//------------------------------// // Chapter 6 - The Rogue's Fate // Story: The Rogue Stallion // by darkangel_31314 //------------------------------// Chapter 6: The Rogue's Fate It was an interesting group that was marched back through a town now occupied by a hundred-plus Royal Guard. Ponies throughout Ponyville had had their mornings interrupted by the Princess' arrival with a full Company of armored soldiers, and now lined the streets watching as Twilight led the procession through the town square and toward Sweet Apple Acres with Janus on her heels, head hanging low. Nopony said a word. Even some of the veteran Guards were rather reluctant to incite the mother's ire, and near the center of a ring of bat-winged Lunar Guard, Princess Luna forced herself to keep her head erect and regal wings folded neatly as if she was on parade. Rainbow Dash had flown ahead to warn her own patrol of Twilight's 'rescue' and the other Element Bearers met them at the gate, Fluttershy cradling a babbling Moonlight in her forehooves to be handed over to her mother. "Hello, my little moon, Mommy's back!" The foal babbled again and wrapped tiny hooves around her mother's nose with a happy coo. "I want you to meet somepony." Twilight turned and smiled at Janus. "This is your Daddy." The foal stopped babbling and looked up at her father who blinked down at the bundle of joy. Nobody noticed the soft hiss of Luna's horn igniting just in case... "Hi there." "Bah-Hee!" Janus smiled, as a tiny hoof tapped him on the nose. This time, Twilight did notice the magic around Luna's horn going out, the Alicorn giving a silent sigh of relief. She said nothing for a moment. "Alright then. I missed breakfast, so, Pinkie? Can I presume the barn?" "Yepparoni!" Twilight levitated Moonlight onto her back. "Then, food time!" She ordered, and trotted away to the amazed looks of everypony else present. "What jest happen'd?" Applejack glanced at Fluttershy who shrugged. "Best if you don't ask." Rainbow Dash replied. "Come on." She led the group toward the barn where a party had been assembled, complete with banner that read; "WELCOME MOONLIGHT'S DADDY!" "Pinkie?" "Yes?" "... never mind." Applejack rolled her eyes and limped toward the snack tables where Janus and Twilight had sat down to eat. "How did your friend know?" "It's Pinkie. Best if you don't ask." Twilight replied, giving Moonlight a cookie to suck on. "... I'll remember that." The Unicorn Stallion looked across the room where the pink mare in question was trying to get a couple of Rainbow's guards to loosen up and dance. "I've known 'er for years myself. Everypony in town just accepts it." Applejack started to fill up her own plate. "You'll stay sane if you do that." Twilight nodded. "I destroyed my notes after giving up trying to research her abilities. Leading theory is that she's got a bit of draconequus in her." "As in Discord?" He blinked, worried about the implications of having someone related to the spirit of chaos anywhere near his daughter. Twilight shrugged, taking a bite out of a cookie while watching Moonlight explore hers. "Possibly. But as I said, I gave up researching her and simply accepted that she's my friend." "Ah." He didn't really understand, but decided to trust his mate with it. "Twilight." Luna approached. "Despite the Element of Laughter's attempts to make a party out of your reunion, there are some matters to discuss..." "Yes, yes... I know." Twilight sat, watching her daughter stare in amazement at Luna's flowing mane. "What do you want to know?" The Goddess of the Night blinked in surprise. No demands? No yelling? "Well, an explanation is in order." "I thought we'd already covered that?" Janus sat by Twilight, secretly rather proud of the Alicorn's disapproving frown. "I was abducted by the Nightmare to be Moonlight's father, escaped, yadda-yadda-yadda, we've all heard the deal." "Enlighten me." He sighed, glancing at his mate. "Can I-" "No, you may not punch her again." "Rats..." He went on again to explain the whole situation; how he had been lured off the streets of Marelin by a mind-controlled Twilight, abducted and sent to the Moon, chained and tortured, used to knock-up Twilight. The mother didn't appear to be paying attention as he described their time together - thankfully leaving out the more intimate details. He went on to describe his escape