//------------------------------// // Day 12: Slumber Party // Story: A Nobody's Destiny // by Golden Flare //------------------------------// Day 12 Slumber Party Canterlot High School - Hallways Time of Day: After School Weather: Party Cloudy Time: 2:32 PM You leave the library after your free period and put your books in your assigned locker, you've been studying in the library for your free period to prepare for anything in class, especially after hearing some teachers like to assign "pop quizzes" to their students. After Sunset explained the concept to you, you resolved to be ready for anything the teachers have in store for you, and with the data in your body, you can memorize the material with ease. It was then you stopped put your things away and began pondering about your time in the Organization, you also wondered where Roxas was and if he was okay. Nevertheless, you shook your head and finished putting your things away and closed the locker, only to feel a familiar presence. "Don't. Even. Think about it." You warn the being behind you. "Aww!" Pinkie hopped next to you, "I was hoping to surprise you!" "Surprise?" "Yup!" She hands you an pink envelope with her triple balloon mark on it, "It's an invitation to a slumber party I'm having for me and my best friends! And since you're my best friend too, it only felt right to invite you too! So can ya come?" You think about this for a moment; it WOULD be a good chance to get to know your friends a little better, especially after Crystal Prep spying on you, and spending time with your friends one at a time seemed quite inefficient. You nod to yourself and give Pinkie your answer. "Alright, I'll be there, if Mama Tia says it's okay." Pinkie squee'd "Great! See ya tonight!" She bounced off, leaving you alone and thinking how you were going to explain this to your caretakers. With new plans for tonight, you head to Celestia's office to deliver the news. Pinkie's House Time of Day: Evening Weather: Partly Cloudy Time: 5:28 PM After talking to Celestia about the invite, she smiled and said that it sounds fun and agreed with you that it would a good way to spend more time with the girls. After packing your pajamas and diary, and waiting before the allotted time for the slumber party, Celestia drove you to the front of Pinkie Pie's home. "Have fun!" Celestia singsonged, "Oh, and please don't put your hands where they don't belong." That confused you, what could she have meant by that? You shrug and step out of the car, going to Pinkie's door as Celestia drove away and knocked on it. Soon enough, the door opened to reveal a gray skinned girl with purple hair and cyan green eyes. "Can I help you?" She said in a monotone, bored voice. "Um, I'm here for Pinkie's slumber party." You held out the invitation and she took it from you, most likely to see if it's legit. She reads it over and looks at you again, "Name?" "Naxon." She blinks and turns into the house, "Pinkie, Naxon is here." "HE IS!?" The sound of rushing footsteps filled the air and Pinkie appeared with a big smile on her face, "He is! Thanks, Maud!" Maud nodded and headed back into the house. Pinkie looked at you and grabbed you by your hand, "Well, don't just stand there, silly! C'mon!" She drags you up the stairs and she opens the door to her bedroom where you see all of your friends have gathered; Rainbow and Applejack were playing video games and Rarity, Sunset, and Fluttershy were doing their nails. They all stopped and saw you and Pinkie in the doorway and smiled. "Girls! The guest of honor has arrived!" Pinkie declared. "Guest of honor?" You ask. "Well, of course, Naxy! The party just couldn't get started without you!" You were surprised, but smiled all the same, "Thank you, Pinkie." Pinkie giggled, "You're welcome, but I didn't really do anything except invite you. Now let's get this party started!" The girls cheered and went back to what they were doing, only it was more enthusiastic as Pinkie went to her laptop and typed on a social media site. "Status update: Hangin' with my girls and Naxy! Okie Dokie Lokie!" You decided to let them have their fun and sit in the corner of the room, writing in your diary. You look at the girls having a good time and smile as you return to updating your diary. But what you didn't notice was Sunset whispering to Pinkie about something. "He looks kinda