A little loopy.

by FaelaArts


Sweetie jolted awake and looked around in a blind panic, not knowing where she was. Eyes finally catching sight of Rarity, Sweetie relaxed as her memories returned, and she breathed in sharply. Rarity had outdone herself yet again with the decorations. Sweetie was a little disappointed in the lack of pink, but it wasn’t her job to make the place look nice. And really, Rarity had done a very awesome job regardless.

“Sweetie Belle, you’re awake! We’re just about done for today, so what do you say we go someplace of your choosing?” Rarity smiled warmly as Sweetie leapt up and hugged her sister, thinking on it. Going somewhere was nice, but she would really like something that would last more than a few hours.

“Mind if we go to the bookstore?” Sweetie saw the disappointed look on her sister’s face and looked away, oops. That must have been a test, and Sweetie had failed. Rarity shook her head, putting on a winning smile.

“Of course Sweetie, and how about we go out to dinner afterwards?” Rarity smiled warmly as Sweetie jumped at the idea, and led her sister to the cab. It took some time to hail, but Rarity looked down and realised Sweetie didn’t care. Thinking fondly of her for a moment, Rarity almost missed the taxi pulling up.

Arriving at the bookstore, Sweetie immediately jumped toward the magic section, looking for any useful books that might help when she was better at magic. Sure, progress was being made, but it was slow going. Sweetie could hold the protection spell while walking now, but it still wasn’t at the level Sweetie needed it to be.

Tardis Syndrome? Sounds interesting. Doesn’t somepony in Ponyville call their telephone booth that?’ Sweetie placed the book in her ‘want’ pile, and turned to the next one. This one listed exercises for strengthening her ‘horn muscles’. Sweetie flipped it open to the first page.

“Gyah!” Sweetie flipped backward, the book flying and hitting Rarity on the side of the face. Picking it up, Rarity raised an eyebrow and flipped to the first page, before her white body turned bright red, and she slammed it closed. Trotting over to the counter, she got the store clerk’s attention.

“Uhm, excuse me darling but I think one of ‘those’ books got into the magic section.” Rarity held out the book, and the clerk blushed, quickly stowing it under the counter with a quick apology as he walked away. Rarity walked over to Sweetie, and leaned down.

“Sweetie dear, forget what you saw in that book, it will make sense when you’re older.” Rarity saw the skepticism on Sweetie’s face, and held a serious look. Sweetie sighed, and returned to looking for magic books. Whatever that book was about, Sweetie knew it wasn’t magic.

Sweetie eventually found one more magic book titled ‘increasing magic flow in fillies: A guide for parents.’ Levitating her books, Sweetie moved over to the fiction section and began to look for more fun things to read. Sweetie gasped, the new Human Pals was out. Sweetie quickly slipped it between her magic books, hoping no one saw her taking it.

Lyra had gotten her onto the series one day when Sweetie had tried getting her Cutie Mark in using a lyre as a slingshot. Somehow, tree sap got involved, again. Sweetie plucked out a few thicker tomes, before looking at one sharing the same name as Twilight. Sweetie turned, and blinked as Rarity thrust it back on the shelf.

“Trust me dear, that thing belongs in Opal’s kitty litter box.” Rarity lifted up Sweetie’s books and took them to the counter. Sweetie followed, finished. Proud of herself, she looked over the fifteen books she had managed to find. It was sad that only two were magic books, but it meant she wouldn’t be bored for now.

Following Rarity out, they dropped by the inn to drop off the books, and headed for the restaurant. Sweetie changed into the dress she had worn when getting her Cutie Mark, Rarity changing into something equally fancy. Walking in, they quickly got a table, and looked over the menu.

“I think I’ll have the Royal Crepe with a red wine, what about you Sweetie?” Rarity folded up the menu as Sweetie perused her own.

“I’m thinking the Chef's Salad, I don’t know why but I really like salad. Who would have thought?” Sweetie raised her head and smiled as Rarity chuckled, and quickly ordered for them. As the meal came, Sweetie looked toward the wine.

“Rarity, can I have a taste?” Sweetie pointed to the wine, and Rarity tilted her head and considered it. After a moment, she shrugged and held out her cup. Sweetie sniffed it, and took a sip. Wrinkling her face up, she swallowed and gave it back a moment later. Rarity chuckled, digging into her meal.

“Blegh, how can you like that?” Sweetie shivered, and Rarity giggled once more.

“It’s an acquired taste darling. You’ll love it when you’re older.” Rarity tried to hide her smile as Sweetie tried to get the taste out of her mouth.

“Blegh, nope. I’m never having that gunk again.” Sweetie gulped down her drink, calling the waiter over and asking for some apple juice. If that was what adults drunk, Sweetie never wanted to be an adult. Gulping down the apple juice, Sweetie sighed as the taste finally left, and dug into her meal.

“We’ll see,” remarked Rarity, a sly smile on her face as she looked over at the tables, eyeing the other guests. Sweetie finished her meal quickly, and eventually it was time for them to go. Sweetie frowned, seeing Rarity stumbling as they tried to ascend the stairs toward the room.

If adult drinks did this, and they tasted that bad, why the hell did they drink it? It boggled Sweetie’s mind. Shaking her head, Sweetie helped Rarity into the bed, and slipped into her own. Giving a yawn, Sweetie vaguely noticed it was way past her bedtime. No matter, one late night wouldn’t do any harm.

Just like one sip of Rarity’s wine hadn’t done any harm.

“Ooooh Fancypants,” mumbled Rarity in her sleep. Sweetie’s eyes flared open, and she groaned. Standing up, she grabbed her pillow and blanket, and trumped into the bathroom to sleep on the floor.

Stupid Rarity.