Sonic X: Friendship is Universal

by JPtheRobotHedgehog

Giant Free For All! Chris and Kat's House Party

(BGM: SONIC DRIVE - Hironobu Kageyama & Hideaki Takatori)

The opening begins as a blue streak of light dashes down the road

S-O-N-I-C, GO!

Another streak of light appear in the sky, following the blue one, this one was rainbow colored

S-O-N-I-C, GO!

The two streaks slow down, the blue one reveals to be Sonic the Hedgehog while the rainbow one reveals to be Rainbow Dash.

Go, go, go go, LET'S GO!

Sonic and Rainbow Dash grin at each other before they both dash toward the screen before it fades white as the title appears on it


Sonic and Rainbow Dash charge forward as they infiltrate a city that was taken over by the evil genius Dr. Eggman and the mad scientist earth pony Steam. The alarms go off as Eggman and Steam sent their robot minions to stop Sonic and Rainbow Dash.

Yesterday's rules

are simply loose today

The best goal is to break them

Sonic and Rainbow Dash race across the streets when they saw robot soldiers blocking their way. Sonic jumps and uses his homing attack on them, while Rainbow Dash speeds her way through them, knocking them down like bowling pins. They try to enter the building where their arch-enemies are, but another wave of robots chase after them out of the building.

If I don't keep running

There's no other meaning

It's a punk philosophy

On another part of town, Knuckles was driving a hover car down the road, with Cream, Cheese, Fluttershy, Angel and Applejack. They notice Sonic and Rainbow Dash greeting them, Sonic giving a thumbs up and Rainbow Dash winking them before dashing ahead of them. Then the robots that were chasing after them appear, causing Knuckles, Applejack and the others to scream in horror as they speed up and try to catch up with the two speeders.

Eggman and Steam watched this whole scene from aboard their hover ships, Eggman in his Egg Mobile and Steam on his Steam Cloud. They notice Tails, along with Amy, Twilight Sparkle, Spike, Pinkie Pie and Rarity, flying in the Tornado 2.

Biorhythm is

a two-time rhythm

The scenery instantly becomes countless lines

The wind envelops me

Eggman and Steam laugh evilly as they fire their missiles at the Tornado 2. Tails and the others notice them and scream in horror. Tails then transforms the Tornado 2 into its battle formation, gaining more speed as he tries to outfly the missiles, the others screaming in horror, while Pinkie Pie shouts and laughs with joy as if riding in a roller coaster.

On the road, Sonic, Rainbow Dash, Knuckles and the others are still being chased by the robot soldiers, until they notice the Tornado 2, followed by Eggman and Steam's missiles, coming right at them! The two parties collide, resulting into a big explosion. Sonic and Rainbow Dash are sent flying into the sky, followed by the Tornado 2. Tails and Twilight toss each a Power Ring, one for Sonic and the other for Rainbow Dash.

Inside Outside attack

Surpass everything altogether

I won't let no one

and nothing go forward

Knuckles and Applejack take down the robots, Knuckles uses his punches, while Applejack uses her bucking. Cream, Cheese, Fluttershy and Angel work together to outsmart the robots into attacking each other.

A bright light shines from above them, they look up and see Sonic and Rainbow Dash coming down, with Power Rings in hand and hoof. Sonic then curls into his ball form and Spin Dashs down toward a robot, destroying it, then proceeds to destroy more robots. Rainbow Dash speed increases tenfold, that she performs her Sonic Rainboom in just a few short seconds, smashing into a robot, destroying it, then proceeds to destroy more robots.

Inside Outside, GO! SONIC!

Everything altogether, Yes! Sonic!

"Watch out" and "Have a nice" are similar

That's right – both are by the skin of your teeth

Sonic and Rainbow Dash then join hand and hoof together and perform the Sonic Rainboost combo, as they charge into the building where Eggman and Steam control the city, smashing and destroying everything inside it, much to Eggman and Steam's horror. Sonic and Rainbow Dash burst out from the top of the building, as it explodes into a million pieces.

While in mid-air, Sonic and Rainbow Dash look at each other and grin before they bro fist-hoof with each other, while their friends cheer for them, while Knuckles smiles warmly. Unknown to them, Shadow the Hedgehog, along with Rouge the Bat, Gilda and The Great and Powerful Trixie were watching from the top of one of the buildings.

Throw boredom away

And start running

Sonic closes his eyes and floats up into the air, as the seven Chaos Emeralds fly around him, followed by Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Applejack, Pinkie Pie and Rarity, all wearing their respective Elements of Harmony. Then in a flash of Chaos Energy and Magic of Friendship, Sonic and the Mane 6 transform into Super Sonic, and the Super Mane 6. They stare at the shadowy figures of some mysterious enemies, before charging at them, full speed, the mystery enemies charge back at them, the two parties collide resulting into a giant explosion.

S-O-N-I-C, GO!

Chris, Kat, and their family and friends, Big the Cat, Froggy, Charmy and Chocola, along with the Mobian animals cheer on for Sonic and his friends, while Vanilla smiles warmly, along with Vector and Espio

S-O-N-I-C, GO!

The Cutie Mark Crusaders, Derpy Hooves, Lyra, Bon Bon, the ponies of Ponyville and the griffons of the Griffon Kingdom cheer on for the Mane 6 and their friends, while Princess Celestia smiles warmly, along with Princess Luna, Princess Cadance, Shining Armor, Zecora, King Czar, Hawkeem and La Tormenta

Go, go, go go, LET'S GO!

Sonic and Rainbow Dash then land back on the ground and pose together for the screen, along with Chris, Kat, Tails, Twilight Sparkle and all of their friends and family. Eggman and Steam are seen cursing out to them in the background before storming off, ending the opening sequence.

(BGM ends)

Episode 8

Giant Free For All! Chris and Kat's House Party

It was morning, Chris and Kat had already washed their faces and gotten dressed and were about to head down for breakfast. Before they did, they turned to Cream, Cheese, Fluttershy, Angel and Pinkie Pie.

"Now remember, you have to stay hidden and don't show yourself to ANYONE but us, got it?" Chris reminded them.

"And remember, we're doing this for your own safety, or you might get captured and taken to Area 99…again, in your case Cream, Cheese, Fluttershy and Angel." Kat added.

"Ok!" Cream said.

"Chao, chao!" Cheese chippered.

"A-alright Kat and Chris…" Fluttershy said, while Angel simply nodded.

"Okey, Dokey Lokey!" Pinkie Pie said in her usual cheerful self.

With that, Chris and Kat went down for breakfast, leaving their friends in one of the guest's rooms. But Cream, Cheese and Pinkie Pie sighted in sadness and boredom.

"It's just not fair." Cream said. "Why do we always have to stay hidden from everyone except Chris, Kat and Chuck?"

"I know, it's so boring!" Pinkie said. "Why can't they just go ahead and tell them about us? I'm sure they will accept us!"

"Um, I don't know, I don't think they will…I mean, what if they think we're bad and they want to send us to that horrible place?" Fluttershy asked, shuddering at the thought of being sent back to Area 99. Angel didn't even what to think about it.

"I know what you mean Fluttershy-chan, but it's still not fair!" Cream said sadly as she walked over to the balcony.

"Yeah, I'm getting tiered of this whole game of Hide-and-Seek, I want to do something else, like baking cupcakes, or throw a party, or play some friendly jokes on others, or even…scuba diving!" Pinkie Pie said, bored about hiding from the other humans and wanting to be friends with them.

Fluttershy sighted sadly. "It's probably for the best…" she said as she followed Cream over to the balcony. Pinkie decides to follow them.

As they look out the balcony, Cream saw some flowers growing in the garden and they reminded her of making flower crowns for her mother and all people that she loved the most. That's when an idea sparked in her head, along with Cheese.

A light bulb appeared over her head

"I know what to do! Come on Cheese!" Cream said as she used her ears to fly down the balcony.

"Chao!" Cheese chippered as it followed Cream.

"W-wait, Cream, Cheese!" Fluttershy said as she flew after them, with Angel riding in her mane.

"Hey wait! Don't leave me hanging!" Pinkie shouted as rushed back in the room and came back with a rope made of bed sheets and used it to climb down from the balcony to the garden.

Meanwhile, in Chuck's workshop…

The rest of the Sonic Heroes and the Mane Party were all doing their thing to pass the time. Sonic was resting by the window, Rainbow and Applejack were hoof wrestling, Hawkeem was laying on the bed reading a magazine, Tormenta and Derpy were doing a "stare" game, Rarity was working on a dress while Amy assisted her and last Tails, Twilight and Spike were reasearching the Chaos Emerald and the Element of Loyalty, while still trying to decipher the secrets in the Mobian Sorcerer Spell Book.

"Interesting, it seems that the power source that the Mobian Sorcerers used to create the power rings, were the Chaos Emeralds." Twilight said as she read the spell book. "But what puzzles me is, how was I able to create rings with my magic if I didn't have any Chaos Emeralds then?"

"I don't know, but maybe Unicorn Magic is somewhat fairly close to the power of the Chaos Emeralds, or maybe because you bear the uh, Element of Magic?" Tails took some wild guesses.

"I think the latter makes more sense." Spike said.

"Yeah, that's probably it, since apparently the Elements of Harmony seem to interact somehow with the Chaos Emeralds." Tails said.

