Oh Captain, My Captain

by Onomonopia

Jail Won't Be the Only Thing Broken

"What in the-?" the guard had just enough time to ask before the red, white and blue soldier lunged at the pony, slamming his gloved fist into the armored helmet of the stallion. Despite the helmet being incredibly durable, the blow from the Captain shattered the goggles and crushed metal beneath his fist. The pony let out a curse as he staggered back, eyes glowing with hate through the shattered glass. "Okay asshole, let's see how you like this!"

The pony swung his stun staff towards the Cap while he said this, yet with a well-practiced motion Captain America caught the staff with one hand before slamming the shield into the side of the guard's skull. The sound of vibranium on head reverberated throughout the gulag, making most of the other ponies wince at the sound of the impact. Cap then spun the staff around as he turned to face the other guards, while the one he had struck with the shield collapsed to the ground in a heap.

"Alright, enough playing around! Take this freak down!" another one of the guards yelled as he charged, yet the Cap switched his grip on the stun staff before hurling it like a javelin. The staff struck the pony dead between the eyes and caused his entire body to be riddle with electricity, knocking the screaming pony flat. The guard groaned weakly when he lifted his head, just in time to catch a boot to the jaw that put him out.

With two of the guards beaten Captain America slowly stood up and glanced over his shoulder, his eyes daring any of the other guards to make a move. A Pegasus decided to take the Cap up on that dare and took to the skies while he drew forth a crossbow, but in a flash the Cap flipped sideways to build up momentum before hurling the shield at the guard.

"GRAH!" the guard cried in agony when the shield slammed into his wings, shattering bone as the vibranium caved in a wing. The shield bounced off the wing before striking a wall, reaching Steve's grasp just as the stallion began to fall. The Cap swung himself around before throwing all of his weight into a shielded tackle, driving his full mass into the shield that slammed into the falling pony. The impact hurled the Pegasus into a boulder where he landed with a crack, sliding down without another sound.

"That's it! Everypony rush him at once!"

Steve leapt into the air over two stun staffs, driving both of his boots into the face of one of the guards. When the guard spun away while clutching at his face, the Cap slammed the edge of his shield into the skull of another guard, slicing through the armor and caving in the pony's skull. As he fell to the ground, Captain America vaulted over his body while using his shield to knock away a stun staff, driving his knee into the helmet of the guard in repayment.

Steve then swung his leg out low and swept a guard off of his hooves, striking the pony in the throat with the edge of his shield the moment he hit the ground. A flash went off behind the Captain and instinctively he rolled to the side just in time to see a bolt of energy tear through the air where he had been standing. Cap slowly looked behind him to see another armored guard, but this one had a horn sticking out of his helmet.

"What's the matter freak, never seen magic before?" the guard laughed as his horn began to glow with a crimson light. "You might be able to beat up the help with no problem, but I'm a true blue follower of Sombra. Been in his army since day one. So don't think I'll go down as easy as the other guards, because I'm-"

Faster than the ponies watching could follow, the Cap twirled around before hurling his shield at the unicorn, who barely had time to widen his eyes before the shield caught him right on the horn and sliced it clean off. The pony howled with pain before the shield bounced off the wall behind him and came back for round two, slamming into the back of his skull and dropping him without another word.

The other guards watched underneath their eye protection with fear as the creature glared at them while holding out a hand, catching the shield without having to look. He slid the shield back over his left arm before the star-spangled soldier began to walk towards them, causing the ponies to shake with fear before one of them looked up.

"Well I hope you had your fun, because now you're a dead...whatever you are!"

Steve looked up just in time to see green blasts of fire raining down towards him. With no time to move the Captain ducked down and intercepted the blasts with his shield. Magical fire consumed the very air around the Captain, but the shield did its duty and prevented even a single flame from touching the first Avenger. Rogers then rolled to the side as two massive gargoyles slammed into the earth where he had stood a second ago, snarling with fire in their maws while they glared at their target.

"What kind of fool are you, daring to try and free these prisoners from the mighty Sombra?" one of the gargoyles snarled at the Captain as he rose back up to his feet.

"The kind of fool that believes in liberty, freedom and justice," Steve finally answered, yet to his surprise his words caused the stone behemoths to begin laughing. The guards followed suit and joined in the laughter, but Steve was well aware that their laughs were far more nervous.

