
Viewing 1 - 15 of 15 results

Yayyy! Exercise in Management broke 200 upvotes. · 12:51pm Apr 30th, 2019

My first biggie. Well, maybe Halls of the Changeling King will get similar stats.

:yay: Yay! :yay:


A smart reader said someone might miss that Exercise In Management has a sequel. · 8:21pm Dec 10th, 2018

So just for info I'm writing this and with EiM as a tagged story, so that followers who want to read further adventures of the Boss get a notice.

Here goes - Halls of the Changeling King

Report Nameless Narrator · 144 views · #sequel

King Under The Mountain · 1:41pm Nov 8th, 2018

It's the all-in-one pony lady, like princess Big Butt Cake! Umm, without the hive mind it's kinda hard to think. Celerystick, right! This one is gold, though, and her mane is this weird white that makes it look like liquid more than hair. I should follow her, perhaps she knows a way out of this place. The other big and scary changelings aren't shouting anymore, but I can't find the nice one who showed me how to hide either. He had antennae instead of a horn, can you believe it?

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Thank you for reading Exercise In Management · 7:23am Nov 1st, 2018

Well, I tried to answer all comments, but in case I missed someone I'm just going to put it here:

Thank you all for reading, and mostly for the comments. Interacting was just as fun as writing crazy lings.

That's all.

Nameless Library janitor out.

*Mike drop*

Report Nameless Narrator · 224 views ·

EIM got featured! · 10:58am Oct 16th, 2018

Holy balls!
The second story in five years, were going up in the world!
(Not really, but it's still great. I never thought it would ever happen again.)

Welp, time to get back to mopping the library with renewed vigor.

EDIT: Aaaaand it survived there for about an hour lol. Still counts, though!


Done writing Exercise In Management · 1:32pm Oct 9th, 2018

So, it's finally finished. Exercise in Management, my straight up the most successful story is finished. There's 54 chapters in total, so it'll be all updated next month. I hope you enjoyed it, which from the comments seems like you did (I don't usually go by upvotes/downvotes. Participation is way important). Through its short time, Management achieved participation and vote count about as high Imbalanced did over the five years. That's amazing, and I thank you for the way all of you gave me

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Report Nameless Narrator · 313 views · #finished

Usual short break. Next Management chapter in 2 weeks instead of next. · 6:13am Sep 6th, 2018

So, we've come to the end of the old castle chapter in Exercise in Management, and as usual I'll take a week's break from writing to recover, de-stress from the deadlines, and everything else fanfics-related. This time I feel like I need it, because the last round of comments were… concerning. Don't worry, I love you all engaging, saying what you think, like, dislike, and calling out possible mistakes. It makes it way more fun to write, easier to avoid bullshit, and I can add details and

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Pixel"art" of Three. · 10:18am Aug 16th, 2018

Thankfully, work hasn't been so hectic today as it has since Monday. Unfortunately, I'm still drawing blanks writing-wise.

However, I'm messing around with pixels while my brain isn't working. Have a curious Three in the process.


New Management chapter today. · 8:12am Aug 12th, 2018

Next week is the final part of the project I'm doing at work, and this week's been one of the moody ones so I haven't had much motivation to write. Now, I'm uploading the next Management chapter today, and hopefully I'll see you in 2 weeks with next update with some success fueling my motivation and better mood.

Well, I guess it's time to lose readers now.

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Report Nameless Narrator · 172 views ·

Oh ffs formatting rules now? · 3:51pm Jul 11th, 2018

Welp, indicating a character talking using colors is now not allowed apparently. Definitely in the amount I'm using it in Management.

Well fuck me.


Exercise in Management will now update weekly again. · 1:17pm Apr 24th, 2018

I've built up a reasonable buffer of chapters, and I've got the main notes done, so I think I might be able to drop a new chapter weekly without too many breaks.

So, unless something happens or I go mentally completely dry, new Exercise In Management updates will be coming every Sunday.

Report Nameless Narrator · 213 views · #updates

From now on, Exercise In Management updates on Sunday · 7:09pm Apr 8th, 2018

After writing using the color tags for a while, I've found a way which allows me to use the tags while I'm writing without taking away too much time and interrupting my train of though. However, the cost is editing afterwards, and it's a high one. Rewriting the chapter for as well with completely different formatting is pure evil.

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Report Nameless Narrator · 183 views · #updates

Question about changelings - Exercise in Management chapters. · 12:17pm Feb 26th, 2018

I've asked this question once before in regards to a different story, but here goes:

What chapter format suits you better for Exercise in Management?
1) Short chapters (1-1,5k words)
- little bits easier to read similar to Hard to Find the Right Words, but may lack detail or broader context since I'm historically not good enough to squeeze it in.
- weekly updates will be possible sooner, I think.
- might be more funny bits than straight up story.
2) Longer chapters (2,5-5k words)

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Final version of Exercise in Management cover. · 12:41pm Jan 8th, 2018

So yeah, EiM cover should be in its final version. You can try guessing who is who now.


The cast of Exercise In Management · 2:39pm Nov 28th, 2017

Ai maek post!

Anyway, slow day at work, so... here they are in all their horrible glory.

Viewing 1 - 15 of 15 results