A World Without a Rainboom

by Mocha Star

Welcome Home, Jack

"Well Whoo-Whee! I ain't seen ya for too long sis! C'mere and gimme a hug, unless yer too important to hug yer little sister?"

"Just try and stop me A.B.," Jack said as she ran to embrace her sister, "Hey Ma, Pa. I missed ya so much. Is Granny okay?"

"Oh, she's fine and dandy, just takin' another nap. Ya know how she is these days. Her hips actin' up too so don't hug her too tight when she gets up, alright?"

"Alright ma. Now gimme a hug," Jack embraced her parents into a family hug as Big Mac stood back and smiled.

"How's life in the big city for my big girl?" her father asked as he walked the family to a picnic area setup for their visit.

"Well, its great overall. However, I have so little free time I had to take a week off and delegate my work to others. Ya taught me to do my own chores and I do 'em, but it gets so hard after a while. Everything I do is scheduled and planned out. If it wasn't for Big Mac I think I might go crazy," she laughed and leaned on her brother.

So, over the next few hours they laughed, told stories, and encouraged Applebloom to keep trying for her cutie mark with her friend Scootaloo.

"I miss the farm and Ponyville. Mind tellin' me whats new round here since I left last?" she asked her mom.

"Oh, same ol' same ol'. Oh dear. Remember that odd hermit mare?" Jack laughed at the memory of bumping into her once before she left to Manehatten and smelling like mushrooms until she took a shower that night.

"Oh yeah. Mushroom Head. What's up with her? Move? Pass on? Win the lotto and move into a fancy cave?" She laughed while the others chuckled.

"No, she's actually almost a normal pony now."

"What? That crazy mare is normal? Ya gotta explain that ta me," Jack said, her old accent coming back as she sat upright and she and Big Mac leaned closer to mother.

"Well, a few months ago another Pegasus with only one wing came and cleaned her up. Now she's flying and has a job delivering for the bakers. Oh, ya have to see her she's a gem. She's actually a brilliant blue and her mane is almost every color of the rainbow! Once she learned to talk and be social she turned into a wonderful mare."

"Learned to talk? What about that mare with her?" Asked Jack.

“She still lives in town here. The old cottage was fixed up in no time cuz that yellow mare is super rich and they live in it now. It's really nice and they take care of all kinds of local animals as part of Rainbow Dashes therapy," her father added.

"Rainbow Dash?"

"That's the hermits name. We don't call her the hermit no more though," Applebloom said taking a sip of juice.

"Well butter my biscuits. I gotta see this," Jack said with a bit of disbelief in her humor.

"Tomorrow dear. Today is about family."

"So, where's this reformed hermit?" Applejack asked her mother as they walked through the market.

"Actually, she's not a hermit, she was just hurt and confused," a mare at a stand commented as they walked past.

"Ah know, Ahm going to introduce 'em right now, sorry for her; she's from the big city," her mother apologized not stopping. "Now, don't ya go spoutin nonsense bout ponies ya don't know," her mother scolded her quietly, "Rainbow is a great addition to our community and she's a great pony with a great heart. I'll ask if I can show ya her new cottage outside town. Here we are, now git in there first and don't say anything rude," her mother said sternly pointing to Sugarcube Corner.

"Yes ma'am. Sorry 'bout that before, I'll watch what I say," Jack said using one of her basic character imitations that easily convinced her mother of her false sincerity.

"Hi Mr. and Mrs. Cake. This' my Applejack all grown up. Remember her when she was just this big?" Mother made a motion from the floor as she raised her hoof from the floor indicating her height, "She was so cute, eatin' fritters by the plate full," she giggled.

"Call me Jack," Applejack stated smiling extending a hoof in greeting.

"Hiya Applejack. I've seen you in a few movies and magazines. You're doing great, I don't even have to ask. Are you here to sample something? We have fresh cupcakes and an apple tart you might just like," Mr. Cake said with a suggestive smile as he returned the shake.

"No thank you, sir. I'm here to meet the hermi- I mean new delivery girl," Applejack smiled as she asked. Always be professional. You're the face of helping 20,000 ponies a year across Equestria.

"Well, she's upstairs waiting for the next delivery to be ready, I'll go get her," Mrs. Cake said.

"Cup, can you grab the slicer while you're up there?" Mr. Cake called behind his wife who agreed as she crested the stairs. A moment later she returned with a box on her back and Rainbow behind her.

