> What If: Night Lasted a Thousand Years > by Brinde > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > What if: Night Lasted A Thousand Years > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- What If: Night lasted a Thousand Years For a thousand years no pony could recall seeing the sun. They had heard of it’s supposed existence, and an Alicorn named Celestia who had once risen the sun. That was all however, a long, long time ago, too long for most ponies, as many had now put the sun into the existence of folklore and myth. Yet Nightmare Moon still knew the truth, and what had truly happened to her sister, that left inside her a lingering hidden loneliness as deep as the void. This was a loneliness none would see if she could help it. It was afterall not her subjects burden, it was hers for the sin she had committed. A sin she knew she would never forget, and would forever regret, that was at least what she had thought… until she had stumbled across her. The only one who had been able to bring a glimmer of hope into her life, the same pony she happened to now be preening lovingly, while embracing her as they sat together. Twilight Sparkle was trying to read her book, trying to, but Nightmare Moons advances was making that difficult, she always did know just the right spots to preen, and often touch. “Luna…” Twilight began Nightmare Moon took in a deep breath through her nose, before breathing out slowly. Her real name, her true name, no one called her that anymore… except for Twilight. Smiling slightly as she brought herself even closer to Twilight. “Yes dearest?” “I’ve been reading.” Twilight continued as she flipped through the pages of the book, some things never changed it seemed. A slight smirk came across Lunas face at this comment. “When are you not?” She replied a little too close to Twilights ears, making sure her breath hit the more… sensitive spots. Twilight shuddered a bit as she blushed. “Luna! This is important.” “Alright,” Luna chuckled. “I’ll humor you, what have you been reading this time?” “Well… it’s about the Sun…” Twilight replied as she looked down at her book again. Luna winced slightly, it always brought bad memories to her when it was brought up, if only because it reminded her of what she had done. Though not to let this show she smiled down at Twilight. “And what have you found about the Sun?” “Well the amount of life it can support. I mean I know we have all the stuff that is able to grow in the night, and all the greenhouses we have across Equestria, but this…” Twilight looked up at Luna. “It’s like there’s a whole other world… I mean just think of what we could do if we had the Sun.” Twilight Sparkle had always been a bright pony, it was one of the reasons Luna took her in when she had first discovered her potential. All of which had come at once due to a certain boom in the night sky. The other reason was of course the hope her name brought, in fact the name Twilight was strange in of itself, after all no one had seen the twilight sky in a thousand years. The name alone brought hope to Luna, because maybe… just maybe, she would be able to bridge the gap between her and her sister, and make things right again. As for bringing out the Sun? Well that was a different story, Nightmare Moon wouldn’t allow her to do so, did she have the power? Oh yes, she most certainly did, but her counterpart that was made docile by Twilight as well, would not allow herself to do so. Just what was it that would prevent her from doing so? Pride? Perhaps, but there was something else to it… a curse maybe? It would certainly make sense if that was the case. No Twilight was right, this was not the first time she had brought up the subject of the sun, or her sister. She was after all very astute and Luna was beginning to find, that at one point she would not be able to hide anything from her. She simply just found out things far too quickly for her to be able to keep up. Not that this was a bad thing at all, in fact it was a good thing, even if it did bring her to now have to make a very tough decision, one which could harm her beloved Twilight. She bit her lip as she looked down at Twilight, she never wanted to bring her harm, but sometimes it was worth the risk… “Twilight,” She began with her voice now somber. Twilight noticing the change in Luna’s voice looked towards her. “What is it Luna? Something wrong?” Her own voice deeply concerned with the change in Luna. “I’m afraid we’re going to be apart for a little while… there’s something I’m going to need you to do.” Luna continued as she tried to control herself. Twilights eyes went wide. “What? What do you mean we’re going to be apart? What is it you need me to do?” Panic was beginning to rise in her voice. “I’m going to need you to go to Ponyville, help some of the ponies prepare for the thousandth night Lunar Celebration, while making friends at the same time. Once all this is done, you must then find the Elements of Harmony.” “Why do I need to make any friends?” Twilight gave out a slight whine. “You’re the only pony I need…” Luna smiled gently. “While that is sweet, you will need them for the Elements.”   