A World Without a Rainboom

by Mocha Star

Scootaloo's Night POV

I woke up and looked around my room. It's so pretty having an earth house; the flowers smell so nice and the trees make shadows in the morning sun. I see my favorite poster, it's of Maredonna. She's so awesome. I hope I can sing like her some day. Clearing my throat I sit up and look at my bed. Purple and orange, just like me!

Time to start my day! I smell breakfast, daddy must be up early.

Daddy is a professional boxer and mommy is a sales pony. She sells houses, mostly. But the last week they've been home getting ready for the Summer Sun Festival. It's weird, cuz they've never really cared about it before. Now, all they talk about is the night before it, like it's more important than the sun.

Walking into the kitchen I saw daddy at the oven taking a quiche out and a pot of coffee on the stove. I'm not supposed to have coffee at my age, but daddy and mommy said it's okay cuz I'll be drinking it soon enough anyway. So, I sat at the table. It's a usual table; low to the floor so we don't have to fight with chairs, and since I can't fly yet I really like just sitting. I could totally sit in a chair, but I know mommy and daddy like the floor, so I pretend to.

"Daddy, when is breakfast?" I asked excitedly. I waited for a response but he didn't answer, he kept staring at the quiche. "Daddy? Daddy!" I yelled. Then he looked at me with the biggest smile and I giggled.

"Scoots, I'm sorry. I'm thinking about tonight, or the morning." He smiled wider and it was almost weird. But, parents. Am I right? "Mommy is sleeping still, she has a big night ahead of her. Let's eat and save some for her, okay?"

I nodded excitedly and couldn't help but flutter my wings, I usually just let them do what they wanted since I need to exercise them anyway to get them stronger. Daddy said so, and he's super tough. Probably the toughest in Equestria. I bet he could fight a monster with one foreleg tied and both his wings strapped down and he's win in a second. Totally awesome.

He put the quiche on my plate and told me to say grace. "Goddess of the moon, thanks for the meal."

I don't know why I have to say that prayer, and only at home. It's kinda weird, but daddy and mommy said it's what every family does. But, when I stayed at Trail Mixes house they didn't even have a prayer. When I asked them they said Celestia does enough for us. I don't know what that means.

I ate the quiche and it was so yummy! Daddy is the best cook in Equestria too. The coffee he makes is fresh from whole beans and smells so good. It's hot and has more sugar than normal cuz I think they want me to stay awake until Celestia raises the sun. "Daddy, why is it such a big deal that Celestia raises the sun. It comes up every day and goes down every night."

"Because honey, we have to be reminded of how glorious the night is." Daddy is always saying things like that. It's silly but I think it's cool my daddy has so much love for the night when everypony else loves the day. No other daddy has barbeques at night time. No other daddy has night time parties with his friends in dress cloaks. I'm so lucky.

After breakfast daddy went to bring mommy some quiche and I went outside to play. Cider was outside her house and I galloped to her. "Hi Cider! Wanna play hide and seek?"

She smiled like always and ran to count by the fur tree outside her house. I looked for the best place I could hide and fluttered my wings as hard as I could but couldn't get off the ground and had to choose the bush again before she was done.

"10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15. Ready or not, here I come, Scootaloo." She came right to the bush and got me. "Scootaloo, you always hide there first. You should get a better starting place," she chuckled at me.

"I wanna hide up in the tree but my wings aren't strong enough yet. I'm gonna be the best flier in Equestria, daddy said."

"Your daddy always says that, Scootaloo. I'm waiting to see you lift off first. You're next, start counting!" I turned and looked into the bush and started counting.

I hate when ponies tease me for having weak wings. Daddy and mommy have strong wings, so I will too. Simple as that, and nothing's gonna stop me. "1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 101112131415, ready or not here I come!"

I turned around and I couldn't see her. She's a unicorn so she can't be up, she can't be in front of me cuz I didn't close my eyes. Cheating is only cheating if you get caught, daddy says. She has to be somewhere close cuz she's kinda short and has tinier legs. I got it! She's hiding behind the fur tree!

