The Fantastic Adventures of Dr. Whooves: The Changeling Princess

by The-Pony-Librarian

Chapter 9

The Doctor took his sonic screwdriver out of his bag, closing his eyes for a moment and doing some math in his head.
He looked back to Twilight and her friends, who had gotten the purple spell-caster propped up between Applejack and Rainbow dash.
"Good, you're on your again" He said to Twilight, before wincing "That looked like it hurt by the way. You really can't catch a break today can you?"
A smile twitched on Twilight's lips. Leave it to the doctor to make casual conversation in emergencies.
"Alright!" The Doctor said, turning back to face Thornwing, who was looking at the group with a mixture of disgust and amusement "Let's try this one more time."
The changeling laughed "Are you serious? Really?"
"But we already used the elements!" Rainbow Dash protested " I mean we could use them again..but it doesn't change the results. They didn't work"
"You've just got to trust me on this one" The Doctor said, not taking his gaze off the fake Celestia "This will work. I promise"
Five colorful heads turned to Twilight, who nodded.
"Now!" The doctor shouted.
The beam of rainbow light rose up from the six mares once again. Then it was joined by a green light and a distinctive whirring sound.
Magic was energy, and it was carried in waves, just like sound. Also like sound, with a little manipulation from something like.... say, a sonic screwdriver, it could be amplified.

Somewhere in Shanghoof, a very confused Shining Armour and Cadence sat in a seedy hotel. They had been dropped off about three hours ago after an overnight carriage flight, only to find that the ponies they were supposed to be meeting didn't exist, and neither did their sleeping arrangements. Thankfully Cadence was a princess, so they had been able to get a hotel room even though neither of them had any bits....but apparently princess hospitality didn't extend towards classier abodes...and a pegasus flight to pick them up wouldn't be arriving until tomorrow.
Cadence's ear flicked.
"Sweetie, did you hear that?" She asked Shining Armour.
"Hear what?"
"Oh...I guess it was nothing. I don't know.... I just felt, a... a disturbance"

Meanwhile in the throne room, there was an explosion of rainbow light. The form of Celestia was eaten away from the changeling, stripping her to her original form. The rainbow light ate it aw It poured out the windows and doors and wrapped around the ponies like a living thing. Twilight could feel her forming bruises heal, and a rejuvination spread through her bones. The supernova slowly diminished, fading to a glow, and then to a twinkle.
Six sets of hooves clicked delicately onto the polished stone floor.
The sadistic changeling princess was nowhere to be seen.
A cheer, weak but defiantly joyful, rose from the seven ponies and one dragon. They had won.
Twilight's friends squeezed together in a massive group hug, all smiling as releived laughs escaped from their mouths.
The Doctor looked on from the side, a small smile crossing his features.
"Well?" Twilight said, meeting his eyes
"Get over here!" she laughed, grabbing him and pulling him into the huddle. All the other mares laughed and smiled, and there was a moment of pure relieved happiness.
"Guys? Still tied up over here?"
Twilight's eyes widened and she rushed over to Spike, throwing his bonds off with he magic and pulling him into a hug.
"I'm so glad you're safe" She said, before narrowing her eyes and giving him a rap on the head "Don't you ever put your life in mortal danger like that again!"
"It's not like I was trying to get myself dragon-napped" Spike muttered in reply "Sheesh."
The purple unicorn sighed grudgingly"You're forgiven" she smirked "I couldn't stay mad at my number one assistant now could I?"
She picked him up with her telekinesis, and placed him gently on her back "Now we just need to find the princesses!"
Twilight drooped as the realization of her statement hit her "We still need to find the princesses" she said hollowly..."We still. Need to find. The Celestia-forsaken princesses!"
She flopped onto the ground like a rag doll, succumbing to exhaustion. Spike gave a little yelp, clinging to her mane for dear life.
"Silly Twilight!" Pinkie chirped "the princesses can't be Celestia-forsaken! One of them is Celestia!" The cheery pony giggled.
"I- ....... Just- ....I mean- .....Oh never mind!" The purple unicorn sputtered in response, she got up and started pacing "How are we going to find them? They could be anywhere in Equestria!"
"umm....Twilight?" Fluttershy said
"I mean it's not like one of us has some magical connection to the princess and her exact location!"
"And there's also the fact that we are still wanted criminals-"
Twilight Sparkle jumped a foot into the air, squeaking.