This caused Twilight to frown. “Besides the Elements being a supposed myth, though gathering how you speak of them, I’ll assume that’s not the case… Why do I need them?” Now came the hard part, convincing her student to do something she’d never want to do. “Because-” Luna inhaled before letting out a deep breath. “You’re going to need them to use against… me.” Twilight suddenly found herself on her feet. “No, I won’t do it, I won’t use the most powerful weapons in Equestria against you, I refuse!” Luna sighed, she had expected this to happen. “Twilight, there is a darkness inside me, that needs the full force of light to vanquish it. That darkness is Nightmare Moon, the part of me that brings about nighttime eternal, that causes so many Ponies and animals grief. It is this very darkness that overthrew my own sister Celestia… A benevolent being like no other, I need her back Twilight, and the only one who can do it is you.” Twilight was shaking her head, with slight tears running down her face. “I can’t… I can’t do it Luna, I can’t attack the very Pony whom I care the most about.” “Please Twilight, don’t make this any harder than it has to be.” Luna said as she looked sadly towards her pupil. “Do you even know what you’re asking me to do?!” Twilight nearly yelled. Luna closed her eyes, before opening them slowly. “Yes… I do, it’s not easy for me either Twilight, I never wanted to put you in this situation, or in harms way.” “Then don’t! You don’t have to make me do this.” Twilight was now on the verge of begging. Luna sighed slightly, as she shook her head. “I’m not making you do anything Twilight, I am asking you to do this, for me, for Equestria.” “But… but… what about you? I don’t want to hurt you, or leave you!” Tears began to run down Twilights eyes. A gentle smile came upon Lunas face as she wiped away Twilights tears. “I want the light again Twilight, I wish to undo that which I have done, but I myself cannot do it, my darker side will not allow it.”  That gentle smile, eventually grew into that of regret. “Little did I know, that I would be imprisoning a part of myself along with my Sister.” Like always Twilight decided the best she could do, was to look at this logically. “But what if I lose you?” “You won’t lose me, I promise. You’ll just take away a part of me I despise,” Luna replied as she looked into Twilights eyes. “What about your Sister? She could imprison you for doing what you did right?” Twilight asked still unsure on whether or not to agree to do all this. Luna let out a small chuckle. “My Sister is not that type of Alicorn Twilight, she is kind and compassionate to a fault. It is after all, what allowed me to defeat her… she refused to fight back and harm the only family she had and loved. No matter what the cost would be to Equestria, I was more important to her…” Luna looked down with a sad smile. “I was always more important to her, and by the time I realized that, it was too late.” It was so rare for Twilight to hear Luna speak of her past, and as always her mind was inquisitive. “Why did you do it?” A slight snort, followed by a sigh came out of Luna. “Pride, and jealousy mostly, I had… gotten sick of living in my Sister’s shadow, I wanted the same recognition she got, after all we were suppose to be equal. Alas the Ponies came to admire her more, and slowly began to forget me, so then jealousy crept in, and my pride would not allow such indignation to happen.” “Which is what cause you to fight her?” Twilight asked. “Not at first no…” Luna shook her head. “At first I went to her about it, she thought I was being silly… then I brooded for a while, then I started to notice all the celebrations were beginning to come in her honor instead of us both… At one point I couldn’t handle it anymore. Pride said I am as great as my sister and shouldn’t be ignored, jealousy was telling me it wasn’t fair that she was getting all the glory, and then fear came in and said I would fade away.” Luna turned her head once again to Twilight. “That is when I finally snapped.” “Well that was hardly your fault.” Twilight huffed, “Your Sister obviously did very little to ease your fears.” “The fault lies with us both Twilight, not just her, I should have discussed my issues with her, not left them to fester and grow as I did. True she could have been more observant to my struggles and the like, but it was also my fault for not telling her why.” Luna shook  her head sadly at the memories. “But that is in the past, and you have yet to answer my question.” Twilight couldn’t help but sigh now, did she want to help Luna? Oh yes more than anything, if that was so what was keeping her back? Fear? If so hadn’t Luna just reassured her that she would not lose her? Was she then to deny her even so? No she would do it, if Luna had put her hope in her, far be it from her to let her down. “Fine, but I’m only doing it for you, not for anything else.” Twilight finally said after contemplating for a few moments. “I wouldn’t ask anything of you than that.” Luna smiled, before pausing slightly. “Oh and don’t forget to take Spike, he wouldn’t know what to do without you.” Ah yes Spike, the baby dragon that had in some ways allowed Twilight to be recognized for what and who she was. Though the instigator to all that was through a night rainboom that echoed through Equestria. Even so, despite what caused it all, even if one could throw it up to speculation, Twilight with the help of Luna had raised Spike ever since he had been hatched. Through time he had become a very dear friend, and practically seen as a little brother, even though they were of a different species, but that distinction didn’t really matter. So with that being said, Twilight simply smiled at Luna. “Of course I won’t forget Spike, he wouldn’t know what to do with himself if I did.” Luna smiled slightly at that, before she decided to stand up. “Good to hear.” She nodded before looking down at Twilight. “Though remember, no matter what I may do from here on out… you must proceed until you find the elements.” Twilight closed her eyes for a few moments if only to strengthen her resolve. This was all for Luna right? Of course it was, so she couldn’t hesitate, as she opened her eyes and nodded slightly. “I will…No matter what happens I will.” ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The moon glistened in the night sky, as it had for the past millennia, but this night it shone especially bright. For what? None could say, nor did the Moon normally shine as bright before. Some would speculate that it would mark the beginning of a world changing event, little did they currently know how right they were. Needless to say, it was a rather nice flight for Twilight and Spike, as they were brought to Ponyville in a carriage pulled by two bat ponies. During the ride to Ponyville, Spike couldn’t help but be a little confused. “I don’t get it…” He finally said, after what could be seen as a long silence. “Don’t get what?” Twilight asked as she turned her attention towards Spike, instead of looking continually at the moon and stars. “Why we’re going to Ponyville.” Spike answered as he furrowed his brow. “Ah…” Twilight Sparkle smiled a bit at this query of Spikes. “Well for two reasons… the official reason is to help out with the festival.” Spike simply raised an eyebrow at this as he looked at Twilight. “And the actual reason we’re going to Ponyville?” Twilight took a deep breath before exhaling “To find the Elements of Harmony…” “The Elements of Harmony? I thought those were just a myth.” Spike said in slight surprise. “Yeah so did I Spike… so did I, that was until Luna told me otherwise.” Twilight looked off into the distance again. Spike blinked a few times. “So uh… what exactly are we suppose to do with said elements once, and if we find them?” “Bring back her sister… and her as well…” Twilight let out a sigh when she said this. “But that’s a good thing right?” Spike asked a little unsure, due to Twilights current conflicting mood. “I hope so Spike… I really do… Anyways it looks like we’re here.” Twilight said as the carriage landed on the ground in Ponyville. Spike looked up at Twilight as they got off and began to walk through the town. “So uh… what now?” He finally ended up asking. “Now… I’m suppose to help with the Lunar Celebration that is happening here this year, and to make some friends… I think…” Twilight replied as she pulled out her check list, before putting it away before she almost bumped into a Pink pony with bushy pink hair. “Oh I’m sorry I almost crashed-” Twilight was cut off by the loud long gasp from the pony in front of her. This was only followed by a squeal before the pony zipped off in unnatural speeds. Only to leave Twilight and Spike blinking at what just transpired. Twilight cleared her throat finally. “Well that was… strange… Right what was first… first was… food, taken care of by…” Twilight trailed off as she read the list further. “Applejack at the Apple Acres…” Placing the list down Twilight blinked a few times. “Ok I’m officially curious now… and since we’re going there I’ll be able to find out just how they’re able to grow apples through eternal night…” “Um… right.” Was all Spike said as he followed behind her. When they finally arrived, they found themselves under blinding light, having to shield their eyes for a bit and after blinking a few times, their eyes finally began to slowly adjust. They were as far as Twilight could tell under a dome, perhaps a massive greenhouse with a farm in the center of it. The effect the dome was giving off was that of a clear blue sky and a makeshift sun. Powerful magics had to have been in place to produce something this grandiose, not to mention all the thriving apples under it… the place was massive and it frankly left Twilight a little dumbfounded. “Quite somethin’ ain’t it?” A light orange pony with blond hair and a straw hat spoke up as she came across the two. Twilight blinked a few more times. “I’ll say… I’ve never seen anything like it…” Still awestruck, but finally managing to shake free before looking at the pony in front of her. “Are you Applejack by any chance?” “Sure as sugar Ah am” She said as she began to shake Twilights hoog vigorously. “An’ ya’ll must be Twilight an’ Spike! Pleasure ta meet ya’ll” “You know of us?” Twilight asked as her hoof kept shaking before Spike stopped it while stifling a snicker. “Sure Ah do, almost everyone should know of ya.” Applejack nodded proudly. “I’m…” Twilight blinked. “I’m famous?” “Sure ya are.” Applejack arched an eyebrow. “Ya didn’ know that?” A slight frown appeared on Twilights face at this. “No… no I didn’t…” “Well what did ya expect? Yer the closest thing t’ Nightmare Moon anypony has ever gotten.” Applejack said with a slight chuckle. “I’m… I’m not the closest pony to Nightmare Moon…” Twilight tilted her head slightly thinking about it. “Am I?” “Ya sure are, anyways lets not dwell on that right now, what can Ah do ya for?” Applejack asked changing the subject. Twilight snapped back to reality as she looked at Applejack. “Oh right I’m here about the food preparations.” “Oh we’ve got that covered, lemme show ya.” Applejack began before she inhaled, and in a loud voice. “Grubs up Everypony!” This caused a large amount of ponies to come rushing in, with different various foods, mostly all apple related. This shouldn’t have been much of a surprise as Applejack named off all the family members who were, one could only say slightly stampeding towards them before delivering off the food