> Kingdom Hearts: Harmonic Connections > by Mr Curious Writer > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Prologue: From Where it all Began (EDITED) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Green texts means click on it to play music Red text means to stop the music this is an optional addition, your free to ignore this. There were seven that day. Seven that dared to stand in that wretched void of existence that hid in the deepest reaches of the world. Their bond is what kept the darkness at bay as they challenged the very being that would seek to drag everything they hold dear into nothingness. After these words were given but only lost onto deaf ears, he proceeded to snuff the final light out. The seven scatter; either charge to their position, or move toward the being itself. Gems and Keys aglow. The one brandishing the very blade ran front and center toward the fiend. Leaping high above and winding that mysterious blade behind him, he gives the first the strike. His friends were sure to follow. … This is how the tale has been told… ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Somewhere far from the outskirts of Canterlot Underneath a long dead tree, a ominous black portal emerges from the ground, then rises allowing a tall woman dressed in black to appear then it eventually receded into nothing. Her appearances is the one thing you could not forget when seeing her. She is completely garbed in her black cloak with purple innards; crowned with a black head garment with appearance of large horns protruding from it; and her pale green skin hands carrying a long wooden staff with a green orb as it’s headpiece. She stared at the castle far off in the distance, the sound hoof steps approached behind her. Her thin face is still fixed on the direction of castle. “I must say, that castle seems like a good fortress to call my own…” She turned her head slightly; acknowledging the source of the hoofsteps to be there and then spoke to it, “No objections, I assume?” It indeed reply, “I do not need such place. By all means, take it. I’ve already told you what I want.” “Yes, you have, I just wanted to make sure that we were clear. For my services, I expect something in return,” The woman replied, “If those princesses are as powerful as you say, a head-on approach at this time would be rather troublesome.” The being that stood behind her stepped forward until it’s right beside her. It was a slender, female black pony, with holes going through the lower legs; a crooked horn on her head, as well with insect wings on her back. But her body seemed to cover in exoskeleton that gives away that she truly is not a pony. She gazes at the castle head with much disdain. She turns to the woman and asked, “What do you suggest?” The woman give a small yet sickening smile, “The thing about the darkness… is that it is abundant. We merely give them and their people, something else to worry about for awhile.” "Then I know just where to start,” the pony-like being smirked, “We give Celestia’s heroes a taste of those heartless you speak of. Of course, what happens to them afterwards, is of no concern to me.” The woman smirked, “Well, we are certainly thinking ahead I see. Then let us begin,” She turned to face the black pony figure as she turned and lead the way. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Somewhere in space A lone Gummi ship bursts through unknown territory, shooting the final space-faring heartless that tried to take them out. It gives a rather victorious aileron roll, before activating it’s boosters and blasting towards the world ahead of it. “So, this is the place?” the voice of a young man was heard inside the ship. “Uh huh, Master Yen Sid said, ‘that this place would be important,’” another voice spoke. Although his dialect, to some, might be bit hard to understand him sometimes, but his sound would be coming from a duck. “Gawrsh, it sure looks like a pretty place to live in,” the final voice definitely gave it a somewhat goofy tone to it. “But looks can be de-sheathing.” “Deceiving, Goofy,” the duck-ish voice reprimanded swiftly, “I’m pretty sure what you said isn’t even a real word this time,” then he grumbled leaving the other two chuckle. “Ya, sure you’re going to be okay by yourself, Sora?” The one now known as Goofy asked the young man who is already geared up and ready. “You two worry too much, I’ll be fine for one year. Everyone else is training and doing their best to get ready for Xehanort. I can’t just sit around and do nothing,” He proceeds to flash a big silly grin and held his hand behind his head before he speaks again “Besides, this maybe Yen Sid’s way of giving me another Mark of Mastery Exam.” Sora, a young man who wields the fabled Keyblade; and one of only a certain few that is currently known to wield it. Under the orders of Master Yen Sid, he is sent, by far, his longest mission yet. “And it’s not like, I won’t see you guys until then…. Right?” he said that last part with a bit of uncertainty, the three of them had always been a team since the day he became a keyblade bearer; a Special Trinity that knows one else could imitate. His concern was misplaced once Goofy replied, “Well of course, we’ll always find time to check up on ya every now and again, right Donald?” The final voice is obviously named Donald Duck. His name suits him well based on how he sounded. Then he replied, “That’s what Master Yen Sid told us to do anyway,” Then he gave a thumbs up and smiled back at the other two. Then they share a grin together. “Thanks guys, I’ll be sure to pass this Exam,” Sora said cheerfully as he held up and clenched his hand into fist, “Then we’ll be back to what we do best.” “Sora, no one said this was part of the Mark of Mastery,” Donald tried to correct him as he started preparing for the boy’s departure. “No one said it wasn’t either,” Sora seemed to smirk and fold his arms as if winning this small argument. This only made Donald heave a sigh of resignation. It’s best to get back to the matter at hand, besides, it’s not like he knew either the true reason why are they here. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Mysterious Tower A few hours ago “You want me to investigate a new world, for year?” Sora was a bit surprised by being on this task. Then he hastily added, “Uh, Sir?” Although he remembered his proper manners to a superior, but Donald‘s glare behind him did not go unnoticed. He honestly thought, Yen Sid would have him train here for a bit before taking the Exam once more. The old wizard, sitting across the desk from them, had two very memorable features; his long gray beard that seemed to slightly separate into two points the farther away it was from his face, and that blue pointed hat on his head with star and moon designs. He gave a slow nod to Sora before speaking with sage like tone. “Indeed, however, I would not call it new. Rather, a world that decided to make itself known. I actually have an old friend from there that I keep in contact with.” he looked over towards a mirror that he pulled out from the wardrobe room. “They have asked for assistance, and in return they have opened up the pathway to reach them. They have even agreed to let this place be your training ground to unlock more abilities that still reside inside you, Sora.” “New abilities?” Sora lifted up his hand to look at it, as if all the answers appear on his palm. Yen Sid gave another slow nod and stroke his beard in thought. “However, it will still be new to you. It would require you to receive assistance from another to truly activate it, however I have no doubt that by the end of the year you’ll be able to harness it with your own strength alone.” Sora finally lowered his hand and looked back toward the grand wizard before him, “So, I’ll be training there?” “Indeed, though, your garments will transform you to blend in with that world for the majority of your stay. However, my friend has already devised a few methods where you can revert to your original form, when you need to train with, and more importantly, When you face a battle that requires you to fight at your full strength. Sora was a bit confused about that last part, “Full strength? Isn’t this just a training mission, sir?” He’d understand going all out in training, but the way Yen Sid sounded like there was more he would be doing then just train. With a shake of his head he spoke, “I did tell you that my friend asked for assistance, didn’t I?” That caused Sora sheepishly smile and scratched the back of his head for his short moment of forgetting that part. Though now he was even more eager to get there, to help out in anyway he could. Yen Sid continued, “For one it seems, the darkness has started to take root in that world. It goes without saying that your first task would be to find this world’s keyhole and lock it, before the heartless find it.” Sora gave a sharp nodded, eyes filled with determination. He remembered how his first adventures how he had hop from world to world, locking those keyholes. He didn’t want any world to blink out of existence. “Don’t worry, Master Yen Sid. Donald, Goofy, and I will definitely get the job done.” He looked back to his friends who unfortunately didn’t share the same look. “…. You guys, are coming…. Right?” “Well, ya see, Sora-” Goofy had a sad expression as he avoided the Key bearer’s gaze. “It’s not like we don’t want to or anything-” Donald had similar trouble looking at Sora as well. “You guys… aren’t coming?” Sora could definitely feel a tug of sadness at that, every time he would go on adventures it was, for the majority of the time, with the three of them. Sure he would be glad if he could team up with Riku and Kairi, or Lea even, but he knew Riku was already busy with missions now that he became a Keyblade Master, and Kairi and Lea were out training with there’s so they could prepare for their turn at the Mark of Mastery. Besides, when it came with teamwork and battling as a squad, Donald and Goofy would be his first thought. Their Trinity limit was always a skill that he could always rely on whenever they faced overwhelming odds. It was something only they three of them could do. Yen Sid decided to take it upon himself, to clarify what Sora’s friends were trying to say “This task, is more for your development then it is for theirs. I have already asked them to assist with Kairi and Lea, while you are away, but of course they will come to check up on you every now and then.” That seemed to lessen Sora’s sadness if only by a little. “Besides, knowing you Sora, I have a feeling that you will make new friends there to keep you company.” Sora smiled a bit now, the sound of meeting new friends did make it a lot better now. “You’ve always had a way of making friends fast, but this world has a lot to do with the magic of friendship, so you might be surprised.” “Magic of Friendship?” Sora tilted his head with a confused look on his face. The old wizard gave a soft chuckle and smiled. “Something you’ll come to understand in time. Friendship is a lot more tangible than one would believe.” ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Back On the Gummi Ship Present time Sora was all ready to go now. Donald was tapping away at buttons in the pilot’s seat as well as pulling a lever or two as the ship entered descent. “Ok Sora, Master Yen Sid said that his friend will light up a path for you drop down on.” “D-Drop down on? What do you mean by that?” Sora was a bit confused, and somewhat hesitant on the meaning of that sentence. “Well uh, we’ve been told that Yen Sid’s friend only wanted a select few to know what you really are, so we have to send you down there by yourself so we don’t raise a panic with locals with the gummi,” Goofy clarified the situation. Sora crossed his arms, then closed his eyes and thought. “I guess I can understand that, with the World Order and all, but how exactly am I dropping down there from this high up?” He couldn’t help but notice the devious smirk on Donald’s face as he turned to a new button that was added to the ship. “Like this?” he pressed it with subtle evil chuckle. Just then Sora happened to notice the circle of light that he had no idea he was standing on…. Come to think of it, that was new too. Did Donald have the Gummi refitted with some new device when I wasn’t looking? Indeed Donald had done that very thing. It was Chip and Dale’s new invention that they wanted to have a field test on. So it was entirely experimental. Donald was trying to find the right moment to test it out. But after a certain Incident from before, He decided now was the best time. “This is for eating my Sea Salt Ice Cream!” Then suddenly, a transparent orb of light surrounded Sora. And the circle of light below grew in size and then vanished into a shear hole below him with the world so far, far, far below him. He looked down with a gulp before shooting his head back to Donald. “You're still mad about that?! I said I was sorr-AAAAUUGH!” Was all he managed to say as the orb shot down into the hole and out of the ship, falling at phenomenal speeds. Goofy, could only wave down at the hole at his fallen friend. “Bye Sora, We’ll see you at the end of the month!” He then looked up at Donald. “Are you sure this new drop pod device is safe, Donald?” Showing some concern for their friend’s well being. Donald simply waved it off before facing the controls to get the ship to ascend back into space. “Aw, he’ll be fine. It’s perfectly safe… maybe…. He fell from higher places anyway,” He stated to justify his actions. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ High above Equestria “Whoa, whoa, whoa! Too fast, Too fast!” Sora was tumbling uncontrollably in the orb as He fell at breakneck speeds. He wished very much that the landing would be gentle enough for him to survive. When he finally righted himself so he was facing down towards the world below, He gave a small sigh of relief. At least now he’s got to see where he was going. It was quite the view, he had to agree to that. The world looked expansive, and it screams at him to explore it. He would be more than happy to, but first he had to meet, Yen Sid’s friend. To get his bearings on everything once he landed, Oh and of course, trying to make sure he doesn’t die when he makes an impact with the ground. He could see that he was able to direct the orb somewhat, other than it falling of course. He decided to look around for some sort of sign he was suppose to pick up on to tell him where to land. Donald said this “friend” was suppose to light up a path for him…. He then noticed a bright beacon of light coming from what looked like a castle below. After looking around for any other signs, he could only assume this was the rendezvous point. As he descended he noticed that his outfit’s magic was started to take effect and glow. “Oh yeah, Yen Sid said this would happen.” He was rather curious on what the denizens of this world looked like anyway. When his clothes flashed a bright light, then he felt the Orb get hit by something. “That… can’t be good” “That… can’t be good.” It was too bright for him to see anything as his transformation continued. After a few moments, it all died down and he quickly looked around to see if his course had changed, too concerned to even look at himself properly yet to see his new form. It was then that he knew, that the phrase “getting knocked off course” didn’t even cut it with how far away from the castle he was. Seeing that the beacon was now so far away yet so bright he couldn’t the castle it was coming from until it suddenly died down, probably the one that wielded the beacon saw his sudden change of course and got worried. “Nope, not good at all!” He looked down to see he was headed toward a forest’s edge, He happened to be quick enough to notice that there was a cottage not to far off from the forest… then he looked at his- “Hoof?” he managed to say before his orb crashed down into the tree’s and impacted the ground, knocking him unconscious. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Cottage by the forest’s edge A few minutes before impact It was a bright a beautiful day for the yellow Pegasus that lived here. Celestia’s Sun was shining in the middle of a blue sky, void of any clouds. All the animals seem to be in a good mood. There was a bit of pep in her step as she went about to do her chores. Something about today, just seemed to brighten her spirits. “There you go, Mr. Squirrel fresh nuts from the market” she lowered a tiny bowl in front of a squirrel she had been helping recover after it hurt it’s leg. It made a full recovery, and was free to go after breakfast. It then began to chatter to her “Oh me? I don’t know what it is, but everything seems perfect.” She couldn’t hide the adorable smile that never seemed to go away at all. “Maybe, I’ll meet some new animal friends today. That would be lovely.” It goes without saying that he perfect day was shattered the moment she heard the sound of something impact the ground. The first thing to come from her mouth as a “Eep!” and then a quick vanishing as she flew back to her home with the quickness, hiding under her table with her hooves over head, shivering from fear. After a good minute of hiding, and some “persuasion” from a white rabbit, she slowly peeked her head outside her door, her face mostly covered by her pink mane. After seeing that nothing scary was in her front lawn, she sighed with relief and had a bit more courage to step out and look around. When she turned to the forest she noticed a billow of dust and smoke rising out of the tree tops near her home. She would’ve left to tell one of her friends if her first reaction wasn’t “Oh, I hope an animal wasn’t hurt from that” without a second thought she flew over toward the forest, but at her usual speed. It wasn’t long before she reached the point of impact, the dust had mostly settled now, and she could see no creature was seen nearby, which eased most of her worries. The only one left was whether or not a poor little animal was in that crater. She was also mindful that whatever it was that made the crater had to still be there, so that added fear to her worry. She inched herself closer to it at a painfully slow rate, body low to the ground as to hope that she would be less noticeable if it turned out to be a scary monster. When she finally reached the edge of the crater, she peeked down into it. She didn’t see a hurt animal or a scary beast, thankfully, but what she did see surprised her even more. “A pony?” her first instinct was to hide away before the pony would see her, but she picked up that he was actually unconscious, lying with his legs sprawled out. She couldn’t leave now. She had to help somehow, and so she did, in her own way.” She hovered down toward the pony and got a better look of him. His fur was brown, one could say caramel even. His mane and tail a darker shade, chocolate would probably be the closest similarity. He was an Earth Pony, though he didn’t seem as well toned as a stallion Earth Pony would be. His mane was spiky, to say the least. The best the shy mare could tell was that he looked around her age, maybe a bit older. He wore a hooded jacket, mostly black, white trimming, silver hardened cloth on both sleeves that resembled pauldrons. There were yellow belts with buckles at the end hanging off opposite sites of the hoodie. He had an undershirt with an interesting design. It was mostly navy blue, but at the stomach was a red trapezoid that was separated from the blue by a thin silver border. A small red saddle bag, with black belts wrapped around them to look like an “X” was placed on both sides of his flank. It looked like there were some items inside them. Finally to complete this ensemble, he sported a silver chain necklace with a Silver crown shaped symbol around his neck. The yellow mare suddenly thought of a certain friend that might want to see this pony’s clothes. She proceeded to poke him softly with her for hoof a few times to get him to wake up. When that proofed fruitless she tried to yell at him to wake up. That didn’t work either since her idea of yelling was a soft “E-excuse me, S-sir?” That could hardly be any louder then when one would normally speak. She looked around, no one else was around to help him. She had a nervous look as she was trying to decide what to do, before finally coming to the decision of taking him to her house. She couldn’t just leave him there after all. With the all of her strength she struggled but managed to pick up and carry the unconscious stallion as she flew back to her house. “I just knew things were too perfect” she sighed. She looked back down at her passenger for a moment before looking forward again when her cottage came into view. > Chapter 1: A Ponyville Welcome (Slight Re Edit) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- As Always: Green text means "click me" to play theme music to go with what your reading. Red means to stop the music. Completely optional: Your free to ignore this Sora’s eyes opened, with nothing but black to greet his view. He slowly sat up, then looked at himself…. There were his hands, was he dreaming all of that? Looking at the floor beneath him answered his own question. ( image found on derpicdn.net ) No, I know this place. He brought himself to his feet and looked around. I’m asleep…. I know that much. I don’t think I’m dreaming, either. He took a moment to really look at the glass floor beneath him, the only light and color in this realm at all. “Horses?” he walked about the floor trying to get a better look at everything the picture below him had to offer. As best as he could tell, they were two horses or ponies or whatever, but they had horns and wings. He’s heard of unicorns, and he is friends with a Pegasus. However, this is new. On both of these beings were tiaras and some rather regal-looking accessories. Were they royalty? Thinking back, he did remember that the last thing he saw before he passed out and wound up here was that when he lifted up his hand, he saw a hoof instead. Looking at himself again only made his theory more concrete that when he would wake up, he was definitely going look like one. However, that was for later. For now, what mattered was trying to find out why he was in this realm. Sora…. Sora whipped around when he heard his name, but he saw nothing. “Who’s there?” There was no immediate answer, but eventually the voice spoke again. You will come here often as you remain in this world. Sora continued to look for the owner of the voice, but when he finally decided it was fruitless to even try, he simply listened, but remained wary of anything. “What makes you say that?” Just then, a path made of stained glass windows appeared at the edge of the floor he was standing on. You wish to gain the power that you were told to have, but this strength will be difficult to achieve on your own for now. Sora stared at the path leading to what looked like a large column of some kind. It was safe to assume that he was standing on one as well. Seeing as there was not much else to do, he walked up the path to the next column. Upon reaching the new area, his first instinct was to get a good look at the floor. ( Image found on Deviantart.net, made by Shadowkixx ) They will help you in this endeavor. In turn, you will help them. You must make a bond with them. “You mean like, be their friend?” He flashed a grin and rubbed a finger under his nose. “I would’ve done that anyway.” Sora was more than eager to meet new friends. He started to study the floor carefully, wanting to make sure he burned their image into his mind and not forget them. It be troublesome if he just walked past them, never knowing it. An answer that was to be expected. Remember this: Friendship is a far more powerful force in this world. Your strength comes from the connection of all the hearts from your friends. You’ve used it as a weapon to fight against the darkness. A familiar white door appeared in front of Sora Now you must learn to hone this strength, and unlock what lies dormant inside you. These six will be just as important to you, as you are to them. Sora looked over toward the door. Even though this was all serious business, to aid him in his future battles with the Xehanort, he couldn’t help but smile as he walked up to it and grabbed the handles. “Can’t wait to see them.” He pulled the handles and the double door slowly swung open. Light shot out of the opening and bathed him in a gentle warmth before he stepped inside. Be wise in your choices, and courageous in your actions. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Cottage The yellow Pegasus had carried the stallion all the way to her home. Once she placed him on the couch comfortably, she remembered that she should check for any cuts or wounds. As best as she could tell, his face looked alright. Her cheeks turned a bit pink when she realized how long she was staring at his face and went to check the rest of him out. This ended up with her having to take his jacket and saddle bag off, as awkward as that felt for her. Perhaps it would’ve been better to take him to the hospital. As she continued to visually scan him, she realized that there wasn’t even a scratch on him. From the sound she heard and that crater in the ground that he was laying in, he must’ve fell from a really high place or had something crash on top of him. Yet, he was breathing and looked alright, save for the fact that he was a bit dirty from lying on the ground like that. As she continued her examination, she happened to gaze at his cutie mark. It was rather elegant to look at: blue lines that connected at the bottom, then veered away from each other on the way up, before suddenly going back to each other and finishing off by dipping down a little before they are just about to touch, then curling towards where they connect at the bottom, then finishes the curl with their tips facing diagonally parallel from each other. This created a blue outline of a heart. At the center of this heart was a gold crown symbol that looked just like the crown piece on his necklace. It was simple, yet pretty to look at as well. The mare ended up staring at it for far too long when she finally noticed that not only was the stallion awake, but facing toward her with a very sleepy look on his face. She cringed and let out a rather adorable squeak as she quickly backed away from him, trying to hide her now red face with her hooves. Not the best first impression to a new pony when the first thing they see is you looking like you're staring at their plot. She half expected him to be angry at her about it, but instead she heard, “Uh, hey there,” followed by a long yawn. “Sorry if I scared you there.” He then gave a sheepish smile thinking he was in the wrong. The shy mare at first was too nervous to say or do anything, looking anywhere but towards him. However, she soon managed to respond softly, “I-It’s alright, I s-should’ve been paying more attention to notice you waking up.” She was trying her best to help them both forget that incident, thankful that he seemed to be too sleepy to notice what she was staring at. When she looked at him again, he just gave her a warm smile in return. That seemed to help her relax a bit more. “Hey, no harm done, right?” He got a good look around. It was a rather cozy looking home; he noticed that there were quite a few bird houses, and what looked like a bed for dog or cat. “I uuuh, like your house. I’m going to hazard a guess that you like animals” This instantly perked up the timid Pegasus who instantly forgot her nervousness. “Oh yes, I love all kinds of animals. I take care of them and any wild animals whenever they get sick.” She then proceeded to explain about her duties, and all the animals that lived with her. Sora simply smiled and listened patiently, even when she started talking about helping a manticore with a thorn in its paw. He got her to talk to him, and that gave him a small victory to be proud of. He then decided to put in his two cents. “I actually know a few animals myself.” He sat up properly as she gasped and eagerly waited for him to continue. “Heh, well lets see.” He had a look of contemplation as he recalled his memories. “I know a lion, a deer, an elephant that could fly since it had REALLY big ears-” The mare was really excited about hearing that part. It took a while through their conversation when something dawned on him. “Oh that’s right, I never introduced myself,” he chuckled, scratching his mane with his hoof. This elicited a small giggle from the yellow Pegasus, now that she realized it as well. She was a bit amazed how quick it was to feel ok talking with this pony. She watched him flash a goofy smile and say “I’m Sora.” A unique name, she thought. “Hello Sora, I-I’m Fluttershy.” She still kept a bit of a quiet tone, but the stallion was still able to pick it up. “S-so, you said you know a dragon?” She was eager to continue their conversation a bit longer, though he definitely didn’t seem to mind telling her more about it, as he picked up where he left off. All in all for Sora, not a bad way to start out when you’ve made a new friend after waking up. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Golden Oaks Library “Twilight!” The library was essentially a large hollowed out tree that doubled as a home for the librarian and her assistant, a small purple dragon, who was running down the stairs clutching a rolled up piece of paper yelling “Twilight! We got a letter from the Princess!” He reached the bottom of the stairs, running toward a purple Unicorn that seemed to instantly stop reading a book she was fond of and had a look of urgency on her face. “What? Let me see that, Spike.” The Unicorn, now known as Twilight, started making her horn glow in a magenta aura that also appeared on the paper Spike was holding, unfurling it and then bringing it to her face to read. Dear Twilight, I apologize to ask this of you, but a very important guest that was supposed to arrive here had an accident upon arrival and was knocked off course. The last they were seen was falling somewhere in the Everfree Forest, near Ponyville. He is very new to Equestria and will most likely be very confused on what is going on. I fear that he might get lost in the forest. I would like you and your friends to search for him from your side of the forest. I have already sent my guards to look for him in case he detoured away from civilization. I know you will have many questions and I assure you they will be answered. In fact, I hope that you do find him first. Have him rest somewhere for the night, then as soon as you and your friends are able, I would like you all to bring him to Canterlot, so that all can be explained. I await to hear from you soon. Princess Celestia Her face changed from furrowing a brow, to having a look of concern. “Spike, take a letter!” She then proceeded to grab her saddlebags and levitate a few items into them. Meanwhile, Spike had already taken out another piece of parchment and a quill. “Ready when you are,” he said, and proceeded to write down word for word what she said before rolling up the parchment and setting it ablaze with his dragon fire, letting it burn up into nothing. “Ok, sent!” He hopped onto the Twilight’s back and they were off. “Let’s gather the girls,” Twilight said, now at full speed down the road. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Somewhere above Ponyville A lone small cloud floated above the village, and on top of it, a blue Pegasus with a rainbow mane and tail was laying down, grumbling the whole time. She had lost a bet and she knew that it wasn’t her fault that she lost. “Whoever put that stupid light ball in the middle of the sky deserves a hoof to the face. My hoof.” Her friend Applejack placed a bet that she couldn’t fly to Canterlot and back in 10 minutes: a challenge she felt was no trouble at all. She gave it everything she had and was making good time. She managed to grab a souvenir as proof, then shot right back to her friend, ready to wipe that smug look off her face and wear it herself. It was at that moment of daydreaming that she failed to notice a shining orb descending into her flight path. By the time she did realize, she could only catch a glimpse of it, forever burned in her memory as she crashed hard into it. Knocked into a daze, she dropped her souvenir and sent the orb careening into who-knows-where. She had managed to snap out of it quick enough to barely catch her souvenir before it hit the ground, but all that was too time consuming and was off by half a minute. Now she has to help Applejack buck apples for a month. She was not going to like waking up so early in the morning for a whole month just to buck some apples out of trees. So here she was, moping about her lost bet, looking at her cheap, crummy souvenir that was basically some stupid snow globe of the castle. It doesn’t even do anything cool, other then you shake it up and watch fake snow float around the model inside. She felt like chucking it now. “Rainbow Dash!” The blue Pegasus’ ears perked up and she poked her head over the cloud to look down and see “Twilight? What do you want? In case you haven’t noticed I’m busy” It was clear that she wasn’t; she was just grumpy. Twilight hazarded an intelligent guess that her friend had to be the one that that would be lazily hiding up in that cloud. “Rainbow, this is important! Get down here!” “Alright, Alright, don’t get your tail in a twist.” Rainbow got up with a huff and flew down to her friend. “So where’s the fire?” she had a half interested expression. “Rainbow, I need you to help me gather the girls. A pony is lost in the Everfree Forest and the Princess wants us to look for them since they might have gotten lost near Ponyville.” Twilight went straight to the point on this one. “Whoa, for real? And Celestia wants us to look for them? Must be one of those noble types or something.” She then started flying up. “Alright, I’ll go get AJ and Fluttershy, you can go get Rarity and Pinkie.” Twilight nodded. “We’ll all meet up at Fluttershy’s house, then.” The two of them split ways. Spike then decided to speak. “So who do you think this pony is, if the Princess is trying to find them?” “I don’t know, but from the sound of the letter, it involves us as well as whatever it is they are here for.” ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ On a path leading to Ponyville 15 minutes later “Huh, so that’s Ponyville right?” Sora was with Fluttershy as they made their down to it. Sora needed to get directions and to get his bearings on everything. Fluttershy wanted to help her new friend and to pick up some chicken feed since her supply was running a bit low. She was really thankful when Sora offered to help carry some back with her. “Yes, I can show you around… that is, if you don’t mind.” She added that last part with a shy look on her face. Sora simply shrugged and smiled. “Sure, I don’t mind. I might be here for a little while, so I’d like to know my way around.” He had to admit, he was a bit surprised how well-coordinated he was in this new body. Perhaps all the time he spent in the Pride Lands paid off, though he felt like it was a bit more then that. Of course, that thought brought him to another more mysterious one. When he woke up, Fluttershy said she took off his gear to check for any injuries. At first it took him a while get over the fact that it was ok to not wear clothes in this world; even more so in front of Fluttershy, and he tried to look as normal as possible as he tried to put his clothes on. However, that wasn’t what bugged him. If she did take his clothes off, then he would’ve reverted back to his true form… and yet he didn’t. What could that mean?” He pondered deeply about this to the point that he received a look of concern from his new friend. “Sora? Are you alright?” She gently tapped her hoof on him bringing him back to reality in a blink of an eye. “O-oh, hehe, sorry. I was just thinking.” After seeing her concerned look subside a bit, he gazed forward again to see that they reached the town. “Say, how about we go get your chicken feed first,” he suggested “Really, are you sure? I mean, you don‘t have to if you don‘t want to.” Fluttershy didn’t want to burden him. “Yeah, it’ll give me a good workout.” He would’ve given a thumbs up, but he remembered he had no hands. “Oh, well alright. It’s actually right over here.” Fluttershy pointed to what looked like a rather quaint general store. Business seem to be going well for it today. “Alright, you just need two bags of chicken feed, right? I’ll go on ahead and grab the bags, and you can go to the cashier and pay for it.” He went into a trot as he made his way into the store. “Ok.” She gave a nod. He was a very nice pony, that much she was sure about. She was about to make her way toward to the door when she heard her name being called. “Hey Fluttershy!” It was Rainbow Dash, who was making a fast descent toward her from the sky. “Oh hello, Rainbow Dash. What are you doing here?” Fluttershy smiled at her friend. “I came looking for you! There’s a pony lost in the Everfree Forest. Twilight is rounding up the gang so we can go find them.” Fluttershy’s ears flipped back and her head lowered. “Oh dear, w-we don’t have to go in there, do we?” she muttered, completely forgetting the time earlier today how she “rescued” Sora from the forest. “Well of course we do. He could get hurt or worse! So we gotta go in there, knock out any timber wolves or monsters in our way, and save him.” Rainbow Dash was now attempting to shadowbox an imaginary enemy in mid air. “Um actually, I would rather not go into the spooky forest. I um, have to buy chicken feed and um-” Fluttershy was looking for any excuse to avoid entering that forest. “Fluttershy.” Rainbow Dash looked at her with a stern look. The poor yellow Pegasus, couldn’t say no now. “Oh… well… ok then, I guess. Just let me pay for the chicken feed. I have someone that can take it to my home.” She flew into the store, noticing Sora out at the other end of the building, trying to heave two heavy bags, but eventually getting help by a passing pony to put them on his back. She turned to the cashier, pointing Sora out to him and giving the bits to him, before Rainbow Dash started pushing her out the door. “Ok, you paid, now let’s get moving!” Once she got her outside, she flew with her toward her home. Sora happened to be there just in time to see a blue Pegasus push Fluttershy out and both of them into took to the skies. He tilted his head, unsure what that was all about until the cashier explained that Fluttershy managed to still pay for the feed and told him to relay a message to Sora that she had to go and apologized for leaving so abruptly. “Hm, I guess it must be something important.” He looked back at the bird feed. “Well, I guess I’ll just take these back to her home, then. He nodded to the cashier, thanking him for the information, before he trotted out and down the path. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ In front of Fluttershy’s Cottage 5 minutes later As Rainbow and Fluttershy finally touched down on the ground, there were already 4 other ponies and a baby dragon already having a discussion. One pony was Twilight, and the dragon, of course, was Spike. Talking to them was an orange mare with a blonde mane and tail, wearing a Stetson hat, a white posh looking unicorn with a well kept purple mane and tail that ended in curls, and a very pink pony with a mane and tail only a slightly darker shade of that. The word “Cheerful” might be considered a vast understatement when you would look at her. “Hey guys! We’re here!” Rainbow announced. Twilight was the first to speak. “Alright, we’re all together. Rainbow, did you manage to tell Fluttershy what’s going on?” “Of course. Took a bit of convincing to get her here, though,” the speedy mare pointed out as Fluttershy gave a sheepish smile. “Alright, well Princess Celestia seems to see this pony as really important, so the sooner we find them the better,” Twilight continued “Well, what do they look like? Are they like some kind of Super Knight?!” The pink mare asked with a big grin on her face. “I’ve never thrown a party for a Super Knight. Maybe I‘ll have to make a Super Cake!” She was bouncing in place, already thinking up all the things said party would need. “I don’t think there is such thing as a Super Knight, Pinkie,” Twilight deadpanned. “Then is it one of them noble types, like the ones up in Canterlot?” The orange mare asked, with a southern twang to match that hat of hers. The white Unicorn immediately perked up. “Oh, a noble from a far away land? I wonder what kind of clothes they wear? Now we definitely have to find them.” She seemed to have psyched herself up, though for slightly different reasons than the others. “No, I mean, I don’t know who or what this pony is. The princess didn’t really say in the letter, but it shouldn’t be too hard to figure out who we’re looking for, right?” Twilight was trying to get them all to focus on the case at hand. When she saw the group nod, they began discussing on what they would be doing. When they came to the agreeable resolution of sticking together, they proceeded to make their way to the forest. It was at this point that a caramel colored pony happened to catch a glimpse of the group before they entered the forest. “Oh hey, it’s Fluttershy.” Sora looked toward the other ponies. “Those must be her friends.” He then remembered his dream of that picture of six ponies, one being Fluttershy, and those other five from a distance seem to match the others. “Hmm, maybe it’s them I’m looking for?” He watched them enter the forest, then gave a shrug. “I’ll have to ask Fluttershy when she gets back, I suppose; Don’t want to get lost trying to look for them, anyway.” He made his way to Fluttershy’s cottage, taking the bags inside, then tried to decide where he was supposed to place them. He didn’t want to inconvenience her by placing those heavy bags somewhere they weren’t supposed to be. It took a few minutes to decide to just go back out and place it on the side of the front door. He would make the effort of moving them later for her when she got back. After giving a nod at his choice, he stole a look at the forest where he saw the girls enter. I wonder why they went in there anyway. That was when he happened to notice some shadows moving in the deeper part of the forest…. This unnerved him a little. Was that… Getting a bad feeling about this. He turned to head out of the front yard and started galloping into the forest, hoping that his hunch was wrong on this one. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Inside Everfree Forest Watching far from the six ponies that ventured deeper into the woods, a figure was watching them carefully. “So these are the ones? Can’t say they look very threatening, but then again, the same could be said about that boy.” She seemed to hold some disdain in her voice at the mere mention of him. “Best to nip this one in the bud.” She slipped back into the darkness of the woods, and soon after, many yellow eyes started to appear from where she once was. All of them were staring at the unsuspecting group of ponies ahead of them before dispersing and stalking their way towards them, only to be joined by even more of their own kind from other directions. > Chapter 2: Save Who? (Re Edit) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- As Always: Green text means "click me" to play theme music to go with what your reading. Red means to stop the music. Completely optional: Your free to ignore this Somewhere in Everfree Forest The unnerving chill in the air could be sensed with all six ponies and dragon that ventured into the forest. Constantly checking their surroundings, they traveled ever deeper into the forest. Rainbow Dash flew above the group, making 360s so often that it was a surprise she wasn’t getting herself dizzy. Applejack looked like she was about ready to buck something at the slightest disturbance. Fluttershy was keeping low and in the center of the group, trying her best to be as unnoticeable as possible to any monsters that might pop out. “Oh, I do hope we find this pony soon. The sooner we find them the sooner we- mud puddle, careful.” The white unicorn that was speaking was now diverting her path around the harmless mud puddle and pressing on. Soon after, Applejack just walked right through it without a care. Twilight picked up what she was trying to say and voiced her opinions. “Believe me Rarity, I’d like this to be done as soon as possible then get home.” “Yeah, no kidding, this place definitely creeping us all out.” Rainbow replied before she looked back for a moment, then deadpanned, “Most of us anyway.” She referred to a very happy and bouncy Pinkie as she just hopped over the mud puddle not even knowing it existed but not even touching it either. “Oh come on Dashie, it’s like another an adventure!” The pink mare seemed to be cheering for that idea. “Maybe we’ll find some ancient ruins and fight super death golem guards and they’ll be like You shall not pass and then we’ll be like Nuh uh and then Boom, Woosh, Pow!” She then proceeded to reenact the scene in her head by standing on her hind hooves and making heroic poses. “Um, I’m fine with just finding the pony then going home. That is if you don’t mind,” Fluttershy managed to squeak out as she looked around warily. Most of her face was hidden behind her pink mane. It was then that every pony heard a twig snap, then proceeded to form up together looking all around them for the source. After a few seconds of silence something stepped into their view from some shrubs. It was pitch black all over, bipedal, very short, and came with its own pairs of antennas, claws, and big soulless yellow eyes. It seem to fidget around a bit, jerking its head left and right as if every second something different would catch its attention. Though it seemed to quickly calm and focus its sight on the 6 ponies and dragon in front of it. “W-what IS that?” Rarity was the first to speak. She definitely wanted to keep her distance from that creature. “I… don’t know… I don’t recall seeing it in any books.” Twilight replied before all eyes looked toward Fluttershy, who looked at the creature curiously for a moment, before shaking her head to confirm that she had no clue either. Twilight decided to carefully moved over to it. “H-hey, little guy… Are you lost?” Just then it jumped toward her, claws swiping at her face, but she narrowly stumbled back away from the strike with a shriek before falling to her haunches in fear. This caused Spike to fall off her back and unintentionally roll away a few feet. Once the rest of the group stopped gasping and fearfully calling out her name, Rainbow was the first to respond by using her speed to fly at it then slam her hooves on it, effectively making it disperse into formless dark mist, which vanished as if it was never there. “No one hurts my friends!” She then turned to the purple Unicorn. “Twi, you ok?” All the others gathered around her to check for any wounds. “I-I’m fine, everyone. Just a little startled.” She moved to get back on her hooves. “What was that?” No one had a clear answer. “Well, whatever it was, it's gone now. That guy wasn’t tough at all,” Rainbow scoffed. “Uh, Rainbow, Ah think ya might want at hold off on bragging for a bit. Seems like that thing had friends.” Applejack was now looking around to the sight of many yellow glowing eyes appearing around them. Many of the creature they saw before seemed to swim through the ground and rise up in front of them, as well as another new foe that just suddenly appeared out of thin air. It had a metal helmet that looked like a chrome bird skull, with swirly eyes, and a single antenna like protrusion at the top that curled up in a slightly angular fashion. It was also bipedal, but stood upright. Its body was mostly blue with purple designs that went from its knees down to its shins, yet also looked like an outfit. It had black curled boots, four fingered hands that end with red tipped claws, metal wrist cuffs on both arms, and, to finish it all, a black heart like symbol on its chest outlined in red and crossed out with that very red outline. It looked somewhat more capable than its smaller comrades. “We’re surrounded!” Fluttershy was hiding being Rarity, keeping as low as possible again. “You don’t say?” Rainbow Dash quipped as she got into a ready stance. “Any ideas, anyone?” “Ah got one” Applejack bucked an overzealous shadow into another one, making them disperse into mist and vanish. “Seems like it doesn’t take much ta make’em disappear. Figure we just gotta show’em they messin’ with the wrong girls.” She gave one of those large ones a solid head butt, knocking it away. “I like that idea.” Rainbow was already off running into the creatures, turning them into nothing but mist. “Seems like that’s our only option,” Twilight agreed. Her horn started to glow as she would either telekinetically fling the creatures around, hurl rocks and such at them, or fire magic beams at them directly. Each choice caused the same effect, their destruction. Pinkie Pie was all over the place, bouncing on the creatures’ heads, disorienting them for the other ponies to K.O. She would even pull out various things from her mane and hurl them at the creatures, like a pie that smacked a taller one in the face, making it run blind and fall right into Pinkie’s own party cannon. She would then fire the unsuspecting creature into any huddled groups she could see, causing a massive dispersal of the creatures. Rarity was attacking similarly to Twilight, only her attacks seemed to aim at something more precise every time. A good example would be that every rock she threw would always go right between the eyes of every creature she struck them with. Fluttershy would either cheer whenever one of her friends knocked out one of those creatures, or hide away behind one of the girls in the process. She did make sure Spike didn’t go way over his head in battle and pull him away from any groups. The girls were really putting away these foes with hardly any effort at all. The dark creatures’ attacks proved to be too simplistic to land any solid hits on their targets, and their lack of planning or strategy was easily pointed out by how they just ran at them mindlessly. It was only a matter of time before their forces dwindled or they would get scared off by their might. “So why hasn’t it?” These thoughts crossed Twilight’s mind as she started to pant and feel a bit of pain in her head. She managed to shoot another beam straight through a few more of the creatures, dispersing them. However she was losing ground. Why do they still fight after so many of their kind have been defeated? Why do they just keep on coming? No creature could keep this up for so long. As she backed up while still fending the mysterious attackers, she felt herself bump into something. She looked back and noticed all the of the girls were mimicking her. This was bad; they all looked were showing signs of exhaustion. Even Pinkie Pie was showing some weariness as she had trouble aiming her next shot with her cannon. “What do we do now?” Rainbow and Applejack still had fight left in them, but being outnumbered was making that less of an advantage. “No way I’m going out like this!” Rainbow dug a hoof into the dirt giving the most intimidating look she could give. Fluttershy was really worried now; her friend couldn’t take much more of this. If only they had more help. She wish she knew what to do as she watched Spike try to get in front his exhausted friends and defend them with a stick he picked up. “Stay away from my friends you, monsters!” Fluttershy went over to grab the little dragon before he got himself hurt, but didn’t notice that one of the taller ones ran at the two of them. It pounced, claws out and falling towards them. The only thing she could think of at the moment was throw Spike back to her friends. When she did so, she closed her eyes and accepted her fate. There was the sound of one of those creatures dispersing, as well as something “thunk-ing“ into the ground in front of her “Fluttershy!” that voice… she knew that voice. Her eyes peeked open, then widened when she saw what was in front of her. It wasn’t the creature, but an…. odd sword of some kind. She jumped and let out another “Eep” when someone landed in front of her. After the momentary fear washed over her, she finally got a look at the figure. Brown fur, chocolate spiky mane, black jacket. “S-Sora?” She was then greeted by her final confirmation, that big goofy grin. “You got it.” His smile seemed to ease her worries, but so many questions started to rise up. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 5 minutes earlier Sora had been sprinting somewhat aimlessly into the forest. Every now and then, he would run into some creatures that strayed off from the group or, to his surprise, wolves made of wood trying to follow after any suspicious shadows that he could see from a distance. “I’m gonna get lost before I can even reach them. I think they’re close by somewhere.” He stopped for a moment and closed his eyes. He completely focused on his sense of hearing and remained quiet. He then heard the faint sounds of some sort of commotion. He was definitely getting closer, and he was thankfully able to pinpoint the direction of all the noise and kicked off with as much speed as his hooves could give him. Every few feet, the sounds got louder; it sounded like those ponies were putting up a good fight. He just hoped to get there in time, seeing as he had the only method to truly banish them. Before long, he was able to see the fight. Much to his relief, they had really handled the creatures enough, but he could see they were getting tired and backed into a corner. Some of them even showed faces of confusion at the beasts. He could only assume they never seen these beings before. That’s when he saw someone he knew: Fluttershy, who suddenly raced out of the group and toward some small bipedal reptile creature trying to swing a stick at the monsters. This wasn’t good. He had to act, and he did. He sprinted out, summoning his blade into his mouth. He cut his way through some unsuspecting Heartless before leaping into the air. He saw Fluttershy throw the reptile back toward the group of ponies as one of the creatures made an attempt at her life. He wasn’t going to let that happen. In mid air, he spun in rapidly in place one time before releasing his weapon from his mouth, hurling it at where he knew the Heartless would be. Landing a direct hit, it cut through the being with no resistance at all before it stuck into the ground. The Heartless ceased to exist as a crystal heart floated up from where it once was. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Present time Why was he here? What is that sword? What is going on? All these answers had to wait as Sora looked forward again as the blade vanished from the ground it was thrown into and reappeared in Sora’s mouth. This astonished everyone more than his appearance here. Upon closer inspection, they could see the blade resembled some sort of key. The shaft was silver along with the teeth, connecting to a small blue cylinder piece that connected the shaft to the Yellow hand guards that made a slight trapezoid like shape around the hilt. Finally, dangling at the end of it was a silver chain that had a symbol at the end: it was one big circle, with two smaller ones on top of it. “I’ll take it from here, you go help your friends.” He then rushed at the creatures head on. The monsters returned in kind as they ran after him. Before she could even protest, she saw the creatures that were in his path flying or dispersing as he ran right through them and started spinning like a top with his blade held out. He mowed them down before skidding to a stop with a rather confident smirk on his face. In the place of those creatures were reddish, sparkling, crystal like hearts that started drifting up into the sky before vanishing. This was definitely new to her and her friends since that never happened when they defeated them. This was when she started to feel like she could believe what he said and flew over to her friends to help them in anyway she could. Sora was already in the fray behind her. Her friends were astonished at the turn of events. Some random stallion just appeared out of nowhere with some strange weapon saved their friend, then started to fight against the monsters. “Who’s is that?!” Twilight was the first to ask as Fluttershy returned to them. “He seems to know you.” She flinched a bit after seeing them all stare at her with wide eyes. “Oh, um, h-his name is Sora. I just met him today, actually.” She and others turned back to the strange pony as he was cutting through the creatures like it was second nature to him. Sora swiped through a tall one, then pivoted on his hoof and swung his blade vertically to knock a group of smaller ones high into the air. He then leapt into the air, spinning at full speed as he flew between them, reaching them easily. They helplessly were caught up in the flurry of attacks that he made by spinning wildly in mid air and were destroyed on the spot. A taller one leapt at him, ready to swipe at him, but this only aided his enemy as he needed to string up a combo. He was already defying gravity as he gave the creature a flurry of swipes, as if each swing was what kept him floating in place. However, he got a bit too wild with his last attack and accidentally lost his grip on his weapon. Out of instinct he reached out to it with his hoof and was surprised to see that it caught it as if it was his actual hand. Even more astonishing was the fact that he felt like he was gripping the hilt. Questions were running through his mind, but the feeling that he was starting to descend brought him back to reality. No time to ask questions now, just absorb the knowledge and use it. He smirked as he vertically twirled around with his weapon out, slapping it onto the creature’s head, spiking it back to the ground, causing it to disperse upon impact, and releasing the heart held within it. Sora landed where it once was on three hooves, his right fore hoof held out and holding his blade. “Alright, things just got more interesting.” He tried to stand upright, but that proved to be difficult. Guess it would take a bit more time in this body before he could do something about that. However, he did notice that he could stand up long enough get a few hits on a foe before either going back on all fours, or leaping into the air. He once again took that knowledge to heart as his attacks could randomly shift gears from four-legged to brief two-legged combat. This in turn made aerial combat a common thing to see from him. At one point, he saw a group lined up unintentionally and grinned as he stood on his hind legs once more. He took the blade from his mouth and into his hoof before hurling it with all his might at the line up. A wave of black mist and red hearts were all that was left of those creatures as Sora summoned his weapon back to his mouth and rapidly spun in place to K.O. the creatures that tried to surround him. The creatures were completely distracted at the new fighter and seemed to mindlessly go after him instead now. Fluttershy and her friends were at a loss for words as they watched the stallion cut down the creatures like they were nothing. Twilight’s mind was constantly shelling out questions, and every new thing she observed just added in another load of them that it was fearful that her head might explode. Fluttershy, Rarity, and Spike were marveling at the amazing feats the stallion had been making. Spike seemed to be trying to mimic each of Sora’s swings as best as he could every time he cut down a foe, and Pinkie was cheering and eating popcorn just enjoying the show. “I knew it! He is a Super Knight!” she added as she watched him teach those meanies a lesson. Rainbow and Applejack stood there, jaws dropped at the sudden display. “H-how is he doin’ that?” Applejack asked. She then saw her blue Pegasus friend fly after him. “I dunno, but I’m not gonna just sit around and let take all the fun.” Thanks to that little breather their new friend gave them, everyone was able to recuperate and join the fight as well. Sora was greeted by a rainbow blur as it shot right passed him and blasted through a group of enemies on his right, annihilating their existence. He was surprised at the speed, but smiled when he noticed that it was one of ponies. “Looks like they’re ready for another round.” He looked around to see all the battle ready ponies were already taking down the creatures at their end. This only caused his morale to spike as he continued his onslaught. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Not too far off from the battle “You really try my patience, boy.” The dark female voice returned as its owner stood there watching her creatures finally dwindling now that Sora had arrived. “Must you be there at every turn…. no matter.” Darkness started to engulf her. “This time, you will have no way to stop me.” She started to give a sly smile before giving out a rather sickening dark laugh that only grew as time went on until the darkness around her teleported her away from the forest. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The battle finally ended when Sora did a leaping strike at the last creature that Applejack bucked into the air for him. “Alright! That should do it!” Sora made his keyblade vanish as he sat on his haunches and stretched. “Everyb-er-pony Ok?” He had to remember the mannerisms of this world to keep his disguise as he looked around, but had the wind knocked out of him as a pink pony tackled him. He was on his back as the pink offender stood over him, invading his personal space as her face was right in front of his. “Hi! I’m Pinkie Pie! You were amazing, how did you do all those fancy moves, and what was that sword you used?! How’d you make it disappear?! You’re the best Super Knight I ever saw! Well, you're also the only Super Knight I saw, but I think you’re the best!” Her mouth was going a mile a minute as she assaulted the poor stallion below her, who only blinked a few times and had no clue when it would end. “Super Knight?” he asked before a magenta aura engulfed the hyperactive mare, and lifted her off him and towards the purple caster. “Sorry about that, she can get pretty excitable,” Twilight tried to explain as Sora finally got to his hooves and laughed a little. “No worries, got hit with harder things before.” He smiled before suddenly, Twilight was right in front of him, staring at him intently. This definitely made him feel uncomfortable as she walked around him examining every inch. “If you don’t mind me asking, who are you and how do you know Fluttershy?” Twilight asked with a hint of suspicion in her voice. “Oh, well, I’m Sora!” Sora said, his smile returning again. “Your friend Fluttershy actually found me knocked out in the forest earlier today.” This caused everyone else to turn to the timid mare, who finally realized as well that he was who they were looking for. “You knew where the pony was this whole time? Why didn’t you say anything?” Rainbow flew up to her. “W-well, at the time I didn’t hear about the Princess looking for him and it had been a long while before Rainbow Dash told me that someone was lost in the forest. I had no idea it was a royal request until Twilight said so. In fact, Sora was with me at the time when Rainbow Dash found me. Though he went into the store first so I guess Rainbow Dash didn‘t notice him.” This made everyone turned to Rainbow, who flinched on the spot. “What? Ok, so I may have shortened the explanation a bit and had been a little hasty getting her to the group…” She rubbed the back of her neck with her hoof and chuckled nervously. As Twilight, Rarity, Applejack and Spike just slumped and heaved a heavy sigh, Sora and Fluttershy just looked at each other before smiling at this silly little event. “Well, how about we just get back to Ponyville for now. I have a lot questions for you, buster.” Twilight poked her hoof at Sora’s barrel a few times before she picked up Spike and placed him on her back and started walking. “But I’d rather it be at the comfort and safety of the library.” The other girls soon joined Twilight, leaving Sora in thought. This is definitely going to be an interesting first few days, I can tell. He joined the rest of the group as they headed back to Ponyville as Rarity was giving his outfit a once over. “I say! Sora, was it? You must tell me who designed your outfit. It's so adventurous and unique!” She drilled him with questions about his attire through a majority of the walk back. She was already excited to start planning out clothes revolving around his outfit’s design as well. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Canterlot Castle, Throne Room 20 minutes after Sora and Company headed for Ponyville Two tall ponies, far taller than any other pony, with their own set of wings and a horn seemed to have troubling things going over their mind. They were sisters, Royal Sisters that overlooked the entirety of their Kingdom. The younger sister had a dark purple coat, and her mane and tail were like the starry night sky itself as specks of light were seen in a gentle ever flowing purple void. Her horseshoes were a much lighter shade of her color, but had their own sparkles as well. Her tiara and necklace were pitch black like most of her Cutie Mark. However, on her Cutie Mark and necklace was a white crescent moon. She watched her older sister pace back and forth deep in thought and worry. Her sister was in some ways the opposite of her in appearance. Her coat was white, her mane and tail had a kind of rainbow effect as each color was its own separate part: ranging from green, to blue, to pink, and even lighter shade of blue. She was taller than her younger sister, ergo her horseshoes, necklace, and tiara were a bit larger as well. Her tiara and necklace had a purple diamond shaped gem as their centerpiece, and finally her Cutie Mark was the symbol of the sun. These two were the Royal Princesses of Equestria, Celestia and Luna. They were alicorns that held great power; so much so that they had control of the sun and moon. It was their duty to keep their ponies safe, so sometimes they would have to ask for outside help when they alone were not enough to stop impending dangers, as strange as that may sound given their abilities. “Sister, you’re going to wear a rut on the floor if you keep doing that,” Luna said to her sister, concern unmistakably present in her voice. The sudden accident for the arrival weighed on both their minds, but Celestia seemed to be more worried than Luna. “I know, but what can I do, Lulu? He’s under our care for now and I tried to make it as safe a landing as possible.” Celestia sighed as she finally stopped walking, but lowered her head in shame. “I promised a very dear friend that everything would be alright, but…” “Accidents happen, Celly. We can no more control them than we can the universe.” Luna tried to calm her sister down, then smiled and quipped, “Though controlling the sun and moon is still pretty good, don’t you agree?” This made them both share a giggle at the joke. “Everything will be fine. We asked for his assistance after all, so he should be well aware that he’s here for more than his own training. Also, Twilight and her friends are looking for him, so it’s only a matter of time before we hear news from them.” Celestia felt relief start to set in. It was true that she was told of many of this boy’s feats in his previous adventures, so one could imagine how relieved she was when a letter from Twilight appeared. “Oh thank goodness,” Celestia smiled as she opened the letter. “You see?” Luna simply smiled at her. Dear Princess Celestia, I am pleased to inform you that we have located the pony you were looking for. His name is Sora, and he is a rather strange stallion. I’m sure you already know what he is capable of and I would like to know as soon as possible. I am attempting to get more information from him, though he told me that he couldn’t answer everything until he is able to speak to you first about it. My friends and I will head over to Canterlot via the train by tomorrow. Changing topic, when we were searching for Sora, we ran across strange creatures. They were completely hostile, but seemed mindless. Sora had said that these creatures were called “Heartless”. He has agreed to explain into more detail about them, but I feel like they might be the reason you asked for him to come here. I hope to see and hear from you soon. Your Faithful Student, Twilight Sparkle Celestia lowered the letter, happy that things finally worked out in the end, though it would seem Sora was abiding by the World Laws until asked otherwise. She had to stifle another giggle. Twilight would definitely not like waiting to know more about this. “I’ll go and tell the guards to return to the castle, then.” Luna smiled as she walked on by to the doorway. “Very well, I’ll get to work on a reply.” Celestia levitated a quill and paper to herself and got to writing. “I wonder if this is a sign of things to come,” she said to herself. As soon as she finished, she decided she needed some fresh air. The balcony seemed like a good place to be right now. “Sora, I do hope you’re willing to take on the tasks ahead of you from now on.” > Chapter 3: It's Party Time > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- As Always: Green text means "click me" to play theme music to go with what your reading. Red means to stop the music. Completely optional: Your free to ignore this Golden Oaks Library The group had finally returned to Ponyville and Twilight had been thoroughly drilling Sora every question that came to her mind. He was happy to share some details, but some others we’re either too vague, or he wouldn’t answer it at all, at least not right now. As frustrating as that was for her, she was at least thankful that the most currently important questions were answered. “Ok, let me get this straight” Twilight held up her notes in front of her with her magic. “Your name is Sora, you’re a Key Bearer from…” she sighed “far far away from here, and you’ve been asked by Princess Celestia to come to Equestria for some reason that you don’t even know yet.” Sora gave a nod “Yup, though I do know what my first task is, and I‘m also here for training.” he drank some tea that was offered to him as they all gathered around Twilight‘s table. He was thankful that a lot of the food he seen so far seemed like food people would eat, but then he would come across a very equine dish, like the dandelion sandwich, and find it odd that he somehow enjoyed it. This added on more mystery to his form, though he had a theory in mind, but it didn’t make sense to him currently. “Right, and your not going to tell us what your mission is or what your training for?” Twilight asked “Well, not on the mission, but I can atleast tell you why I’m training.” Sora gave a smile, when he notice her perk up a little. “It’s to become a Keyblade Master” “Keyblade Master?” Rarity who had been listening politely was curious. “Are you not already one?” Sora shook his head “Not really, I have gotten pretty good at using a key blade but I can’t be recognized as a Master until I pass my Mark of Mastery Exam.” Applejack then started to speak up. “So you’re a cadet?” She had adopted Pinkie’s Super Knight assumption about the Key Bearer. “Meanin’ there are more of you Keyblade fellas?” “Well there are, but only a few that I know of. Apparently there were a lot of Keyblade Wielders a long time ago.” Sora figured it would be harmless if they knew that. “And I wouldn’t call myself a cadet, but I have been given the official title Hero.” He seemed to be proud of announcing that. “ Hero?” Rainbow Dash scoffed “Notto be rude, but if I didn't see you fight earlier, you don't exactly look intimidating if you ask me.” effectively knocking a bit of wind out of his sails, figuratively. Sora gave a sheepish smile while rubbing the back of his head. “Yeah, I guess so, hehe” “We’re getting off track here, every pony.” Twilight grabbed everyone’s attention “Now those creatures we fought in the forest, they are called the Heartless?” At this Sora nodded and had a slightly more serious tone then before. “They’re beings that quite literally don’t have hearts, though ironically enough that’s where they come out of. The darkness in um pony’s hearts.” He was oddly getting the hang of this way of speech much quicker then he had anticipated. “No Hearts? But, what were those shiny heart shape thingies that came out of them whenever you smacked them into poofy black smoke?” Pinkie managed to ask that as she was still chewing on a cupcake she got out of her mane. Although Sora found this strange, no one else seemed to be commenting or giving her any weird looks, so he decided not to ask… Atleast for now. “I’m glad you asked that.” Sora made sure everyone could here this important bit. “You see, like I said, the Heartless don’t have hearts. However, their goal is to basically take the hearts of everypony they come across.” This instigated a few gasps and looks of concern. “However, the Keyblade is the only known weapon to actually destroy them and release the heart they have captive inside them.” Fluttershy raised her hoof as if she was in a class room “Excuse me, but um… what happens if we lost our hearts?” She had even more reason to not like these things now. “Well, if you were to lose your heart, you become a heartless as well.” Sora said grimly. To say that every pony else in the room wasn’t taking that bit of information well might have been putting it mildly. Rainbow spoke first “Whoa, whoa, whoa, buddy. We could’ve been turned into one of those weird guys back there.” At his nod, this sent a chill down her spine. A nasty thought of her turning into that smaller two legged heartless she saw did not sit well in her mind. Sora decided for the time being it would be best not to tell them about the nobodies, he didn’t want to give them more things to worry about. He decided to change the subject for a moment. “If you guys don’t mind, I do have something to ask” Sora held a hoof to his chin. Now that he thought about it, they’ve been in such a rush to and from the forest that it was never brought up. Twilight looked with interest “Uh, yes? What is it?” “Um, I don’t… know all your names, hehe” he gave a nervous chuckle as everyone looked at one another before they began laughing as well. He was glad that somewhat brightened the mood. “Oh dear, you have a point, darling. All this excitement must‘ve swept us all up in the moment” Rarity stated as she eventually stifled her own giggling. Then sat up straight from her seat on the sofa. “Ahem, I am Rarity” she then took a hoof and flicked it across her mane, but it didn’t give off a snooty vibe at all “Ponyville’s one and only Fashion Designer and owner of the Carousel Boutique.” A second later a familiar blue Pegasus flew in front of her. “Name’s Rainbow Dash: Fastest Flyer in Ponyville and all around amazing at everything” She posed in a very laidback, yet confident way that the hint of pride did not go unnoticed. “If ya ain’t being lazy that is.” The Orange southern pony spoke up, causing Rainbow to break her confident look to a look of annoyance. “Howdy, ah’m Applejack” she tipped her hat. “Ah’ run Sweet Apple Acres with mah’ family, ain’t no better apple farm then ours.” Now she was the one giving a rather confident pose. “Oh, Oh, My turn, my turn!” Pinkie waved her hoof high above her head trying to get Sora’s attention. “Oh, I believe your… Pinkie Pie, right?” Sora asked. If anything it was hard to forget her name when she tackled him like that earlier. “That’s right! Number one party pony! I also live and work at Sugarcube Corner, if your ever hungry and have a rumbly in your tumbly, stop on by. We have more then just honey!” she pointed a hoof at Sora, who was utterly surprised at hearing those last words she said “Every new pony that comes to Ponyville gets their very own “Welcome to Ponyville” Party from yours truly, my new spiky mane friend!” This caused Sora to smile and point to himself “So I get a party, just because I’m new?” at Pinkie’s nod he responded “Wow, I’m up for that” Pinkie was bouncing now from his response with a big… well bigger grin on her face that wouldn’t be able to go away for awhile now. Sora then turned to Fluttershy “Well, Since we’ve already met and talked for awhile.” He gave her a smile which she returned with a small but warm one. “Your Fluttershy, your very kind, you love animals so it’s no surprise that your Ponyville’s best Animal Caretaker” Sora added the “best” part in that introduction which caused the Shy yellow Pegasus to blush a little and hide her face with her mane, he figured that was run on thing where each of them were the best at what they do. “O-oh, I wouldn’t say the best or anything l-like that” However that smile on her face only got a little bigger. “but, I do love to meet and take care of all kinds of animals” “Ahem” both their attention was then pulled towards the the purple Unicorn in the room. “Well then, that just leaves me and Spike. I’m Twilight Sparkle, I’m technically Ponyville’s only librarian, so that makes me the best by default” She joked “I work and live here at Golden Oaks Library with my assistant Spike, here” she motioned toward Spike who was now waving at Sora. “Oh, but also I’m Princess Celestia’s student” “Celestia? That’s the one you said that called for me, right? She takes in student‘s” Sora asked. “Yes, the best and brightest!” Twilight was now the one showing pride, but was short lived when confusion grew onto her face “How do you not know that she was the one that asked for you?” Sora gave a nervous chuckle “My own teacher likes to be cryptic and surprise us back at where I come from whenever he gets the opportunity to.” he rubbed the back of his neck “It’s like super old sage dude 101 or something.” he then just shrugged and shook his head. Twilight put a hoof to her chin and thought about that, but figured it was better not to press about it. It was clear on the look of Sora’s face that he was clueless on the matter. “Well, now that we’ve all gotten acquainted, and that’s as far as your going to answer my questions for now, I guess we should all head home and get some rest, we have a big day tomorrow” Twilight started putting her notes away. “Big day? For what?” Spike asked as he got up and was stretching. He had been sitting in the same spot longer then he had thought. “Well Celestia did ask all of us to take Sora to Canterlot.” she looked over to Sora. “Apparently whatever it is your going to do here, Celestia wants us to know as well. Would you be willing to tell us everything by then.” Sora thought for a second then smiled and gave a nod. “Sure, if she says so. Sorry I can’t tell you it all now, I honestly don’t fully understand why I can’t talk about it either. Just then a very pink and bouncy mare hopped right passed them with a big smile on her face. “But before that!” she opened the front door to the now setting sun, but that wasn’t what caught everyone’s eyes. It was the crowd of ponies that seemed to be greeting them. Among them were a many tables lined up with snacks, cakes, and drinks. Balloons all over the place and some sort of stage and a turntable where a white unicorn, with two tone blue mane and tail and dark sunglasses resting in front of her eyes, just finish setting everything up. “We still gotta give our new friend Sora a “Welcome to Ponyville” Party!!” Pinkie stood on her hind hooves and raised her fore hooves high above her head in a cheer. The group all seemed to share similar looks of surprise, though given their time being friends with Pinkie, Sora was the only one that was utterly clueless and shocked by all this. “W-wait, we’re having the party now? H-how, did you even do all this. You didn’t even leave the library, right?” Sora stepped out first and looked around at all the waving and smiling ponies, which he in turn hesitantly waved back to. That’s when Applejack trotted past him. “It’s best not ta ask, sugarcube. This kinda thing is the norm when yer ‘round Pinkie.” She made her way to the snack bar. The other girls plus Spike all headed out the door as well to join the party. They’re initial astonishment from before, already gone. Sora just watched the rest of them go before getting one more look around. It made no sense, but from the looks of it, he guessed it didn’t matter. Besides, that cake looked really good, and he wondered what parties were like for ponies. He ran after them and that’s when the party really started. Especially when Pinkie went up to the white unicorn behind the turntable. “Hit it, Vinyl!” The unicorn nodded and flipped the switch and got to work. The music flowed out the speakers and instantly filled area. The music was new for Sora, and yet at the same time, he felt like it wasn’t as foreign, so he it was no surprise before his head started bobbing to the beat, so were most of the crowd. Everyone was either dancing, chatting, eating, or for some of the not as active ponies, just enjoying the music and company. Pinkie Pie however, seemed to have suddenly vanished from sight, soon after, though it didn’t take long to see her again. After Vinyl’s song had ended, Pinkie was already on the stage. “How’s every pony feeling?!” When she received a group of cheers she continued. “Alright! Now this party is going be extra special! I had a special song that I’ve heard before and I‘ve been itching to use it! So it was perfect timing that our new friend and guest of honor, Sora should happen to crash into our little corner of Equestria!” The crowd expressed their excitement of a new song, unaware that what she said, literally was how it happened. At the mention of the key blader they all turned to Sora who was in the middle of munching on a cupcake watching the stage, which of course made him stop chewing and quickly swallowed what was in his mouth and give a sheepish smile. “Come on up, Sora!” Can’t get this started without you!” After all that, he couldn’t quite refuse so he made his way onto the stage. “Alright, so what happens now?” Sora’s question was answered when Pinkie shouted out to the pony DJ. “Ok, Vinyl play that record, karaoke version is you please!” Pinkie was on her hind legs, pointing a fore hoof at Vinyl Scratch while making a rather dynamic pose. The DJ gave a nod and pulled out a different record that was simply titled Party Hard. She placed it on the record player and got it spinning. This time the music was definitely rock as it started off with a robotic voice saying “When it‘s time to party we will party hard“. This was definitely a change of pace as this song was pumping energy into the crowd. It wasn’t long before there were some head banging here and there, Pinkie playing Air guitar, Sora couldn’t help but whip his head up and down to the beat as well. These guys really like to party! He was grinning as he was getting into it. His hoof was subconsciously stomping at every beat of the drums now. Pinkie was keeping track of the song as she was waiting for the right moment to jump at the front of the stage. “You!” She pointed to the crowd as she started singing with the music, getting most of their attention. “You work all night, and when you work it you feel all right,” She then went back on all fours and trotted in place “And when, when things stop feeling alright-” That when the crowd repeated after her in unison with a “ALRIGHT!” it was almost as if it was all rehearsed. “And everything is alright, cause we will never listen to your rules!” “No!” the crowd responded in kind (Pinkie) “We will never do what others do!” ( crowd ) “No!” “Know what we want and we get it from you!” This was when Pinkie Pie wrapped a hoof around Sora‘s neck pulling him over to her as she used her other hoof to make what Sora believed to be a fist pump as she continued “Do what we like and we like what we do! SO LET‘S GET A PARTY GOING” ( crowd ) “LET’S GET A PARTY GOING!” ( Pinkie ) “NOW IT’S TIME TO PARTY AND WE’LL PARTY HARD!” ( crowd ) “PARTY HARD!” (Pinkie) “LETS GET A PARTY GOING” ( crowd ) “LET’S GET A PARTY GOING” (unison) “WHEN IT’S TIME TO PARTY WE WILL ALWAYS PARTY HARD!” The crowd was now chanting “Party Hard” over and over as the music continued Everyone that was effected by the music was already dancing. Rainbow was flying above getting down in mid air, banging her head as she chanted as well. Applejack drinking from her cup, trying to look stoic, but her body said otherwise as it was going along with the beat. Twilight was given her own circle of space thanks to her “dancing”. Rarity and Fluttershy seemed to be the least into the music and were just watching everyone else as they had some punch and cake at one of the tables, Rarity didn’t think this kind of music was her cup of tea. Fluttershy did show interest since their new friend Sora was, but she still would’ve preferred a much more quiet party. Three certain fillies were also in the midst of the party bouncing around, they apparently were somehow able to crowd surf chanting with the rest of the party-goers. Sora and Pinkie were now jamming out on stage. Sora, had no idea how everyone participating in the song were so well coordinated to it given that this is their first time hearing it, but that didn’t matter as he was having a lot of fun with his new friends. When the music started changing to get ready for another run at the chorus, Pinkie looked at Sora with a big grin on her face as if silently asking him a question that he knew the answer two. With his nod the two of them got jumped in unison to the front of the stage and sang at the same time. (Sora and Pinkie) “Alright!” (Pinkie) “You! You fight that fight” (Sora) “And when you fight you feel alright!” Sora had no clue how those words popped into his head, but just went with it for now. He’ll think about it with a calmer mind later (Sora and Pinkie) “But when, when things stop feeling alright-” (crowd) “Alright” (Sora and Pinkie) “And everything is alright, cause we will never listen to your rules!” (crowd) “No!” (Pinkie) “We will never do what others do!” ( crowd ) “No!” (Sora and Pinkie) “Know what we want and we get it from you!” Sora managed to stand on his hind legs long enough to copy Pinkie as they both pointed a fore hoof toward the crowd and everyone sang the same thing (unison) “Do what we like and we like what we do! (Sora and Pinkie) SO LET‘S GET A PARTY GOING” ( crowd ) “LET’S GET A PARTY GOING!” ( Sora and Pinkie ) “NOW IT’S TIME TO PARTY AND WE’LL PARTY HARD!” ( crowd ) “PARTY HARD!” (Sora and Pinkie) “LETS GET A PARTY GOING” ( crowd ) “LET’S GET A PARTY GOING” (unison) “WHEN IT’S TIME TO PARTY WE WILL ALWAYS PARTY HARD!” The now was constantly chanting “Party Hard” once again as the song was finally reaching it’s end. The energy was electric, it was a good sign that this party was going to last longer then anyone would’ve imagined. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A few hours into the evening Sora had finally managed get away from the party after going all out in it. He needed to take a breather so he decided to rest at the side of the giant library tree, a good distance away from the gathering. He sat on his haunches and leaned against the tree, while releasing an exhausted sigh. “Man, those guys really like to party” When he opened his eyes again he saw a cup being held to his face. Seeing that the one offering the drink to him was Fluttershy he simply took it and flashed a smile. “Pinkie really likes to make ponies happy, so making parties is what she believes is the best way to do that.” she landed on the ground and sat next to him. “Also, She seems to have a lot of fun planning them.” she giggled at that last part. Sora nodded “Yeah, I have to agree with you there. She looked like she was having more fun then me, and I’m why we’re having a party.” he laughed and then took a sip from his cup. The punch was good. As Sora sat there and rested, the two of them had been starting conversations with one another. At one point, Fluttershy decided to ask a question that had been bugging her. “Um… S-sora? I was um wondering, well… you see.” Asking him seemed to bring back her shy side in front of him. It seemed awkward to ask, given how many things he decided not to tell her or her friends and expected him to not even answer. “What is it, Fluttershy?” Sora tilted his head to one side as he gazed at her fumbling with her words. He was curious now. Now he HAD to know what was on her mind. She cringed abit when he asked “Well… you don’t have to answer if you don’t want to but um…… What does your cutie mark mean?” Sora looked at her with an even more clueless face “My Cutie Mark?” “Y-yes, well you see… when I brought you to my house when you were unconscious, I was um t-trying to check for any injuries you had, since I found you in a crater and all.” Fluttershy thought this would also be a perfect time to explain what she was doing when they first met. “after that I um was going to go get some help incase it was really serious, so um…. I sorta had to take off your jacket and saddlebags… o-only for a moment… a-and then I saw your Cutie Mark, and I was curious on what it was for and um… well” She was starting to trail off remembering the part where Sora woke up seeing her stare at his flank, a hint of embarrassment appeared on her cheeks when it slightly turned pink. “Hey Fluttershy?” Sora spoke up Fluttershy turned back to him, she didn’t expect the “lost” look on his face which caused her to blink and return a confused look herself. “Whats a Cutie Mark?………” Even while the party was going on, it was suddenly quiet between the two and lasted a few seconds longer then it should’ve been as Fluttershy eventually broke the silence “….. What?” ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Unknown Location “You failed?!” A voice echoed throughout what looked like some form of underground meeting room. The one speaking was that tall pony like figure that had went to meet the woman that had appeared into the world. She would be known as Queen Chrysalis and the woman, none other then Maleficent. “You told me that the task would be simple with your army of the dark” Maleficent did not pay the Queen’s outburst any heed as she calmly stood there as if she was running the show. “Indeed I have, and it would have been, but unfortunately that only applies if it was only them we had to worry about.” “What are you talking about?” The Queen stomped her hoof. “What excuse could possibly redeem you from this failure?” Maleficent simply bowed “My Queen, you must know, that I did not come from this world, and that there are others that can traverse other worlds as well.” “Are you saying someone from where you came from came here and stopped you?” The Queen seemed like she wasn’t believing this, but she was slightly intrigued anyway. “I would not say we came from the same world, but he can travel through out other worlds in his own way. Effortlessly appearing whenever he is not wanted. Eventually foiling any plans we would have.” Maleficent hint of malice in her tone did not go unnoticed by the Queen. Whoever this person was seemed to be a lot of trouble for them. And she would not have her plans ruined by some interloper that didn’t mind their own business.” “Who is this fool that would make you abandon your mission?” “His name…“ The woman lifted up a hand and with a spark of magic, a transparent image of Sora’s original form appeared in front of the queen, in a fighting stance wielding his Keyblade. This causing Chrysalis to take a step back from the sudden appearance and stance as all her defensive switches turned on. “Is Sora. Warrior of the light and chosen wielder of the Keyblade. He isn’t the only Keyblade user, but by far he is the most trifling one… And he is with these… Elements of Harmony, as you call them?” Once Chrysalis realized that the figure in front of her was just a projection focused on it with her own eyes filled with anger and malice. This Sora was keeping her plans from coming into fruition. She was starting to wish that was the real one, so she could snuff out this light. “So what needs to be done?” “A lot of things must be changed I’m afraid. He is able to take on the form of the sentient people of this land in order to hide among them. Fortunately, I’ve managed to get a good look at his new form.” the woman changed the image into what looked like Sora’s disguise form for this world.” At this the Queen Snorted “This is his disguise, if this reflects his age, then he looks no older then those irksome elements. In fact that face of his almost makes him look like a foal.” The Queen thought this was all absurd. “A word to the wise, dear queen… You are not the only one to dismiss him for his appearance. The boy is young, but he wields amazing power. I had once had an organization of the greatest villains from their own world” She then turned her attention to the Queen with fire in her eyes. “And he cut down every single one of them…. Including me” This brought the room to silence as the Queen did not know how to reply to that. “For now, a head on approach would not be wise. We will need to grab resources to strengthen our forces, and slow him down with the heartless. Until we are ready. We should leave him and Elements be.” The Queen didn’t like the idea of running away from a Colt that looked like a bumbling naïve fool. However, judging by her cohorts words and expression, this warrior was not someone to mess with right now. She gave a long sigh. “Very Well…. What is our first move?” The Maleficent dispersed the image and thought for a moment….. “I believe I am going to need some more information…. What holds the most knowledge of this world” The Queen thought for a moment “There are certain to be a few places, but the one place I’m thinking of right now would be the Royal Library in Canterlot’s castle.” “Then that should be our first stop.” Maleficent then turned to the side and opened up a portal to the corridors of Darkness. “You seriously can’t think that we’d be able to just waltz right into the place without the Princesses, showing up to stop us, do you?” the Queen followed behind her. “Not to worry, the key is to limit our presence as much as possible, and to throw out… a decoy. However, it will take some time” he turned to her. “to further aid our efforts, I feel it best to teach you how to use this path.” She gave a devious smile that the Queen returned with her own. “Well, where do we begin?” > Chapter 4: All Aboard > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- As Always: Green text means "click me" to play theme music to go with what your reading. Red text means to stop the music. Completely optional: Your free to ignore this In front of the Golden Oaks Library The next morning Twilight was the first to wake up…. She was for some reason sleeping where the punch bowl used to be. The punch bowl itself was on some pony’s head as they slept peacefully while half of them was dangling over the edge of the table, there was Trash and ponies all about the front of the library as she place a hoof to her face to rub the sleep form her eyes. Her head hurt. Well more like the back of her neck really. She deduced that she must have slept wrong on the table…. That she also just realized that she didn’t need to sleep on in the first place since her home was literally a few feet away. Her body ached as she tried to get off the table as gracefully as possible, and by gracefully she meant falling to her hooves first on the ground. She failed, to say the least, as she fell over and face planted into the dirt. If she wasn’t awake before, she was now. “Oooooowwww…..” nevertheless she slowly stood up and tried to recall what happened last night. “Lets see… Pinkie’s party lasted a lot longer then usual” She recalled how late into the night it was and most of the party goers were still dancing and chatting away. She remembered Applejack left early so she could wake up early to get her chores done before they all had to head out to Canterlot. So it was safe to assume that she should be in the midst of doing them judging the Sun’s position as it rose a bit above the hills in the horizon. She saw Fluttershy wave and leave not to long after Applejack and her sister Applebloom, it was probably as much of the party that she could handle anyway. She looked over to her left and saw Rainbow and Pinkie Pie both passed out on stage…. She couldn’t remember why they were there. She must’ve fallen asleep before they went up there. Must have been some sort of encore, perhaps.” She saw Spike on top of some kind of sleeping pony pile, with all sorts of cupcake frosting covering his mouth and big splotch on his swollen gut. She recalled the pile looked like a Pyramid at one point, but the reason why they made a pyramid was beyond her. Rarity was gone. She remembered seeing her when she was awake, she was talking to Sora about something. “Oh that’s right, Sora” she started looking around. “Where did he go?” She started walking about the party area, carefully swerving or hopping over sleeping pony she came across. She couldn’t help but giggle at the look of Vinyls face as it was on the record player, making the sound skip over constantly. After a bit of searching she had finally a sleeping brown stallion leaning against the tree, out like a light, the spiky mane was a head giveaway. However, something was off. “What happened to his clothes. The stallion in question only had his necklace on. He was slumped over to the side alittle, and looked utterly motionless, save for the small rise and fall of his barrel from his breathing. Twilight wasn’t sure why, but it kind of made him look lazy. When she finally nudged him awake she waited for his mind to fully wake up before she started talking to him. “Mm…huh?” His eye’s slowly opened only a little bit, before he started to finally shift his body and stretch. “Morning already?” he yawned as he slowly got to his hooves. “That’s right, up and at’em. We got to get ready for the journey” Twilight watched shake the his head as if it would shake away all his drowsiness. “Say Sora, what happened to your clothes?” she had to ask. Sora paused for a moment, and looked at himself. Seeing that he was indeed naked he would feel more embarrassed if he hadn’t already seen many other ponies not wear clothes. He brought a hoof to his chin and tried to remember. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Flashback to last night Sora had been listening to Fluttershy as she explained to the best of her knowledge what a Cutie Mark was. “Does that help you understand, Sora?” He was sitting on his haunches with his fore limbs folded in front of him as he was deep in thought, cataloging what he had just heard into memory. Then with a simple nod he replied “I think so. So basically these tattoo like things explain our special talent” he looked at his. “R-right” She nodded before looking at hers. “My Cutie Mark symbolizes how I love animals, and love to take care of them. My kindness, if you will” that last part she added made her feel a bit bashful for saying it as she started at the ground looking away. Sora turned his gaze to her Cutie Mark and gave a nod, able to see the connection to her talent and the image the mark displayed. “Ok, I think I get it then, and you were wondering what mine was?” at her nod of confirmation he held a hoof to his chin and glanced back at his flank. “Hmm… I’m not too sure really, I guess you could say that it displays my talent of being a Keyblade wielder, but I don’t think that’s it. It looks like it’s meant for something else.” Both Fluttershy and Sora were at a loss for words on what it truly meant. That’s when Fluttershy got a look at the sky. “Oh my, it’s getting late.” she started flapping her wings and was hovering off the ground. “I normally don’t stay up this late. And I guess we have to go meet the Princesses tomorrow. So I think I’ll head home for the night. Will you be staying here longer?” Sora nodded “It is a party meant for me after all, I’ll stick around until the party ends. I’ll be fine sleeping outside for the night, really. You have a good night, Fluttershy” he gave a reassuring smile to her as she could only nod, with a wave goodbye from her she was off and on her way home. After a few more seconds him waving back to her retreating form he turned around to face the ongoing party. Vinyl was dishing out another song she made now and it did give him the urge to dance again, so he started to make his way back to the party. That’s when he heard a rather posh sounding voice.” “Yoo hoo! Excuse me, Sora! A moment of your time?” Sora stopped and looked to his side to see Rarity trot up to him. She definitely had a pep to her step, like something had her excited. “Oh hey, Rarity. Whats up?” he turned to fully face her with a friendly smile. Hew was then confused when she first trotted past him, and then stared at him as if scanning him for something. She went a full circle around him before he finally decided to say something. “Um, is something wrong?” he had to admit being stared at so intently by a girl was a bit uncomfortable. After hearing him speak to her a second time she lifted her head up quickly and blushed at noticing how rude she was being “Oh, terribly sorry, darling. I was just looking at your outfit again. It is very unique, and has it’s own flair that I have never seen before.” Sora looked at his Jacket and saddlebags and tilted his head “I uh, guess so. I never really thought about it hehe” he then turned to Rarity “but thanks anyway. I wear it everyday so it’s nice to know it’s nice to look at, atleast” Rarity clicked her tongue a few times and shook her head “Nice to look at? Sora dear, this is by far foreign treasure in the fashion world, and I would love to make use of this opportunity. You see, I was heading back home and I was wondering if it was alright if I could borrow your outfit just for the night. I wanted to study and make some designs with it.” “Designs?” he looked at his outfit once again. He never thought they would catch that much interest in fashion. To be honest, he didn’t have time to think on it much since most of the time he was fighting heartless, nobodies, villains and such. Though, seeing as for some reason he didn’t need his clothes to keep his pony form, he decided it wouldn’t cause any harm. “Sure I guess, just bring it with you when we’re about to leave I guess.” It was clear on Rarity’s face that she was ecstatic on his approval. “Oh thank you so much Sora, and do not worry, I am a mare of my word. I’ll only need one night.” once he took his outfit off Rarity picked it up with her magic before neatly folding the jacket and resting it on her back perfectly balanced, and then wore the saddle bags since that was the best way to carry them. “Ah, now I must be off, while the night is still young. Thank you again Sora, good night and enjoy the party.” and like that she trotted off to her home, her body movement couldn’t even hide how excited she was to get to work. He then noticed two little fillies, one white unicorn with two tone mane and tail and an orange Pegasus with purple mane and tail waiting for her, though they seemed pretty reluctant to leave compared to Rarity. He assumed that it must be past their bed time. Sora chuckled “Well, she certainly enjoys her work I guess” ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Present time “Wait, you didn’t know what a Cutie Mark was?” Twilight had been listening intently to the story and found that bit of information odd. Sora rubbed the back of his head and gave a nervous chuckle “Heh, yeah. It‘s not something you think about where I come from” “And where do you come from?” Twilight definitely wasn’t going to quit in getting every bit of info out of him. She looked at him suspiciously “Aheh, very far away” Sora then changed the subject “Anyway, shouldn’t we be getting ready and gathering the others for the trip” he walked past her. “I’ll go get Spike and Pinkie and Rainbow to wake up.” Twilight stared at the stallion with narrowed eyes. “He knows a lot more then he’s letting on and she didn’t like it. However, he had a point and they had to prepare for the train. Twilight went inside the Library to grab a few things first and make some breakfast. Sora meanwhile made sure to wake up some passed out ponies he passed by to let them know the party was over with them in turn trying to wake other sleeping ponies. He eventually made it to the pony pile from before. He didn’t see what it was originally, so he was confused as to why such a thing happened with Spike on top covered in frosting. “Hey Spike? You awake?!” he called out to the dragon. Whether or not he was awake, Sora could hear many moans and groans from within the pile. His voice managed to wake up the rest of the ponies within it. He got a good look at as the pile broke apart into half awake ponies that staggered and stumbled around yawning and mumbling. This left Spike sitting up from all the commotion and ending up being the only one there. He looked up at Sora stretching his arms. Before clutching his now round belly. “Ugh….. What a night… how many cupcakes did I eat” he definitely not looking his best. Sora couldn’t help but chuckle as he helped the dragon onto his back. “Guess you went pretty wild last night” He said as he made his way over to the stage “Urp!… Too wild… Ugh, please don’t run. My stomach can’t handle such movement.” Spike said as he struggled to stay on him. “Heh, right, sorry, Spike” as he finally reached the stage it looked like Pinkie was already starting to wake up. “Well there’s one. Morning Pinkie, sleep well?” He took the steps up instead of jumping onto it for Spike’s sake. At the sound of his voice the pink mare managed to shake every bit of drowsiness form her body and flash a big grin. “Morning, Sora! That was party was the Bestest Party Ever!” She bounced around the still unconscious Rainbow Dash. “Yeah, thanks for throwing it for me. I had a lot of fun” Sora replied as his eyes followed as she hopped around. “Anything for a friend! That’s you by the way.” She whispered that part. It was unnecessary to whisper about it but he didn’t ask. Instead his gaze turned to the rainbow mane mare still sleeping on the floor. “I’m surprised she hasn’t woke up yet” he referred to all the noise and movement he and Pinkie were making right next to her. “Oh Dashie isn’t a morning pony, plus she danced SUPER Hard last night too” Pinkie stood on her hind hooves and started grooving to emphasize her point. Sora laughed “Well, as much as I’d like to let her sleep, Twilight wants us all to get ready. After I take Spike inside to um… rest up” He glanced a look up at the purple dragon who was now laying his head against the back of Sora’s neck making rather pathetic groaning and moaning sounds. “I’ll help you with cleaning up around here” He received a rather surprisingly tight hug from the pink mare, which unfortunately so it Spike. “Oh Thank you, thank you, thank you, Sora! You’re Super Duper Nice! We‘ll get this all cleaned up lickety split!” Her grin even brighter then ever now. When she finally let go both boys gasped for air and Sora flopped to the the ground, with Spike not far behind. “Ugh… Can you keep it down? Some of us are trying to sleep here” Rainbow said as she was finally waking up but trying so desperately to return to her dreams. That is until the gears in her mind started working. “Wait… Pinkie, What are you doing in my house” her eyes opened partly as she lifted her head up and looked around. “Wait…where am I?” The gears were turning, but not at full speed yet. Pinkie just giggled and went back to bouncing around Rainbow Dash “Silly Dashie, don’t you remember. We were partying on stage and doing Karaoke to all the rest of the night, then you got super sleepy and fell down really hard and wouldn’t wake up.” “Oh… yeah… right the party” Rainbow slowly got to her hooves and gave a big yawn. She then noticed Sora and Spike slowly getting back up as well after Pinkie’s “special” hug. “What’s with you two?” Sora coughed a bit before shaking his head. “Ahem, N-no reason” and giving a weak smile. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sweet Apple Acres Applejack was up earlier then anyone else on the farm, and that’s saying something for a family of farmers, and quite possibly in all of Ponyville, bucking her Apple Trees and getting enough for selling today. Her brother Big Mac and Granny Smith had agreed to take over selling apples at the market while she was away, so the least she could do was get the Apple collecting done for them as they ate breakfast. She had just finished bucking enough apples for sale and went to start collecting them into the baskets. That’s when her brother stepped out and was taking care of his Morning chores as well hoping to get it done before taking over Applejack’s job. “Mornin‘, Big Mac! Sleep Well?” “Eeyup” was his response as he made his way to the barn. After an hour Applejack had taken care of everything on her to do list and was inside having breakfast, The Pancakes were still warm even after all that time she was outside and everyone else had already eaten. She made sure to take care of her dishes before she made her way to the Library, figuring it was better to meet up with Twilight and Sora before they started gathering the others. Before she headed out the door however, She was stopped by a small yellow filly with a red mane and tail. “Hey Applejack, where ya goin‘?” the the little pony already running up next to her and followed her big sister as they walked. “I’m goin’ ta meet up with Sora and the gang for our trip ta Canterlot, Applebloom, remember? I told this to ya when I was discussin’ it with Big Mac and Granny” that’s when the filly named Applebloom perked up as that bit of memory returned to the front of her mind to confirm it. “Oh right? Is it because of Sora being here and all. Who is he anyway?” She was just a mountain of questions today. Applejack nodded “That’s right. Apparently, the Princesses was expectin’ him at the castle, but he ended up in Everfree forest by mistake. Also whatever he is here for, apparently it includes the others and myself as well.” Applebloom then stopped for a moment and thought. “Wait, how do you get lost in the Everfree Forest when yer going to Canterlot?” Applejack shook her head “I don’t rightly know, sugarcube. I’m hopin’ Sora will explain that to us when we get there. He seems ta be obligated to keep his muzzle shut about it until we get there. I don’t blame him. It must be really important if the princesses are involved.” “Oooh, what if he’s like a secret agent or sumthin, and he has all the dirty info on folks that are causin’ other ponies trouble.” her little sister seemed to already be imagining Sora in some kind of Spy set up while hiding behind the corner listening in on bad guys in his mind. Until it shifted to her next opinion “Or maybe he’s a Super knight! Sent out on the toughest missions in Equestria!” now an image of Sora in big shiny armor while lifting a sword toward a dark entity in front of him was now on her mind. At that last suggestion Applejack could only look at her with a raised eyebrow “Have you been hangin’ round Pinkie Pie lately?” “Huh? What’s that suppose to mean?” Seeing clearly the clueless look on her little sister’s face she shook her head. “Never mind, anywho I believe your suppose ta get ready for school soon, so shake a leg, darlin.” Seeing her sister pout at being reminded of her day’s schedule she chuckled. “I promise when I get back, I’ll tell you all about it. Alright?” She tried to hide the excited look in her eyes, but it was clear to Applejack and anyone else who would happen to look at the now excited little filly. “You, mean it” Applejack nodded “Course, I do. Just don’t get into any trouble while I’m gone, alright?” A request she wasn’t so sure her little sister would keep, but tried for anyway. Applebloom was reluctant but still smiled and nodded before turning around heading for their house. “Ok, but I want to hear everything!” she gave Applejack a wave, as did Big Mac and Granny Smith who happened to see her on her way out. Applejack gave a nod and wave to her family as well as a confident smile before turning around and making her way over to Twilight’s house. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Fluttershy’s Cottage Fluttershy had the same idea as Applejack of sleeping early to wake up early, however at best she just woke up an hour or so earlier then she usually would. She wanted to make sure all of her duties were met before she had to leave. Fresh food for when they wake up and for those that are already awake, double checking any creatures she was nursing back to health, so far that area seems to be just fine much to her relief, and making sure Angel, her bunny, was awake and able to look after things why she was gone. Of course, unlike his name, Angel wasn’t doing it just for the feeling of doing something nice. So Fluttershy promised to make him a special Carrot feast when she got back. “Oh that reminds me, I should buy some more carrots have it sent home for later” After realizing her low stock in the orange produce, she decided to pick up pace in getting everything done so that she had time to spare to order a delivery, because this was all routine, she was allowed to have her mind wander a bit. Her mind started thinking about the events that happened yesterday and her new friend Sora. Looking back at it now, it seemed kind of silly how well she and her friends were taking in all the things Sora could do. He did seem like the kind of pony that you could be friends with, but for Fluttershy’s case that’s not something you can do so quickly with her. Sure he had broken the ice talking about the animal and creatures he was friends with, but it felt like there was more to her reason for being so comfortable talking to him like her other friends. She was lost in thought, but thankfully her morning routine was practically engraved in her subconscious that she just went through the motions. But of course she still would always greet any of her animals she would run into if they were awake. It would be rude not to, after all. With her work done, she gave her pet bunny a hug “See you later, Angel. I’ll be back as soon as I can.” Angel hugged her back but the grumpy look he was making seemed to indicate that he wanted to get back to sleep. And just like that she was out the door and off to the Library. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Golden Oak Library A Half Hour Later The clean up went by relatively smoothly since some of the pony’s that woke up spared some time to pitch in. Pinkie somehow managed to break down the stage when no one was looking and was tossing it all on a cart with a few other ponies, in pieces, “That was so much fun we should do that again next time” She said as she chucked the final plank onto the cart. Then waved goodbye to Vinyl, who was pushing her packed up equipment down the trail to her home. Rainbow Dash was flying over her carrying trash bags off to the nearest dumpster. “I’m all for that, but we should get some of Cider from AJ next time!” She seemed rather happy to suggest that. “Applejack’s farm makes Apple Cider as well?” Sora was definitely interested in this drink seeing the flying Pegasus’ reaction to it. “The best this side of Equestria” Came a southern voice from behind Sora, the owner being no other then Applejack who trotted her way up to the others. “Mornin’ ya’ll!” she gave a wave. “Look’s like your getting things all straightened out here.” “Hey Applejack, yeah I thinking we’re just about done here” Sora waved back at her before looking around seeing all the other ponies start to leave. “So I guess we’re leaving once everyone is ready to go?” “Exactly, but first how about some breakfast? Twilight stepped out of the library levitating a few plates of pancakes. Then placed time on a table that wasn’t taken down yet. “Sweet! Spike made pancakes?!” Rainbow Dash was the first to get to the table “Wait…” he looked over to Sora still had Spike on his back, who finally looked like he was recovering from all those cupcakes. Though the sight of the pancakes turned his purple face to green as he tried to look away from it. “That’s Right, I made them this time” She said proudly as Sora decided to set Spike down on the side to before heading over to the table, Pinkie being the last to make it there. “Oooh… That’s cool then” Rainbow said in much less excited tone to before as she grabbed the syrup. “And what’s that suppose to mean Rainbow Dash?” Twilight seemed easily offended to that response. “Nothing” she shook her head “I’m sure it’s fine, it’s just Spike’s cooking is better” she put it bluntly. Sora had to stifle a laugh from how she didn’t miss a beat with that response. If anyone looked over at Spike, they would see him smirking after hearing that as well. It wasn’t a surprise that Twilight felt offended by this as she started pouting and levitating Rainbow’s plate away from her. “Fine, then I guess I’ll just give this to someone else” “Hey, wait I’m still hungry!” Rainbow got up and flew after her runaway meal. Now Sora found it as the right time to laugh, and so he did along with Pinkie and Applejack, who opted out from Pancakes since she already had breakfast. Once Fluttershy arrived Sora, Twilight, Pinkie and Rainbow had finished breakfast and with the five of them together decided to all travel to Rarity’s Boutique to pick her up. Of course with a short detour to the market so that Fluttershy could get make a delivery. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Carousel Boutique 20 minutes later The Purple maned fashion pony was not in her bed this night, She had been up all night with her latest project. Since she had borrowed Sora’s outfit, She had spent all her energy and concentration on studying the designs and implementing them in many rough drafts which dwindled down to a set of of final results that had so much variety for Stallions and Mares alike. The color choices were bold but nothing random. Almost everything seemed to look like it had a purpose of some sort, but did so in a way to give it it’s own unique style. The more she observed it the more excited she was at all the possibilities this would make. And not only that, but whoever made this outfit definitely thought of the long term for it. Enchantment ,hat focused on durability and to prevent the average wear and tear, there was even enchantment that gave the wearer light defense as well as prevention to many forms of trauma and concussions. It would seem odd but given Sora’s brief explanation of himself, and last night’s battle in the forest, she assumed that part was made for his duty’s as a Keyblade bearer. That got her to thinking, what was a Keyblade bearer, and what was a Keyblade Master? From what Sora had explained to her and her friends he did sound like a knight, or rather a noble being on his way to becoming one. She couldn’t help but imagine Sora in knight’s armor with a long flowing cape. Then after that she couldn’t help but giggle, for some reason it didn’t seem to quite fit him, and even seem a little silly. Perhaps it was that, somewhat foalish look he had. However, she could also see that he was very reliable and was always thinking of his friends and others. She had to admit she found that quite charming about him. Through the rest of the night she had been thinking about that as well as working on the designs that she eventually just fell asleep at her desk. Only to wake up the next morning, her mane a mess and some of the pencil markings on one of her final drafts she rested her head on attached to her cheek when she finally got up with a soft yawn. “Oh dear… Morning already?” her half opened eyes gazed at her work in front of her. Soon smiling and approving the designs. She would have to think up what fabrics and material would be needed for them, later. Right now, her mind was trying to help her remember something. “Oh! That’s right? We’re meeting the Princesses today!” Instantly any hint of drowsiness on her face changed to shock and concern as she looked over to the mirror to evaluate herself. Her muzzle scrunched up and she turned her head in discuss. “No, no, no, this won’t do at all. A lady must always look her best” she hopped off her stool and trotted off to go shower and prepare for the day. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 10 minutes later After making the short trip to the market for Fluttershy’s sake, the gang had finally arrived at the Carousel Boutique. “Huh, it really does look like it’s name sake” Sora stated as he got a good look at the building’s theme, as well as the pony mannequins in various sets of clothing he was able to make out through the windows. Spike, much to his dismay, had to stay behind at the library to look after it. Sora, kind of felt like Spike was apart of this too. If this Celestia made it ok for him to tell his new friends about himself, he would be sure to explain it to Spike when they get back as well. It was least he could do for him. “Well knowing Rarity, she must have been up all night since she borrowed Sora’s clothes.” Twilight was ahead of the group and made her way up to the door and knocked on it. After a long moment of silence, she tried again. “Sigh, she must be sleeping in now” she shook her head before her horn started glowing, encasing the door in the same colored aura before opening it. “We’ll just have to wake her up ourselves” She stepped inside with the others close behind her. Once inside Sora got a better look of everything. He honestly never been to a fashion store, so he couldn’t compare it to any human ones. However, the place did have that kind of that Rarity gave off. “Alright, I’m sure she’s probably asleep on her desk or something so I’ll check there.” Twilight suggested then turned to Rainbow. “You can see if she’s in her room, Rainbow Dash” “No problem” the blue Pegasus mocked a salute before flying off. Applejack decided to follow after Rainbow just to make sure she didn’t get distracted and cause trouble. “I guess, that just leaves us three.” Sora said said watching Twilight and Rainbow head on their way “Ooh Ooh! Why don’t we look around here, You should see all the outfits Rarity made” Pinkie replied “This place has some neat stuff too!” she was all over the place “Like this!” She then hopped on a pedestal that had three mirrors around it, then started making silly poses in front of them. “Well, I guess we could look around, how about you Fluttershy?” Sora turned to the shy mare. “Oh um, I guess so, if you don‘t mind” she hovered next to Sora as Pinkie followed close behind them. As the three of them went about looking at things, they’re little boundary they set for exploration expanded to the whole entire without them knowing when they reached a certain part of it and they could all hear a noise. “You guys hear water?” Sora asked as raised and eyebrow and started looking around “Ooh, is someone having a pool party!” Pinkie seemed excited at the idea. “Um, I think that, sounds like someone using the shower” Fluttershy suggested as she tried to make out where it was coming from. Soon after it cut off “Oh, well maybe that’s why Twilight and Rainbow haven’t found Rarity yet. She must be in the shower.” Sora then turned around “Let’s go head back and let them know” no more then 3 steps did a door next to him opened revealing steam warm air and a white Unicorn in the middle of drying off her wet purple mane until the both of them locked eyes. At this moment Sora locked up and a question appeared in his mind. OK, normally in this kind of situation, this would be bad news… but she never wore clothes to begin with as do a lot of other ponies… so this… should be fine? He decided to speak “Ah-” there was a gasp then a slam of the door as the unicorn before him suddenly vanished. “Huh? Where’d she?” the door then opened up again but this time, in place of the wet furred mare, stood Rarity as she regularly looked. This was a magic trick Sora never seen before “Ahem, why hello Sora, I didn’t expect to see you so soon. Welcome to the Carousel Boutique wher-” She then noticed Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie as they joined Sora “Oh, Fluttershy and Pinkie are too, does that mean the others are as well?” “Yup yup, We’re all here to pick you up and head to the train station for our Awesome adventure!” Pinkie was now hugging Rarity, more then eager to express her excitement of going on a trip. “Y-yes, quite I remember, Pinkie. You can let go now.” When the pink mare obliged, Rarity checked herself just in case a hair was out of place. “I’m also here to get my stuff. I’m going need them after all.” Sora added. She certainly does care about her appearance. He made a mental note of that, a good friend always tries to understand their friends. That was one of the things he believed. “Oh of course, dear. Thank you again for letting me borrow them. It was an absolute pleasure. You must tell who designed it, Its so unique and has it’s own personality.” Rarity was now making her way down the hall which obligated the others to follow. “Hehe, perhaps another time. From the looks of things I think Twilight wanted us to make it for the first train in the morning.” “Well Twilight definitely wants to know what’s going on. She’s not very fond of when someone knows something that she doesn’t.” Fluttershy said “So to her, the sooner we get to the princess, the sooner she can know what’s going on.” “Oh… you don’t say?” Sora gave a nervous smile, based on last night’s “interrogation” and how she reacted when there were some questions he couldn’t answer her. He could definitely vouch for what Fluttershy said. It wasn’t like he wanted to not do this on purpose. “Then I guess you won’t be telling us what exactly are those bottles I your saddle bags?” Rarity turned back to face the other 3. !! He had forgotten that he left those in there, it was all his potions, and elixirs. “Oh, y-yeah those… haha” Did that count as well, he wondered. This world had magic, so perhaps this kind of things exist in this world too. He decided to let that one slight. “Well it shouldn’t hurt to say those are potions that I use in battle.” “They are?!” the group all had to look forward at the new voice, it was Twilight. Apparently during the walk they had already reached Rarity’s work station, with Twilight rummaging through Sora’s saddlebags looking holding a strange bottle in her hooves. This causing the purple pony to look back at them blushing at the awkward moment she was in. “Ahehe, hi” she slowly tried to put the bottle back in the saddle bag. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Earlier Twilight managed to reach Rarity’s designing room. Looking over at the desk she realized that Rarity was nowhere to be found, she sighed as she got a closer look. “Well she definitely was here” seeing all the designs and notes on the desk. She then looked back to Rarity’s object of interest last night. Sora’s clothes. Trotting over to it. Well, it wouldn’t hurt to take a look at them for a moment. She tried to justify her actions as she made her way toward it. She could definitely sense magic coming from it. Enchantments she deduced, she would need more time to actually analyze what kind, but she figured given Sora’s fighting ability, it must be enchantments that would aid in his battles and mobility. She then noticed the red saddle bags and noticed that they were definitely filled with something. Looking around to make sure no one was nearby, she popped open the top of one of them and was surprised to see that so many things were inside such a small container. They all were bottles filled with strange somewhat luminescent liquids” she pulled a green one out. It’s bottle size was much smaller then some of the larger green ones inside but the contents looked near identical, though the larger ones seemed brighter. Perhaps this was a lower grade of whatever this green stuff is. She couldn’t recognize it so had no clue of it’s purpose. She was also aware that it wasn’t the green ones weren’t the only ones in there. There was even a big one with a gold liquid and looked even more extravagant then any of the other bottles inside the pouch. Clearly whatever it was, it was the most Superior concoction. This much she could gather. “But, what are they for” she mumbled to herself. “Well it shouldn’t hurt to say those are potions that I use in battle.” “They Are?!” Twilight whipped her head back to the source of the voice her eyes wide in excitement to know more about them. Then reality and her short term memory kicked in on the current situation. Sora was here with Rarity, both looking at her holding one of his mysterious green potions. Aaaaaand now I look like a nosey invasive thief. She could feel heat creep onto her cheeks before she tried to make a friendly smile and carefully put the bottle back in the saddle bag. “Ahehe, hi” ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ponyville Train Station A half hour later Happy to have his outfit back on him and his gear ready at anytime. Sora felt ready for whatever the day held for him and his new friends. Even though the fact that they already encountered heartless yesterday wasn’t good news on his part, he was sure that everything will be just fine. The train had rolled into the station and was already preparing for a trip back to Canterlot. “Alright everyone trains here, the sooner we’re on the sooner we’ll be at the castle” Twilight said already trotting ahead of them. The others following suit “By the way Sora, I was wondering” she looked back at his saddle bags. “You said those potions help you in battle? What do you mean by that?” She was definitely tenacious that much he could say about her. “Well, I use them whenever I get pretty banged up and need to get back in the fight, I normally drink my Potions, Hi-Potion” “I knew it, those other green bottles didn’t look different for show “ Twilight beamed. “I saw a really large green one in there as well.” “Oh that’s a Mega Potion. I can use that heal my team and myself” Twilight could agree to that, it’s contents defiantly looked even higher quality then the smallest green. “So what of that big golden one I saw?” “Elixirs? Oh those are a good choice to have. They fully heal you and replenish your magic power. “Really? Fascinating” Twilight brought a hoof to her chin as the group were finally inside. “That would definitely be more then useful for ponies, why haven’t I heard of this before?” Of course before Sora could even reply to that question, another more pressing question appeared in Twilight’s mind. “Wait, then why do you need an elixir?” “Huh?” Sora was confused at the question. ‘Uuuh, didn’t I just say it completely replenishes health and magical power? Seems obvious for me to have it around with me juts in case.” he looked around seeing all the mares now realizing what he said and all giving confused looks. “But wouldn’t that be a waste of this elixir thing? Why not just have another one of those potion things” Rainbow Dash asked for the group. This caused Sora tilt his head to the side and raise an eyebrow. “Well, I don’t usually pack an ether with me so having an elixir takes care of two problems at once. I get my second wind and I can use my magic again.” At this point the train was already moving and on it’s way to Canterlot. That’s when twilight finally spoke after a moment of awkward silence. “But you can’t use magic… You’re an Earth Pony” ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Meanwhile on top of the train A corridor of Darkness opens. And yellow eyed creatures are seen crawling out of it along with Queen Chrysalis “Now, a little test to see what these new powers can do…. Go heartless… seek out the key bearer and the elements of Harmony… then claim their hearts” a fit of maniacal laughter as more and more of the dark creatures poured out of the portal that soon vanished without a trace. This train ride won’t be a quiet one. > Chapter 5: Train Ride Rumble (Re Edited) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- As Always: Green text means "click me" to play theme music to go with what your reading. Red text means to stop the music. Completely optional: Your free to ignore this Aboard the Train bound for Canterlot Sora sat by the window, holding his head up as he gazed out to the passing scenery. His mind was busy working on a subject. Twilight had told him that he should not be able to use magic because he was an Earth Pony. She further described him the four races of ponies: Earth Ponies were strong and were more connected to nature compared to Pegasi and Unicorns. Pegasi can fly, that much he understood, but what he didn’t know was that they could control the weather and stand on clouds, and they were also seen as the most athletic. Unicorns, with their horns, are able to cast magic and spells. And Alicorns were basically the 3 previous races wrapped in one powerful package. She then went on to give him good example: the princesses they would be meeting are so powerful they could control this world’s sun and moon, which that astonished him. However Sora was curious as to why he wasn’t a Pegasus or a Unicorn. He knew from his past endeavors that he would qualify as the athletic type. Though it would’ve helped more if he was a Unicorn, then no one freak out whenever he would cast a Firaga or something. This brought him to his next concern. He looked over to the girls, who were definitely becoming more suspicious of him. Or at least three of them were. Twilight would occasionally glance back at him; he could safely assume that all of this made her wonder if he really was a pony. Rainbow whispered a suggestion of bopping Sora on the head to see what happens, which unfortunately for her, he managed to hear. He was unclear as to why she wanted to do that. Applejack chose to be stoic about it. She already knew he was full of secrets, but she also noticed how far he would go to speak truthfully, when normally a pony in his position would either fess up or make up a lie. This got him thinking, what was he going to do if they were in a situation where he needed to use his magic? Would he be able to use it? If so should he even use it? Now more than ever he just wanted the train to hurry up and make it to Canterlot. Fluttershy was sitting next to him; she wasn’t oblivious to the atmosphere and wanted to break the growing tension in some way. She looked over at Pinkie Pie hoping that she may already have something in mind, only to find her missing. She looked around but she was nowhere to be seen. Twilight took notice of this “What’s wrong, Fluttershy?” “Um, I was just wondering, where did Pinkie Pie go?” the yellow mare asked as her head continued on a swivel. “What do you mean? She’s sitting with Rarit-” one glance toward the fashion pony revealed to Twilight there was no pink pony sitting next to her. “What? She was just there” Twilight started looking around as well, thus causing the rest of the group wonder what happened to the party pony. Just then they all heard a scream coming from the next train car over. “What was that?!“ Twilight asked Sora was the first out of his seat and run toward the other end of their train car to the door, with Applejack and Rainbow close behind “Only one way to find out” he called back before he busted through the door and opened the door leading to the next car. What he found he did not expect. Pinkie was in the next car holding out a cake with lit candles out to a little filly and her parents. The scream was coming from the little girl, as she was excited to see the cake held in front of her. Her parents were more concerned about where the cake even came from “What the?” Pinkie turned her head toward the sound of the voice, while blowing the party noise maker in her mouth, to see Sora and her friends standing there bewildered at what they were seeing “Oh hey guys! You here to celebrate this little filly’s special day too?!” She grinned widely and waved at her friends as if this was all normal. “Special day? Pinkie what are you doing here? How do you know her birthday is today?” Rainbow asked as she headed over to the pink mare. “Weeellll, there I was sitting in the chair counting how many times Twilight kept staring at Sora. She was almost at 100 too, short by 3, and that’s when Inner Pinkie inside me said ”Pinkie?” and I said, yeah Inner Pinkie? Then she says ”My party senses are tingling” and I was like, I concur, Inner Pinkie! Somepony here needs a Pinkie celebration!” She gave what Sora believed to be a fist pump considering her hoof movement. At this point the the filly was holding onto the cake as she and her parents also took part in listening to this story. “So then I went to stealth mode and moved around the train sniffing out the lucky pony” Sniffed out? Stealth mode? She sounds more like a hunter then a party planner. Sora tilted his head to the side wondering where this line of conversation was going. “I snuck by plenty of ponies, passengers, the conductor, the driver, a really big guy with yellow eyes and then I got here and I heard this poor little filly’s birthday was today, but they didn’t have time to celebrate it today. And then you guys showed up and started asking what I was doing here and then I was telling you that I was sitting-” “Pinkie you’re repeating yourself” Rainbow said to stop her from talking in circles. “Wait Wait, go back.” Sora walked up to Pinkie “Pinkie, you said you saw a big guy with yellow eyes?” Pinkie held a hoof to her chin and thought for a moment then nodded “Uh huh! He was reeaaallly big, with a tiny head and walked on two legs…. Hmm actually he looked kind of familiar…. He looked like a fat version of-” She was cut off when a loud thud was and sound of Twilight, Rarity and Fluttershy Shrieking. “Oh no!” Sora made a 180 and darted back toward the car they were staying in. The girls now running after him. When they appeared, they noticed the 3 girls out of their seats: Twilight was picking herself off the ground, Fluttershy was hiding under the seat shivering, and Rarity was seen looking all over the place before noticing Sora and the girls coming back. “Rarity what’s going on?!” He looked around trying to find the source of danger. “I-I… I don’t know, Sora. All of a sudden the car started shaking and-” Sora got what she meant when another loud thud was heard and the train car was jostling around. Everyone this time managed to keep their footing, besides Pinkie who seemed to have been hurled into the air above Applejack and Rainbow going “Whee!” and landing perfectly on a seat. “It must be coming from up top!” Rainbow suggested. Sora didn’t waste a second as he ran past her and Applejack again and out the door, but this time instead of going into the other car, he jumped and kicked off of it to wall jump to the roof of their car. Rainbow flew after him, with Applejack right behind them before turning back to the girls. “We’re going to take a look up top, you girls make sure any other passengers and workers don’t get hurt!” Twilight and Rarity nodded to her, Fluttershy didn’t nod, but her coming out from under the seat cautiously was her agreement to the idea, plus she didn’t want to be in that train car in case it would shake again. With that, Applejack turned to see Rainbow come back down to look at her. “AJ, you gotta see this” she picked her up and lifted the two of them up and onto the top of the train car to witness a new sight. “I think this is the guy Pinkie was talking about.” Applejack was caught her off guard when she saw a few of the Heartless they fought yesterday. There was one particularly large one that Sora was facing off with his Keyblade in his mouth. “What the hay is that?” Sora only said one thing before dashing forward toward the Heartless. “Large Body!” ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Meanwhile Twilight, Rarity, Pinkie and Fluttershy made their way to the next car, where the filly and her parents seemed more concerned with a few creatures that broke in through the windows to get inside. They were the tall ones from last night, as a few more just appeared into existence behind them. Twilight remembered Sora giving these ones a name. “Those are Soldiers, right” She and Rarity stood in front of the frightened family, as Fluttershy went over to them. “Excuse me, b-but it would be safer if you stay with me. You don’t want to be near them.” If the situation wasn’t so dire, Fluttershy wouldn’t have said a word to those ponies and avoided them entirely. However right now, she had to do something: keep those ponies safe and away from the fight. “W-what are those things.” the daughter backed up into her mother trying to stay as far away from those creatures as possible. “Um, very bad monsters” Fluttershy didn’t know whether or not the ponies should know who the Heartless really are, but there was no time to explain so she just gave her best opinion on what was important to know. As she assisted the family to a safer location, Twilight and Rarity’s horns were glowing and already they were casting spells and levitating the Heartless around. Bolts of magic were shooting through some of them and causing them to disperse. Others would helplessly be lifted off the ground and hurled into a wall, seat, or generally out the window. Pinkie was bouncing on Heartless heads, dazing them before pulling a hockey stick out of her mane. “Slap shot!” she yelled before swinging it into her foe, sending it flying to into other Heartless, walls, or out windows as well. There was one she sent flying so far she couldn’t help but giggle and wave, “So long, Mr. Meanie Pants!” “How many cars were on this train again, Twilight?” Rarity asked as she managed to magically trap a Soldier that was about to lunge at Twilight and hurl it off the train and into a tree that happened to be at the right place at the right time. “I think there is only 6 cars” Twilight gave a buck to a Soldier knocking into the door to the next car. It wasn’t a strong buck like Applejack’s, otherwise the door would be busted open and the Heartless would vanish, so it hung on long enough for Twilight to finish it with a magic bolt. “Let’s get moving.” she turned to Fluttershy and Pinkie “You two stay here and we’ll send over any other ponies your way. You keep them safe, ok?!” Flutter simply gave a small nod, while Pinkie just gave a salute and smiled “Okie Dokie Lokie!” The two Unicorns nodded back at their friends before heading off to the next car ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Back on top of the train Sora had jumped away from a large fist that was swinging at where he once stood. The fist came from the creature Sora labeled as a Large Body. It was a big, fat, and round Heartless, though from looking at it, you could tell it had some strength to it. The shackles on its wrists seemed to emphasize the broken chains leading off them. It wore a purple unitard like outfit that looked like it was barely held from splitting apart with the rope like laces that looped through the edges of the large opening in the front and tied together with a droopy looking knot. On its bare bluish chest there was that same heart like insignia that the ones known as Soldiers had on their chests. It sported large black shoes that curled at the end as well. The top of his head resembled a Soldier’s. However, where a Soldier‘s helmet looked like a the face of a bird-like creature, this helmet looked more like a round cooking pot and lid. It looked like if it lowered its head the top part of the helmet could close with bottom part. Sora kept the big guy’s attention on him as Rainbow Dash and Applejack took care of the smaller Heartless by smacking them out of existence or off the train entirely. Rainbow flew about giving aerial swoops and dive bombs, and Applejack either lassoed groups of Heartless together to hurl them off the roof, or ran at them to give them a good buck into the sky. Sora back stepped from each swing the Large body made at him, waiting for the right moment. When it appeared to be losing its balance, Sora leaped up, bashed his Keyblade against the Heartless’s head, landed behind it, and unleashed a flurry of strikes. His Keyblade thrust in front of him, Sora charged right through the hulking beast, knocking it into air, and stopping on the other side of it. Without a moment to think, Sora pivoted on one hoof and wound his Keyblade back and twirled it a bit, like a baseball batter would when they were getting ready to swing at a pitch. “Let’s Go!” Sora yelled. Before the Heartless body could even touch the ground, Sora swung with all his strength. He smacked the huge being like it was nothing as it careened off the roof and dispersed into black mist and nothingness, leaving behind a crystal heart that floated up and vanished completely. “That’s one down” he turned around to look at the rest of the train car roof tops, noticing that a couple more Large Bodies stopped slamming their weight on the cars to shake them off the tracks, and started to waddle their way to Sora and his friends. Following them and appearing out of thin air, groups of smaller Heartless joined their larger brothers. “Well at least we got their attention.” Sora was back on all fours as the Keyblade was placed in his mouth again. Applejack readjusted her hat as she glared at small army of darkness making their way over to them. “Makes it easier fer us, they won’t be harming folk if they’re looking our way.” Rainbow landed between them and pawed at the rooftop while trying to look intimidating. “And I saw a bunch o Heartless getting thrown out of the windows below. Looks like the others are taking care of things down there for us.” “Then we better do the same up here!” Sora smiled before dashing ahead cutting through the Heartless that were far ahead of the group as his target was the main force ahead. “Hey, no fair! Save some for me!” Rainbow bolted off toward a swarm and doing a corkscrew spin drilling right through them with ease. Applejack simply chuckled and shook her head before running after them. When Sora slashed into a group Heartless, he noticed Rainbow Dash try to ram into a big body’s gut, only to bounce off it and land on her haunches looking a bit dazed. “Don’t attack them in the front, all your attacks will get bounced off! He lunged over to her and landed on two legs so that he could hold his Keyblade in a guard that amazingly negated the Large Body’s charge attack, making it stumble back a bit. “Go for the head or its back!” He turned to the side to smack a Heartless that was coming right at them off the train. Once her mind was cleared, she got back on her hooves, nodded “Right,” and flew towards the Large Body, this time slamming a forehoof into its face then flipping and landing her hind hooves on its helmet to kick off it and shoot up. Sora was already running up the Large Body’s belly when she jumped up, since he already he had an idea in mind as he jumped up after her. When Rainbow looked down to see Sora right under her and now facing the Large Body below, Keyblade pointed right at its head, she noticed his head turn and give a confident smirk to her. It didn’t even take her a second to pick up what he was silently asking, as she ended up wearing the same smile. “You got it!” Rainbow exclaimed as she dived right at him before flipping perfectly landing her hind hooves on his, both of them kicking off each other. As Sora shot Keyblade first through the Large Body, his weapon made contact with the roof, causing a large shockwave that blasted all nearby Heartless that weren’t instantly turned into black mist overboard. He also heard a shriek from below as he noticed his Keyblade went through the roof. “Sora?!” he heard Twilight from below. “Oh, heh, Sorry about that Twilight!” Sora said as Applejack jumped over him to tackle a few Heartless that were about to take a swipe at him. He then pulled out his Keyblade looking to her. “Thanks Applejack!” he then turned his attention to the purple mare he saw through the hole below. She definitely looked like she was fighting something, and it sounded pretty rowdy down there. “You guys ok down there?!” “We’re managing fine!” Twilight then focused on the last Heartless, catching it in her magic, and slamming it into the floor a few times before it vanished. “From the sounds of things, it seems like you guys up there are fighting the larger group of Heartless. We’re going to fight our way to the train engine to see if the driver is ok! Can you guys do the same on your end? I feel like something big is happening over there.” Sora then noticed Rarity run past Twilight to head to the next car. “You got it!” he gave a nod before vanishing from her side, joining Applejack who socked a Soldier so hard it shot right into another Large Body, making it involuntarily take a step back to gain balance. Sora dashed past her and then slid under it before making a breakdance spin on his back hitting the back of its legs, making it fall on its butt. Rainbow dashed into its back, forcing it to roll forward into two orange hooves that slammed it into the air. Sora took the initiative and jumped at it, weapon in his forehooves, and unleashed a barrage of key strikes before finishing with a flip that let him turn the Heartless into mist with an overhead strike. “We are awesome!” Rainbow cheered as Sora shot past them towards the next rooftop full of Heartless. “You know it!” Sora agreed as he and Applejack ran after her. “Just keep yer head in the game, everypony!” Applejack, being the more levelheaded one, had to say that to make sure they, mostly Rainbow, didn’t bite off more than they could chew. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Back in Stage Coach Another few passengers made their way into the car, as per Twilight’s instructions. Fortunately, not many ponies were riding the train, so barely half the seats were filled. Fluttershy was assisting the foals and helping their parents keep them calm. Pinkie Pie was at the entrance with an army helmet as she stood behind her party cannon pretending to look super serious, but overall, it just made her look even more silly. If one didn’t know any better, they’d think that was what she was going for in the first place. Whenever a Heartless would appear, she would make short work of it by firing her cannon loaded with whatever various things she had or could find. Her ammunition was anything from luggage to even a bowling ball she had on her. Whenever she wasn’t guarding, she would help Fluttershy raise the mood of the atmosphere so nopony would panic or anything like that. With Fluttershy and her kindness, and Pinkie Pie with her way of bringing out laughter, the task didn’t seem as hard as one would believe. At one point, one of the foals spoke up to the two mares, asking “Are we going to be ok now?” Pinkie, without missing a beat, dismissed that question with a wave of her hoof. “Everything’s Hunky Dorey! We fought those meanie heads before, and our other friends are already taking care of them,” she said while looking at one of the passengers that just came in. They were from the second car away from the train engine. So that definitely raised confidence in the group. Fluttershy looked out toward the door to the next car. She knew that Pinkie was right about this, and she had confidence everything would be just fine now. However, she couldn’t stop herself from thinking about her friends and wishing them to be safe and successful. