• Published 9th May 2024
  • 132 Views, 21 Comments

Captain Underpants and The Crazy Chaos of Cozy Glow - Big Imagination E

George and Harold were about to take Lyra and Bon Bon out for their anniversary but have to stop Cozy Glow first.

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Chapter 7: Explaining Everything

Meanwhile in Canterlot Castle we see Twilight and her friends discussing how to stop all those villains and figure out who is the mastermind behind all of this. Then they heard the gates knocked and the guards allowed George, Harold, Mr Meaner and Ms Ribble in here. And yes even Melvin because they told them that they we're keeping an eye on him.

"Boys. Mr Meaner and Ms Ribble. I'm so glad that you we're able to come here." Twilight smiled and then she saw Melvin. "Though I'm not happy to see you here."

"Twilight. I know what you're thinking. Yes I was being a self-absorbed jerk in the past but I'm not going to cause trouble anymore. I want to help you stop this chaos going around. And I want to destroy Melvinborg that is also here too." Melvin said.

"And why should we trust you punk?" Rainbow asked.

"Believe me George and Harold asked me the same thing. Look I know it's hard to trust me now. But believe me when I say I don't want Melvinborg changing the future and ruining George and Harold's lives with Lyra and Bon Bon." Melvin replied.

Applejack looked at Melvin and he was a little nervous. "He's telling the truth Twi. And besides he had his intelligence drained again so there's no way he could done this."

"Oh thank you Applejack. It least you understand what I'm saying." Melvin said in relief.

"But if Melvin isn't causing all that trouble then who is?" Rarity wondered.

"I'm not sure. But whoever it is we all need to stop them before all of Equestria is wrecked by them." Twilight noted. She then used her magic to create a image of all the villains attacking Ponyville and then Melvin saw something in the far distance.

"Wait Twilight. Can you get a closer look on that dot on the mayor's place?" Melvin asked as she zoomed in and the dot became clearer. On the building we see Cozy Glow wearing the helmet and the stuff that came on her when her crashed into the vault of the school. "Cozy Glow! I heard Melvinborg saying something about her! She must have summoned all those villains with that helmet!"

"Cozy?! But how did she escape?! And how did she get that helmet?!" Twilight worried.

"She must have noticed the relics in the basement of Tartarus and found the helmet. But with it all hope is doomed. Especially with Cozy wearing it." Harold said.

"There's only one way to stop this. We need to destroy that helmet Cozy is wearing. It's what's causing the villains to be here in the first place. Without it she can't control them." Melvin suggested.

"Melvin's right. If that helmet contains powerful magic that Cozy is possessing they we definitely need to destroy it. But one condition Melvin." Fluttershy said.

"What's the condition?" Melvin wondered.

"You need to prove to us that you are willing to change your ways. And since you are willing to help us stop Cozy Glow we'll trust you. But you need to do the planning and you'll need this." Fluttershy said giving Melvin a special crystal like laser. "You'll need this to defend yourself from any of the villains attacks. And we don't want you planning anything that leads to a betrayal. So if you can do that then we will accept your apology."

"Ok. If that's what it will take to earn your trust then I'm willing to take the risk. George? Harold? Assemble the crew and get Captain Underpants. We have a maniac to stop." Melvin said.

Everyone nodded in agreement and proceed to assemble the team. Then the two ran into the castle in Ponyville and got their costumes. Once they did that they landed on the ground and headed off. Then Mr Meaner ran and he brought his Stinky Kong mech, and Ms Ribble and she became Wedgie Woman but for heroism and they agreed to help out. Then they saw Mr Krupp walking around for a bit and the boys knew who else to call. So with a snap of their fingers in no time Krupp spun around and all his clothes came off and turned into Captain Underpants!

"Tra la laaaaa!!" Captain Underpants said.

"Captain Underpants. We are glad you are here. Listen a crazy evil filly named Cosy Glow summoned villains from the past that we faced and we need to stop her." George said.

"Ooh that's sounds bad. But I'm sure we can stop them sidekicks! Although what is Melvin doing here?" Captain Underpants asked.

"Captain Underpants. I Melvin did not come to wreak havoc. A truce has been declared. We have decided that I would join in in helping them stop Cozy and the villains from attacking Ponyville. With a few conditions that I have to obey by." Melvin explained.

"Yeah. And we're gonna make sure that he keeps his word." Mr Meaner said.

"Yes I understand that I haven't been the most nicest guy back then. But I do want to change and help stop this chaos." Melvin replied.

"We know Melvin. You said that like 100 times already." Harold said. "But for now we gotta head to the mayor's place and stop Cozy! Let's go guys!"

Everyone shouted in a war cry and they all headed to the mayor's place to take down Cozy. Can they stop her or will all of Equestria be doomed?

Author's Note:

Sounds like Melvin is joining forces with George and Harold along with Captain Underpants.