• Published 6th Jan 2014
  • 17,934 Views, 827 Comments

The Not-So-Normal Adventures of King Sombra and Pinkie Pie - Harmony Charmer

Sequel to "The Cake Batter Incident". An unlikely bond is formed when Pinkie is tasked to reform Sombra, the ex-king of the Crystal Empire.

  • ...


11 Months Later

Dear Buddy,

Wow, I can't remember the last time I wrote to you! In fact, I can barely remember the last I wrote anything at all! I gotta write to Maud later on about everything that's been happening!

So, a bunch of crazy stuff has been happening and now that it's been almost a year, I gotta tell ya some of the cool stuff that's been happening to everypony!

Rainbow Dash has been training for the Wonderbolts, like she always does, and when they came to Ponyville a couple months back, she got to meet up with Soarin! Psst, don't tell anypony, but she has a serious crush on him! They hang out and write to each other whenever they can, plus, Soarin even made her an official Wonderbolt suit! Aw, I think he likes her back!

Twilight got a new castle that's super sparkleriffic and now, we have thrones in the castle! It's super cool and awesome, but it gets uncomfortable when you sit in it for too long... I gotta get a cushion for it one day...

Applejack and Rarity still have their businesses going, but Rarity's is progressing even further! She's even opening up a shop in Manehatten! Do you remember Coco Pommel from our last visit there? Well, guess who's going to be running the store while Rarity's out! I'm really glad she gets to have a good job after what happened with Suri!

Fluttershy has managed to get Discord to behave(most of the time), and now, they're practically inseparable! Ooooooo, do ya think they like each other, too? Poor Angel Bunny might not like that! But, I'm rooting for them! They're not too different from me and Sombry, ya know.

Speaking of Sombry, I gotta tell ya what's been happening with us! First off, Sombry's gotten a job at Twilight's castle: a librarian! I guess all that time he spent in Twilight's old library made it easier for him to tell where to put all the books and now he's got a job because of it!

Also, he's taken up the responsibility of watching the Crusaders whenever they're out crusading. I think Rares and AJ are just happy they don't have to worry about anything crazy happening while they're watching them... Anyway, I don't know if it's just me, but Sombry's gotten really good with foals! Though, he's kinda freaked out by how much trouble the girls get themselves into... You wouldn't believe the stories he tells me when he comes to the bakery to visit!

Hey, Buddy, I don't know if it's just me or not, but I have a feeling I'm forgetting something important... Oh, well! It's probably nothing! I gotta go now... For some reason, my tummy feels really weird and I'm craving pickle hay fries... Do they even make those? I gotta ask!

Sincerely, Pinkie Pie!

"What're you writing about?"

Pinkie nearly jumped out of her coat as she whipped around to face who had spoken. "Sombry, you nearly scared the mane off of me!"

Sombra chuckled. "Looks like you're rubbing off on me." He spared her diary another look. "What're you writing about?"

"Just stuff I forgot to write down about."

"What kind of stuff?" Sombra asked as he took a spot beside Pinkie on her bed, where she had been writing.

"Stuff with the girls, stuff with you, ya know, like how Twilight got a new castle and--"

"--stuff?" Sombra finished for her, a smirk playing across his features.

Pinkie giggled as she leaned into his side, where she felt his saddlebags, no doubt full of books from Twilight's library. "Yeah, stuff." She paused. "Hey, is there anything happening today?"

Sombra blinked in surprise. "You don't remember?"

"Oh, shoot!" Pinkie exclaimed as she sat up, "I knew I forgot something! What is it? Is it Gummy's birthday?" She gasped. "Is it my birthday?"

"No, dork," Sombra said with a laugh, "Sweet Tartarus, it's amazing how you forget important dates on the day of them, much like you did with your birthday, which was a couple months ago."

"Oh yeah..." Pinkie said to herself, then asked, "What's today, then?"

"Perhaps a dinner reservation at the Cafe will remind you?" Sombra said with his trademark cheeky grin.

"Dinner reservation...?" Pinkie froze. "Is today our anniversary?!"

Sombra chuckled. "It's funny, you celebrate every month we're together, but the moment the clock strikes twelve, you forget."

"It's not funny, it's terrible!" Pinkie cried as she put her hooves to her face in terror, "I completely forgot to get you a-- Oh, wait a minute, I already did. Never mind, then."

Sombra's face turned sour. "Please tell me your gift isn't any more sweets... I'm still digesting last month's batch!"