"I guess…" Twilight shrugged.

As they continued on doing their thing, they hear Cream giggling outside, along with Cheese and Pinkie Pie. Curious, Tails, Twilight, Spike and Amy walk over to the window and they saw Cream picking flowers in the garden, along with Cheese, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, Cheese and the Animal Friends.

"What are they doing? Searching for bugs?" Tails guessed.

"No silly, Cream is just picking flowers." Amy corrected him.

"And Fluttershy, Pinkie and the others are helping her out." Twilight added.

"Why would she be picking some boring old flowers like those?" Tails wondered. "There are much prettier ones out there than…" he paused and gasped as he suddenly remembered something about Cream and flowers.


Tails was seen walking down the path of a flower patch in the Green Hill Zone, minding his own business, until he noticed Cream picking flowers with Cheese's help. Curious, Tails walked up to her.

"Hi Cream." Tails greeted her.

"Hello Tails-san!" Cream greeted back happily.

"Chao!" Cheese greeted as well.

"What are you two doing?" Tails asked them curiously.

"Picking flowers of course!" Cream said showing him the flowers she picked, along with Cheese. "We're going to use them to make a crown of flowers for mom!"

"Chao, chao!" Cheese chippered.

(End of Flashback)

"Could it be that she…" Tails wondered.

"Yeah…" Amy said. "She probably misses her mother."

"Huh? I don't get it." Spike said.

"Well, you see Spike, Cream loves to make flower crowns and then she hands them out to the people she cares about." Tails explained.

"Oh, that's so sweet of her!" Twilight exclaimed.

"She's probably doing this, because she misses her mother." Amy said. "Before we were brought here, she and Cheese were one of the Mobians who were captured by Eggman and hold them prisoners until they are used as batteries for his robots."

"Like Pocky, Flicky, Picky and Pecky were?" Spike asked.

"Yeah." Amy said.

"Oh…" Twilight and Spike looked down feeling bad for Cream and the fact that she was separated from her mother must be hurting her deeply.

The others heard it as well, they also felt bad about Cream being separated from her mother, even though, Hawkeem doesn't seem to show it, or at least, not in front of the others.

Sonic thought about it as he stared at the "Peace Park" poster on the wall, he got an idea.

A light bulb appeared above his head

"I've got it!" Sonic grinned as he got off the window, grabbed both the poster and Rainbow Dash and raced out of the room.

"HEY!" Rainbow was caught in surprised as she was dragged by Sonic.

"What in tarnation?!" Applejack looked dumbfounded.

"Huh?" Everyone else looked and noticed both Sonic and Rainbow were gone, along with the Peace Park poster.

"Where did they fueron?" Tormenta wondered.

Meanwhile, in the dining room…

Chris and Kat, along with Ciel, Linda and Carl, were at the table as Lindsey served them their breakfast. But unfortunately, the breakfast she served was anything but eatable. Chris and Kat facepalmed, Ciel and Linda gave a deadpan look at both Lindsey and the food, while Carl looked like he was about to throw up.

"Here you go!" Lindsey said with a smile. "Since I'm always so busy with work, it's always nice to do some motherly things for my children, and giving my guests the sense of hospitality! Here's some pancakes! Enjoy!"

She placed a plate of pancakes on the table, the Thorndyke siblings and the guests could tell right away it looked burned to a crisp. Chris picks one up and it immediately crumbled to bits. He sighted along with his sister.

"Thank you for your kindness, but…" Ciel tries to be honest enough to not hurt her feelings.

"We're really not that hungry." Linda giggled nervously.

"Oh…" Lindsey understood, and then she looked at Carl. "What about you Carl?"

Carl tries to eat a pancake, but as soon as he took a bite, he made faces, struggling not to complain, and then he swallowed it. He gave off a disgusted look before fainting.

"Oh look, Carl loves it so much he fainted in anticipation!" Lindsey smiled.

"Mom…" Chris and Kat couldn't help but sight, as they face palmed, while Ciel and Linda checked if Carl was alright.

Then Ella comes into the room and gasps in horror when she saw Lindsey serving her own breakfast. "Oh mistress! You shouldn't trouble yourself!" she said.

"Don't worry Ella, it's nothing to worry about!" Lindsey said.

"But mistress, you just made one of your guests faint!" Ella said.

"He's just fine, right children, right Ciel and Linda?" Lindsey asked them.

They replied with a "Yup, everything's fine!" kind of look, while struggling to hide their disgust and exasperation.

"Hey! Guess what! Tonight, we're having a party!" Lindsey said in excitement.

"Party?" Chris asked.

"Party?!" Pinkie peeked from the door, along with Cream and Cheese. Fluttershy and Angel remain hidden, while listening.

"I'll be inviting both your uncle and your aunt over and there will be loads of food, fun and activities! How's that?" Lindsey asked.

"Great idea Mom! Let's do it!" Chris agreed.

"Yeah! It's been a while since we last saw Auntie Sarah and Uncle Sam!" Kat agreed in excitement.

"Oh see Ella? I've made them happy!" Lindsey said hugging her children happily. "As long as they're happy, it makes me happy!"

"A party huh? Well, we best start making preparations for it then, I'll start cleaning this place up, right away!" Ella said as she headed out to clean up.

"Interesting, we'd love to help out with preparations as well." Ciel said, giving Linda a wink, giving her a hint.

"Oh, yeah, we sure do!" Linda agreed, playing along with her older sister. "And I'm sure Carl will be willing to aid us, as soon as he wakes up!"

"Excellent! Let's get started then!" Lindsey said.

Cream, Cheese, Pinkie, Fluttershy and Angel overheard their conversation while they remained hidden. "Did you hear that Cheese? A party!" Cream said.

"Chao!" Cheese chippered in excitement.

"Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy! A party Fluttershy! It's like, the best thing EVER!" Pinkie Pie squealed in excitement. "We are SO going to help them prepare for the party!"

"We'll help out too!" Cream agreed with Pinkie's idea, while Cheese chippered in agreement.

"Oh I don't know…Chris and Kat said we're not allowed to show ourselves in front of others." Fluttershy said, while Angel seemed to agree with her.

"It will be fine Fluttershy! We'll help them out from the shadows and avoid getting spotted!" Pinkie suggested.

"I'm still not sure…" Fluttershy nervously said in doubt. "It sounds quite risky, and I'm sure Twilight will also agree that it's risky."

"Twilight? Pffft, you guys worry too much! Come on, let's do it!" Pinkie said in excitement.

"Yeah!" Cream agreed along with Cheese.

"Oh dear...Angel, why do I have a bad feeling about this?" Fluttershy asked her pet bunny, worried that things may go wrong. Angel simply shrugged.

Later that afternoon…

At SS Elementary school, Chris and Kat were talking with their friends and fellow classmates about the party that their mother was setting up.

"A party? Awesome!" Lucy shouted in excitement.

"Yeah, and our aunt and uncle will be coming over too!" Kat said.

"Really?" Francis asked.

"Yeah, they are our mother's siblings and the captains of the Jet Fighter and Race car divisions of the S-Team respectively!" Chris explained. "And since our mom hasn't been home for a long time, she decided to bring them over."

"That's awesome!" Nate replied.

"Yeah!" Danny said.

As they continued to talk, they were unaware that Mr. Stewart and Ms. Brenda were both eavesdropping on their conversation; they both looked at each other, giving each other a nod in agreement.

Back in the Thorndyke Mansion…

In the guests' room, Cream was trying to make a flower crown with the flowers she picked from the garden, with Cheese, Pinkie and Fluttershy's help. But sadly…

"I don't think this will be enough…" Cream sighted as she checked the progress.

"Then let's go pick some more flowers!" Pinkie suggested.

"Alright!" Cream agreed.

"Chao!" Cheese chippered in agreement.

"I might as well…as long as we don't get caught." Fluttershy reluctantly agreed to help out, along with Angel.

Careful to avoid unwanted attention, they leave the guests' room and head outside. On the way, they remain hidden as they watched Lindsey decorating the house with party decorations. Ciel, Linda and Carl were helping her out.

"Just watching her, makes me wanna go over there and help them…" Cream sighted sadly.

"Chao." Cheese chippered sadly.

"But like Chris and Kat said, we…"

"We can't show ourselves in front of anyone, yeah, yeah." Pinkie said before turning to Cream. "Don't worry; we can still help them out, just without showing ourselves to them or anyone else!"

"I guess…but it's still not fair." Cream said sadly, while Cheese chippered in agreement.

Avoiding Lindsey's attention, they head out for the garden to pick up more flowers. Ciel, Linda and Carl were able to catch a glimpse of them from the corner of their eyes, before they went back to helping Lindsey out.

Back in school…

The final bell of the day rang, marking the end of school for today. Chris and Kat said their goodbyes to their friends before heading out. Before they stepped out, they bump into Mr. Stewart and Ms. Brenda.

"Oh Mr. Stewart!" Chris exclaimed.

"Ms. Brenda!" Kat exclaimed.

"Hello Chris and Kat." Mr. Stewart greeted them. "Going home early today are we?"

"Y-Yeah!" Chris replied nervously. "Is something up?"

"Well, believe it or not, Mr. Stewart and I happen to be cousins, and we happen to love children and teaching them!" Ms. Brenda said. "And since we only became teachers in this school recently, we decided to do some house visits with each of our students!"

