• Published 3rd May 2024
  • 494 Views, 22 Comments

Intertwined Reflections: That Time Everypony Swapped Bodies - ThistleRose

Thanks to a curse that Trixie accidentally caused, if two ponies both look at a reflective surface and blink, they will swap bodies. And now Trixie is a purple Alicorn Princess

  • ...

That time everypony swapped bodies

🪄Chapter 1🪄

These aren't my hooves

(This story is set sometime during season 5!)

Trixie sat in her caravan, very much looking like a cat who was born in a wet cardboard box all alone.

It had been several months since her second encounter with Twilight in ponyville. She had fled after being humiliated and it was safe to say she didn’t plan to return any time soon. She had seen in all the papers about Twilight’s coronation and ascension to a Princess. Trixie, of course, didn’t particularly care that Twilight was the princess of friendship. She thought she was still just a stupid horse with a STUPID mane and a STUPID temperament about being FRIENDS with ANYONE and she was STUPID and PRETTY and STUPID. Grr. How she despised her so.

The rain was pouring outside and the magician had been caught in the huge thunderstorm that was sweeping over central Equestria. Her hat and cloak were ruined, and lying in the corner in a messy heap. As she tried her best to use her simple spell to dry her hair (it wasn’t really working), she let out a groan.

“I don’t understand it, Trixie!” she said, looking over at her mirror. “Didn’t the world get the memo that Trixie was going out today? Did nopony care that Trixie might get a little soggy?”

“I know! Honestly, the AUDACITY of these pegasi!” the mirror Trixie replied back. The mirror Trixie was, of course, just Trixie pretending to be somepony else (that somepony else also being Trixie.)

“Do they KNOW how difficult it is to be ME? The Great and Powerful Trixie may be both great and powerful… but it can be a lonely life…” she lamented, looking at the mirror.

As much as she hated to admit it… in this current moment, she looked like a wreck. It hadn’t been only living on the road. She had barely been able to do any performances at all thanks to her failed takeover of ponyville being in all the papers. She had scored a few lucky hits with younger pony’s birthday parties, with little fillies seemingly the only ponies that didn’t hate her. The worst thing was… she had brought it all onto herself. She let out a huff of frustration. She still didn’t feel like she deserved all of… this.

““If only there were a way for them to really see what it’s like to be Trixie …” she moaned to her mirror.

“But there is a way!”

“Really? What-” Trixie was intrigued, before realising that her response hadn’t actually been from her. It had been from the mirror. Without her talking. She moved her head left and right. The mirror version didn't move, and instead was just simply smirking.

“Greetings, Trixie!” Mirror Trix said. “You’re probably wondering… how did I get-”


Trixie had just thrown a bottle of cider at the mirror. Surprisingly, it was only the bottle that smashed, and not the mirror. Mirror Trix giggled. “Aw! How sweet! Its been Aeons since i’ve tasted cider”

“WHO are YOU to impersonate ME! There is only ONE Trixie Lulamoon, and it is MOI!” Trixie growled, and stomped up to the mirror. Upon arriving, she looked ‘herself’ up and down. The creature imitating her appearance was in a much better state than her. A freshly cut and combed mane, flawless eyeshadow, a well rested face…

“Although… I must say, mysterious mirror entity that is copying my appearance… you do look rather alluring…” she admitted. Wow.

“I do, don’t I? Anyway! I was just passing by your mirror when I heard you groaning and moaning, so I decided to see if I could help!”

“What do you mean, passing by my mirror? The only thing on the other side of this mirror is my draw of unused cloaks and mouldy props” Trixie tilted her head, eyes narrowing. Maybe this WAS some sort of trick. “Are you some sort of demon?”

“Okay!” Mirror Trixie stamped down her hoof. “New rule! Any more questions, and I don’t grant your wish!”

“But weren’t you just going to explain how you-”

“Trixie! You are testing my patience~”

Trixie shut herself up, but still seemed suspicious.

“Since I am feeling… shall we say, mischievous today… I’m going to put a little curse on all the mirrors in Equestria! Your wish will be granted, Trixie! Everypony will learn what life is like in somepony else’s hooves”.

“... What does that mean?” She asked her reflection.

Mirror trixie just winked, some sparkles flying out of her closed eye and making the mirror shimmer for a few moments… before Trixie was left looking at her normal reflection once more.