"I didn't mean to make baked bads, Sombry! I asked Ditzy to help me, but I guess she thought I meant potato chips instead of chocolate chips or something, 'cause I swear I didn't do it on purpose!"

Sombra chuckled as he nuzzled her cheek. "You act so ridiculous sometimes... But that's why I love you so much."

"I love you, too..." Pinkie returned his nuzzle. "What time is dinner?"

"Same time as the last time we were there: 5:00."

Pinkie gaped at him. "Are you talking about back on Hearts and Hooves Day?"

Sombra grinned. "When else? That was the first time we kissed, remember?"

Pinkie giggled. "Well, I kissed you, and you were so shocked you didn't even say anything!"

"Not everyday a stallion gets kissed by a beautiful mare..." Sombra told her as he kissed her cheek.

"H-Hey!" Pinkie exclaimed with a laugh as she pushed him away, "No funny business, mister!"

Sombra chuckled as he pulled away from her. "Are you afraid we won't make it to our reservation otherwise?"

"Maaaaaaaaaybeeeeeeeeeee..." Pinkie climbed out of the bed. "I gotta go check on something. I'll be right back. 'k?"

"Take as much time as you need," Sombra told her, then sprawled across the bed in playful manner, "I'll be waiting."

"K, bye!" Pinkie exclaimed before zooming out of the room, no doubt to leave before she pounced on Sombra.

Sombra chuckled to himself as she left, his eyes following her as she disappeared out of the door. Once he was sure she was gone from sight and earshot, Sombra opened up his saddlebag and sparked his horn alive to rummage through the items he kept there. Finally, when he caught hold of the item, he turned his back to the door so that if anypony walked in, they wouldn't be able to see it.

Held in the red aura of his magic, small velvet box levitated in the air before him, unopened, but known only to him of what was inside. It had been difficult, getting it, especially with how his job at the library wasn't a high-paying one. And it was going to be beyond difficult presenting it to Pinkie, he realized.

'Should I do it before the meal? Or perhaps after?' Sombra sighed as he looked at the box and opened it slightly to make sure that the ring was still in it.

"Whatcha lookin' at?"

Sombra nearly jumped out of his coat as he snapped the box close and hid it under his forehooves. "Nothing!"

Pinkie giggled. "Alright, mister, what're you hiding?"

"Like I said, it's nothing," Sombra told her, his hooves held resolutely over the box.

"Oh, alright..." Pinkie said as she walked away, "I won't ask..."

Sombra sighed in relief. However, the feeling didn't last as Pinkie tackled him to the ground and off of the bed.

"Pinkie!" Sombra exclaimed as he looked up at Pinkie's face.

"Come on, Sombry!" Pinkie giggled. "Tell me! What were you looking at?"

Sombra found his gaze shifting across the room as he looked for the box, then stopped just over Pinkie's shoulder as he caught sight of it.

"What?" Pinkie, much to his disdain, turned around to look where he was looking and froze resolutely.

"Sweet Tartarus... Looks like the cat's out of the bag..."

Sombra pulled Pinkie off of him and levitated the box towards him as she remained motionless before him. It was a bit relishing to be on the other side of the surprise process, Sombra realized as he got the ring in front of him and Pinkie.

"S-Sombry?" Pinkie breathed, her eyes wide with shock.

"Pinks, while I was waiting until we got to the Cafe to do this, I guess it'd be a bit ridiculous to wait now."

Pinkie gaped at him. "Is this happening?"

Sombra chuckled. "Pinks, I know that we've been through a lot in the past year and beyond. I arrived here a tyrant bent on reclaiming the Empire, and now, because of you, I am nothing like the stallion I was."

He kneeled before her, the sight of which causing her to gape even more.

"Pinks... This is a question I've been waiting to ask you for a long time, now..."

"S-Sombra..." Pinkie whispered, tears in her eyes.

Sombra smiled at her in the most loving way he could muster. "Will you be my Queen?"

The room was undeniably silent as Pinkie remained frozen in shock, her face a canvas of surprise. The proposal had been beyond a surprise, she knew, and she began to realize just how much her actions that she had done unto her unsuspecting friends affected them. She'd have to seriously think about it before surprising somepony anytime soon.

Sombra, who was still kneeling before her, was rather perturbed by the silence and Pinkie's reaction itself. Sure, he had expected her to surprised, but her silence was actually starting to frighten him to a degree.