lonely, don't you think?" She asked. "Yeah..." Pinkie thinks for a moment, and as if a light bulb flickered on over her head, she snapped her fingers as she had an idea, "Time for 'Truth or Dare'!" She declared. "Aw, yeah!" Rainbow pumped her fist. "Hoo nelly! Didn't think we were doin' that so soon!" Applejack commented. Pinkie bounced up to you and grabbed your arm, "C'mon, Naxy, you gotta play too!" You swiftly close your diary before anyone could read it and wordlessly join them, earning you a raised eyebrow from Sunset. What's with him and that diary? She thought. You sit in a circle with the girls as Pinkie puts a bottle in the center and joins the circle. "Okay! Since Naxy here doesn't know the rules, I'll explain them to him; you spin the bottle, and if the tip lands on someone, you ask them to either tell the truth, or do a dare, and they have to do it or they're out of the game, if it lands on the spinner, they get to spin again. We go like this until one player is left and we go clockwise among the others. So! Who's going first?" "I think Naxon should go first, since this is his first slumber party." Sunset suggested. "Great idea, Sunset!" Pinkie said. You spin the bottle and wait for it to stop, as you do, you assess the situation; the players go clockwise, so by your calculations, You're first, then Fluttershy, Rainbow, Applejack, Rarity, Pinkie, and Sunset. The bottle stops on Rarity and you and her lock eyes. "Rarity, truth or dare?" You ask. "Well, since I'm not much for dares, I'll go with truth." Rarity chooses. "Okay. Um..." You try to think of something, then something pops into your head, "Do you believe that there are other worlds out there?" "But of course, darling, I've seen it firsthand with my friends." Sunset's curiosity and suspicion suddenly grew, Why would he ask something like that? "You're up, Fluttershy!" Rainbow said. "Oh...okay." She timidly replied as she spun the bottle, which landed on you, "Um, Naxon, truth or dare?" "Dare." "Oh, um...I dare you to...take a selfie with me and Rarity." You could swear you hear crickets chirping. "...That's it?" Rainbow asked. "Well...I'm not one for dares." You shrug and take a picture with Rarity and Fluttershy, or what they call a "selfie", and return to your spot. "Alright," Rainbow pops her knuckles, "time for me to take this game up a notch," she spins the bottle and it lands on Applejack, "Applejack, truth or dare?" "Dare!" Applejack declares. Rainbow smirks, "I dare you to drink out of the toilet like a dog." You don't know why, but you swear you felt your lunch crawling up your throat. "Rainbow Dash!" Rarity chastised, aghast, "That's disgusting!" "It's also not gunna happen, Rainbow!" Applejack added. "Then you're out!" Pinkie said, "Rarity, you're up!" Rarity spun and bottle and it landed on Sunset, "Sunset, truth or dare?" "I know you're not much of a dare person, so truth." Sunset answered. Rarity smiles deviously, "Do you think Naxon is cute?" Sunset blushes, "What!? W-Well...I-I-I t-think...maybe?" You could feel your face heat up as the awkward silence was nearly deafening. "I'll pass you for that." Rarity said, breaking the silence, "Your turn, Pinkie." "Okie Dokie Lokie!" Pinkie spun the bottle and it landed on you, "Naxy, truth or dare?" You did a dare last time, so... "Truth." Pinkie thinks for a moment and then says, "Have you ever kissed anyone?" Everyone gasps, "Pinkie, you naughty girl!" Rarity says with a playful giggle. You shake your head, silencing the room. "Really? No one?" Pinkie asked. You cross your arms, "It was my understanding that you only get one question...But no. No one." Awkwardness settled in as Sunset spun the bottle and it lands on Rainbow, "Truth or dare, Rainbow?" "Dare!" she says. "Hmm..." Sunset has an idea, "I dare you to..." she develops a mischievous smile, "...quit the game." Rainbow was slack-jawed at Sunset's dare. You, on the other hand, were impressed; if she doesn't go through with it, she loses, and if she does, she still loses, you admit that that's very clever. Rainbow growled, "Shoot." "Rainbow is out of the game!" Pinkie declared as you spun the bottle and it landed on Sunset. "Truth or dare?" you ask. Sunset leaned close, "Dare." You narrow your eyes, she's not the only one who's clever, you can admit it, she's good... "I dare you to...skip your turn." ...But you're