I galloped over and peeked, but she wasn't there. I heard a rustle and I knew she was in the bushes by her house and rushed. "Found Y-" nope. Must be my imagination. Trotting around the area I smiled as I checked around until I looked everywhere. I could swear I heard her almost everywhere but she wasn't anywhere. I had to give up. "You win, where are you?"

"Here!" she called from the fur tree. "I was up here the whole time, you couldn't find me, so you owe me a candy piece."

"Yeah, I know. How'd you get up there, Cider? You can't climb or fly," I asked as I trotted to her to help her down.

"I used my magic! Scootaloo, I can make myself lighter, it's so cool! Wanna try?"

"Like you gotta ask twice," I answered excitedly as my wings fluttered again on their own. She closed her eyes and her horn glowed all yellow and I felt myself leaving the ground. "I'm flying! Look, it's working Cider. Look!" I was so excited I didn't hear her say stop flapping. Before I knew it I was too high to have her land me and I got really scared. "Cider, help! Get me down, please!" I started trying to gallop for some reason, like it'd help me get down. The more scared I was the more my wings flapped until I felt the air start to rush past me. I screamed as I fell and though the only thing a scared filly would.

Goddess of the moon, help me!

Daddy was under me before I hit the ground and he flattened onto the ground when I hit him. He pushed himself up and was very mad at Cider, but not me.

"Cider, what the flock are you doing practicing magic on my Scootaloo? Do you know how badly you could have hurt her? Get inside or I'll tan your hide myself." He was really mad but talked like daddy. He always knew what to say, but he didn't have to make her cry.

"Bye, Cider. I'll see you later," I called as she slammed the door so loud it echoed across the block. "Daddy, is mommy up?"

Daddy smiled again, super wide. "She's awake and ready for tonight, are you?"

"Of course, daddy." Why is it so important this time? Maybe they have a surprise planned for me! I could be going to Rainbow Falls finally! I've always wanted to go there. “Let’s go home, I wanna see mommy and get her her coffee.”

Mommy came down the stairs when I was walking in and was really sleepy and almost fell at the bottom but she opened her wings and glided the last few steps to the floor like it was so easy. When my wings are stronger I’m gonna glide from the top to the bottom of the stairs. So, she trotted over and gave me my morning nuzzle and she smelled really good. I love her smell. It’s like a bushel of fresh oranges with flowers and candy mixed into it, I really wanna try her perfume but I don’t want daddy to think I’m lame. Maybe I’ll get some tomorrow morning after they go to bed from celebrating. We’re supposed to party all night, but I don’t think I’ll make it, to be honest. I haven’t stayed up past 3 AM in, like, ever! Not even at Cotton Candy’s sleepover and I stayed up the latest.

So, I asked my mommy what our plans were and she yawned and smiled. “Scootaloo, sweetie. Is there any coffee left? You know I can’t think without my coffee.” I galloped as fast as I could to get her cup and I brought it to her and a little coffee splashed onto my top lip and I cried in pain and the cup fell and broke on the floor. It was mommies favorite cup and I was really scarred she was going to yell at me, but she was totally cool with it! I was all crying and then she smiled and said it was no big deal. “Tonight, my little Scootaloo, everything changes.”

It was such a weird thing to say, but my parents have always been kinda weird and especially the last week. Like, who takes a week to stay at home and plan a secret party for their friends and a real party for their neighbors? My parents, that’s who. I laughed when I thought that and mommy smiled. “I’m glad you’re ready for change, Scootaloo. Let’s go outside and feel the day for the last time.”

“Mommy?” I looked at her and I felt my head tip as I watched her walk over the coffee on the floor and track it onto the rug before she walked outside with daddy and I followed them. They looked at the sky and smiled a lot before they started humming a song. They always hum a song when they enjoy the sun in the morning before they start their day but they don’t tell me what the song’s words are. But, they turned to me today and sat me down on the step outside the front door and actually sang it to me!

