A little loopy.

by FaelaArts

L66.3 Operation FlyDaDragon

Sweetie groaned, her head on fire as she slowly opened her eyes. For some reason, she felt very warm and comfy, despite the hard abrasive material. Rubbing her eyes, she heard something beating from inside the material around her. She was so warm, like she was snug inside her blankets. Wait, inside?

“Wargh!” Sweetie began to panic, kicking as she tried to escape the bowels of the dragon. However, as the lid of her box was lifted up, she realised she was being curled around by a dragon, not inside it. Giving a sheepish smile, she apologised to the light gray female. The female chuckled, and raised her head as the black dragon came over.

“I lost,” spoke Sweetie, ears flopping down as she realised. The two dragons chuckled, rumbling the earth underneath her. Both could recognize the signs of a hatchling, and it both invigorated them, and made them fearful for the egg. The black dragon leaned closer.

“Yes, but you won something far greater in the pursuit.” The black dragon paused, and folded his wings, revealing the group of dragons behind him watching Sweetie with curiosity and wonder. After all, it was incredibly rare for a dragon to be so surprised by something so small.

“Uh, what?” Sweetie tilted her head, and she felt the female she was currently still on shake slightly. Leaping off, she quickly apologised for overstaying her welcome. The female shook her head, and Sweetie quickly turned her attention back to the male. Something about that female dragon made her uncomfortable, and she didn’t want to pursue it.

“What, she asks.” The black dragon laughed, glancing to the dragons behind him. Most were chuckling, enjoy the novelty of the experience more than anything.

“You have earned our interest, young one. And I have not been so interested in something since I was on the cusp of adulthood, many thousands of years ago.” The black dragon smiled, lost in his own memories. Sweetie considered this for a moment, and nodded. Interest, something new. It seemed she and the dragons had something common in that regard.

“Well, thank you for not killing me. I appreciate it.” Sweetie smiled, feeling a little better about the whole experience. It had been a challenge, and it had been eye-opening too. But in the end, she had lost. That meant no dragon ride. But Sweetie wasn’t bothered that much. She had learned so much more in return.

Once more, the black dragon chuckled. “Oh my young one, I am going to do much more than that. First off, I believe you have a dream to fulfill?” The dragon turned, exposing one side to Sweetie, opening a wing to create a ramp up to his shoulder. Sweetie breathed in sharply, unsure if she was actually awake.

“Oh darling, I think you broke the poor thing.” It was the gray dragon behind Sweetie, humor ripe in her voice. The dragons behind the black one shared sniggers, all of which sounded incredibly loud to Sweetie. Blushing, she pouted slightly, and stepped onto the wing, walking up it. As she reached the top, the black dragon lowered his head, and Sweetie slowly walked up it to the head.

“I apologise for the embarrassment, but I am sure you understand how rare...novelty is to us.” The black dragon looked up to the pony on his head. Sweetie did understand, so she nodded once. Horn still incredibly sore, she managed to pull off a small spell to keep her held onto the top of the dragon. Most of her magic kept slipping off though, so she was grateful when the horn appeared to be much more willing to co-operate.

“Are you ready young one?” The dragon’s voice caused her to jump, and she gave a fearful nod. This was it, finally the time to get her dream fulfilled. Would it be what she dreamed it would be? Gulping, she knew there was only one way to find out. Glancing to the right, she noticed the dragons all watching her eagerly, and gave a small wave.

“Very well, let us go for a quick fly around your nation, shall we?” The black dragon flared his wings, head lowering as he crouched. Leaping into the air, Sweetie was slammed with a huge amount of gravity, and she had no idea how she even managed to keep her magic gripped on the horn.

They rapidly ascended until soon the bowl was barely a pea’s length in size. Looking down, Sweetie was struck by awe at how small everything was. Sweetie could see Canterlot, The Everfree, and the Crystal Empire too. But everything else was much too hard to make out.

And then she looked to the side.

