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Group Admin

Alright, so long story short (in case you don't know), the previous admin has been inactive for two years now, and I tried contacting the admins to see if I could become admin, and it happened today! So obviously, there are going to be some changes to the group.
BIG changes.
*insert evil laugh here*

Alright, so to give you guys an idea of what I'm going to do, I'm going to make a list of what needs to be done:
• Icon Contest Done.
• Banner Contest
• Rules
• Thread Series (Directories, "Artist of the Week")
• Some kind of forum system
• Other Admins? Contributors?
• Creative ways to bring the group back to life
• Fix Front Page

If there's anything else you would like to see happen to the group, or any concerns, put them in the comments below.

This isn't a request, more of a congrats, but anyway good job on becoming a admin. I hope you do good changes to the group, and good luck on keeping this group together.

Dark Avenger
Group Admin
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