and taking their place within the group. By the time it was all done there was a mini hill full of food and that was just one item, from each family member. Due to how friendly Applejack was, she could only imagine what the others would be like. So fearing the worst, she backed up a little. “Well… it seems like you’ve got the food covered… so I’ll just… be on my… way.” She said as she backed up a little more. “Yer not gonna stay for brunch?” Applebloom asked with what one could call large puppy dog eyes. As Twilight recalled Applebloom was one of the last of the group members mentioned, and Applejacks younger sister. Sighing slightly, she couldn’t say no when such a filly asked like that and it wasn’t like she was in a hurry to go anywhere anytime soon. “Fine, I’ll stay.” This caused a huge cheer from the rest of the family members, as Twilight stayed for brunch. Afterwards facing a bulging belly and groaning softly, with Spike chuckling slightly as they left the acreage. It took them sometime to get back to town, what with Twilight trying not to go to fast on a bloated stomach. “Ugh I ate too much, Spike what’s next on the list?” Twilight eventually asked still groaning slightly. Pulling out the scroll, Spike looked it over, as he went down the list. “It says we’re suppose to be meeting up with a Pegasus called Rainbow Dash… who is in charge of the clouds.” Twilight looked up the sky, with a slight frown. “Well she doesn’t seem to be doing a good job, the sky is full of them…” It was then a “Watch out!” Was heard before said pony crashed into them. Only to have Twilight with a less than amused look on her face, as she gave Rainbow Dash a slight glare. Rainbow Dash laughed slightly. “Uh sorry about that… here let me help you out…” Before dousing her with water from a cloud, only to make Twilight glare even more. “Ahahaha… Oh I know… I’ll give you my own special Rainbow Dry.” Before spinning around her using the air currents to dry her as she did so. This only left Twilight with hair that ended up looking like a severe case of bad bed hair with how messed up it now was. Only to cause Dash and Spike to begin laughing. Once they were done laughing, it only took one more look at Twilight before they began laughing again. Twilight needless to say was not amused by any of this. Coughing slightly to get their attention, and noticing the rainbow streaks in Dashes hair. “Rainbow Dash I presume?” Flying straight up into the air, pulling off a pose. “The one and only…” She said as she looked down at Twilight, and stopped. “Oh my gosh, oh my gosh!” She said in sudden glee. Before flying down in front of Twilight. “You’re Twilight Sparkle! This is just so… Awesome! Hey do you think you can put in a good word for me?” “Why does everypony I meet seem to know me?” Twilight asked slightly irritated by this. “Well duh, you’re famous.” Dash said as if it was no brainer. This caused Twilights eyes to roll. “So I’ve been told already.” “So yeah can you put in a good word for me?” Dash asked again slightly excited. Twilight raised an eyebrow at this question, having no clue what Dash was talking about. “A good word for who?” “The Shadow Bolts of course!” Dash replied with something bordering on fangirlism. “The… Shadowbolts?” Twilight asked as if she wasn’t believing what she was hearing. “Yeah!” Dash said proudly. “I’ve only wanted to join them for like… forever!” “The… Shadow Bolts… as in the elite flying force under Nightmare Moon, matched by none?” Twilight was still in disbelief on what she was hearing coming out of this ponies mouth. “That’s right.” Dash nodded. “Why would I put in a good word for you, when you can’t even clear the clouds?” Twilight asked slightly irritated. “Hey I can clear these clouds in ten seconds flat.” Dash replied in a matter of fact tone of voice. “Oh yeah?” Twilight peered at Dash giving her a slight smirk. “Prove it.” A smirk appeared on Rainbow Dashes face. “Challenge accepted.” Before she flew up into the air, and like she said, clearing the clouds in ten seconds flat. This only caused Twilights jaw to drop as she watched this, before Dash landed back in front of her once she was done, laughing a bit as she closed Twilights mouth. “You’re funny, remember to put in a good word for me 'kay?” Before she flew off. Finally shaking it off she gave a frustrated groan, as Spike was keeping his laughter in. “Right what’s next?” “Decorations.” Spike answered while still holding an amused face, this was the most fun he could remember having in a while. “Right… headed by a Miss Rarity if I recall.” Twilight said with a slight sigh. “Well might as well get this over with.” Before heading towards the design building and entering. Inside they saw a pony going through ribbons and other decoration items, hanging them up in various places. It was quite the site to be sure, but in Twilights eyes, the acreage still held the title of utterly astounding. Still it was a little interesting to watch this pony fret over designs for the celebrations. The silence between the two was broken by Spike who simply said. “Beautiful.” “Yes it is quite beautiful Spike” Twilight nodded in agreement. “No not the place, her,” Spike said as he pointed at Rarity. Twilight merely rolled her eyes as she approached the mare. “Hello, if you’ll excuse us I’m guessing you’re Rarity?” “Why yes I am, a pleasure to meet you…” Rarity turned around. “Twilight Sparkle!” Her eyes at that point took on a certain… gleam. “Oh my, it is a pleasure to meet you, I never thought I’d meet somepony who was practically Royalty.” “Oh