
Viewing 1 - 3 of 3 results

The Sequel Is Here! · 1:50pm February 22nd

For all you Lightning Dust lovers, got a fic for you to read. Click on the embed below!

TWhat Will It Take?
Months after running into Anon in the bar, Lightning Dust meets with him to ask him for his help. He offers it willingly, which makes Lightning Dust grateful. Neither knew what was going to happen. And neither did Spitfire.
Soaring · 13k words  ·  104  8 · 1.1k views

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The Next Anon x Character Fic Teaser · 7:15am February 14th

Inspiration struck. The sequel to You Think I Could Make It? is in the works. Gotta love how my mind works sometimes, where it veers from the plan I had for this week.

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We Ain't Even Stopping (New Fic) · 3:21pm January 7th

First off, I want to start this blog off by thanking each and every one of you who decided to read my fics and provide a rating, comment, and/or adding them to a bookshelf of yours. It's great to see that my writing hasn't stagnated since I've came back. Not to mention I hadn't been at the top of the feature box in god knows how long. Think the last time I could recall that happening was in the old days when M235 was up there:

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Viewing 1 - 3 of 3 results