She stared at herself for a few more moments… then shrugged.

“Probably just some sort of hallucination.” said Trixie, and went over to put her cloak away. Her fur did prickle a bit as she turned back around, and got a passing glance at the mirror. She felt a strange feeling in the pit of her stomach as she looked into it.

Trixie blinked.

In an instant, she had the sensation of being blasted by a ferocious gust of wind and having all air removed from her lungs. Then, in the same instant, she was suddenly slammed into the floor before springing back up into a standing position. It was the most disorienting moment of her life.

As the blink ended and she opened her eyes again, she fell to the ground with a cry of panic. What was this? Was that mirror demon real? Where was she even!?

The room that she had appeared in was huge, with tall blue crystalline walls with huge crystal support beams. The floor was cold and upon closer inspection was made of rocks too.

The sudden shift from her quaint wooden caravan into this palace looking place was quite the shock to the system.

It took a few moments for Trixie to steady herself, but she managed to get to her hooves. She felt… weird. Taller.

Warning bells really started to go off when she saw the dark purple bangs flop down over her eyes.

“What?” she exclaimed out loud, flicking the strange manecut out of her face, only to get yet another jumpscare. That wasn’t her voice!?

She looked at her hooves. Her purple hooves…

“T-These aren’t my hooves!?”

She felt the wings on her back.

The panic started to rise, she quickly ran over to the mirror and shot the hardest look she had ever looked in her life at it.

Twilight Sparkle stared back.

She was Twilight Sparkle.

Before she even had time to process any of this, the door swung open and RainbowDash entered.

“Twiiilight… how long are you going to be? We were meant to leave four minutes ago! Four whole minutes! Fluts is getting a bit twitchy!” She said, glancing back at the hallway.

Trixie could gently hear fluttershy talking to a rabbit down the corridor.

She was Twilight! They had switched places! How! And now she had to deal with her annoying friends!?

“Twi? Helloooo? Anypony home?” said RainbowDash, tapping her hoof impatiently. Trixie snapped back to it.

Quick! Think quickly Trixie! What would Twilight say in this situation!

“... Have you tried using friendship?” Trixie replied slowly. Rainbow looked back at her with unamused confusion.


“You know. Friendship. You know me! The Great and Powerful-” she stopped herself just before she gave the game away. RainbowDash just looked confused.

“T-Twilight sparkle! I love friendship! It’s magic!”

RainbowDash stared at her, and then her eyes moved over to the huge pile of books by her bed, most of them still open.

“... You haven’t slept, have you”

AHA! Trixie had a golden ticket! There was no possible way she could-

“No, I slept quite well.”

Trixie realised how stupid that response had been. She visibly tensed, her wings accidentally fwoofing out.

RainbowDash’s head tilted like a dog who had just been told it was adopted (as most dogs are).

“Are you… feeling alright?”

Trixie’s bottom lip wobbled. She was NOT feeling alright.

And that was the first time that she could remember anyone actually asking her that. She looked back at the mirror at the unfamiliar appearance in front of her.

“N-No…” she said, with a slight whimper.

“Do you… want to talk about it?”
Trixie was frozen once more.

Did she want to talk about it?

If they found out who she REALLY was… that would make everything a lot more complicated.

She looked back at RainbowDash, who was showing… concern? Real concern??

For her.


Somepony was acting caring towards Trixie.

If Trixie told her, she would just be met with the usual dismissal and or aggression she was used to. So it wouldn’t hurt to lie for just a little bit as she got her bearings, right?

Trixie smiled.

“N-No, not really. But thank you for asking! The happy and friendfull Twilight loves you!”

RainbowDash zoomed over and gave her a hug. “Love you too, Twi! Don’t worry about it, we’ll head out to the farm now. See you there later! Or not!”

RainbowDash gave one last squeeze, and flapped out of the room!

Trixie stood there, motionless, staring at the empty doorframe, then back at herself in the mirror. A smirk crossed her face, and she gently bumped up her mane with her hoof.

“Maybe I could get used to this…” she said out loud to her reflection…

It was then that a thought teleported into her brain as she looked into her own new eyes. One that mildly concerned her (but not enough for her to actually act on anything just yet).

If I’m here… then where is Twilight?


Twilight leapt back like a cat who had just set off a fire alarm. Where was she!?

And whose voice was that? Who was screaming?


What was GOING ON!?