"Liberty? Freedom? JUSTICE?! HAHAHAHAHA! I must thank you for the laugh, creature. It has been too long since I've had one of those," the larger of the two gargoyles said before wiping away a tear from his eye. "Those traits are long since dead. Now only the word of Sombra and the Four are what rule this land." But this time it was the gargoyles' turn to be surprised as the Captain began to laugh at their remarks. "What be so funny?"

"The fact that you said those qualities are dead. Sorry to disappoint you, but those traits live on in the hearts of everyone. And they sure as heck live on in me," the Captain said while he pressed a thumb to where his heart was, before taking up a stance with a determined look on his face. "So if you truly want to kill those beliefs, then you better do your damnedest to kill me."

"With pleasure!" one of the gargoyles roared as it lunged forward at the Cap, claws extended to their fullest as it brought its arm back and took aim at the human's throat. Captain America didn't waste a moment placing his shield between his attacker and him, bracing himself for the impact. All the ponies watched as the gargoyle's claw sliced down on the red and blue shield...before the stone fingers of the gargoyle shattered across the star in the shield's center.

The creature blinked twice before staring down at its missing fingers, shock slowly spreading across its face before it glanced up at the Captain...only to receive the edge of the shield straight to its maw. The force of the blow shattered the stone jaw of the gargoyle and snapped the lower part clean off, causing the stone beast to howl in pain as it staggered back

"Weakling. I shall handle this," the other gargoyle said as he wrapped a claw across the face of the other, before tearing its head clean from its shoulders. The ponies gasped while Steve simply narrowed his eyes, watching as the snickering gargoyle tossed the lifeless head of his ally to the side as its body turned to dust. With a bellow of fury the second gargoyle lunged at the Captain, slashing at him with reckless abandon.

Yet in spite of the ferocity of the attacks, not a single one of the swipes managed to break through the Cap's shield. But there was still damage done, because the gargoyle found that out when he ceased his attack and watched...as his stone claws crumbled away into dust. Yet, the dust had hardly faded away before the monster let out a bellowing torrent of fire that consumed the entire area around the Captain.

"See? He wasn't that hard to deal with," the gargoyle smirked back at the other guards...before the shield burst forth from the flames and sliced clean through the gargoyle. The creature blinked once before it disintegrated into a cloud of dust, while the shield fell to the ground next to the pile of dust. All eyes watched as the Captain walked out of the fire, picked up his shield and glared at the remaining guards.

"Retreat!" one of the guards screamed as he high tailed it back to the entrance, the other guards following suit and racing after him. Cap narrowed his eyes at them before he turned and walked over to the mare standing over her bleeding father, kneeling down next to her before reaching into his belt and pulling out a roll of bandages.

"Hold on, I'll help you," the man in the red, white and blue said while giving such a kind smile to the mare, that it was hard for her to believe that a moment ago he was breaking the guards that had been attacking her. He quickly wrapped the bandage around the stallion's head before the mare helped him to his hooves, looking up at the Captain with gratitude flashing in her eyes. "You can thank me later, but right now we need to get you out of here."

"That goes double for the rest of you," the Captain said as he turned to the rest of the ponies, most of whom looked at him with either interest or...pity. "I've driven them off for now, but it's clear that they'll be back with reinforcements soon. Come on, let's go!" Captain America then took a few steps towards the exit along with the mare and stallion, but when he didn't hear any other hoof steps he turned around to see all of the ponies staring at him with defeat in their eyes.

"What's the point?" one of the older ones asked him with a shake of his grizzly mane. "You can break us out of here, but Sombra and the other rulers of Equestria will find us and throw us back in here. Or worse, if they're in a bad mood."

"Not on my watch," the Captain said with confidence. "I promise that I'll get all of you out of here and make sure that you never end up in another prison again." Captain America had been hoping to inspire the ponies with his words, yet all they did was gain him a dry chuckle as the elder stallion shook his head.

"We used to have heroes like you who promised the same thing. They promised that they would use the power of Friendship and Harmony to keep us safe," the old stallion reminisced, almost smiling before he shook his head and glanced back at the Captain. "And then the villains teamed up against them and they were beaten. In a day those villains managed to tear down thousands of years of work."

"But those ponies weren't just any ponies, they were ponies with some of the strongest magic in the land," he continued on, Steve woefully aware that every pony seemed to be looking to their elder with hope fading in their eyes. "They had powers the likes of which we have never seen. And they still lost. How can you promise to protect us? You have not shown that you have a magic like theirs. All you are is some strange creature with a shield."