no…” Twilight laughed slightly. “I’m not Royalty.” “Why dear, you’re practically Nightmare Moons right hand mare, as far as I’m concerned that makes you practically Royalty…” Rarity said in delight, before frowning a bit taking in Twilights appearance. “But tell me dear… what ever happened to your hair?” Twilight looked up at part of her hair that was hanging down. “Oh this? Whirlwind hair blow, courtesy of one Rainbow Dash.” “Oh my… yes she can be a bit reckless but she means well.” Rarity said nodding slightly at this before pulling Twilight with her. “But we can take care of that if you’ll come with me.” Not that Twilight was given much choice in the matter. “I must say, I truly never thought I’d end up meeting you, it is such an honor, and I would do anything to get to know you better.” Rarity continued once she began to fix Twilights hair. “Yes I do mean anything, sure you’re not a stallion, but I can swing both ways… after all there is no one closer to Princess Nightmare Moon as you.” Twilight shifted feeling slightly uncomfortable by this line of conversation. “Can I ask you something?” “Why of course dear, ask me anything you want.” Rarity said as she continued to work on Twilight. “Why does everypony I meet know me?” Twilight decided to ask, as it had been something she was still quite confused about. “You seriously don’t know? Why dear aren’t you always with Princess Nightmare Moon?” Rarity asked as she arched a slight eyebrow. “Well yes, but I don’t know what that has to do with anything…” Twilight replied. “Well you’re never seen outside, no pony besides Nightmare Moon has spoken with you, you’re kind of a Mystery, yet everyone knows your Nightmare Moons protege, and while you are often seen with her you’re very elusive.” Rarity turned Twilight around once she finished with her hair. “Dear anypony, that knows somepony, is curious about you and to think I would be one to find out more about you.” “Would certainly explain all the photographers I suppose…” Twilight said thinking about this. “I’ve just always been secluded in my studies and with Princess Nightmare Moon, oh and of course Spike…” “So are the rumors true?” Rarity asked as she went off to get some clothes to put Twilight in. “What rumors?” Twilight asked as she tilted her head slightly. “That you and Princess Nightmare Moon are actually lovers?” Rarity pried. This question caused Twilight to blush as she began to stutter slightly. “W… Well that is… I… I mean… um… I’m not entirely sure… I mean…” “Oh my it seems I’ve asked something embarrassing, my apologies we can leave that issue alone.” Rarity said noticing Twilights discomfort with the question. Rarity studied Twilight and the vest she was in, before her eyes fell on the emerald on Twilights vest causing her to frown slightly. “Emeralds? What was I thinking? Rubies would work so much better.” Before she rushed off to gather said gems. When she did Twilight took Spike and rushed out the door leaving the vest behind. “Quick Spike, before she gets even more up close and personal.” Finally once they got far enough, and Spike had snapped out of his lovestruck daydreaming, they came across the next item on the list. “Music, lets go see whoever is in charge of this, why my list doesn’t have the ponys name is beyond me.” What they came across was a pony with a group of different bats, hanging over a set of different crystal glasses playing a rather nice sounding melody. When they finally stopped Twilight clapped her hooves. “That was wonderful, I’m Twilight Sparkle, and you might be?” “Fluttershy,” The Pony replied softly. “Fluttershy was it?” Twilight asked not quite hearing her. “Yes.” She said even quieter before curling up a bit. “Riiiight… Well… I guess… I’ll just… leave you to it then…” Twilight said before turning around not exactly sure how to talk to what seemed to be a more reclusive pony than herself. “Twilight, are we going to check out the Library now?” Spike asked as he stepped out of the bushes, though what he was doing in there was anyone's guess. “Yes it looks like we are… everyone on the list has been checked off.” Twilight answered as she double and triple checked the list. “Oh my goodness a baby dragon? I didn’t know you had a baby dragon!” Fluttershy suddenly spoke up once she spotted Spike.   “Well, well, what do we have here?” Spike asked as he looked at Twilight with a grin. “Oh my this is just so exciting, I mean what do baby dragons do?” Fluttershy asked as she floated up into the air with her wings. “Would you like to find out?” Spike asked as he rode on Twilights back, causing Twilight to roll her eyes ever so slightly at this. “Why yes please.” Fluttershy said eagerly. This caused Spike to go into his whole story, starting from when he hatched as an egg giving Fluttershy more details than any pony had ever heard of him and of Twilight. only to cause a slight groan from Twilight as she headed towards the Library, and was ever so thankful when they reached it. Just in time too, cause it sounded like Spike was about to go into detailed explanation of what he had done today as well. “Well would you look at that.” Twilight finally said, “We’ve seemed to arrived, now it was nice to meet you Fluttershy but I really must begin my research and put Spike to bed, he is a baby dragon after all.” “Oh my goodness yes, we certainly must bring him to rest.” Fluttershy agreed as she followed Twilight in. Once Twilight turned on the light she was met by a loud “SURPRISE!” As the pink pony she saw from earlier zipped in front of her. Besides that