"Indeed, and we're starting with you!" Mr. Stewart said.

"ACK!" Chris and Kat reacted in horror.

"We apologies in advance, but we happen to have overheard your conversation…" Ms. Brenda said. "Your mother is having a party tonight, right?"

"…" Chris and Kat were too shocked and horrified to reply.

"We thought it would be a great opportunity to not only to have a house visit, but to finally meet your mother as well!" Mr. Stewart said. "It will be like, how you say, "Killing two birds with one stone"!"

"…" Chris and Kat remained silent.

"Well, see you at 9!" Mr. Stewart said before he and Ms. Brenda left.

After both their teachers were gone, Chris and Kat looked at each other, horrified at the thought of the Sonic Heroes and the Mane Party getting caught, feeling worried and concerned about what will happen to them if that was the case.

Meanwhile, with Sonic and Rainbow Dash…

"Alright Sonic, why did you drag me along all the way here?"

"If Cream is going to make flower crowns, she's going to need better and prettier flowers for it and Peace Park happens to be the place with those kinds of flowers. And I'll need your help finding it."

Sonic and Rainbow Dash have been racing across forests and mountains since that morning. Sonic explained the situation to Rainbow Dash as he showed her the Peace Park poster.

"Oh, ok Sonic, I guess I can help you out." Rainbow said while looking at the poster. "A friend of yours and my friends' friends are also my friends." She said that with a smile.

"Thanks RD! Now let's get moving!" Sonic grinned slyly as he raced down the path.

"I'm always on the move!" Rainbow grinned slyly as she flew after him.

As the two speeders raced across the land, a certain robotic hedgehog and diamond dog were following them.

Meanwhile, back in the Thorndyke Mansion…

"Mom! We're home!" Chris and Kat shouted as soon as they arrived home.

"Welcome home Masters Chris and Kat." Mr. Tanaka welcomed them.

"Thank you Mr. Tanaka!" the Thorndyke siblings thanked their butler.

"Oh! Welcome home my lovely children!" Lindsey rushed over to her children, give them a huge hug.

Ciel, Linda and Carl appeared, all of them smiling at the sight of the Thorndyke siblings being hugged by their mother.

Linda leaned over to her big sister. "Sister, when do we get to reveal ourselves to our little ponies and their new friends?" she whispered.

"Don't worry my little sister, I have a feeling that moment will come soon enough, just be a little more patient." Ciel whispered.

"But what if their family and maid and butler don't accept us?" Linda whispered.

"They will, have no fear." Ciel whispered back.

"Hey, listen mother! Our teachers will be coming over at 9!" Chris said.

"Yeah! They said there are huge fans of yours!" Kat added.

"Oh my! How nice! What should I wear to meet them?" Lindsey wondered in excitement.

"Oh good grief! What's with everyone coming over here today?!" Everyone looked to see Chuck walking down the steps, wearing a suit and struggling to adjust his necktie.

"Grandpa? What's with the suit?" Chris asked, walking up to him, along with Kat.

"Mr. Tanaka forced me to wear this for the party." Chuck explained while trying to adjust his necktie. "But it's too damn tight!"

"Forget that!" Kat whispered. "We need to hide Sonic, Rainbow and the others before our teachers, uncle, aunt or anyone else finds them!"

"Yeah, do you happen to know where they are?" Chris asked, in a quiet voice.

"Hm, I think Tails, Twilight, Spike and everyone else are all in my workshop, while the animal friends are all in the backyard." Chuck whispered in a deep thought pose. "I don't know where Sonic and Rainbow Dash are though."

As the three discussed in silence, from the corner of their eyes, they saw Cream, Cheese and Pinkie setting up decorations in the sitting room, while Fluttershy and Angel were hiding behind the sofa. The siblings and their grandpa gasp in shock.

"Cream! Cheese!" Chris whispered.

"Pinkie! Fluttershy! Angel!" Kat whispered.

Even though, Ciel, Linda and Carl were a few feet away and couldn't see what was up, they could tell that they saw them. Lindsey however was confused.

"Is something wrong?" Lindsey walked up to her children and her father-in-law.

The Thorndyke siblings and Chuck react and turn to Lindsey as they desperately try to block her view of the living room, trying to prevent her from seeing the humanoid rabbit, the two ponies and the small pet bunny.

"Huh? What's with that reaction?" Lindsey asked in confusion.

"Hey! Mommy! How about you go and get dressed before our uncle, aunt and teachers arrive huh?" Kat suggested.

"But it's still early for the party." Lindsey said.

"Well, better get prepared sooner than later!" Chris said. "Besides, we love to see you in a dress, right Grandpa?"

"Huh? Oh, yeah! Of course!" Chuck agreed, playing along with their plan.

"Oh alright, I'll go get dressed then." Lindsey ended up agreeing as she left for her room.

Chris, Kat and Chuck sighted in relief, before the siblings rushed to the living room, while Chuck headed outside. They forgot however that Ciel, Linda and Carl were still there, and they were aware of what was going on.

In the sitting room…

"Cream! Pinkie! What do you think you're doing?!" Chris demanded.

"Setting up for the party, duh!" Pinkie replied.

"I know that! But…"

"GET DOWN!" Kat grabbed them and pulled thm behind the sofa where Fluttershy and Angel were hiding before Ella came in carrying the laundry.

"Oh, busy, busy, busy." Ella murmured, and then she noticed the decorations that Cream and Pinkie set up. "My, the mistress is so helpful!" she commented with a smile before she left.

After Ella was gone, Chris and Kat turned to their friends. "Listen, if you guys hang around here, you're going to be spotted!" Chris tried to reason with them.

"Yeah, then they'll probably sent you all back to Area 99!" Kat said.

"I-I'm sorry, I tried to warn them!" Fluttershy apologized.

"But it looked like fun and we just wanted to help out!" Cream tried to explain. "Besides, it's no fun hiding from everyone!"

"Chao, chao!" Cheese chippered in agreement.

"Yeah, we wanna hang out with the rest of your family and your friends!" Pinkie explained. "We're tired of being forced to hide from everyone!"

"We understand but…" Chris tried to reason.

"They seem like good friends."

"Of course, as expected from my little ponies and their new friends."

They all react in surprise as they turn around to see Mr. Tanaka, along with Ciel, Linda and Carl.

"M-Mr. Tanaka! Y-You knew about them all along?" Chris stammered.

"Hay." Mr. Tanaka replied.

"And you three?" Kat asked the guests.

"Indeed." They replied.

"Oh really, then do you promise not to tell Mom or Ella about them?" Chris asked Mr. Tanaka and the guests.

"Hay." Mr. Tanaka replied.

"We won't." the guests replied.

"Thanks…" Chris and Kat sighted in relief.

But soon their relief turned into horror when they noticed that Cream, Cheese and Pinkie Pie were gone, only Fluttershy and Angel remain.

"Where did they go?!" Chris panicked.

"Fluttershy where did they go?!" Kat asked.

"I-I don't know…I was looking at the guests and didn't see them leave. I'm so sorry!" Fluttershy apologized sadly.

"It is alright Fluttershy, but we need to find them, quick!" Kat said.

"We shall aid you." Ciel volunteered, along with Linda and Carl.

"I shall assist in any way I can." Mr. Tanaka volunteered to help.

Meanwhile, with Sonic and Rainbow Dash…

The two speeders continued on speeding across the mountains, Sonic looks at the poster again. "I know we're getting closer, it's around here somewhere." He said.

"I hope you're right." Rainbow said as she flew next to Sonic.

Not too far behind, the two killers followed the two speeders, with the intention to kill our heroes.

Back with the Thorndyke mansion…

"Cream? Cheese? Are you here?" Chris checked the guests' room, but Cream and Cheese weren't there, neither was Pinkie Pie.

"Pinkie?" Kat checked the living room.

"Cream, Cheese, Pinkie Pie…" Fluttershy checked the dining room with Angel, along with Ciel, Linda and Carl. "Where are you?"

"It would appear they are not here Fluttershy." Ciel said. "As expected of Pinkie, she has always been the most unpredictable."

"Always?" Fluttershy questioned her.

"Sister?" Linda stared at her older sister, along with Carl.

Ciel didn't say a word, as she looked at Fluttershy. "I'm pretty sure you and your friends have figured out who we really are by now." She said in a calm manner.

"Oh my…!" Fluttershy gasped. "It really is you Princess Celestia and Princess Luna? And Skylord Czar?"

"That's right my dear Fluttershy." Ciel (who is actually Celestia) replied. "Please excuse our appearance, but we thought it would be wise if we were to remain in disguise until the coast is clear."

"Um, with all due respect Princess, perhaps it would be wise to tell Twilight and the others." Fluttershy suggested. "They are in Mr. Chuck's workshop."

"Perhaps." Celestia said. "Let's go find your new human friends before we go though, we might as well let them know."

"Oh, ok." Fluttershy agreed.

Meanwhile, in the kitchen…

Ella was preparing some deserts and refreshments for the party until she heard Lindsey calling her. "Ella! Ella!" Lindsey called.

Ella turned off the mixer. "Yes?" she called.

"I can't find the dress I'm looking for!" Lindsey called. "Have you seen it?"

"Isn't it in the closet?" Ella asked.

"Which one?" Lindsey asked.