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Foremost Train Car connected to the train engine Twilight was the first to burst into the train car. Then, she barely got out of the way of the train’s conductor as he made his way out of the car, freaking out completely. “Turn back, turn back! It’s a monster!” After seeing him run by Rarity, who eventually joined Twilight in the train car, they started looking around. “Monster? But I don’t see anything.” Nevertheless, she cautiously made her way over to the other side of the train car, carefully looking all around her for an ambush or some kind. Up top, Sora, Applejack and Rainbow had did away with the rooftop Heartless and hopped over the gap between the 2nd and 1st train cars. “Looks pretty clear over here” Rainbow said as she tried to search for any sign of danger. Sora continued forward she looked all around. If there was something he could never forget, it was it was never that easy… something troublesome would appear when it feels like you’ve won. And just like his intuition told him, Something big appeared and stayed in the spot between the train engine and the first car. That was when Twilight got a glimpse of it before immediately backpedaling away from it with a yelp from how close she was to it. It had the familiar head of the Heartless they fought before, but it looked like it was wearing goggles and a train driver’s hat. It was upside down staring at Twilight and Rarity who were taking battle ready stances with their horns glowing. Up top, Sora, Rainbow and Applejack were given a head as well, but it seemed to be wearing a conductor’s hat and had a whistle in what they could guess was its mouth. Both Heartless grabbed hold of the car to stay latched on. Anypony with a good view outside would be able to see that the two Heartless heads shared the same body. It was at that moment that Sora and Twilight sighed and said the same thing in unison. “Perfect” The battle started when the lower head started inhaling, sucking in a large gust of air. This caused Twilight and Rarity to do an about-face and fight against the wind, lest they become this Heartless’s meal. “Ooooh, this is wind is completely messing up my mane!” Rarity complained. “Don’t think now’s the time to be worrying about that, Rarity!” Twilight remarked. Up at the roof, the top head looked like he was getting ready for an attack. “What’s it doing?” Applejack asked as she kept her eyes locked on it. “Dunno, but it can’t be good” Sora said as he ran at it. Rainbow flew out to the side,catching a glimpse of what was going down below. She was about to dive in to help Twilight and Rarity, when she noticed the bottom head had stopped sucking and closed its mouth. Rainbow noticed a huge bulge of what she could assume was all the air the bottom head sucked in, as it traveled through the body and entered the top head. That’s when the top head started unleashing a loud ear piercing whistle blow that everyone on the train car, even Twilight and Rarity down below, to cringe and cover their ears. “AAAAH! For the love of Celestia! What was that for-” Rainbow’s question was answered when Sora and Applejack, who were closest to the top, were stunned in place, trying to fight their own bodies to move. That’s when the top hand started pulling out one of its long arms lifting it high over its head before swing it down on Applejack. “AJ!” Rainbow barely made it in time to tackle and carry her friend away. She did not expect the arm to go and swat Sora hard making him fly back a few yards away. “Sora!” both Rainbow and AJ called out to the Keyblade wielder, afraid of the worst. Fortunately, he landed on rooftops instead of overboard. The shock of impact knocked his body out of its original funk and gave him full control. As he stumbled to get up, Rainbow landed next to him with AJ . “You ok, sugarcube?” Applejack let him lean on her to help him steady himself. “I am so sorry, Sora! I should’ve grabbed you too, and I…” She was stopped when Sora gave a big goofy grin, as one of his hooves popped open one of his saddle bags and went inside to rummage through it. “Hey don’t worry about it. It’s impossible to get out of fights like these unscathed. That’s why-” He pulled out two small bottles of glowing green liquid “An adventurer always brings supplies.” He popped the tops of them both, but instead of drinking them, he tossed them up above him. The two mares watched in confusion, wondering why would he do such a thing, until all of a sudden, the bottles were encased in their own spheres of light, with smaller spheres revolving around them. One potion went over Applejack, the other over Sora as they both came crashing down on their heads. However instead of bonking them on the head, the spheres broke open into a wave of soothing light that washed over their bodies. The smaller spheres revolved around them as the splash of light travelled down their bodies before dispersing as they reached the bottom. Applejack felt like a new pony now, like she could take on a horde of Heartless no problem. “Wow, Sora, whatever that stuff was is making feel fantastic.” Applejack stretched once Sora was on his own four hooves. Sora gave his right shoulder a circular motion to keep it limber and ready to go. “Potions are a good pick-me-up, when you take some knocks in this line of work,” he chuckled as he looked at the Heartless. “It’s gonna be trouble getting near that thing if it whistles again.” That brought Rainbow out of her previous astonishment of the magic bottle things to update her friends on what she saw. “There’s actually another head to that thing down below that Twilight and Rarity are fighting. Both heads are connected to the same body, and when the bottom head sucked in air, it went up to the top head so he could blow that whistle!” Sora looked over to Rainbow, and hearing that, started coming up with a plan. “OK, Rainbow can you fly out and monitor the Heartless for us and what Twilight and Rarity are doing below, and do same for them.” He looked at the creature. “Looks like this will involve a lot of teamwork” Sora ran ahead, summoning his Keyblade again. Applejack was not far behind and Rainbow took to the air and flew down to the 1st car windows. “Hey Twilight!” she called out to Twilight, who had shot a magic bolt at the bottom head. It seemed to react negatively. “Ah ha!” Twilight seemed to have figured something out when Rainbow appeared by the window. She turned to her. “Rainbow, What’s going on up there?” Rainbow proceeded to speak quickly of the recent events and Sora’s plan to her. Meanwhile, up top, Sora jumped, then tucked and rolled under a flying limb as the top head tried to use to shoo the key blader away. When he was close enough, he lunged at it and spun around in mid air, smacking it constantly. Applejack then noticed how badly it reacted from getting hit. “Well, I’ll be.” That was when Rainbow flew up to the rooftop “Ok, Twilight, is all aboard this plan. She also said that the bottom head is weak to magic attacks, apparently, so she and Rarity will stay down there.” “That’s well n’ good, seeing as this one here can’t take a hit to the face well either.” Applejack stated Sora had jumped back after thrashing the head a bit and managed to hear what Rainbow said. “So, this head hates physical attacks, and the bottom head hates magical attacks.” He then gave a nod, cataloging that into his memory. “Alright, Rainbow you’re our eyes in the sky” “You got it!” She exclaimed. And just like, that she flew back out, watching the Heartless and the two battles. She then noticed one of the top head’s limbs pull back, as if winding up for a punch, but this clawed fist was aimed at the back of the bottom head. “Twilight! Rarity! Move!” she yelled as she dove in like a bullet. She didn’t repeat her past mistake and moved both unicorns to the side, just in time to see the back head move away from the doorway and a fist come barreling through until it slammed into the other end of the car. “Whoa,” was all Twilight could say after watching it retreat back. “Thanks, Rainbow.” Rainbow set them down and flew back out the window, saying “Thank me later, we still gotta bring these things down.” That was when the bottom head reappeared in the doorway to see the aftermath it thought would happen, but didn’t since Rarity and Twilight were back in position. Rarity telekinetically hurled some random luggage at the side of its face as a response to the previous attack. “Take that, you brutish beast,” Rarity yelled. As this was happening, Twilight charged up a powerful bolt of magic that would explode on impact one fired. She fired with perfect timing, as the head was about to inhale air. Instead, it got a mouthful of pain, stopping its attack. It was left in a daze and open to more attacks, and Twilight grinned. She could help protect Sora and AJ from the whistle this way, as well as not have to worry about being sucked into that thing‘s mouth. She turned to the window to look at Rainbow, who nodded at seeing the scene and flew over to the roof, leaving the unicorns to continue their onslaught. Sora and Applejack were confused when no sound came out of the top head after it got ready to whistle again. They gained a boost of confidence one Rainbow filled them in on what happened. “Alright! I just wish there was a way we could help them with that last attack,” Sora said. “Can’t worry ‘bout that now, the faster we bring this varmit down, the better,” Applejack said as she lassoed the head and pulled it forward, slamming it onto the roof painfully. “Good point,” Sora agreed as he lunged at it without a second thought. He gave it the same barrage of attacks that he gave the Large Bodies, causing the head to get knocked around all over the place like it was a giant speed bag for him to practice on. Thanks to Applejack’s lasso keeping it in place, this kept on until the top head’s limbs went up and over the it to smash the key blader away from the head. Sora however, saw this and jumped back to dodge it, but didn’t end it there. In the middle of flying back, he twirled his body to throw his Keyblade. As he threw it, it curved around and smacked the side of the head, knocking it off its body for a moment. Freed from Applejack’s lasso, the limbs struggled to catch it before the rushing wind blew it away. The limbs slammed the head back on its body, comically make it look like it was screwing the head back on like a light bulb. “Well that’s new,” Applejack said as she pulled back her lasso. As the fight continued, Sora noticed the top head’s limb moved back down and start to wind up. He turned to Rainbow, who nodded at seeing this. He then sprinted right at the head, smacking it hard to delay its attack before he leaped off and onto the limb, hooking his left forelimb onto it and zip lined down to the elbow joint, and striking it hard with his Keyblade. This caused the wind up to limp out and lose all potential energy, leaving Sora to jump off and get picked up mid air by Rainbow. “Nice moves there, Mr. Hero!” Rainbow complimented before dropping him back on the roof. Now with both of the whistle and punch attack negated, the battle went a lot smoother. That is, until the Heartless executed a last ditch effort. Their heads were pulled off, then traded places. When Sora or Applejack tried to attack the head Twilight fought with swings and bucks, it was like some invisible barrier bounced their attacks right off. In turn, the head that Twilight and Rarity fought had a barrier that blocked off magic attacks. “It’s a Role reversal,” Sora muttered to himself. He turned to Rainbow. She was about to dive into the lower half to get Twilight and Rarity up top, but the unthinkable happened. All of a sudden, the lower limbs, that did practically nothing other then hold onto the train and help with the head switch, were now much longer, where as the top limbs shortened and were more focused on latching onto the train to keep the Heartless on it. The lower limbs then proceeded to drape over the train car windows and hook around the back, where the claws blocked the door in the back. Rainbow growled then looked at Sora. “That thing’s blocking me from getting inside!” She then noticed the bottom head finally taking damage. Twilight and Rarity seemed to remember what Rainbow told them about that head not liking physical attacks. Waiting till the lower team took out the conductor head seemed like a good idea, until the train driver head started sucking in air. “You guys! It’s going to use that whistle on Twilight and Rarity!” Both Sora and Applejack were starting to get pulled in, but hearing what Rainbow said concerned them more. Applejack managed to grab onto the other side of the train car and lasso Sora to keep him from being sucked in. “What… do we … do now?! That thing only gets hurt by magic!” Applejack called out in the wind. Rainbow was ramming into the train driver head only for the barrier to block her, but she kept trying. Sora, in that instant, came up with a decision. “Well.. here’s hoping that rule doesn’t apply to me,” he muttered as he stood on his hind hooves again. “Applejack, don’t let go!” He took his Keyblade into his forehooves and pointed it at the Heartless. “Sora, what in tarnation are you-” “Firaga!” Sora yelled out in the howling winds. A glowing orange spark appeared at the tip of his Keyblade which quickly grew into a huge sphere of flame and fire. It blasted off like a bullet and shot into the Heartless maw causing the creature to comically close its mouth, and involuntarily swallow it. The heads and body burst into flame. Sora then felt the wind stop and the feeling of Applejack holding onto the rope gone. He didn’t give it time to think as he sprinted forward on all fours at the burning Heartless, getting in at point blank range. He stopped and skidded right in front of it, stood up on two legs, and pointed his Keyblade pointed at the face. “Blizzaga!” A shotgun blast of ice shot out, jerking the head back and freezing it on the spot. “Let’s see you block this!” Sora yelled as lifted his Keyblade up over him as sparks of electricity surged around the tip. “Thundaga!” And just like that, bolts of lightning crashed down from above onto the frozen head, finally shattering it into pieces, along with the limbs that kept it attached to the train. Now the conductor head had to hold on just to stay on the train, but eventually its body fell down on its head, piled on top of it. “This is it!” Sora jumped down and thrust his Keyblade down below him, running it through the body and head, making it finally give up it’s fight. The first sign was its limbs falling off the train and then dispersing, then its head started to look lifeless as that was the second to vanish. Finally, when Sora got off it, the body started glowing, and released a rather large crystal heart that floated above the train and then vanished completely. The body, fading away into nothingness as well. Sora, who was now inside the train, panted as he banished his weapon. “There…. that takes care of that…” he then turned to Twilight and Rarity who looked at him, astonished. “…. What?” Up above the train, Applejack was still frozen in place staring at other side of the train car where the Heartless and Sora were last seen. Her jaw was dropped, and her pupils were the size of pin pricks. Rainbow landed in front of her with the same face, staring in the same direction. “Y-you saw that didn’t you?” she asked. “I… I saw it… but I don’t believe it,” Applejack replied. Down below, Rarity had to ask on Twilight’s behalf, seeing that she was too stunned to say anything. “Sora, dear…. what happened up there?” Neither she nor Twilight saw what happened above, but they were surprised to see the head they were fighting burst into flames, and then see lighting crash behind the burning head. That was when Sora remembered, that he had broken the laws of physics in this world. Casting spells while being an Earth Pony. Meanwhile, at the train station, a pony with a train driver’s hat on their head finally peeked out from hiding. “...I think I’m gonna just call in a sick day tomorrow…” > Chapter 6: A Little Trust > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- As Always: Green text means "click me" to play theme music to go with what your reading. Red means to stop the music. Completely optional: Your free to ignore this Canterlot Train Station “That’s impossible!” The train had finally reached Canterlot, the passengers more then happy to put this whole ideal behind them as they quickly made their way out of the train. Though their gratitude to the 7 young heroes did not go unheard whenever they would pass by one of them. Meanwhile though, Twilight was listening to Applejack and Rainbow’s explanation on how Sora defeated the Heartless. However, hearing that he used magic spells they never heard of was beyond unbelievable. “Believe me, sugarcube. I’m still having trouble understanding it myself” Applejack shook her head “But how else can you explain, it. We saw Sora literally, shoot out a ball of fire from his Keyblade.” “Yeah, then after that, he got up close to the thing, and shot a blast of ice on it’s face” Rainbow dash added in. “And you and Rarity said you saw that lightning crash down too right?” All of this wasn’t making sense to Twilight at all. How is this possible? Earth ponies can’t cast spells. There has to be a reasonable explanation for this” Her mind was racing with theories and ideas of why this should be. Meanwhile Sora had been talking with Fluttershy, Pinkie, and Rarity, they had been all swapping stories on what they were during that battle. Fluttershy held a hoof to her mouth in astonishment. “Y-you did all that?” Sora nodded “Yeah, I couldn’t let it hurt Rarity or Twilight with that whistle attack. That thing really hurts your ears and if you get to close your completely stunned and can’t move. “And we greatly appreciate what you did, dear. However, what your are saying that happened is completely impossible.” Rarity stated as she looked over at Twilight who was now muttering to her self and strands of her hair were going out of place. “Oh dear, This might eventually break twilight if nothing is explained, properly.” The others looked at the stressed out purple mare. Sora then nodded. “You… have a point…” That was when realization struck him. “How about we just head over to this Princess Celestia pony you’ve all been talking about. Once we get there all will be explained. “I like that, plan! I got a feeling that something amazing will happen too!” Pinkie was getting excited again as she trotted in place. “An excellent idea, Sora” Twilight said as this new bit of knowledge seemed to have somewhat calmed her down “Y-you said you‘d tell us everything once we get there, Right, and the Princesses must know what’s going on as well, right? Good, good, good, let‘s get going then. Don‘t want to keep the princess waiting.” “Uuh… Right…” Sora just watched as Twilight just started trotting right past him out of the station. Although she calmed down. The Strands of out of place hair and somewhat manic stare didn’t seem to go away, and most likely wouldn’t for awhile. He then turned to the others “Um, shall we then?” As soon as everyone started walking, Applejack had walked up next to Sora. “Ya know, I have ta ask? What exactly are you doing this fer?” “Huh?” Sora looked at her, confused at the question. “I mean, why even come here, or even help us? Is it just cuz the Princess asked you to?” Applejack asked as he watched him Sora, just raised an eyebrow, before shaking it head laughing. “Well I know the Princess wanted me to help, but even if she didn’t ask, if I knew what was going on, I’d definitely come here anyway. “Ya would?” Applejack stared intently “Why?” that’s when Sora looked back at her. “If there’s anyway that I can help, I help. Wouldn’t you” he smiled at her before trotting ahead. “Besides, you guys are my friends. I always help my friends” As she watched Sora move ahead to catch up with the others. She had to admit, everything he said… She didn’t sense any lying. This brought a small smile to her lips. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Meanwhile not too far from the Castle itself Maleficent and Chrysalis step out from the corridors of darkness as they gazed upon the castle ahead. “It would appear that these Princesses have set up contingencies. A barrier that prevents using the corridors to enter surrounds the entire building. How rare to see such magic. Reminds me of the Cornerstone of light, I suppose” Maleficent said as she was busy contemplating in her head. “So what do we do? We can’t just waltz right up there.” the Queen announced begrudgingly as she glared at the castle. She wasn’t even going to bother asking about that Cornerstone Maleficent was talking about. “On the Contrary, I believe that is exactly what we should do” Maleficent said before looking at Chrysalis. “as I said before, all we need is a distraction, and I do believe your kind are most skilled with the art of disguise.” a dark smile grew on her lips, before one started growing on the Queen’s face as well. “Oh indeed, and I assume you shall handle the, distraction.” As she said this the Queen already started transforming in front of the woman. Maleficent walked on before saying. “With pleasure, Your Majesty.” a small laugh was heard from her before the two of them separated. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Castle Throne Room Some time later The door slowly swung open revealing Sora and the girls all standing in the hallway. Sora got a good look at the place on their way there. The castle was indeed huge. He felt like he would get lost if he wasn’t careful. He had been to Castles before, but this one was the grandest one he’s been to. In front of them were two Alicorns wearing tiaras. So those are the Princesses That’s when the guard next to him spoke “Announcing, Twilight Sparkle, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Applejack and um” He looked over toward Sora, to which the key blader replied. “Sora” he said loud enough so everyone could hear as well. “Thank you” the guard nodded to him before bowing his head to the royal sisters and went back to his post. Sora and the girls then made their way to the Princesses, who smiled at their arrival. Though he couldn’t help but notice the shorter sister, seemed to replace that smile with a puzzled look on her face when she finally got a good look at Sora. Huh? What‘s with her? She immediately picked that up and then gave a smile that seemed alittle forced as if, to hide her staring form earlier. The taller of the two, Celestia was the first to speak. “Greetings my little ponies, I’m glad to see you’ve all arrived here safely.” “Sora!” Sora heard the a sort of whispered yelling behind him. He turned back to see the others were now bowing to the princess, and Twilight glaring at him hoping he got the picture. To which he did. But mostly on how Twilight at that moment reminded him of how Donald would constantly tell him to show respect to Yen Sid whenever they had to go speak with him. “Huh? Oh, Right!” he turned back to face the Princesses and mimicked his friends in bowing. Twilight rolled her eyes, as the Princesses gave a small laugh before calming down. “Please rise, everypony. We have much to discuss” As soon as they did Twilight walked past Sora and went to nuzzle Celestia. “It’s great to see you again, Princess” Twilight said then looked to the darker Alicorns with the same big smile. “And you to as well, Princess Luna” To which the younger princess simply returned the smile and dip of her head. “We are glad to see you again as well, Twilight Sparkle” Luna replied. Sora picked up the difference in how she spoke compared to her sister. She seemed to give more effort in making her self sound as what royalty should sound, Well that was what Sora thought anyway. “And to all as well” she then gestured Sora and the other girls. “Yes, especially you, Sora. It relieves to see that your… unexpected crash has not injured you.” Celestia replied as Twilight went back to her friends. “I would like to apologize for that, your original destination was to be here. However, something unexpected occurred, and threw you off course.” Rainbow Dash could’ve sworn the Princess threw a short glance at her. This left the Pegasus with a confused look. “Oh it’s fine your majesty. I’ve dealt with worse, and I got to meet these guys” Sora turned to the girls who all smiled as well at the acknowledgement. “Yes, it turns out that event became more of a benefit then I had imagined.” Celestia smiled and gave a nod. “Not to be rude Princess, but I was hoping that you and Sora could explain what is going on and why he is here?” Twilight looked over to the Stallion. “And why he is able to do things an Earth pony like himself shouldn't be able to do.” Celestia nodded. “Yes, you are very correct, Twilight.” she turned to Sora “As you have already come to know, I have requested Young Sora’s assistance for the dangers you have no doubt experienced before coming here. “Ya mean the heartless” Applejack pointed out. “Indeed, we’ve also been told that not only in the forest, but you’ve dealt with them on the train as well.” at their nod the Princess had a grim look on her face. “It’s as I’ve feared.” “What do you mean, Princess?” Twilight asked Both sisters looked at each other sharing the same concerned look before looking back at the others. “We believe that somepony is behind all this, and controlling the heartless. Your battle on the train confirmed this.” “Somepony is controlling them? Rainbow raised an eyebrow and thought back. “Those guys seemed pretty mindless, they would actually have a leader?” “That makes sense” Sora was sitting on his haunches and crossed his fore legs as he closed his eyes and contemplated. “But didn’t you say that Heartless only care about taking pony’s hearts, darling?” Rarity chimed in “Why listen to somepony and not just take their heart?” Sora looked over to Rarity “Normally that would be the case, however if you have a strong heart, the heartless will do your bidding.” This new bit of information came as a surprise to them. “However, you can’t show any signs of weakness to them or you WILL be just another heart for them to claim.” there was a collective gulp with Twilight and her friends “This makes sense though. On the train, we had to deal with a large group of heartless, and a very large one. Princess, is someone after us?” Celestia nodded “Sadly, we believe so. Although, I don’t think they expected your appearance Sora. From what I have gathered, they appear to be after Twilight and her friends.” said ponies all sharing worried glances. Some more then others. “W-w-who would want t-to do that?” Fluttershy quietly asked, though the Princess managed to pick up. “It is… unclear at this moment, but we assume that they wish to get you out of the way with whatever it is they plan to do.” Luna answered “Why would someone want to take them out?” Sora asked confused on why someone would just want to go after random ponies. “Ah, yes. I suppose they haven’t explained” Celestia looked back at Twilight and her friends who all seemed to be looking at other places or had an embarrassed look on their face. “It may have slipped our minds to talk about that, ahehe” Twilight answered Sora watched Celestia smile and shake her head. “I see, well. I suppose now is as good a time as ever.” she looked over to Sora “You see Sora, Your new friends are more important to Equestria then you might think. They are the bearers of the Elements of Harmony.” “Elements of Harmony?” Sora looked back at the others. From how she let on about the name. she made them sound like living national treasures. “Yes, they are the embodiment of the Magic of Friendship” Celestia pointed out. At this Sora hammered one hoof on top of the other after realizing something. “So that’s what Yen Sid meant on Magic of Friendship” Sora was starting to see their importance now. “Ah so Master Yen Sid did explain to you about this.” the sun princess smiled “A little, your Majesty. He was kind of cryptic about it.” Sora sighed shaking his head. Celestia had to cover her mouth as she tried to stifle her giggling. “Yes, he does seem to enjoy that sort of thing. However, he does prefer to let those he teach to experience things on their own as much as he can.” “Well, that would make sense.” Sora sighed before shaking his head. The two of them noticed the others watching them expectantly bringing them back to reality. “Ah yes, perhaps will discuss about him later and we’ll focus on the task at hand.” she gestured a hoof toward the girls. “As I’ve said before they are the embodiment of Friendship.” she started with the excitable Pink Pony, Pinkie Pie “Laughter” At the mention of her element Pinkie Pie waved wildly and giggled “Kindness” When Celestia gestured to Fluttershy, the shy mare gave a small smile and looked rather embarrassed to get the short moment of attention. “Loyalty” Rainbow was the complete opposite when her element was called out and made a rather confident and proud Pose as she stood there. “Generosity” Rarity simply took a bow towards Sora and the Princesses before lifting her herself back up eyes closed as she head her head held high. “Honesty” Applejack tipped her hat toward them before giving and affirmative nod to her element being mentioned. “And Magic” Twilight stepped forward smiling as she dipped her head in front of them in bowing. “You can say that they’re our own heroes here.” “Wow, that would explain why they are being targeted” Sora said as Twilight lifted herself up to speak. “That reminds me Princess, You nor Sora has fully explained on who he is or why he is here” “Ah yes, you are correct my faithful student.” Celestia turned to Sora. “Sora, I would like to make it known that these 6 brave ponies are allowed the knowledge that the World Order protects. So you are free to tell them everything.” This time Sora gave a sigh of relief. “Thank you Princess” he turned to his friends “To be honest, I’ve been wanting to tell you guys once I got to know you” He flashed a big grin as the others gathered around. Twilight of course front and center, notes out quill on paper ready at any moment. “Tell. Us. Everything.” She stated in a way that made Sora think about backing up from her a bit before continuing. She wanted to know how this pony could do such amazing and impossible feats. “Ahem, alright. Well, will start with what seems to be bothering you all the most. How I can use Magic” If the girls were sitting on something, they would be at the edge of it right now. “Well, that’s because I’m-” the Throne room doors swung open “Your Highnesses!” A guard bursts into the room sprinting at full speed before skidding to a halt in front of them and quickly bowing in front of the Royal Sisters. “I’m sorry for the intrusion, but it’s an emergency” Twilight for a moment was absolutely livid that the explanation was interrupted before it could even start, but seeing the worried look on the guard’s face urged her to calm down for now and listen. “Speak, what worries you, my guard” Celestia was starting to have an idea of what, and hoping it wasn’t the case. The look on her and her sister’s face betraying their feelings of concern for their people. “An army of monsters, creatures we’ve never seen before, somehow appeared inside the castle, from out of nowhere!” This caused a collective gasp to be heard. “We are engaging them as we speak, but it’s like whatever we slay only comes back again.” “That’s the heartless, alright” Sora jumped over his friends “On it!” without a second thought he summoned his Keyblade to his mouth before dashing off. Out of the room and down the hall. “Sora wait for us!” Twilight said as her friends were getting up along with her to go after the Key bearer when they heard Celestia speak “A moment, Twilight and friends. I wish to give you this before you join him” they all turned to see Celestia with her magic pull a box from behind her throne. “I went ahead to take these out of their vault to give you them.” when the box opened, 5 necklaces and a tiara with individual gems as their centerpiece were seen neatly placed within it.” “The Elements of Harmony!” Twilight exclaimed as they all grabbed their specific accessory. Pinkie with the necklace with the blue balloon shaped gem, Fluttershy wore the one that had the pink butterfly gem, Rainbow Dash’s being the red lightning bolt, Rarity’s had the purple diamond, Applejack’s gem was in the shape of an orange apple, and Finally Twilight, who was the only one wearing a tiara Hers was shaped somewhat like a magenta star. I had wish to explain the reason I have brought them out, but time is of the essence, both his Keyblade and your elements of harmony are believed to be connected in some way.” “Connected?” Twilight asked as she watched the two sisters rise from their thrones and make their way down to them “Yes, however, an explanation will have to wait. My apologies Twilight” “Don’t worry, Princess, this is more important, and we can’t just let Sora take care of all our problems by himself.” “Yeah, this our home, we should be protecting it!” Rainbow Dash was already shadow boxing. “I agree, even though he’s more then capable of handling these ruffians, it just wouldn’t do if we sat idly by. Quite rude if you ask me” Rarity added. “Yeah! I wanna do cool limit breaks and team attacks with him!” Pinkie said as she left everyone confused on what she said. “Then we can teach those big jerks a lesson!” “I um, I don’t know how helpful I can be, but I want to help our friend too” Fluttershy timidly raised her hoof. “I’m with ya’ll on this one. It don’t sit right with me letting a friend of mine do all the work.” Applejack being the last to answer. Celestia and Luna looked on at the group seeing all of their determined faces and smiled “Very well, when this is all over I promise we will resume where we left off. Now there is one last thing I would like to give you. I was hoping to give it to Sora, but as you can see. He has already left.” She pulled out a small bag. And gave it to Twilight “What is it, Princess?” she opened it up and it looked like a bag full of glowing orbs of light. “Something that we and Sora’s Master devised to unlock his true self, for a limited time.” “True self?” Applejack asked looking at the bead like things in the bag. “Yes, although those are prototypes. The finished Project we are still working on should be able to be an accessory he can wear for convenience. Until then, he will have to use those. All he would need to do is take one of those and bite down on the casing that locks the magic inside it. However, also inform him to not use it while my guards or the public is around to see him.” Unclear on what she meant by that, but determined to help their friend. They all eventually agreed as Twilight held onto the bag with her magic. “Ok Princess, we’ll tell him when we give him the bag.” with nothing else said they all turned and made their way out of the throne room. “Be safe my little ponies” Celestia said before looking at the guard. “I trust them to take care of things on their end. Please take us any other places that require attention” “Yes, Your majesty!” the Guard then started leading the way for them. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Courtyard a few minutes later Sora had been mowing down the heartless in the hallways aiding any guard he came across along the way. He was glad to see they were putting up a fight, but he had to exterminate the heartless before the guards got exhausted and start making fatal errors. He was starting to wish his friends Riku, Kairi, Lea, Mickey, Donald, and Goofy were here. There would be more keyblades with first 4 in the mix. He shook his head. No point worrying about it now. He had to make do with what he got. He observed the enemy, Soldiers mostly, a few large Bodies, and then there were some that would be new to his friends that were around as well. Darkballs, as the name implied they were basically scary looking round floating maws for the most part. (image source: http://new-monster.wikia.com/wiki/Darkball ) Hook Bats, another self explanatory name. They basically were bats with hooks for tails. He noticed that Pegasi guards would handle those guys. (image source: http://www.khwiki.com/Hook_Bat ) Finally there were even a few Bookmasters drifting around casting spells. Just floating about with their massive books either using them to cast spells, or bluntly hitting ponies with them. Unicorn guards were mostly attacking them with magic in kind. (image source: http://www.khwiki.com/Bookmaster ) Sora ran into the courtyard seeing only a large horde of Heartless scattered all over it. As a line of guards were backing up trying their best to keep them from getting into the castle. He jumped over the line “I got it from here guys! You go help your buddies inside!” “Who are you?! Get back! It’s dangerous!” one of the guards called out to Sora and was about to go after him until after what he saw next. Sora Sprinted forward toward a Soldier then swung his Keyblade vertically upward at it, knocking in the air. He jumped up after then batted it mid flight straight in a Darkball that was giving chase to him dispersing the both of them. Then taking the Keyblade from his mouth he hurled his Keyblade out in a straight path at the head of a Large Body, disorienting once he landed he ran, got behind it, and full force swatted it into a group of heartless, that sent out a shockwave dispersing any of them that weren’t already flattened by the Large Body… well body. “Firaga!” Before the creature could even get up a large ball of fire slammed into it, knocking it out of existence. The Soldiers watched as this unknown pony was now engaging a group meant for a platoon by himself, and winning. “Who is this pony?” One asked, “Wait I seen him before, he’s that pony the princess wanted to meet right? Said another. “Did he just use magic?” Said the one furthest to the end of the line. Amidst their conversation they barely had time to register the arrival Twilight and friends, however the Rainbow streak that flew above them and joined Sora‘s aid, brought them back to reality. “You guys ok?” when they turned to the nearby voice and saw Twilight along with her friends, they immediately had the same question to ask “Ms. Twilight Sparkle, Who is that?” they looked back at the stallion threw his Keyblade in a curve to knock out all the heartless that Rainbow Dash knocked into the air. “Don’t worry about him, he’s actually a Professional at what’s going on here.” Twilight replied, then remembered about the bag. “Say, why don’t you guys go help the other guards inside. We’ll take it from here.” The guards all looked at each other and already seeing the other elements of harmony rush into battle. Seeing no other reason to refuse, they all did as she asked. “Alright, Everyone, Move out! On the double!” They all headed inside leaving Sora and the Elements to handle the courtyard. “Ok, no that they’re out of the way” She gave the bag to Fluttershy who opted out from fighting. “Can you give that to Sora, Fluttershy?” “Oh of course, Twilight” Fluttershy nodded before flying off toward Sora, who was now teaming up with Applejack. Twilight meanwhile used this moment to help in battle, however her mind still was trying to figure out what the Princess meant that their elements were connected to Sora’s Keyblade. Why would they be? What happens then? Sora had used his Keyblade to give Applejack a boost by letting her step on it and he flung her in the air where she rammed her fore hooves into an unsuspecting Bookmaster that was trying to cast spells on Pinkie Pie. Who in turn seemed to have no problem dodging the attacks, and in fact looked like she was dancing away from them. when the heartless was destroyed she gave a wave and a “Thanks guys!” whipping around and pulling out a frying pan smacking a Darkball away with it without missing a beat. “Someone’s having fun” Sora chuckled watching the Pink pony go all over the place. “I think she just likes havin’ adventures with us” Applejack stated as she landed right next to Sora. That’s when they noticed they were now surrounded. “Say, Sora” Applejack asked as she bucked a Soldier away. “What’s up AJ?” Sora was on his hind legs swatting away two hook bats, before latching his Keyblade one of them and using the creature to swing around in mid air knocking heartless around him in mid air only to receive an onslaught Key and hook bat to the face dispersing all of them even the Hook bat, before Sora landed back on the ground. “Be honest…. Yer not really pony are ya?” Applejack raised a hoof and defiantly slammed down on a Darkball trying to rush her, only to be erased from existence. It a moment before Sora finally shook his head and replied. “Nope” he flashed her a grin “Not at all.” Looking at his face, for a moment, she finally nodded. “Yeah, I figured as much” she smiled as well. Unknowingly to the both of them. The gem on Applejack’s necklace started to faintly glow. This was when they both saw Fluttershy coming towards them. Only she was running away from two Large Bodies and a group of Book masters and Darkball “Fluttershy!” They called out in unison as they rushed toward her. At that moment, nothing else mattered to them then to make sure their friend was safe. This was in both their minds, and they knew the other was thinking it as well. The gem was glowing even brighter now. Once they did reach Fluttershy, Sora shot a powerful Blizzaga in front of the offending enemies blasting them back covered in ice, only to receive other Applejack‘s swift buck hurling them back a few feet. With the forces pushed away at a much safer distance, only then did he look back to see if Fluttershy was unharmed and finally notice the glowing. It was radiating now, Orange light flowing out of it. “Whoa! AJ What’s going on with your-” the gem shoots out of Applejack’s necklace surprising the three of them, even more so when the gem floated in front of Sora “What the…” he looked at it, before looking back at Fluttershy and Applejack. “This happen often?” he pointed at the gem. Seeing both their surprised looks and shake of their heads confirmed that it wasn’t. He looked back at the gem again, this time feeling his Keyblade start to pull his arm toward it….. He then spoke. “Applejack… I think, I might know what to do.” he kept his eyes fixed on it. It was a nagging, suggestion in his mind. Applejack was utterly confused as she looked at her floating gem, then to Sora “What, do you-” That’s when the heartless started to make there move. With no time to lose Sora grabbed the gem standing on his hind legs as he held the Keyblade in front of him with his other hoof. He just went on instinct on what he had to do at this point. He held the gem over his Keyblade and focused really hard them merging. For a second it seemed like nothing worked, until finally a bright light surrounded him, and then the same for Applejack. Soon the world around them became nothing but white light. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Whereabouts Unknown Sora and Applejack were met with blackness all around them when they looked below them, they noticed they are standing individual stained glass flooring. What Sora stood on, was a blank one. (Image created by shadow4897 of Deviantart ) However, Applejack’s floor was an image of herself and many other images of her friends and family. (image source: http://akili-amethyst.deviantart.com/art/Stained-Glass-Applejack-better-305980548 ) Sora was the first to speak. “Empty?” He gazed at the floor, what did that mean. “Sora?” He heard Applejack’s voice and turned to face her. He was about to call back to her, when he noticed she had a look of utter confusion and shock. He took a moment to look around him to find whatever would cause this reaction from her… nothing seemed out of the ordinary, then it dawned on him…. He looked at himself. He was his real self again. Lifting up his hands and clenching them a few times, before looking up at the shocked Orange Mare. He had something, to break this silent tension, something to help calm her… The only thing he could think of saying was “Hehe…. Hey AJ” he gave a nervous smile. “Um…. Ta-daaaaa”… Nailed it He sarcastically thought to himself After another awkward moment of silence, Applejack decided to speak “Is that, really you, Sora…” At his nod, she took moment before speaking again “So…. This is what ya really look like?” she asked, to which he again gave another nod. He was ready to explain before she spoke up again. “Sora… It’s fine. Ah’ already know you were gonna tell us, and ya told me the truth when ah’ asked if you were a pony. As much as ah’ would like ask more about all of this, now isn’t the time.” He was surprised how quickly she got back to the task at hand. He expected her to drill him with as much questions as Twilight did when they first met. “Right now, what IS important is where we are, and how do we get back.” she looked around “Well” Sora looked around as well “I can probably answer that first part.” seeing Applejack turned to him he continued “I’ve been here before, at first I thought it was a dream, but now, I know that isn’t the case at all.” he folded his arms and started thinking. “I guess… you could say, we’re inside our hearts… maybe?” “Maybe?” Applejack was not losing confidence in his knowledge of this place. “Well, it’s not like I stick around long enough to find out. What I do know is that… something is suppose to happen.” he looked at his floor “something… something…” he looked at Applejack’s floor, now that the thought about it, why were they separated from each other on their own little “islands” in the darkness. He walked up to the edge, and gauged the distance, two far to jump, but they were still able to talk to each other without raising their voices….. Then something occurred to him. “I think… what we are standing on, are our hearts.” “Our hearts?” Applejack looked at her floor. Now that she thought about it, all the things she saw on the stained glass would be considered dear to her heart. “So, what would that mean?” Sora was back in his thinking position. “I guess, well not literally on our hearts. More like um, whats the word, something that symbolizes it or something like that…” He was kind of pulling that out of nowhere hoping it would make sense for him as well. “That would mean… we need to do something, with our hearts…. Maybe that’s how we get out.” It was then that they both heard a third voice form seemingly no where. What connects you together, when only honesty if given? Least to say Applejack nearly jumped and was constantly scanning everything around her. “Who said that?!” meanwhile, Sora was used to that voice now, and focused more on what the voice said. “What connects us together…. When only…” he looked over at the distraught farmer “What would that mean?…” He sighed “I’m sorry about all of this Applejack, we wouldn’t be stuck here if I just left your gem thing alone.” He hung his head Applejack shook her head “Don’t be Sora, Ah’ know what ya tried to do was fer our best interest.” When Sora looked at her she continued. “Ya, fought with us two times so far, when ya could’ve easily just left us to fight these Heartless guys alone. You even go out of yer way to tell us as much of the truth as you were allowed to. Ah’m the Element of Honesty so Ah look out fer that sort of thing, and not once did you even try to lie to us.” Hearing all that praise Sora could only smile as she finished. “You’re my friend, Sora, and if ya thought that using mah element would’ve helped us… Then I trust you. With honesty… Trust is earned… Your hearts are connected. A new power is unlocked within you. After hearing that voice their heads were on a swivel, even more so when light started to fill the area around them. Sora looked down at the floor below him. Then he saw it. In one of the smaller circles that were grouped together. Applejack’s element of Honesty appeared. He smiled and summoned his Keyblade. “I don’t know whats going to happen.” he said to Applejack as she just made if over to his side, noticing her element appearing on the floor as well. “But what I do know, is that it’s gonna be very useful. So I‘m just gonna wing it and follow my heart on this one.” he smiled at her. After shaking her head listening to how clueless he was she couldn’t help but smile as well. “Alright, lead the way, Mr. Keyblade wielder” She replied, then watched as Sora held his Keyblade in both hands and pointed it at the floor where the group of circles were., only the one with the element of Honesty glowed, before once again they could only see white light. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Courtyard It was safe to say that the light show was seen by everyone in the courtyard. all eyes turning attention on the source. When Fluttershy opened her eyes after closing them from the brightness, the light was now gone, and so was Applejack, she looked around frantically then looked toward Sora “Sora, I can’t find-” she paused as she instantly saw some things different about the Stallion, He was on his hind legs again, though this time he seemed to be much more balanced, the back of his jacket had Applejack’s element on it as his mane and tail showed streaks of blonde. In his right hoof wasn’t his Keyblade, in fact, it looked like a Keyblade, but totally different. It seemed themed on…. Apples really. (Owned by Aniamalman of Deviantart http://aniamalman.deviantart.com/ ) When Sora finally turned his head to look back at her, she noticed that his ocean blue eyes, were now green. He then flashed her that same goofy smile like always, then finally spoke. “Hey.” > Chapter 7: Farmer's Key and Form Release > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- As Always: Green text means "click me" to play theme music to go with what your reading. Red text means to stop the music. Completely optional: Your free to ignore this Sora noticed that he was back in reality again, only this time, he felt like he was standing on his hind legs… Odd, normally he would lose balance by now and get back on all fours. He looked down to confirm him still standing on two legs, but then took notice of the weapon in his right hand, no longer the Kingdom Key, but an entirely new Keyblade. The Shaft a was like a Reddish Cleaver-like blade with three apples lined up along the side of the top part of it, acting as the teeth of a Key, the Hilt was a black colored grip, the hand guard that surrounded it were two depictions of Apple Trees that mirrored each other, where they connect two what looked like the necklace and gem of the element of honest. Finally, from right under the gem, was a red keychain that hung off it. The centerpiece was simply a red apple. The Keyblade seemed simple and to the point of what it themed, yet powerful looking as well, he could even feel some weight to it, more weight then he felt with the past keyblades he used so swinging it around might slightly not be as fast as how he would normally would. Sora felt like it would get the job done no matter what. Which reminded of Applejack, she seemed like the pony with that kind of work ethic from what he seen and given the fact that she was a farmer as well. What in the hay is going on? A voice in his head… A very familiar southern voice …. Applejack? Sora asked his mind surprised to hear her like this Sora? What is this? I don’t… feel like ma’self, and what’s that weapon in my hoof? Wait… that’s not my hoof… that’s yours. Sora’s head suddenly jerked up on it’s own, which caught him off guard. Wait… Am I… Am I inside you? Sora felt like he could sense Applejack’s feelings of shock, fear, and confusion right now. Uuuuh, I’m not sure… it seems so, but don’t worry, this has to be temporary, like a drive form or something. He tried to calm her down with more guesswork, however there was one flaw to this. Y-yer just guessing! Ah’ can hear what ya thinking’ and yer just guessing. Now he could sense her starting panicking. And what are drive forms! Sora took notice that his weapon holding hoof was starting to shake as if he himself was going to freak out. He knew he felt fine… For the most part, but Applejack wasn’t. Whoa, whoa, whoa! Ok, ok I don’t know what’s going on, but you said it yourself before: “Now is not the time” Right? He tried to bring her back to reality to calm her down and seeing that his hoof stopped shaking, it was working. We’ll figure this out later, I promise, but right now we have some kind of new power, and we ARE going to use it to help our friends with it. Sora, now feeling Applejack finally calming down and sensed her regaining her focus, he noticed that his body was no longer as tense as it was before. She then heaved a sigh Y-yer right, sugarcube, thanks for that. We can worry about those things later. “Sora, I can’t find-” the two them stopped their inner conversation at the sound of that familiar voice. Fluttershy! They said in unison before Sora’s head turned to look back at her. She seemed utterly shocked about something. “Hey” Sora finally spoke through his mouth to Fluttershy. Whats with that face? It’s almost how you looked when you saw my real form. Ah’m not sure, maybe sumthin is different about ya’ now. Applejack could only assume as much. They were then brought back to the battle they were in when the look on Fluttershy turned from shock to fear when she looked behind Sora “T-they’re coming back!” “Huh?” Sora and Applejack were confused for only half a second before their initial task to protect their friend flooded back to mind. “Oh yeah!” Sora looked forward again just in time to the Heartless finally broke free of being frozen and were rushing toward them. “Alright! Lets see what this new Keyblade can do” he ran at the group, shocked that he could on his hind legs, but it only lasted about five steps before he could feel that he was going lose balance again, then just launched himself at them with a lunge. Apparently this new form, seemed more coordinated, but not completely. Something he would have to keep in mind, now. With his Keyblade held back, and both Sora and Applejack were battle ready, his body then did something he didn’t expect. It twirled around a few times with his Keyblade held out. He mowed through the center of the group by spinning like a top in mid air for a short moment before landing on his two feet, but it wasn’t over yet. His body then pulled back the Keyblade and through it like a tomahawk right into the newly created opening He made in the group. It didn’t hit any of them but once it lodged itself into the ground and created an earth shaking shockwave that wave that blasted and scattered the heartless away from each other and the Keyblade, none of them survived the impact and multiple captive hearts were released at the same time. “D…. Did I just do that?… Was that you Applejack?” Sora was the one surprised now, Applejack sharing the same feeling after her short moment of “battle mode” was turned off. Ah don’t know. Ah was thinkin’ of crashin’ right through them then throwin’ that Keyblade at’em to blast them away. Wait, how did I know that would happen. Sora was at a loss as to why this happened as he summoned the Keyblade to his hoof. This time speaking to her in his mind Well I was thinking of spin slashing at them, So I guess, my thoughts some how, mixed with your thoughts… Which created that unique attack we just did. It was utterly lost on the two of them on how that worked. He then noticed a Darkball coming at them Let me see something, AJ. Don’t think of anything He took two steps at it. Um, ok She replied as he then jumped at the heartless then strung up a string of aerial combos before smacking it away with an overhead smash, he slammed into the ground in a burst of mist as he landed at where it once was. Hmm, can’t swing this around as fast, so I can’t leave as many strikes. Sora looked at the Keyblade, then back at where the darkball was seen last. But it looks like that doesn’t matter, since this thing dishes out more damage. He then noticed a book few soldiers coming at them. “Ok” AJ, your up! What? she was confused on what he wanted You think about how to attack them, and this time I won’t Uuuh, ok, I guess Sora then felt his head face the closest soldier then both his hooves grip onto the keyblades handle before chopping down on the soldier splitting it in half and then mist, releasing another captive heart, as the keyblade crashed and embedded itself into the grass shaking the area around them. This caused the other two soldiers to lose balance for a moment. Applejack didn’t waist any time as she went with her base instincts and caused Sora to go on all fours, turn and buck one out of existence the head butt the other away before summoning the Keyblade to his mouth and running the right through it as she dashed right past it. So we both, CAN control my body. Sora came to the conclusion before joining in the control Ah gotta say, this all just strange to me Applejack stated But, it does seem mighty useful in a fight. There confidence started to build. Yeah, we just gotta work together and who knows what else we can do! Sora cheered This was when a certain butter yellow mare made herself known “Sora!” causing the stallion to turn back to see Fluttershy fly over to them. “Whats going on? You and your Keyblade look different, I can’t find Applejack anywhere, and you have Applejack’s element on your jacket. Hearing this caused Sora and Applejack to “look at themselves” Just as Fluttershy said, Sora saw the Element of Honesty on the back of his jacket as if it was sewn there the whole time. He noted the blonde streaks in his tail then pulled down some of his spiky mane in front of him to see the same streaks in it as well. Well, you called it, AJ Sora said before replying to Fluttershy, “Uuh, don’t worry, I’ll explain later I promise, but Applejack is fine, trust me.” He said to the shy mare, as he placed a hoof on her shoulder to calm her down. Seeing her he then finally noticed the bag she was holding “Hey, what’s that you got there?” Once looking at the bag, she was reminded of her mission “O-oh, that’s right. This is for you” she held the bag in front of him to which he stared at it for a moment before taking it. Oh that’s right, the princess wanted us ta’ give that to ya Applejack said, and was about to explain but Fluttershy beat her to it. “The princess said it would um, release your true self. I’m not entirely sure what that means though.” Fluttershy said hoping Sora would be able to know. To which it took him half a second to realize what that mean. “Oh that’s really useful” he put the sack in one of his saddlebags for now. “Thanks Fluttershy” he gave a big grin that was contagious despite the battle field they were in. Fluttershy couldn’t help but give a small smile to share the enthusiasm “Oh that’s right. The Princess said to only use them when no other ponies are around.” Which made sense to Sora, no doubt the princess wanted to keep the other worlds secret to the everyone else. Although there were no guards, he figured that the could handle these heartless without him going all out. Couldn’t agree with ya more there, Sora Applejack, having the ability to listen in to his thoughts, decided to add in her two bits in his decision. Alright then, lets go help our friends! Sora replied back then looked at Fluttershy “Ready to get back in action” he looked at Fluttershy when he asked that. “Oh, um I don’t well… I don’t really like to fight, you see…” Fluttershy looked away. Of course, Sora should’ve picked that up by now from the previous battles they had. “Right, sorry about that” he turned to hordes of heartless that were fighting their other friends. “You have your own way of fighting after all” he said before dashing off.” “My own way of fighting?” Fluttershy was confused on what he meant by that. Nevertheless she flapped her wings and lifted herself off the ground and followed behind him. Eager to help her friends. Even if she didn’t know how yet. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Meanwhile The other girls had been giving it their all to keep as much of the heartless away from Sora Applejack and Fluttershy once that strange event occurred. It was safe to assume they were more then surprised and clueless on what that whole lightshow was about, then seeing Sora’s mane and tail change along with his eyes and jacket warranted so many questions Twilight so desperately wanted to ask, Rainbow and Rarity also with similar thoughts on that as well. Pinkie seemed to suddenly be cheering “FUSION POWER” once she saw the changes, confusing the others. They couldn’t help but notice Applejack was nowhere to be seen. “What in Celestia happened over there?” Twilight asked as she magically flung a book master into a group of soldiers ending their fight prematurely, before whipping around and firing a few bolts at another book master and a Darkball that were approaching. “I haven’t the foggiest, Twilight!“ Rarity had fired a bolt of magic right in a Large Body’s face expertly through the opening of it’s “helmet” and between it’s eyes. This causing the large tub of darkness to stumble where it bumped against Pinkie’s party cannon that she filled a Darkball she managed to capture into it. “And boom goes the dynamite!” Pinkie slammed her hooves on the detonation button on the cannon and the cannon fired the Darkball point blank into the Large Body’s back, blasting right through it and dispersing it. The Darkball now careening into other heartless ricocheting off of them to only ricochet off another and destroying them at the same time this ended when the Darkball then bounced off a Hookbat and into the castle wall, both of them now just black mist. Rainbow had mostly focused on the flying enemies, trapping them by flying around them fast enough to make tornadoes before flying over the tornado and then shooting through the eye of it ramming through the helpless enemies and destroying them before landing on the ground. “Woo! Can’t beat this Pegasus when it comes to air combat!” she took a moment “appreciate” her air superiority over these things. That was when Sora ran past her “Applejack says, to quit gloating and get back to fighting! Sorry, told me to say it!” this resulting in Rainbow Dash’s confident smirk to change to an annoyed scowl. “Well you can tell her to-” That was when she noticed the changes on Sora. “What happened to him… IS that AJ’s element?” she then noticed Fluttershy fly by her. “Excuse me, Rainbow Dash” before continuing off after Sora. “… What the hay is going on?!” was all Rainbow could say Sora was sprinting on fours, Keyblade in his mouth as he slashed his way into hordes of Heartless, then spinning rapidly on the spot whenever he was surrounded. Alright AJ, lets try that combined thinking again. You got it, sugarcube. Applejack replied as Sora’s body then charged into another group. Both minds now focused on the battle, Sora’s fighting style changed again. He when it looked like he was going to ram into the Heartless, he jumped up high over them. Now with Keyblade in his hooves again he raised it over his head, then swung it downward, the force shooting him back to earth before the He and Keyblade collided into heartless dispersing those that were under him while the others were scattered from the force of air and the massive shockwave they emitted. No time was wasted as Sora was no running after the surviving heartless to cut them down. When he reached a Bookmaster he gave it three hits before on his fourth strike he flipped the Keyblade so the teeth could hook onto the heartless, then with full force he slingshot-ed it into two Large Bodies, surprisingly taking them both out at once along with the book master. He didn’t stop there, he whipped around and flicked his Keyblade out as hard as he could toward a small group of darkballs and soldiers that were to close to each other for there own good as the spinning blade sliced right them and impaled into a book master, causing it to crash into the ground and then disperse before, Sora summoned the Keyblade back. Fluttershy watched in amazement at how Sora was taking on so many heartless on his own. She noticed how his fighting style seemed to change to a more brute force style. Was it because of that Keyblade he had? Was it because of his appearance? Also, how did he know that Applejack was ok? So many questions that had to wait when she noticed another Large Body charging at her. She backed away frantically, but was once again rescued as Sora was already between them and on his hind legs “Back off!” he held the Keyblade out in a nonchalant way of guarding, somehow easily able to stop that giant charging fat heartless without even budging. Then retaliated a counterattack, he took a step forward and held his Keyblade over and around his chest and to his left side then quite literally, swatted the Large Body away like it was an annoying bug. Seeing that the danger had been averted, he looked back at Fluttershy “You ok?” Fluttershy looked on in amazement. Sure he was strong, but he never did that before. She was told that the stomach of those Large Bodies would bounce any attack off it, even Sora’s in his form. Yet there he was, just smacked the heartless at that very spot like it was nothing, to help her. “Y-yes, I think so” Sora gave a smile and nodded “Good” before turning around, eyes filled with determination. “Stay to close to us ok?” “Us?” Fluttershy asked, causing him to falter in his stance. Heh, oh yeah, she can’t hear you Sora’s face gave a look that was like he accidentally blurted out a world secret. He could hear Applejack sighing in his mind Well, they were gonna find out anyway. Lets just take care of the heartless and explain later. Sora relayed to Fluttershy about explaining what he meant before running off, this time joining the other girls. Fluttershy looked on as he ran off to the others. As much as she wanted to join and help them… She was starting to wonder what she could even do to help right now. She wasn’t a fighter and no where near brave enough to go near the heartless, all she could do right now is watch from the sidelines and help if anypony got hurt. She put a hoof to her chest, feeling the her Element instead. For being a bearer, she didn’t feel anymore special then how she normally felt when she wore it. Nevertheless flew over to her friends. She may not know what to do in terms of fighting, but she was going to at anything she could do. The battle had raged on as the army of heartless were finally dwindling down. The fight ended when Sora hammered down his Keyblade on a book master he jumped up to. When he had landed, the Courtyard was now completely void of heartless, the group finally took that to take a breather, Twilight and Rarity especially after using so much magic. “Alright…. That’s… the last of them” Rainbow said, pretty winded herself as she went all out. Pinkie Pie, although flashing that big grin, sprawled out on the ground next to her party cannon, her heaving body a clear sign that she was recovering, as she giggled “You were having a lot of fun, Dashie” “W-what? So what if I did? They were bad guys anyway” Rainbow said in her defense. This only made the pink mare giggle even more. “I know, I was having fun too! Fighting heartless is one of those things in the series the fans enjoy doing, after all!” “What?” Rainbow looked at Pinkie “What?” Pinkie’s smile didn’t falter as she acted like she didn’t say anything. Fluttershy was with Twilight and Rarity, checking for any injuries on them and helping anyway she could before checking up on others since the both of them seemed to be the most exhausted out of the group. “Do you need anything? “No, I think we just… we just need a moment to catch our breath.” Twilight was panting as Fluttershy was relieved to find no damage on her or Rarity. “Indeed, darling. Just a spot of rest, and we’ll be right as rain again” Rarity reassured the yellow mare as she decided to rest under the shade of a tree. Sora, had walked over to the girls. He appeared to be the one that was the least effected by exhaustion as he only lightly panted. “You guy’s did pretty good here.” He smiled. Rainbow puffed out her chest “Was there ever any doubt?” Sora had a feeling that Applejack would be rolling her eyes right now. Half expected her ta’ say that. Give ’er an inch and she’ll go a mile Twilight then decided to speak. “By the way, Sora, I’ve been meaning to ask, Where’s Applejack, she was with you last time we saw her. Sora perked up at that as if a spotlight was suddenly placed on him. The other girls looked at him as well. “Come to think of it, you do look different. What’s with those streaks in your mane and tail?” Rainbow asked “Yes, and why do I see, Applejack’s element of Honesty on the back of your jacket?” Rarity asked soon after. A small part of her was actually wondering how perfectly it was positioned, right in the center of the back. She felt like that was the perfect place to add on some sort of back centerpiece. Applejack’s gem was confirmation of that. She suddenly had a thought of how her element would look as a substitute. Seeing everyone’s attention focused on him he got a little nervous Well… Here’s hoping they believe me he said to Applejack. “Well, as strange as this sounds… I think she’s inside me” the group stare of disbelief was more then visible to him. Except for Pinkie who seemed really interested now. “Fusion Power!” She cheered “That’s so cool!” “What? No, Pinkie, that’s not… wait” Twilight was tripping over her words trying to comprehend all this before shooting a glance back at Sora. “Sora, what do you mean? Where’s Applejack?” Really wish I knew how to get you out now. Sora sighed Feelings mutual, Sora. No offense, Ah’ just want mah body back Applejack replied Just tell them what happened. They might not believe it, but it’s all we can tell’em. Sora gave a nodded and started explaining what occurred after, when Applejack was still there. Thankfully Fluttershy was there to confirm the part about Applejack’s gem glowing and floating in front of Sora. So it helped in giving his explanation more credibility. This made no sense to anypony, especially to Twilight. She had previously wanted to do research on Sora’s Keyblade when they first met, But now, more then ever did that urge started nagging at the back of her mind. “Well, Fluttershy said she saw that gem floating thing so I believe that, but it’s kind of hard to believe that she’s inside your head right now.” Twilight responded. “Well, I don’t think she’s just in my head” Sora said “How would we know that your telling the truth about that?” Rainbow floated in front of him, clearly skeptical of the whole thing. Before Sora could defend him self he paused and looked like he was listening to someone… then nodded and said to Rainbow Dash. “Apparently, Applejack wanted me to tell you right now, that she still hasn’t forgotten the bet you lost to her and expects to see you first thing in the morning when we get back to Ponyville.” This immediately transformed Rainbow’s look of skepticism to that of shock and concern “I was hoping she would forget about that… How do you know that?” She backed up a bit before saying. “Applejack really is inside you!” “Rainbow, you can’t possibly be seri-” Twilight stopped talking when she saw Rainbow shake her head suddenly. “Twilight, Applejack and I never told anyone about that bet we had. There was no reason to tell anyone about it since we got all caught up looking for him when he first got to Ponyville.” Rainbow then turns to look at the girls “But he knows, somehow.” Everyone was quiet as they all looked at the Key bearer. It would explain all the changes on him. Applejack had green eyes, Sora’s eyes were matching that color right now. Sora sported blonde streaks in his mane and fur, the very same color for Applejack, However the most powerful piece of evidence was Applejack’s gem on Sora’s jacket and his Keyblade was completely different, the apple themed look of it when they saw it definitely reminded them of the Farmer pony in question. “But… it’s just not, possible” Twilight was trying to rack her brain around this. How could this pony, from out of nowhere, have such an effect on the elements. Why would Applejack be, for lack of a better word, fused with Sora, and what does that mean for the rest of them? Rarity decided to voice her opinion. “Everypony, as much as we all would like to get to the bottom of this, I believe we should return to the princesses, now that everything has been handled here.” She then turned to Twilight “Perhaps they might know more about this as well and hopefully know a way to separate Applejack and Sora.” Sora raised a hoof and pointed it toward the Fashionista “That’s a great idea, Rarity. They basically gave you these um, Elements of Harmony, Right?” He had to take a moment to remember the name. “Maybe she knew this would happen, too” Of Course, Twilight thought to herself. Why didn’t she think of it before, It was more then clear, that Celestia and Luna knew all about this Keyblade and heartless stuff. So it was highly likely that they expected Sora and Applejack’s… Fusion… thingy. She was dismayed that she was getting used to Pinkie’s description of it, but what else would you call it? “Your right, Rarity. Alright, everypony. Let’s head back to the castle and find the Princesses” “Right!” the group said in unison along with a nod. However, before they could turn to leave- “Leaving so soon, boy?” A dark female voice was heard, one Sora knew all to well. As this others were now looking around in a heightened state of awareness, Sora turned around to face the opposite direction. Applejack being able to sense his feelings, picked up that he was already getting ready to fight someone he knew. Sora, who was that? She had to ask A portal of darkness appeared a few yards in front of him. Causing the others to turn and face that portal as well, either in shock, determination to take on whoever was coming through the portal, or just plain fear. When the portal left, a being like nothing the girls had ever scene before came into view. Sickly pale skin, bipedal, a long mostly black robe and some kind of head wear that hat extrusions similar looking to horns. A long staff with a green orb on top of it, held with something that wasn’t a hoof or a paw, it looked like a minotaur’s hand. If she was directly in front of them, she would tower over them with her height as she gave the most, devious smile. “Maleficent…” Sora had summoned back his Keyblade as he was ready to go. “The feeling is mutual, you little wretch” the two of them locked eyes with each other, and the tension could be felt by the girls. “Someone you know?” Rainbow said as she right next to Sora, crouched and ready to fly at any moment. “Yeah… I’m guessing your why I was called here” Sora dug his hoof into ground trying to look intimidating. “Well, don’t I feel popular, if the Princesses are so concerned about me.” she laughed for a moment. When it did end her smile left as she looked back at Sora “If your trying to scare me by making that face, That ridiculous form your charading in is more amusing then intimidating.” “Form?” Twilight repeated the word before looking over to Sora “What does she mean?” “Oh? You mean you haven’t told them? Well, well, and here I thought you all were friends.” Maleficent then pointed her staff toward Sora “I’m afraid this… pony, you know so well is lying to you all about who he really is.” Now all the girls were looking at Sora, all in disbelief at her words, yet that nagging feeling that she could be right, was there as well and had no attention of going away in their mind. Sora then made his rebuttal “I wasn’t lying, I just couldn’t say at the time!” Sora then turned to the girls “I was going to tell you all once we reached the Princesses OK’d it.” “Tell us what?” Rainbow asked before looking back at Maleficent to see she was already conjuring something. “Heads up, she’s doing something!” Rainbow shot for her, but was stopped in a wall of green fire appeared in front of the witch. The distraction was perfect for her, it gave her enough time to summon a heartless that would complete the task she needed it for. From behind her, appeared a giant. When she turned to look at it, she couldn’t help but laugh “A fitting, opponent I suppose” Behind her was what looked like a gargantuan horse shaped heartless, however the only things to consider it a heartless, was the yellow eyes that glowed through the armor over it’s head, and the Heartless insignia that engraved on said armor. It’s entire body seemed to mostly be covered with orange metallic armor that hugged it’s true shape like it was fused to it’s skin. The bottom jaw, pitch black mane and tail were the only thing not covered in armor. Looking at the mouth, it didn’t resemble a Pony’s at all. It shared the look of it’s heartless kind in the shape of a jagged mouth that reached as far back as the where the cheek and neck would meet. If Maleficent towered over Sora and the girls, this Heartless was a skyscraper in comparison. “Hear me Heartless!” Maleficent called out in a loud echoing voice as she disappeared while everyone was staring at their new foe. “Destroy these… ponies, before you and claim their hearts!” The giant responded by staring down at the group, and then suddenly threatening spike extrusions, shot out of the armor of it’s body, one on the helmet, imitating a unicorn horn, one on both sides of the shoulders and hips, Another on the chest and finally one on the back as well. These spikes weren’t for show as they were glowing now, obviously there was another extra feature for them. The battle started when it reared back on it’s hind legs before slamming it’s forelegs back down, causing the ground to shake terribly before charged right at them. “Scatter!” Sora called out to the girls, who all complied without a second. Sora held his ground as he stood on his hind legs, Keyblade in hoof once again. Yer not thinkin’ what ah’ think yer thinkin’ you? Applejack asked as she noticed Sora’s other hoof digging into his saddle bag and into the other bag inside, quickly pulling out one of those illuminated pearl like objects from inside it. Time seemed to slow down as they mentally spoke to each other There’s nopony else around but us, and I was gonna show you guys anyway. A grin appeared on Sora’s muzzle when he said that. Sora could sense a smile coming form Applejack, Fair point, The princess said you just need to bite down on that thing. Without a word Sora popped the bead into his mouth and a crunch was heard In unison the two said together Lets go! Form Release! It was a phrase the two of them felt like they should’ve said, they didn’t question it at the time as so much was happening that even the Heartless had to stop in it’s tracks and back up as blinding light cascaded form Sora’s body. The girls had to shield their eyes, while Pinkie Pie seemed to have Sunglasses on to watch somehow “Ooooooooh, so Bright!” When the light finally dissipated What Stood in Sora’s place shocked and amazed the girls. It had the same shirt, jacket with Applejack’s gem on the back, the spiky “mane” with lines of blonde, and the green eyes as well to help them realize it was still Sora, along with that chain necklace with the silver crown centerpiece. It was even holding the same keyblade. However, that’s where the similarities ended. It was bipedal, like Maleficent, no fur as well, but he didn’t have pale skin, rather a more fleshy color, It had black baggy shorts, that stopped a little below the knees, The red saddlebags seemed to change into cargo like pockets that were attached to the shorts as well. His shoes, a yellow and blue design, seemed somewhat larger then he would actually need, and it’s “laces” were two black straps crossed over one another in an “X” shape for both shoes. “Sora?” Fluttershy looked on at the new figure, was that really him? Is that what the Princess meant by “true self”… She didn’t know what else to say, and could only watch. This creature stood in Sora’s place. Now staring defiantly at the giant heartless, who was now, over that little light show and went back to charging him. Applejack! Sora held the Keyblade in front of him. Yeah! I know! Applejack replied, now Sora’s body took a step forward. Turning the blade broadside and lifting it a little above his head and placing his left hand on the broadside of the opposite end of the Keyblade as well. Once the heartless was right upon them to lower and swing it’s head into Sora, he thrusted the Keyblade out at it in a defensive parry. There was a loud “CLANG!” of metal contacting metal. The cause, caused the rest of Sora and Applejack’s friend to stare in utter disbelief. He had not only blocked the attack, but stopped it dead in that spot, not even pushed back an inch. Feels good to be back He said before he took another step forward, pushed the heartless head up. After being thrown up, it’s head went back down to look at Sora, but he was already under it. He leapt up at the exposed under jaw and unleashed a powerful upward swing. This caused the Heartless to rear back in surprise and pain. Sora however, took the initiative as he sprinted at one of it’s hind legs before running just passed it, stopping, pivoting on one foot, then swung at the leg like it was a golf ball. Pinkie suddenly screamed “FOOOUURRR!!” in Sora’s place, for some reason, that felt like the appropriate thing to say as she watched with excitement. The heartless now on one leg and losing balance fast, ended up falling onto it’s back. The spike protruding form it was now impaled into the ground, making it stuck as it wiggled and writhed to break free. Sora and Applejack had the same idea of what to do next, but before they could do anything, they noticed the little representation of Applejack’s element of honesty on the Keyblade started to glow brightly. “Huh?” Sora held the Keyblade in front of him to get a better look. It was emanating it own light. What’s happenin’ to the Keyblade? Sora could only shrug, but their answer would soon arrive. Your bond, is strong enough to awaken the power that sleeps within you. Open your hearts and receive this gift. It was that voice from before, somehow echoing in their minds. What the-… Open our hearts… Applejack was confused, until Sora ran another thought through his head on what that meant. Sora could felt like she was nodding to the idea. It’s worth a shot ah’ s’pose. Trust me, I do it all the time Sora reassured her as he placed a hand to his chest, and focused, Applejack focusing as well….. Then they saw it. A vision of what would happen next, the moment they heard the burst of light escaping the Keyblade “OK!” they said in unison as Sora lifted the Keyblade above him vertically. The Keyblade itself seemed to expel a small blast of energy, before it started morphing and lengthening, like it was suddenly made out of rubber. The hand guards retreated into the the necklace looking bottom part, which also receded into the where the gem was. Only the keychain remained where it was. Suddenly the gem shot up through the hilt, up the growing shaft, and stopped at the top where the teeth were. The shaft was now thinning into a pole like structure. The grip also increasing in size to match the Pole, then the running halfway up the shaft to where Sora could now hold onto the weapon with two hands parallel along it. Meanwhile the “pole” stretched to one and a half his actual height and the gem at the top started spinning wildly before tip itself, in a flash of light, turned into what looked like a Huge metallic Barrel, this time the Gem was on both ends of and even larger to just fit inside the circles. All of this happened in the span of 3 seconds. It goes without, the looks on the other girls faces was said it all. They basically seen 3 transformations in one day. The 2nd one being the biggest. Pinkie cheered, Rainbow Dash didn’t seem to close, Fluttershy couldn’t look away, Rarity taken aback, and Twilight… Well Twilight would definitely need time to recover from all this new information that displayed before her. Sora quickly grabbed onto the transformed weapon with both hands when gravity started to pull down the barrel part. “It’s a big Hammer!” he looked amazed. “Keyblades can do this?” Well ah’ say we put this beauty to use! Applejack had Sora look back at the giant horse heartless, now finally starting to get out from it’s predicament You got it! Sora sprinted toward the Creature , jumped onto it’s stomach, before twirling around with the hammer in a somewhat diagonal fashion with the hammer to give it some speed on the swing. “Eat This!” Sora yelled out before his last twirl used to slam the head down hard onto the armored underside. A blast of air and energy shot away from the point of impact in a radial fashion as a loud booming Thud echoed throughout the courtyard. The ground shook as the metal underneath where the head slammed on, suddenly cracked like an egg, then spreading out trails of cracks away formt he point of impact Until it was a good, 10 foot radius, then that radius shattered completely, exposing the black vulnerable underside. Of course this caused the Heartless to respond violently to the pain of it all as it jerked its body around writhing, sending Sora to tumble off it as it finally started to get back on it’s feet. “That was so Awesome!” Rainbow was started to compete with Pinkie’s excitement after seeing that powerful attack and flew off to help him. The rest of the girls not far behind. Even Twilight, after Rarity managed to coax her back into reality. At this point the heartless had just about enough of this, and finally started putting it’s spikes to use. Dark Energy started charging from them and suddenly from the tips of the spikes, many dark bolts scattered out from them. All being fired in every direction. “Everyone, stay close to me!” Twilight was able to react in time be and activate a barrier spell around the girls, once the full force of the attack finally reached them. Rainbow and Sora, however, was too far away to hear, and doing their best to dodge as much of the bolts as they could. At that moment Rainbow was now right next to Sora as they were still on the defensive. Then a thought occurred to him. You know… I haven’t used magic once after I linked with you. Ah’ don’t know if ya can, Sora. Sora ducked and rolled away from a line of dark bolts Ah’m an Earth Pony and we don’t exactly cast Spells And I’m not even sure I can cast spells with the Keyblade like this He took a glance at the massive hammer he was holding. He was now back to back with Rainbow Dash. Still, At this point, it’s worth a shot! He held his hammer upright and slammed the bottom of the pole to the ground. This causing Rainbow to look back at him in curiosity “What are you doing?!” she asked, but it was soon answered with Sora’s shout. “Reflega!” With his hands on the pole he made the hammer spin rapidly in place. And he lucked out. It wasn’t quite as strong as how it normally would be, but it was enough for a small dome of transparent hexagons to surround Sora and Rainbow Dash, blocking all the bolts. He smirked and then started to cast that same spell repeatedly until finally the barrage of bolts stopped. Now he was glad the two of them were so close to the Heartless, as the 2nd part of the spell kicked in and in a fury in response to all the bolts that it stopped. Countless explosions of light surrounded the two of them and damaging the Heartless foreleg, ending up with it being forced to involuntarily, take a knee. “Gotta bust those spikes!” Sora yelled out to the others as he sprinted toward the one on it’s chest. He jumped up, and gave an overhead swing that had so much force, it made him spin a few times in mid air, striking it three times in the process and breaking it off before the Heartless could get back up. “Rainbow! The Jaw!” once he landed he pointed to the exposed under jaw to her. The rainbow mare smirked and blasted right into it fore hooves first. She hit it at an angle so the heartless was knocked to the and nearly tipped over. Sora was already sprinting toward it, before making a running jump at it’s spinning his body around horizontally mid flight one time to wind up a powerful over the shoulder swing at the creature’s side, Knocking it over completely and shattering another portion of armor, exposing yet another vulnerable spot. Pinkie at this point already had her party cannon loaded and firing over and over at the opening Sora created earlier on it’s under belly. Rarity was levitating rocks and any other hard objects she could find that wasn’t stuck in the ground and firing them precisely at the brand knew opening that Sora created, pelting it with a barrage, lifting the things back up with her magic again, and repeating the process. Fluttershy was helping Twilight recover. So much magic use and then holding up barrier for so long really took it out of her. Rarity was still fighting mainly since their conversation and watching Sora solo the giant heartless for a short while helped a lot. The same was said for Twilight, but holding up for that barrage earlier brought her back to a state of exhaustion. After seeing Sora break a spike, she decided to only use her magic for barriers until all of the spikes are broken. Sora was now on top of the creature wailing on the spike sticking out of it’s shoulder. It only took a handful of strikes before that spike was knocked off an sent flying. He was about to make a dash for the hip spike before he felt the Heartless start to move and get back on it’s feet. Sora jumped off before getting thrown off from the force This time, running toward the tail and jumping onto it before the heartless decided go crazy and stomp and jump around the courtyard causing shockwaves all around in the process. Rainbow was now switched to rescue duty as she started grabbing any of the girls that were trying to run away blitzing by where Rarity once was before a giant metal hoof crashed down on that empty spot. “Thank you, Rainbow Dash. I shudder to think what might have been” “No worries, I got your back!” Rainbow replied with a confident smile before landing her next to Twilight. Pinkie had already retreated there as well. It seemed the Heartless was more concerned of shaking Sora off it. He managed to get on top of the creature’s back, and hold onto the spike as the monster tried it’s best to buck him off. “Oh Boy!” Sora held onto the spike as tight he could. This is nothing, Sora! Just get that hammer ready! For some reason Sora felt like that shouldn’t surprise him for Applejack to say that. Regardless no matter how wild the Heartless was when trying to throw him off. Sora never let go. So when the moment came when it stopped for a moment, Sora released his hold on the spike, and started swinging away at it until it broke off after the 3rd golf like wing sent it careening out of the courtyard. Another one down! Apple jack commented. That was when the horse heartless had enough and charged up it’s spikes again. “Uh Oh!” Sora then yelled to his friends “Brace! It’s gonna fire again!” Sora then looked toward the back of it’s head. The same idea appeared for both Sora and Applejack Ah’m with ya, pardner. As the dark bolts started shooting out. Sora started running Head of the hammer held far behind and low. Once the girls were together, Twilight barely made it in time to pull up another barrier around them. As a constant barrage pelted against the magenta dome around them. Twilight gave it everything she got. “GO SORA, GO APPLEJACK!” the girls all saw Pinkie Pie waving a tiny cheer flag that said “Go Team” looking at the top of the heartless’ back. Sora was running at full speed ignoring the bolts that homed in on him only to miss and crash at where he once was, Some even passing by his body just narrowly. “It’s over!!” He yelled when he was close enough to the neck. There wasn’t enough time for a wind up since he was under fire he swung with his entire body forward so fast his feet came off the ground and unleash the strongest overhead smash he could muster in his current position onto the back of it‘s head. This was more then enough force to cut the attack short and slam the giant head to the grass below it, even so much as printing it’s head onto the dirt. Sora landed next to it. It was utterly dazed now and armor on it‘s head, was cracked all over, and it looked like the toughest armor the monster was wearing. Shall we? Sora winded back that, neither of them not even paying attention to the blinking the gems on it were making. Like buckin’ a tree At Applejack’s response, Sora fired away, striking that armored head with a batter’s swing. It goes without saying that helmet, along with the horn like spike on it shattered into useless pieces. It’s head pretty much whipped away from the point of impact, dragging the rest of it’s body with it a few yards away from Sora, ending when it’s head crashed into the Castle wall. Twilight had released the barrier the second the firing stopped and nearly dropped to the ground, but Fluttershy caught her and eased her down gently “I got you, Twilight” “Urrgh… Thanks” Twilight barely managed to say. She opted to staying on the ground for the time being until she felt better, she had managed to look up in time too see Sora smash the heartless into the wall, now there was no closing that mouth of hers as she looked up in amazement. “What power… How is he able to do that?” “Dude is cleaning up shop over there” Rainbow watched as the heartless as it stumbled to get back on it’s feet, but then looked ready to charge at Sora. Sora started running a it as well with a smirk on his face. Still not taking notice that the gems on his hammer were blinking really fast now. This hammer is awesome! How are we able to do that? I haven’t the foggiest, sugarcube. Let’s just focus on our opponent for now Applejack chimed in as Sora was now leaping into the air again. He was gonna have another go at the monster’s head. Let’s give this next one some more oomph! Right! Sora agreed and just when the head was reach of that long hammer, He gave it every ounce of power he had, and gave an over the shoulder slash… And Whiffed… Time seemed to suddenly slow down for Sora and the girls when this happened. It seemed all of a sudden, that hammer, returned back to it’s Keyblade form again, so suffice to say, it did not connect. To which everyones response in that short amount of time: Sora: “Ah-” Applejack: Oh boy Rarity: “Oh dear” Pinkie: Not Good Twilight: “What?!” Fluttershy: Sora! Rainbow: Buck… The heartless rammed into the keyblader sending him flying back, but in mid air he made a flip and it somehow seemed to stop his forward motion and land on the ground on his feet. “Ow, Thank you Aerial Recovery” he held his head and shook it a few times before the pain, at the very least, diminished greatly. What happened to the hammer? Applejack asked as they both watched start to make another charge at him. “I’m going to guess that the time limit ran out for it” He got into his battle stance “That’s ok, We’ll just have to make due without-” a flash of light surrounded him, just like that, his true form went away and he was back in his pony form away. “… Either of those, apparently…” Yer kiddin’ me When the heartless rammed it’s head into him again, he blocked it like he did the first time. He held, but he was pushed back a few feet. That was when a humongous rock smashed into the side of it’s expose face. “Take that, you ruffian!” Rarity said identifying herself as the culprit, and stomped her hoof to emphasize her insult. “Rarity, you are awesome!” Sora cheered to her as he put the Keyblade to his mouth and was on all fours sprinting, to it’s side. Jumped then gave a power swing to one of the spikes on it’s hips. As powerful as that was, it wasn’t as strong as the hammer so he had to unleash a barrage before finishing with upper slash that finally cut through the spike and off the heartless. Then gravity took effect sending him back to the ground. Two more to go! Good thinking’, Sora we need to take those out right now, I don’t think Twilight can withstand another one. A quick glance back at the other girls, would confirm that Twilight, was definitely out of the fight for the time being. Then let’s get some help Sora then called out “Pinkie! Party Cannon!” As if on Cue, Pinkie was barreling down to Sora and the beast riding on her cannon with a pink army helmet on her head, giving a salute “Okie dokie lokie!” she rolled right under the heartless, amazingly avoiding it trying to stomp on her. “Rainbow! We need a distraction!” Sora followed after Pinkie. “On it!” and just like that the athlete was off giving a flying to it’s muzzle, causing it to stumble a bit. When it regained it’s footing, Rainbow landed on top of it’s face and at it in the eyes, before blowing a raspberry “Come and get me, ugly!” and flew off. The taunt was a success as the heartless was after now. Pinkie made her cannon make a hard turn until it was facing the heartless. “What should I use, Bowling ball, kitchen sink, cupcakes, Bob-ombs,” as she called out each item as she pulled them from literally out of nowhere, before tossing them behind her carelessly, the last one she threw seemed to light it’s fuse before it was thrown back. “None of those, Pinkie” Sora shook his head to each suggestion Is it weird that I’m starting to get used to this now? Just don’t think on it too much, you’ll only get a headache Was Applejack’s response “What do you have in mind?” Pinkie asked, starting to get excited wondering what it could be?” Sora immediately hopped into the cannon “Think you can line up the shot to get the last two spikes?” Already startin’ to regret this plan Pinkie adjusted her hat made a serious face that looked absolutely silly “No problem” she started to adjust the aim. Meanwhile Rainbow was flying circles around the creature, generally pestering it and taunting it whenever it would miss getting her. “You can’t even hit the side of AJ’s barn!” She would dodge, stomps, charges, and even whenever it thought it could catch her with it’s mouth, she in return would ram into any open spots in it’s armor or straight up go for the face with a corkscrew spin to drill in the damage. Then she would back off to avoid it’s retaliation. Only for Rarity to drag it’s attention away whenever she threw head objects at it’s weak points, never once missing. “Another one for you, brute” “Ok, I think we got a good lock” Pinkie said as she turned the cannon at what she believed was the right spot. She was leaning over the cannon, one eye closed, and her tongue sticking out as she focused completely. “Uuuh, Pinkie, not to rush you, but it’s spikes are starting to glow again” Sora said with his head sticking out of the cannon. Sure enough, it looked like the horse heartless had about enough of this, and was starting to charge it’s attack, the girls were getting worried, as Twilight struggled to her feet to try to prepare another barrier, much to Fluttershy’s protest. “We’re no even aimed at it completely.” “Don’t you worry your spike head about that Sora. I know my friends, and this is the perfect spot! She grinned brightly “And a one and a two-” “Pinkie what are you counting f-” “And BOOM!” She slammed down on the button and Sora shot out of the cannon and through the air like he was flying. “WHOOOAAAA!!” Sora remember, how ah’ said ah’ trust you? Well ya need ta’ trust in what Pinkie said. She wouldn’t have shot us on this path if it weren’t gonna work, and we need to stop that attack at all costs! Sora could sense the her getting very worried. This was causing his body to shake like before. He ignored that however and listened to her words. She was right about stopping the attack, and for the short time he’s spent to get to know these ponies, he knew that Applejack, being the element of honesty meant what she said. Well, if he’s asking her to trust him. It’s only fair that he do the same. Alright, I believe you Applejack. Sora held his Keyblade in front of himself before lifting it over his head. Gonna need a lot of spin to cut through them. Feeling his friend’s heart finally start to calm down he smiled when she replied You got it! Sora then swung down so hard and so fast he was spinning rapidly in mid air and was imitating a saw blade. It was at that moment that Rainbow had flown nearby the other girls when she noticed Sora spinning off course. “Rarity! We knock it forward a bit!” She charge off while Rarity had hurled another large boulder trailing behind Rainbow, she gave it as much force as she could muster. First Rainbow rammed into it, knocking it off balance, she then quickly flew up to dodge the boulder that came in form behind her as it crashed exactly on the same spot Rainbow hit. This caused the Heartless to stumble a few yards to it’s side before righting itself again. This time it was ready to fire so kept in place to fire. Just as the tips were starting to glow to release another barrage. Shing! the sound of a blade cutting through something was heard. Both Spikes were now disconnected from the heartless and fell spinning to the ground. Stopping that barrage attack for good. Just as Pinkie said, Sora was at the right place at just the right time. He landed onto the ground with a tuck and roll until he was back to his feet and turned to face the monster. It was a done deal at this point, the beast had no more trump card and was now forced to rely on it’s normal attacks, with which the group had already figured out how to avoid. Sora didn’t waist a second after he landed as he hurled the Keyblade right into it’s face “Need a lift!” He ran a few steps before losing balance and jumped up instead, where rainbow flew in from behind, grabbed him, then flew up above the creature. “Take us up high.” Sora said, she complied and they were so high up they were the same height ast the top of the highest castle tower. “Now throw me at it.” “What? Are you serious?” Rainbow looked at him like he was crazy Sora simply nodded “Trust me, I’ll be fine” he said as he got his Keyblade ready. It took a short moment of debating with herself before she finally agreed with his insane request. She let go but quickly grabbed onto his free hoof, twisted her body around with him in tow, then whipped him downward before letting go and he shot off like a rocket. Sora Now held his the Keyblade behind him to gain as much speed as possible, as he was charging a lot of energy to this next attack. This time, we’re putting it down! Sora said to Applejack Give it everythin’ ya’ got! Applejack replied as she put all her focus and energy on this last attack as well. Just when they were a meter above it, Sora flipped to an upright position, Keyblade held over his head, but pulled so far back the tip of the blade nearly touching his back. It was at this moment that everyone held their breath and watched, as Sora then whipped his weapon in an over head chop while shooting at the heartless like a comet. There was a brief flash of light, and the sound of metal cutting through something, and now Sora was just under it now, a small crater now under his hooves. Above him, the heartless, kept still for what felt like ages for everyone, before finally, black mist started escaping from rapidly. It started leaning to the side as it’s body just went limp. Before it even hit the ground, it started vanishing, and was completely gone when a rather large crystal heart escaped it’s vaporizing body, and floated up toward the sky before vanishing as well. Just like that, it was like the heartless never existed. Everyone finally breathed again. Exhaustion, clearly on most of their faces. Sora, stood up straight as he looked at his Keyblade. Questions running through his mind as he sat back. Onto the ground, only to shoot back up from hearing Maleficent’s voice echo through out the courtyard. “Very well done, your teamwork is most commendable.” As everyone looked around warily Rainbow Dash spoke up. “You mad, we stopped your assault on the castle?!” at this she was rewarded with a rather sinister laugh that gave her chills “Believe me, if my intention were to storm and take over the castle, I would’ve invaded it with a more intimidating force. My task is complete and we have what we need. I bid you all farewell.” This was when she addressed his Sora in particular “Oh and you boy, next time I see you, I will make due on my promise and destroy you” She gave that part a more serious tone in her voice, before no one could sense her presence anymore. Sounds like someone has a grudge on ya’ Applejack finally spoke You could say that was Sora’s response. Everyone started gathering toward Fluttershy and Twilight who was now looking a lot better then before. “What did she mean when she said she got what she needed?” Twilight looked over to Sora hoping he would have the answer, only to see him give a shrug. “Not a clue really.” he was reluctant to say “I figured she was here to take over, but it sounds like she was distracting us while her true motive was being taken care of by somepony else. She did say ‘we‘ after all” To they all agreed on. “We should go to the Princesses, see if they might have an idea” Twilight said as she started walking, only to lean to the side, but was caught by Rainbow. “Take it easy there, Twi. the fights over, for now. You can take your time.” The purple mare groaned “But, we have to tell the princess. We can’t just leisurely stroll down the hall at a time like this.” “Twilight, everyone’s exhausted.” Sora replied before seeing a familiar Pink Pony bounce ahead. “Most of us are exhausted. We took care of the crisis at hand and we can’t do anything else right now” This was when Twilight was at Sora’s face, making him flinch back. “Don’t thing I’ve forgotten about you buster” her eyes were narrowed as she looked at suspiciously “What was all that?! What are you?! Your not even a pony, are you? Why hide such things?!” It was like Twilight discovered new found energy when he was drilling Sora with so many questions, as he slowly back pedaled away from her. The other girls couldn’t’ deny that they wanted answers as well, so they didn’t stop her. “Whoa, whoa, whoa, you know I was going to tell you anyway before this whole mess happened.” At that short moment of remembering why they were here in the first place, Twilight, finally backed away from him, but the glare never left her face. “You better, I want to know what in Celestia’s name is going on around here. Heartless, Maleficent, you, and all the magic and things you can do.” “I promise, really.” Sora reassured her, and suddenly all that energy seemed to magically disappear, however she didn’t need to lean on anyone for support. “Come on, lets just head over to the princesses, and we can continue where we left off, and hopefully she may know how Applejack and I can separate.” As if on cue Applejack’s gem on the back of Sora’s jacket, started glowing brightly to which they all had to look. Suddenly, the gem separated from his clothes as the blonde streaks in his hair disappeared and his green eyes turned back to blue. Sora turned to face the gem as it started forming light around it into pony-like figure. Then just like that, the light dissipated revealing Applejack standing right next to Sora. “Applejack!” the group rushed over to her sharing worried looks, along with hugs and even laughter, relieved to see their farmer friend was safe and in her own body again. “Hey girls, glad to be back, and I‘m fine, really.” she said while hugging them back. “How, how were you two able to separate?” Twilight had to ask. Applejack simply shook her head. “Not a clue, Twi. One second I was inside Sora looking through his eyes at you, the next second, I’m standing right next to him looking at you all.” She gave as best of a description as she could make. “Um, not to ruin the moment guys, but I was kind of wondering” Sora chimed in as he walked toward Twilight and Applejack. “Didn’t she have like a necklace, cause now all of sudden she has those metal things on her legs.” After hearing this, they all took another look at Applejack as she did as well. True to what he said, Applejack was no longer wearing the element on honesty around her neck, and for some reason, she was wearing orange metallic gauntlets that started from her shoulders reaching all the way to her hooves. Both of them looked mirror images of one another. Metal plates that overlapped one over the other as they traveled up the leg, facing away from the wearer, facing toward her, revealed what lied underneath the places as it wrapped around the legs. It was a kind of chain mail like armor this being the only thing that wasn’t orange, but rather a silver-like color. On her shoulders looked like round hard metal pauldrons. On one the right pauldrons was Applejack’s element right in the center of it. To finish off. For her hooves, it looked like metal horseshoes that that went under and over them. The front part traveling up farther up the leg then the others by a few inches. They looked like they were attached to the rest of the gauntlet somehow, if the matching designs didn’t hint at it. Applejack lifted up a hoof and was surprised to notice that they weren’t heavy at all. “What… What is this?” The girls all looked over to Sora, to which he had to shake his head and reply. “Don’t look at me. This all new territory for me as well. Twilight, looked back at Applejack’s gauntlets. “This is going to be a long day.” ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Back inside the castle “Are you certain, my royal guard” Celestia and Luna were following a guard that was leading them to the royal library. With the castle finally cleared of those heartless, it was only then that the guard seemed to approach and ask them an impossible question. How could Celestia be fighting the heartless, when he saw her enter the library. “Yes your highness. I am one of the guards that are on duty guarding the doorway there” he replied before they rounded a corner and down the last hallway before the library came into view. “You came up to us saying that you would be in there for awhile and to not disturb you, no matter what” Celestia and Luna shared looks of concern, already having an idea on who this imposter was. When they reached the door the other guard that decided to stay at his post incase anything happened looked over to see Celestia coming toward them, and his eyes betrayed his bewilderment and shock at seeing her. “We gotta open the door now!” the other got said, to snap him out of his shock. “The Celestia we let in was a fake!” the other guard complied and helped thrust the door open. When Celestia and Luna entered, they notice that books and documents were scattered all over the place, they were now on full alert and ready to for anything as they walked in deeper. The Royal guards fanning out and weapons at the ready the path of thrown books and papers led to a part of the library that held things that was to be hidden from the public. This increased their worry. They were after dangerous information. Upon reaching the area, the could here some one laughing “This has to be it!” They turned the corner, ready to face the enemy. But when they did, they saw another Celestia facing away looking at a book “You know, I was actually surprised how long my ruse managed to work. Some security you have there, Celestia” the image started to change right before as she turned around and revealed her true self. “Chrysalis! What are doing here?!” Luna stepped forward “How dare you enter our Kingdom” Celestia did the same. “Now, now… is that anyway to treat a guest” Chrysalis smirked “You are not welcomed here” Celestia said as both her and her sister’s horns started to glow. “Oh, dear, I do believe, you don’t have the time to worry about little old me” she feigned a concerned look before giving an evil grin and spoke “Get them”. Just like that, heartless soldiers jumped onto the guards and princesses distracting them successfully as they had to look away and deal with them immediately. When they finished to look back, Chrysalis was gone. “Guards, get everyone on full alert, block off all exits and search for her” Luna said to the guards that were with them. “We will remain here, for the time being. If you see u anywhere else, you arrest us on the spot.” the guards saluted and sprinted off at full speed. “Sister… What was she after” Luna asked as she gazed around the room and scattered books. “I don’t know, Lulu… but I feel that it will only complicate things even more.” Celestia replied softly. The castle invasion was successfully deterred, but at a cost that no one at the time could fully comprehend how bad. > Chapter 8: Storytime > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- As Always: Green text means "click me" to play theme music to go with what your reading. Red text means to stop the music. Completely optional: Your free to ignore this Canterlot Castle Throne Room Sora and the girls, along with Princess Celestia and Luna were now back in the throne room. Once, the guard reported not finding the Queen, and seeing things calm down finally in the castle, the royal sisters found it the right time to meet with the heroes again to swap stories, exchanging information. On there way there earlier, Applejack came to the discovery that the gauntlets she had would disappear or reappear whenever she needed them to. Just like how Sora would summon or dismiss his. “Do it again, AJ!” Rainbow said excitedly as she stared at her friend with wonder. Applejack sighed, this was the 10th time already she her friends would ask this. “Fine, but this is the last time. Ah’m sure they’re meant fer more then showin’ off” she shook her head before looking at the girls huddle around her again. Sora, Celestia and Luna just watched from far off smiling at this innocent little moment. When Applejack summoned the gauntlets, in an small slight orange flash of light around her for legs, they appeared again, already wearing them and ready to go. Once she heard her friends “Ooo”ing and “Awe”ing, for a few seconds she dismissed them just as quickly in the same flash of light. This giving her a “Whoa” from her friends. “That is so awesome! What do you think it can do?! I bet you bash heartless, like a million times harder or something!” Rainbow said as she was shadow boxing in mid air. “This is utterly amazing, Sora is one thing, but Applejack, your clearly using some kidn of summoning magic.” Twilight said with astonishment… Then she sat back and held her head with a look of distraught on her face. “How is this even possible?! Sora explain!” She darted her head towards the Keyblade wielder who was now shrugging. “Like I said, this all new to me. I’ve never seen the Keyblade react that way before. I can say that from the looks of it. Applejack is using the same method as me when I call out to my Keyblade. You just call out to it with your heart don’t you, AJ?” Applejack had to think for a moment on that before finally nodding. “Ah’ think so, there’s really not that much else to it really.” “My point exactly. Now, do you want us to pick up where we left off, or should we wait for another heartless attack” Sora joked gaining the girls attention. “Oh, y-yes, of course!” Twilight nearly fumbled to get her note book and quill ready. How could she get so distracted when there was something to be learned. “I’m ready” she then had a determined look on her face. “Yes I suppose they have waited long enough, don’t you two think?” Celestia said to Luna and Sora who simply smiled and nodded “Very well then, I believe your part of the explanation, was first” She then turned to Sora nodded again. Once the girls were sitting in front of him he gave a smile. “Right, well to start things off. As you can already tell. I’m not a pony” “You got that right?! Your like some kind weird biped creature, only not creepy like that Maleficent thing from earlier.” Rainbow added in, but was quickly reprimanded by Rarity. “Rainbow, don’t be so rude to our friend.” “What?! I said he wasn’t creepy?” Rarity shook her head and decided it was best to drop it for now. “Another time, Rainbow Dash. Please do continue, Sora” “Uuh, right.” Sora blinked nto really sure what to say at that point, but decided to continue. “Well, what I am actually, is a human, from another world” “So you’re an alien” Pinkie looked excited to hear this new information. “I uh… guess… technically” Sora rubbed the back of his head after hearing that. He had to admit that sounded pretty accurate. “Can’t say I feel like one.” “Lyra’s gonna have a field day about this” Rainbow mumbled to herself “I heard of those actually. But I thought they were just a myth” Twilight said, her quill scribbling away on the levitating notebook. Sora looked to the side and spoke softly “Feelings mutual from where I come from.” Though he had flash backs of a certain Pegasus at the Coliseum. “What?” “Nothing” Sora decided to continue to change the subject. “Well basically, to get straight to the point. Your world is but one of many worlds that are scattered above us, in the stars. Some people are aware of this and can even travel to other worlds. Like me for example” he pointed to himself. “How many worlds?” Fluttershy asked to which Sora simply smiled and shrugged “Who knows? It’s a big place out there. I’m sure there are countless worlds I never even seen before. Like this one for example. I had no idea such a place existed until Master Yen Sid sent me here.” Twilight at this point, absorbing every world like a sponge, all of this was fascinating to her and even sounded impossible. Other worlds? In the stars? Soon she was started to believe it. I mean, if there’s life here, there had to be life out there as well, right? Her mind kept shooting out constant possibilities of what could be out there. There as an excited scholarly look in her eyes. “Who is this master Yen Sid you keep mentioning? I know you’ve told us before, but not much.” “Oh right! Well like I said, he’s human like me, but he’s like a REALLY old wizard guy with a long beard.” Sora made a gesture with both his hooves, running them up and down from his chin to his lower chest to emphasize the length of the beard. The Princesses were doing all they can from trying not to laugh at Sora’s… blunt description of Celestia’s friend. “Well, that was quite descriptive, Sora. However, I do believe there is more to him then his beard.” Celestia held a hoof to her mouth to barely stop her from losing her composure in giggles. “Oh right, well he definitely knows his magic, that’s for sure. He even trained a King I’m friends with to be a Keyblade Master, and he is like super strong!” Sora continued. “So do all humans use magic then?” Rarity asked, quite curious to learn more. Sora had to stop, fold his fore limbs in front of him, and think about that question. “Um… Well they all don’t use it… but I guess they all have potential… I mean, not all of them strive to actually study magic… I guess its just a matter of, who would want to use magic. However there are a lot more people out there then just humans as well you know. Like the King I mentioned. He‘s actually a mouse” Fluttershy was instantly intrigued “Aww, a mouse king? How cute!” she had a sort of sparkle in her eye, as if imagining a tiny little mouse with a crown on it’s head holding a tiny Keyblade. Sora couldn’t help but chuckle. “I wonder what he would say if you called him cute.” “Wow, can just anyone be a Keyblade wielder then?” Rainbow raised an eyebrow, somewhat finding it skeptical to see a mouse have one of those as well. Sora simply shrugged “I guess so, but it’s not like everyone can do it. I guess there are some requirements needed to be met, or maybe it’s just random. I’m not sure how it happens, but it definitely appeared out of nowhere when I first got it.” “I guess this is a perfect time to ask about your story Sora. Why you’re here and how you got here. You said you’d tell us everything, right?” Twilight was right to being that up since Sora looked like he had no problem with that request. “Well, sure if you all are really that interested. It’s kind of a long story” Sora chuckled. “Sora, we got more then enough time now that everythin’ has calmed down, an’ we don’t know where Maleficent or Chrysalis are hiding right now. Seems like as good a time as any ta’ know more ‘bout our friend.” Applejack gave Sora a light punch to his shoulder giving smile of her own. “Sides, after that whole, fusin’ thing ah’ got a whole mountain of questions ta’ ask, and if ah’ got a mountain” She then pointed to the rather eager looking Twilight. “She’s probably got ten of them waiting for answers.” “Yeah, better get it over with now, or you’ll never hear the end of it” Rainbow was on the other side elbowing him and laughing away. “Yeah! Story time! I brought the snacks!” Pinkie somehow had managed to already have a big tub of popcorn, drinks, and of course cupcakes, from who knows where when she was out of everyone’s eyesight. Rarity had to take a step back form the sudden display of food, before regaining her sense of reality and spoke “Uh, yes, well I have to agree Sora, no time like the present to tell us, wouldn’t you agree” She made sure she was completely comfortable as she politely grabbed a drink for herself. Fluttershy had picked up a cup cake and sat with Pinkie and Rarity “Um, I hope you don’t mind, but I would like to hear it as well.” she gave a rather warm smile to him. Making even harder to refuse if he even wanted to. After hearing all that, how could he refuse telling them now. “Alright… I guess we’ll just start out where my friends and I were building a raft at our home world.” Sora’s long tale of his adventures, then began. As all of the girls, even the Princesses all listened intently to the boy turned Stallion. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Elsewhere A familiar dark meeting room is once again visited by it’s owner and her otherworldly partner when a corridor of darkness appeared in the middle of the room, allowing the two to appear once it vanishes. Maleficent had already had the book, Crysalis stolen from the royal Library, opened in one hand and was looking intently at the pages. “Well Well, it would appear, this happy go lucky Kingdom, has more then it’s share of dark pasts.” She flipped the page to continue reading. “It better be worth it, those annoying Princesses caught me in the act before I could escape. They’ll know we’re up to something, and once they find out what book we’ve taken. I can assure you, they’ll hunt us down to the ends of the world.” Chrysalis griped as she had made her way to the round table before them. “Let those fools search, it will be too late, when the time comes.” She stopped on a certain page. “And what do we have here?” she read the words very carefully. Then a devious looking smile appeared across her lips. “Well, this might prove to be most useful in our endeavors.” She approached the table next to the Queen and lowered for her to read. “… The Beasts of Tartarus…” she had never heard of such creatures before and continued to read. “The name appears to be more of a nickname then what they actually are. However nicknames are given for a reason.” The Queen continued to read. “Criminals of Equestria of the worst kind…. Black Arts, unstoppable strength, Highly skilled at what they do. All immortal beings earning their immortality through illegitimate means, sentence to live out the rest of their days in the deepest and darkest hole that the kingdom could find. Maleficent spoke up“Imagine, the grudge they must be having… the hate and disdain for the royal sisters. They all must dream of freedom, to escape that wretched hole-” “And to exact their vengeance” The Queen continued, as smile on her face for a brief moment. “And you want to set them free?” Chrysalis was abit skeptical that freeing these criminals would make them side with them so easily. “No…” Maleficent turned and walked off to stare at the crude…. Architecture of the room. “I do not need such a liability. I want their hearts instead.” “Their hearts?” The Queen was utterly confused “Why would you want to eliminate them when you said you wanted their powers?” She saw no point in going out of their way for this. The Witch simply laughed the Queen’s ignorance before continuing. “Your Highness, to relieve them of their hearts is exactly how I will control them.” She then turned to the Queen who apparently didn’t take to kindly to the laughter, but was interested to know more anyway. “In order to have a stronger heartless to do our bidding, a heart is needed. She used her magic to make an image of a heart and a Shadow appear on the table. “Any normal heart would give us the appropriate heartless in exchange.” The Queen watch the shadow claim the heart, and disappear, only for a Soldier to appear. She put a hoof to her chin “So, then you want their hearts because they are strong?” “Precisely, Your Majesty. The stronger the heart…” An image of a larger looking heart and a shadow appeared. Once the shadow claimed the large heart. It vanished and what appeared was the very same armored equine Heartless Sora and his friends fought. “The more powerful the heartless. And the stronger our army of darkness grows.” This brought a an evil smirk across the queen’s face as well as Maleficent’s, before speaking again. “That’s a sound plan and all, Maleficent, however these criminals are in a forsaken pit for a reason. No doubt they will be no pushovers. Should I have people aid in this fight?” to this the witch simply raised her hand. “On the contrary, I want them to fight. To give it everything they have. Without a Keyblade a heartless isn’t truly defeated and can just comeback to the fight after reforming. Time will be the deciding factor, and as Immortal as they may be, they’re bodies and stamina cannot last forever. I’m sure you want to preserve as much of your kind as possible for your goals, after all. Think of the heartless as tools to reach that goal. They‘re an endless supply for me.” The queen liked this suggestion, she wanted to be ready for what they had originally had planned at the very beginning. She gave a nod, “I guess all that leaves is finding this pit these “beasts” reside in” She looked at the book reading more of the page. Maleficent started walking back to her. “The question is: where would they hide such a place. It’s obvious such knowledge isn’t even known to public, or at best, the beasts of Tartarus became nothing more then a legend. Perhaps your people can go search for information on this.” The Queen gave a nod “My thoughts exactly, I’ll have them scatter throughout the far the kingdom, to find out more.” With that the Queen had made her way out of the room, no doubt assembling her best soldiers for the job. Maleficent watched her leave before turning toward the book and picking it up, looking at the page they were on. “The Beasts of Tartarus…. It appears, for the good of this happy Kingdom, your existences have been erased and seen only as myths… Well, surely no one will miss you when you become heartlesses” She gave a small sinister chuckle as she continued to read from the book. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Golden Oaks Library It was a slow day at the library today…. Spike was bored out of his mind. He took care of all his duties, and hardly anypony came by other then the those that would want to return a book. He was laid out on the couch, thinking what he could possibly do now. His thoughts drifted off to his friends, and that new pony Sora… He had to admit, he was pretty cool. He was nice, and genuinely was interested when ponys would strike a conversation with him. He even helped carry Spike when he couldn’t move from all those cupcakes in his stomach. He groaned at the memory, he was definitely going to avoid cupcakes for a few days. He then started to remember the first time they all met Sora. He had never seen pony pull off such amazing moves like that. In fact, a lot of his attacks seemed focused standing upright and using his hoof to swing his “Keyblade” more then it being in his mouth… Spike sat up… then looked at his claws. He walked on two legs, and always used his claws to hold onto things and the like. He picked up a scroll on the nearby table and started imagining it as Sora’s Keyblade. With a smile he started to swing the “Keyblade” around, the way he remembered Sora doing it. He would even try to do those aerial attacks, but could only manage to jump high enough to flail his weapon for a half a second before falling back onto the floor. However, that didn’t seem to deter him as he got right back up and was now taking a horde invisible Heartless “Your no match for SIR SPIKE, fiends!” he charged at his non existent enemies slashing through them like it was nothing. He was all over the Library, swinging away, that it was a surprised he didn’t knock anything over. Then his imaginations started adding in a goal. There, off in the distance, Lady Rarity, was trapped in a ring of heartless “You shall not harm a single hair on milady!” and he pulled back the “Keyblade” and threw it out just like how he saw Sora throw his. The scroll was rolled up enough to have just enough weight to be thrown a long distance, where as Spike’s imagination made it look like that weapon was cutting and tracing the circle of heartless, before returning Spike’s hand like a boomerang. Spike would then rush over, picking up the scroll turned weapon then over to where “Rarity was, However this Rarity was just a big purple pillow. “You are safe, milady!” he bowed politely. … “Why of course, milady! I would take on an army for you.” Spike seemed to be striking up a conversation with the pillow now. … “It gives me great joy to see that smile on your face, my dear” He was now holding the pillow as if he was holding a lady. “And I would do it all again, for you.” And soon his drew ever closer to the top of it, lips puckered just inches away form touching it. “What are ya’ doin‘?” And just like that Spike’s fantasy world crashed hard into reality by the sound of Appleblooms voice. Looking to his right side, he noticed 3 fillies at the entrance of the library looking at him. Applebloom with her head tilted with a confused look on her face, while her two friends Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo were doing everything they could from laughing straight out loud. However, the snickers were anything but quiet This prompted Sir Spike to instantly cast the scroll and Pillow to Celestia knows where when he threw them over and behind him. “Nothing!” It was then that the wave of withheld laughter practically filled the room, giving the purple dragon a rather red face. When the laughter and Spike’s embarrasment subsided “So can I help you 3 with something?” Spike didn’t even bother to mask his annoyance when Scootaloo have a mocking grin at him the whole time. “Well, yeah, we were wondering if we can ask ya’ about that Sora feller” Applebloom decided to get to the point. “What about him?” Spike raised an eyebrow wondering where this was going “Well, we wanna know more about him. He seems awfully important if the princesses wanted to see him, also Rainbow said he’s cool” Scootaloo answered. Spike scratched the back of his head. “Well, I guess so. He’s certainly a strange a pony to be sure, but he seems to value his friends a lot from what I’ve seen. And he can definitely hold his own in a fight! I never seen anything like it!” His attitude quickly changed when he remembered the battle in the forest. “He’s an Earth Pony with some kind of.. Magic key sword thing that he can make disappear or reappear, and summon it back whenever he throws it at bad guys….” He coughed when he realized how he kind of went on for abit. “Wow, he certainly sounds like an interesting pony” Sweetie Belle smiled hearing Spike’s explanation. “Yeah, maybe almost as cool as Rainbow Dash” Scootaloo had to add in “He’s comin’ back, right?” Applebloom looked over to the purple dragon who thought for a moment. “Well, I don’t know if he went to Canterlot to stay there or not, but I think he’s coming back.” At this the girls looked at each other and smiled. “He doesn’t seem like the type to forget his friends.” “It’s settled then” Sweetie Belle said “Huh?” Spike looked at her raising an eyebrow “As my big brother would say, Eeeyup” Applebloom gave a nod “What?” now spike was looking at Applebloom with the same face. “The plan is a go!” Scootaloo stomped a hoof to the ground to emphasize her point. “Uh, what plan?” he asked Scootaloo, but now the girls were turning around and running out the door. “Thanks Spike!” the thre of them said one after another as they rushed out the door. …………. Spike looked at their retreating bodies as they left the library and was out on the road…… “What just happened?” ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Canterlot Castle Throne Room After Sora‘s Story “And that brings us to… well, me being here” Sora had finished his tale of his adventures with great detail much to Twilight’s request. However, some certain parts involving Xehanort intervening in the Keyblade Exam was left out, he didn’t think it would be important for them to learn that much of his struggles, however it was inevitable to speak about the nobodies since a good portion of his travels involved them, so they learned of Xehanort one way or another. The look Twilight was giving him was one full of wonder and excitement that he swear he could’ve seen stars in her eyes. He was also surprised how everypony else were still listening to his story. He was pretty sure at least Rainbow Dash would be asleep by now from listening for so long. But she definitely looked like she hung on to every word. The same could be said about the rest of them. “That was… Amazing! Did that all really happen to you?” Twilight was almost as excited and bouncy as Pinkie Pie, and that was saying something. “All those worlds you been to, all the po-er-people you’ve met, All the things you’ve seen. All of it really happened.” to his nod Twilight immediately looked at Applejack, She believed him but it was best to get confirmation. Applejack simply nodded “He ain’t lying, Twilight. Seems like it’s a much bigger place out there.” The purple Unicorn was utterly ecstatic now. “Wow, you went through all that?” Rainbow flew up to him “That’s awesome! You fought all sorts monsters out there” She could hardly believe the part where he said he fought a Hydra and won. The part where he said he met a Pegasus, got all the girls interested, thinking one of their kind somehow knew how to get to other worlds, but when he explained this Pegasus was much to different and born on a different world, only a little of the enthusiasm deflated. “Your like some kind of Super Hero” Sora gave big grin “So I guess you believe me now when I said I was a made an official a hero, now” “I have to believe it since your given a star constellation.” “That was the best story ever!” Pinkie cheered pouncing on top of Rainbow bringing them both down to the ground. “That Halloween Town sounded like the perfect place to have a spooky party!” She seemed excited when Sora talked about that world and the number one Halloween planner Jack Skellington. In a sense they both planned for festivities, so once could say the two of them had that similarity. “I personally enjoyed the part where talked about the Beast’s castle.” It was true, whenever Sora went over his time at that castle, being the romantic type Rarity was all over that story, hanging onto every word. “Oh, a tale of a prince turned monster, released of his curse by true love” she held a hoof to her chest. “Oh how absolutely romantic” Rainbow rolled her eyes. “I just like the parts where he roared and smashed stuff” “Oh, and the talking furniture and dishes too!” Pinkie raised a hoof to draw attention to her words. Fluttershy seemed to be busy imagining Sora as little lion. Her imagination was pretty on the mark, and caused her to smile and wish she could see that, but she would also remember all the sacrifices Sora would make for his friends as well, searching through so many worlds to find them, only to find that his best friend betray and fight him when confronted each other in Hollow Bastion for the first time, and being told that Sora’s heart held his other friend, Kairi’s heart. She nearly cried at the part where he unlocked his heart and became a heartless just to free her heart, and thankful when she managed to return the favor and bring him back. Though, if she was completely honest, she kind of wondered what Sora and Kairi’s relationship was. However that thought was quickly pushed away, when she realized what she was thinking, a small blush was barely seen on her face. “Well, it seems we all have enjoyed Sora’s story” Celestia smiled at the girls before looking at Luna, who‘s mind seemed to be in it‘s own thoughts. Apparently the story about how he had to fight his best friend Riku when he walked the path of Darkness, and yet easily forgave him after all that, kind of hit close to home for her case. “You have certainly face adversity and traveled great lengths to be where you are now.” Sora nodded “Yeah, which reminds me, The reason I’m here… Yen Sid, training wasn’t the only reason I’m here. I know one of the tasks for me is to find this world’s key hole, but he said there were other issues that your having?” Twilight remembered Sora talking about that, and it worried her. Somewhere in Equestria was a keyhole that they needed to find before the heartless do. A keyhole to the heart of the world. If they didn’t lock it. And the Heartless find it. Her world will be no more. That sent shivers down her back, but now hearing that there would be more problems, Well they already know about Chrysalis and Maleficent collaborating, but judging by the Princesses reaction at the time, this was new to them as well, meaning there was something else. Celestia nodded. “Yes, well, you see, at this point in time, we decided to tell you at another time. We already have two problems that need immediate attention compared to what we really called you for.” Sora was about to say something before Luna interrupted him. “Fear not, Key Wielder, what we asked your assistance for is not a pressing issue at this time and we would like to try to gather more information on it as well, as to not send you out there in the dark.” Sora thought for a moment, if it wasn’t that big of an issue right now, then he shouldn’t press about it for now. “Alright then, well, I have question to ask as well.” “Ofcourse, Sora, what is it that you wish to know?” Celestia asked. “Well, does this world have magic or something that effects an outsider when they enter it?” Both Princesses, looked at each other before looking back at Sora “What do you mean?” “Well for example” he then proceeded to take his jacket and saddle bag off and then stood there. Looking at them. When he noticed everyone’s confused faces he then explained. “My clothes actually have a magical ability to transform me to like the denizens of whatever world I’m in.” The girls nodded and Twilight tilted her head “Yeeeeaaah, so?” “So… I just took off my magic clothes” That’s when it clicked in everyone’s head. “Oh so you revert back to normal when your not wearing them?” Twilight asked, to which the stallion nodded. That’s when the girl’s memories of the time where he wasn’t wearing it appeared in their minds. At this Princess Celestia held a hoof to her chin “Oh dear… I did not know about that.” Sora looked at her. “Know of what, your highness?” Celestia had a nervous smile on her face “Well, I wasn’t aware that your had garments that could change you to something that would fit this world, so as you were falling, to our world, I used my magic to… alter your body, in a way.” “Alter it?” Sora was unsure of where this was going. Luna stepped in and cleared her throat “What my sister is trying to say is… well she changed your body completely so that you technically are a pony, and at the same time your not. A being that is, in between, really.” …………………….. The silence felt long and agonizing before Sora finally spoke again. “What?” > Chapter 9: Some Fun in Canterlot > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- As Always: Green text means "click me" to play theme music to go with what your reading. Red text means to stop the music. Completely optional: Your free to ignore this (IMPORTANT BEFORE YOU READ: There is a reason why what your about to read in this chapter, exists. All will be explained in Author's notes, where it all ultimately relies on your decision as the readers on how this subject will go on. With that being said, I hope you enjoy ) Canterlot The Next Day Sora was walking through the streets with the girls, save for Twilight. After everyone stayed the night at the castle to rest up from the invasion, Twilight apparently was already in the Royal Library, gathering information, as well as helping the investigators find out which book Queen Chrysalis took. “So this Queen Chrysalis lady… She’s not a pony” Sora started talking. As they were now in the midst of the hustle and bustle of the city streets “But rather a pony looking bug that can shape shift” “Yup” Applejack said “And, She rules over her people who can shape shift as well” “Of Course” Rarity gave a nod “Who feed off of a pony’s emotions” “And he’s scores another point on Quiz show, everybody” Rainbow lazily added as she twirled a hoof around in a small circle to mock enthusiasm. Sora decided to ignore this remark Sora then sighed. “Meanwhile, I have no clue what I am right now” that’s when they all stopped and had trouble looking directly at him after saying that. “Sorry…” Fluttershy could only manage to say after that awkward silence. Seeing his friends look so down made him feel bad that he caused. He immediately shook his head “Hey it’s none of your faults, and the Princess wasn’t aware of my outfit’s abilities at the time.” He flashed a smile “I’m just griping about nothing I guess. Your Princess can change me back right?” “W-Well of course, darling. If there is anyone in this world that can do that, It’s definitely her” Rarity rushed to say. Sora nodded “That’s good” Because, hearing her say that she didn’t quite make the reverse spell yet, was a bit worrying. “Yeah! that’s the spirit Sora!” Pinkie wrapped a hoof around his neck and pulled him into bone crushing. “Besides, you can blend into pony society and use all your magic and stuff too!” With his last bit of air Sora replied “Thanks… Pinkie…. Point taken….” When she finally let go he felt to the ground coughing and wheezing until his breathing returned to normal. “I guess for now since we have nothing to do, we can just look around this city.” “In any case, Sora has the right idea girls, for the time being, all we can do is wait for them ta’ figure out what we gotta do next. So, ah’ say we take the time ta’ look around the place. We don’t come here often after all.” Rarity jumped at the idea “Oh that is a splendid idea, Applejack, I wholeheartedly agree. Oooh we can go shopping, visit cafes, Perhaps watch a play in a theater-” Rarity started spouting off ideas of places that Sora had to question whether or not such things existed in this city.” Rainbow’s stomach started growling to interrupt the posh pony, “I think right now I’m fine with just a Hay-burger or something. This place sell any real grub around here” Rainbow started to float in search of food. It had been some time since they had breakfast so food did sound good. “Ah’ll have ta’ agree with Rainbow, nuthin fancy, just some food will be fine.” Applejack agreed and followed her rainbow mane friend to help with the search. “Oh you two, are missing out on the best parts of being here!” Rarity stomped her hoof in frustration at her friends lack of interest. She soon sighed and shook her head “Well at least you 3 agree with me-” she noticed the that where Sora, Fluttershy and Pinkie once stood was completely empty, looking around a bit, she Sora getting dragged away by his tail by Pinkie Pie, utterly confused on why this was happening while. Said pink pony seemed to be chatting away about seeing a bakery nearby and was more then eager to take Sora with her. Meanwhile, Fluttershy was close behind trying to get Pinkie to let go of him… Rarity took a moment to comprehend the situation, before her eyes half closed to make an annoyed expression before sighing. “Quite…” Just like that the 6 of them were off to have a little fun of their own. Sora of course, more likely being dragged off to all sorts of places the girls wanted to show him. ~~~ “Wow, look at all this stuff!” Sora was walking around the bakery with Pinkie and Fluttershy as they saw a whole assortment of bread, cakes, pies, cupcakes, etc. “Smells awesome too” “I know right?! It’s amazing!” Pinkie was bouncing with a big smile on her face before suddenly stopping and held a hoof to her as her eyes narrowed and shifted back and forth “…Buuuuuuut, not as amazing as sugarcube corner. There‘s like no place to sit at and enjoy a good cupcake here.” “I don’t think it’s that kind of store, Pinkie” Fluttershy said as she looked at all of the baked goods on display. “It seems more for just grocery shopping” “I guess but where’s the fun in that? Sometimes you just want to grab some pie and eat it right there!” Pinkie continued to prove her case as she looked at a blue berry pie. “Like that one, that one is just screaming ‘EAT ME NOW, PINKIE.’ Well most certainly Mr. Pie” and just like that she slammed her face into the pie and started eating it right on the spot, not even caring about all the blueberry and pastry mess all over her face. Sora and Fluttershy looked over to the annoyed looking Store owner glaring at the Pink Earth Pony just eating away at her profits. “Well, I guess we’re buying that pie” They could here Pinkie’s mouthful “Yaaayy!” next to them when she heard that as she didn’t stop. ~~~ After paying for the pie and a few other goodies Pinkie wanted, then being kicked out of the bakery, they decided to join Rarity when they saw her sitting at a café, Sora and Fluttershy ordering a meal of their own from the menu. “Anything your interested in, you two? It’s my treat.” Rarity asked as Pinkie was still chowing down. “Wow, you sure? Thanks Rarity” Sora smiled as Rarity simply waved her hoof. “Oh it’s no trouble at all, darling you should experience everything this city has to offer while we’re here.” Rarity took a sip of her tea “Um, I’ll just have a salad and tea, thank you, if that’s ok.” Fluttershy placed her menu down and looked over to Sora who seemed to have a rather confused look on his face. “Everything ok, Sora?” “Uuuh, yeah, just fine…. Um wow there is a lot of fancy sounding names here.” he even turned the menu sideways as if it would help him understand it better. “Uh, I guess I’ll just have what she’s having.” He completely gave up trying to figure it out. Rarity and Fluttershy couldn’t help but laugh a little form the scene “Well if that is what the two of you wish then that should be no problem.” As if on cue the waiter came by and took their orders swiftly and was about to leave before Pinkie handed him a cupcake much to his confusion. “For hard work, good sir” she imitated a regal voice before going back to stuffing her face with her food like a maniac. The waiter simply grimaced at the way she ate before shrugging and trotting off. “So, what do you girls have planned for today.” Sora decided to start a conversation as they waited for their meal. “Oh, I’m not sure really, I’m not that fond of big cities really.” Fluttershy answered as she shyly looked away from Sora, quite frankly she was fine with just tagging along with Sora… and her friends of course. Plus there was something she wanted to ask Sora, but now wasn’t the best time she decided. “Well, I was gonna follow you around Sora. Super fun things always seem to happen when your around.” Pinkie said bluntly. This made Sora laugh, “Well, I guess so, your free to do whatever you want I suppose” he then noticed Fluttershy fidgeting shooting short glances at him before looking away. Sora managed to catch on. “Your free to come with us two, Fluttershy” The Yellow mare immediately smiled “Y-yes, well, if you don’t mind that is” her warm smile wasn’t hard to read that she liked that idea. Rarity cleared her throat. “Well, I suppose it falls upon me to take the 3 of you out to enjoy the sights, and even do a bit of shopping along the way.” The posh unicorn could barely hold her excited tone when she uttered the “S” word. “Well, sure, that’s sounds like fun, I’d buy some things as well, however, I don’t think Munny quite works in this world by the looks of it.” He was reminded when he tried to pitch in to pay for the food Pinkie bought at the bakery, everyone was using bits and looking weirdly at his Munny. “Normally, I could use it practically anywhere on my journeys.” “Oh it’s quite alright, dear. It sounds like you’ll just need to take on a job to earn some bits of your own, with your skills I’m sure that it should be no problem for you land a good one. Sora thought about it… He was going to be here for a year, so a part time job couldn’t hurt to have while he was here. Of course, such things could wait after he figured out where he was staying. “Besides, there is a place that I would like Sora to that piques my interest to know. “Oh? What’s that?” Sora asked ~~~ “Ok Sora, come on out!” Rarity, Fluttershy, and Pinkie Pie were now inside a locally well known fashion store, though it seemed more directed to suave suits, elegant dresses and dapper clothes. in front of them was a few fitting rooms that Sora was in one of. “Starting to regret this” he said as he looked himself in the mirror before stepping out, Rarity had him wear countless clothing, at first the idea seemed like fun, but after the 25th round, he was surprised that they were still doing this. Plus most of the clothes he didn’t really care much about. When he did come out and stepped in front of them this time around, there was a difference in his friends compared to the previous outfits he wore. They all seemed to be starting in admiration this time, “Oh my…” Rarity held a hoof to her mouth as her eyes seemed to sparkle. “Whoooooa” was Pinkie’s response as she was leaning forward as if it would help her get a better look of him. Fluttershy was silent but her gaze was immediately locked on the stallion. However her wings suddenly shot up, she didn’t seem to notice…. Until Sora spoke. “Is…. Is it that bad?” He this time he was wearing a dark grey cuffed formal jacket with red trimmings, and gold buttons unbuttoned. At the top part of the jacket where the top flaps would point outward and be buttoned down at the edges of it to keep it in place, the design was a checkered dark gray and black design, which indicated the inside of the jacket was of the same design. Underneath it was a dark gray long sleeve dress shirt the collar was a bit wide, showing off the top part of his chest and his necklace which the crown centerpiece hung just above the rim of the front of the collar. His pants were a cuffed at ends of them as well, unlike the baggy pants he was used to in his real form, these one were thinner and hugged his legs. They were mostly dark gray, however at the outer sides of it seemed to have a different material, that seemed buttoned down to the pants with gold buttons at each corner of the squares-ish designs. It seemed to give off a very slight glossy lighter gray color. He even wore black dress shoes and to top it all off a light gray fedora with a black band that was wrapped around the bottom center of it. When he asked them of their opinion they were all brought back to reality, “O-oh Of course not, Sora! On the contrary, actually. You look… you look…” Rarity was trying to think of the right words to say. “You look amazing!” Pinkie interjected as she was bouncing in place. Already in front of him and trotting around him “Your like, super suave and stuff” “Er, yes, well put, Pinkie” Rarity said before turning away “you look stunning” Normally she would be all over this like Pinkie, but this time she seemed to be having trouble speaking to him as a hint of red ran across her cheeks. Fluttershy, not noticing her embarrassing wing situation was trying her best to get them back down as quickly as possible. Her face was as red as a tomato. “Oh dear, oh dear.” When she finally managed to return them to their original position she was stuttered heavily before everyone could finally hear her say. “I-I-I agree, y-you look, very handsome” saying that last word seemed to give her the most trouble and was inching here way behind Rarity with her head low to hide herself until she could finally calm down. Hearing all these compliments and seeing the girls look at him this way definitely caused him to blush and rub the back of his head. He had no idea how to respond to this. “Uh, really? Heh… Uh thanks” Why was he getting so embarrassed about this, he wondered. He had to admit, after hearing such kind words, his outfit started to feel much, much better compared to the past ones After she finally regained her composure, Rarity cleared her throat. “Ahem, y-yes well I guess it’s safe to say that the decision is unanimous” she looked to the girls. Pinkie nodded “Uh huh!” Fluttershy gave a small smile and nodded timidly. “Yes…” Sora looked at them “Unanimous about what?” The girls turned to the Keyblade wielder. “This was actually, Rarity’s idea, but we all agreed that we wanted to give you a gift, for all the things you’ve done for us” Pinkie Pie as she made her way back to the girls. “Really? Your giving me this?” Sora was surprised, he saw the price tag on the jacket alone and he was wise enough to tell it wasn’t cheap. “But of course, it’s no trouble at all, It’s souvenir of our visit here, and even they wanted to pitch in as well.” Rarity looked over to Fluttershy and Pinkie who both nodded as well. “Of course, when it comes to a Grand Galloping Gala, I believe I can make something far more amazing for you to wear by then.” As nice as the outfit was Rarity, felt that she could out do it, so she kind of gave herself a side project to the one she already had at home, also influenced by Sora. “Wow, I don’t know what to say…. Thanks, guys” he looked over his outfit again. It wasn’t something he would normally wear but, seeing his friends approve of it, made look much better on him in his eyes. “You deserve it!” Pinkie added “Your most welcome, darling” Rarity nodded “Um, a-anytime” Fluttershy’s smile got a little bigger “Now, then, what say we go pay and then go look for Rainbow and Applejack, it shouldn’t be too hard to find them.” “Sounds good to me, I’ll go change back then” Sora then trotted back to the fitting room. ~~~ After lunch Applejack and Rainbow Dash were heading down the street looking for the others. “So much for a tour, we all just split up for food.” Rainbow said as a bored expression seemed plastered on her face. “Well, ah’ don’t think we were really all that qualified ta give Sora a tour when we don’t exactly live here or come often. That’s more up Twilight’s alley since she has.” Rainbow couldn’t argue with that logic. “You… have a point. Other then going to see the Wonderbolts, I don’t know where else to go. Leave it to the egghead to be in a library at a time like this.” As they continued to walk a question rose in Rainbow’s mind “Hey, AJ. What was it like?” “S’cuse me” Applejack looked over to her friend. “You know… The whole, merging with Sora thing?” Rainbow made a gesture with her hooves of them colliding with each other. “Oh” After realizing what she meant Applejack looked forward and started giving it some thought. “It’s… kinda hard ta explain, really” “Oh come on, there’s gotta be something you can say” Applejack took a moment “Well… It’s kind of like…. Ya’ know when ya’ knock on a friends door and they let ya’ in… It kind of felt that way with mah’ heart.” Applejack stopped for a moment and placed a hoof to her chest. “Sora’s heart opened, and I went in. “So there’s like a door to hearts now?” Rainbow asked somewhat unclear of the meaning. “Ah’ wasn’t speakin’ literally that there was a door… Say, why are ya’ interested in this. Were ya’ thinkin’ of fusin’ with Sora? Applejack looked at her friend with an eyebrow raised. “Well, yeah! What you guys did was really cool!, and then after that you got like cool metal gauntlet things as a weapon. That’s waaay more awesome then just wearing a necklace.” Rainbow was adamant to express her excitement when she took to the air and spread her limbs out to express the “waaay” part in her sentence. “Really?” Applejack smirked “It’s not cuz ya’ want ta be closer to him?” This caused Rainbow Dash to stumble over herself. “W-w-what are you… How can you… N-no! Of course not!” “Oh? Ya’ sure? Yer face seems ta say sumthin else” true to Applejack’s claim, there was definitely a tinge or pink running across Rainbow’s face, as she managed to look at a window nearby that was reflective enough to show here it as well. “Shut up! You just said something, random like that, is all. So yeah!” She then quickly pointed a hoof toward Applejack “And what about you?! You’re the one that fused with him! And you said all that stuff about the heart!” she then had a sly grin of her own as she moved closer to the farmer. “You telling me, that you don’t have any feelings about him after all that?” This time Applejack was the one with a growing blush on her cheeks but quickly looked off. “Ah’ don’t know what yer talkin’ about, Rainbow” “Yeah right! I saw your face!” Rainbow pointed at her and started laughing until suddenly an apple bonked her on the side of the head. “OW!” after a moment of nursing the painful spot on her head she turned to look at Applejack, who was paying a fruit vendor for the apple. “Much obliged” she tipped her hat at the fruit vendor before turning around, only to have her face being pushed against by Rainbow’s “Hey, what was that for, AJ” Applejack didn’t back down and was pushing back. “Oh, sorry, ah’ thought you were still hungry” both of them knew very well that was a lie…. After a bit more time of staring each other down, they backed off and looked away form each other… “Oh Hey!” both of them looked over to see Pinkie waving at them, right behind her were Rarity, Fluttershy and Sora. “We were looking for you guys all over the place!” The both backed off an looked away form each other. As they both gave a rather unenthusiastic “Hey” in unison to respond to Pinkie. Sora was next to approach them and caught on to the hostility they had with each other. “You guys, ok?” Hearing the one person they were talking about ask them if they were fine, made them feel really silly for the argument they had earlier. “Yeah, w-we’re fine” Rainbow tried to play it off. “Yup” Was Applejack’s response. The others just looked at the two unsure of what was going on, and looked at each other wondering if any of them had a clue. ~~~ The rest of the day, the group had basically walked all over the place, unsure where specific where they should go, but still had a great time. After awhile, they ended up back at the castle again. “So Sora, how was your first time around Canterlot?” Fluttershy managed to ask as they walked past the big gates. Sora had his store purchase balanced well on his back as he walked with the others. “It was pretty fun, though we did stop at quite a lot of shops for Rarity” At this the Fashionista interjected “Oh nothing to worry about, darling, I just decided to purchase a few things for home.” As she said this they soon walked past a guard speaking to couple of delivery ponies, who already looked exhausted pulling their carts filled with a lot of wrapped up items. Sora had a good guess to where those were going. “Well, in any case, you think Twilight is finished in that library, she missed the whole day we had in town.” Rainbow as she stretched in midair, the day was winding down and so was she. “Also, you think the princesses will offer us dinner, I’m starving.” Right on cue a guard strolled up to them. “Ah good, I’m glad that I caught you on your way in” He stopped in front of them and gave a salute. “Message from the Princesses, you are all invited to join them for dinner tonight, it should be ready within half an hour, so you have time to unload any thing you have in your living quarters before heading there. Have a good evening!” and with that he pivoted on one hoof and marched his way back to his post. “Alright! Lucky day!” Rainbow gave a fist pump “A splendid opportunity indeed, not often does one dine with royalty” Rarity, was all for the idea” “Oooh, I wonder what yummy things we’ll be having tonight. Oh I hope it’s pie!” Pinkie was getting excited even though she managed to eat all those baked goods earlier that day. One would question where she put it all. “Ah’m sure they’ll have a lot more then that, Pinkie” Applejack patted the Pink pony on the back before walking ahead. “Well, I don’t know about you all, but I don’t want to look rude by being late, I think I’ll just head straight there. The rest of the group agreed and were already making their way to the dining hall. Upon their arrival they noticed that only Celestia and Luna were there discussing on certain topics. The girls and Sora bowed to them respectfully before entering, “Ah, welcome everypony. I trust your visit in town was a good one” “Yeah, I think we had a lot of fun your majesty” Sora managed to say first before looking around. “Say, where’s Twilight? I figured she’d get here before us.” “Yes, well it appears Twilight has been with the investigation team for the whole day, she skipped having lunch and we were hoping dinner would at least interest to call it a night. Though it would appear she might still be there” Luna sighed “Well, she does lose track of time whenever she gets like this.” Applejack said as the other girls simply nodded. “Well, if that’s the case, I’ll go get her then” Sora was already turning around and heading off, “Try not to start without us.” “Ya sure ya know the way, Sora? Ya haven’t been here fer very long” Sora waved a hoof, “I’ll be fine, we passed by the library a few times, so it’s already logged to my brain.” he gave a big smile as he was already out the door. ~~~ It had been hours of work for the investigations. It was made clear that whatever, the Queen was after, she wanted to buy as much time as possible before they could figure it out. Books, scrolls, and all sorts of papers and documents were thrown all about the floors tables, as well as a few of chairs that weren’t knocked over. It was an utter mess yesterday, but today, it looked as though almost everything was picked up. Twilight, with the sun finally starting to set, it all seemed very tiring to even continue on today, but it looked like their hard work had finally paid off. After properly putting all the books away and marking them off on a documented list, only one book wasn’t marked on the list. Seeing as how everything else was taken care of, it was safe to assume that this was the book Chrysalis took “This has to be it” Twilight circled it. “It’s only titled ‘X’ what kind of book is that?” Twilight was confused yet utterly intrigued by this mystery book. “What could that book be about?” She was lost in thought so was caught by surprise, when she heard a “Hey, Twilight?” she nearly jumped out of her fur “GAAH!!” she quickly turned to face the source of the voice, which was none other then Sora. “Uuh, Sorry, heh, didn’t mean to spook you there. Realizing the act she displayed she immediately felt embarrassed. After finally taking a moment to compose herself “Its… It’s quite alright. It was my fault for being so out of touch with reality like that when I was researching.” “Oh yeah? Researching what?” Sora moved closer to see the documents she was looking at. He was standing directly next to her now, and she was having trouble replying and returning to the documents. “Uh, um, well. It’s more like half research and half investigation and um…” She didn’t know if she was uncomfortable or not about, him being so close. “We were still cleaning things up here and found out that a Book labeled “X” is the only book missing form this place” “X? What kind of title is that?” He said looking at the abnormally long list of titles. “I don’t know, it was originally placed in this secluded part of the library I never heard of.” She kept throwing glances at Sora who obliviously had his face next to hers, trying to read out the rest of the list. “Ahem, um, Sora… you’re a little to close” she turned her head away feeling something warm on her cheeks. “Huh?” He looked up to Twilight, and caught on to how close he was as well. “O-Oh, hehe, Sorry about that” he side stepped a bit until he was the other side of the table the documents were resting on, giving off a sheepish smile. Once she felt that odd warm sensation on her face went away, she turned back to Sora, waving a hoof to try to get rid of the awkward situation. “It’s fine… Um, say where are the others.” she then looked around finally noticing that it was only Sora that came to see her. “Huh?” Sora was confused for only a half second before remembering the reason why he was here. “Oh Right! I came to get you, we’re all having dinner the Princesses so we can also discuss on what to do next” he then looked at the list “and seeing as how you figured out what book is missing that will move the discussion along. You think they might know what the book was about?” “O-oh… Right, I guess I have been here for too long” she said finally acknowledging, the orange skies outside the library windows. “I believe the princesses, should know something about it, also, I have skipped lunch so…” her stomach growled much to her embarrassment. “SO… dinner sounds great.” “Alright! Then lets pack up and head on out. The others are waiting” Sora’s warm smile was a bit contagious as she was giving one herself. “Right… Let me just grab some of these papers and we’ll be out.” ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Castle Hallways A few minutes of walking Sora and Twilight were on their way to meet up with the others “Say, um… Sora?” Twilight managed to speak in the utter silence. “Yeah?” he looked over to her “Well, I was wondering if you could help me with something after this all this” “Sure” Sora replied instantly. Twilight was taken aback by this, “But, I didn’t even tell you what I was going to ask.” “Does it matter?” Sora looked at her as if asking a genuine question. Again this Stallion caused her to smile. It intrigued her more. “Well then… I was hoping that if you don’t mind from time to time that every now and again when I have the chance, that I may do research on you. “Research?” he tilted his head “Yes, well you and your Keyblade of course as well. Your able to do so many fantastic things, and you even effect our most treasured artifacts it would seem, thanks to you and Applejack, um… well, merging, and all.” Sora lifted his head up and thought for a moment as they continued walking. “Well… That is kind of strange. I would like to know what that is all about. Since it’s never happened before.” “Right? You did say something like that.” she held a hoof to her chin, “What possibilities could this lead to. Are the elements and the Keyblade connected in some way? Or perhaps they just share something in common with each other… or even-” she was stopped by Sora’s chuckling. “D… Did I say something wrong?” she turned her head to look at the stallion. Sora smiled shaking his head. “No, no, you just… look like your genuinely having fun.” he looked forward. This caught her by surprise… She had to admit, she did seem to enjoy speculating and theorizing about the subject. “Heh… I guess so… but wouldn’t you be the same, when you discover something completely new?” “You have a point. I’m pretty curious already with how the Keyblade Applejack and I had, when we were joined, was able to turn into a hammer for a while.” “Right! You said that was completely new to you as well” Twilight perked up. Then looked forward. “So… your ok with me running experiments and tests on you?” Sora just laughed “Already gave you my answer.” he then noticed that they had arrived. “Here we are!” he trotted ahead and rounded the corner to enter the dining room. “Hey guys! Hope you didn’t start without us!” Already crowd of voices were heard ahead. Twilight watched as the Stallion went ahead of her, as she continued her pace. So many questions were running through her mind again. And with everything she learned, it only seemed to add even more questions for her. She did however took solace in knowing, that the one person that caused it all, was willing to help her in all this. That smile never seemed to go away as she finally entered the Dining room to be greeted by her teacher, and friends that she was so very glad to have. > Chapter 10: Homecoming > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- (As Always Green Text means "click me" to play theme music to go with what your reading. Red text means to stop the music. Completely optional: Your free to ignore this Train ride back to Ponyville The next day The ride back to Ponyville was thankfully an uneventful one this time, as the group seated at the caboose of the very same train that they’d protect three days ago. While most of them were talking with one another on various topics. Twilight however, had her mind set on another issue. