A little loopy.

by FaelaArts


Walking through the Asylum corridor, Sweetie waited as Twilight explained a few things. The entire place was silent, almost eerie. Coming to a stop outside a door, Twilight levitated Sweetie a key, and gave her a hug.

“As requested, everypony in this wing has been asked to leave, except for Mr Turner. You’ve got roughly half an hour to talk, and then we’ll come get you both. And don’t worry about any paperwork.” Winking as she turned, Twilight teleported out of the corridor, leaving Sweetie in silence. Unlocking the door, she saw Mr Turner watching her.

“Hello? Hello? Does the click of silence foretell your coming? Heee Hoo!” Beginning to honk, Time Turner’s eyes went in different directions. There was a moment when the straight jacket bulged slightly, but held. Silent and watching, Sweetie waited to see if he would calm down. He didn’t.

“Listaxald Nixen,” she spoke, watching as Time Turner became deadly silent. Frowning, his head lip up where a horn would have been, and a spell passed over Sweetie. Eyes widening, he leaned back. Closing the door as she approached, Sweetie could see a twinge of fear.

“Don’t worry, your sister didn’t send me. Well not exactly. Let me explain.” And explain Sweetie did. Even the Loops she hadn’t opted to tell anyone excluding Rarity about. Time Turner absorbed this information quickly, asking questions on occasion, but staying mostly silent. Finally, Sweetie came to her last point.

“So, that’s everything. Excluding one item that is. You see, in the Loop I visited Chrysalis, she told me to tell you she’s sorry.” Falling silent, Sweetie watched the shock on Time Turner’s face. After a moment, his not-horn lit up, pulling the jacket off him. Standing up, he walked over, and gave a small smile.

“Bless your soul, you’re absolutely adorable. Er-And thank you.” Cluckling, Time Turner stepped back, and bowed his head slightly. Opening the door, Sweetie led Time Turner out of the building, to where Twilight was waiting. Smirking, she held out the papers to a dumbstruck nurse, and the three of them left. Looking away, Twilight whistled for a bit, before turning toward Sweetie.

“So...why did we need Time Turner?” Raising an eyebrow, Twilight was confused as Sweetie gave a quick giggle. Pausing, she nodded to Time Turner. Glancing between them, he rubbed the back of his neck, and let his disguise fall. Gasps of shock sounded around them, and Twilight fell to her rump.

“We’re gonna need him if we’re going to make peace with the Changelings,” replied Sweetie, sniggering as an embarrassed Time Turner changed back. Walking together, questions began to stream from Twilight’s mouth. Another weight lifted off her chest, Sweetie looked up as the royal chariot came down to land.

“Are you sure you don’t need us?” Raising an eyebrow, Twilight glanced back toward the others. Celestia and Luna were standing beside her. Stepping onto the chariot, Sweetie nodded, thankful Celestia had agreed to leave their personal matters for another day.

“If we come in with too many people we’ll seem like an army. This really can’t wait, sorry.” Looking forward toward the one pony pulling the chariot, Sweetie nodded. Flaring his wings, Time Turner, now a Pegasus, took to the air, settling into a glide as they headed for Chrysalis’s home.

“So, why aren’t you simply flying?” Glancing back, Time Turner kept his disguise on simply due to habit, knowing that it was more easy on the eyes. Cringing, Sweetie gave a short laugh, scratching the back of her head. Sighing, she leaned over the railing, looking toward the ground below them.

“Honestly? I’m afraid. I don’t really know my own limits anymore. The pain is no longer there to force me to use magic, so I have no real need to test it. What if instead of casting the spell, I cause some untold disaster, and this time a reset won’t be able to save it.” Sighing, she held out her hoof, imagining it was touching the ground below them and creating a line like it was sand.

