//------------------------------// // An End // Story: Syncopation // by Terrasora //------------------------------// “Well,” said Fancy Pants, “I wished for a bit more tact in your answers, but it certainly proved effective.” He folded his newspaper, stowing it away. I wonder how much a good frame for the article would cost, he wondered silently. “Hey, there was plenty of tact!” answered Vinyl. “Tavi, didn’t beat anypony or anything!” Smack. Vinyl’s head reeled forward. “Alright,” she said, rubbing at the back of her head, “Tavi didn’t beat anypony during the actual interview.” Octavia pulled her hoof back threateningly. Vinyl flinched and stuck out her tongue. “She doesn’t beat ponies,” said Fleur de Lis with a smile. “I consider it more like she’s doling out justice.” “Painful, bone-breaking, justice,” snarked Harpo. “Precisely.” Octavia threw a look at the composer. “I’ve never broken a bone!” Harpo giggled lightly. “You said bone.” A pause. Harpo cleared his throat. “Right, well, that’s actually not true. I’ve broken at least three bones as a direct result of your actions.” “When was this?” challenged Octavia. “Oooo, story time! Who has the popcorn?” Vinyl scanned the room excitedly. “No, not story,” said Harpo, “I’m a bit too lazy for that at the moment. Maybe some other time.” “Lame!” “I’ll tell you later, Vinyl.” “You certainly won’t!” protested Octavia. Harpo held up his hooves in defeat, waiting until the cellist had turned away with a huff before turning towards Vinyl and mouthing the word, “Later.” Vinyl grinned and nodded. “In any case,” broke in Fancy Pants, “I highly doubt that we’ll be bothered by High and Mighty.” “What about Blueblood?” asked Harpo. “Snap Shot and Quick Quill went out of their way to associate him with a highly publicized faux pas,” said Fancy Pants with only the slightest hesitation. “He’ll be out of our manes for a bit of time, trying to piece his image back together. However, I don’t know how long Blueblood will be too preoccupied to work against us.” “I hope it’s a long time,” said Vinyl. Harpo nodded his agreement. “Certainly long enough to offer a slight respite,” said Fleur de Lis. Fancy Pants glanced at his wife. They locked eyes for a moment, sharing a conversation that nopony else could hear. Fancy Pants broke away with a nod. “Quite right. A vacation is in order.” Vinyl raised her hooves. “YES! I love not doing things!” Fancy Pants smiled in amusement. “But it will be a working vacation, Vinyl.” The DJ lowered her hooves. “I don’t like working.” “Haven’t you worked so hard that you passed out?” asked Octavia. “Doesn’t mean I like it.” “What do you mean by working vacation?” asked Harpo. “Thank you, Maestro Nadermane. What I mean is that I’m going to have you all travel.” Fancy Pants smiled as the musicians immediately shot to attention. “Yes, you will all be leaving Canterlot for a time. I rather believe that it will be beneficial to the company if we spread you across more of Equestria. I have made all of the proper preparations, I only have to wait for your agreement.” “Traveling,” said Octavia hesitantly. Harpo shrugged. “I wouldn’t mind. Especially if one of our stops happens to be Scoltland. Proper scotch has been so difficult to find lately.” Vinyl grinned. “I’d love to head out. Canterlot’s been getting a bit stuffy anyway.” “Then it’s settled,” said Fancy Pants with a nod. “Your first stop if Fillydelphia; a friend of mine is the coordinator of the Philharmonic there and she has agreed to have you as guest performers. You’ll be leaving in a little over a week, about enough time to arrange everything for your departure.” “Fillydelphia?” asked Harpo worriedly. The others turned towards him. “I mean. Fillydelphia.” Harpo ran a hoof through his mane. “Of course. There are a lot of bars there. Should be fun!” “Something we should know, Harpo?” “No, nothing,” said the composer quickly. “Nothing important, at least.” The other ponies stared at him suspiciously. “It’s nothing! I know a pony in Fillydelphia that I have a bit of a… history with. It shouldn’t be important.” Harpo nodded resolutely. “It will be fine.” “If you’re sure,” said Fancy Pants. “I am.” “Very well then. I’ll trust you in this.” Fancy Pants cast an eye over the rest of the room. “You’ve all done an exceptional job, given the rather difficult time we’ve had recently. I, personally, want to thank you for your dedication.” “Aw shucks, Boss,” said Vinyl, “you’re making me blush.” Fancy Pants smiled. “Take ten days off. Meet back here with your luggage and you all will depart from Canterlot Station then.” “You all?” asked Octavia. “Are you two not coming with us?” “I will,” said Fleur with a smile. “As a representative of the management of Syncopated Records and to greet Monsieur Key. Fancy Pants will be…” “Busy,” finished Fancy Pants. “Very busy. I doubt that I will be able to join you before you leave Fillydelphia, but I will certainly venture out as soon as I can. Until then, you all will be in Fleur’s care.” Octavia nodded her understanding. “That’s about all I have to say,” said Fancy Pants, “prepare yourselves, my dear ponies. We’re heading out of Canterlot.” *** “So, what’s up with Fillydelphia?” asked Vinyl. The trio of musicians had left the studio together. The sun was still high in the sky, it just didn’t seem right for them to leave each others’ company so early in the