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Flashback to the Dining hall Last Night “A book labeled as ‘X’… Is that all it said on it?” Princess Celestia asked her student Twilight told Celestia about her findings, only to receive a mysterious answer. “Yes Princess, I was hoping that either of you would know what it is” Twilight used her magic on the list and levitated it to Celestia, as she made sure to circle the missing book and cross off the ones already accounted for. Celestia inspected the scroll as Luna leaned over next to her sister to get a look at the document as well… both their eyes set on the circled name, their eyebrows furrowed as they tried to recollect from their memories. “This is rather troubling, it does seem familiar to me. However I can’t quite recall what the book was for.” Celestia said as she brought a hoof to her chin. “Agreed sister, we must have come across this book before, but not as often… I sense… an uneasy feeling about it as well.” said Luna “Likewise, Luna… This book held important information, that much is certain. And our enemy is in possession of it.” “No problem, we just go and take the book back from those bad guys and beat them up if they say otherwise.” Rainbow said casually as she was in the middle of eating a makeshift sandwich she made out of the bread and other dishes that were served at the table. “Ya’ll forgettin’ that we ain’t got clue where Chrysalis or Maleficent are hidin’ Applejack said then she took a bite out of an apple she was holding. “And don’t forget that keyhole thingy, Sora said he had to find and lock that too before all those mean heartless do.” Pinkie was eager to say as she was refilling her plate with some more sweeter tasting dishes. “Which again, we have no clue on where it is either.” Applejack shook her head. "Would Chrysalis and Maleficent truly seek to destroy this world?” Rarity shuddered at the thought. “Sora in the middle of his meal decided to stop for a moment to answer this. “I don’t think so. There’s not much to gain now for Maleficent’s sake and I’m sure the Queen doesn’t want to destroy the world she lives in either,” there were a few sighs of relief. “However, just because they don’t want to destroy it doesn’t mean the heartless won’t stop looking for it,” Everyone was back to a worried state. “But doesn’t Maleficent control them?” Fluttershy asked as she sunk under the table a little from listening to all this bad news. “Not all of them, I’m afraid Fluttershy, Now that heartless are able to enter this world, we’ll see some wild ones going about hunting for hearts on their own soon. So don’t be surprised to see when you’re just strolling about.” Sora shook his head. However once he saw the long faces he flashed a smile. “It’s not as bad as you think. You see more of them out in the wilds then you would in civilized areas. However, it would be best to not walk alone at night unless you know how to defend yourself. Then after awhile you’ll kinda get used to it and see some patterns in their appearances.” Celestia nodded, “A very wise plan, we can dispatch guards to patrol towns and settlements without their own protection for the time being until a better solution is made.” “You have one in mind, Princess?” Twilight turned to her teacher “It is not yet completed, it’s another project Yen Sid, my sister and I are working on,” Luna answered instead, “Should it be successful then at the very least, civilized areas will be a safe haven from the darkness.” “Really? That sounds great! Maybe after its completed, it can also be used in some places like the Radiant Garden” Sora seemed excited to hear this but all enthusiasm left when he noticed Celestia’s head shaking. “I’m afraid, that this project calls for the magic of this world only to make it work. I cannot guarantee that the same effect will apply on other worlds, I apologize.” Sora slumped a bit after hearing the bad news, but then sat back up straight and smiled. “Well, it’s ok, they’ve been surviving well without it, and they have defenses of their own. So it’s no big deal.” “I am glad to hear that,” Celestia returned the smile “Now back to the topic at hand. I have reason to believe that we might know where the keyhole would be.” Everyone turned towards to the Sun Princess, most especially Sora, who nearly stood up, “You do?” Celestia nodded, “It’s not concrete, and it’s not as pin point as we would like, but I sense you might find it or at the very least discover a hint in Everfree Forest” “What makes you say this, sister?” Luna turned to her older sister with an eyebrow raised. “Well, given what we know of the forest or lack thereof, and all the events that happened within it’s borders, I feel there would be a good place to start.” “Well, that’s one issue, but what about the book and those two, Maleficent and Chrysalis?” Twilight asked. “My men are out searching for them as we speak, and my sister and I will try our best to remember anything else about the book or find information about it. In the meantime however, I’m afraid we cannot act until we know more. For the time being atleast you can take on another important task until then.” “Seems like we don’t have much of a choice,” Sora said He closed his eyes as he is contemplating on the situation, but then nodded and smiled, “Don’t worry princess, I promise we’ll find that keyhole and lock it for good.” “I have every bit of confidence that you all will, Sora” Celestia gave a warm radiant smile in return, most likely relieved to hear those words from him. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Present Time Twilight knew that Celestia was right, there was nothing they could do at the moment on finding the book or the ones that stole it, but she still felt that uneasy about leaving it at that. “There has to be SOMETHING that we haven’t tried yet,” she mumbled to herself "How about looking out the window instead of the floor, before yer starin’ burns a hole?” Twilight immediately perked up and finds Applejack sitting across from her, wearing concerns on her face. Twilight chuckled sheepishly, “Oh, uh hey, Applejack! W-when did you get here?” Applejack simply shook her head. “Ah’ve been sittin’ here the whole ride, Twilight watchin’ ya stare at the floor lookin’ like you were gonna beat it up” “Hehe, oh… W-was I now?” Twilight fidgeted in her seat. "Twilight, Ah know yer still thinkin’ about that book, but ya can’t let every detail nag at you at the same time.” said Applejack. Twilight felt a bit of shame for getting so worked up in front of her friends about it. “I know… it’s just, we know nothing about this book, what if whatever is written in the book could destroy Equestria as we know it? Or worse, the universe that I have yet to visit.” “Have yet to visit?” Applejack was a bit surprised at that last sentence, but immediately start smirking, “Havin’ thoughts about travelin’ to the stars now, Twi?” “At this, Twilight immediately covered her mouth. She let her inner thoughts slip out it seemed. “Well, it’s just that…” She looked around with an embarrassed look on her face. “I mean, doesn’t it fascinate you that there is so much more out there? I want to see it all… Some day” she added now a bit more confident in talking about it. Applejack waved it off with a laugh, “Ah hear ya, sugarcube. Tell ya what, perhaps right now; ya just need to think about something else. Sora told me how ya wanted to explore more in ta’ the Keyblade and it’s connection to our elements. Why not plan out how yer gonna go about doing it?” Without missing a beat Twilight replied, “I’ve already planned out a list of experiments to start with last night.” “Ah figured that yeh would,” Applejack looked to the side with a defeated looking smile on her face. "Besides, I don’t have time to even work on them yet. Once we get home, we need to prepare to enter Everfree Forest” Rainbow Dash happened to overheard what Twilight said as she whipped her head to face the purple unicorn “What?! Already? We’re just about to get back home and already you wanna head off to Celestia knows where in that weird place?” her ranting grabbed everyone’s attention now. Sora recalled fighting wooden wolves on his way to find the girls the last time he was there, judging from Rainbow’s outburst, there were stranger things yet to come from it. “Yes, Rainbow. Once we get back home, we take a moment to take care of any urgent matters then we are to meet up at Fluttershy’s cottage to go back into the forest. Well prepared this time” Twilight stood firm on this. “It was a task given to us by Celestia, and I have every intention to complete it as soon as possible. “Um, I’m sure she’ll be fine if we wait for a little while… Or until tomorrow… Or a week…” Fluttershy sinks lowly into her seat shuttering, who knows what may happen when they go back to that forest again. “I was also hoping to get back to my current project, I’m sure this line of fashion will become all the rage once it’s completed,” Rarity adding in her vote of putting the mission off. Pinkie giggled “But it’ll be so much fun, who knows what dangers and perils will come across” “T-that’s what worries me” Fluttery added “We could find fantastic treasures or amazing wonders, and take on powerful foes,” said Pinkie. Then she flips out of her seat, jumps with a high kick and made one-two punches while making karate noises. “Well, I guess Pinkie’s onboard,” Sora chuckled as he watched her go “You’re going as well, Sora?” Rarity asked after hearing his response. She wouldn’t blame him if he wanted to put it off for a little while longer. Sora just gave a nod, “It’s my job after all to find the keyhole. Besides, I just got here a few days ago, It’s not like I have anywhere pressing to be right now.” That much was true, it had all been such a rush, Not much was figured out for Sora in terms of where he would be staying at, and what he could do whenever he’s not training or on missions. “Well if that’s the case, then ah’ll have ta go too. Ah’m sure most of the work back at the farm should be near done by now anyway,” Applejack leaned back in her seat with a smile on her face, “Also, I would like to try out those gauntlets and see what they can really do,” And with that, another member to join Twilight’s expedition. Rainbow couldn’t refuse to join now with things like this. She was more then eager to see Applejack’s new abilities, and was secretly hoping that maybe she would get a chance as well to merge and get some kind of cool weapon too. “Well, Someone’s gotta be there to get you all out of trouble, anyway. So I’m in too then” With everybody else, even Sora, up for it now, Fluttershy and Rarity looked at each other, there was no way to refuse now. In unison the two them only sigh with a defeated look on their face. There was just no way to refuse now, to which Rarity responded, “Very well, only on the condition that we are allowed to take care of a some things first, as you’ve said before.” “That’s only fair,” Twilight nodded, she then looked out the window. “Well, we’re ever everypony.” She immediately got out of her seat. Sure enough, they could see there home coming into view, as everyone, especially Rainbow Dash, felt eager to get off the train and go. ~~~ As the group stepped out of the train was already waiting at the station with a scroll in his hand. When he noticed his friends he rushed over “You’re back!” Twilight went over and nuzzled her assistant, “Yes, it was a bit of a wild ride… Literally at one point, but it’s good to be home,” But then her smile turned to a frown. “But we can’t stay in town for long, we have another task to take on,” She then finally noticed the paper in his hand. “Spike, What’s that?” She used her magic to levitate it out of Spike’s grasp and unfurl it. “Oh right! It’s a letter from the princess. Some things have been happening here as well. Just read it, you’ll see.” Dear Spike, Unfortunately I have forgotten to inform Twilight before she left and I am sure you have already noticed and asking questions, please relay this to her as soon as she arrives to Ponyville today. I have sent over some builders to Ponyville to build a very special training area for Sora. I have allowed them to scout the area for where they believe it best to be built. As soon as you can, could you locate them? The training area won’t be useful if you don’t know where it is after all. Now, what makes it special? I’ll have to show you once it’s completed. It requires my sister and I to add in the “special” part of it. It should also come with an extension to act as Sora’s sleeping quarters. Rest assured that these are the constructors in Equestria and guarantee that it should all be completed within two days. Until then, I am appointing you to find a temporary place for Sora to reside in. I wish you all the best of luck on your mission, but remember to rest when needed. A weary adventurer is a short lived one. Sincerely, Princess Celestia Twilight rolled the letter back up piqued with curiosity now. Sora as well since she read the letter aloud. “Wait, I get my own place? Really?!” He started to smile. Pretty psyched to find this construction site. “It would seem so, the question is, where would they set up construction?” Twilight placed a hoof to her chin and looked around as if she would be able to spot it from the station. “I can help with that” Spike raised his claw to get their attention. “Okay, Get this,” he started explaining. ~~~ “I can’t believe of all places, they choose to place it next to a library… MY LIBRARY!” Twilight watched in shock as she saw a bunch of hardhat and orange vest wearing ponies some yards down the dirt path from the Golden Oaks Library. The foundation and wooden vertical beams and flooring were already placed, they were definitely fast workers and all of them seemed devoted to complete the task, especially since it was a royal order from the Princess herself, and watching them was clear that they had no intention to cut any corners. “Yeah, when I woke up this morning, there they were, hammering away. I didn’t get much information out of them, until the princess sent me the message.” Spike then smiled at Sora “I guess we’ll be neighbors then” He have a thumbs up. Sora simply shrugged and nodded. “I’m fine with that, so long as there is roof over my head.” Twilight already foresee the next two nights of loud hammering, sawing, and banging, followed by orders being barked at. Then, after all that, it’ll be replaced with battle cries and probably even more loud banging when Sora actually trains there, How could anyone get any reading done with all that noise? She then tried to shake those thoughts out of her head. Surely her mind was just over exaggerating, sure it may probably be loud for a while with the construction work, but she would probably be out of the house a lot during that time anyway. “It’ll be fine, Twi. Besides, we’ll be busy anyway” Applejack patted the Librarian’s shoulder before she started making her way down the path to home. She was gonna check up on things before they had to go. Applejack, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie and Rarity left the group to go to their separate ways to care of any chores or duties they had. Then Twilight went inside the Library that left only Sora Spike and Rainbow Dash. Then Rainbow floated next to Keyblade Wielder and said “Soooo, Sora… wanna fuse?” Rainbow Dash asked with a rather large grin on her face Spike looked over to Rainbow, his head tilted to the side a bit with a rather puzzled look, “Fuse what?” Sora looked over to Rainbow with a curious look as well, “You want to do that now?” “Well, duh! Twilights already off to go do, whatever it is she does in these situations. Lets try fusing,” the excitement in her voice sounded like it would make it crack any second. “I don’t think it happens just like that, Rainbow,” Sora shrugged but laughed a bit from Rainbow’s eagerness. Rainbow still pressed on, “Oh come on, how hard can it be? And then after we fuse, I’ll get some gauntlets or something right?” She shadowboxed in mid air when she asked. Sora shook his still smiling. “Maybe? I’m not sure what happens after that. For all we know, maybe that was just a one time-” “Um, excuse me, over here. Whats fusing together?” Spike waved his arms to grab their attention. At this moment Sora turned to him. “Well, it kind of happened when we were at the castle, fighting heartless” This was clearly all news to Spike, he didn’t hear anything about what went down when Sora and the girls rode the train off to Canterlot. “Wait, heartless at the castle? You’re kidding.” Sora shook his head “I wish I was but the moment we left Ponyville, it was like one battle after another that day.” Rainbow then chimed in “Yeah, We even had to fight on the train no less! We smoked them obviously, but those Heartless guys sure are relentless.” Spike looked at the two of them eagerly with a look they both could translate easily. “Alright, alright, I guess we got time anyway,” Sora sat on the ground as did Rainbow and Spike. Rainbow began, “Ok, so it went like this” ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sweet Apple Acres Some time later Applejack had just arrived to her home noticing Big Mac at the barn walking into his, most likely to get a tool or storing something away.Granny seemed to be at the porch of the house talking with Applebloom about something until she noticed her granddaughter coming into view and waved at her, soon joined the little filly next to her. Applejack smiled and returned a wave as well before making her way down to the house. Applejack met half way with a tackling hug by her sister. “Yer back! How was it? Did they tell ya who that Sora feller is? Is he a Super Knight? A Secret Agent? Tell me! Tell me” the filly was bouncing around her older sister with no intention to leave her sister alone until she had answered her. “Whoa, whoa there,” Applejack caught her sister in mid air when she was in front of her, “Yer, talkin a mile a minute there. You trying to challenge Pinkie or something?” she laughed before setting Applebloom down who apparently wasn’t gonna let anything change the subject. “Come on, ya promised, “ Applebloom gave a pouty face in hopes that would help suggest that she was serious to know. Applejack sighed, “Right ah’ did, and I will, but I also promised the Princess to keep some things secret as well.” Applebloom felt a little betrayed by this, but she knew full well that she couldn’t do anything about it since the Princess said so. That didn’t stop the her pout to turn into a depressing one as she groaned an “Aaawww….” “However…” Hearing that word was a godsend to the little Filly as her eyes darted back up to her sister with a glimmer of hope in her eyes. “Ah’ think, there are SOME things that are okay to tell ya about,” Then Applejack put on a serious tone, “Also some you should know so ya stay safe and out of trouble,” And then she started walking towards the house. “Come on, Granny and Big Mac needs to hear this too.” Applebloom followed close behind, as much as she really want to know, she hoped that it doesn’t take too long, since the CMC had a project of their own they were working on. ~~~ Back at the Carousel Boutique, Rarity was already at her house instructing the delivery ponies where to drop off her “souvenirs” from Canterlot. At the same time she was at her desk, looking over her rough drafts she made the night before they left for the castle. Now with a fresh look at her previous she could see changes and failures that she had never seen that night when she created them, there was constant erasing, redrawing, of the occasional crumpled up paper that was dumped in the waste bin by her desk. She was pressed for time so for any draft that was crumpled away to start over with would only have the simple bases covered and she would return to them when she had more free time. “No, no, no this won’t do… Ugh and what was I possibly thinking with THAT?!” she another paper was crumpled and cast aside only for a new blank one to take it’s place, “It barely covered anything special like his outfit.” She looked up at the drawings she made of Sora’s outfit and satchel, that one took a bit of trial and error to get right, but within time she got every last detail of it and drew a copy to make sure she understood it. This was an entirely new design of fashion that she had never seen. If you cannot replicate the designs then how would you ever hope to own it and expand to farther reaches of it? And another draft was partially erased only to replace those parts with a much finer design to them. ~~~ In Ponyville stood a building that looked like it was literally baked into existence then given frosting. For someone that didn’t know any better, they would even try to take bite out of it. This was Ponyville’s very own Sugarcube Corner. A Bakery and Confectionary, which Pinkie happened to work and live at. The front door bursts open with the eternally happy pink Mare calling out. “I’M BAAACK!” making sure anyone in the immediate area or the building could hear her before trotting in closing the door behind her as if nothing happened. Behind the counter a tall lanky yellow stallion with an orange mane and tail named Carrot Cake. Judging by his apron, striped bow tie and paper hat, if being behind the counter didn’t say it, his outfit was sure to say he worked there. Which was correct since he‘s basically the co-owner of his wife. Cup Cake. He was in the middle was receiving pay from a customer picking up their order when Pinkie made her debut. Now with bits scattered everywhere he sighed but smiled anyway and replied “Welcome back, Pinkie. How was the trip?” he assured the customer that he would take care of the money allowing them to head on out. “It was amazing! We were on a train and I celebrated a little filly’s birthday, and then there were heartless all on the train so we had to beat them up, and even more when we got to the castle-” She continued retelling all the events that happened, but still remembered to not say anything about Sora’s true identity. But her mouth was going a mile a minute and Mr. Cake didn’t seem to quite catch all of it. However, he did see the expression on Pinkie’s face as genuine happiness, so over all it seemed like she had a good time, even the parts he remembered her saying she had to fight was a bit worrisome to him. “Well, I’m glad you enjoyed yourself out there, and this Sora fella sounds like an upstanding pony. Now that I think about it. Wasn’t he the one we threw that big party for before the night before you left?” seeing her wildly nodding her head he continued, “Ah, I see, so that’s who they meant,” he held a hoof to his chin and looked on in thought “That’s what WHO meant?” Pinkie now curious after listening to Cake’s previous response. Once brought back to reality, he looked back to Pinkie and replied, “Oh, the Cutie Mark Crusaders, they’ve been awfully busy lately. I even remembered them talking to the mayor about something. They had also been asking around about Sora for some reason as well. Hopefully it’s not something that would land them into trouble… again.” Pinkie was bouncing now after hearing this. “Oooh, sounds like they’re gonna do something super fun!” she then stopped when realization slapped her in the face. “Oh that’s right, I can’t stay for long, I gotta get ready to go. “So soon?” Mr. Cake looked at the Pink mare with a bewildered look, “Didn’t you just get back?” “Yup!” she smiled as she went up a flight of stairs, there were a few sounds of clanging and banging and a thud here and there before she came back down stairs. “Ok! Ready to go!” “What did you get?” Mr. Cake asked as he noticed that she was carrying nothing at all. “Oh, just re-supplying, I broke my last hockey stick during that train ride and one can never have too much whipped cream pie-” she then started listing off a multitude of things that he for the life of him couldn’t see, and he was sure he heard her say Kitchen Sink or something like that. “-and balloons! Just the basics really,” she giggled. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Fluttershy’s Cottage Two hours later Fluttershy was busy flying from one part of her home to the other, checking in on all the animals she was looking after. Even thought she trusted Angel to take care of things while she was gone, she couldn’t help but worry all the same, it was just her nature after all. Fortunately everything went smoothly while she was gone. So, all that was left to do was feed them, take care of her chores and even chat. She seemed to be having a rather in depth conversation with a few birds that perched on her. “Yes, it was a very long day that day, however my friends were amazing, taking so many of those scary heartless, they didn’t give it a second thought when they fought them.” One of the birds chirped at her. “What? O-oh, I didn’t do anything, really. I just…. Kinda stood there and watched, I guess…” the cheery smile on her face faltered a bit. Another one of the birds chirped. “N-no, I didn’t fight at all, I’m not a fighter like any of them…” The same bird responded. “Um, how about we… talk about something else” Flutter shy looked away. Then on cue though the conversation ended when a familiar voice called out to her. “Hey! Fluttershy!” It was Sora along with the rest of the girls, it seemed they all gathered together and decided to head over to her house since that’s where they would be starting at. Fluttershy immediately got up form her sitting position as the birds flapped their wings and flew off her, “Um, Coming!” She said as loudly as possible, though to a regular pony, it was more like a somewhat barely louder speaking voice. She then turned to the birds and politely nodded her head. “Thanks for the chat, it was wonderful speaking with you, I hope you come again some day for some tea perhaps,” the birds seemed to chirp a response that Fluttershy smiled to before flying away, then she two turned around and headed out the door. As she exited, the rest of her friends, who all seemed to be ready to go back to the spooky forest again, greeted her. Spike seemed to be joining them as well. The Purple dragon once again riding on Sora’s and looking eager to start this adventure, maybe just as excited as Pinkie. “Oh, hello Spike. You’re coming as well?” “You bet! I want to help this time!” Spike had a determined look on his but smiled anyway. Sora was able to help me convince Twilight to let me. Yeah, though she seemed to give me some rather threatening looks the whole way here Sora thought as he could still feel the icy cold stare of the librarian behind him, so he chose NOT to look back. “Alright, the gangs all here, can we get this started already” Rainbow said with an annoyed look on her face. When Fluttershy went to question it. Sora chuckled and spoke up. “Don’t mind her, she’s just not happy about how neither of us knows how to fuse together.” “You tried to fuse with Sora, Rainbow?” Fluttershy looked a bit surprised. Applejack walked up next to Sora and gave him a light jab “Turns out, Fusin’ becomes second nature to ya’ when ya learn to do it the first time.” “You mean? You fused again?” Fluttershy was even more surprised now, remembering that time again when it first happened. Pinkie Pie jumped in surprising everyone from coming out of nowhere, “Yeah, it was amazing, Applejack put on her gauntlet thingies and then her element shot right out of the shoulder part and then Sora went and grabbed it, and FWOOSH! Sorajack appears!!” She threw her fore hooves into the air and cheered. Sora laughed “Pinkie we’re not calling it that,” Applejack simply shook her head as Rainbow rolled her eyes at it. “In any case, it looks like we can’t do it all the time,” Applejack called back her gauntlets and they could see the Applejack’s Element seemed to have lost a lot of it’s usual glow. “If I had to guess, I’d say, fusing kind of drains the batteries on the element, so it has to recharge for awhile before we can fuse again. Rainbow wanted us to demonstrate how we did it, and we were kind of curious if were actually able to. You can see how that turned out.” “Some good news: Even though mah’ gem is out of commission, I can still use these things fer fightin’ still. “It was so cool though!” Spike said with stars in his eyes. “You were all super tough and stuff, did all those powerful moves and-” “Ahem” a voice grabbed everyone’s attention. It was Twilight who is carrying her own saddlebags, “We can discuss more on the way, and we should get going before it gets dark.” At this, everyone looked at the noonday sky, then they nod. “Right, good point, Twilight. Shall we then?” Rarity said as they all faced the path leading deeper into the forest. Sora took the first step forward, “Alright! Lets go find that keyhole!” He gave a rather confident tone in his voice and an unwavering smile. Spike seeming to do the same, even pointed forward and then called, “Lets go!” He is getting caught up in Sora’s upbeat attitude on the situation. The girls all looked at the Stallion and baby dragon, surprised how they showed no caution into entering this rather foreboding forest. However they had no choice but to follow after him. And so, they traveled deeper into the forest, unaware of what’s to come. > Chapter 11: The Everfree Dangers > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- (As Always Green Text means "click me" to play theme music to go with what your reading. Red text means to stop the music. Completely optional: Your free to ignore this) The forest is as dark and mysterious as the last time they ventured into it. With that memory still fresh in their minds, the majority of the group took a bit more caution than usual. Twilight’s head was constantly on a swivel. Rainbow Dash took to the air above them to try to look out for anything suspicious hiding away from them or barreling down their direction. Applejack already had her gauntlets out, though once could say she was more eager to use them rather than just only have them out for protection. Fluttershy, through most of the trip, remained hidden behind someone. This time, she’s cowering behind Rarity, who took every precaution to avoid anything that could get her glorious fur, mane or tail dirty. Pinkie seemed to be enjoying herself pretty well for a pony in a spooky forest; bouncing along behind Sora and Spike with a gleeful look that never seemed to leave her face. Sora and Spike were at the front of the group; the former looking around to either admire the flora and fauna, or have a more serious look whenever he sensed any danger. Spike had a claw over his eyes as he tried to find any heartless or other bad guys in there way. “I have to say, this place certainly gives a creepy vibe every time I come here,” said Sora. He was half expecting a big monster to come bursting at them at any moment. “Well, it’s not exactly a place I like to return to as often, but we have our orders and I have every intention to complete it,” Twilight replied but tensed up and gave an adorable yelp when she heard the sound of a twig snapping, the very same twig she stepped on. “Ahem, as I was saying, We have to complete out mission, but we also need to be very careful around here. Who knows what we’ll run into the deeper we go.” “By the way, does anyone know exactly where we’re going?” Sora asked while turning to face them. He was greeted by a group stare of shock. “I-I-I thought you were leading the way to the Keyhole. Don’t you have like, some kind of tracker for it or something?” Twilight was in utter disbelief. He chuckled shaking his head, “No, If I had that, it would’ve made finding the keyholes a whole lot easier for me in the past.” Rainbow Dash flew down after overhearing the conversation, “So, we’re basically going nowhere right now?” Again, Sora shook his head, “I’d like to call it, a goal without a known destination really.” He faced forward again. “If Celestia says the keyhole or something related to it would be here, I’m sure we’d eventually see some signs if we keep going. Adventure Rule Number 11: Always look through every nook and cranny…. Or was that Number 12... Or… 20?” He tapped a hoof to his head He never paid attention to the numbered parts of those rules Goofy and Donald would say. “Adventure Rule?” Spike asked. However, that question never gets an answer because Rainbow made an outburst. “Ugh! You’re kidding me!” Rainbow held her head and groaned, “This is all pointless! We don’t even have a clue on where this keyhole thing would be.” She then flew up to Sora’s face. “What kind of Keyblade wielder are you? That’s like your job, right?! To lock those things?!” Sora lifted his hooves up defensively, “Hey, I don’t fully understand what a Keyblade wielder’s job is to completely be honest. I’m basically just going by what I’ve been told and Master Yen Sid’s word on this.” He looked at the forest around him. “Besides, this kind of fun.” “Excuse me, fun? What, may I ask, is so much fun about walking through this dreadful forest?” Rarity walked her way up to the three. “Well think about it, ponies don’t make a habit of coming here from what you’ve guys told me so far about it. If that’s the case, then there’s a lot mystery here that’s waiting to be discovered.” Then suddenly, Twilight perks her head up like a deer caught in the headlights as it dawned on her. He… He’s right… He continued, “I mean sure I know it’s dangerous here; but while we’re here, wouldn’t it be better think of the cool things about the forest than just constantly worrying about the bad? You may miss something interesting that way.” Suddenly Pinkie came up from the side hugging Sora, and Spike who just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time, into another abnormally strong hug. Then she giggled, “I like the way you think, Sora.” “Pinkie… Pinkie air,” Spike gasped out before Pinkie immediately released her grip on them before they fell to the ground. “Ow…” “Whoops, sorry about that,” Pinkie said, even though she still continued to laugh at the silly looks on their faces. “Alright, fine then. If we really have no clue on where to go, then I suggest we visit a place we’ve been to before,” said Twilight, “I think for the majority of our walk we’ve been headed generally in that direction anyway.” After gasping in precious air to his lungs, Sora stood up, “And…. Where… would that be?” Unlike him the girls seem to catch on to what Twilight was implying, “Oh, you don’t mean…” Rarity turned to face the Twilight, only to see her give a nod. “It’s as good a place as any to start really.” Applejack walked up to Twilight, “She has a point everypony. We don’t know many places in this forest and that’s one of the few that we do know.” She then looked to Rainbow. “How far are we from it?” Rainbow shot into the air and looked around until she spotted something; “Not too far it looks like. I can see the bridge from here too.” “So what’s this place you all are talking about?” Sora asked. “I-It’s the place where we got our Elements of Harmony,” Fluttershy decided this time to stay close to Sora now, which sort of startled him; he had no idea she was there. She was very quiet. “and stopped Nightmare Moon.” “Nightmare Who?” he asked. “Oh that’s right! You're not from this world, so you wouldn’t know about that.” Twilight sat on her haunches and was about to explain when they all heard a loud roar in the distance. This caused a lot of the girls to jump, or for Fluttershy’s case, vanish behind Sora completely. Sora felt Spike’s grip on him tighten, he must be spooked like the others. “What was that?” Sora asked as he looked around Keyblade already in his mouth. That was when Rainbow Dash called down from above. “Whatever it was, it’s coming this way!” She watched as up ahead of them the tops of trees were being jostled around giving the image of something large barreling through the forest floor. “AJ!” Sora called out to the farmer who was already at his side. “Ah’ know!” Her gauntlets out as she went into a fighting stance. Sora pulled Spike off his head and gave him to Fluttershy. “You two hang back!” “What? But I want to help!” Spike objected but was left helpless when Fluttershy had already held him in her hooves and flew off. He folded his arms, He was not happy. “Be careful, everyone!” Fluttershy called back as she watched Rainbow fly down and over above Sora and Applejack, while Twilight and Rarity hung back a bit with their horns glowing. As the rustling and growling got even louder; they all tensed up, preparing for the worst. That was when a Manticore shout out into the clearing they were in heartless flying off it’s body from losing their grip or getting body checked by the beast causing them to disperse once they hit a tree or the ground. “Whoa! What’s that?” Sora stared at it with astonishment “It’s like Simba with wings!” “It’s a Manticore! Stay Sharp, Sora!” Applejack braced herself for a fight. Twilight looked back at Fluttershy. “Fluttershy… do you think…” Fluttershy looked at the creature intently, before shaking her head. “N-no, it’s a different one, but please try not to hurt it… He looks like he needs help!” Her statement was confirmed when even more heartless started appearing around the cornered creature. It growled trying to look as intimidating as possible, unaware of how useless that tactic is on such creatures. “Huh… Well that’s new,” Sora responded. There were some shadows, but the majority of them were two new kinds of heartless. (both pictures were cropped and separated from a larger picture created by xilenobody from deviantart: His deviantart page http://xilenobody143.deviantart.com/ ) “Jackalopes? Giant Bugs? Are those heartless too?!” Twilight noticed that same emblem on them. “Looks like it!” Sora charged forward. “Guess your world has some of their own now.” He slashed through group of heartless skidding in front of Manticore, who backpedaled a little from what he saw. “Don’t worry, big guy! We’re to help!” he then broke right to get back to work. Rainbow and Applejack dashed to the scene. “Ok, AJ, let's see what those things can do!” “Right!” Applejack charge ahead to be greeted by one of the bug type heartless curling itself up and rolling at high speeds at her. “Outta mah’ way!” she lunged forward, whipping a forelimb back, before thrusting it forward, the gauntlet’s horseshoe made a very noticeable dent in the Heartless‘ shell. However no one would be able to see it as the heartless was blasted back, double it’s rolling speed, crashing through its brethren and out of sight into the deep forest, but most likely when it did land it would no longer exist. Hearts escaped the; now vaporized, heartless. They all rose to the sky and then vanished. Then everyone just stopped, even the heartless for a moment as they all looked at Applejack. Rainbow was the first to speak. “Did…. Did you just…” Applejack’s jaw dropped after seeing the result of her attack. She could only nod at that moment. The other girls and Spike seemed to have similar expressions of disbelief and shock. If Rarity looked over at Twilight, She would probably see an eye twitching. So many things must be running through her mind now. Pinkie, being the odd one out eventually turned that moment of shock into celebration as she cheered, “WHOOO!! GO APPLEJACK!” “Hearts?” Sora was surprised to see captive hearts being released without his Keyblade… What did this mean… !! He then immediately had to dodge one of the jackalope flying kicks, but that brought him back to reality. Now was not the time, just take in the knowledge and use it. “OK! Back in the game, girls!” The battle was now underway, as everyone regained their senses and joined the battle, sans Fluttershy and Spike. Sora was getting pretty acrobatic, or for the most part had to be. The jackalope-looking heartless were fast and all over the place, bounding and jumping towards him with kicks and head butts with their horns. Another thing is that they always seemed to attack in groups compared to the bug like counterparts, who would try to roll into him or in some cases spin in place and launch themselves like a cannon ball at him. “Man, these guys just won’t quit!” He tucked and rolled to the side before swinging his Keyblade behind him to smack back a red cannonball and flying kick. “I got your back, Sora!” Shooting right past him from behind was Rainbow Dash as she gave them one her powerful corkscrew dives, knocking a lot of them in the air. Sora took this opportunity to stand and point his Keyblade up at them. “Firaga!” He started shooting out three consecutive large fireballs at the helpless creatures as the explosive impact would blast away any of the heartless that were near the target of the attacks. Sora took note how the bug like heartless, seem to get incinerated completely and disperse almost instantly. “I guess, they don’t like fire very much.” Rainbow whipped around to help pick off any of the survivors that were still falling. Meanwhile, Applejack was socking heartless in the face, sending them flying in all sorts of directions. “Woo! These things sure do pack a wallop.” She turned on a dime to buck a shadow that was running straight for her. It was then an idea came to him. “Hmm…” Looking around, she could see the heartless start to surround her; it seems they focused on her as much as they did on Sora now that she had those gauntlets. “Welp, As good a time as any.” she reared back to her hind legs lifting her forelimbs up, before stomping them into the ground. The ground below her shook and cracked, and all around her crude pillars of earth shot up out of the ground, right under her enemies, surrounding her in a somewhat small radius. Stunned at the results, Applejack looked at her gauntlets again “Whoa… Ah’m really startin’ ta’ like these things!” When he lifted them off the ground. The pillars glowed before receding back to the ground with the cracks magically disappearing in the process. It was like nothing ever happened. “You’re a Super Pony now, Applejack!” Pinkie called out to her as she was on top of a helpless curled up bug heartless rolling it around to wherever she desired. “And I am the Great Pinkini!” She was abnormally skillful at dodging heartless attacks while rolling that it really did look like a magic. She then pulled out a metal pipe out who knows where and began clicking the heartless on the head. “One for you, and one for you. Oh, oh, here’s one for you, and we definitely can’t forget about you!” She jumped off the bug heartless she was rolling, meanwhile making a flashy twirling flip above it, before gravity pulled her back down and she brought that pipe down hard with an overhead swing. This made a loud clanging noise that echoed around and into Heartless, leaving it uncurled and dazed as it vibrated violently. She giggled and trotted away. “All yours Twilight!” Not even a second later all the dizzy heartless were now enveloped in a magenta aura and lifted off the ground. “Right!” She then started shooting them one by one into heartless groups she could find, causing a mini meteor impact and instant dispersal of heartless. Was with Fluttershy this time raising sticks and rocks, then firing them expertly at the heads of the heartless, or for some cases, hitting them so hard in the gut with a rock it sends them flying back toward the main battle for the others to handle it’s demise swiftly. “I have to say, these new heartless, definitely give me more of a challenge with how quick they are,” she turned her head to the side and fired a magic bolt at a jackalope in mid air trying to kick her, immediately erasing it from existence. “And just as rude, hmph,” she stomped her foot to emphasize her words. Before looking back at Fluttershy and Spike. “Are you two alright over there?” She side stepped effortlessly from a rolling only to levitate that bug heartless cast if off like useless garbage. Spike seemed to busy watching Rarity being awesome to answer, but Fluttershy was there to answer for the both of them “Yes, we’re fine, just be careful.” She still couldn’t help but be worried about her friends in this situation “Oh not to worry, dear.” Rarity used one hind leg to kick away an oncoming Jackalope before shooting another bolt right through a Shadow’s head that was in front of her. “It looks like most of the heartless are on the far side.” That was when another roar was heard. Both girls and Spike turned their heads to the source of the noise. They had forgotten about the manticore. However, what they saw surprised them. ~~~ A few moments earlier After watching Rainbow dispatch the falling heartless his fire couldn’t pick off, Sora was back to fighting the heartless that were still on the ground. The shadows were easy enough, and learning the bug heartless’ new weakness just made things easier, however he was still forced to dodge and parry from the jackalope far more than he would have loved to. “Man there’s gotta be a way to get these guys to slow down.” He took a moment to jump back far and had an idea in mid air. “Ok, lets try this!” He aimed his Keyblade at the jackalope chasing after him. “Blizzaga!” He fired a large blast of cold and ice right into the creatures. To his surprise and relief it did wonders as some of the jackalope were encased in ice, while others were stuck to the frozen ground, violently trying to free their legs from it. “Ha! Gotcha now!” He put his Keyblade to his mouth and was ready to charge right at him when something far larger, leaped over him and beat him to the punch “Whoa!” He watched as the Manticore rushed ahead, ramming through the heartless with it’s large body flattening them out of existence, then slammed his paws on the ones that happened to just barely be out of reach from his previous attack. When the Manticore turned to look at Sora, he simply huffed and gave a nod to him. “Ha! Guess he’s not just gonna sit around then” Sora nodded in return and ran forward joining the beast in battle. Sora slid under the manticore to get at the heartless on the other side as the beast swiped a few heartless away. “Alright big guy! Show me what you got!” He blasted more ice at a group mostly consisting of Jackalopes, immobilizing them temporarily. However the manticore didn’t waist anytime as it faced the proverbial sitting ducks, sucked in a lot of air, and released a almighty powerful roar. They were no longer frozen in in that spot; in fact, they were no longer there period as they all turned to black mist. Sora stood in place blinking his eyes to make sure what he saw was real. “Whoa, you definitely remind me of two guys I know.” He flashed a big grin at the beast who returned with a smug smile of it’s own. From that point on, the heartless had no chance now that a giant cat with wings had it’s second wind. The battle started out a bit unpredictable with the new forms of heartless, but with the help a their large new ally, all the wild heartless were soon taken care of. The last one, being one of those bug heartless with a futile attempt to take down twilight, was immediately brought out of existence with an armor clad hoof releasing the heart it had within it. “And That’s that, everypony.” “I’ll say, those things are awesome AJ!” Rainbow said, landing next to her and gesturing to her gauntlets. “What you did was insane!” “I agree, I’ve never seen so much strength since when you and Sora fused. More importantly, you're able to release captive hearts like the Keyblade,” said Twilight. She quickly made her way over with Rarity Fluttershy and Spike, already her face was close to the gauntlets examining every inch of them. “How is that possible?” she spoke to herself. Applejack had to admit, she was so caught up in the fight, that she didn’t take a moment to realize how strange it was for her to release hearts like Sora. “Huh, Yer guess is as good as mine, Twi.” She lifted a hoof to examine it as well. Then came a loud thud behind the group as it made them all jump before looking back to see the fierce looking face of the manticore from earlier. That look only lasted for a second as it turned into a smile while Sora’s head appeared over the creature’s mane. “No kidding? This make fighting heartless a lot quicker now that Applejack can do it! Isn’t that right, buddy?” He started to pet the manticore; who now seemed to be purring now.” “Uuuh, yeah…. Sora how did you two become friends with a manticore so quickly?” Rainbow was a bit wary of it as she subconsciously took a ready stance. Sora just shrugged. “I dunno.” He then jumped off and landed in front of it. “He just started helping me out when I was fighting really.” That was when the Manticore made a low growling noise to which Fluttershy seemed to perk up to, then start to giggle. “What’s so funny, Fluttershy?” “S-sorry it’s just” -she had to take a moment let herself calm down- “It’s just that he said that you remind him of a silly energetic cub, so he felt comfortable that he helped you so suddenly.” “Oh well, that explains a lo-Hey!” His head darted back to the manticore behind him. “Who you calling silly cub?!” “Probably has something to do with that spiky mane of yours, Rainbow quipped and now everyone was laughing at his expense, even the manticore. “Oh ha ha, very funny,” Sora pouted for only a moment; before the good mood got to him as well, making him join the laughter. ~~~ As the group finally returned to their mission, they traveled through the forest with their new friend. Fluttershy and Pinkie were the ones riding on the Manticore’s back this time, with it’s consent of course, Spike was back on Sora’s back again, and Rainbow kept to the skies to keep look out again. “I said I was sorry, Spike,” said Sora. Spike, although he decided to ride on Sora again, he still wasn’t happy about what happened earlier. “I know, and I still forgive you, but I could’ve totally been helpful you know, and you just snubbed me to the sidelines, like some… kid” Sora had to stop himself from responding to that. “Well, how about this, next time we fight, and it looks like you can handle what's out there, you can join.” Spike barely had to stop himself from snapping his neck form how fast he looked at Sora. “For… For real?” “No, absolutely not!” Twilight interjected glaring at the keyblader for even trying to put that dangerous idea into Spike’s head. “It’s bad enough he’s with us now, and you want to endanger him even more by bringing him into these fights. “Hey, whoa, whoa, I’m not asking him to go fight an army of heartless by himself or anything.” Sora waved a hoof in front of himself to help defuse the notion. “I’ll be with him the whole way, and we’ll just go for when there’s a small amount of heartless, no big deal.” But Twilight gave a quick sharp, “No!” “Aw, come on, Twilight! I promise, I’ll do exactly as he says!” Spike was very adamant about this. Before Twilight could respond Applejack cut in, “Twi, why don’t ya let ’em? Sora’s more than proven ta’ be true to his word already.” Twilight turned to the farmer shocked, “Not you too, Applejack!” “I have to agree with her on this, darling. If Sora says he can handle it, then I most certainly believe him,” said Rarity as she trotted over to Twilight “Rarity!” Twilight thought at least she would take her side on this. “Oh come now Twilight, you heard him yourself, he won’t bring him into any of the larger scaled battles, and he’ll be with Spike the whole time.” As Twilight looked around, she was started to see that she was the only one against this, after a while she finally sighed, She needed to believe in him more as well if this was how she was about it. It was silent for a while until she shook her head before saying “Alright…” “You mean it, Twilight?” Spike leaned to one side to get a better look at her. Seeing her nod, Spike immediately gave a fist pump, “Yes!” Sora smiled and started walking ahead. “I promise Twilight, he’ll be perfectly fine with me around,” that was when they came across a bridge that was familiar to the girls. Rarity smiled at the sight, “Ah, good the bridge, we’re getting close,” That’s when they heard the manticore growl as it began to tense up and look around. Sora turned back to the creature with an eyebrow raised. “What’s wrong with him?” Fluttershy began speaking to the manticore and then her face shifts as her worries started to creep in. “He...he says, Something is coming. A lot of ‘something’.” Then the Manticore turned around to face the forest behind them. “We better get across then,” Twilight suggested. Sora headed up to the Manticore, “You guys go first. Rainbow, can you check the other side for any danger as they cross it?” “Sure thing,” Rainbow mocked a salute before flying over the bridge and scouting ahead. Sora turned to Applejack, “You should cross first AJ, in case Rainbow does run into any heartless, she’ll need some one that can truly destroy them.“ As much as Applejack would like to join Sora and the Manticore with whatever was approaching, he brought up a good point. Begrudgingly, she nodded “You got it, partner,” and started crossing the bridge as quickly as possible. Sora looked up to Spike on his back as he summoned his Keyblade. “Spike, when they do appear and If I say you have to go, you go, ok?” He spoke in a stern tone. To which Spike didn’t want to protest to and simply nodded. “R-right.” “Good.” He reached into one of his saddlebags; His supply of curatives were slowly dwindling. In the future, he would have to find a way to contact a moogle shop or something to re-supply; but for now, what he has now should keep him afloat until then. As his hoof went deeper into the bag, it brushed against its target which is the bag of beads. He pulled it up to the top of the saddle bag, dug out a bead and placed it in his jacket pocket, just in case he needed to get to it quickly. Then he closed up the saddlebag. The sounds were getting louder, he can hear them now. Suddenly, there is a howl. “Wolves?” Then he remembered those wooden wolves he fought before. That’s when Spike scowled ahead, “Timber Wolves!” ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Meanwhile As Applejack managed to reach the other side of the bridge, she noticed that Rainbow was zipping all over the place, making dives and meteor landings. Once she got a good look, she could see why. A large horde of Heartless seemed to be gathered down the path up ahead. “What in the hay?” However as much as she would like to ask why this was happening, she doesn’t have that luxury. She ran ahead; bounded off the ground, landed on her hoof and then greeted the enemy with a happy dose of earthquake and pillars. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Farther up the path The path lead up to the ruins of what looked like a rather important building. Where the Elements of Harmony were discovered by Twilight and her friends. Along that path a cloaked figure was already making its way up towards it. It did however stop for a moment, to look behind it. Noticing the heartless being attacked by Rainbow and Applejack…. It faced forward once again to continue on it’s unknown mission. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Back to Sora The first timber wolf appeared leaping over some shrubbery and landed in front of Sora, Spike, and the Manticore in a threatening stance. Not too far behind, they see more running into view lining up sort of with each other. Their glowing green eyes seem were one thing Sora couldn’t not forget about them along with the fact that they were all made of wood. It was quite the sight to see to be sure, when even more green lights were seen in the forest. “I think this should be fine… What do you think?” Sora looked over to the Manticore who was in a intimidating stance and growling loudly. “Thought so.” It was Twilight’s turn to cross, but before she did she looked back at the boys as they faced off the Timber wolves. “Don’t do anything reckless! I mean it!” She reluctantly started her way across the bridge soon followed behind by the others. Sora only nodded to her words. “Alright, guys, none of these creeps get past us!” “Right!” Spike said as a bit of green flame sparked out of his mouth for a moment. The manticore meanwhile roared in response before they all sprinted forward toward their foes. The timber wolves doing the same. Sora’s reaction time to the wolves attacks were as quick as ever as he jumped away from one bite, blocked another with the shaft of his Keyblade, then bucked a third wolf’s attempt with one hoof. A fourth one was about to pounce on him, but with Spike being on his back, the creature was met with a breath of green flames destroying it immediately. He stood on Sora’s back with his claws on his hips before huffing out smoke from his nose. “Don’t even think about it(!)” “Nice Work, Spike!” Sora cheered, once Spike was back in a proper seating position, he cut the pushing game with the timber wolf in front of him with one quick rapid spin in place, shattering the wolf to pieces from the sudden force. Meanwhile, the manticore was going primal on timber wolves on his side; stomping them out of existence, latching onto them with his jaws before shaking his head violently until all of their wooden body parts flew off in multiple directions; and then mow them over with his sheer size. Twilight made it across as Pinkie, Fluttershy, and Rarity were still crossing the bridge ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ On the other side of the bridge Twilight ran up ahead when she noticed the battle raged on. Then she ran up on top of a large boulder to get a bird's eye view of the situation. Applejack aimed for wherever the heartless groups were heaviest to scatter them with her Earth attack, then turn it into a brawl for those that survived. “That all you got?!” She taunted a Large Body that was trying to swing at her, after losing it’s balance on it’s third swing, Applejack jumped up towards its exposed face and gave it one of her cannon punches. This knocked the giant creature high into the air spinning rapidly. Suddenly a rainbow streak shot down from the sky toward it. Once it impacted revealing it to be none other than Rainbow Dash she kicked off it with all her force to where it looked like she ricocheted off it. “Sorry, I don’t even think the skies can take all THAT, go take a dirt nap!” The Spinning Large Body helplessly was knocked back to the ground, but not without taking out it’s brothers in the process, either by being crushed, or the rather large shockwave cast from it’s point of impact. Twilight made a mental note; when she gets back, she better study up on more combat spells. That section of knowledge wasn’t exactly something she’d focus on before. She started firing magic bolts from on high which helped her accuracy greatly. “Here we go!” ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Back with Sora and Spike “Alright! Here we go!” Sora kept two his acrobatic combat as he aided Spike. Spike had not needed managed to grab a fairly strong stick that once belonged to one of their fallen enemies, He swing hard and tried to imitate Sora as much as he could. Sora meanwhile always kept the other wolves off his back. Every now and again, Spike would shoot out fire in the middle of his attacks, used it as crowd control. Sora in the meantime blasts away other foes with his explosive fire magic. It even got to the point where he picked up on Spikes idea and would give a few slashes, then he go for one of his normal finishers, he pointed and fired a Firaga at point blank range, causing a rather devastating attack. “Whoa!” was all Spike could say after seeing that attack. “You can even do my moves better!” Stars formed in his eyes. That’s when Sora had an idea. “Lets try something different, Spike!” he ran ahead, the purple drake following close behind. Once they arrived toward the gathering of timber wolves, he slashed his way towards the center of the group. Spike with his sturdy stick made sure to smack them in the faces as he followed the path Sora was making. “Ok, here we go!” Once he felt like he was in a good spot he made another rapid spin knocking away nearby foes before lowering his Keyblade toward Spike. “Hop on!” Spike turned to see what he was talking about, but caught on fairly quickly and dashed to the Keyblade to latch onto it. “Now what?” “How’s your grip?” He stood on his hind legs and held the Keyblade and Spike in front of him. “Get ready to breathe some fire.” There moment of reprieve was over when the wolves started closing in again. Spike held on as tightly as he could. “Don’t get dizzy!” He winded his Keyblade back. “You sure this is a good idea?” Spike asked as he started inhaling air “Uuuh, ninety percent sure,” Sora gave a sheepish grin. Once the timber wolves started charging at them, He started spinning. “Now, Spike!” With his eyes clamped shut, Spike shot out a steady blaze of green fire from his mouth, creating a rotating flamethrower attack, burning the majority of the timber wolves around them before Sora stopped. He then jumped back to avoid a pouncing attack from a survivor that was cautious enough to back away from his last attack. But he wasn’t done there, “You ok, little buddy?” “Urgh!” Spike shook his head a few times until the world stopped spinning for him. “Um, fine.” He looked ahead to finally noticed the remaining timber wolf. “Now what?” Sora smirked “time for an experiment” he got back to his hind legs again and aimed his Keyblade at the timber wolves. “Give this one everything you got!” Spike complied with a determined look on his face as this time he got up and stood on the Keyblade before inhaling deeply. Sora noticed the wolves cautiously keeping their distance once again. “That won’t help you this time!” Sora said as Spike unleash the strongest flame he could muster out. “OK! FIRAGA!” Just as a massive fireball forms in front of the tip of his weapon, it’s absorbing Spike’s flame until it became a bright green ball of fire. “Eat This! Dragon Blast!” The fireball grew triple in size before shooting off at phenomenal speeds at it’s wooden targets. The recoil was so strong, Sora skidded back a few feet. The Timber wolves couldn’t get out of the way in time as this giant attack came crashing wildly into creating a large green swirling vortex of fire that soon dissipated leaving nothing but ash behind. Sora watched as the green lights that were once the eyes of the timber wolves lift out of the corpses and fly off into the deep. Sora panted as he stared at the spot where there special attack used to be. Spike couldn’t keep his balancing act any longer as he was in the same position as Sora. Fortunately, Sora managed to catch him with one hoof but that brought him down to the ground once he lost balance of standing on two hooves. “Oof!” He slowly got up to sitting position and looked down at his partner. “You… Ok, Spike?” “That… Was… SO AWESOME!!” The little Drake thrusted both his fists in the air. His outburst caused Sora to blink back in surprise “Can we do that again?! Hearing that from Spike, Sora couldn’t help chuckled a bit. “Hehe, maybe next time,” he patted Spike’s head. “SORA! SPIKE!” Twilight’s voice was heard in the distance causing the boys to look up and over at the bridge, She was waving at them. “COME ON! EVERYONE MADE IT OVER!” Sora got to his feet and looked around. It looked like even manticore took care of his side as he gave a roar in triumph at the retreating green lights. “Alright, let's get going before more come back then.” He let Spike onto his back before turning running to the bridge but stopped at the Manticore, “Hey, thanks a lot for helping us out, big guy.” The manticore made a low growl before nuzzling against the two of them. “Haha, ok, ok, You were pretty awesome over there,” said Sora to the manticore, who puffed out his chest in pride, “We have to get going now, you ready to go?” But the Manticore shook its head and started flapping it’s wings for the first time lifting itself off the ground. “Oh, you can’t?” Sora had a bit of a sad smile on his face before it immediately turned into big grin. “It’s ok, You helped us a bunch anyway. You go do what you gotta do.” The manticore nodded before giving a loud Roar, as his way of saying goodbye to the boys and the girls on the other side. The beast then turned around and took to the skies, with Sora and Spike waving at him. “Have a safe trip!” Spike yelled out. Sora unfortunately couldn’t dwell on goodbye for much longer, he had a job to do and it looked like he had another battle to join. “Ok, Spike, lets get going.” He ran over to the bridge and started to cross it. Mid way across the bridge, something inside Sora was nagging him to look back. He felt some sort of presence behind him… He gave in to that feeling and turned his head back, Once he did however, he was shocked at what he saw. He saw himself make a swing at the supports on that side of the bridge. Before his brain could even try to decipher what it was he saw, his instincts took over and he sprinted toward the other side for a few steps, summoning his Keyblade and jumped. “SPIKE GRAB ON!” “What? What are you-” “JUST DO IT!” He yelled back, spooking his passenger to comply and latch onto the Keyblade. “Whatever you do, don’t let go! Twilight watched in horror as the bridge seemed to be falling from the far end and Sora’s jumped looked like it was all in vain. “SPIKE! SORA!” She got her horn glowing until she heard Sora yelling loudly. Sora twisted his body and gave it everything he got as he through his Keyblade, with Spike on it, towards the other side. “TWILIGHT! CATCH!” He rapidly descending into the heavy mist below the gorge and then vanished within it. All this sudden action didn’t give her enough time to think as she simply complied to Sora’s order and caught the Keyblade and Spike in her magic. Thankful to see her assistant safe and sound if not a little groggy from all the spinning, it was short lived as she looked back at the mist below. “SORA!!” ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ At the bottom of the canyon After a few minutes of falling During his fall, Sora couldn’t make out anything that wasn’t ten feet in front of him, it was all just mist, mist, mist and even more mist. He couldn’t even see the bottom during that time. When he finally did he simply tucked and rolled on impact before standing up completely and dusting himself off. Not once had eve ever questioned how it was possible that he could survive such falls, though if the girls saw this, they would definitely be asking questions. “Great… Now where am I?” He said to himself before she started walking around. “What’s with all this mist? After a bit of trial and error he managed to find the side of the canyon. “Maybe there's a way to-” Immediately alarms started going off in his head and he dodge rolled to the side, a dark weapon impaled into the side of the canyon where Sora’s head used to be. “What the?!” He looked toward the weapon only to see it vanish, he looked behind him and saw a figure standing in the distance somewhat covered by mist. Sora summoned his Keyblade. “Who’s there?!” The figure simply walked forward until its identity was known which caused Sora to take a step back. “What the?” There in front of him, was a translucent figure… in the shape of Sora’s real form. It’s body seemed like it was made out of some sort of gaseous material, as he hardly even looked solid. “What…. are you?” Sora asked. No answer has been given as the figure simply summoned it’s own Keyblade and charged at him. Sora quickly dodged and block the attacks. His pony form could hardly keep up with the speed and accuracy the doppelganger was dishing out. At one point the thing caught him off guard with a fake out swing to his face then reverse and swat at Sora’s side; sending him flying back, but using aerial dodge to land back on his feet. “This guy… he’s something else.” Sora jumped far back from the battle and pull out the bead he had stashed in his jacket. “Fine! Let's play hardball!” He bit down on the bead. “Form Release!” A flash of light engulfed him but the Mirage Sora charged in nevertheless, swinging down an overhead swing that was immediately blocked by something within that light. “Nice try!” The light dispersed revealing Sora in his real form, and his Keyblade deflecting the translucent fake’s. Immediately Sora retaliated with swings of his own finally. The fake Sora kept up by deflecting every attack before they both backed off from one another and mirrored each other’s fighting stance. “I don’t know who or what you are.” Sora then stood up straight and pointed his Keyblade at the fake. “But this isn’t the first time I fought with myself?” Mirage Sora said nothing and kept at it’s combat stance. Sora then returned to the same stance and then he sprinted forward as the fake does the same. Once again with simultaneously swinging, the Keyblades clashed. ”Bring it on!” > Chapter 12: Rock Bottom > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- (As Always Green Text means "click me" to play theme music to go with what your reading. Red text means to stop the music. Completely optional: Your free to ignore this) “Sora!” Twilight catches Spike and the Keyblade in her magic, but wasn’t quick enough to catch Sora before he vanished into the mist below. “Oh no… Ooooh no no no no!” After she levitated the purple dragon and weapon to her she paced around frantically. “It’s going to be okay, he’s really fine, right?” she said as she took another look back to the chasm below. But the dense fog below didn’t ease her worries at all. “Rainbow! Gotta get Rainbow!” She turned around and galloped straight toward the battle but bumped into Spike which gave him a whirl. Then Spike tried to follow her but he was too groggy to move from the spot, “Ugh… No more… no more spinning, please.” And then he rolled over holding in his lunch. ~~~ The battle, the other girls are fighting, doesn’t seem to be much for them; even though Fluttershy is hiding in the dark bushes. Pinkie’s Cannon was practically on rapid fire with how fast she was able to reload and bombard the heartless from a distance. “Ha HA! Taste Kitchen Sink!” The heartless mindlessly looked up and see that she isn’t lying. But it was too late for them to run when a sink landed on them with a Thunk! Rarity seemed to have a knack for dodging attacks and countering with either a buck or an object she held in her magic. Every strike always seemed to aim at where she believed a weak point would be. “Sorry dearie, but I shall not be dealing with your ilk for any longer than need be.” She gracefully sidestepped from from a jackalopes flying kick and clicked her tongue once she ensnared it in her magic. “A bold move, but foalish.” She looked to the side and found a target, another Darkball. She fired the hapless heartless at the Darkball causing both to disperse on impact. “Ready?” Rainbow called out, she was high above the battlefield holding onto Applejack in her hooves. “Do it!” was Applejack’s response before Rainbow released her to let gravity take effect. “INCOMING!” she called as she faced her gauntlets downward to land on them first. When she did land a massive shock wave blew many heartless within that radius into the air, and if that wasn’t enough to knock them up, the countless pillars of Earth shot up from the ground to take care of the rest. However the majority of them simply gave up the ghost just from that attack alone. “Rainbow! Rainbow, come here quickly!” Twilight was huffing a little from the short workout she had from sprinting. Fluttershy happened to be nearby Twilight, so she decided to see what was wrong. Rainbow was in the middle of mopping up the others that were knocked into the air when she heard twilight call her name. Seeing that the battle would do fine without her for a bit, she flew over to her friend in an instant. “Yo, Twi… Kind of in the middle of a battle here.” She looked around “by the way, where’s Spike and Sora? They made it over here yet?” Twilight shook her head. “Spike did, but barely. the bridge collapsed under the two of them when they were crossing it and, Sora… he threw Spike to me and then he… he… fell down there.” She was becoming more distraught by the second as her words turning into a jumbled mess. Rainbow placed her hooves on Twilight’s shoulders. “Whoa, whoa, whoa! Back up a sec! Where is Sora?” "I …. He…” Twilight looked back at where the bridge used to be. “Fell down the chasm.” Fluttershy held her hooves to her mouth as she gasped then she went over to the edge of the cliff. It took a moment for Rainbow to finally get what she meant as her face changed to a more shocked expression, before shooting off toward the chasm like a bullet. Fluttershy and Twilight followed after Rainbow until they reached the edge of it. The peered down watching Rainbow disappear into the mist below. “Please be okay.” Twilight didn’t know what else she could do at this point. “Don’t worry Twilight… I’m sure he’s fine.” Fluttershy gave her friend a small smile. “He did fall from the sky after all, right?” Although she believed what she said, Fluttershy’s eyes betrayed how she was felt a lot liked Twilight right now. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The descent Rainbow couldn’t barely see her own muzzle in front of her face. “Man what is with all this mist, Where did it all come from?” After a short while of diving she could finally see the ground and barely managed to stick the landing without face planting. She then started looking around. “Sora?! Yo Sora, Can ya hear me?!” she called out, and for a while there there was no answer. She wouldn’t admit it at the time, but she was a little worried about her friend. Then she heard a cry, “THUNDER!” followed by a blasting crack and an electric sizzle. “Sora?!” she turned and followed the source, hearing him call out a spell, led her to believe that he was fighting something down here so she started taking to the air again, a few feet off the ground. “Rainbow?!” she heard his response and immediately felt relief. She flew to the direction of his voice only to slam hard face first and get knocked back to the ground. “Oof…. Ow! What the-” She placed a hoof to her muzzle to nurse it, when she looked up in time to see what stopped her. It was invisible, but she saw a magical energy ripple off from the point of impact before gradually vanishing. “An invisible, wall?” The sound of metal clashing rang throughout the chasm Rainbow looked on ahead on the other side of transparent wall, to a sight unlike any other. Sora was was dashing and leaping through the mist fighting some shadowy figure Rainbow couldn’t make out. It was fast paced, Sora and the fake were trading swings and deflecting each others attacks the entire time. The Fake charged at him; lunging for his torso but Sora side stepped and gave a slash. The Fake held up its “keyblade” and blocked that attack and then lifted his blade upward forcefully, knocked out Sora’s Keyblade out of his hand and into the air. “Guh!” Surprised by this Sora took a step back but then had to take another to avoid a horizontal slash. He quickly summoned the Keyblade to fend off the second attempt, and decided to go on the offensive this time. He steps in, his keyblade grinding against the other sending off sparks from the sudden movement then gave a downward swipe, knocking the fake back and off balance. Not wasting a second of this opportunity Sora lunged forward this time and strung up a few successful blows, then knocked the fake away with a finishing swing. From the look of his pained pose, it was easy to tell than being felt it, but seemed to have enough self control to keep on its feet and immediately get back to its task. It pointed its blade towards Sora firing a string of magical ice crystals from the tip of the blade. “Reflect!” Sora cast his Reflega spell and deflected all of the ice, however the fake wasn’t close enough to receive the “counterattack” the spell. He retaliates by getting as close as he could to the fake. “Freeze!” He fires a shotgun blast of ice towards the fake who only mirrored him and cast a reflect spell, much to Sora’s surprise. He narrowly escaped the counterattack as he jumped up and threw his keyblade toward the fake. It was deflected before the fake decided to do the same. Sora had to pull his head far back in mid air to narrowly dodge the flying dark weapon by a few centimeters. He turned that lean into a flip as he called back his keyblade and fell back down to deliver and over head swing. Another clashing sound of metal confirmed the fake already summoned it’s weapon back to block this attack as well. Neither of them back down as they were giving out a flurry of swings, slashes, and thrusts. Rainbow watched in awe at how fast the two were moving, but then brought herself back to reality. She had to help Sora somehow, the fight looks like a stalemate, right now, but how long would that last. She flew around trying to find some opening into the transparent barrier that was keeping her from helping her friend. But after multiple, fly arounds, she couldn’t find anything. “Great…. now what?...” Rainbow started thinking, but was at a loss. Until a memory appeared in the front of her mind. “Oh yeah!” she immediately flew skywards to exit the chasm. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Back at the top The battle above with the seemed to have been well taken care of as there were only a few of the Heartless left standing, Pinkie was running about smacking the heartless with her hockey stick making them fly towards Rarity. “Incoming!” “Quite right, thank you Pinkie.” Rarity made sure to trap them in place with her magic before bringing them all together. “There, the stage is set. Applejack if you would be so kind?” “You got it, sugarcube!” A mischievous grin stuck the farmer’s face as she was already charging full speed at the heartless before she lunged forward and used her gauntlets to plow right through them with ease, and freeing the hearts within. “That outta do it, girls.” she looked around just to be sure. Much to their relief, the area was now clear of the creatures. “Yeah, Go Team!” Pinkie held her hockey stick high in the air as celebration. “Well now with that taken care of, how about we group together and press on,” said Rarity before having a look around, “Say, where are the others?” Applejack looked around. “Not sure, Rainbow and Twilight were fighting with us earlier. Let’s go check by the bridge, they should be there.” When the three of them made it over they saw Twilight and Fluttershy constantly peering down the chasm below. “Gah! I can’t see a thing, what is going on down there!” Twilight paced about. Fluttershy remained in place, eyes glued to the mist down below. “Please be alright,” she muttered to herself. She would fly down her… If she wasn’t so afraid of heights. “Hey, you two. Where’s everypony else?” Applejack asked as she trotted up to Twilight. This made Twilight cringe at the sound of Applejack’s voice. When she turned to face her, Applejack could tell by the look of her face, whatever she had to say wasn’t gonna be something she would like to hear. “Sora, the bridge broke suddenly, and he fell down there.” Twilight looked over to Fluttershy and the cliff side. “What?! Sora and Spike are down there?!” Rarity nearly shrieked those words out as the thought of seeing Sora and Spike falling into the abyss went through her mind. “No, no! Spike is fine, he’s over there.” Twilight directed a hoof to purple dragon. He seemed more busy at the moment of holding in his lunch as he waited for the nausea to pass with Pinkie somehow already next to him and patting his head to comfort him. “Sora, managed to pass him over to me before he fell, I sent Rainbow down there to go look for him but...” her head lowered in shame. “I couldn’t catch him in time.” “Hey, don’t worry about it, Twilight. Ya did the best ya could, and Sora doesn’t seem like the type ta’ be taken out by a little fall.” Applejack placed a hoof on Twilight’s shoulder. Just then, something shout of the mist and into the sky, giving Fluttershy a fright along with a squeak. It then landed right behind her, revealing it to be Rainbow Dash “Girls! We got a problem!” ~~~ “So Sora’s ok?” Fluttershy asked Rainbow dash gave a speedy explanation of what happened when she was down there. Hearing that Sora wasn’t injured or worse gave her and the rest of the girls some relief. However, hearing that he was in a battle with some unknown figure kept them worrying about their friend. “Yeah, for now, but whatever he’s fighting seems to be keeping up with him in his real form.” Rainbow looked around, “I can’t get in because of some stupid invisible wall thingy I was hoping Twilight might be able to figure something about about it.” “An invisible wall?” Applejack walked over to Twilight. “Definitely sounds like some kind of magic that’s fer sure. Anything coming to mind about that, Twilight?” Twilight shook her head, “Nothing, it could possibly be magic from another world, I’ll have to see for myself.” Then suddenly she felt a pair of hooves wrapped around her body. Twilight yelped at the surprise then she looked up and saw Rainbow Dash. “That’s the idea egghead, let’s go!” Rainbow flapped her wings lifting Twilight off the ground and they both descended into the chasm. “I’ll be back for you later, AJ!” she called out just before they vanished into the mist. Applejack joined Fluttershy at the cliff side peering down at it. “He must be doing fine, sugarcube.” Then she looked over to see long look on her face. “I can feel it.” She then looked over to her element on her shoulder, it’s natural glow finally returned. “That’s right, dear. He is quite capable after all. I’m sure it’s only a matter of time before an idea is formed, and this will all be a silly memory.” Rarity made her way over to Spike helping him back to his feet again. Pinkie had a huge grin on her face. “Yeah, then we can laugh and laugh and then forget for a couple months…” -She was quiet for an uncomfortable amount of time before finally bursting.- “Then laugh some more when we bring it back up!” Fluttershy smiled and nodded to them. “Thanks girls, I know everything will be fine too.” When she looked back into the mist her frown appeared again. But that’s not what bothers me.. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ At the bottom of the chasm A few minutes later Rainbow managed to carry Twilight all way to the bottom, but it took awhile to find the the barrier and Sora with their vision obscured. However the sound of Sora’s battle helped guide them all the way there with time. This time as Rainbow flew in front of Twilight, she held her forehooves of her until they bumped what seemed like nothing at all. “Found it! OK this should be-” The girls yelp in surprise when they suddenly see Sora crash against the barrier in front of them in his pony form, “Gah!” He fell back to the ground panting before getting back to his hooves. “Sora!” Twilight ran up to barrier. Oh no, his form must’ve ran out of time! She noticed him trying to reach back into his saddlebag, but could barely dip a hoof into it before narrowly dodging a ball of fire magic that collided with the barrier, giving Twilight yet another scare. She watched as something dark within the miss relentlessly chased Sora either by closing in or with magic. Sora’s trying to use his items, but whatever he’s fighting won’t give him that kind of time. Her horn started to glow as she used her magic to get her to understand the barrier’s makeup and design. “There has be something we can do…” “I’m gonna go get Applejack!” Rainbow said as she shot into the air above, much faster than before. Twilight was doing her best to figure this out, she had to after letting him fall down here in the first place. Meanwhile Sora was giving it his all to defend from the attacks the doppelganger’s constant barrage of attack and magic. Sigh, I guess I’m not as used to fighting as a pony as I thought I was. He guarded from a few more swings from the fake before countering by rolling to the side, key in mouth, and leaping up to give a skyward slash. All in vain as the fake side stepped and swatted Sora away like he was an insect. A call of pain before he flew off a yard before touching ground and tumbling into the dirt. Unfortunately he had no time rest there. As soon as he was able he rolled to his hooves. using the distance between them he reached into his bag for another attempt, he barely had enough time to grab a bead, as he saw the familiar motions of a magic attack from the fake and side stepped to avoid a thunderbolt casted by it. He was quick to pop the bead in his mouth and bite down. “Round 2!” Then a glow of light engulfed him once again. ~~~ From outside the barrier, Rainbow returned from above with Applejack in tow this time. “Twilight! How’s he holding up?!” Applejack asked before as she sprinted toward Twilight as soon as her hooves touched the ground. “A lot better now that he got to use another bead, but if he turns back to a pony, I don’t think that thing will let him give a third chance.” Twilight kept her eyes on the battle for as much as she could see as her horn stopped glowing. “What is with this thing, I can’t figure out the first thing about this stupid barrier!” out of anger she struck it with her hoof, watching ripple of light spread out from the point of impact. then her anger started to change to sorrow, “There has to be something we can do…” Applejack looked on ahead watching Sora do his best to keep up with his foe. “Maybe… He just needs to… change things up.” Just like that, she had an idea; she only hoped it would work with this barrier still up. Inside Sora kept up with the fake once again trading blow after blow, neither being able to connect a solid a hit on the other, but this was getting him nowhere. His pony form can’t keep up with this battle right now, and his original form basically was negating the enemy’s advances, but it did the same. What made it worse is that his released form is only temporary, and from how hard it was the last time he had to get another bead, he wasn’t sure if there would ever be a third time. He had to think of some new way to take advantage. “SORA!!” That voice right now, was like a godsend right now. That’s it! There’s no other choice but that right now anyway! He gave a powerful swing to the fake, to which as he expected they would block, but the force caused it to be thrown back. Sora immediately made a 180 and dashed toward the source of the voice. “LET’S GO AJ!” That’s all she needed to hear. Applejack focused and her element separated from her gauntlets causing them to disappear. “Please work,” She said aloud before her element shot right through the barrier as if it was breaking through glass. The opening in the barrier soon reformed back to normal, but the deed was done. Twilight and Rainbow watched in amazement the element of honesty did something neither of them thought was possible. Sora ran at full speed when he noticed a gleam of light ahead. He held his hand out and just like that, Applejack’s element was in his grasp. “Got it!” He about face and skidded to a halt. He could see the fake barrel straight for him. “That’s fine. Give it your best shot!” he held his keyblade out in front of him, pointed at his foe and the element right above it. It immediately started resonating a white light from it. “Cuz the outcome will always be same. CONNECT!” Once again Sora was encased in light, meanwhile Applejack was same for a second before vanishing completely. The fake didn’t waste anytime running right for the light, once it was close enough, it gave it a more powerful swing, hoping to be able to take the initiative only for it. The strike to stop dead in it’s tracks and sound of clashing metal rang out loudly before the light dissipated revealing Sora once again in his fused form with Applejack, along with that powerful looking red keyblade, blocking the dark one. “Ya’ lose” Sora’s voice was heard, but for a moment, one could even hear Applejack’s voice say that as well. With hardly any effort, Sora lifted his weapon upward sending the Doppelganger’s weapon skyward and then spun around and swiped at the disarmed foe. It connected sending the fake flying toward the other side of the battleground, slamming into the barrier itself. Heh, wow… well someone got stronger while I was away Sora thought as he was a little shocked at what they accomplished. When ya’ got nothin but time and heartless with a magical weapon, ya’ tend to try out some things with it. Ah’ guess what Ah’ learned passed on to ya’ while we’re together. Applejack was starting to sound a little pumped now. Sora started running toward the fake. Well, that makes things even better. So this was what you were fighting? Yerself? Applejack’s tone held a tone of slight disbelief and confusion. I’d be lying if I said this is a first for me. This one however, is different from the others I’ve fought. It seems a lot more capable than them. Sora watched the fake fall back to the ground once gravity took over, and land on it’s feet, summoning it’s weapon. It dashed for him, there they started trading blows once again. Although, his attacks were a bit slower given his keyblade, Sora managed to stall each of the fake’s swings with sheer force from when they’re keyblade collide. This would leave him open to an overhead swing, the fake was basically flattened into the dirt as the ground shook around them “Wow!” This was all could say. Ah’ know right? Ah’m still amazed by it all. Before Sora could deliver a finishing blow, the fake quickly rolled away from it and backed off. Oh boy, looks like it’s gonna try something else. Sora got in a ready stance. Then used his a weakened Reflect spell to deflect a few fireballs sent his way. Thought so, he’ll attack from range from now on Smart move, but it can’t keep that up forever. That’s when the two of them notice the element of honesty on their keyblade glowing. This caused Sora to grin. “Alright, well if they won’t come to us, we’ll bring the pain to them.” He thrusted the keyblade upward. They called in unison, “OK! Transform!” The keyblade obeyed their command morphing into that mysterious barrel hammer once again, and took a different stance. “We like to see you dodge this!” They raised the hammer high, before slamming it into the ground. No longer just a shockwave but along with it, this sent out a large wave of rising pillars of Earth from in front of them, toward their foe. The doppelganger could do nothing but jump up into the air to dodge the attack. However, Sora and Applejack expected as much since they already had swung around once in place before throwing their hammer at it. the fake pulled out it’s keyblade to deflect, but it was futile, since it had no ground stand on, the collision knocked it up into the air and once again, slamming it’s body into the the barrier. You know, that’s gotta hurt getting knocked into that wall twice, Sora said to Applejack before they call back the hammer. This last attack, should do it, Sora, Applejack replied before they instantly started sprinting. The figure dazed from yet another blow into the wall, helplessly started falling back to the ground. Sora ran as fast has he could, hammer held behind him and kicking up dirt behind it as it was dragged across the ground. just when he was about to strike, his form vanished reverting back to his fused pony form, still running on two legs. Not gonna let this chance slip by! He jumped, winding the hammer back with his hooves. The fake was out of his dazed state at this point to see him revert to a pony. Thinking it had the advantage it summoned it’s keyblade and threw it at Sora. Time slowed down for Sora and Applejack, as they watched the incoming weapon. Applejack watched as memories of Sora’s passed started flooding through his mind, as if he was searching for something to give him an idea, and one piece of memory did. When Sora and Riku fought Xemnas…. Sora’s reaction was quick and a shock to Applejack as he caught the the keyblade, miraculously by the hilt, spun around to fling it back at it’s master. It connected forcing the fake into vertical spin in mid air. The first thing it saw when it did stop spinning however was Sora using the momentum of his own spinning to add onto the power of his swing. the last thing, was head of the hammer colliding with it’s body in a downward meteor spike. The fight was over! Once the dust cleared the being disappeared from without a trace, and no later retaliation was made by it. Twilight jumped a little every now and again when she would hear loud booming sounds, as well as the moment she could’ve sworn there was an Earthquake. She was shocked when she saw the barrier suddenly light up and vanish completely. Rainbow had a similar experience but held more optimism. “Woo! They did it!” all around them the mist started to vanish gradually and Rainbow flew out to where she was able to see them. “H-hey, wait for me!” Twilight ran after her. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ back to the top Some time later With all that over Rainbow airlifted Twilight and fused Sora out of the chasm and back to the top with the others. Sora and Applejack used this moment to separate from each other now that the flying was over, suddenly the two of them along with Twilight were all pulled into a group hug with Pinkie, Rarity Fluttershy, and Spike. “Your ok!” Fluttershy cheered with watery eyes. “You're not hurt are you?” “See? I knew you guys would be okay!” Pinkie replied with yet another big grin Rarity nodded, “Agreed dear, though I hope we avoid such drama in the future.” Sora simply smiled to his friends and spoke, “Sorry if I made anyone worry about me, but everything is ok now, right?” He received a clonk to his head as Rainbow hovered over him. “Ow!” “Lunkhead, of course we were worried!” she held a smirk however. “You gotta lay off the those kind of crazy stunts, buddy. That’s usually something I would do!” “And that makes it okay?” Sora retaliated. “Yeah, cuz unlike YOU!” Rainbow poked his muzzle, “I can fly!” she gestured to her wings. Sora simply rolled his eyes and just let it slide for now. All that mattered was the ordeal had passed and they were all together again. However, it was all pretty strange. What was that all about? What was that thing? What did it want, and where did it go? ~~~ Once everything had finally settled down the group thought it was time to finally move on to the ruins ahead. “Finally, I can see our destination.” Twilight sighed, relief finally washing over her. the sooner they get there the sooner she they could seal this “keyhole” and keep the world safe. “Yeah, and not a minute too soon, it’s starting ta’ get late.” Applejack looked up at the orange sky. Celestia’s sun probably setting right now from the looks of it. “I guess we’re camping out in the ruins tonight.” Sora then laughed at the thought. “Let’s do what we can when we get there and set up one in there.” Rainbow yawned, “Sleep sounds good to me. Let’s get this over with.” Pinkie couldn’t stop bouncing all the way there. “Oooh, we should share campfire stories and roast marshmallows over an open fire then make s'mores!” “Somehow I don’t doubt that you brought stuff to make those,” Sora looked over to Pinkie who was rummaging through some items in her main. Fluttershy stayed close to Sora, not so much out of fear of her surroundings, but worried that something like earlier would separate him from her and the girls. “Some rest sounds nice… though does it have to be in such a spooky place.” She reluctantly gazed at their destination ahead. “Don’t worry about it, Fluttershy. It’s only for the night then we’ll be back home tomorrow before you know it.” Sora turned to Fluttershy. He smiled hoping what he said would help reassure her. It helped a little. He could tell from the look on her face Sora and the girls treaded closer to the ruins, more than eager to complete their mission after this whole ordeal. What lies ahead of them will definitely be a turning point in their future. Whatever the world had intended for Equestria and it’s denizens, was forever altered the moment outworlders came to their world. For better or for worse, all they can do is move forward. > Chapter 13: If It Isn't One Thing > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- (As Always Green Text means "click me" to play theme music to go with what your reading. Red text means to stop the music. Completely optional: Your free to ignore this) Finally, Sora, Spike and the girls we’re back on track while they’re on their way to the ruins ahead. Of course, it was a bit of an awkwardly silent walk when they all realized that they forgotten about Spike, a very unhappy little dragon sitting on Sora’s back, arms folded and glaring at everybody. “You all have left me…” Spike said. “Sorry, Spike. It was all sort of hectic and our minds weren’t all together, you know?” said Sora, pleading their case. “Hmph,” Spike averted his gaze away from the keyblader. Twilight trotted her way to the boys, “Come on, it was an honest mistake Spike, it won’t happen again, I promise.” She wore an apologetic smile hoping it would help the situation. “Hmph,” Spike avoided Twilight’s face with his arms folded. Twilight was drooping her head in defeat before she rose back up with an idea. “Well, what if I promised that when we get home, I’ll also get you some gems?” She watched Spike’s head slowly turned towards her. “What kind?” Twilight responded with a knowing smile, “Your call.” Spike’s head turned even more toward her direction. “How much?” “How much you want?” Twilight asked. Spike was silent for a moment, before finally turned his head to face her, “Thirty!” Twilight surprised at the amount decided to haggle. “Fifteen!” “Twenty-seven!” “Twenty-two!” “Twenty-five, final offer!” Seeing no ground for compromise she sighed, “Fine, I’ll get you twenty-five gems of your choice.” Spike nodded, “Deal… You are forgiven,” said Spike. Then he looked ahead although he’s still a little mad. Sora kept his eyes forward but he’s definitely curious about what they were talking about. Wow, Gems must be really cheap to get on this world… or easy to get! Then his thoughts recalled his time in Agrabah helping Aladdin get Jafar’s lamp. Seeing that everything was slowly becoming quiet again, Sora decided to bring up a question to Twilight, “So basically, this is where the Princesses used to live a long time ago? Why move?” Sora asked. Then Twilight replied, “I’m not really sure. I suppose I never actually thought of asking about that.Well, That’s just another question that reluctantly has to wait until we’re done here.” “Yeah, it’s getting late, and it’s been a long day.” Rainbow yawned as her flying sagged every now and then from burning so much energy today. “Well, the way things are lookin’ we might just have ta’ camp there fer the night.” Applejack constantly looked around, making sure there are no more surprises coming for them. Rainbow groaned, “Really? At that dingy, broken castle? I’m sure Rarity would refuse the ide-” But then she noticed the sparkle in the fashionista’s eyes. Ok, whats with that look? “On the contrary, Rainbow Dash, this is the perfect time to show that one can ‘camp’ out anywhere and still have all the comforts of home,” said Rarity. Suddenly Pinkie Pie bounced over Rarity and slammed a giant bag between her and the others, with a loud thud. Causing a few of them to back pedal a little. “Tada!” Pinkie stood on her on her hind legs again and lifted her arms in the air. “Rarity’s Super Special Camping kit!” “What the? Where did that even come from?” Rainbow went from looking at the bag to looking at Rarity and Pinkie. “Oh, I had Pinkie hold onto it for me,” Rarity simply replied. “And where was that?!” said Rainbow before shooting her stunned expression at Pinkie. “Your mane?!” “No, silly, I had to save some room for my emergency cupcakes, duh!” Pinkie giggled. I love how she answered like it was possible at all. This thought ran through Sora’s mind as he noticed Twilight blinked the same way as Rainbow Dash. “You know what? I don’t care anymore, my head hurts now, let’s just get there and make camp.” Rainbow turned and flew off toward the castle now more then ever did she want to get this all done. “Well AJ, Rainbow, and Rarity have the right idea. It’s been a long day, and I’m not to fond of the idea of walking in this forest in the dark.” Twilight followed after Rainbow and Applejack down the trail. “Yay! Camping! I got the marshmallows!” Pinkie pranced around Sora and Spike before running off to catch up with the others. Fluttershy finally appearing from behind Sora and trailing behind Pinkie with a gentle smile on her face. “Camping out in nature sounds lovely. I wonder what night time animals we’ll get to meet.” Sora had to admit the idea of camping out kind of got him interested as well. He and Spike were about to head in that direction when Rarity called them over. “Sora, Spike, could the two of you help me with something?” Spike seemed to answer for the two of them as he was already off Sora’s back and standing in front of Rarity giving a salute. “Yes ma’am!” Sora cocked his head to the side at Spike’s sudden behavior but shrugged and made his way over to them. “Uh, sure Rarity, what’s u-OOMPH!” He felt an enormous weight fall onto his back that nearly took him to the ground with it. “Could you and Spike hold onto the bag for us? Apparently Pinkie already went on ahead before taking this and quite honestly I have no clue where she hid it in the first place.” “Of course, Rarity it’ll be no trouble at all.” Spike gave a thumbs up. Anything to make his “maiden” happy after all. Hey! Don’t I get a say in this? Sora’s eye twitched from Spike response but decided to say nothing and go with it. From the look of things, it didn’t take much for Sora to see that Spike really wanted to please Rarity in anyway he could. “Oh thank you, you two are simply wonderful.” She hugged Spike who fell face first onto the ground in some sort of love daze afterwards wearing a goofy grin when she let go and trotted ahead to catch up with the others. Sora had to hold in his laughter, lest he would offend the lovestruck dragon. “Well, let’s get going, lover boy.” After getting used to the weight he able to walk, though at a slower pace. he tapped his hoof on Spike’s head to bring him back to reality. “Huh? O-oh, r-right.” Spike picked himself off the ground blushing at the nickname and looked at the bag, not even sure how he could help. “Oh… Sorry, Sora.” knowing he pretty much dragged his friend into this without asking. Sora shook his head and laughed “Don’t worry about it. You can say we’re even now. You just make sure this doesn’t fall off my back. I can’t ‘magic’ it back on like Rarity or Twilight after all.” He pointed to the top of his head. “Uh, right of course,” Spike stammered before running up beside him and walked along the path with him, pushing the back upright whenever it started sagging to one side. “So, Sora… Do you have one too?” “One what?” Sora drew attention toward Spike wondering what he was getting at. “You know…” Spike looked toward Rarity, “Somepony you like?” That’s when it all clicked for Sora, “Oh, like your crush on Ra-” Two claws immediately covered his mouth. “Shhhhh! Not so loud!” He practically yelled in a whispered tone. he pulled his claws away once he saw Sora nod, understanding the situation. With a sigh he asked “You could tell?” Sora shrugged and smiled, “You're not exactly… the most subtle about it.” Spike immediately slumped covering his red face with his hands. “Hey, it’s okay. I understand the feeling. It’s not something you can just blurt right out in front of them after all.” Sora patted Spike on the head. Seeing him nod he continued, “So when did it happen?” Spike looked ahead, making sure the girls were far ahead from earshot before he continued. “Well, when Twilight and I first came to Ponyville. It started out with a simple job, she and I go check on the preparations for the Summer Sun Festival in Ponyville. Amazingly enough that’s how Twilight and I got to meet our friends up there.” He pointed to the girls as they chatted away. Sora then looked at the girls then resumed his attention toward Spike, “Huh? No kidding, they do seem pretty close.” “Well with all the time and crazy things that’s happened to them. It be surprising if they weren’t.” Spike decided to keep his eye on the bag, every now and then running to one side and pushing it back upright whenever it started leaning. “I mean sure there were a lot of normal days… if you can call them normal, but every now and then they always get involved in some strange events as well.” “Well seeing as they are the ‘Bearers of Harmony’ and all that, it seems like they’d do things normal peo-er-ponies wouldn’t be able to do.” Immediately Sora’s mind berated himself. Smooth… But to his relief, Spike didn’t catch on that error. “Y-yeah, you have a point there, and we should be expecting even crazier things now with you here and all this heartless stuff going around.” “I guess it comes with the job as well for my case,” Sora replied. They were silent for a moment before he continued. “Well, there still so much I do not know about this world. I suppose when we set up camp, you and the girls will find time to tell me your own stories.” “Only if you tell me yours,” said Spike as he once again had to keep the bag from falling off. “Heh, fair enough, though the girls already heard them all, so I’m not sure they would want to hear them again.” Sora looked ahead. All their talking distracted them from the distance, and distracted him from the bag’s weight, so it wasn’t long before he could finally see the entrance. “If it is as exciting as what you do hear I know at least Rainbow would want to hear it again and- Hey!” Spike then immediately turned Sora glaring at him. “You totally dodged the question.” Spike now realized how far off track they were now. Sora simply smiled and looked away. “Oh yeah? You don’t say.” Then he laughed causing the purple dragon making an annoyed look on his face. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Canterlot: Celestia’s Royal Chambers The Princess of the Sun had been a very busy alicorn as of late. Recently, whenever Celestia could find time away from her Royal duties, she would make her way here and constantly consult with the mirror placed in her room. One would think this odd if they didn’t know what the mirror was even capable of. This mirror was able to do a few extraordinary things to be sure, but for now, she saw it fit to use it get in touch with an old friend of hers. “Ah, Celestia, back again I see.” a familiar voice spoke through the other side of the mirror. She smiled warmly and nodded, “Yes, I would like to continue, if you are willing, Yen Sid.” The wizard on the other side held a smile before nodding in return. “Yes, I can see that eager look in your eyes. You have caught me at the perfect time for this actually as I have just finished taking care of some other duties of mine.” Another nod of her head and she had a more serious look to show him. “It is my duty as a ruler to make sure my citizens are safe, so the sooner we get this figured out the better.” “You speak truthfully, Your Highness,” said Yen Sid as he levitated some books over to his desk. Celestia then started frowning at him. “Must you always say it in such a way. I’m not a little foal anymore.” Unfortunately for her, she instinctively started pouting to further hurt her case. This caused the old wizard to chuckle before he continued, “Yes, I can see that. Not to worry, I am more than aware of how far you grown.” He had flipped through some pages in on book he placed on his desk before doing the same to another. “I take it that Sora has already paid a visit to your Castle, earlier?” “Yes. He left early this morning with my student and her friends to search for the keyhole.” “I see… it is good that he has already befriended them. Then again, that was always his strong suit.” Once all of the books he had were opened on the right pages he changed the subject to their current priority. “Alright, then, everything seems to be in order. Shall we begin?” Celestia was hesitant for a moment before speaking again. “Are you sure it is fine to have him stay here on this world for so long? When the time comes for him to leave, he might receive some side effects or... he might even have trouble leaving at all?” “Are you worried that you will not find the spell to revert him back?” Celestia breathed before she nodded very slowly. Then Yen Sid closed his eyes and contemplated on the question for a moment. “For my short time of getting to know Sora, and form the tales that have been told about him from his friends. Even if such a thing would happen, I am confident in my belief that he would overcome difficult challenges in time. By then when the time comes whether or not he will remain in that form, that would not stop him from doing what he believes is right.” Celestia nodded, “Yes, I’ve only had a short time to know him, but even I can tell that he would continue on no matter the circumstance,” But she still felt uneasy. She may have made a grave error at her own fault with Sora that would keep back her promise to be able to change him back after all the good he’s done for her and her kingdom. “For now, nothing can be done other than research and experimentation. If you do not give up, then you technically have not failed but rather just need time, correct?” He smiled seeing Celestia give hers in return. “You are right, Master Yen Sid. It is too early for me to think like this anyway. Perhaps the next time my sister is free, she can join us in this discussion at another time.” Yen Sid nodded, “That sounds like a perfect idea. So long as she doesn’t use that ‘voice’ again.” He laughed and soon Celestia joined him. “Apologies, she still gets a little nervous whenever we speak with you. You’ve certainly done a lot for Equestria in the past and she is well aware of it.” Yen Sid smiled yet shook his head. “I suppose it cannot be helped. Now, shall we TRULY begin where we left off, or do we have more to discuss. “O-oh, of course. M-my apologies.” Celestia dipped her head before lifting it back up and her horn started glowing when she lifted her head up to look at him. “I would very much like to reach a solution to this problem.” “My thoughts exactly. Now then, let’s start with some simple tests.” The two would be very busy that night and were more than eager to get right to it. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Old Castle Ruins Half an hour later Sora, Spike and the girls had finally reached their destination, much to Sora’s relief when the heavy pack was taken off his back as everyone except Twilight were now taking things from the bag to set up their “camping spot”. Twilight in the meantime was investigating the area for any clues on where the keyhole would be. “Wow, Rarity, you sure packed this thing with everything.” Rainbow managed to dig out a neatly wrapped and packed tea set that was soon covered in a magical aura and floated out of her hooves towards Rarity. “Oh, perfect timing, Rainbow. I believe it’s an appropriate time to warm up some tea,” said Rarity. Then she turned her face to her right. “How’s that fire coming along, Spike?” Spike was at the center of soon to be campsite rearranging some logs to make a low pyramid in a small pit that he dug out. “Almost done, Rarity, just gotta put the stones around it.” “Oh, let me help you with that, deary.” Rarity made her over to Spike levitating some rocks with her magic and set to work. Sora was helping Applejack pitch a rather lavish looking tent that they managed to get out of the bag. “Okay, Sora stake’s down.” Applejack was holding down the last stake to hammer in to keep the tent from flying off from a stray gust. “Right!” Sora immediately set to work bashing the head of the stake to get the thing into the ground. “Easy there, Pard’ner. Don’t wanna go hittin’ me in the process,” said Applejack with her face expressed concern. “Relax I got this. We’ve been swinging a giant one around before remember? This is a cinch.” He raised the hammer a bit higher. He hoped that would get the job done in one slam. Then he swung the hammer down; charging for the top of the stake. Thunk However he missed the stake; narrowly missing Applejack’s hoof by a centimeter. “Oops… hehe, sorry.” Applejack didn’t took it too well. She looked at Sora with her piercing eyes, let go of the stake and held her hoof out. “Gimme the hammer, Sora!” Fluttershy had been taking care of setting out the food, cooking ware, and first aid with Pinkie Pie. The latter already excited about deciding what to make. “Wow, Rarity got everything, milk, sugar, salt, eggs, spices, lots of fruits and veggies, stuff for tea, some pots and pans; It’s like we brought a kitchen with us!” Pinkie giggled at the possibilities. “Oh yes, it is quite, extensive. Perhaps a stew would be a good idea. We can even get Applejack’s help on it. Since I’m sure she knows a few good recipes we can try.” Pinkie gasped in surprise at the revelation. “We’ll be like a cooking team! I like the way you think Fluttershy.” Pinkie hugged her friend for a brief second before noticing Sora and Applejack finally finishing up the tent. “Oh, perfect timing! I’ll go get her now!” Then she was gone in pink blur, causing Fluttershy to be spun around in place by the force a few times, then she recovered from dizziness then she giggled at her friend’s eagerness. Rainbow had finished with unloading the bag for everyone and was immediately bored now. She then noticed Twilight a good distance away from the camp inspecting the ruins, around them. “Yo Twi, whatcha up to?” She flew over to her. “Isn’t it obvious, Rainbow?” Twilight stated. “I’m trying to find clues to where the keyhole might be. The camp set up seems to be covered by the others so I figured start working now, and give us a head start.” Twilight had a notepad and quill out in case anything important needed to be recorded. “As diligent as ever, egghead.” Rainbow shook her head while watching her friend work. “It’s not like this place is going anywhere you know.” “I am aware of that. I have to admit this all really fascinates me, you know?” Then a smile suddenly grew on Twilight’s face. “I was aware that there is so much more to the world we lived in, and had a feeling that there was even more things I don’t know out in the stars, but this? I never would’ve imagined to see such a connection between our world and what lies beyond. Like how our world has similarities to other worlds. Like having a keyhole as Sora would say, and that they are alive, in a sense, since they opened up paths for Sora when the old ones were closed up.” “Yeah, I gotta admit all that sounds really cool. I know some places in Sora’s story I would love to visit.” Rainbow placed a hoof to her chin and gave it some thought. “I know, and I want to see them all. Not only that, but that whole fusing thing Sora and Applejack can do! How does that work?! Why does it work?! Has the elements always had such a connection with the keyblade??! I have to study them when we get home! So even more reason we have to get this job done.” Rainbow sighed as she did expected her bring up the elements eventually. No way Twilight would pass that up. “Who knows, I might be able to find it around this corn-” She stopped in her tracks. Concerned for her friend freezing up, she flew over to her. “What’s up?” “Rainbow… Has that always been there?” Rainbow decided to follow her gaze and was met with an unusual sight. A passage within the wall, lit with torches leading down a flight of stairs. “What the-” Rainbow cocked her head to the side. “It’s been awhile since we been here, but it be hard to miss that.” “Not only that, but those lit torches could only mean that it was used recently.” Twilight stepped up to it. “Wait… So you’re saying somepony came here before us?” Twilight immediately became worried. “And they might still be down there.” ~~~ Sora looked down the long stairway “Well, it’s a long flight of stairs, but I can see the bottom at least.” Rainbow hovered right above him. “Yeah, yeah, lots of stairs, let’s just get down there already, there could a bad guy down there.” “Hold on Rainbow, we don’t know what we’re getting ourselves into,” said Twilight, “For all we know the pony could be lying in wait for us. I’d rather not run cluelessly into a trap.” Fluttershy peeked into the passageway but immediately receded due to the eerie spooky vibes it was giving her. “Um, is it okay if we just stay up here and not worry about traps?” “Of course not, otherwise this whole trip would be pointless.” Rainbow rebuttled with her shy friend. “Actually, that may not be a bad idea?” Sora turned to face the others. “What?! Are you having cold hooves or something about all this NOW?” Rainbow glared at Sora. Sora simply shook his head. “No no, that’s not what I meant. Twilight has a point that there might be a trap waiting for us. It would probably be best if we separate into smaller groups, perhaps in pairs. and one of the pairs should wait here. In case things take a dive.” “Ah have ta’ agree with Sora on that one.” Applejack walked up to the group and got a look at the stairway below. “It’ll be better if we space ourselves out a bit as well when we go down there, that way if a trap is set, the pair behind them will be able to help out.” Sora nodded, “Sounds like a plan.” “Alright so who pairs with who here?” Rainbow asked “Well, It’s obvious that Sora should be up front, So Applejack as well.” Twilight suggested. Both Sora and Applejack shook their heads in unison and said, “No go.” After a few seconds, they looked at each other surprised at what they just did. The rest of the girls found this odd; though Twilight seemed more intrigued about it. Sora cleared his throat. “Um, I believe what AJ and I are getting at is that it probably isn’t the best idea to put, two strong powers in one pair, because if we do run into a trap, then we might not be out of commission in case there is something that activates to prevent others from freeing us. Applejack looked at Sora again, then her eyebrow raised, “That’s… exactly what ah’ was thinkin’ too.” Great, even more questions to add to the pile. Twilight sighed inwardly before shaking her head, “Very well, then let’s set it up like this: Sora and I will be the first pair, Applejack and Rarity will be second; Rainbow and Pinkie are third group and Fluttershy and Spike will remain up here and watch over the camp and the entrance.” “What?!” Spike looked at the librarian. “You’re setting on the sidelines again. I can totally help.” “You will be helping, Spike.” Twilight smiled. “By being SAFE?” Spike folded his arms, expecting such an answer to come out of her mouth. This caused the purple unicorn seize up just as she was about to reply, before recovering. “By keeping the camp safe. I mean who else is able to scare away any creatures with fire? I can think of no better than the one who can actually breathe fire after all.” She saw him falter a bit at that true fact. “And, Fluttershy will also need protecting, incase you two run across a scary animal she can’t soothe.” Spike seemed to no longer carry that pout on his face. Twilight looked at the others for help Sora scratched his cheek, this kinda felt wrong but Twilight did bring up some good points. He sighed and spoke next. “She has a point you know. Fluttershy made it very clear she’s a pacifist on this.” Seeing the shy mare drooped he immediately raised a hoof toward her. “NOTHING WRONG WITH THAT, FLUTTERS! I’m just saying your strengths are meant for other things,” AAAAAAAAAAH! Me and my Big Dumb Mouth! Sora mentally kicked himself for not thinking of a better way to say it. Applejack stepped in to help him out of that minefield. “Also, as a side note, you two can keep an eye on dinner since it’s already over the fire.” She looked over to the large stewpot hanging over the fire pit on a Tripod. “That thing needs ta’ be stirred every now and then or else the stew will burn. Spike after much thought, and having another whiff of the air, heavy with the wonderful scent of whatever it was cooking in that pot. He slumped and sighed. “Fine.” “Oh, thank you very much Spike. You’re just like a knight guarding our fort,” Rarity stated. That got ‘em. Sora shook his head when he could already tell what would happen next. The little dragon perked up, straightened himself out, and faced Sora and the girls, mostly at Rarity, with a salute and a confident grin. “You can count on me!” “Perfect, now that that is all settled. Shall we get going?” said Twilight. “Yay! Down the spooky staircase we go!” Pinkie is more than happy for another adventure before dinner. ~~~ Everyone sans Spike and Fluttershy descended down the staircase, only to walk down a long corridor. The pairs kept themselves spaced out. Far enough to not get caught with another pair that activated any booby traps, but close enough respond to them quickly. “Do you think we’ll really find it here, Sora?” Twilight asked as she felt a chill run down her spine. This place definitely wasn’t doing a service to her nerves from how eerie it all felt. She couldn’t tell if the markings on the wall were writings, glyphs, or just some creepy patterns that whoever designed this corridor thought it be funny to put on. “Dunno.” Sora shrugged. This caused Twilight to stumble. “I suppose, I shouldn’t be surprised by that answer.” “Hey, don’t worry about it. If anything, we know that there HAS to be something down here. SO I don’t think it’s pointless to be down here anyway.” “I suppose…. It’s hard to believe you do this all the time though.” “Yeah, sometimes I kind of wonder that myself. I mean, I was just a kid goofing off and building a raft with my friends one day, then suddenly, bam. I get thrown for a loop about what’s really out here. Then go off on a spaceship and having all these otherworldly adventures. Then finally, here I am.” Sora chuckled. “Out in the stars again on a new world.” Twilight smiled at him. “It’s always fun to travel, I guess… Oh hey I think I can finally see the end of this hallway.” He trotted head. “Oh thank Celestia, we’re finally out of this creepy place.” She sighed before catching up to him. But then she noticed Sora stopped at the entrance and glaring at something. “Sora? Whats wrong?” ~~~ Rainbow couldn’t see much of what was going on ahead since they were so far apart from Sora and Twilight, so she just focused her gaze on Applejack and Rarity ahead of her. “Man, this place gives me the creeps. What’s the deal here? Why is this place so weird from the rest of the ruins?” Pinkie was simply smiling while she trotted along. “Maybe it’s leads to a special room where a giant scary monster is all locked up for eternity or something.” “Pinkie, I think this is one of the few times, where I want you to not say such a thing. I reeeaaallly don’t want to deal some ancient monster right now.” Whether or not it was Pinkie Pie just randomly drumming up an answer, it was best to give fate any ideas. That was Rainbow’s thought on the matter. She then noticed Applejack and Rarity start running ahead. “Ooooh, what do you think happened?” Pinkie lifted her hoof over her eyes to try to see farther up ahead. “Obviously, whatever it is, isn’t good. Come on Pinkie!” Rainbow flew ahead but stopped when she heard Pinkie yell, “Wheeee!” When she turned around towards her hind, Pinkie was gone. “Pinkie?! What the-Whoa!” She felt a strong suction pull her towards the ceiling, but instead expecting herself hitting against it, she she kept on getting pulled upward and into darkness before finally blacking out. Then the next thing she knows, she’s on the floor; that much was for certain. She slowly got up to her hooves and shook her head to get the groggy feeling out of her mind. “Ugh… What happened?” “Hey Rainbow!” She heard from her right. She immediately turned to see Pinkie waving at her. “Pinkie! There you are, Where in Cele-” One here over to Pinkie she was stopped when her head ran into what looked like yet another barrier. “Ow!” She nursed her head and grumbled, “Again?! Man I hate those things!” This was when she finally got a good look around. They were in a large room of some kind, she noticed Applejack and Rarity were here as well on her left. “Aj? Rares? What’s going on here?” She then noticed the two of them gazing ahead; she looked in that direction to see Sora and Twilight. Unlike the four of them, they weren’t trapped in barriers, but they were staring down a being who stood between them and the girls. “Who is that?” From what she could tell it was bipedal, but a ragged brown cloak covered it from the back so she couldn’t make anything else out. That’s when she heard a voice. A low one as it echoed the room. ”Well… Now that everyone is here. Let’s start the game.” > Chapter 14: Wake Up Call > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- (As Always Green Text means "click me" to play theme music to go with what your reading. Red text means to stop the music. Completely optional: Your free to ignore this) A few minutes earlier         Twilight followed Sora’s gaze upon a figure, who is standing at the far end of the room. It was a large altar of some sort, but at the far end the stranger stood in front of something glowing on the opposite wall. It was framed but at the center of it, the shape that Sora recognized. “The Keyhole!” Sora blurted out. Noticing his mistake Sora face hoofed form his loud mouth, as the stranger seemed to take notice. “Well, you certainly got here sooner than I expected.” It turned to face them. The cloak obscured  most of it’s body. All they could make out, was it’s low voice, indicating it’s a male voice at least, and that it stood on two legs and had arms. However, there wasn’t much time to figure out more about him, as the being lifted his arms on either side and a dark aura surrounded him for a brief moment, then thrusted his arms forward to shoot out a blast of dark energy toward them. Twilight barely managed to bring up a barrier in time, negate the attack.As soon as she released it, Sora was already sprinting toward the being with his keyblade in his mouth and ready to go. She ran after him though wasn’t able to catch up in time as the battle already started without her. Sora jumped up with a somersault and swung down at the stranger’s head. The stranger simply side stepped and kicked Sora away. “So you’re suppose to be a keyblade bearer.” “Sora!” Twilight saw Sora get knocked back but flip himself upright in midair and landing back on the ground, skidding back a few feet. “Can’t see what all the fuss is about. Just a colt with an oversize key, really.” The stranger sighed, but barely managed to dodge a flying keyblade that was aimed for his head at high speeds. “Whoa now!” He looked back at the flying key before back at Sora who was already making another dash toward him. “Hasn’t anyone ever told you to never judge a book by it’s cover?” said Sora. Then he lunged forward summoning the key back but in his hooves as he made a rising slash at his foe. He then felt his keyblade stop completely. He looked up in shock to see the stranger was blocking it with it’s hand, or rather a claw. “Yes, believe me, I’ve done my homework on you key bearers. Like how I’m at an advantage, since you’re still not used to that body of yours.” He, yanked the weapon out of Sora’s ‘hooves and twisted his body, Suddenly, something shot out of the cloak, smacking Sora toward Twilight. then quickly returned back inside it before anyone could even see what it was. Twilight managed to catch Sora in her magic and bring him back to his feet this time. “Sora, you okay?” “Sora, shook his head until his mind was clear. “Y-yeah, I’m fine. We gotta be careful of this guy. He definitely knows who I am.” Sora returned to a fighting stance as his keyblade returned to him. Twilight got ready as well then whispered, “Then I think it’s okay to use those beads again.” “Right.” Sora nodded and reached into his bag…. and reached deeper into his bag….. then reached for his other bag. “Looking for this?” Sora and Twilight looked back to see the stranger tossing a familiar bag in his claw a few times. “What?! H-how?!” Sora glared at the foe. “Oh, don’t be so surprised.” The stranger tossed it one last time before snatching out of the air when it came back down. “It’s one of the trades you learn in this sort of business.” Then he placed the bag into his cloak, pocketing it away. ”Can’t have you reverting to your true form. I’ll be honest, you could totally kick my flank if you did.” “Then I’ll just have to learn to kick it with how I am now!” Sora retorted “I’m helping too!” Twilight’s horn began to glow. Then the figure clicked his tongue and waggled its clawed finger at their response. “Easy now, I’m not one to go looking for fights that are too much of a hassle for me. I always have insurance.” He thrusted his hand out and a dark energy formed around it before, suddenly dome barriers appeared behind him, and four ponies were dropped in each separate one. “Girls!” Twilight and Sora were to pick up their identity. now they were both staring daggers at the being. “What did you do to them?!” Sora yelled, his anger immediately flaring up. “Nothing, I assure you… yet.” Hearing that last word, Twilight is on edge now. “See, my client was very specific with what they wanted me to do, and I intend to complete it. The pay isn’t something you just pass up. “You mean, Maleficent and Chrysalis hired you to stop us?!” Twilight asked in an angered tone. In response, the Stranger shook his head and placed a hand on his hip. “Can’t say I’ve heard the names, toots.” “Toots?!” Twilight’s eyes blazed hot and red. Sora tilted his head, “If it’s neither of them, then who hired you?” “Sorry, goes against customer policy giving out private information. I’m trying to run a legitimate business here.” “By stealing, an’ harming other ponies?” A southern voice came from behind him. “Applejack!” Twilight looked over to see the other girls were now coming to and Rainbow running her head into the barrier, accidentally. “Well… Now that everyone is here. Let’s start the game!” ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Back outside Spike was giving the stew another stir as he watched Fluttershy float by, holding a small box of first aid supplies and placed them next to the first aid kit nearby the tent. He sighed, “I wonder what they’re doing? They’ve been down there for awhile now.” Fluttershy turned to Spike with a worried look on her face. “I hope they haven’t gotten hurt or anything.” “Relax Fluttershy, they’ll be fine. Sora and Applejack are down there, no doubt Rainbow Dash, wouldn’t sit idly by in a fight. Those three are super tough.” Spike took a sip of the stew with the ladle, before nodding that it tasted perfect and went back to stirring. “They definitely would be able to give Twilight some breathing room to use magic if needed, so even better.” “I-I guess that’s true.”  Fluttershy subconsciously played with her mane as she sat in front of the campfire and thought. “I just…” she searched for the right words of what she was feeling. “Just feel, sort of uneasy about all this.” Spike scratched his chin. “Can’t say I blame ya. We’re split up, on guard duty of the camp, in some old ruins in a creepy forest. I definitely would never come here. It always gives me the creeps coming here.” He looked back at Fluttershy shaking now. “Aaah ahem… Of course, everything is perfectly fine here. Nothing to worry about, ok? Besides um… there are also animals that live here right?” Fluttershy was calming down now. “Yes, um, all sorts of them.” “So then the forest isn’t all bad right since there are some nice animals too.” Spike pointed. She nodded again until another thought came to her mind. “Oh… But… Now there are heartless in the forest too… You don’t think they would hurt the poor animals would you?” A look of deep concern was stuck on her face, and Spike had no idea how to respond. “Well, they were fighting that manticore earlier I guess, so.” Spike then quickly added “But, those heartless don’t seem very well together, they’re basically a bunch of boneheads, so I’m sure the animals would be able to escape from them or even beat them up if they’re strong enough. “I, I guess so,” Fluttershy nodded slowly, but kept gazing at the fire with a sad look. “I just wish, none of this was happening. Four days ago, all that was on my mind was just the animals at home and my friends. Deciding what I would do that day after my chores were done. Perhaps some tea with Rarity, cheering  for Rainbow whenever she tries some new stunt. Maybe look for a book in Twilight’s house about animals, or perhaps have some cupcakes with Pinkie or visit Applejack on her farm…” “But instead, we’re in this mess, right?” Spike asked with a sigh. Fluttershy didn’t answer, but nodded as she looked away. “Yeah, I liked it better when everything was ‘same old same old’. We wouldn’t have to worry about Heartless, or Chrysalis, or whoever that Maleficent lady you guys keep talking about.” Spike decided he stirred enough for now and sat back looking at the fire as well. “But, there is one good thing about all this.” Fluttershy looked at Spike waiting for an answer, and he delivered with a big grin on his face. “We get meet someone really awesome!” At first Fluttershy had to take a moment to register who he meant, but when she did, she couldn’t stop the smile appear on her face and slowly grow every second. “Yeah… Your right. I’m glad we did too.” ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Back inside Sora stood his ground but was utterly confused on what he had heard. “A game?” The being nodded, “Of course, just something to entertain me really.” He got into a ready stance. “It’s simple really, if you can actually surprise me with an attack, I’ll let your little buddies go.” Then red eyes glows within the hood of the cloak. “Of course, if you lose… I’ll just be taking these ladies with me.” Twilight and Sora glared at the stranger. “You can’t just take my friends away like that! I won’t allow it!” Twilight horn starts to shine brightly. “Oh, I struck a nerve it would seem. Then you better be able to back up that claim, toots.” Twilight couldn’t see, but from the tone of his voice, she could tell he was wearing a condescending smile of some sort. She went to levitate him and throw him across the room, but was surprised at how heavy it felt to even attempt it. She strained and gave it everything she got, but he wouldn’t budge. “As if it be that easy, honey.” He then looked at his right to see Sora try to flank him with a running jump slash. But he simply side stepped from the flying stallion, grabbed his hoof. “Kudos on using the distraction, I can say.” Then threw Sora back to where he came from. “But don’t tell me that’s all you got.” He thrusted out his hand and fired a barrage of dark blasts at the Sora. Sora could see there were way too many to reflect. His memories were once again going on rapid fire, there had to be some way he get out of this. Then he came across a memory of his days when he first started adventuring. A spell he hadn’t used in a long time. “Stop!” A giant clock face appeared above him and the attack literally halted in mid air. “It worked!” Sora cheered as he landed back to the ground. Sora successfully remembered an old spell he used, Stopga! Twilight and her friends couldn’t believe what they were seeing, Sora made time stop for the attack. “Whoa! He can do that?!” Rainbow face pressed against the barrier. “That is so awesome!” “Impressive indeed, You’re certainly a very versatile spellcaster for a colt.” The Stranger folded his arms and nodded. “That’s not all I remembered! FORCE!” Sora had jumped to the side and pointed his keyblade toward the stranger and right above his head appeared a purple orb of energy. It grew at an alarming right as it descended down toward the stranger who just narrowly happened to dodge it. The ground where he once stood was soon encased in the purple energy orb then started cracking and breaking from it as if the force of gravity increased exponentially. The figure whistled. “If I’m not mistaken, that’s Gravity… no… Graviga. You’re definitely no novice at magic that’s for sure.” He then started back stepping dodging Twilight’s magic bolts. “Don’t think I haven’t forgotten about you there.” “Tch!” Twilight had thought Sora’s distraction would give her an opening. He was forced to side step again when he sensed Sora was already upon him giving another swing at him. When Sora jumped and went for a downward strike, the being caught him in midair by the neck. “I admit your formidable, and in this world, that fighting style is a great asset.” His grip on Sora’s neck was even tighter before he turned toward Twilight using Sora as a shield to take on Twilight’s magic bolts in the back. Sora writhed and screamed in pain leaving Twilight to backpedal in shock at what had she had just done. “You’re just unlucky that I that I fought one of you guys before. Should probably change your game plan.” He let go of Sora’s neck only turn and have that same thing under his cloak whip out and smack the Keyblade bearer away crashing into a pillar. Rainbow and Pinkie were fuming and yelling at the being, Apple was trying her best to break out of the barrier with her gauntlets, but to no avail. Rarity was distraught at seeing her friends in such peril, forgetting that her position is even worse. Twilight snapped out of it when she saw her friend get knocked away like garbage and was too late to stop him from crashing into it. “Sora! No!” She was clueless on what to do. Not even Sora could take on this guy, and it was far too soon for Applejack and Sora to fuse again. Even if it did, Sora’s out of commission so he wouldn’t be able to-. A thought occurred to her; if magic bolts and telekinesis did nothing… what else did she have in her arsenal? Why wasn’t she prepared for this? She complained about not having more techniques and spells up her sleeve earlier, so why didn’t she before when she was in all this mess? She noticed a shadow loom over her, she shuddered yet, against her will her head turned to face the stranger standing right over her. “Well, seeing as your little buddy over there is down for the count, guess I’ll just take this as a victory and add you to the collection.” He held his claw out toward her and a dark aura formed around it. Twilight backed up only to run into the wall. She had nowhere to go, she had no plan to try, She had nothing… When the aura started glowing brightly she closed her eyes and resigned to her fate. “Back off!” Her eyes shot opened at that voice and there he was. Standing there Keyblade in his mouth, staring daggers at the now retreating enemy. “Sora?!” Twilight was amazed at how he was able to get up after all that. “Well, you’re certainly tougher than you look, boy.” The figure took a ready stance. “No one messes with my friends!” He sprinted toward the stranger. Then the stranger laughed hard. “Have you learned nothing, colt?! Your attacks are useless as you are now? If you can’t even fully control your body right now, then you’re just wasting your time.” He continued laughing as he watched the stallion keep speed. He’s right Twilight thought, He made it perfectly clear that Sora couldn’t lay a hoof on him. she was starting to lose hope until “Whoo!! Go Sora!” Twilight turned to see it was Pinkie Pie still stuck in her barrier but was cheering their friend on. Sora seemed to be going for a hoofed slash attack. The stranger moved his arms already predicting where the attack going, only to reach nothing but air. “Huh?” The Stranger watched as Sora let go of the keyblade, Stepped forward and and slammed his hoof against the stranger’s head, knocking him back. but he wasn’t done; he turned, jumped on all fours facing away from the stranger and gave him double buck to the face; sending him flying back. “Not done yet.” When he landed he grabbed his faced the enemy with keyblade pointed forward. “FIRAGA!!” he channeled a lot of his magic on this one and barrage flaming projectiles shot out of his keyblade at rapid and pelted the being into the wall. When he finished firing, he went back on all fours, when he noticed something in front of him. “Huh? My bag?!” He scrambled over to the familiar silk back, stashed it away but took out a bead and bit into it. “Man, that’s smarts!” The being stood up but was encased in a cloud of smoke from the attack, but his red eyes could be seen through it and once he noticed Sora’s true form he chuckled. “Well, good job, kid. You managed to surprise me. You win.” “I’m gonna do a lot more than that. Now let my friends go!” He got back into a fighting stance. “Right, right, relax, they’ll go free. I’m not a masochist.”Then he suddenly was engulfed in a dark aura for a brief moment, and then the barriers over their friends were finally gone. “Girls!” Twilight rushed passed Sora to meet her friends, this distracted him for only a second, but apparently that was enough because once he looked back. The stranger was gone. He looked around, but saw not even a sign of where he went. He sighed and banished his keyblade for the time being and went to check on his friends as well. ~~~                  When things finally settled down, and no one could find any signs of their recent guest. Everyone formed together and traded their experiences of what happened during  all that. “Man that creep was annoying. What was his deal?” Rainbow had  her forelimbs folded wearing an agitated look. “Why was he even here?” “Can’t say I have a clue, but it was clear that he’s fought keyblade wielders before from the way he went on about it.” Sora sat down and looked at his hoof for a moment. “That last attack came off the top of my head to be honest. I wasn’t really sure it would work. I guess that guy had a point.” “Huh? About what?” Applejack asked, unsure why there would be anything they would agree one with that guy. “I can tell even after all the fights we had, I could do so much more than what I can now. I mean, I just remembered how to use two spells I haven’t used in a long while. Also, I guess there is more that I can do with this body in a battle for sure as well. I don’t know if they knew it or not, but Applejack and I already fused not too long ago, so I couldn’t use that ability, and the guy was able to steal my bag too. What if that happens again?” He stood back up. “I need to be able to handle things better in this form, since I’m mostly going to be in it.” “You have a point Sora, but I think that applies for all of us.” Twilight spoke up, but her tone wasn’t as a bit somber. “If there is anything this battle told us… It’s how inexperienced we all are.” She turned to her friends. “there is no doubt Sora could take on a lot of things in his original form and when he fuses with AJ, but if you take those away, what then.” Everyone was silent for a moment. then Rainbow spoke up. “Well, then AJ and I can pick up the slack whenever that happens.” Rainbow waved a hoof at the thought. “Like what happened earlier when you were all trapped in a barrier?” said Twilight sternly, catching the pegasus off guard with no chance to rebuttal. Twilight sighed before speaking again. “Sora isn’t the only one that needs to toughen up… We all do. Otherwise, there will be more times when this happens again.” It was clear to her friends that Twilight was very adamant about this. Sora looked around, seeing the depressing mood and everyone shifting their gazes away from each other… he cleared his throat. “Well.. for now, how about we take care of this keyhole here and discuss more about it at camp.” Grabbing their attention, they all looked toward the wall at the other end and on it was a large keyhole emanating light off of it.  “Wow, so that’s a keyhole!” Pinkie trotted toward it and gazed at it. “Does that mean that the walls a door? Ooooh, what do you think is behind it?” Sora chuckled as he followed behind her. “The Heart of this world, Pinkie, and we’re making sure nothing bad happens to it.” He summoned his keyblade. “So this is the thing we need to keep the heartless away from?” Rainbow flew over to it to inspect it. “Yup, if the heartless find it, you can kiss this world goodbye,” said Sora. Then Rainbow gulped, “I don’t want to think about it.” “Would you move out of the way, please, Rainbow. I need to lock it, the sooner the better.”Sora waved his keyblade at the pegasus. “Uh, r-right. Sorry.” Rainbow hovered to the side then turned to Sora to watch him. Applejack stood on his other side and watched the Keyhole ahead of them. Twilight sitting next to her doing the same, observing the method did excite her, but after what happened today, most of that enthusiasm couldn’t be seen. Sora got onto his hind legs, Keyblade in hoof, before lifting it up and pointing the tip at the Keyhole in front of them. Suddenly, a beam of light shot out of the Keyblade and into the Keyhole. The gazes of the girls varied from astonishment to curiosity, in case the constant “Oohs” and “Awws” weren’t evident enough. then there was the sound of something locking, echoing throughout the room as the beam disappeared and Sora banished his keyblade and returned to all fours. “Ok, that’s it.” “Really? That’s all?” Twilight looked toward him. “No, special ritual, or dance, or some kind of incantation?” Sora laughed, “It’s not voodoo Twilight, I’m basically just locking up the entrance to the world’s heart. Think of it as a flashy way to lock a door or something.” “Ah’ like the sound of that. Short and Simple.” Applejack smiled. “Well, this is definitely a story to tell Flutters and Spike,” said Rainbow “Wait! What if that stranger ran out that way?!” Twilight jaw dropped when that dawned on her. Sora and the others soon shared similar expressions. “Come on! Let’s go!” Sora galloped back to the other end and into the hallway, the girls not far behind. Once they all left, from out of the shadows, that very person stepped out and observed their retreating forms. “Heh, well… I did my job.” He looked back at where the keyhole once was. It disappeared as soon as Sora left. Before long he disappeared into the shadows. “What a pain…” ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Back outside 5 minutes later Spike and Fluttershy were definitely surprised and confused when they saw their friends burst out of the passageway. Most of them were running all around the campsite looking for something, whereas of the girls, Twilight and Pinkie. Where the two out that nearly knocked over the pegasus and dragon and bombarded them with questions about some guy they never even seen.    When everything seemed safe and everyone finally relaxed, the smell of the stew finally caught their noses and decided to explain everything during dinner. Rainbow and Applejack took turns telling it, though Twilight would butt in every now and then to clear up some parts they didn’t see from where they were. As Sora watched the girls talk, he felt a tap on his shoulder, he looked back to see Fluttershy holding a first aid kit. “Sora, um, you have something that needs to be looked at.” Unsure of what she meant Sora looked at himself and only now that he noticed it… He was pretty banged up, Some scratches here and there on his body, and he could feel some minor pain on his back as well. “Oh, heh, Thanks Fluttershy, but it’s not too bad-” He was silenced when Fluttershy wordlessly went to work with the bleeding scratch on his foreleg. From the looks in her eyes, there didn’t seem to be anyway to talk her out of it. He sighed and accepted his fate. “Thank you.” He smiled, he does appreciate it, despite his earlier protest. When he had to take off his jacket for Fluttershy to check his back, Twilight couldn’t help but notice some small wounds that were visible from where she was sitting. It brought back the memory of when she shot him by mistake, immediately her head hung low and her friends picked up on it. “Yo, Twi, you alright?” Rainbow asked first. “Yes, why the long face, dear?” Rarity placed a hoof on her shoulder. Twilight was quiet for a moment as everyone’s attention went to her, before she finally manage to find the words. “I’m so sorry, Sora.” Sora tilted his head with an eyebrow raised. “Uuuh, for what?” “For… For that.” she pointed toward his back that was Fluttershy was still bandaging up. “When he grabbed you, I thought I could help in someway… but all that did was make it worse…” “What? This?” He looked at his back “Don’t worry about it, it wasn’t your fault,” Sora replied. “Yeah, that sleezeball is the one to blame. The nerve of that guy using Sora as a shield.” Rainbow’s voice shifted to an agitated tone. “Indeed, he was nothing more than an uncaring brute,” Rarity scoffed, “the next time I see would be too soon.” Twilight nodded, “I know, it’s just...” she pursed her lips, “I should have done better than that. I should have known he would do such a thing, or even dodge it for that matter, and using telekinesis seems to not work on him either. So all I could rely on was shooting at him with my magic, and look at how that turned out.” She lifted a hoof towards Sora’s wrapped up back. “It’s frustrating… I couldn’t do anything, when my friends needed my help the most. Even more so when he used my attempt to hurt a friend… It’s really frustrating how useless I was and I don’t want that to happen again. EVER.” Sora watched Twilight then look up at him “Sora, can I ask you something?” “Sure what is it?” He looked at her curiously Twilight  stood up and walked over to him before looking him in the eyes, and he could see a lot of determination in them. ”Is it possible to use the magic that you use?” > Chapter 15: Get a Job You Lazy Bum > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- (As Always Green Text means "click me" to play theme music to go with what your reading. Red text means to stop the music. Completely optional: Your free to ignore this)         It was another routine afternoon in Ponyville, the denizens were going about their day, either with errands, going to or from a job, maybe even grab a bite to eat or such. It was a day like any other in the town, just outside of it, we have a stallion pulling some goods along with him into town. The roads had been a bit treacherous with these strange heartless creatures showing up and all, however he was pretty confident that he would be able to make it to Canterlot and back without much trouble so long as he stayed on the path. Now seeing his hometown in view made it clear he was right. Now he could relax and-                                                                                                       “OUT OF THE WAY!”         He jumps from the voice and looks back. Once he did, his pupils shrank to pinpricks and he scrambled to the side with his cart, barely in time to avoid a flying cart that zipped past him and toward Ponyville.         Sora was on the back of the runaway cart on his hind legs. Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle on either side of their payload of apples making sure it didn’t fall out of their containers or to prevent the containers from tipping at all, while Applebloom was up front steering ahead. “RIGHT!” She called out. Sora immediately jumped out of the cart on the right, hung onto the ledge with the teeth of his keyblade and placed his hind legs on the wagon’s side to use his body’s weight to make their ride shift in his direction, narrowly missing passerby ponies and stalls. “LEFT!” She called out again, Sora pulled himself onto his keyblade to launch himself back up into the wagon, flip over the payload, struck his keyblade on the left ledge, and repeated the same process to make the wagon turn down another street. “STRAIGHTEN OUT!” Sora complied returning to his first position. “This is crazy! Who’s idea was this?!” Scootaloo yelled out as she barely kept the apples on her side together. “Ya’ said ya’ wanted ta’ get there fast!” Applebloom replied before yelling “Hard Right!” Sora heeded her by jumping onto the right side again, but this time leaning so far down his face could nearly touch the ground that sped by below him. It worked however as they managed to reach the road they needed to be on. “Good!” Sora got back up and saw their target ahead. “Me and my big mouth… MOVE EVERYPONY RUNAWAY WAGON COMING THROUGH!” Scootaloo yelled at the ponies ahead, who were scrambling to get out of harm’s way. “I don’t even know how we got into this mess,” Sora deadpanned. “Brakes!” Without a second thought Sora leaned back, made a hoofstand on the ledge on the back, before flipping over and hooked his hoof onto it, slammed his keyblade into the dirt, teeth first, and stomped his hind legs onto the ground as well, hoping to use this method to kill the wagon’s speed, which seemed to be working. “This is it! We can make it!” Sweetie Belle cheered. Happy to have this crazy ride come to an end.         Applebloom smiled as well to have her plan be a huge success when suddenly, from above, something crashed in front of their path.“Uh Oh,” she said as the wagon collided with it, launching Sora, the girls, and the Payload high into the air.         “Whoa!” Sora felt himself get flipped into the air, but had no time to wonder why once he heard all three of the girls start panicking. He flew toward Scootaloo so he grabbed her first. kicked off a street lamp they went by to fly over and grab Sweetie Belle by the containers, then pushed off of them to zoom towards Applebloom. Once he had all three in his grasp he turned his body to face the containers, raise his keyblade with his free hoof and call out. “STOP!” Suddenly, the apples went completely immobile in midair. With that done, he sent away his keyblade and held onto the little fillies and braced for impact. Fortunately, the door, up ahead, opened up just in time for them to sail through it. Sora used his body to take on the impact and the rapid tumbling, keeping the girls safe as he could tell they crashed into a lot of tables, and chairs before they stopped. When they opened their eyes and Sora finally let go of them, they tumbled out of of him perfectly fine but dizzy like nothing else and looking around to see they reached their destination, Sugarcube Corner. With Mr. and Mrs. Cake distraught and worried for their tables and chairs and the well being of the stallion that crashed into them. In a groggy voice and still stumbling around Applebloom managed to say, “Delivery... from... Sweet Apple Acres.” Then she fell face first to the ground. The world was spinning too much for her to even stand up anymore, same went for her friends. How about we turn back the clock, and see how this all started.          ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Fluttershy’s Cottage Earlier that morning         After an early rise and some breakfast, the journey out of the forest and back to Ponyville was a lot shorter then it was when they went into it. Even better for Sora and Spike when Pinkie managed to take care of all of Rarity’s camping gear. Sora needed it, since Twilight didn’t give him anytime to relax. Practically through the whole night, She had Sora try to teach her how cast the magic spells he used. Unfortunately, his way of explaining didn’t quite go well through translation so progress was slow. He was more the active type so his explanations were around. “Your magic goes ‘Whoosh’ inside you and then you make it heat up, then you point and fire”         He shot a small fireball out of the tip of his keyblade as it traveled a good distance before dissipating completely. Twilight sighed “You saying ‘whoosh’, but what does that even mean?! Can’t you explain it more clearly?”         Sora scratched the back of his head. “Easier said than done. I can’t remember how Merlin or Donald taught me magic, since after a while it just becomes second nature, like walking.”         “Oh, you mean Donald Duck,” Fluttershy perked up at the mere mentioning name. She probably still imagined Donald as an adorable duck with a wizard hat on him.         “Uh, yeah. When we first met, he was the one that taught me my first magic spell, Fire.” Sora smiled, then looked at his keyblade. “I tend to use it a lot, now that I think about it. It’s very useful in a lot of situations.” He sent the keyblade away. “He and Merlin would probably be better teachers for you. They’re both wizards after all.” Twilight sighed, “And how am I supposed to be able to do that when they are out in space on Celestia knows what world right now.” Sora thought for a moment, before suggesting, “Well, I know Donald and Goofy will come by sometimes to check up on me, and I’m sure Celestia knows how to contact Master Yen Sid. So you can have her ask him as well. I’m sure he’d send one or the other” Twilight was smiling now, “Of course, That’s right!” She went over placed Spike on her back. “Come along Spike, we need to write a letter A.S.A.P. Oh, how exciting would it be to speak to a wizard outside of this world!” Then she galloped off without another word. “Well, there she goes,” Applejack walked up past Sora. “Ah’ should be headin’ home to; see if there’s any work needin’ ta’ be done there.” “Yeah and I’m hungry again. Yo, Pinkie let’s go get some grub at your place.” Rainbow was already flying low back to Ponyville with a bouncing Pinkie close behind. “Yay! I’ll make some freshly baked pastries when we get there, maybe Apple Turnovers!” “I’ll be off as well. After some time away from the desk, I think I have much more fresh perspective on how I can bring out those designs for him.” Rarity gave a bow to Sora and Fluttershy. “I might ask for assistance again in the future, I hope you don’t mind.” Sora waved it off, “Hey it’s no problem. Anything to help a friend, right?” Rarity smiled and gave a nod, “Of course, I suppose it was silly to ask. Until we meet again.” She turned and trotted off down path leading back into town. Sora gave a wave before he turned toward Fluttershy. “I suppose you have some things you have to do as well.” He watched Fluttershy flinch and blush a little when Sora already said what she was going to say. “Um, well… Yes. I have to take care of my friends here.” Fluttershy turned toward her cottage where a few animals could be seen walking about. “Ah, but, maybe, you're free to visit, whenever you’d like, a-and if you need anything, I’d be happy to help.” She then looked away and muttered, “If that’s okay.” Sora just smiled, “Hey, it’s fine. Everyo- er- Everypony has things they need to do. I can understand that. I’ll just head back to Twilight’s and check out this new home I’m getting. We can chat some other time then.” He then turned and started walking, but not before giving her a wave, “See ya later, Flutters.” Fluttershy smiled and waved back without saying word, before turning back to her home. “Oh! Angel?” A white Bunny was seen at the doorway tapping his foot impatiently. “Ah, yes. I’m coming.” She hurriedly flew over to the cottage to first take care of her pet; seeing as he wouldn’t let her do anything else until then. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Golden Oaks Library 20 minutes later Twilight was huffing and panting as she sluggishly made her way up the path to the Library. “Wha-.... What… Possessed me… to run like that?” Her head drooped as if it felt like her legs were on fire. Spike, unsure of what else to do simply patted her saying. “You got to admit, you’ve ran farther than you usually did before.” However he didn’t admit how miniscule the improvement was.   “Y-you think so?” She took a moment to catch her breath “Well anyway, let’s head inside and write a letter- The sooner I learn Sora’s magic the sooner I’ll be able to-” When she walked through the door she noticed a rather old looking blue unicorn, walking around the library. “My, My, so much knowledge within the pages of these books. These ponies sure have come a long way. He had an old history book floating in front of him with his magic.” The unicorn sported a very long white beard and mustache, round framed glasses, white tail and mane, and on his head was a rather tall blue pointy hat. Next to him was a purple bag that seemed partly opened with a brown wand laid next to it. Spike was the first to speak. “Hey, who are you,how did you get here and why the door was locked?” Then he hopped off of Twilight. The old timer perked up and turned his head back. “Ah, Twilight Sparkle and Spike I presume.” Then he turned around to face them and set the book down on a table nearby. He then reached into his beard and pulled out an old gold hand clock. “Hmm, you’re a bit late by say… 5 minutes, but no matter.” “Hey hey! I asked a question buddy?” Spike took a fighting stance. “Ah of course, where are my manners?” the old stallion shook his head then cleared his throat. “Good afternoon, you can call me Merlin, Merlin the Wizard.” Twilight was shocked, “W-wait! then you’re the same Merlin that taught Sora Magic?!” “The very same, I trust the lad is doing a fine job here.” Merlin walked over to them. “O-oh yes, definitely, He is very strong and a great aid to us right now.” “Ah, not that it surprises me. He’s always there for his friends, and it’s easy to tell that he’s gain some in the two of you?” He assumed as much judging by Twilight’s praise, and instant change of expression in both her and Spike. “Now then, am I under the impression that you would like to cast the same spells as Sora?” “Y-yes, but how-” “I believe your majesty Princess… eh... um… Celestia was it?” “Yes, that’s her name.” Twilight nodded. “Oh, of course, thank you very much. Well anyways, she seems to know you very well. she and Yen Sid had a lot to chat about the other day and asked for my assistance.” Merlin then went over to his bag to open it up more. “Really?! Celestia did that?” Twilight was humbled that the Princess would do this before she even had to ask, but more so excited to learn new spells from other worlds. She was practically on cloud nine. Merlin chuckled at her enthusiasm, then he grabbed the wand with his hoof and started waving it around like a music conductor, soon enough tiny furniture and dishes started to float out of the bag in a conga line. They grew in size the further away they were from the bag. “Indeed. Now Twilight, my dear, are you ready to learn some new spells?”                                                                                               ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ponyville         Sora had decided to stroll around Ponyville since he currently had nothing to do. From what he was told the other day, his training area and his living house wouldn’t be completed until tomorrow, He figured that he might end up having to crash in one of the girl’s homes for the night, but he would cross that bridge when he came to it. He chose this time to reflect on some things, however. The battle with that mysterious guy was definitely smack to reality that he wasn’t done growing yet.         Some random guy, out of nowhere, just came and wiped the floor with him and his friends and he barely got a hit out of dumb luck and what came off the top of his head. Some hero I am. He sighed before sitting back and looking at himself. “How am I supposed to take on the stronger bad guys, if I still can’t fight well with this body?” He made sure to mutter that as quietly as possible so no passerby ponies would hear.         It was agreed that he had to train in this form more. There were probably going to be times where changing to his real self isn’t an option. So his pony form had to be able to make due. The same went for whenever he connected with Applejack. That power isn’t  always ready to whenever he needed it, He had to take into account that it needs to be charged up before it can be used again.         Now another thought appeared in his mind. Seeing he and Applejack were able to “connect” it seemed logical that he could do the same with the other girls as well. He should make some effort in figuring out how to unlock that power with the others. Of course, that was easier said than done. Neither he nor Applejack had a clue on how it even activated the first time. He could probably ask for Twilight’s assistance on figuring it out, and some experimentation wouldn’t hurt either. Heck, he knew Rainbow would be more than willing to try that out.         “FOUND YA’!” Sora immediately turned his head before a red and yellow blur tackled him; causing him to tumble back one time then land on his back. When the world stopped spinning for him he noticed a red maned earth pony filly with a pink bow looking down at him with the biggest grin, before turning her head back. “See, Ah’ told ya he’d be in town, girls.”         Soon enough two more fillies appeared on either sides of him. “This is the pony?” The Orange Pegasus with the purple mane looked at Sora with a raised eyebrow. “What’s with the mane? It’s spiky and all over the place.”         “I think it looks great on him,” the white one on his right replied. Unlike the other two her mane and tail was a two toned purple and pink and she was a unicorn. “Makes him unique, you know?”         “Yeah I guess, but I figured he’d be all buff or somethin’ since he fights bad guys” the Orange one replied as he looked at the rest of his figure, then proceeded to poke his saddle bag. “Whoa, what’s in here?” And that’s when Sora had enough as he sat back up, the yellow filly on his chest fell back but managed to roll to her feet like it was nothing.         “Uh, hi… Can I help you three?” He dusted himself off and readjusted his saddlebag, only to feel it get lifted up.         “Whoa! Girls, look at his cutie mark!” Immediately, they’ve forgotten him completely and were all looking at the symbol under his saddlebag. “Wow, so pretty,” said the white one. “Ah’ wonder what it means?” said the yellow one. “Not bad I guess, not as cool as Rainbow Dash’s though.” The orange one remarked.         Why am I on display for three little girls, right now? Sora sighed before getting up and facing them. “Uh, hi… Not to be rude, but kind of wondering why you tackled me and kept checking me out.         This finally got the fillies attention, leading them to feel embarrassed of their actions. “S-sorry, we didn’t mean ta’ bug ya. But yer that Sora feller, right?” The yellow one replied.         “I am… Did you need me?” Sora cocked his head to the side.         “Do we ever! Oh, but first-” The yellow filly then stood next to the other two “-Ah’m Applebloom, Applejack’s sister.” Well he had to guess that was one way they knew about him other then Pinkie’s party. “This is Scootaloo” she gestured to the orange one.         “Rainbow Dash’s Number one fan.” Scootaloo admitted proudly.         Was wondering what all that Rainbow talk was about? Sora nodded at her.         Applebloom then gestured to the white filly, “And this is Sweetie Belle, Rarity’s sister.”         Sweetie Belle smiled and waved, “My big sis has been talking a lot about you… Well mostly your clothes, but you as well.”         Starting to see a pattern here. Sora commented only in his mind on that.         “And we’re-” Applebloom called out before back up with her friends until they made some kind of united pose. Then in unison the three girls yelled “THE CUTIE MARK CRUSADERS!!” Sora’s ears instinctively flattened from the unintentional attack on his eardrums. “I… See… and what is it that you crusaders do?” Applebloom was more than eager to explain. “We try to find out what our special talents are and receive our cutie marks!” “Cutie Marks?” He looked at their flanks and sure enough they were blank. He remembered Fluttershy explaining to him about how Cutie Marks work. “Well, that explains the name. I guess that means you’ve yet to find your special talents.” The three girls drooped and sighed as Scootaloo spoke, “No, and we tried a lot of things.” Sweetie Belle perked up, “But we can’t give up now or we’ll never get them.” “Exactly, Sweetie Belle! That’s why we made this team.” Applebloom explained. “Ok, I see your point. So what brings you here, you’ve clearly been looking for me from the sounds of things.” “Oh right!” Apple Bloom then walked up to Sora with a big smile on her face, “Is it true that ya’ fight bad guys, like a superhero?” “With a giant key?!” Scootaloo bounced onto Applebloom’s back when she asked, and Applebloom did not approve of this as she was trying to keep balance. Then Sweetie Belle barges in from her knocking her and Scootaloo over. “Can ya show us?! Please, please, pretty please!” Sora was silent for a moment as he watched the excitement in their eyes, practically sparkle. “Ahem… So you want to see my keyblade?” At their synchronized nod Sora scratched the back of his head then shrugged, “I guess so.” He held his hoof out and instantly in a flash of light the Kingdom Key appeared in his grasp. The flash startled the three making them stumble back, but after seeing the Keyblade appeared their attitude changed from freaked out to complete astonishment. “Whoooa!” They said in unison. It wasn’t long before they were all over his weapon. “How’d ya’ do that?!” Applebloom asked as she poked it with her hoof to see if it was real. “Yeah that was magic! How are you able to use magic? You’re an Earth Pony!” Sweetie Belle nearly squeaked in her response. Sora couldn’t help but smile. “Oh, if you think that’s impossible, I guess I shouldn’t show you the other spells I can do.” This drew their attention as Scootaloo asked the question the three of them were thinking “You know more spells?! Awesome! Show us!” He laughed, “I guess that’s fine, but not here, I might actually cause some damage in town… I don’t think my place if fully built yet so I can’t use the training room there. We would need a wide open place, and some training dummies.” At this Applebloom bounced in front of him. “Oh, I know the perfect place!” ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sweet Apple Acres some time later “Wow, this is your farm? It’s pretty huge.” Sora walked through the entrance and got a good look at the massive expanse of Apple trees. Applebloom puffed her chest out, “Yup, Mah’ family has been runnin’ this farm for a really long time.” “No kidding? Wouldn’t mind visiting this place every once in awhile.” Sora’s curious eyes kept looking around the farm, He had to admit those apples in the tree’s looked pretty tempting.” “Really? That would be awesome! We could have lots of fun!” Applebloom bounced high into the air at the suggestion with smile on her face. “Yeah! You can show us all your cool moves,” Scootaloo seemed pumped at the idea. “We haven’t even seen them yet,” said Sweetie Belle. “So? Rainbow said he did these cool air attacks. By the way how do you do those? You don’t even have wings?” Sora scratched his cheek and laughed lightly at the question. “You could say I’m a pretty good jumper.” He then cleared his throat. “I suppose it would be better to show you. Now Applebloom, you said there would be some kind of training dummies I can use?” Applebloom was brought out of her excitement when he reminded her of what she said “O-oh right, well, Sorta yes, sorta no. Ya’ see, we can grab some stuff in the barn no one’s usin’ and make our own dummies. Sorry if ah’ didn’t mention that part. Sora sat back and folded his forelimbs and spoke of his thoughts, “Well, I suppose that should be fine, but we should probably ask first.” “Ask about what?” A familiar southern voice from behind caused the four of them to turn their heads back to see Applejack standing there with a cart attached to her, inside were large baskets full of apples. Sora smiled and got back onto his hooves to face her, “Oh hey A-” “Hey, Sis! Perfect timing!” Applebloom ran up to her. “Sora was gonna show us some of his cool moves, but we need something he can use as target practice! Do you know anything we can use?” Applejack looked at her little sister questionably then looked over to Sora “Ya’ must have a lot of free time if yer willin’ ta play with these three?” Sora simply smiled and shrugged to her response “Well, other than training, I’m not sure what else there is to do while I’m staying here.” Applejack placed a hoof on her chin and narrowed her eyes. “Well if’n yer clueless on what you could do, why don’t ya’ take up a job. It’ll give ya’ somethin’ ta’ do when yer not training or playing around, and ya get paid fer it. Also, I’m pretty sure yer flat broke.” Sora cringed at the being labeled as broke. Well, what else could he do. Heartless only drop Munny when they’re slain. He could collect enough Munny to fill a bank, it still be utterly worthless on this world. He sighed, remembered talking about taking up a job back when they were at Canterlot, but he never gave it much thought until now. “You have a point, and I could really use the money.” “Wait! What about the training dummy? You promised to show us your moves!” Scootaloo jumped in front of him. She wasn’t gonna let him get out of this one. Applejack then thought of an idea on the spot. “Tell ya what? Ah’ can look for some old things lyin’ around in the barn fer ya. In the meantime, Ah’ have a delivery fer Sugarcube Corner right here. Sora if ya’ don’t mind takin’ these apples over there fer me. Ah’ think Ah’ll have somthin’ set up when ya’ get back. ‘Course the girls here will lead the way since yer still not all that familiar with Ponyville.” Sora gave it some thought, “Sure, shouldn’t be too hard. What do you three think?” he looked over to three fillies and and they were huddled together whispering something to each other. After a few seconds they all nodded in unison and faced the stallion and farmer. “Sure, Ah’ guess we can do that, but ya’ have ta’ promise we come back to the farm once we’re done!” Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle nodded at Applebloom's words. Sora laughed, they were definitely dead set on that; then he nodded, “I promise.” “Right then,” Applejack detached herself from the cart and taught Sora how he can get the thing on and take it off. It wasn’t long before Sora was now on his way towing the cart of apples and 3 girls. He had no complaints about it. It would help him get to know more about the town. However, what Applejack said earlier about having a job returned to the front of his mind. “Maybe I should find some form of work, but what kind of job can I do?” Sora said aloud to his three passengers. Applebloom’s eyes suddenly seemed to sparkle with an idea. “How about workin’ on the farm?! There’s always work ta’ do there. One of the big ones is buckin’ fer apples.” Then she kicked a hind leg behind her when she mentioned apple bucking. “Well that’s one option,” Sora replied as he looked back at the girls in the cart. “Hey, How about working with Rarity? She’s been stuck on that project with your outfit ever since she borrowed your clothes.” Sweetie Belle decided to bring up the idea since they’re on the topic. “No way! He should help Rainbow with her future stunts?” Scootaloo suggested “It’s not a job if he doesn’t get paid, Scootaloo,” Sweetie replied. “Well, it still would be cool! Imagine all the cool tricks they could do together!” “Still it doesn’t bring in the bits.” “I-it could if they made out like a daredevil show, they’d work with the price of admission!” Sora decided to cut in, “How about we decide on this later, we still got a delivery to make and the sooner we get it done, the sooner we can deal with other things.” “If we make it there this century. No Offense, Sora, but you’re going so slow! Can’t you run?” “Well I guess so, but can you make sure none of the apples fall out, this dirt path is kinda bumpy.” Sora then proceeded to go into a gallop, the containers nearly tipped form the sudden boost  in speed, but the girls kept to their word and caught it in time. “Now we’re making progress! We’ll be in no time!” Sweetie Belle moved to the front of the wagon to get a good look ahead. However, what they didn’t realize was that they were now about to head down hill. Sora didn’t stop in time so now gravity and momentum decided to take over the driving. “Uh oh…” Sora tried to slow down the cart, but in the process he involuntarily slipped out of what attached him to the wagon in the first place.  The next thing he knew his flank was pressed up against the front of the wagon, knocking him off his hooves and fall into the cart. “Not good.” Applebloom watched the whole scene unfold in front of her. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Which brings us back to the present         Sora laid on his back for a moment letting the pain of crashing into floor and furniture set in. Until he heard Applebloom talk to someone about arriving with a- “THE APPLES!” He shot back up, regretting it for a moment as the shock of pain reminded him why he was on the floor in the first place. Then he ran out to grab while he tried find a way to get the containers down to earth before the spell wore off.         Meanwhile in Sugarcube Corner, Rainbow saw the whole thing at her table as she was eating a pastry. Having no clue what was going on, but didn’t have time to think when she noticed Sora running back outside. “What the-” She looked out the window to see what would normally break the laws of physics. “Whoa!” Then she flew out to assist Sora.         Thankfully, having a pegasus was the perfect aid as Rainbow gathered and bring the apples back to the ground and inside the bakery; just in time before the magic wore off. “Whew… Man those things are heavy.” Sora heaved a sigh and then looked around. It looked like the crusaders were helping setting all the furniture back where they were. “Well, at least nothing broke and nobody was hurt-”         “HI SORA!” The outburst was so close to his ear he nearly jumped out of his skin.         “WHOA!” He turned around to see  Pinkie smiling and waving at him as if she did nothing wrong. “O-oh, Hey Pinkie. Could you not do that next time.” He had his hoof over his rapidly beating heart.         “Oh sorry.” Then she giggled and looked around. “But boy, I certainly missed something amazing, here.”         “Wait, How did you not hear that, Pinkie? You were in the kitchen making seconds.” Rainbow flew over to the three with a questioning look.         Pinkie sat back and held a hoof to her chin “Weeeeelllll…” ~~~ Earlier         Pinkie was in the kitchen and had just placed some doughnuts into the oven, she was apparently in her own little world humming a song since baking was second nature to her now. This in turn made her sway and dance around the kitchen narrowly dodging flying chairs and cooking ware and even a table. After that short moment of unnoticable peril she continued with her cooking and only stopped to notice when the timer for the oven rang. “They’re done!” She slid over to it and carefully took them out before setting them on the counter. When she turned to get a serving plate for them she stopped and finally noticed the damage. “Wow… Must have been one crazy lunch rush.” ~~~ Back to the Present         Sora and Rainbow looked at their Pink smiling friend thinking the same thing How can anyone be that distracted? Then they looked at each other and just shrugged.         Once everything was finally settled and back in order Mr. Cake came up to Sora and the girls. “Well, in spite the accident, you did deliver what we asked for and even helped with the mess you made. Pinkie has also told us on how you helped her and her friends whenever there is trouble.” Pinkie elbowed Sora with a smile, to which he could only return. “So I think it should be fine that we could at least give you this.” Then Mr. Cake gave Sora a bag that jingled when it swayed around. When Sora looked inside he could see a small amount of bits inside it. He remembered seeing the girls use them to buy things back in Canterlot so he recognized them right away. “A-are you sure? I mean I don’t want to take money from you after causing this mess.” “Oh it’s alright, nothing is broken and no one got hurt. So are you working on the farm now I assume?” Mr. Cake asked. “Oh no, this was just a one time thing. However, I suppose I am also trying to find a job since I’ll be staying here for a while.” A light bulb flashed above Pinkie and she gasped, “Oh! Oh! Why not work here at Sugarcube Corner!” She wrapped a hoof around Sora and pulled him into a one arm, or rather, one legged hug. “We can teach him how to cook all sorts of things and I bet he would make an awesome waiter!” Carrot Cake gave a sad smile as he replied, “Well that is a splendid idea, Pinkie but unfortunately, we have things pretty much covered here most of the time that hiring him wouldn’t be the best idea. However, if you’re ever free when we do need an extra pair of hooves I do hope you’d consider helping us out, Sora.” After finally breaking free of his Pink Captor’s grip, Sora waved his hand “Sure, I’m always happy to help and thanks for considering me, Pinkie. I really appreciate it.” Sora patted Pinkie on the head and she just giggled. “In any case the job is done, and I don’t want to hold you guys up any longer. The girls and I will be heading out.” Sora turned and made his way out. Meanwhile, when no one was looking Pinkie’s element of Laughter was glowing for a moment, before returning to it’s original luster. The CMC caught up to Sora and walked on either side of him before Scootaloo spoke, “So, what now? working at Sugarcube corner is out, what other job are you going to look for next?” “Ah’m sure the offer to work on the farm is still open fer ya, Sora,” Applebloom reminded the stallion. “We haven’t asked Rarity or any other places yet. there is a lot more job opportunities in Ponyville I’m sure,” Sweetie looked at the stores and buildings around them as they walked on. “Sweetie makes a good point… To be honest I’d like to help everyone. Mr. Cake said that there might be times where they might need more help at Sugarcube corner, and I’d like to be able to be there when they do. On the other hand, I don’t mind helping out on your farm Applebloom, or even help Rarity with her project. I kind of wish I could get my bits by helping anyone in need,” Sora sighed as he thought about it. “You mean like, doing odd jobs?” Scootaloo suggested. Then she looked toward the girls and the three of them had the same idea in their heads. “Let’s go see HER!” The three of them spoke in unison and started running off. “Huh? H-hey guys! Where are you going?! Weren’t we headed back to the barn?!” Sora ran after them unsure on why they were headed in a different direction, as they only said one thing in return. “Cutie Mark Crusaders Hero Helpers, Yay!”                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               > Chapter 16: Block Party > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- (As Always Green Text means "click me" to play theme music to go with what your reading. Red text means to stop the music. Completely optional: Your free to ignore this) Golden Oaks Library         Twilight was in an offensive stance panting heavily as she gazed at her foes, flying dishes, they flew all over the place in random path routes. Normally such a sight would cause her to flip out and look for the cause, but this time she was fully aware of what was going on and who caused this. Behind her was Spike and their new guest Merlin who was stroking his beard and observing Twilight’s action. “I must say you certainly have a lot of magic built up within you, but all of that is for nothing if you don’t think about how to use it wisely my dear, All you’ve been doing is firing your new spell at any target you lock eyes with.”         Twilight looked back as she tried to regain her composure, “W-What do you… mean by that?”         Merlin shook his head. “A bright child, but not enough battle sense I suppose.” He cleared his throat. “Your spell has a lot more going for it than just being another kind of magic bolt you would use from before. This is the essence of fire compacted into a sphere, once you fire that thing, it’s gonna want to reach it’s target, and when it does, the fire is gonna want to escape its tiny confines.”         Twilight thought for a moment but was able to pick up what he meant. “In other words, the explosion it makes is useful as well.”         “Correct my dear, so what should you be doing now?”         Twilight got another look at the flying dinnerware and watched intently. When she noticed a large amount of them could converge in one spot she took aim and formed an orb of fire from the tip of her glowing horn. “Fire!” It rocketed off away from her and  towards her intended target. When it reached one of the dishes that formed the cluster, it exploded shattering it and countless others that were nearby; making a sizeable hole in the group. Twilight was surprised at how effective it was and ecstatic that her calculations were correct she took a moment to cheer for herself.         Merlin on the other hand-er hoof just chuckled at the unicorn’s enthusiasm. “Splendid, Ms. Sparkle. You certainly have knack for magic, just as your teacher said.” Twilight was beaming at her accomplishment. as all the remaining dishes vanished from sight. She looked back at Merlin confused on what was going on. “Well, now that you’ve grasped the basics, I suppose we can call it a day.” Merlin nodded before making his way over to the kitchen. “I say, all this teaching has left me quite famished.” “Leave it to me Mr. Merlin, I’ll whip something up for lunch.” Spike already ran past the wizard and into the kitchen. “Wait, what? W-we can’t stop now. I just started grasping this new kind of magic, and it’s nowhere near as powerful as Sora’s,” said Twilight as she ran over to the old wizard, “and-and Sora knows so many more spells. All I have is a measly fireball!” Twilight was adamant to continue her training, however Merlin thought otherwise.   “Now, now Ms. Sparkle, I’m sure your very eager to continue your studies, you look like the studious sort, by the looks of it. However, haste makes waste. You’re just beginning to enter a form of magic completely alien to your world. It’s not exactly something you can master by cramming all in one day, especially with your race.” “What, do you mean, Mr. Merlin?” Twilight raised an eyebrow wondering where this was going. Merlin cleared his throat, “Well, you see the inhabitants of this world are exposed much of their world’s magic than most other worlds that we have discovered out in the stars. Growing up in such an environment, magic is basically a part of your body. Even more so for Unicorns and… what was it now… Alicorns?... Yes, that’s the word.” Twilight sat back and thought about it. There were a lot of known facts that would prove Merlin’s statement. “So what would that have to do with us stopping training for now?” “Simple, my dear. You’ll tire yourself out,” said Merlin. “What?” “Think of it this way, when you use a lot of magic with normal equestrian magic, that would tend to give you quite the headache I believe, as well as exhaust you, correct?” To which Twilight sheepishly looked away, giving Merlin the answer he was expecting. “Well, to put it simply, your learning magic that is completely alien for what Equestrian magic is used to. This just adds more strain as your body isn’t quite sure how much magic is needed for such unusual spells.” Twilight thought about it. Everything he said made sense. Without knowledge on what is needed for a spell, you’re leaving out the possibility of expending energy and magic that could have been conserved for other spells and tasks. “Besides, Sora certainly didn’t learn all his spells in one night, Donald taught him Fire. the spell you’re learning now, he actually taught himself magic.” Merlin pointed out. “I simply gave him a place to practice those spells, as well as some helpful advice here and there.” Twilight looked at Merlin with astonishment. “Really? He made those magic spells himself?! Merlin just laughed, “I wouldn’t say he created them. From what Donald told me, when the lad was just starting out, he basically copied off of him, allies and enemies they came across to understand how to use the other spells. there was always a Blizzard and Stop and whatnot, he just happened to find out on his own how to reach those spells. He’s rather stubborn in that regard. Remarkable really, a self taught keyblade wielder and magic user. He and Riku truly are remarkable fellows.” “Riku… wait that’s Sora’s friend right?” Twilight asked. “Correct, in a sense he is in the same boat. Although his path was a bit… rocky for a while.” He cleared his throat. “Now then, there will be plenty more chatting during lunch, Shall we Ms. Sparkle?” He gestured a hoof toward the kitchen, she simply smiled and nodded as she trotted in. “Very well Mr. Merlin, and please, you can call me Twilight,” she said happily. Although in all honesty she was growing a bit hungry as well. Then Merlin smiled. “Very well, Twilight. But never mind the “Mister,” just plain Merlin will do.” Twilight nodded, “Fair enough.” Then Merlin followed close behind her. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ponyville Town Hall Sora looked on at the cylindrical building ahead, He saw the girls run inside it so he was curious on what they had planned for here. If the sign he saw was anything to go on he could only assume that they were going to speak to the mayor of the town. He trotted inside and already saw the CMC all over the mayor as she was doing paper work. “Girls listen, I’m very busy right now, I’m afraid whatever it is you’re asking will have to wait for later.” “But it’s really important, ma’am! It’s for our new friend!” Sweetie Belle was pleading giving the mayor and adorably cute sad face to win her over. The mayor sighed seeing the face “I-I’m sorry, really I am, but there is an urgent matter I need to attend to.” She then looked up to see Sora walk in. “Ah, not another one.” The mayor placed a hoof to her face as she shook her head before clearing her throat. “Hello, welcome to the Ponyville Town Hall. I am Mayor Mare, a pleasure to meet you. However I’m afraid I cannot attend to you at the moment, but if you’re willing to wait in the next, oh say, 5 hours, I’ll gladly help you by then.”         Scootaloo then ran up between the Mayor and Sora. “This is the friend we were talking about!”         “He is?” the Mayor took a closer look at Sora as he walked up to them. “Wait, I know you… You’re that new pony from a few days ago right? Uh, Sora was it?”         He nodded, “Yup, thats me, ma’am”         “Ah I see.” She nodded her head before a frown appeared on it again. “I’m terribly sorry, I would really like to assist you with your problem right now, but an urgent matter has come up that needs my attention. I’m afraid you’ll have to wait until then.”         Sora sat back and tilted his head slightly “Well, what seems to be the problem? Maybe I can help?”         The mayor was taken aback by Sora’s response, “What? Help?” She shook her head, “No, no, I’m afraid this is a task I can’t ask a civilian. It’s a request for the Royal Guard that was just recently stationed here.” She then got close and gave a whispering tone. “Word has been going around, strange black creatures have been appearing around Equestria, Celestia has been sending guards to patrol all the towns and cities, until her secret project is complete.”         “Yeah, I know about that, the heartless” Sora said         “You have? Well that makes things easier then. You see there was an… issue that just came up involving those ‘heartless’ as you call them and I was about to make my way to one of the guards so they could handle it. It’s best if you stay in town for awhile until this matter is settled, for your safety, of course.”         “You're having trouble with the heartless? I can take care of that then.” he stood back up. The mayor again was surprised by the stallion’s response and was about to say it was a foolish idea until Scootaloo butted in the conversation.         “Yeah! Sora actually came to Equestria to beat them up. He’s a superhero!”         Sora chuckled at Scootaloo’s enthusiasm. “I think hero would be fine.” She was going by his rank the gods of Olympus gave him.         “See? Modest too! one hundred percent superhero!” Scootaloo added, by now Sweetie Belle and Applebloom joined her side.         “Yeah ma’am, mah’ sister can totally vouch fer’ him.” Applebloom gave her two cents.         As did Sweetie Belle, “Oh, so can my sister too. They told us all about him.”         The Mayor looked at the fillies then back at Sora “Really? and how exactly do you take care of those ‘heartless’ things?”         “With this,” Sora held his hoof out and a flash of light that startled the Mayor before Sora’s keyblade appeared in his grip.         “Oh my… An Earth Pony using magic? This is unprecedented!”         “So I’ve heard,” Sora replied simply         “Yeah, and he can cast spells too, Right, Sora?!” Sweetie Belle said.         “That is also true.” Sora nodded before turning to the Mayor. “You see, mayor I was sent to Equestria since I have the means to completely defeat the heartless, so if you have an issue that involves them, I am more then happy to take care of it for you.” Sora then banished the blade once the demonstration was over but held a goofy grin on his face.         “Yeah, and then ya’ won’t be so busy and can help with what we came here fer,” Applebloom added grinning at this perfect plan.         Mayor Mare was at a loss for words for a moment but seeing such a convincing argument. “Well, if you’re equipped for the job, I suppose it would be foolish to refuse it. Very well.” She sat down and cleared her throat. “Let me explain the situation.         Sora sat down again and listened intently on the “mission briefing”, the girls were in front of him as well, with the same curiosity to know more.         “Well, thanks to the presence of the royal guards, everypony in town aren’t panicking now that these heartless’ have started appearing, however that doesn’t mean everything's as it was before all this. Ponies have been a little tense, since there are still sightings of the creatures around the outskirts. But now I have ponies at my doorstep saying that she spotted some in town as as well. Don’t get the wrong idea, they do go to the guards first,  but there are so many sightings that there isn’t enough of them to take care of everything at once.”         “And that’s where I come in,” Sora assumed. The Mayor nodded before she continued, “If you’re really willing to help, then I need you to head over to the eastern part of town. Citizens have been saying that there were some weird black creatures skulking around the outskirts, and they’re a little worried with how close they are. Like, right outside their window close. I’m sure the guards are already trying to dispatch some soldiers as soon as possible, but, like I said, their hooves are kind of tied since these creatures appear all around and even IN town” Sora gave a solid nod after hearing the explanation and request, “Sure thing, that’s no trouble at all.” He got back up, “I’ll head over there now and see for myself.” The girls were excited before saying in unison, “We’re coming too!” They were about to race for the door before the Mayor spoke up, “Actually, I think it’s best if you three leave this to Mr. Sora, you’ll only be a burden for him if you’re there with all those monsters around,” and she watched the girls start groaning and moaning. “Besides, I believe you were trying to discuss some sort of idea for your friend here correct. While he takes care of what I asked, why don’t use that time to discuss how I can return the favor.” “O-oh, right, That’s the whole reason why we’re here,” Sweetie Belle was the first to remember it. they all looked toward Sora who smiled and nodded at the proposal. “Not sure what you girls are planning, but I really appreciate doing this for me. I’ll be back before you know it!” he once again had to resist the urge to make a thumbs up… considering he physically couldn’t. He then turned and ran out of the building. Sora looked back to see the little fillies waving at him, but for some reason, those innocent looking smiles left him feeling… concerned. He decided not to dwell on it and just focus on the task at hand. When the girls watched him leave they turned to the Mayor, “Say Mayor, how about we head over to your office to tell you about our idea there?” The Mayor simply nodded “I don’t see why not, and that’s where I can reach any needed documents, should I agree to this.” When she turned and made her way to the office, the girls waited until she was out of earshot before they started whispering with each other. “Ok, one of us has ta’ stay here. Who’s it gonna be?” Applebloom looked at the other two and wasn’t surprised neither volunteered. So she had to go with her back up plan. “One two three NOT IT” “Not it!” Scootaloo was quick on the pick up “Not i-Aaawwww, no fair” Sweetie pouted as Applebloom and Scootaloo have a high hoof to each other before running up to the Mayor. “Excuse us Mayor, we need ta’ use the little filly’s room, we’ll be right back, but Sweetie Belle can talk about it until we get back. “Uh, sure it’s down to your left” The Mayor arched an eyebrow but still pointed to the direction to the bathroom and watched both girls thank her and run off in that direction. “Well then, right this way then, Sweetie Belle.” ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Back to Sora         It didn’t take much time for Sora to reach the eastern part of Ponyville, and one look around he could tell things were definitely off. All around the ponies were either rushing their way out of the area, nervously looking around looking for something, or just generally being jumpy.         “I wonder how far the Heartless reached into town” Sora said looking around. He could feel the tension in the air and it was obvious as to why. He had hoped that he would be able to take care of the problem before things escalated, but that window was becoming increasingly smaller the more the further in he went. Lowered voices were heard all around him.         “I swear I saw it! It had these creepy yellow eyes, all black. It was so freaky.”         “For real? Maybe it would be better if I stayed with my folks for a while”         “I don’t blame ya, that’s starting to sound like a good idea for me as well.”         “If they live anywhere outside Ponyville, you’re on your own. There is more of them out there than here.”         “Seriously? Where are the guards! Now’s a perfect time for them to show up!”         “They’re busy as it is with the large sighting off in the north part of town, Celestia knows how long that will take?”         Sora decided to stow away that piece of information. Hopefully they’ll be fine without me, but it wouldn’t hurt to check it out after this. He then bumped into a passerby  that was rounding a corner, “oh, sorry… Excuse me-huh” It was clear now that the passerby was frantically run away as she was already far behind him not even so much as looking back. “Well… I guess i know where to start” he then ran around the corner to see what got her so scared.         Instead of some heartless or neerdowell he was surprised when a familiar pink pony was there to greet him. “Oh, Hi Sora! Fancy meeting you here?” Pinkie was wearing a party hat with a party favor in her mouth as she held a cupcake.         “Pinkie? What are you doing here?” Sora asked, as if her appearing wasn’t a surprise enough, the fact that she was ready for a party just added to the confusion.         “Pinkie Sense!” Pinkie cheered         “What?”         “Yeah, my Pinkie sense! it warns me about all sorts of things, and this time it was telling me to come here and I can see why” she looked around “All these ponies look like they’re about to jump out of their fur from something spooky. So I decided to give them something special.”         “Is that why you look like you came from a birthday party?” Sora looked at cupcake again Probably not the most important question to ask his mind reminded him of her short explanation on her “Pinkie Sense”.         She nodded “Yup, yup I was gonna go around surprising everyone with cupcakes and party favors!”         “Pinkie, I think surprising them isn’t the best choice right now” He looked around the corner to see the poor mare she“ helped still booking out of the neighborhood.         “Aww, but that’s the best part” Pinkie’s head sagged a little at the suggestion.         “I-I know, I know, but for now, everyone is as tense as it is, a surprise wouldn’t be the best way to help these ponies feel better, but it is nice to see that you’re trying to cheer them all up.” Sora then took a moment and thought. “How about this, we work together, since your here.”         Pinkie was now giving a huge grin “OHMYGOSH! Sora, you wanna help me put smiles on everyone’s faces?” She immediately brought him into a hug “That would be fantastic! We can set it up for the whole neighborhood! It’ll be a… A…” Pinkie searched for the right word for such an event.         Sora, even though his lungs were being crushed still managed to help his friend by saying “A… Block Party?” he was starting to turn blue before his pink offender finally released him.         She gasped and her eyes sparkled “That’s perfect, Sora! We’re gonna have a Block Party! I have to get everything ready! We’re gonna need a lot of tables for sure!” she was already looking around the area imagining all the things to set up.         “I’ll definitely help you out, on that Pinkie, however I have to remain here. I’m here to find the reason why everyone here is so scared. Though I’m sure I already know what it is.”         Pinkie immediately pressed her face against his and stared straight into eyes. “Do you Pinkie Promise?”         Sora flinched from his personal space being invaded in the blink of an eye “Pinkie Promise?”         “Exactly! Repeat after me!” She pulled back and then started makes gestures with her hooves that seemed to compliment what she was saying “Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye!” she finished when she placed her hoof on her right eye. then pointed that hoof at Sora “Now, you!”         The similarities are uncanny he blinked after seeing how this promise worked, but he nodded “Alright then” he copied her exactly, thought at a slower pace to double check her reaction and motion incase he messed up somewhere. “Cross my heart” she nods “Hope to fly” another nod and an even wider smile from the pink mare “Stick a cupcake in my eye” he finished when he placed his right hoof on his right eye. “Good! No going back on your word, Sora!” Pinkie smiled and was already off “I’ll go get everything, be right back!” zipped off with a large trail of dust kicking up behind her. Sora watched her leave only to sigh “Well, it’s a good idea to get these ponies in a better mood, but would a party really do the trick?” he couldn’t help but wonder. but then immediately shook his head “Shouldn’t be negative about it, she’s doing her best, so I should do the same” he turned around to face down the street “This area is starting to look deserted. This could be a good place to start.   Sora went to work running around the area, searching the alleys, buildings that would permit him to enter, he would even make his way to the roof tops to see if a higher vantage point would help him. Every now and again any pony he would come across if they seen or heard anything strange, gently of course. The last thing he needed was cause anypony a panic attack when they’re this on edge. This leaded into they knew nothing, or heard of the rumors but never experienced anything out of the ordinary. Sora was starting to think this was all pointless and was about return to where Pinkie and he met at when he heard a voice “I’m telling you, I saw one! One of those… Those things.” Sora stopped and turned his head to two stallions across the street. “You can’t be serious? Look if you’re spreading a rumor just to prank this neighborhood, it’s in terrible taste right now.” “You know I wouldn’t joke about something like this. I’m telling the truth it was in my neighbor's yard down the street?” “The one with the red roof?” the other stallion seemed to click to the realization and backpedaled a bit from the shock  “That’s not to far from my home” “Yeah it was really weird looking. Different from the ones wandering just outside of town. It was like some kind of imp… Monkey thing carrying knives around, I swear I thought I was having a nightmare.” “Um excuse me” both the stallions jumped when they heard the new voice and turned to see Sora with a genuine smile. “You mind telling where this house is?”   ~~~ Meanwhile not to far off from Sora Around the corner, stalking the keyblader were two rather eager fillies, carefully sticking their head out from the side of a building. “There he is” Applebloom pointed toward Sora but kept a whispering tone with Scootaloo. “He’s just talking to those two… Where’s the action? Where’s the bad guys” Scootaloo arched an eyebrow as she looked around, hoping to see how Sora fought “We just got here, Ah’m sure he’s still lookin’ fer’em” “Looks like he’s just chatting with some random ponies to me.”                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   They then noticed the two ponies Sora was talking to start leading him off somewhere. “Look, he’s movin’! Lets go” Applebloom got out of cover and quietly crossed the street with Scootaloo. the two them followed closed behind Sora but remained out of sight ~~~ Back to Sora The walk was relatively short, just a few turns and a straight walk and the house was already in view. One of the stallions pointed toward it “That’s the place, the creature appeared some time after my neighbor went out for errands, and just broke in somehow. I’m at a lost at what to do. I can’t let my neighbor go back in there while that thing is around” Sora just nodded “Don’t worry, I’ll take care of it” he started trotting ahead now that he got a clear view of where he needed to be. Both ponies tried to stop him “Hey wait! You can’t be serious, we should wait for the guard to get here! Are you nuts?! Then the other one spoke right after him, “This isn’t something an average pony can handle, that thing looked scary and looking for a fight, and I don’t think the outcome will be simply knocking you out! Sora just flashed a big goofy grin “Don’t worry, if you’re worried about me, I’m technically more qualified to deal with it compared to them” he then turned and sprinted full force. Leaving his two temporary companions at a loss at what to do. Meanwhile neither of them noticed the moving boxes with familiar looking tails across the street, sneaking past them and following Sora. Sora ran up to the house and looked through the window to see if he could spot it. He couldn’t see it from that window, but he did notice the place looked trashed. “Oh boy… Well I guess it wouldn’t be so bad when I let myself in, now.” he nodded before backing off from the window, and moved to the front door. He then summoned his keyblade and pointed toward the lock on the door. a small beam of light shot out of the tip of the keyblade and into the keyhole. There was a sound of a lock clicking and he nodded before moving up to the door “ok, 1… 2… 3!” he swung the door open and jumped in on his hind legs and in a battle stance, his head on a swivel. Apparently he was in what appeared to be the living room, all the furniture was turned over or slashed while most of house hold items were broken on the floor or knocked over. “Odd, if the owner left before all this started… then why is a heartless trashing the place?” he spoke to himself mostly. Seeing no immediate threat, Sora went back on all fours and put the keyblade in his mouth before he walked around the house. Sora got a good look and kept moving around the house when he stopped to notice what looked like a pet bed. “Oh boy… that might explain things.” Crash! Sora whipped his head to the side hearing the sound of something breaking in that direction, but it sounded a bit far off, however thats when he found a broken down doorway with a pet door at the bottom of a busted door. he ran up to it noticing it was the stairs leading to the basement. He could then hear what sounded like a cat hissing at something. “Guess I’m on the right track” he jumped down and rounded the corner to see what he was dealing with. It was yet again another new type of Heartless, however this one seemed somewhat reminiscent to a type of heartless he fought a long time ago. (image owned by LynxGriffin Click on name to see their deviantart page ) What seemed to make it different was how aggressive it seemed from its simian counterparts. It held two daggers and was running around trying to attack a somewhat very nimble and agile calico cat. Whenever the cat had a moment it would turn and continue to hiss at the Heartless or even bat at its face before dodging another strike. That is one brave cat Sora said before charging and blocking another strike at the cat with his keyblade, then pushing the heartless back before getting into a fighting stance. This allowed the cat a chance to scurry off into hiding. “Lets go!” He charged in, weapon in his mouth as he made a lunging slash at the heartless. However the monster simply jumped back to dodge the attack, but its counterattack was just as swift as it jumped back toward Sora, both Daggers held over its head, ready to give a downward stab at him. Fortunately Sora side jumped, then tucked and rolled away from his enemy’s reach. Once on his feet, Sora wasted no time trying again with his previous attack. Fortunately this time the strike connected with the Heartless’ chest, staggering it for a moment to allow Sora to string up a few more combo strikes before finishing it off by leaping shortly in the air and flipping in mid air to gain momentum, keyblade in his hooves this time, and bring down a downward strike on the creature’s head, causing it to immediately disperse from reality in a black mist and a rising crystalline heart. Sora stared at where the heartless once stood before banishing his keyblade and tilting his head. “That was… surprisingly easy. Was this the only heartless lurking around this part of town?” he then scoffed  “As if it was ever that easy” “That was awesome-” “Ssshh!” Sora whipped around when he heard those two voices, however when he did he didn’t find anyone, other than the cat that finally left it’s hiding spot and rubbed against Sora’s leg with a purr. However, something very out of the ordinary did come into view. There were two boxes that he didn’t remember seeing now on the stairs, not only that, but both boxes seem to have their own tails, familiar looking tails. He made his way over and lifted the boxes up only for pairs of eyes to look back at him in shock. “Applebloom? Scootaloo! What are you two doing here?” Applebloom could only give a nervous laugh while Scootaloo timidly waved back as they both said “Uuuh, hi” Crash! Before Sora could say anything to them, they heard a crash upstairs, along with noticing the cat hissing up the stairs, which didn’t take Sora long to put two and two together as he bolted up the steps, “You two stay here, I mean it!” When Sora ran up he was greeted with a shock but what he had recently expected. Other heartless had invaded the home through the opened door, and beyond that he could see more crawling around the place in previous forms he knew as well as some new ones that Equestria had exclusively, along with a few of those monkey ones he fought earlier “Oooooh, so not good” As he said this, right behind him were Applebloom, Scootaloo, and the Cat sticking their heads out of the basement doorway to get a view of what was going on.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               ~~~ Meanwhile Pinkie was now back where she and Sora parted ways, already setting up tables and filling them with all sorts of food and drink, this was already drawing a crowd due to simple curiosity, eventually when ponies asked her about it, she would answer and would even get some volunteers to help set up the festivities. “Alright! Everything’s coming along nicely!” she cheered She then looked around. “Now, let’s see, the sign should hang over the street, some streamers too…” she then pulled out a clipboard and a quill from out of her curly mane. “Check, check, balloons” she looked around and there were bunches of balloons placed in certain spots “Check a mundo” she then gave a nod, before putting it away again. “Gonna need extra help, with that sign and streamers, and I know just the pony” she smiled and bounced off in a random direction down an alleyway. ~~~ Back to Sora Sora bursted through the door knocking the heartless inside the house outside with him, all of them soon vanished in black mists and freed hearts before they even hit the ground, Sora did not waste a moment as he fired a shotgun blast of ice towards a group of Soldiers and jackalopes closest to him freezing them solid then whipped out a Graviga right over them before his first hoof touched the ground. Once it did he already sprinted toward more heartless wandering the streets. The frozen heartless at this point were now reduced to nothing once the immense black dome of gravity shattered them into nothing but more freedhearts. Ok, well this is actually a perfect opportunity! Sora thought to himself as he was on all fours keyblade in his mouth as he started cutting through more enemies. I need to learn how to fight in this form while I’m here, no tricks, no bag, just my keyblade and my magic. Sora was confident in this idea since he’s had no issue with regular heartless in this form. He even had a memory of when he saved the cutie mark crusaders when the four of them were launched off the cart, come to think of it, it seemed he instinctively used another ability he learned at his first Mark of Mastery exam. Well, I’m sure it wouldn’t hurt to mix in things I know into it. These buildings are close enough together anyway after cutting through the last heartless on the street he noticed a few down the alley and decided to kick off one of the abilities he learned recently, flowmotion. He banked right to jump and kick off a lamp post and shoot into the alley. Meanwhile at the front of the doorway from the house Sora came out of, Applebloom and Scootaloo were starry eyed and mesmerized by the amazing stunts Sora just pulled. Soon that turned into cheers as they watched him literally shoot into the alley in midair. “Whoa! That was awesome!” Scootaloo cheered “Yeah! Super Knights are so cool!” Applebloom replied Sora was zipping around zig zag style bouncing off the walls of the alley, Shooting him past the Heartless, kicked off the wall while twisting his body so that he was facing the heartless behind him as he flew the opposite direction. “Where do you think you’re going” he spun around once, keyblade in hoof, before flinging towards the narrow group of heartless knocking them all into the air just for the keyblade to boomerang back cutting through most of them into non existence, and the ones that survived didn’t last a second longer once Sora caught the Keyblade in his mouth shot towards them spinning in mid air like a drill right through them once they touched the ground again. He bounced up to the roof tops Up there he was greeted with a few of those monkey heartless again leaping on roof tops to get to a more populated area. Sora quickly lifted his keyblade in the air. “Thunder!” A huge Thundaga bolt crashed down on each of heartless, paralyzing them in place causing one, that was in mid air, to fall into a trash bin where it belonged. Sora made short work of the other two on the roof when he made his way over then turned and bucked them high into the air causing the two to fall into the street and succumb to a nasty fall. “Heh, I can get used to that kind of thing” he gave a smirk before jumping off the roof. “Alright who’s ne-” “There you are!” a voice yelled from behind and it nearly made Sora jump out of his fur as he whipped around ready for a fight, only to see two bright blue eyes and a big grin. attached to a vividly pink mare. “Pinkie?!” She giggled “Well, duh, who were you expecting, the Princess” she then immediately hoisted him onto her back. “No time for lollygagging, we got a party to set up!” she cheered as she galloped off. “Huh? What?!” it had to take him a few seconds to remember that promise he made. “Now?! “Of course, silly! We need to put on the finishing touches!” “But-but there are more heartless back there! And Applebloom and Scootaloo are back there with them!” Sora pleaded “Oh don’t you worry your spiky little head about that mister! Auntie Pinkie has ya covered!” She then rounded a corner. stopped and bucked Sora off her back causing him to Fall into her Party Cannon that was somehow placed exactly in the right spot to load the Keyblader as ammo. “Wait what?” Sora stuck his head out before it was shoved back in with rolls of streamers “Hold still for a second, Sora” Pinkie said before whipping the camera around and taking at a certain part of the sky, “I prepared a lot of explosive power in this shot! threetwooneFIRE!” She then slapped her hoof on the detonation button and Sora and the streamers were blasted high above the neighborhood. “Whoooooaaaaaaa!” with their landing destination being where all the ponies in the neighborhood seem to be gathering. “You have got to be kidding me!” Sora grabbed the streamers and braced for impact. Meanwhile back with Applebloom and Scootaloo “Oh man where did they go?” Scootaloo asked as the two of them were trying to follow after Pinkie and Sora, but their tiny legs could only move so fast. “Just keep running Scoots! Ah dun think we have any other option!” Applebloom replied as the two of them were sprinting away from a monkey heartless that caught sight of them and went on pursuit. When they rounded the corner the first words they heard was “DUCK!” out of instinct from hearing the word in such a way the two of them dove to the ground in front of them. Just in time for a oddly huge boomerang to fly right over them and smack the stalking heartless in the head dazing it. When they looked back they already saw a pink blur run past them, when they looked back Pinkie was leaping into the air catching the boomerang before somersaulting behind the Heartless whipping out a sledgehammer from her tail, got on her hind legs and wound back. “No meanies get to hurt my friends!” she swung and the sledgehammer made contact with the heartless’ body sending it into the sky until it was nothing more than a twinkle up above. “Pinkie!” both the fillies cheered before they watched her scoop them up onto her back and gallop away as more heartless started to appear behind them. “Thanks fer saving us, Pinkie!” Applebloom said as she watched the heartless get farther and farther away behind them. “Yeah! cool moves back there!” Scootaloo replied Pinkie simply kept running but with a sly smiled on her face “I don’t think you’d thank me so much when the girls find out where you’ve been.” Immediately the two fillies winced and their smiles vanished from their faces, replaced by ones of despair. Scootaloo spoke first. “Y-you don’t have to do that!” “Yeah! We won’t do it again, honest!” Applebloom pleaded “Aaaaand…” Pinkie responded “And uh… um, we’ll do whatever you want!” Scootaloo pitched Applebloom turned toward her friend arched eyebrow “We will?” until Scootaloo jabbed a hoof to her side until she got the picture “I mean, yeah we will!” “Really?” Pinkie finally turned to the two with a big smile on her face. This caused the fillies to gulp and immediately regret that decision. ~~~ Back with Sora When Sora landed on one of the rooftops overviewing the party area, it didn’t take long for it to click to him what Pinkie wanted him to do with those streamers. Seeing that there were no heartless nearby he couldn’t opt out of it now. He had a strange feeling it would be wiser to keep his promise now rather than later with the party pony. So with his acrobatics and flowmotion abilities, Sora was zipping around above the party and ponies down below on the rooftops setting the streamers up in a very pleasing way. Also his stunt was definitely attracting a crowd, as the citizens all watched in amazement as Sora flew above them, without even wings.         “This job should be done pretty soon it looks like.” another look at the crowd and they were cheering him on now. “Well, this is something I can get used to” he smiled at his fans before noticing on the other side of the street, something appeared in the dark alley and was sneaking its way toward the ponies near it. “Oh no you don’t” without a moment to lose he tipped over the side of the roof to kick off a flowmotion trail to one street lamp, to the other across the street, but hooked his keyblade on it instead to spin around rapidly before releasing from it, now he shot into a dark alley like a flying buzzsaw immediately slicing the heartless, that happened to be another one of those monkey heartless, in half, ending it’s dastardly plan completely. When Sora stopped and landed on a garbage bin he saw the crowd started cheering. He was confused as to why before he noticed the streamer roll in his hand, it was empty, he looked and noticed the same streamer attached to both street lamps and the roof. he put two and two together and figured out that the ponies thought that was part of some kind of act. ... this could probably work to my favor he smiled and wall kicked between buildings in the alley to get to the roof and get a bird’s eye view. It seemed heartless would start trickling in from the alleys, but from what he’s seen they all come from the same direction so he didn’t have to worry about keeping a 360 view. At the same time he had to make it all look like an act so the ponies don’t freak out from the imminent danger they faced. He wiped a foreleg across his forehead and exhaled deeply, that’s when he noticed a cup lifted towards him on his left. he then noticed the pink foreleg attached to it, along with the familiar, eccentric mare attached to it. “You can do it Sora! I bet a million cupcakes that you can!” Hearing that the stallion couldn’t help but chuckle, take the cup of rather refreshing ice cold punch and down it in one go. Then gave a big goofy grin to match her’s “Right!” he handed the empty cup back to her then leapt off the edge of the roof. “Awesome punch by the way!” “I know!” Pinkie waved wildly as she watched him get back to it. The whole time now, Pinkie’s element was glowing even brighter to the point that anyone that focused on it could tell. True to Pinkie’s belief, Sora managed to defend the citizens all the while making it look like a fantastic stunt for them all to see. Pinkie, used this opportunity to officially start the party, but at the same time keep a lookout for any heartless Sora might have missed. Any that she found had a shiny metal pipe waiting to greet their face, among other things she manages to hide away in her mane. Sora understood the gravity for the situation. He had to make sure the public were unaware of the danger they were really in until it finally passed, and yet…. and yet for some reason, he couldn’t help but start smiling. Am I… having fun doing this? He would remember at times when fighting heartless, he would sometimes get pumped up to fight heartless whenever he feels like he’s in the zone. This should be a serious situation, and yet, hearing a crowd cheer for him, all the while completely letting loose on the darkness at the same time, felt rather amazing. Plus Seeing Pinkie Pie have his back only made it more comfortable to keep that smile on his face. In time the small waves of heartless finally subsided, and the party went on like nothing ever happened, which for the partygoers concern, that’s basically true for them. Sora jumped off the building he was on last with a flip and landed into the crowd of ponies, that immediately made a way for his landing. Once he did, the crowd went wild. “That was amazing!” “It was like he was flying! But he’s an Earth Pony?” “Mom I want to fly too!” “That is one flashy Stallion” “Cute too” overhearing that last comment form the large crowd caught Sora off guard, but he didn’t have any time to dwell on it when he was tackled and given a bear hug by Pinkie “Sora that was awesome! You’re like a ninja” she then whispered in his ear “No more signs of those heartless jerks, anymore” Sora, despite his now constricted breathing from such a big hug, started laughing. “Glad to hear it Pinkie. I guess this mission is finally complete.” Once Pinkie let go of him he brought himself back onto his hooves. “Well, seeing that the job is down here, The party will go on without a hitch” he looked around and saw everyone already mingling, snacking, and dancing to the music already.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         “Right! then let’s have some fun! There’s some ice cream with your name on it!” Pinkie was already trotting her way over to the snack table.         “Ice cream? You wouldn’t happen to have Sea salt Ice cream would ya?” Sora asked.         THUD!         Everypony stopped in their tracks         THUD!          Everyone’s heads were on a swivel trying to locate the source of that earth shaking sound.         THUD, THUD, THUD!         It came from down the street, once everyone gazed in that direction they were greeted by an enormous creature coming into view behind some rather tall houses. It was 3 stories tall, Fat, and ugly. It was like an over stuffed costume of some sort. Two big zippers on the front and back were the only thing holding it together, it’s face, still held that same jagged mouth smile and Empty glowing yellow eyes. On the front of it was the heartless emblem and it was bipedal. Essentially it was like looking at a Frankenstein Large Body, however, something seemed off about it as well.         “Oh boy” Sora stared at the creature already whipping out his keyblade. Looking around Sora noticed the tension in the crowd rising. Not good, this might cause a stampede if nothing is done about it.         “LADIES AND GENTLECOLTS!” everyone turned to the new voice to see Pinkie with a megaphone. “I hope you all enjoyed my friend Sora’s fantastic, high flying acrobatics!” Everyone looked at each other before all eyes were back on her. “But the show ain’t over yet folks! It’s time for the grand finale! For Sora’s next trick! He will show you that you have nothing to fear when the heartless are around!” She then extended a hoof toward the slowly approaching threat. “Because Sora will be able to beat that Big Fat meanie over there before it can even reach 100 feet of the party!”         “What?!” Sora was shocked at such a bold declaration, but his voice was immediately drowned out by the cheers of all the ponies. he looked up at Pinkie, who had the biggest puppy dog look in her eyes that he had to shield himself from the cuteness Ok, Ok! I was gonna fight it anyway. as he turned around and headed out of the crowd to face the creature, he couldn’t help another smile on his face. Sheesh, she can be pretty demanding, but I can see where she’s coming from. Alright, Pinkie… I’ll try to make this as show worthy as possible. He turned to face Pinkie and give that trademark grin of his.         In turn, seeing that face, Pinkie couldn’t help but return one as well with a “GOOOO SORA!” that was when her element shined the brightest. then shot out of her necklace, and towards Sora at high speeds.         “Whoa!” Sora was barely able to catch it in his hoof. He stared at the radiating balloon gem before looking up at Pinkie, her grin never left her face but now she looked even more excited. Looking back at the gem he smiled. “This might even the odds a bit more” he took a few steps away from the crowd, stood on his hind legs, held his keyblade facing the Heartless in one hoof, while holding the Element of Laughter over the keyblade with the other. “CONNECT!” A flash of light engulfed him, as Pinkie Pie vanished from the table she was standing on. And just like that, time stood still in reality.                                                                                                                                    > Chapter 17: You Bring me Joy > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- (As Always Green Text means "click me" to play theme music to go with what your reading. Red text means to stop the music. Completely optional: Your free to ignore this)         Once again, Sora looked around found himself in the very same place when he first connected with Applejack; standing on that same pillar with the same stained glass flooring, though it looked like Applejack’s Element was now part of the picture. “Back here again, huh…” Sora looked down and he found that he’s back in his true form, then he lifted his head up to look around at the ever expanding darkness around him, until he caught sight of Pinkie on another pillar, her own pillar.         “Oooh, Pretty, Pinkie was looking at the image on her floor then  she released an innocent giggle. “Hey, that’s me!” (Image Source by Akili-Amethyst of Deviantart. http://akili-amethyst.deviantart.com/ )         “Oooh and there’s the girls! Wow, my compliments to the artist! It captures my good side!” she giggled again as she trotted around the floor to examine every inch of it.         “Pinkie?” Sora called out to her. Immediately, she lifted her head up and responded with a wave, “Oh Hi, Sora! This place is pretty neat! Hey, you’re human again! Why’s that? Something amazing going to happen now?!” Then she bounced in place now as questions fired out of her mouth one by one.         Sora couldn’t help but laugh over her energetic personality. “You know, I had the feeling that all this wouldn’t faze you like it did with Applejack.         “Really?” Pinkie turned to him with an innocent smile on her face, It wasn’t much longer before a voice Sora recognized all too well returned with another riddle.         It comes from laughter, the joy and sunrays of friendship; it brightens even the darkest of moods. That got Pinkie’s attention. “COOL! Disembodied Voice, those are always a staple for adventure games!” “What?” Sora looked at her as she was bouncing around in excitement. “Hey Sora! That spooky voice is giving us a riddle! Don’t be rude! We gotta answer it!” Pinkie pointed at Sora with what she thought was a serious look, but the way she did it, just looked adorable. Sora opened and closed his mouth before yet again was brought into another laughing fit from the silly look on Pinkie’s ‘serious’ face. This also brought the mare into giggling fit herself. “That’s a good laugh, Sora!” she beamed. After a moment to calm down and a shake of his head, he smiled and sighed before looking back up “Right, the riddle, that’s more important right now.” Then he crossed his arms and started giving it some serious thought “It comes from laughter, the joy and sunrays of friendship…” Then Pinkie continued as she sat on her haunches and tapping her muzzle but also seemed to be wearing something on her head that said “Thinking Cap” on the front of it. “.... it brightens even the darkest of moods.” “It sounds pretty straight forward this time,” said Sora. “Really? I was about to say the same thing,” Pinkie replied as she looked over at Sora. “Yeah, I mean when you think about it, what happened today is a good example of that.” He looked back at her with a smile. “That whole time fighting those heartless while making it look like a show for the ponies at the party… I was having a good time. when you showed up with a drink and some words of encouragement, that sealed it. Like saying, it was okay to feel that way in the middle of fighting heartless.” Pinkie was standing up in a more proud posture, yet tried to look modest as she waved a hoof dismissively, “Aww, shucks, Sora! You’re just saying that…. but go on.” she slyly added that last part. He laughed again and then said, “Right, Well what I wanted to say is…” he held his hand to his heart and gave a polite bow. “Thank you, Pinkie. I had a lot of fun today.” Then he gave off that goofy grin of his to her. Then Pinkie kindly replied, “Aww, you’re very much welcome, Sora! It always brings joy to my heart when I see my friends laughing and having fun! That’s what I love about my job!” Then she gave hers and it was just as big as the others but had even more of a genuine feel than most other times. Suddenly, the darkness around them started flooding with light. Then the voice appeared once again. Joy, it goes hand in hand with laughter; that it bonds friendship with it’s rays. A new power awaits you. Then a glass panel path appeared connected to both Sora and Pinkie’s pillars, Leaving Pinkie to happily trot her way over to her friend. “A new power! Is it gonna be like laser beam out of your eyes or something?! Or a super ultra cupcake launcher?!” Sora looked at the floor he was standing on and watched Pinkie’s element appear in one of the circles grouped together just like Applejack’s. Then chuckled at Pinkie’s guessing. “Well Only one way to find out! Though I get the feeling it’ll start off as a new keyblade” That’s when he summoned the Keyblade into his hand and aimed it to the floor. “Ooooh, now I’m even more excited! Alright Sora, let er’ rip!” She cheered with a hoof pump into the air. “You got it!” Then the light shrouded them completely as they were once again sent back to reality. ~~~~~~~~~~ Time Flows again in Reality Applebloom and Scootaloo pushed through hordes of bystanders to get to the front. There was no way they’re going to miss Sora beating down a giant baddy. “Come on, Applebloom, we’re almost there,” said Scootaloo, as she was moving around and under ponies. “I’m hurryin,” said Applebloom catching up behind her friend. Then she and Scootaloo noticed the flash of light up ahead. They’re going to miss it. They really picked up the pace, pushing through the legs until they finally found the final set of legs. They’re ready to push them aside except when the owners of those legs  they backpedaled over them as if they noticed them; then the pair stumbled forward, making grunts and dust plumes, in front of the crowd. “Finally,” said Applebloom as she gets back on her hooves to look, but then suddenly she almost jumped from shock. Scootaloo got on her hooves and said, “Alright we’re here, now where is-” But Applebloom grabbed her head and turned it for her to see someone next to them. “S-Sweetie Belle?!” Their unicorn friend was somehow standing next to them, despite the fact that she was at Town Hall with the mayor. “Sweetie belle, what are you doing here?” Scootaloo asked. But instead of responding to Scootaloo, she seemed far too distracted with what was in front her with her mouth agape. Out of that nagging curiosity, they followed her gaze only to eventually make the same face. As they found a familiar stallion standing on his hind legs in front of them. “Is that… Sora?” Applebloom asked. Sora is a good few feet in front of the awestruck crowd, in a similar posture he would be in his human form. However there were differences, one of the first things to be noticed was the familiar gem glowing brightly on the back of his jacket, It was Pinkie’s Element of Laughter. Next were the pink wild streaks in his mane and tail; they were curled and intertwined with his normal brown colors but some parts of it sticked out as well. The last thing,the most important change, in his right hoof a completely different Keyblade replaced his normal one. (Owned by Aniamalman of Deviantart http://aniamalman.deviantart.com/ ) As the CMC and the rest of the audience stared in awe at the key bearer fusion, Sora’s body seemed finally to move as he looked himself over. Well, Pink streaks this time then, Sora thought Oooh, just like when you fused with Applejack! Wow! I’m in your head too! This is neato! I can read your thoughts and your mood! Oh, Oh! The Keyblade is different! Pinkie spoke in his head as Sora felt his head turn to the Keyblade in his hooves. Awesome! I can make you do things too Then Sora had the image of Pinkie holding a Sora shaped Marionette while she made a diabolical smirk. Dance my puppet! Dance! Whoa… kind of festive looking. Sora lifted the keyblade up toward his face to get a closer look at it; completely ignoring Pinkie’s little moment. THUD! Immediately Sora was reminded of the reason why he fused. “Oh right!” He said aloud before taking the new keyblade to his teeth and getting all fours. Ready to see what we can do with this thing? and he charging off before she could answer. I was born to party, Sora! He felt like she would make a willful smile on her face. Sora grinned and nodded and started a speed summary for her, Okay, it basically works like this- Yeah, yeah, we both control your body with what we’re thinking and cool stuff happens we think differently on something, Pinkie replied nonchalantly. Meanwhile Sora was already closing the distance with sprinting and flowmotion. Wait what?! How do- We can read each other’s thoughts, silly! Sora could hear her giggle in his head. Oh… Right… Well that makes things easier then. He turned all his focus on the gargantuan enemy in front of them. Then let’s give our audience a show! Okie Dokie Lokie! Then Sora kicked off a wall very hard and  shoot towards the heartless like a missile. The giant responded to its tiny foe by hold both of its giant hands on either side of it, forming dark energy orbs then fired it toward Sora. “Oh boy!” In mid air, Sora quickly broke out of his flowmotion, switched his weapon to his hoof, and smacked the first orb but the heartless quickly shot another orb and it collided into the first. Then Sora twirled his body rapidly, then threw his keyblade hard towards the giant’s face. Suddenly, when it whipped out, Sora could have sworn he heard the sound of a lit fuse. Then just before the weapon connected with heartless’ face, in his head Pinkie screamed out and BOOM goes the dynamite! Then the keyblade finally connects, and a massive explosion of smoke, flames, and confetti blocked out the creature’s face as it stumbled back from unexpected force of that explosive attack. “Did the keyblade just… Blow up?!” Sora shouted in utter disbelief and nearly fell on his flank haunches as the keyblade re appeared in his hand like nothing happened to it. I know! Wasn’t that awesome?! It blew up when I wanted it to! said Pinkie cheerfully. Wait, you did that?! Sora thought in disbelief. Yep Yeppers! Of course I’m surprised too! I was just pretending it could happen. They soon noticed the Heartless regained its footing and looked menacingly at Sora. Well… think you can do that again? I feel like… this keyblade can do more than that. Pinkie responded. Sora didn’t bother questioning it for now, Alright, then let’s get back to work then! Then he took a few bipedal steps toward the heartless, putted the keyblade back in his mouth and ran on all fours towards it. Then he sprinted head first, dodged an oncoming fist that was slammed on the concrete. Then Sora took this as a chance to give the creature something else to worry about. He took a sharp turn towards the offending fist, dashed into it and started to spin like a top with the keyblade in his mouth. Here comes the buzzsaw! Pinkie called within his mind, and just like that Sora heard the sounds of a spinning buzzsaw cutting into wood; only the wood was the heartless’ fist. Then he had to wonder how he was still spinning, he had been spinning for a lot longer then he would’ve expected his body to do in midair against contact. Soon enough however, Sora managed to make it pretty deep into the fist, causing the owner to pull it back quickly and try to patch it up before all the black mist like darkness seeped out of it. After recovering from his dizziness, Sora said, “I gotta say this is all… pretty random.” Woo! That was fun! Can we do that again? Not unless you wanna see what he had for lunch back in the forest Then Sora turned to the big lug nursing its wound. Ok, while it's distracted! Sora held his keyblade up “THUNDER!” And suddenly a huge bolt of Thundaga appeared above and struck its target with all its might. Of course, the target this time happened to be the keyblade instead. “W-what?! Pinkie?” Don’t look at me I was thinking the same thing as you when you were about to cast that spell, said Pinkie looking at the now supercharged Keyblade. Oddly enough, only the shaft was sparking with wild electric energy. What is with this keyblade? said Sora  while looking at it, intently before the sparks of electricity gave him an idea. Ooooh, I like the way you think! Immediately, Sora ran to the beast and the wall of a nearby building and the heartless’ round big belly towards the monster’s head “How about a love tap!” Sora yelled out as he swiped the electrified weapon across the monsters face. Then immediately, several large thundaga bolts, shot down at where Sora hit the heartless last and dangerous amounts of volts coursed through the creature’s body, “Whoa!” Sora looked in awe while standing on the slightly electrified enemy’s shoulder. “What’s up with my magic?” I don’t know, but it’s awesome! Is the keyblade doing that too? Pinkie replied in his head. After hearing Pinkie’s words, he looked at his keyblade and had to admit, the keyblade itself seemed somewhat random in design. Was that an indication to its abilities? However further thoughts was brought to a close when he felt the big lug start to move again. Looking behind him, one of its big hands was trying to grab him. Quickly, he jumped high over it letting the hand clench the air over its shoulder. Let’s try that move again. He lifted the keyblade skyward. “THUNDER!” Just like before, a massive lightning bolt crashed on the keyblade like a lightning rod, then the blade started coming to life with sparks of electric energy as he brought it down in an overhead swing on the giant fist. Once again, leaded to a multi-simultaneous massive lightning bolts, crashed down on it; gave the heartless another shocking taste of pain. All right! It worked again! Woooo Woooo! Go us! Sour Shock for the win! Pinkie cheered and the thought of Pinkie waving a ‘Go Team!’ flag around came to mind. But then, at this point, the beast had enough of its riding companion. It blasted out dark energy from its body violently pushed Sora off of it with a strong wind. Wheeeeeee! Sora immediately dodge-rolled in midair and pointed his keyblade at the beast. “Alright, then, how about this? ‘Fire!’” Expecting a barrage of fireballs to pelt the being, he did not expect the giant flames to blast out of the party poppers on his handguard and blasting him erratically back towards the big guy. “Whaaaaaa, What?! Huh?!” He yelled as he tried to control his flight path as best he could. Best. Flight. Ever! Wheee!!! Go Party rocket! Pinkie cheered. That keyblade took them for a ride to be sure. It flew so close to the sides of the buildings that Sora’s hind legs were forced to run on them as he tried to figure out how to control the thing before he accidentally made it loop away from the building they were on and rocketing through the open window and into the house. Well I’m glad one of us is having fu-Oh boy… The rocket dragged them around the bedroom they were now in knocking everything over before crashing into the door, right off it’s hinges, and down the stairs. Which much to his dismay, Sora’s body was dragged along it. “Ow,ow,ow,ow,ow,ow,ow,ow,ow!” Now with the urge to get this thing under control, Sora forced himself to be back on his hooves, and narrowly dodge what no doubt look like a very delicate and expensive centerpiece on the dining room table they just flew over. Get it Sora! Tame that wild Keyblade! said Pinkie in a rather southern accent. Swerving and curving through the air and out the living room window, the flame propelled Keyblade brought its owner back to the monster but heading lower than anticipated as he was heading straight for the stomach. Out of instinct, Sora let go of the keyblade letting it rocket ahead and impact the giant’s stomach in fiery explosion then he simply just went through it. This caused the heartless to lurch forward from the stomach blow, its jagged jaws wide open as if it was gonna hack up its insides, but all that came out was an intense concentration of dark mist. Not missing a moment Sora and Pinkie decided to take the initiative, thanks to that wild rocket ride, Sora had enough momentum to glide to the blackened gut then run up and grab the zipper, This looks mighty important, don’t you think, Pinkie? said Sora taking in the knowledge of how the creature reacted poorly to a strike in the belly. Oh I concur, dear Sora! Pinkie replied, imitating a proper speaking old timey gentlemen, or stallion in this case. I say, let us expose this vagabond, for the ugly meanie it truly is inside. Sora rolled his eyes at her little moment, as he yanked hard on that slowly but surely bringing the zipper down, releasing mist out of it and what looked like a few dark claws that seem to immediately reach out for freedom. He immediately backed off when one of the hands reached out in his direction. Then he landed back on the ground they watched the big guy reach its zipper and pull it back up, hiding the eerie claws back inside it. Okay, That was weird. Well, now what? Pinkie asked as Sora called back his keyblade. I’m still pretty sure undoing that zipper is what we need to do, but we need him preoccupied to keep him from zipping it back up again. He looked up at the creature before pointing his weapon skyward. “Fire!” Suddenly, Sora propelled into the air by the makeshift rockets/ party favors on his keyblade. However this time, now that he was aware of it he was better able to control the flight… mostly. Oooh I like this plan! Pinkie read Sora’s mind and was giving her support. Sora rocketed up until he was face to face with the creatures… well, face. Phase one: give this thing something to worry about. Sora let loose a barrage of strikes and swings on the thing’s massive head. This in turn brought its attention again on the keyblade wielder and tried to swat him away. Sora, would dodge them with acrobatics and perfect timing. When a hand came at him he would jump and kick off  from between the creature’s eyes to narrowly dodge the giant hand slamming into its owner's face. He would then throw the keyblade at the wrist of the hand causing it to explode on impact. The creature was stumbling around now from the painful trick it landed itself in I guess while I’m at it… I am kinda curious  Sora landed on the in front of his writhing enemy. As he held his keyblade forward, with a cautious look in his eyes   Do it!... Do it do it do it! He could hear that hyper voice in the back of his mind. He sighed and shook his head before casting the spell. “Freeze!” immediately in response Sora’s keyblade shot ice out of its shaft and encased it in a large blade of ice, as Sora stumbled for a bit to compensate for the added weight “O… Okay… iceblade, right, that makes sense.” He rolled his eyes, before an idea struck as he looked at the heartless’ stubby feet. “That might work” He put the blade into his mouth and galloped toward them. Woo! Sherbert blade! Phase two: Immobilize them. Once he was a few feet from them, he lunged forward keyblade in mouth and giving a few rapid spins as his blade cut through where the body and the legs connected. When Sora turned to look at his handiwork, he was amazed that frost and ice covered the legs and the lower half of the creature, locking them in place and causing it to fall back losing balance. This would be a perfect time for Sora and Pinkie to cheer at a job well down if they didn’t also figure out that, they were still in range of the behemoth’s crash radius. “Oh crud” with quick thinking Sora used his fire magic again to rocket back between the legs, narrowly avoiding becoming a pancake. Then Pinkie posed a thought in his mind You are just full of ideas today and Sora directed his flight back to go skyward once again. Aww, you know you would’ve wanted to try it too eventually Pinkie responded, and Sora couldn’t help but feel like she was right Told ya! he smiled shaking his head when she said that. I’m just gonna hazard a guess here… all those names you called out… those were for the attacks weren’t they? Once they felt like they climbed high enough over the large body, Sora cut off the fire magic to his Keyblade and looked down. Yup yup! Cool Right?! They’re like special attacks! That only Pinkie’s Keyblade can do. Sora laughed before aiming the attack down at their foe. “Well then… shall we?” He said aloud and soon gravity finally took hold of them before the momentum could pull them up any higher. Hit’em with our best shot! Pinkie replied before both their voices were heard at the same time out of Sora’s mouth. “Sherbet Blade!” The shaft was once again encased in a blade of ice, Sora lifted the blade above him. “Sour Shock!” A massive Thundaga bolt struck down on the ice blade and electricity coursed through it, before he pointed downward once again. “PARTY ROCKET!” He lets go of the keyblade and watched the party poppers on the hand guard blast out jets of flame, blasting the electrified iced over the keyblade straight in high speeds directly below before it finally pierced through its chest. What came first was the Heartless becoming iced over as it was impaled into the ground, then multiple thundaga bolts that came crashing down with pinpoint accuracy on where the blade penetrated, and coursing millions of volts into the body, then finished off with an explosive finale of electrical fire and ice mist that covered the area. To say it gave off a spectacle for those that were watching was understating it. Phase Three: Rip’em a new one. Sora looked down to see that their plan was successful, as there was now a huge gaping hole of Dark mist escaping the monster’s chest and stomach. Alright! That wasn’t so bad, He was a pushover. Pinkie commented as Sora descended and directed his descent between the beast and party. Oooh! We should name that combo attack, too! It’s not over yet, Pinkie When he landed, he whipped around to face the downed enemy. It’s never over until they cough up a heart. He got into a battle stance and peered into the mist. Already seeing the movement of many creatures within it. “YOU'RE KIDDING ME!” That familiar voice, clicked in both their minds as they turned around. And just as they saw Rainbow Dash flew in from out of nowhere and was glaring daggers at them. “Hey, Rainbow, perfect timing!” Sora was about to go on when suddenly the blue pegasus was right in his face. “Don’t you ‘Hey, Rainbow’ me, buddy! What is this?!” She gestured to him. “You just gestured to all of me,” Sora blinked a few times at the question. “And why do you think that is?!” Rainbow retorted. ~~~ Earlier “Aw, horse apples! Where’d he go now?” said Rainbow, flying all over ponyville looking for Sora after taking a rather long lunch break. Hearing that Sora was going to fight some training dummies on Applejack’s farm had her interested in joining in, though her main reason was to ask him to fuse with her, only to find out he hasn’t shown up yet. She had already been fantasizing about what cool weapon her element would make. These were along the lines of Hoof Cannons, wing blades, or even incase her completely in armor and become invincible; she would charge into the enemy at full speed. Her mind went on for miles in her imagination about what she would have done. Although she wouldn’t admit it, she wanted to fuse with Sora as well. Listening to Applejack explained what it was like, made it sound… cool. Mushy... But cool. When this thought crossed her mind, if anyone looked her way, they would see just a little bit of pink on her cheeks, along with an angry looking scowl for even thinking of the idea in such a way. “Ugh! Where is that Spiky headed dope?!” She flew up in the air to get a higher vantage point, but as soon as she did she did she heard the sounds explosion, and thunder way off in the distance. “What the?” Whipping her head around, she finally locked her eyes on the source. “How did I not see that big fat thing! It’s bigger than a house!” She also noticed smoke coming off of it, more than likely it was the target of those explosions and lightning strikes, but who would be powerful enough to…”Oh That’s where you are?! Who says you get to hog all the fun?” And she shot off like a bullet over to the battle at hand, just in time to catch Sora tripping the giant lug onto its back. “Whoa!” She was about to call out when she noticed Sora was- “Flying? He’s flying?!” His keyblade propelled him in the air jets of fire coming off it until he was high above over the heartless. The next thing she saw Sora do, he would have made her drop so far it would have threatened to touch the ground from that height, it all happened so quickly, One second he was charging up some massive attack and then... Only one phrase came out of her mouth at that moment. “SO… AWESOME…” She would have squee-ed from the amazing display, if she didn’t pick up on something different about Sora’s appearance. “What the… Pink streak, crazy looking, a blue balloon gem on his jacket, and the keyblade…” she got a good look at the festive looking weapon, that is nothing like his Kingdom Key or the one when he fused with Applejack. No, only one pony that she knew that would qualify for such a weapon. “No way… Pinkie gets to fuse and I don’t!” Unlike the cheering crowd below her, all her excitement and wonder from the previous attack turned into jealousy and anger. “YOU'RE KIDDING ME!” Then she flew off towards the fused pony. ~~~ Back to the Present “This is so unfair!” Rainbow pouted as she folded her forelegs and looked away. “Ahehe…” Sora felt a chill coming on. Never knew she wanted to fuse so badly. Oh, yeah Rainbow always talks about it, she wanted to be the next pony to fuse with you, said Pinkie cheerfully. “Pinkie, can you hear me in there?!” Rainbow called out to her friend, “If so, get out of Sora! I want a turn!” Sora just had a blank look on her face. “I don’t think… that came out right for what you meant, Rainbow. Also, don’t I get a say in this?” “No!” Never! Sora looked away with a look utter defeat. “Oh well, don’t mind me then, I’ll just be over here thinking about my life.” However, that was short lived when he heard some sounds from behind him, and remembered. “Oh crud, the heartless!” He turned around and got in a four legged battle stance. “What are you talking about, you already demolished that g-” Rainbow’s mouth gaped open and in silence when she looked on in disbelief what she saw. Countless of dark figures rising out of the fallen one. (Image Source: http://www.khwiki.com/Neoshadow ) “W-what are they?!” Rainbow moved back again, “There’s so many of them!” “Neo shadows…” Sora replied. Eeeeew, they’re crawling out of its body! Gross! Sora immediately started feeling sick even though he was fine about what he saw. Pinkie, whatever you feel, I feel it too. Sora suddenly had to hold his hoof to his mouth feeling like he was gonna hurl. I’m gonna need you to relax and keep calm about this. H-how can I, that’s so gross, and there’s so many of them coming out. the sensation of nausea, only grew worse for Sora. Making him stumble a bit. Just don’t think of it like that. That big guy was basically a big costume and black mist! Just remember that and you’ll be fine. Immediately he started to feel a lot better now. You think so? Wait that’s right, I think. Her memory played back to all the times they struck the being and mist flew out. Ok I’m fine now there was enormous sense of happiness in his mind now. I’m glad cuz they are approaching. Sora looked on at the oncoming horde. “Alright, if you two are done puking, What’s the plan?” said Rainbow after getting out of her initial shock and got into a battle stance. She apparently saw the whole display Sora’s body gave for all to see. Much to Sora’s regret. Sora thought for a moment, “With so many heartless, it might prove a bit difficult to keep the party alive at this point…. But he didn’t want to call it off, they’ve gone this far already, plus Pinkie Pie was in his mind and didn’t seem to like the idea of cancelling the party one bit… That’s when he noticed the glow on his handguard. The balloon gem on the Keyblade was glowing brightly, and experiences of when he fused with Applejack told him one thing. “This keyblade can transform too!” He smiled stood up on his legs with the keyblade in his hoof. “Rainbow, I need you to fly ahead and attack first. We gotta see what this thing turns into and how to use it.” Rainbow, also seeing the glowing gem, only smirked. “Oh is that all? Sounds like I get to start the flank whoopin’. I’m game!” She then flew off towards the horde in record speed. “Come on you freaks, wanna dance?!” She impacted the horde like a meteorite causing countless amounts of them to either die on the spot or get hurled in the air from the airblast of the impact. Then she carried on to do a high speed brawl with the things. Sora closed his eyes and exhaled, before opening them again with a bright smile, “No clue what’s going to happen now.” But there’s just no other way around it, Right? Pinkie continued as Sora lifted the keyblade high above him. In unison they called out, “LET’S GO! TRANSFORM! The gem was bursting with light as it went absolutely nuts shooting all around the keyblade, until it quite literally popped out of the keyblade and swirled around. The blade was becoming thicker, more round, than the clones of itself appeared and bunched up against it, until now there were four of them, a ribbon like band wrapped around just under the tip as if holding them together, as the shaft and its clones turned into long hollow cylinders but of varying colors, one red, another blue, another yellow, and the last one pink. The hand guard they were attached to drastically changed. The handle was pushed back and turned sideways, as the material of the handguard spun around rapidly making an after image of a much larger but short cylinder. The after image then turned pink and expanded even more both in width and in length Until it was half the length of the 4 barrels that was once the blade, but 5 times the size of all of them put together, A pink flash and the spinning after image became a solid pink barrel drum with the balloon gem resting on the top and glowing brightly. Finally another handle shot out of the left side of the large pink barrel just like the one in his dominant hoof was holding in the back, out of reflex once he felt the weight of the newly formed weapon got pulled down by gravity, he immediately grabbed the other handle with his left hoof barely catching it in time before it hit the ground. “OK, Whoa! This is… new.” Wooooow… I don’t know what that is, but it looks AMAZING! How do we use it. Not entirely sure really… it kinda looks like some sort of portable cannon or something. Santa had one of those in his workshop that shot out presents. Santa who? Wait you don’t know… never mind, perhaps another time. Sora looked at the weapon, on a whim he moved his left hoof, he noticed that the handle he was holding could move back…. He pulled it all the way back in a swift motion until he heard the sound of a click and the weapon started lighting up wherever there was grooves in the material as the handle shot back to its original position but locked in place this time. “Whoa… Ok, I guess I must have… turned it on… now what?” He then decided to try his luck with the other handle his right hoof was holding. Sure enough he noticed the handle bar could be pushed in, so he pushed it a few inches into the weapon until another click was heard and a pink hologram appeared in front of his face. Looking through it he could see the battle Rainbow waged ahead, it was clear that she was having a tough time. These kind of heartless were a lot more nimble and tenacious than their smaller counterparts. That’s when a blue circle was placed over her in the holo screen and tracked her every movement, meanwhile dark red circles were appearing over all the heartless that were within his sight through the holo screen. “Whoa… okay… a targeting system… Now I got a pretty good guess on what this thing can do now.” Sora smiled and felt that the handle inside the weapon could still move in a different direction once he pushed it all the way in. he turned the handle clockwise and watched as the long barrels in the front started together rapidly. Ooooh, what’s that gonna do Pinkie’s questions were answered when a heavy barrage of what looked like fireworks matching the colors of the barrels were shooting out of the hollow opening at the tip of the spinning things and erratically barreled down towards the horde of heartless and the single pegasus, before they all started splitting away from each other, aiming for their own personal targets. Rainbow had no clue what was about to happen until she heard the sound of fireworks being set off, she flew up above just in time to watch countless flying festive rockets fly right past her and into the mob of darkness, where multi colored starry explosions just engulfed the unsuspecting enemies. “What the hay?! The onslaught didn’t end as each individual rocket seeked out their specific target and impacted an explosive and visually spectacular gift in the process. She looked back to find the source and her eyes would’ve popped out of her head. “THAT IS SO COOL! Meanwhile for Sora: “YEEEEEAAAAAAAAH!!!! WOO!!!” He was having a blast firing that thing and watching the heartless go up in brightly colored stars and black mist. I LOVE THIS THING! Pinkie called out in his mind, so much joy and excitement was coursing through his body courtesy of Pinkie’s current emotions. Pew Pew PEW! Sora kept the fireworks going as he started aiming for the ones out of his targeting range. Thanks to that holo screen in front of him, it kept on tagging neo shadows he didn’t even notice, and leading him to those outside its targeting scope, like a group that already got on the rooftops. “Oh no you don’t” Sora shifted his body and weapon towards the rooftop, the targeting system once again locked on the multiple hostiles and fired out the flurry of fireworks. They hit their intended targets, However Sora felt like there might be more that are hidden from his sight… He smiled “Rainbow!” Rainbow in the middle admiring the handiwork of Sora and Pinkie’s weapon, while subconsciously stomping and kicking a few neo shadows out of existence, until she heard her name “Huh? What?” She looked their way. “Take the high road!” He shouted, firing another volley into the rooftops before shifting back to the ground force of darkness, and unleashing another barrage. “Huh?” She flew out of the oncoming fire storm as looked at where he was shooting earlier. On the roofs there were still some heartless that were fortunate enough to not be in range “Oh! Right!” She shot off and attacked the first two closest to her. One hoof for each head. Ramming them into a nearby chimney, making quick work of them before dismounting into the air with an acrobatic somersault before flying off to her next target. “And where do think your going?” She rounded a rooftop another Neoshadow was on, it was about to use its height advantage to pounce on Sora below but a nice corkscrew air dash, punched right through its torso, therefore erasing its existence. “Another one bites the dust” she gave a confident smirk before flying across the street when she saw more trouble. Meanwhile, back at the party, the crowd was just eating up the “show”. And loving every bit of it. The Sights the sounds, it only gathered more and more ponies to see what was going on. At one moment When Rainbow noticed another group of heartless on the other side of the street, on the rooftops again. She decided to do something flashy, she swooped down past Sora and flew alongside the flying rockets, before opening her hooves to grab a heartless, then run into more, and more, and even more, then with all her might carry the horde into the the air. “Hey Sora! How about some target practice?!” She yelled before letting the balled up horde go above her, Flapped back downward to get some distance, then shot skyward as fast and hard as she did hooves first into the horde shooting through the center and out the other side taking out a few with her, and making the rest scatter helplessly in the air. Before she flew to her intended destination. Sora and grinned as he lifted the weapon facing toward the airborne heartless. Immediately all of them targeted and rockets soaring right after them, Not even one of them touched the ground as they were all sit and turned into black mist. ”Woo! before immediately bringing his weapon back down to face the ground. Sora poured on the fire dwindling the advancing horde from an army to just some stragglers with the same brainless tactic of running headlong into his hail of rockets, thinking they could reach him through all of that. Wow, these guys sure aren’t too bright Pinkie said as she watched the annihilation. Yeah, heartless usually aren’t, they just have one goal and they stick to it… Though something is odd. Sora couldn’t help but have an uneasy feeling These are Neoshadows, Neoshadows can swim into the ground like their smaller brother the Shadow…. So how come none of them used that ability yet? Sora looked around for a moment before moving back forward shooting at the last of them. I kind of expected some of them to do that just to close in on us a long time ago. Before long Sora turned the back handle counter clockwise and the  weapon stopped firing rockets and the front barrels slowly stopped spinning. All ground heartless were completely destroyed. Once they did they were a bit caught off guard from the sound he heard from behind. When they looked back, they finally took notice of the cheering and raving crowd. Oh Yeah! Forgot about them for a bit Pinkie said cheerfully before making Sora’s arm wave to them. This just made them cheer even louder. “Same here” Sora spoke aloud as he gave a smile. At that moment the balloon gem on Sora’s weapon, lost its shine then reverted back to its original Keyblade form. “Well, I guess that’s that, with the rocket gun” Sora said. No no, Sora. That’s too boring, we should give it a more awesome name. You’re still making up names for things? Sora asked in mild surprise. Of course! A cool name that strikes fear in the heart of its foes! We shall name it, The Sparkle Blaster! … “How about, Party Gun…” Sora deadpanned Oooh, I like that name, you’re good at naming things, Sora Pinkie immediately accepted the name much to Sora’s surprise, he just thought of the name on a whim. “And that’s another Heartless Army taken down by us, Who bad? We Bad!” Rainbow cheers for and praises the three of them on the monumental task like it was nothing as she flew down and flew around Sora hoof pumping. Sora smiled and shook his head from his friend’s behavior, and at that moment a flash of light once again covered Sora, and just as quick as it appeared, it vanished leaving Sora in his regular pony form, and appearing next to him was Pinkie Pie only, something was different about her. Standing there was the Pinkie they know and love, but what she was wearing was what got their attention. On her head were gold rimmed goggles with glyph like engravings on the rims, the lens were a darker shade of pink, and they were attached onto her head by a brown strap elastic looking strap, but it didn’t end there. On her back was a sort of large metallic box, pink in color just like the goggles, and engraved in the same glyphic design, at the center of the top part of the box looked like it was like saddle bag flap and button that keeps it closed, only the button was Pinkie’s Element of Laughter instead. “Whoa, what is that-” Rainbow went on but Sora answered for her. “I think it is…” Pinkie looked at her friends “What’s wrong, is there frosting on my face?” She went to place her hoof on her face to check for said frosting, but eventually ran her hoof against part of the goggles she was wearing. “Huh?” Pulling it out so she could get a better look, she looked up and instantly gave a huge squee. Filling the weight on her back, she looked back and her Squee was only louder. “I got a thing… the thing! The Fusey thing! Just like Applejack!” She was stammering for the right words as she was bouncing in place in hyperdrive. “You got a fusion weapon!” Rainbow said with both excitement, and a little bit of envy. Sora looked at Rainbow, placing a hoof under his muzzle and thought for a moment. “That… doesn’t sound too bad for a name for these things.” “Whoo Hoo! I got a Fusion Weapon! Ooooooh, What’s it do, What’s it do?!” Pinkie said as she put the goggles on and the lens lit up. Sora shrugged “Only one way to find out” And as if on Cue, they heard the sound of rushing wind behind them. Whipping their heads back they were greeted with the same giant large body looking Heartless they fought earlier only it seemed to be sucking in a lot of air. “What is it trying to puff itself up for another round?” Rainbow then started shadow boxing “I’m game, Let’s try to make it pop!” Sora stared at the wind tunnel getting sucked into the creature’s mouth. He noticed there was a lot of dark mist going into it. “I don’t think a balloon heartless is what it’s trying to make.” Soon more and more dark mist was getting pulled in from the atmosphere making the wind tunnel pitch black, until finally, after expanding to absurd proportions, the heartless closed up its mouth and just remained in that position. “Sooo, if it’s not trying to inflate itself to fight us, then what is it doing?” Rainbow decided to ask, Meanwhile Pinkie’s goggles was lighting up a rather large circle within a circle “You guys… there’s something inside” Both Sora and Rainbow turned to Pinkie from her statement before looking back at the monster. That’s when they saw its gut showing bulges, appearing then disappearing back into place, soon they started to appear more and more violently by the second. Sora and Rainbow took a combat stance, with sora it was his four legged one, as Rainbow took off into the air. Pinkie decided now was a pretty good time to press that shiny gem on her back. The gem sunk into the box releasing the “flap” to open up and let loose a lot of retractable metal parts, gun barrels, belts, and the like, the metal contraption sheltered over the confused yet excited Pinkie Pie and continued to expand. Meanwhile, Sora and Rainbow were already making their way towards the heartless, just to watch it finally give in and pop just like a balloon into pieces that dissolved in mid air into nothingness, causing the two to stop in their tracks for a moment as a blast of air pushed them back for a moment. What stood in place of the inflatable heartless however was completely different. It was something he hadn’t faced in a long time, but remembered how much of a pain it was to deal with it when he was younger. (Image Source: http://soxxeh.deviantart.com/art/Kingdom-Hearts-II-Behemoth-Removed-297185457 )         “It's a Behemoth!” Sora called out gearing himself up         “Well, yeah we know it’s big but what kinda heartless is it?” Rainbow walked up to him, her eyes still locked on their new arrival.         “A Behemoth, that’s what it’s called, look that thing is difficult to deal with if you don’t know what you’re doing” “What’s there to know, You just go in and and kick its flank!” And Rainbow rushed without another word. “Rainbow wait! You Can’t-” Sora tried to stop her but she was already off. He groaned as he galloped after her. Rainbow aiming a Flying tackle into the thing’s face, but once she did, it was like the equivalent of when she slammed into Rarity’s roof… Also causing her to strike the same pose when she impacted, legs sprawled out in every direction like she was a splattered bug on the wall. This caused Sora and everyone watching to wince and in unison say “Oooooooooh…. “Ow….” she managed to say before sliding off the Behemoth’s face “Rainbow!” He watched her fall and threw his keyblade at the  Behemoth’s small horn to distract it, then dove and caught the dazed mare on his back. “Gotcha!” Then made a 180 bolting out of there with her. Stomping close behind was the Behemoth and it was already shaking things up for the houses it walked passed as it tried to gain on Sora. thanks to its larger stride it looks like that was exactly going to happen! Until a whistling streak in the sky collided with its face making it immediately stop and back pedal from the surprise attack. “Huh?” Looking forward his face changed from shock to a big grin. “No way!” On the opposite end, near the crowd, stood a Pink metallic contraption that looked like a turret, rigged up with more gun and cannon barrels that it anyone knew what to do with, except for the Pinkie mare sitting in the gunner’s seat. “You like that?! How about a taste of my extra special “Pinkie Bomb Barrage!” She was standing on her hind legs, one hoof on the seat, and the other on control panel slightly above and infront of it, her hoof precariously close to a few of the big flashing buttons, as she pointed her hoof at the monster striking a rather daring pose “Nopony hurts my friends!”  He jumped back to her seat properly before looking at the massive array of buttons before her, “Let’s see… what to push… Well, duh, Pinkie you already know that answer” she tapped her hoof against her head sticking out her tongue with a goofy smile for her silly question. “ALL OF THEM!” And that’s exactly what she did as her fore legs were a blur pushing all those blinking and flashy buttons, pulling on all the levers, and it was just a cacophony of rockets, bombs, and light beams blasting out of every gun and cannon on that thing, every one of them aiming for wherever she was looking at in her goggles, which happened to be the big red circle appearing around the Behemoth on her lens. Sora watched the sky above him get covered by a rain of rockets, sparkling beam shots, and comically huge bombs with lit fuses flying over him and all over the Behemoth he was running from, pushing the creature back from force of impacts, but doing minimal damage against its tough hide, However a good portion of them hit the small horn on its head just like Sora did earlier so it all ended up dazing the creature once the hail of firepower ended. Once he reached Pinkie he looked at her and said “Thanks, Pinkie, that helped a lot” he gently lowered his body to carefully place her nearby and the Crusaders were all on them now, Scootaloo being the first on the scene. “That thing’s weakness is the small horn on its head, can you aim for that?!” “That tiny horn waaay over there?” Pinkie Pie refocused her gaze on the recovering beast’s head. “From this far away, it’ll be kind of tough!” She said as her weapons were reloading for another volley. “Rainbow! Rainbow! Are you ok? Wake up?!” Scootaloo’s voice brought Sora’s attention on her and the Blue pegasus on the ground. Scootaloo was shaking her to get her to come to her senses. “Uuuugh, Five more minutes… blurgh” She was out of it for now. If her response wasn’t enough, her eyes swirling in circles was a good enough indicator she was down. “Right…” he pulled out his keyblade and pointed in the air. “Heal!” Just above his keyblade a floral plant of some kind with three yellow flowers at the top appeared, along with a ring of vines circling around it, then a green ring of light circled Rainbow and encased her body in the same light. “Huh? What?! I wasn’t sleeping?!” Rainbow instantly shot up, completely back with reality only to be tackled by her number one fan. “Rainbow, You’re Ok!” Sweetie Belle turned to the stallion “You’re a doctor too Sora?” “Uuuh, not quite, and thanks to that, I’m out of magic for now” then turned to face the monster ahead. He knew he had an ether with him, but he was seriously debating whether or not to use it to regain his magic ability quicker. But he had no clue when and if he’d be able to get another one… No, in retrospect the monster was only a pain at first when he didn’t know how to deal with it back then, he’ll be fine, he decided. “Pinkie, just keep shooting at it, Rainbow and I will take care of it.” “Aye aye, boss!” Pinkie gave a salute, to which Sora only smiled and rolled his eyes before she went back to her seat and got to work firing a volley of large fireworks at the behemoth. Sora waited for Rainbow to get back on her feet and get a grip on what was going on. “Rainbow, can you get us over there fast?” “Can I get-” Rainbow looked at him with surprise before it turned into a confident looking smirk “Do you know who you’re talking to?” She flapped her wings and and grabbed onto Sora as they took to the air. “I guess so” he simply replied. “Go Get em, Rainbow! Kick his flank!” Scootaloo was already cheering for her before they took off at high speeds to cover a lot of ground “Wow, she really is your no.1 fan” Sora commented as he looked ahead and summoned his keyblade in his mouth. “The squirt? Yeah she’s pretty cool, smart too. I mean look who’s she’s rooting for after all” the bragging was heavy with this one. Sora had to roll his eyes a second time today now. “Right, Well let’s make sure we hit the small horn on its head this time, that’s where it only takes damage.” “R-right” Rainbow responded, as she had a flashback of her not so glorious first strike. Meanwhile, the monster was getting sick and tired of all these rockets in its face and leapt into the air toward everyone. “Uh oh!” Rainbow watched the big lug leapt high above the flow of rockets and toward them. “Rainbow! The horn! Get me to the horn!” Sora deciding to hold the Keyblade. “O-oh, right!” With a hard flap and a boost of Speed, Rainbow and Sora closed the distance and played chicken with the heartless. Once close enough, Sora swung his keyblade in a horizontal strike at the horn, giving the heartless so much pain it lost focus on its landing and ended up crashing face first in the ground giving everyone and the surrounding area a small and short earthquake. “Pour it on Pinkie!” Sora yelled out as he and Rainbow were making a loop to make another pass. Pinkie didn’t hesitate to re-aim and unload another explosive onslaught of her weaponry. Sora and Rainbow dived toward the fallen foe and Sora pulled his keyblade as far back over his head as he could. “Ready?!” “Always!” Rainbow grinned as she glared at their target. A slight dim flash of light appeared on her gem for a brief moment, though neither would’ve been able to see it. The Behemoth after getting a heavy shot to its weak spot shot up and reared back from the damage taken, but was getting ready to charge Pinkie and the ponies behind her. Unfortunately for it. At that moment, it was at the wrong place at the wrong time.  “Do it!” Sora called out. Rainbow flapped her wings to get as much of a speed boost as possible for Sora before finally letting him go and breaking off. “Bombs away!” Sora held his stance in mid air as he was dropping harder than a missile. Though he kept staring at his target, his muscles in his forelegs tensed and filled with immense potential energy, they held the weapon tightly. But right when the moment presented itself, he didn’t hesitate to swing it down like his arms were spring loaded. Ching! The sound of metal cutting through a hard object rang throughout the neighborhood block, immediately followed by something impacting the ground that kicked up a plume of smoke. Not a word was spoken as everything went silent. Pinkie had her hooves on two levers staring intently into the cloud. Rainbow hovered in place, maintaining that same glaring look in her eyes waiting for anything. Once the dust started to settle. Everypony could finally see what had happened. Sora was in front of the beast, standing bipedal but crouched in the same position he was in when he impacted the ground, holding his keyblade in front of him as the tip was embedded into the ground from the force. His head lowered hiding his eyes with his spiky mane… but not the small smile on his muzzle. Immediately something fell to the ground right next to him at that moment. It turned out to be the Behemoth’s horn. The monster was stumbling back, pawing at where it’s small horn used to be, as darkness gushed out of the opening, with no intention to stop. Sora stood up straight and watched the Heartless’ futile attempts to keep its gaseous insides where it belonged, until it tensed up started fading as well, all that remained was a large heart that soon rose to the sky and vanished. Although it was a victory… Sora felt like that win was much easier then it would’ve been.He never even used any of his other attacks from back then… and the Neo shadows didn’t even phase into the ground… all coming from inside that weird balloon heartless… Was that all just the same heartless, copying other heartless? Well, it didn’t do a very good job at it anyway. He sighed and rubbed his mane with his free hoof. All this just seems a little odd. Before he could even go back on all fours he was tackled in the gut by a Rainbow blur, rolled back a few yards before he was in a familiar position again. On his back as an excited looking mare was standing over him, This time not three fillies, but Rainbow Dash “That was awesome, dude!” She cheered “Zero fear dive bomb! You’re almost as crazy as me! And listen to that crowd” Just as she said, the party goers and any other ponies that were curious of all the racket, guards included, were not cheering Sora and the girls for their heroic deed. He laughed at her enthusiasm “Well, I’ll take that as a compliment then” he tried to get up for the Cutie Mark Crusaders tackling him from behind, One glomped his head, the other bounced off and landed on Rainbow Dash’s head instead, no surprise who that was. “You guys are so awesome!” Scootaloo yelled as Rainbow Dash pulled her off her face and gave her a smug grin. “Was there ever any doubt, squirt?” “Yer like Superheroes!” Applebloom popped her head out of Sora’s mane giving the same big smile Sweetie Belle decided to bounce around everyone. “Yeah like some kind of League of Justice or something!” “Dog Pile!” They heard from above as they looked up just in time to see Pinkie make a belly flop jump over to them and knocking the all over. “WOO!!! Go Team!! We’re Number One! We’re Number One! “Pinkie!” Everyone yelled at her, before they all ended up laughing over the whole ordeal. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Just outside of town         A pony was standing on one of the high hill stops that overviewed the eastern part of Ponyville. After watching the whole scene, the pony seemed to hold a look of disapproval on their face, as one of their legs flickered for a moment. They turned to make themselves scarce only to stop in and backpedal in shock from the bipedal creature, wearing a ragged cloak. “Well… Looks like your planned bombed pretty hard there, buddy.” > Chapter 18: On the Case > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- (As Always Green Text means "click me" to play theme music to go with what your reading. Red text means to stop the music. Completely optional: Your free to ignore this) Golden Oaks Library Next Morning “SORA, WAKE UP!” Sora jolted off the couch, he was sleeping on, and fell onto the floor like a rock. “Ow… I’m up…” “For goodness sake, how can you sleep so much? You’re just wasting the day away, like a lump.” The voice came from Twilight, who was more than displeased with her friend’s lazy behavior ever since he crashed at the library after that party. Sora forced himself to get back on his hooves and start stretching the sleepy feeling out of his system. “You’re not the first to talk about my sleeping habits” he then gave a yawn. “Gee, I wonder why?” Twilight replied sarcastically. “Ah, Sora, my boy. You’re finally awake, I see,” Merlin came out of the kitchen, levitating a cup of some sort of warm drink with him to the coffee table. “I must say, Twilight, your dragon friend Spike knows his way around a kitchen. That was a lovely breakfast.” “Oh shoot, there’s food?” That perked the young key bearer right out of his drowsy funk. Twilight sighed, “Yes, and we saved some for you that’s getting co-” Sora shot right past her and into the kitchen.  “Thanks, Twilight!” He called out, only to get a groan from the purple unicorn. “This is the hero that will help us protect Equestria…”   Merlin could only chuckle before taking a sip of his drink, “Ah, Lovely.” After a moment he cleared his throat “No need to be concerned about Sora. He may seem distracted at times, but he never let’s his friends down.” Twilight thought about it for a moment and shook her head. “I certainly hope so, but what a day yesterday…” ~~~~~~~~~~ East Ponyville Yesterday Twilight had been rushing  to the eastern side of town when she heard all the commotion from all the way from her house mid training, When she had got there, she saw a huge crowd of ponies. And what looked like tables full of snacks…. Streamers… Balloons…and Music She noticed the DJ pony that was already starting a new song causing some of the ponies to start their celebrations. “Is Pinkie throwing a party?” The crowd then started Cheering really loudly. She forced her way to the front of it all and was finally able to see what was going on, but it looked like she was too late. Up ahead were Sora, Rainbow Dash and the crusaders in a dog pile and laughing away. She then noticed something on Pinkie “Where did she get those goggles and that metal box on her back-” and then it clicked and she shot out of the crowd and to her friends. “Pinkie and Sora Fused?!” “Twilight!” All heads turned to her in response and called her name, then Pinkie jumped out of the pile and hugged her tightly. “Welcome to the party! It was awesome, you should’ve seen it, we were like ‘Whoosh, Shing!, KABOOM!’” Pinkie then released her in order to reenact their battle just using the special keyblade as best she could. “And then the Keyblade transformed and it was like, DAKKA DAKKA DAKKA DAKKA DAKKA” She then changed her post to that of one that would hold a machine gun, however the reference would’ve been lost on them. “And there were fireworks and bombs and lasers beams, and my weapon is like a super awesome domey thing with lotsa cannons, big cannons, little cannons, and buttons… Sooooo many buttons” just talking about it was setting her in hyper mode as she was bouncing rapidly in place.  Twilight tried to comprehend everything she was saying, until something clicked. “Wait, you fought something in town?! Was it a heartless?!” She turned to Sora and Rainbow who simply waved it off “Keyword being ‘WAS’, Egghead,” Rainbow started as she set Scootaloo back on the ground. “Yeah, there was actually a horde of them before a really big one showed up, but we took care of it,” Sora continued “Wait there was more?” Rainbow turned to Sora who just nodded “Man, I missed so much flank kicking! Sora shrugged, “At least your were there when it mattered most.” He gave her a reassuring smile. Rainbow just sighed and shook her head, “I guess so… Where are those guards anyway. Aren’t they suppose to keep the riff raff out?” “Apparently, they're busy with other parts Ponyville, it turns out, it was busy day for them in terms of heartless sightings.” Sora shrugged. “Wh-what?! Is this a heartless invasion?” Twilight reeled back in shock of the realization, but Sora just kept on smiling. “Well if it was, then it failed, and it looks the rest of the town is okay, as well.” Rainbow shot up after what he said to get a bird’s eye view of Ponyville. After some time she came back down and smirked, “Yup, everything’s pretty quiet everywhere else and I can see some of the guards returning to their posts.” “Don’t you guys find that a bit worrying?” Twilight asked, to which everyone looked back at her. “I mean, the guards are pulled away to one part of town so that biggest threat could come here. If you guys weren’t here then-” She was stopped by yet another lung crushing hug by her pink friend. “But we were here ,Twilight and still are, so stop making such a frowny face. There’s a cupcake with your name on it back on the snack table.” “Yeah, all that fighting and flying kicked up my appetite again, I need some snacks” Rainbow said as she took to the air to fly to the snack bar, only to stop then give Sora a glare. “Next time, buddy…” she pointed at him then at herself and it was clear that she wanted to be the next to fuse. Sora simply gave an unsure smile and wave “Uuuh, right…” was all he said, Not sure it works that way, Rainbow… After she seemed satisfied with his response she resumed her flight path to the food. “Now that I think about it, I think I might do the same thing” his stomach started growling, “Well this party looks like fun anyway.” “We’re seriously gonna let this go?” Twilight asked as she was not getting pushed from behind and into the crowd by Pinkie, “You worry too much, Twilight” Pinkie giggled as she seemed to give the pushing on effort at all, despite Twilight’s hooves dragging a trail along the ground. Sora, could barely stifle his laughter from scene, as he looked at the rest of the crowd, while most seem to be cheering for them, he could see gradually more and more ponies started to join in on the celebration. “Sora!” He glanced back in response to his name to see the crusaders standing behind them all sharing the same face. “Sweetie Belle has some news!” Applebloom spoke first. “You’re gonna like it!” Scootaloo said Sora walked up to them and on his haunches. “Uuuh, Ok, shoot, Sweetie Belle.” He looked at the little unicorn who seem to have that grin glued to her face by now, not sure if it was the news, or the amazing battle she saw. “Well, the mayor has everything set up!” “Set up?” It took Sora a few moments, for his memory to bring up the whole reason he was here in the first place. “Oh right! A job idea! She has one for me? So then you stayed behind to continue the proposal?” He looked at the little filly and smiled, but then scowled at her friends. “Yeah, unlike these two!” Causing both girls to cringe at her response and look away. That’s when Pinkie popped in from behind Sora, startling everyone there. “Don’t worry, you wouldn’t want to be them right now.” “Why’s that?” Sora had to ask, he looked back the crusaders and both of Applebloom and Scootaloo had a look utter defeat on their face. “Because, they are gonna help clean up this WHOLE party once it’s over.” Pinkie replied with a lot more cheer than one would have when they say that sentence. The groans from the two unfortunate girls could heard along with the sound of Sweetie Belle blowing a raspberry at them in response, along with a “HAH! That’s what you get!” Sora cleared his throat “So, uh, what is this job she’s offering me?” Sweetie Belle turned to Sora and smiled “It’s a job that suits you perfectly since you’ll be able to help anypony that needs it, but you’ll see tomorrow, The mayor is already getting it all set up for you, she said you should head to town hall tomorrow to see for yourself and so she can explain more about it.” She giggled “She wanted to surprise you with it so I can’t say anymore.” Sora scratched his head but smiled anyway. “Uh Alright then. I guess for the time being, let’s just have some fun.” Already the girls were a blur as they whizzed right past him and joined the crowds of partygoers. “Aaaand they’re off…” He laughed and turned to join the fun as well, but stopped for a moment and looked back at where the battle once was. “What was all that about anyway? Was Maleficent behind it all again.” He couldn’t help but think on the subject for just a few seconds, but shook those thoughts away. It wasn’t like he could do anything about it right now, and he wanted to eat something, he was starving. He shrugged and made his way back to the party.   ~~~~~~~~~~ Back to the present Twilight, was now preparing for another day of training, though her mind couldn’t just let things be. “First Applejack, now Pinkie Pie… I had a guess that this would happen once Applejack and Sora fused, but now that it’s actually becoming a fact….. I haven’t taken the time to actually do some research on their weapons, perhaps it will help the rest of us activate ours. Merlin stroked his beard. “Ah yes, this mysterious, fusion capability you spoke of.” Although he called it mysterious, it seemed like he knew more about it then Twilight. If he did, he certainly didn’t bring it up. “Quite the useful ability if one were able to understand how it works.” Twilight’s ears perked up after hearing that. If she could figure out how fusing works, then maybe it will be faster and easier for the rest of them to do it. This means… in order to discover its secrets, Sora must do… Research.” A smile was growing bigger and wider on the librarian’s face the more she thought about it. Merlin could easily pick up the ravenous scholar within Twilight, just by her body language and facial cues. He may have started something that would be troubling for those within Twilight’s target range. “Woo! Thanks for the food, Spike. That was great!” Sora stepped out of the kitchen after finally finishing his meal. Sora followed by the purple dragon who was still had his cooking apron on, but wiping his hands with a rag, looking pretty proudly at a job well done. “Ah, Sora, perhaps you should be on your way now. I believe you have somewhere to be?” Merlin kept glancing over at Twilight to see her already gathering materials, books and scrolls, and the like for her “research”. “Huh?” Sora looked at Merlin and was about to ask when he also got a look from Twilight, but didn’t fully get what was going on. Fortunately Spike, being Twilight’s number one assistant, did and was already rushing Sora out the door. “Yeah, you gotta do that uhh, thing remember? With the mayor?!” “Huh? O-oh right! The job! Thanks for reminding me, buddy.” Sora patted Spike on the head and before galloping off and out the door. “Catch you guys later!” He called out to everyone in the library. “What?! NO WAIT! I need to ask him some questions first!” Twilight immediately dropped everything when she saw Sora leave and tried to chase after him, but an aura of magic covered the door and closed it.  “Now, now, Ms. Sparkle. You’ll have plenty of time for that later. I believe you still have your training to attend to.” Merlin gestured to the now floating furniture. It was like lightning struck the mare as that realization hit her as hard. “Oh…. t-that’s right, hehe” she rubbed the back of her neck, with a sheepish grin, the situation, expertly deflated by the old wizard. Merlin simply smiled and took another drink from his cup. “Ah, quite refreshing.” ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Town Hall After a short walk “Sora had to admit, he was getting excited about whatever his new job was. Sure he was going in utterly clueless, but that didn’t damper his enthusiasm about it. He was glad to help anyone in anyway he could, and to be able to get an honest pay for it since it would help him in the long run while he’s staying in Equestria. But that did get him to thinking about the Munny he has now and keeps collecting from taking out heartless. Everywhere he went the “Munny” was good, so it was a surprise to be in a world that had no clue what it was and had their own kind of currency. Now he was starting to collect more munny than he knows what to do with. He sighed, “One problem solved, another one rises.” He then finally took notice of what was ahead of him, there was a large signpost in front of the Town hall. Curious, he trotted his way up to it to get a better look. Handy Sora Got a problem need fixing? An issue need solving? Is it a task you can’t ask anyone else to do? Or do you just need an extra hoof? Leave it to our resident Handy pony Sora! Who, thanks to a reliable source,- “Must be talking about Sweetie Belle.” And thanks to her sibling who was even more reliable,- Sora stumbled a bit from reading that and he couldn’t help but laugh lightly. “Figures they’d ask Rarity just to be sure.” Is actually a special agent tasked by our very own Princesses to take on the new threat that is appearing all over Equestria. However, he won’t be on duty all the time, and has plenty of time to help anyone that needs it. A noble Stallion indeed, however he cannot be everywhere at once. So please pin your request along with how urgent it needs to be completed and time window that it needs to be completed in. He’ll get to them as quickly as he can. No task too big, no job too small! He’ll take on any quest, and take them all! “Was… Was that a jingle?” Sora blinked at the sign, not quite sure how he felt about those last two lines he read. And what’s this about a noble stallion?  “Ah Sora! I see you’ve arrived!” Sora turned around to see Mayor Mare making her way over to him. “Oh hey, yeah. So… this is a surprise.” Sora turned his head back to the signpost. “That is correct, I believe this should cover all your needs. Ponies will simply post up what they need done and you’ll just go and answer the call, and thanks to that little display you did yesterday, I’m sure  you’ll be getting a lot of business.” The mayor then looked up at the sign “Oh, it appears it’s already starting, that must’ve happened just recently, I wasn’t away for long.   Looked up at the signpost and finally noticed a few pieces of paper pinned up on the large blanket portion of the sign. He walked up and looked at each of them, then one immediately grabbed his attention. “I think I might start work right now.” “Splendid, now I can get to the point o how all this will work.” The mayor said before clearing her throat grabbing Sora’s full attention. “Now, when you decide to take on a mission, for the time being, just leave the request on the sign post. Once you do complete them, I managed to also place a bin at the front of my office for you, all you need to do is take that request off the board and slip it into the bin once it’s done. “At the end of the day, I’ll gather what’s inside and double check with the pony of that request if the job is done, and then i’ll mark it off to add it to your pay you’ll get at the end of each week. Don’t get me wrong, I trust that you’re honest enough to get the job done, but it’s more of a  formality.” Sora waved it off, “That’s fine mayor, do what you need to do, I’m just happy to help.” She nodded, “Yes, I’m aware. Well that’s the long and short of it. I have other matters to attend to, so wish you luck in this new business venture.” She gave a polite nod and then made her way into town hall. “Thanks!” He waved at her with a smile before it turned into a questioning look when                                                                                                                        he turned his gaze on the request he was reading. There’s a strange creature that I saw wandering by the forest! I never seen anything like it, it had a big pink nose, an antenna with a really big red round thing on it, and it flew around on tiny bat wings. I tried to get a closer look, but it suddenly flew into the forest like it was looking for something. Could you go find it? My curiosity is eating away at me and there is no way I’m going into that forest! However, I was at that party yesterday and saw how you fight, and I was told you’ve been in that forest twice already! So now you just gotta go check it out! It could be an alien species! Maybe it even knows something about humans! “Huh?!” Sora was surprised to hear about this, a pony outside of the princesses and the girls that knows about humans. He looked at the name of the requester at the bottom “Lyra Heartstrings?” Lyra? That sounds familiar… He shook his head, He’ll wonder about it later, right now, the description of the creature was what’s important. “Did she really see a moogle? What’s a moogle doing here? No, I can ask about that later when I find it. If it flew into the Everfree Forest… this could be a problem.” And just like that, he ran off down the trail to Fluttershy’s cottage. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Fluttershy’s Cottage Later         Once again it was another wonderful day for Fluttershy, Another bright sunny day, her animals were fed and well taken care of, and it seemed like the perfect time to make some tea and enjoy this peaceful day in tranquility. After hearing all those frightening noises coming from Ponyville, along with hearing the news from Rainbow Dash the other day, she decided to remain at her cottage for a few days, just incase any more “excitement” were to appear again. After making herself a fresh cup of tea, she decided to enjoy it outside in her front yard as she watched the animals go about their business and enjoyed the view of nature itself.         She giggled softly. “You know this sort of reminds me of the day Sora arrived.” She reminisced the fateful day, at the time thinking it was a wonderful day ruined when he crashed into the forest and laid unconscious in a crater, yet changed to meeting such brave new friend as that very same pony… er… Human came to her rescue when she protected Spike. She had to admit after that day, it had been nothing but excitement and danger. Two things she doesn’t actively search for on a daily basis and one of them she openly would avoid if she could help it. However, she held no resentment to the stallion that started it all, on the contrary, she was fine about whatever scary things they would face, if it met meeting such a wonderful friend like Sora. Of course, we should still actively try to avoid such scary and dangerous things as much as she could… She’s still Fluttershy after all. After soaking another moment of the lovely feeling she was about to take her sip when she heard the sound of galloping coming from the path connected to her house. She looked out towards Ponyville to see the stallion that was on her mind head up the path. Wondering what all the commotion was about she set her cup down and flew over to towards the path to meet him, giving smile and wave. Seeing his friend wave him down Sora took the moment to stop by her house and greet her as well. “Morning Fluttershy, hey have you seen any strange creatures lately?” “Strange creatures?” She tilted her head and thought about it, before a wave of fear suddenly struck her. “Y-Y-You mean… as in… a heartless?” He shook his head quickly to reassure her, “N-no no no, nothing like that I promise.” Fluttershy breathed a sigh of relief hearing that, yet was still curious “So then, what is it your looking for, It’s not a hurt animal, is it?” and now her voice was filled with concern and worry. “No, I mean… i’m not sure. It went into the forest and I had a request to look for it, though I think I know what it is, however it’s not from this world, so it might get lost.” “Oh dear, oh no no no no, they could get hurt, or worse.” Fluttershy was now fearful for the mysterious creature’s health “We have to go find it.” Fluttershy already flew past him and was making a beeline for the forest. Sora nodded as he turned around as well to head to the forest “Right, that’s what I-wait you’re coming?” He stumbled a bit but followed after her. “Of course, the poor thing doesn’t know how scary the forest can be, and now it’s even worse with heartless living in there as well. We need to hurry before it gets hurt.” She spoke with conviction this time that Sora couldn’t help but admire. He smiled “Wow Fluttershy, you certainly have a lot of courage,” he chased after her as they finally entered forest. At that moment, Fluttershy realized what she was doing and what she said, she still kept going but she looked away. “It….. It’s not because I’m brave or anything…” “You seem pretty brave to me,” Sora said as he was able to catch up with her now. Fluttershy seemed to not say anything in response after that. So Sora decided to leave her be for now. They had a more important task to deal with at the moment anyway. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sweet Apple Acres “Haaah! Yah! Rrrraaaaw!!” The battle cries of Rainbow Dash could be heard throughout the farm as she aggressively went all out on one of the training dummies that were still standing. Applejack just watched with an unamused look on her face as she stood around the scattered remains of the previous training dummies she worked so hard to make for Sora the other day. “And so Pinkie can fuse with him now?” Another crashing sound and she didn’t even pay a glance at a piece of the arm part of the dummy flew right past her. She decided to let Rainbow Dash blow off some steam on the things after she helped with farm work for the day as promised. 29 more days to go for Rainbow. It was funny, she was dragging her hooves when it came to work, yet she suddenly had a boost of energy once she was able to use those things. Rainbow flapped her wings to lift off the ground to twist her body to make a one legged buck that looked more like a martial arts aerial kick. Knocking the head part of the dummy and over Aj’s head. “Yeah! It’s awesome, of course… but sooo frustrating! That should’ve been me you know?” “Oh? And why, if'n ya don’t mind me askin, should it have been you and not Pinkie?” Applejack just had to hear this “logic”. The pegasus scoffed “Well obviously if anypony should’ve gotten a cool new super weapon first, it should’ve been me, but apparently destiny decided to give it to you first so I had to settle with next time.” Applejack rolled her eyes, “Well sorry, that Ah’ stole yer thunder that ya didn’t even know ya’ had.” “I suppose I can forgive you for that” Was Rainbow’s reply, leaving Applejack to simply facehoof at her friends overbearing attitude. “Besides, It’s Pinkie who’s done it this time.” She gave a hoof punch to the dummy’s chest, making it weeble and wobble dangerously out of the ground. “Well it’s not like neither Pinkie and I did it on purpose ya’ know” Applejack responded. “It just sorta happened” “How does it ‘just sorta happen’, AJ? You’re telling me it all just happens and you have no clue how it works?” “Exactly… Ah’ can’t honestly say ah’ know how it all works now? It just does, and it’s even harder ta’ explain how we can activate it whenever we want now. The best ah’ CAN tell ya is, after the first time, you can feel how ta’ activate it again next time.” Applejack during this hold time held a hoof to her heart and had her eyes closed. “Well… Perhaps a better way ta’ truly explain it is that… Well yer heart knows how to after the first time.” When she opened her eyes she noticed Rainbow in her face and smirking at her. “W-what?” “There you go again talking about hearts… You sure that’s all there is, AJ?” Rainbow proceed to fly around her, giving off that same smug look. “What are ya’ gettin’ at?” Rainbow faked a shrug “I’m just saying, whenever we talk about it, you seem to talk about sentimental things. That makes me wonder, are you a bit jealous now that Pinkie’s doing it too? “What? Why would ah’ be?” Applejack arched an eyebrow though she could already tell she wasn’t going to like the answer. “I think, it’s because you like being together with ol’ Spiky hair.” She then proceeded to make kissy noises and hug her self. Then she would imitate both Applejack’s and Sora’s voices “Oh, Sora we’re together again” more kissy noises before she switched to Sora “Our hearts are one, Applejack, forever” A scowl could be seen on Applejack’s face before she had to hide her face with her hat to keep the growing blush from being seen from Rainbow. That’s when an idea appeared in the farmer’s head and that scowl turned into a smug grin of her own. “Well, ain’t this like the pot ta’ call the kettle black” This caught Rainbow’s attention, “Uuh, what?” “Well, ah’m just sayin, ya certainly keep tryin’ to bring it up over and over again, how come ya wanna fuse so badly with Sora. Then when Pinkie finally gets a turn ta’ do it, ya’ don’t handle it so well. Sounds like ta’ me that if anybody is jealous, it should be you. That colt certainly seems ta’ be on yer mind lately, after all.” This time it was rainbow’s turn to clam up and start to grow some red of her own. “I-it’s not like that at all!” She turned around and started  beating the dummy with an inch of its life now to release her frustrations. Meanwhile Applejack’s smile seemed to fade before looking away. So ah’ guess that’s not just sumthin’ only sora and I can do now... She was glad that Pinkie was able to join in and get a fusion weapon like she did, but she seemed sorta down about it at the same time… but then she shook those thoughts out of her head. Don’t be selfish, girl. This is for Equestria, so the sooner the other girls get theirs the better… Right? She decided it was better to just distract herself with something else. “She started putting the training dummies back together. She was in the mood to hit something as well Now. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Golden Oaks Library “And again” Merlin was casually sitting on one of his couches he brought along and floating in midair along with Spike, the two of them were enjoying some tea and snacks that rested on a floating coffee table and watched Twilight already start mastering the Spell Blizzard. “Yes sir.” Twilight was panting, these new kinds of spells were certainly taking a toll on her, but the more she practiced with them, the less excess magic would be wasted on them as she got used to them. She focused the magic on her horn, aimed it toward a wall of floating furnitures and fired a spread shot of Frost and ice, this managing to hit a large radius and tagging a lot of furniture and blowing them back and/or freezing them. However unlike the magic fire, they didn’t vanish. “Splendid, Twilight, you are shaping up to be a grand wizard yourself” he chuckled “Then again I suppose being born a unicorn and a prodigy certainly has given you quite the advantage” The couch and table Merlin and Spike were using now lowered and lazily drifted behind the Librarian, who seemed to have a bashful look on her face and rubbing the back of her neck. “Wow, uh t-thank you, sir. Too be honest it’s really hard to use these kinds of spells. I’m just so used to the ones here in equestria and they seem to use magic in a different way.” She sighed before psyching herself up for another round. “And ever eager to continue as well. Alright then, now that you know how to use the new spell…” Merlin paused and let his student continue “Right, now I just need to minimize the amount of magic I use for it as much as possible… Which means, keep shooting” she nodded to herself and watched as the frozen furniture moved away to thaw out a bit for another round and new and objects furniture took it’s place. Just as she was about to light up her horn, however Merlin’s voice caught her before doing so. “A moment, Ms. Sparkle!” When Twilight looked back to Merlin he noticed him stroking his beard. “Something… does not belong here… Spike was looking up at the wall of furniture while eating a scone scanning it all over. “What’s wrong Mr. Merlin? It all seems the same to me. “Yes…. perhaps a closer look is in order” he looked toward the floating table in front of them holding their snacks and tea. “Excuse us for a moment if you please” he spoke politely and the table simply moved out of the way of the couch “My gratitude” he nodded toward the table before the couch they were sitting on started floating up towards the target practice objects. “Now let’s see here” Spike watched the professor scan the furniture, even making the couch move around so he would have a better look at one area or another. So the little dragon decided to look around as well. In time Spike was the one to see it first “Hey, there’s a book just lying on that table, is that one of ours?” Merlin stopped his search and looked toward where Spike was pointing. “... Ah hah! Splendid observation, my boy,” he patted Spike’s head, letting the little drake puff out his chest in pride as the couch floated over to said table. “Oh ho, so you decided to come along you little stow away, “he held out a hoof and the book lifted off the table and into his hoof, and in a it seemed to float in a slow way like it new it was found and in trouble. “Now, now, What’s come over you, you know you're supposed to remain in Hollow Bastion while I was gone. Did you really miss seeing him that much?” He seemed to be speaking to the book. “Is everything alright up there Merlin?!” Twilight was curious why her training had stopped. “Ah yes, everything is fine, Ms. Sparkle” Merlin held onto the book as the couch descended and hovered away from the target furniture “It would appear a naughty friend of mine was about to become prey to your next blizzard attack” Once the couched reached its previous spot the table moved back in front of it again and Spike was able to take his cup of tea from it take a drink. “Oh dear, I didn’t know, are they alright?” She  went over to them only to see merlin place a book on the table. “Huh?” She looked at the couch again… Only Merlin and Spike… her gaze returned to the book, then pointed a hoof toward it. “Your… friend?” He chuckled, “Indeed, though I suppose it’s a closer friend to Sora then I” (Image Source: http://www.finalfantasykingdom.net/kh2100.php )   “This book?” Now Twilight loves books, but to consider one as a friend… !! “Is… Isn’t that Sora?” she pointed a hoof to the human boy on the cover, she could never forget Sora’s true form. Seeing the wizard nod she looked at the other being in the picture. “Who’s that?” “One of Sora’s friends of course, though I’m sure he must’ve told you already.” Merlin stroked his beard and observed Twilight as she examined the cover. Her mind went back to the extensive story telling Sora gave, then she recalled the part where he talked about something she considered absurd at the time. Being able to be transported into a storybook and…. “Wait… a little bear… red shirt… Is this Pooh?” Her memory slides in for the win. “Correct again, Ms. Sparkle,” Merlin gave another nod, but when he noticed Twilight about to use her magic to open a book he cleared his throat. “Ahem, Now now, it’ll be rude to visit Sora’s friend without Sora to properly introduce you to them.” Being denied of reading a book caused her to sag a little as her ears flayed back “Oh, s-sorry… wait, why would I need to wait for Sora just to read a book.” Merlin chuckled, all of a sudden the purple unicorn seemed to have forgotten that part of Sora’s story or he just didn’t believe it. “Why indeed Ms. Sparkle.” ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Everfree Forest 20 minutes later         Sora had to walk at a much slower pace now. After a while of watching Fluttershy lead the charge, it seemed to finally sink into her that she was actually charging into a spooky forest with scary things lurking around every corner. It had even gotten to the point at times where he would have to get behind her and push her along whenever a twig snapped in the distance. “Come on… Fluttershy… Grr… We’ve been… hrrmf- to this place before, we’ll be.... fine.” Sora tried to reassure his timid friend as he grunted another few steps forward pushing her along. “Um, R-right… You're right, I-I’ll be fine now, Sora” she then sighed and tried to put on a somewhat braver face, and stood up straight…. … … “Fluttershy?” “Y-yes?” “... You’re still not moving” Fluttershy gave a nervous smile and Sora was sure he heard something squeak when she did “Oh… right…” this time for real she started moving. Sora elected to walk beside her. “You sure you don’t want to head back home? You're definitely not too fond of being here. She shakes her head “No, no I’m not to be honest, b-but I like I said before” She looked around, not out of fear but to see if she could locate the creature. “The poor thing could be in trouble if we don’t find it, and if it’s really not from this world like you said, that only makes things even worse.” Sora noticed she seemed to pick up pace a little “You’re very kind Fluttershy” he smiled at her “You don’t even know what it is, but you still want to help them. Guess that’s why you got your element” he looked at her necklace, and for a moment could’ve sworn he saw it glow for a moment. Now sora was able to get a look at a stammering blushing yellow pegasus as she frantically tried to reply. “O-oh it’s um I-well you s-see-” She stopped immediately when Sora took a step forward and lifted a foreleg in front of her to make her stop. Sora was silent as his ears seemed to perk up and started focusing on the sounds around them… “Something’s coming” He summoned his keyblade and took a stance in front of her. Meanwhile Fluttershy backed up until most of her body was hidden behind him and shrunk to the ground as much as possible. After a moment some rustling was heard, startling the yellow mare enough to make her squeak out a tiny yelp.  