it seemed like her new home was full of ponies, most of which she had yet to meet, as well as the ponies she met from earlier. “Hi I’m Pinkie Pie, I knew who you were when you first came but then like you seemed so depressed and I didn’t want a friend of Nightmare Moon to be so depressed especially in a town you know nothing about or anyone in it so I thought it would be a great idea if there was a Welcome Twilight Sparkle Surprise Party that way you wouldn’t be lonely anymore and being lonely is boooring and I didn’t want that to happen so do you like it? Huh huh huh huh?” She suddenly spoke, with absolutely no pauses in her rant, a feat only she could manage to do. Twilight could only manage to blink a few times in shock and surprise, Pinkie certainly had done her job that was for sure. “Uh yeah…” Twilight said slowly “It’s great…” The party continued for sometime, Twilight had brought herself to retire quite earlier, it was all so very exhausting after all. Eventually it died out and everyone left the Library except for Twilight and Spike. Spike was asleep and Twilight needed to find the location of the Elements of Harmony. Meanwhile at the Lunar Celebration, everything was going well, even with Nightmare Moons arrival whom it was dedicated for. Something still seemed off as Applejack spotted Rainbow Dash by the punch as she walked up to her. “Is it just me or is Twilight Sparkle Missing?” Dash looked around before deciding to get a better look from the air. Finally she came back down and nodded. “You’re right, she’s not here…” “What do you mean girls? Who’s not here?” Rarity asked as she came up to them. “Twilight Sparkle.” Applejack answered bluntly. “What?! Twilight Sparkle isn’t here?” Pinkie Pie suddenly asked appearing out of nowhere. “Is she hiding?” She asked before zipping around the room looking in every supposed hiding place. “Oooooohhh she’s good.” “Um girls… Twilight Sparkle never was here,  she never came…” Fluttershy spoke up. “Then where the heck is she?” Dash asked with a frown. “The… Library?” Fluttershy suggested. “That… does make sense.” Rarity agreed, before she looked at the rest of the group. “Think we should go and check it out?” “Well duh, she must be so lonely by herself, of course we need to go and check up on her.” Pinkie Pie said matter of factly. When the group headed out, none of them noticed a pair of blue eyes watching them before diverting its attention elsewhere. When they reached the Library, the saw it in a complete mess as piles of books were piled up everywhere. Beyond the pile they saw Twilight frantically rushing from one shelf to another throwing books into various piles that didn’t have what she was looking for. “No, no, no, no, no… arg! This isn’t it either! where the hay is it?!” Twilight asked frustrated. “Uh Twilight?” Applejack was the first to speak up slightly concerned. “Ya alright?” Twilight paused looking at the girls. “Oh hey girls, shouldn’t you be at the party? Never mind that, yeah I’m fine…” A slight pause. “Actually no I’m not fine, I’m not fine at all!” “Why dear whatever is the matter?” Rarity then asked as she stepped in closer. “I can’t find the book on the Elements of Harmony!” Twilight answered in a frustrated tone of voice. From the looks of it, she seemed to have been at this a while. “Elements of Harmony a reference guide.” Pinkie Pie suddenly said at a certain shelf causing Twilight to rush over. “Where did you find this?” Twilight asked as she levitated the book from the shelf. “It was under eeeeEEEEEE.” Pinkie Pie replied in a sing song tone of voice as she bounced past Twilight. Only to cause Twilight to deadpan. “Oh…” Before she opened up the book. “What the heck do ya need with the Elements of Harmony? They’re just a myth right?” Dash asked as she flew closer to Twilight. “No… no they’re not… They’re in the Everfree forest…” Twilight replied before closing the book. “Still don’ explain why ya need em.” Applejack stated. Twilight sighed before turning to face the girls. “To bring back the sun… and to cure Luna.” “The sun? You’ve gotta be joking, that’s an old mares tale.” Dash said in disbelief. “Cure… who?” Rarity asked slightly confused. “Nightmare Moons real name is Princess Luna, though not many know it, Nightmare Moon is Lunas Darker… half.” Twilight managed to answer before addressing the first question. “It is quite real I can assure you, I… will be trying to bring back Princess Celestia, and therefore restore the world to the rightful state it should be.” “Well wouldn’ that be somethin’ mah family's been dreaming of that fer as long as ah can remember.” Applejack said wistfully. “Wait you know about the sun?” Dash asked Applejack slightly shocked. “Why sure we had t’ duplicate it’s effect so we could get the apples t’ grow after all.” She said nodding slightly. "Ah mean Ah know it use ta exist a long time ago, and when the darkness first came mah family had t' adapt and figure out how to keep our apples growin', an so eventually we figured out how t' copy the suns power through a massive greenhouse... actually ah don' know all the full details on how they did, some kinda magic that the unicorns in our lineage figured out how t' do it, ah personally can' make heads or tales of all that mumbo jumbo." "Huh..." Twilight blinked hearing this. " That certainly explains a few things, but in either case the elements are in the Everfree Forest like I said earlier, so that’s where I’ll be going now.” Twilight said as she headed out of the door. “Well there’s no way we’re letting you go there alone.” Dash