Ella sighted. "Hang on, I'm coming!" she called and left the kitchen, heading for Lindsey's room. "Good grief."

After she left the kitchen, Cream, Cheese and Pinkie snuck in without being spotted. As they look around, they saw the food that Ella has been preparing for the party, they gasp in awe as they admire it. Pinkie Pie was drooling.

"My! What fabulous food!" Cream commented in awe.

"Chao, chao!" Cheese chippered in agreement.

"Miss Ella is like, the best maid, EVER!" Pinkie said while drooling at the sight of all the food. "I seriously wish I could be friends with her instead of having to hide from everyone!"

Cream looked at the mixer cup filled with fruit pulp, while Cheese looked at the hand mixer on the bowl. Their curiosity got the best of them when they end up pressing the ON button, turning them on and they started sending bits of fruit pulp and cake dough everywhere, causing a huge mess!

"OH NO!" Cream and Cheese ended up rushing out of the kitchen in panic, while Pinkie stayed behind catching the bits with her mouth, until Cream and Cheese come back and drag her out.

Ella came back after helping Lindsey out with finding her dress, only to find…


Chris and Kat were still looking for Cream, Cheese and Pinkie, as they meet up with Fluttershy, and the guests (who are actually Celestia, Luna and Czar).

"Did you find them?" Chris asked hopefully.

"I'm afraid not, but…"


"That was Ella!" Kat gasped.


Chris, Kat and the guests arrive at the kitchen only to find a huge mess caused by the out-of-control mixers and a mortified Ella sitting next to the wall, covered in fruit pulp and cake dough. Fluttershy remains hidden by the door.

"Ella! Are you alright?" Chris asked his maid in concern.

"Oh…all that hard work…" Ella lamented.

Celestia and Luna felt bad for Ella, while Czar avoided getting hit in the face by fruit pulp or cake dough. Chris and Kat looked around, but no sights of Cream, Cheese or Pinkie Pie.

Meanwhile, back with Sonic and Rainbow Dash…

The two speeders continued on searching for the park as they come across an old, broken down, suspended bridge, built over a very deep cliff.

"You're not thinking about getting across it are you?" Rainbow asked Sonic.

Sonic replied with a sly grin. "Watch me!" was all he said as he speeds across the suspended bridge, the tail wind created by his speed damaged it even more than it already was.

"Whoa!" Rainbow Dash said in awe and her mouth agape, before she snapped to reality. "Hey! Wait up!" she shouted as she flew across the cliff, after the blue hedgehog.

The two figures, who were already revealed to be Metal Sonic and the Conductor, except the weird diamond dog now had his left arm replaced with a cyborg one, with his gun now connected to it.

"I don't get why Steam had to replace my arm with this thing." The Conductor complained about his new arm. "I can take care of these bozos, no problem!"

"Complaining gets you nowhere." Metal Sonic said. "Now, proceed in pursuing the targets."

Metal Sonic grabbed the Conductor and flew after the two speeders, ignoring his protests.

Back in the Thorndyke Mansion…

Lindsey had just finished dressing up her red dress and was now sitting by the mirror, putting on some earrings.

"That should do it." Lindsey said. "A little overboard but…"

Her phone started ringing. She answers it. "Hello? Thorndyke residence…" she listened to the man on the other side, it was her director. "Oh! A movie? The head role?" she asked, as she continued to listen. "Wow, really?" she asked in excitement, but then she remembered something. "Oh uh, can it wait? I'm having a party tonight at my house and…"

While she was talking, Cream, Cheese and Pinkie overheard her from the door.

"What? A reception at the hotel? Tonight?" Lindsey asked her director, who continued to talk. Lindsey sighted sadly. "Oh…I see. I understand. Alright, I'll be leaving right now. Good night."

Lindsey hung up the phone; she looked down in a state of deep sorrow. "It looks like I'm being forced to leave them alone…again." She began to sob. "My life has always been like this…I didn't even get to do anything motherly at all!" she covers her face with both hands as she sobs loudly. "I'm such a terrible mother! Oh Chris, Kat…please, forgive me!"

Cream, Cheese and Pinkie saw the mother of the Thorndyke siblings sobbing, a sight that made them feel terrible. Cream looked very down in sorrow, along with Cheese, while Pinkie Pie struggled not to cry herself, as tears streamed down her eyes, due to the fact that she HATES seeing people sad or crying.

"I hate sadness…" Pinkie sobbed in tears.


"Cream…Chesse…Pinkie…" Chris and Kat, along with Fluttershy, Angel, Celestia, Luna and Czar looked around the house.

"Maybe we should go see Twilight and the others." Fluttershy suggested.

"Hey you're right! Maybe they returned back to Grandpa's workshop!" Chris though and dashed out of the house.

"Wait up Nii-chan!" Kat followed after her big brother, followed by Fluttershy.

Celestia, Luna and Czar were about to follow them, until they heard Ella calling. "Master Chris! Mistress Kat! Where are you?" they saw her come into the room.

"Is something to matter?" Carl/Czar asked.

"Have you seen Masters Chris and Kat?" Ella asked them. "I'm afraid their mother will be leaving for another movie."

"What? So she won't be staying for the party then?" Linda/Luna asked.

"I'm afraid not." Ella said. "Oh, what am I to do…" as she left the room.

Celestia, Luna and Czar looked at each other in concern, but they decided to follow after the Thorndyke siblings, Fluttershy and Angel.

Meanwhile, Lindsey had her coat on as she was ready to leave in her limousine, as Mr. Tanaka helped the chauffer put her bags in the luggage area. Ella walked up to Lindsey.

"I'm sorry Mistress, I looked everywhere but I couldn't find them." Ella apologized.

"Ella, you'll have to apologize to them for me. And that goes for Ciel, Linda, Carl, my brother, my sister and their teachers too." Lindsey said.

"Of course. Take care of yourself Mrs. Thorndyke." Ella bid her farewell.

"Good bye Ella, good bye Mr. Tanaka." Lindsey bid farewell as she got in her limousine.

"We'll take care of everything, mistress." Mr. Tanaka bowed as his way of bidding farewell.

The chauffer drove the limousine with Lindsey sitting in the back, as they left the mansion. Ella and Mr. Tanaka watched their mistress leave, saddened by the fact that she had to leave her children again.

Meanwhile, Chris and Kat quickly arrive at Chuck's room as they swung open the trap door. "Cream! Cheese! Pinkie! Are you here?!" Chris looked around.

Kat and Fluttershy look around with Chris, they saw Tails, Amy, Twilight, Spike, Rarity, Applejack, Derpy, La Tormenta, Hawkeem, Chuck, Pocky, Flicky, Picky and Pecky all staring at them.

"Um, excuse us, but have you seen you seen Pinkie Pie? Or Cream, or Cheese?" Fluttershy asked.

"Uh, no, we haven't seen them." Chuck said.

"They haven't come here all day." Twilight said.

"Argh! What are we gonna do!" Chris said. "Mr. Stewart and Ms. Brenda will be here soon and if they find them before we do, then I just KNOW something terrible will happen!"

"In that case, we'll help you find them." Chuck declared.

Everyone else agreed to help them, although Hawkeem seemed to be cursing under his breath about the fact that he had to look for Pinkie, a little rabbit girl and her pet Chao.

"Oh um, Twilight, girls, Spike, Mr. Tormenta and Mr. Hawkeem, there's someone, or…maybe I should say, somepony who wants to see you all." Fluttershy said.

"Huh?" Twilight and the rest of the Mane Party gave a questioning look.


As they all came downstairs, they reacted in surprise to see Ciel, Linda and Carl. Chuck was about to protest, until Chris, Kat and Fluttershy stepped in.

"It's alright guys, we can trust them!" Chris said.

"Actually, there appears to be more to these guys than meets the eye, right Fluttershy?" Kat asked.

"Yeah…" Fluttershy said. "Remember that other day, when Rainbow said there was something familiar about them?"

Everyone remained silent, as they stared at the three "humans". Ciel and Linda closed their eyes and raised their arms, and then in a huge flash of light engulfed both of them and Carl, as everyone was forced to cover their eyes.

When the lights died down, they gasped in awe to see their true forms.

Meanwhile, back with Sonic and Rainbow Dash…

Rainbow Dash had that strange feeling that she was missing out something as she helped Sonic look for Peace Park as she and the blue speeder raced across the mountains. She ends up shrugging it off as she and Sonic skid to halt to check the poster again.

"Hmmm…" Sonic and Rainbow Dash looked at poster and then they looked down the cliff and saw a large lake with a meadow of beautiful white flowers growing and blooming around it, just like the one on the poster.

"This is it!" Rainbow said.

"Yeah! Let's go!" Sonic grinned as he Spin Dashes down the cliff.

Rainbow Dash follows after him while flying.

The two speeders stop when they got close enough. They walk up to the meadow around the lake and admired the beauty of all the white flowers. "Wow…they are so beautiful! These will surely help Cream make those flower crown thingies for sure right?" Rainbow asked.

Sonic picked one flower and smelled it. "Yup, these are perfect!" he said.

"Well, let's start picking as many as we can and head home then!" Rainbow said.

"Not so fast you two!"

Sonic and Rainbow flinched at the sound of the voice. They turned around to see the Conductor pointing his gun at them and Metal Sonic flying over his head.