Then out from the shrubbery nearby appeared a heartless, it was one of those jackalope looking ones. Sora was about to think it was gonna be a quick show of force for him, until another popped into view next to that jackalope… Then another, and another, and two more, then five more. They just coming until what looked like a small army of mini horned creepy bunnies were staring at them. “Greaaaaat…” he turned his head slightly towards Fluttershy, but kept his eyes on the numerous heartless staring at the two of them. He spoke low and calmly “Ok, I’ll handle this. You just just up high and wait for the all clear. ...I can't “What?” Sora turned towards her a little bit more to catch what she said “... I can’t… I’m afraid of heights…” Fluttershy said in her normal volume this time “What?!” Sora replied, a bit louder then he had hoped as now the jackalopes we’re heading straight for them. “Oh boy…” The Heartless rushed them, but he wasn’t gonna let them come near his friend. He started  off by firing volleys of Blizzard at them. Just like last time. The jackalopes seem to react poorly to it that they’re stuck frozen to the ground. Sora nearly unloaded all of his magic ability using blizzard on the entire horde. He then jumped up high, aimed his Keyblade at the densest cluster of the Heartless, and fired the biggest Firaga fireball he could muster with the last of his magic, causing to take a sizeable portion of them before he even landed on the ground. He didn’t stop there, the moment his hooves touched the ground, he shot off toward the rest of the frozen foes, keyblade in mouth and was moving like the wind, the sounds of his keyblade slicing through felt continuous as he was like a raging flurry of key strikes and bucks. He was clearing them out pretty well, but noticed there were still so many left. Man these guys really like to group up he jumped and flipped in the air to land and to face them once again. That’s when he noticed they were finally starting to break free. Some went after him, but his biggest concern were the heartless that now set their sights on Fluttershy. “Oh, no you don’t” with all the power he could muster into his hind legs practically jump and blast off toward his friend. Keyblade forward and imitating Rainbow’s corkscrew spin to drill through his foes to get there. It didn’t go as far as Rainbow Dash’s but it still did the trick as Sora exited out of the attack to lead into an aerial, somersault, over head swing on one of the unsuspecting jackalopes that were backing the poor mare into a corner. He then landed in front of her and looked on. He took a lot out, but there were still many left. He wasn’t fond of the idea of them laying a paw on her… so he had to think of something else. He was reluctant on the idea of fleeing, but it seemed to be the better option for Flutter’s sake. Fortunately, he did not have to even consider that as the two of them heard a familiar roar and a giant beast bursts out of the of foliage from their right and charges through the horde of jackalopes like it was nothing. “No way… is that…” Sora trailed off as he tried to get a better look, but Fluttershy was the first to confirm it. “I… It’s Mr. Manticore” her face changed from surprise to a smile of relief that their large feline friend came to their aid. The beast blasted another group away with his mighty roar before stamping his paw on one that was dumb enough to charge at him alone. He then turned to Sora and Fluttershy giving a toothy grin in response to them recognizing them. “You're a sight for sore eyes man” Sora grinned before turning to Fluttershy, now he had an idea. “Quick hop on my back!” “What?” Fluttershy was utterly confused on why he would ask such an odd question at a time like this. However, after he had to deflect to flying jackalope kick’s with his keyblade in defense, she eventually complied, her hooves wrapped around his neck, and some heat rising in her cheeks. “Alright! Don’t let go!” He waited for the feeling of her grip tightening as her way of saying “ok” before turning, running and jumping to a tree, and kicking off it to enter flow motion. Bouncing off trees and enemies before landing right on top of the manticore who took a moment of annihilating more jackalopes to look up at his new passengers. “And here we are” he helped set her down on the manticore’s back. “Hey, buddy can you let her ride you for abit? Don’t let any of them get to her.” Upon seeing the Manticore nod Sora jumped off his back brandishing his weapon to meet with his foes that were jumping towards him as well in an attempt to attack first. However he deflected it with a rapid spinning flip before landing on the ground, just to leap back up at the now stunned jackalopes above him with an Aerial Sweep. All that remained were freed hearts and black mist. The manticore was making short work on his end of the battle. It was possible that he got used to that kind of creature by now in the forest while Sora and the girls were away. Fluttershy watched the manticore swat away leaping jackalopes with its scorpion tail or paws, charge through any dense groups of them or even blast them away with his mighty roar. It was at this point that she felt comfortable enough to cheer the two of them on. Yet that lingering thought in the back of her mind returned once again. Am I just… in the way? This obviously affected her mood to continue cheering, but Sora and the Manticore continued their battle. After some time battling, the heartless were dwindling to just a few now, which was the perfect time now that Sora felt his magic returning. He stood on his hind legs and lifted his keyblade in the air. “GATHER!” A strong magnetic force appears above him in the form of swirling lights and spheres of energy, sucking in all of the Jackalopes into it as they helplessly orbit around it. “GO GET’EM BIG GUY!” Sora jumps out of the way in time as the Manticore runs and does a jumping tackle into the heartless and spell, dispelling it and destroying the last of them. With the fight over Sora was already running up to manticore and bopping a hoof against the side of the the big cat’s foreleg “Alright! Good work!” The manticore replied with a proud roar towards the sky. When Fluttershy finally flew off of its back, she gave it a hug “Thank you for helping us, Mr. Manticore” to which the big lug responded with a licking her face and giving her a rather, unique and slobbery hairstyle. Sora couldn’t help but laugh at it, but offered to help get it back to normal. “I have never seen so much mane stick that far up into the air before.” She giggles in response as she tries to straighten it out. “It’s not the first time this happened.” That’s when something clicked in Sora’s mind “Oh hey! This is actually perfect, maybe Alex here knows something about who we’re looking for?” “Alex?” Fluttershy turned to him confused on what the name was for. “Yeah, his name! I didn’t want to call him ‘the manticore’ the whole time.” Sora then gave it some thought. “Actually should probably give it a name that fits with this world, huh?” He looked at the creature who stared back with the same unsure look as Fluttershy. “Hmmm... “Kupo...” That stopped everyone’s train of thought to look around. “What… What was that?” Fluttershy asked before seeing Sora gallop off “Sora?! She turned to the manticore that only shrugged in response to her gaze. They decided to go after their friend. Sora knew he heard what he heard. As distant as it was, it was unmistakable. He ran through the trees and brush as fast as he could. In time he would finally reach his destination and meet the creature of that voice. “There you are!” He skidded to a stop. Small and white, bat wings, pink nose and pom pom on it’s antenna. To Sora it was unmistakable in his travels, and a lot of the time it was a godsend whenever he would run across them in his travels “I knew it! It’s a moogle!”     ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Outskirts of Ponyville There were a group of Royal guards huddled around something in the grassy hills, “And you’re sure this is how you found it?” The one pony that apparently was the Captain looked on in utter confusion. “Yes Sir!” The subordinate saluted “During my surveillance something bright caught my attention, and it led me to it. Oddest thing though is that I can’t figure out who had done it or why this is even here? In the center of the huddle was an unconscious changeling that was bound by rope, gagged with a thick cloth and a black ring on it’s horn. There was also a parchment that was pierced through at the top by its horn to keep it attached, Written on it were was something that had the guards all scratching their heads. Sorry for the heartless in East Ponyville. I’ve been a bad girl. “Who was it that caught her?” The Captain asked himself. He then shook his head. “For now let’s bring this changeling to the capitol. Maybe the things would be solved there. “SIR!” A chorus of voices and salutes they got to work. Over on a distant hill top that same cloaked figure from before stood there observing. “Well, I suppose I’ve interfered enough. This should make things a bit more interesting” He turned and started walking away. “Your move, Key boy.” > Chapter 19: Pleasure Doing Business > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- (As Always Green Text means "click me" to play theme music to go with what your reading. Red text means to stop the music. Completely optional: Your free to ignore this) Everfree Forest                  “I knew it! It’s a moogle!” Sora exclaimed with excitement, not only because he managed to find it, but what it also meant in the long run, if he assumed his hunch was correct. However this only ended up startling the little guy as he whipped around with stick and started swinging it wildly. “B-back off, kupo!! I mean it! You beasts will not make a meal out of me, kupo!” Sora had to back pedal from the ‘attack’ as he attempted to calm it down. “Whoa whoa WHOA! Buddy, relax! I’m not here to-OW!” His muzzle got swiped from the flying stick “That’s it” he grabbed the stick with his mouth and ripped it out of the moogles paws and spitting it to the side “Knock it off!” The moogle flew back and covered its head “NO Please! I taste horrible! I’m poisonous! You… You’ll get the runs I swear!” “I said knock it off! No one’s going to eat you!” Sora was getting pretty annoyed by this misunderstanding. The moogle’s antenna suddenly sprang up and it stopped shivering in fear, but now had a look of confusion. “You… You can speak, kupo?” Sora sighed “Yes, I can speak and no I’m not going to eat you. Can you stop being scared now-gah!” Now the moogle was latching onto his face. Hugging it with all his might. “OH THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU! YOU ARE MOST KIND SIR,KUPO!” Sora sat back on his haunches as he tried to pry the moogle off with his forelegs. “Let… Go… Of my face.” He finally ripped the creature off his face just to see it was already making a sniveling yet relieved face. “Oh, my apologies, sir. You see, I have been stuck out  here in this creepy forest for so long now. So many strange and scary creatures running about I swear, it could make an old man like myself lose a few more years I tell you, kupo.” Sora had to take a moment to look at that moogle again. this guy is old? Moogles get old? “Right well uh, I’ve actually come here to get you out of this forest before anything-” a yellow and pink blur rushed right passed Sora and snatched up the moogle faster then Sora could react “bad…. Happens…” he turned to his left to see a rather shocked yet familiar Manticore staring past him, he followed the gaze to find the origins of the yellow and pink flash, Little Fluttershy. The Pegasus was in the air hugging and nuzzling against the moogle “Ooooh, aren’t you just the cutest thing” she giggled “Where did you come from little one? Oh I love that little pom pom on your head, it looks so fluffy.” Sora decided to answer her question “Uuuh, Fluttershy, that’s who we are looking for, he’s a moogle, he’s from another world like me. Also he’s-” Suddenly Sora was caught off guard from the “new” voice the Moogle had. “Hello, ma’am! Nice to meet you, thank you for rescuing me, kupo! This place is too scary for little old me” the moogle covered his eyes with his paws and shivered like a scared little kid. Not only that but his voice sounded near childish as well, utterly different than the slightly more gruff one he gave Sora  before. Sora tilted his head, “Ok, what?” ~~~ 10 minutes later “You want to set up a Moogle shop in Equestria?” After some explaining and short introductions the moogle had introduced himself as Mogson a merchant looking for a place to set up shop. “Yup, yup, Mister! I heard from the grapevine that Heartless started showing up in this world, kupo.” Mogson replied in a very innocent and youthful voice. Sora just looked at the moogle with confusion. Why is he talking like that? I thought he was an old man. Fluttershy shivered at the mention of heartless and started looking around. “W-why would you want t-to set up a shop in a world with heartless in it?” “Well as far as I’ve known, Fluttershy, a good way for to get Munny is from defeating heartless.” Sora replied “M-money?” Fluttershy looked over at Sora with a bewildered look. “Why would heartless have bits on them? Sora shook his head “No, not bits, Munny, here let me show you” Sora reached into one of his saddle bags and dug around inside it until he pulled out something and held it in front of himself for all to see. “Fluttershy, you ever recall seeing these whenever  we’re fighting heartless or after a good fight? (image Source: http://kingdomheartsgreece.blogspot.com/p/blog-page_21.html ) “Oh my, yes actually. They always seem to float towards you when you get close to them though, Sora” Fluttershy was recalling a few snippets in her memory about it. Thank you, Draw Sora smiled at that. “Well basically this is “Munny, which is spelled M U N N Y, by the way. It’s basically the currency of other worlds right now. This was when Mogson decided to cut in “He’s right, kupo! I am merchant looking for a place to start my own business. Then I hear rumors about some new world closed off to the rest of the universe now appearing all of a sudden. Now I know full well that means that heartless will definitely want to go to that world and do bad things, and people of that world would fight back and start collecting those wonderful yellow pieces clueless as to what they are, kupo!” “So you want to want to sell them things for this… Munny?” Sora had by then given the piece of Munny to Fluttershy for her to look at. “Yes, ma’am!” Mogson gave a salute “of course I won’t just sell any old thing, I sell what’s now most important for your people!” “What’s most important?” Fluttershy tilted her head Sora continued “Basically moogle shops sell goods like weapons, accessories, ethers, potions and such to aid in battle. They  can also also synthesize even more powerful versions of those things if you keep to collecting materials that heartless would drop.” “Oh. That sounds very interesting, if not a little dangerous” Fluttershy seemed pretty fine with the idea, however hearing the word “weapons” didn’t sit right with her. “Wow mister, you sure do know a lot about the moogle shop” Mogson seemed to suddenly act all huffy when Sora was explaining things to Fluttershy before he could “I thought the people here never knew about this stuff.” This time Fluttershy was the one to answer with a bright smile on her face. “Oh that’s because he’s from another world too! He’s very strong too and wields the keyblade” “The keyblade?” The moogle looked back at Fluttershy for a moment before looking at the stallion he was glaring at again before shaking his head “Impossible, I think I’d know about a 4 legged Keyblade wielder. Those guys aren’t exactly everywhere nowadays, kupo.” He nodded before seeing flash of light blind him for a moment making reel back in shock, “Whoa!” Only reel even farther in greater form or surprise until he bumped against Fluttershy’s side. “WHAAAAAAAT?!” There in Sora’s mouth was the Kingdom Key and a somewhat smug look on the Stallion’s face. Heh, that should bring you down a peg. “Wait! I know that keyblade!” Mogson suddenly flew up to Sora’s face making the boy backpedal from how quick the moogle recovered. He watched the moogle reach into his bag and pull out photos. Then he started flipping through them He then stopped on one in particular “Ah! There it is!” He then pulled said photo out of the stack, then showed it to Sora. It was the picture Sora in his true form along with Donald and Goofy running into battle with their weapons out, from the looks of in the background, it was somewhere in Radiant Garden. “You’re Sora, aren’t you?!” Sora looked up at him “Uh, yeah, how’d you get that pictu-” “Oh it makes sense now, kupo” Mogson himself in the head. “I heard rumors that you got some kind of magic clothes that changes how you look! I shouldn’t be surprised that you’re here I guess. “Hold on, hold on!” Sora raised a hoof toward the moogle. “How’d you get that picture and how do you know me so well?” Now Mogson was tilting his head slightly “How do I- You’re a keyblade wielder, How can I not know about you!” “What do you mean?” Fluttershy was curious as well as she landed next to Sora. The manticore wasn’t sure what this was all about and opted laying down and taking a breather ignoring the impending lecture he had no care for. The Moogle cleared his throat “Ok, think of it as a business standpoint, kupo. Moogle shops sell things that aid those that go into combat, more specifically, if it happens to deal with exterminating the heartless. We get are wandering travelers, adventurers, and the occasional refugee who needs supplies just to get from point A to point B. Standard business that makes things stable on our end” Sora was already in his thinking pose again as he listened to the story. “However, The real bread and butter are Keyblade wielders, kupo!” Mogson spun around in place and somehow was holding a makeshift Kingdom Key from out of nowhere. “Why is that?” Fluttershy asked. “Simple ma’am” he smiled then started swinging into the air like he was fighting some invisible foe. “Keyblade wielders Actively look for heartless, or at the very least exterminate on sight!” After making a thrusting motion he then flew over to them holding a paw to the side of his mouth. “Rumor has it that since their keyblades completely destroys those black devils that even more money than normal tends to come out as well.” Mogson then backs off putting his “weapon” away then pulls out a bottle “And when their wallets are lined full of Munny who do they go to for all their heartless fighting needs, kupo?” “Oh I get it” Sora opened his eyes and hammered one hoof on top of the other. Coming from my experiences, It’s always a breath of relief to find a moogle shop. So I usually tend to splurge on items and synthesize as much as I can.” He then looked up at Mogson. “So that’s like a jackpot for you.” Mogson nodded “Exactly! You keyblade wielders would spend so much just on potions alone that it could make an old business man retire early, kupo.” There his gruff voice returned for a moment, until he noticed Fluttershy picking up on it and clearing his throat again and that innocent youthful voice was back. “So anyway, we Moogles like to keep a look out for you guys, you’re very good business.” He then sagged a little “Man, I heard there used to be so many of you guys back then too, Now you’re about as rare as finding a unicorn” Sora snorted, trying to hide the growing smile on his face. Fluttershy meanwhile was confused yet again at what Mogson just said, before it immediately clicked in her head. “Oh but Unicorns aren’t rare here. In fact I’m friends with two of them.” “Say What?” Mogson looked at the two of them. “Now that I think about it” he flew around them. “You’re both ponies… well he’s disguised as one I know that much” he looked over to Sora who smiled and shrugged. The moogle then turned to Fluttershy “And you have wings and can fly… So then you’re a Pegasus?” When she nodded she placed a paw under his chin. “Pretty small for one, Cuter too.” Fluttershy couldn’t stop her face from turning red after being called cute. “Well, that’s because she’s a pony. A pony Pegasus” Sora pointed out. Mogson had to take a moment to soak it all in. “Wow… this world is an interesting one I’ll give you that. Well, so long as they’re good business I suppose it won’t matter.” Sora thought about it. “I’m sure the guards might be collecting money materials from the heartless back in Ponyville, that mi-” “Ponyville?... For real?” Sora sighed “Yeah, I know and it’s not the only town name to get that kind of treatment. As I was saying. I’m sure the guards in town are probably collecting them, and if not, they would now if you’re willing to open your shop up for them as well.” “Well there’s no reason not to. Anyone willing to buy is welcome in my book.” Mogson gave a curt nod. “Oh, but since this is a new world, I’ll have to pitch my wares I suppose… and I still need a place to sell my wares. My ride here was sort of a one ticket trip, hehe… I at least managed to probably stash my wares, and I still have access to the mognet for future restocking plans… I’m just… sorta…” “Oh my, that’s right, you’re not from this world. That’s unfortunate, you have no place to go then.” Fluttershy went and gave Mogson another hug… and that crafty old coot was just eating up the attention. For some reason it was really bugging Sora when he would act all young and innocent like that. However, when Fluttershy then stared at him with those big sad eyes, He gave a heavy sigh and gave it some thought for her sake and to be able to buy some potions in the future. “Hmm… Well, Apparently my house should be done some time today… I guess, until you get things settled… you can stay at my place for a while.” He scratched the back of his head and looked away. Immediately the response was Fluttershy rushing over to hug him this time as well. “Hrrk!” “He can?! Oh thank you so much Sora, you’re so kind!” Although no one could see it since it was hidden by the hug, Fluttershy’s gem flashed even brighter for a moment. Sora wasn’t sure how to take this kind of hug, he was used to the “Vigorous” hugs Pinkie always gave him, but this one wasn’t as lung crushing. In absence of that, it actually gave him a moment to really appreciate the meaning of the gesture and he smiled and hugged back “Coming from the Element of Kindness? That must be saying something.” ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Town Hall Half an hour later After bidding Alex their manticore friend farewell, Sora, Fluttershy, and Mogson had finally exited the forest and went to go speak with the mayor. During the trip through Ponyville Sora was able to pick up on a few things about Mogson, the old timer seemed to put on the cute and cuddly act whenever there were mares around. He also didn’t seem to be afraid to use it to his advantage as he was sometimes given free snacks from those of the opposite gender. This is the moogle that will be living with me for awhile? He shook his head and walked up to the double doors pushing them open revealing the Mayor inside on the opposite end of the building, reading a parchment. “Hey, Mayor! I completed a request! Also, I have someone you’d like to meet!” The mayor lifted her head away from the paper and looked over toward Sora, “Oh, hello Sora! I see you’ve brought along Fluttershy and-” She looked at flying Moogle between Sora and Fluttershy as he was munching on a strawberry a pony gave him earlier. “Oh my, what an adorable creature.” Sora didn’t even have to look back to know that Mogson was definitely putting on some kind of act for the mayor as well for her to think that. “Uh, yeah, well, he is basically what this “Lyra pony was speaking of in the request” he made his way up to her and pulled out the request for her to take. “He’s actually a creature known as a moogle and he wants to set up a shop in town.” This was a surprise to the mayor as she accepted the request paper. “Really now? And what is it that he sells?” she noticed the Moogle fly over to them. “Basically he comes from where I’m from” It was sorta true, but he still wasn’t allowed to tell the civilians who he really was just yet. “Hello, Mayor lady!” Mogson decided to take it from here. Thankfully before they left the forest Sora managed to make sure he keeps the outer world under wraps out of request for the princesses. “I’m Mogson and like he said, I’m here to set up a moogle shop!” Sora backed up and headed over to Fluttershy “Well, this might take awhile for those two. I still need to show him to the new home… kind of funny since I haven’t seen the inside of it yet either” he chuckled, only seeing the construction work outside Twilight’s window last night. And again that morning. “If you want you can head back home, sorry you had to get in all that mess, but I really did appreciate your help back there.” Fluttershy shook her head “Oh no, please don’t be, I just wanted to help the poor thing out of the forest… and help you too.” she had smile on her face but it soon disappeared as memories of the previous fight returned to her mind that smile vanished “I just wish I was more helpful” She suddenly felt something pat her head. “You know Fluttershy, you’ve been rather negative about yourself, but you’ve done so much already it makes me wonder why you think that” She couldn’t look up at him “H-how can I not? When those heartless appeared, All I did was hide behind you… All I have been doing was hide behind my friends. I… I don’t want to fight, and… I know I wouldn’t make for a great fighter anyway. I just wish I was useful.” When she finally did look up she noticed Sora’s face was not inch away from her. What came out of her at that moment was the most adorable “eep” he ever heard as she backpedaled with a red face a few steps. Sora had a stern look on her face. “Alright, none of that, You’re very helpful and you should know it, Fluttershy” his frown then turned into a smile. “H-huh? What d-do you mean? I haven’t fought anything or-” “Check it” Sora sat back and lifted up his undershirt showing the bandage from beneath. “Remember that?” How could she not, She was the one that put those on him, she nodded. “You really know how to take care of others. Don’t ask me to bandage you, I’ll somehow turn you into a mummy” he laughed which was infectious since it got her to giggle as well. Fluttershy “Well, I take care of animals, that includes nursing them back to health too… So I guess it’s not all to different from taking care of ponies” “Well it makes me glad to have you with us, You care about others. Another example: Remember the first day we met and you went to the forest. Then you ran into the heartless for the first time. Fluttershy wished she could forget that, but nodded anyway. “When I got there I saw you shielding spike from them, despite not being able to fight.” She She opened her mouth to speak but closed it after a moment. She nodded her head once again before speaking “I couldn’t let him get hurt” “Exactly, that’s who you are. You’d never want anyone to get hurt, and would do your best to help those that are.” He pulled his undershirt back down and stood back up. “I feel better knowing you’re around that’s for sure” Fluttershy did not see that coming, so her face is a pretty could indication of that. Sora couldn’t help but laugh “What’s with that face? It shouldn’t be surprising, I did say you had your own way of fighting, remember?” A flash of that childish looking grin as he spoke with sincerity “Your kindness to help.” Surprised again by his words, but this time Fluttershy couldn’t help keep that smile from growing on her face. Whether or not she believed it, Sora did, and so did her friends. “Whoa…” Fluttershy looked up to see Sora staring at something below her neck, “W-what is it?” she looked down to immediately see what the reason, her element was glowing brightly. “What’s going on?... Is it preparing to fuse?” Sora lifted his hoof to grab at it, but was nearly knocked to the ground when Mogson flew up to them “Whoa! What’s with your necklace?! It’s all glowy and stu-huh?” The glowing immediately vanished a little after Fluttershy was startled by Mogson’s sudden entrance into the conversation. “Aaawww, Where’d the glow go?” After regaining his balance Sora glared at Mogson for a moment for his rude interruption before looking back at the gem. With Fluttershy’s permission he tapped it a few times with his hoof, but no effect… He sighed “Well, no good it would seem. Guess whatever triggered it is gone now.” he looked up to the owner “Any ideas on what it could be?” She only shook her head with look of regret “Sorry, Sora” “Hey, hey, none of that” he placed a hoof on her shoulder. “We’ll figure it out next time, no point crying over it ok?” When she nodded he looked her in the eyes “Good, then enough with the sad face, alright. I like the happy one better” he shared a smile with her to get her going. It worked, after a second she gave a small one in return but it was enough to satisfy him “Much better” “Helloooo, I’m still here you know? What was with the glowy effects?” Mogson butted in, much to Sora’s annoyance. “Ahem, sorry to interrupt you three-” the Mayor decided to trot up to them to bring them back on other important issues “As much as I too am curious about that light show, I would like to take care of some things if you don’t mind.” She looked over at Sora “Sora, seeing as you have completed this request and that I can confirm that, I’ll be sending your pay over first thing in the morning.” Sora nodded and smiled “Sweet!” She then gazed at Mogson, “As for you… if what you’re saying is true, it would seem Sora and the guards would make the most of your wares. However, I’m sure the citizens probably picked some up every now and then as well… So I can approve of your Moogle shop placed here in Ponyville. I have some paper’s I’d like you to sign first of course.” “O-oh, right those” Mogson was a bit embarrassed he momentarily forgot the whole reason he was here. “Um sure, no problem” he then turned to Sora and Fluttershy. “You two mind sticking around for a bit? I’m still new here and all.” “Oh um, sure, Mogson. I’ll help guide you around after you're done here” Fluttershy said happily before looking at Sora for his answer. Just as he was about to open his mouth, the front doors swung open with a slam that made everyone nearly jump out of their fur. When they all looked in that direction. Rarity was standing there huffing and and scanning the room until she locked eyes on her target. “Aha! Found you!” her horn started glowing and Sora was now covered in the same colored aura and lifted from the ground. “Oh boy” “My sincerest apologies, darling, but there is no time to lose, it’s an emergency!” Rarity was already turning around and running out the door as Sora helplessly was pulled along. “Ok, this is kinda weird” was all Fluttershy heard from Sora before he was levitated outside and right behind Rarity. This left the others in silence as they stared out the doorway at the retreating forms in bewilderment. It took a short while of silence before anyone said anything,  Mogson being the one to speak. “Uuuh… What just happened?” ~~~ 10 minutes later         “Ok, Rarity! I can’t keep guessing forever.” through the whole ride Sora had been trying to get information from the fashionista on what the “emergency” was, which thankfully wasn’t heartless related. It was his first question. The more he asked, the more he lost his sense of urgency of the situation and assumed it wasn’t anything dangerous at all.         However Rarity would keep saying the same thing over and over again that it was lightly getting on his nerves. “You’ll see! I promise!”         ‘You’ve been saying that ever since you grabbed me What co-huh?” when he looked ahead he could see her true destination. “Hey isn’t that your house?”         “Home and Fashion Boutique to be precise, dear.” the door glowed the same purple aura and swung open as rarity slowed to a trot with Sora in tow as they went inside. Once they were inside she gracefully set him back down on his hooves but purposely faced him towards the door they just passed.         “Ok Rarity, we’re in your… house boutique, now what?-” When Sora turned around he was rather shocked at what he saw. “Whoa” In front of his view was Rainbow Dash and Applejack, the two of them were wearing outfits that Sora thought he’d never see on them, before.         Starting With Rainbow Dash, her’s was a dark blue Jacket open zipper Jacket somewhat like Sora’s, but without the pauldron like cloth on his shoulder, and longer sleeves reaching just above her hooves, the trims on the sleeves were a gold lightning design wrapping around the edge, the bottom of the jacket reached to just before touching her hind legs. The back of the Jacket had a rather fierce design depicting a rainbow lightning bolt striking the bottom of jacket and sparks of individual colors of the rainbow flying off and away from the impact site of the bolt. These Designs seem to be made of many different gems as it glittered in the light. To finish off the outfit on the collar, either side of the zipper teeth were rubies in the shape of miniature versions Rainbow’s Element dangling there just like the yellow straps on Sora’s hoodie. Her White undershirt although not as flashy, seemed to compliment the Jacket for its simplicity compared to it.         Finally, Applejack. Her outfit seemed to keep to a theme to match her personality, hat, and lifestyle. Starting with the red neckerchief around her neck it seemed to hold green vine like curls that trailed near the edges of it. A green and white plaid long sleeved cuffed shirt, the back of it was of an entirely different design that resembled closely to a saddle that reached all to just before her tail, but had fringes that came off it and covered the upper parts of her flank. The plaid shirt however did not reach as far as it ended where a pleather edge wrapped around the stomach and looked like it connected to the saddle like back part of the outfit. To add to this ensemble, She wore shoes on her hind hooves, they seem to be the same material as the saddle part of AJ’s shirt, as they looked more like boots… well the kind of boots for ponies anyway. The bottoms seem to be encased ins some sort of metal, a green strap buckled around the ankle part and at the front was the zipper that reached from the buckle all the way up to the top. The top edge seemed to extend upward away from the top of the zipper as it wrapped around the leg. It definitely looked like boots resembling those a cowboy would wear, but with those metal plating on the bottom they’d do a lot more damage than them if she ever decided to buck something.         Sora must have taken to long to respond for Rainbow’s case since she decided to speak there. “Yo, don’t just stand there with your mouth open, Spiky. How do we look?         Shaking out of his stupor he looked at them again before smiling. “Wow, you guys, really look good in those, like amazing.”         Applejack for a moment seemed to not know how to react to Sora’s response, pulling her hat over her face when she felt her face heat up.         Rainbow expected it, yet for some reason, hearing it from Sora seemed to make her hesitate from bragging. She bragged anyway though “Y-yeah, of course I look amazing. No surprise there.” Although she tried to keep a confident look on her face, she felt a thumping in her chest.         It was at this moment that Rarity proudly trotted past Sora before turning to face him. “Thanks to you Sora a new form of fashion as opened up for me, darling. With so many possibilities. These are two outfits that will belong in a new line of fashion I’ve named personally.” “Say Hello, to Adventure Chic!” > Chapter 20: Go out in Style > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- (As Always Green Text means "click me" to play theme music to go with what your reading. Red text means to stop the music. Completely optional: Your free to ignore this)         “Adventure Chic?” Sora repeated the name…. He smiled “Kinda rolls off the tongue when you think about it”         “Oh I just knew you’d think so!” Rarity nearly squeed at the idea of creating a new line of fashion. “And in the future I hope to make them functional as well.”         “Functional?” Sora asked.         “Yeah apparently, Rarity wants to enchant them like how your outfit is.” Rainbow flew over them.         “Oh, that reminds me, one moment” Rarity then trotted off towards a folding screen and walks behind it. Seeing as this as a moment to gain information Sora turned toward Applejack and Rainbow “So how did she convince you two to come here? No offense but you two don’t seem like the type come to a boutique unless it was visiting a friend a.k.a. Rarity.” “Normally Sora you’d be right. We don’t really come here on our own decision this time.” Applejack said, as she looked at herself in the mirror. Rainbow was posing in front of same mirror, floating above the Farmer, “Yeah AJ and I were on the farm beating up those training dummies she had-” ~~~ Earlier Sweet Apple Acres         Rainbow and Applejack were now in a contest neither of them knew they started, Somewhere along the way they decided to who could destroy the most dummies before they ran out, and it was getting fierce with a lot of pieces that look broke beyond repair.         “How about this?!” Rainbow was running toward another standing dummy before flapping her wings a few times to get a little airborne before flipping and performing a Drop kick, knocking the dummy off the stand and tumbling away breaking into pieces. “HA!”         “Not bad, but ah’ don’t need ta’ fly ta’ do that” Applejack picked out a dummy nearby Rainbow before sprinting straight for it. When she thought she was close enough she bounced off the ground using all four legs before twisting so she was sailing through tail first at the dummy. She then pulled her legs into herself before releasing them like a spring trap slamming both back hooves at its chest, smashing through and shattering it before it came off the stand. She lands perfectly on her hooves and skidding to a halt before standing tall giving a Rainbow a smug look.         Rainbow only glared back “I’d do that too if I bucked apple trees as much you do.” she grumbled as she looked around for another dummy, “Hey wasn’t Sora’s house supposed to be done today?”         “Yeah? What about it?” Applejack was gathering the pieces on the ground. And tossing them into a cart she brought over for that very reason.         “Didn’t the Princess say that place was gonna have a training area too?”         After a moment of thinking Applejack gave another nod. “Ah, think so. Are these questions gettin’ somewhere Rainbow?”         “Well I was thinking… does that mean we get to train there too?”         Applejack stopped and thought about it for a moment “Well… if Sora’s ok with it, ah’ don’t see why not.” she decided to take a look at her “Why do ya ask?” She could see the blue pegasus tense up when she asked that last question.         “W-well, I mean we don’t have to come here and break your stuff right?” she kept facing away from Applejack. It was a good point but it wasn’t gonna cut it for the element of Honesty.         “That maybe true, but you’re still not telling me the real reason” a smirk slowly growing on her face as she noticed her friend cringe from that response.         “W-well, why else would you want to go there? It’s a training room. You go there to train and learn cool moves and stuff-”         “And be with Sora?”         “Quiet you!” Rainbow chucked a broken piece at Applejack who simply dodged holding that same look on her face. “Not like you’re any different” This elicited a laugh from the farmer.         “Ah! There you are!” a posh yet familiar voice from behind startled Applejack before looking back to confirm that it was Rarity.         “What in- Rarity you almost gave me a heart attack” Applejack placed a hoof on her chest as she waited for her heart beat to slow down.         “Terribly sorry dear, but I came to ask for your assistance. Oh, and Rainbow is here as well. Perfect, I was looking for her as well.” Rarity seemed to be in a chipper mood.         Rainbow Dash decided to join in on the conversation and flew over when her name was called. “Yo, Rares. Haven’t seen you ever since we left the forest. You’ve been holed up in your boutique a long time there.”         “Yes and it was all worth it! What I’ve managed to accomplish still surprises me.” She looked like she was gonna go into a giddy fit of giggles from all the excitement building up inside her, immediately forcing herself to calm down and be more professional. “However, I can’t get ahead of myself. There are some important matters that need to be established, and that’s where you two come in!” Applejack and Rainbow could see the sparkles in her eyes, which gave them both of them an uneasy feeling.         “Uuuuh yeah…. This doesn’t involve me wearing a dress or something right?” Rainbow had to ask.         Rarity softly laughed “Of course not dear… but you are on the right track. And I made two sets that were designed specifically for you both.”         Applejack took a step back “That’s what we’re afraid of, Rarity” However it seemed no form of convincing was going stop their friend from dragging them with her. Rainbow gave it her best effort though. ~~~ Back to the Present         “So Rarity dragged us here to try on these clothes she made for us.” Rainbow was still checking herself out, as Applejack already left to focus more on telling the story.         “Right, she wanted our opinion on them and if they felt comfortable ta wear.” Applejack continued as she looked at herself “But more importantly she wanted yer opinion since she claims she based these thing off of your jacket and saddle bags.”         Sora was a bit surprised by this. “My opinion… I guess I see where she’s coming from, though I’m not really fashion savvy… However” he took another look at the two. “I’m surprised she made those just by studying this thing” he gestured to his outfit. He looked at Applejack “But yeah, I may not know much about this kind of thing, but those really do look great. Like they were made with your personality in mind.” Sora then had a thought about it… “Maybe that’s what makes them great. They speak about who you are… and I guess the adventure part is that they look like they can be worn on adventures.” he placed a hoof on his chin then looked at himself. “Heh… Now I kinda wish my shoes was in this form as well.” He shrugged however.         “Oh yeah, you do where shoes in your real body don’t you?” Rainbow asked “Never actually bothered to look since the only times we would get to see it we’re too busy fighting heartless.”         “While we’re on the topic of clothing everypony, allow me to introduce my next creation.” Rarity said as she elegantly made her out from behind the folding screen head held high and striking a pose to get any stallions attention. Her outfit was definitely more striking to say the least, however it was to be expected if it was to reflect her personality and passion. ( : For Fashion! ) ( Quit it… )         To begin she wore what could be considered as a Sleeveless V-collar top baby blue, with a very light pink band that traced around the collar an inch away from the edge the top reached down till just about her stomach where a magenta sash wrapped around it, fastened in place but diamond shaped gems in the shape Rarity’s cutie mark and where her pants would begin. The pants looked almost like tights and had a gradient. Starting from the Sash it was midnight blue and only started changing to a lighter blue around where the upper and lower leg would meet. two silver lines went the outer sides of both legs and seemed to give off a weak shine.         However it was unclear how far the gradient went since She wore High pleather shoes that were a darker reddish color compared to Applejack’s. There was a pleather strap that wrapped around near the top of the shoes with a buckle on the outer sides of of the shoes.         Whether it was how she posed, what she wore, or from both, she not only left Sora speechless, but Applejack and Rainbow looked on at her with the same look of amazement. “Well?... Don’t keep a girl waiting, now.” Rarity was starting to get a little nervous from the silence         “Sora decided to be the first to speak. “Sorry Rarity, it’s just… Wow… It looks great!” he smiled.         “Yeah I have to go with Spiky on this one, that looks REALLY good” Rainbow said         Applejack nodded “You sure know your way around a sewing machine, Rarity. Especially considering us.” she gestured to rainbow’s and her outfits.         “I think the word for is… elegant right” Sora added with a smile “beautiful design, Rarity” he gave an innocent smile, yet it and his response struck a cord in the white unicorn to actually make her look away flustered.         “Oh, well… Thank you… All of you,” she seemed hold a gentler look on her face now. “It really means a lot hearing it from you, my friends.”         Sora nodded before speaking “We’re just speaking the truth, right AJ?”         The orange gave a nod and grin of her own. “Darn tootin’, Sora” She then gave it some thought. “Now that I think about it, you got the three of us outfits, I suppose you have the same for the other girls as well…         “Yeah, I’d definitely want to wear this on adventures” Rainbow at some point during the conversation returned to admiring herself in the mirror, now striking combat poses. “And of course when I’m not. Looks too cool to just wear for only for that, almost like me.” Applejack rolled her eyes, and at this point Sora was inclined to do the same knowing the pegasus well enough by now.         Rarity giggled “Well, I’m glad it is to your liking Rainbow considering it was designed for you after all” she shook her head as she walked past her. “These of course are just the beginning, I am still working on more and The other girls outfits are still in the works, but they at least they’re past the planning stages like my other designs.”         Sora seemed to pick up on Rarity’s secret. “Oh I get it. You’re hoping to use us as a way of getting the brand noticed, considering all the traveling and tasks we’ll be taking in the future.”         “Should’ve seen that one comin’, sounds like a good business plan.” Applejack nodded         Rainbow gave Rarity a smug look. “Well we are famous already, and Sora here is starting to make a name for himself. Especially after what happened yesterday. Maybe that’s why these things are free.”         “Oh come now,  Rainbow. I had no intention of making you pay for them anyway. However, I will admit I did consider it a good investment… I do hope none of you mind wearing them more often. I really think this would be the start of many wonderful things to come if it really kicks off.” Rarity seem to be fidgeting. Though it shouldn’t be a surprise. She was basically pioneering in her line of work. If she messes up or if it holds no interest to other ponies, it would be a massive failure and a waste of material.”         “Ah, don’t worry about it, Rares. If helping your boutique means flying around wearing this-” Rainbow gestured to her jacket and shirt “Then I think I got the better end of this deal”         Applejack nodded “Ah’ have to agree with Rainbow on this one.” She flexed her foreleg a few times. “It doesn’t constrict me or anythin’ and ah’ do like the look. Nothin’ fancy and with the right enchantments ah’ hope it’ll be durable fer my line of work, and our duty as bearers.” “Exactly, darling. While I’m not quite sure I can replicate the kind Sora’s outfit has, but with some spell books I borrowed from Twilight’s, I believe I made something just as close.” Rarity spoke with confidence. “Sounds good to me, so like are we done now? Starting to get bored here and I want to back to training… Maybe get something to eat too.” Rainbow’s was already making her way to the door. “Yeah, ah’ need to head back. Ah’ still have some things left doin’ on the farm” Applejack wasn’t to far behind her. Rarity sighed “Oh, if you must. Oh but do let me know how they hold up. Just do what you always do and if they show any rips or tears, please let me know. You’re still testing them out for me after all.” “Yeah, yeah, test and stuff got it!” Rainbow didn’t even look in Rarity’s direction as she waved and was already out the door and taking to the skies. “Ah’ll just be headin’ out too. Ah’ll let ya know if sumthin’s up, Rarity.” Unlike Rainbow, Applejack at least faced her and tipped her hat before walking out the door and heading her own way as well.                                                                       “Well, I guess I’ll head out too. Thanks for showing me your work Rarity, though it be nice to get a little warning next time” He laughed “Oh just a moment, Sora.” She turned her attention to the stallion. “I was hoping you could help me with one more thing” “Um, Sure I guess, what is it?” he asked curiously                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           “Well you see, I was hoping you could… um try on some designs I made… I-I mean I don’t quite have any stallions I can freely call to try them on… and to be quite honest, I am still rather nervous to show them to anyone other than you-I mean my friends, ahem” she cleared her throat as she had trouble looking at him. Sora, wasn’t completely sure why she would be so nervous, so far her designs looked amazing, but who was he to deny a friend some help. “Yeah, of course Rarity, I’m free whenever I’m not on the job or fighting heartless.” Immediately she seemed to brighten up after that response. “Oh splendid, darling! I was hoping you would agree. I do have a few right now that I would like you to try on. Oh! How rude of me, you said ‘on the job’, correct? So then at the town hall were you working.” “Sora thought about it but nodded “Well technically… you see, it’s like this…” ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Golden Oaks Library Meanwhile Twilight gave a heavy sigh. She wasn’t frustrated about a spell Merlin taught her, She had been doing well so far in using and controlling them. She wasn’t being lectured or reprimanded… at the moment for making a big mistake in her spell casting. No, what really got her down was Merlin’s words. I think that’s enough for now, Twilight. It’s nearing lunch time, get some rest. Rest? That was the last thing she needed right now, she felt fine and was more than eager to continue their lessons. She just had to get stronger and quickly. Yet no matter how many times she tried to convince the Wizard that she was fine. The stallion simply refused to continue. “I’m not some filly, I’m a full grown mare. Celestia’s student no less. I know very well the things I should avoid when casting magic.” She continued to mutter to herself, hoping Merlin didn’t hear, as she stared at her meal. A simple daisy sandwich and sliced apple on the side, along with a fruit drink. Even her stomach betrayed her when it grumbled at the mere mention of the word “lunch”. With defeated look on her face, she decided to stop resisting and please her rude belly with food in front of her. That is when she heard Merlin chuckle  “I say Twilight, from the way you were staring at that sandwich, I’d half expected you to pick a fight with it.” Merlin took another bite of his sandwich. “Mm… Fascinating, just being in this form and I’m able to eat such a strange sandwich.” he looked lifted the bread on top to look at the daisies inside. “Well, at least the lad won’t be picky with his food.” he takes another bite. “What do you mean, Merlin? Why would he not like a daisy sandwich? Was he allergic to them in his real body?” He decides to work on her sandwich as well. This brought on another laugh from the wizard. “No no no, it’s just that the average diet of humans doesn’t normally consist of dandelions… Hmmm… I suppose Sora never really explained it to you did he?” seeing her shake her head he stroked his beard. “I suppose it never really crossed his mind, but from what I’ve been told the Princesses were the ones who altered his body since they didn’t know about the special trick to his garments, correct?” Twilight nods. “Yes, well when you think about it in the long run. It’s actually a better idea to have his body altered into a pony. Otherwise in time, Sora would eventually grow ill.” She was surprised to hear this and then started to worry “Oh no! You mean he wouldn’t be able to eat any of this? She pointed a hoof to their plates.” “Now now, we humans still eat salads and sandwiches, however there certain things that you ponies put in them, and other things that you don’t that doesn’t quite match up to human appetites.” he then lifted his sandwich “Like this dandelion for example. While I have heard of humans using them in certain dishes, it is not exactly something you would find on grocery store shelves for humans if you catch my drift. Not only that but it would be a horrible idea to feed a human hay.” Merlin shakes his head “It doesn’t quite sit well in your digestive system. No flowers either.” “So then… what do humans eat?” Twilight didn’t know this but she had continued eating her meal she was completely distracted in Merlin’s explanation. Meanwhile the wizard seemed to hide a smirk that only spike could just barely notice. Did he… plan this to make Twilight eat her food? He wasn’t sure if that was true, but if it was, he was had a new respect and fear of the stallion for using psychological persuasion on TWILIGHT and work! “Ahem, yes well you see, humans are an omnivorous race.” he worded that carefully as he already expected  Twilight’s response. She immediately stopped eating and her pupils shrank when she stared at him. “O-omnivore as in… you eat meat?” He nodded “Correct, Twilight… You can relax. Ponies are not part of our diet. In fact that that goes any creature that talks, and we have no intention of coming here for meat.” Seeing her tension finally fade away he decided to explain more. “Now it is possible for humans to go without meat for awhile, and there are vegetarians among us, but the majority do prefer to eat meat when they can.” “I see, there are meat eaters here as well, like the Gryphons so…” “You are quite right, unfortunately since Sora was changed into a Pony, it would be strange and perhaps shocking, if Sora went up to a random pony asking for a ham sandwich” “What’s Ham?” she asked Merlin blinked surprised by the question before realizing where he was. “Right, well basically it’s meat. I won’t say any more then that. I wouldn’t want you throw up your lunch, now” Twilight was confused at first before looking down at her plate, and sure enough she was just about done with it. “Oh… Did I eat all that? I don’t even remember eating that much.” Merlin stood up from his table and pulled out his watch from his beard. “A good distraction tends to speed time along” after looking at it for a moment he placed it back into his beard again. “Thank you for the meal, again Spike. You are quite the chef” Spike puffed out his chest and gave a proud look. “Well somebody needs to know how to cook in this place.” “I heard that, Spike” Twilight glared at the now nervous purple Dragon. “Now then, I believe it’s just about time” Merlin started walking away from the table. Twilight perked up and was on her hooves in no time. “Couldn’t, have said it better myself professor, I think I got this blizzard Spell down, and you said thunder was-” she stopped when she looked over where she THOUGHT Merlin would be, on the floating couch they sat on throughout Twilight’s training.  However, He was instead heading out the front door. “Uh, um, Merlin, I’m over here.” “That you are, Ms. Sparkle” he continued onward out the door. Twilight just stood there looking at the doorway the stallion walked through in utter confusion. She looked over to Spike who just shrugged. The two of them decided to follow after him. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Path to The Library 5 minutes ago  After dealing with the paperwork and getting a permit from the Mayor, Fluttershy and Mogson were on their way Sora’s new house. “Mogson? I’ve been wondering… How are you going to run a shop? I’m not sure Sora’s home would be made for that. “Don’t you worry, Ms. Fluttershy, kupo! The shop won’t be in his home, Leave everything to me!” he made a proud pose “All I needed was the Mayor’s OK. I’ll have everything set before tomorrow, kupo!” “Um… H-how would you be able to do that?” she asked A glint appeared in the Moogle’s eye “Don’t worry about the details, I have it all under control, now that I have a place set up.” He then took notice of a large tree in the distance. “Whoa, that tree has a door, kupo?” among other things he noticed about it. Fluttershy looked ahead and smiled “Oh yes! That’s the library, it’s also where my friends Twilight and Spike live. We’re almost there, Sora’s home is just next door.” She started moving ahead with Mogson close behind. It sped up the trip a little more but just as she was just about to pass Library, she heard the door to it open and that grabbed her attention enough to make her stop and look at it. She was surprised to see it wasn’t Twilight or Spike that stood at the doorway but a rather old stallion, with a long white beard and blue pointed hat. It made her curious for a moment on who the pony was, but once he laid eyes on her and smiled, her “instincts” on meeting new ponies kicked in and she went into full on shy mode trying to shrink away into herself and hide her face behind her mane. Mogson stopped to look at her enthusiasm take a 180. He turned to face what she was looking at before and saw an old looking pony looking over at her. “Who’s the old guy?” he asked Fluttershy. Who only shook her head in response for him to pick up that she didn’t know. “Ah, Ms. Fluttershy I presume” the old pony called out to her. Of course this just made her squeak, wondering how he knew her name “I hope you don’t mind, but I would like to have word with you.” She did mind. Soon after Twilight stepped out from behind the wizard and seemed to be asking Merlin “Um, Merlin? What’s going on here? Why do you need to speak with my friend?” “All in due time Ms. Sparkle, though I’m afraid I might have frighten the poor dear. I suppose she got her name for a reason.” Merlin shook his head, then looked over to Twilight “Perhaps you could help me break the ice with her? We won’t be getting anywhere if we can’t communicate.” “Oh, uh, sure I guess” Twilight started walking over the shy and sit next her. “Hey, there Fluttershy.” “O-oh… Hello Twilight… um… who’s your friend?” Fluttershy stole glances over at Merlin, but never dared to keep eye contact for any more than half a second. “That’s Merlin, he’s actually a friend of Sora’s and he came here to teach me the same kind of magic Sora uses.” “Really?” This seemed to calm the yellow pegasus down and she sat up normally now. “I remember, Sora saying his name when he told us his story.” Fluttershy then decided to look at the  now approaching Stallion again.   “Ah, hello Ms. Fluttershy it is a pleasure to meet your acquaintance.” he smiled to her Although, Fluttershy was a bit more relaxed, still talking to a new pony wasn’t easy for her. “O-oh, um… hello, sir” she avoiding looking straight at him. This was when Mogson flew in. “Sooo, I’m still here, anyone want to fill me in here?” he pointed out. “Whoa! W-what is that?!” Twilight nearly jumped from Mogson’s sudden appearance in front of her. “Oh, a moogle? Well I suppose I shouldn’t be surprised. You little fellows were bound to come here sooner or later.” Merlin stroked his beard. “A moogle? What are those?” Twilight asked before looking at the little flying creature. Merlin cleared his throat. “For the short version, you can sider them just another visitor from the stars just like Sora and myself. Though I’m sure he’s here for more than a tour. Mogson nodded “You got that right, Beardy, I’m here to set up a moogle shop on your world, kupo. Now that you got heartless, you’re gonna need all the help a fella like me has to offer you in the terms of business. But I’ll show you that later.” He then looked to the building next to the Library, there was no longer any construction work, and a note seemed to be placed at the door. It was a rather small looking house with a second story. But on the first floor connected to it was a large enclosed square wing, through it’s windows and could see what he assumed were “training dummies of sorts. “So I’m guessing this is his place, kupo?” he decided to fly over to the home. “O-oh, yes. I almost forgot” Fluttershy turned to Twilight. “For the time being, Mogson will be staying with Sora. So, I was going to show him here. “Hmph… beardy indeed” Merlin seemed a bit distracted “The nerve of some people.” “Wait, why can’t Sora show him the place.” Twilight asked “Well, he would have, but apparently Rarity came and carried him off somewhere when we were at town hall.” Fluttershy replied. “That boy seems to be pretty popular here.” Merlin stated. “Oh, professor, now that Fluttershy is here, do mind filling us in on why we’re here?” Twilight butted in. “You, need me for something?” Fluttershy looked at Merlin with curiosity. “Ah, yes, quite right. I believe we have gotten a little sidetracked, there” he chuckled before clearing his throat. “Now, if I’m correct, Ms. Fluttershy, you consider yourself a pacifist, correct” Both girls were surprised as Fluttershy nodded “Y-yes… H-how did you know?” “Yeah I’m curious too, I never actually got around to telling you about my friends.” Twilight raised an eyebrow. “Oh I have my ways of getting information, don’t you worry about that. Now then, I believe there’s a more important matter that needs to be addressed” he turned his attention to Fluttershy “Now, Fluttershy, what do you intend to do?” “W-what?” She was confused by Merlin’s question. “I mean to say is, that you have no intention of fighting. Yet, you still want to go with your friends on a rather dangerous task. You do realize what happens if a heartless manages to get their claws on you right?” This made the shy mare cringe at the dark thought of a heartless stealing her heart from her body. “That won’t happen!” Twilight demanded “We’d never let that happen to her! We beat any heartless that’ll come close to her. We’ve done it so many times before!” The image of a heartless claiming her friend’s life was something she could not stomach. “And what if you can’t reach to her in time when such a scenario occurs?” Merlin turned to Twilight. “What if you used too much magic and become too exhausted to do anything? What if you become injured and were unable to move?” Twilight reeled back at those questions, but then answered again. “T-then I know my friends will protect her.” “And what if they are injured or exhausted? As strong as Sora is, he is still just one boy, a boy who relies on his friends. In time he will start taking more damage than he can handle and even his mountain of stamina will drain in time. What will happen to Fluttershy then?” “W-...We’ll… We’ll have Fluttershy retreat then.” Twilight desperately replied Merlin could only shake his head slowly “But there is a problem… Would Fluttershy really just turn and leave you all behind? Twilight froze… then looked over at Fluttershy, there were tears forming in her eyes,  as she looked at Twilight. No… No, she wouldn’t abandon us… No matter how scared she would be. Guilt filled the unicorn’s mind for even thinking Fluttershy would do something so selfish. “I… I’m sorry, Fluttershy. I guess, I wasn’t really thinking about what you would’ve wanted to do…” She then received a hug from her the yellow pegasus and her kind words. “It’s ok, Twilight… I know you were only thinking what was best for me” she hugged a little tighter “You all are my friends. I just want you all to be safe. So I have to stay… No matter what?”   Twilight, felt her muzzle form a smile before she returned the hug to her friend. “So… this is the path you’ve decided to take?” Merlin stroked his beard Fluttershy timidly nodded her head “Yes…” “Even though you’ll be face to face with those heartless?” She cringes at the name, but still nods. “Even if one day you’ll end up being their target?” He asks again         Fluttershy involuntarily squeezed Twilight in her hug… but still nodded.         This time Merlin was looking directly at her. “Even if it meant, putting your heart at risk… you would still be there to help your friends.”         “Merlin!” Twilight turned and snapped the Wizard for scaring her friend with these “What if” Scenarios. However the old man turned Stallion just kept his gaze on the butter yellow mare. Fluttershy felt like a rock fell in her stomach now, as the image of a heartless wrenching her heart away from her body filled her mind. It wouldn’t be surprising for her to shake her head. Any other pony in her position would’ve not wanted to interact with such dangerous, emotionless creatures… And yet…. She nods again “Y…. Yes… No matter what, I want to be… I want to be there for my friends…” Twilight was amazed to hear such conviction in her shy friend’s voice, in a way she felt very proud at that moment. “Well, if you feel that strongly about it, then I suppose there is just no alternative then.” Merlin seemed to be smiling under his beard. “Huh? For what?” Twilight craned her neck to look over at the old wizard. Fluttershy doing the same. “Well it’s simple really, if she intends on going with you all to look after your health and safety, She might as well learn some Supportive magic then.” he nodded Twilight and Fluttershy were silent for a moment… they looked at each other, as if trying to register what it was that he just said…. In the end, their response was to look back at him and reply at the same time. “What?” “Fluttershy shall learn magic” he nodded again. “But…” Twilight looked back and forth between the two. “But she’s a Pegasus…” “Yes, and Sora is a Human turned Earth Pony, yet you still see him flinging fireballs and and Lightning bolts at enemies. ~~~~ Meanwhile Sora suddenly released a loud sneeze inside the the changing room. He shook his head clearing his mind from that spontaneous event and looked around. “That’s weird… it doesn’t seem dusty in here, and it’s not cold?” “Sora, dear are you ready yet?” Rarity called out from outside the changing room. “Uuh, almost… just learning how to put on pants in this body!” ~~~~ Back at the Library Twilight placed her hoof under her muzzle as the realization struck. “That’s… That’s true. So, does that really mean, that even Fluttershy can use magic?” Twilight looked at Merlin with a spark for to learn more about this field now. All of these new discoveries, she would no longer be able to stave off her urge to conduct research, for much longer. Merlin seemed to pick up on that look but decided to answer her anyway. “Well, I’m sure she may not be able to cast any magic that your world has to offer, but the magic I’m teaching you is a different story.” Merlin looked over at the Fluttershy and it was hard to tell if she was nervous or eager. “Wait, but, she wouldn’t use those spells, she doesn’t want to fight.” Twilight rebuttaled but Merlin simply raised his hoof. There are more spells I was going to teach you know and not all of them involve hitting a heartless with it. I mean, haven’t you ever seen Sora use them. One that cures and another that reflects. Twilight thought about it, back in Canterlot, she did notice the reflective attack for the first time there. And yesterday, Rainbow said that Sora, healed her after she was knocked unconscious. “So, you’ll teach her those spells then?” He nodded “Exactly” He then turned to Fluttershy. “Of course, that is up to her whether or not she wishes to learn.”  Fluttershy didn’t even give it a second thought. She wanted to help. She wanted to be useful. She wanted to REALLY be there for her friends. So with as much confidence that surprised even herself she spoke out. “YES!-oh!” she immediately covered her mouth. “S-sorry, was that too loud? I mean… if it’s ok with you then, yes um… please.” Merlin and Twilight stared at the yellow Pegasus after her response, and could only laugh. It was awfully cute and silly how she scared herself. “Haha, very well then. It appears we’ll be skipping to another part of your training early Ms. Sparkle, However we’ll resume where we left off, once we’ve taken care of our winged friend here.” Twilight beamed and nodded “Of course, Merlin. I’m looking forward to it.” she looked back at Fluttershy “It’ll be so much fun, it’ll be like having a study buddy.” she gave Fluttershy another hug. Fluttershy could only giggle at her enthusiasm. “Well then, Shall we head back inside and start” Merlin was already making his way back to the library. The girls hurriedly following close behind. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Carousel Boutique         “Sora, dear? Are you ready?” Rarity called out from outside the dressing room.         “I uh… think so.” Sora finally stepped to reveal the outfit Rarity had him put on.         It was another outfit from the Adventure Chic line. He had a black zipped up undershirt,over that was a white jacket with a red interior along with black trimmings on the short sleeves. On his hind end were baggy pants that were black on the upper portion of it, then the material was replaced with white that, from the way it was designed, it looked it was representing the greeves of a knight’s armor, only it was the same kind of cloth.         His shoes were a color combination of black and gray, with a lighter gray for the soles and red straps fastening it all to his back hooves. The bottoms of the pants somewhat resting over the upper portion of the shoes, hiding where they truly did end. To finish it off, on his left foreleg.         “Oh my! Simply dashing!” Rarity clapped her hooves together rapidly as her giddy delight was bursting from her. “I say Sora in a strange way, it’s like it was suited for you, yet it seems incomplete at the same time” She now took a more thoughtful look. As she gazed at him. Sora looked at himself in the mirror and immediately could pick up what she meant by that when a memory popped into his mind.         Look Sharp! Sora shook his head “Yeah… I think I know what it is, but it’s probably best that we go with it as it is. Any closer and we’d be copying his style.” He laughed         Rarity tilted her head before it dawned on her. “Oh my, a friend wore something like that?”         Upon Rarity mentioning the word ‘friend’, Sora had to stop and think about it. “I suppose you could call it that.” He then shook his head. “Anyway, I think the outfit looks great as well, uuuh just avoid using any checker patterns or a big metal ‘X’. for this outfit.” he replied Dangerously close enough as it is         “Oh, but those would look splendid on-oh... OH, Right of course” Rarity thankfully caught on and gave a nod. “Thank you for letting me know.” She then trotted over to Sora and gave him a once over. “Well, I suppose just to be safe, I’ll hold this outfit on standby until I can give it its one original look. Alright Sora I think that’s all the outfits I had for stallions. You can change out into your regular outfit now.         Sora nodded and wasted no time on putting his regular duds and gear on. After Sora explained to Rarity Earlier about his day and his new job, Rarity originally felt bad for rudely dragging him away from his job. Even when Sora said it was ok. This also brought on an idea to make amends and help her issue as well.         “Sora I’d like to thank you again, for taking the job of testing the stallion line of my future outfits, I’ll be honest when I say I don’t have that many friends of the male gender to ask to take on the task.” Rarity decided to sit next to the dressing room to speak to him. “And to again apologize for my uncouth behavior earlier. I was just so… excited when my first set was completed, that I just… Well”         “Hey it’s no sweat, Rarity. These clothes so far look great. Besides you’re paying for this job so I’m not complaining.”         “Yes, I know. Still it needs to be said, and I am very grateful for your patience with me as well.”         Soon enough Sora stepped out in his regular outfit before turning to her “Rarity I always make time for my friends. True next time some warning would be nice, but I’ll always be willing to help you out.”         She nodded “Thank you, darling… I suppose I should be fortunate. You’re very forgiving, Sora. you certainly keep your composure after all of the…. Antics myself and the girls may have caused you. Especially now that I’ve heard about that, ‘Apple Delivery’ you and the crusaders did.” Rarity shook her head as she properly folded the clothes neatly with her magic. “I swear those three can drive anypony up a wall if you let them.”         Sora just shrugged “Well, it wasn’t so bad-” Seeing Rarity glare at him, he cleared his throat. “Well, ok it was bad, but everything turned out ok in the end after all”.         Rarity gave a sigh “You certainly have a positive outlook on the situation.” She smiled giving Sora a rather playful wink “One of your more charming features I might add.”         Sora immediately tensed up from the gesture. Charming? He was unsure how exactly to respond and was even more confused on why he was thinking too hard on it for her, as Rarity giggled at the boy’s flustered response.         “Well, I shouldn’t hold here any longer, darling. Just a moment” She made her way over through an open door way and after a few moments returned with a sack that jingled every step she took. “Here, is your compensation for your much needed assistance.” Sora couldn’t even hold his amazement at the size of the bag. After taking a moment to open and looked inside it, he blinked a few times to see if he wasn’t imagining what he was seeing. “I know I’m not from around here and all but… Are you seriously giving me all this?” Sora looked back at her. That look of astonishment never left his face. “Why of course, Sora. You’ve helped me so much it’s only polite to reward you for your services.” Sora just looked back at the bag again. “Rarity, I don’t know if I deserve this much…” He was worrying that he may be taking advantage of her. Rarity simply held up her hoof. “Oh don’t even bother with that excuse. You’ve been so wonderful that I’m afraid that this isn’t even enough to compensate. Without you I wouldn’t even be venturing in this new territory in the first place.” she flashed him a sweet smile. “I truly am thankful that you came to Equestria…” In more ways than one I suppose it seemed like she wanted to say that thought out loud, but seemed to have lost the nerve to, however her cheeks seem to radiate some warmth and redness at the thought. Sora looked at her then back at the bag… then smiled. “Well… If you’re ok with it.” he carefully placed the bag into into his  saddlebag before looking back at her “Thanks Rarity” he walked up and surprised even her when he went and hugged her. Ever since Fluttershy gave him one he decided to start giving some back whenever the moment arises. “Just want you to know I’m grateful for this.” Hilarious how the oblivious hero is unaware of how ‘effective’ his actions could be at times. Now the poor unicorn’s cheeks grew even redder and if nothing was done soon, so would her face. However, she did appreciate his words, A Purple flash of light grabbed their attention, but the moment the noticed it, it already vanished “W… what was that?” Rarity looked around the room. Meanwhile Sora already had an idea of what it could be and looked at her element gem. He was certain he could saw a little bit of light before it eventually vanished from it… What is the key to activating these things? after a while she suddenly heard Rarity clear her throat and he immediately looked up at her. “You know, Sora, it’s um, a bit rude to be staring at a lady in such a way.” however she let out a soft giggle as she watched Sora realize what was going on and fumbling with his words to make an apology. “My, my, you certainly are cute when you’re flustered.” she continued with another set of giggles. “Fl-flustered?” he blinked a few times, unsure why she would say that until he walked next to a mirror. That’s when he got a good look at his face. Wait… Am I… blushing? Now he was utterly confused, and wanted nothing more than to get out of this embarrassing and confusing situation “W-whoa, uh l-look at the time! I bet my house is done now, yup!” he immediately turned and vigorously trotted out the front door. “It’s been fun, let’s do this again sometime, bye!” his speech sped up at the end as his trotting turned into a gallop out the door. Rarity couldn’t help but be amused at his behavior, but waved anyway “Ta-ta, darling! I look forward to seeing you again! Definitely” She teased just to see him tense up from her response. However, once she noticed that he was really gone, her mischevious face changed into a more nervous looking one as her blush returned with a fury. She placed a hoof at her chest “Oh dear, that was... Quite the experience.” her memories replayed the moment of Sora hugging her gently. She was beside herself, unsure what to do in that moment other than to continue staring out that open door as if Sora would suddenly come back in a suave suit, a rose in his mouth and gazing at her with-Focus, Rarity! she immediately shook the image out of her mind before it would get any more ‘intense’. She needed to work. Something to get her mind off this for awhile until her thoughts weren’t clouded by raw emotion. With her magic she finally shut the door and turned around, eager to distract her mind’s active imagination with something more productive. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Changeling Hideout   In the meeting room, a very angry insectoid Queen paced about as Maleficent looked to be more interested in the book they “lifted” from the Canterlot royal Library. “Must you keep pacing about, your majesty? Your anxiety is becoming irritating.” The witch stated as she flipped to the next page. Her eyes glued on the book and never bothered to look anywhere else. “Silience! How can I be calm, Now that one of my top agents have been captured, no doubt this will just make it more difficult for the others to gather recon.” Chrysalis gritted her teeth “Who was that being? If the guard had caught her it would’ve been by dumb luck or something just as foolish.” She stopped pacing but her expression became darker. “That being though… he knew her identity beforehand.” “You think he works for the Princesses?” Maleficent decided to humor the Queen a bit more. However her face seemed more interested on a particular page she stopped at. “That would be the most likely choice.” Chrysalis sat down and took a moment to think. “You and this Sora are from another world. Who’s to say that the Princesses did not summon another being from beyond?” “For that to happen, these princesses would have prior knowledge of the worlds beyond. Yet I have not seen a single pony within my travels, and from what i’ve seen thus far, the general populace knows nothing of it.” Maleficent placed a bookmark on the page she was reading before closing it up and standing to her feet. “Then again, it has come to my knowledge that the boy has arrived here on request of… Celestia and Luna, was it?” She barely remembered their names, she didn’t find it necessary to keep such knowledge for a soon to be gone monarchy. “If I had to guess, these oh so “benevolent” rulers of Equestria have some secrets of their own to hide from their subjects.” she chuckled “My, my, a bit selfish, don’t you think? Perhaps we should do the good people of this world a “Civil service” in a manner of speaking.” Chrysalis turned to her “What do you mean?” “Well, your agents need more time to gather information, and with this. Mystery helper to the crown running about, They would certainly need the distraction. I believe I told you of my bumbling oaf of an assistant?” “Ah, yes, that Pete fellow you speak of? How could he be of use to this plight.” “As much of a buffoon that he is, if there three things he is good at, it’s getting unwanted attention, blurting out secrets that are meant to be kept, and distracting you with his insufferable ego.” At this the Queen started make a smirk “When you put it like that, he would be absolutely perfect for the job.” Maleficent then bowed “Well then your majesty, if you don’t mind, I shall go prepare things.” and then she turned and stepped out. Queen Chrysalis couldn’t help but end up laughing maniacally. “I wonder if a kingdom is still a kingdom when their subjects lose faith.”                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       > Chapter 21: Home Sweet Home > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- (As Always Green Text means "click me" to play theme music to go with what your reading. Red text means to stop the music. Something COMPLETELY NEW! Anywords with This Coloring to their text means to click on it for a sound effect. If there is music playing, then let it keep playing, the sound effect is brief Completely optional: Your free to ignore this) Just outside of the Library         Sora was making his way down the path to reach his new home, but his mind was on other matters. “What was I so red in the face for?... Was what she said the reason? Now that I think about it.” he remembered the hug fluttershy gave him, and the many other ones that Pinkie gave him. He never looked in a mirror but did he blush during those times. Well, normally when a pretty girl hugs you, that ha- He stopped walking for a moment as his eyes widened What…. Where was my mind heading to? he closed his eyes and tapped his hoof against his forehead “OK, ok this is getting a little strange. Let’s just…. Just head home for now.” He looked up to see that the construction was indeed done at his home, however what he found as odd was a new structure that looked like it just recently attached to the front of it. “It looks like a kiosk or something”Curiosity got the better of him when he saw a Red Pom Pom moving about behind the counter. Once he made his way over he spoke “Mogson, it that you?” The gruff voice was gave it away if the pom pom didn’t“Huh?! What? Hold on, we’re not open yet, kupo! Come back tomor-” When mogson finally floated up from under the counter he then smiled “Oh, it’s just you!” He  then gestured to the kiosk, “What do you think? It’s not done yet, I still need to build the shelves to actually stock my wares, Hmm… Should build an extension for storage as well, kupo.” he then rubbed his chin. “Say you don’t mind that the synthesizer is technically “in” your house do you?” he pointed to the somewhat small doorway on the wall that led to inside his house. “Oh, uh, I uh guess not so long as it doesn’t keep me up at night?” “Oh don’t you worry about that! My store will only run during the day. “I don’t have that kind of youth to pull all nighters, kupo” he then cleared his throat. “By the way, I got a good look at your new pad, sonny. It’s looks pretty cozy, though they seem to only supply you with the bare minimum furniture. He then looked at him. “Though judging by your looks you don’t seem to be the type that’s good with interior decorating, kupo.” Sora could only shrug “Probably not. I mostly slept in the gummi ship after I was swept away form my world the first time.” Mogson nodded “I see, I see. Well tell you what? Since I’m such a nice guy, and your helping me out by letting me live and run my business here, if you do some good things around here, or perhaps help endorse my products, kupo. I can order or synthesize some furniture or decorations for the place. Cuz let’s face it. Once you go in there, you’re gonna know what I mean by “bare” minumum, kupo.” Sora thought about it and nodded, seemed fair and what harm could it be to have a nice looking house while he was here. “Of course, you can donate some moolah in any thing you want as well. Just remember. For orders outside this world, that’s gonna cost money, while anything here would cost “bits” as those ponies would call it, kupo. So if you see like some super cool chair or poster on the mognet catalogue, Don’t even both giving me bits. No Munny, No Business, and vice versa. I’ll be sure to request Equestrian interior decorating catalogues by tommorrow.” Sora smiled, he had to admit, this sort of caught it interest. If he was going to live here, he could at least put some effort in its looks, in case of visitors. “Alright, I think I’m for that.” Mogson nodded “Good, cuz you were gonna help me with it anyway. If I’m gonna be staying here, I atleast want to enjoy my time whenever I’m inside. Anyway, I’m yammering too much, kupo. We can talk more after you check the place out. Go ahead, I’ll be here for the rest of the day. Unfortunately, You’ll have to wait tomorrow if you wanted to stock up on supplies or buy accessories. But you’re still free to order anything on the outer worlds catalogue if you want. I still need to get my hands on an Equestrian catalog so Save your bits if you were hoping to get some pony furniture, kupo.” Mogson apparently wanted to make this clear. Sora nodded “Sure, that’s fine, I’ll check that out after going inside” he then made his way to the front door, eager to get a look, and sure enough. Mogson was right. “The place almost looked Empty. What WAS there looked nice, if not simple and few in number. Immediately on his left there was a somewhat large extrusion from the wall. He was about ponder the purpose of it when he remembered that on the other side of it. Was the moogle shop Mogson was still working on. “Oh, the synthesizer must be in there.” Now that he thought about it. He never did get to see what those looked like. And judging how there were no openings or windows to look into that wide extension form the wall, it seemed like it was meant to be that way. “Hey wait… How did he do that?” He looked at the extension once more. Surely the construction workers didn’t build that part. They’d have no reason to. And yet it looks like a professional stuck it in. How long did it take him to build it for that matter? Questions started filling his head to the point that he decided to just put if off until he talked to the old timer later. He decided to check the rest of his house. His first stop was the door on the far end corner of the living room. Once he opened it, he got a good look inside and his eyes showed  some interest. As he expected it was the training room. It was a rather large, area, equipped with training dummies. Proper ones. What looked like exercise equipment, training weapons held on racks and in barrels, But for the most part it was a big vacant room with a large mat in the center, probably for sparring. Perhaps Rainbow and Applejack would be up for that. After taking a few swings at one of the dummies for the heck of it, Sora left the training room and made his way to the stairs. Upon reaching the top of them, he was greeted to just one large room. No surprise, it wasn’t the most exciting to look at. However, because of its size, it held a lot of potential for all sorts of furniture he could put in it. As for furniture, he saw a pretty generic bed, wooden, dresser, and doorway leading to the bathroom. There was a small night stand with a lamp on the side of the bed to take note of as well. “Well, atleast I can sleep in my own bed tonight.” Sora started walking downstairs. “It has been a long day and the sun will set soon, He decided to just speak with Mogson about the other world catalog. After a short flight down the steps and a walk outside the first thing that that he heard was a crashing sound “What?!” He turned his head to the source and already saw boxes in front of the stand Mogson was working on. “When did…” Well he was going to head over there anyway. Upon reaching the front counter he could hear grumbling. “Jeez Louise, Nearly broke that piece, kupo” the small door in the back wall opened up revealing Mogson wiping his paws together and already flying to one of the opened boxes “Hey, kiddo… You hear that?” he chuckled as he lifted up what looked like crafting material “Ah don’t mind me, I figured I’d synthesize some things for myself for the house, kupo. Don’t worry, I’m just taking a part of your bedroom is all. “Well, I can see what you mean now, so I guess it couldn’t hurt to look at that catalog you have.” Sora was now inspecting the contents of one of the opened boxes, it was filled with potions “Also, How’d you get all these things here? I wasn't even inside for more than 10 minutes.” “Ah, ah, trade secrets, my boy, kupo” Mogson came back out holding what looked like a large magazine and plopped it on the counter and opened it up. “Can’t have competitors matching our speedy services after all.” He flipped through a few pages and waved him over. “Now are you gonna purchase something from this thing or what?” Seeing his answer get deflected so easily, he decided to comply and trot over to the counter and got a look for himself. As they flipped back and forth around the magazine, Sora was seeing quite a few interesting things inside. The furniture ranged from things like couches and appliances to even things like posters or pictures. Sora caught a glimpse of a Struggle Poster. Which was strange I thought that was only a thing for Twilight Town. Maybe the sport’s name is starting to get around. Upon looking at the poster his immediate thoughts were that it might gain some interest with Rainbow and Applejack if he ever set it up. He continued looking on. There was quite a few exotic looking appliances that were up for grabs. Perhaps they were the work of some artisan in like Gepetto. Hm, I wonder how he and Pinocchio are doing? Seeing all this cookware made him think of Pinkie Pie, she’d probably want to bake some sweet treats with them if she ever got the chance. He noticed a tea set next on the list, it wasn’t exactly furniture, but for some reason it was on the catalog, he could see Fluttershy and Rarity enjoying a cup if he ever bought it. However, he would need some more furniture like couches and coffee tables to make it more comfortable to have it. The next thing he noticed was a bookcase that was for sale, it looked rather nice and would definitely match with the walls inside the house. He was sure that Twilight might show up and talk to him about filling it with books. There were other sorts of furniture, but he decided to look at those another time. He wanted to purchase something of good value and would make things more accommodating, he wanted to save the rest of his Munny so he could replenish his potions he used in the past and perhaps synthesize some materials he collected he was thankful for enchanted deep pockets but even those were going reach their limit since he didn’t have the gummi ship’s storage on hand. So the first thing he purchased was a storage chest to put materials in for later. “Good thinking, kupo, wouldn’t want you running into some mithril only to find out your pockets are stuffed to the brim already. “I should have it sent in tomorrow morning, I’ll place it in the bedroom.” Storage chest purchased: Now you can toss in stuff you don’t need into it… Just don’t treat it like a garbage bin… Sora decided to at least buy one more thing before he called it quits, probably one to help his friends accommodate to his house. But what to choose. As if some higher being simply rolled some sort of dice because even he couldn’t decide, he randomly made a decision. “Uh how about that tea set, I mean I never made tea, but it doesn’t sound too hard to do.” “About as easy as boiling water and throwing a leaf or flavor pack into it, anyway, kupo.” Mogson chuckled as he marked the tea set off the list as well and received Sora’s Munny. “Alright, I’ll have that tea set for you by tomorrow, I’ll even throw in a tea kettle just cuz I like ya, kid” Tea Set Purchased: Definitely something for ponies that like to be more relaxed in your house… Though you don’t seem all that willing to throw a Tea party, or at least the kind in wonderland… With that done, Mogson closed up the catalog for now “I’ll be sure to get the latest issues when I can, kiddo.” He started flying to the back of the door. Oh before you go, sorry for asking so much from you, but I was hoping you could help me out a bit tomorrow, kupo.” “Uuuh, ok, help out with what?” Sora raised an eyebrow. “Well you see, we’re in a  new world that just learned about heartless and what not. And no doubt there’s some of them pony folk slashing up those critters without so much as thinking twice about the things they drop, kupo” Sora nodded, this was true, it was obvious the Royal guards and anyone brave enough to fight heartless wouldn’t find any value in the money or any other items the heartless would drop. “You see my point?” Mogson continued “It’s a travesty is what it is, kupo! These locals need to be educated on such things or my shop will be all but abandoned.” “Ok, so what do you want me to do about it?” Sora got the point already so he decided to cut to the chase. “It’s simple, tomorrow morning just meet me at the shop and I’ll explain more when you get here. You do this for me and I got something special for you, I promise, kupo.” Sora was now getting pretty interested about this and seeing as the sun was setting, perhaps it was best to just call it a night anyway. “Alright I guess, I am curious on what this would be all about” ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Next Day The first thing Sora could hear first thing in the morning was loud banging and clanging right next to his ear “AAAAH!!” He shot out of his bed his legs scrambled about the covers tangling him around and making him fall face first to the wood floor as he fell off the bed. “Rise and Shine, kiddo! You got work to do, kupo!” It was Mogson holding a pot and a large metal ladle. “Get that sleep out of your eyes and get some breakfast, my grand opening will be in less than an hour!” For an old guy he sure seemed pretty spry. “Come on now, we don’t got all day and I need customers, kupo! Oh yeah I placed your Chest right across from the bed and decided to leave tea set at the kitchen counter. The cabinets are full as it is with food and dishes. I’d say you should buy it’s own stand for it be placed on, kupo.” “Whoa wait, huh?” Sora was shaking the covers off his tangled body and finally getting on his hooves. “Wait? Breakfast?” hearing that perked him up and the scent of it was more than enough to knock him out of his groggy state. “Of course, It’s the most important meal of the day after all, kupo. I can already tell by the look of ya that you’re not much of a Home Ec guy. So, since you’re letting me stay here and run my shop, I’ll be making our meals. Just don’t go complaining about this and that, kupo. If it’s on your plate and you’re not allergic to it, that’s what you’re getting.” He really couldn’t say anything about that, It’s not like he had time to actually start learning how to cook, so the kitchen would’ve probably have gathered dust from disuse as he’d probably buy take out or something. “Well, quit standing there, you gotta help me out remember, go eat, kupo!” And like that Mogson flew out the door and down stairs. Sora decided not to delay any longer as he picked up his jacket and saddle bags he hung on corners of the footboard and fumbled to get them on before making his way for the door.  He stopped when he was passing the chest… and decided to dump some materials he had been carrying into it. Giving his bags more storage space for future endeavors, then left the room and went down the stairs. Once down there he looked over at the kitchen table and saw what was on the menu. “Oh sweet! An Omelette!” he was already taking a seat and digging in. “Thanks Mogson!” he said between bites. Mogson just chuckled as he was carrying his plate and a glass of orange juice outside “So then he does have table manners. Your welcome sport, I’ll be over at the shop. Still need to tweak a few things so I’ll eat and work, kupo.” Sora continued eating, “Man, he knows how to cook” He thoroughly killed that meal with vigor before finally stepping outside, only to receive another surprise. Somehow from the last time he spoke to the Moogle until now, extra space was extended to the shop. “He did say, he was gonna add an extension… but I thought he doesn’t pull all nighters… How’d he...” He shook his head it was probably part of that “trade secret” for the reason why. Mogson then popped his head out from behind the counter “Ah there you are, enjoy your meal, kupo?” Sora nodded “Yeah, you’re a really good cook, surprisingly” “What do you mean, ‘surprisingly’, kid?” Mogson sounded offended “I’ll have you know that cooking is a bit of a hobby of mine, kupo. It’s not like running a moogle shop is full of excitement every day after all.” “Well that would explain how your able to eat all those snacks yesterday.” Sora gave a smirk as he poked the old moogle in the belly “Where do you put it all?” The Moogle huffed as he rubbed his gut “Running a business requires A LOT of energy my friend, kupo.” He then made a proud pose “I wouldn’t be the tycoon I am today without something to keep my engines running, kupo. Now let’s get things ready for my grand opening, There'll be a herd of customers marching their way here!” Moogle rolled up his imaginary sleeves as he got his stocks all lined up and signs and lists all set up. “Whoa, you managed to get your shop advertised already?” Sora sat back once again surprised how far ahead the old timer planned everything. “You betcha, kupo! I managed to recruit help on that from the lovely lady of course” He beamed “Lovely lady? You mean Fluttershy?” ~~~ Meanwhile                  Fluttershy was in the middle of Ponyville with a stack of papers on her back while waving one in her hooves as she shouted to the citizens “Um, excuse me… there is a… I mean please check out the moogle shop… that is, if it’s ok with you.” The ponies didn’t seem to notice her very well and the ones that did, had no clue she was trying to get their attention, since her voice was drowned out by the multiple chatter and sounds of a busy street . “Oh dear....” ~~~ Back to Sora’s House         Sora had a pretty good idea how that was working out. “I’ll… help her out.” He got to his hooves and made his way down the path         “Hey! Where you going?! I’ll need you to endorse my goods!” Mogson called out         “I know, don’t worry I’ll be back by then!” He called out but was then tackled to the ground by a rainbow blur “Ow…” he opened his eyes and looked up to notice a cyan pegasus staring right  back into his She had a big grin on her face “Morning, Spiky! I see your house is done, So that must mean we can train in it too right?!” Well she gets points for just getting straight to what’s on her mind. “Uh, yeah it’s done, um I thought you still had to help Applejack every morning for the rest of this month” Sora cocked his head to the side. I think I’m used to getting tackled by these girls now… I’m pretty sure that’s not a good thing The look on her face betrayed her words as her gaze shifted to look at something else more interesting “Uuuh yeah, totally, but she figured it be ok I take ONE day off to meet my awesome buddy, Sora here, right?” Again with the smile, but it now had more of a pleading look to it. Sora got back up and sighed as he dusted himself off. “You’re really dead set on fusing aren’t you?” “Of course I am! It’s SO not fair! How did Pinkie get it, before me?!” “Hey! Are you gonna stand there and keep talking with the rainbow haired guy all day? I still need help here, kupo!” Mogson called out watching the whole scene. A vein appeared on Rainbow’s face and her eye twitched as she made a scowl before whipping her head towards the source of the voice. “I’m a Mare you jerk!” After a short stare down she finally got a good look at who spoke “What the hay is that?!” “Oh yeah, Rainbow that’s Mogson. He’s a Moogle who came to Equestria to set up a Moogle shop here. He’s from space like me.” Sora seemed to talk about Mogson in a rather nonchalant way. “Another alien! Awesome!” She immediately flew up to the little  guy scaring him half to death with how fast she crossed she was already at his counter “Whatcha selling?!” ‘                   “Oooh, are you looking to buy, kupo?” this gave Mogson’s mood a complete reversal as he smiled and thrusted his arms up. “Ahem! Welcome to the Moogle here to supply you with everything you need for fighting heartless and other baddies you may come across!” “Oh really?! Like what?” Rainbow was looking at the shelves behind him. “Hey that looks like those potions and blue glowy blocks Sora used before!” “Exactly” Sora finally came up to counter. “Moogle shops is where I stock up on supplies or synthesize things.” “Synthesize?” Rainbow raised an eyebrow “But of course, he is a keyblade wielder after all, so these are common knowledge to him, kupo. Basically speaking, Behind that door there is my synthesizer, no moogle shop is complete without one. If you bring materials dropped by heartless with the right kinds and amounts I can create many things, kupo. Like stronger potions or ethers, accessories that enhances your abilities and strengths, weapons though those ones would require a lot of material and cash compared to the previous options, and there is much more that it can make as well, kupo.” “Aw sweet! Set me up!” She whipped out her bag of bits and slamming it on the counter. Immediately Mogson got a look of it and shook his head before pushing it away. “Sorry these items can’t be bought buy bits.” “What?! Then how the hay am I supposed to buy those? Incase you haven’t noticed, bits is money! What kind of merchant doesn’t take money?!” Again Mogson shook his head at the pegasus “This kind of money is only useful for your world. What I’m selling is something clearly out of this world. If you want to purchase my wares or use my synthesizer, you’ll need to have munny.” “What? Are you talking about, I gave you money right there!” Rainbow pointed at her bag of bits. Aaaand I can see where this is gonna be a problem in the future Sora shook his head before speaking up. “Hold up, Dash. Let me clear up what he means. ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Golden Oaks Library         “Well, they’re certainly getting chatty over there” Merlin stood by a window looking out at Sora’s home next door, listening to the conversation the moogle and blue pegasus were making before Sora joined in.         Behind him, Twilight was learning  to hone Fire and blizzard until fluttershy arrived before they could REALLY continue with the lessons. She felt like she was close to taking Fire to the next level soon, Merlin called it Fira and from what he said, it was much more explosive than Fire, however, She was also told that the move could also be used as a defensive measure if needed, She would have to work on that after enhancing the spell.         “Here we go…” She shot another fireball from her horn at a bunched up group of tea kettles, cups, and saucers annihilating them in an instant. “Yes! I’m getting better at this.” the more she used this kind of magic, the more she felt like it used up a different kind of magical energy. Whenever she would feel like she ran out of juice, it didn’t cause her a headache like whenever she used Equestrian magic, though it did give her a sense that something in her was exhausted. Yet her body was fine. She couldn’t quite accurately put her hoof on what it was. It was the only thing that helped her make sense of how Fluttershy was able to cast spells as well. Everything she learned about magic was basically getting laughed at it’s face whenever Sora or fluttershy used magic. She wanted to master it, and then one day, understand it. It’s entirely new field never been touched upon, and if even Fluttershy and Sora could use it, who else could? All this excited her and made ever so eager to learn more about it, and it showed in her progress in Merlin’s teachings. She was the Element of Magic, so she felt it was her duty to explore every path of magic. Merlin finally pried his eyes away from the window to turn to the unicorn “I must say, Ms. Sparkle your aptitude in the arcane is quite refreshing to see for this old man.. Er or I guess, stallion would be precise” he chuckled “Though perhaps it’s best that we turn that eagerness to learn in a different direction for a moment.” At this the Librarian perked up. “Something new for me to learn?” He nods as he stroked his beard, “Indeed, however It would appear time another matter needs to be attend to.”  He looked up the stairway. A confused expression adorned her face as she was about to ask but immediately was interrupted by her number one assistant “Twilight!! A letter! A letter from the Princess!” the little dragon was scurrying down the steps before tripping and tumbling the rest of the way there, yet that didn’t seem to deter him from his mission as he got on his feet held the scroll out, panting as he spoke. “There’s trouble in Canterlot… again!” > Chapter 22: Oaf of the Witch > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- (As Always Green Text means "click me" to play theme music to go with what your reading. Red text means to stop the music. Anywords with This coloring to their text means to click on it for a sound effect. If there is music playing, then let it keep playing, the sound effect is brief Completely optional: Your free to ignore this) Dear Twilight,         An urgent crisis has arisen, it would seem Chrysalis and this Maleficent have made a move. They have set a large scale invasion towards city streets here. My guards are keeping them at bay, and my sister and I are taking them out as much as we can. However, there seems to be no end to them in sight, as it pains me to admit it, Luna and I cannot keep this up forever and more seems to slip past our defenses somehow. we believe that somepony is leading them. We ask that you bring Sora and your friends to Canterlot to subdue this leader, they are crafty enough to hide away from us, that much is certain. We hope that you fair a better chance than we do as soon on this task. I have sent a chariot with the fastest Pegasi available in the guard. Gather everyone to your library and make haste. I wish you all luck in this endeavor. Sincerely, Princess Celestia High above Equestria         Sora peered out the window the chariot he and the girls were riding in. the countryside and some clouds whipping below him. The pegasus pulling their ride were really booking it, and for a good reason. “Looks like it won’t be much longer before we reach the city.” “Good, the sooner the better” Twilight replied as she rolled up the letter and put it away in her saddle bag. It seemed this time around she was going out dressed in an outfit. Rarity managed to finish her’s, Fluttershy’s, and Pinkie’s the night before. With Twilight’s help Rarity was able to give the girls new outfits a temporary enchantment on Durability and Defense, however, they were in such a rush so it had to be only those two out of necessity. Twilight’s outfit, looked like it took some inspiration on design from Sora’s outfit, a dark purple cloth jacket with two tone streaks matching the streaks in her mane going up her sleeves connecting to her hoodie that matched their colors as well. It was zipped up all the way with a gem representing her element as the tab on the zipper you pull on. She wore light pink leggings that seemed pretty loose at the ends of her legs and end a few centimeters from her blue laced boots. They had a modern look like Sora’s and held to her hind hooves wit dark blue straps at the front of the boot, in front of the tongues. Wrapped around her hip area was a belt with a specially designed saddle bag on both sides, with the same design and color code as her boots, only the latch resembles her element. It already seemed filled with other various items as well. Fluttershy’s took the same inspiration as Twilight’s did, but her’s took on a more floral form. The entire outfit took on a rather light green path as the majority of it’s color with a white as it’s follow up color for trimmings, straps, etc. She was wearing a sleeveless hoodie jacket, made of a thin and smooth material unlike Twilight’s jacket, the end of it reached all the way down to her legs and then out and away from her body a few inches looking like flower petals just past the black belt around her waist, and her zipper having a pink butterfly representing her element. On her belt her saddle bags resembled Twilight’s, sans the color scheme and the latch. But she had a third bag that was a slightly wider version of them, and it was clear inside those bags, they were clearly medicinal. Her shoes also taking the modern look, yet the there were black trims where the front of the shoes would meet the white straps holding the shoes to her hooves, with White soles and light everywhere else on those shoes. Oddly enough Fluttershy seemed also be holding onto a short staff of some sort, but that wasn’t part of Rarity’s design. Finally was Pinkie Pie’s outfit. Her’s was, no surprise, had more or a mirthful look to it. A light blue buttoned up  blouse with with Pinkie’s gem represented at the front and center of it but cut in half to placed on both sides of the line of buttons, with puffed out sleeves and frilled trimmings on them and the bottom of the blouse. Purple somewhat puffy pantaloons that end just before where the legs bend with the same frilled trimmings. On her forelegs were red Leg bands and she was the only one in the group without saddlebags. Though it wasn’t like she would’ve needed them anyway for storage. “Ok, Sora what’s the plan?” she looked over to boy with his head still out the window. “Huh?” he pulled his head back in “Sorry wind in in my face, couldn’t quite catch that.” “The plan! What are we gonna once we get there? You’ve had far more experience fighting heartless then we have. So what do you suggest we do?” “Oh, ok! Listen closely, here’s what we do!” Everyone leaned towards Sora to listen in to his wisdom. He inhaled for his long winded explanation and spoke “BWAAAH!” He yelled out loud while sticking his tongue out raising his hooves over his head in an attempt to scare the girls, which it did for some and startled the others. Which got him into a fit of laughter. “Land sakes Sora, ya’ almost gave me a dern’ heart attack!” Applejack held a hoof to her chest. “Sora dear, was that really necessary, my nerves are on edge as it is.” Rarity was fanning herself with her own hoof to calm herself down. Meanwhile Pinkie seemed to be giggling with Sora after immediately getting over the little jump scare. “Pinkie!” “Oh come on Rarity, he only did that cuz we're all stuffy and on edge. Good one Sora, I’ll get you back though!” Sora calmed down abit from laughing to reply. “I’ll keep it in mind.” he shook his head before speaking “But yeah, you guys are getting way too uptight about this.” “Or maybe you’re just not uptight enough!” Twilight rebuttaled “Ponies are endanger right now and you’re cracking jokes?! Canterlot is the capital of Equestria in case you haven’t noticed!” Sora raised his arms defensively “Hey I know just how important this is, really. However you guys look like you’re gearing up like it’s the end of the world and we’re the only ones out there fighting.” Twilight was about to say something but stopped herself as a thought did arise in her mind. “See? I bet you’re thinking of the Princesses right now.” Seeing the unicorn look away he smiled then looked at the others. “Thought so, from what you guys tell me about them, they are no pushovers and care a lot about their people… er ponies. And they have a royal guard, That’s already tons more help than I ever got. And I alongside an army once.” though I hardly saw much of them during my time there he scratched his cheek at that memory of Mulan’s world. “I have no doubt that the citizens have already been evacuated to safety and the Princesses and the guard are defending them.  We’re just gonna go in and nip this invasion in the bud.” The girls all looked to each other, he did raise a point, they weren’t alone in this fight and they had to trust that the Princesses and guard took care of the biggest worries. Twilight spoke again. “Alright, then what do you suppose we should do, to as you say “nip this in the bud”? We have the mission but what’s the plan to do it?” “Take down heartless and look for the leader” Sora said simply. The girls were silent for a moment before  Applejack spoke up. “Aaand…” “Take down the leader” …. “Sora?... do you ever set up plans for these things?” Twilight asked Sora stuck his head out the window and gazed below them. “Not really? When your fighting heartless it’s pretty straight forward, don’t let them capture hearts nor yours, think on your feet. Ah sweet, looks like we’re flying over the thick of it!” he shocked everyone in the carriage along the pegasi pulling it along as he leaped out of the window and entered a free fall to the raging battle alone. “Here we go!” “Sora!” the girls stared out in shock at their reckless friend. “Did Sora forget he’s not a pegasus?” Pinkie stuck her head out the window down to watch his descent. “W-what do we do now?” Fluttershy joined Pinkie to find him, but immediately regretted it and whipped her head back in. “So high” She shrunk into a corner. Rainbow shook her head “Now that I think about it, he did survive when the bridge in the forest broke. Must be some cool alien thing he can do.” “From this high up? What is he made of?” Twilight looked out from the other window, now Sora was so far down she could even see him as he carelessly reached terminal velocity before and summon his keyblade. “Dunno, but now I’m pumped! See ya girls after the victory party! I’m going where he’s going!” Rainbow was about to fly out before Twilight caught her in her magic. “Hold on Rainbow, it’s bad enough Sora’s going head first into danger. The rest of us will actually be following a plan here!” Rainbow groaned “Who needs a plan, you just bust up the heartless, we’ve done it before, A LOT!” “This time is different Rainbow Dash, now listen up, girls, this is how things will work.” As Twilight began her explanation. Sora was just about to reach ground level ~~~ Canterlot Streets (Luna’s Defense)         “Leave no quarter, soldiers!” Luna called out to her guard who stood before her shield and spears out and forming a spiked wall as they inched forward to gain more territory Pegasus Guards flew above to take out any heartless that would appear on the roof tops or even take on any aerial heartless with either close combat or with bows.         Luna herself would use her magic to take on the larger heartless to make it easier for them but in the meantime it seemed like she was conserving her energy for something else. However, with every moment she uses her power to take down a larger foe, some power is used up, causing her to regain that lost magical energy.         Soon enough Larger heartless started appearing from the corners of alleys or just out of thin air in front of them making their way towards the front line defensive. “Tch, wretched beasts.” She was preparing to use more of her charged power until she heard a voice from above         “Incoming!” She looked up prepared to take out the supposed ambush only to gawk in in surprise once she saw the owner of the voice. Sora finally reached the battle just a few meters above the Princess and the guards. Freaking out the nearby pegasus guards that just happened to be nearby as he fell right by them. With Keyblade in hoof he saw the enemy they were trying to push back and immediately started twisting his body as fast as possible. Once he felt like he reached top speed, he channeled in as much light into his blade as he could before he whipped the keyblade along with the spin and hurled it over the ponies below and towards the armies of darkness. “OK!”         That keyblade was flying through the air as it dipped so low it nearly touch the stone pavement before it evened out for a horizontal flight. Flying low and dispersing light It plowed through the long street knocking Heartless into the air, annihilating the smaller ones and leaving the larger ones helpless and Airborne. This was when Sora landed on his hooves next to the Princess of the Night. “Hey Luna!” then kicked off the ground into a long jump, vaulted off a stunned guard’s shield, and entered flowmotion summoning his keyblade again, bouncing off buildings, swinging off street lamps, and cutting down the surviving heartless the closest ones to him could touch the ground.         Not one to waste this opportunity Luna moves forward with the guard as they take up new ground. “Advance!” The soldiers practically galloped down the long, now empty street until they were caught up where Sora was fighting. The young stallion takes this moment to hop over the defenses when he noticed Luna beckoning him to her. “Hello, again Your majesty. You alright?”         She nods “Perfectly fine, young warrior, it will take much more than a few heartless to get the better of this Princess I assure you.” She gave a proud demeanor for him. But soon heaved a sigh “However, it is my sister’s and mine true goal to reach the plazas up ahead our designated streets, but as you can see. Our enemy isn’t willing to cooperate with us taking a step forward.         “What’s up there?” he asked         “Choke points, if you will. The moment we reach there, We can send more of the guards back to safe guard the citizens, While my sister and I and the remaining guards defend the front from there. She and I have something, Special planned once we get there that should change the odds in our favor and hopefully flush out this would be leader of the heartless.” She gave a smirk at the idea.         Sora mimicked the same look. “I’m liking that idea.” he looked on ahead. “Alright, So you just need to a clear path, right?”         “Indeed, and if it’s at all possible, we require time and concentration for our ‘surprise’ once we get there, We hope the Heartless are pushed so far back that we do not have to use up our charged power to aid our soldiers.” Luna looked on ahead as the guards up front were fighting on and pushing ahead. “We have faith our soldiers will make it through, but larger heartless or heartless with more vitality, might slow our progress down.”         “Ok, so mostly focus on the big guys and the tanks, got it. But your sister is doing the same thing, right. So she should be having the same problem!”         Luna nodded with a grimace “indeed, And we are so far apart that, I’m afraid running between our fronts wouldn’t be the fastest option.”         “Well what about an air lift!” A familiar voice from above. Sora and Luna looked up to see that rainbow maned Pegasus fly in and making a dynamic entrance and landed right between them.         “Rainbow! Perfect timing! Did you catch all that” Sora walked up to her and bumped hooves with her.         “More or less, basically and our chariot landed behind Celestia so we heard the same spiel. Twilight apparently already worked out a plan for us girls, AND for you too, but apparently you decided to just wing it”         Sora rubbed the back of his head sheepishly and chuckled. “Sorry about that, my heart just told me to jump and help.”         “I for one am glad that you did, Young Sora,” Luna bowed her head. “Precious time has been saved thanks to you following your heart”         “HEAVIES SIGHTED!” up ahead a guard called out to the others. Sora and the girls looked ahead and sure enough some Large bodies were waddling down the street toward them. Trailing behind them were another type of Heartless Sora never thought he’d ever see again. Not as Tall as the Large Body, but they definitely looked buff, and covered in armor. In one hand they held a shield, but what made that shield frightening was the face of a black aggressive looking three eyed Wolf face. It looked like it was growling even. (Picture owned by Square Enix, Location of Picture: http://www.ign.com/boards/threads/favorite-enemies-in-the-kh-series-heartless-nobodies-unversed-dream-eaters-and-bosses.453891095/ )         “No way… defenders? They’re still around?... He shook his head “I guess we we’ll have to cut this chat short everyone.”         “Agreed, there is much to do, Canterlot is counting on you all.” Luna replied as she stepped forward.         “Yes, ma’am” both Rainbow and Sora Saluted to the Princess before Rainbow decided to speak.         “Ok, Spikey, here’s the deal, I still got my mission to take care of, but I’ll be keeping an eye on both Princesses progress, If it looks like one’s falling behind, I’m swooping you out and to where you’re needed most, got it? No, if ands or buts about it.” She poked at his muzzle with her hoof making him snort and shake his head for a moment.         “Right, right, I got it. You don’t have to be so rude about it” still he smiled before turning and running off to the front to intercept the BIG contenders. Rainbow had a smile of her own before flying up to the skies. Her mission was a simple one. Take down the aerial heartless fast and hard and Airlift Pinkie whenever the front line is pushed far enough ahead.         Pinkie was placed on a rooftop between the two streets the Princesses were on and was firing all weapons at every heartless in sight. “I’m here to kick flank and Chew cupcakes! And I’m all out of-Oh wait” she immediately pulled a cupcake out of her hair “Never mind!” she took a bite as she continued firing with one fore hoof doing all the work of two on the control panel. She was juts knocking black buzzards out of the sky and disrupting heartless hordes with mortar shots down the streets. “Yummy, Strawberry!”         Fluttershy was directed to start with checking on the wounded guards that to be pulled back. Thankfully she managed to pass step one Cure magic since all that was needed was to gather all the soldiers to her as she cast the spell, it was an area effect so multiple soldiers were back in action and even energized to get back in the fight. Another thanks to the saddle bags Rarity designed for them, now that if Fluttershy ran out of Magic energy, she Sora was able to purchase Ether for her to take with, along with some potions as well. Surprisingly when it came to caretaking injured ponies, she didn’t seem to be as timid and was rather forceful when she told a wounded soldier to “STAY PUT” when she was waiting to cast the spell again.         Rarity was with Applejack as they took on alley ways and would double check for any breaches that the heartless can get past and deeper into the safe zone behind lines and Squash them. For applejack’s case Literally. Guards would then be posted on those potential openings leaving the two girls to look for more potential weak spots. “Oh look! A fashion store, Applejack! I simply must take a peek inside… for… heartless, of course…”         “Nice Try, Rares! But we have more important things right now, if’n ya don’t mind” The farmer started nudging her fashion conscious friend down the path.         “Oooh, you're no fun at all.” Rarity pouted “I bet the clothes there were out of date anyway.”         “Mhmm…” was Applejack’s only response as they  continued on ahead.         Twilight was over by Celestia’s side casting the new spells she learned from Merlin. Whether it was to help push forward the advance or to show her teacher the new things she learned was anyone’s guess. “Princess, This one is my the strongest spell I’ve been working on!” Nope, nope, she just wanted to show the Princess what she could do.         Twilight stood on a old crate on the side of the rode, focused her magic through her horn and fired a barrage of Fireballs at the heartless ahead. “Fira!” Least to say it really disrupted the heartless and aided the guards in pushing forward.         Celestia simply smiled at her student but with a shake of her head She seemed pretty serious earlier “Very good Twilight, it appears Merlin is training you well.”         The unicorn was beaming at the praise and jumped off the crate “Wait til you see this then” she charged her horn again this time it released a spark. “Thunder!” in the distance a huddled up group of heartless were stricken by a bolt out of nowhere and were convulsing on the spot if they weren’t already destroyed.         The Princess only sighed, so long as Twilight kept her mind on the task at hand, it should be fine to indulge her after all. ~~~ On the other side of the city         “Do you understand what your mission is?” Maleficent stood on the high roof tops of one of the buildings. With her was a rather BIG individual, by the name of Pete. For a lackey he seemed more of a headache then a boon to her in her opinion, but he did have his uses, once you learn what to expect from him.         “Yes, ma’am, Loud and Clear! You want me to charge in with the heartless and take over this dump, right? Claim it as your own and whatnot!” The big agreeable dolt clasped his hands together and nodded away like a yes man.         “Precisely, and if you just so happened to capture the Princesses of this world, I will certainly praise and reward you for your efforts.” the woman gave a rather sinister smile         “Oh, you betcha, Maleficent! You can definitely count on me to nab’em. Shouldn’t be too hard even if I have to drag them kicking and screaming, eeyeh heheheh” He laughed as a sinister grin covered his face. Maleficent simply turned and started walking. “Now THAT would definitely be a feat.” she decided to not tell them of how capable the royal sisters were. “Do not fail me this time” she said before stepping through the corridor of darkness. “Definitely, Maleficent! You can count on, ol Pete!” he called out before she finally vanished. That’s when his mind replayed the last thing she said and that caused him to roll his eyes “Pffft, As if it’s even possible to botch this job. Those pony folk seemed more than happy to scream and flee in terror from the mere sight of us.” Pete walked down the street and observed the Heartless making their way to the where the citizens ran off to, which from what he had guessed, was the castle. “Won’t be long until they're trapped like rats, heh heh.” He was about to make his way down in that direction when something to his right caught his direction. “Hm?... Oooh, now what do we have here?” he decided to make a slight detour. ~~~ Meanwhile         Sora was blazing down the street. He took to Luna’s advice and focused on the larger heartless, but that didn’t mean that he’d blow away the smaller ones that just so happened to com between him and the next Large Body or Defender. At he would even knock one of them up in the air, only to leap after them and slap them into the face of his main target to daze them long enough to get in close and strike at their weak spot. Before kicking off to enter another flow motion to his next foe.         “Ok!” as he flew in front of a defender, he narrowly dodges the shields lunging attack, hooked on a  street lamp to take his momentum from him and swing it towards that same heartless before it could pull back its shield. With his speed and his powerful swing, he decapitated his foe with the force, causing it to immediately disperse on the spot. He skidded on the ground on his hind legs, as he held his keyblade in one of his fore hooves aiming it at the heartless ahead. “Freeze!” a shotgun barrage of ice freezing winds assaulted the heartless relentlessly as he kept on firing the same spell at them. Soon freezing them all in place.         “The Captain of the guard took notice of this. “Form up! Charge ahead before they can thaw!” the guards all stuck close together, sheild and spear up front, then galloped down the street shattering through the dark ice sculptures. They had gained so much ground now so the guard couldn’t help but cheer at their successful attempt. “Alright, Alright! Back to it! We can celebrate after the jobs done! Now Move!” hearing the Captain knocked the cheer right out of them and focus on their job with a “Yes Sir!”         Sora reached in his saddle bag and tossed up an Ether over himself to regain his magic and was ready for another round when suddenly he was swooped up by a rainbow streak. “Whoa!”         “OK, I just got the signal. Things are slowing down over with Celestia!” Rainbow carried him nearly toward the other side of town where he could see how behind Celestia’s  advance was. “Gonna drop you down in a few seconds-What the?!” she had to veer up form a darkball that was flying right at her. “Gah! I thought Pinkie was handling everything in between!” she pulled away from a hookbat this time that was attempting to attack her with a sonar attack.         “Sora looked down below and noticed Pinkie was actually knocking out a lot of heartless with her turret, but he noticed some aerial heartless still manage to slip through. “Looks like you’ll need more pegasus  here, Pinkie can only handle so much.” he looked forward at another hook bat coming their way. “Just leave this guys to me, keep flying forward!”         “If you say so!” Rainbow kept a good grip on her payload and shot forward.         Sora held his keyblade in his right hoof, while Rainbow held onto his left leg and was smacking heartless that were charging right at them. When he would have enough breathing room he would even chuck his keyblade to oncoming foes in the distance “Gotta say, this is weirdest pegasus ride I’ve ever had!” he swiped a darkball in two.         “You don’t say?! Whoa!” Rainbow ducks under a dark projectile as Sora retaliates by hurling his keyblade at the offending heartless  smacking it back to the ground where if it didn’t disperse, it was gonna be after he saw one of Pinkie’s rockets fly toward its direction. Both he and Rainbow turned to where that rocket came form and they could see their pink hyper friend wave at them.         “HI RAINBOW! HI SORA!” she then proceeded to fire a barrage at the other heartless around them…. Now Rainbow had another thing to worry about.         “H-h-hey! HEY! Gyah!” Now she and Sora were too busy trying to fly through the hail of explosives. “Pinkie! I appreciate the help but we’re still here you know!”         Sora then caught sight of something. “Rainbow, I see Celestia!, we’re already here! Drop me!”         “For real?! Can do!” he let go of his hoof letting him plummet out of the rocket fire before she turned zipped her way out of that onslaught of bombs.         Sora was now at free fall. Looking down at the battle below. It looked like Celestia had just finished off the large heartless ahead, which is good, but would hurt in the long run now that she has to charge up the magic she lost and then some. He could see Twilight doing her best blasting the heartless with all the spells she learned, they weren’t as powerful but they were still effective.         However, what he caught int he corner of his eye was perfect. Down one of the now cleared alley’s was Applejack with Rarity. He put both hooves to his mouth and whistled loud enough for her and everyone else to hear and look up. “APPLEJACK!”  he then held his hoof out toward her. I’m not even gonna ask how I did that with hooves.         Applejack looked on and nodded with a smirk, understanding what he meant. “We we’re done here anyway. Rarity go ta’ Celestia!” her gem started glowing brightly.         “What would you be doing, dear?!” Rarity trotted up to her to get a good look at her glowing element.         “Helpin’ out our friend, of course” and just like that her element shot out of the pauldron on her gauntlet and flew right into Sora’s hoof where he immediately held his keyblade below it.         “Connect!” Both Sora and Applejack are covered in a flash of light, but only the farmer disappears, as Rarity runs on ahead.         Welcome back inside my head, AJ Sora held a big grin as he looked on to the apple themed Keyblade in his hoof.         Ah’ have ta’ admit, this still takes some gettin’ used to. they both looked below with Sora’s now green eyes some more heartless eager to take the place of their fallen brethren. But ah’ can see why ya need my help.         Sora nods as he twists in mid air throws the keyblade at the heartless closest to the guards. Instead of curving up like his kingdom key and going down the street, it impacted the stone pavement and embedded itself with it, causing a massive shockwave that cleared the of ALL Heartless, this gave the guard a perfect opportunity to charge up. “Got’em” before he finally landed right next to the princess. “Your highness” he nodded to her before sprinting off ahead.         Celestia breathed a sigh of relief, seeing him appear, now she was able to focus on her main task. Meanwhile Twilight looked on form Sora’s shockwave attack with surprise. “Wow, that cleared the area like when Rainbow dropped Applejack from….” that was when she noticed the keyblade and got a good look at it’s owner as he ran past her. “Oh, those two fused again… that makes sense then.” he pulled out another either and tossed it over herself, regaining her lost magic ability. However this time she was in deep thought. “I wonder, how does fusing even work… What would happen if Sora and I fuse?” She was so deep in thought she didn’t notice someone walk up to her.         “I don’t think now is the best time to be day dreaming, darling.” Rarity stood next to her and tried not to laugh as her purple friend nearly jumped out  of her fur from her sudden appearance. She then trotted ahead and decided to joined the fray, expertly shooting headshots with her magic bolts from a distance. She didn’t get any training in magic from Merlin, like Twilight or Fluttershy, but that didn’t mean she was helpless in the least. In fact she was a boon as she seemed to immediately take out Heartless that seemed out of reach or kept their distance from Sora or the guard’s attacks. “As the French would say, Un, Deux, Trois” Each time she counted in that language a large heartless was left without a head and therefore vanishing on the spot.         Oh boy, I think this is all going to her head now Sora could even hear Applejack sigh inside his head.         What makes you say- Sora’s question was cut short when he noticed the fashionista trot right past him  with her head held high and a swagger to her step.         “One side, Sora, dear. Allow me” she opened up her bag and from out of it were countless threading needles that she manage to levitate out and float around her. “This calls for a lady’s touch” she stood up on her hind legs made a forward twirl before facing forward once again and made a pose of a graceful dancer with an outstretched hoof as multiple needles left the group and pierced through the weak points of the heartless. Her “dance didn’t end there, with every step more needles shot out toward the heartless, this time hitting them in areas rending their attacks useless. A good example was man soldier’s shoes were literally pinned in place leaving them helpless to either more needles or magic attacks via Twilight, who apparently was the only one that wasn’t surprised by this turn of events. “Voila” before long the only remaining heartless were either pinned up against the walls or the ground and were soon dealt with by Twilight and the guards.         Sora and Applejack shared the same expression and it showed on Sora’s real face as his mouth was left open he looked on in surprise. “What, just happen?”         “Oh come now you two,” Rarity seemed pretty aware that Sora wasn’t the only on inside his head with a same look on his face as she trotted up to him. “You didn’t think, making those outfits was the only thing I was doing at home, did you?” she closed his mouth with her hoof and smiled as she as she casually made her way back to the others to pick up her needles once the heartless were dealt with.         Not wanting to be left behind Sora simply shrugged and just ran after the others, giving the heartless a taste of his and Apple Jack’s Earth shaking attacks. Whether crushed or smacked far away from Sora, burned, frozen, or shocked by Twilight, or turned into living pincushions from Rarity’s needles and bolts, it was a simple task for Celestia’s advance to catch up with Luna’s         “Your highness! Up ahead!” The Captain of the guard laid eyes on it first and was quick to relay it to her. The Plaza was in sight finally. It was covered in heartless as they mindlessly marched toward them.         “This is it, my little ponies, we must rout the enemy and make our stand here!” Celestia flared her wings and instilled as much courage and confidence as she could, which worked just as planned as the guards were all giving war cries as their attacks became more vigorous and aggressive.         Sora took a glance at his keyblade and sure enough, the apple gem was glowing. Perfect timing! He then reached into his bag. “Princess!” he turned to Celestia holding out one of his form release beads. Celestia didn’t hesitate to give Sora a nod.         “Go, You two” she referred to him and Applejack inside him. “Show us the power of your bond.”         With a nod of his own, Sora put the bead in between his jaws as he galloped past the heartless on the street to reach the alley, the girls and the guards could handle those small fries.         “Princess, what about the guards, won’t they see his true form?” Twilight asked He and and AJ would take the bigger task. He jumped off a Soldier’s head and bounded high in the air once he entered the plaza.         “Be at ease Twilight, it would be impossible at this point to feign ignorance to the truth about this world and the worlds out there… If it must be known for my ponies that otherworldly beings exist…         Sora crunches down on the bead in his mouth and immediately he is covered in a  flash of light that even the guards couldn’t help but look at. Once the flash vanished, they all seemed to carry the same shocked expression. “Then let that the first alien they see, be a hero, in hopes that they look out into the stars, to a brighter future, to a better tomorrow.” She couldn’t help but smile as she gazed at the flash of light. Once the flash was gone, Sora’s true self, via Streaks and the element of Applejack was in place of his pony appearance. His keyblade immediately transformed into that giant polearm Barrel hammer as he already had wound back behind him. His target: A defender that was grouped up with other heartless thinking its shield would be able to take on the impact. He immediately brings that monstrous weapon down on his foes. As both Sora and Applejack said the same thing ringing out a duo of voices. You’re in our way! > Chapter 23: Gratitude's Reward > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- (As Always Green Text means "click me" to play theme music to go with what your reading. Red text means to stop the music. Anywords with This coloring to their text means to click on it for a sound effect. If there is music playing, then let it keep playing, the sound effect is brief Completely optional: Your free to ignore this) Plaza, Celestia’s Advance         “What in Celestia’s name is that?!” One of the soldiers pointed out at the battle ahead as a new creature appeared in a flash of light wielding a giant hammer. When it’s hammer swung down on the defender below it, it pretty much flattened it to the ground with its own monster shield it tried to block the attack with. What came next was a loud thud as the stone pavement below it cracked and a heavy gust of wind from the impact blew the other heartless around it away. The defender soon vanished in defeat as a heart floated up away from where it once was.         The guards watch the bipedal being finally land on its two oddly shaped legs before lifting the giant weapon with one forelimb and resting it on its shoulder. It then turned to the ponies and lifted its other forelimb where instead of hooves was something that resembled the claws of a dragon, or better yet, the hands of a minotaur. It held out a balled up fist and its thumb was sticking up. Unsure of what that gesture meant, thankfully the creature spoke what he meant anyway. “We’re almost done here everyone, let’s show these heartless the door!”         Meanwhile Sora could hear Applejack in his head. Sora, no pony is gonna know what a thumbs up means. Hay, ah’ wouldn’t even know if’n ah’ wasn’t fused wit’ ya’ right now. He could hear her sigh Now their just givin’ ya’ funny looks.         Sora slouched a bit from this truth and grumbled. “It’s a pretty cool pose when you do know it though” in the end he ended up giving a heavy sigh as well. Before straightening back up and looking around. By now the heartless had righted themselves and decided to take on the nearest and biggest threat, which was apparently the keyblade wielder himself. He brought both hands onto the handle of his weapon. “Whatever, let’s just take care of these guys” he winded back and gave a wide horizontal swing in front of him and set to work, sending heartless flying if that hit didn’t kill them.         The guards were, for a moment unsure how to respond to this appearance of a new being. However seeing it fight against the heartless seemed to at the very least give them the idea that they had a common enemy, so it wasn’t long before they joined the fray, albeit a safe distance from the bipedal creature. Twilight and Rarity nodded toward each other before charging ahead, leaving Celestia behind to smile at the sudden turn of events.         Heartless were flying left and right as Sora charged toward wherever the enemy population was at its most dense smacking them away, like he was playing baseball. Other times he would get a running start before jumping on a heartless, or an object to fly over to them and bring his hammer down to the ground. If some heartless happened to be standing between the mallet and the pavement. Well It’s pretty obvious how that turned out for them once the two connected and sent out a devastating shock wave.         That was when Sora had an idea, which Applejack picked up on. Ya sure you and this hammer is powerful enough for that? He gave a cocky smirk Only one way to find out he replied in his head before running off toward the ponies. Then jumped behind them. This startled a few guards into taking a defensive stance against him. “Yo, Twilight! Can you guys cover me for a second!” Before any of them were to ask as to why it knew one of the elements, said mare surprised them all when she replied with enthusiasm. “You got it!” she nodded to Sora before running past him “Come on, Rarity!” “I’m right here dear” Rarity responded as she fired a needle down a line of over a dozen heartless that happened to be standing at the wrong place at the wrong time. “I can concentrate so much better when I don’t have to worry about those creatures damaging my mane or glorious new outfit.” she then turned to Sora “We have you covered dear” she then turned to the guards “Right?” she gave them an expecting look before some of them fumbled a ‘yes, ma’am’ and turned to face the real threat. Sora smiled “Thanks Rarity, I appreciate it” he then started focusing as he held his hammer out in front of him. “Oh it’s no trouble at all dear, do what you must” She took a step forward and levitated her cache of needles around her before she went on her hind legs again. “Now then” she wore a stern yet focused face, as she began her deadly dance once again.         Twilight was all around the plaza, more than eager to try her new magic on live targets. From what she learned from Merlin, there was more than one way to use some spells. She expressed this as she charged through a group of soldiers and shadows with multiple fireballs revolving around her rapidly setting them on fire and eventually destroying them. “Out of my way!” she cheered as she continued to barrel through more and more heartless with the spell, before whipping around firing a spread shot of ice. Now they changed from burning alive to freezing to death. She gave a little twirl of her own firing blizzara all around her, turning the heartless into nice looking ice sculptures. She then struck a pose as she exhaled sharply through her nose with a proud grin. “Who’s useless now!” she then used her natural magic to levitate the ice sculptures and forced them to crash and shatter into the larger foes she saw in the distance. Even if this didn’t destroy them it was enough to create an opening for Rarity as she fired multiple precise headshots to the creatures erasing their existence from the area.         The guards weren’t slouching around either at this point as they had no problem handling the smaller enemies, but had to group up if they ever faced a larger one.         Suddenly Sora’s hammer flashed a moment then started glowing. “Yes!” both Sora and Applejack said through his mouth as he winded back. “EVERYONE! Get Behind me! He called out as loud as he could, the girls were quick to follow his direction although it took a moment for the guards to follow his instruction without Twilight and Rarity convincing them.         “Get your flanks and gear everyone, Move!” Twilight ordered them, which even caused the Captain look on in disbelief. However, She and Rarity haven’t steered them wrong yet so hesitantly he repeated the order.         “You heard her! Fall back behind it!”         “I have a name you know!” Sora was able to hear every word and it sorta irked him they just saw him as an “it”.         We’ll cross that bridge when we come ta’ it, Sora. just focus. Applejack responded as the last of the guard finally stood behind him.         “Ok, That’s Everyone! Now what Sora?!” Twilight called out as she looked one the remaining heartless all still converging mindlessly toward them.         “We clear the room!” Replied as he tensed up his muscles, gritted his teeth and channeled all his charged light and energy into this one attack. “HAMMER DOWN!” ( ) (....) ( ) (Yes, I know... I just wanted to use it once, shut up.) ( : *giggles* You play that game too much ) (... Shut up...)         Sora whips the hammer over his shoulder and slams the mallet to the ground which then shakes like an earthquake as a wave of light shoots forward in a wide cone shape and bathes the dark creatures in its relenting light immediately clearing the area. Along with leaving multiple long trails of cracks in front of him on the pavement.         Everyone, Sora and Applejack included took a moment to look at the aftermath… or lack thereof, from Sora’s attack.         “.... What just happened?” One of the guards managed to say, everyone was wide eyed and mouths agape as they stared at the now empty plaza and its relative silence. Soon they all turned to the human standing in front of them holding the very weapon that caused it. “Sora… Applejack… You…” Twilight was at a loss for words. Both Sora and Applejack fared no better as they looked out at the plaza, then at their weapon. “I just figured, it would take out a lot and stun the others… but” he then decided to ask his partner in the act. Just how strong is this hammer? as he asked this, the gem on the mallet was blinking before it reverted back to its keyblade form. How exactly would ah’ know? This all new territory for me too! Was her only response as he got a sense of disbelief and wonder from her. This got Sora to really Look at the keyblade. These keyblades…. Are a lot different from the ones I’ve used before now… That much is for sure. Before anymore questions could be asked Sora’s bead magic ran out and he reverted back to his pony form, in a flash of light, This no doubt startled the guards and had them back up a bit until they saw the familiar pony they fought alongside with before they were left shocked and confused. It probably didn’t help when right after that he and Applejack unfused reverting the two of them back to normal. “What the hay?” “Did you see that?” “What is he?” “Forget that, Where did she come from? “What is going on here?” The mumbles and weird looks were not letting up. Sora sighed and was about to say something, when a rainbow blur streaked by in front of him and he immediately vanished. “Looks like you guys are done over here! Perfect Timing, Luna’s side needs some help again!” the rainbow streak, which in reality was just Rainbow giving him an express lift, was zipping through the air as fast as her wings could take her. “Wait, who, what, But-but!” Sora had to take a moment for his mind to catch up with the situation before he clearly asked. “Whoa, we’re going pretty fast here. Is it that bad?” “Well, yes and no” she replied “What?” “Well, the good news is that Luna’s group reached the plaza she was heading to as well” “Ok, good, so what’s the bad news?” “Well…. That” Rainbow looked ahead down toward their destination. Ahead there was a horde of heartless as seen on Celestia’s side, but unlike her side, a rather large heartless seemed to make itself right at home in the dead center of the plaza. It looked like a large statue, the base looked like tall pedestal, while four torsos of armored sinister looking knights facing away from each other rested on top of it. Each with different weapons from one another. One with two swords, another with a giant hammer, another with a crossbow, and the last one held two halves of a large shield, where each half was held in one of its clawed hands. “Oh… I see…” “Yeeeaah, so what’s the plan?” she asked as she watched the guards be kept at bay thanks to its many weapons. Whenever it fired a crossbow, it was thankfully deflected by the unicorn guards that brought up a barrier. What bugged Sora more was that it looked like Luna might intervene at any second, and that would cost time. “We’re gonna have to give that thing more things to think about” He threw his keyblade at it, not so much to damage it, but to grab its attention. OK, Already used up my fusion time with Applejack so smashing it is out of the question… I could fuse with Pinkie and we can fire that gun thing at it. At this moment he was able to catch a glance at Pinkie, and unfortunately her hooves were tied as she was covering anti air for a group of pegasus guards that needed to recover their energy, at least he saw fluttershy make her way to them. Ok, that plan’s out for the time being… Man, Fluttershy can be pretty fearless when it comes to playing support. He shook the thought out of his head and focused as Rainbow had to dodge a flying bolt “Great, now the crossbow one is shooting at us” Rainbow grumbled as she dodged another bolt. “OK, Rainbow, looks like we got no choice” Sora called up to her as they finally swooped into the plaza “Huh?” “You said you wanted to fuse, we’re gonna try to figure out how then.” Once he landed on all four hooves he immediately got a look at Rainbow as they had to dodge a swipe from a giant sword this time. He had never seen her grin so much. “For real! YES!!” she pumped a hoof  as she avoided another swipe nonchalantly this time. “OK! How do we do it?” she asked before bucking away a shadow, that grin never leaving his face. Sora turned to her with a grin of his own before replying. “I don’t know, we’re just gonna wing it.” ~~~ Meanwhile         Running through the streets and alleyways, Rarity, Applejack, and Twilight were making their way down toward Luna’s advance to provide back up. “I don’t get why… Celestia is sending us... all over there? Sora han… Oh Celestia-handled before by himself. What if guards by her get overwhelmed?” Twilight looked back where they came from, it was clear she wasn’t the runner of the group as she was panting so hard she had trouble even asking that sentence without prioritizing gulping in as much air as she could to continue.         “Then we’re just gonna have to chance it, sugarcube. You heard her, she felt something off over by Luna. Sora mighta’ bitten off more than he can chew this time.” Applejack kept her eyes forward Sora always trusted her and her friends whenever he needed them and she wasn’t gonna fail him now.         “If only there was enough time for a carriage, all this running around is making me positively sweaty, and the wind isn’t exactly helping my mane” the two ignored rarity’s complaints, at least she, oddly enough, fared better than the purple book worm.         “Quit yer bellyachin’! Ya’ll can worry bout’ that once all this heartless mess is taken care of.” The farmer shook her head and sprinted on ahead.         “Well, you don’t have to be so rude about it, hmph.” Rarity glared at the back side of Applejack before picking up the pace.         “You… You guys!.... Wait up! Oh my legs are on fire…” Twilight… did her best to speed up. ~~~ Back to Luna’s Advance         Sora was once again in his human form as blocked an incoming giant sword swing from hitting a group of guards that were dispatching the smaller heartless. Though without being fused with AJ, he lacked the strength necessary to completely stop it and it broke through his guard, pushing him back a few feet. “Man, that thing hits hard” he then looked back at the guards “You guys need to back up from this thing a bit more!”         “Holy- it can talk!”         “Now I’ve seen everything...”         Sora just faced forward with a deadpan stare and sighed. “Right, nevermind. You're too busy gawking at me to even listen to a word I’m saying.” he rushed in, He had to at least close in to keep the statue heartless from even thinking about those guys.         A rainbow streak zipped by taking out some heartless that were getting too close to him, before it flew back to him. “I’m not sure being backup is working. Wait, is it, working? How do we know it’s working” she and Sora jumped over a low sweep attack before moving forward to strike at it, only for the statue to rotate to the shield bust and blocked their efforts. “Jeez that is so annoying”         Sora looked over at Rainbow’s necklace, then shook his head. “No good it looks like. Your gem’s not glowing… It must be something we’re missing here for the others to work.” He tried thinking back to his first time fusing with Applejack and Pinkie, but he couldn’t think on it for long. “Incoming!” Rainbow shouted as a bolt was fired right where Sora just was, but thankfully her warning kept him unharmed as he backstepped. “Shoot, can’t even think in this situation, Thanks Rainbow” “No problem, just focus, we can’t fuse if you’re already taken out” she smirked He shook his head “Right” he dodged the giant hammer before rushing in to strike, but once again, the busts rotated and the shield blocked his attempt, forcing him to back step away again. “It’s just nothing we’re using is working on it and I don’t think my magic alone is putting enough of a dent into it.” He has already expended his magic and used one of his ethers to restore it. He still had the tendency to use those sparingly. “Look, Spikey don’t worry about it. I know how I keep saying that I want to fuse and all, but let’s not get all bent outta shape about it.” She couldn’t believe the words coming out of her mouth. “It’ll happen when it happens. I just… I just don’t want you getting messed up while you’re wracking your brain about it” she made an effort to look away as she felt heat rise up on her cheeks. She REALLY Couldn’t believe what she was saying. It probably wasn’t such a good idea to do so as her gem started glowing at that moment and Sora couldn’t see it. He took a moment to look at her, then looked at the foe they were facing… then smiled “Heh… right… not like I ever plan for these things anyway right?” she ruffled his hair and shook his head, then immediately took his fighting stance. “OK, let’s focus this big ugly thing and worry about it later” By the time Rainbow looked back at him, the glow had vanished “You got it!” she dragged her hoof against the ground and lowered her head to the ground before lunging off the ground and flying straight at the thing, dodging more attacks and taking more pot shots to see what would work. Sora charged in doing the same after biting down on another bead to extend his time in his real body. However there was a sudden shot of pain in his head after he did this. He barely managed to avoid three swipes and a hammer as he clutched his head and grunted in from the pain. “Agh! What was that?!” A fourth swing came by and he barely managed to block it in time, but he was in an awkward position after that previous headache and he was knocked off his feet, before he tumbled and rolled a few yards back onto the ground. “Sora!” Rainbow turned back and gasped and was about to fly back toward him when she noticed the the living statue had the same idea. “Oh no you don’t! You get away from him!” She stared daggers at the creature and flew right at it with a lot more speed then she would normally use in fights. This proved useful as now the big guy was more focused on trying to swat away the Rainbow bug buzzing around it but failing miserably. “As if you can catch me, blockhead!” She then called out! “Sora! Get up! I can’t keep this up forever!” Which was true as she was already started to feel some exhaustion from all the fighting and flying around from earlier. Sora, thankfully didn’t lose consciousness, but struggled to get up as his body was starting to really notice how much energy it was exerting, as well as the the pain from the tumble he just had. It was an easy fix though, he just had to drink a potion and… He just remembered using his last one on a guard that clumsily got himself caught in a pincer attack back when he was fighting for Celestia…. Ok no problem… He just needs to get on his feet and cast curaga on himself and-”Agh!” He went back down on one knee with his hands supporting him from kissing the pavement. “OK… this is kinda bad” he looked up Rainbow wasn’t looking too hot now as she was slowing down and barely dodged a swing as she was forced to back off. “Come on, big guy… you gotta get back on your feet…” She panted as she tried to help him up by nudging her head against him. She was about to fumble into her bag for a potion to use when suddenly they there was as flash a green light above their heads as and that same green light washed over their bodies as smaller green spheres revolved around them. “What?” “Huh?” Sora was confused too, but thankful as he felt like a million bits and quickly got up right on his feet. Rainbow Dash felt all her energy come back to her and then some. They looked at each other wondering if either of them did that. “Are you two alright?!” they looked behind them and they noticed Rarity and Applejack running toward them, Twilight was lagging behind but once she reached the plaza she plopped the ground gasping for air and fumbling for her own potion hoping it would do the same for her as it did for Sora and Rainbow. “Girls! You’re here?” Rainbow watched them run up to their sides Applejack stepped forward using her gauntlets to block or punch away anymore strikes the heartless tried to make on them. “Of course we are, dear. We couldn’t very well let you two handle everything on your own. You both have a nasty habit of going headfirst into danger. Somebody has to support you after all” Rarity when to check them all over. “Oh my, you both positively Reek of sweat” “Well no kidding” Rainbow sighed leave it to Rarity to worry more about that instead of the monster at hand. She shook her head “Well, thankfully that those potions took care of your fatigue” Rarity smiled as she snapped her bag closed “Those were your potions Rarity?” Sora turned back to her. “Oh man, I’m sorry you had to use it on us. Those were meant for you.” “Don’t you dare apologize for that, mister. I know exactly what they were meant for, but I had plenty more anyway, I bought them and I choose how and when I want to use them. Whether it is for me or for others.” She was right. Unlike the other girls, Rarity actually kept a collection of Munny as she originally picked them up from previous battles hoping to plan out designs for them. Once sora taught her about them being Currency along with learning about the Moogle shop, she then decided to collect as much of them as she could to make purchases a that shop after she saw some accessories Mogson was selling as well as learning about the synthesizer. “Besides, I usually fight from a distance so I don’t have much of a reason to use them when I’m right as rain. Ethers though are another matter entirely” she giggled at that. Sora turned to her… then reached into his pocket and pulled out two ethers and handed them to Rarity. Rarity, was caught off guard by this and looked between them and Sora. “Sora? But I thought-” “Yeah, I know but quite frankly, you and Twilight need these more than I do since you’re unicorns and all.” he chuckled and shook his head “Honestly though, I just… wanted to show some appreciation for what you did.” once she took the ethers in her magic he flashed a big grin. “You really saved our hides back there.” Rarity watched as he smiled at him before turning around and rushing back into the fight, She had been paid back for her generosity when she never had any intention of being paid back, but it wasn’t till after hearing his words that she actually thought about how wonderful it felt when it did happen. She then nodded and used one of the ethers as she had a determined look on her face. “Right, I mustn’t keep my friends waiting” She was thankful for all her friends and she was gonna make sure she was gonna help them anyway she could. Getting a good look at the being before them, she could see how it was giving them so much trouble… yet… it was so obvious how to take it down… perhaps if she- Flash! Sora had once again been deflected by that same shield bust again. It was getting on his nerves, however that concern was set aside as a flash of light appeared behind him, the moment he turned around he was caught off guard when something flew at him. “Whoa!”.... He then realized what it was, Rarity’s gem. He turned to look at her and she was frozen in place surprised about what was happening as well. Rainbow couldn’t avoid seeing this after that brief light show grabbed her attention. And she immediately wished it hadn’t “No….  no no nooooo… RARITY! Even Rarity gets it before I do?!” Sora turned to Rainbow hearing her as he took the gem “Whatever happened to the ‘let’s not get all bent out of shape about it’ speech?” “That was before Rarity’s gem popped out. I mean what does she have that I do-Whoa!” Rainbow was forced to back off from a hammer swing. “Ugh! Whatever, just hurry up and do it, already!” Greeeat, now she’s in a bad mood Sora sighed before turning to Rarity. “You're ok with this?” he had to ask her to be sure, but he already held it over his keyblade. After regaining her composure Rarity smiled at him “Yes, quite so, darling. I have faith that this is exactly what we need right now… And besides-” She looked to Rainbow and gave a smirk “I have to demonstrate to my rather rude friend over there how a lady handles things.” Rainbow looked away forelegs crossed with a grunt as she mumbled “How? By whining about it?” “Right! Here it goes then” he nodded then looked at the gem and his keyblade. “Connect!” and that familiar light show immediately started taking place while he and Rarity were sent on a trip to a place the key bearer has started getting used to as reality slows to a halt. ~~~~~~~~~ Whereabouts Unknown         Eyes open, Sora was welcomed by that same infinite black void that would surround him every time he came here. “Aaaand back here again.” he looked down and yet again he was standing on that same green stained glass floor this time with both Apple Jack’s and Pinkie’s elements in the smaller circles of it. He then looked around and as expected, There was Rarity as she was just coming to. The first thing she saw was what she stood on and it was large. (Picture made by Akili-Amethyst )         She was absolutely stunned “My word… Whoever made this definitely got my good side”         This made Sora stumble a bit. “I suppose I shouldn’t be surprised that would be your first response to all this”         After hearing his voice Rarity stopped admiring the rather exquisite mosaic stained glass picture beneath her and looked around frantically until she saw Sora on his one pillar. “Sora? There you are! Is… this normal, dear?” she then looked around at the black nothingness that surrounded them.         