One moment, she was getting ready to head over to the farm for a picnic, and was just checking herself in the mirror. Next, she was here. Wherever here was!

She took a moment to regulate her breathing, but it was so obvious something was wrong. Something was really very VERY wrong. She felt so weak. So thirsty. So… itchy!?

She gave her side a quick scratch, before taking in her surroundings. She was in a tiny, shabby caravan, with food wrappers and dirty clothes strewn about everywhere. The place looked a bit like a bomb had hit it. But the small context clues around her (mainly all of the various magic show debris) told her who’s caravan it was.

“Trrrrrixies home?” she said, letting out a squeak. Her voice had automatically done that little trill that Trixie’s did when saying her name. It sounded exactly like her too!

She finally looked at the mirror, and her worst fears had been realised.

Trixie looked back.

She was Trixie.

The panic and fear started to rise up in her throat as she started to hyperventilate. Head whipping too and fro, she tried to find an exit, but was cut off by hearing a cackling laugh.

“Oh dear, Twilight… what an awful state you’ve got yourself in!”

She looked around. Who was that!? It sounded like…

In the mirror, Twilight could see… herself? As in, a horse that looked like the princess of friendship Twilight Sparkle.

It had to be Trixie, surely!

Twilight growled.

“Trixie! What in e-equestria have you done!?” she roared, stamping her hoof down. “Swap us back RIGHT now!”

“I’m not Trixie”

Twilight paused. “You’re… not?”

“No. I’m a creature of reflections. And the one who’s body you inhabit made a little wish upon a star, shall we say~”

“She…” Twilight’s ears flattened back. “She… wanted to be… me?”

Well, not exactly. She wanted someone to know how tricky it was to be her.” Mirror ‘twilight’ replied, inspecting her hooves nonchalantly as she spoke. “And I thought to myself… why, these strange material beings must often think that! So I used a litttttle bit of magic to curse every reflective surface in Equestria! Now if two ponies look at the mirror and blink at the same time… SNAP! Swapped!”

“You… Y-You can’t do this!” Twilight was already in tears. “I-I don’t want to be Trixie! Put me back!”

“Sorry, kiddo, no can do! You’ll both have to look at a mirror at the same time again! And just hope that nopony else is doing their mane… or having a cry… or just taking in what a sad worthless pathetic little magician they are…”

That last one seemed pointed.

“Well! Must be off! I’m sure we’ll talk again soon, Trixie Sparkle!”


The shimmering reflection of herself dissipated.

Twilight was left looking at a miserable Trixie, with tears of overwhelming stress slowly dripping down her cheeks as she sank down to the floor, head in hooves.

After a few moments of desperate panicking, she managed to get herself up off the floor to really take in her surroundings. The caravan was… well, it was a complete state. She shuddered; did Trixie really live like this? What had she been doing all of this time? Her eyes were drawn to a partially ripped wall calendar. There were so many plans written in scrawled sharpie. Twilight’s stomach twinged a little as she saw most of them were crossed out with red markers. She levitated the page up (noting that it was a lot more effort to use her magic than usual). For the last few months, it had all been the same; a few tiny bookings here and there… but nothing to really live off.

Despite Trixie deserving it…

Twilight was to blame for this.

She thought back to what the strange mirror entity had said to her. ‘Worthless pathetic little magician they are…’

She looked back into the mirror, at the dishevelled unicorn in front of her. Trixie really hadn’t been taking care of herself, had she?

She sighed. She had more than just this bodyswap to fix, didn’t she?

“Right…” she said to herself. Having a different voice was… disconcerting… but she could deal with that later. “Come on, Twilight. You just need to get back to ponyville and sort this mess out before.”

She took a single step and her hoof landed in a four day old sandwich. She grimaced.

“... Maybe I should clean her caravan first.”

She carefully started to move some things off the floor, anxious in the back of her mind about what the mirror entity had said about ‘every mirror is Equestria…”

“And… you’re sure she’s okay?” Fluttershy asked nervously as RainbowDash told her of the strange interaction she had just had with Twilight.

“Yeah, well, no, but I know if it was REAL bad, she’d just tell us. Probably just having a stress over the font changing in a book she liked or something” she said, rolling her eyes a little. Fluttershy glared at her. “W-Which is something she cares about alot! So its okay for her to be sad!”