"Couldn't you use Spike?" Fluttershy whispered "I mean, if that will work....I'm not one hundred percent's really a bad idea anyways-"
"You're a genius!" Twilight interrupted "Spike has a direct magical connection to Celestia, I can trace it to it's source!"
She lifted Spike off her back with her magical aura, who grumbled in annoyance.
"Oh hush" Twilight chided "do you want to be thrown in jail the moment we step outside? This will give me an exact location to teleport to"
She closed her eyes, concentrating for a second before her brows furrowed in annoyance. She broke the connection, growling
"I can't get an exact location" she said slowly "But I could sense a general area,
they're in the Everfree somewhere. I think I can teleport to my Library, and we can go from there"
The group gave a general sigh of relief, as there was a certain aspect of appeal to not running around Canterlot like fugitives. After a nod was given from everypony, Twilight focused her magic and the group of ponies (and dragon) disappeared.
Next thing she knew, Twilight and her friends had appeared straight in the middle of three large stacks of books. They exploded outward as the mass of seven ponies suddenly appeared were previously there had only been air. A dictionary smacked Twilight in the face.
"So much for re-shelving those today..." The purple unicorn muttered.
"Yeehaw!" Applejack whooped "So'r we rescuin' some princesses or what?"
"You guys can go ahead, I'll catch up" Twilight said "I need to put Spike to bed"
Sure enough, the baby dragon was sound asleep on her back, snoring gently. Twilight trotted softly up the stairs and tucked him into his little bed. Her poor number one assistant had been through a lot that day.
Tip-hoofing softly down the stairs, Twilight saw the Doctor sitting at one of the Library tables patiently "So that's Spike?" He said
"Yeah" Twilight said softly "I hatched him, and raised him since I was just a little filly, for a while he was my only friend....he's like a little brother to me"
"And he's a dragon?"
Twilight nodded, closing the library door as they walked out
The Doctor whistled "You know, this has been a strange day... And if you'd been on any of my adventures, you'd know that if I think a day has been strange, then that's saying somthing"
Twilight laughed, rolling her eyes "When the time traveling alien thinks something is strange, it's time to give up"
She spotted her friends' signature color pallets and trotted faster to catch up.
"Oh there you are, Darling!" Rarity said "I trust little Spikey-Wikey is all well"
Twilight nodded.
"WHOOPEEEEEE!" Pinkie cheered, bouncing along in her usual style, and stopping before the line of trees "We're here!"
Fluttershy began to back up slowly "Maybe I should stay at the library with spi-EEP!"
Her words were cut off as she was dragged along by an over-eager Rainbow Dash
"Lets go kick some changeling flank!" She said brashly, as Fluttershy whimpered.
"Actually...all the changeling within a five or six mile radius were repelled. All we'll have to do is break whatever spell is keeping them confined" Twilight said
"Cough! Egghead Cough!Cough!"
"What?" Rainbow said innocently "Just coughing, Sheesh!"
Twilight rolled her eyes "C'mon girls!"
They set off into the forest, Twilight leading the way, and talking about the forest.
"I've mapped almost all of the Everfree in my different travels through it!" Twilight said, pulling a map from her saddlebags (Which the Doctor was now wearing again) "Over here is dragon territory, so they probably wouldn't be there....too risky They probably wouldn't be by the poison joke fields or Zecora's hut either, as that is the area most regularly ventured into by ponies, and she wouldn't want them to be discovered....And then to the west...."
"She's monologuing again" Dash whispered to AJ
"I heard that!" Twilight shot them a glare "But to sum it up....the most likely area for them to be trapped is the abandoned castle"
She spread her hoof to show that they had arrived at the rope bridge. It had deteriorated since their last visit, its ropes frayed by the elements, and planks cracked in many places. They had been able to cross it easily enough before, but now it looked a bit more difficult.
"It's rickety, so you two should probably fly over" She pointed a hoof at Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash, then squinted "It's a little too misty for me to be able to confidently teleport over there, so the rest of us will have to cross. Single file, try to walk as lightly as possible!"
Rainbow Dash took off to the other side, with Fluttershy following weakly in tow. Finally, the butter pegasus alighted on the other side with a squeak, then proceeded to scoot as far away from the edge as possible.