Captain America watched as the ponies began to whisper amongst themselves, some of them even picking up their pickaxes and going back to their tasks. He then looked down to the mare next to him, staring into eyes that were beginning to lose faith in him as well. He knew that he needed to say something to convince them to leave. Something big.

"You're right. I don't have magical powers equal to those who protected you before. In fact, I don't have magical powers at all," Captain America informed the ponies, who eyes seemed to sink even further at the news. "And I know it seems like there is no hope, that the evil that took away your protectors is too powerful to fight. I've seen situations like this many times before. I've thought like all of you a few times myself."

"But then I remember what a friend told me. That the only way evil truly wins is if good men do nothing. And that's what is happening here. Those evil beings that took over your world threw you in here because you are what they fear. They fear that you may rise up, that you will fight to oppose them. Because within each of you is the potential to overcome incredible odds, but only if you believe that you can do so!" Captain America said this with such power and conviction in his voice that the ponies couldn't help but gaze upon him with awe, almost believing in his words.

"I am not asking you to believe in me. I'm not asking you to see me as the replacement for the heroes you lost. What I'm asking is that you believe that as long as we all draw breath, evil hasn't won yet. If you truly believe that Sombra and his forces have won once and for all, then stay in here. But if you believe in freedom, if you believe in Friendship and Harmony like your heroes believed, then come with me. Break free of your shackles and show me that evil hasn't taken this world yet! Show me that you are all willing to believe in good one last time!"

Captain America then turned and raced towards the large doors to the quarry, which were blocked by a massive bar that kept them shut. He slashed down on the bar with his shield, slicing through the bar with ease. He then drove his fingers into the crack and began to pull, straining with all of his might against doors that had remained close for so long. Then, even though it was barely noticeable, the doors began to open.

But Captain America knew that he could not open the doors by himself, not alone. He was strong, but even he had limits in terms of physical strength. Yet, just when he started to think that he would have to open the doors by himself, the mare that he had saved began to pull on the doors with him. Her father also helped, pulling as hard as he could despite being injured.

And then, one after another, more and more of the ponies came along beside the Captain, wrapping ropes around the bar and pulling together as one. Unicorns began to pull with their magic, regular ponies yanked on the ropes with all of their might. And then the doors swung open completely, letting the ponies gaze upon the freedom that they had been denied, and had been denying themselves, for so long.

"Alright all you ponies, time to get out of here!" Captain America called out to the ponies, waving them in the direction of the exit. He ushered the hundreds of ponies out of the quarry, waiting until the crowd cleared before he glanced back into the prison to see that only one pony remained. The old stallion that had questioned him earlier.

"Come on old timer. Time to go home," Steve said to him with a smirk as the pony walked up to the Captain, looking at him with sad eyes before glancing back at the empty quarry.

"What's your name, hero?" the old stallion asked the Captain while continuing to stare back at the empty prison.

"On my world, they call me Captain America. Defender of truth and justice," Rogers replied.

"Captain America, huh? Well Captain, I will admit that it was nice to meet an actual hero before I died," the old stallion said with a shake of his head.

"What do you mean?"

"That's what I mean." The old pony pointed to the sky and when Steve looked to where he was pointing he saw dozens of gargoyles flying towards them, each of them letting loose green fire from their maws as they began to circle over the ponies. "You're not the first hero that thought they could fight against Sombra and his forces of evil. But you may very well be the last."

Rogers ran out to the front of the crowd, narrowing his eyes as he glared up at the stone sentinels that began to descend towards them. He then glanced back at the crowd of prisoners that stood behind him, every eye upon him as they waited to see what he would do next. The Captain's face hardened before he reached back and slipped his shield onto his left arm, standing between the swarm of stone beasts and the ponies.

"I want all of you to take off and find whatever shelter you can find," he instructed them before he began to walk forward, noticing that all of the gargoyles seemed to be more focused with him than they were the ponies.

"But...but what are you going to do?" the mare he rescued asked, posing the question all the ponies were thinking. The Captain's response was to smile back at her before lifting his shield over his head, standing tall so that they would all remember that moment.

"What I promised to do," he began as the gargoyles let out unholy roars before diving down towards the Captain. The ponies all began to run for their lives while the Captain planted his feet in the ash, bringing his shield up just in front of his face as he finished speaking.

"I will protect all of you."