“Being afraid is not something that’s inherently wrong you know Sweetie Belle. You’ve just come out of a stressful situation where knowing your limits was constantly weighing on you. There’s no rush to use magic, just like there’s no rush of a clock ticking down. The thing about time my dear, is that you’ll never have enough of it.” Chuckling, Turner curved slightly, angling downward as he prepared to decent.

“Uh, I’m sorry, you lost me with that last sentence, isn’t that exactly the opposite of what you just said?” Tilting her head, Sweetie was inherently confused. Discarding it for a moment, she watched as a bird flew past them. It was the smallest of things, but it eased her mind just watching it.

“Precisely my dear. You’ll never have enough time, but that’s why what we have must be spent without remorse. If you want to relax, relax, don’t worry about what time you have to do so. That’s the only way to really enjoy the fullness of life. You don’t have to live life to love life.” Glancing back, Time Turner gave another wink, and came to land outside Chrysalis’s hive. Hopping off the chariot, Sweetie still had zero clue what Time Turner meant. Somehow, despite that, it did make her feel better.

“I’m here to see my sister,” spoke Time Turner, eyes pointed at a random bush. Transforming into a Changeling, it hissed, baring fangs as it flew away. Time Turner moved his head, looking to Sweetie.

“Do you want a lift?” Giving a smile, Turner watched as Sweetie shook her head, gulping down her fear as she levitated herself down the entrance. Following her down, Turner allowed a nostalgic smile to fall on his face.

’Just as prideful as he ever was.’ Shaking his head, Turner focused on the situation at hand as Sweetie led him toward the throne room, and he transformed into his Changeling self. There was Chrysalis, his sister. Biting his lip, he could see the starvation in her very eyes, where the glow had all but faded.

“Oh sister…” Time Turner took a step toward Chrysalis, but was halted as her arm rose, and a wall of Changelings rose to block him. Standing up slowly, Chrysalis walked over, eyes narrowing.

“Don’t ‘oh sister’ me. Not now. You know very well the state we have been in. The state you caused when you abandoned my mother because you disagreed with our feeding habits.” Glowering slightly, Chrysalis could barely muster the energy to sound angry. It came out just...tired.

“But...I-uh.” Taken aback, Turner looked to Sweetie, who chuckled slightly, shaking her head as she approached the wall of changelings. Giving them a warm smile, she simply let out her open compassion, stunning them long enough for her to bring one into a hug. The wall crumpled, and she approached Chrysalis.

“Come on, I know how you truly feel. This is your chance to tell him. We’re here to save you.” Warmly smiling, she walked toward a rapidly backing-away Chrysalis. Finally backed into her throne, Chrysalis was unable to resist as Sweetie also gave her a hug. Of course, the hug to Chrysalis was much stronger, having spent some time with Chrysalis.

“N-no…” Feeble cries withstanding, Chrysalis couldn’t help but lick up the love this filly was freely giving off. This effect was further sped up when Turner lowered his head, horn lighting up and a pink stand of magic connecting to Chrysalis’s own horn. Slowly, her holes began to close, and the Changeling's eyes began to glow more bright.

“That’s enough,” she spoke, cutting off the thread and pushing Sweetie off her. Standing up, she regarded the two, and sighed, looking away as her ears flicked down. Nuisances, all ponies were nuisances. And yet...a small smile fell on her face, it was those very nuisances that had just saved her hive.

“I’m sorry for ratting you out brother,” she spoke finally, looking to Time Turner. All shimmered, transforming into various ponies. Chrysalis had opted for a unicorn with forest green hair. Walking over, she looked between them.

“So what’s this about saving the hive?”

“Here they come,” spoke Celestia as the Chariot came to land. Two ponies came off it, with Time Turner driving it. Chrysalis walked over slowly, and transformed into her usual self just as Time Turner did the same. Both stood in front of the Princesses. Looking between them, Celestia gave a compassionate smile, and turned to her side, opening a wing toward them. On the other side, Luna mirrored the action.

“Welcome home, my little ponies.”