Fluttershy’s expression softened, and gave her a little nudge. “Good save.” she said quietly. RainbowDash grinned, blushing a tiny bit as she looked away awkwardly.

The pair of ponies had only been a couple for a few weeks, and were still trying to figure everything out. It had surprisingly been Fluttershy who instigated the relationship, but only after she had accidentally told RainbowDash that she ‘liked how she smelt after she had been exercising’,. It had been an embarrassing couple of minutes, but it was a freudian slip that had led to both of their first kisses. From there, they had been on a couple of cute dates, but as per Fluttershy’s request, they had been taking it very slowly. And for once, RainbowDash didn’t mind not breaking the sound barrier.

“A-Anyway!” RainbowDash got into the air again as per usual. “I’m going to go quickly grab that weird Manehatten cider that AJ was wanting me to get, I’ll be right back!” She said, giving Fluttershy a small kiss on the forehead before zooming off. Fluttershy giggled. How had she managed to pull this one off?

She went back to tending to Angel, who was making a fuss about not wanting to eat a carrot because it was too orange. She was happily humming to herself, but was interrupted by a loud screech coming from RainbowDash’s room in the castle! Fluttershy’s ears shot up. Oh no! Was she ok?

She quickly shot up and ran towards the room, where the now hysterical crying from RainbowDash was emanating from.

“D-Dash!” she stuttered as the mare went into the room to see RainbowDash on the floor, staring and sobbing at the Mirror.

“WHAT HAS HAPPENED TO ME! FLUTTERSHY! HELP MEEEEEEEEEEEEE! I’M HIDEOUS!” RainbowDash wailed in a uncharacteristic dramatic fashion, launching herself and grabbing onto Fluts for dear life. Fluttershy was a little stunlocked by this, before gently patting Rainbowdash on the back of the mane. She wasn’t usually to fussed about her appearance. “Shhh… Its ok! I promise, your hair looks lovely today! I-It, uhm… kind of looks the same as it always does…” She said, looking down into the matted and messy mane. ‘She really does need to wash it more…’ she thought to herself. She gave her a small kiss on the muzzle. “It’s all going to be-”


RainbowDash suddenly scampered away. Fluttershy’s heart dropped. Was that the wrong thing to do? Was that without consent? Oh no… oh no no no n o no no no … her wings clamped to her side.

“D-Dashie! I’m sorry, I didn’t mean, it's before you… i thought-” she said, her words tumbling out of her mouth before she could properly stitch them together.

RainbowDash’s wings, on the other hand, seemed to be randomly jerking in different directions without much rhyme or reason.

“I-I’m not RAINBOWDASH! Uwuagh! Its me! Rarity!

Fluttershy blinked at her. RainbowDash loved pranks. But the delivery and wildness seemed a bit much even for her.

But it was also ludicrous.

“Uhm…” she said, not knowing how to take this right now. “No you’re not-”


She ran a hoof through her mane and gagged. She looked like she was going to throw up.

“G-Greasy! I can’t be seen outside like this! What if somepony realises it is me! They see Rarity like THIS!? That would be the WORST! POSSIBLE! THING! EVER!”

Okay, that was Rarity.

Fluttershy let out a squeak of discomfort. Rarity was, of course, known for her style and looks. Keeping up good appearances is her main priority.

“U-Uhm, ok! Ok, uhm..” Fluttershy slowly started to approach the sobbing mess. What was she meant to do!? Her girlfriend was suddenly NOT her girlfriend but instead one of her other friends! What sort of magic was going on?

“D-Do you know how this happened?” she asked slowly. Rarity shook her head. “N-No! One moment I was brushing my mane in the mirror to get ready for Applejack’s picnic and then SUDDENLY I look like a horrible disgusting unwashed disgrace of a-” Rarity stopped herself as she found herself the sudden target of Fluttershy’s stare.

“DON’T! Say that about my girlfriend.” she said firmly. Rarity nodded briskly. The stare finished, and Fluts shrank back down to her usual demeanour.

“Sorry, darling… You know I like to keep myself well maintained…”

Hearing RainbowDash say darling in that tone was disconcerting.

“I-Its ok. Uhm. Well. I think the…” she looked at the door. Twilight would know what to do.

“I-I’ll go get Twilight. She’ll know what to do! B-Be right back!” She said, and gave Rarity an awkward pat on the head as she went back to sobbing.