"I've told you we'd meet again Sonic." Metal said.

"Heh, no surprise there." Sonic grinned.

"This time, I'll make you regret you ever made a fool out of me Bitchbow Crash!" The Conductor aimed his gun at Rainbow Dash. "I still wished I could take my revenge on Applejack, but I suppose I can use you as a warm-up for that!"

Rainbow rolled her eyes in disbelief. "Seriously dude, you should just give up before you get yourself killed…or worse." She said noticing his mechanical arm.

"Enough talk! Let's settle this!" Metal Sonic was about to charge.

"HOLD IT!" Sonic shouted pointing his finger in an Objection-like pose. "How about we look for a better place to fight? I don't wanna risk destroying this meadow after all the hard work we've been through.

"Screw that! The writer of this fan fiction is probably just planning on making things hard for us to…" Metal Sonic ended up hitting the Conductor on the head, out of annoyance.

"Very well then…I suppose it doesn't make any difference." Metal Sonic agreed as he grabbed the Conductor by the neck, almost chocking him.

"Follow us!" Sonic grinned as he raced to another place, with Rainbow Dash flying next to him. Metal Sonic follows them while holding the Conductor's neck, nearly chocking the life out of him.

A few seconds later, they arrived at an open field, just a few miles away from the lake and then Sonic looked at Metal Sonic and the Conductor. "How about here?" he asked.

"Very well, this battlefield will do." Metal Sonic said as he dropped the Conductor. "Let's settle this!"

"Any time you're ready!" Sonic and Rainbow Dash took their fighting states.

Metal Sonic took his fighting state, while the Conductor got up gasping for air, before taking his fighting state, holding up his gun attached to his mechanical arm.


Lindsey looked down in sorrow as her chauffer drove her to the hotel. They fail to notice the green car that drove past them, heading for the Thorndyke Mansion. It was Mr. Stewart driving the car and Ms. Brenda next him on the front seat. In the back was a bouquette of roses that Mr. Stewart had bought for Lindsey Fair Thorndyke as a gift from her fan. Ms. Brenda brought out what appeared to be a listening device and handed it to Mr. Stewart. They look at each other with a nod of agreement, as they head for the Thorndyke Mansion.

Sonic X: Friendship is Universal Card #33

Name: Ella

Age: 38

Gender: Female

Species: Human

Likes: Cleaning, Cooking, the Thorndykes, Peace, keeping things organized, keeping the Thorndyke siblings safe along with the rest of their family and Mr. Tanaka

Dislikes: Evil, Chaos, Disorder, Messiness, when others put themselves in difficult or dangerous situations

Abilities: Cleaning, Cooking, Limited Super Strength, Piloting, Driving

Bio: The maid of the Thorndyke Family, who likes to keep things clean and organized and cook wonderful meals for everyone.

Sonic X: Friendship is Universal Card #34

Name: Edward Tanaka

Age: 35

Gender: Male

Species: Human

Likes: Martial Arts, serving the Thorndyke Family, keeping those dear to him safe, fighting evil, keeping things organized, teaching martial arts

Dislikes: Evil, Chaos, Disorder, those who threaten the Thorndyke Family

Abilities: Martial Arts, Perspective, Agility

Bio: The butler of the Thorndyke Family, who is willing to serve the family he works for until the day he passes, even if it means sacrificing his own life.

Back with Sonic and Rainbow Dash…

Sonic clashed against Metal Sonic, using their speed and countering every punch, kick and Spin Dash move. Rainbow Dash used her speed and agility to dodge the Conductor's shots from the gun attached to his robotic arm.

Metal Sonic fires electricity from his body at Sonic, who dodge it. Then Sonic lands a roundhouse kick on Metal Sonic's head from behind, knocking him down. Sonic grins slyly as he crouches and begins to spin in place. As Metal Sonic began to recover, he fired a plasma beam from his chest at Sonic. Sonic charges toward the beam and collide, resulting into a power struggle.

The Conductor fired rounds of bullets at Rainbow Dash, who kept dodging every single one of them using her speed and agility, and throwing funny faces at the Conductor.

"My Grandma has better aim than you!" Rainbow taunted.

The Conductor was furious at the smug Pegasus making fun of him, but ends up running out of bullets. "Crap! Out of ammo! No matter, I still have a secret weapon!" he smiled sinisterly as he begins to charge up energy into his gun.

Meanwhile, the power struggle between Sonic's Spin Dash and Metal Sonic's plasma beam continued on, until Sonic manages to win and hit Metal Sonic, HARD. The metal doppleganger was sent flying against the Conductor, causing him to misfire at a random direction, missing Rainbow Dash as his intended target.

"Hey Dash!" Sonic called out.

"You've got it!" Rainbow agreed.

"Get off of me you bolt for brains!" The Conductor yelled.

"I do not follow orders from idiotic flea bags like you." Metal Sonic kicks the Conductor in the mouth as he got up, damaged from Sonic attack.

While the Conductor held his mouth in pain, Metal Sonic detected high levels of energy. He looked to see Sonic and Rainbow both wielding Power Rings, as they channel their energy.

"See ya around!" Sonic used the Ring's power to land a powerful Spin Dash on Metal Sonic, sending him flying.

"Better luck next time!" Rainbow Dash used the Ring's power to charge at the Conductor and buck him up the chin, sending him flying at Metal Sonic.

As the Conductor hit Metal Sonic, it caused a chain reaction and it exploded, sending the burned to a crisp Conductor flying.

"Looks like the Conductor is blasting off again!" The Conductor screamed before disappearing with a twinkle star in the sky.

Metal Sonic's remains landed on the ground. Sonic checked on him and saw he was completely burned from the explosion, was completely damaged here and there and his eyes were offline, as smoke comes out from all of his damaged parts.

"Heh, guess that's that, huh?" Rainbow asked.

"Not really…" Sonic said grimly. "Not matter how many times this guy gets scrapped, Eggman still has all of his data, and he'll just use it to create another one."

"Seriously?!" Rainbow said. "He really doesn't give up does he?"

"Well, Metal Sonic is so far the only creation that came close to defeating me in the past, even though I did manage to defeat him the first time we fought." Sonic said. "Oh well, never mind that, let's go grab those flowers and get back to the mansion."

"Alright, but first." Rainbow ends up bucking Metal Sonic's head off its shoulders. "Take that Metal Jerk!"

Sonic couldn't help but chuckle at that. After Rainbow was done, the two returned back to Peace Park to get the flowers for Cream.

Back in the Chuck's workshop…

Right before the Sonic Heroes, the Mane Party, the Thondyke siblings and Chuck, stood none other than Equestria's two rulers in their true alicorn forms, and the ruler of Albatross himself in his true griffin form.

Princess Celestia was a tall, white alicorn with a hint of pink, her mane and tail were both long and seemed to flow along the wind and they were multi-colored ranging from turquoise to pink, magenta eyes, wearing a golden tiara on her head, a golden neck piece, gold shoes and the mark of the sun on her flank.

Princess Luna was about half the size as her older sister, a mid-night blue alicorn, her mane and tail had the same effect as her older sister, except it was night-sky colored, pale blue eyes, wearing a black tiara on her head, a black neck piece with the crescent moon on it, cobalt blue shoes and the mark of the crescent moon over the night-sky on her flank.

And finally, Skylord Czar was an old griffion king, with white feathers on his head, brown fur and wings, a long grey beard, wearing a gold crown on his head, a red royal cape and armor.

"I had a feeling it was you Princess Celestia, Princess Luna and Skylord Czar!" Twilight said with a smile, as she walks up to her teacher for a hug.

"It is good to be reunited with you my most faithful student." Celestia smiled as she hugged back her student.

"Same here, how is everypony?" Princess Luna asked the rest.

"We're fine Princess, thanks." Applejack said, as she and the other ponies and Spike bowed before them.

"An honor to meet up with you "They-who-raise-the-sun-and-the-moon"." La Tormenta bowed before the Princesses.

"Your majesty." Hawkeem bowed before Skylord Czar.

"Good to see you're still in one piece Hawkeem." Czar said.

"Oh, Princess Celestia, Princess Luna and Skylord Czar, I'd like you to meet Tails, Amy, Pocky, Flicky, Picky and Pecky." Twilight introduced the Sonic Heroes to them.

"Hello there, your highness." Tails greeted nervously, as he made a small bow before them.

"We're pleased to meet you." Amy and the animal friends bowed before them.

"A pleasure to meet you too." Celestia greeted them with a smile.

The Thorndyke siblings and their grandpa looked in awe at the sight of the Princesses and the king, they had their mouths agape, barely able to say anything. The first one to recover was Kat.

"An honor to meet you your true selves your highnesses!" Kat stepped forward and bowed before them. "Twilight Sparkle and her friends have told us all about you!"

"Your shock is understandable, but please understand that we were only using these forms to better fit in with this world until we found you." Celestia explained.

"It was a bit uncomfortable walking on two, but it was worth it!" Luna said. "Czar however was the one who was less cooperating with the idea of using the human forms."

"I don't enjoy standing on two and I rather not be treated like a common civilian." Czar grunted, only to receive the "Nightmare Moon" glare from Luna, causing him to cringe in fear.

"Oh, we understand, right Nii-chan and Grandpa?" Kat asked her brother and grandpa.