Rainbow was smiling as she followed Mrs. Cake then sat at the bottom of the stairs. They've got a puppy it looks like.

"How can I help, Mrs. Cake?" Rainbow asked. Her voice a little cracked and raspy but she was happy and eager.

Yeah, she's a puppy.

"Rainbow, this is Jack, you already know her mother," Mrs. Cake said. Looking at the matron Apple she nodded then looked at Jack and screamed in excitement.

"Oh my gosh, Oh my gosh, Oh my gosh. You're Jack. The Jack. I can't believe I'm seeing you in real life! Oh my gosh, Oh my gosh, Oh my gosh."

Great, another fan. And it's a reformed puppy-hermit. "It's always great to meet a fan. I hear you were rehabilitated recently? I remember you from when I was a filly. How're you doing?"

"Oh my gosh, Oh my gosh, Oh my gosh. Mrs. Cake! The Jack is asking me about my life. Maybe she'll make a movie about me!?" Rainbow squealed as she trotted behind Mrs. Cake and hid like a shy child but had the exuberance of a fangirl, "Okay, well. I'll start at the beginning. To you. JACK," Rainbow giggled again as she peeked from behind Mrs. Cake.

"I was in a race and I lost and my best friend fell from the clouds and I found her on the ground in the forest then I ran away and lived in that tree cottage and then she showed up and helped me get better and a job and learn to fly even though she can't fly anymore and now here I am talking to you," taking a deep breath she giggled again and hid behind Mrs. Cake.

"You'll have to excuse her. She doesn't talk much but when she does, it's a doozy," Mr. Cake said with a cheerful voice.

"Wait, y'all mean to tell me that ya were a filly when you moved into that cottage and lived there alone for all them years?" Jack questioned with surprise in her voice, her accent back and her eyes widening as she looked at the blue mare blushing behind Mrs. Cake. With a nod from Rainbow Jack smiled and laughed. "I think there IS a movie in that story. Let me have my people call on ya. Where d'ya live so I can get the address?"

Rainbow started a giggling fit as a customer walked in the door to buy some desserts.

"Don't mind her, she's having a moment," Mr. Cake said to the customer.

"Don't worry, it's great to see her happy and full of life finally. To think a year ago..." the customer trailed off as the adults became lost in thought for a moment. "Anyway, 12 cupcakes to go please."

"Right away." -- "Have a great day and we'll see you soon."

"So, your name's Jack now? Well Jack, she lives in the same cottage she used to live in. It's all fixed up and she lives with the mare that saved her," Mrs. Cake said restocking the cupcake slot in the display.

"Yeah! Her name is Fluttershy and she's shy but really smart and helpful and she fixed my house and now it's a real house not a rotting tree that tried to kill me seven times and made me sick a lot and was sad. Now it's a real cottage with windows and a real door and furniture that is clean and comfy and doesn't hurt to lay on. Oh yeah it also has a real shower so I can clean every day or more if I want. Can I show them, Mrs. Cake? Pleasepleasepleasepleaseplease?" Rainbow asked bouncing excitedly.

"Wow, I don't think I've ever seen you this excited Dashie. Sure, you can go," Mrs. Cake said as Rainbow jumped with glee and galloped to the door, "Just don't hurt yourself; you know you're learning to fly still."

"I won't, thanks mom!" Rainbow shouted as she left the shop. Mrs. Cake smiled and sighed. "I think I'd make a great mother, don't you Carrot?"

"Cup, you make the best everything. You two should hurry and catch up. She'll forget you're behind her and keep talking until she gets there."

With a quick farewell the Apples galloped out the door and chased to catch up to Rainbow who was telling a story as she flew just a heads height above the ground in the street. She's a reformed puppy-hermit-Pegasus that's afraid of heights. This could be a million bit movie in the making.

"Here's my home, see it? It's right there! And Fluttershy! Look! She's okay and now she's making animals better too! FLUTTERSHY? FLUTTERSHY! I'M HOME," Rainbow shouted as she flew a few feet above the ground straight to Fluttershy who was pulling weeds in front of the cottage. Fully restored the cottage looked bright and comfortable. Much of the tree had been removed and new windows, doors and plants graced the exterior making it into somewhere Jack wanted to go into. It was a completely different sight than what she and her friends gawked at when she was a filly.