by hijacking Luna's teleport spell. Everypony in the barn sat and let him speak, nopony speaking for several moments after he finished until the silence was broken by Luna, "I still don't trust you." Her suspicious scowl continued unabated by his tale. "Yer just sore he laid ya out, ain'tcha?" Applejack grinned, throwing the dice and taking a chance. "What? That is Absurd! We do not hold grudges!" Luna protested. Even her guards were looking at her expectantly. "... " She looked even among her Lunar guard for some sort of defense. She found none. "... okay, maybe just a bit. But We had good reason!" She poked the Stallion in the chest. "We could not be sure that he was not a threat to Our friend!" "We can plainly see," Zecora smiled, sitting behind and between the two Unicorns. "Such things are not what they seem." "Yeah. So when's the wedding?" Rainbow Dash piped up from a nearby cider barrel where her Sergeant was passing out the mugs. "What?" Twilight suddenly exclaimed as Janus cleared his throat. "'tis true. He did propose to you." Luna smirked, now that the tables were turned. "She's got a point, Twi." He wriggled his eyebrows, then nodded down to Moonlight. "Would be a good idea in case your folks ask. Speaking of which, they are still coming, arn't they?" Luna nodded. "Yes. But nevertheless, you are still on probation, Stallion." She pointed an armored hoof at him. "... meh. Best I can get, I guess." "Of course, meeting the folks is right up there on a list of punishments for an involved stallion." Applejack accepted a mug of cider from R.D. and grinned. "... don't remind me..." He facehoofed as Twilight grinned. "And what now?" Twilight glanced at the Princess. "What?" "What now? You are already sharing a room with Moonlight and Pinkie. Where will he bed down?" She pointed a hoof a Janus whom arched an eyebrow at his mate. "Uh..." "Easy there, sugarplum." A.J. put a hoof around her neck. "We'll take care of ya'll. Been planning that already." "Well, care to fill me in, Applejack?" "Already been chattin' with the Mayor about re-naming the Library and tucking the sign away until you really do pass on." She waved her brace in gentle circles beside her. "Me an' R.D. have been working on putting things back the way they were before ya was abducted." She shot a disapproving scowl at the brace. "... as much as we can." "Things most certainly cannot go back to the way they were before all this." Twilight eye-rolled, then scowled at her friend. "True. But it'll help. 'specially with Pinkie." She whispered, and nodded in the direction of said party pony. Twilight looked at her pink friend and blinked as said pony was leading a conga-line of Guardsponies around the room. Even Luna stared in surprise. "... case in point." The farmer muttered. "Pinkie will be with you, and R.D.'s been chattin' with the Mayor about a small place right next door for the new town Guardhouse." "... you win." She glanced at Janus with a slight smirk. "And you will be with me too, I take it?" "Of course. Moonlight needs a father, after all." His face split into a smirk, his ice blue eyes focused on the Princess. "Unless you have any objections." "Oh, none at all..." The Princess grinned right back. "Leaving you locked in the middle of a government building surrounded by Royal Guards greatly appeals to me." Twilight cleared her throat. "Its a PUBLIC Library, Luna..." The nighttime Princess didn't miss a beat; "Still having the guards." "If that's what it takes to have peace in this mixed up family of mine, deal." She nudged Janus. "Now shake." Her face fell into a frown when both ponies looked at her as if to ask 'are you serious?' To which she replied; "Yes, I'm serious. Now, Shake!" "Sak!" Came from the dark blue filly in her forehooves. Janus could only stare into the filly that had his eyes, and was using them to stare at her father and the Princess. Janus gave his daughter a look, then to the Princess; "Can't argue with that, can we?" "Nope..." She extended an armored horseshoe. The two shook. "Now that peace has been declared." Applejack smirked. "Now we have to deal with the Parents!" Twilight's eyes went to pinpricks. "Something wrong, sugarcube?" A.J. looked on in concern. "My parents..." She responded at a glance with Luna and Janus. "... compared to dealing with them, I'll be wishing you two were still at war..."