said as she flew out after her. “That’s right dear, as… frightening as it is, we can’t risk you getting hurt.” Rarity was the next to respond and follow Twilight. “Darn straight, an’ if these elements can do what ya say they can Ah’ll want t’ see it.” Applejack agreed as she followed. Pinkie Pie bounced after them excited. “Oh an adventure, those are so much fun, weeeee.” “Oh my goodness, oh my goodness.” Was all Fluttershy was able to manage as she was the last to follow them into the forest. Though she was the last it would be a little ironic, that the first obstacle they encounter would end up being her turn to go first. Said obstacle which was a roaring injured manticore. Though this wouldn’t be their only obstacle as a shadow floated past them. Twilight frowned at this, how were the suppose to pass. “Ok girls lets take it easy, you should never approach a dangerous injured animal… so any suggestions?” “We could always fly over it?” Dash suggested. “You and Fluttershy are the only ones with wings” Applejack replied dryly to that suggestion. “Oh I know, we could let Fluttershy deal with it!” Pinkie Pie said as she bounced up and down. “Fluttershy? why…” It was then Twilight noticed Fluttershy go towards the manticore. “Fluttershy what are you doing it’s dangerous!” “Oh no it’s not, he’s just crying because he’s in pain.” She said confidently as she worked on healing the manticore, who replied by licking her once it was cured. When the group came up and passed the manticore, Twilight couldn’t help but ask. “How did you know what to do?” “I’ve learned when you show kindness to animals and help them out they’ll show kindness back” Fluttershy answered with a smile. “It should work with Ponies as well, but not all of them share the same sentiment sadly.” Twilight couldn’t help but smile at this as they continued on their way. Before they could go any further a part of the mountain side cracked open, causing Twilight to fall, and Applejack to go after her catching her before she fell off. Applejack managed to catch her in time, before looking upwards and then back down at Twilight. "Twilight... listen t' me very carefully... yer gonna have t' let go." Twilight looked at Applejack as if she had just said the most insane thing ever. "Are you joking!? I'll die, or even seriously injure myself!" “Ah ain’t jokin’ ya gotta trust me.” Applejack was completely serious about this, keeping her eye on her surrounding before saying, “Now!” Twilight bit her lip, but decided to trust her, screaming ever so shortly before she was caught by Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash. Brought to the ground they were finally able to continue on their way… that was until they came across the night terrors. Images and things so terrifying one could only imagine them up in nightmares or horror stories. So of course their natural reaction was to scream… except for Pinkie Pie… who was doing the opposite… laughing. “Pinkie Pie what are you doing?!” Twilight asked in slight horror. [cue in Giggle at the Ghosties]   Once the specters and night terrors, were taken care of, they finally managed to continue on their way. Twilight couldn’t help but wonder if this had been what Luna ment, it certainly seemed that way after all. With that being said just how many trials would they have to go through to get to the castle? Well that was if it wasn’t for a river dragon making it impossible for them to currently cross. “Gone… gone! All of it is gone! Woe is me, I leave for a few minutes and it’s gone.” He fell back into the water crying. “Um… excuse me… but what is gone?” Twilight asked a little concerned. “All my sea gems and my mirror, they are very helpful you know, especially for one such as me, but they’re gone” He burst out crying again. “Why that is simply terrible, as a lady who appreciates such things herself, I cannot permit this to pass.” Rarity spoke up before she went into her satchel pulling out a mirror with a golden rim and handle, and a few sapphires. “I know it’s not much but perhaps these will do?” “Oh my dear, you are simply too kind, are you sure I may have these?” The River Dragon asked. “Oh but of course, you lost yours after all.” Rarity smiled as she levitated the items over to his hands. “Thank you, thank you so much.” He took the items putting them away safely before turning back to them. “As my thanks I’ll help you cross the river.” With that, he formed his back into a type of bridge which allowed them all to cross. Not long after they finally reached the bridge… which not surprisingly needed to be tied up. So with that being said Dash flew down and took the other end of the rope bridge to the other side. As she did so she was met with 3 figures, dressed in the uniform of the team she was dying to be apart of. “Hello Dash, we’ve heard you’ve wanted to join us.” The leader spoke up. “Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, have I ever?!” Dash said rather excited. “Well then, why don’t you come along and join us? We have a spot open for you after all.” The leader continued. “Are you serious?” Dashes eyes couldn’t get any bigger at the news she was just hearing. The leader nodded. “We are dead serious.” “Oh I am so totally in… just let me tie up this rope and-” Rainbow Dash was cut off. “No! It’s either them or us!” Came the fierce reply as the leaders eyes narrowed at Dash. Dash bit her lip thinking about this for a moment or two before responding. “No.. thank you but no, I chose my friends.” With that she finished tying the ropes, only to have the three