecora.

"A year of being tortured will do that to you, Twi." He rolled his eyes. "You're so lucky you can't remember it."

"I want to."

"No, you shouldn't."

"It's why I sought you out! Out of everything that's happened to me, my friends losing me, my life being taken away, a foal forced upon me... you even called me that!"

He blinked. "Called you what?"

"You called me 'Twi'. Only close friends and my brother call me that!"

He blushed. "... oh..."

"We really were that close, weren't we?"

He lowered his head and nodded sadly. "... yeah... yeah, we were..."

"That's what I want to remember! Not what the Nightmare did to me, I want to remember what we had." She suddenly spun on Luna. "... and I won't let you take him away until I get the answers I want! The answers I need! If not just for me, then for Moonlight!"

The moon Princess staggered back at her friend's tone.

"He is not a threat! He is not mind-controlling me! He simply wanted to be sure I and our daughter were safe. Now you are going to escort us back to Sweet Apple Acres so I can feed my daughter, and she can meet her daddy." She was practically yelling now. "Then we are going to sit down, have a nice dinner among friends, and we can get back to having our lives put together. Is that clear?!"

"My friend indeed, you must remember to breathe." Zecora stepped up and placed a hoof on her shoulder. "While your anger is most deserved, continuing this course is most assuredly absurd. Perhaps some tea, and we let them be?"

Twilight stared at the ground while the Zebra gently caressed her back, running a gentle, reassuring hoof along her spine. It took several moments for the anger to fade away and she nodded. "... yeah, I'm sorry Zecora... this is just, these last couple of months have been pure hell. I haven't even seen my parents yet!" Her eyes went wide and she looked up at Luna. "Do they even know about Moonlight?"

Luna nodded. "They do. We were going to bring them this week..." She shot a glance at Janus. "... until a certain stallion sucker-punched me..."

He eye-rolled in response. "... never gonna hear the last of that..."

"No, you're not." Twilight pointed her hoof at him. "Apologize."

He blinked at her in surprise.

"Now," she commanded.

He sighed. "Yes, Ma'am." Immediately Rainbow let out a sound slightly reminiscent of a whip cracking. He spared only a brief glare at her before he turned to Princess Luna and said, "I'm sorry, Your Majesty."

"Your apology... as much as I dislike it... is accepted." She leaned close, glaring hatred at him. "But keep in mind, stallion, we will be watching you closely!"

"Like I have a choice?" He glared right back. The two mere inches apart, staring into each other's eyes.

Twilight pulled Janus back before they could get into another verbal spar that might end up into an actual physical confrontation. "Hey, now. You two quit it. Now... let's go home, okay?"

There was still silence as the two sides continued their stare-down.

"I said..." Twilight spoke louder, her voice a threatening tone.

"Yeah, yeah..." Rainbow huffed. "We heard you, Twi..."

"As the neutral one here, I offer to be near."

"Sure, Zecora." Twilight smiled.

"Yeah, welcome aboard the crazy train." Rainbow rolled her eyes.