Tag-a-long's Book Club 512 members · 1,126 stories
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Group Admin

Here at Tag-a-long's Book Club, we aim to be a relaxing place where you can find good fanfiction that you can read without constantly running into issues with writing and grammar.

Let me outline how things work here:

We have a number of librarians and story scouts (admins and contributors, to use more mundane terms) who will add fanfiction to the group folders that they enjoyed and feel should be included. As well as adding them to the folders for various tags, they will add stories to a folder with their name on it, so if you like a particular persons’ recommendations, you can look through fanfics added just by them. Their own fanfics will go into their folder, but not the others, unless another staff member adds them.

They will also add a ribbon in the comments of the fanfic.

At some point in the future, we may award merit badges for particularly deserving fanfics and feature the ones we think are really special or deserve more attention.

For group members, there is a recommendation thread where you can suggest fanfics you think should be included. Just fill out the form at the top, and keep to one fanfic per post. Also, be sure to thumb up and down the other posts in that thread to let us know what stories you like and don't like. This gives us a better idea of what is popular among our members.

There's a self-promotion thread that works about the same way.

We've also included a thread where anyone feeling really enthusiastic can talk about a story in more detail. We encourage reviews and generally chat about fanfics you like.

There's another thread, the author's nook, for people that would rather chat about what they are writing, and the rules for asking for help there are bit more relaxed.

I'd like to emphasise that this is intended to be a friendly group. All opinions are to some degree subjective. You may consider that a story falls outside our general guidelines. I'd ask that you show consideration to the author and refrain from posting about this in the story comments. You can pm the person who added it to talk politely about it, or take it up with one of the admins, but I'd ask you only do this if it is a major violation of our guidelines.

As with any group, we have a few forum rules:
1) No self promotions outside of the Self Promotion thread. I'd recommend the Shameless Self-Promotion Bureau for that.
2) No asking for a proofreader, editor, artist, co-writer, or generally for another person to do work for you. There are plenty of other places for this. If you have a question about an issue with something you are writing, think of a more general way to ask where the discussion would benefit everyone.
3) Please keep things civil. No meta or troll threads, and no thread spamming.
4) Writing prompts are fine, as is asking opinions on a story idea, as long as it doesn't turn into asking for help on a story you are already writing.
5) Please don't ask us to add your fanfic. That is what the recommendation thread is for.

If you violate these rules, you will be warned, and the thread may be locked or deleted at the staff's discretion. I'll also note that if a thread is technically in violation of one of these rules, but an interesting, useful, or entertaining discussion is taking place, the staff may choose to ignore the rule in question, as long as no one is being hurt, and no site rules are being broken.

There are also a few questions we'd prefer not to have to repeatedly answer, so I'll list them here:

When are you going to add x feature from Twilight's Library/do this the way Twilight's Library used to? This group is not Twilight's Library. It is more of a spiritual successor, and as such, has a different philosophy behind it. We are not going to reimplement the incoming folder. Any other features you may want brought back will be considered by merit of the idea as it fits with this group, and not due to any connection with Twilight's Library.

Can I be a librarian? We normally promote from within, so unless you are a story scout, the answer is likely no. If you are a story scout, it'll be based on what you've done in the group in the past.

How about a story scout? The main thing here is going to be name recognition. If we have seen you recommend a number of good stories in the recommendation thread, we may consider you. If one of the other story scouts or librarian can vouch that you have the type of taste in stories that we are looking for, you'll have a leg up. I may also occasionally ask people myself that I feel would be qualified.

I tried to add a story, but the folder is locked. When will it open? Stories can only be added by librarians and story scouts.

Can you add x story, then? If it isn't in the recommendation thread, add it there (or to the self-promotion thread if you wrote it). If it attracts our interest and fits the guidelines, it'll be added. Otherwise, you'll have to wait. If a story isn't catching our eye, you might think about asking in the author's nook for advice about making it more memorable. If we see a number of members have thumbed it up, we may reconsider.

We are not going to read stories we aren't interested in, though. Being on staff is meant to be fun. Trying to wade through a list of stories you'd otherwise have no interest in sucks all the joy out of it, and makes it more of an unpaid job than it already is, which is something I'd prefer to avoid.

I'd like to complain, in the strongest possible terms… Pm me or one of the other librarians, if you must.

Consequences for breaking the rules:

The consequences are going to vary depending on the offense, and your previous history in the group. We won't generally jump to an immediate ban except in serious cases, and would normally start out with a warning. The more times we have to deal with the same people, the more serious the consequences, but it is at staff discretion, and may take your previous history on the site into consideration.

Just keep the rules in mind and use common sense when posting, and you should be fine. In the meantime, enjoy your stay, and we hope you find some good stories to read here!

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