• Published 29th Nov 2013
  • 2,753 Views, 85 Comments

The Element of Chaos - steel soul

On the final assault on the villainous Doctor Ivo "Eggman" Robotnik a miscalculation causes a rift throwing the Hero's of the Sky into another world.

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Chip fluttered as far high into the air as he could go before veering off to land on Twilight’s head, trying to gain a better position to look upon the wonder that was Canterlot. It was like a city of dreams, or rather something out of dreams. The statues the buildings the archways. Everything about it was amazing. The little fairy looked to and fro, gaining more than one wary looks from ponies within the train station. Twilight, upon seeing this, grip the little guy within her magical aura and pulled him close so that they were face to face with each other.

“Chip. You have to calm yourself.” Twilight hissed in a quite tone. “You’re causing a scene.”

They both looked over to find Pinkie Pie cheering and throwing confetti everywhere, much to the displeasure of a few of the snobbish looking ponies nearby. Twilight turned back to look at Chip, who was raising an eyebrow at her with a smug smile upon his face.

“Just…Don’t break anything…” She released him and trotted a few hoofsteps away from him as the little fairy landed on his paws and zoomed over towards the pink party mare.

“Hey Pinkie!” Pinkie turned to face the fairy with a bright smile.

“Yeah Chippy?”

Chip giggled at his new nickname. “Oh wow! That’s a good one.” He floated upside down and folded his arms together. “But if I have a nickname then you need one too.”

Pinkie Pie Gasped. “Oh! Can I be Orange?”

“I was thinking that too, but it’s just not nickname material.”

Pinkie’s eye widened before she began to nod solemnly. “Yeah you’re right; I mean who in their right mind would want their nickname to be Orange. I mean duh, you can’t even rhyme it with anything!”

“Exactly!” Chip cheered hopping upon her back, with her help of coarse. “Now then I was thinking something cool!”

“Yeah and something pretty!”

“And happening!”

“And silly!”

“And crazy!”

“And smexy!”

Both fairy and pony thought for a moment, tapping a hoof/paw to their chin before gasping loudly at the same time. “Cortney!”

Twilight turned her head to look at the duo, her face that of complete bewilderment. “Cortney? Why the hey did you choose Cortney? What the hey type of nickname is Cortney anyway?!”

Pinkie shook her head as if disappointed. “Twilight, Twilight, Twilight. Tisk, Tisk. If we have to explain it…”

“Then it’s not a good nickname.” Chip finished after her, hopping onto of the pink ponies head.

Twilight’s left eye twitched as both the fairy and the pony rolled on their back in laughter, not at all at her expense mind you. Sighing deeply the mare turned away and shook her head, slapping a hoof on her head. Hard. “For the love of Celestia I hope I make it to your throne room in one piece…” A gentle giggle from a certin yellow and pink mare made the mare groan louder before storming off with a laughing Pinkie Pie and Chip, and a continuously apologizing Fluttershy in her wake


Rainbow Dash was still in disbelief as the Fox kept pace with her through their run. Sure she had seen him running a bit before she cra-Err…strategically landed on him, but for her to see him run like this, and near some of her fastest speed. It was unreal really. If she already didn't hate his guts, she would actually be colored impressed by his speed. The swift motion of his legs moving into an incomprehensible blur. His arms sprayed back, cutting wind resistance when needed and offering a way to stear his body as well. His eyes focused on the path ahead, taking note of any abnormality as not to trip.

Everything seemed well practiced.

Which was the oddest part about it all.

Being born an athlete, and having the skill level she had, the mare could tell natural talent apart from practiced talent. Of course it helps when a society is dictated by a picture on their hind-quarters. Still, she could tell that while his motions were practiced on an extreme level, they seemed to not be...well...right.

"Hey! Rainbow!"

The sound of her own name nearly caused the cyan mare to miss a beat of her wings, causing her to stumble in her flight. She quickly recovered and pulled herself closer to the fox so that he did not have to shout to be heard.

"What do you want?" She said none to cheerily, but with less venom then earlier that day.

Miles knew that she made no attempted to hide her disband and sighed exasperated. “Listen…I really am sorry about the whole…ah…incident this morning. It was my fault and I hope you can forgive me.”

Rainbow’s eyes bulged, becoming as big as dinner plates. Did he…just take all the blame himself?! Oh hey NO!!

“Hey!” Rainbow yelled, causing the fox to jump slightly in response. “It was just as much my fault as it is yours! No way are you taking all the blame!”

Miles gave the mare a very long, hard, confused look. “Wha…wait…What?”

“You not gonna show me up by playing the ‘I’m the bigger pony’ card. I’m just as sorry as you are! So there!!” She huffed and folded her hooves about her chest to add for emphasis.

Miles started blankly at the mare before his eye gave an unnoticeable twitch. He tried to process exactly what the mare had just told him, he really did. Her words slipped through the opening his furry ears, signed in at the counter in the deep recesses of his mind, and took root into the depths of his soul.

None of it seemed to make since the poor fox so he decided to do what his bother might have done in such a quandary. It helped many a days when he had a certain disgruntled pink hedgehog hovering about him. This method was one hundred percent proven to effective by his own brother even. A method so complex yet so very simple to master.

Just roll with it.

“I, ah, accept?” Miles said/asked the mare with a justified uneasy tone of voice.

Rainbow did not notice or did not care to notice his tone due to her beaming proudly at having ‘bested’ the fox at whatever game he was playing with her. After relishing in her self-earned victory, the mare turned back to Miles, the fox in question having returned to looking ahead towards the path to Canterlot.

She flew in close her eyes once again moving down his frame before she finally took notice of something most peculiar. “Hey fox dude.” When Miles looked her way she continued. “What’s with the twin tails bit anyway?”

Miles looked back for a second before facing forwards. “It’s the way I was born.” He said simply, though she could notice a bit of a tone shift in his voice.

“I don’t mean to offend,” She continued. “It’s just…I never seen a creature like you with two tails before.

He sighed before looking to his side, his voice returning back to his original tone. “It’s ok. You didn’t offend Rainbow.”

“Still,” The cyan mare continued. “It is not funny looking, just…well…Odd…” He looked towards the fox. “Doesn’t it get in the way, have having them both back there like that?”

He just smirked lightly. “Is that so?” He turned to face the mare. “I’ll have to show you a neat trick sometime.” He said before speeding off, gaining a “Hey!” From the Rainbow

In the distance a small object, barely noticed unless one was looking for it, slowly rose from the ground. The metal shined in the sun, defining the blood red and jet black coloration of its make. A series of small beeps emitted from the object before veering off into the sky, its direction, the Forest of Everfree.

Author's Note:

Sorry for the short Chapter. Next one will be a long one I promise. Geez...I sould put some of my fics on hold until I find better time to do them