The yellow mare greeted Rainbow with a smile and a light hug before looking at the ponies walking down the road to their home. With a single motion Fluttershy released Rainbow and walked to the house with a quickness. "Rainbow?" Jack asked when she arrived, "Did we do something to upset her? It looked like she ran away when she saw us."

"No, her name is Fluttershy. She's shy around new ponies at first. Except me. She's my best friend again! She taught me to fly again and I'm an awesome flier. Watch this!" Rainbow flapped her wings and flew over the cottage carefully with a lot of effort in her expression. Flying back around the cottage she beamed with pride. "See that. I'm the most awesome flier in the city! Jealous?"

"Oh yeah. If I could fly I'd never top that," Jack said to the excited Rainbow Dash. "Can you show me the inside of your new home?"

"Oh my gosh, Oh my gosh, Oh my gosh. Jack wants to see my house! Fluttershy? I have guests!" Rainbow called as she opened the door and closed it behind her. There's something about her... Almost like she's still... Oh my gosh, she's still a filly! She never had to grow up mentally living alone all those years. Make that a 2 million bit movie!

"Come in, come in! This' my new house! Look at it! Isn't it great? The ceiling isn't trying to hurt me and," Rainbow was running around pointing to various spots on the floor and ceiling. She took a deep breath in through her nose and exhaled through her mouth then smiled gleefully. "It doesn't hurt to breathe anymore! I have a home, all my own. Oh, with Fluttershy."

"That's, great darlin'. I'm taking mental notes so I can tell my friends."

"Oh my gosh, I can't believe it. Fluttershy? Come in here and meet the Jack. She's the coolest friend I've ever had."

Peeking from the kitchen Fluttershy slowly walked into the room and up to the new mares. "H-hello. I'm Fluttershy," was all she said as she turned her head so her mane covered one of her eyes that faced the two.

"Well, it's an honor to meet you. I've heard what ya did for Rainbow here and I think you're amazing," Jack said softly. Fluttershy looked at Jack with a smile and stood up taller, but not fully. Raising a hoof she awaited the standard greeting. With a slow motion Jack returned the gesture bumping Fluttershy's hoof and smiling. "So, what kind of work do you do?"

"I'm a psychologist. I received my bachelor's degree last year and found Rainbow a few months later. She's made amazing progress but still has a long way to go. Mentally she's still a filly." Fluttershy whispered as Rainbow talked about a nick-knack she had found in the background. "She has had a difficult life but she survived, now I'm teaching her how to live. Because she's physically an adult she can perform many tasks that she still considers astounding that we take for granted. With a few more years of work she'll be on her own and I'll have my PhD," Fluttershy said with a certain meek pride Jack had never seen before.

"Oh, my that's some good news ta hear," Jack's mother said with a smile. I'm gonna check out that tree I gave ya last month, I'll leave y'all to talk. I already know what's what," she said excusing herself and exiting the room quietly closing the door behind her.

"Jack, Jack! Wanna see my room? Fluttershy, can I show her my room? Please?"

"Yes Rainbow, you may."

"C'mon! This way. It's upstairs. I never went upstairs until Fluttershy fixed it. Thanks Fluttershy," Rainbow said happily as she galloped upstairs.

"Don't run in the house!"

"Sorry mom!" Rainbow called back.

"Mom?" Jack asked.

"She's still a filly, remember? She needs a mother figure like we all do, she abandoned her entire life when she thought, oh... You don't know the story."

"She gave me an idea earlier. I'm gonna go before she has a heart attack from excitement. Wait, you know me right?"

"Of course. You're one of the most famous mares in Equestria."

"Aren't you gonna ask me for my autograph or something?"

"Why? You're just a pony like me behind the fame. I know I'd hate that life, so I can only imagine how stressed you must be." Applejack regarded Fluttershy as she passed by her and went upstairs. Upstairs was even brighter than the ground floor from so many windows as Rainbow fluttered around the floor.

"This is my room! I share it with Fluttershy and sometimes bunny. His name is Angel. He's outside right now but he's my best animal friend in the world. He was there when I was sad and made me happy," she said as she ran around the room trying to find something. Looking under one of the two beds in the room she gasped and reached under it. Pulling out a small box she carried it carefully to Jack and opened it. There was a small necklace, several pieces of paper and a few photos. "Look, my treasure! This is the deed and this is a rent lease so Fluttershy gives me bits to live here and I can buy candy and cake and dinner vegetables and soup and stuff! This is a picture of me when I was found and then when I got my cutie mark and then when I moved into my home!"