figures disappear. When the rest of the group crossed the bridge Twilight stopped beside Dash looking at her. “That must of been hard for you… your dream standing right there in front of you.” Dash looked back at Twilight before sighing a bit. “Yeah… it was a really hard choice, but it came down to whether or not I could abandon my friends for my dream… and I just couldn’t you know?” Twilight smiled slightly at this and patted Dash lightly on the back. “You did well Dash, you did well.” As they continued on. It wasn’t long now, before they reached an almost intact castle, walking through it slowly, before eventually finding themselves within what use to be the throne room of the two sisters. In the middle of the room stood what appeared to be a pedestal surrounded by what Twilight could only assume to be the Elements of Harmony. Still cautious as they all looked around, careful not to trip any traps… if there were any traps as they approached the baubles. “Um Twilight…” Rainbow Dash said after a while. “Isn’t there suppose to be one more?” She asked while circling the elements. “Yes… there is…” Twilight agreed frowning at this, and also trying to figure it all out. “So… now what?” Applejack then asked a little unsure of what to do now. “I… don’t know, but let me try something…” Twilight said as her horn began to glow, as she sent a spark into the elements. Only for her and the elements to disappear in a bright flash of light, and cause alarm in her friends. There she stood in front of Nightmare Moon who was… looking slightly amused at Twilight. “Oh Twilight, my dear, dear, Twilight, stop this game and come back with me.” “This is no game Nightmare Moon, I’m here to bring Luna back!” Twilight said as she backed up slightly. “Ah yes Luna, the sentimental part of me I can never fully lock away, but it matters not…” Nightmare Moon said as she began to circle Twilight. “We love you Twilight, and we know you love us, and I know you cannot bring yourself to harm us, so Twilight embrace me, and we’ll be back in Canterlot where we can pretend none of this ever happened.” Twilight looked down before looking up at Nightmare Moon. “I… I can’t I promised Luna.” Nightmare Moon sighed at this before she went and stood in front of the Elements. “Then you leave me no choice, perhaps after this you’ll recognize your folly.” And with that being said Nightmare Moon raised both hooves up before slamming them down on the ground shattering the elements. Twilight felt hopeless.. was she really wrong? Just as she was about to succumb she heard her friends calling out for her, and a glint appearing in her eyes as she finally understood. “No you’re wrong, it’s not folly and the elements are not destroyed!” “Oh stop this Twilight, they clearly are, they’re in pieces right in front of us.” Nightmare Moon scoffed slightly. “You’re wrong…” Twilight said as the Elements began to shine and appear on each of her friends.  “Fluttershy representing the Element of Kindness as she showed me by caring for a manticore, Applejack who told me to trust in her when I was about to fall, represents the Element of Honesty, Pinkie Pie who laughed in front of your night terrors represents the Element of Laughter, Rarity who gave up her mirror and gems to a distressed River Dragon represents the Element of Generosity, and Rainbow Dash who gave up her dream for her friends represents the Element of Loyalty.” Nightmare Moon tapped her hoof slightly worried and slightly impatient. “You’re still missing the last element.” “No for when these elements come together, they represent the last Element, the Element of Magic through friendship.” Twilight said as the last element descended upon her as a crown. “I am sorry but Harmony must be brought back, this is for Luna.” With that being said, a Rainbow shot out of the elements hitting Nightmare Moon who cried out. In it’s wake, only Luna was left as she looked up at Twilight and smiled lightly. “Thank you, for everything.” Before looking outside to see the first sunrise in a thousand years. “It’s been so very long since I’ve seen the sunrise…” Before long in the middle of the room there was a bright flash, as Celestia stood there, with a gentle smile on her face. “Oh Luna, I always hoped you would find your way back.” Luna rushed over and hugged her sister. “I am so… so… so sorry, heavens above I am so sorry.” As tears began to roll down her face. Tears also poured down Celestias face as she embraced her younger Sister. “Despite all of this I never hated or despised you, I forgave you, I continued to love you, and I missed you so very much” “I missed you too sister.” Luna said before looking to Twilight and her group. “Twilight Sparkle, if you girls don’t mind I’d like to be alone with my Sister for a little while… we’ll see you in Ponyville.” “Oh… yeah of course” Twilight said as she turned around “Come on girls.” After they had left Celestia looked down at Luna. “There’s going to be a lot of changes that need to happen now the Sun has once again risen.” Luna sighed, “Yes I know.” “Twilight Sparkle was it?” Celestia asked Luna. “It seems you’ve chosen well with that one.” “I know Celestia, stars above I know…” Luna replied with a small smile. “Does she know?” Celestia asked finally after a few moments of silence. “No… but one day she will… she will.” Luna said as she looked off into where the girls had left. “Well we shouldn’t keep them waiting now should we?” Celestia asked with a gentle smile. “No… no we should not.” Luna nodded as they both left the castle and headed towards Ponyville.