Chris recovered. "Oh, yeah, we do." He said.

"Indeed!" Chuck agreed.

"Now then, I know Pinkie Pie is somewhere around here along with your friends Cream and Cheese, but, where is Rainbow Dash?" Celestia asked.

"We don't know…" Spike said. "She and Sonic took off somewhere this morning."

"Well, I suppose we'll have to worry about them later, let us aid you in finding the others before the other guests arrive." Celestia suggested.

"Oh right! Come on guys!" Chris shouted as he rushed back into the mansion.

"Wait up!" Kat followed her brother, along with the Sonic Heroes, Mane Party and Chuck.

Celestia and Luna used their magic to change themselves and Czar back into human forms, before following them.

At the front door…

Mr. Stewart and Ms. Brenda arrived at the mansion. Mr. Stewart carried the bouquet as he and Ms. Brenda walk up the front door. Ms. Brenda rings the bell. It was Mr. Tanaka who answered the door.

"May I help you?" Mr. Tanaka asked.

"I am Mr. Stewart and this is my cousin, Ms. Brenda, we are Chris and Kat's teachers respectively." Mr. Stewart said.

"Welcome, we've been expecting you." Mr. Tanaka made a small bow before letting them in.

As the two teacher come in, Chris and Kat came to greet them. "Hi Mr. Stewart and Ms. Brenda!" the two siblings greeted them.

"Hi there Chris." Mr. Stewart greeted his student.

"Nice to see you too Kat." Ms. Brenda greeted her student.

"Ah, welcome, you two must be the Young Masters' teachers." Ella came in to greet them, along with Ciel/Celestia, Linda/Luna and Carl/Czar.

They all enter the living room, as they made their proper introductions and settled down to get to know each other. Mr. Stewart and Ms. Brenda noticed the decorations that Cream, Cheese and Pinkie Pie had made.

"Do you like them? Mrs. Thorndyke was the one who set them up." Ella said.

"I see. I was just thinking how cute it looks." Mr. Stewart commented.

"Speaking of Mrs. Thorndyke, where is she? We'd love to meet her now if you don't mind." Ms. Brenda said in excitement.

"I'm sorry…" Ella looked down sadly. "I regret informing you all that the mistress had to suddenly leave for work again."

"What?! Again?" Chris and Kat looked in shock and sadly.

"Oh…I see…" Mr. Stewart said sadly. "That's too bad; we were actually looking forward to meeting her."

"Yeah, what a pity." Ms. Brenda said in disappointment.

"Anyway, I'll just give these to you." Mr. Stewart handed the bouquet over to Ella.

"Oh my, they are lovely! Thank you very much!" Ella thanked him as she took the bouquet. "I better go find a vase to put these in!"

She was about to leave as Mr. Stewart and Ms. Brenda sat on the sofa next to their students, until they heard a loud cracking sound coming from outside. The Sonic Heroes and the Mane Party heard the sound too.

"It came from outside." Carl/Czar said.

While everyone was going to look out the window, Mr. Stewart and Ms. Brenda walked up to a nearby portrait, as Mr. Stewart took out the listening device.

Ella looked out the window and saw Chuck lying on ground, with broken plant pots and dirty all around and on top of him. Chuck quickly got up, chuckling nervously and rubbing the back of his head.

"Sorry about that. I was looking for something and they fell on top of me." Chuck explained.

"Master Chuck, you best be on your best behavior! Masters Chris and Kat's teachers are here!" Ella told him.

"What? I better go introduce myself!" Chuck said as he ended up coming in through the window.

"Master Chuck! Use the door like everyone else!" Ella scolded.

"Don't worry, it's not like anyone's gonna see this!" Chuck said.

"Oh good grief." Ella sighted.

Chris sighted along with Kat. Then they both notice a pair of feet wearing orange and yellow shoes, along with four pink hooves from under the window's curtain, causing them to scream in terror, grabbing everyone's attention.

"What's wrong Young Masters?" Ella asked in concern.

"Uh, nothing! Nothing at all!" Chris lied, as he sat back on the sofa, acting like nothing happened.

"Yup, we just love to let it out once in a while." Kat made up an excuse, with an innocent smile as she sat next to her brother.

"Oh, what a fabulous painting." Mr. Stewart said admiring the painting along with Ms. Brenda, both of them acting like nothing happened.

Celestia leans over to the siblings. "You saw them, didn't you?" she whispered.

"Yeah…" Chris said. "I just hope no one notices them."

Cream, Cheese and Pinkie Pie were indeed hiding behind the curtain. They look out the window and saw Sonic appearing on a tree, followed by Rainbow Dash flying, both of them carrying bouquets of the flowers they picked from Peace Park. Sonic used sign gesture explaining what he and Rainbow Dash were up to, before they left.

"Oh!" Cream exclaimed. "Thank you so much Sonic-san!" She ends up walking out of her hiding spot while carrying Cheese, not realizing the mistake she made. "How kind of him to go find some flowers for me!"

Pinkie reacted, but tried NOT to expose herself, because that's what Chris and Kat told her to do. As Cream and Cheese blew their own cover, Ella gasps in shock, Chris and Kat react in horror, Chuck and Czar facepalmed, while Celestia and Luna pretended to be just as in much shock as Ella.

"What in the world? A giant talking rabbit?!" Ella gawked in shock, as she picked Cream up from the ground.

"Hey! What are you doing?!" Cream began to panic after Ella picked her up.

"Did this giant rabbit just talked to me?" Ella gawked while staring at Cream.

"Talked you say?" Chuck asked, pretending like he knew nothing.

"You must be imagining things, Ella." Mr. Tanaka piped in.

"I haven't heard anything at all!" Ciel/Celestia played along.

"Neither have I!" Linda/Luna said with an innocent smile.

"Nope, nothing!" Czar/Carl said.

"Such a wonderful painting!" Ms. Brenda said while she and Mr. Stewart admired the painting.

"Oh, Ella! You found the toy that dad bought me!" Chris said picking up Cream and Cheese from Ella.

"Toy?" Ella gave a puzzling look. "Well, he could have at least showed it to me before giving it to you, before he left." Then she realizes something. "Wait, if this is a toy he bought you, didn't he buy anything for Kat?"

"Um." Kat looked at the curtain where Pinkie was hiding. "Don't worry Ella, I already found it!"

Kat walks up to the curtain and looks at Pinkie. "Pinkie…I need you to pretend that you are a toy, now!" she whispered.

"Okey Dokey Lokey…" Pinkie whispered back and relaxed her body as she fell onto Kat's arms.

Kat carries Pinkie in her arms, while pretending to be a toy. "Here it is! The toy daddy bought for me!" she said.

"Awesome Kat!" Chris said and then he looks at Cream and Cheese. "You two pretend that you are toys…" he whispered.

"Ok…" Cream whispered.

"Chao…" Cheese chippered in a quiet voice.

Then Sam Speed came in, along with Sarah Sky. "Hey everyone! How's it going?" Sam greeted them.

"Oh, hello Uncle Sam!" Chris greeted him.

"Hi there, Auntie Sarah!" Kat greeted her.

"Hello little niece!" Sarah smiled as she petted Kat on the head. "What a cute little toy you got there!"

"Thanks! By the way, this is Ms. Brenda, my teacher!" Kat introduced Ms. Brenda to her aunt and uncle.

"And this is Mr. Stewart, my teacher!" Chris introduced Mr. Stewart to his uncle and aunt.

"Pleased to meet you." Mr. Stewart and Ms. Brenda shook hands with Sam and Sarah respectively.

"Pleased to meet you too, call me Sonic Boom!" Sam introduced himself with his nickname.

"Sonic Boom today?" Chuck gave Sam a deadpan look.

"Yup." Sarah said with a deadpan look.

"Today?" Linda/Luna asked curiously.

"Yup! Uncle Sam is always coming up with new speed-based nicknames for himself every day! Like: the "Highway Star", "The Fastest Man in Station Square", "Faster than a storm, speed king"…!" Chris explained and mentioned some of his uncle's many speed-based nicknames. "Isn't that right Uncle Sam?"

"That's right, so today; I'm calling myself "Sonic Boom"!" Sam chuckled.

"Auntie Sarah only has one nickname and that would be "Queen of the skies", because there is no other person in the world who can maintain the skies free of flying criminals!" Kat explained. "She and Uncle Sam share just about the same speed!"

"Yeah, I guess you could say that." Sarah said, before eye-balling Ciel, Linda and Carl. "By the way, who might you be?"

"Oh, please forgive us. My name is Cielina, but you may call me Ciel and these are my little sister Linda and our friend Carl." Ciel/Celestia introduced herself, her little sister and Carl/Czar. "We happen to be friends of your older sister and your brother-in-law."

"An honor to meet you!" Sam and Sarah greeted them.

"By the way Ella, hasn't this party started already?" Sam asked.

"It's way too early." Ella answered apathetically.

Sam chuckled as he took a seat. "I do everything fast!" he said. "I fall in love fast, engage fast, marry fast, divorce fast!"

"Oh…" Mr. Stewart gave a weird look at Sam, along with Ciel and Linda.

"Oh brother…" Sarah sighted in exasperation.

Sweat drops rolled down the sides of their heads

"Anyway, if I don't do anything fast, it will make me feel weird." Sam continued on. "I fall asleep fast, I wake up fast, and I can talk even faster than everyone else. No one can catch up with my jaw!"