Fluttershy hurried out, taking a moment to breathe as she left the room. If Rarity was here as RainbowDash… that would mean that RainbowDash would be wherever Rarity is?

Oh goodness… she probably wasn’t taking this very well, was she? She could be rather rash sometimes… she just hoped that rarity’s boutique hadn’t been demolished by the time she checked in.

Carefully clipclopping over to Twilights room, she stuck her head through the still open door.

‘Uhm… Twi…’ she mumbled.

Twilight didn’t seem to be paying attention to the door, instead she seemed to be rummaging through her closet?

To Fluttershy, this was strange; Twilight never tended to dress up fancy unless it was a big event. Mabye AJ’s picnic WAS a big event. Oh no mabye she should have thought of a cool dress to bring oh no oh no fluttershy you idiot you messed it all UP-

No. No time for panic.

Fluts was about to enter when Twilight started to mutter to herself.

“Who needs this much clothes? Does she not have even a single cloak? How is she meant to wow her… oh, yes. Right. Wings. Can’t have a cloak and wings! Unless… WING HOLES! HA!” She said, pulling out a simple black cloak from the closet, draping it over herself happily

Fluttershy’s legs started to wobble.

That wasn’t Twilight, was it?

The creature that looked like Twilight was gladly strutting too and fro, looking in the mirror as herself.

A changeling?

No, it couldn’t be. A changeling wouldn’t act like this if it thought it was alone. This HAD to be another pony who had somehow been swapped! But who!?


Okay it was Trixie.

It was Trixie.

Fluttershy let out a squeak of shock, which caused Trixie’s head to shoot round. Luckily, Fluttershy managed to zip behind the door before she was seen!

Shoot… Shoot shoot SHOOT!

She needed to get out of here, with Rainbow- No, RARITY in hoof!

She scuttled back into the room.

“R-Rarity, we h-have to go! Trixie is-”

The newly turned pegasus wasn’t here. But she could hear running water-

“A-Are you having a shower!?” she looked over to the ensuite door.

“Yes, I’ll just be a minute, darling! I just need to get all of the dirt and grime out of RainbowDash’s mane! W-Won’t be a moment!”

The shrillness of her voice made it sound like she was on the edge of one huge breakdown, which was fair enough I suppose in this situation.

“B-But, T-Twilight! Sh… S-She’s Trixie.”

The water stopped abruptly. The door swung open and a sopping wet ‘RainbowDash’ stepped out, barely able to see through her damp hair.

“She’s WHO!?”

“W-We need to go! N-Now! We need to g-get to the picnic! E-Everypony else will be there, we, w-we can start making a plan!”

“But I need to check on the Boutique! W-Who knows what RainbowDash may have done! She might have set the whole place on fire!

Fluttershy was about to defend her girlfriend again, but to be honest, she couldn’t guarantee the entire building wasn’t destroyed by now.

“B-Blow dry your mane and then we will run, ok!”

Rarity nodded and went back inside the bathroom.

Fluttershy nervously stood by the door, holding it closed. She could only hope that Trixie didn’t realise what was going on and barge on in. Trixie was bad enough as a regular Unicorn, but as an Alicorn?

Ponyville would surely be in ruin!

Through the streets they dashed, Rarity frequently tripping over. As they went, it was becoming clear that whatever this phenomenon was, it was happening alot. Many confused residents were panicking. Lyra was talking to Bonbon about how she was a colt in Manehattan about to have a job interview, HollyDash was panicking about where her son was, and Derpy Hooves was flying around in a circle above.

Although thinking about it that might be normal.

But through the chaos, Fluttershy could hear a common theme. Mirrors.

Rarity had been swapped after looking at a mirror.

Trixie was in a room with a mirror.

She gulped.

She was going to have to be the one to fix this, wasn’t she?

There was something that made fluttershy uniquely equipped to try and keep everything calm here.

She ran her tongue along her pointed teeth with unease.

Author's Note:

Hi! Welcome to my new story!

I love bodyswap stuff, so thought I’d do a weird and wild story about Equestria falling into anarchy due to the mysterious mirror entity! 

Click here to follow me on Tumblr! Feel free to message me on there!

Let me know what you thought down in the comments!

See you soon! Next chapter should be out within the week!


I will be writing a little checklist of who is in whose body at the start of each chapter in an attempt to keep everything. Less confusing lmao