"Wait, you didn't get your cutie mark until after you were found and cleaned up?" Jack asked with surprise.

"Nope, I got it last month when I was flying with other Pegasus' and they helped me go really high and I touched a cloud and it was rainy and I jumped on it a lot and it went boom and it scared me at first, but then I did it again cuz I'm so awesome at it and it went boom again and I laughed. Then this showed up and I was so happy I fell asleep and woke up at home. I guess that's what happens when a cutie mark shows up. It makes you go to sleep and wake up at hom. I don't know how I got from the clouds to home but magic is fun like that!"

Looking at Rainbow's cutie mark she wasn't impressed. It was a dead tree with a white cloud over it, however the cloud had the rainbow colors striped through it. "That's the best cutie mark I've ever seen! It's way better than mine! See, it's a movie reel, microphone and pen. It's what I got when I knew I was going to be in the movie business."

"That's so cool. Oh my gosh, Jack is in my room and likes my cutie mark! This is the second best day of my life!" Rainbow squealed holding her hooves to her mouth.

"What was the first?"

"Finding Fluttershy was alive, duh," she replied replacing the photos and closing the box before replacing it under the bed. "So, what do ya think? Pretty coolies, right?"

"I think everything about you is cool! Look at this room, these toys are great! Is that a ball! Oh Celestia I love those," Jack said acting like a young filly. To Rainbows delight she jumped onto the ball and kicked it to Jack starting a small game of catch.

"Thanks for letting me visit, Fluttershy. I hope to see you again soon and I was serious, I want to talk movie about this story. You'll pay for all your schooling a dozen times over if it works out."

"Thank you for the offer but, money isn't really a problem for me. You should donate it to a cause that's more needy."

With a wave Jack gathered her mother and returned to the farm, with a small tour of the hamlet as she went along.

"Ma, that might be the saddest and most moving thing I've ever heard... I'm gonna make a million bits just from advertising."

"Applejack, ya know you shouldn't just try to make money off others misery. I taught ya better than that."

"I know ma. Think of it, a million bits going into a dozen fundraisers. I can replace a dozen run down orphanages with new ones and hire staff that really cares. Gardens and just think of how much food I can have shipped to those in need. It's a blessing to have this opportunity, ma. I can't waste it."

"Applejack. Why do ya care so much about orphans?"

"I don't know, ma. I just feel the need to help 'em and all the ponies I can. Ya know I told ya fame ain't forever and I wanna leave this world a better place. If I can help a filly or colt realize their dream to become the next mayor of their city, make their own town or find love and start their own clan then I'm gonna make sure they have the chance like I have."

"Applejack. You've grown into the greatest mare, but you haven't started your own clan yet."

"Ma, I'm pregnant." Her mother stopped and stared at her daughter for a second before screaming and hugging her tightly.

"I'm so proud of you AJ. How long've ya known? I can't believe you didn't tell me sooner! We have to tell everypony and plan the foal shower, meet the father, names! We hafta get a few names ready! AJ, why aren't ya jumpin' for joy? This is great news!"

Applejack smiled then shook her head. "Ma, I don't know who the father is and I don't know... I'm worried. I work so hard; what if I can't be a good mother."

"Applejack. You're gonna be the mother you have to be. Ah see so much love in you and I know you're gonna be a fantastic mother. I've never known you to be a quitter and you care so much for other young'ns you're going to do 'em right. Now, let's get home and get you a few pies and a lunch in ya." Jack giggled at her mother and hugged her back. A tear left her eye as they held each other for a moment in the street.

"Ma, thanks for everything. I shoulda told ya sooner but I was scared until just now. I honestly believe I can be a good mother. As good as you if I'm lucky."

"AJ, have I ever lied to you? I taught you the meaning of honesty and how important it is. You teach your foal the right way to live and you'll be better than I was."

"Ma, let's get home. Ahm getting hungry and now ya know why I ate so much for breakfast. The summer sun celebration is next week, I'll stay 'til then. It's good bein home, and I think I should get to know Rainbow and Fluttershy better before I decide if it's a movie or not."

"That's my girl."