Come, little children, I'll take thee away
Into a land of enchantment
Come, little children, the time's come to play
Here in my garden of shadows
Follow, sweet children, I'll show thee the way
Through all the pain and the sorrows
Weep not, poor children, for life is this way
Murdering beauty and passions
Hush now, dear children, it must be this way
Too weary of life and deceptions
Rest now, my children, for soon we'll away
Into the calm and the quiet
Come, little children, I'll take thee away
Into a land of enchantment
Come, little children, the time's come to play
Here in my garden of shadows

I was so happy to hear the song that I tried to sing it, but I didn’t know the words yet so I hummed it with them when they sang it again. It was such a pretty song. I’ll never forget it as long as I live, and I’ll always remember this moment my parents shared a great secret with me. There is a secret Princess named Luna that has been hiding from Celestia. I couldn’t believe them at first but their look was so serious I believed them, why would they ever lie to me? I had to keep it a secret and I promised I would and they told me that tonight she’d return from hiding. If she didn’t we’d join her in the eternal night. I don’t know what that meant but they were happy and so was I because they were happy.

Daddy and mommy nuzzled me and we all went inside and cleaned up the mess of coffee and mommy ate her breakfast. It was cold but she said it was the best breakfast she’d had in a week and daddy gave her a new cup of coffee and we talked about school and their work for a long time and before daddy said it was time to exercise. I always like how he picks me up and I practice flying and he runs around the house with me. “Whoosh; you’re flying to Cloudsdale, Scoots! Oh my, look at that, you’re almost to Canterlot. You’re turning and going north to the blizzards, hurry and turn west. Oh, that was a close one! You’re almost to Vanhoover. And you turn south again faster than I ever can and whoosh! You’re back home, great job, Wonderbolt Scootaloo. You’re the best flier in Equestria.”

I giggled and laughed for ten minutes. It was incredible playing with him.

Someone knocked on the door and mommy opened the door and four of her best friends were there and they hugged and started talking about the secret party and how everypony was gonna be there. I was so excited to see all her friends finally. She’s been talking about this party for weeks, now I get to be there with a few of my friends and a lot of others from other cities.

“Hi Scootaloo. I’m you moms friend, Red Velvet. How are you? Are you ready for tonight?” Red Velvet was a white pony with a green mane and I didn’t get her name but, that’s not my problem. She’s totally crazy pretty and I think she’s digging my mane. “Oh, you have a light purple mane? Is that magenta? That’s one of my favorite colors.”

I smiled and nodded excitedly and her smile was super pretty too. Not as pretty as Cotton Candy’s, but it was still really nice. I looked and saw a few fillies talking and introduced myself. “Hi, I’m Scootaloo. This’ my house, it’s nice to meet you.”

They looked at me like I was weird and I felt really sad suddenly when they ignored me and I went to hang with my daddy. He was too busy talking about Luna and how she had to show up tonight cuz he didn’t wanna leave everything. I think we had to move if this Luna showed up, and that’d suck because I love my house and friends. Mommy was busy too, so I just went to my room and laid on my bed and got some rest. Before I realized it I was asleep and dreaming of this secret Princess Luna. In my dreams she was a grey pony like mommy, but she was an Alicorn and a horse and had a flowing purple mane like Celestia’s with the stars in it. Mommy woke me up and I told her about my dream. I was so excited and she was so happy to hear my dream she galloped with me to tell her friends.

It was totally sweet how they acted and treated me after that. I got cake and pie and chocolate milk and everypony was talking about me. I totally knew I’d be cool at the party but that was way better than what I’d planned. I looked at the clock and it was 4 AM. I was so excited, it didn’t even feel that late. Mommy and daddy started everypony singing the song and all the adults were singing and us littler ones hummed. I guess it was a secret all parents had, and a secret we all knew tonight. I was right between daddy and mommy and we were rocking side to side and singing. There was so much love in the room I could take a bite of it in a bathtub of hugs while a shower of rainbows fell on me. I never had so much happiness before in my whole life.