Sam chuckled, while everyone gave off deadpan looks at "Sonic Boom's" arrogance and obsession with speed.

"And I thought Carl was an arrogant pig." Linda commented.

"HEY!" Carl protested, but quickly drew back when Linda gave him the "Nightmare Moon" glare.

"However!" Sam suddenly turned all serious. "There is one person faster than me, actually two!

"Oh yeah…Sonic Boom and I were both defeated and outraced by two creatures, both possessing incredible speed!" Sarah said.

"Creatures? What kind of creatures?" Mr. Stewart asked.

"I'm curious as well." Ms. Brenda said.

"One was a giant blue hedgehog, with big sharp quills, green eyes, red shoes and white gloves…" Sam described.

"The other one, was a cyan Pegasus, with a rainbow colored mane and tail, magenta eyes and the mark of a cloud with a rainbow colored lightning bolt…" Sarah described.

As they finished explaining however, Sam and Sarah looked toward the window, and they gasp in shock to see Sonic lying on a tree's branch, waving at them with a sly grin on his face; next to him was Rainbow Dash fluttering next to Sonic, pulling down her lower eye lids and sticking her tongue out at them.

"ACK! That's them!" Sam reacted pointing at the window.

Sonic and Rainbow Dash quickly vanished by moving so fast, Chris, Chuck, Mr. Tanaka, Ciel, Linda and Carl managed to catch only a glimpse from the corners of their eyes, while Ella looked too late.

"You saw them right? RIGHT?! The hedgehog was right there on that tree outside, and the Pegasus was fluttering right next to him!" Sam said.

"What a gorgeous composition." Mr. Stewart pretended like he saw nothing while admiring the painting, along with Ms. Brenda.

"What are you talking about?" Chuck smiled innocently.

"I didn't see anything." Mr. Tanaka said.

"I haven't seen any hedgehogs or pegasi on that tree at all." Ciel played along.

"Neither have I." Linda said.

"I di-AAAH!" Linda stomped Carl's foot, making him shut up and give the "Play along" glare. "I mean…uh…me no see hedgehog or pegasus."

"I did see them though." Sarah said.

"What about you Chris and Kat? You did see them didn't you?" Sam asked his nephew and neice.

Chris and Kat simply shook their heads, while smiling innocently.

Sam rubbed his eyes in exasperation. "Never mind…it was probably just an illusion. After all, I am the fastest." He said.

"But I did see them though…" Sarah said. "I'm pretty sure they were real."

"You know…I actually agree with Sarah, if it's a giant talking animal or a pony." Ella said.

"Oh? So you actually saw something similar to what Sarah and I saw?" Sam asked Ella, who replied with a nod. "I see, then it wasn't an illusion, they had to be real! After all, Sarah and I saw them first!"

"As a matter of fact…" Ella looked at Cream and Cheese on Chris' arms and Pinkie Pie in Kat's arms. "…there's a giant talking animal and a pony right there."

"Oh! Hey, Uncle Sam, Aunt Sarah, I regret informing you two that mom had to leave for work again!" Chris immediately changed the subject. "Isn't that just rude of her?"

"Oh? But I thought she was the host of the party." Sam said.

"It's always been like this huh?" Sarah asked. "Your mother plans something and the next thing you know she always has to leave for work, not even giving you enough time to spend time with her children, huh?"

"Yeah, pretty much, can you believe that?" Kat said. "And our teachers were really looking forward to meet her! They are fans of her after all!"

However, the siblings didn't realize is that the way they just talked about their own mom, made Cream suddenly remember about their mom's lament, but most of all, the fact that she herself was separated from her mother by Dr. Eggman. She broke herself free from Chris's arms and landed on her feet.

"You take that back right now!" Cream yelled angrily at Chris and Kat. "How dare you say such horrible things about your mother?!"

"What in the…?!" Sarah gawked, while Sam and Ella looked in shock, when they saw the "toys" come to life all of a sudden.

"Your mother loves you two very much, yet you dare say such awful things about her behind her back?!" Cream continued on yelling at the siblings. "I hate you both! I HATE YOU!"

Cream started to cry as she ran out of the door, followed by Cheese. While everyone looked in shock, suddenly it was Pinkie Pie who "came to life".

"Cream! Wait up!" Pinkie Pie jumped out of Kat's arms and went after Cream and Cheese, leaving everyone looking even more shocked and surprised, or at least Sam, Sarah and Ella were.

"Surprised, eh?" Mr. Tanaka spoke up. "Well, I've been meaning to tell you about it all along, but…" He cleared his throat.

Ciel giggled nervously, while Linda face palmed and Carl looked away and whistled, pretending like it was none of his business.

"What a great painting!" Ms. Brenda said while she and Mr. Stewart continued admiring the painting on the wall.

And then, right out of the blue, Tails, Amy, Twilight, Spike, Fluttershy, Angel, Rarity, Applejack, Derpy, Tormenta, Hawkeem and the animal friends came in rushing into the room.

"Cream!" Tails called out.

"Wait up Cream!" Amy called out.

"Pinkie Pie!" Twilight called out.

Everyone reacted in shock and surprise again, as Tails, Twilight and the others ran right past them before they left going after Cream, Cheese and Pinkie Pie, completely oblivious to the fact that they just blew their own cover.

Sam, Sarah and Ella stood there with their mouths agape in shock and surprise.

"Oh, I think I'm going to faint." Ella murmured as she was about to fall over, until Chuck caught her.

"Ella! Shall we dance?" Chuck asked with a big grin on his face.

The next thing you know, Chuck starts dancing with Ella. Ciel couldn't help but giggle, Linda looked away in embarrassment and Carl pretended like it had nothing to do with him. Chris leaned over to his uncle.

"Uncle Sam! Aren't you supposed to be fast at everything?" Chris asked.

"Oh, that's right Chris! I remember things fast and forget things fast!" Sam chuckled, while Chris chuckled as well.

"Auntie Sarah! Sometimes it's nice to have your head in the clouds, you know?" Kat asked her aunt.

"You're right Kat! Just flying across the wide blue sky, it makes me feel so free, and forget all my troubles!" Sarah said with a smile, while Kat grinned innocently.

"What a wonderful painting!" Mr. Stewart and Ms. Brenda continued admiring the painting.

Mr. Stewart looked down at the listening device, along with Ms. Brenda. After overhearing what happened with Cream yelling at Chris and Kat, they began to have second thoughts about it. They decide not to plant the device as Mr. Stewart puts it away in his pocket. They both turn to Chris and Kat.

"Well, we be going now. Be sure to call us if your mother comes home again. Bye." Mr. Stewart said.

"We'd love to stay a bit longer, but we have to go. See you." Ms. Brenda said.

"We're sorry for the trouble." Kat apologized.

"Yeah, sorry teacher." Chris apologized as well.

After the party was over, Mr. Stewart and Ms. Brenda got in the car and left. Sam got in his sports car, with Sarah on the front seat.

"Guess we'll be going too." Sam said.

"Say "hi" to our brother-in-law for us!" Sarah added.

After saying their good byes, Sam and Sarah left in the sports car.

Chris, Kat, Chuck, Mr. Tanaka, Ciel, Linda and Carl returned back to the living room, to find Ella sitting on the sofa, looking sober, with the bouquet on her lap.

"I've been working too hard today…" she murmured. "…I think I'm starting to have hallucinations…"

Chris and Kat looked at Ella and then at each other, feeling horrible for her. Tanaka leans over to them. "Young Masters, perhaps it would be wise to confess the truth to her." He whispered to them.

"Indeed, Ella is a good friend, if you tell her, I'm sure she'll understand." Chuck agreed.

"I agree as well, if you two do really trust her as not only a maid, but also your friend, I am confident she'll come to accept." Ciel/Celestia said.

"Sister?!" Linda/Luna looked at her.

"It is alright little sister; these two are friends of Twilight and the others, so I believe in them, as you too should." Ciel/Celestia reassured her younger sister.

"Eh, I'm getting tiered of using this form all the time, so hurry up and confess!" Carl/Czar demanded.

"They are right Nii-chan…" Kat said. "We should at least let the people we trust know about them. To be honest, I've actually been meaning to tell Nate and the others about Rainbow Dash and others. And I know Lucy and Pinkie Pie would get along swimmingly!"

"Yeah, I've actually wanted Danny and Francis to know about Sonic and his friends too." Chris admitted. "Alright, let's go tell her."

With their decision made, Chris and Kat gather up their courage and walk up to Ella. "Ella, there's something we need to talk to you about…" Chris said.

Later that evening…

Chris and Kat told Ella about their first meeting with Sonic and Rainbow Dash, telling her about the adventures they had, helping them find and save their missing friends, and how they are helping them collect the Chaos Emeralds and the Elements of Harmony, the keys to returning to their dimensions, and how they are battling against their enemies Dr. Eggman and Steam. They took Ella over to Chuck's workshop where the Sonic Heroes, the Mane Party and the animal friends were (with Cheese, Tails, Amy, Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy comforting Cream). Chris and Kat told them it was alright and introduced Ella to them and vice versa. Ciel, Linda and Carl changed back into Celestia, Luna and Czar respectively, revealing their true forms to Ella, leaving her in surprise and awe, especially when Chris and Kat told her that they were royalty. Celestia told Ella that there was no need to treat them like royalty, mainly because they were not in Equestria or in Albatross anymore, and instead wish that she, Luna and Czar be treated like normal ponies and griffin, much to Czar's annoyance.