"Uh, Pinks?" Sombra asked as he gave her a worried look, "Are you alright?"

Pinkie let out an all-too familiar sigh and she fell over as her eyes rolled to the back of her head.

"Pinkie!" Sombra exclaimed as he jumped to his hooves and tossed the box on the bed before he rushed to her side.

"Ugh..." Pinkie moaned, her hoof going to her temple, "My head... It hurts soooooo much..."

"Well, you did just faint," Sombra told her with a chuckle, "Why is it I always seem to make you do that?"

Pinkie gave him a weak smile. "Sombra, you scared the heck out of me just now! Well, not so much as 'scared' as 'surprised', but still! I mean, that was even more surprising than when you kissed me after I dyed the tips of your mane pink!"

Sombra chuckled again. "Well, that was a rather enjoyable experience."

Pinkie's smile faltered. "Sombra... Is that why you wanted to take me to the Cafe? So you could propose where we had our first kiss?"

"Well, there's nothing wrong with here," Sombra told her, his gaze going over the room, "If you remember, this was the first place we ever..."

Pinkie's face went a bright shade of red. "S-Sombra!"

"So, Pinkie..." Sombra looked down at Pinkie with soft eyes. "What's your answer?"

Pinkie gave him a playful smile. "What do you think, Dork?"

Pinkie leaned forward and kissed him, which he gladly returned.

"Oh, dear, I heard Sombra shout!" exclaimed Mrs.Cake, who froze at the sight of the couple, "I'm guessing things are alright now?"

"Yep!" Pinkie answered, "Guess who just got engaged!"

"E-Engaged?" Mrs.Cake repeated. Much like Pinkie did, she let out a sigh and fell over, unconscious with shock.

Sombra chuckled. "Carrot will be up in a second to get her, no doubt. Hopefully he'll be the strong one."

Pinkie giggled and snuggled into Sombra. "Oh, I can't wait to tell Maud about this! She's gonna be so happy!"

Sombra froze. "Maud? Are you sure that's such a good idea? She isn't very fond of me, you know."

"What? No way! She says that you're great, Sombry! And that everypony back home is really excited to... meet... you..."

Sombra looked back at Pinkie with wide eyes. "Pinkie... does your family know about me?"


"And do they know that, gee, I don't know, we're... intimate?"


"And, please tell me the answer's 'no' on this one, that I was known for ruling a recently returned Empire that was enslaved?"

"...Would you feel better if I lied?"

Sombra sighed. "And the adventure continues..."

Author's Note:

Stories to take place between this chapter and the one before:
Different Perceptions


Yeah, so this is the end of "The Not-So-Normal Adventures of King Sombra and Pinkie Pie", which will have a sequel called "Meeting The Family", coming to a site near you! And let's not forget the next generation plans I have already! Do y'all remember in Chapter 1 how I mentioned I had more "Sombra Daddy" plans in the future? Welllllllll, make what you want of that info, because it's happening!

Comments ( 66 )

Any one who couldn’t pick up on the Sombra Daddy idea from the pickle hay fries and upset stomach is way too young or needs help of some variety. Perhaps a long talk from mom or dad?
Waiting for sequels.

:heart::heart::heart::heart: OH God the sequel is going to be amazing!:pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy:

That last part was an ending so worthy of laughter :rainbowlaugh:

For some reason, my tummy feels really weird and I'm craving pickle hay fries... Do they even make those? I gotta ask!

*cough* Preggers *cough*
sequels! now!

This was an amazing story~! Lots of action, laughter drama and romance, I can't wait for your sequels of SombrPie! :pinkiesmile::heart:

Well, that fits perfectly and this was a wonderful journey. Thank you for this story and here's to more Sombrapie adventures!

Sombra Daddy you say? Well, his proposal couldn't have come at a better time. :rainbowlaugh:

This story made me fall in love with sombra pie. It's just so cute! More please.

Sombra Daddy :rainbowkiss:
Can't wait for more :raritystarry:

KABOOOOOOOOM! You hear that? That's the sound of my mind being blown. Well done, be proud that you wrote this.

SomPie is still my otp because of this!!! Awesomeness!

I can just picture it - Pinkie drops the bomb and says "Who's ready to be a daddy!?":pinkiehappy:

PLEASE PLEASE? conatct me when you put the sequel up?

Huh, pickle fries... That sounds pretty good, actually. Wouldn't be that different from salt and vinegar chips, I'd imagine.