better. Sunset was shocked, "Not bad." You snicker as Fluttershy spun next and it landed on Rarity, "Um, truth or dare, Rarity?" "Truth." "Um...what do think of Naxon, honestly?" Rarity was taken aback by the question, but regained her composure and answered, "Well...I see him as a good friend...but personally, if it weren't for...certain circumstances, I'd try and court him, see if he and I could hold a relationship." You felt your face heat up as Rarity finished her answer. The game continued on like this until you won in the end, just then the doorbell rang. "Pizza's here!" Pinkie declared as the girls ran out of the room. You look over your diary one last time and see the entries from your days in the Organization, you sigh, knowing those days are over and hoping Roxas is okay. "Hey." You turn to the door and see Sunset with a slice of pizza in her hands and a concerned look on her face. "Are you coming?" "Yeah, yeah, I just...I was just thinking. That's all." you stumble with your words. You get up and head into the kitchen to join the girls. Pinkie's House - Kitchen Time of Day: Evening Weather: Partly Cloudy Time: 7:02 PM After the girls ate their pizza and talked with you joining in a few times, they all resituated themselves in Pinkie's room, except for you and Pinkie herself, you wanted to talk to her personally. You felt as if your relationship with your friends has grown. Z-Link Level Up! III - Rainbow Dash - Lv. 3/20 IV - Rarity - Lv. 2/20 V - Applejack - Lv. 2/20 XI - Fluttershy - Lv. 2/20 XIII - Sunset Shimmer - Lv. 2/20 "So, what did want to talk to me about?" Pinkie asked. "I wanted to thank you for inviting me to this slumber party." you answer. "Oh, it's not a big deal." "No, it is." you interject, surprising Pinkie, "You went out of your way to make me feel at home with everyone, why would you do something like without asking for anything in return?" Pinkie was stunned, but then smiled and said, "Because you're my friend! And friends don't ask for favors in return for being nice! That just isn't right!" Now it was your turn to be surprised, you always thought that the Organization or anyone else was only being nice just to get you to do things for them, at least, that's what they led you to believe. But now you see things differently; things ARE different here, people can make other people smile just out of the goodness of their hearts. Or at least, just Pinkie Pie. And that was good enough for you. You smile genuinely, "Thank you. Really, thank you Pinkie." She giggles, "Anything for a friend." You have forged a Z-Link with Pinkie Pie. After your talk, Pinkie decided that everybody should be heading for bed, being the person you are, you chose to sleep in the living room on the couch to leave the girls with their privacy. The rest of the night was uneventful... ...At least, not until later. Pinkie's House - Living Room Time of Day: Late Night Weather: Partly Cloudy Time: 11:41 PM You were sound asleep on the couch, light snores coming from your mouth as you looked at peace...at least that's what the girls thought. They stayed up for a good hour or so, waiting for you to fall asleep, once you did, they snuck into the living room to sneak a peak at your diary, until Rarity got sidetracked and noticed your slumbering form. "Aww! Isn't he adorable?" she cooed. "Focus Rarity," Rainbow harshly whispered, "the diary, remember?" "Girls," Sunset quietly began, "I know I said I was wary of Naxon and that diary he carries around, but is this really necessary? I mean, we'd be invading his privacy." "Yes!" Rainbow hissed, "I wanna see what secrets he's hiding from us!" "Also, we may just find out if he recuperates your feelings for him." Rarity teases, making Sunset blush. "Found it." Pinkie pickpockets you and pulls out your diary. "Gimme, gimme!" Rainbow snatched it from her and started reading, "Me first!" Pinkie shrugged and join the others in teasing Sunset about her possible crush on you as Rainbow read through your diary...but little did they know was that the more Rainbow read, the look of eagerness slowly turned into a look of horror. "What the hell is this?" she uttered. "What is it?" Rarity's eyes sparkled, "Are his secrets juicier than we expected?" What Rainbow said next horrified the girls for the rest of the night. "Girls...I have a very powerful feeling that Naxon's not human."