“The last sunrise is in a few couple hours, my ponies. We have to prepare, let’s gather at the cave,” mommy said. Everypony started leaving with their saddlebags and a dark brown cloak in a line out of town. I was in front with my parents and we talked the whole time about how pretty the stars were. I really like Ursa Minor. The baby bear is cute and has big ears like my one stuffed bear named Ursa, but he has a tiny body and the star one has a huge body and tiny head like it’s really silly and it has Orions belt as a belt and the Big Dipper is going into a pot of carrot soup. Daddy laughed really loud when I told him that and let me sit on his back and I held onto his mane. His mane is dark blue and smells like coconuts. I really like it and his coat is orange like mine! I look and see my legs disappear into his coat and I pretend I’m big and strong like him.

“Scoots, you’re gonna love what you’re going to see. You’re going to become an adult tonight when you learn all about the true night,” daddy said. All I could do was hug him as tight as I could as I fell asleep. “Scoots, wake up sweetie, we’re here.”

I opened my eyes and it was really dark, but there were torches and the cave was cold, but daddy was warm. Mommy was standing on a platform on the back wall with her cloak on and hood pulled to cover her head, she looked kinda weird but that’s what parents do. I looked around and saw everypony except daddy had their cloak and hood on and some were holding candles. Daddy put me down and told me to stay right here at near the wall then he trotted to mommy.

“My little ponies, tonight is the night our goddess Princess Luna returns from her banishment, however, if she does not return we have to perform the final ritual. Let us hope it does not come to that, Diamond Feather, my husband. My love, please approach.”

Daddy walked up onto the stage next to mommy and bowed to her. I never saw him bow before and it was nice to see him have so much respect to mommy. She took a satchel out and gave him a seed or something. “My love will demonstrate the final ritual. I will see you soon or I will see you later, fare well in your travels.”

Mommy was talking really weird again and a lot of ponies gasped and whispered. I heard one of them say ‘Sue Inside,’ I think it’s a pony I haven’t met yet, maybe she’s really nice too with a rainbow mane and puffy tail.

“The hour is neigh, in the next five minutes we will find out if our patience is rewarded, or if we join her in her banishment.”

Daddy ate the seed and everypony cheered really loud and the cave made the sound really loud and I had to cover my ears. Then daddy started to walk funny and fell over and was kicking at nothing, like he was running on the floor but lying down. It was so silly, my daddy is so silly. He’s always playing these fun games and pretending with me, maybe he’s pretending to gallop in his sleep. Why isn’t any other pony laughing with me, they only look surprised and I heard one pony crying.

“My little ponies, gather outside with me and watch. Prepare your rituals just in case and gather in the circle of rest.” She pointed at the cave wall but a unicorn used their magic to make it disappear and the cave opened and they left outside and I left with them. Daddy stayed behind and when everypony was out the unicorn made the wall come back. I guess daddy is gonna come out later, maybe he has to clean up, they were messy and had food on the floor. I think daddy might have thrown up too. Eww.

Everypony looked at the moon as it lowered. “The moment is now! Watch the moon for her return!” The moon didn’t look any different. The mare in the moon looked the same as always, just a bunch of darker dots that looked like a unicorn mare, no big-.

“Mommy! She’s gone! The mare in the moon is gone,” I screamed and pointed as others cheered really loud, I joined in and it was really fun. Mommy picked me up onto her back and I held on as she reared up and cheered. “Is that Princess Luna, mommy? Is she here?”

“Yes, little one. She’s in Canterlot and we’ll go there soon. First I must gather the others.”

“But, mommy, everyponies here already.”

“There are more like us across Equestria. You’re the daughter of a thousand ponies, it’s our secret, but now it’s your secret too. Never tell anypony until I say you can. Oh, sweetie. I’m so glad I didn’t have to Sue Inside and leave you alone.”

I giggled and hugged her. This Sue Inside must be a really important mare.