Before her stretched an eternity of blue. Clouds danced below her, and the sun blazed far above. Everything was silent except for the wind whistling by and the flap of the dragon’s wings. Sweetie had never seen something so huge before. In it, the dragon was the small creature, and she was barely even an ant.

“So what do you think, young one?” The dragon’s voice spoke from seemingly far away, and Sweetie was scared to even reply in a whisper, for fear of breaking the scene around her.

“It’s...amazing. Big, scary, and yet amazing. I felt small next to you, but up here I feel like a speck of dust.” Sweetie winced slightly at the image of dust, but quickly discarded it so she could admire the scene before her. The dragon seemed to approve of her answer, as he grumbled a sound that was pleasing to Sweetie’s ears.

“Yes, young one. That is one lesson even we learn when growing up. There is always something bigger than you, an opponent you can’t defeat. We are strong, with few enemies, but we do have them, and the weakest of us do fear them.” The black dragon settled into a glide, and Sweetie watched as time seemed to slow below them. It looked like the world was moving slowly beneath her, and yet they were moving so fast.

“Even you?” Sweetie glanced down to one of the dragon’s eyes, and he chuckled, bumping her slightly.

“Yes young one, even I have a wariness to them. But as the king of my flock; my job is to be their shield against that fear, disregarding my own feelings about it.” The dragon looked off into the distance ahead of them. Sweetie couldn’t read the look, it didn’t seem neither happy nor sad.

“Wait, KING!?” Sweetie nearly fell off as she realised she was riding the KING DRAGON. Not only that, she had CHALLENGED him to a FIGHT. Sweetie really hated ignorance, especially when it almost cost her her life.

“Do not fear young one, I was aware of your ignorance the moment you challenged me.” The black dragon chuckled, and Sweetie gave a sheepish smile in response. Well, as long as the big scary dragon said it was ok. Sweetie didn’t want to anger him by ignoring his advice.

“Come to think of it, what is your name?” Sweetie tilted her head, wondering if she had heard it yet. The black dragon raised an eyebrow. Names were sacred to dragons, to be shared between only the closest of friends. Hatchlings were not told their real name, they learned it the moment they unlocked their true flame. To speak a dragon’s name granted the creature speaking it a great sway within the dragon’s mind. In the wrong hands, such knowledge could easily be abused.

“Tho̱rakisména ouranós. Or in the pony tongue; Armoured Sky. But do not repeat my full name ever.” Deciding to take a risk, he allowed her to hear his true name. Sweetie blinked as the name rung around her head, some sort of magic in the words. Sweetie didn’t entirely understand what the magic did, but she understand that when he meant ‘don’t repeat my full name’, he meant it.

“How about I call you Thorak?” Sweetie smiled sweetly, and he laughed in response. Thorak, that was as good a name as any. And it did not invoke dragontongue when speaking.

“Very well young one, call me Thorak.” Smiling, Thorak couldn’t help but admire this young pony. Maybe it was her admiration of both his kind and the sky, but he felt dragon inside of her. There were very few creatures he had met that had a ghost of a dragon inside them, but here was a filly that made him feel comfortable enough to tell his true name to.

“As long as you call me Sweetie,” she teased, before slapping her hooves over her mouth. Teasing a dragon, was she asking to be killed!? Surprisingly, Thorak merely chuckled, and began to angle downward, heading back toward the bowl. Sweetie watched the world grow smaller around her, and felt an itching on her back.

Sweetie desperately wanted to stay in the big blue.

You told her your true name, are you sure that’s wise? You can feel the thing following her right?” The gray dragon whispered in dragontongue to Thorak, and he nodded in response.

Even if he hears the name, words spoken without power are useless. Without a dragon gifting the name, overhearing it does nothing.” Lowering his head, he allowed Sweetie to step onto a ledge about eye-height for a dragon. Sweetie turned and regarded the two. Somehow, she felt different, as if the flight had changed her.