This was the perfect ending for this story. I've got to say, before this, I avoided all ships with Pinkie. Now? Sombra is the only pony I can picture Pinkie with. I can't wait for the next installment in this series. :pinkiehappy:

'And the adventure continues'? :rainbowlaugh:

Pinkie if it makes you feel better they do make fried pickles.

Congratulations on finishing your great story, Harmony! I loved it, and I'm sure a lot of others did as well! Thank you so much for writing it, I'm sure your effort was worth it in the end. :twilightsmile:

This was epic.... You portrayed Sombra and Pinkie perfectly ... We need FOALS!!!!:pinkiegasp::yay::twilightoops:

I'm both happy and sad that this fic has finally reached it conclusion. Just one thing:

I didn't mean to make baked bads, Sombry! I asked Ditzy to help me

Her name is DERPY! :flutterrage:

There got that out of my system. :twilightsmile: Looking forward to the sequel.

I say her name is Ditzy, but I also refer to her as Derpy outside my works. In "Sombra VS Hearts And Hooves Day", I mention that everypony refers to her as Derpy for a nickname.

4527846 Ah, I see. Acceptable. I just always view Ditzy as the result of what the fandom terms 'Derpygate'. As long as she still has odd eyes and an obsession for muffins, I'm happy.

Yay! Happy ending! :heart:

Now I gotta read the sequel! :heart:

4527877 XD I usually see her name being an combination actually as it seems more fitting to have both be part of her name instead of one or the other. Derpy Ditzy Doo Hooves :) I agree the odd eyes are muffins thing is what makes Derpy, Derpy.

Liked, favorited, and I guess I'll stalk you too, after all what are followers for besides trying to obsessively gain as much information as possible from the people they are following? :trollestia:

Seriously though, I loved this, your writing skills are pretty amazing. :raritywink:






MORE :flutterrage: I MUST HAVE MORE ... that is if you don't mind :twilightsheepish:

Loved it. Absolutely loved it!

WHA... That.

This story gets my high honors! It's on my personal Top 10 Literature List!

OMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMG! I've read it twice now. I'm in the middle of my third read of it:pinkiehappy::twilightsmile::yay:

It gets better, I promise.

Twilight is supposed to report all happenings with Sombra's reformation.

4767724 holy crap I was angry writing those two comments... Jeez I don't even remember going on a rant. Oh well, it's the internet, I hope nobody cares. :facehoof:

BEST STORY EVER! :raritystarry:

Sombra reminds me so much of Dust from "Dust an Elysian Tail".

Cliches, cliches, cliches, more cliches, some sugar, cliches... But that's fine, I forgive everything just for this line: "Will you be my Queen?" :heart:

:fluttercry::fluttershysad::heart:still them glee feels but this song fits this fic

"OH, MY GOD, IT GOT IN MY MOUTH!" he screamed, attempting to spit out the potion, "Is there any other bodily fluids you want to get on me, you stupid, pink mare?!"

Party.mov reference spotted.
Nice. :pinkiehappy:


So, my sister found this fanfiction and tried to get me to read it. I usually trust her with stuff like this, and she had already told me it was a shipping fic. So, I'm like, "What shipping?" then she said SombraPie.
I was like, "What? That makes no sense! Sombra is like 'CRYSSSSSSTALSSSSS' and Pinkie's all like 'Happy and fun and all that fun stuff!:pinkiehappy:' How would they be good together?" Then my sis is like, "But it's really good. So I read it.
I am now a SombraPie fan. But I'm still a DiscoPie fan, and a CheesePie fan. Is it bad that I have so many shippings with the same person:rainbowderp:? Not at the same time, thatwould be weird.:twilightoops:
Thanks for the SUPER FANTA-BULA-MAZING STORY!!!:rainbowkiss:

"Oh, I can't wait to tell Maud about this! She's gonna be so happy!"

Spilled my coffee when I imagined Maud's happy expression. :rainbowlaugh:

Great story. Enjoyed every word (even those nasty twists and turns).

Comment posted by CounterClops deleted Jul 12th, 2020

Just when I thought I would never find a shipping for Sombra that I actually liked and oh my god I love it.

Comment posted by Lunar_Repulican deleted Jan 28th, 2018
Comment posted by Lunar_Repulican deleted Jan 28th, 2018

It's really up for interpretation. I mean, I suppose you could read the first chapters and go back and look at the stories in the description, but it is entirely up to the reader when things are supposed to be going down.

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