With all the explanations, Ella came to understand everything and accepted them as her friends, especially with Cream, Cheese, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy and Angel, who agreed to help her around the house and the kitchen. Cream explained her situation to Ella about how she and Cheese were kidnapped by Dr. Eggman and got separated from their mother, before ending up on Earth along with the rest. She also admitted that she and Cheese were the ones who caused a mess in the kitchen earlier.

"Oh, I understand now." Ella said. "You should have told me earlier! I just hope you are able to return to your own dimensions soon!"

"Don't worry, with Sonic-san and the others, and with the help from Rainbow-chan, Twilight-chan and the others, we'll be able to find the Chaos Emeralds and the Elements of Harmony soon!" Cream said.

"Yeah!" Pinkie said.

"We're friends after all, and friends always help each other, no matter what hardships we encounter." Fluttershy said, while Angel simply nodded.

"I know you will." Ella said. "And Cream…" she began to sob emotionally. "You must be feeling very lonely and sad, being separated from your mother."

"It's alright, with Sonic-san and the others, and Pinkie-chan, Fluttershy-chan and their friends by my side, I don't feel sad or lonely anymore." Cream reassured, with tears streaming down her eyes, emotionally. "Ella-san, you're a nice person!"

"Yeah, Ella-san, you're the BEST…MAID…EVAH!" Pinkie shouted in a hyperactive way, except she also felt emotional tears coming down her eyes.

"Yes…you are, Ella-san." Fluttershy said with emotional tears, even Angel was feeling emotional.

"Thank you…and please, just call me Ella, ok? Just Ella is fine." Ella said emotionally.

"Ella…san…" Cream said emotionally.

"Chao!" Cheese chippered.

Pinkie Pie began to cry a river, unable to contain her tears, while Fluttershy tries to wipe away her own, along with Angel. It was an emotional moment.

Sonic, Rainbow, Twilight, Spike, Hawkeem, Chris and Kat watched from the door.

"Looks like Cream, Pinkie, Fluttershy and Ella are getting along swimmingly." Sonic said.

"Yeah…" Rainbow said with a smile.

"Indeed." Twilight smiled along with Spike, Chris and Kat.

Hawkeem didn't say anything except he felt emotional as a tear ran down his eye. Twilight noticed and grinned. "I saw that tough guy!" she remarked.

"What? N-no…I'm not…it's…an old punch to the eye, that's all." Hawkeem tried to cover up, wiping away his tears.

Twilight continued to look at Hawkeem with a sly grin. The old griffin exasperated. "Okay, fine! So I'm not made of stone after all!" he admitted.

Chris and Kat smiled, but then their hearts sank when they realized the earlier incident with Cream, they looked down in guilt as they left. Sonic, Rainbow and the others noticed.

"What's up?" Sonic wondered.

"I don't know, but we should check on them, come on." Twilight said.


Sonic, Rainbow, Twilight, Spike and Hawkeem soon found Chris and Kat in each of their rooms. Sonic went to check on Chris, while Rainbow, Twilight, Spike and Hawkeem went to check on Kat.

"What's up Chris?" Sonic asked Chris.

"What's wrong Kat?" Twilight asked Kat.

"Kat and I said something nasty about our own mother in front of Cream." Chris said.

"Nii-chan and I always get to see our mother from time to time, but even if she wants to…she can't see her own mother." Kat said, as she and Chris explained the same thing at the same time, but in different places.

"I think we've hurt her feelings." Chris said, looking down sadly. Kat looked the same.

"Don't worry, Cream is just fine!" Sonic reassured with a wink.

"Don't worry Kat, she got mad at you for something, but it will eventually go away, just give it some time!" Twilight said with a smile.

"Yeah, we always have disagreements, but we eventually come to agree on something and accept our differences." Spike said.

"Yeah, I did have a lot of disagreements before, but I got over it now." Rainbow said. "And I'm sure the old griffin here feels the same, even if he doesn't want to admit it."

"Oh bite me!" Hawkeem scoffed and looked away.

"Yeah, don't worry about him, and don't you worry about Cream." Twilight said.

Then, in Chris room, Cream came in with Cheese carrying a flower crown made of flowers that Sonic and Rainbow picked from Peace Park. "Chris-san! I have this for you!" she said.

"For me?" Chris knelt down. Cream placed the crown on his head. "Thanks Cream."

"I've made this crown from the flowers Sonic-san and Rainbow-chan gathered for me!" Cream explained. "I've made one for Ella, Rainbow-chan and her friends too!"

After that, Cream left and entered Kat's room. "Kat-chan! I've got a present for you!" she said.

"Really?" Kat knelt down and Cream placed another crown of flowers on her head. "I like it, thanks Cream."

"You're welcome!" Cream smiled and turned to Rainbow and the others. "Here, I've made these for you too!"

Cream placed a flower crown on Rainbow, Twilight, Spike and even Hawkeem's heads.

"Thanks squirt." Rainbow said.

"This is really nice Cream, thank you!" Twilight said.

"Yeah, thanks!" Spike said.

"Umm…thank you…I think…" Hawkeem nervously said.

"You're welcome, these are made from the flowers Sonic-san and Rainbow-chan got!" Cream said. "Now I'm going to give the rest to the others!"

Cream and Cheese left. Sonic, Rainbow and the others, along with Chris and Kat came out of their rooms as they watched Cream and Cheese leave.

Sonic smiled happily. "Congratulations guys! Cream only gives out flower crowns to everyone she loves very much and considers them her friends!" he explained.

"Really? So that means she gave you one too?" Chris asked Sonic.

"Of course!" Sonic said with a wink and thumbs up, as he showed his own and placed it on his head.

In the dining room…

Everyone had gathered at the dining room for dinner. The Sonic Heroes, the Mane Party, the Alicorn sisters, Czar, Chuck and Mr. Tanaka had all been given flower crowns by Cream and Cheese, as a token of friendship. Ella was the last one to get hers as she knelt down, allowing Cream to place it on her head.

"There you go!" Cream said.

"Thank you Cream and Cheese." Ella said.

Everyone cheered with joy, Ella laughed with joy as she held Cream and Cheese in her arms, both also laughing with joy. Pinkie Pie declares this a friendship party as she pulls out her Party Cannon and fires streamers and confetti all over the room.

It was a happy moment as the Sonic Heroes, the Mane Party and their friends no longer needed to hide from anyone in the house anymore. Celestia walks up to Chris and Kat.

"So, I believe you two have learned something about friendship haven't you?" Celestia asked.

"Um…" Chris and Kat looked at Celestia.

"I value friendship above all and I'd love to hear what my student and her friends have learned about friendship and other things also related to friendship." Celestia explained.

"Oh, yeah, we have learned that if you want to keep a secret, you can't just keep for yourself." Chris said.

"That's right, and if you have friends that you can always count on, we should never have to hesitate to share it with them." Kat added.

"And last, we learned that someday, we won't have to keep it a secret from everyone anymore and maybe, they will come to accept it." Chris concluded.

"Excelent." Celestia said with a smile. "I am glad that you two have become great friends with my little ponies."

Chris and Kat smiled as they enjoyed the party with their family and friends all together, as the camera zooms out the window and into a full view of the Thorndyke Mansion under the night sky.

(BGM: Mi-Ra-I - Run&Gun)

It was night time, in the living room of Chris and Kat's mansion, Sonic and Rainbow Dash's friends are all asleep on the coach and on the floor around the couch, while Sonic and Rainbow Dash stayed up late watching clips of the episode that had just played at the time.

You ready for the trip?

Just one more day to go

Put on a new shirt

And let's sneak off in the night

The sleepless city is even today

Still just looking over us

Why don't we sing it a new song

Events that could make you cry

Remembering without reason

With sound of the heels of our boots

Let's run through quickly

Doing things skillfully may be fine

But as we are clumsily standing here

That's what I really like about you

To shine bright, and be free

Nothing to be afraid of.

Since we've rode the waves of time,

Let's start aiming for that far off road

Saying goodbye to the boring days

There's nothing to be lost

Stubbornly tie the boots once more

Let's open a new door

The sleepless city is even today

Quietly just looking over us

Let's start from here!

To shine bright, and be free

Nothing to be confused about

The waves of time are strong yet gentle

Soon I will meet you there

Let's light up our world

After finishing watching, Sonic turned the TV off and they both went to sleep. The next morning, they woke up when suddenly Ella picked them both up and placed them on the couch. Sonic and Rainbow look at Ella wondering what that was about, Ella points out the message on the wall next to the TV. It was written in Japanese: "When watching TV, keep the lights on and a safe distance from the TV."

To shine bright, and be free

Nothing to be afraid of.

Since we've rode the waves of time,

To the other side of the far off road,

Soon I will meet you there

Let's go and find our future

Realizing their mistake, Sonic and Rainbow Dash stared at each other embarrassed, laughing sheepishly.

Sweatdrops rolled down the sides of their heads, one on each

They look at Ella and apologize, promising to never stay too close to the TV and with the lights off again.

(BGM ends)