"You first AJ" Twilight said, motioning to the cow-pony
Applejack stepped onto the bridge, wobbling slightly as it swayed under her weight
"Wooah" She said, as it wobbled about one final time as she stepped onto solid ground again "Y'all better be careful, it's wobblier than Granny Smith after a cider drinkin' contest"
The Doctor chuckled softly saying "Wibbly wobbly timey whimey"
Pinkie giggled, and Rarity gave a confused look to Twilight, who just shrugged
"Alright, Rarity, you next"
The white unicorn stepped daintily onto the bridge, giving little shrieks every time it moved. It was needless to say that everypony was very thankful when she got to the other side
"Now you Pinki-WAIT!" Twilight yelled as she saw Pinkie preparing to spring "No bouncing...just walking"
The pink party-pony looked dejected, but nonetheless walked across the bridge with impressive speed and confidence, and as soon as she made it to land began happily bouncing once more.
Now it was Twilight's turn. Though usually a bit klutzy, the purple unicorn traversed the obstacle with considerable aplomb, only slipping up once with a squeak.
When she got to the end, she turned and called out to the Doctor "Your turn now!"
The brown stallion trotted comfortably onto the bridge, causing it to rock to and fro.
"Careful!" Twilight called
"Oh come off it! It's not that rickety" The Doctor said, purposefully shifting his weight back and forth and causing the bridge to sway precariously "See?"
He bounced up and down for good measure, causing all the others to wince.
"Doctor!" Twilight snapped.
"Fine" the Doctor responded, walking more gingerly and muttering "Honestly, I've been in ricketier spaceshi-"
The board beneath his hooves broke, and his grousing was cut off as he was barely saved from a tumble into the gorge by a burst of magenta magic.
"Oh." he said slowly, looking down into the abyss through the aura of pink energy keeping him afloat "Well isn't that nifty"
The Timepony was deposited on the ground with a thud.
Twilight caught his gaze, eyebrows raised and mouth pursed in an expression that could only be translated as I-told-you-so.
"Yeah, yeah" He griped "I get it."
"You're welcome" The purple unicorn replied, trotting purposefully off towards the castle.
As they entered the main room, Twilight's eyes widened. In the middle of the floor, both Celestia and Luna lay, seemingly asleep.
"Well I'll be" Applejack said slowly she trotted up to Celestia, attempting to prod her shoulder "Well that's odd..." she said, hoof pressing into the air about an inch above the princess "'s like there's a sheet of solid air all around 'em-Woah!"
Her hoof slipped through the invisible barrier, and she fell onto the ground beside the Princesses. She lifted her head for a moment, pressing her hoof into the reformed shield, then her eyes rolled back in her head and she sank slowly back down, fast asleep, breathing gentle.
Twilight winced "That was probably how they trapped Luna" She mused "We'll have to break it somehow"
"Okie Doki Loki!!!" Pinkie said, and then, apparently taking Twilight's statement as a command, charged at the three sleeping ponies at breakneck speed, screaming at the top of her lungs
"Pinkie no!"
"Oof!" Pinkie collided with the invisible barrier, and slid down slightly, making an awful squeaking sound. Then she slipped through the barrier, chirping "Oops...Nighty night!" and fell fast asleep like the others.
"Well, shoot...." Twilight muttered
"Eep!" There was the sound of tripping hooves, and Fluttershy flew through the air, landing in the trap as well.
Rainbow Dash facehoofed.
"Yeesh" she said slowly, walking over by the trap.
"Careful!" Twilight said
"Yeah yeah, I know, what did you think I'm going to do?" the bold pegasus lazily leaned on the nearest thing, and....
"Oh buck" Rainbow said, before she fell into the trap.
Twilight lay her head in her hooves, shaking it softly. Then she looked up sharply as something occured to her.
"Rarity....Don't you dare faint and fall into the trap. Don't. Even. Think. About. It" She hissed
Rarity wisely took a couple of steps back, and so did the Doctor, hastily backpedaling away from the unicorn.
"I think I can break this" Twilight said "But the more ponies trapped the harder it will be so please refrain from tripping, falling, leaning on, throwing your self into, or otherwise touching anywhere near the sleeping ponies. Is that clear?" She gave a pointed look at the Doctor.
Vigorous head nods from both ponies.
"Good." Twilight said smoothly. She closed her eyes, and a small stream of magic left her horn and circled the spell, probing for weaknesses. The puff of magic suddenly expanded into a cloud and darted down at the sleeping ponies from a thousand different points.
Rarity gave a small shriek.
Slowly, the magic seeped through the shield, causing the cracks in the invisible spell to be outlined in brilliant magenta light. There was a sound like shattering glass at a much, much higher frequency, almost too high to hear, causing all three ponies to wince.
Twilight opened her eyes and stood up triumphantly, and the six sleeping ponies began to stir, slowly sitting up.