day. Now they sat in SunBucks, sipping their drinks and getting the occasional stare from the patrons. “It’s nothing,” insisted Harpo. “Hardly worth mentioning!” “Then why’d ya mention it?” “I heard the city name and suddenly felt nostalgic, that’s all.” Harpo took a swig of his coffee, promptly scalding his tongue. “It’s Frederic, isn’t it?” Octavia looked straight into her tea, absentmindedly stirring it in a circle. Harpo stayed silent, his tongue slightly hanging from his mouth. “Who’s Frederic?” asked Vinyl. “The pony I talked about,” answered Harpo. “Somepony Octavia and I knew from our Conservatory days. He graduated one year before we did. Frederic should be somewhere in Fillydelphia now.” Vinyl’s eyes darted between the two ponies. Both of them had their eyes fixed firmly on their drinks. “You’re not telling me something.” Octavia kept her silence. Harpo shrugged. “Alright, fine, don’t tell me.” Vinyl pushed up from the table. “I’m gonna buy a cookie.” She trotted off towards the counter. Octavia watched her go. “She’s angry.” “She’s female,” said Harpo, “aren’t they always?” The cellist threw him a look. Harpo swirled his coffee. “It doesn’t matter. You can tell her if you want. Your decision.” “We both know that it’s not.” Harpo shrugged. Vinyl trotted back to the table, chewing on a chocolate chip cookie. “Alright, I feel a bit better. I think that I was just hungry.” Octavia nodded. The three sat in silence, occasionally sipping their drinks or chewing their pastries. “I’m sorry, Vinyl,” said Harpo slowly. Vinyl’s mouth hung open. She lowered her glasses slightly, blinking at Harpo. “Wha’?” Harpo furrowed his brow. “I’m… sorry?” “I-I think that’s the first time you’ve ever apologized.” “Well, excuse me, Princess!” Harpo rolled his eyes. “I thought that I should apologize; I didn’t know that it would be such a foreign concept.” “There’s Harpo,” said Vinyl with a smirk. She took a sip of her drink. “Anyway, it doesn’t really matter. It’s personal stuff, isn’t it?” Harpo nodded. “Then don’t worry about it. I understand personal stuff.” *** Canterlot Station was, as always, a complete mess. Ponies ran to and fro, coming onto trains and stepping off of them, heading to the food court, stopping to speak to friends, waving teary-eyed farewells. Six ponies stood on the train platform, five of them paced down with luggage. The train to Fillydelphia would be leaving soon. “Do you all have everything you need?” asked Fancy Pants worriedly. “Your proper attire? Toothbrushes? Your allotment of money?” Fleur de Lis smiled. “We’re fine, dear. Honestly, you’re ruining your public image.” She glanced meaningfully at a small crowd of ponies that had gathered around, whispering excitedly. Fancy Pants smiled sheepishly. “You know how I get.” He swept his gaze over his employees. “Just, do be careful, won’t you? Don’t do anything that I can’t fix from here in Canterlot.” Fleur walked forward quickly, kissing her husband’s cheek and quickly mumbling, “No promises for anypony else.” “Lyra,” said Fancy Pants uneasily, “I hope that you’ll help Fleur keep the others in line?” Lyra Heartstrings saluted. “Of course! I’ll make sure of it.” “We’re big ponies, Boss,” said Vinyl, “we can take care of ourselves.” Harpo and Octavia nodded. Fancy Pants smiled proudly. “I know it.” He looked over at Fleur. “The Doctor will be along in a few days, but I’m afraid that I’m going to have to keep him from you for a while.” The 12:30 to Fillydelphia is now arriving at Platform Five. Please step away from the platform as the train draws to its arrival. Fleur placed a hoof on her husband’s chest. “We’ll see you soon, Fancy.” The train slid to a surprisingly quiet stop. The 12:30 to Fillydelphia has arrived at Platform Five. Please calmly board the train and take your seats. The ponies grabbed their luggage. Fancy Pants smiled down at his wife and kissed her lightly. “I’ll see you soon, dear.” *** Fancy Pants watched the train pull away until it was just a speck in the distance. Then he watched the horizon for a few moments more. “Chin up, Fancy Pants,” said a cheery voice, “you’re acting like it’s the end of the world.” The businesspony turned to find Doctor Whooves standing at his shoulder. “You could have said goodbye,” said Fancy Pants. “Well, it’s not really goodbye, is it?” asked the Doctor with a shrug. “Besides, I’ve never been good at farewells. They tend to get bit… sad.” “That they do.” Fancy Pants turned with a sigh and began to walk out of Canterlot Station, the Doctor keeping pace with him. “Have you gathered everything?” “I have.” The Doctor reached into his saddlebags and offered a purple folder, which Fancy Pants quickly took with his magic. The businesspony flicked through the pages, only really catching the important words. Contract. Termination. Reevaluation. Hoity Toity. Fancy Pants floated the papers back into place. “It’s confirmed, then?” “Blueblood’s out,” said the Doctor with a nod. “Hoity Toity’s company is stronger than ever.” “Did he take all of them?” “Most of them. Sapphire Shores, Lyrica Lilac, Dominant Seventh, Triad, Whole Tone, High Hats, the entirety of Mareosmith, Bass Line, and quite a few others on top of that.” “He has quite a few chips on his side of the table.” “I can think of quite a few that he doesn’t have,” said the Doctor with a smile. “Who?” The colt smirked. “Syncopated Records.”