“Thank you for the ride, it was a great honor.” Not one to forget her manners, Sweetie bowed low to Thorak. The dragon bowed slightly in response, and Sweetie straightened up. Glancing to the gray dragon, Thorak watched as she shuffled something further into the nest, a guilty look on her face.

“Azure, you were the one that suggested it.” Thorak would not force his lifemate to do it, but he didn’t like it when she went back on her decision. Especially when it had been decided before the young-Sweetie...-before Sweetie had woken up.

“I know, I just…” The gray dragon glanced toward Sweetie, who looked between them, having no clue what was going on. After a moment, Azure sighed, and curled her tail around something, pulling the item out.

“This is our son. I birthed him shortly before that spell around you began. He is unable to grow past this stage. As our only egg at this point, with most already at the hatchling stage, there is no rush to find a solution to the foul magic. At least, not yet.

“However, as a mother, I want my son to live. So I ask you, beg you even. Please take my son with you, allow him to hatch. And then, bring him back to me.” Once more hesitating, she hugged her egg for a moment. Holding it out to Thorak, he also took the egg, breathing a strange flame on it for a moment, before holding it out to Sweetie.

Sweetie took it in her hooves, not trusting her magic to carry it just yet. This was a huge responsibility she was taking on. Glancing to the two, she frowned, was she really ready to accept such a responsibility. Sure, she wanted to help, but what would she do once it did hatch?

“Uh, what do I do when it does hatch? How fragile is it?” Sweetie glanced between them, and Thorak shook his head once.

“We will know when it hatches and come retrieve him. We will also come if the magic ends. As for fragility; do not worry, dragon eggs won’t shatter from normal force. You would have to throw it off a mountain to break it.” Thorak bowed his head, and Sweetie bit her lip. Could she really deny them this?

“How do you know he won’t die from being in the same room with me? Anything with magic get’s drained and dies of old age when I’m in the same room.” Sweetie was concerned about this. It was such a big risk, did they realise what they were asking her to do?

“For one, the egg is not resetting to the same place at the start of these ‘loops’. Secondly, this egg will not be assisting you to escape, so the force working to oppose you won’t object to it. And he knows not to mess with a dragon egg.” Thorak raised his head, narrowing his eyes as he looked in the direction of the Everfree.

“Yes, he would not dare harm our egg.” Azure nodded once, eyes glowing fiercely for a moment. Sweetie debated it, and sighed. Really, she couldn’t say no, not after the generosity she had been shown by these dragons.

“I’ll do what I can, but please don’t burn down Equestria if this accidentally turns out bad.” Sweetie’s ears flopped down, and the two dragons shared a glance.

“No promises,” they replied, “but we will try.” Sweetie sighed, that was about as good as she was going to get it.

“Okay, I’ll take your egg with me.” Sweetie saw the relief on both faces, and let a sad smile fall on her face. Oh she really hoped this didn’t end badly.

“Come, let me fly you home.” Thorak held out a wing, and Sweetie was immensely grateful.

“Thank you,” she spoke, and Thorak regarded her seriously.

“No, thank you.”

“I promise this won’t take long Spike, just a test.” Sweetie led Spike into her room, watching him walk over to her dragon egg.

“Woah,” he spoke, rubbing a claw over it.

“Yeah, I promise if this works I’ll tell you about it. Take a seat on the cushion.” Sweetie grabbed a cushion, and set it next to her makeshift nest for the egg. While Spike sat down, Sweetie closed her windows and doors. That way, if the monster interfered, she’d know where from.


“What the-hey!” Spike was suddenly levitated in the air by a magic aura Sweetie didn’t recognize, the same one that had thrown her inside the tent at the Tree of Harmony, and it threw him through the window. As glass shattered, the clock ticked over.


Sweetie glanced to the egg, noticing it hadn’t even so much as flinched. Sweetie put a hoof to it, it was still warm. Sweetie watched the clock tick over for a few minutes, and then sighed, sitting down on her bed.

Whatever the monster was keeping her here, it was growing more bold.