Celestia was the first to recover, standing up and saying slowly "Twilight, may I ask what just happened?"
"Oh, you were lured into a trap by Chrysalis's daughter, who then proceeded to impersonate you and feed on all of Equestria's love, before she kidnapped my friends and held Spike hostage...Don't worry, we handled it"
The princess chuckled, a light, motherly sound "It appears you have saved the day once again my little ponies" she briefly glanced at the Doctor, eyes widening a fraction, before she regained composure "And who is this?"
"Oh..well I'm...I'm Time Turner, Ms.Celestia...Princess..." he trailed off, giving an awkward little bow as Twilight facehoofed in the background.
Celestia,however, seemed unfazed "It's wonderful to meet you Time Turner" she said, before looking to the other ponies "Allow me to take you all back to Canterlot where I can heat the whole story"
There was a flash of golden light, and soon they were all seated in Celestia's office, the two princesses listening as the adventure was accounted mostly by Twilight, with brief interjections by the others and dramatic hoof gestures by Pinkie.
"Well, my little ponies" Celestia said finally "It seems you have had quite the adventure...But, there is a party in the Garden tonight if you all would like to enjoy Canterlot whithout being chased by Changelings...of course, you all are probably already exhausted from-"
"A PARTY!" Pinkie Pie shouted, racing out of the room in a blur.
"I stand corrected" Celestia said slowly, then smiled "You all enjoy"
"Thank you so much, Princess" Fluttershy whispered "That sounds delightful"
"Yes, indeed" Rarity interjected "Thank you"
"Guess I'm up for a party" Applejack said "Mighty gracious of ya', Princess"
A Rainbow colored blur raced out of the room "Awww yeah!..and uh...thanks and stuff"
"Rainbow! Mind yer' manners!" the orange cow pony raced after Rainbow Dash, with Rarity and Fluttershy trotting placidly behind.
Now it was only Twilight and her mentor "Thank you Princess" the purple unicorn said, giving a small curtsy.
"You're very welcome my dearest student" Celestia "...and just a heads up, your friend Time Turner is more than meets the eye"
Twilight gave a small laugh "Trust me, Princess" She said, departing down the stairs "I already know"
As she walked down the high stairs to the lower castle levels, she spotted a tan and brown pony trotting towards the shop district of Canterlot in the distance. The Doctor must have slipped away at some point while her friends and Celestia were talking. She teleported directly in front of him, causing the earth pony to startle and fall over backwards
"Whatcha doin?" she said innocently
The Doctor brushed himself off, getting up "Oh, I had figured I would be heading off...Garden parties....not really my thing"
"Oh no!" Twilight said "You are not going to fall into a bakery, show me some freaky time machine, save me and my friend's lives, and then just walk away without an explanation. I want answers!"
"So you tracked me down to some Canterlot backstreet just to ask me some questions?"
"Also you have my saddlebags" Twilight said
"Ohh....right." The Doctor said "Awfully handy, these things are"
Twilight cleared her throat.
"Yes, yes, answers" the Doctor said "Here, how about we go to this fancy garden party, and I will explain it afterwards...wouldn't want your friends to think you've gone missing"
"Deal." Twilight said, walking back to the Castle "Are equines really the non-sentient creatures in your universe?"
"Ah ah ah!" the Doctor said, shaking a hoof "Later"
As they arrived at the party, they were greeted by the sight of the gang laughing and talking with a group of the less snobbish Canterlot ponies. The garden was decked out with a dance floor, a punch bowl, and a particularly inviting deserts table, which Twilight eyes eagerly.....that was before Pinkie grabbed most of the sweets on it and shoved them in her mouth.
"Twilippthh!" the pink party-pony exclaimed "Tpthhere pthuu pthrrrre!"
A nearby gold unicorn backed away slowly.
"Pppthhooray!" Pinkie whooped, spraying cake everywhere.
Twilight rolled her eyes...that was Pinkie Pie for you, absently, she wandered by the dance floor, swishing her tail slightly to the music.
"May I have this dance?" the Doctor inquired, smirking slightly.
Twilight's pupils contracted to pinpoints, and a nervous laugh escaped her throat "Ohhhh no, no no... I don't dance"
Ever since the incident at her birthday party when she, along with her friends, had crashed a nearby soiree and mortified Rarity in front of her business contacts, Twilight had decided that it was a good idea for her never to dance in public ever, ever, ever again. She gave a little shudder.
"Oh nonsense!" the Doctor said brightly oblivious to that fact "What's the worst that could happen?"