“My little ponies! She has RETURNED! We make for Canterlot soon. Return home and dispose of your rituals carefully, I will be in contact. With Luna, the night shall reign!”

Cheering and stomping was really cool but I was still really tired and fell asleep on mommy even though it was really loud. I was so happy, too bad daddy had to miss this part. I’ll tell him about it when we get home.

“Daddy, we’re home,” I called when we got home.

“Daddy isn’t coming home, sweetie.”

“What? Why not? Is he in Canterlot waiting already? That’s kinda rude he left and didn’t say bye to us.”

Mommy looked really sad and started to cry for some reason but gave me a nuzzle on both sides. “One from me and one from daddy. He’s in Canterlot with Princess Luna, Scootaloo. We’ll be there soon and maybe we’ll find him by her side.” Her tears were getting me wet and I hugged her really tight. She must be sad he isn’t here and left early to go to see Princess Luna.

“It’s okay mommy, we’ll see him soon,” I said as she cried on me. I was really sad for her but I didn’t know what to do, she’d never cried before so all I could do was hug her.

I woke up in my bed and looked outside. It was still night time. Did I over sleep or did Celestia forget to raise the sun? She’s kinda old so maybe she forgot. Grandma forgets a lot too. “It’s okay, Celestia. I forgive you for forgetting to raise the sun. I’ll just start the day like normal.”

I looked at my plants and then at my Maredonna poster. "Someday, I'll get my cutie mark and be as awesome as you."

I went downstairs and called to daddy, but he wasn’t home. I remembered he went to Canterlot to see Luna, so no breakfast. I sighed and made a pot of coffee. It was pretty okay, but daddy makes it best. I guess I’ll wake up mommy.

She wasn’t in her bed but a note was.

My dearest Scootaloo,

I have to go south to meet other ponies like us; I have to tell them of Princess Luna’s return and where we have to meet. I’ll be with you in your heart and you will be with me in mine. Stay good and kind and be proud like your daddy until we meet again.



“So, she left me alone? I don’t understand, why is she meeting other ponies to go to Canterlot?” I tried to make sense of it all, but it didn’t make any. “This is scary, not weird. Daddy? Mommy? Where are you now?” I felt my eyes watering and my heart racing, I ran to the window and looked outside into the night and a couple families were outside talking about something. I galloped to the front door and wanted to scream my moms name, but I can't say her name, it's disrespectful.

I knew Canterlot was the answer, but that didn’t mean I could make it myself. But, I have to try. I gathered my saddle bags and all the bits I could carry in my apron pocket, I put on a cloak and ate a lot of food so I wouldn’t be hungry until tomorrow. Then I grabbed an extra baggie of oats before I left. “Goodbye house. I’ll miss you but I’ll see you again, I promise.” I locked the door and turned to the street to see Cider and her family outside.

I ran to the side of my house and sneaked around so she wouldn't see me. Then I left my neighborhood and headed towards Canterlot.

So, there I was, marching all the way across Equestria alone. I was so awesome every pony was always ‘look at her, alone on a trek.’ I got to this town called Ponyville after maybe a few weeks and I was almost out of money and I was really tired but I couldn’t afford to get a room at the Inn and I didn’t know anypony so I looked for a place to sleep. There wasn’t any real place to sleep without being found easy but then I saw an empty crate. I’d slept in a couple in my travels and this was gonna be a short nap; just to hold me over until I got my energy back.

I laid my head down and felt myself falling asleep and remembered my daddy and mommy when we went on a trip to Vanhoover last year.

We stayed in a tent outside the city and when we had put out the fire and told stories of happy ponies that lived in a magic city of night that was full of rainbows and friends we went to bed in a big sleeping bag. I was between daddy and mommy when I fell asleep and we said our good nights.
Good night, Diamond and Scootaloo” Mommy said.
Good night mommy and daddy,” I said.
Good night, Scootaloo” Daddy said. “And good night, Night Lead, I love you both.