He laughed a little. “Yeah, this means it’s working. Well the first half anyway”         “First half? Meaning we’re not fused yet?” She then took a moment to think about what she was saying. “Well I suppose that answer is obvious since you're over there and I’m over here… Where is here anyway?”         “I think AJ and I explained this before to you guys, but this is basically our hearts in a sense. Or at the very least something that's reaching out from our hearts.” Sora stopped to think about it. “These things we’re standing on. I think this pillar I’m on, is what's representing my heart trying to bond with yours like it did with AJ and Pinkie.” he explained he then looked at the floor of her pillar “What you’re standing on, is basically Everything you know and love that’s within your heart…. I think” he added. “Or at least what’s important to you in your heart.”         Rarity took a moment to digest it all. “I believe I remember something like that when you were explaining it all.” she held a hoof to her muzzle and thought. “So, you said there’s more that we must do for us to “bond” so we can fuse correct? What is that?”         He was about to speak when another voice, a familiar one, chimed in.         This is a gift to the generous. The most worthwhile gift the receiver could give.         Sora decided to let Rarity freak out for the moment about the disembodied voice as he took a moment to digest that riddle. “A gift to the generous” he looked over to Rarity who was looking behind herself in hopes to find the owner of that voice. “Don’t bother, Rarity, you won’t find whoever said that, but we do have to figure out the meaning of what it said.”         “You’re, rather calm about this… Though I suppose that is fair now that I think about it, you’ve already experienced this with both Applejack and Pinkie, correct?” Rarity finally composed herself and decided to join in with his brainstorming. “Right, so if we figure out the answer, then we can move on… Hmmm… A gift for the generous… Well if we’re talking about a gift for me, I know that I would absolutely enjoy a new hat to go with this darling outfit.” Rarity looked at herself and admired her work.         Sora  decided to think back on recent events for a hint of what it was that triggered the connection…. All he remembered doing was getting healed by Rarity...She definitely was generous to use her own potions on him and Rainbow… He figured it was only fair to pay her back. Not that she needed the ether, but he… ! A thought came to mind as he looked over to Rarity.         His silence had already grabbed her attention when he never responded after her hat suggestion. So seeing him suddenly stare her down was a bit unnerving. “Or maybe it's not a hat, ahem…”         “Thanks Rarity”         “Excuse me?” that response caught her off guard. “Have I done something?”         He smiled while scratching his head. “Sorry, I meant, I want to thank you again from before with the potion.”         “Oh that again?” she blinked, confused as to why he brought it up but soon smiled “I believe you were already quite clear about that, dear.” She giggled         “I know, It was the best gift I could give in return for your generosity” He gave a smirk         “Yes, indeed… Hm?” That sounded familiar to her, that’s when it clicked. “Wait… Sora you're saying…”         He nodded “A gift to the generous…”         “The best gift a receiver could give...” Rarity continued         Sora held both hands behind his head and flashed that big goofy grin. “My greatest gift to you, is my gratitude”         A flash of light erupted from beneath them as a pathway of stained glass appeared and connected both their pillars.         Gratitude, is the reward for a generous friend. Always appreciate those that give. Your Hearts are connected. A New power is unlocked within you.         Sora was finally starting to see a pattern to these riddles, and it gave a major hint to the what the others might be, but that was for another time. Right now what was important was completing the fusion. He turned to Rarity and watched her quickly make her way over to him. She wasn’t gonna question how that path of floating stained glass window panes were suspended in mid air in fear that if she did, the laws of physics would actually listen to her and try to correct it while she was walking on it. Once she did make it to the other side she sighed with relief and faced her gaze on the key bearer. “I must say, this is a rather, unique experience. Am I to assume that now, the process is complete?” She heard the voice but wanted to be sure.         Sora nodded with a laugh as he pulled his keyblade out, below them on the floor, in one of the smaller circles by the other two gems. One of the circles were filled in with Rarity’s Element of Generosity. “See, your heart and mine are connected” he pointed to the gem.”         Rarity blushed and giggled  “My, my... Sora be careful what you say to a lady, dear. You’re already charming as it is, saying such things would be overdoing it to some.”         This caused Sora to fumble a bit with his keyblade, caught completely off guard by her response, and immediately blushing from her accusation “no, I mean, uh… L-let’s just go” He hastily pointed his keyblade down toward the circles with gems on as light engulfed him. All the while Rarity had to cover her mouth with her hoof to stifle any future giggling whilst watching Sora fumble his words and actions.         Just before they’re hearts and mind were connected Rarity managed to think of this in private. He’s rather cute when he’s flustered. Once again did time return to it’s normal pace as they were brought back to reality ~~~~~~~~~ The Battle for Luna’s Plaza         The light soon faded and what it left behind was Sora in his new fused human form. Streaks of Purple impeccable hair with a bright sheen. Eyes a darker shade of blue, yet, seemed they appeared to be much sharper than his regular eyes. As if he could see certain things sooner than others. On the back of his jacket the Element of Generosity was glowing brightly. Finally, in his hand, was a new form of Keyblade. (Owned by aniamalman )         Everyone was in awe of this sudden appearance. Except for Rainbow Dash, she was still pouting on the side “Yeah, whatever…”         Sora took a moment to look at the keyblade in his hand, turning it over a few times to get a good look at it. “It seems… fancy”         I prefer the term elegant, darling. Rarity chimed in from his mind which caused him to look up, but instead of seeing her he was face to face with their target. Now then, as much as I would love to examine that divine looking weapon we have. I would feel much better if we take care of this brutish beast.         You have a point there he smiled and went to take his stance only this time, he took on what appeared to be a fencer’s stance as he placed one foot an inch behind to turn to his side, his free hand held up behind him open palm facing his head. And keyblade extended out in front of him as if he was posing for a picture of a fencer’s thrust attack. Well, this is new…         I feel that this is a much more proper way to handle a sword, wouldn’t you agree? She said as he charged in.         I’ll praise it if it’ll actually help us damage this guy that was when the crossbow bust fired a bolt at him. But to his surprise, his body swiftly made a twirling side step before resuming his run. “Whoa!”         One mustn’t underestimate the finer points of a battle, dear. As she said this, the bust fired another bolt but at that moment, time seemed to slow down for Sora, he had great kinetic vision before, but this was ridiculous. Already on instinct his keyblade hand lifted up the weapon in time to reach the arrowhead, smack it up to deflect it and ran right under it as it rapidly spun into the air before landing and sticking to the pavement arrowhead first. It is my firm belief that the most stylish fighter is the one that rules the battlefield, after all.         As they finally closed the distance, the busts rotated rapidly so the shield bust was facing them. That’s great, but it won’t help us if we can’t get past that guy.         He heard her giggle as he felt himself jump toward the shield bust You simply need to step back and really assess the situation. Observe. Just as they were about to reach the shield, instead of striking at it or backing off, he planted a foot on it, ran up, flipped over it until he was right side up facing the bust’s head, keyblade pulled into his chest. Now then, with gusto she said and the two of them made their motives clear that they wanted to strike. With that combined thought, Sora’s keyblade hand was rapidly thrusting and slashing into the bust’s face, making it stagger and lower its shield.         Applejack not wasting this chance charged right in, jumped  and thrusted both her gauntlets right into its chest making it lurch forward right after Sora descended and landed right on her back before thrusting his weapon skyward. “Thundaga!” What came out from above the sky was a piercing bolt of lightning that went right through the busts head and into the tip of the keyblade. There wasn’t much time to admire the the display of the attack as now Applejack bolted out and away from the statue as they all  started to spin rapidly to shake off its attackers, once it slowed down Applejack turned around with Sora on her back as they got ready to make another pass at it. The busts rotated and it was the crossbow again trying to fire another bolt that soon separated into many bolts.         Applejack’s pupils shrunk and was about to stop and avoid when she heard Sora call out “Reflega!” What normally would’ve been a bubble shield of hexagons around them was a hexagon wall of in front of them that not only blocked the the arrows, but reflected them right back, giving the crossbow bust a barrage of its own medicine, making it stagger back in response and leave it distracted.         I believe we’ve had quite enough of your mischief. Rarity had Sora point toward the crossbow, more specifically, with his improved vision, he saw it was aimed directly at the hand holding it.         “Firaga!” What shot out was a Very fast and thin bullet like fireball that struck at its target perfectly and exploded, knocking the weapon clean off its hand. “Yes!”         “Whoa…” Rainbow and Twilight shared the same word as they watched the magnificent display.         “That… that was pretty cool” Rainbow admitted         “Focus, Rainbow, It’s an opening!” Twilight said as she ran past her and started firing her magic at the disarmed bust. Not wanting to be left behind, especially by Twilight Rainbow shook the stupor out of her head and shot off like a rocket smacking the bust right in the face.         “Wow, ya two sure are pretty good at counters and disarmin” Applejack replied in awe as she ran toward the other bust with the swords. “But uuuh… how long are ya gonna keep ridin’ on me?”         Sora didn’t even glance her way but a surprised look did appear on his face before he chuckled weakly “Hehe, Sorry, I was kinda in the zone there and went with the flow.” he looked ahead. “If you can get us over to the hammer guy we’ll get off, Rarity wants to take care of that guy next. He placed a hand on her neck in an attempt to keep his balance as he rode on top of her.         He was utterly oblivious to the implications of what this meant to a pony, and the hand on her neck wasn’t helping at all as she had to fight back a furious blush by focusing on galloping to their target “R-Right, Fine… Just… J-just gimme a second” The sooner she could get out of this awkward situation the better and she hoped Rainbow wasn’t looking.         Normally Rarity would definitely chime in saying how improper it is for Sora to do so, but it seemed like Sora’s mind affected her as well where she was too focused on the battle to even notice. Oh dear, it looks like we have someone’s unwanted attention. Sora saw it too, the sword bust was leering down at them and winding up a swing with one of its swords.         “Applejack! Don’t stop running!” Sora and Rarity had an idea… an instinct really, that said that they could handle it. He held his keyblade out to his side. In a way he looked like a knight riding his steed into battle as he watched the blade come down at them. Applejack just closed her eyes and moved as fast as she could. Meanwhile, Time seemed to slow down for Sora again just as the sword was above and a bit in front of them. He watched his body respond by whipping the keyblade forward in a guard stance with the teeth of the blade facing down. “Once they saw the edge of the giant sword just barely connect with the shaft of his blade, in a flurry of sparks from stone grinding against metal and lightning quick movements, Sora and Applejack were now running past the sword as it collided with nothing but the ground. Instead of taking on and blocking that massive attack, Sora redirected the attack JUST enough for it avoid them entirely. After hearing the loud thud, Applejack peeked one of her eyes open “We… We’re ok?” Sora and Rarity shared the same look for a moment as both their voices came out of his mouth “That worked?” They looked back at the sword they just deflected but face forward with a grin on Sora’s face. “How’d we do that?!” they both asked. “Don’t ask me, but ya may need ta’ do it again!” Applejack replied as she looked up at the other sword getting ready to swing at them. “Right, right, we got this!” Sora stared down. This time the sword swung low in front of them and was going for a sweeping strike. Rarity through Sora’s eyes seemed to catch on to something about it and shot her thoughts to Sora, causing him to grin “Keep running no matter what, AJ!” He called out to her. “You got it!” Trusting his word She glared forward at the impending doom. When it was just in front of them, she couldn’t help but wince and shut her eyes. What she missed was that the massive blade flying right over her, missing her hat by a few inches. Meanwhile Sora had ducked his head down to her level to dodge it as well, then pat her side. “Good job, AJ!” he said into her ear before he lifted his head back up. “You can open your eyes now” he laughed. Once she did she was most thankful that she was still running and in one piece. “How did you…” “We just… saw it, Even Rarity is surprised by it. She’s saying her eyesight was never this sharp before…. Huh? She wears glasses when she’s working?” Sora seemed to ask that more toward himself, or in this case Rarity then to Applejack. Meanwhile the farmer could only stare back at Sora’s astonishment and wonder. These two were nimble, focused, and can deflect anythin’… Is this a combination of both their abilities…. She was nearing the end of the ride when the hammer bust was in sight pushing back a group of guards with its mighty swings. Thankfully so far all it had been doing is whiffing, The guards were wise enough to know when to avoid an attack. Now that ah’ think about it… when Sora fuses with me… ah’ never seen so much power before… was that a combination of both our strengths? “Welp, Here’s our stop!” Sora replied as he lifted his legs to stand to place them on her back then jumped off into the air toward the bust. “Thanks for the ride!” They now had the hammer bust’s attention as it prepared a wide swing to knock Sora and Applejack away. One look at the hammer with his keen sight and both he and Rarity discovered that this attack they couldn’t counter and Applejack was still in the target range. So its attack had to be interrupted. Fortunately the idea came to them just as quickly as gravity started to take hold. Fortunately, the enemy decided to swing the hammer with one arm, so it only left two targets for them. Sora aimed his keyblade at the shoulder “Freeze!” and shot out what appeared to be a large coned ice shard that shot out just as fast as their fused firaga attack earlier, pointed edge facing the target and spinning to cut through the air. He quickly fired another one at the crook of its arm where the elbow was on the other side. Once both shards hit their intended target, it pierced into them sticking them in place before suddenly flash freezing them in place, cancelling out the Bust’s attack and finally succumbing to the weight of it all was forced to lean with it as the hammerhead hit the ground uselessly since it couldn’t bend its arm instead. Sora could be seen fist pumping in mid air before his feet touched the ground. Once they did he was already sprinting forward. Meanwhile Rainbow and Twilight were making short work of the crossbow Heartless. With its weapon too far from its reach thanks to its stationary lower body, it had to resort to punching swinging its arms at its foes. This was no trouble for the two girls as Twilight simply stayed just far enough back from its punches while shooting at it with her magic, and Rainbow could easily dodge every swing and counter with flying punches, kicks, and bucks, while also attacking with a corkscrew drill attack into the chest whenever it left itself open. Both groups seemed to have forgotten that two other busts were still up. Or more specifically, they both seemed to have assumed a certain bust was down for the count when actuality it was knocked into a daze for a bit before finally recovering giving and rotated with its brothers. With a sudden turn, Rainbow and Twilight were up against the sword bust while Sora who intended to jump and strike at the hammer bust was now suddenly facing the now recovered shield bust with both half of its shield facing it. Fortunately for Sora’s case they been through this song and dance before. “Still kicking, huh? We’ll have to fix that” he once again placed a foot on the shield, ran up to the top of it, flipped til he was upright. Then once again fired off a flurry of stabs and swipes like he was fencing with its face at lightning speed. Before finally giving one final thrust and calling out. “Thundaga!” and a piercing bolt of electricity struck from above, through it’s head and connected to the tip of his keyblade before Sora fell to the ground again. The shield bust was down once again. It would appear that we need to properly finish this thing off to avoid any future interruptions. Rarity suggested Agreed, let’s take care of it while it’s staggered. That’s when they both happened to notice a flash. The symbol for Rarity’s element was glowing on her keyblade. It seemed to happen at the perfect time “Whoa… You don’t suppose…” he was already smiling knowing the answer. Only one way to find out, darling. He got a the same sense of daring and wonder from her that he had. So he lifted the keyblade and pointed it skyward. “Let’s see what we got then. Transform!”         Back with Twilight and Rainbow, Applejack had decided to double back when she saw the rotation, worried about the girls. She managed to hear Sora yell out the word ‘transform’ in the distance but had no time to look back as she was already running towards Twilight who had just pulled up a barrier blocking the last giant sword strike, but it was obvious that it took its toll on her. “Hey, Back off from the egghead!” Rainbow charged and clonked it on the head with a double forehoof comet strike, but this bust seemed more durable compared to the crossbow bust as it wasn’t dazed and attempted to swat her away with its other sword, which she had no trouble dodging but was frustrated that her attacks weren’t as effective as with the last bust they fought. She needed to be faster, more speed meant more force in her attacks. “Twilight you alright?!” Applejack took this moment to check on her friend. “I-I’m fine, that sword is heavy… it took out a lot of magic from me just to shield from it, like that last heartless back when we fought at the castle.” Twilight pulled out another ether and tossed it up over herself. Feeling all her lost magic regain itself. “Ah, much better” she sighed with a shake of her head. “It’s hard to attack it when it’s so focused on me.” Applejack took another look at the creature and it seemed to be solely staring at them, or more specifically Twilight….  She then started to have thought about it all… “Twilight…. Have ya’ managed ta’ hit it with magic yet?” “Uh, no, once those things rotated, it took one look at me and was all swing happy… Why?” “Sugarcube, sumthin’ tells me it’s more afraid of ya’ then it is of me or Rainbow.” She watched said pegasus still attack at its head though it only seemed to prove less damaging and more annoying to her foe as it was continue to swat her away like a fly. Twilight gave the scene another look, and with a clear mind she could see it. “You… You may have a point…. Is this one weaker to magic than the others perhaps? Applejack looked back at their foe and adjusted her hat a little “Only one way ta’ find out. You focus on yer magic. Ah’ll take care of anymore attacks it’s flingin out.” Twilight stared at her friend in utter shock “What? H-how? They’re giant swords! Even if you catch or managed to hold your gauntlets at the just the right spot to block them. All that weight and mome-” “Trust me, Twi. After watchin’ Sora, Ah have an idea.” Applejack spoke quickly as it was getting ready to strike again, as Rainbow was doing her best to stop it by attacking the arm that was winding the sword back. Applejack stood on her hind legs for a moment hitting both horse shoes of her gauntlets together a few times as the equivalent of punching one’s fist into their own open palm a few times to psyche themselves up. “Ah got this…” > Chapter 24: Maleficent's Play > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- (As Always Green Text means "click me" to play theme music to go with what your reading. Red text means to stop the music. Anywords with This coloring to their text means to click on it for a sound effect. If there is music playing, then let it keep playing, the sound effect is brief Completely optional: Your free to ignore this) Outskirts of Canterlot         Atop a hill overlooking the battle taking place within the streets Maleficent observed it all. The ponies were pushing back and the Princesses looked as if they were up to something as she noticed Celestia and her soldiers stopping and hunkering down in a Plaza, a glance over to Luna’s advance and what lay ahead of her, and it would be safe for her to make an educated guess that the Princess of the night was going to do the same thing as her elder sister. Thus the reason she decided to send that stone heartless over there, to buy more time. However… there was something that wasn’t in her sight that should have been.         A dark portal appears behind her as Queen Chrysalis step through. “My subjects have searched all over and no one has seen him anywhere.” This led to the witch to hold a nasty gaze to the battle in front of her. “That insufferable buffoon, I give him one simple task, and he somehow has managed to fail even that… and now THIS” he noticed a rather familiar boy fighting the stone heartless as his keyblade transformed.         Her plan was a simple one, she was banking on Pete, being the blustering imbecile that he is, to blab about who he was and how he got to this world. He was to be an absolute nuisance to Sora and those Royal equines until his inevitable defeat, whilst she and Chrysalis handled their true objective. However all efforts on that have been slowed to a halt so long as Pete is a no show. To add onto that she had not anticipated Sora revealing his true form to the ponies, It didn’t matter to her or Chrysalis whether the ponies learned of Sora’s identity or not, What she wanted was a distraction, and to milk that distraction for as long as it took. Yet all of that seemed like a pipe dream at this point.         “I have to wonder Maleficent, what did you see in that ignorant fool to believe him capable of much.” Chrysalis looked on at the battle below, it would appear that their plan would have to be put on hold for now.         She held her head in frustration as she clutched the book ever tighter. “A mistake on my part, a devout lackey does not necessarily equal a competent one… When we find him again, I’ll make sure he faces the consequences. In the meantime” She stared out at the Castle “It appears we simply have to improvise.”         “And how exactly are we going to accomplish that?” The Queen as she looked at the battle in the city streets.         A sinister smiled formed on her lips. “Do you think you can get a few of your people inside the castle for me?”         “You're in luck, I’ve had a few of my agents assimilated into the guards and maids there”         “Then we may yet be able to salvage this day after all.” Maleficent’s smile only grew “Relay this order to them, once I give the signal, continue as we have planned.” ~~~~~~~~~~ Back at the Plaza         “Yaaaaaah!” Applejack slammed her forehoof as hard as she could into the ground and out in front of her and Twilight hexagon pillars of Earth Shot out of the ground and bunched up close together preparing a wall of Earth Spires to absorb the swing’s momentum and stop it dead in its tracks. That plan worked but a lot of the spires were cut down before the blade was stopped halfway into the wall.         Twilight and Applejack were staring down at their massive foe as Rainbow kept trying to pelt with with attacks and causing less damage then she thought to it. “Any day now, Twi?”         “Huh?” Twilight finally broke her gaze of the bust to look at her friend.         “Ya’ gonna start castin’ or what? No time to be spacin’ out, now” Applejack looked back at her with a stern look before returning her focus on the bust in case it would try something.         “O-Oh uh Right!” Twilight channeled her magic and started off with a barrage of Fira. The bust reacted by swatting away as much of the fireballs as it could. Of course with some of them escaping past his defenses and pelting it every now and then and it was apparent that it was effective seeing how it reacted with cringes and trying its best but failing to avoid them. “It worked!” Although she came up with the theory, to see the results was still a shock to her. It’s kind of like the fight back on that train…         “Alright, keep it up!” Applejack cheered as  Rainbow flew in huffing and panting away. “Yeah, give me a minute here…. Go Twilight… Wooo…” Rainbow was beat from expending so much energy in flying and fighting, so she watched as Twilight fired another spell. The bust making another attempt tried to swing at them with a downward diagonal strike. “Ain’t nothin’ doin!” She faced the oncoming blade and Slammed both her hooves down, repeating her previous tactic, but this time the pillars were much taller to compensate for the high angle the attack was coming from. Cutting through the foremost pillars, the blade was soon stopped midway into the barricade. This left the bust’s guard down as Twilight fired another wave of Fira at it. The bust could not react in time and took on the full brunt of the attack, staggering it. “Ya’ got it, Twilight!” Said unicorn triumphantly pumped her hoof with a “YES!” for a job well done. “Ok Girls! While it’s down!” “Right!” Both Applejack and Rainbow said in unison. Rainbow now gaining her second wind when she saw victory in sight. They both rushed in as Twilight this time started striking thunder at it hoping the electricity would help paralyze it from the volts. It worked as both Rainbow and Applejack leapt off the ground. Rainbow grabbing onto Applejack and pumping as much speed as she could with her wings. Applejack pulled both her forehooves back and tucked under her like a spring loaded trap ready to release. Once they were in striking distance, she shot them out like a rocket and slamming them into the bust both the speed and the abnormal strength the gauntlets gave the farmer, They busted right through the… well the bust and it crumbled away behind them. The two of them started to cheer at their victory, as well as Twilight who was cheering them way in the back when something clicked for Rainbow. “Wait… wasn’t there another one behind it…” They looked back and sure enough the shield bust was nowhere to be seen, neither was the crossbow bust… that’s when they looked over to the hammer bust and dropped their jaws at what they finally saw. ~~~ Earlier “Transform!” Sora called out to the keyblade and it complied with its wielder.The first thing to happen was the the chain part of the keychain immediately reeled into the golden representation of Rarity’s element necklace and soon joined the representation of the element of generosity. Sora was still holding onto the grip as it turned at a 90 degree angle within the hand guard. Sora now had to face his knuckles up in order for the blade to face skyward. However that wouldn’t last long as the shaft and teeth receded into the handguard. The teeth also turned 90 degrees upwards before the gem looking parts of them suddenly moved closer to each other and joined the large blue gem on the front of the handguard. The golden representation of the necklace suddenly started glowing and getting thinner until it looked like a long thin wire of golden string, with the ruby heart keychain remaining at the center of it. The representation of the element somehow detached itself from the gold string and was somehow floating toward Sora’s eyes. It stopped in front of his right eye and expanded until Sora could see through its center before thinning out until it was like a lens. A gold frame magically appeared and traced around it before straps materialized out diagonally from two opposite sides of it. The straps whipped around his head until they connected with each other. Now it looked like Sora was wearing a jewel as an eye patch. Back to the keyblade, at this point the hand guard had moved significantly closer to the grip to the point that Sora’s knuckles were practically touching it. The smaller gems at the front of the hand guard suddenly snapped toward the largest gem, making the rest of the purple portion of it look like it snapped open, leaving the tips that were connected to the golden thread move in opposite directions from each other, the golden thread seemed to either stretch or grow more of itself to compensate. Now the hand guard looked like it was making an angular crescent shape before it suddenly grew significantly to the size of his torso. This whole process happened in the span of a second and a half, but what was once a keyblade, now became Sora’s new Archer’s bow. “Whoa!” He looked at it with amazement and wonder. Hm… seems fitting now that I think about it Although Rarity didn’t sound like it in his head he could sense her surprise at the process as well. Sora was now looking between his weapon and the shield bust ahead of them. Once he did look at his foe he noticed that gem lens over his right eye seemed to be glowing, highlighting certain spots on the enemy for him. “What are those?” Rarity was unclear on what they were as well but looking back at the bow, they seemed to come up with a guess… Only one way to find out. He switched the bow over to his left hand and used his right hand to grab onto the ruby heart that was in the center of the golden string. He lifted and pointed the bow at the shield bust before drawing the ruby heart back. That was when an arrow made of pure light materialised in front of it and rested on the nock. Well, I guess I don’t have to worry about running low on ammo...   He closed his left eye to focus his sight through the lens, then aimed for the glowing mark on the top right corner of the shield, since the bust was now trying to protect itself from any more attacks. “Let’s see how this goes” he released the ruby heart from his fingers and it shot forward along with the golden string with a “pinging” sound, trying to regain its idle position as fast as possible. This in turn shot the light arrow forward at phenomenal speeds toward its target. Once it made contact with that glowing spot in Sora’s gem lens, he was surprised to see the whole half of the shield practically shatter and crumble away leaving the bust with only one half of a shield in its other hand, while the now shieldless hand was only holding onto a handle. This of course leading the shield bust to look at it’s now free hand. The bust’s face couldn’t show any emotion, but Sora could’ve sworn it was staring at it’s hand in disbelief. “Now that’s some arrow…” Not quite, darling… I believe that arrow, although powerful, wouldn’t have done such damage without guidance to the right point. Sora then felt a wave of accomplishment and acceptance coming from her. As I expected, you can take down any foe without such brutish methods as bucking each other in the face. Sora felt his body getting ready to line up another shot. With precision and grace... Sora’s body pulled that ruby heart back once again, making another arrow of light appear in the same spot as the last one before it. Then his left eye closed as Rarity saw through his eyes to aim at the glowing spot on the other shield remaining. You dominate the battle. The heart slipped through Sora’s fingers once again firing another light arrow right into the targeted spot, striking it dead on. The shield bust could only watch as its last bit of defense shattered and crumbled away. It was now deemed completely useless and helpless as Sora pulled back another arrow. “I think I see your point rarity!” The Arrow then started blinking a few times before suddenly changing to a red color. “Now let’s see what this ability does” He took aim at the glowing spot on his arm, but also took a moment to glance at a spot on its other arm. He released the arrow and after it reached a meter in front of him the Arrow instantly burst into two arrows that each burst into many smaller arrows leaving two groups of mini red light arrows. The arrows then pelted into the targeted areas on both arms and immobilized the busts arms completely as the arrows not only pierced into the joint under the elbow, but they remained there and morphed into what looked like spiky looking stars. “Oh, uh… ow…” Sora cringed a bit at the sight rubbing his arm in the same area, If the heartless felt pain, that would’ve definitely been agonizing. Rarity gave off a sense of disbelief for a moment, My word… this bow certainly has a few tricks up its sleeve. “Was that an arm joke?” Sora deadpanned I assure you it was unintentional, now if you would please. “Right right, on it.” Sora decided to fire a barrage of arrows at the busts head until it looked like a light pin cushion, when it could finally take no more it simply slumped over “I am liking this bow!” As do I, every Arrow strikes with perfection… Oh let’s try this. Sora Then felt himself suddenly crouch onto one knee, aim his bow at the bust’s arrow ridden head, then pull his bow waaay back. SO far back the bow itself had to bend back with it. This time there was a much much larger arrow that appeared in place, but it’s arrowhead was a swirling cone shaped mass of energy. Oh My… This looks... A bit dangerous        Sounds perfect then Sora replied as he was putting a lot of focus on where it was heading before finally letting it go. This one shot off with a loud whistle and managed to push Sora back a bit as it flew straight into the Bust’s slumped over head. Once it was in the air the arrowhead rapidly started speeding up with its swirling and spinning to the point where it looked like a drill. That would probably be the most accurate thing to call it after what happened next. Once the tip of the arrow made contact with the cranium, it immediately started drilling straight into it. Dark mist spewing out of the growing hole as it went through the head, the neck the chest, then stops once the majority of the arrow was inside it. Inside the Arrow started blinking, then the blinking got faster and faster with every half second until. BOOM!  Sora had shielded his eyes from the flash before taking a look at the damages, he blinked a few times to make sure he was seeing what really happened. “Yeah, uh, ok…” in front of him the Shield bust was no more. Its upper half was completely gone, all that remained was the bottom half, which was already crumbling away into nothingness. Pieces of it falling off and evaporating in the air before it could even touch the ground. Sora got back to his feet taking in the damage he just caused… after a moment he gave a nod “Alright… Take the knowledge and absorb it” He broke out into a run. “We got work to do” Quite the philosophy. Rarity chimed in, but she gave off the sense of determination like he did. Worked for me so far since I got here. Sora held his bow up in front of him horizontally and pulled back as he continued running. His next target, the crossbow bust. The bust lost its weapon so all it could do was swing at the air trying to hit the guards that were smart enough to keep their distance and throw their spears at it. It was a good plan, but there wasn’t enough focused on it since the majority of the guards were keeping the smaller heartless away from them, the girls and Sora. They may not know what Sora was, but if he was helping, then they were gonna make sure he wouldn’t be hindered by small fry. “Let’s go!” He lowered his bow so that the arrow was facing the ground as he focused on picking up his running speed. When he took a look at the bust with his lens and see a glowing spot on its neck, this portion was glowing a lot brighter than the other spots on its body. “A weakness?” he said to himself as he took aim. He let loose the arrow mid stride and it shot right through the Bust’s neck, as if it wasn’t even there at all. This caused the creature to stagger and cringe violently before falling back. “Ok… glow-y spots are weak points… bright glow-y spots are the jackpot. Good to know.” He continued to fire arrows as he was moving, using his natural agility and awareness of his surroundings to hop over some guards or heartless, then jump onto a bench to leap high into the air before firing a powerful shot at the creature’s face, which exploded on impact damaging and blinding it.   He continued running and jumping until he ran up a wall, kicked off a street lamp and back flipped in mid air until he was upside down facing the bust, his bow pulled so far back that if one didn’t know any better, they would’ve thought he snapped it in two. He aimed the bow straight at the bust’s chest as a very large drill arrow manifested into place. “Let’s see how this works!” He yelled out before releasing the heart. The force of launch shooting him back and onto a rooftop as he watched his handiwork. The drill head was now spinning rapidly and enlarged to 3 times its size as it sailed through the air like a bullet. It hit the mark right on the chest, however that was not Sora’s and Rarity’s ultimate goal. The Arrow drilled right through the bust leaving a huge hole behind that made its body structure unstable and begin to form countless trails of cracks starting from the hole and throughout the body. Before long it would join it’s shield toting brethren in the same crumbling fate. Meanwhile The true purpose of the arrow was what really made them happy. During all this the Hammer Bust was certainly being a pain to the guards on its end. They couldn’t even get near it with the hammer’s length due to the pole it was attached to. Fortunately that drill arrow cut through the crossbow bust and from its downward angle, was already drilling through the hammer bust’s back and out its stomach. Because the sheer power and force of the shot, it struck the ground in front of the creature leaving its “explosive” trait useless, but at least when it did detonate, it took out the horde of smaller heartless that were surrounding it. With the path clear and the Bust stunned from surprise attack, the guard wasted no time charging in and attacking the beast. That was when Rainbow and Applejack crashed through the sword Bust, destroying it. However Sora’s concern was elsewhere. “Love their enthusiasm but the big guy is pretty sturdy.”  He fired a few shots into the shoulder blade of the arm holding the hammer, trying to restrict its movement as he jumped off the roof. He and Rarity watched as the guards were wailing on the thing, spears were flying, Pegasi were stabbing, and levitated weapons were slashing away at it. Rainbow and Applejack were off to the side watching the whole event. In their eyes, it looked like a bunch of ants taking down a tarantula, but that didn’t mean that the arachnid had an advantage. It was quite the sight for the two. However the stone heartless lacked any fear or the ability to move so instead of fleeing it would mindlessly attempt to attack once more, once it came to its senses. Fortunately Sora and Rarity weren’t going to allow that as he sprinted around the pedestal, arrow at the ready. The moment he caught sight of it in his lens, he jumped to the side outward from the pedestal as if he was going to dodge roll, but instead rapid fired 3 arrow’s into the beast’s elbow before gravity reminded him to finish the roll and was back up in a kneeling position. Looking at his handiwork. Marvelous darling Rarity congratulated their display of style and finesse. I’m not one to resort to violence, but I must say the two of us make up a divine protector of justice. We should definitely do this more often. “Well to keep us in top form, I’m sure we might have to put in some training time for that in the future” He said as he turned to his side. “Oh! Hey, Twilight!” then went back to facing forward drawing the bow back once more. “Sora?... You’re… different” Twilight stared at him. “Well that’s what happens when I fuse I guess… It’s the hair thing isn’t it?” He fired a weaker drilling arrow at the creature’s head. It only went half way into the cranium before exploding, leaving it headless. Now it was blind, it couldn’t use its arm holding the hammer and already crumbling away. The added attacks from the guard simply sped up the process to its imminent demise. “No I mean… Nevermind… now’s not the time” She turned at their dying foe. “Let’s just wrap things up here. There will be plenty of time later.” she ran ahead and was aiding the guard by firing her magic at it from long range. Meanwhile Sora was swallowed up by light for a brief moment and found himself on all fours once again. “Oh, I guess time was up, well, everything looks fine… from…” it was then that he noticed his bow was still in front of him… floating. “Well then.... This is new” Indeed, You’re certainly full of surprises Sora. Rarity’s admiration for him could be felt but that only confused him. Wait I thought you were- FLASH! In that instant the bow changed back into it’s original keyblade form, but that did not last long as he felt the two of them disconnect from each other. And just like that, Sora and Rarity were standing next to each other Keyblade in his mouth, and a little something extra for Rarity. On her head was a hat, a purple fedora. It was stylish and placed on her head slightly slanted forward. It hid her horn under it and rested on her mane gently and seemed guide it so part of it went around her face a little, partially hiding her left eye. On the front of the bill of her hat rested the Element of Generosity. A rather curious place for it to be. However, that wasn’t the only thing she received. Levitating around her were rapiers that seemed to be forged of glittering silver, their length reaching from her barrel to just past her Cutie Mark. There were six of them in all and they seemed to levitate around her. When Rarity finally took notice of her weapons and hat she immediately started looking around, searching for something reflective. Fortunately there was a store nearby with a wide enough window to accommodate that and her eyes seemed to sparkle “Oh… My… I love it!” she then struck a pose “Absolutely Stunning, and it goes so well with my ensemble” the rapiers seemed to follow her mindset as they seemed to shift around and stop in place that would seem to compliment her posing. “It’s so Bold, so Daring, so-” “Uh, as fashionable as that is Rarity, I’m pretty sure it was meant to help you in a fight… and we’re still in a fight soooo” Sora was trying to bring her back down to reality. “Hmm? Ah, yes, ahem, my apologies I suppose I was caught in the moment” she took another glance at her reflection and then a thought appeared in her head. “Hold up a moment, dear… She lifted her hat to show her horn as if to confirm something, then placed it back, perfectly where it was before. “Strange…” “What? What’s wrong?” Sora asked as he smacked away a few small heartless. Fortunately they were becoming scarce now and some of the guards were making their way over to the streets ahead to block them off and cut off the flow of Heartless. “They float… but I’m not using magic…” She focused on one of the rapiers and suddenly it started spinning in circles. “How odd…” “Huh… Kinda reminds me of that one guy” He didn’t explain more from there as he heard Twilight cast a thunder attack. “Uuuh, Let’s talk about this later, It’s not over yet” he dashed ahead past her and onward. Leaving her to her own devices. “Right, I’ll uh, be right there, darling!” Rarity called out then looked back at her levitating rapiers. “Once I… understand what I have here” She made one turn on an axis before suddenly a beam of purple-ish silver light shot out of the tip and blasted a piece of the stone pavement it was aimed at off the ground, leaving a blackened soot area where it used to be lodged. This gave her quite a startle as she reflexively pulled her forehoof away from the point of impact and stared back in slight fear and surprise. “...Well then…” After some time the statue heartless was soundly defeated, and the plaza was soon cleared of the remaining smaller heartless, with the guards placing themselves on the roofs and streets connecting to it to make sure no more could get in. “All clear here Luna!” Sora waved at the diarch as she strode in. she seemed focused and concentrating as her horn was radiating a dark blue light. However, it seemed she was still able to reply. “Thank you all for covering for me. I believe I am ready… CAPTAIN!” “Yes, ma’am” The guard that was barking orders to the others was now in front of her and saluting. “Send the signal, if you please.” She then made her way for the center of the plaza “Yes ma’am!” he suddenly turned to his soldiers. “Sergeant, give me fireworks!” “Yes Sir!” a unicorn guard saluted and stepped forward before firing off a kind of flare spell into the sky. But this flare then started to pulse in the air. After looking at it long enough it seemed to be a timed pulsing. ~~~ Celestia’s Plaza  Celestia looked up at the sky when she noticed the flare spell rise into the air and begin pulsing. This brought a smile to her face as her horn was hidden by its own radiant yellow glow of light. “Thank goodness, I was worried after what I heard was happening over on their side” she then motioned toward the Captain of her side, who then saluted and fired off a flare of their own… As both flares were noticed by both sides, their pulsing slowed until they matched their timing. “Good” she said as they both changed to a Red color “Continue as we have planned, Captain.” ~~~ Back to Luna’s Plaza         Sora looked up at both flares before looking at the Captian “What’s with the light show?”         The Captain was more than eager to reply “For this plan to work, both Princesses need to time their spells just right, You may not know this but although both Princess carry light within them, they are made of two opposite things. It’s something they found out recently I Have been told after discussing with... ‘an old friend’... Or at least that’s what I’ve heard.”         “Opposite things? You mean there is more than one kind of light?” Sora tilted his head confused after hearing this new revelation         “From the sounds of it, yes. I’m afraid you’re barking up the wrong tree for any details though, I didn’t bother asking about it since it wasn’t integral to know more for the plan to work.”         Sora decided to take the soldier’s word for it and make a note to ask the Princesses about it later. “Ok then, so I’m guessing the flares are for the timing part then.         “Correct, the Captain on Celestia’s side and my Sargeant here are actually counting down now as they look at the flares, Once both flares turn red, they countdown a set number of pulses they agreed upon then immediately flash both flares green. The Princesses are waiting for that green color.” The Captain kept his gaze at the flares         “And then what happens?”         “I don’t know” the Captain spoke honestly, but at that moment both Flares changed to green “but we’re about to find out.” they both looked at Luna. Her horn glowed brightly before she finally released all the pent up magical energy in this one spell.         Over on Celestia’s Side the Solar diarch was doing the same thing. Everyone nearby them had to cover their eyes as blinding blue and yellow light shot out of both alicorns respectively and seemed to swallowed them all up. For those hit with the yellow light, it was an energizing and warm feeling, that seemed to fill their bodies with unparalleled vigor and stamina. For those that were hit with the blue, it was calming and gave a cool feeling, it gave their minds a sense of unshakeable focus and clarity. In time both lights converged and mixed into each other altering it into one giant dome of light that covered the entire city, giving those within it the both the effects of the yellow and blue light now. It was definitely needed for those that were in battle and for those that were recovering. But the greatest thing the duo spell had given them, was the utter annihilation of the heartless.         The moment any of the guards, Bearers, or Sora got a look around them. All they would see… was empty streets, alleys, and roof tops. In just a few short moments, the invasion was thwarted in a blinding light. ~~~~~~~~~~ By the castle walls         “Absolutely not!”         Maleficent and the Queen were hiding out of eye and earshot behind castle walls as Maleficent finally discussed her NEW plan. However, after hearing it, Chrysalis was having immediate second thoughts. “Under no circumstances will I order my agents to do that! You have no idea what damages that will cause.”         “Oh, it would appear you know more about this then I would believe.” Maleficent seemed to once again half care for the Queen’s concern as she was once again looking through the book she brought with her, flipping through the pages.         “Who doesn’t know?!” The Queen stomped her hoof causing cracks in the ground. After an sudden glare from the witch, she quieted down “You have no idea damages that will cause, and I wouldn’t be surprised if it even stops us from achieving our goal.” She fired back a glare of her own at Maleficent. “In fact I’m positive that’s exactly what will happen.”         “Well, when you think about it, Your Majesty, this was bound to happen eventually. So why not sooner rather than later when we have the chance to use it to our advantage.”         “You’re not seeing the point here! Your asking my agents to release Discord! Discord would not care whether or not this is to our advantage. Infact once he knows what we’re up to, he’ll more than likely put a wrench in it only for the sake that it would cause chaos for us.” Chrysalis was now showing signs of worry and fear in her anger.         “And that’s exactly what I am counting on” Maleficent gave a sinister grin, this caused the Queen to take a step back.         “You want him to foil everything we’ve worked for and stride to achieve?”         “Of course, not! I will have my castle and you have your conquest. I won’t have some mismatched freak of nature ruin my goals. “Then Why-” Maleficent held up her hand “There are things that even a god would have fear of in this universe.”  She then held out her hand as if she was going to cup something when suddenly a sickeningly green and black ball of fire appeared and from it appeared a bottle of reddish liquid that fell into her hands.  Chrysalis swore she could feel the liquid giving off a faint yet ominous aura that, while not at all oppressive in its intensity, for some reason still caused her to feel unsettled. Chrysalis stared at the bottle warily “What… what is that?” “This,” she held the bottle a bit higher for emphasis “is something I picked up from Hades during a time when he and some other foolish-yet-powerful reprobates were counted among my circle. A souvenir, if you will.” It was at this point she tore her gaze away from the bottle and looked over toward the changeling queen. “Tell me, Your Highness… how do you kill a god?”                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               > Chapter 25: From Robes to Scales > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- (As Always Green Text means "click me" to play theme music to go with what your reading. Red text means to stop the music. Anywords with This coloring to their text means to click on it for a sound effect. If there is music playing, then let it keep playing, the sound effect is brief Completely optional: Your free to ignore this) Luna’s Plaza         Sora had to admit, that was one heck of a light show he just witnessed as he finally lowered his forehoof from his eyes. He felt awesome now. Whatever that did, made him feel like he was ready for another invasion. Not that he was asking for one of course.         Everyone was looking around, standing at the ready, but no heartless appeared for what felt like ages. Then they all started looking at one another unsure what to say… It was at this moment that one pony would make it their mission to break the silence, in the manner they do best. She points her turret guns in the sky and made it go into a repetitive 360 as she fired only the fireworks and light beams “WE WON!!! GO TEAM!!”         This startled the pegasus guards that were protecting her from any flanking attacks as well as freaked out her timid friend Fluttershy who was there at the time checking up on them causing her, on instinct, to drop to the ground, or rather, rooftop trying to shrink as much as possible so as not to be noticed. However that was short lived when her mind caught up with her and she finally looked at her friend Pinkie Pie cheering away and generally being silly. Now she couldn’t even help herself as she got up and started giggling at the sight, genuinely happy that it was all finally over.         As if everyone could hear the Party Pony, which might have been the case, everyone, guards, civilians, Sora, and the girls all started to cheer with her. As the Princesses finally finished their spells and give a triumphant smile at their subjects. Luna took a moment to announce “Everyone, You have all fought bravely and Canterlot remains free from the darkness!” A another round of cheers in the plaza was heard before she lifts her hoof to calm them. “Now, I believe it is time for us to regroup and focus our attention on the citizens here and aid them in anyway we can.”         “But princess?!” a voice to her right, it was one of the guards, a private to be exact. “What about him?” he pointed towards Sora, said stallion raised an eyebrow and pointed to himself with a confused look.         “What about him, soldier?” Luna turned her gaze toward Sora then back at the guard.         “S-surely you have seen it too!” He continued. “Earlier he was something else… some… some kind of bipedal beast”         At this Sora and the girls that were in the plaza frowned at him. “Whoa, calling me beast is a bit much, don’t you think?”         “Then what are you?” another guard spoke as he stepped forward. “Why do you disguise yourself as a one of us? Are you a changeling?” Immediately at the mere mention of the word some of the guards tensed up and even got their spears at the ready.         “What? No way, whatever he was definitely didn’t look like any changeling I’ve ever seen.”         “Don’t be deceived that was probably some sort of trick, a ploy to hide their true identity”         “It was so weird, It’s forehooves… they were like claws or something, but not sharp or pointy.”         “Kinda freaky lookin’ if you ask me”         “Well this is escalating rather quickly.” Sora was surprised how fast the guards were taking a one-eighty on his presence. This was when the girls stood around Sora.         “Whoa! Hold on, in case you’ve all forgotten, he fought the heartless alongside with us! What you all got grass for brains or something?!” Rainbow was the first to speak. This caused all of the guards to pause as that bit of memory came back to their minds.         “Honestly, do you all simply point your spears at anything that’s different?” Rarity stomped her hoof, now the guards were feeling some shame at how they reacted to him.         “I swear if my brother was here right now he would be sending you all back to bootcamp for this” It was Twilight’s turn to say her piece and she swore she could hear a good few of them gulp at the thought.         “You have a brother in the guard?” Sora turned to Twilight and asked.         “Later Sora, kinda busy right now” She whispered back to him. To which the stallion simply shrugged and looked on at the situation, not showing much concern for his own well being from his lax attitude on the situation.         Applejack took this moment to say her piece “Fact is, ya’ll oughta apologize ta’ Sora here. Cuz if it weren’t fer him bein’ here, things could’ve been a lot worse fer Canterlot, or even all ah’ Equestria fer that matter!”         By now all the guardsponies seemed to quiet down with some even starting to show regret for how they acted. That was when Luna cut in. “Twilight and her friends speak the truth. Sir Sora came here upon my sister’s and my request. If there is anyone here that is most skilled in fighting heartless, it would be him” She gestured a hoof toward Sora who just scratched his head.         “Sir Sora, huh?... Can’t say I’ll ever get used to being called that.” he mumbled to himself         “It is true, my sister and I along with the bearers kept his true identity a secret, we originally wished to reveal him when the time was right. However, as you can all agree, the darkness cares not for what we wish.” ~~~ Celestia’s Plaza         “So then what is he, Princess, and what relation does he have with these monsters?” The guard Captain in that area bowed to her as he respectfully asked the question that was no doubt lingering in all of their minds by now. Though for some, it was more important than others.         However, the sun princess smiled. True they all seemed rather rude earlier with how they addressed Sora as an “it” or “freak” but they were willing to accept him nonetheless once they saw reason. “His name, is Sora, and he wields the keyblade. A powerful weapon the heartless fear. A blade that can truly destroy them and free the hearts that were stolen away by them.”         The guards were all looking at each other. They couldn’t really think of anything else to say at this point, whether they accepted the princess’s explanation or not. The fact remained that Sora was the head of this attack and reclaiming Canterlot went both a lot smoother and faster the moment he dropped in. Some may still be wary of him but fact remained, as capable as the guard was, Sora and the Bearers were the greater asset to this victory. The Captain decided to speak. “Then I have to ask Princess, where exactly is he from?” ~~~ Luna’s Plaza Luna simply smiled, a question she and her sister would expect their subjects to ask “An explanation is needed, we understand” Luna lifted her head up to face the rest of the guards there. “For those that wish to understand more, a public speaking will be held once we have made sure to secure this town and we’ve returned to the civilians. I would like you all to fan out and scan every inch of Canterlot, Celestia and I wish to make certain that our spell was successful. “Yes, your highness!” The Captain then saluted before turning to face the rest of the guard. “You heard her! Get moving, Fan out and get to searching. I want five pegasi to fly out and relay the order to the rest of the guard. Move it!” “Sir, yes sir!” After a salute, the guards were scattered in all directions. As Sora and the girls watched them disperse, Luna made her way over to them. “Sir Sora, we must apologize for the negative actions our guards set toward you.” she lowered her head in apologetic bow, “It was unbecoming of them to alienate you in such a way.” Sora lifted up his forehooves trying to wave off this awkwardness. “Hey, don’t worry about it, Princess. Also, you don’t really have to add the “sir” to my name. Just Sora is fine for me. Also I don’t recall ever being knighted anyway” he chuckled scratching his head.  That’s when we was suddenly tackled by a pink living missile. “Yeah! That makes you sound all stuffy anyway.” Pinkie Pie, with wonderful timing as always, seemed to have made it from the rooftops all the way to the plaza and was giving Sora another one of her lung crushing hugs. After getting over Pinkie’s surprise attack Twilight decided to speak. “I sort of had a feeling you would say something like that, Sora. Your pretty calm about things, it can be a bit worrying in my opinion sometimes. Fluttershy wasn’t too far behind as she flew in from the same position “Is everypony alright?” she didn’t wait for their replies as she was already examining each of them for any injuries or wounds. “Y-yeah we’re fine” Twilight tried to reassure the frantic pegasus, “I’ll admit that I’m exhausted now, however” She finally took a seat on the ground, now that the fighting seemed to be over, she was finally noticing her body screaming at her. “I’ve never ran so much or used so much magic in such a short amount of time before.” She heaved a sigh. “One of the drawbacks of being such an egghead” Rainbow remarked with a laugh as she seemed all well together with a slightly even more frazzled mane. “It was a nice workout, I guess.” Applejack and Rarity seemed to be rolling their eyes at Rainbow’s response, while Twilight just held a look of contempt for her rainbow friend. Sora just smiled and shrugged at it all until a thought rose up into his mind, that changed his smile into a confused looking frown as he went into his thinking pose. “Somethin’ on yer’ mind Sora?” Applejack was the first to pick this up.   Sora was rocking his head from side to side. “I just remembered something… didn’t you and your sister say someone was leading these heartless in the letter?” Luna was a bit surprised that she herself had forgotten that, but nonetheless nodded “I-indeed, as you have explained, Heartless are not the kind to plan or think about their actions.” At this Sora nodded before she continued “Yet, when the vile creatures did invade, they appeared all around the city and forced the citizens, as well as the guards that were patrolling, to get pushed back toward the castle. In such a short time they had managed to claim more than half of the city before the reinforcements and Tia and I arrived.” Sora looked over to the girls who most of them seem to be imagining what that was like for the ponies living here. “Does sound like a smart plan… which doesn’t fit a heartless” “In other words, they were directed to attack in such away by someone else, just as the Princesses said in the letter.” Twilight added “Which means… we’re not done here” Rainbow was looking around them now as if she would be able to spot the leader from her position. “That would seem to be the case” Sora nodded before getting back to his hooves “Guess we gotta start looking for them.” “The guard should prove useful flushing them out if nothing else” Luna added. “You think it’s that creepy witch Maleficent again? Or maybe the queen?” Pinkie asked “Ooo, Ooo, what if it’s that mystery guy again. He was a meanie!” “You think he could control the heartless?” Sora asked “Mystery guy?” Luna asked with a raised eyebrow. Sora turned to Luna confused on why she asked, but then turned to Twilight when it dawned on him. “Oh right, We never really did explain how it went when we locked the keyhole to the Princesses” Twilight looked like a Deer caught in the headlights after hearing this. “Oh my Celestia… I FORGOT TO WRITE THAT IN MY REPORT!” She then decided to make her impression of the famous painting ‘Scream’ “I was so busy when Merlin showed up to train me that it must of slipped my mind in all the excitement about learning new magic!” She was absolutely distraught about this detail. “How could’ve I have been so foalish!” “Whoa, whoa, easy there Twilight, It’s not the end of the world that you forgot about it.” Rainbow tried to calm her down. Sora sat next to Luna observing the girls join Rainbow Dash to keep their friend Twilight from having an mini episode about a slip up. Looking over to said Princess, he could see her try to hold a smile, she looked like she was trying to keep herself from laughing. Looking back at Twilight’s… over dramatic melodrama, he had to do the same thing. To avoid laughing out loud he decided to bring the lunar Diarch up to speed. “In any case, here’s the long and short of what happened back in the forest…” ~~~ Outer Castle Walls Maleficent had been speaking with Chrysalis, whilst awaiting news from her agents. At the time Maleficent had decided to explain her plan of how to deal with Discord. All the while the Queen just kept on staring at the liquid inside the bottle. “Can there really be such a concoction that can strip a god’s immortality?” she let it float in her magic as she continued to observe it.   The witch only nodded as she seemed more focused on the book again. “As absurd as it may sound, he has used it once before. At most he’ll become a demigod, far more limited than his original form. However, if he drinks every drop it will make him about as powerful as the common riff raff here. I would assume that his magic would be reduced to the level of the average unicorn. After a moment of silence Chrysalis finally turned to Maleficent. “You know, you’ve been more focused on that book then anything else. It makes me curious, what exactly are you reading in there?” She wasn’t fond of others not giving her their full undivided attention when they spoke to her. Maleficent showed no sign of caring about that whenever that book was in her hand. “It’s a rather interesting read. Among those immortals, it would appear whoever wrote this has experienced the heartless before.” a smile crept onto the wicked witch’s face. “Heartless… in Equestria? This has happened before?” Chrysalis had no knowledge hearing or seeing those dark creatures in the past and she has lived for a long time. “I wouldn’t go so far as to say that, for all we know whoever wrote this book was able to travel outside this world. Hilariously they decided not to put their name as the author. Just straight to business.” The Queen furrowed her brow, she went back to looking at the bottle. “So how exactly are you going to manage to get him to drink this. Keep in mind that we’re using him as a distraction, so that would mean he would still need his powers then.” “Believe it or not, all immortals have an ego, work with that and you can convince an almighty trickster to do what you want. Of course, it would require you to not be so twitchy and shifty eyed.” Maleficent tore her gaze from the book to look at her partner. True to her word. Chrysalis seemed rather nervous of the whole plan and would glance around them every now and then. She did not like the plan even with such an amazing sounding potion in her hooves. “Can you blame me? We’re basically trying to pull one over the very embodiment of chaos. Just a snap of his claws and that special bottle will turn into chocolate milk or something. He makes no sense and that’s how he likes it.” “I suppose I’ll have to demonstrate for you when the time comes… how goes the search if I may ask?” Maleficent looked up toward the castle. “Hold on, just give me a moment” Chrysalis was suddenly quiet as her eyes closed … Then her eyes shot open “What?!” This gained Maleficent’s attention “Is there a problem?” She could only assume she wasn’t going to like what she heard. “The… The statue… Discord is gone…” Chrysalis turned to Castle “What? How can this be?” the witch’s grip on the book tightened. “My agents are at the garden where the statue should be, but it’s nowhere to be found. Just an empty pedestal!” Chrysalis face was showing a mix of feelings. Anger and frustration that their plan might become void. Fear and anxiety that there was a possibility that Discord was now free and could be anywhere at this point, perhaps even listening to their conversation the whole time. Confusion on why and how this could happen. Maleficent gripped her staff before slamming it the bottom of it against the ground in frustration. “A rather irksome day, that buffoon forgets his mission, and now we can’t even make use of a distraction….” After some time, she finally sighed.  And made the glass disappear. “I have come too far to just roll over to these sickening brightly colored equines… A change of plans. You’re going to have to complete the mission without me.” A dark portal appeared behind her before she turned and made her way toward it. “And what will you be doing?!” the Queen barked at her, she did not like how Maleficent just barked an order at her. However, the witch could care less about how she felt right now, but did manage to reply. “Giving us our much needed distraction. You know the plan, just follow it” once she stepped through she disappeared. ~~~ Pete’s Location “Heh, Well I have to say, these pony people sure know how to cook!” the big lummox Pete laughed as he was busy scarfing away at all the donuts and pastries behind the counter of a store he had found. He didn’t see the harm in taking a moment to have a snack. The hordes of heartless were basically running on autopilot, which gave him some time to take a moment and ‘indulge in the local cuisine’ while he was there. From the sounds of things outside, it seemed like it was heating up out there for a moment, then quieted down. He never bothered to look out the window as he was stuffing his face with a blueberry pie. “Haven’t had a meal this good since… huh… it has been awhile hasn’t it” he scratched his head before giving out a loud belch. “I may have been here a bit longer than intended but a few extra minutes couldn’t have changed anything.” In fact, they probably already won and all he had to do now was nab the Princesses and show how amazing he was to Maleficent. “Eeyeh heh heh heh! It’s almost too easy!” he laughed as he finally stepped out of the store and into the sunlight illuminating the plaza ready to continue his mission… however instead of the army of heartless marching toward the castle, He was greeted with a sight he had not expected. ~~~ Luna’s Plaza Sora could not believe what he was seeing… he wasn’t surprised so much to see Pete just waltz right out of a building in front of him. He was surprised on how the answer to their current problem just walked right into their line of sight. “Well that was quick… there’s the leader.” What’s that stuff on his face… pie crust? Pete, upon realizing the situation he was in froze like a statue as he was trying to contemplate what happened to his army of heartless from earlier…. “How long was I in there?” he asked himself. Rainbow Dash cocked her head to the side trying to make sense of what she saw. “The leader of all these heart is a big fat cat thing?” Fluttershy suddenly whizzed right past them to get a good look. “Oh my, you’re a very large cat aren’t you, and look at those tiny little ears! So cute!” she immediately was petting Pete’s head, as if he was a common stray.         “My word” Rarity held a look of disgust “What a grotesque looking creature, cat or no. I think I can smell it from here. Sora was trying to contain his snickering watching and listening to the girls react to Pete. “Ya’ know, fer the one runnin’ this invasion… I was kinda thinkin’ he’d be more… intimidatin’. This is…” Applejack was trying to find the right word to say when Pinkie came in. “Underwhelming?” “Yeah that’s it!” Applejack replied, pointing to the pink mare.   Pete stood there fuming at the ponies constantly dissing him.“What the… Why I outta-wouldja cut that out!” he waved off Fluttershy and her hoof causing her to squeak and zip back to hide behind her friends. “No respect, you ponies need to learn some manners. Fortunately for you I’m gonna teach ya” Rainbow huffed some air through her nostrils “With what army? Oh that’s right? They’re all gone now aren’t they?” She then faked a gasp with both her hooves placed on both sides of her face.   “Just give it up Pete, The invasion’s over, you lost!” Pete blinked a few times once he heard that familiar voice, “Waaaaiit a second” He turned his gaze to the owner of the voice and squinted his eyes. “I recognize that hair and keyblade anywhere. What are you doing here, twerp?!” he pointed at Sora before he finally registered the form he had taken and started laughing. “As if your goofy outfit and hair wasn’t enough of an embarrassment, now you’re a cute little pony! Hyeh heh heh heh! Oh this is too much!” he continued to make a large bellowing laugh. ‘Why don’t you go make a little girl’s birthday wish come true, runt” Sora opened his mouth to say something… but closed it as he scratched the back of his head. “Yeah you kind of have a point there.” “Sora!” he heard the girls berate him from behind.  He raised his hooves up defensively “Hey, it’s true! It’s like the number one generic goal on a little girl’s wish list! I can’t deny it!” He immediately shook his head. “But now’s not the time” then turned to face Pete again.   “Pfft Whatever, Ol’ Pete’s gonna show you girly ponies who’s boss around here.” Pete got into his awkward wrestler looking pose. “Then I’m coming for you and your sister, your highness” He pointed toward Luna. All that did was make the Lunar diarch raise an eyebrow and hold an “unimpressed” look on her face in return. “Oh really?” Sora was now smiling as he placed the keyblade into his mouth, the girls standing beside him. “What do you girls think about that?” ~~~ 30 seconds later Pete wasn’t sure how he was in this position… Or why everything hurt... He was slumped half way through the now broken store window groaning like a zombie as he ached from pain. “What’s with these ponies…” he groaned before gravity determined he was top heavy and he fell into the store and landed face first on the floor, with his legs in the air sticking out of the window. “Oooooowww…..” Sora slacked a bit in his stance as he looked on through the window Pete crashed into. His face held slightly apologetic expression looking at the state the state he was in. “Sheesh, now I feel bad for him since I egged the girls on.” after shaking his head once to focus again he straightened up and dismissed his weapon before trotting up to the window and called out to it. “Alright, Pete, you had enough? I’m sure they have no trouble going another round with you.” “I hope not, I really wish to go home and take a shower” Rarity mumbled as she gave a huff looking at herself “All this fighting and running around has made me absolutely sweaty, guh” her face scrunched up when she picked up the scent of B.O. though most of it was coming from next to her. One look in that direction and she understood. “Of course…” “What?” Rainbow turned to her side to look at Rarity next to her. “Anyway-” Sora continued to the issue at hoof only to find Pete was suddenly gone. “What the?” they all looked around to see he was nowhere to be found. “Where could he have gone? He’s as big as a carriage!” Rainbow called out. Meanwhile Pete, for someone as large as him, seemed to have to have to trouble making a “tactical retreat down the road. “This place is nuts! Why didn’t Maleficent tell me these crazy ponies could use magic like that… it’s weird…”He snapped his fingers and opened up a Portal to the corridors of darkness and ran right through it. “Later suckers!” Hyeh heh heh-Augh… My back!” the effects of the previous ‘battle’ were still taking a toll on his body so he ended up limping deeper into the portal before it vanished. Back with everyone else in the plaza Sora scratched his head and sighed. “Great, more villains to the party… well, at least he’s not much to worry about.” “We should fan out and look for him!” Twilight suggested as she was already making her way down one of the roads when Sora grabbed her by the tail. “Don’t bother Twilight, If I know Pete, he’s long gone by now so it’d be pointless to try.” Sora shook his head, prompting Twilight to look back at the road then at him a few times before sighing in response. “So… would um…. Would that mean we… won?” Fluttershy spoke up finally. Hoping for the answer to be a yes. Luna decided to  answer that question on Sora’s behalf “Yes, Fluttershy, we-” ROOOOAARRR! Suddenly from the direction of the castle came a roar so loud it reached the ears of everyone in the city. “What in tarnation was that?!” Applejack exclaimed as she turned to face the castle “That sounded like a giant dragon or something!” Pinkie was bouncing in place “They’d need a nice set of lungs to pull off a roar that loud” Sora found himself as a pegasus shelter as the scared mare was hiding directly under him with her hooves over her eyes…. Sora was unclear how this happened and what he should do right now. However all those thoughts were interrupted by a pegasus guard flying as fast as she could towards Luna. “Ma’am! Trouble in front of the castle! “Speak, soldier, what was it? Was it the cause of that roar earlier?” Just when things were finally calming down… Luna was not happy to hear the mare’s answer. “Yes ma’am, it… i-is ----- a Dragon.” ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Canterlot Castle Gardens Earlier         During the time when the battle for Canterlot began, the castle was relatively empty… In a more private area of the garden lay a statue that looked like an odd mix of animal parts that sadly made up the form of a draconequus being. A being of godly powers lay trapped in stone, meant to spend the remainder of his days encased inside.... And then the sound of footsteps were heard along the grass, making their way towards that very statue. Soon a familiar cloaked individual stood in front of the statue and folded his arms as he gazed upon it. “No hard feelings, but we’re gonna have to postpone our big re-debut for another time.” He turned to the side and lifted up his arm hidden in his sleeve and a few feet away from it a portal appeared. > Chapter 26: When One isn't Enough > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- (As Always Green Text means "click me" to play theme music to go with what your reading. Red text means to stop the music. Anywords with This coloring to their text means to click on it for a sound effect. If there is music playing, then let it keep playing, the sound effect is brief Completely optional: Your free to ignore this) Castle Gates It was a mad dash to the Castle district surrounded by the sounds of dragon roars, green flames spewing out in random directions, and the occasional sighting of something large and black poking out behind the rooftops they were passing by. “There’s just no way… she didn’t” Sora was mumbling to himself as it all looked very familiar. “What is it, Sora? You know something about the dragon?” Twilight ran along side him. “I’m hoping that I don’t” Sora said ominously as he galloped ahead and started using flow motion to speed through the street faster. When they reached the castle gates Sora knew his fears had come true as he landed back on the ground with a roll and summoned his weapon instantly. “I knew it.” When the girls reached the castle gate’s a few of them immediately took a step back in response to what they saw. A large, winged black dragon stood there glaring at them. Dark purple underside, glowing yellow eyes, mouth open as if ready to snap at them or bathe them in a torrent of dragon fire, the creature towered over them in a menacing pose. “This dragon… it looks so… evil…” Twilight may not have come across many dragons, but among the ones she has encountered, as well as her assistant Spike, She’s never seen one with such darkness and malice coming from it as the one standing before her. “That’s… Maleficent…” Sora stared back at the beast. “What?!” The girls all said at once. “The witch?! She’s a dragon?!” Rainbow gawked at it. “Uh, the jury’s still out on that” Sora replied before charging in, “Let’s talk about her identity later, ok?!” “Come boy…” The Dragon spoke in a booming yet familiar tone. It was clear that it was Maleficent after all now. “You will not find me so simple to defeat this time.” Twilight felt something off about this as her other friend, sans Fluttershy, ran after Sora. This is strange… Why would she want to fight us so much? She shook herself out of her thoughts. There would be time for that later, if they manage to subdue and Capture Maleficent she would get the answers from her one way or another Neither Sora nor Maleficent wasted any time in taking each other on. Maleficent swipes at the stallion who jumps and flips over the attack before smacking his blade across the dragon’s face, knocking it to the side from the force of impact, but the witch wasn’t going to let that stop her as her head whipped back spouting green flames at him. Immediately he erected a spell. “Reflega!” and the familiar transparent hexagon dome barricaded him as the flames past right over. Once the barrier vanished in a retaliating blast He threw his keyblade at maleficent’s face before he started running toward her. As soon as the girls were knocked out of their shocked stupor Rainbow flew past Sora and gave the dragon a flying two hoof uppercut on the jaw. “Bam! How do like that, dragon breath?” She called out as Maleficent’s head reeled back from the impact for a moment but her eyes suddenly seemed to catch a spark in them as it returned to it’s proper position and startled rainbow by how close the dragon’s head got as she almost managed to snap her up in her jaws. “Wha-Whoa!” Rainbow in instinctive response started back pedaling in the air as her wings pulled her away from anywhere near that row of teeth. Twilight started casting Blizzard at the dragon and it proved to irritate Maleficent enough for her to return a volley of flame at the Unicorn, however she managed to pull up a barrier just in time. Applejack tried charging in with her gauntlets and give her a wallop on the head, but Maleficent caught on in time and slammed her foreleg on the ground making Aj and anyone ground bound around her tumble from the ground shaking. Maleficent was just about to snatch up the helpless farmer when a Rainbow streak flew in front of her and the next second, Applejack was nowhere to be seen. Sora managed to get back to his hooves after that and struck at where the elbow of Maleficent's foreleg rested causing the big beast to lurch involuntarily. This Left her open to Rarity’s weapons firing light beams into her body. Pinkie, not wanting to be left out, was already in her turret peppering the dragon with rockets. Urrgh… Such Insolence Maleficent said in her head she slowly got back to her feet, however the barrage of attacks were not helping her. Soon Twilight joined in the volleys of projectiles with Blizzard as Applejack and Rainbow joined Sora, trying to disable her even more by taking out her legs. Such Fools Her anger seemed to rise, and the signal had not been given yet.. She needed to fight longer. She would swipe at the three melee-ers with her claws only for them to narrowly dodge and get a mouthful of rockets, beams and ice. She would fire flames at the ones attacking her from a distance and watch a barrier as from the one named Twilight would appear and protect them from the flames, only for her to receive another double hoof uppercut for leaving herself wide open for those closest to her. “SUCH INSOLENT FOOLS!” She bellowed out startling some and scaring the others to pause their attack for a brief moment. A mistake from them all as she proceeded to move faster than a creature her size had any business going. She spun around and smacked her attackers away with her long tail sending them flying back and away from her, even Pinkie’s turret wasn’t safe as it was knocked off its upright position and crashed into a building. Sora and Applejack were cast far back and fell into a tumble. Rainbow Dash reacted quickly enough to right herself in mid air before she could join the other two. Fluttershy thankfully was far enough in the back to avoid the tail swing, however what she saw didn’t make her feel all to happy about it as Twilight and Rarity were so far back that when they were struck, just like Pinkie they were knocked into a wall. “Oh no!” she squeaked and flew over to the two unicorns of the group. They were out... ~~~~~~~~~~ Meanwhile Castle Depths Chrysalis along with her most elite agents made their way deeper and deeper into what she could only assume was where dungeon would be… However given lack of attention here it was safe to assume that Criminal activity in Canterlot, and the whole of Equestria for that matter, hasn’t been anything severe enough to be cast in here. “Only so long before this time to peace will come to an end and these cells might carry some residents” She imagined sticking the two Princesses and those bothersome elements into the deepest darkest cells and it seemed to amuse her. It was then that they reached the bottom most part of the dungeons, a flight of stairs that lead to a wall. “Hm… a bit peculiar don’t you think?” she turned to one of her agents who simply nodded in silence. Her horn was then aglow and before long she was able to sense something magical in front of her, with some effort she managed to break the illusion that was the “wall” in front of her. Once it vanished, old, rusted double doors were what laid behind it. Glowing chains practically covered them as they all joined together on what she could assume was a magic seal. (Source of Picture: Pinterest ) The Queen was grinning “So… this is where you two have been hiding them… Clever, and judging by the security” She stepped up to examine the seal more closely. You have no worry of some foalish intruder stumbling upon this discovery… It’s a shame I am no lowly thief” With a glow of her horn she briefly fought against the seal’s powerful magic until finally it broke in half and vanished, slowly dissolving into light particles that too vanished when they drifted too far from their starting point. The chains following suit. Once the chains were broken, the seal destroyed. The doors cracked open slightly, through that small crack a dark Aura seeped out, the aura moved as if it were a dark mist. It rolled across the ground and pass the Queen and her much more nervous escorts, before the doors moved once again fully revealing the long hallway that laid behind it. Undeterred from this ominous display she steps forward into the dark corridor, her agents close behind. ~~~~~~~~~~ Back in the Surface It was at that moment that both Royal sisters felt something deeply disturbing… Something ominous was happening, something was warning them… However, it was unclear what it was. This feeling, felt so old to them. Unfortunately they could not afford any time to meet up with each other and discuss it, their subjects right now needed their attention, so they both individually agreed to set it aside for now until they had a better chance to figure it out with their sibling, and leave one last battle to the fate of Sora and the bearers. Back at the Castle gates, Maleficent observed her foes. She was not surprised the boy was able to recover and get back on his “hooves” She’s known the whelp long enough to confirm this. However, she expected his little pony friends to be more brittle. Yet they proved her wrong. Applejack and Rainbow were soon back on their feet, ready to take her on in another round. Twilight and Rarity were knocked out cold, however it looked like Fluttershy was already at the works recovering them with cure spells, and Pinkie went with her turret into that new hole in the wall. “Can’t quit now…” Sora spoke as he was already running back into the fray. “We gotta back up the others till their back on their hooves!” His charge was put to a halt when a large black claw came flying right at him, barely giving himself enough time to guard from the attack, but now he was stuck in place trying win in a battle of strength. “Hold on, Sora!” Applejack galloped to aid her friend in the power struggle, but was immediately deterred when Maleficent spat out a long green trail of fire in front of the Farmer’s path. “Whoa, nelly!” “Incoming you old hag!” Rainbow called out as she was flying toward Maleficent’s head again. However the witch expected as much as she stopped throwing fire and and shot her neck out like a coiled snake, jaws wide open. Rainbow veered as hard as she could but unfortunately was caught by her tail “Uh oh…” with one quick flick of her neck Maleficent threw the pegasus through the air and crashing through a window of another building. “Rainbow!” Sora looked back toward the sound of the crash, which was a mistake as he lost focus on his current situation and the claw overpowered him and grabbed him. “Guh!” “Sora! NO!” Applejack tried to charge in again, but once again was forced back by another wave of fire. “Let’em go you, monster!” She was pawing at the ground with a furious glare. Trying to figure out a way to get to him. The dragon seemed to be smirking now “Oh, you want him back?” she squeezed the hero in her clutches viciously. “Aaaaahhh!” “I said let him go!” The Farmer yelled. Her eyes were filled with a righteous fury. And on her gauntlets, her element looked like it was caught in a magic orange fire However it seemed Maleficent did not pay any mind to this new development. “Fine… You can have him!” and she slammed the key bearer so hard into the ground it cracked and created a crater. “NO!” Horror covered her face as she watched her Sora get flattened, near her. Then a shock wave of air pushed her back a few feet from the ground shaking stomp. The witch was laughing maniacally. “Pitiful boy… Are you really so useless in that pathetic form of yours” She lifted her claw to see the aftermath of her attack on him. “You’re just a shell of your former self-What?!” when she looked into the crater, she was shocked to see no one there. “How?! “Hey!” Sora’s voice called out from the distance, both her and Applejack turned to where Fluttershy the Unicorns were. Sora was back on his hooves again, scuffed up, but rejuvenated as Fluttershy casted Cura on him. Next to him Twilight was sitting on the ground but her horn was glowing that magenta aura indicating a spell had just been cast. “Teleport… suck on that, you old hag” Twilight replied with an exhausted tone, sure Fluttershy managed to heal her and Rarity, but they needed time to recover their stamina. It seemed getting knocked out finally reminded the two unicorn’s bodies how “Active” they have been all day. “Thanks for the save Twilight. You too Fluttershy for the pick me up.” Sora turned and smiled to her before charging off to join Applejack in the front lines. Hearing him say that, Twilight felt so accomplished at that moment. That recurring memory of hitting Sora with her own magic bolt, washed away by those words and his smile. It was a rather contagious smile as one had no trouble forming on her lips along with Rarity’s and Fluttershy’s. “Go get’em Sora, we got your back” Twilight managed to say to him before he was out of earshot. Rarity managed to shakily rise to her hooves. “Quite right, darling. A true lady must always be able to help to assist her friends” Once she was able to stand up straight she held her head up high and summoned her element weapons and hat once again. “I uh.. Well” Fluttershy fumbled with her words a bit but the look in her eyes wasn’t one of a coward’s. She took a moment to breathe in and clear her thoughts before finally speaking clearly “And I will take care of you all, I don’t like seeing my friends get hurt.” that’s when it hit her. “Oh dear, Rainbow and Pinkie! I hope they’re ok!” she immediately flapped her wings as fast as she could toward the two crash sites. Upon reaching Pinkie’s location what she found only confused her. “Huh… where did she go?” Fluttershy looked all around but saw no signs of Pinkie Pie within the building. When Sora finally managed to join up with Applejack in the front lines, he noticed something different about her. Eyes seemed to burning with what he could assume was determination, and her gem on her gauntlet was… well outright burning, on fire. “Hey Applejack, your-” Before he could continue Maleficent roared “Do you really think I would let you all recover so easily!” She boomed as another tail swipe was heading their way. “Oh no! Not this time!” Before anyone could react Applejack Stepped in front of Sora Planted her hind legs firmly on the ground as he was on her hind legs. That was when she shocked everyone when she thrusted her armored forelegs out and caught the tail Her Element was blazing now as her eyes were glowing bright. She grit her teeth as she was pushed back a foot or two before finally managing to stop the attack. “Impossible!” Maleficent was in shock “Whoa!” Sora went wide eyed “My word” Rarity held a hoof to her mouth as Twilight’s jaw dropped “Ah… Uh… What?” Even Applejack had no idea she what she was capable of. “GO AJ!” a familiar cheer called everyone’s attention to look up and behind the heroes. On the roof top Pinkie Pie was once again in her turret, a confident smile on her face as her element too was burning in a pink inferno. “Time for some Pinkie Support to back you up!” She went crazy on the panel and unleashed a torrent of rockets, explosives and beams pushing the dragon back as she tried to avoid the barrage as best she could. “Aaaarrrrgh! You Insolent-Gah!” A Strike to the face from a rocket shut her up for the moment. “IN YOUR FACE, SCALY BUTT!” Pinkie pointed out toward Maleficent when she received a mouthful of rocket! Sora was looking back and forth at Applejack and Pinkie Pie in confusion. Just what is going on? These two are really fired up today… Before he could think more about it. Two voices called his name. “Sora!” It was both Applejack and Pinkie as they made their burning gems shoot out of their weapons and at the same time float in front of him. “Let’s end this here, with a good ol’ fashion flank whoopin’!” Applejack called out. “No way! What we need is lots of firepower, right Sora?!” Pinkie yelled from the rooftops. Sora looked between the two briefly, then at the two gems floating in front of him This is new… However, he wasn’t going to have much time to think on the matter as Maleficent was coming out of her shock and stupor and she was going to strike as soon as she could move. On the other hand, perhaps it wasn’t such a hard decision after all. Sora just held a grin as he pulled out his keyblade into his hoof and lifted it to the side of his face, now holding the hilt with both hooves and taking a stance by moving a hind leg back stand sideways, blade pulled back and over his shoulder pointed at the two gems. “Why not both?!” was his response as light started glowing at the and he thrusted his weapon right between them “Connect!” To everyone’s surprise the elements responded by radiating light with Pink and Orange flames, that melded together into a red and flew at Sora. Instead of just being covered in light like Applejack and Pinkie, Sora was engulfed in light AND a red inferno. Then, everything around Sora blacked out. ~~~~~~~~~~ Falling in the dark His eyes shot open as Sora, in his true form, looked all around him. He was back in that dark place again, but this time he wasn’t standing on a pedestal. “Wha?” there was the feeling of something being pushed against and past him and the sound of wind in his ears… He was falling. “Wha?! Whoa, what’s going on?!” In his frantic moment of panic he brought himself into a tumble that lasted a bit longer then he would’ve liked given his new situation. Below him, far below him, was a pillar he always stood on. Nearby that pillar Sora could see Applejack’s, Pinkie’s, and Rarity’s own pillars as well surrounding his in a triangular shape with it at the center. However there were more differences as well. Both Applejack’s and Pinkie’s held a large raging flame of their own. “What the?” A warning… It was that voice again making it’s appearance as well. “Huh? Warning?” Sora looked around in futility to locate the source of the voice. The voice simply continued. ...What lies ahead is locked for a reason…. Until you believe you are ready to accept this new found power, Your connection remains severed… “T-then, how do I unlock it?!” Sora asked, completely forgetting his plummet for the time being. The voice did not answer. Sora didn’t have time for this, “Look my friends are depending on me here, Are you gonna help me or not?! Cuz I will use this power whether you want me to or not!” There was more silence… Sora had just about given up on hearing the voice and started to think for himself when finally his question was answered. … If you truly believe you need this power, then claim it... Sora noticed a flash of light. Looking down he noticed on his pedestal there was now a large keyhole. ...Once unlocked, this ability will need to be able to reside in a form… If it were to be just your body alone, You would not be able to handle it… However, an alternative has already been established… Now go… Unlock this power, and never falter. Sora pulled out his keyblade, it was now or never at this point, and his friends needed him. He pointed towards the keyhole and a beam of light shot out of the tip of the keyblade. A wave of light pulsed from the Pillar itself as it started changing color from green to red. And the Keyhole changed into a symbol Sora was familiar with seeing, before. (Source of image: kingdomhearts.wikia.com ) Immediately after that paths of stained glass appeared connecting Sora’s Pillar with Applejack and Pinkie’s. That was when the flames on both of their respective pillars suddenly flared and burned more furiously than before. With the deed done Sora dismissed the keyblade and continued his descent in a diving form toward the symbol head first. Light started radiating from it and that’s when he heard two voices. “Sora!” Pinkie was the first, Looking around he saw no one. “Ah’ think we’re already in yer head again, pardner” Applejack spoke this time. Another chance to look around confirmed it. “Already?” Sora asked before facing forward at the symbol. “We were here the whole time!” Pinkie stated “You just couldn’t hear us for some reason. Oh OH! But we heard everything you and spooky voice we’re talking about” “She’s right, Sora. So I gotta ask, is this really a good idea.” in hindsight she had a point, they were basically a few seconds away from smashing Sora’s face right into the pillar. “Yeah I’m kinda just winging it and going with my gut on this, hehe” He spoke honestly with dumb grin and nervous chuckle. “Of course ya’ are!” Applejack yelled in frustration, but at that moment where the three of them were expecting a horrible crash, they somehow broke through the now glowing symbol as if it was as flimsy as paper causing it to shatter like glass. This dumped them into nothing but pure light causing Sora to close his eyes from the brightness. Use this gift well… Those were the last words they heard before the light dissipated and they were back at the castle gates again. ~~~~~~~~~~ Castle Gates: Sora’s Position Upon being brought back into reality, Sora felt an overwhelming surge of power residing within him. He definitely felt different. Oooh, did we transform into something awesome?! Pinkie’s voice was heard in his head. He could sense Applejack’s feelings within him so although she didn’t say it, he knew she was also curious as to what happened. He knew he was standing upright again and he had- “Sora! Claw!” Twilight’s rang into his ears to bring him back to reality as he finally saw a giant dragon claw speeding toward him. He narrowly manages to dodge it with a back jump. He held his keyblades in a guard stance before- “Wait what?” ~~~ Castle Gardens: Twilight’s Position A few seconds earlier Admittedly, Twilight was very curious on what would happen when Sora connected with the two. And the results amazed her, unlike when fusing with just Applejack or Pinkie alone, it was like Sora was briefly engulfed in light and red fire. But once that went away what stood there was much different than what she assumed would happen. “Oh Wow…” What stood there was the stallion they all knew, but his fur was a somewhat darker shade of it’s original chocolate brown. His spiky mane and tail had two different streaks added to them. The straight long blonde, and the curly sporadic Pink. There were a lot more than usual of each that together they seemed to match up the same amount as Sora’s actual main and tail color. His eyes, the Irises were glowing for reasons unknown to her, the right iris was glowing green while the left was glowing a bright blue. HIs outfit though was the what changed the most dramatically. What was black on his jacket became red. The pauldron-like cloth on his shoulders changed from Silver to black, same with the yellow straps on his hood. On his sleeves, Twilight wasn’t sure what they were but there was a symbol on each of them, it looked like a strange spear, but with an extrusion on both sides of it that shot out a bit then sharply curled into pointed ends that faced the opposite direction the main body was pointing to. His saddlebags looked the same, but the red bags and the black straps on them just seemed more vibrant in color now, as if to match the red and black his jacket changed into. The trims on his jacket however seemed unchanged in color. His undershirt changed from blue and red to a very dark and a very light grey. On the back of Sora’s jacket, was not one, but both AJ’s and Pinkie’s Elements, resting horizontally next to each other, both of them radiating light with such intensity it was almost like they were burning with it. Seeing all this Twilight could only imagine the look on Rarity’s face right now. Finally, in both of his hooves, Sora held a separate Keyblade. His right held Applejack’s where his left held Pinkie’s, and his hooves looked like they were emitting red sparks of lightning that coursed through them. All in all, he looked rather fierce right now. Of course, Maleficent didn’t seem to hold their appreciation of the change as she was now winding her claw back to strike at the boy. “Sora! Claw!” She almost fumbled on her words to warn him, but thankfully, he managed to heed her warning in time. It seemed Sora was surprised with his new form as well. It was then that Maleficent began to speak. “You can change anyway you like, but it’ll all be useless so long as I crush you where you stand” she fired a stream of flames at Sora. “Oh Boy!” he reacted by dodge rolling to the side and sprinting away from the path of fire trailing behind him with AJ’s blade over his neck and Pinkie’s held over to his right side and facing behind him. Surprisingly enough, he was moving pretty fast for a quadruped running on two legs, but then again, he has had plenty of practice at being bipedal after all. Wow! Look at us go! Run run RUN! Pinkie cheered within his head. Sora had ran up to a wall, hopped and started to wall run upward in a diagonal path. Pinkie’s gotta point, ah’ never seen a pony so mobile on two legs, What are we? Applejack asked as he she watched their rapid path defying gravity. Sora just smiled “I don’t understand how, or why…” When he felt like he reached the appropriate height he bounced off the wall with all his strength practically soaring at the Dragon. “But it looks like I get to use my drive forms with you girls!” With a twist of his body he narrowly manages to avoid Maleficent’s claw again when she stopped breathing fire. Another twist and a flip and Sora swiped both keyblades in an “X” slash Across the Witch’s face making her roar and rear back in pain. Sora at that moment felt really pumped and ready to end this fight for real, and that same feeling leaked over to the girls inside him as well. The moment his hoof touched the ground he was already pivoting on that hoof to sprint and leap back at the Dragon, keyblades out and at his side. “Say hello to Valor!” > Chapter 27: Blade and Fire > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- (As Always Green Text means "click me" to play theme music to go with what you're reading. Red text means to stop the music. Any words with This coloring to their text means to click on it for a sound effect. If there is music playing, then let it keep playing, the sound effect is brief Completely optional: Your free to ignore this) Canterlot Castle Gates: inside the 2nd floor of a crashed in building         “...-ainbow…” Rainbow was waking up to the sound of a familiar voice, although she seemed to be doing so with all the urgency of a hibernating tortoise “....Rainbow…. Wake up Rainbow….” Slowly but surely the voice was starting to become clearer.         “Rainbow Dash! Please wake up!”         “Huh? What?! I’m up! What?!” Rainbow shot up and immediately began looking all around her since her mind was still feeling a bit fuzzy, but she soon realized who was calling her. “Fluttershy?”         Immediately she was brought into a big hug “Rainbow! You’re Ok! I used my magic but you didn’t get up right away like Twilight or Rarity so I-I thought I messed up and-” For some one as soft spoken as her she was well on her way to speaking like Pinkie whenever she enters one of her speed speaking moments.         “H-hey, easy there, Flutters, I’m fine, really” Rainbow could only pat her on the head with her free hoof as her other foreleg was trapped in the mega hug.         Relieved to hear her friend’s words Fluttershy finally gave a smile before releasing her from the hug.         “Now… why are we here again?” Rainbow asked as she got to her hooves, she looked around and seeing nothing but a big mess of rubble, debris, and tipped over and/or broken furniture.         “Rainbow, did you hit your head too hard? Don’t you remember we’re fighting? Try to remember.” Fluttershy hovered around her taking a looking at her head for any bumps, cuts, or wounds of any kind. So far she saw nothing much to her relief         Rainbow took a moment to focus and try to remember as much as she could. She did remember fighting… a lot of fighting… fighting heartless. R-right… Canterlot was invaded by heartless… She took a moment check her wings, nothing broken, good. Then we came to kick their butts… fought a big one… The cure spell did the trick, if she was cut up or bashed around earlier, you wouldn’t be able to tell by looking at her. then some big fat cat guy appeared… and then a Dragon! And that’s when the jumbled mess of her memories fit back together in chronological order. “I remember! That old Hag became a dragon and-” then came the memory of her being thrown aside like trash. This prompted her to scowl and puff some air out her nostrils angrily. “Oh she’s getting it now!” She immediately took off and flew out the window.         “Oh uh, w-wait for me…” Fluttershy’s voice was back to it’s normal quiet tone, now that she knew her friend was fine. She decided to fly out of the building the same way. By the time she got outside she noticed Rainbow stopping in mid air with her jaw dropped “Rainbow?”         “Nooooo waaay…” Was the Pegasus’ only response. Prompting Fluttershy to follow her gaze. Before immediately covering her mouth with her hooves.         “Oh My…”         What they saw was almost hard to keep up with. Sora in red, holding Applejack’s and Pinkie’s Keyblades as he ran all about the giant dragon, dodging fire, tail swipes, bites, and the occasional claw stomp, all while retaliating with a rapid string of key strikes. He was constantly moving, never stopping as he literally ran circles around the witch, as well as generally ticking her off.         Sora couldn’t help but grin at this situation, as he ducked low into a power slide dodging yet another flying claw before sharply turning toward the dragon. He then hopped and kicked off the dragon’s body sending him skyward, but through the whole time he turned and twisted his body til he was spinning rapidly sideways, with his his blades out and striking vertically against Maleficent’s body. To anyone that might be watching, it was like his spinning blades were helping him run up the witch’s body to her head.         Once he did reach that point he slowed his rotation down and got himself upright. Maleficent, although in pain wasn’t going to allow this wretched boy to do as he pleased. She decided to quickly face him and try to snap him up in her jaws. However that only worked out in Sora’s favor as he was expecting it. When she was about to strike him he wound both his blades back and to his side, and just like someone pulling a trigger, went into a wild horizontal spin this time. This was when Maleficent had her jaws open. The spinning blades managed to hit her upper jaw first. If one could slow down time, they could see the attack contorting her face as her upper jaw twisted slightly from impact and rapidly moved to the side, with her lower jaw trailing behind in the same path.         The dragon gave off a whine from the attack, as she was left wide open. Sora, still spinning of course, finally started to get pulled down by gravity, so he tilted his body slightly to make his helicopter spin move towards her. This continued all the way down to the ground, making sure every rotation of his weapons struck dragonhide. Then he landed stylishly with his hind legs on the ground, one keyblade held in front of him horizontally and the other held behind him pointing away from him. Meanwhile Maleficent dazedly stumbled away from both the pain and the one causing it before falling onto the side of the castle walls.         Ok now yer’ just showin’ off Applejack’s voice rang in his mind And how in the hay do we not feel dizzy from all that spinnin’ around?         I’ve had a LOT of experience with spinning in this line of work Sora replied in a humorous tone         That was so much fun! Let's do it again! Pinkie’s excitement started washing over the other two. It even got the farmer to warm up to the idea, surprisingly.         Maybe… When we need to of course, sugarcube.         Sora started running again. That attack threw their foe for a loop, but Sora knew it would take more then that to take her down. “Ok girls, let’s keep this up!” He hopped onto the Dragon’s back.         Right! Applejack called out         You got it! Pinkie cheered         Both of them were giving off a rather strong pulse of determination. So in response…         FWOOSH!         “What was that?” Sora paused for a moment.         Pinkie was the only one inside his mind to respond, Hmm, it kinda sounded like-         “Sora! Your back! Your back is on fire!” They could hear twilight in the distance screaming at them with fear, causing them to turn to the librarian.         “Huh?...” he]he stood stock-still for a moment, but when his mind finally caught up with his ears his head whipped back so fast one would fear his neck broke. Sure enough, there were spouts of pink and orange flames shooting off the back of his jacket “Aaaaaaaa......” Panic rapidly set in within Sora’s mind, mostly driven by the two mares inside him, as he felt his body spaz out.         Aaaaaaaaaah! We’re on fire! We’re on fire!” Pinkie screamed as now Sora’s body was running around on Maleficent’s back.         Quick, ya’ll countermeasures! Applejack called out making Sora’s body stop running.         “Counter-what?” Sora asked and Immediately got his answer when he face planted onto the dragon and immediately started rolling around back and forth. “Oof! Girls… stop…”         The girls weren’t listening as they were too busy chanting Stop, drop, roll! Stop, drop, roll! Eventually during their rolling Maleficent had soon recovered from the last attack and was glaring down at them “What in the world is this buffoon doing?” She didn’t even give anyone time to answer as her tail swiped over her back smacking the hero off her like how one would brush a bug off their arm. “Whooooa!” Sora was sent hurdling into the wall before sliding down to the ground with a groan, slumping over himself in a sitting position “Girls…. I don’t think that fire was hurting us…” When he lifted his head he could see Maleficent already reeling her head back and sucking in air, small brief flames already spilling from her mouth. “But that one will!” he stumbled to get up and barely roll out of the way of the stream of green fire. Meanwhile over by Twilight, she and Rarity had been so awestruck by Sora’s new transformation that only NOW after seeing him in trouble again did they realized that they had to help him “Quick Rarity use those things again!” Rarity had a moment of confusion “Wha? O-oh right!” then shook her head and glared at the dragon. “You shall leave Sora alone you ghastly thing you!” Her needle/rapier like weapons levitated in front of her and started firing pinpoint shots at the dragon’s face, aiming for the nostril to irritate her and close up her flaming mouth. This elicited a deep growl from the beast as its head slowly turned toward her. “Oh dear, um aheh… I do hope you know that by “ghastly” I meant, that is to say it was uuuh Prench for, um, radiant and divine!” she tried to bank off the witch’s limited knowledge of the rest of the world to fake a language. It was obvious that plan didn’t work as now she and Twilight were the ones that were the targets of her firebreath. Fortunately, help came swiftly as the two of them were snatched away from attack by their two flight capable friends Rainbow and Fluttershy. “Gotcha!” Rainbow smirked as she carried Twilight then looked back “How about you Flutters?” “Same here!” Fluttershy replied rather confidently as she trailed behind carrying Rarity. She didn’t need to be the strongest flier to keep up with her Rainbow maned friend. She just needed the motivation to. “EEP!” And she was getting plenty of that now that the trail of fire was following them. Now it was their turn to be rescued as the stallion of the hour had returned into the fray. Ok girls! Lets try this again! Don’t worry if our back is on fire! I think so long as it isn’t green right now, we’re ok! Right! Orange and Pink good! Green bad! Okie dokie lokie! Pinkie responded and her wave of determination from before immediately returned. FWOOSH! Hearing that sound was not comforting for the farmer, but she had to agree sora had a point. Ah’ swear none of this makes a lick of sense anymore… but ah’ ain’t gonna sit back and let this dragon lady barbecue mah’ friends. That was when the felt Applejack’s determination as well adding into the mix. FWOOSH! “Then let’s get to it!” Sora had popped a bead in his mouth and crunched on it. This time around.. He didn’t feel any pain like last time, much to his relief, and in a flash of light he was reverted to his true self. Now both keyblades were out and he was sprinting like a madman,  reaching one of her forelegs he dropped into a slide across the ground as he turned to the side, winding both blades back in the same direction, then when he was right upon it he swung like a spring trap swiping both his weapons into the leg causing the dragon to lose her balance and stumble. Sora back stepped from the falling dragon before hopping onto her once again and dashing to the back of her neck. Man I’ve never felt so pumped before. Upon reaching their target they immediately ran up it. This time Maleficent was aware of him and promptly attempted to shake him off. He jumped off just as she wanted him to, but not before giving her a parting gift. With all his might he hurled both keyblades one after the other like throwing knives, both curved away from each other after a few feet, before rendezvousing on the dragon’s face. Pinkie’s Keyblade hit her diagonally from above with a random explosion, pushing her head down only for it to shoot back up and to the side in pain when AJ’s powerhouse of a blade struck her lower jaw from the opposite angle eliciting a yelp. Once Sora landed on her back he immediately sprinted back towards her head, both keyblades summoned back in his hands in the stance he normally takes when he runs in his Valor form. He decided to take her head down by going for the neck, once he did his eyes seemed to be glowing brighter and the flames on his back grew more furious. He added some more of his own determination into the pot, now he was striking at his target with unrelenting speed and ferocity. Maleficent couldn't’ take the abuse much longer and started hopping and bounding around, causing him to lose his balance and fall to the ground. He managed to land on his feet and tuck and roll to avoid a face plant, and whipped his head back just in time to see that the witch was angry and ready to take it out on him, one of her claws already bearing down upon him. He lunged to the side to avoid the groundbreaking collision, rolled again onto onto the seat of his pants and slid a few feet. He then quickly got up and side stepped away from Maleficent’s second attempt using her hind leg. “Foolish boy!” Maleficent decided to strike him with a tail whip but he back flipped once then jumped high into the air and into an aerial backwards somersault avoiding the tail sweep from below. Right before he landed he noticed the tail coming back for another run. He didn’t have enough time to avoid it, but a thought and brief recall of Applejack’s memory gave him the alternative he needed. He held her keyblade overhead, then brought it down the moment his foot touched the pavement. The teeth of the key pierced into the stone as he knelt down behind it and held Pinkie’s keyblade horizontally in front of Applejack’s. “BRACE!” Sora called out to the two inside him, though it seemed they already had the same idea as he noticed both blades gain a more metallic sheen to them. When the tail collided with them it was stopped on the mark, not even budging the boy an inch. “What?” Maleficent was left stunned for a brief moment, but that was all the time Sora and the girls needed. Now, Sora! Applejack screamed into his mind causing him to push forward. Full Countah! Pinkie yelled in a strange accent, letting Sora lift up the tail with both blades as he took yet another step forward, then with quick footwork he pivoted and turned under it and out on the other side. The fires on his back blazing furiously and his eyes glowing ever brighter as he continued to pivot until facing his foe. He then sprinted with so much energy he was already upon her before she realised what was happening, and by the time she did he had already slid under her using that same momentum. When he was under her, anyone that could see Sora would not believe how fast he was swinging his keyblades around, it was like seeing brief flashes of orange and red/white blurs. By the time he slid out from the other side of Maleficent, the dragon’s legs buckled in pain and she was brought down to the ground. “Yeah! Go Sora!” Rainbow cheered as she was landing Twilight on a roof top. “Applejack and Pinkie too! Don’t forget they’re with him as well, dear” Rarity added as Fluttershy placed her right next to Twilight. “Y-yeah, I know that!” Rainbow grumbled and crossed her forelegs “I just… got caught up in the moment is all…” Twilight rolled her eyes and shook her head before returning her gaze to the battle. “Ok, girls, we’re not gonna let them go in alone right?” Her horn started glowing. “Way ahead of you, Twilight.” Rarity trotted past her and stared down at the fallen Dragon. “I must say, it’s quite peculiar how Sora can withstand that inferno on his back.” She referred to the roaring pink and orange flames emanating off the two elements on his back. Sora at this point was back on his feet and making a dash towards Maleficent’s face, ready to give it another barrage of slashes and cuts. Meanwhile Rarity was trying to focus on a particular spot on the dragon, her weapons floating around her, but before she could strain her eyes any more the element on top of her fedora flipped off the stop of the bill, turning over before hanging off the edge of it in just the right spot to line up with Rarity’s sight. “Oh… Well what do we have here?” “Rarity, what’s your hat doing?” Fluttershy hovered next to her. However she was immediately distracted by how Rarity’s weapons were now converging with each other above her. “I’m not quite sure dear, but it would appear as though looking through my element here allows me a much clearer view of my target. Oh, simply splendid!” As she was distracted by her new enhanced sight, her needle rapiers were now melding into each other and forming into a larger version of themselves. The very tip started to glow. Twilight was for a moment, speechless, however she soon shook herself out of it and tried to grab her fashionista friend’s attention “Uuuh, Rarity?” Rarity held her hoof up in Twilight’s direction “Just a moment dear, I believe I figured this out… now I just Fire-” Immediately a loud pinging sound rang in the girl’s ears, fortunately it wasn’t so loud as to cause negative effects, however their attention was drawn to the light purple beam that shot out from the tip of the newly formed weapon above Rarity’s head, before going right through Maleficent’s neck. Rarity was the most surprised as she immediately reared back while the gem on her fedora returned to it’s original position “My Word…” She managed to look up in time to see the large weapon before it finally separated back into those needle rapiers again. “Did… I do that?” she looked back and confirmed that a thin pillar of light was sticking through the dragon’s neck and into the ground below. “Whoa, That old hag is still alive?!” Rainbow noticed that Maleficent seemed to be struggling, attempting to move her neck and trying her best, but failing miserably to avoid Sora’s attacks. Rarity held a hoof to her barrel and gave a sigh of relief, Heartless were one thing, but ending a life was something she definitely had no intention of ever doing, even of one such as Maleficent. “It seems whatever that attack Rarity used binds a target in place, I’d assume that that’s a rather useful ability in a combat scenario.” Twilight was trying to analyze as much as she could before Rainbow nudged her. “You can nerd out about all this later, we got a dragon to beat down, remember?” and then she flew off to aid in the pummeling. “Oh! Uh, of course! L-let’s wrap this up girls!” Once she said that Twilight proceeded to fire every offensive spell she learned from Merlin at the dragon from her position on the roof. Sora was on fire! Literally and figuratively! He was slapping around the giant dragon’s head with each swing thanks to whatever Rarity did to pin down it’s neck, and each swing would lead into another racking up a massive combo chain, which he decided to finishing with a spinning swing utilizing both blades held out at opposite sides of his body, spinning him so fast that it lifted him off of the ground. When his spin slowed, just before gravity brought him back down he twisted around and pulled both blades over his right shoulder and behind his back before bringing them down on her snout with a downward slam so powerful that it was almost as if a bomb had gone off in her face. The dragon gave a cry of pain, but she wasn’t going to give up yet. As soon as she could recover enough from the beating she was taking she struck out at him jaws and all, only for him to dodge, block or back step. “Burn you pest!” she nearly screamed before she started breathing fire at him, forcing him to back off entirely, only for her to receive a double hoofed meteor stomp from above courtesy of Rainbow dash, forcing the witch to close her mouth briefly and give a groan. “Someone needs a breath mint!” the pegasus replied as she blew a raspberry in her face before she flew off, all the while a barrage of light, thunder, ice, and fire were pelting Maleficent’s back side. “Take that you… you… You jerk!” Twilight yelled from above as she and Rarity continued to fire away, her with spells and Rarity with her many needle light shots “Not the best insult dear, but points for effort.” Rarity replied with a sigh, earning a blush of embarrassment on the librarian’s face, while Fluttershy giggled softly from the scene before her while also QUIETLY cheering her friends on. “Aaaaaugh…. You inferior worms! How dare you!” Her neck was still pinned to the ground from that rather large Light Needle shot going through it and into the ground, but her neck was long enough her her to turn and see where the attacks were coming from, so she used her tail to slam the building the 3 girls were on causing it to rattle around. “Oh, ponyfeathers-whoa!” Twilight stumbled about as the building shook, and Rarity wasn’t faring any better.                                                                                                                             “Oh no you don’t!” Was the only thing Maleficent heard before she suddenly felt her head get knocked so hard to the side it sent sent it as far as it could go in the opposite direction from the building, temporarily dazing her. Apparently a few seconds earlier, when Sora took notice of Maleficent trying to take down the building with his friends on it he felt a wave of anger from both himself and his passengers. Before he knew it he was already running around her to get to the other side of her head. All that determination briefly turned into anger, that turned into power which infused his next swing. It was going to be another string of attacks, but with all that added power, multiplied by the innate ability of Applejack’s keyblade which increased the strength of his physical attacks, it only took one swing from said keyblade to knock the dragon for a loop. The impact and effect of the attack brought Sora, AJ, and Pinkie out of that brief state of anger and left them in shock. “Whoa….” Sora stunned Did… Did we do that? Sora have you been holding back or something? Pinkie asked We… um… We can gawk and ask questions later. Let’s just end this already! Applejack barely managed to come back to reality and wake the other two out of the stupor. “Oh yeah, you’re right!” Not giving the dragon anytime to recover Sora ran straight toward her head again. Rainbow had flown in in time to buck maleficent’s head to the ground. “Give it all you got, guys! No one messes with my friends!” Sora only nodded as he quickly closed in. Maleficent couldn’t get a good grasp of what was going on due to her dazed state, but what she did managed to see next was something red, Orange and Pink practically flying right toward her. After that she couldn’t quite remember what happened next… but it hurt… a lot. Sora started out with his original combo of attacks he used whenever he was in valor form, before that combo led to more exotic ones where it looked like he was practically doing some sort of deadly sword dance to her face. This finally led to him standing with legs planted in a wide stance as he launched a barrage of fast single hand swings, much like how he fought the conductor head of the heartless boss on the train from before. However, two keyblades meant twice the attacks, twice the pain, and twice the speed. He finished off the onslaught with a twirl of his body that pivoted on one foot, another double blade wind back, before it whipped out under her jaw with a massive double upward strike, knocking her head upwards with such force that it shattered Rarity’s binding on her neck and lifted her onto her hind legs for a moment before crashing back down. Anyone that happened to see the fight could only look on, wide eyed and astonished at what they had just seen. “Woooooah….” Rainbow Dash was floating lazily above, too busy trying to keep her eyes from popping out of her head to do anything else “That... was... aaawwwwesoooome….” As if that wasn’t enough, two new flashes of light started emanating from Sora’s keyblades. As he took a look at them, he noticed both representations of AJ’s and Pinkie’s elements were shining bright. “You don’t think….” he cut himself off and shook his head, there was only one way he would find out. He lifted both keyblades above him making them cross over each other in an “X” formation. Applejack and Pinkie Pie didn’t even both to ask and decided to go with it too as all three of them in unison called out. “TRANSFORM!” Suddenly there was a blinding light obscuring their vision. When it dimmed slightly they noticed both Keyblades start to meld together while at the same time start to turn into their own transformation weapons, that in turn melded together with it. After the flash of light dissipated completely Sora felt a lot of weight on both his hands that nearly made him fall over from the unexpected shift in his balance, he nearly immediately got used to it however and finally took a good look at what he was holding. It was strange, yet amazing at the same time. The basic structure of it was similar to the hammer that Applejack’s keyblade transformed into, yet it hardly looked like it at all. The long handle was made of a candy cane with orange and pink swirls wrapped around it. Where his upper hand was holding it his fingers were wrapped over what looked like a trigger, as well as what looked to be a trigger guard hanging over both it and his hand. Further up from that by about 10 inches or so was what Sora could only describe as a long grip of some sort. Rectangular, blue metallic grooves going in cross hatches on it wrapped around the handle on one side while leaving the other side bare, seemingly allowing him to get a good grip. From what he could tell it looked like if he grabbed it it could move a bit, for what purpose though he was unsure. The head for the most part looked like the same hammerhead on Applejack’s weapon, it even still kept the barrel shape, however it looked like the flat part where the hammer would make contact with it’s target was colored white with a swirl design. The white material reached around and up the sides of the barrel in a somewhat gentler candy cane swirl up to the back part, carefully avoiding covering the view of what appeared to be half of Applejack’s gem and Pinkie Pie’s gem merged together on the barrel’s side. However, as it continued it’s swirling pattern the white material seemed to detach from the barrel, gradually moving farther away from it and expanding in width, until it cut off half a foot past the back of the barrel. It gave the head a look like it was a still image of a barrel shooting towards the ground like a comet. “Whoa… kinda flashy…” Sora said after examining it for a moment OK Sora we only got chance to use this thing so make it count! Applejack called out Sora dawned a look of confusion What? What makes you say that, Applejack? He then looked at the grip and decided to grab and pull it down. It made the same cocking back sound PInkie’s gatling rocket made when he used it, so he let it go and it moved back up into place. Now the back of the barrel seemed to open up like hatch bay doors and what rose out from inside looked like the end of one big pink rocket at the center and smaller rockets circling around it, each with their own color of either green, yellow, or blue. “Oh boy…” he merely blinked at the sight of it. Ah’m not… Rightly sure honestly… but somethin’ in me is sayin’ that once we use this, it’s gone. I can feel it.  Pinkie then suddenly chimed in Oooh! Oooh! I got that feeling too! It’s like “Use this power wisely, young grasshopper” she said in an old sage-y voice before immediately giggling at her own impression. Sora turned towards a still dazed Maleficent, he knew she would soon snap out of it, and he wanted to finish this battle as quickly before more of the city got wrecked, or more ponies got hurt. Looking back at the hammer, he felt like it would definitely help out with accomplishing that goal. He tightened his grip and moved his upper hand back over the trigger. “OK, I believe you guys. I honestly don’t have any reason to doubt you anyway” He wound the weapon back to the side. Hit’er where it hurts, Sora! Applejack cheered, and Sora kicked off into a sprint, Hammer low and back. Smack that mean old witch outta the park! Pinkie joined the cheering as well. Sora picked up speed as his muscles tensed in preparation for the blow. “YEAH! GO, SORA!” Rainbow was cheering from high above so she could get a good view of everything and was really eager to see how much damage that hammer could do. Though if she had to be honest, she was jealous that she wasn’t the one holding that bad boy right now. When Sora reached Maleficent he took one large step forward, wound his weapon back further and- “Give it everything you got!” Sora called out to both girls within him as they lent him as much of their power as possible. Both flames behind him flared wildly and glowed brighter than ever in that single moment before he squeezed the trigger. The rocket’s ignited, gouts of fire blasted out of them and propelled the hammerhead forward and around it’s owner in the blink of an eye. ~~~~~~~~~~ Meanwhile Ponyville         Spike wasn’t sure how this happened, nor did he know exactly what he was going to do. He was always up for adventure, but that was when Sora or the girls were with him… This? This was something totally different…         Spike stood front and center outside of the Golden Oaks library, behind him were the cutie mark crusaders, each of them holding whatever they had managed to find off the ground to defend themselves with. Behind them all sat Merlin, stroking his beard as he looked on ahead in the same direction as them, with unconscious and/or wounded royal guards lying scattered around the fields and road.         In front of them was a heartless… a BIG Heartless. (Heartless owned by Square Enix)         Spike held his stick tightly as he gazed up at the creature. Without Sora or the girls, they were the only line of the defense keeping that thing from rampaging through the rest of Ponyville. It was then that Spike voiced the question on all of their minds. “Well, now what?”                                                                                                                                                               > Spike Adventures: Spike Guards the Home Front > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- (As Always Green Text means "click me" to play theme music to go with what you're reading. Red text means to stop the music. Any words with This coloring to their text means to click on it for a sound effect. If there is music playing, then let it keep playing, the sound effect is brief Completely optional: Your free to ignore this) Ponyville Just after the departure of Sora and the girls         “There they go again” Spike mumbled to himself as he waved them off, the pegasus chariot racing off into the sky. “Off on another quest, to save the day and fight more heartless bad guys.” He then heaved a sigh before his waving arm dropped to his side and he kicked a rock. “And once again… I’m stuck watching the library.” He then proceeded to drag his sorry self back to the library before immediately flopping onto the couch face first.         “Ah, Spike my boy, I take it their departure went smoothly?” Merlin said from where he happened to be sitting on the far end of the couch, a saucer and cup full of tea floating by him as his hooves were holding a book he seemed interested in.         “Oo a uttah istha erwin.” Translation from couch face to English/Equish is: Smooth as Butter Mister Merlin.          “Ah, splendid! Then everything over in Canterlot should be right as rain in no time.” It would seem Merlin was fluent in the language.         Spike rolled onto his back now “Yeah, and they’ll probably learn some super cool move and fight off giant monsters and do all kinds of heroic stuff…” he turned his head to the side to look at nothing in particular. “And I’ll be here… again… waiting for them to come back.”         Merlin glanced over towards the little drake allowing a hint of a smirk to grace his features before he looked back at his book again ”Well someone has to keep an eye on home base while the main party is out.”         “Yeah, and what a challenge that is, valiantly defending the headquarters from the dreaded dust bunnies and misaligned books.” He heaved another sigh “I mean, it’s not like I don’t like my job here. I’m Twilight’s Number One Assistant-” “Hoo!”         “Quiet you...” Spike pointed towards an owl that was perched in the open window “Anyway, It’s just that sometimes I want to help out with hero stuff too.”         “Hmm, that is quite the pickle.” Merlin smiled as he carefully shifted his gaze back to the dragon for a moment. “But perhaps there may be times when a problem comes up that only you are able to take care of.”         “Pffft, with all due respect Mr. Merlin, it certainly doesn’t feel that way to me.” Spike groaned as he gazed at the ceiling with a rather bored expression.         At that moment Merlin hopped off the couch and closed the book with his magic. “Well if that is the case, I suppose I might just have to change your mind.”         “Oh? How so?” Spike’s tone made it clear he wasn’t holding his breath.         “Well, I do believe I had a task I wanted to give Sora, however it would seem that more urgent matters have come up, as you no doubt saw.” Merlin carefully placed the book back into a vacant opening on the bookshelf. EXACTLY where he found it before.         Spike immediately perked up. “A job? For Sora?!” He practically leapt to his feet and in the span of a few heartbeats he was at the end of the couch looking at the old wizard. “You… You really think I can handle something like that?”         “Oh I am more than confident that you can, my dear boy. You definitely show that same spark of getting things done within your eyes as Sora does, that much is for certain.         “R-really?!” Spike was wide eyed, it may have been a small amount of praise, but it was enough to get the dragon’s attention. “Just like Sora?!” The image of Spike wearing Sora’s outfit while holding the keyblade skyward standing on top of a pile of heartless appeared in his mind.         “Technically yes, however, we won’t really know until we actually take on the task at hand.” Merlin then pulled out his watch and studied it. “Ahh here we go.” Just then the front door burst open as three familiar fillies barreled their way inside and slammed the door shut behind them, barricading it with their bodies. “Spike, we need help! Where’s Sora?!” “He left for Canterlot already to have an adventure…” Spike pouted, whatever the crusader’s problem was he didn’t suspect it was that big. It was only once he sat up and finally looked at them that he got concerned due to the looks on their faces. “Ok… What happened?” At that moment, he could’ve sworn he heard some kind of repeated thumping noise outside, but it was too quiet right now to determine whether or not he was just hearing things.. ~~~~~~~~~~ CMC’s Recap When the crusaders started retelling what they had done Spike somehow was imagining some kind of paper puppet show, with the three girls in chibi paper form with beady eyes. Scootaloo spoke first. “Ok, so there we were trying to get our cutie marks in potion making.” The scene depicted the cutie mark puppets now standing around a big black cauldron with Sweetie Belle mixing the concoction. “What? Why were you making potions?” Spike interjected “Not important, Spike.” Sweetie Belle said “Humor me.” The three girls groaned as did their puppet forms before Scootaloo explained. “Ok, so that Mogson guy wouldn’t sell us any potions, he only accepts that ‘munny’ stuff he and Sora use.” The story back tracked to the puppets in front of an even smaller chibi version of Mogson who had his arms crossed and angry look on his face and the head animated into looking like he was shaking his head. The puppet CMC all shared looks of sadness. “And why, pray tell, did you want to buy his potions?” Spike once again butted in. “Details details, ugh!” Scootaloo groaned. Applebloom then decided to give the long and short of it. “We were just curious ‘bout’em, Applejack told me when Sora used one on her, she didn’t have to drink it, it just turned inta’ green shiny lights that healed her wounds.” The image briefly back tracked to the train ride heartless battle where Sora was healing Applejack and perking her up for another round. “Oh yeah, I remember that.” Twilight and Sora were happy to tell the story of what happened when they came back from Canterlot the last time. Then the image flipped back to the puppet CMC being denied by Paper Mogson.   “Yeah, we wanted to try some to see if they work,” Sweetie Belle added, “cuz Scootaloo crashes her scooter a lot.” “Hey!” After Scootaloo’s shout a brief image of Scootaloo crashing into something and being thrown off of her scooter appeared before returning to the previous scene. “Yeah, that sounds like a good idea to have those for her.” Spike snickered “Anyways,” Applebloom continued, “so that Mogson feller’ said that we couldn’t buy potions with bits, only with that ‘munny’ stuff that heartless drop whenever they get the stuffin’ knocked outta ‘em.” Next it showed a simple Shadow getting bonked on the head with a keyblade and Munny coming out of him like a pinata. Probably not quite as accurate but close enough. “I’m gonna ask this right now just to be sure, but you didn’t try to fight them after that did you?” Spike practically groaned at that sentence as an image of the girls running at a heartless with wooden swords appeared. “Hey give us SOME credit here, we know that’s a bad idea, besides only the guards or Sora, Rainbow and the others are allowed to fight them.” Scootaloo snapped. “Can you blame me, given your track record?” The girls decided to give no comment on that and moved on. “Right, so,” Sweetie Belle picked it up this time “we then decided we could just make the potion ourselves.” Now the image was back to them standing around the cauldron mixing away once again. “And I’m gonna go on a limb here and assume you never even bothered to ask what those potions are made of…” At his words the CMC puppets now seemed to be dawning thoughtful looks as question marks floated above their heads. Sweetie Belle responded “Well… yeah, but how hard could it be?” Scootaloo decided to join in “Yeah! The stuff was green with little stars and moons floating around inside it, so we grabbed some stuff from our houses.” Three images displayed one by one, first was Sweetie Bell grabbing star and moon shaped decorations from Rarity’s house. Next was Scootaloo grabbing a large cooking pot to use as a makeshift cauldron with empty bottles inside. Finally there was Applebloom. She wasn’t sure what to bring, but figured it had to be green so she grabbed a basket and filled it with leaves and grass from around the farm to make the potion base. Finally one final image appeared of the crusaders dumping everything into the pot and Scootaloo mixing it up. “And you thought that would work?” Spike deadpanned. Another image, this time of the three of them trying it. Immediately their faces turned green with Applebloom sticking out her tongue in disgust, Sweetie Belle with her cheeks puffed out and her hoof to cover her mouth, and Scootaloo hacking up a star shaped gem.  All three girls could only reply in unison “Yeaaah…”  with a shameful tone to their voices. “Was this also an attempt to get a cutie mark in potion making?” .... the puppet CMC all seem to be looking at the viewer with pouty faces “Your silence says it all.” Spike said triumphantly “Can we just continue the story, we’re getting side tracked” Scootaloo tried to change the subject. “By all means…” Merlin decided to speak this time. “Ahem, right then.” Scootaloo was gonna wrap it up now as the image changed back to the CMC puppets standing around the pot with abysmal looks. “So big surprise, the potion making was a flop, we had to cancel that idea.” The image changes to Scootaloo perking up with a light bulb above her head as Applebloom spoke next. “Then Scoots had a ‘bright idea’ of how we could scrounge up some of that ‘munny’ stuff Mogson was talking about. “I’m already not liking where this is going” Spike sighed. “Well hehe, you’d be right,” Scootaloo said as the image changes to open fields where some paper Royal Guards were dispatching some paper heartless, “see I overheard earlier that the guard here in Ponyville got called over to take out a small group of heartless that wandered out of the Everfree Forest..... Soooo I thought uh, well…” Sweetie Belle didn’t want to drag it on any longer “Her big plan was for us to sneak onto the battle and grab any dropped munny whenever a guard defeated a heartless.” In that same image a bush appeared with the puppet CMC’s heads sticking out of it and wobbling over to the fight. “I… I just… I can’t even, girls…” Spike was at a loss for words. “It gets worse…” Applebloom said with a nervous laugh. “How much worse?” “Well for one, we got spotted by the guard.” Scootaloo stated as an image of a guard pointing at their bush with the CMC heads giving a started look appeared. “For one?” Spike asked in disbelief, what more could they have- THUD… THUD… THUD  It sounded like large footsteps approaching, leaving the visual imagery of the story to vanish from Spike’s mind and focus back on the girls that were now trembling and looking out the window. “We uh… grabbed the attention of a heartless…” Scootaloo said. Spike and Merlin merely approached the front door, Spike picking up a stick leaning on the frame. It was the very same stick he had when he traveled with Sora and the girls into the Everfree, he had decided to keep it as a memento of the really cool moment where he teamed up with Sora to help fight. Plus it was a pretty sturdy stick to survive all that whacking and not break. The girls decided to follow right behind them. Once they reached the outside Spike finally got to get good look at the heartless they claimed chased them down. “What in the?” “Oh, I remember that, a Guard Armor I believe... How nostalgic.” Merlin was stroking his beard as he gazed at the towering enemy. All around it on the ground were unconscious and wounded guards Spike just looked on in disbelief, the girls were now behind him holding onto things like rocks and sticks to try to look as threatening as possible with them, too bad their cuteness factor pretty much negates their attempt at intimidation. “Well, now what?” Spike could only ask as he gripped his stick. This was bad, the ROYAL GUARD were the ones that were suppose to handle this when Sora’s away and they’re all out of commission. Are these the kind of big Heartless Sora fights all the time? How can I fight this?! I just got a stick! Spike was starting to tremble but remembered something Merlin! He seemed to be a powerful wizard. “Aren’t you selling yourself a bit short there, Spike?” Merlin’s voice came from his right causing the dragon to jump a little in shock. “Wha! Jeez, warn me next time you do that!” Spike clutched his breath and started panting before he finally heard what the wizard said. “What do you mean selling myself short? Just look at it!” he pointed to the large heartless, it seemed dead set on heading towards them as it made it’s way over, ignoring the guards it had incapacitated. “I am, but are you really trying your best, Spike?” Merlin simply stared at their approaching doom. “What?! You’re saying I can beat it?!” “Well, back in the forest you certainly handled those, er what were they called… timberwolves, yes?” Merlin simply replied. “Yeah, but not by myself! Sora and that Manticore were there fighting with me… and it was mostly them!” Spike waved his free arm frantically. “Well you’re not alone now either are you?” Upon hearing this Spike stared back at the old stallion, then to the girls behind him. “Hey if we can help, then we got your back Spike!” Scootaloo had a determined look on her face. If the big old wizard guy says they can do it, then she had nothing to be afraid of anymore. Applebloom and Sweetie Belle were the same in that respect. “Let’s kick his flank, Spike!” Sweetie Belle cheered with a pump of her hoof. “Ah’ reckon if we do beat that fella he might drop lots of munny!” Applebloom added. “No way, Really?!” Both girls looked back at her as if they had been awakened to a piece of profound knowledge.” Spike simply stared back at them and heaved a heavy sigh. “Well… If you say we can do it Mr. Merlin…” he turned to face their opponent who had finally closed the distance, there was no longer anytime to chat now with the heartless already in striking range. He gripped his stick and ran right at it. “Oh do be careful, it can throw it’s body parts at you in a sense!” Merlin replied “Wait wha-Whoa!” Spike narrowly managed to avoid a giant flying fist by side jumping and rolling very quickly out of the way. The girls practically screamed thinking Spike would’ve bit the big one there. “Wow! Spike was pretty quick there!” Sweetie Belle said. Spike had to admit to himself, that was pretty cool. He wasn’t sure how he did that at first, but decided to roll with it for now. Finally out of his stupor he ran towards the embedded limb and took a swing at it. To his surprise, not only did the stick remain in one piece, but he managed to knock it away. “What?” Merlin seemed to be holding a smirk, thankful for his hat, which was currently preventing them from seeing his horn glowing. That stick was no longer just an average stick for this fight. “Keep at it Spike, it takes more than one strike to fell this beast!” Merlin cheered he then turned to the girls “Say ladies, how about I give you three better tools than those so you can help out? “Really?” all three of them said in unison as they turned to the wizard who ended up chuckling at the adorable looks on their faces. “Yes, indeed, though let’s not let your sisters or Rainbow Dash know about it for now” he winked at them. “Oooh, a Pinkie Promise then?” Applebloom suggested. This surprised Merlin a little, pondering why ponies would know such a promise. “Uh, sure. If that’s what is required.” He would soon find out how far off his thoughts on the subject were in a moment. Meanwhile, Spike had already been engaging the Heartless completely. Spike now realized why there were no limbs attaching the hands and legs to the body, It gave the creature alot of freedom to literally fling parts of itself at his foes or have said part have a mind of it’s own to ruin Spike’s day. He had to admit, normally he’d be the one running right now from such a scary foe, but when it came to fighting heartless, for some reason he felt like he could stop them. Though most of that confidence usually came from being with the girls or Sora, this time his confidence came from how his supposedly makeshift weapon seemed sturdier than he thought, seeing as how it hadn’t so much as cracked from the punishment it was being put through. “I got you now!” Another thing surprising the baby dragon was how mobile he was right now, courtesy of a very bearded wizard to be sure. He somehow managed to jump high enough to land on the other hand before leaping off of that to land on the torso, right in front of the floating head. Spike was unaware of the smirk that was glued onto his face as he started pounding away at the head, watching it get batted away by each impact, then try to return to it’s original spot quickly, just to get knocked away by another swing. He managed to get twenty or so good hits in before he suddenly felt something grab at him. In his moment of confidence, he neglected the fact that the Guard Armor still had control of its hands. “Whoa! Let me go!” the hand picked him up and away from the torso, and went to slam him to the ground when suddenly an explosive blast struck it at it’s side, causing it to release Spike in response. “Yes!” when he landed he entered a combat roll before he tried to find what had caused the explosion. What he found was entirely unexpected. “That’s so cool!” “YEEEAH! Take that!” Scootaloo cheered as she sat behind what looked like mounted toy blaster gun. She along with Applebloom and Sweetie Belle were on the guns of what looked like a mini tank with a starry fantasy design, driven by Merlin who seemed to be having a lot more fun with this then he should be, given the current situation. “Nice shot, Scootaloo! Keep it up!” He cheered on “No way! Let me try!” Applebloom said before she fired her gun in a rapid fire volley of small light shots into the heartless’ side, pelting it with mini explosions and causing it to stumble a bit. “Hey, mine shoots different!” Whereas Scootaloo’s gun fired giant star missiles, Applebloom’s seemed to fire an automatic barrage of small bright meteors. “Wait, then what does mine do?” Sweetie Belle said before taking aim with her gun. What came out was a beam of light that started burning and pushing one of the legs into the other, tripping them both over. “Wow! Check that out!” “When did you guy’s get that?!” Spike stared on in astonishment at Merlin and the girls. “Save the chit chat for later Spike, I do believe you cannot afford the luxury!” Merlin yelled back, and right on cue Spike noticed the feet and arms return to the torso, once again forming up as a full suit of armor. “Oh uh, right!” Spike took his stance then charged back into the fray. “Go for it Spike! We got your back!” Applebloom cheered as she and the girls started firing at the heartless. Scootaloo would blast at the torso to knock it around, Applebloom would pelt the feet if they ever got within stomping distance of the dragon, and Sweetie Belle would repel the hands to knock them off course whenever they tried to punch at him or helicopter spin in his direction. Meanwhile Merlin seemed to casually drive all around the battlefield. Always in the right spot for one if not all the girls to use their guns. Spike’s battle was a lot easier now with back up and he would strike away at the body parts any time he had the chance. As time went on the Guard Armor was finally weakening to the point where it couldn’t hold itself together in one form and started falling to pieces. “This is it!” Spike called out and charged right for his foe. “I can fight too! AAAAA-guh!” mid way in his jump Merlin drove the tank right in front of him and the girls suddenly picked him up and dropped him in the seating area with them. “Guys?! What’s going on?! We almost have it!” Merlin didn’t hesitate to drive off and away from the heartless. “Yes my boy, you and the girls showed it what for and have done a smashing job at it, but I’m afraid that our services are no longer required!” Merlin seemed to be racing off as fast as he could with the tank. “What? Why?! We can’t leave it like that, it’ll just recover and attack Ponyville! BOOM! An earth shaking thud resounded throughout the area, the ground shaking enough to knock the tank itself into the air for a few seconds before it bounced back onto its tracks. This made Merlin finally slow down and make a hard 180 that caused the tank to skid and drift a bit, kicking up a cloud of dust that obscured everyone’s vision. This issue was only compounded further due to the fact that whatever had caused the crash had kicked up its own plume of dust as well. “What was that?!” Scootaloo yelled through a coughing fit. She, Spike, and the girls had to cover their eyes and cough out any dusty air they had inhaled as they tried to understand the situation. “A victory.” Merlin said simply. When the dust finally cleared and they all looked back at where the heartless last was, they were shocked by what they found instead. An unconscious black and purple dragon. > Chapter 28: Omen > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- (As Always Green Text means "click me" to play theme music to go with what you're reading. Red text means to stop the music. Any words with This coloring to their text means to click on it for a sound effect. If there is music playing, then let it keep playing, the sound effect is brief Completely optional: Your free to ignore this) Canterlot Castle Gates         “Whoooa, they sent her flying!” Rainbow was hovering over the rooftop where Twilight, Fluttershy, and Rarity were as they all watched the witch vanish from sight. “That’s some hammer.”         “I’m just glad the fight’s finally over.” Twilight wiped some sweat off her brow before taking a sitting position and looking back down toward Sora. “Great work, everypony… I think now we ca-SORA!” she immediately shot back to her hooves and nearly jumped off the roof with how quickly she moved towards the edge. Seeing this Rainbow, Fluttershy, and Rarity followed her to get a look themselves.         Down on the ground, Sora was grinning at his triumphant victory as he pulled the hammer back while it was shrinking and separating back into it’s two keyblade forms, however all at once that smile turned into an expression of dumbfounded shock as he felt his entire body go numb. “Guh!” In that instant the flames on his back had vanished with his valor form following close behind it in a brief bright flash of light, reverting his outfit to it’s normal black attire. Both Applejack and Pinkie tumbled out of that light and away from him.         “Oof!” Applejack had to keep hold of her hat to keep it on her head from that roll.         “Wheee!” Pinkie seemed to be enjoying herself as she bounced a few times, rolling a few feet before lying on her back in a giggling fit. “That was fun, can we do it again!”         Sora would beg to differ but had trouble speaking as he felt utterly wiped physically, spiritually, and mentally. This ended with him falling to his knees, his Kingdom Key dropping from his grasp to the ground with a clang before finally Sora fell face first onto the stone pavement.         This caused great alarm for the two girls as they immediately got up and ran to his side, with Twilight teleporting her and the rest of the girls over to him as well.         Sora just laid there motionless as his true form reverted back to his pony form, legs sprawled out and a face of utter exhaustion “Ugh…. Can’t… feel… anything...” and then just like that, he closed his eyes and blacked out. The last thing he could hear were the muffled voices of his friends as they gathered around him. ~~~~~~~~~~ Ponyville         Honestly, Maleficent had had better days. Everything was hurting, she couldn’t recollect why she was lying on the ground for a few moments when she finally reached consciousness, until her memories finally caught up with her… it was infuriating to say the least. That wretched boy and his pony friends had ended her rampage. Even if it was just for a diversion, losing was still an utter disappointment. If only I hadn’t spent most of my energy and magic beforehand, things would have gone differently. It was no longer wise to be in her dragon form as it only drained more of her power so she reverted back to her previous body. Eventually she rose to her feet.         “Aaaaugh! It’s still moving!” A squeak to her right caused her to follow the source of the voice. There she was finally face to face with the little purple dragon, three little fillies, and an old bearded stallion with a pointy hat.         Do I know him? He seems familiar Her mind pondered for a moment until a flash image of a certain wizard came into her mind Impossible… Merlin? He is here as well?! Who else from the outside is here with Sora?! This was not good. The runts were no trouble, but she was in no condition to fight right now, and from the look on his face, Merlin could tell she wasn’t either. She opened up a portal and made her way toward it as swiftly as she possibly could.         “Leaving so soon, Maleficent?”         She stopped, was this him saying he would take her down here and now. She tightened her grip on her staff. She may be weakened, but she was not going down without a fight. “Yes, yes I am.” she turned her head slightly toward them. This caused Spike and the crusaders to tense up a bit. “Will that be a problem?”         Merlin didn’t even hesitate to speak. “That would be a problem indeed. However, I’m only here to teach and intervene when my students are in danger.” That was her out, right there.         She face forward toward the portal again and continued walking. “What a responsible teacher you are.” she then proceeded through the portal before it immediately vanished behind her.         “Mr. Merlin?” Merlin was brought back to reality when Spike called out to him. “Should we have really just… let her go like that? I mean that’s that Maleficent witch my friends told me about, right?         Merlin shook his head before patting the baby dragon on the head. “Indeed she was, my boy. However, if I were to confront her then… Well that would be the equivalent of trapping a cornered beast. That is when they are at their most dangerous, so considering what I have to protect...” he looked at Spike and the crusaders, along with guards that were finally coming to. “I have decided to leave it to Sora and those wonder ladies to handle her and this… Chrysalis I believe she’s called. Not to worry, Sora has yet to let me down and I can only assume those Bearers are the same in that respect.         Spike smiled after hearing that, he had faith in his friends as well, and Sora was like a superhero with his amazing abilities and combat prowess… However, that also made him feel a bit frustrated.         “Of course, they aren't the only ones I can rely on” This caught the dragon’s attention and he turned to face the wizard who had a smile and a thoughtful expression as he tapped his hoof on his… beard?... honestly if he was tapping his chin, you couldn’t tell with all those whiskers. “I must admit Spike, you have certainly handled that foe rather well, and you cooperated with your friends when you needed to most. Despite your previous protests, you still decided to take on the enemy without batting an eye.” He then levitated Spike’s stick from the drake and toward his face to “examine” it. “And with a simple stick no less” He gave a nod “You certainly have a courage in your heart, much like Sora indeed.         For Spike, just hearing that he was even REMOTELY similar to Sora produced a sparkle in his eyes and smile on his face. “Really?!” Already his mind was delving into his imagination of him and Sora back to back, him wearing the same outfit as his hero and wielding the same keyblade, standing on a mountain of defeated Heartless.         Thanks, Spike! I couldn’t have done it without your help. You really are one amazing dragon. Imagination Sora would congratulate him Also Rarity thinks you’re totally handsome and amazing.        Heh, yeah… I know. Imagination Spike would pose with his keyblade resting on his shoulder as he smoothed back the Spikes on his head as he prepares to- Snap!         Spike was brought back down to Earth when Merlin had snapped the stick in half with his magic and carelessly tossed it aside. “Now then, won’t be needing this.”         “AAAAAHHH! My stick!” Spike reached out to the broken ‘weapon’ in futility as it was sent flying out of view.         “Jeez Spike, relax” Scootaloo rolled her eyes at the baby dragon’s melodrama. “We can just get another one for you.         “That will not be necessary” Merlin added. “I believe I have something more fitting for your scaly friend here.         “You mean a new stick?” Spike looked back at the wizard with hope in his eyes. The Crusaders simply face hoofed at his question. Merlin just stared at Spike with newfound wonder. “Um, no Spike, think a little bigger… and no don’t think of a bigger stick” “I wasn’t!” Spike blushed and looked away rubbing the back of his head. How’d he know? Merlin just laughed and shook his head. “Perhaps I’ll just show you.” he turned to make his way over to Sora’s house. “Don’t dawdle now.” With nothing else to do and the threat gone, Spike and the Crusaders simply looked at one another before deciding to heed the wizard’s words and catch up with him. Meanwhile, Mogson was floating down the path to the Golden Oaks Library and Sora’s house after his trip to the market district. Carrying a large basket of groceries. “Note to self, never ask a pony vendor for meat products.” He recalled that rather vivid memory of watching the store clerk turn green and then black out behind the register. “Last I heard there were plenty of meat eating races on this rock. You’d figured they’d get over that by now.” He had been visiting the library mostly to get an understanding on the world incase there were other races of potential customers he could advertise his wares to. Hey, the more cash the better. His thoughts were cut short when he noticed the guard scattered all about the field, injured and/or unconscious while the better faring ones tried to assist them as much as they could. “What in the… What happened here?!” Just then a Guard noticed him and hobbled over toward him. “Mr. Mogson? What a sight for sore eyes. Please, we require your assistance, we need potions and ethers,  as many as can possibly give us.” the night panted. “We have accumulated a small fortune of those “munny” things you spoke off and would gladly pay you for your assistance. Mogson stopped listening when he heard “small fortune” come out of the pony’s mouth. “Oh, you don’t say, then please, PLEASE, right this way.” he ushered the guard along as he called out for more able bodied guards to assist with carrying the goods. Today was going to be a good day for Mogson. ~~~~~~~~~~ Deep below Canterlot Castle         A portal to the corridor of darkness opened, and out marched a changeling with Maleficent close behind. She had previously traveled to their decided rendezvous point, however instead of the Queen, a she was met by a random changeling. Apparently there was somewhere else that was important for her to be, and the changeling was instructed to guide her there. “Such a dark and ratty tomb.” Maleficent said as the portal closed behind her.         “It’s actually a dungeon, and apparently we’re in the deepest darkest part of it.” Maleficent turned to face the owner of the voice, Chrysalis. She had apparently been standing in that spot, observing the heartless.         “So this is where the Princesses stuffed them… How goes the process?” she immediately watched groups of varying heartless either fly out of or slam against one of the cell’s grates and door before dispersing into black mist. Then in another cell was a flash of red light before the heartless in that cell became mist as well.         “As anticipated, these ‘Beasts’ aren’t making the process easy, despite how long they’ve been down here and the fact that they’ve been sapped of most their power… Though the one in the nearest cell seemed to have all of a sudden accepted their fate once this all started.” Chrysalis went and summoned even more heartless as her two guards stood to either side of her, trying their best not to flinch at every loud attack or blast coming out of the cells. “She even spoke… Though what she said was a bit strange.”         “And what did she say?” The witch’s curiosity got the better of her.         Chrysalis took a moment to gather her thoughts on the subject, “‘Took you long enough’, were her words.” It seemed to have given a chill to the Queen when she heard it.         Maleficent took a moment to ponder this. Was this really someone accepting their fate? Perhaps being down in this dungeon for so long they were hoping for a way out, any way out…. even death? However, how could that be when they know they are immortal? She shook her head, none of this was her concern for now. So long as they captured their hearts they would become incredibly powerful heartless to use at her disposal. “It matters not I suppose, I shall aide you in this endeavor.” Chrysalis turned back to look at her. “After your fight with those pesky ponies and colt? My agents that were watching said that they saw them really giving you a hard time.” She smirked “I had figured you would need time to recover.” She said it like it was a snide remark. Maleficent simply waved her off. “I was not using my full power. I had to conserve some for this far greater project.” she looked on at the cells just as a Soldier was sent flying from one cell into another before the sound of another loud attack returned it on a volley back to it’s previous cell, although it had already taken so much damage that it dispersed mid flight. “It seems to me that they are enjoying themselves with the heartless” She watched another ‘tennis match’ begin, this time with a dark ball. “It… certainly feels that way” she couldn’t sworn she heard some rather dark and low laughter from one of the cells. “They can’t last forever, they already show signs of fatigue “Oh? How so?” the witch asked as she used her power to summon much more formidable heartless inside the cells “They were much louder and violent before you arrived….” ~~~~~~~~~~ Canterlot Royal Castle Infirmary A few hours later         Sora slowly opened his eyes, the first thing to greet him was the orange light of the sunsetting entering through the window. “Ugh… What happened?” he tried to sit up, but his body started screaming at him. He was aching and sore all over. “Jeez, we won right?” he asked himself “It certainly doesn’t feel like we did.”         And that was when he heard the sound of multiple hooves rush toward the door. “Come on! The nurse said he was waking up soon!”         Rainbow was his first thought. That impatient attitude along with her voice confirmed it.         “We’re hurrying, Dash. Relax! He’s not going anywhere.”         Aaand there’s Twilight He slowly tried to lean himself against the headboard with pillow as a cushion. It was hard with the aching to say the least. Once the door swung open and the girls noticed him, he was nearly tackled by them… Ok, Rainbow and Pinkie tackled him off the bed into a hug, to be honest.         “You’re Ok!” Rainbow shouted         “YAAAAYYY!! “Pinkie cheered into his ear. Both her and Rainbow had him in a strong hug, but in his condition, it did more harm than good. “Nnnnnnnnrrrgh…..” He could not think due to his body screaming at him right now.         “Alright y'all, ease up there. Ah’ don’t think he’s quite ready fer us to pounce on him like that, judging by the look on his face” Applejack came by to pull the two girls off the stallion and Twilight used her magic to gently lift him back onto the bed.         “Sorry…” the two offenders said with embarrassed looks on their faces.         “It’s cool, guys…” Sora weakly waved it off as he tried to settle into his bed. “I’m actually glad to see you guys are ok.” He looked at himself. “It’s a little vague in my mind what happened, probably from waking up, but I think we won right?”         “Of course we did!” Rainbow  blurted out before anyone else could. “We showed that witch not to mess with us! And that weird new fusion power you used with AJ and Pinkie was AWESOME!” it was fortunate to Sora that the sheer awesomeness he displayed in the battle was temporarily keeping her from giving him the stink eye for STILL not fusing with her yet. Not like either of them even knew how to do that yet. Sora has the idea of it down, but from what he can tell, it would have to connect to her element in some way.         “By the way, what was that exactly? You fused with both Applejack and Pinkie Pie back there, and that fire coming off your back was very odd.” Twilight’s curiosity immediately got the better of her the moment Rainbow Dash mentioned it.         “Oooh oooh that was Valor form!” Pinkie raised her hoof like she was in a classroom. “Sora called it that when we were in that form! It was awesome! We were all fast and the keyblades were like all whoosh, whoosh, Shing!” she proceeded to flail her for legs about as fast as she could trying to reenact Sora’s dual keyblade attacks.         “Valor Form?” Twilight asked before looking back at Sora for answers.         Sora was happy to oblige, if he could take on those forms with the girls, he might as well educate them on the subject and other forms he’s used. “Valor form is one of the special forms I can use when I combine strengths with a friend of mine named Goofy.”         “Goofy? Oh ah’ remember that name, he and this Donald Duck feller’ would travel with ya on adventures all the time right?” Applejack could remember vividly Sora’s time telling them of his adventures the first time they were in Canterlot.         “Right, you see-” he turned to the nightstand next to him where his jacket and Saddle bags were folded away neatly. “Those clothes are more practical then you would think.”         “They are?... Wait, I remember you saying that 3 fairies gave that to you?” Twilight tapped a hoof to her chin. “I thought it was because your old clothes didn’t fit you anymore.         “Well you’re right on that, but it was only part of the reason they gave me a new outfit.” Sora looked back at the girls “The larger reason was for them to aid in my adventures by giving me new powers. So, basically it can transform me into different forms when I have the power to.” Sora then began to go into detail about what he knew about the Drive Forms. Each of the mares were enthralled by what he told them. Twilight liked the idea of it because of the magic potential it must possess to incur such an ability. Rarity liked the very idea of an outfit that could change it’s style at anytime. Rainbow loved the idea of how it sounded like an awesome super power to change forms. Applejack thought it was a useful and practical ability, she saw it more as a ‘tools in the toolbox’ sort of thing. Pinkie just straight up liked it cuz it sounded like so much fun. Fluttershy might not have been as interested as the other girls were, but she did enjoy listening to Sora explain about it. He seemed to like talking about it, even though that “anti form” he spoke of sounded like a scary risk to her. Sora didn’t seem too keen on it either as he tried to move away from that subject as quickly as possible.         It wasn’t like Sora saw it as the worst form. In actuality it was a lot more useful than one would believe it to be for being a consequence of going into drive forms too often. It just seemed to leave him in an unnerving state the whole time, and afterwards, he didn’t know whether he should hate it or respect it. On one hand, it was basically embracing darkness for a time to annihilate the foe in a rather vicious way, but on the other hand, it wasn’t like he wasn’t aware of what was happening. He was in full control, in a sense. Sure he wasn’t telling his body slash at heartless with his hands like they were claws, or move around in such a feral way, but it still listened to him without question whenever he commanded this body to do something.         That was another issue. Unlike his other drive forms. Sora wasn’t in direct control of his body when he was stuck in this form, and he couldn’t revert from it on his own, it would revert back after some time by itself. That was the only thing that the form would disobey Sora on. he couldn’t even use items or magic in this form, however it wasn’t like it didn’t listen to him whenever he commanded it to cast a spell or drink a potion, it just seemed utterly clueless on how even use such things. As if it was just an animal, in fact that was probably what best described it; Being in that form was like commanding an obedient vicious animal. It knows enough, but not everything you would want it to do. You could command it to sit and roll over, but don’t bother trying to teach it how to open a bottle.         “As amazing as those forms are, it seems to hinder you a lot if it damages your body every time.” Twilight stated as she was in her thinking mode.         “Actually that was a first for me as well, normally going out of Drive forms wouldn’t do that to me. This time however was different. And for that matter, I thought I could only go into Valor form with Goofy. Same for my wisdom form, I can only enter it when I’m with Donald.” he held his chin and entered his own thinking mode as well. “Master and Final Form don’t seem to be picky, and anti form will take everything whether I want it to or not.         “So why is it that you could enter it when Applejack and Pinkie Pie… and why did it drain you like it did?” Twilight asked. Though it was more like stating the topic for a group discussion rather than actually asking Sora about it.         “Well, that fire coming off my back was pretty new… so there’s that” Sora stated as the memory of the girls making him roll around to put out the flames passed by his mind before pushing it away.         “I was meaning to ask you that as well, but since you have no idea about that either… perhaps…” Twilight seemed to have formed up a quick analysis “Maybe there are some things you can only do fusing with us?”         “Ya think so?” Applejack walked up to Twilight. “Ah guess ah I can see that. The way we fuse seems different from how Sora would fuse with his other friends in his stories.         “I’m not even sure you could even call it fusing compared to how it works on both sides. It’s more like taking in their power and adding it toward mine.” Sora tilted his head from side to side slowly with his forelegs folded. “When I fuse with one of you guys… It’s more like you become-” “A part of you!” Pinkie jumped in as she bounced on Sora’s bed at the other end.         “Uuuh, yeah… Exactly. Like our hearts… connect...” Sora paused at that word. It seemed to make a lot of sense for everything so far.         “A part of Sora? A part of each other?” As Twilight continued to stew over these thoughts the sound hoofsteps brought everyone’s attention toward the doorway. Sure enough Both Princess Celestia and Luna were entering the Infirmary.         “Ah, it’s good to see you are well Sora. Seeing you in such a condition was worrying.” Celestia said. She knew he was here to help aid her Kingdom, but she still felt obligated to look after him in Yen Sid’s stead and as a guest to her world.         “Sorry for the scare everyone.” Sora said remembering his current position. He didn’t want to be the cause of his friends distress.         “Oh it’s quite alright, darling.” Rarity waved her hoof dismissively “Not even you knew the outcome, but you’re safe now. We can only learn from this after all.”         “Valid point Rarity,” Twilight nodded, “We know you were trying your best to help stop Maleficent, however it would probably be best not to use that ability unless it’s absolutely necessary for now, until we can understand it better.”         “Yeah I see what you mean.” Sora looked at himself for a moment before looking up to See Twilight pressing her face against his with a threatening glare.         “Do you? I’m not to sure about that Mister Winging It”         “Ok, ok, I get it! Really…” Sora lifted up his hooves defensively before the purple unicorn backed off, but still kept a suspicious glare towards him.         “Good, I’m glad you agree.”         Rainbow snickered “You got chewed out by the egghead” she elbowed him while hovering by him.         At this moment, Celestia cleared her throat to get everyone’s attention “In any case, once again Canterlot is safe thanks to everypony’s efforts here. My sister and I cannot thank you enough.” they both lowered their heads briefly to the girls and Sora.         “Actually, about the attacks your highness,” Sora spoke up, “something still doesn’t feel right about it.” He couldn’t place it but he had an uneasy feeling the whole time. Like they were missing something.         “Oh? How so?” Luna asked, but Twilight decided to answer for him.         “I would… have to agree, there are some things that don’t seem to add up for me. I mean, doesn’t it seem like, Chrysalis and Maleficent, kind of gave up too easily?”         “Easy? They sure put up quite a fight for it being too easy” Rainbow snorted         “That’s not what I mean, Dash. What I’m saying is, how come only Maleficent showed up to fight us. Also, when they first invaded, Maleficent only summoned a big heartless to fight us and then vanished. Why didn’t she stay hidden and make it harder for us to fight it and her? And where was Chrysalis in all this?”         “You bring up a good point, Twilight.” Celestia sighed “Luna and I have been wondering the same thing.”         Luna continued “As we recalled, the first time they invaded, when we discovered Chrysalis, we were told that she had disguised herself as my sister to move past the guards and enter the Royal Library. By the time we reached there, Chrysalis seemed to have already gotten what she needed and left.”         “What was it that she took?” Applejack sat down on a cushion nearby Sora’s bed.         “We’re… not entirely sure to be honest.” Celestia explained “After we had the scattered books accounted for and returned to where they belong, the scholars marked every named book off the list.”         “But she did take a book, that much was certain, and there would never be enough time to copy a book into another.” Luna was now in deep thought. “So it’s clear she took something...”         “If all the books are accounted for, and she didn’t have time to copy a book… then what does that mean?” Fluttershy was quiet through the whole ordeal, the whole time she was quietly checking up on Sora for any more wounds or damage. She trusted the Nurse saying he was fine, but friends always deserved a double check in her book.  That didn’t mean she wasn’t listening to what everyone was talking about, however.         Both royal sisters looked at each other, a growing concern becoming evident in their eyes. Luna spoke first “Sister.. You don’t suppose…”         “No… they couldn’t have. We left no record of that book for a reason. We even placed it in the darkest, most obscure region to ensure that it would be hidden from everypony…” Celestia shook her head, but she didn’t feel so confident in her answer right now.         “Perhaps not, but what are the chances someone would find it when they know they are looking for secrets.” Luna rebutted “And earlier… you felt that uneasy feeling did you not? It’s not been such a long time that we may have forgotten such a foreboding omen.         “Um excuse me” Sora brought the two sister’s out of their conversation. “What’s this about secrets and Omens? Your kind of leaving us out over here” Both sisters looked toward him, to each other, then back at Sora, before Celestia asked. “Sora, you said that there are those that can command the heartless, and Maleficent is one of them, correct?” at his nod she continued “Could… Could she teach someone how to command them, and could they then command the heartless to look for something? “Uuh, yeah. Honestly the heartless don’t really see things like we would, as I said before, they are pretty mindless.” That was when he caught on to what they were really asking about. “I don’t think they would be able to find anything super-secret unless it had something that would draw them to it, like a heart, perhaps some kind of aura or something. It’s really vague, but I have seen heartless take a very important book because of what they could sense from it. Is there a book here that could do that?” “No, in all tense of purpose it was made like any other book, at least to our knowledge. But all of this seems to fit together… Perhaps she found it through sheer luck?” Luna held a grimace on her face for a moment before sharply looking back at her sister. “We should go, Tia. Hopefully we are wrong, but just to be safe we should head for the seal in the dungeon.” “Celestia bit her lip, but she couldn’t see any reason to refuse. “You're right… Let's head there immediately.” both sister’s horns started glowing. “Hey wait!” Twilight reached out, but it was too late as the Princesses had already teleported away. … “Does this mean no ‘We Saved Canterlot’ party?” Pinkie asked. Everyone just looked at her in silence. ~~~~~~~~~~ Royal Dungeons, Lowest Part         It was only a mere moment in time between when the Princesses teleported from the Infirmary all the way to the Dungeon. When they appeared and saw what was before them, they felt a cold terror well up in their hearts.         “No… The Seal!” Luna took a step forward “How did they find it?”         “Given everything they put into the invasion, it was more than enough time for them to search for this. Come, Luna, perhaps there is still time!” Celestia was already making her way down the foreboding passage, Luna close behind.         When they made their way to the end of it, they were shocked at what they saw. Chrysalis and Maleficent were already stepping through one of the corridors of darkness, however just before they disappeared Chrysalis turned to the Royal sisters and smirked. “Ah, so close, yet so far, Dear Celestia. Until we meet again.” she gave a bow before stepping through, the portal vanishing behind her, leaving Celestia and Luna to stand there staring at the now empty cells. Their worst fears had been realized. The Beasts were now allied with Chrysalis and Maleficent. > Chapter 29: Dome Magic > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- (As Always Green Text means "click me" to play theme music to go with what you're reading. Red text means to stop the music. Any words with This coloring to their text means to click on it for a sound effect. If there is music playing, then let it keep playing, the sound effect is brief Completely optional: Your free to ignore this) Ponyville, Sora and Mogson’s House Next Day         “Wake up, Slouch!” Something tapped on Sora’s head repeatedly, causing the stallion to wake with a start.         “Huh? Wha?!” The first thing to greet his somewhat blurred sight was Mogson floating above him with his tiny arms crossed.         “Wake up, kid! You’ve been sleeping for WAY too long, it’s almost noon so breakfast just became brunch.” He watched the floating little plush toy of a Shopkeep fly off with a grumble. “Gonna need your help with something after that, so quit wasting time.”         Sora blinked a few times to get some clarity in his vision before slowly rising from the bed with a yawn. He was glad that the soreness from yesterday was gone, otherwise getting up would have been a more irritating process. It was a miracle he even made it to his own bed when the Princesses dropped him and the girls back home.         After waiting a few more moments for the grogginess to leave his body, he hopped off the bed and got ready for the day by heading to the shower, which by now had become routine. It seemed that despite being covered in fur ponies do, in fact, sweat ...and therefore stink. A fact that Rarity had all but drilled into his head. You see he and the girls had to listen to her complain about all of them being huddled in a cramped chariot the whole ride home, inhaling the “Smell of Victory” as Dash would’ve put it.  It wasn’t like he had any intention of going his whole stay here without washing up and all. I mean what, did people think he just went through his adventures with some kind of magic spell that prevented him from needing to shower every now and then? ( : Yeah, you’d think people believed was some sort of video game character or something, hee hee! ) He was a very active fighter, it’s only natural that he would sweat and need to bathe. So he washed up, brushed his teeth, then reminded himself to thank Mogson for actually supplying him with a toothbrush from his shop. Though that did beg the question of why he had toothbrushes for sale when his main business was selling adventuring gear and synthesizing items. Or maybe he was just asking too many questions and shouldn’t look a gift horse in the- ...Ok, that was probably a saying he should avoid using from now on, given the circumstances. Eventually he was clean, dressed and on his way down the stairs before taking a seat in front of the dining table. Pancakes with orange juice today, though they weren’t piping hot since they had been sitting there for awhile. He didn’t seem to care much, cold pancakes didn’t taste that different from warm pancakes anyway. Also his mind was elsewhere at the moment, causing him to not pay much attention to the taste as his mind replayed yesterday’s events. ~~~~~~~~~~ Canterlot Throne Room Yesterday         “The Beasts of Tartarus?” Sora wondered aloud at the unfamiliar name as he looked on at the distraught Princesses.         “Yes, it’s no surprise that none of you know of them.” Celestia gestured to the girls.“Their existence had been all but forgotten by society, it was before Luna’s banishment after all.”         While the girls looked at each other with worried faces, Sora was just confused. “Well, why would they be a problem, you said that was a thousand years ago right? So then wouldn’t they be long gone by now?”         “That would be the case, If they were mortal beings.” Celestia shook her head.         Twilight’s eyes widened at this new information. “Wait, are you saying that they’re immortal?” the other girls were taken aback by this and turned to Twilight before looking at their rulers for confirmation.         Both sisters nodded solemnly before the youngest continued “The Beasts of Tartarus is actually what we dubbed them for their abuse of power and the immortality that they have either stolen or received through dark methods.” At the questioning looks she received from those present she continued. “Here, allow me to explain.” Luna’s horn glowed before a magical projection appeared in front of her.         “There are four in number, each one just as terrifying as the others. One focuses his power on brute strength.” a silhouette of a rather beefy Minotaur appeared. It looked somewhat cartoonish, but its might was made apparent as similarly cartoonish silhouettes of mountains appeared. “Able to crumble mountains with his fists or cleave them with his axe, he finds entertainment in wreaking havoc wherever he goes.” They watched as the minotaur punched one of the huge mountains into oblivion before it reached toward its back to pull out a big axe. It jumped and brought its weapon down on another large mountain, cutting it in two and watching the two halves fall away from each other. One half landed on an unsuspecting village, leaving the minotaur laughing at the destruction. Some of the girls, especially Fluttershy, started to grow a little pale at the idea of meeting such a terrifying foe. Applejack however, with her newfound increase in power seemed to hold a measure of determination in her at the thought of challenging it in a match of strength. It just didn’t sit right with her that such a strong guy would use his power to hurt other ponies.         “Another focuses her power on the arcane arts and many forms of destructive magic.“ A silhouette of a lanky cartoon unicorn appears. As its horn glows, raging fires and terrible beams of lightning surged around her before images of helpless ponies were levitated and cast into the flames as she smiled. “Her most frightening ability is seeing into the future, the ability to predict and anticipate. We’re not entirely sure if she expected this day to happen, but it is safe to assume that she might have.” Twilight stared at this one, incensed at the notion that someone would abuse magic in such a way. Not if she had anything to say about it, immortal or not.         The silhouette changed into that of a griffin “A being that could control time in such a way that one would believe they were swift. His insatiable lust for violence grew exponentially the more he used his ability.” Silhouettes of Royal Guards seemed to charge after the griffin, but then the image of a clock appeared above them and the guards slowed down immensely. This left the griffin to stroll up to them and take them down at his leisure, each one a more violent beating than the last. Rainbow looked upon this as a challenge. Some faker pretending to be fast when he was actually only controlling time? She’ll just have to take this griffin down a peg.         “Finally there was one that would use manipulation and hypnosis abilities to satiate his infinite greed.” The image finally changed to that of what looked like a dragon. Its eyes suddenly glowed red and it stared at a group of pony silhouettes. The ponies stiffened up in fear for a moment before finally slumping a little and dragged their hooves as they offer up to the dragon their valuable treasures and throwing them into a pile for the dragon, who now was sporting a toothy grin as he watched. “Make no mistake that should he so choose to, he could use his powers for more deadly purposes, just like the others.” The dragon would look at some of the hypnotised ponies that seemed to carry either nothing or useless junk before swooping down on them. The image changed to those ponies completely oblivious and entranced before jagged teeth closed upon them, teeth which contorted into a sinister smile afterwards. Rarity for one was appalled to see such a brute using his powers to steal what ponies would hold dear to them. She harrumphed and stomped a hoof, she would give this dragon a piece of her mind when they find him. However, the devouring part of Luna’s explanation unnerved her a bit… She decided to make sure she wasn’t alone when she did scold this ruffian.         Celestia then started to speak. “It was not an easy task to apprehend them, and when we finally did capture them, we could not send them to any normal prison or dungeon. They were far too dangerous, even to the other inmates of those places. At the time, the best thing Luna and I could do to protect our ponies was to seal the four of them away in the deepest darkest pit we could find. The sealed room would drain them of most of their magic and strength, to where they could either rot for eternity or until we could think of a better solution for them… However, as time passed on, we had put their true punishment aside as we continued on with our royal duties. Then the Nightmare Moon incident…” she looked at Luna who seemed to look away with a hint of sadness on her face. “In time so many things happened that they were the last thing on either of our minds, until today.”         Sora took in the information of these new foes, it seemed his mission here has gotten much tougher now. “So, you think Maleficent and Chrysalis recruited these guys to their cause?”         “I believe so, but it would be rather unwise, none of the beasts would cooperate with each other, let alone someone they just met.”         “Maybe they don’t have to...” Sora realized.         Everyone looked at Sora with confusion, before Luna asked what they were all thinking. “What does thou mean?” Slipping back into her archaic speech pattern for a brief moment.         Sora held a hoof to his muzzle “Well, Maleficent has made it known, through all my times running into her, that she can control the heartless. That must have been her plan in the first place.”         Twilight tilted her head “Control heartless? What would that accomplish other than to-” and then it clicked “She was after their hearts! To make them into powerful heartless.”         “Exactly!” Sora pointed to her.         Everyone else was surprised, then the two sisters donned an even more worried look than before as Celestia spoke. “If what you say is true, then those Heartless will be a fearful addition to their dark forces.”         “That’s not all we have to worry about, Princess.” Sora regretted to say.         “Oh great, more bad news?” Rainbow groaned         When he had their attention he continued. “I’m pretty sure I said this before when I told you all my story, but when a strong individual loses their heart to the darkness, their body will remain and do things on its own. They would become a nobody, a being without a heart.”         “Yes… You have explained that, and Master Yen Sid has discussed as much with my sister and I beforehand as well.” Celestia shook her head. The situation just kept getting worse and worse.         Luna decided to confirm it for everyone. “There is no doubt that the beasts of Tartarus were strong individuals, so it is almost guaranteed that we have a new threat to deal with as well. At the very least there is some positive to take from all this.”         “Yes, thank you for reminding us Luna.” A smile finally returning to both their faces, albeit a small one. “Which is why we have a new task for you Twilight.”         The purple unicorn immediately straightened up at that. “Anything, Princess.”         “We’d like you to oversee and give us reports on our new method of protecting our towns and cities. When you’re not training with Merlin to learn otherworldly magic of course. Sora and your friends can also help as well when they aren’t busy.” Celestia looked over toward the others, just in time to hear Sora speak.         “Oh right, I do remember you two mentioning something about that the last time we were here. Something only this world could do because of its magic I think.”         Luna nods “Indeed, It is simply a test, a protective shield that can encase a town designed to prevents heartless from entering. At the same time anypony can freely enter or exit from it, so long as they don’t harbor darkness. Construction on the device has already begun and the professors and workers should already be on their way there.”         Twilight puffed her chest out proudly. “You can count on us, Princesses! I’ll be sure to write a report the moment anything comes up.         “Thank you, Twilight. However, don’t overextend yourself when you don’t need to. You’re not exactly at your best when you are sleep deprived.” Celestia giggled as the other girls seem to either join in or hold a smug look on their face, causing her student to blush in embarrassment. Sora could sorta see where they were coming from with this, however he has yet to see this version of Twilight with his own eyes. It was only a matter of time however. ~~~~~~~~~~ Ponyville Present Time         Sora snapped out of his trip down memory lane when Mogson cleared his throat. “Hey, kid! You almost done eating or what?” Looking down on his plate, he saw it was pretty much empty.         Guess I was on autopilot there. He grabbed his glass of orange juice and practically chugged it down before hopping out of his seat. “Alright, I’m done! Now what’s this about helping you out?”         “You, kid are gonna help me with advertisement!” Mogson pointed toward him before flying out the door.         Sora tilted his head “Advertisement?” He followed the Moogle out of the house “How long will this take exactly? I still have to do my job and get some training in.”          Mogson flew into his kiosk and under the counter, seemingly digging around for something. “You’ll have plenty of time for all that later, I’m sure. I only need you for a short display then you’re off on your merry little way. Oh speaking of business, it looks like some new products have been added into the catalog. Care to take a look before we set out?” He then pulled out his catalog book and opened it for the stallion to see.         Sora decided to take a look. Apparently there were some new cooking appliances up for sale next to the cooking set he saw last time, these ones coming from Equestria to be exact. It would seem fitting to have that for the kitchen being as he was in an equine form, and it even ran a special deal on some “out of this world” ingredients, though even then it was still rather costly. He immediately started thinking of sea salt ice cream. As the thought that Pinkie might like to try some rose in his mind, he also recalled Twilight mentioning that Spike liked ice cream as well. Well who doesn’t, but Sora was wondering if Spike or the ponies here would even like it         Next on the list seemed to be a pet bed, it seemed to be the universal size for many common domesticated animals at least. He didn’t own a pet, and he would only be here for a year, yet the thought remained. It wasn’t like he couldn’t come back to visit, plus Mogson seemed to have set up shop on this planet for the long run so at least someone would look after it whenever he’s not around… Perhaps it was best to get advice from an animal expert.         Up next was a book case, it was the same bookcase from before, but after that big battle and all the munny he got from slain heartless the price seemed much more affordable in his eyes. In addition it seemed a couch and coffee table was for sale as a set, it was still one of the more expensive items on the list, but it was versatile and would make his home more cozy for guests. Not to mention it’s a great idea to have for whenever he wanted to make tea or read a book. After much delegation with his inner self, he decided to go with the the couch and table set for its multiple uses and comforting look. Along with that he bought the cooking appliances with other wordly ingredients. It was a good thing half the kitchen appliances had to be purchased with bits since they came from Equestria, otherwise he wouldn’t have been able to afford it and still get the other things on the list. Even with him paying half as much Munny it still only left him with BARELY enough to purchase the usual things he would buy like potions and ethers, as well as payment fees for synthesizing items. Fortunately, the bookcase only required bits to purchase it, so he figured after doing some odd jobs today he’d be able to afford it it later.         Basic living room set purchased: Hey it’s a couch and coffee table! Now you don’t have to sit on the hard ground when you wanna enjoy a snack or read a book… Also a great place for Game Night!         Kitchen Bundle Purchased: Hey! Now you can make more than just basic food with these kitchen appliances and tools, and some ingredients straight from other worlds like Radiant Garden and Disney Kingdom will add some variety in your dishes… Now what was the process for Sea Salt Ice Cream again?         His shopping completed for now, Mogson nodded and took the catalog to store it away for later. “Alright, I’ll have your new stuff in your house by tomorrow morning. Now that we got that out of the way, we can get to you helping me advertise.”         “Yeah, about that. What exactly is your plan for that?” Sora asked as he watched the moogle fly about.         Mogson simply waggled his finger. “Haven’t been keeping up to date with the news? Apparently the Mayor is gathering all the citizens to talk about some new thing the Princesses are planning.” He then started dropping bags and items in a cart he pulled out from the side of the house. Every day this Moogle seemed to be boggle Sora’s mind with questions of where he would get all these items from.         “Sorry, I was kinda out of touch with it since I was fighting an invasion at the capitol.” Sora then scratched his head. “Everything was sort of vague the last time I was talking to the Princesses. They probably said something but I was too tired and sore to pay attention to much else other than what was important at the time for me to know.” He recalled the conversation with the Royal sisters being longer, but only the information on the Beasts of Tartarus really stuck with him since they sounded powerful. “Such is the life of Keyblade wielder I’m sure.” Mogson continued as he finished dropping things into the cart. “Now get over here and start pulling, I wanna be there before the event starts so we can set up a stand.” “Hey, why am I pulling this?” Sora glared back at Mogson who was now pushing the stallion from behind towards the cart. “Really, son? You’re gonna make this poor old timer pull all that heavy stuff by himself? That’s just beyond cruel, my friend.” Mogson shook his head and clicked his tongue as if casting shame on the boy. Sora simply snorted with a deadpan look. “Then why do you act like a child when girls are around?” “Because no matter what shape or form, the ladies are a joy and it is a privilege for mature men like myself to indulge in their radiance and beauty. And the greatest way to achieve such beauty is give them something to share it with.” Mogson held a hand to his heart while the other hand casted out toward the heavens as if he was putting on a shakespearian act. Sora felt a cold sweat forming. “So you act cute so you can be close to girls and be creepy, got it.” Mogson simply turned his nose upward and folded his arms as he grumbled. “How rude, I wouldn’t expect such an immature child like yourself to understand anyway.” “Hey!” “Less talking and more pulling!” He pushed Sora toward the cart and got him set up. Because Sora could not deny Mogson’s old age, he reluctantly started pulling the cart into town.  As he pulled the cart along, Sora had an interesting thought and had to ask “So, if you’re going to sell your stuff to the citizens, how are you going to get Munny from them? It’s not like a lot of them go out of their way to fight heartless after all? And I’m sure the guards and the Princesses would rather them not be so close to danger.” “Don’t you worry about that. You see the guards and I came to a little deal that’s a win-win situation for the citizens, the guards, AND yours truly.” Mogson sat at the front of the cart and would constantly fly back to check on his wares. “But none of that is going to happen if we don’t get there quickly, so chop chop!” He clapped his tiny little hands twice leaving Sora to simply roll his eyes and keep on walking. ~~~ Town Square Later         Sora and Mogson had finally reached the square and could see it was already quite busy there today. Ponies were gathering, guards were patrolling, and it would seem a group of construction workers were building some kind of tower. Sora would ask around, but apparently that would have to wait as the Mayor hasn’t explained yet, and Mogson decided to take advantage of this opportunity.         “Ladies and Gentlecolts! Feast your eyes on these otherworldly items that can make your lives a thousand times better!” As Mogson started his pitch, Sora was directed to stand in front of him. It wasn’t made apparent until after the “show” started that Sora was designated as Mogson’s special little guinea pig to demonstrate the quality and functions of his various potions and items. Of course for him to show how well the his potions worked, it required Sora to take damage.         “Where’d you get a bomb?!” Sora could only ask as Mogson rolled a short-fused round explosive in his direction, blasting the poor boy back and into the cart. After tumbling out in a daze, Mogson then cast the potion on him bringing him back to his senses and to his previously normal self again. No aches, no pains. “You little-”         “And there you have it folks! He takes a beating, but with a potion, he keeps on ticking!” Mogson continued to pitch and with great success. The crowd grew with more and more amazed ponies, now asking for his products. “Now hold up a moment, everypony! As much as I would love to sell these things to you, I’m afraid bits will not be able to buy any of these.”         “What do you mean?! You can’t just show us these great things and then tell us we can’t even buy them!” One of the ponies yelled shaking his bag of bits.         “Now now, I wouldn’t be here if there wasn’t already a solution.” Mogson turned to his left and nodded. At that moment a guard stepped forth and stood next to the business moogle.         The stallion cleared his throat before speaking. “We have come to a business agreement with Mr. Mogson here, which has also been approved by the princesses. In order to do business with him, you must have this exotic currency he calls Munny.” The guard then pulled out a few from his own wallet. “These are collected when we defeat a heartless.” Murmurs rushed through the crowd now after hearing this. “However, although you are all free to do as you choose, The Princess and we gaurds would prefer that you do not go out looking for heartless. They are still a dangerous threat and you should stay away from them at all costs and notify your nearest guard if you come across one.”         “Then how can we get Munny?! I want to buy some potions!” another voice in the crowd yelled.         “We have come to an agreement that we guards will be more active in defeating heartless, in order to collect Munny. If you wish to collect Munny safely, simply head over to our barracks down the road and speak with the receptionist. You can trade in bits for Munny there as we have already accumulated a sizeable vault of it. Your bits will aid the guard in purchasing much needed equipment and supplies, so you would be adding to the funds for your protection.” Already a lot of the ponies were chatting about making a trip to the barracks, so it seemed as though Mogson’s pitch would be a success.         Sora had to put up with a bit more “assistance” to prove the quality of store products before he was free to go as the Mayor finally showed up and started gathering everyone’s attention. Since he was there, Sora was curious on what this was all about and what those construction workers have been working on.         “Hello everpony! I thank you all for taking the time out of your day for this important announcement and I will try to keep things brief.” She began “As you are already aware, times have been dangerous with this new threat called the heartless, and I don’t have to read your minds to know your fears and concerns of your safety.”         A hushed murmur washed over the crowd, and Sora could pick up a few voices telling their worries to one another about it. It’s hard to believe it, but these ponies really must have been isolated from heartless and outside worlds for them to not even know of such things… I guess I was sort of the same back then. It doesn’t really hit ya until they’re on your doorstep I guess.         The Mayor continued “However, the princess has decided to have our fair town try a new method in order to give us that extra bit of security we so badly need.         I’m guessing it involves those guys Sora thought as he turned his gaze back to the construction workers.         “Those ponies over there are here to set up what the Princesses are calling a Shield Pylon, and with it, you all can rest easier in your own homes again.” The Mayor gestured to said workers and a few of them even bothered to wave back at crowd before returning to their business. “By the end of the day, their work should be completed and they’ll be able to test it out for the first time.         “Test?! You mean it hasn’t been tested before?! How can we trust it will even work?!” A voice called out from the crowd. This got a few other voices to raise similar worries.         However the Mayor seemed to have expected as much as her rebuttal was swift. “Would you rather nothing be done at all about this threat?” Now THAT shut them up. After few moments of silence she finally continued. “I understand you are all worried, and are undoubtedly concerned at hearing that the reliability of this new method of protection has yet to be confirmed, but with no other options this is the best that Ponyville, no, all of Equestria has now. We all know that Princess Celestia and Luna would do anything to protect us, and THIS-” Mayor Mare gestures to the unfinished tower, “is their answer for that.”         “I don’t know about you all,” all heads turn toward Sora who was now seen walking towards the mayor, “but I like the idea of not being woken up in the morning to take out a heartless that managed to slip inside my house, so I’m for it.” he sat on his haunches and placed his hoof on his muzzle. “And of course if you ever need something that’s outside of the range of this thing, you can always count on me. After all, my job board is right over there.” He then gestured to the bulletin board the Mayor erected for him. After a moment he figured that he might as well make a sales pitch about his abilities as well. “And I am more than used to fighting Heartless to get the job done.” He held his hoof out to summon his keyblade as proof.         Even more chatter was going amongst the ponies now. A lot of them remembered his battle during Pinkie’s blockapalooza party, that memory already filled them with confidence towards the idea. Now that the mood started to change to a happier one, Sora simply turned to the Mayor and nodded. The Mayor smiled and mouthed a “Thank you” as she nodded in return before addressing the citizens. “I for one am glad that such a hero is willing to aid us in anyway he can and am more than willing to take a chance on this plan our Princesses have with this pylon. So I shall pray for its success so that all towns, villages, and cities in our wonderful country can also have safety. What say you, good ponies of Ponyville?! For a better tomorrow?!” Her reply was a round of cheers and hooves stomping the ground. “I thought so!”         Seeing that his work was done and Mogson was seemingly busy with his new customers, he decided to take the moment to sneak out and head back home to train. That was when something suddenly swooped him off the ground and high into the sky. “Whoa!”         “Hey there Spiky, I was looking for ya!” when he looked up he saw Rainbow giving him a smirk as she carried him away from Town Square.         “Hey Rainbow, what’s with the airlift?”         “This time for sure! No interruptions, we’re gonna fuse!” That same confident look never wavered. She was seriously determined this time.         Should’ve seen this coming He thought as the pegasus carried him off towards his home. “Well I was heading off to train at home anyway.”         “Oh yeah! You got a dojo or something at your place right? Sweet! Let’s crash there! ~~~~~~~~~~ Golden Oaks Library         “And you’re sure that’s how you did it?”         “Sure as sugar, Twi. At least as far as ah’ can tell ya.”         Twilight was a very busy mare today, after Merlin had told her and Fluttershy to take a break, she finally decided to take that time to gather Applejack, Pinkie, and Rarity and discuss with them the process of fusing with Sora. Her progress… hardly much farther than what said girls and Sora already knew about it so far. “I just don’t get it. Where is it that you go? Some sort of pocket dimension? What kind of magic is that?”         “I’m not sure that’s what you would call it, darling.” Rarity shook her head before placing a hoof to her chest. “It’s honestly hard to describe what it is. And for that matter, when you fuse with him you feel as if… as if you are him… and yet you’re not… Oh dear, how can one explain such a feeling.”         “It’s your heart!” Pinkie giggled and bounced on her seat a few times. “It’s gotta be after all. Sora always talks about how important they are, and he and that spooky voice seemed to talk about connecting hearts whenever we fuse!”         Twilight looked at her skeptically “So, he connects to your heart and that’s how you fuse?” She was scribbling away at her notes everything that they said, but the whole explanation was hard for her to wrap her head around. Hearts… last time she checked, that used to be what you would call that organ that pumps your blood. But now there is this intangible object within her that’s also called a heart and it’s supposedly her very being? And now this heart apparently can do so many things that would seem impossible in her opinion, and she would vanish from reality if a heartless took hers away. She rubbed her temples. “How can such a thing be real?”         “Not sure Twilight, it just is.” Applejack replied “Maybe it’s just sumthin’ that’s beyond our understandin’ this time”         Twilight immediately waved her off with her hoof “Nonsense Applejack, there’s an explanation for everything. I just have to figure out how to explain this anomaly.” she then set the tip of her quill tapping against the paper as her mind started turning out a hypothesis. Her friends meanwhile were just reminded of her little episode with Pinkie Sense. “Perhaps this is some sort of advanced spell that Sora casts subconsciously on willing individuals to absorb their powers and abilities, taking them for his own?”         Pinkie Pie started giggling. “Silly Twilight, he doesn’t suck away our strength, that sounds too mean. We become his strength!” She lifted her forelegs high above her as confetti flies out of her hooves for some reason. This left an uncomfortable moment of silence with the girls before Rarity finally spoke.         “That.... That seems rather accurate for a simple explanation of what it does.” Rarity turned to Twilight. “No offense, Twilight but your method sounds rather cruel, as if he just rips away our strength for his own gain. It’s nothing of the sort, I assure you.”         Twilight gave it some thought “Well, while I didn’t mean it that way, perhaps you’re right. But how does it all even work? We’ve seen the process of how he gets it to work, but nothing concrete on the cause. I’ve asked Sora and he’s pretty much in the same boat. It’s all educated guesswork and improvising on his part.” Twilight wanted to help Sora in anyway she could, that resolution she made in the Everfree was still strong in her mind, that meant more than just helping in a fight. She wanted to help him understand things that were mysterious or unknown to him. “As far as he and I have gathered, we believe it’s safe to assume that the elements resonate whenever an act that compliments their specific trait is performed within a certain proximity to Sora.” She started scribbling again with her magic.         “Ah’m not gonna pretend ah understood all of what ya just said. If from what ah did get from it is correct, then yer sayin’ that finding something that goes with the element’s meanin’ is what gets it goin’? Like Honesty earns Trust.” Applejack stated.         “Ooh ooh! Laughter brings Joy!” Pinkie waved her hoof in the air like she was in class.         “And if I remember correctly, Generosity begets Gratitude.” Rarity placed her hoof under her muzzle as she thought about it.         “Trust… Joy… Gratitude…” Twilight finished writing and was reading out the diagram she made on it. “So perhaps deciphering what the individual elements give birth to is how we can unlock the other ones?”         “From how it sounds, that does seem to be the case.” Applejack nodded after giving it some thought. “So goin’ off that, what would Loyalty make? Rainbow has been buggin’ me nonstop about how it works, and the sooner we get her fusin’ the sooner she’s outta my mane.” She snorted.         “Yes, she has been rather focused on the process as of late. Whenever I would mention it she would definitely give me a look about it.” Rarity giggled quietly recalling the memory.         “She’s just jelly of our sick new element powers!” Pinkie popped up from behind Rarity, spooking the unicorn before she activated her element and was sitting in her magic turret. Rarity inside of the cockpit with her as well since she was too close to avoid it.         “Pinkie! No cannons in the library!” Twilight pointed a hoof toward the Party Pony stopping her from pressing one of the big shiny buttons.         “Awww, party pooper!” Pinkie groaned before making the turret retract back into its backpack form on Pinkie. Rarity was still shaking a bit from how fast everything went for her as she found herself once again sitting on her seat cushion as if nothing happened.         Twilight gave a sigh. “I suppose for now we at the least have some sort of lead on how to activate the other elements. Maybe I’ll just have to talk with Sora again about it, add him to our circle here next time.         “Sounds good, though ah’ll be busy with the farm tomorrow, so the time after that’ll have to do fer’ me.         “I’m free whenever Twilight! Hee hee!” Pinkie Pie smiled.         “I suppose I should take the opportunity tomorrow to continue working my new Adventure Chic product line” She then squealed and clapped her hooves in excitement. “I already have customers requesting to have custom orders for it!” During their battle in Canterlot the other day, the ponies that had gotten a chance to look at her, Sora and the girls’ outfits had nothing but compliments for the designer’s work. As a result through the whole conversation Rarity was wearing hers and was walking around town all day with it in hopes to gather more fans of the fashion in Ponyville. It was definitely getting some positive looks from other ponies, though that could have also been due to the fact that her outfit complimented her beauty. It certainly grabbed the attention of some stallions that happened to look her way.         With a sigh Twilight filed her notes away for the next meeting. “Alright then, same time the day after tomorrow?” at everyone’s nod she got up. “Alright, you’re free to go then, but don’t be late.”         “Ah’ have to say Twilight, you’re takin’ all this pretty well. Normally you’d still have us here til the next day if we didn’t stop ya’.” Applejack chuckled         This made Twilight cringe a bit and look away with light blush. “Hey, I’m working on it… it’s just... there have been so many things going on lately these days since Sora arrived, it’s hard to focus on one thing you know. Plus Celestia asked me to check on the Pylon for her today, it should be completed soon.”         “Oh yeah, I remember the Princesses talkin’ about that. I haven’t been to town yet so Ah’ haven’t seen it. It’s suppose to keep Heartless out, right?”         “That’s the idea. The Princesses experimented on a smaller scale to see that it could work using the magic in the atmosphere as a power source, which it did. We’re basically just the first town to have it since it’s the first test on a larger scale.” Twilight stated.         “Well, do you think it’ll reach as far as mah farm, or Fluttershy’s cottage?”         “At the very least Applejack, I am confident that the both Fluttershy’s and your home will be under its protection. I’m not entirely sure about your orchard however since it expands much farther out, but you and Big Mac haven’t had much trouble before right?”         “Ah’ reckon ya got a point there. We tend ta’ avoid any we come across, then buck any that get in our way along with the trees. Normally they're just small fry but the Crusader’s Clubhouse had to be declared off-limits because of the varmints.” Applejack looked off to the side with a sad expression. “The three of them have been pretty bummed about that ever since. Ah’ was at least hopin’ that it would reach that far, for them.”         The girls soon shared the same look before Twilight continued. “That would explain why I see them around here lately with Spike and Merlin.” She then nodded “Well, we won’t know until we try, right?         “Right, sugarcube.” Applejack nodded, though her confidence didn’t seem to rise much. This was all new territory for the lot of them. ~~~~~~~~~~ Meanwhile Sora’s Training Room         “Yah!” Spike leapt at the enemy, his weapon lifted over his head to bring an overhead strike down upon his target’s head. The strike connected, but he didn’t stop there, he spun his body in mid air to deliver a single handed upward cross slash to its body before gravity took hold, bringing him down to land feet first on the ground. That’s when he started up a new combo; right slash, upper slash, spin hop to add more power to his downward cross strike, thrust, side roll around to the back of his foe, pivot on his foot and give a backslash before back stepping from his opponent in a guard stance. The target remained in place. “Ok…” He rushed back in again and slashed it horizontally on the back “Hah!” !! An Incoming Strike!  Spike ducked and rolled forward under the attack before twisting his body so he was facing the enemy again, weapon held out with his right hand and his left hand supporting his body as he bent low. He immediately lunged forward and gave an upward cross slash from right to left, then strung up another quick combo off of it with a downward cross slash, spin hopping to make another heavy downward cross slash, then finished with the same twirl and side swipe move that Sora once used at the end of his ground combos back when he first got the keyblade. Normally that would send smaller heartless flying back, but this foe remained in place, although it would recoil from every strike it took. Spike was ready to keep going- “Alright, Spike! I think that’s enough for now.” Now finally out of his imagination mode, the formidable foe Spike faced was actually just a training dummy and the battlefield around him was in actuality Sora’s training room. Off to the side was Merlin who was retrieving some floating Struggle weapons with his magic. He had them floating around by Spike and the dummy to act as enemy attacks for Spike to block or dodge. Spike’s weapon, in reality was a simple struggle sword “A splendid job for your first time, my boy. Now I do believe a break is in order.” Merlin turned to the doorway and saw the Cutie Mark Crusaders trot in with tea and snacks balanced on their back. Of course they weren’t the ones that made the food, Spike made sure to tell them NOT to cook, rather just ask to get some from the library and have the bearers that were already there help if they needed to make any more. Since Pinkie, Applejack, and Rarity were there talking to Twilight about something he didn’t pay attention to, neither he nor Merlin would have to worry about the fillies trying to “make snack time a million times better!” as quoted from Applebloom. It was the weekend so they wanted something to do and figured they could get their cutie marks helping Merlin and Spike. Spoiler Alert: they’ll still be blank flanks after this. “Yo, Merlin! You’re training Spike and all, but what about us?” Scootaloo asked as she placed Pinkie’s cupcakes down, don’t bother asking how she found all the ingredients, time to make them, AND the frosting in Twilight’s kitchen. “If even Spike can fight them then I can too!” she spoke proudly. “Hey! What that’s suppose to mean?” Spike glared at the pegasus. “Ooh, do you think we’ll be able to ride on that tank again?!” Sweetie Belle had set Rarity’s tea down next to the cupcakes before she started hopping in place reminiscing on that fateful day. Applebloom placed her sisters apple slices with caramel dip in the center. Quick and simple but hardly ever refused. “Ah’ reckon we would have to train on aimin’ then if we do. No offense Scoots, but you’re not a crack shot.” “Oh and YOU are?!” Scootaloo pointed a hoof at her farmer friend while Spike and Merlin were already snacking away. Merlin was sitting on his haunches, holding his tea cup and saucer with his hooves while a few apple slices dipped in caramel and a cupcake floated magically by his head. He took a quick sip before speaking. “Now now ladies, there will be plenty of time for you to take a crack at it. However, resting is also an important lesson when it comes to training, so how about we take this time to relax and chat? For example, I’ve heard news about that new tower contraption they’re building in town.” “Oh yeah, Twilight says that the Princess wants her to oversee it later today for her. It’s suppose to cast some sort of protection spell over Ponyville, right?” Spike was already munching away on his cupcake first. “That is what the Princesses said during their conversations with Yen Sid and I.” Merlin stroked his beard in thought. “Wait! You know the Princesses Mr. Merlin?” Sweetie Belle was sitting and was about to take a bite out of her cupcake when Merlin brought it up. “Oh, why yes! I suppose it hasn’t been explained for you children but I know of them by extension of Yen Sid himself. He however has known them for far longer than I.” “This Yen Sid guy… He’s the one training Sora to be a key master?” Spike turned toward the wizard. “Keyblade Master, Spike, and currently yes. I’m sure Sora has already told you his story , so you know that he was basically self taught for a lot longer than he was trained by Yen Sid. However, now that he has guidance from Yen Sid that will only add on to his already growing powers and abilities until he can finally reach the title of Master. After all, Yen Sid did train King Mickey to be a master, and not too long ago gave Sora’s friend Riku the same title. It was at that moment when they heard something crash through a window, causing them all to jump from the sound. “What was… No, you don’t think…” Spike turned to the girls who seemed to share the same look before they all got up, Merlin trailing behind with curiosity. When they left the training room and entered the living room, there was Sora sprawled face down on the ground, with Rainbow lying on top of him, both of them dazed and covered in glass. “Rainbow Crash strikes again.” Spike shook his head. “Sora! Rainbow!” The crusaders rushed passed Spike in excitement to see the two heroes as they finally started getting up. “Ugh…” Rainbow shook her head. “That window came out of nowhere…” Sora groaned. “I feel like it’s the other way around, Rainbow.” Then the two of them noticed the girls and Spike. Sora shook off his dizziness before he continued. “Spike? Girls? What are you guys doing at my house?” He then noticed Merlin entering the living room. “Merlin too?” Merlin simply smiled “I believe some explaining is in order.” ~~~~~~~~~~ Town Square: Pylon Construction Site Several Hours Later         Twilight stared at the tower before her. It was an interesting design, the top part of it looked like a lighthouse, with the inside of it holding the sun and moon symbol back to back from each other within it where the ‘big light’ would go. Apparently that part was made specifically by the princesses with the aid of magic professors and court unicorns. The rest of the pylon below the lighthouse part seemed to have a swirling design as it gradually expanded in width towards the bottom. “Quite the landmark.” Twilight remarked in awe.         The tower stood much higher than town hall, which she assumed was meant to help increase the effective radius of the protection. “Um, excuse me, Ms. Sparkle was it?” The foreman of the construction crew trotted up to her, breaking her from her thoughts.         “Huh? What?! O-oh, yes that’s me.” She cleared her throat. “I take it everything is ready?”         “Correct ma’am, all that’s needed now is to activate it.” He then stepped aside and gestured his hoof toward the device.         With a nod she walked past him and toward a particular side of the pylon. On that side there was a sort of panel with a hole fit for a horn, and just below it a circular slot that seemed as if something should be placed there. Twilight reached into her saddle back and pulled out some kind of medallion. Engraved on it was the Sun and Moon symbol in a swirling yin and yang design. She turned it over a few times on her hoof and memorized the design before looking up at the circular slot. “Please… let this work.” She placed the medallion in the slot and immediately the medallion lit up and made a quarter turn clockwise before sinking a few inches deeper into the tower, then turning back to its normal position. Then a covering within the slot shot down from above, hiding the medallion behind it and away from prying eyes as it pushed forward to the front of the slot and locked in place.         The next thing to happen was the hole above started to light up. Twilight stared at it nervous of the outcome. What if… if it fails? Her mind asked.         “Well that’s fancy.”         She shrieked at the voice that was literally right next to her and immediately turned her gaze to the source “S-Sora! Don’t do that!”         Sora just held a big goofy grin. “Do what? I just came by to see how everything was going over here. The Mayor said this thing would be done by today right?” He was sitting on the ground and amazingly for his pony anatomy managed to get his hooves behind his head. He immediately looked up. “Certainly looks done, and the sun is going down.”         This caused Twilight to look up at the sky. Sure enough she realized that everything was cast in twilight as the sun turned orange upon its descent toward the horizon. “Oh, uh, right… I should activate this now so nopony will have to worry.”         “Yeah, I’m looking at one of those concerned folk right now. She’s the purple one standing in front of the tower.” He joked causing Twilight to blush in embarrassment. “So what’s with the second thoughts?” He got up onto his hooves and waited for her response.         Twilight was about to deny his claims at first, entering into a stutter, but then looking into his eyes she could tell that no matter what she came up with or claimed he wouldn’t buy it. Eventually she heaved a sigh and looked away. “I’m just nervous I guess. This is a BIG project, one that the princesses asked ME to look after.” She gestured toward the tower, slumping a little. “What if something goes wrong? What if I mess up, or a mistake in construction-”         “Hey!” They heard from behind, it was apparent that the foreman was a nosy busybody         “Oh, uh, no offense sir! Really.” She looked back at the tower, yet another embarrassing blush appearing on her face. However, she continued. “What if… What if we were all wrong about thinking this would even work?” She hung her head. “I know this is probably all pointless to think about it, and I can’t really claim whether it will fail or not if I don’t activate it but… But, what can I do to get rid of this doubt I’m having?” When she finally lifted her head to look at Sora, she got a close up look at his face as he was now leaning toward her, smooshing his face with his hooves and making a rather absurd and comical duck face while his eyes went cross eyed as he said “Bleeeh!” She reared back for a moment from shock, but after really looking at him, she couldn’t help but snort out a laugh she desperately tried to hold in. “Wasdamattah! Sumfin on mah facesh?!” He spoke through his squished lips that now looked like he was imitating a fish gasping for air. And that’s when then the floodgates opened leaving Twilight to crack up and start giggling up a fit. Seeing his success, Sora finally released his face and joined her laughter with his own before cracking that big grin… you know the one. When the two of them calmed down he spoke again. “Feel better?” She looked at him for a few seconds before turning away. “M-maybe a little bit, but I still feel kinda worried.” “That’s good then.” Sora stated, causing her to gaze at him again with confusion. “I’m not saying you should try to forget that feeling. If you’re confident, you’re confident. If you’re worried, you’re worried. What matters right now is that you have an important job to do.” He looked up at the tower. “If the tower fails, then we figure out what’s wrong, fix it, and try again. If we can’t fix it, then we’ll think of something else. Simple as that.” At that moment he wished he had thumbs to give her a thumbs up. However the sincerity in his voice and the confidence on his face seemed to be enough to move her. Twilight stared at him for a moment, unsure of how to reply to that, before smiling once more. “You sure are optimistic about everything.” She turned toward the pylon’s panel again. The hole for her horn was still giving off light and waiting for her. “Well… Here it goes I guess.” She stepped toward it, horn alight with a magenta glow. She gently and tentatively inserted it inside the hole and with her magic, activated the pylon. Light escaped briefly from the hole when she pulled her horn out, but then immediately vanished. The sound of gears moving came from above them as the sun and moon at the top started to slowly turn clockwise, then accelerated a little more before reaching its optimal rotation speed. From the bottom light seemed to rise upward along the grooves toward the top. When lines of light finally reached the sun and moon, for a moment nothing happened. Twilight was on edge and felt her stomach drop. It felt like ages before they finally witnessed a reaction. From what Twilight could assume from what she saw, it appeared as if the Light and Magic were suddenly being absorbed into the Sun and Moon symbols. The two of them started glowing brightly, the Sun glowing a light yellow as the Moon glowed a light blue. That’s when it happened. Coming out of the top of the pylon was some sort of shield made of magic. It rapidly extended out to all directions, reaching both high above them and outwards over the town. Though the two could not see all of it from where they were the shield went over the town square, the market area, many resident buildings, Carousel Boutique, Sugarcube Corner... even Rainbow’s house was under its protection. The shield continued on over Fluttershy’s home (It scared the daylights of her, unfortunately), the Golden Oaks Library AND Sora’s home (Spike, Merlin and the Crusaders were in awe at the display above them). It even stretched out toward Sweet Apple Acres, over the farmhouse, barn, stables, pastures, coops, even part of the orchard itself until finally... it came to rest just past a cute little treehouse. This event caught a lot of attention in town and they all watched the dome finally turning transparent. The only indication of its existence now present was the occasionally pulsing wave along the whole shield every few seconds. Cheers could be heard from all over town. The pylon worked… with flying colors. Twilight could hear the ponies around the town, but she was too distracted by the happy feeling of relief within her as she continued to stare at the top of the pylon. Sure it was more than likely this would all work just fine, but there was always a chance that it could have failed in any number of ways. She just had to see it work with her own two eyes before the doubt could melt away within her. With a smile on her face and a heavy burden lifted from her body she sat on the ground looking skyward. “With this, Equestria will know a little more peace again.” “Well then we can’t stop there, can we?” Sora walked up and sat next to her. “I say we try to give this kingdom, no this WORLD as much peace from the heartless as we can give it.” Twilight turned toward her friend, not surprised to see that big grin of his remained glued to his face as he looked up as well. She knew that she would regret this later and NEVER hear the end of it. It was even something that she would never have done before now, in private or in public. She rested her head on Sora’s side and continued looking up at the the top of the pylon. “I like that idea... Thanks Sora.” Another blush became apparent on her face. However, she didn’t care at all about any of this right now. Right now, she was just relieved and happy. Sora, the poor boy, stiffened like a board. Who would have seen that coming? He knew he didn’t. He felt his face heat up from the contact, but continued looking in the same direction as before. “Uh, n-no problem, Twi.” He tried to remain composed. He decided to let her stay there, he knew she was just feeling relief and needed to lean on somebody right now, so he didn’t want to ruin the moment, at least not now. He knew he would eventually, once he told Twilight what Merlin had planned for Spike. Better enjoy the peace while it lasts He thought. It was gonna be a LOOOONG Night. > Chapter 30: Pot of Hunny > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- (As Always Green Text means "click me" to play theme music to go with what you're reading. Red text means to stop the music. Any words with This coloring to their text means to click on it for a sound effect. If there is music playing, then let it keep playing, the sound effect is brief Completely optional: You’re free to ignore this) Golden Oaks Library Late Night         “NO! ABSOLUTELY NOT! I can’t believe you all are even suggesting this!” Sora’s prediction was pretty accurate as he stood next to Merlin and Spike, the three of them letting a very enraged purple unicorn speak her mind once Sora finally told her about Merlin’s plan. “Twilight, really, it's actually a good idea when you think about it.” Sora pleaded. Twilight stomped her hoof. “It a better idea if he wasn’t even involved!” All three males flinched from her outburst. “Arming Spike and training him to fight heartless, it’s too dangerous!” She then pointed a hoof toward Merlin. “And what makes it worse is that you even got the crusaders involved in this! What will AJ, Rarity and Rainbow think?!” Without missing a beat, Spike answered. “Rainbow would think it’d be cool.” “Spike, you’re not helping my case.” Twilight reprimanded as she face hoofed. The little dragon folded his arms, looking away as he muttered under his breath. “Not trying to…” “I’m sorry Merlin, but I can’t agree to such a plan. Spike and the girls are far too young to be getting involved in all of this.” “I understand where you’re coming from Ms. Sparkle, however Spike shows a lot of potential for one as young as him.” “It doesn’t matter, Spike is under my care and I say he should be as far away from danger as possible.” Twilight replied. “Uh, I hate to break it to you Twilight, but you did let him join us when we went to seal the keyhole. And when we first met in the Everfree Forest, you had Spike tag along then as well.” Sora stated. “Yeah, because I was with him and you were with him. And when we first met I never expected run into such ruthless creatures like the heartless!” She explained. She would have continued, however at that moment Merlin decided to step in. “I’ve been gathering some knowledge of this world for a while now, and unless I’m mistaken the Everfree was a dangerous place well before the introduction of the heartless. You certainly seemed alright with bringing him then.” Twilight opened her mouth to retort, but then she closed it. He had her there. What compelled her to bring Spike along into the forest in the first place? Normally she would have him wait at the library. Was she being neglectful of his safety at the time? “Twilight...” She lifted her head toward Spike’s voice. “Look, I know you don’t want me to be involved in all this and to stay safe, but I think it’s already too late. I mean look.“ Spike held his claw out and from out of nowhere a flash of light appeared. Once it died down, in its place Spike was holding a rather distinctive sword. ( Picture taken from: http://www.khwiki.com/Dream_Sword )         Twilight reared back in shock. “What?!” Spike had summoned it in a similar manner to how Sora summons his keyblade. However its summoning didn’t seem as extravagant as the key bearer’s summoning. “H-How?!         Sora seemed shocked as well, but not for the same reason. That sword looks familiar, why?         Merlin cleared his throat. “A special summoning magic, It’s somewhat similar to how Sora summons the keyblade. However, Spike has to deliberately cast the spell for it to work, whereas Sora is able to do it instinctively and without drain. Keyblades, such mysterious things they are.” Merlin glanced at Sora for a moment before turning to Spike. “And I had HOPED that Spike would have waited until I said it was ok to show it to you.” Spike suddenly had a nervous look on his face as he scratched the back of his head, making the sword vanish. “It’s a simple summoning magic many warriors use to avoid actually carrying their weapon around. No sheath required if you will.” “Hey Merlin, uuuh, where exactly did he get that sword?” Sora asked as his curiosity got the better of him. Fortunately the wizard seemed more then willing to answer. “Ah, yes! About that…” ~~~~~~~~~ Ponyville Yesterday         Merlin, Spike, and the Crusaders were all making their way over towards Sora’s house. Having just defeated that giant heartless, Merlin seemed very eager to get to the point of the matter with the young drake. “Now, lets see… the door was on the right I believe.” Upon entering the home, Merlin looked toward the right wall and sure enough, saw a door at the farther end of it.         “Uh, Mr. Merlin? Why are we in Sora’s house?” Spike asked, the crusaders trailing behind him.         “To begin a test, Spike.” Merlin said as he made his way to the door.         “What kind of test?” Scootaloo trotted up past Spike and next to the wizard. “Do we get to take it too?”         “I’m afraid this one is specifically for Spike. But not to worry, I have something else in mind for you three.” When Merlin entered the room he took a look around. It looked pretty standard as training rooms go. He stepped further in allowing the others to follow him into the room. “Now then.” He turned to face Spike and girls before continuing. “Spike, let’s start with you.” With a glow of his horn under his hat and a fluid motion with his hoof, Three puffs of cloud and magic appeared on the floor in front of him. When they dispersed three weapons appeared in their place sitting upon ornate pedestals. A Shield, a Rod, and a Sword. (Picture Source: http://kingdomhearts.wikia.com/wiki/File:Dream_Shield.png ) (Picture Source: http://www.khwiki.com/Dream_Rod )         “Whoa!” Spike walked up to them. “Are these for me?” He had an eager look in his eye.         Merlin sat on his haunches and stroked his beard as if he was in deep thought. “One of them is, yes, but choose wisely now. Once you’ve decided there is no going back.”         Now feeling an unfamiliar pressure Spike took a step back from the weapons and retracted his claws. “Oh, uuuuh.” He looked at them again with this new information in mind. If he could only keep one, which one should it be? His first glance was toward the sword.         Suddenly Merlin spoke. "The power of the warrior. Invincible courage. A sword of terrible destruction."         This caused Spike to jump and look toward the wizard. Merlin still had his eyes closed, so how did he know what he was looking at. Spike then looked over to the shield, and once again the wizard spoke.         "The power of the guardian. Kindness to aid friends. A shield to repel all."         Spike gazed up at him again, now he knew he was doing this on purpose. He turned to the Rod.         "The power of the mystic. Inner strength. A staff of wonder and ruin."         Spike took the words to heart for each weapon. He wasn’t sure why but this choice felt a lot heavier than he thought it should. Finally after few seconds of mentally debating he stepped forward and picked up the sword, holding it in his claws.         “Is this the path you seek?” Merlin asked.         “Well, the best defense is a good offense, right? So yeah, I choose this.” Spike nodded.         Merlin still kept his eyes closed and continued stroking his beard. “Very well, now what will you give up in exchange?”         “What?” Spike didn’t expect that. But he came this far, he might as well finish the test. He looked at the other two before setting the sword down. He walked over to them. It took him some time, but he picked up the rod.         “You give up the power of the mystic?” Merlin asked.         Spike nodded. And just like that, the rod disappeared from his claws in a flash of light, startling him. The shield vanished soon after and only the sword remained. Merlin opened his eyes and stood up.         “Now then, with that your path has been set. How about I show you a rather simple spell most adventurers and fighters use nowadays where Sora and I come from?” Merlin smiled.         Spike couldn’t even hold back the smile on his face. But before he could Speak Scootaloo pushed passed him. “Hey! What about us? We wanna help too!”         “Yeah! We might get even get our Cutie Marks in Heartless fighting!” Applebloom hopped up and down in excitement.         After hearing that the three of them gave a big “YEAH!” at the prospect. Both Merlin and Spike rolled their eyes.         “I haven’t forgotten what I said. Well, since you are so eager to get started I’ll begin your test as well. However this test requires the three of you to decide together, alright?” The girls looked at each other before turning back to Merlin and nodding. “Very well, then.” Another wave of his hoof and a glow of his horn and three more clouds of magic appeared before him. In front of him were three objects. ( Source of Image: http://es.kingdomhearts.wikia.com/wiki/Bates_de_Struggle )         “What are those?” Sweetie Belle pointed her hoof toward them before the three of them approached the weapons.         “I believe they are called Struggle Bats. It has been some time since I’ve kept up to date with the sport.” Merlin stroked his beard in thought.         “Struggle bats?” Spike walked up this time to get a closer look.         “Yes, I believe you might have noticed that poster on Sora’s wall in the living room.” At their nod Merlin continued. “It’s a sort of combat sport if you will. The object of the game is take orbs from your opponent by striking them with those bats. If you manage to collect all the orbs or hold the most orbs at the end of the time limit, you are the victor. The best part is that the weapons are perfectly designed to not give any lasting damage. At worst it’s like a slap on the wrist, or if an opponent was really trying to harm you a minor ache that would last for a short while. During Spike’s training I’ll have him use these as well. Hopefully, if I am able to with Sora’s help, I can even set up Struggle matches here in the training room.”         Scootaloo now looked like she was having a sugar rush. “That sounds awesome! Why doesn’t Equestria have stuff like this?!” She then stopped and scowled. “Hey wait, how come he gets a real weapon and we don’t?!”         “I’d be happy to explain that once you’ve completed your test.” He gestured back to the struggle bats. “Now there is only one for each of you, and each one has different task from the others. Your test is to decide who will be what with you three working together.” He gestured a hoof toward the one that looked more like a basic club. “Attacker” He then moved it toward the bat with the hand/hoof guard. “Defender” Finally he gestured to the one with the star on it. “Support”.         The girls looked at the bats, hesitantly looking at them then at one another. In the end they went into a huddle and started discussing it amongst themselves.         “Now then, that should keep them busy for awhile.” Merlin turned to Spike. “Let me teach you how the spell to summon your weapon works.”         Spike beamed again, glad to be getting back on track. “Right!” ~~~~~~~~~~ Golden Oaks Library Back to the Present         Twilight sat there pondering about the whole story Merlin gave her. “So, what are you trying to say here, Mr. Merlin? Why did you give Spike that sword and are having him train at Sora’s house?”         “Because my dear, Spike has a lot of potential.“ Merlin patted the little dragon on the head, Spike simply puffed out his chest in pride. “Potential, for what?” Twilight raised her eyebrows. “Hey!” Sora called out in excitement. Apparently he had strolled by the living room table where right next to Merlin’s bag, was a rather familiar book. “Pooh’s Story Book!” The sound of his voice was filled with joy yet confusion. “Merlin, Why is Pooh’s book here?” “You tell me, Sora. I specifically left it at Radiant Garden for safe keeping, but it always seems to sneak around to where it wants to go.” Merlin sighed. Twilight and Spike blinked and just stared at Sora and Merlin. “Uh, Twilight, why are they talking about the book like it’s alive?” “I’m… not sure Spike, b-but we’re getting side tra-” “Well since it’s here, I’m sure it wouldn’t hurt pay Pooh a visit right?” “What?” Twilight tilted her head to the side baffled by the conversation. “I don’t see why not, however it’s probably best to visit him after a good night’s rest. It is getting late after all.” Merlin looked out the window. Sora slumped a little and groaned. “I guess…” He immediately perked up. “Then I’m going first thing in the morning!” “Excuse me!” Twilight stepped between them. “Um, what are you two even talking about?” Sora and Merlin took a moment to look at each other before turning back to Twilight, Merlin then apologized. “Sorry about that my dear, we just got caught up in the moment there. However I think you’ll come to like this as well.” “Explain” She asked with an eyebrow raised. “Well, if we take a break from your magic training we can show you much more about this book here tomorrow. You’ve earned a bit of a rest anyhow.” “Tomorrow? Why not now?” She protested. Sora decided to answer for Merlin. “Twilight, it’s the middle of the night and everyone is tired, I know I’m bushed.” To emphasize this the key bearer suddenly yawned. Apparently it was contagious because Spike did the same almost immediately afterwards. “It’s been a busy day, and this has been a long conversation. I promise we’ll show you first thing in the morning, ok?” Twilight started grumbling to herself before suddenly needing to blink back a sense of drowsiness that she was too worked up to notice before. “Ugh, fine. But I’m holding you to that, first thing in the morning!” She huffed and watched Merlin levitate the book over to himself. “I’ll hold onto the book until then,” he smirked, “just incase a certain mare gets a little too curious at night” At this Twilight pouted and looked away. Sora could sense that was EXACTLY her plan for the night. “Come on, Spike, let’s turn in for the night… and no weapons in the library!” “Aaawww” Spike groaned as he made his sword vanish. Well, somebody had to suffer her ‘wrath’ for not getting what she wanted. “And don’t think our discussion is over about him.” She pointed at Merlin and Sora before making her way up to her bed, with Spike in tow. “And I thought Applejack was the stubborn one.” Sora deadpanned. “I heard that!” “Welp, gotta go! Been fun Merlin!” Sora swiftly saw himself out. Merlin simply chuckled before levitating the book he was previously reading and set to work picking up where he last left off. “Ah, to be young.” The night was a relatively peaceful one until a knock was heard at the library door. “I’m afraid the library is closed for the night, please come back in the morning.” Merlin called out, though he still kept his eyes on his book. Currently he was reading up on as much information he could gather from this world. A wise man would take advantage of any source of knowledge when living in unknown lands. However his words were ignored as the door was cast in a blue aura before it slowly swung open. “Pardon our intrusion, but we would hope to speak with you, Mr. Merlin.” Merlin’s ears perked up and he turned toward the door, receiving quite the pleasant surprise. “Well now, this is most interesting.” He smiled, both Princess Luna and Celestia stepped through the doorway, accompanied by a set of guards that soon took their place on each side of it once they entered. “So, you must be the fabled pony princesses I’ve been hearing so much about from Yen Sid.” He bookmarked his page and set it down before hopping off the couch. Celestia bowed her head toward the wizard. “It is wonderful to finally meet the stallion -or rather the man- that is teaching my student outside magic.” Merlin chuckled. “Ah yes, well since Sora’s big reveal at the capitol I suppose it would be fine if I revealed myself for a bit.” Merlin vanished in a puff of smoke which soon dissipated, revealing his true form. He was an old man in a long blue robe with an equally long beard, a tall pointy hat, pointy shoes made of thick cloth colored the same blue as his robe, and a pair of small round spectacles. The guards that were watching were trying their hardest not to panic at the sight of the new being before them. Soon after Sora and the girls left for home, Celestia and Luna wasted no time in Canterlot addressing both the citizens and the guard about the situation of what was actually going on with the world. As expected there were mixed reactions from the populace. Some were positive and glad that an outside force was here aiding them, others however were worried that the “aliens” were here for some other sinister motive. There was even a pony who claimed that Sora had brainwashed the Princesses into thinking he was a hero so he could get free reign on abducting ponies to his secret alien space ship. That pony didn’t get much of a following since his “conspiracy” sounded absolutely ridiculous and somewhat cliche. “Ah, much better.” Merlin dusted off his robe. “Now, I take it you’re here for more than a simple hello.” Both Sisters nodded with a more serious expression on their faces. Luna decided to speak. “Yes, we would like to discuss with you about Sora, and his... current predicament.” Celestia looked away in shame. “Hmm yes, Yen Sid informed me of that much. Apparently he is currently stuck as a pony, and the only way for him to return to his human form, is but a small bag of magic beads that you created.”   “We are currently devising a better alternative for him to switch between forms. We are still looking for a way to reverse the spell in general, but…” Celestia picked up after her sister “It has become more… problematic as of late. It appears the transformation has affected Sora’s body deeper than we had previously anticipated.” “If I’m recalling what Yen Sid said correctly, that form he’s in is his real body… Hmm, that is rather troubling.” He stroked his beard. “We were hoping to spend some time discussing it with you as well. I worry I may have made an irreversible mistake due to my ignorance of the magic he already possessed.” Celestia hung her head in shame. Merlin simply shook his head “Well, what is done is done. I will do everything that I can to help, but if no true progress comes soon… I’m afraid he’ll have to be informed. It would not do to keep him ignorant for long.” “Yes, I… I understand and have been thinking the very same. We have been asking a lot from him and he would aid us no matter what the challenge.” This just made the Solar Princess feel even worse as her sister tried to comfort her. “Yes, well Sora has no problems in helping a friend.” Merlin nodded. Luna nodded as well. “He does seem rather loyal to the bearers, and he gets along with them so well. It’s no wonder he would aid them in any situation.” “Well yes, that is very much true. But I believe he sees the two of you as friends as well.” “What?” Both sisters were a bit surprised at this revelation Merlin gave them. “I’ve had some time to speak with the lad earlier today.” A smile appeared on his face. “I asked him a bit about his contributions toward repelling the invasion.  It would seem he was hoping that his big reveal wouldn’t cause anything negative between you and your citizens. He would actually like to take the time to chat with you two more, since he would love to get to know more about his friends.” This left the two sisters speechless for a moment. Then finally after looking at Celestia once more and seeing her expression Luna spoke asked. “He would consider us friends as well?” Merlin laughed. “Believe me that boy makes friends wherever he goes, doesn’t matter who or what you are. I’m gonna take a guess here, but when you admitted to him being stuck in that body, he wasn’t angry or resentful towards you was he?” Celestia was taken aback by this. “A-ah, no… He was shocked and concerned, but never did he lash out or express his anger. I hope he isn’t bottling it all up for my sake, that isn’t healthy.” “I doubt it princess, that boy would try to be friends with just about anyone. Even that Mogson  fellow he lives with right now, despite how they act with each other. And that Mogson can be very trifling to deal with.” Both sisters giggled. They may not have met this Mogson, but from hearing Merlin’s words they could take an accurate guess how intolerable the moogle was. Celestia responded. “Well, if he truly has no qualms seeking friendship with us… I suppose it would do no harm to visit him and the bearers whenever we get the chance.” Luna smiled. “Oh, Nightmare Night is coming up. Looks like I’ll get the ‘first of dibs’ I believe it’s called.” She spoke with a somewhat cocky tone of voice as she puffed out her chest. Celestia shook her head and laughed a little. “Very Well, then perhaps I’ll have to find the time to visit as well,” she then gave a smirk and glanced towards Luna, “and outshine my dear little sister at being the better friend.” Luna shared the same look. “Thou can try, Tia! However, I shan’t be defeated so easily.” “Oh, so you already admit your defeat?” Celestia giggled once more. “And you’re speaking ‘ye olde pony’ once again, sister.” Merlin simply rolled his eyes and shook his head with a smile as he watched the two “trash talk” each other in an unnecessary contest. The rest of their time together would be to discuss about the predicament of Sora’s form and potential solutions to it, but now the mood seemed much lighter than when it started.           ~~~~~~~~~~ Next Day Sora yawned, he was back in the library sitting on Twilight’s couch with Merlin as they waited for a certain mare to finish her checklist with Spike… again. “Twilight, you’ve checked that thing three times now. I think you have everything.” He groaned watching her go over the list while pointing at various items on the table such as paper, Ink, quills, two packed lunches, another list full of interview questions, a couple books Sora never bothered to check the titles of, and bits and bobs of all sorts that she claimed were for experimentation. “I just want to be absolutely sure we have everything. Merlin explained it to me this morning, a whole other world lies contained within that book! Can you believe it?!” She squealed with delight. Sora simply deadpanned and stared at her in response. “Oh... hehe, right, of course you know. Still! This is so exciting! How can there be an entire world inside a book? I mean I know that they say that figuratively all the time in regards to narrative works, but in this case it’s literal! Is it in another plane of existence? Or is the book like some sort of teleportation device that sends you there?” She gasped. “If that was the case, then I’d be the first pony in space! History in the making!” She immediately looked at the items on her table. “This won’t be enough. I’ll need-” She was lifted up in Merlin’s magic. “Wha?” “Easy there Twilight, you and Sora’s saddle bags will only carry so much. Besides if we let you continue on like this, it’ll be tomorrow before you’re done.” Merlin chuckled before setting her back on the ground again. With an embarrassed look on her face she cleared her throat and looked away. “I uh… I guess you have a point.” Sora turned over to Merlin. “I was kind of hoping to surprise her about what the book could really do.” Merlin shrugged. “I’m afraid she was rather insistent on wanting to know what all the fuss was about with the book.” His ears then perked up. “Ah, that reminds me.” His horn glowed once more and in a familiar puff of a smoke a box dropped in front of Sora as Twilight started packing up. “What’s this?” Sora looked at it and was about to pick it up before Merlin stopped him. “Just a concern of mine, hopefully it won’t be of any use.” He leaned over and whispered in Sora’s ear. “It’s actually for Twilight, but she probably won’t be able to make heads or tails about how to use it if what I fear comes true. “And what’s that?” He eyed the box again suspiciously then looked back at Merlin. “The book itself might alter her in a way to fit in. Nothing permanent I assure you, just for the time she remains there.” He moved the box toward Sora and amazingly it shrunk and fit itself snuggly in his saddle bag. “Only use it if she does change when you enter.” “Uuuh, Ok then.” Sora then hopped off the couch with a confused look on his face. Twilight packed his other saddle bag with his lunch and some bagged up items that were on her checklist. “Now can we go?” He turned to Twilight. She had just finished with the last of her bag before turning and nodding with a giddy smile. “Yes, yes we can!” She trembled with excitement. “Finally.” He sighed before looking over at the wizard. “Merlin, if you would be so kind.” “Of course, my boy.” Merlin poofed the book into existence once again with a puff of smoke. The book then floated and turned so the cover was facing Sora and Twilight before it opened up. That’s when the librarian took note that light had started coming off the pages inside. “We’ll be gone for awhile, but hopefully before dinner.” Sora said to Merlin, then he nodded to Twilight. “Ready?” “Uh, how exactly are we-” Sora answered her unfinished question as he ran towards the book and quite literally jumped into it. In a flash of light he was gone. “Wha?!” She looked around. “Spike! Where did he go?!” “Beats me! I’m as clueless as you are!” Spike spun a full 360 degrees to look for the keyblade wielder, but to no avail. Merlin cleared his throat. “Oh come now Twilight, it’s obvious that he’s in the book. Now if you would be so kind as enter as well before he starts to wonder where you went?” “O-oh, right, of course… hehe.” She gave a nervous laugh and rubbed the back of her head. That was a bit foolish of her to forget. She then straightened up. “Look after things until I get back Spike.” “I know, Twilight.” He waved her off as she hesitated for a moment, then finally ran toward the book and jumped at it. “Finally, she’s gone.” Spike went behind the couch and pulled out a struggle bat “Now we can go back to training.” “Indeed, and I’m sure they’ll be quite busy in there for a while.” Merlin smirked. “What makes you say that?” Spike said as he followed behind the wizard out the door. “Well other then spending time with Pooh and his friends, Sora will have his hands full with Twilight for awhile.” ~~~~~~~~~~ Pooh’s Storybook, on the Pages Sora touched down on the glowing compass, noticing his shoes he was rather surprised that they weren’t two pairs of hooves. “Whoa…” He took a few steps off the compass and looked himself over. “Is this the book’s doing?” He then held his hands out in front of him and gripped them a few times. “Well, at least I won’t have an awkward time explaining to Pooh and the others about the pony thing.” “Oh! Sora! You’re in your real body? Did you take a bead already?” Seems like Twilight had arrived. Sora turned to face her. “Actually no, the book must hav-Ah!” it was like someone cast the stop spell on him as he spoke. “Sora?” Immediately he pivoted around and looked away from her. “WHAT?!” At his outburst Twilight reared back, but suddenly felt herself fall back for some reason. “Wha-Oof! Ow…” She rubbed her head. “What was that abo-” Something was off. First, for some reason her hoof was really sensitive, it felt every strand of her mane on her head. That was strange enough, but right now something more important demanded her attention. “Wh-wh-where’s my horn?!” Her eyes shot open and she pulled her hoof-THAT IS NOT MY HOOF! Her mind screamed as she was looking at a slender version of what Sora called a hand. When the fingers flexed she shrieked and tried to shake it away from her. However, it was still attached to her body so it wasn’t going anywhere. “Sora! What’s going on?!” She took notice that the rest of her body… wasn’t her body. Sora could only sigh and ask his mind why things had to be this complicated for him. Why couldn’t he just introduce his friends to one another normally? Awkwardly he tried to answer her. “Uuh, Congratulations Twilight… You’re a woman now.... In the nude.”  > Chapter 31: The Wonderful Things about Twilight > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- (As Always Green Text means "click me" to play theme music to go with what you're reading. Red text means to stop the music. Any words with This coloring to their text means to click on it for a sound effect. If there is music playing, then let it keep playing, the sound effect is brief Completely optional: You’re free to ignore this) Sora’s Training Room         “The book might turn her into a human?!” Spike stopped in the middle of his training and lost his focus allowing himself to be knocked to the ground. “Oof! ...Ugh.”         “Normally I’d tell you to focus on your target, but I suppose that response was unavoidable.” Merlin replied as he waited for the dragon to get back up. “There is a high possibility that would happen, anyway.”         “Was that why you gave Sora that box earlier?” Once Spike managed to get up again he took a fighting stance and went back to taking on the dummy. “What’s in it?”         “Well if my prediction is correct, it’s something that can solve a problem only us humans would have to deal with,” He cleared his throat thinking of a nice way to say it, “Indecent Exposure.” ~~~~~~~~~~ Inside the book         “Sora! Do something!” Twilight shouted.         “Like what?!” Sora shouted back.         “I don’t know, help me up or something?!”          Sora blushed then shook his head furiously. “NO! I can’t!”         “Why can’t you?!”         “Because I’m a guy!”         “And what does that have to do with getting me on my hooves?!”         “They’re called feet and for the last time, You’re naked!”         “And what does that have to do with anything?!”         “OH MY GOD!” He facepalmed.         “Don’t you mean Celestia?”         “I’m not starting with this right now!” Sora pointed his hand behind him, hopefully in her direction before sitting down and squatting. Well now what? I can’t help her if I can’t look at her. His brain starting turning its gears for a solution.         Meanwhile Twilight was trying her best to get back up, but her limbs and body were set up so differently that all she could do at the moment was look at herself and employ trial and error, moving different body parts to understand her form better. “Is this what humans look like underneath their clothes?”         “You’re half right, that’s what human females look like. Now give me a second to think!” Sora groaned.         While he did so, Twilight was still exploring her new form. Huh, what- That’s when Twilight identified certain ‘things’ that were a bit more exposed than they would have been on her original body, causing her to start blushing as well. “Oh my-... W-w-why are these showing?!” she barely controlled her hands enough to cover them.         “Why do you think we wear clothes all the time! We don’t have fur! And some things… show… wait.” Finally Sora’s flustered mind allowed his short term memory to kick in, giving him a revelation.         “What’s this?” Sora looked at it and was about to pick it up before Merlin stopped him. “Just a concern of mine, hopefully it won’t be of any use.” He leaned over and whispered in Sora’s ear. “It’s actually for Twilight, but she probably won’t be able to make heads or tails about how to use it if what I fear comes true. “And what’s that?” He eyed the box again suspiciously then looked back at Merlin. “The book itself might alter her in a way to fit in. Nothing permanent I assure you, just for the time she remains there.” He moved the box toward Sora and amazingly it shrunk and fit itself snuggly in his saddle bag. “Only use it if she does change when you enter.”         “So that’s what he meant!” Sora immediately started rummaging through one of his large red pockets, before pulling out a rather tiny box. The moment it was in his palm, the box shook around a bit before rapidly expanding to its previous size. Sora barely managed to grab onto it with both hands when it did. “Wow… Magic…”         “What? What is it?” Twilight was trying to get on her feet… She could barely get off her rear end before her legs wobbled and she was back to sitting on the ground again.         Sora opened the box. “I knew it…” Inside was a set of clothes. Human clothes that were meant for a girl. “Well, that solves the nude problem.” He then tossed the box to her with his eyes closed. “There, in the box! Put those on!”         Twilight watched the box get unceremoniously tossed toward her, ending up a half a foot out of reach to her left. “Ugh… thanks…” She got onto her hands and knees, attempting to move in the manner that was most familiar to her. It was more stable than being on two feet for her, but still really awkward and slow. “A little help would be nice you know.”         “I would, but you’d have to be dressed for me to do that.”         “Well there’s a problem, I’ve never gotten dressed as a human! What now?” Twilight growled.         “I-I dunno! Use your magic!”         “I would if I could! But my horn is gone!” She retaliated.         ....Well this just got even more difficult…. Thus began a rather awkward and long half hour of Sora teaching, to the best of his abilities, how hands worked to Twilight and how to use them to get dressed. To be honest it was probably best that it was Twilight for the first time, she was a pretty quick study and by the time she finished struggling with the garments she was somewhat decent with her new appendages. The clothes were, thankfully, simple to put on. A purple blouse, a pair of blue pants (Smart idea since there was no underwear and Sora wouldn’t even bother trying to explain those to her), and some purple slip on shoes slid over her feet like a pair of sandals. Sora had to thank the wizard for giving them easy to wear clothes instead of something complicated like a suit.         With Twilight dressed Sora finally turned to face her. If Sora was ever asked what the girls would look like as humans, this was pretty close to what he would guess for Twilight. Her hair retained the same color and style as her mane. She had the build of a scholar for sure, slender with pale skin, yet not so much as to be considered unattractive. She had the same eyes, though they were a bit smaller now so as to be proportionate to her human self. Strangely enough, although he could see how much she changed, inside he felt like she was always like this. That hardly made any sense to him and he just assumed he felt that way due to the fact that Twilight was still Twilight on the inside. However, that feeling never went away.         “Ok, I’m dressed, now can you PLEASE help me up!” It was then Sora noticed that she was still struggling to get on her own two feet.         “O-oh, right, sorry!” He rushed over and took her hand to get her upright. Of course, he still had to battle with her lack of balance as she tried to control the rest of her body. “I honestly don’t know how you humans and minotaurs do it. The bipedal thing, I mean. At least Spike has a tail to help him keep balance.” She wobbled a bit but Sora caught her in time. “You don’t even have that much. How are you able to do that?” Sora just shrugged. “I didn’t pay much attention in Biology class back when I was still in school. It’s kind of like riding a bike I guess, once you learn how to you never really forget it.” “What’s a bike?” Twilight turned to him with curiosity. He sighed. “Something that’s not important right now. Anyway, let’s just try to get standing up your own before we move on to walking.” “Oh, uh, right. Sorry.” She chuckled nervously for getting distracted. “Maybe after that you can answer another question I have.” “What’s that?” He asked as he helped position her to stand up straight. “These… hands… They’re so sensitive.” She started playing with them, flexing and curling the fingers, she seemed somewhat mesmerized by the action since she was the one controlling them. The whole time when she was trying to put on her clothes she would watch her own hands at work. How could she move them so easily when she never had them before? Once again Sora shrugged. “Yeah, we use them to touch things, grab things, poke things, all kinds of stuff so long as it involves the sense of touch.” “Absolutely fascinating…” she stared at her hands with wonder making them touch each other, then the rest of herself, then Sora. “Yeah, yeah ok, we get it, touching is fun. Can we focus on getting you-guh!” A hand was now pressing up against his face. He sighed and gently took her hand and lowered it back down. “Can we get back to teaching you how to walk?” Twilight blushed at her oblivious curiosity. “S-sorry… You’re right, that’s more important right now.” Well at least she knew the concept of ‘twiddling your fingers’ out of nervousness... for some reason. “Here, this is what you do…” Sora started off slowly, standing by her the whole time as she tried to get the hang of this new form of locomotion. She would stumble, trip, and fall as they made their way over toward Sora’s first destination. Thankfully, Twilight was picking it up relatively quickly to the point where she was able to walk on her own... kind of. Sora guessed that in time she would stop looking so awkward and moving so slowly when she walks, practice makes perfect and all that. …He just wished that was the only thing she would be focusing on. “Twilight, for the fifth time stop touching my face.” Sora had a hand pressing up against his right cheek. “But it feels so smushy!” Twilight replied with excitement, she had been touching and grabbing at everything that was in within the reach of her new appendages. “Twilight…” “Right, right, sorry, walking, right.” She quickly retracted her hand as the sparkle in her eye changed to one of minor shame. “Ok, surprisingly you’re doing pretty well at this.” He watched her nearly stumble and just barely regain her balance before continuing her pace. “For the most part.” “Well thank you, it’s actually not as hard as I thought it would be-wuh!” She started leaning too far on one side before Sora caught her around the waist with one arm. “Ahehe, well, maybe not so easy either.” She gave him a sheepish grin, blushing slightly. Sora smirked. “You don’t say? Could’ve fooled me.” He chuckled before helping her back on her feet. “You sure you don’t need my arm to lean on?” “No, no, I got this. I don’t want to slow you down, so I need to learn how to do this on my own.” Twilight shook her head, getting a little wobbly before supporting herself again on her own two feet. “OK, so then, are you gonna let go of my sleeve?” He asked. When Twilight looked she noticed her hand grabbing onto his sleeve and rubbing it’s fingers against the fabric. She swiftly pulled her hand back, her blush intensifying. “Sorry, sorry, but can you blame me? I’ve never had such sensitive hooves-” “Hands” “-Right, hands before! Sure we can feel some things with hooves as ponies, but nothing to this extent. If I press my, what do you call them… Fingers? Right! If I press my fingers hard enough I can even feel every single thread on your jacket! I want to record this in my notes, but it would be so hard to describe with words.” “If you like the feel of clothes, why haven’t you just grabbed at yours?” It was like Sora had just gifted her with some ancient tome of enlightening knowledge. “Of course! You're right!” Her hands immediately went to her outfit, rubbing, grabbing, and touching it all over. “Why didn’t I think of that?!” All in all this was starting to make Sora feel a bit uncomfortable. This heightened sense of touch seemed to be overwhelming the mare, now a young woman. This was not why he wanted to come here. He had to get her back on track. “Twilight, I thought you wanted to gather more notes on things other than what you can touch? I still have some places to show you, and friends to meet.” “Oh! Of course, you did mention something about meeting someone here right?” Twilight soon gathered her thoughts and stood up straight. “Right then, ahem.” She cleared her throat “Please, lead the way.” He smiled and shook his head. “Ok then.” he said before he started walking, looking back toward her every now and then to see how she was doing. Slowly. The answer was slowly. ~~~~~~~~~~ Meanwhile         Outside the book, over at Sweet Apple Acres, three fillies were making a ruckus in their clubhouse. “I think I should be the attacker!” Scootaloo held the club like Struggle bat over her head before it was swiftly snatched away by Sweetie Belle.         “You already said that a million times, and I keep asking you on what grounds? Applebloom and I are just as good at attacking as you were back there in the tank.” It had been a full day and the three of them still could not come to an agreement. They all wanted to be the offensive member of the team.         “Yeah, but I’m way better at kicking flank than the two of you so obviously the role should go to me.” Scootaloo replied to which the other two girls rolled their eyes.         “That’s just your opinion, and last time I checked you missed a lot of shots with your weapon.” Sweetie Belle stomped her hoof.         Applebloom giggled. “Not much of an attacker if’n ya can’t hit the broadside of a barn, hehe.”         Scootaloo glared at the too. “So? Maybe I’m just better at hitting with a stick then shooting with a bow. What makes you two think you’re perfect for the job?”         Applebloom huffed. “Well ah work on a farm and if there’s one thing we Apples have, its strength. We need it for Applebuckin' and hauling ’em to the barn for storage.” She demonstrated by kicking a hind leg into the air.         Sweetie Belle spoke proudly. “And I don’t miss.”         “Then you can sit in the back and throw rocks.” Scootaloo grumbled. Sweetie Belle just glared at her.         “She kind of has a point, Sweetie Belle.”         “Applebloom!”         “Now hear me out, Attacker usually means gettin’ in close and whackin’ the bad guy, but if ya claim that yer better at shootin’ things then the two of us, then wouldn’t it be better if ya shot at them from behind us? Ya wouldn’t have ta worry about as much trouble from back there as you can keep firin’ away.”         Sweetie Belle opened her mouth to say something, but closed it as she didn’t have an immediate response to that logical suggestion. “That's true… I guess, but then what would that make me then.”         “Support.” The other two said in unison.         Sweetie Belle grumbled. “But that just means I sit on the sidelines!”         “What makes you think that?” Scootaloo replied. “Throwing things at the heartless we’re not fighting to keep them at bay seems important to me”         “True, and Applejack told me that heartless always come in packs.” Applebloom nodded. “We’d definitely need somepony to keep them off our back.”         Sweetie Belle folded her forelegs and thought about it. Support still didn’t seem like a powerful job.         “All this arguing is getting us nowhere!” Scootaloo finally said. “Why don’t we settle it once and for all!”         “And just how do ya suppose we go about doin’ that, Scoots?” Applebloom deadpanned, thinking I’m pretty sure that’s what we’ve been trying to do all day.         Scootaloo hoof pumped and grinned with determination. “A contest of course!” ~~~~~~~~~~ Back in the Storybook A little while later         Sora had finally managed to lead Twilight deeper into the book to the point where it was no longer them walking on pages, but now in a forest. “So, how are you liking the Hundred acre Woods?”         “It’s… amazing, words can’t even begin to describe what I’m feeling right now. An entire forest, within a book? Are you sure we’re not in some other dimension right now and the book was a portal to it.”         “I’m not entirely sure, to be honest. Though it doesn’t feel like that, I mean when we first landed here, we were standing on the pages.” Sora scratched his cheek. Maybe he should really get around to asking how all these things worked.         “Right, and we just walk up to a pop up picture and… wait.” She stopped and looked around. “How did we get into this forest?”         “What?” Sora stopped and looked back at her.         “I mean, we landed on the book, then I followed you as we walked over to some pop up of some tree home and… we’re here.” She gestured to the forest around them.         …. He blinked.         …. She was silent.         …. Sora was really surprised how he never questioned any of this. But right now it would seem like a headache so he decided to change the subject “Sooooo, my friend?”         Twilight was confused for a moment before remembering why they were here and cleared her throat “O-oh, right, sorry. Please, lead the way.”         “We’re actually there now.” He gestured toward a tree growing on what looked like a mound of grass and dirt from the front, a door below it’s trunk with a sign above the frame that read Mr. Sanders. To the left of the door was a dark gray bell, below it another sign with the words RNIG ALSO on it. When Twilight looked around toward the back she could see that the mound was actually part of a small home, making it look like the house had gotten covered in dirt, while grass and a tree just grew over it with time. Empty pots could be seen here and there around the premises, all of them with the word “Hunny” written on them. And at the front of the door was a log that seemed to make for a good seat for the well used fire pit in front of it.         “Mr. Sanders?” Twilight’s eyes went back to the sign.         “Eeeh, just ignore that, I’m not sure where he got that sign, or why he even put it there.” Sora scratched the back of his head before stepping forward toward the home.         “How misleading, is he trying to hide his identity?” Twilight asked.         Sora just laughed. “No, he’s just a silly ol’ bear.”         “A Bear?!” Alarm bells went off in her mind.         “No, no, don’t worry, not the kind of bear you’re thinking of, I promise!” Sora turned to her and held both his arms out as if trying to halt her.         “Y-you’re sure?” She asked, now wary and checking her surroundings.         “Yes, I’m sure. In fact, once you see him, you’ll feel kinda silly for being scared of him.” He turned around and continued his walk. “Now, where has that bear run off to?” He didn’t see anyone outside, so he made his way over to the front door, gave it a few knocks, and even had the courtesy to ring the bell. “Pooh? You in there, buddy?”         No response. Twilight finally managed to catch up to him and look at the sign by the bell, the misspelling kinda grated her nerves. “Pooh? That’s a strange name.”         “Well so is Twilight Sparkle, but you don’t hear me complaining.” Sora said nonchalantly as he knocked and rang the bell once again.         “Hey!”         “His full name Winnie the Pooh, but you can call him Pooh for short.” Sora made his way around to the side of the house to look through the small window. “Huh, looks like he really isn’t here.” He folded his arms and started thinking… “Hm, maybe he’s out getting more honey, or with one of our other friends.” He turned to Twilight and caught her picking up a hunny pot and sticking her hand inside. “I wouldn’t-” Too late. “Oooh it’s sticky.” She pulled her hand out and parts of her hand glistened from leftover honey. She then started playing with the honey on her fingers for a moment before realizing- “Eeew, it’s sticky.” Sora simply sighed and shook his head. “You’re gonna be like this all day aren’t you?” ~~~ Later Sora and Twilight left Pooh’s home in search of him or any of he and Sora’s other friends that lived in the Hundred Acre Woods. First was Piglet’s house, another lived in tree complete with it’s own tiny little balcony and a sign next to it that read “Trespasser’s will”. The sign seemed broken, and thus incomplete, but she wondered what the rest of it said. Piglet’s house was a bust, and upon seeing the size of the front door the two of them immediately agreed that Pooh wouldn’t be inside. Seeing that Piglet apparently wasn’t home either they made their way over to Rabbit’s House. Yet another hollowed out tree made into a home, in front of which was a vegetable garden, bisected by a small creek with a bridge. “What a lovely garden.” Twilight remarked as they crossed the tiny bridge, looking out at the various sections of vegetables. “Yeah, that’s Rabbit’s pride and joy.” Sora replied before looking around. Twilight smiled at hearing this, but that smile soon disappeared when she noticed that the signs indicating the type of veggies in each section were mostly misspelled. “Though it wouldn’t hurt if they worked on their spelling a bit.” Sora scratched his head “I guess spelling is another one of your pet peeves then.” “What do you mean, another one of them-” “OH HEY, we’ve already made it to Rabbit’s house! Let’s see if he knows what’s going on!” He practically sprinted the remaining couple of yards to the front door and gave it a few knocks. Surprise, surprise, no answer. He tried again, only to get the same response, nothing. “Rabbit too?” He walked around the home to look through the rabbit hole on the side of it that had the sign “RABBITS HOWSE” nailed above it. These signs were gonna drive the librarian insane, she just knew it. “Rabbit! It’s me Sora! Are you in there?!” Again, there was no answer… Twilight decided to look around. “Is there some kind of event happening today or something?” She suggested. Sora gave it some thought. “Maybe… In any case, we’ll just have to keep looking.” He stood back up and turned to her. “Let’s get moving before you start touching Rabbit’s stuff too.” he walked past her toward the pathway next to the Rabbit hole. “Hmph!” Twilight pouted at the accusation, but could say nothing to refute it. He was right, and she hated that. He followed close behind him, but refused to look at him for half of the walk to their next stop. They checked from home to home, every nook and cranny of them. No one could be found. Kanga, Roo, Tigger, Owl. Not a sign of any of them. They couldn’t even find gopher, though that wasn’t as surprising considering he lives underground. This was becoming a bit concerning for Sora. “What could’ve happened… where have they all gone?” He took a moment to think. “It didn’t look like any of the pages were missing this time, so that can’t be it.” “You mean the book? It lost its pages before?” Twilight popped out from a bush, she found no clues but she found a fuzzy caterpillar and couldn’t help but touch it too.” At this point Sora just let her run rampant touching whatever she wanted whenever they were walking on a path. “Twice to be precise.” “That’s awful! Who who could be so cruel to books?!” She stomped her foot, glaring at Sora.” “Hey, it wasn’t me ok?!” He waved her off. “It was the heartless. That’s why the book is always in Merlin’s care, to keep them from getting ahold of it.” OOOOH Now she had even more reason to fight the heartless. As a librarian and scholar, she can’t stand by after hearing of such an injustice perpetrated upon a book. “When we go back home I’m going to intensify my training for sure.” She folded her arms. Sora didn’t respond out loud, but in his mind he went As if your training wasn’t intense enough already, are you like break-a-phobic or something? He turned to face forward and brought his mind to the matter at hand. “They had to have gone somewhere, homes are a bust, I guess we’ll have to explore some of the scenic spots I know of.” He continued walking. “You think they’re ok?” Twilight followed, now feeling a bit concerned for friends she’s never met before. “Do you think the Heartless could enter the book?” “No, they never have before… but then again, Equestria was the same way...” He started sprinting now. “Sora?!” Twilight stumbled a bit trying to run on two legs for the first time. Meanwhile Sora had a determined look in his eye and responded. “I’m getting to the bottom of this!” > Super Late Halloween Special: Show Stopper > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- (As Always Green Text means "click me" to play theme music to go with what you're reading. Red text means to stop the music. Any words with [color=#afa4cc26]This coloring to their text means to click on it for a sound effect. If there is music playing, then let it keep playing, the sound effect is brief Completely optional: You’re free to ignore this) Greetings reader, In light of the holiday spirit, we have decided to take this particular chapter out of chronological order and bring you it now. You might  get an early sneak peek at some things yet to be mentioned in the story. Though, don’t expect I’d ruin all the fun that easily and give you too much of a look at them. Happy Halloween from yours truly, Mr. Curious Writer Ponyville Day of Nightmare Night         In the quaint little town of Ponyville, the citizens and even some of the guard were getting into the Holiday Spirit. Spooky decorations were strung up everywhere, pumpkins were carved out into unique jack o'lanterns, stages and games were getting set up near the town square, and you could see the occasional filly or colt who wanted to wear their costume early.         Sora and Mogson had been getting into the festivities by decorating their house and Mogson’s store with all manner of spooky decorations. “This Nightmare Night doesn’t seem all that different from Halloween you know?” The Moogle said as he was setting up a string of paper bats and jack o’lantern cutouts. “Kinda makes me a little homesick.”         “You celebrated Halloween, Mogson?” Sora turned from his task of carving out the pumpkins, he was in his human form to make his job easier. The pumpkins had simple generic faces, Sora wasn’t an artist and he wasn’t about to ruin things by pushing it any farther then he needed to. So there was a happy looking one, a sad one, and one that looked like it was trying to scare you, yet it only made it look cute in a way.         “Who hasn’t kid? I trick-or-treated too when I was a little tyke.”         “That’s not what I meant, I mean do you still celebrate it now. No offense but when you’re not trying to sell stuff, you can be a bit of a grump.” Sora returned to his pumpkins as he carved out the jagged mouth on the “scary” one.         “You know, I’m getting the feeling that you believe I’m anti social when I’m not behind the counter.” Mogson glared at the boy.         “Or when there are girls around.” Sora replied without missing a beat.         Mogson snorted “Rude.” Sora only shrugged “In anycase, I do enjoy the holidays. I’m not a grouchy hermit.” He then held his head up high. “I always have the best candy to give to the little tykes every year.”         “Self proclaimed I’m sure.” Sora replied as he was working on one of the eyes now. This earned him another glare from the moogle.         “Just you wait! I have special candy straight from Twilight town. Nothing gains admiration from kids quite like New candy!” Mogson spoke proudly as he flew behind the stall counter and  struggled with his tiny wings to lift up a crate marked “Special Delivery” on the side of it.         “Wow, you're really going all out for this if your shipping candy from another world… and giving it away for free.” Sora gazed at the crate as Mogson carried it over toward the front door. He smiled, “Guess you really are in the holiday spirit.”         “What’s this about about candy?” A familiar voice called from behind, one Sora confirmed as Spike but what he got when he turned to face him was a another Jack o’lantern… however he didn’t recall carving that one, and it was larger the the other ones he’d worked on. Suddenly the pumpkin rose to it’s purple feet that appeared below it and two stubby arms popped out of horizontally opposite sides of it. Finally the stem part popped open to reveal that adorable dragon head with a smile on its face.         “Spike? NIce costume there, I actually thought you were an extra pumpkin we had.” Sora got up and made his way over to the dragon.         “You really think so? I made it all by myself too! When Twilight and I were looking for pumpkins, I found this one that was about my size, so I carved it out and-”         Sora took a knee to reach Spike’s level but then held his hand up. “Hold on, hold on… Carve? Spike, is that an actual pumpkin?”         “Of course, I’m going for the most realistic costume, and how much more realistic can you get then the actual thing itself!” He immediately demonstrated by “turtling” his head and limbs back into the pumpkin, masterfully using his costume to disguise himself as but a simple halloween decoration.         Sora tilted his head “Well, you got me there, and Nightmare Night is tonight so you don’t have to worry about your costume rotting for today.”         “Yeah, I’m definitely gonna outdo that bony guy I saw earlier today!” Spikes head popped up and wore a more determined look on it.         “Bony guy?” Sora raised an eyebrow         “Yeah, there is this really super tall, super thin guy who looks like if he was your skeleton, but super tall and stuff, he was wearing this black suit with thin white stripes too.”         Sora just stared at him in disbelief Wait? Jack? Jack is here in Equestria? No way! He then shook his head. “Spike? Do you know where this guy is right now?”         Spike was confused as to why Sora was getting so excited but complied anyway. “Uh, yeah, Twilight spoke with him, he sounded like he was lost and stumbled onto our town.  Twilight took him over to the Town Hall to help him out. We think he bumped his head or something while in his costume, cuz he seems to think he actually is a walking talking skeleton. Personally I think it’s just a Minotaur or something that got an experienced unicorn to transform him for the holiday.”         “Yeah, I’ll bet.” Sora looked away. “Mogson, I’m taking off, you got everything covered?!”         “What? Going to go get your costume from Rarity or something? Fine, fine, it’s better this way anyway, I only needed you for the pumpkin carving. Decorating only requires one mind anyway.” Mogson waved him off.         Man, he is really getting into this Sora thought, before reaching into his pocket, pulling out another clear bead and biting into it. Huh… no pain this time… am I getting used to this now? He then booked it down the street toward town hall. ~~~~~~~~~~ Town Hall Sometime later         The trip to town hall was a relatively short one as citizens would stop what they were doing to watch the Keyblade wielder using flowmotion to practically fly though the more condensed neighborhood blocks and land right in front of the doors. By the time he reached them the doors had already swung open and he was knocked onto his back with his attackers now lying on top of him, crumpled and tangled in their own limbs. “Ooof! Twilight? Mayor? What was that for?” He struggled to sit up before Twilight grabbed his face with her hooves.         “Sora! I’m so glad you’re here, th-th-that pony, it isn’t a pony, It-it-it-it’s”!         The mayor eloquently finished what was on Twilight’s mind for her. “A Walking Skeleton! A Monster!”         The moment he managed to get up and Twilight finally let go of his face, the two girls hid behind him. “Don’t worry, I’ll take care of it.” He said calmly as he stepped into the building. No sooner than had he gotten one foot through the doorway did he manage to get a good look at the so called monster looking around the area. Tall. Thin. Nothing but bones and a suit. That’s him alright. “Jack! It really is you!”         The tall figure turned to face Sora, his face changing from a look of pondering to that of joy. “Ah Sora! Is that you?” He only needed a few steps to meet up with the boy before walking around him. “I must say, you look a lot more… alive than you usually do?” He then peered at Sora’s mouth. “And your fangs are nowhere to be seen, nor that rather fetching pumpkin eyepatch you had going for you.” He crossed his arms and used one hand to rub the chin area of his skull, looking at Sora with a scrutinizing gaze.         Sora could only laugh. “This is what I really look like jack, my clothes change what I look like when I enter certain worlds. Remember how my outfit suddenly changed when we went over to Christmas town?”         A lightbulb clicked in Jack’s head. “Ah, I see! A rather useful garment. If I had such clothing perhaps it would be of great use in next year’s Halloween planning.” Before he could go deeper into his brainstorming, he turned to ask. “So I take it in this world you’re free to be who you really are?”         Sora chuckled nervously and rubbed the back of his head. “Actually… not quite…. Some things happened when I first entered this world and-” A flash of light engulfed Sora, the light’s height diminished and broadened until finally it dissipated and in front of Jack was a spiky haired pony wearing a smaller version of Sora’s jacket and necklace as he rubbed his mane with his hoof. “And now I’m stuck in this form.”         Jack was taken aback by this. “My word, a most peculiar predicament. Trapped in an adorable little horse body?”         “Pony actually.” A third voice said from behind Sora. Both of them looked to see Twilight’s head peek out to correct Jack, but the moment the Pumpkin King laid eye sockets on her, her head zipped back behind cover along with an adorable “Eep!” that could give Fluttershy’s a run for its bits.         Sora could only shake his head. “Jack, what exactly did you do get them so jittery about you? From what he heard before I got here they thought you were just another resident of a nearby town wearing a magical disguise.”         Jack took a moment to ponder that question as his bony finger scratched the top of his skull. “That’s something I’m not quite sure of myself, during the exchange of information I hadn’t yet told them where I came from, not that I wasn’t going to tell them mind you.” He then took off his head and used this ability to look at himself for a moment. “Ah, I thought I took care of that.” Using this new perspective he straightened out a wrinkle in his suit before putting it back on. “Perhaps it was my attire, when I arrived here I took a bit of a tumble and I’m still finding dirt, wrinkles and such.”         Sora blinked. “Were you checking your clothes during the conversation?”         Jack blinked but nodded. “Why yes, I was, in fact it was just moments before they started screaming and running out the door. Which by the way were wonderful screams. They sounded rather… innocent?... Naive?... What would be the right term?”         “Well case closed there.” Sora sighed before looking back at the doorway. “You guys can come back in now. I promise, nothing dangerous will happen.” At first there was no response, before finally two familiar snouts peeked into view, then a wary eye from each of them as well.         “Twilight, Ms. Mayor, allow me to properly introduce my friend Jack Skellington, from Halloween Town.”         At this Jack gave a simple bow. “Charmed, ladies. You may also refer to me as the Pumpkin King if you’d like.”         …..Both Twilight and the Mayor looked on at the two for a few seconds, before looking back at each other. Twilight’s memory did recall Sora talking about having adventures with this Jack fellow before, so she eventually broke the silence. “Sora… you certainly have... a wide range of friends.”         Sora just gave a big grin, sitting on his haunches with his hooves behind his head. “Yeah, it’s awesome, right?” As both Twilight and the Mayor entered, the questions and explanations began. However, one big question on Sora’s mind interrupted everyone’s conversation. “Jack, how did you even get to Equestria? Do you have a gummi ship now?         Jack simply shook his head. “Afraid not, Sora. I came here through a strange door from that place again.”         “Strange door?” Sora tilted his head for a moment then folded his forelegs and thought about it. Then a flash image from his memory reminded him. “Oh, you mean the doors on those trees right? The ones that take you to other holidays?” After seeing Jack nodding he then gave him a smirk. “Jack, you weren’t trying to take over another holiday again were you?”         “Of course not! I learned my lesson from before and Halloween is my true calling. However I admit that I have been visiting the other holidays to look for more out of the box ideas for next year’s Halloween. I already have everything set up for this year, and since everyone in town has rehearsed their part down to a T, it gave me some extra free time to do more research. However on my way back to those doors a thought occurred to me,” Jack held up a bony finger, “what if there is more to it.”         “More to what?” Twilight asked. She and the Mayor were still a little skittish of Jack, but they were a lot better than earlier. So when he looked at her, Twilight merely stiffened under his gaze.         “Why more to those doors in the Hinterlands than just the Holiday lands I’ve discovered of course! There were many more trees just like the ones holding these doors, so who’s to say that there weren’t even more doors further in just waiting to be found! So that’s just what I did. After some walking, I came across another ring of trees with doors on them. The most fascinating thing about each of the doors is that they is they had some depiction relating to ho-oh yes, uh ponies I believe you called yourselves.” At her nod he continued. “So you could imagine my excitement of exploring unknown Holidays.”         Sora blinked. “Wait, so you got here through one of those doors?”         “Precisely, a rather splendid looking one depicting a moon and some ominous looking pony with cat eyes and a jagged toothed smile. Simply splendid design if you ask me, like a home away from home.“ Jack then looked out the window. “A little tame, but the spirit of Halloween is still there, I can feel it.” “Uh actually, Mr. Skellington, was it?” The Mayor interjected… and jumped a little when he turned in her direction. “We don’t celebrate this “Halloween” you speak of. Rather this night we celebrate Nightmare Night.” “Nightmare Night?” Jack asked, his curiosity evident from his expression, before he would look outside again. “Of course, I did go through a new door so this has to be a holiday all on its own. But the similarities are rather striking.” He watched two colts dressed in costume pass by the city hall. “Yeah I know the feeling, they even trick or treat too.” Sora trotted up next to him and stared out the window. “I see, well I’ve come here to research, so I would definitely love to know more of this Nightmare Night.” “O-oh, uh, splendid then!” The Mayor perked up. “We would also be more than happy to have another of Sora’s distinguished guests in our town on this day, and Twilight here is friends with Princess Luna as well.” “I see, I’m not sure what being friends with royalty has to do with the holiday, but I am more then grateful for such hospitality.” Jack gave a polite bow. Twilight and Sora simply smiled before the purple mare spoke up. “Well, if you don’t mind a trip to the library I can set everything up for you to meet her and point out a few books that you could read about it. Right this way, Mr. Skellington.” She then turned and trotted her way out of the building, followed by the two boys. “Oh please, you can just call me Jack.” ~~~ Path to the Library Later         The walk to the library felt longer than usual as Twilight did her best to explain everything she could off the top of her head about the holiday, which was basically what everypony knew about it. Jack had been listening rather intently, as was Sora, though seeing as he had already learned about it before he would tune in and out every now and then. Halfway through their walk they managed to run into Spike who was on his way over to Town Hall in order to see what had gotten Sora all riled up when he left. Greetings and introductions were exchanged and Spike ended up sending off a letter to the Princesses at Twilight’s request.         “So you really are nothing but bones?” Spike looked at Jack with amazement.         “Bones in a suit, it would be rather unbecoming of me if I just walked around in the nude.” Jack stated.         “Well what’s wrong with that?” Spike asked, not understanding the situation.         Twilight… knew all too well what that meant as her cheeks heated up immediately. Sora simply tried to pretend that something over on his right was the most interesting thing in the world at the moment. It was moments like these where after her time in the 100 Acre Wood Twilight would suddenly feel more comfortable with her adventure chic outfit and a skirt or pants. “Ahem, how about we leave that question unanswered for now. I’ll explain it to you later Spike.”         KRAKOW!!         Lightning struck behind the group causing the ponies and dragon of the group to jump and yell before whipping their head back. The saw Jack looking behind himself as well searching for something, before then looking up. “Well, what odd weather you have here in Equestria, that small cloud seems to be our culprit considering it’s the only one around for miles… and flying rather low to the ground I might add.”         When the 3 looked up to see the cloud, their bewilderment quickly changed to annoyance for Twilight and Spike, and a cocky smirk from Sora as they called out in unison. “Rainbow Dash!”         Laughter could be heard above them before they saw a blue pegasus roll off the side of the cloud holding her sides. She dropped a few feet before her wings caught her in the air and she hovered down to their level. “HAHAHAHA! You guys should’ve heard your screams! It was hilarious!”         “Very funny Rainbow.” Twilight deadpanned.         “You know I’m gonna have to get you back for that now.” Sora said with a determined look on his face.         “You can try Spiky.” Rainbow pointed a hoof at him with the same look on her face. That was when she finally noticed the tall thin guy next to them. “And what are you suppose to be?”         “Ah yes, of course. Hello I am Jack Skellington, the Pumpkin King at your service.” He held out his bony hand toward the pegasus, to which she looked at suspiciously before slowly holding out her hoof to shake it. The guy sounded way too formal for her, probably right up Rarity’s alley, which reminded her tha- suddenly his hand popped off when she grabbed it.         “Wha?” It then immediately came to life and started crawling up her foreleg. “EEEEYAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH!!!!” She frantically shook her foreleg to get it off, but even once she did the brief memory of it quickly crawling up to her face scared her stiff. “W-w-w-what just h-happened?”         Sora just laughed and rolled around on the floor. Her face was priceless. Spike was doing much the same, but his round costume just made him roll around in a circle as his stubby limbs struggled to get him back to his feet. Twilight just gave a smirk of her own back at Rainbow. “Gee Rainbow, you should’ve heard the scream YOU made. It was hilarious.”         This got her a glare from the weather pony before said glare turned to a look of fear and fake bravado toward the tall bone man in front of her, who was currently picking up his hand that had obediently crawled to him and attached it back to his wrist. “W-w-who is this guy?”         “I believe he’s already told you.” Sora stated causing Rainbow to glare at him for his wisecrack. Having been fused with Sora, she could easily tell when he was just being a smart aleck with her. Sora laughed some more before finally speaking. “Rainbow, this is my friend. You remember from my stories about Jack from Halloween Town? Not the pirate.”         It took a few moments before Rainbow nodded as her brain pulled up that bit of memory. “Wait, that’s the guy?!” She whipped her head back towards Jack who simply smiled and bowed.         “Master of screams, at your service.”         Rainbow seemed to be thinking of something. “Sora said that you run preparations and even perform on your holiday, uuuh, Halloween right?”         “That is correct.” The moment he answered Rainbow was up in his face.         “You’re perfect then!” She exclaimed, confusing him and the others.         “Perfect for what exactly?” Twilight asked.         “Oh right! I just came from Zecora’s since I was gonna help her and Luna give a frightful show for everyone here in town-”         “Wait, what? I didn’t hear about this?” Twilight raised an eyebrow at the absurdity of not being informed of everything.         “Well duh! It was gonna be a surprise the whole town. A whole spooky spectacular with creepy vibes and scares of all kinds. But when I went over to Zecora’s place, there was a note saying that she left due to something she called “urgent” then a buncha rhymes about how she’s sorry and she’ll make it up next year and yadda yadda, you get the point.” Rainbow circled her hoof to indicate she just skimmed it for what she considered were important parts.         “So then what happens to the show now?” Sora asked.         “He happens!” Rainbow pointed to Jack who was now putting two and two together.         “Well this is a first.” He said as he scratched his chin.         “Rainbow you can’t just ask him to do that, he doesn’t even know what this Holiday is about!” Twilight stomped her hoof at her friend’s rudeness.         Sora turned to Jack. “It’s basically halloween, but a little bit on the softer side. Twilight and Luna can give you a crash course on the lore if you need it.”         “Sora!” Twilight whipped back at the stallion. “You can’t just push this issue on your friend!”         “Actually, he’s liking the idea.” Sora pointed up to Jack who seemed to be smiling, plotting something.         “Indeed, if you need assistance, I’d be more than happy to help.” Jack struck a triumphant pose. “I love a good challenge!” He then turned to Twilight. “Let us meet with this Luna posthaste, Twilight.” And just like that he was already on the move. “Preparations and rehearsals must be made! Gather your friends! The more help the better!” He didn’t give any of them any time to say anything. “W-wuh!? Wait! You still don’t know where the Library is!” Twilight ran after him.         “Hey! Wait for me!” Spike struggled and barely managed to get to his feet and “waddled” after the two of them.         Sora watched them go when suddenly a red gem floated in front of him. “Hm?” It was shaped like a lightning bolt. He turned to Rainbow who had a big grin on her face.         “You heard him, we gotta get moving, chop chop!” He was afraid her face was gonna break if that smile got any bigger”         …He just chuckled and shook his head. “Right…” He took the gem. ~~~~~~~~~~~ Library Later         The Library was packed now. The girls were all gathered, along with the Crusaders. Even Granny Smith was there, though no one was sure how exactly other than her claim that she was following the “whippersnappers” all they way there. Things got even more interesting when Princess Luna finally arrived via chariot. “Greetings, I came as soon as I received the letter. So, Zecora will not be able to make it this year for Nightmare Night?”         “I’m afraid not Princess.” Twilight bowed to her as well as the other ponies in the room, Sora barely remembering to do it, while Spike’s bow ended up with him tipping over and unintentionally rolling away. Jack, out of politeness, gave a bow as well. “However, we may have come up with a last second solution.” She said as she rose up again with a nervous smile on her face.         “Oh? Pray tell, what would that be?” Luna raised an eyebrow before looking over in Jack’s direction. “I assume it would involve this gentlecolt that stands before us.”         Jack gave yet another bow to introduce himself. “Indeed so, your majesty. My name is Jack Skellington, Pumpkin King and event planner for my Holiday, known as Halloween.”         “Hall-oh-ween?” Luna sounded out the word. “I’m afraid I am not familiar with such a holiday.”         Sora waved it off. “We expected as much your highness, he’s actually a friend of mine from another world. He comes from Halloween Town. my home world and most other worlds I’ve been to celebrate it, but his town is where the holiday gets it’s… I guess you would call it it’s energy and Spirit from as it sends out to us on that day.         “That was... rather informative, Sora?” Twilight looked at Sora with wide eyes as well as a few other of the girls. “You’re pretty well cultured with other worlds.”         Sora smiled. “Well when you’ve been world hopping as much as I have you tend to pick things up… but mostly that explanation came from Merlin. Somehow he KNEW this very discussion was going to happen and stuffed this note in my bag.” He pulled out a folded up piece of paper, when it was unraveled Merlin’s handwriting could be seen on it.         “How does he do that?” Rainbow looked at the paper suspiciously.         Sora put the paper away once everyone got a good look at it. “Anyways, Jack here would be the perfect guy to set up an event for you here since Zecora couldn’t make it.”         Luna looked at Jack curiously. “Do you know anything about this Holiday, Sir Jack?”         “Oh please, just Jack is fine your majesty,” he then nodded, “and I believe I’ve been given the gist of the holiday, we’re actually here so that you and Twilight can give me the lore of it as well. I believe I may be able to rehash an older preformance I directed in my town from years ago, and it should go perfectly with a few changes here and there.” He then looked over at everyone else in the room. “And you all can help out!”         “Yeah!” The Crusaders were jumping around excitedly as they cheered together. “We get to be in a show!”         “Oh not just any show, young ones. A True Spectacular!” Jack thrusted out his arms to emphasize it.         “Well you certainly are… Ambitious.” Luna replied with a concerned look. “Are you sure you’ll be able to come up with something on such short notice?”         “If Santa can do it, why can’t I?”         “What?” Luna asked she had vague memories of the name from Sora’s story telling.         “Long story, I’ll explain it to you later if you’re interested.” Sora waved it off.         “I don’t suppose ya happen ta have a part even fer’ little old me, feller?” Granny Smith stepped forward, if not a little shaky on her hooves.         “Oh definitely, I have the perfect spot for you madame. However, my question is where to find the right outfits for you all on such short notice.”         Rarity cleared her throat. “I believe I can handle that, I do have a long line of costumes prepared for potential customers that could not find the time to make their own. Perhaps there are costumes in there that would suit your needs. And of course I still have my friend’s own costumes waiting as well.”         “Ah, splendid madame.” Jack politely nodded to her. “If the costumes are taken care of, all that leaves is to learn a little history and perform rehearsals.”         “Speaking of friends, has anyone seen Fluttershy?” Sora brought up as he looked around.         The mares sighed in unison before Rarity spoke. “Again? I made a special costume just for her.”         “Again… I don’t get it, Rainbow and I told her to come here. Where would she be?” Sora asked.         The girls looked at Rainbow with unamused looks.         “...What?!” She replied as she backed up alittle.         Applejack spoke. “Sora, did ya mention Nightmare Night when speakin’ with Flutters?”         “Uuh, yeah, wanted her to at least know what was going on.” Sora couldn’t pick up what this was all about.         The girls stares at rainbow intensified as Twilight spoke. “Really, Rainbow? You were with him the whole time yet never mentioned anything to him when you found her?”         Rainbow looked away rubbing the back of her head with a sheepish grin. “W-well, you know how I get distracted and stuff and-”         “You fused didn’t you?” Twilight deadpanned and the other girls replied.         “Yyyyup.”         “Indeed.”         “Yuppers, Twily.”         Twilight just glared at her. “Rainbow, fusing is not some sort of toy! It is a tool to aid us in fighting the heartless and not just some power you can use whenever you want!” She then pointed at Sora causing him to flinch in response. “And you! You’re the Keyblade Bearer! Shouldn’t you show more restraint and set a good example for future bearers?”         Sora seemed to don the same sheepish pose and expression as Rainbow now. “W-well, it was useful this time?”         “How?! Rainbow could’ve handled finding the girls herself, the fuse was utterly unnecessary!” Twilight replied.         “I uh, think we’re getting off topic here, um, why wouldn’t Fluttershy be here if I told her what we were doing tonight?” Sora tried to change the subject.         On reminder of their friend their looks softened a little as Rarity answered. “Sora, dear… Fluttershy isn’t exactly the most… enthusiastic pony about this holiday. Honestly she’d skip the night entirely if we let her.”         “She’s scared of Nightmare night?” Sora pieced it together. “I guess I can’t say I’m surprised, but she’d be missing on all the fun.”                                                                                                                                                                            “We agree with ya sugarcube, and we’d like nothin’ more than ta go over to her home and convince her, but it seems like we have sumthin’ bigger ta deal with right now.” Applejack gestured to Luna and Jack.         “Oh.. Right…” Sora was a little bummed by this, he was hoping to spend this holiday with all of his Equestrian friends, but the absence of his first one kinda dampered his mood a bit…. He then had an idea. “Jack, is my part really complicated?”         Jack thought for a moment. “Not particularly, especially with this world’s strange magic involving music. It’s the choreography and entrances that has me concerned.”         “Could you work on the song until I get back, then the we can deal with the acting part?”         “I don’t see why not, we would need to construct the song to cater to denizens of this town anyway after all.”         “Great!” He then turned to Rarity. “Rarity, you mind if I grab my costume for myself?”         “Uh- Well, I don’t see why not? It’s in the lobby hung up with the rest of the costumes, dear.” The moment she finished the sentence, Sora was already out the door.         “Thanks a bunch, be back soon!” He dashed down the road. ~~~ Time moves on and the holiday begins at Sundown Ponyville, Nightmare Night Statue         The night kicked off well, ponies all over town enjoying the holiday with food, drink, games, dancing and socializing. Even the guard were sent special armor to up the “spooky” factor and took the roll of undead guards looking for naughty little foals to take with them to Tartarus, It definitely kept any potential pranksters on their toes. (Save for Rainbow, she got a free pass for that night) and was a welcomed addition to the spooky festivities since, oddly enough, they got well into character.         Of course like every Nightmare Night, the mayor called for all the young ones that were still new to the holiday or just wanted to enjoy the experience to be sent over toward the statue of Nightmare Moon. This time however, even the parents and older ponies were allowed to join when the mayor claimed that this year’s event was far different than the others.         As they arrived escorted by the undead guards, some of them were questioning about where Zecora was or why there was nothing there other than the statue. The guards said nothing and simply stared at the statue, however the moment it’s eyes started glowing the guards simply bowed towards it, causing the citizens to gaze back at the statue.         And boy did they ever regret that, as rising from behind the statue was a tall, thin, bipedal creature wearing a striped suit. It was Jack, however they didn’t know him so that just gave them all a rather uneasy feeling as he spoke. “Greetings and salutations my most valued guests on this night of nights.” He casually stepped around the statue and gave a bow. “I bring tidings from another town in another world that would find this particular night most welcoming to my kind.”         “W-wait, then y-you’re like, one of those aliens, like that Sora guy?” One of the ponies, who was dressed as a superhero, stiffened up when the bone man approached him.         Jack simply nodded. “Indeed, Jack Skellington is the name,” he stood back and by some amazing parlour trick pulled out a small jack o’lantern with a look of horror carved into it from out of nowhere onto his palm with a flick and twirl of his bony wrist, “Pumpkin King,” he then immediately crushed it into pieces and let said pieces fall as they may onto the ground and even on a few of the little ones that immediately backed away from the display, “and master of terror.” He nonchalantly shook the hand free of any pulpy debris left behind on it, before turning toward the ponies. “My empty dead heart goes out to your usual host Zecora as she could not make it this year. However, I am a firm believer that the show MUST GO ON! Therefore, I have decided on a little… cultural exchange from my town to yours, since our most favorite holiday holds several similarities to this one.”         “No offense Mr. uh… Skelly-ton sir,” a little filly dressed as a tree spoke up, “but what does someone from another world know about nightmare night?” Jack looked toward the girl and leaned down to her level. Her legs locked up and her pupils turned into pinpricks as all she could do was stare up at his hollow eye sockets.         “Very astute of you, my dear. You would have been right. Since I just arrived on this world I indeed should know very little of it. However, is this not a world that holds the magic of friendship as an important force in life?” He stood back up and turned away thrusting his hands out to the heavens.         Off hiding in the trees, Luna and Twilight nodded as their horns started glowing, that was their cue to start the show.         “So that’s exactly what I did!” Jack spoke again. His audience were confused at first when suddenly by the statue, something started rising from the ground, a hoof… two hooves, they then pushed off against the ground so that their owner could rise from the earth. Out popped it’s head, a spiky haired vampire-like Stallion with a menacing looking jack o’ lantern eyepatch, as it pulled itself out of the hole it made spreading it’s bat wings from his gothic styled jacket. And he wasn’t alone. Far behind him other hooves dug out of the ground from around the statue, showing up as others seemed to appear from out of the forest or even up above the night sky. “I made friends.”         Ghosts and ghouls started surrounding the guests as the guards turned to join the surrounding creeps and freaks while the Vampire Stallion stepped forth and stood alongside Jack. the visitors were now bunched together, the older ponies hiding the children behind their own shaking legs.         And then it began.         Voices from the crowd around them started to sing, in a low tone, yet giving off an unsettling feeling in their stomachs “Colts and Fillies of every age Wouldn't you like to see something strange?” Both jack and the Vampire stallion stepped forward offering their hoof and bony hand to them as they sang. “If you’re looking for a fright Be our guest on Nightmare’s Night”         Then the ghouls sang the the chorus inching ever closer towards the group. “This is Nightmare Night, dark queen full of spite Ponies flee and hide from her sight”         Suddenly a pink happy looking ghost pony appeared from the the middle of the guests thrusting her arms out singing while scaring the group into scattering towards the circle of monsters and ghouls that surround them so. “Here comes Nightmare Moon, guiding you into your doom. If you're careless, she'll lead you to your tomb.”         The monsters didn’t have to do much to get the group to flee from them as they continued to sing. They simply reached out or even pounced only to fail and cackle at their fleeing prey. “It's her time, hold your candy tight Pray you live through Nightmare’s Night”         At this point most of the visitors were huddled toward the statue looking in all directions except behind them, or at least they were until a tall shadow was seen looming over them. When they turned Jack was standing on the head of the statue with a sinister smile on his face. He then hunched down, placing a hand on the statue and holding the other hand out in a claw like position as if he was ready to pounce on them. His voice changing into a far darker yet shrieking voice. “She rises from the night just over your head, Teeth ground sharp as you lie in your bed”         He made a fast dramatic motion like he was about to jump them, causing the group to unwittingly back up until the one in the back bumps into something which caused the rest to bump into him and each other. When they looked back they noticed that stallion again, his eye aglow and his grin giving them an uncomfortable view of his fangs. “But on this night her power does rise To gobble up ponies and bring their DEMISE!”         As he shouted the last word the group scattered, fleeing in terror but could only run in circles avoiding the other ghouls of the night who simply sang the chorus. “This is Nightmare Night, this is Nightmare Night Nightmare Night! Nightmare Night! Nightmare Night! Nightmare Night!”         A rather large zombie looking Stallion approached, his size scaring the guests stiff and causing them to back peddle. He said nothing, for the jack o’ lantern on it’s back handled that as it suddenly sprouted arms and legs then stood on the Stallion’s back. The scary face carved in it then started to move and speak in a young yet creepy voice. “On this night, where we thrive Your only goal is to survive”         The pumpkin cackled as the zom-pony hobbled towards the group causing them to back pedal enough for Jack to land in between them, arms spread wide with a menacing grin on his face as he picked up where the pumpkin left off, though the guests didn’t stay very long for his singing. “On this night, don't we love it now? Everypony's waiting for the next surprise”         On both sides of the fleeing group the pink ghost pony, and now a frankenstein’s monster like mare with a stetson caught up with them and using their fear lead them in another direction as they sang a duet. “Over there in the bush, waiting for an ambush Something's waiting now to pounce, and how you'll-”         As they reached said bush a rainbow maned Were-Pegasus popped out, clawed hooves out stretched, yellow fangs bared as she yelled causing all their legs to lock up in fright. “Scream! This is Nightmare Night Your fears are her delight” “Aren't you scared?” As the beast slowly crept toward them singing it’s lines, the group went for a retreat only to be stopped when an old green witch pony on a broomstick swooped down from above causing them all to duck as she picked up the song while circling them. “Well, that's just fine Say it once, say it twice Take the chance and roll the dice Ride with the moon in the dead of night”         As the Witch finally flew away they thought they had a moment's reprieve only to be reminded of the Were-Pegasus behind them as it growled out the next line. “Everypony scream, everypony scream”         The beast was then joined by the Ghost, Franken-mare and Witch as they all held sinister looking smiles and sang in unison. “trapped within a poisoned dream”         As the song continued an ominous dark cloud started moving about the fiends and touching some of the guests on their hooves making them jump. “She moves on the prowl to have pony on her plate Wear a disguise to avoid this fate”         At one point the cloud would stop and form up on a group of the guests that decided to huddle together. It then started take shape of a large, sinister looking alicorn, with sharp teeth bared. “But when she does catch you in her sight Offer her candy lest she eat you tonight”         The ponies didn’t hesitate to dump out their candy toward the cloud, and when the ominous mist went over and took them the ponies saw that as a chance to flee while she was distracted. The cloud then shot into the air and swirled before it dissipated rapidly to reveal Nightmare Moon in all her terror, her wings spread out as the moon rested right behind her. She then sang in an ominous echo for all to hear. “For I am the shadow on the moon at night Filling your dreams to the brim with fright”         She then proceeded to fly above them while circling the scene, causing more dread to fill the ponies below as the ghouls sang the chorus. “This is Nightmare Night, this is Nightmare Night Nightmare Night! Nightmare Night! Nightmare Night! Nightmare Night!”         Over on the other end of the area more ponies were still running about to keep away from the monsters. Somehow two of the young ones, one with a tiara on her head and the other with a spoon on her flank, ended up crashing into each other. After a few moments of being in a daze they caught a glimpse of three little undead fillies creeping slowly toward them, their faces devoid of emotion. “Sweet young faces everywhere We’ll distort them with a good scare”         At the word scare some sort of magic altered their faces to make them look like ravenous little zombies. The two fillies nearly wet themselves as they screamed and ran in terror. Those three undead ponies seemed to enjoy that moment more then one would expect they would. Landing in front of those two screaming girls was the spiky haired vamp-pony again, causing them to skid to a stop. “That's our job, but we don’t bite That’s reserved for the queen of fright” Upon his words, those girls took off once again. Jack proceeded to stand up tall from his position and sing out loud. “On this Night” “Don't we love it now?” The ghouls joined in with him from all over the area. “Everypony's waiting for the next surprise”         As they sang the visitors were once again reminded of the “star” of this holiday as her shadow was cast over them before diving toward them. “Nightmare Moon might slip into your room, And scream like a banshee Make you jump out of your skin!”         Nightmare Moon landed and gave a menacing shriek that caused the group to scream in response and try to get away, but at this point the monsters had finally enclosed all the guests, laughs and growls coming from all around as they continued. “Here comes Nightmare Moon, everypony scream Won’t you please make way for a very special gal”         This had the group return their gaze on Nightmare Moon who simply held her head high and casually strolled through them, easily making the group part in an attempt to keep their distance from her. Her wings tucked in and a dark grin formed on her face. “Nightmare Moon is queen of the darkened sky Everypony kneel to the Lunar Queen now”         As they continued singing she finally stopped dead ahead of the group. “This is Nightmare Night, this is Nightmare Night Nightmare Night! Nightmare Night! Nightmare Night! Nightmare Night!” Once again the three undead fillies appeared from three different positions as they weaved passed the terrified guests till they were at the forefront between them and the dark Alicorn, where they alone sang the final verse “All your fears make her strong Please take heed to Nightmare’s song”         That was when her wings stretched out and a swirling wind surrounded her as well as some dark mist, and even bats flying around her. She gazed upon the starry sky and laughed maniacally, striking fear in the hearts of the guests as the monsters all around them chanted “La, la, la, la-la la, la, la, la-la la, la, la, la-la la, la-la la, Wheeeeeee!” The song ended with sinister laughter from all directions as the guest finally noticed an opening of escape as some of the ghouls seemed to have moved to the side showing a complete view of Ponyville. None of the ponies bothered to question it and high tailed it out of there. Jack stood in front of the statue and was soon joined by the vamp-pony stallion. “Hahaha! That went splendidly everyone! Good work to you all!” He cheered all the monsters for their hard work. Meanwhile in the woods, Twilight who was in hiding finally released the magic she was holding with a sigh of relief. Immediately all the monsters, as well as “Nightmare Moon” seemed to have immediately transform into… far less scarier versions of themselves, some even just down right cute. In mere seconds they were now guards and ponies in costumes once again. “Gotta say Jack, for such short notice, you really handled this event well.” The Vamp-Stallion spoke with Sora’s voice, his appearance didn’t seem to have changed. “I must agree.” Nightmare Moon, now Princess Luna, trotted her way over to the two. “This was a most unique experience.” She looked back at Ponyville. “I only hope we didn’t go too far in our acting.” She spoke with concern. “It’s ok Princess, It was all in good fun and in time they’ll figure that out as well.” Sora tried to lessen her fears. “Being scared on this holiday is part of the fun after all.” “Yes, I do recall learning that lesson last time I celebrated this night here.” Luna then smiled. “Very well, I trust your judgement on this dear Sora and Jack.“ She gave a slight bow of her head toward them before turning to everyone else in the opening. “Thank you all, everypony for your hard work in making this event possible. I can safely say that it was a complete success!” Cheers were heard all around. Once they calmed down she continued. “With tonight’s event concluded, I wish you all a wonderful Nightmare Night. Please, enjoy the rest of the holiday! You are dismissed!” Upon hearing those words ponies bowed to her before laughing and chatting as they made their way back to town, leaving behind Sora, Jack, Luna, the girls, Granny, the crusaders, Spike, and even Big Mac. “That was the best!” Pinkie was bouncing in place once again, no longer a pink transparent spirit but now in white make up and ghost like cloth wrapped around her. “Yeah hahaha, It’s like a show AND a Prank!” Rainbow replied hoof bumping the Pink Mare. She was in a cute wolf costume. “Can we do this again next year?!” She looked pleadingly at Jack and Luna. “We can even get Zecora involved in it as well!” Both the Princess and Pumpkin King looked at the pegasus, then to each other. The Princess spoke. “As wonderful as that sounds, I feel that it should be Sir Jack’s decision. He is not obligated to do so, in fact I must apologize that a guest from another world had to get involved in our affairs.” She then gave a more apologetic looking bow towards Jack. “Oh come now Princess, creating “Scare-taculars” such as this is as easy as breathing… Well not that I breathe anyway, but you get my gist.” He bowed in return. “I would be more than happy to help with next year’s Nightmare Night, if you’ll have me. And please, just Jack is fine.” He reminded her. This made the princess smile in response. “Soooo, that’s a yes right?” Rainbow popped up in between them. ~~~~~~~~~~ Fluttershy’s Cottage Earlier that Night Fluttershy had no intention to join the festivities of this particular night. Her doors and windows were locked, the animals within her home all huddled with her in the living room ready to weather through the whole Holiday. Whenever there was a knock on her door she would call out “No one’s Home! No Candy Here! Go somewhere else please!” then hide under Mr. Bear. It went quiet for a short while before there was another knock on her door. She gave her usual line and proceeded to take Angel and hide under their big furry bear friend and wait it out. Only this time her “locked” door opened. Of course this got her and her animal friends to tense up, some of them taking a defensive stance, Angel included... until the being behind the door spoke. “Hey Fluttershy, it’s me, Sora.” Upon his voice the tense atmosphere dissipated and most of the animals relaxed. Since he would visit Fluttershy at her home often the animals there got used to him as well over time. Fluttershy crawled out from under the bear. “Sora? Oh uh, o-one moment.” She quickly made her way over to the open door, but as it swung open she was in for a shock for instead of Sora there was some Vampony version of him standing at the doorway smiling, with his fangs shining in the moonlight. She gave a timid “Eep!” before bolting behind her table in fear. “Oh, no wait! It’s still me, Flutters! It’s just a costume, see?!” Sora immediately pulled the fake fangs from his mouth to prove it. When Fluttershy finally decided to take another look. She was relieved to find he was speaking the truth and slowly crawled out of her hiding space. “Uh, um, I’m glad, but why are you here? S-shouldn’t you, well, be having fun tonight?” “Of course, but first we have to help with an event. Even so I did manage to get some trick or treating in!” He then pulled out a sack of candy. “Pinkie and I have been hitting the good houses first. They put out a lot of candy!” Sora beamed. Fluttershy smiled a little, but only because her friend looked so happy. “Oh! Are you… here for candy? I’m so sorry, I’m afraid I don’t have any-” “No, no, the others told me how you’re not much of a fan of Nightmare Night so I didn’t expect you to be accepting trick or treaters anyway.” “Oh! Uh then… Why are you here?” She was really hoping he wouldn’t say- “Well I originally came here to ask if you wanted to join us for Nightmare Night,” He said it! He went out and said the one thing she didn’t want to hear! Now she had to think of someway to politely decline her friend’s wishes. It always made her feel bad, but since this time it was Sora… it felt even worse. “but I can see now that you really don’t want to go, so I won’t ask.” Oh Thank Celestia! She yelled in her mind... yet she felt something linger within her, a small sense of disappointment. She was unsure why, though. “But I didn’t want you to miss EVERYTHING about Hallowe-er I mean Nightmare Night! So, I decided to share with you one of the best experiences about it!” Fluttershy started to shrink in on herself, afraid of what he meant by that. “A-and, what would that be?” Sora just flashed that grin of his and with a hoof, gestured toward his fat sack. “Candy!” … She blinked for a moment. Was that it? Nothing about dragging her out into that spooky night? Or making her join some sort of Scary game, or enter some haunted house? Just… candy? “Really?” He nodded. “Yup! Nothing scary about candy!” He pulled out a chocolate bar and handed it to her which she timidly accepted. “O-oh.. Thank you, b-but I wouldn’t want to take any of your candy like that.” He nodded. “I know, you’re very kind Fluttershy and you’d never take from anyone without a very good reason. That’s why THIS-” he once again gestured to the sack “isn’t my candy.” “What?! Then-” “It’s OUR Candy!” Fluttershy had nothing to respond to that… Instead, she just started to giggle at the silliness of her friend’s logic. And that goofy face he was making wasn’t helping her stop. In time Sora joined in the laughter as well and it took a good while before the two of them finally calmed down. “Well, if you really don’t mind… sharing candy always makes it taste sweeter.” “I couldn’t agree with you more!” His ears perked. “Oh, right! I have to get going soon to help with the event!” He pushed the sack to her. “Don’t start eating it without me, ok?” Fluttershy smiled and nodded. “I promise… Oh! Did you make your offering as well?” “Offering?” Sora was about to turn to leave but was stopped by the odd question. “Why offering some of the candy to Nightmare Night of course!” Fluttershy said matter of factly. Sora rubbed the back of his neck. Sharing was one thing, but giving his hard earned candy away was a different story. “Uuuh, don’t you think it be fine if we kept it this time? I mean I am helping Luna and the others with the performance-” Fluttershy shook her head. “No, no! You must offer her candy, so she won’t gobble you up in anger!” “Uh, Fluttershy I’m pretty sure that we don’t have to-” Immediately the shy pegasus pounced onto him with fear in her eyes. “Please! I don’t want my dear friend to be eaten! Please!” ….. Sora was at a loss for words. ~~~ At the Statue 20 minutes before the guests arrived Luna stood there with a confused expression as Sora shoved a small bag full of candy towards her with a rather exasperated look on his face. “Uh, thanks?” Sora only mumbled. “The things I do for my friends.” > Chapter 32: Heffalumps and Woozels > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- (As Always Green Text means "click me" to play theme music to go with what you're reading. Red text means to stop the music. Any words with [color=#afa4cc26]This coloring to their text means to click on it for a sound effect. If there is music playing, then let it keep playing, the sound effect is brief Completely optional: You’re free to ignore this) On the Pages of Pooh’s story book         Sora was now pacing around in deep thought. They have checked nearly everywhere, but there was still no sign of Pooh or any of the others. Not even Gopher appeared in all their searching. “I just don’t get it. Where could they have gone?”         “Well, where else haven’t we looked?” Twilight asked pacing right behind him. “Do you think they’re in trouble?”         Sora shook his head. “I certainly hope not… but I’m starting to have my doubts.” He looked around on the page they stood on. “Where haven’t we visited before…. Ah!” There on the distant edge of the book was a picture that depicted a rather spooky looking cave. It was the one place they never bothered to look, so there wasn’t much choice. “Come on, there’s one last place we have to check.” He then walked past her toward the image. Twilight followed close behind and merely blinked before suddenly they were facing the mouth of a creepy looking cavern. “We’re… not going in there are we?” She mentally reprimanded herself for such a stupid question. “It’s the only place we haven’t looked, Twi.” “Of course…” Her gaze never left the cave but she quickly followed Sora close behind. You are fine, you’ve dealt with creepy places before. This is nothing, You enter the Everfree Forest so easily. This is no different! She thought in an attempt to build her resolve and morale. There was truth to what she said, however she couldn’t shake this feeling that this cave should creep her out. She would look on to Sora and he didn’t seem to so much as flinch at stepping in. Shouldn’t she be the same? It’s just a cave after all and she can logically answer anything that might go bump in the dark in caves. BUMP Twilight dashed Logic to the side as she shrieked briefly before hiding behind Sora and clinging onto his jacket. Sora just looked back at his friend. “Twilight? You alright?” He looked around to find any immediate danger, but came up with nothing. “Whatever that was, I think it was an echo from further in.” “Y-yes, Just an echo… Heh… maybe it was one of your friends? Yes, that has to be it.” She nodded before forcing her hands to let go of Sora’s jacket. Thoroughly embarrassed with how she reacted to the situation causing a return of that trademark blush of hers. “I certainly hope so.” He replied as he followed the direction of the echo. After a bit of walking the bumps started up again and Twilight was quick to get behind Sora and get ready to bolt at the first sign of trouble. Sora could tell they were getting closer to the source now that it was getting louder. They rounded a bend in the tunnel only to see a large shadow cast upon the far wall. “There!” Twilight squeaked and ducked behind her friend waiting for… whatever to happen… When nothing did she opened her eyes to see Sora casually walking up to the shadow. She was about to call out to him when she heard him say something. “Silly ol’ Bear, been looking all over for you and you’re just stuck again?” She then watched the owner of the big shadow step into view from behind some rubble. It was a pudgy, tan colored bipedal creature with one of those “Hunny” pots stuck to his head. It then spoke. “Oh! Why I know that voice anywhere.” It echoed from within the jar. “Why hello there Sora, it’s lovely to see you again… only, it would seem I can’t see you again at the moment.” He then gave a laugh that to Twilight felt like it should be iconic and lovable. “Or much of anything else I suppose… Um if you don’t mind?” He tapped his paw on the Hunny Pot a few times.   Sora just chuckled and shook his head. “Sure, no problem” He then picked up the creature with a huff. Then Sora began to spin with it. Once he was spinning fast enough he was now holding the creature by it’s legs and spinning faster and faster. Twilight had no idea what they were attempting to do but she felt like she should hide behind something for some reason. When she found a large enough boulder she took her own mental advice and waited behind it, peeking out every now and then to see more of what the two were planning. It didn’t take long for her to find out when the pot on the creature’s head finally flew off and careened toward her boulder, where it promptly smashed into pieces making her yelp and flinch back behind cover for a moment.               Sora took one last spin before moving and pulling his arms towards himself and with a twirl and gentle toss into the air. Sora caught the creature in his arm as they smiled for a job well done. The creature then spoke. “Ah, much better, I believe I prefer seeing you rather than unseeing you when we speak.” It nodded innocently to itself. Sora just laughed before setting it back on it’s feet. “I have to agree with you on that Pooh bear.” After all was said and done and everyone calmed down Sora decided to get straight to the point. “So, Pooh? What are you doing here?” Pooh turned toward Sora, folding his arms and smiling confidently. “What am I doing here?” He laughed a little… then that confident expression immediately vanished and was replaced by a bewildered one as he looked to Sora. “What am I doing here, Sora?” “That’s what I want to ask you!” He chuckled a little at his friend’s silliness. Twilight just walked up next to Sora in confusion from the whole scene. “You do?” Pooh asks, then took his paw and tapped it across his head repeatedly. “Think Think Think…. Oh yes, Hm hm, I was-oh!” He smiled. “I was hiding with everyone else.” “Hiding?” Both Twilight and Sora said in unison. “Hiding from what?” Sora continued as he looked around. “And where is everybody?” “They’re hiding too.” Pooh answered casually. “From what?” Twilight stepped forward, but then remembered her standing in all this and moved back with an apologetic look on her face. “S-sorry, I shouldn’t be so quick to ask questions when we’ve just met like this.” Sora facepalmed. “Oh right, I forgot.” He laughed for a moment before looking back at Pooh while he gestured toward Twilight. “Pooh, this is my friend Twilight.” Twilight courteously bowed toward the silly bear. “A pleasure to meet you.” “The pleasure is all mine, Twilight.” Pooh just gave his well known laugh and acted pretty casual about all this. Of course knowing him long enough, this wouldn’t be surprising. “Any friend of Sora’s is….” He thought for a moment. “Is a friend of mine?” Sora attempted to finish. “Ah yes! Any friend of Sora’s is a friend of Sora’s.” Pooh nodded at his wordplay. “Oh and I do hope that a friend of Sora’s wouldn’t mind being my friend as well… Especially if they wouldn’t mind sharing a small smackeral of honey.” Twilight was speechless at this, while Sora just shook his head and laughed. In time Twilight returned to reality and replied. “Uh, sure, honey does go well with tea after all.” She suggested. “Oh I most certainly agree Twilight.” The bear replied.     Sora then decided to step in. “Ok, before we get any more side tracked,” he turned to Pooh, “Pooh, can you show us where everyone else is?” “Why certainly, Sora.” Pooh turned around toward the depths of the cave. “As soon as I remember where they were hiding.” Just as he said this Pooh was tackled by an orange and black striped blur, tumbling with it a few feet before landing on his back and looking up at his attacker. “Hiya buddy bear! I found you!” The being was actually a rather happy looking tiger of some sort smiling down at Pooh as if he had just won some kind of competition. “Oh, why thank you, Tigger, I did not know I went somewhere.” Pooh answered casually. Now Twilight couldn’t help but hold her mouth to stifle a giggle at Pooh’s silly response. “No problem, the others were worried sick.” the Tiger then stood up and called out into the depths of the cave, “Hey everyone, I found him!” A few seconds later Sora and Twilight could see a group of other animals coming out from the darkness. A small piglet, a gopher wearing a mining helmet with a lit flashlight on it, a rather large rabbit, around the same size as the tiger in fact, an owl that was a similar size, along with a Kangaroo hopping along with a smaller one that Twilight assumed was her son hopping ahead of her to meet up with Pooh and the tiger named Tigger. “Oh p-p-p-p-pooh! We were so worried when you disappeared like that, W-w-w-we almost thought they got you for sure.” The little piglet ran up to Pooh and the tiger. He definitely struck Twilight as the timid type, similar to her friend Fluttershy, but adorably small. That was when the rabbit spoke. “Definitely. Pooh Bear, you shouldn’t go off on your own like that. Not while they’re still out there somewhere.” “Um, if I may ask.” Twilight asked, but upon hearing an unfamiliar voice among them the rest of the group gasped and froze up look toward her. They would’ve bolted right then and there if not for the figure standing next to her, one that they all recognized instantly.  “Hey! It’s Sora, and some lady!” The baby kangaroo pointed out towards the two. “Hey everyone!” Sora met them halfway with a smile and wave. “Been looking all over for you guys. Couldn’t find you anywhere.” The mother kangaroo held a hand to her face. “Oh we’re terribly sorry dear, we all ran to this cave the moment all these strange things started happening.” “Strange things?” Sora knelt down to their level. “Sss-fweet-strange nuthin!” Another voice, this one came from the gopher that seemed to whistle his “S”es. “Why it’sss-fweet-s all the work of thosss-fweet-se Heffalumpsss-fweet-s and Woozelsss-fweet-s it isss-fweet-s!” “Heffalumps and Woozels?” Twilight finally decided to join the group. FINALLY everyone took notice of her… well they already did, but finding Pooh and seeing Sora again sort of diminished her big reveal to them. “Oh! Terribly sorry, it appears we have a guest among us.” Spoke the Owl who then turned to the Key bearer. “A friend of your’s Sora?” “Oh right!” He stood back up. “Everyone, this is my friend Twilight Sparkle. She wanted to join me when I decided to come back here in the Hundred Acre Wood.” He gestured to Twilight who gave a very polite bow to them. “Oh um, it’s nice to meet you all.” Sora then gestured toward the others. “Twilight these are my friends from around here. This is Owl.” The Owl gave a bow in return. “Greetings, madame.” “This is Miss Kanga,” The mother kangaroo smiled and gave a nod as the smaller kangaroo hopped back to her, “and her son Roo.” roo smiled and gave a wave. “A pleasure to meet you, Ms. Sparkle.” “Hiya!” Sora then gestured toward the gopher with the mining hat. “This guy is gopher, he makes tunnels under the forest floor.” “Yer darn tootin sss-fweet-sonny’ Why I got a whole sss-fweet-system of tunnelsss-fweet-s throughout the whole hundred acre wood.” Gopher stood proudly at the mention of his work. Sora decided to move on to the next member of the group. “This one is Rabbit, he cares alot about his garden.” “Why indeed I do, and I’ve grown a lovely crop this year… I do hope to get back to it soon. Oh, but it is a pleasure to meet you as well Ms. Sparkle.” Rabbit gave a polite bow. “Oh please, just Twilight is fine. You’re Sora’s friends after all.” Twilight waved it off. Sora moved on to the smallest one of the bunch. Twilight would’ve mistaken the little pig for a baby if she didn’t hear his voice already. Sora was about to speak before Pooh beat him too it. “And this is my dear friend Piglet.” “O-oh um, h-h-how do you do?” The little guy fumbled with his paws a bit but still held a genuine smile towards her. It was outright adorable. Now she knew Fluttershy would’ve loved visiting this place. ( I know right?! *looks at the Author* ) ( Author: I know right?! *looks at a certain editor* :3 ) ( Editor: Hey, don’t look at me! Making decisions like that is your job. *joins Pinkie in looking at the author* )(Fair Enough...) Pooh then turned to Twilight and whispered loudly. “We make sure he’s inside his home on Windsdays.” “Windsdays?” Twilight blinked. Sora waved it off. “I’ll tell you later, next up we have-” He couldn’t finish as Twilight was then tackled by the very same orange and black striped blur before tumbling and landing in a similar position as pooh did. On her back, looking up at happy looking tiger with a silly grin on his face. “Next is me! The name’s Tigger, T-I-Double Guh-ER, that spells Tigger! Hoo hoo hoo hoooo!” “Uh, h-hello Tigger, nice to meet you as well.” Tigger finally got off her and allowed her to get up as he bounced around her. “Likewise My purple hair! Say you wouldn’t happened to like bouncing now, do you?” Twilight watched him bounce on his tail in circles around her and sighed “Well, I do have a friend that you would definitely get along with in that area” Finally on the list of friends, Sora directed to what seemed like a depressed looking donkey to Twilight. “And this is Eeyore.” The donkey glumly nodded. “Thanks for noticin’. Don’t worry about what I can do, wouldn’t want to get your hopes up when it’s nuthin at all.” Sora scratched his cheek. “For someone that’s always sad it’s kinda hard to get a read on the guy.” “I can imagine why, what happened to his tail?” Twilight stated pointing at the donkey’s behind. Sure enough, no tail. “You lost your tail again Eeyore?” Sora asked. “Again?” Twilight was surprised how Sora just said that like it was an everyday thing. The donkey simply replied. “Musta lost it during all that runnin’ in terror. Course you don’t have to worry about it none. Wouldn’t want to bother ya about it.” After taking a better look at the group Twilight had to admit, save for Rabbit and Owl they looked more like Stuffed animals than actual ones. Large, talking stuffed animals. “Yeah, getting back to that, you said something about Heffalumps and Woozels?” Sora asked. Rabbit nodded. “Exactly. A Lot of strange things have been going on here in the woods and those terrifying creatures are definitely the cause.” “After our Honey, no doubt.” Pooh exclaimed as he hugged the empty honey pot that was previously stuck to his head. Rabbit continued. “So we all agreed to grab all our honey and hide it in this cave” Sora folded his arms. “Creatures that steal honey?… I never heard of them before.” “Well, aren’t you the lucky one.” Gopher replied as he was busy inspecting the cave now, his interest going back to what he can dig. “Not so lucky anymore, now that the hundred acre would is infestibible with’em.” Tigger bounced by making spins and extending his arms out to emphasize his words. “And you’re stuck here with us, now. Better get comfy.” “But we looked all over the forest and didn’t see anything out of the ordinary, other than your disappearances.” Twilight brought up as she casually dodged the bouncing tiger. “Oh, then does that mean they’re gone?” Piglet asked, hoping against hope that the horrible creatures would have gotten bored and left the woods entirely. “Not likely.” Rabbit shook his head. “Why I bet they’re just hiding, and waiting for us to come out so they can trap us.” He hammered his fist onto his other paw. “Oh d-d-d-d-dear.” Piglet went to hiding behind Pooh now. “What makes you guys think they’re out there?” Sora asked. “Like we said before Sora, a lot of strange things have been happening lately here in the woods, and not to mention Piglet actually saw one of them.” “You did, Piglet?” Sora turned the little guy who was still shivering behind Pooh. “I uh, I-I did indeed, when I went over to Pooh’s house, I saw it.” He peeked out for a moment before ducking back into hiding. Sora folded his arms and started thinking. “We were there earlier and didn’t see anything though.” He mumbled to himself. Twilight then approached him. “You don’t suppose it’s the heartless do you?” She whispered to him. Sora just shook his head. “It can’t be, heartless never come here.” “But the same was said about Equestria, and look at it now. Citizens can’t even leave towns or cities without protection.” She replied. Sora opened his mouth to reply, but closed it. She had a point. What would make Pooh’s story book any different than any other world that got infested with heartless? He then gave a nod and opened his eyes. “Alright, how about this. We go out and see what you guys were talking about. Then we’ll decide if it’s heffalumps or not.” “And Woozels!” Added Twilight, to which Sora rolled his eyes. “Right, and Woozels.” The group all looked at each other before Pooh walked over to Sora. “I hope you don’t mind if I join you, it’s a bit too dark in here.” He then gave a soft laugh. “And perhaps there is  some honey we may have forgotten out there as well. I’ll be sure to keep them in a safe place.” “Would that be in here?” Sora smirked poking at the bear’s tummy eliciting another laugh from the bear. “Why yes, how did you know?” Pooh asked genuinely surprised. “Just a hunch.” Sora laughed shaking his head. Twilight couldn’t help giggle as well. She had to admit that things seemed more simple in the storybook, but she soon realized that wasn’t a bad thing. She joined Sora as he made for the exit. “Alright everyone, we’re heading out now. You can stay here if you're scared, but we’ll need someone to guide us to these ‘Strange happenings’ you all have been talking about.” ~~~~~~~~~~ Rabbit’s House Later Sora, Twilight and Pooh made their way to their first stop in their investigation, Rabbit’s. In tow with them was the owner of said fine establishment. “Ok Rabbit, so what spooked you here?” Sora asked bluntly. “It was right over there.” He pointed toward his garden. “One moment, I was just minding my own business tending to my vegetables when I heard a strange sound.” “Ok, then what?” Twilight asked as she looked around the garden again. “When I turned to check what it was I saw one of those fiends leave my garden and run behind my house!” “Really?” Sora asked. “How’d they get into your garden without you knowing?” Sora was already making his way across the garden.   “Your guess is as good as mine, I have very good hearing after all.” Rabbit replied twitching his ears a few times. Twilight followed close behind Sora. “So what did you do after that?” “Well naturally I was about to investigate when Pooh and Piglet made their way over to my home, warning me of the Heffalumps and Woozels invading the forest. After that I ran straight into my house, grabbed every last drop of honey I had and followed them out to get everyone else.” Pooh, who was following behind the group had somehow gotten ahold of a new pot of honey. He was happy to back up Rabbit’s claim while scooping out another pawful of his favorite treat. “Oh yes, I remember that part. Rabbit can be move very quickly when his things are being taken.” He made another scoop only to nom on a bare... Well, bear paw. Thus indicating his new pot of honey had run dry of it’s sweet golden reserves. However he would still double check by looking into the pot anyway. Just to be sure after all. When Sora rounded the corner of the tree house he took a good look around. “Well… I don’t see much back here other than some junk lying around.” “Impossible, I keep my residence nice and tidy, there is no junk lying around my home.” Rabbit folded his arms, scoffing at the mere assumption that he was a slob. “Well, I don’t know what to tell you rabbit, there’s some stuff just lying around back here.” Sora looked back at his friends. When they made their way over to him, Rabbit was surprised to see a jacket, a Pumpkin, some old gardening tools, and an old top hat scattered here and there in his backyard. “But, but, how could this be? I know for certain this place was clean last time I saw it…. Wait… wait a minute, I know this stuff… it’s my scarecrow!” Rabbit ran past them to get a closer look. “Your scarecrow? I never noticed you had one before.” Sora stated. “Neither have I.” Pooh added, however his focus was back on his honey pot as he turned it upside down and shook it vertically as if some hidden honey was stuck inside. “Well it was new one, I just set it up the very day this whole mess started.” Rabbit stated as he started gathering everything. “Would you all be kind enough to help me grab all this and set it back up again?” “Oh, uh, sure.” Sora replied as he, Twilight and Pooh started grabbing what they could find. After some time they were back in the garden with Rabbit’s scarecrow rebuilt and placed in in it’s original position. “There, much better. It’s my new defense those blasted crows.” Upon taking a closer look at the scarecrow, one would notice it was a bit lacking. It was set up to look like a person alright, but there was just something that seemed to make it look more of a fake then the real deal. Well, even more than the average scarecrow at any rate. It was at this moment that a bunch of crows landed on the arms of the scarecrow. “What the?! No, no, no, no, NO! That’s not a place for you to roost! It’s supposed to scare you!” Rabbit ran up and started scaring the crows away. “Not to be rude, uh Mr. Rabbit, but this scarecrow of yours doesn’t seem like it would do the job.” Twilight examined it. “Well, what could I possibly be missing then?” “A face is a good start.” Sora stated walking up to it. The scarecrow indeed had a blank pumpkin face. “I suppose…” Rabbit came back to get a better look at it, then sighed. Side Quest: Looks like Rabbit could use some help getting his new scarecrow to work. Maybe you’ll find something in your adventures later to help him with that. Perhaps the other girls might know what to do... It might even help figure out what’s really going on in the hundred acre wood… Sora folded his arms and took a step back. “Well, at least your scarecrow is back in place.” He then looked around. “And other than that the whole place looks like no one has been here, nor has any of your stuff been taken… I think it’s ok to come back home Rabbit.” Twilight nodded at this as she took another look at their surroundings. Rabbit gave it some thought but soon sighed. “I… Suppose you’re right. I’ve been meaning to find some reason to come back anyway. My garden needs to be tended to perfection after all... But I’m leaving my hunny with the others, just incase those fiends decide to come back to finish the job. “But Rabbit, I don’t think crows very much care for Honey.” Pooh stated… then instantly clutched his empty Honey Pot. “Or do they…” “No, not the crows Pooh, the Heffalumps and Woozels!” Rabbit groaned. “Heffalumps and Woozels?! Where?!” Pooh was now on full alert for a foe that wasn’t even there. The rest of the groups just seemed to sigh and shake their heads before Sora spoke. “Don’t worry Pooh, there’s none here. Let’s get moving, we can check out the other spots and have everyone back home in no time.” The rest of the group agreed and made their way out of the garden. Their next stop was Kanga and Roo’s house. According to rabbit, Roo had heard a strange sound when he was bouncing around with Tigger. Upon searching for the source, they were startled when his bedroom window was opened and something burst out of it in a flash of light before vanishing. Upon entering said bedroom, they noticed everything was a mess. Apparently Roo was glad his mother saw that they were outside the whole time or she would’ve thought he didn’t clean his room. That was when Pooh, Piglet and Rabbit arrived carrying a bunch of honey pots to warn them of the heffalumps and woozels. After that they had investigated Pooh’s house. A familiar start for his story, he heard a strange sound as well when he was doing his morning stoutness exercises. Before he knew it a gust of wind seemed to blow him and some of his honey pots out of the house. When he got up and tried to open his door, he found that it was stuck. This intrigued Twilight and Sora the most. When they arrived, Sora made an attempt on the door and true to form it was actually… or locked, looking through the small window they could see nothing blocking the doorway. When Sora decided to force his way in it took a few tries of ramming into the door, but when he busted it open he was nearly blown back off his feet as an abnormal gust of wind shot out from the house, pushing him and the door back and causing everyone else to take cover. This unnerved Twilight for some reason, but she remained quiet about it for now. Once the wind died down, the house seemed to be empty and back to normal. They soon declared it safe for pooh to move back in. That was when they made their final trip, Piglet’s House. Piglet had claimed to have actually seen the heffalumps and woozels when he was tending to his home. Upon arrival everything seemed normal, whatever it was that Piglet saw it wasn’t there now. Piglet had claimed to have seen a creature skulking around his house before suddenly the entire house shook as if someone was trying to move it. For the most part it seemed that nothing they said would convince the little guy to go back to it, so it was better to have him stay with Pooh for now. Sora, Twilight, Pooh and Rabbit stood in front of Piglet’s house deep in thought. So far none of this was making sense for the human and ex-pony. All they had to go on was what the others claimed and what they themselves saw and/or experienced during the investigation.  However, it was obvious that they couldn’t rule all this out as their overactive imagination. “Well, I guess for now this is all we can do… I have to take Twilight back, so we’ll have try again next time.” Sora stated while looking apologetic. Twilight gave a bow. “Apologies, I lost track of time. This was meant to be a shorter visit for me since I have other business to attend to.” “Oh it’s quite alright, we’ll be sure to tell the others what we’ve found.” Rabbit waved it off. “I do hope this won’t be the last time seeing you, Twilight.” Pooh smiled, oblivious to their previous investigations. Twilight was surprised at first that they would even want to see her again, but that immediately became a smile. “Of course, Pooh. I’ll even bring my other friends here too next time.” “Oh that would be most lovely, the more friends the better!” Pooh laughed then noticed his other friends were showing up. He and Rabbit gave a wave before heading over to them, leaving Sora and Twilight to wave goodbye and finally make their exit. The walk back to the pages was relatively quiet as the two of them were deep in thought. About halfway on their way home, Sora decided to speak his mind. “This is all sounding pretty weird.” Twilight nodded. “Yes, I can’t pin anything concrete on what’s been happening with everyone… but Pooh’s house was different…”   “Yeah… When I forced Pooh’s door open that weird wind thing happened.” Twilight nodded. “Sora… I’m not sure what it is… but I must confess during that time I felt… something familiar about it. I’m not sure what it could be though, but it’s been nagging me the whole time.” Sora walked in silence for a moment contemplating it… “Well… this wasn’t exactly how I’d thought we’d spend the day in here.” “Yes, I did expect this either.” She then looked at herself. “In more ways than one...” She looked at her palm and flexed her fingers a few times. “Though I must admit, being a human is… an interesting experience.” Sora laughed. “Yeah, I figured after seeing you running around touching everything in sight.” He said with a cheeky grin. Twilight immediately blushed, looking away and brushing some of her hair to the side of her face. “Eheheh, yeah… Sorry… It was such a shock and all.” “Don’t worry about it. I suppose I felt something similar when went to Atlantica for the first time.” Sora smiled and reminisced. Twilight turned to him. “So… it’s.. It’s ok if I’m able to come back here? Really?” Sora raised an eyebrow at her strange question and looked at her. “Yeah, you don’t really have to ask. Pooh would love to see you again, who am I to stop that… besides, I thought I’d invite the other girls too. I figured Fluttershy would get a kick out of this place the most. Twilight rapidly nodded with a big grin on her face. “Definitely. Oh, we should set up a special trip back here with them. Perhaps even a picnic! There is much educational value to actually going into a book!” Sora laughed and tried to calm her down. “I like the idea, but let’s deal with the new issues we found out here first and then worry about that picnic. “O-oh, yes, right. *ahem* Of course.” She cleared her throat and regained her composure. “I agree, I want to help them as well. I’ll start looking things up and talking to Merlin once we reach the library.” As if on cue the glowing compass symbol was now just in front of them. Sora smiled. “Right, hopefully it’s nothing to worry about.” He said while allowing Twilight to step on it first. He received a poke to his nose. “Don’t jinx it, Buster.” She smirked before walking past him. She then took one last look at her human body, took a deep breath... then stepped on the glowing symbol. It didn’t take long before it started lifting her off the ground and into the sky where she vanished in a blink of light. Sora smiled and looked back at the pop up image of Pooh’s house…. Then faced forward and stepped on the compass symbol as well. In time Sora and the girls would come to visit this world a lot more.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     > Chapter 33: Protege > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- (As Always Green Text means "click me" to play theme music to go with what you're reading. Red text means to stop the music. Any words with [color=#afa4cc26]This coloring to their text means to click on it for a sound effect. If there is music playing, then let it keep playing, the sound effect is brief Completely optional: You’re free to ignore this) Ponyville Town Square, Sora’s Job Board           Hey there, Mr. Sora sir! I have a problem and your expertise in dealing with the heartless is needed for it. I was informed by the mail mare herself that she apparently lost the package she was delivering to me from my friend in Canterlot. She claims she was following the trail the whole way and didn't even notice it fell out until she arrived back in Ponyville. I wanted to be frustrated, but it's really hard to get mad at that particular mare. So I ask of you, please, follow along the trail that leads to Canterlot and look for a red package. Once you’ve found it you can then leave it with the Mayor, I'll pick it up there as soon as I'm able. I've even left your reward with her should you choose to accept this request. It's mostly bits, as well as something I found back when I was more daring to leave the town by myself. P.S. I would much appreciated if you do not open the package. As tempting as the red color of it may invite you to do so. Sora finished reading the request. Out of all the other requests that were on the board, this one seemed to be the most urgent for the quest giver in question, especially with the amount of bits he was offering at the bottom of the paper. Also the extra reward that he found out of town intrigued him, making him curious as to what it was. Whatever this package is, it must be pretty important to ask Sora’s help in getting it. He took the request off the billboard, rolled it up and tucked it away in his saddle bag. “Ah, Sora my boy! There you are!” Sora turned to see Merlin walking up to him with Spike in tow. “I see you are about to embark on a task.” Sora nodded. “Yeah, heading outside of the magical shield to find a lost package or something like that.” Merlin nodded. “Splendid, I couldn’t have asked for a more perfect time for this!” “What do you mean?” Sora raised an eyebrow. “Well you are aware of how I am training Spike to better defend himself and his friends. As much of a boon as it is to have access to that training room at your home, I’m afraid at times there are some lessons and teachings that can only be learned through actual experience, so I was considering that you could perhaps allow him to accompany you this time. To really learn from a professional in the field.” “Wait? For real?! I get to fight Heartless with Sora? Awesome!” Spike cheered pumping a fist in the air. Sora folded his forelimbs and held a surprised expression. “Well I’m ok with idea, Spike was pretty helpful when we went to lock the keyhole, and I’ve caught glimpses of him working out in the training room. He’s got a good form going, but how did you convince Twilight to let him come along?” “I don’t think ‘convince’ would be the right choice of words...” Merlin replied as he looked away. ~~~ Earlier Library         “And this is to help strengthen my spells?” Twilight was now standing on her hind legs, levitating various objects around her as well as the table she was standing on. Twilight was so skilled in her magic that this was practically nothing to her. However, she was told to hold it like this for as long as she was able.         “Precisely Ms. Sparkle, you are forbidden to leave that spot until you’ve drained all of magic. Once that happens, I surmise it will help speed you up in taking your spells to the next level.” Merlin said with a nod as he was heading out the door. “Now, I am taking Spike to Sora’s house to train. While you’re busy doing this I’ll leave him there, then come straight back here to monitor you and wait for Fluttershy to arrive to continue her supportive training.         Twilight sighed. “Right…” She still wasn’t pleased with the idea of Spike learning to fight dangerous creatures. However she finally decided it was for the best, It give Spike something to do when she was training. it also give him some exercise, a healthy idea when you think about it, and she would make sure he’d never have to use it if she could help it by leaving him in Ponyville whenever danger arrives. Once she learned to accept this, her mind felt more clear, as if lifting useless worries off her back and helping her focus on her work.         “Right, I’ll be back once I’ve set him up on a training course.” Merlin said as he and Spike stepped out.         “Mhm…” was Twilight’s reply as she kept her focus on her task.         Once they were out and walking down the pathway to the road, Spike finally spoke up. “So what will be my training today? You said dummies so will they be just plain old dummies or are you gonna make them come to life like you did with all that furniture and stuff in your bag.”         “Oh no, no, no, Spike my boy. I just told Twilight that as a cover for your REAL training.” Merlin smiled as instead of heading to Sora’s house, they headed the opposite direction to Town Hall. “Now I do believe he should be one his way to work this time of the morning.”         “Real training?” Spike tilted his head. “Who are we going to see then?”         “Oh, you’ll see.” Merlin winked. ~~~ Present Town Hall Billboard         Sora blinked. “Wow, you actually got away with that? You know she’s gonna be pretty steamed when she finds out, right?”         “IF she finds out, Sora. You just take him on any tasks that involve you to leave the safety of the barrier and provide him with a good example by doing what you do best. I only ask that you keep an eye on him. It is a dangerous place out there, and that doesn’t just pertain to the heartless. I have been reading this world’s bestiary and there are some rather nasty creatures here as well. And Fluttershy will be at the Library soon for her training, so I’m afraid you won’t have her around to calm them should they become violent.”         “Well no pressure or anything…” Sora scratched the back of his head as he replied with sarcasm.         “This is gonna be awesome!” Spike cheered… then sheepishly cleared his throat. “I-uh, I mean, I won’t let you down Sora!” He tried to look like a competent companion immediately after that.         Sora smirked and rolled his eyes before rubbing the top of Spikes head with his hoof. “Glad to hear it, buddy.”         “Splendid, I’ll leave you boys to it. Be sure to have him back before sundown to avoid suspicion of course.” Merlin gave a nod before making his way back to the library, but stopped for a moment. “Oh yes, of course.” he turned to face the two “A word of wisdom Spike, you should take this opportunity to learn what you should and shouldn’t do in a fight. Knowing this will decide your fate in the battles to come.”         Both Sora and Spike look toward each other for a moment, unsure of how to respond before returning their gazes to Merlin again.         “Now then, I’m off. Have fun boys.” He waved before turning around again and returning to the path leading to the Library, leaving the two boys to their task.         “Well… I guess we better get started.” Sora got back on his hooves as Spike jumped onto his back, which he had to get used to. “Whoa!”         “Sorry, sorry! Just really pumped-I mean, I’m eager to get the job done.” He gave a sheepish smile.         Sora just shook his head and smirked. “Don’t sweat it, let’s just get to it.” As he said this he broke out into a trot toward the other side of town.         “YEAH! Let’s Go!” Spike fist pumped, more than ready for some adventure.          ~~~~~~~~~~ Ponyville Outskirts, Road to Canterlot Approx. half an hour later         Spike watched in wonder as they approached the edge of the barrier. From the day of its activation, Spike had always remained inside it and went nowhere near the edges of it whenever he traversed the town. Now, actually being there, it seemed to give him some sort of feeling, a bit of hesitation really. “You good up there, Spike? You been kinda quiet all of a sudden.” Sora asked looking up at the dragon, they were actually in the middle of a conversation when all of a sudden Spike just clammed up and started staring off ahead of them.         “Huh? Oh uh, sorry. Just um, looking at what’s ahead of us, is all.” Spike rubbed the back of his neck for his sudden odd behavior.         Sora decided to look ahead of him and took a guess. “Sure you’re really up for this?”         After a moment Spike shook back to his senses and then held a look of determination. “A-absolutely! I can definitely do this…. You’re gonna be with me the whole time, right?” He turned to the Stallion hopefully.         Sora chuckled. “The whole time, Spike.” Seeing his words reassured the baby dragon, Sora continued on.         “It’s kind of strange really, looking from inside out everything looks the same as before the Heartless appeared.”         “Well what did you expect?” Sora asked.         “I dunno. Normally in stories like this, everything outside of the protection barrier would become all super creepy or barren or something.” Spike stated before taking another look ahead as they approached.         Sora laughed. “Heartless don’t work like that. All they care about is taking your heart. There not like some kind of evil curse, they’re just creatures born from the Darkness within hearts.”         “The Darkness within hearts?”         Sora nodded. “I did explain this before didn’t I?” That was when something hit him. “Oh wait, I explained it back in Canterlot, I suppose Twilight didn’t tell you.”         Spike shook his head. “Twilight has been pretty preoccupied lately… Well, more than usual anyway. So she never told me about it either.”         Sora sighed. Despite explaining all this as readily as he has been, he really wasn’t the person he’d recommend to do so. Merlin or Yen Sid would be the better choice. Regardless, this much should be doable for him atleast. “Alright, I’ll give you the short version of it then.” He said as they finally passed through the barrier. Spike had tensed up and tried to steel himself for what would happen once they did… He was kind of disappointed that nothing happened at all, and wondered if such a barrier really kept the heartless out of town. However, the fact that there were no sightings within the town was the perfect sign of it’s validity. Whether Spike was paying attention or not, Sora started explaining. “I’m basically repeating what Master Yen Sid told me but, Heartless are Darkness made real.” Sora started scanning around them for any surprises or sightings of their actual target. “And there’s at least a little Darkness in every heart.” “So I have darkness inside me?!” Spike panicked and started clutching at his chest, as if learning such knowledge would transform him into a heartless that very instant. “Yeah, but don’t worry, you're not gonna just transform on us like that. Otherwise, everyone would have become a heartless a long time ago.” “Aheh, of course…” Now Spike just felt silly for his little panic moment. “Uh, you can continue then.” Sora smiled and rolled his eyes. “Anyway, during my first time adventuring, there was actually WAY more heartless than this, but my friends and I manage to locate Kingdom Hearts and seal off this big source of Darkness where the Heartless were coming from and-” “Kingdom Hearts?” Spike asked. Twilight at least manage to tell him about that, but didn’t go far in explanation about it. “That too, huh?” Sora rubbed his chin for a moment. “Think of it like this. There’s something like a running faucet that heartless come out of. My friends and I managed to turn the faucet off, only to find out that there was a lot of small little leaks along the pipe that we didn’t expect would appear.” “Leaking faucet?” Spike tilted his head and tried to make sense of the analogy. Sora sighed once again. “Still not making any sense? Guess that was a weird analogy.” He tapped his hoof to his chin. “We’ll talk to Merlin about it when we get back. He’ll probably find a better way to explain it compared to me, but for now, just be glad that their are less heartless around” Suddenly, they were greeted by that familiar sound and appearance of their enemies popping into existence and standing in front of them. “Sora they’re here!” Speak of the devil “Yeah, I noticed.” Sora replied as Spike hopped off his back. “Not surprising they wouldn’t give us enough time to actually take more then 20 steps past the barrier.” Sora dug into his bag and pulled out a bead. He was teaching another biped so why not return to being a biped as well? A swift crunch and a brief flash of light and Sora was now holding his trusty weapon in his hand. “Alright, ready to go Spike?” “Absolutely!” Spike ran up to stand next to him and summoned his Sword, holding it in front of him ready to strike. “Alright! Let’s get to it!” Without a moment’s hesitation Sora dashed forward toward the Jackalopes, Applepillars, and Shadows ahead of them, with Spike close behind. “So what’s the plan?!” Spike said as he watched Sora rush in. “The plan?” Sora called back in confusion. “Eh, just go in and bash heads! Just like last time!” He then jumped and slapped down a jackalope that had leapt towards them into oblivion. Then he guarded from a high speed giant rolling fake apple and batted it away. “Oh, uh right, I know that. But uh, how is this helping me learn to fight any better?” Spike asked. “Huh?” Sora looked back, unclear on why he would ask that until he remembered the reason Spike was here in the first place. “Oh, uh….” Come to think of it, he was a bit too quick to say yes. If his explanation about the heartless earlier was any sign, he wasn’t exactly the “teaching” type. Now he really  wished Twilight actually took the time to explain things to Spike… Then again, she probably didn’t explain it because she didn’t want him anywhere near all of this. “Watch out!” Spike called out, but it was too late as Sora barely had enough time to respond before a shadow latched onto his face and tried to scratch at it. “AAAH!! Get it off! It’s grabbing at my hair!” Sora flailed back violently trying to rip the black beast from his face. Temporarily blind, Spike was now the only one playing offense. “Uuuh, Sora? They’re getting closer.” Spike took a step back holding the pointed tip of the sword towards one heartless after another, then another and another, before moving it back to the first one and repeating as if the tip of the blade would ward the creatures away. Spoilers, it wasn’t working. “Kinda busy here!” Sora almost got the little urchin of his face, but the little guy had a firm grip on his spiky doo. “Just do what Merlin taught you with your training!” “I’ve only been fighting one on one with a motionless training dummy, the best I can do is dodge their attacks!” Spike back stepped from a pouncing Jackalope. He tried to counter with a swing but the little foe managed to jump back with it’s posse to avoid the strike. “What about-OW! What about back in the forest- GAH! You fought with us then! Argh! you little-” Sora managed to pull one of the Shadow’s arms off him but now that free claw kept trying to scratch at his face. “That was with timberwolves! At least I knew how fight them, bop’em and shoot them with fire!” Spike barely managed to dodge-roll out of the way of a rolling Applepillar. “Same difference here! You just-” “And you and Manny did most of the fighting!” “.... Oh….” Sora could now see the problem… well, other than that shadow on his face. He summoned his keyblade, Why didn’t I think of this before, and banished the shadow off his face by smacking it into a black mist. Huh… So that’s what darkness smells like. “It’s coming back!” Spike turned to block the rolling Applepillar on it’s second pass. The attempt was successful, but caused him to briefly forget to keep his eyes on the other heartless he was backing away from. Seeing his back turned, the ones closest to him charged and leapt toward him. It was all in slow motion as Spike could only look back in fear of his oncoming attackers…. Until a flying, rapidly spinning Keyblade blew through that line like a hot knife through butter. “Wha? Sora!” His face of fear changed to that of astonishment as he turned to see his new mentor dash in next to him and catch the weapon before circling it around to return it to his dominant hand again. “Right, sorry about that, that was a first for me. Look Spike, you’re a lot better at this than you think you are, you’re just nervous!” Spike was about to speak, but couldn't deny that Sora was right. Fighting seemed so easy before, so why now? “I get it. Now that you’re finally being taken seriously, and you’re actually facing the threat, It’s starting to get to you.” “I don’t understand why? I mean, I fought with you before, and I even fought that big armored heartless when you and Twilight were away in Canterlot. Why now?” Sora snorted, yeah he remembered Spike and Merlin telling him the story about that and how far he smacked Maleficent. That was sure enough showing him the answer to Spike’s question. “Because, you goof, you never fought alone. You always had friends helping you out. Just like me.” He flashed that smile of his before turning back to the heartless with a look of determination. “Just… Like you?” Spike stared at him. “Just remember this, even if you’re alone, your friends are always with you. Now it’s about time I actually started doing my job and teaching you how to fight heartless.” Sora batted away a few overzealous ones. Spike just stared at him like he was some super hero that just came to the rescue… which wasn’t actually too far from the truth. But that look of amazement changed to pure excitement. It was a super team up! That fire within him sparked and flared up once again as he took his usual pose when he was training. The fight kicked off with the duo playing off each other.  Sora would strike from up high as Spike would go low and take them down. Whenever it looked like there was that one extra heartless Sora couldn’t reach, Spike would be there to take it out, and whenever Spike seemed to get surrounded Sora would land in next to him and cast reflega to give them some space. “Ok, lesson time! You have your strengths, so you should learn to use them!” Sora winded his Keyblade back. “Strengths?” “Yeah, like in my case,” Sora whipped his his arm forward throwing his weapon at the heartless, knocking them into the air if they haven’t been obliterated by that initial attack, “I seem to be getting pretty good with Strike Raids, even in pony form.” Once he summoned his blade again he dashed forward into the fray, Spike right behind him. As Spike fought alongside Sora, he could feel that his nervousness was no longer affecting him. His attacks and counters were starting to come in more fluidly the longer he fought with him. This gave him some time to think. What were his strengths… SOmething that he could use in a fight…  Of course! Sora saw Spike’s eyes light up and decided to observe. Spike leapt back avoiding a Shadow’s claw and immediately shot out a green fireball in his place, incinerating the creature. Spike had just created a fade-away counter that only he could do. “Now that’s what I’m talking about! Nice work, Spike!” Sora fist pumped, causing the little dragon to beam under the praise. But the celebration would have to wait. The fight wasn’t over yet. Spike decided to take his dragon abilities into account this time. Now he was slashing, swinging and burning his foes away. At one point he got so into the zone that when he made an upward strike it launched him forward and into the air a bit as the weight of his weapon and the spring of his jump carried him along. He noted that he was about to land into a small group of them just waiting to take a swing at his hide. Instead of panicking, he quickly thought of how easily his weapon pulled his weight around when he would swing too hard…. He wound the weapon back and sucked in as much air as he could. When he finally swung it downward the sword pulled him into a rapid vertical spin. He tucked in his limbs and then exhaled as much green flame as he could. What sora saw when he turned to his friend was a blazing ball of green fire tearing up the heartless it ran into as it raced around the battlefield. “Whoa! That’s Amazing!” He jumped back to let Spike pass and take down the heartless on his right, then chased after him. Once Spike finished his fiery roll he stumbled a bit in a daze for a second before shaking sense back to his head and taking a look around. The enemies he collided with were either on fire or no longer existing as he cleared a small circle for himself. “Wow…. Did I do that?” He felt a pat on his back, causing him to look back and see Sora smirking. “You sure did, but no time to celebrate for now. Let’s find out what else you can do!” He then jumped over him and smacked down a charging jackalope that had tried to leap at them while they were distracted, dashing toward the next group he could see as soon as he landed. Spike felt a tingle down his spine. He just got praised by Sora! Now he was pumped. He could definitely do this!” This time holding his sword low and to his side, the pointed end facing back, the purple dragon dashed after his hero. If they were formidable before, now they were just unstoppable. Sora’s experience and finesse, Spike’s eagerness and willingness to assist and take on any challenge... They wiped the floor with the heartless. Sora would cast a Firaga spell, and Spike would be there at just the right time to spit up a flame into the mix before it was launched off. This seemed to end up causing a swirling explosion of destructive green flame whenever it impacted. Whenever Spike would string up a short but quick combo against a group, he would always finish the combo by knocking them in the air and then inhaling deep before firing a wide flame at them, roasting them into Oblivion. At one point Spike entered into another fire roll. As Sora watched a thought occurred to him. “Hey Spike! Do that again!” “Uh, ok, sure!” Spike replied as he shook his dizziness away when he finished the move and was about to wind up before Sora interrupted him. “Towards me!” “What?!” Spike stopped mid swing, then had to sidestep from an Applepillar trying to roll at him. “Trust me on this!” Sora just smiled and gave a thumbs up. A bit hesitant, but fully trusting the expert, Spike shrugged and started up his roll again and then kicked on the flames. “OK!” Sora backflipped to give him some more space, then lifted his keyblade up. “MAGNEGA!” Above him a brief flash occurred before a large orb of light appeared above him with two smaller orbs fixed at the top and bottom, instantly followed by a ring with another two orbs, one red and one blue, orbiting around the large one in the center. Immediately, Heartless from all around got pulled into the spell and started orbiting around the large sphere as well. Just as Spike was on the approach Sora lunged at him, charging his keyblade with light. He then used the teeth side of the blade to scoop up Spike, charge the dragon fire wheel with his light,  and then turn to whip him at the vortex of dark victims. All this was while Sora was still in mid lunge, not even touching the ground. “WHOA!” Spike felt a sudden boost to his speed as Sora flung him at the Heartless. Now he was spinning, on fire, charged with light, and flying straight at them. Whether it was because of Sora dumping light into his attack or something else, for some reason the Magnega Spell affected him, now he was caught in that orbit. However his velocity, spin, and angle had him orbiting around the center sphere in random directions. Perfect for clearing all those heartless that were aimlessly floating around within the spell in the first place. Constantly alternating between a horizontal, vertical, and diagonal orbit, the light within him eventually vanished and he was thrown out of orbit and high into the air. Meanwhile Sora had been busy with his own little way to finish this joint attack. “A little something I picked up, courtesy of Pinkie Pie.” He had wound his keyblade back and stroked his palm across the blade as if imbuing it with some kind of power. Once that hand reached the other end Sora hopped, twirled in the air once and flung his keyblade at the remaining heartless still caught in the spell. The moment the Keyblade struck the large sphere at the center there was a bright explosion of light. “YEAH!” Sora fist pumped at his success then sprinted forward. There were no heartless that could have survived that light explosion, but that wasn’t what he was after. He dove and slid on the seat of his pants to catch Spike just before he hit the dirt. Spike’s head, obviously enough, was spinning. But after regaining his senses he looked up at Sora who flashed his big grin and a thumbs up. “That was awesome!” “You know it! Haha!” Sora got back up and Spike quickly hopped out of his lap. They pulled their weapons out and stood back to back, scanning their surroundings. However one look confirmed that this was no longer needed, as not a single heartless was around. “We… We did it?” Spike cautiously looked around him. Sora banished his weapon for now. “Looks like it.” He held his hands behind his head and laughed. “Not bad, Spike. You were pretty awesome out there.” Hearing his mentor praise him, Spike banished his weapon as well and started beaming with pride. “I… I fought Heartless with Sora! This is so awesome!” He cheered. He definitely had a story he’d be telling Merlin and CMC when they got back to Ponyville.   Sora shook his head and laughed before patting the baby dragon’s head. “Come on, we got a red box to find.” As he said that he started walking back down the dirt road ahead of them, just before his body returned to his pony form again. “Oh! Uh, right! Coming!” Spike chased after him and bounced onto his back, and just like that they were off. Of course couldn’t help but start chatting away about their accomplishments from that battle. “Can we do this again next time?!” He finally asked. “Do what? Tag along on one of my jobs outside the barrier… Yeah, I guess so…” Sora replied with an amused look from watching Spike start cheering on his back. “So long as you can avoid Twilight catching you, or get her to agree to it.” Immediately Spike’s enthusiasm dropped like a rock. “Oh… right…” ~~~ Later It was a somewhat brief walk down the path before they found what they were looking for… honestly it was pretty hard to ignore. Just as the client wrote on the job board, the package was a very bright red and the two boys had thought about taking a peek inside. “Wow… that’s very loud.” Spike said as they walked up to it. “No kidding… I think it’s even reflecting the sunlight at me.” Sora held up his hoof to shield his eyes. “Well, let’s just grab it and go.” “On it!” Spike hopped off Sora’s back and ran over to grab it, but was unaware of a few crucial details. Those being that the box was upside down, and that the string tying the lid on was loose. This caused the top to fall off when he lifted it. “Whoops!” What fell out was a bunch of sheets of paper. “Oh no!” “Oh boy!” Sora ran around and stopped the rest of the contents from falling out. “Ok, got it! Just place it back on the ground.... Bottom touching the ground of course.” Spike complied turning the box so the opened top faced up this time. “Wow, that’s a lot of papers… Hey there’s writing on all of them too.” “Yeah… same here.” Sora said picking up the ones fallen onto the ground, then unceremoniously dumping them back in the box. It seemed obvious that they were all stacked neatly before, he just wasn’t going to bother with something that would take forever to rectify. “Pretty sure the drop did a lot worse in shuffling all these papers around anyway. Alright Spike, get the-huh?” Sora then noticed Spike looking at one of the pages with a look of confusion. “What an odd way to write a story.” “Spike, we’re not suppose to look, put it back in the box.” “Uh, right, sorry it’s just. What’s written on them, kind of seemed weird to me. The chapter name is there but they put this weird paragraph above it...Something about clicking green text to start music or something and red to stop it-” “Ok, that’s enough of that. It was promised we don’t look at this stuff, and I’m keeping my word, put the paper back in the box.” “R-right! Sorry, sorry.” Spike quickly dumped the chapter page in the box and put the lid back on. Then he helped Sora tie the string back up and place it on his back, Wit Spike up there to keep it steady. “Now then, let’s get going. Maybe we can get something to eat with the bits coming in for this job.” “Oh, can we get some burgers?!” Spike asked. Sora was all for that idea. “Yeah, that sounds great right now! A big juicy one for me!” “Alright! Me too!” Spike cheered. ~~~~~~~~~~ At a local Restaurant in Ponyville After Sora and Spike’s Delivery Sora shouldn’t have been so surprised. In all honesty it was more surprising he would expect anything different. Sora lifted the bun on his burger… Hay… Hay, hay, and surprise, more hay… This was an injustice to the burger gods and he knew it… but could he really expect anything different from a society mostly occupied by equines… And the fries too? And the fries too, fried hay shaped to look like french fries. What? Was potatoes too much of a meat eater’s diet to add? It’s a POTATO! “Oh man! Best burger ever!” Spike munched away on his burger as if it were the real deal. Sora couldn’t understand how a dragon would eat this. He’d seen the guy eating jewels and with teeth like those he figured meat would be part of his diet as well… Sora sighed and picked up his burger. It wasn’t like it was going to be an issue anyway. Being in his pony form, he could eat the Equestrian food just like the rest of them, even if his logic kept screaming at him how strange it all was. There was just one problem he had to cope with.... The fact that it all tasted great with his pony taste buds.                                                                                                                                                           > Super Late Christmas Special: Let it Snow > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- (As Always Green Text means "click me" to play theme music to go with what you're reading. Red text means to stop the music. Any words with [color=#afa4cc26]This coloring to their text means to click on it for a sound effect. If there is music playing, then let it keep playing, the sound effect is brief Completely optional: You’re free to ignore this) Greetings reader, In light of the holiday spirit, we have decided to take this particular chapter out of chronological order and bring you it now. You might  get an early sneak peek at some things yet to be mentioned in the story. Though, don’t expect I’d ruin all the fun that easily and give you too much of a look at them. Happy Holidays from yours truly, Mr. Curious Writer Sora’s House, Ponyville         “You know, a moogle has to wonder, with all these pony holidays, the coincidences and similarities with ours is getting a little uncanny.” Sora and Mogson were at it again decorating their home for another Equestrian Holiday, Hearths Warming. Sora was obviously in his human form to make things easier. It was a few days before the event so it seemed like the perfect time for them to assimilate their home with the rest of the town for the event.         “Yeah, I see what you mean… But hey, they got some of their own. Like that running of the leaves thing. Last time I checked, no one races a dirt path to make leaves fall out there.” Sora pointed to the sky. He then returned to his work decorating their tree.         Mogson just shrugged. “I guess, but if Santa Claus shows up in the middle of the night on that day, I’m officially calling it Pony Christmas.” Mogson stated as he placed presents he made under the tree. Sora couldn’t help but take a look at it.         “Wow, got a gift for everyone?” Sora picked up one of them and looked at the label. “Even the Crusaders?”         “It’s my way of saying thanks to the little squirts. Oddly enough, they actually helped my business. So it’s only fair to show some appreciation about it.” The moogle replied as he expertly managed to get every last one of those gifts under the tree.         “Wow, that’s pretty thoughtful Mogson.” Sora smiled at him as he picked up another, that one had his name on it and he couldn’t help but put his ear against the box and shake it. However Mogson put an end to that real quick by flying by and taking it out of his hands and returning it to it’s proper spot.         “Yeah, well I am a very thoughtful person. I’m also a PATIENT one.” He gave Sora a look that made the boy glance away and chuckle sheepishly. “Besides, shouldn’t you be out getting presents for the others as well? We may be holding a party here for them, but that doesn’t mean you can skip out on giving them something as well.”         “Hey, I got all the gifts too. I just need to wrap them up is all.” Sora’s eyes shifted to the side.         “Mhmm… you got 3 days to “wrap” them and they better be meaningful. I know the saying “It’s the thought that counts” is a load of croc if all you got to show for them is air and a crudely made Holiday Card.” Mogson shook his head and put the star on top of the tree. “I’m gonna go check on the decorations outside… why don’t you go “wrap” your gifts” He laughed as he flew his way out.         “Hah, totally, yeah! Definitely….” Once he saw Mogson leave, he dashed to the stairs and practically flew up them. He got to his room and opened up his storage chest. “Come on! Where is it? Where is it?!” Things were being flung around the room until finally he gave a cheer and lifted something out of the chest and high above his head. “AHA!” In his hands looked like some sort of communication device, in fact it was the very same one Goofy and Donald gave them the last time they visited him in Equestria. He activated it and held it to the side of his face, the receiver by his mouth and the speaker by his ear. “Chip? Dale? You there? Pleeeease be there.”         He waited. And waited, and waited. Slowly but surely he was losing hope. Just when he was about to pull the thing away from his face he perked up when finally heard another voice.         “Hehe, H-heeeeyyyy, Chip. How’s things in the garage?” ……… The sounds of squeaky chatter could be heard from the device.         “Oh really? Well that’s just perfect cuz-”         ……….         “How’d you know?!” Sora seemed to be in shock.         ……....         Sora then dawned a sheepish look, rubbing the back of his head and chuckling nervously. “Yeah… When you put it that way, it does sound weird for me to call now, during the Christmas Season.”         ……....         “No! It’s just, lately things were a little hectic here in Equestria, and then there is Maleficent and Chrysalis and-”         ……....         Sora sighed. “R-right, no excuse. I get it, but can you please just help me out? I got like 3 days to get something for my friends here. Please, I just need a quick ride to some places out on the other worlds… Can you get Donald and Goofy to pop over real quick?”         ……….         “Merlin already left to who knows where once Twilight and Fluttershy completed their training. He said he’d visit now and then but it’s not like I can get a hold of him. So you just GOTTA Help me! PLEASE!” Sora begged.         …….....................................................         Sora perked up beaming. “Yes! Thank you so much! I’ll get my things together now! You guys are the best, Chip. Say hi to Dale for me!” Sora immediately hung up and had a flair of determination on his face. He ran downstairs to grab some paper, quills and an inkwell. “Note to self, buy some pens before my trip ends.” He said as he stared at the feather, remembering those “inky accidents” whenever he would need to write something. “Ok, gotta make a list.” He started with writing down the names and creating a checklist. Then started making notes next to some of the names for those that he had a good idea on what to give them as a gift. Some others were either blank for him to come back to later, or it was obvious without taking notes for.         Either way it was the perfect time killer as after a long while of focusing on that list, he heard the familiar sounds of the Gummi Ship making a landing. He bolted out of his seat, grabbed the paper and stowed it away before nearly busting out the front gate. The first thing he noticed was Goofy cringing for half a second before he started smiling. “Sora! We came as soon as we could! It’s great to see ya again!” He then continued with a “A-hyuck” before going into his own unique, yet well known, Goofy laughter.         “Goofy! You guys made it!” He then stopped himself and looked around. “Wait… Where’s Donald?”         Goofy responded by simply looking at the door Sora previously flung open. When Sora decided to follow his gaze, he watched the door slowly creak back to it’s previous position in the doorway. On the wall the door was slammed against was a comically flat white duck in a blue half sailor-half wizard like outfit, one leg twitching and a dazed look in his eyes as he gave a groan of pain.         “Oooh, sorry Donald, hehe. I was kind of excited when I heard the ship and, well… Sorry… again. “It’s great to see you to Sora….” Donald said in a sort of sarcastic way. Then again he was just hit by a door... Again. So he was having a moment of Deja Vu.  “Let’s just get on the ship…” ~~~~~~~~~~ STOP READING THE STORY FOR JUST A MOMENT!         Ahem, hello Dear Reader! Before we continue it is imperative that I explain what you will soon read after this. The time placement of this chapter leaves it to be past the area of “Just Friendship” and far beyond the borders into “Something more” So it seems that I will now have to show you how I will be tackling the Six love interests in this story. Now I’m sure you remember there were parts in the previous chapters that displayed this every now and then, and those will still continue. However, in order to go even further with the romance into more…. Well… Romantic things, I have created what will be known as “Love Paths”.         To explain, it will go something like this: Whenever there is a moment in the story where Sora’s “Love interest” can become a bit closer than just “one of the girls”. That point in the story will open up alternate paths to how the story will work for each  “interest”. However once it ends, the the path will lead back to the story in a way where it ends up the same way as the other paths. This might not make much sense now so perhaps it would be easier to just demonstrate it. I shall do so with this chapter.         Things you need to know at the moment is that for Each path, their text will have their own color and at the start of each path, the Bearer’s Element will be displayed first so for those that didn’t want to read that particular Love path they can just Scroll down past it to the one they do want to see, or to get back to the story when they are done reading their pick(s). (Picture owned by Evilbob0 of Deviantart) Fluttershy was in her home at this time, wrapping up the gifts she had gotten for all her friends with Angel. This included all of her animal friends as well. There was A LOT of presents because of this, but the majority of them were filled with things specific animals would like. The basket of various assorted nuts was for Mr. Squirrel, and the special Carrot Cake she had hidden from Angel and wrapped up before said bunny could notice it. Of course she had gifts for her non animal friends as well. It was agreed between the girls, Sora, Mogson, Spike, and the Crusaders that they would give their gifts to one another at the party. It was perfect since she would be busy at the beginning of Hearths Warming Day, what with waking her animals and giving them their gifts along with the morning duties. She had a gift for everyone, even Mogson, whose gift was basket of berries. Mogson always seemed to like the berries she managed to pick up. However, it was difficult for her to decide on what to give Sora for awhile. What could she give such a stallion like Sora after all he’s done? It was a bit worrisome for her at first and she had to really think about it. Then she would find it silly that she was thinking so hard about it. Sora was her friend. Surely whatever she gave him, he would appreciate it no matter what… And yet, she wanted to really try. She really wanted to to give him something meaningful. Something just for him. Finally she decided on a gift that would be perfect for him, and it would be something that she would love for him to have.                                            Of course it required a little help from Mogson for it to work and it took awhile for the two fo them to get it just right. Now the gift laid in the box Mogson placed it in for her, ready to be wrapped. When it came time to wrap the gifts up, she had decided to leave it for last. For some reason she felt a little giddy about it. She was also a little nervous about giving it to him. Even after all her self reassurance, she would still worry if he would actually want it, or if it would be a total waste. It was her self doubt rearing it’s ugly head again. However, nowadays It was lot more subdued than before. Another reason to give this gift to him, as thanks for helping her change for the better. With tender care and patience as she would have for any of her friends, be they pony or animal, she wrapped the gift in green wrapping paper along with a red ribbon and bow. Lifting it up to give it one final look, she couldn’t stop the tiny smile on her face or the warmth growing on her cheeks before she carefully placed it with the others. Now it seemed like three days of waiting for Hearth’s Warming would take too long for her, she needed a way to distract herself for now… Lunch! Yes It was almost time to make lunch for her animal friends. She trotted off to the kitchen with some bounce to her step. Everything just seemed so wonderful now for her. (Picture owned by Evilbob0 of Deviantart) Applejack has been keeping herself busy as always, even for Hearth’s Warming. Decoration set up, snow plowing, her usual farm duties that persist even during the winter months… And keeping herself in tip top form with her Gauntlets. She wasn’t gonna be caught off guard if those Heartless, Chrysalis, Maleficent, or the Beasts of Tartarus decided to wreck the holidays. However, she wasn’t gonna be all work and no play either. She had every intention to enjoy the festivities like everypony else. And she had gifts to share with her family and friends. She was especially proud of the one she had set aside for Sora. Every other gift was easy for her to decide on. Sure some required a bit more legwork in the shopping district or for her to make them with her own two hooves, but she was at least confident in what the gifts themselves should be. However, she was compelled to give Sora something that he could really use, and practicality seemed like the way to go. The question was what? Couldn’t be a weapon, she was no blacksmith and that keyblade of his was all he really needed anyway. Buying Potions and Ethers for him was practical, but that seemed like a cheap way out and didn’t seem like it meant much with the appreciation she wanted to convey to the Keyblade wielder. It had to be something that could last and wasn’t just some useless waste of space in his pockets. With this in mind, the only one she could turn to for help was Mogson himself. He was a merchant from the other worlds, no doubt he would have something, or at least an idea for her to go on. And not only did he have just that, but she could be there to aid in making it just how she would want it. This was a gift she could be proud of. It was made by her, with aid from a professional of course, but still made by her. From his approval of it, she knew that it would do it’s job well, and it wouldn’t be in the way.... She would every now and then catch herself feeling excited about giving it to him. Whenever this would happen she would clear her throat and try to hide the blush on her cheeks by pulling her hat down and focusing on whatever she was working on. That feeling never went away though, it only grew stronger the closer the time got to the holiday. And she couldn’t help trying to imagine the look on his face when she would finally give it to him. (Picture owned by Evilbob0 of Deviantart) Pinkie Pie… If it’s fun or a celebration, this mare was all over it. In a sense you could say she was more prepared than Twilight, sans using a checklist of course. In terms of gifts she had it all taken care of long before anyone else. The perfect gifts for her family, the Cakes, her friends, heck even random strangers she had just met. The real question was where she hid them all. In Sora’s case she seemed to have already decided on what to give him months ago and had already recruited the help of Mogson to make it, as well as had him promise to pretend it never happened until Hearth’s Warming Day. And yes, it was a Pinkie Promise. Whether or not Mogson knew the consequences of breaking the promise, this one wouldn’t be difficult for him to keep. However, when he had Pinkie explain it to him due to his confusion over how he was supposed to make a Pinkie Promise with her when she had no pinkies, the consequences did give him an eerie chill. It’s not like she actually explained what would happen other than “it’s the fastest way to lose a friend” but for some reason it made him feel there was something hidden between the lines of that explanation. Now with the special Holiday just a few days away, the Party Pony just seemed to have trouble containing her excitement for it. It would seem that patience would truly test her endurance on this one. As she went around town spreading the holiday cheer in her own way, she would try to imagine the joy on all her friends’ and family’s faces when the day finally arrived. Maybe Applejack would bring Cider and she could watch Dashie be all silly about it like she does whenever that happens. Twilight would probably lecture about how the holiday started or something which was perfect since it would give her the best excuse to drop in a surprise to catch her off guard, and maybe she can watch that old timer Mogson do that silly thing he does when she or other mares are around. Spike would no doubt indulge himself on the tasty food if Twilight lets him. Oh and Sora.... for a moment she stopped her bouncing, but immediately it picked back up in a more energetic way. She caught herself feeling VERY excited about celebrating the Holiday with Sora. She hoped her gift would be just perfect. ...Oh who was she kidding of course it was! She helped make it herself. Because of her usual daily behavior, it was hard for bystanders to notice that she seemed more giddy and bubbly then usual at the moment. This was gonna be a good Hearth’s Warming, she could just tell. (Picture owned by Evilbob0 of Deviantart) Rarity was humming a tune to herself. She was hard at work making the costumes for the Hearth’s Warming Eve Pageant. Well, she was sort of almost done, but she was still paying close attention to every stitch. This was a big event coming up and and she absolutely refused to be the designer that ruins it because she overlooked a cross stitch or unfinished seam. She then chuckled to herself. “Well, I’m glad I had the foresight to take care of everything else beforehoof. This may take one more night.” She lifted the Clover the Clever Costume from the sewing machine to get a look at it as a whole. Everything looked on point, but she still had a bit more to go before it was finished. Fortunately she took care of all her Holiday needs before she was confronted with this challenge of an order. She was also surprised to see that it was thanks to her, her friends, Spike and Sora. They were like walking advertisements for her Adventure Chic Selection. Lately sales for the line had been only rising more and more, and even coming from clients outside of town, mostly from the places that they had visited in their “hero work”. Because of this, she expected some last minute sales to appear before the eve of the Holiday, so she had thought ahead and gone to purchase and/or make gifts for her friends and family the week before. It would be no surprise that the majority of these gifts had fashion in mind given Rarity’s mentality. Sora’s she was the most proud of. Once again taking what she learned from the very ensemble Sora wears, his gift would be simple, yet absolutely divine at the same time. This was at first a challenge for her. How do you make such a simple thing into something amazing without complicating it? With the aid of Mogson, she was able to work on discovering that goal. When she found her answer and saw the fruition of her work she felt so proud of it. It gave her a bit of insight on her past fashion works. Sure, it can be good to make an outfit stunning and amazing with many decorations and additions to the fabric. However, there are times when the most striking and fabulous design is one with the least amount of gimmicks and visuals to it. This gift to Sora represented that, and she could think of no one better to give her first creation involving this thought than the very stallion that started it all for her… Plus her heart seemed to guide her into this decision. It isn’t everyday for Rarity to meet such a dashing gentlestallion as Sora, and that outfit he wore in Canterlot made him look so- “Oh!” She stopped her work, holding a hoof to her mouth and giggling to herself with a blush on her cheeks. “Can’t let my mind wander right now.” She focused back to her work. She will just have to wait til the party to continue her thoughts. (Picture owned by Evilbob0 of Deviantart) Rainbow was chilling at the library. Now she wasn’t there for reading or anything, she basically just crashed at her house to enjoy the nice warm open fire in the chimney after she finished her weather job. She figured her egghead friend wouldn’t mind. She felt that she deserved a nice warm nap after all her hard work with the weather and getting gifts for her friends. Knowing what to get her friends was a cinch so she assumed she had plenty of time to get them, thus she sort of procrastinated… Just a little. This proved to not be the BEST decision since she wasn’t the only “last minute shopper” running round the Ponyville Market. However, her speed that she always boasted about did give her enough of an edge get through it all and grab them all... Despite the fact that some items were down to the last one or two in stock by the time she got to them. With that out of the way, she had more time to think over Sora’s gift. It was still in the works with Mogson, she just needed one more ingredient to finish it. Unfortunately, she was out of Munny… She really should’ve listened to Twilight and Sora about picking up Munny whenever she came across it while fighting Heartless. That left her with few options but to go out and hunt for heartless until they either dropped the specific material needed, or she collected the Munny needed to purchase the material from Mogson himself. Half of her was thinking it be much better if she just stayed in front of this open fire and rested some more. However the other half of her quickly shot down that suggestion. There was no way she was gonna go to that party, go to Sora, empty hooved or with some half baked unfinished gift. Besides, once it’s completed it will really help him out in the future, she definitely wanted to aid her favorite spiky haired partner as much as she could. Of course she meant partner as in, battle buddy. That’s what she was thinking... Really, she was! Ok, she decided she was thinking too much. She must be warmed up enough by now. Back to hunting, she thought as she shot back up to her hooves. “Hey Rainbow, are you leaving alrea-” “Shut up Spike! I’m not thinking about him!” Rainbow shot back immediately. …. Rainbow had never felt so much heat growing on her face and she knew it wasn’t from the fire. Spike blinked a few times. “...Wait wha-” “NOTHING!” Rainbow yelled. The next sound Spike heard after that was the front door slamming shut and Rainbow was suddenly nowhere to be seen. “....Ok?” Spike was at a loss to what just happened. (Picture owned by Sterlingsilver on Deviantart)          Twilight was fully prepared for the holiday this year. She had everything planned out for a wonderful time with her friends during both Hearth’s Warming Eve and Day. “Restock the kitchen with groceries, check. Put up decorations around and inside the library, check. Obtain gifts for all my friends and family, check. Send off the gifts for family in the mail…” Twilight stopped to look back and see that she had successfully left the post office, and noticing Derpy making a landing. The grey mare along with her coworkers seemed more than prepared for the countless gifts and letters that the residents of the Ponyville left for them to deliver. As a safety precaution, the Royal Guard Station in town decided to send some of their guards to aid in the delivery, as well as to provide extra defense for the trips between destinations. With this, Twilight smiled and nodded. “Check.” She then returned her attention to her checklist. All that was left now was to check up on that gift she had Mogson working on for her. It was actually pretty smart of her to make a gift for Sora that proved to be functional in his efforts as a keyblade wielder. Also… she imagined that he’d like it even if it wasn’t. From what she saw the last time she checked on its progress, it looked really cute. Wait, she wasn’t giving him a gift that only she would like was she? She stopped in her tracks. Now that she thought about it, what made her assume that Sora would even like cute things? What if he was that type who thought cute things were boring and he was actually looking for something more tough looking or something? Or, maybe she’s just overthinking things and Sora would like the gift no matter what it looked like. Twilight shook her head, she was getting WAY too worried about this. It’s just a gift for a friend, nothing more… right? Well, for a gift that was meant for a friend, her heart seemed to skip a beat when she thought about him thanking her with a hug… or even… NO! She shook her head rapidly. “No, no no, none of that. He’s just a friend. JUST. A. FRIEND!” “Ma’am, are you ok?” A voice to her left drew her attention to a passerby with a look of concern on their face. “You’ve been standing there for awhile and shaking your head a lot, not to mention how red your face has gotten. Are you feeling sick?” To her surprise she noticed she was kind of making a scene, and a reflective window from building nearby showed a very red faced Twilight. “Do you need to go to the hospital?” “N-no! I’m fine! Really! I was, uh, just heading home actually.” She immediately started trotting off. “Thank you for your concern. Have a wonderful Hearth’s Warming!” She didn’t care how silly she looked or sounded right now, she just wanted to get out of that really awkward situation. ~~~~~~~~~~ Space What happened during the two days Sora left to get gifts. Sora, Donald and Goofy were practically flying all over the place among the stars, the latter helping Sora to find the right gift for each of his friends. This would lead them to crazy hunts, merchants and markets they probably wouldn’t have set foot in before. Agrabah “So you’re looking for a gift to give a fashion designer?” Sora was speaking with Aladdin in the Bazaar as Donald and Goofy were looking over the shops in other areas of the place. Aladdin scratched his head. “Wow, you’re really asking the wrong guy about fashion tips.” Sora nodded. “I know, I know. It’s just she also seems to be really into jewelry or something and I thought maybe you might know of a place.” He shrugged. Aladdin folded his arms and thought about it. “Well I know a few stands around here, but why don’t you try making one from the moogle shop? I’ve seen you use it before and those moogle guys make some real quality stuff. If they accepted other payments instead of just Munny they’d really give some of these jewelers a run for their money. Sora facepalmed. “Duuuh, why didn’t I think of that sooner? And I know just the thing too!” He was about to dash off before he stopped himself after realizing something. “Wait! I need a Frost Gem for it, right?” He pulled out a pad like device that Mogson had given him and tapped on the screen here and there. It was connected to his storage chest so he could look up what he had in it and transfer items there or to him via the mognet. After staring at the list of materials he collected he groaned. “Aw man, I knew it. I don’t have any.” He slumped before putting the device away. Aladdin laughed. “Those Frost Gems, didn’t you get some here before from those Ice Heartless, and that Fortune Teller one too?” This immediately perked the boy up as he recalled exactly where best to find them. Later Sora, Donald, Goofy and Aladdin were now fighting heartless on a single platform that mysteriously suspended itself in a dark abyss. They were in the Cave of Wonders taking on that trial in the Bottomless Hall. It was the 14th run of that trial and Donald was happy to voice his complaints about it. “This is ridiculous!” He groaned before an icy cube rammed into him “WAK!” He immediately turned and let said Heartless know of his “Displeasure” by blasting a fireball at it. It incinerated the offending creature and left behind a gem. “Huh?” Donald went and picked it up. “Nice one, Donald!” Goofy cheered. “Sora! Aladdin! Donald managed to get a Frost Gem!” Sora batted a fortuneteller away and turned to Donald with a fist pump. “Alright Donald!” Donald took a moment to bask in the praise, holding the gem in front of him while grinning at his luck. “Great job Donald, but you may want to hold onto that gem tightly. Time’s up.” Aladdin called out and seemed to be preparing himself. “Huh?” Donald said before the floor flashed with light and vanished beneath his feet. “Oh, right...” That was when gravity finally took hold of him and he fumbled in the air with the gem before finally grabbing it and yelling all the way down. Destiny Islands The trio were now on the mainland. They were joined by Tidus and Wakka as they ran around the place collecting wild Paopu Fruits from the trees. The orchard was off limits and Sora wanted to get the freshest kind, so as he climbed some trees Tidus was smacking others with his staff or shaking the trunk, and Wakka was knocking fruits down from others with his ball.  Donald and Goofy were on catching duty, both of them holding up a large basket and surprisingly never letting one fruit hit the dirt, despite the fact that each boy was working on a different tree. There was even a point where two fruits from both Sora’s and Wakka’s trees fell at practically the same time. The two of them nodded, dropped their baskets before they both charged and dove for one. Tidus saw the whole thing and when they caught them he couldn’t help but fan out his arms to either side of him like an umpire and yell out. “SAFE!” Radiant Garden Now the trio were all over the place here hitting up the market and stores. “SIR!” Sora was in front of the clerk in a bookstore slamming both his palms on the counter, scaring the living daylights out of the guy from his nap. “I would like to purchase one of your informative books for a scholarly friend of mind! Do you have what I require?!” Donald and Goofy were standing right behind him, looking at one another and wondering why he was speaking in such a way. “Uh… Sure.” Was all the man could say as he waited for his heart to calm down and merely stared at the boy wide eyed. With that successful purchase the trio was off again scouring the market. They hit stall after stall, store after store. Sometimes dashing away with a successful purchase while other times walking away in defeat. At one point the 3 of them hit a bump in their shopping spree that extended for a while. Sora and Donald were sitting at the steps leading up to the local Moogle shop and Scrooge’s parlor, resting their heads in their hands while they thought. “Don’t you think she’d be fine with anything?” Donald sighed. “Of course she would, she’s my friend and she knows it’s the thought that counts, but that’s exactly why I need to find the right gift! I’ve done so for everyone else, she should be no different.” Sora gave his rebuttal. Donald shrugged. “I guess, but it’s not like you have a direction to go on. She seems to like just about anything.” The two of them sighed as Goofy made his way back to them from the Parlor. “Hey Fellas! I’m back!” He made his way down the steps and sat between them passing out Sea Salt ice cream to the both of them. “One for you, and one for you. Ahyuck, and one for me!” “Thanks Goofy.” The two of them said in monotone voices (Well, monotone enough for Donald’s voice anyway) as the three of them started licking in unison… “…” Then Sora stopped licking, and looked at his ice cream… “Hey Donald? Does your uncle have a way of delivering cold storage?” The boy started grinning. Coliseum “You want to give a gift to a competitive friend of yours?” Phil scratched his beard as he contemplated Sora’s request. “Well you’re in the right place for competition but that’s a broad question. I’d suggest a trophy but it’s not like I’ve seen this friend of your’s compete here.” Sora shook his head. “No, nothing like that. I don’t want to inflate her ego too much after all.” He chuckled. Phil kept scratching his chin and turned to the side in thought… “And you said you told her all about your adventures? Including your time here?” Sora nodded. “Yeah, why do you ask?” “I may have something in mind, but your gonna have to take a moment to explain more about her to me, and don’t skip on the details for combat stories.” Sora blinked before finally catching on to what he meant and smiled. “Alright! I’ll start from the beginning.” Space, Inside the Gummi Ship “Zzzzz...... Zzzzz…..” The three of them had decided to land their ship on an asteroid in the middle of nowhere and take a moment to recharge before they continued on. The otherwise silent atmosphere was broken by Donald and Goofy snoring away in a strange harmony. Despite this, Sora was so used to their snoring that he was able to join them for some much needed rest. Twilight Town The three were now hitting up the market in this expansive town as well. This time accompanied by Hayner, Pence and Olette. After explaining the situation, Hayner seemed to have the perfect idea for a gift. “So you’re saying he’s a little purple dragon that wants to fight like you do?” Pence asked as they ran down the street. “Wow, there are certainly some strange places out there.” “It’s a big sky up there.” Sora replied. “I’m so jealous, I wish I could fly to all those places.” Olette commented. “If you guys are all done with your little chat, we’re here. If you want to get a gift for that little guy, then this is just the place.” They all looked around, seeing they were no longer in the market but rather- “Hey! This just the sandlot! You had us circle all the way around to get to a place that was just down the other path from your hideout?!” Donald complained. Hayner seemed to look around for a moment then scratched his head seeing the path leading to their hideout on the far side. “Heh… Yeah, guess I was so excited about my great idea that I kinda forgot about that.” “Not only that, but what can we get out of the sandlot that we can’t from the actual stores back there?” Sora looked around hoping to see where Hayner’s “idea” could be. Hayner’s smirk seemed to return when Sora asked that. “Well you said he liked it when you showed him and his friends a Struggle match right?” He then made his way over to a storage gate nearby and lifted it up. “Behold!” When they all got a look inside it his “idea” immediately clicked in all their minds. “Uuuuh, isn’t this stealing, Hayner?” Olette asked with a bit of worry. “Normally yes! But once I have a chat with the old man he’ll be fine with it. He’s such a fan I’m sure that he would be more than happy to spread the love around. Besides, it’s all replaceable.” Pence just gave his confident friend a deadpanned look. “You’re pretty positive when we haven’t even got an answer yet. He could just easily say no.” “Oh don’t drag down this hype train. It’ll be fine, trust me.” Hayner folded his arms. He wasn’t budging on this one. Meanwhile Sora looked around. “I don’t wanna take too much, so I’ll just grab what I can put in a box then.” After a moment they all agreed that was the best idea and let Sora decide on what to get. Mysterious Tower The trio decided to make a stop here, but not on a gift hunt. “Hello?! Master Yen Sid?” Donald was the first to peek through the crack in the door they opened. “Ah, greetings Donald, I have been expecting you three.” The old wizard was sitting behind his desk conversing with four familiar individuals. “Or rather, we have.” Sora then came through, pushing the door wide open. “Really?” He stopped to look and just as he said there was Riku, Kairi, and Lea. “Hey! You’re all here at the same time?” He smiled. Riku spoke first. “Master Yen Sid called for us to meet him here. Though we aren’t sure as to why yet.” “I was given word that you would arrive here during your “shopping trip” as it were.” Yen Sid smiled. Sora blinked then looked back at Donald and Goofy who both smiled. Goofy then spoke. “Well we figured you might want to give these to them in person.” He pointed to the sack he was carrying. Sora could only smile. “Thanks guys” He ran up and took the bag before opening it up and pulling out gifts. “I figured I’d just drop these off with Yen Sid since we’ve all been busy with our own missions lately, but it’s even better now that you’re all here instead!” He then started handing everyone a gift. Riku looked at his gift with a slightly surprised expression. “Wow, thanks. Isn’t it a bit early to exchange Christmas gifts though?” Sora laughed whilst scratching the back of his head. “It’s a long story. But enough chatter, It’s Present Time!” He gestured a hand toward them. Lea decided to take him up on the offer first. “Well, who am I to turn down free stuff?” He started opening the box. “Has been a while since I’ve had a good Christmas anyway, what with the whole “being a Nobody” thing and all.” The others soon followed suit. “Whoa.” When he pulled his box out of the bag and opened it it turned out to be a jar of some rainbow colored substance. “Check this thing out.” Sora grinned and held his hands behind his head. “I left a spoon in the box, go ahead try it out.” Lea switched from looking at Sora then to the spoon he just now discovered in the box. “For real? Is this stuff even edible?” “Oh just try it you big baby.” Sora taunted. “Fine, fine, just give a second here.” Meanwhile Riku seemed to be looking at his gift curiously. It was a book. “Daring Do?” Sora was already upon Riku smiling. “It’s like an adventure story. A friend of mine recommended it. “From that pony world, right?” Riku flipped open the book skimming the pages with a bit of interest. “Just give it a shot, It’s pretty good.” Sora encouraged. Riku smirked and elbowed Sora. “Wow, so you CAN read after all.” He laughed. Sora smirked and pushed back. “Oh Ha ha, very funny.” “Oh man! What is this stuff? It’s amazing!” Both boys looked back to Lea who was scooping another helping of the rainbow contents of the jar. Sora beamed. “A gift from Sweet Apple Acres. Zap Apple Jam. Though it’s a lot better on bread.” Lea turned to Sora with a spoonful of jam in his mouth, then to Yen Sid. “Yo teach, you have a loaf of bread anywhere?”  Donald glared at Lea and was about to tell him off for speaking to Yen Sid in such a manner but the grand wizard himself managed to speak first. “I believe the sisters can guide you to the kitchen.” He gestured to the doorway leading to where Sora first encountered them. “Sweet.” Lea wasted no time making his way over to the door. Meanwhile Donald just glared at him the whole time and made a mental note to teach that red head some manners towards his superiors. “Oh wow!” Kairi finally spoke as she pulled out the gift within her wrapped box. It was a bag… a very stylish looking bad. From the look of it, definitely a bag that girl would wear around her hips. There little gems in the design and a flowery pattern as it’s exterior design with a flower shaped button set-up to keep the flap closed “It looks so cute!” She gave it a once over. For once this was a gift that he had already prepared beforehand… sort of… actually the “Designer” of the bag. Gave it to him for other reasons… but just from looking at it, he could tell it had “Kairi’s” name written all over it. “Hehe, glad you like it. It’s actually enchanted like my pockets to hold a lot more than it looks.” “It’s Great Sora! Where did you get this?” she asked as she started to put it on. Sora placed his hands on his hips and stood proudly “From one of my friends in Equestria. Just like everyone else’s gifts here. Even though previously they were meant for him, but he had enough Zap Apple Jam, two copies of the same Daring Do Book, and the bag just didn’t suit his look… But they didn’t need to know that. “Sounds like you’re enjoying yourself in that Equestria place, pal” Lea was back with a Loaf of Sliced bread. His words slightly muffled with a rainbow jam covered slice of bread sticking out of his mouth. Yen Sid seem to smile hearing all this as he looked at the gift in his box. Apparently, it was a jar of Jam for himself as well. Wise, since Lea might be keeping that jar to himself mostly. It seemed Mickey’s gift was set aside due to his absence… He peeked, it was jam too… Sora must’ve had  had a lot of Extra Jam. Sora scratched the back of his head. “Well I have been busy too. There’s just a holiday going on lately…” “Mhmm” Riku said as he was skimming through some pages of his book. “Meet any girls there?” This made Sora stumble as Kairi jerked her head up too look at Sora for a response as well. “Man, will you let up about that? I told you before it’s nothing that.” Sora straightened up, then noticed everyone else remaining silent, some even looking away…. “Hey… What’s with those looks?” and why did it make him feel nervous right now.” What worried him the most was when everyone just said “Nothing” at the same time… They knew something he didn’t and he didn’t like it... ~~~~~~~~~~ Sora’s House Hearth’s Warming Day Finally, the day had come. The town was deep in the holiday cheer as ponies were either in their homes sharing the love with friends and family, out spreading the cheer to others all over the place, or just generally having some fun in the winter snow. For Sora and friends, that fun and cheer was all at Sora’s house as the feast, gifts and music were all indicative of a party to celebrate the holiday. Pinkie was ecstatic about it as expected. Mogson was drinking and stuffing himself to no end. After all, he cooked most of the food while their other friends each brought a bowl or platter of something to add to the dinner table. Even Rainbow brought something... sure it was a big platter of store bought cookies, but it was still something. The rest of the gang joined in as well, but eventually only Pinkie Pie and Spike seemed to have enough of an appetite to stay in the “eating contest” with the moogle for a bit longer as the others simply conversed with one another about this and that. That is, until two simple words were uttered in the first sentence Mogson said after filling his tiny yet voracious stomach. “Alright everyone, PRESENT TIME!” And like that a spark of energy struck everyone as they made their way out of the kitchen and toward the decorated tree in the living room. Never had Sora seen so many presents under one tree before. It made him have a slightly selfish moment of pretending they were all meant for him. It was brief however and surely he isn’t the only one to have that little thought in their head come this time of year. “Alright everyone, a moment please.” Twilight called out grabbing everyone’s attention. “Mogson and I have agreed that how this would work is that everyone grabs a gift with their name on it then open it at the same time as everyone else, then we repeat that method until we run out of gifts!” With no sound of objections, they began the annual ritual consisting of the systematic slaughter of wrapping paper. And what were the gifts that Sora worked so hard to get for his friends? Well starting off with the Crusaders, he decided to get them a game they could play with each other if they ever needed something fun to do. It was a card game… oddly enough the cards were designed strangely, the top parts of the cards had a row of three spikes on top as if the Cards were wearing a crown or something. And even more intriguing was that most of the cards had images of Keyblades, as well as some of Sora’s friends on them like Donald and Goofy. Sora wasn’t sure who made these cards or why, nor what compelled him to purchase them, but something within him felt nostalgic about them. The clerk was more than happy to explain how the game worked and even gave him a copy of the rules to review whenever. For Spike, it was a gift that he and Sora could enjoy together later since the young dragon really took a liking to Sora’s explanation and demonstration of the sport, Struggle. He was given two containers of orbs, one group reddish, the other bluish, two hundred of each. The containers looked like they could be worn as well. The moment he saw them he was confused, until his memory picked up on their ACTUAL use, and then he was super pumped. The only reason he didn’t burst out asking Sora for a match then and there was that there were still more gifts for him to open. Sora’s gift to Twilight was a couple of books. Not just any books either. These books were about the other worlds and their history and culture. They were really thick, and that’s what excited her most about them. SO MUCH KNOWLEDGE OF WHAT’S OUT THERE! It was perfect! For Rarity it was a lovely set of Fencer’s Earrings. She adored them both for their design and their functionality. Since they were synthesized accessories made by Mogson’s synthesizers they came with the power to enhance her strength and magic, as well as give her more room to grow her abilities. (+2 STR, +1 MAG, +5 AP). Pinkie’s Gift was a big container of the ever so illustrious, and crowd favorite among the stars, Sea Salt Ice Cream! The moment she saw it she immediately started chowing down, even AFTER that big feast not too long ago. She wanted to recreate the recipe, but Sora knew that asking Scrooge for it would be pointless as that business man wants to keep it a secret. That wouldn’t deter Pinkie as she would try to recreate it based on what she could taste from it. This could be her big chance. Fluttershy’s gift was actually a plushy, Sora had to admit that it was the best he could do as he couldn’t just get an exotic animal for her to raise, since who knows what they would need or want. However the shy mare was more then happy for it and praised Sora for thinking of the feelings of animals. The plushy just made her even more determined to one day see the animals out there up in the stars. With a bit of explanation, Sora told her the plushy was of a creature called a chocobo, but he admitted that even he had never seen such a creature before, leaving the both of them wanting to actually look for one some day. Applejack’s was actually seeds and some of the very fruit that was well known in Sora’s homeworld, Paopu Fruits. The star shaped fruit drew her attention immediately, she just had to give it a taste… and it gave her a tropical flavor that her apples didn’t have. Of course nothing could beat her family’s apples… but with these seeds, she could see if she could infuse the same quality into these star shaped tropical produce. Rainbow’s gift was something that she wouldn’t believe if she wasn’t holding the document in her bare hooves. Straight from another world, made to raise great heroes, was a certificate with her name on it indicating her as a Junior Hero! Sora told her everything about it and what would happen when she graduated to full fledged hero. Already she was imagining a constellation in her image up in the sky. Oh, she was ecstatic, and determined to reach that lofty goal. Of course Sora received his fair share of gifts as well from his friends, and he was just as giddy to have them as anyone else. Still, there was one last person, or mare to be specific, that seemed to have been the only one not to give him anything... Yet. (Pick a Path(s) and Play this song with it if you want. Or don’t, your call really :3 )   Sora felt a tap on his shoulder. Looking back it was just the girl he was thinking of. “Hey Fluttershy! Enjoying the party?” He turned to face her as she seemed to be blushing, already stumbling with her words. “Uh, well, yes… Yes I am, It’s a wonderful party and I’m, um, very thankful you invited us and, um…” Apparently whatever she was planning to do, it was harder than she thought. Fortunately Sora manage to pick up on her distress. “Well I’m glad to hear that, but you seem to want to say something. Is something wrong?” He tilted his head to the side as he gazed at her. She shook her head furiously. “No! No, nothing like that. It’s… It’s well… um…” She couldn’t figure out why this was so hard to do. She had decided to do this in person. She was the first friend Sora made in Equestria, so it shouldn’t be difficult to give it to him… She took a deep breath to calm herself. “Here.” tucked under her wing was a small gift box tied neatly with a pretty bow. She held it out to him and couldn’t stop feeling so nervous now that it was out. “Happy Hearth’s Warming, Sora.” Sora looked at the box. For some reason deep within him, this gift felt a lot more meaningful to him. The other gifts he was given were just as well, but this one was more so for the sole fact that it came from Fluttershy. He was unsure why that was though as he graciously accepted the gift. “Oh, uh, Thank you.” He smiled  Why was he feeling so nervous about it? He set those thoughts aside for now and focused on opening the box. Inside was a charm, it was one that looked floral, with animals added to it’s design. Yet with one look at it, he could tell it was more than that. It was synthesized. A bit of Mogson’s handiwork could be seen since the moogle always liked adding his initials in tiny font onto every accessory he made. “Wow.” He looked up to see her smiling. “This is for me? Thank you. I can sense it has some enhancing powers to it.” Fluttershy sighed with relief happy upon seeing that he liked the gift, and more than happy to focus on explaining it so that she could ignore the butterflies in her stomach. “It does, I asked Mogson to help me make it so that it would improve your health and safety.” She tapped her forehooves together and looked away shyly, her mane hiding part of her face. “I know that we still have many things to do to… to keep Equestria safe, but… I don’t want you to forget to look after yourself too.” She took another deep breath while placing a hoof to her chest. Calming herself once more before returning to meet him eye to eye. “I promise, no matter what I’ll be right by your side and will patch you up whenever you’re hurt. But please… try to keep yourself well too… for my sake?” She was surprised with herself that she would be so bold to actually ask without backing out with a “If that’s okay with you” at the end of it. “I don’t like it when I see my friends hurt… Especially you...” The last part she seemed to whisper to herself, however Sora managed to hear it. Sora was speechless for a moment, surprised to see her act so bold. Sure she was more than comfortable to talk to him, but this was a whole new side of her he hardly ever got to see. It made him smile. He was glad to have met her, and happy that she was the first friend he made since he came to this world. He looked at the charm in his hoof, and gave a nod. “Alright, I promise to do my best to stay safe.” He decided to wear it. He felt this was something he couldn’t just put in his pocket. “So long as you promise to be there if I do mess up.” He chuckled and scratched his head. “I’m not perfect after all.” Fluttershy giggled as well. “True, but that’s how you should be. I wouldn’t want it any other way.” The two of them decided to chat a bit more together before their friends eventually decided to join in on the conversation. Fluttershy's Charm: You got a special gift from Fluttershy! With this charm, your Base HP has increased a lot. Also, Curatives and Cure magic potency have doubled as well. Wow, that girl is really looking out for your well being! “Uh, heya.” A familiar voice from behind caused the stallion to turn around and see Applejack standing behind him. “Oh, hey AJ! Enjoying the party?” Sora turned to face her. He seemed to pick up that something was on her mind when he saw the distressed look on her face. She was blushing and seemed to be having trouble trying to find the right thing to say. “It’s a great a party, sugarcube. Ah’d like to thank ya and Mogson fer’ invitin’ all of us to it.” She smiled a little “It’s been… It’s been a real hoot.” She mentally reprimanded herself for that line. It sounded so dumb the moment it came out of her mouth in her opinion. Sora couldn’t understand why she seemed so upset after thanking him, so he went ahead and asked. “Well I’m glad to hear that, but you seem to want to say something. Is something wrong?” He tilted his head to the side as he gazed at her. “Well uh…” She couldn’t back out now, and Sora had even caught on that something was up. She just couldn’t for the life of her figure out why she was so nervous about this. She was the first to connect her heart with him. Surely by now she would’ve had enough of an understanding after so long with the connection. She shook her head and really focused this time. She sat on her haunches, lifted her stetson off her head and pulled out a tiny gift box. It looked like whoever picked the box and ribbon that tied it up didn’t really care about making it look flashy or anything. “Here Sora, Happy Hearth’s Warming. Ah’ wanted ta’ give this to ya myself.” Sora looked at the box. For some reason deep within him, this gift felt a lot more meaningful to him. The other gifts he was given were just as well, but this one was more so for the sole fact that it came from Applejack. He was unsure why that was though as he graciously accepted the gift. “Oh, uh, Thank you.” He smiled. Why was he feeling so nervous about it? He set those thoughts aside for now and focused on opening the box. Inside was a charm, it was of an apple and a small tree, though from how it looked, it appeared to look like the tree was small because it was far away. Beneath said tree was a basket set under it like it was waiting for more apples to fall from it. Yet with one look at it, he could tell it was more than that. It was synthesized. A bit of Mogson’s handiwork could be seen since the moogle always liked adding his initials in tiny font onto every accessory he made. “Wow.” He looked up to see her smiling. “This is for me? Thank you. I can sense it has some enhancing powers to it.” Seeing that he liked the gift, Applejack felt utter relief as she put her hat back on. “That’s good ta’ hear. Ah’ was worried it wouldn’t be to yer likin’.” She shook her head. “Ah’ know, That’s just silly talk.” She decided to change the subject. “That charm there, with Mogson’s help I was able to have it made so it would boost your strength and help you take a lickin and keep on kickin.” She smiled and kicked her hind leg into the air to emphasize her meaning. “Yer a special case but when yer an Earth Pony, just know that we’re sturdy folk that know the meaning of hard work.” She then laughed. “Not that you haven’t busted yer hind end already with what ya do. It’s really… Admirable, when ah’ see ya doing all you can fer our world.” She was blushing again. Sora never usually got to see this side of her. She looked very cute when she was like this. Of course he’d never say it to her. He had a feeling she wasn’t the type to be called cute and show hidden part of herself to others. He smiled. “Thanks, AJ.” He decided to wear it instead of pocketing the gift. “You know, I’m more than happy to team up with you anytime when duty calls. You’re always reliable.” At this Applejack just kicked at the carpet as a smile grew on her face. “Aw shucks, Sora. Don’t get all sentimental on me now. Ah’m more than happy to back you up whenever ya need it.” The two of them decided to chat a bit more together before their friends eventually decided to join in on the conversation. Applejack’s Charm: You got a special gift from Applejack! With this charm, your Strength increases exponentially. So does your Defense. Wow, guess this mare likes tough guys! “Sora!” He was immediately thrown out of his thoughts when a familiar pink blur tackled him to the ground. “Oomph!” Sora recoiled but immediately started laughing. He was used to this by now and knew exactly who the culprit was. “Haha, hey there Pinkie, I guess it’s safe to assume you’re having fun today?” She started bouncing with joy. “Totally! This is bestest Hearth’s Warming Party Ever! The Food’s super yummy, the presents are all amazing, even the ones that aren’t mine! Everyone is SUPER Happy and uh… uh.” She then seemed to cut back on her excitement then tap her forehead as if reprimanding herself about being so cheery. At least that’s what Sora saw. In actuality, Pinkie was telling her silly brain to stop changing the subject and get to the point of why she wanted to talk to him. This allowed Sora to get back on his hooves again. “Well I’m glad to hear that, but you seem to want to say something. Is something wrong?” He tilted his head to the side as he gazed at her. Pinkie rapidly shook her head, getting her mind to think straight. “Sorry, sorry! I got carried away.” Despite her pink fur, there was a darker shade of pink on her cheeks as she immediately started digging into her mane. She was definitely going to do this, and she was super sure he would like it. Pinkie liked making ponies happy, but making Sora happy made her feel extra awesome inside. So it was only natural that from out of her mane, she would pull out a tiny gift box. It was designed and tied up with a ribbon that made it look like it was more of a birthday gift then a Hearth’s Warming gift. “HAPPY HEARTH’S WARMING SORA!” She held it out to him with cheer absolutely radiating off of her. Sora looked at the box. For some reason deep within him, this gift felt a lot more meaningful to him. The other gifts he was given were just as well, but this one was more so for the sole fact that it came from Pinkie. He was unsure why that was though as he graciously accepted the gift. “Oh, uh, Thank you.” He smiled. Why was he feeling so nervous about it? He set those thoughts aside for now and focused on opening the box. Inside was a charm, it was shaped like a trio of party poppers already in the middle of popping out confetti and streamers, while at the front of them was what looked like a gift with a bow on top as well. Yet with one look at it, he could tell it was more than that. It was synthesized. A bit of Mogson’s handiwork could be seen since the moogle always liked adding his initials in tiny font onto every accessory he made. “Wow.” He looked up to see her smiling. “This is for me? Thank you. I can sense it has some enhancing powers to it.” Yay! He loves it! She just knew he would! She was more than happy to explain now. “Yup Yup! Mogson and I worked super hard on it too! I wanted it make you super happy and make you smile in the future. So I decided to give you something that’ll make super rare stuff and awesome items appear more when you beat up heartless and bad guys!” She immediately gave him a very strong hug. “I like it when you smile Sora! It makes everyone else feel better… Even when things get really scary…” Sora wasn’t sure, but that last part sounded a little more serious than her usual bubbly tone. He never knew she felt that way. He guessed even the perky party pony had serious thoughts as well. Personally he liked it much better when she was her happy bubbly self. She’s random, but that’s what makes her Pinkie, and he wouldn’t want her any other way. He hugged her back. “Well, of course I smile. With all of you with me how could be not be happy? Besides, I know a certain pink mare that would always find a way to put a smile on my face.” As he said this he decided to wear the charm instead of just pocketing it. Pinkie felt ecstatic when she heard him say that, the blush appeared again on her cheeks but she was too excited to care. “Definitely!” The two of them decided to chat a bit more together before their friends eventually decided to join in on the conversation. Pinkie Pie’s Charm: You got a special gift from Pinkie Pie! With this charm, you’re super lucky! Item drops will be more frequent from now on. Wow, she definitely wants to shower you with gifts and happiness! “A lovely party, Sora. You and Mogson really are splendid hosts.” Knowing that posh voice anywhere Sora smiled and turned to see Rarity walking up to him. Sora nodded. “Thank you, Mogson and I really wanted to make you guys feel at home here. Although, you’ll have to thank Mogson for the food. I’m not much of a cook.” He laughed. Rarity held a hoof to her lips as she softly giggled with him. “Yes, I suppose I shall have to remind myself to give him my thanks as well.” … There was an awkward silence now, Sora wasn’t sure why but Rarity seemed to have something on her mind. As if she was deciding something. He decided to wait for her to say it herself, but after awhile he thought it would be better to just ask outright. “Well I’m glad to hear you're enjoying yourself, but you seem to want to say something. Is something wrong?” He tilted his head to the side as he gazed at her. Oh, now she’s done it. She can feel the awkwardness from the previous silence looming over them. She was being too pessimistic, arguing with herself in wondering if what she was going to give him would be perfect. No, she can’t stop now. Just like how she went forward with that new line of fashion her dear friend Sora inspired in her, she had to move forward and give him this. She could feel that nervous sensation within her subside. “Ah! My apologies, dear. I just wanted to give you this.” She felt her heart beating faster as she used her magic to pull out a tiny gift box from the saddle bag on her outfit. She had taken such a liking to her adventure chic outfit that she would wear it more often than she would just going bare lately. “I would like to wish you a Happy Hearth’s Warming, Sora.” Sora looked at the box. For some reason deep within him, this gift felt a lot more meaningful to him. The other gifts he was given were just as well, but this one was more so for the sole fact that it came from Rarity. He was unsure why that was though as he graciously accepted the gift. “Oh, uh, Thank you.” He smiled. Why was he feeling so nervous about it? He set those thoughts aside for now and focused on opening the box. Inside was a charm, it seemed to depict a sewing needle and a ribbon acting as the thread attached to it, the ribbon looked like it wrapped around the needle a few times before trailing off behind what looked like a pair of rather fashionable glasses. Yet with one look at it, he could tell it was more than that. It was synthesized. A bit of Mogson’s handiwork could be seen since the moogle always liked adding his initials in tiny font onto every accessory he made. “Wow.” He looked up to see her smiling. “This is for me? Thank you. I can sense it has some enhancing powers to it.” Hearing his praise was a relief to her as she felt 10 times lighter now. “Oh I’m so glad you like it, dear. You are correct as well. Mogson and I toiled away to make sure that it both looks amazing and helps you when you are out doing your duties as the keyblade wielder.” She seemed be more than eager to talk about the gift. “So long as you have it, it should improve your focus and concentration. It should also aid in making sure you’re always stylish in combat.” She clapped her hooves together at the memory of how Sora moved so gracefully while thwarting heartless and foe alike. “You always look so dashing out there. You are so kind and considerate as well, and you never turn away a call for help.” She blushed. “Even when I ask for your aid in my projects you never complain and always supported me.” She was starting to feel nervous again. “You may not be a knight, but you certainly have the qualities of one, Sir Sora.” Hearing her praise him in such a way had gotten him blushing now as well. She always seemed to know what to say to make him feel so flustered. Yet, he didn’t mind it, when it’s coming from her. He knew she genuinely meant it, and really appreciated him and what he does. He knew that he would gladly help her anytime. “Wow, Rarity… I don’t know what else to say.” He decided to wear the charm instead of pocketing it. He then surprised her as he pulled her into a hug. The poor mare was not prepared. “A-ah!” Now her face was starting to turn visibly red. “Thanks for the gift. Whenever you need my help just ask.” …She then started smiling again and hugged him in return. “That’s wonderful to hear, but the same goes for you too, dear. The best way to appreciate someone’s help is to give help in return after all.” The two of them decided to chat a bit more together before their friends eventually decided to join in on the conversation. Rarity’s Charm: You got a special gift from Rarity! With this charm, your reaction time and aim are greatly improved. You also are more successful when triggering Linked Attacks with your allies. Wow, she makes you out to be some suave knight… No pressure or anything! “Hey, Spiky.” He felt someone’s hoof tap him on the top of his head. Only one girl would call him that. He turned and looked up to see Rainbow hovering over him with a smirk on her face. “Hey, Dash. Like the party so far?” Sora asked as he rubbed the part of his head she tapped at. Rainbow then flipped upside down so it looked like she was lying on an invisible hammock, however Sora caught a glimpse of her moving something from her back to her stomach when she flipped over. “It’s pretty cool... Nice food, great gifts...“ She tried to play it off, but being with her long enough gave Sora the sense to know that there was something on her mind that she wanted to say. “Well I’m glad to hear the party is to your liking, but you seem to want to say something. Is something wrong?” He tilted his head to the side as he gazed at her. She cringed a bit after hearing him say that, she did sound a little arrogant just then. She sighed. She wasn’t sure why she kept trying to act so cool around him. They’d been through enough to understand one another by now. “Yeah, sorry, let me try that again.” Her hooves fidgeted on whatever it was she was hiding from Sora as if working up the nerve to show it to him. Soon enough she did as she flipped around to face him again and held out a crudely put together gift box that was sloppily tied up with string. “Uh, here… Happy Hearth’s Warming, Sora.” She looked away, her cheeks a slight shade of pink. Sora looked at the box. For some reason deep within him, this gift felt a lot more meaningful to him. The other gifts he was given were just as well, but this one was more so for the sole fact that it came from Rainbow Dash. He was unsure why that was though as he graciously accepted the gift. “Oh, uh, Thank you.” He smiled. Why was he feeling so nervous about it? He set those thoughts aside for now and focused on opening the box. Inside was a charm, It was of a pegasus in mid flight, it looked like the pegasus was flying very fast as clouds seemed to be rushing past her. Yet with one look at it, he could tell it was more than that. It was synthesized. A bit of Mogson’s handiwork could be seen since the moogle always liked adding his initials in tiny font onto every accessory he made. “Wow.” He looked up to see her smiling. “This is for me? Thank you. I can sense it has some enhancing powers to it.” Rainbow smirked once again after hearing his approval, thankful that her gift to him wasn’t rejected. “Heh, yeah, exactly. Came up with the idea myself. Of course, I needed some help from that Mogson guy to actually make the darn thing.” She then landed on the ground and stood in front of him. “I wanted it to help you move faster in a fight and make more super cool moves.” She looked away blushing once again. “You’re like, super amazing when you beat up bad guys and stuff... You know…” She rubbed her neck feeling his gaze as she was somewhat speaking from the heart. “Seeing you fight… Always makes me want to do better too… so I can stand beside you when things get rough.” Her eyes darted to him and away a few times before she cleared her throat. “Of course, naturally I have to be there to save your flank when you’re in over your head, keyboy.” Sora smirked, he figured that was the best he was gonna get from her for now. As confident as she is, Sora appreciated when Rainbow would take the moment to admit what’s been on her mind to him. It makes him feel like he earned her trust and acceptance. She could get just as stubborn as him when she wanted to after all. He decided to wear the charm instead of pocketing it. “Well thanks Rainbow. It means a lot when you say that. And this gift is wonderful as well.” He looked back at her. “I guess I can count on you the next time I’m in a tough fight.” Rainbow returned the cocky look and crossed her forehooves as she took to hovering once more. “I like the way you think, Spiky.” The two of them decided to chat a bit more together before their friends eventually decided to join in on the conversation. Rainbow’s Charm: You got a special gift from Rainbow Dash! With this charm, you move much faster when you’re in a battle. Not only that but it also gives a sizeable amount of AP so you can activate more abilities to make your adventures all the more fun. Wow, sounds like she secretly wants to do some stunts with you once you learn some cool tricks. “Um, hello Sora.” Just the mare he was thinking of. Sora turned around to see Twilight making her way over to him. “Hey Twi, enjoying the party, I hope?” He asked with a smile on his face. Twilight nodded. “The party is great, Spike and others are really enjoying themselves. Thank you for having us on your very first Hearth’s Warming day in Equestria.” She rubbed her foreleg with her other hoof. “Honestly it should have been the natives hosting such a party for our own holidays. You and Mogson have really shown us up this year.” Sora laughed shaking his head. “Ah, I just helped with decorations and moving stuff around. Mogson’s the one that did all the cooking and other stuff. Besides, this holiday is a lot like Christmas so it just feels natural, I guess.” Twilight perked up at the mention of the holiday. “Oh, I do recall you talking about this “Christmas” before. I would love to know more about it since you claim it has similarities to-Oh!” Twilight covered her mouth. Sora picked up on this. She seemed to have forced herself to clam up from going all… well, Twilight, about new information. Now he was curious. “Well, I’m glad to hear you’re enjoying the party and want to know more about Christmas, but you seem to want to say something. Is something wrong?” He tilted his head to the side as he gazed at her. She felt her face heat up again, now she’s gone and looked all silly, making Sora worry about her again. She could never understand why she would get all flustered and tense whenever he was around. He was just another one of her friends, right? And besides, she spoke to him for another reason and her mind was purposely trying to change the subject because she felt so nervous about the thought of giving it to him. Fearing he would reject it. She knew full well he wasn’t the kind of Stalli-er guy. “Oh no, nothing’s wrong, I promise. It’s just… well…” She breathed deeply to calm herself. “Here. Happy Hearth’s Warming, Sora. I hope you like it.” With her magic she levitated a tiny gift box out of her saddlebag toward him. The package was all neatly wrapped and tied up perfectly with a purple ribbon. Sora looked at the box. For some reason deep within him, this gift felt a lot more meaningful to him. The other gifts he was given were just as well, but this one was more so for the sole fact that it came from Twilight. He was unsure why that was though as he graciously accepted the gift. “Oh, uh, Thank you.” He smiled. Why was he feeling so nervous about it? He set those thoughts aside for now and focused on opening the box. Inside was a charm, It depicted a wizard’s hat with sparkles and stars here and there, almost like a stylized version of Yen Sid’s hat when he thought about it. Furthermore, he could tell that it was synthesized. A bit of Mogson’s handiwork could be seen since the moogle always liked adding his initials in tiny font onto every accessory he made. “Wow.” He looked up to see her smiling. “This is for me? Thank you. I can sense it has some enhancing powers to it.” Twilight was beaming. Even though she knew he would like it, actually seeing him appreciate it made her feel so much better and made her heart skip a beat. “Oh, uh, yes! You have a good eye there as usual, Sora. With Mogson’s help, I was able to design a charm that I believe would aid you the most for our future fights and adventures to come.” She pointed toward said charm. “I wanted it to enhance your magical capabilities, since you are very skilled at using spells in a versatile way while you’re in combat. Not only that, but it should help you contain even more magical energy and potential within yourself.” Sora blinked. “So it makes me my magic stronger and I hold more magic?” …Twilight cleared her throat “Uh, yes… To put it bluntly that’s exactly what it does.” She smiled. “Sorry, I guess I was getting all technical again. I’m glad that you always seem to catch on to what I’m talking about. I know I tend to go off on a tangent when I do get going… I really appreciate everything you’ve done for us Sora.” She started to speak from the heart now. “Moreover I appreciate how patient you were with me the whole time whenever I wanted to know more about things. You didn’t have too, but you did. And not even a single complaint about it. So I figured I’d give you something useful as thanks…” She was having hard time trying to think of what else to say to him, and it just made her even more flustered about it. Fortunately, Sora seemed to catch on for the most part. “Hey, I appreciate you too Twilight! You and everyone else here. Everything we’ve done, we’ve done together, and you’re fine just as you are Twilight. Always curious and wanting to know more about everything. Be it good or bad, you keep trying to learn and understand things more, and try your hardest to find the solution all our problems.” He scratched his cheek while looking away. “I find that admirable of you.” Twilight was taken aback by his words. It honestly made her blush, just from being praised by him. “Oh, well.. Thank you, but enough about me… All this is just making me feel awkward now. How about we talk about something else, please?” With Sora’s nod he decided to discuss with her about the outer worlds.  The two of them decided to chat a bit more together before their friends eventually decided to join in on the conversation. Twilight’s Charm: You got a special gift from Twilight! With this charm, Your magic increases in power Also your your magic gauge increases significantly as well. Wow, She must really admire your spell slinging. ~~~ The night continued on as the party finally started to die down. Everyone eventually said their goodbyes, collected their gifts, and made their way to their homes, each of them never forgetting the wonderful times they experienced that day. After helping Mogson clean up the house, then a quick wash in the shower, Sora made his way up to his bedroom. Before taking his Jacket and saddlebags off, he took a look at the charm now hanging on the front of his jacket… He gave it a tap and watched it sway back and forth before finally putting his clothes to the side and hopping into bed. He was sad to see the day end, but just as eager to start the next one as well. As he lay in bed waited for sleep to take him, his mind wandered. When the sandman finally arrived, the last thing on his mind was the joy and cheer on all of his friends’ faces, and the girl that gave him that wonderful charm. One could understand why he loved the holidays, given his situation.       ( P.S.  Big decision in Author's Notes for readers that like the romance. )                                                                                                                                   > Chapter 34: The Manehatten Project > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- (As Always Green Text means "click me" to play theme music to go with what you're reading. Red text means to stop the music. Any words with [color=#afa4cc26]This coloring to their text means to click on it for a sound effect. If there is music playing, then let it keep playing, the sound effect is brief Completely optional: You’re free to ignore this) Manehattan Train Station         The train leading into the station that morning came to a full stop, as the passengers started making their way out, 7 particular passengers exited and grouped up to have a conversation. “So this is Manehattan” Sora spoke first as he decided to take a good look around.         “And about time…. I think I got a crick in my neck from sleeping so long in that train” Rainbow had a hoof to the side of her neck and started rubbing at it, hissing at the minor pain she felt.         “Not to worry Dashie, Doctor Pinkie to the rescue!” Pinkie suddenly appeared behind the blue pegasus, freaking her out for half a second before suddenly taking Rainbow’s head into her pink hooves and and suddenly turned her head to face a hard right. There was a large cracking sound that sent a shiver down a few of the girls.         “OW!” Rainbow recoiled from the brief sense of pain before whipping her head back at the party pony in anger, “PInkie! What did you-.... Huh…” That was when she noticed she had no trouble moving her neck now. She instinctively when to touch it and still no pain. “How the hay?… Uh, Thanks Pinkie” She was brought into an immediate lung crushing hug         “Aww, Anytime, Dashie” She giggled before hopping off leaving Rainbow to gasp for air once she was free from Pinkie’s grip.         “Ahem” Twilight cleared her throat to get everyone’s attention “That aside, now that we have arrived in Manehattan. I just want to remind everypony why we’re in the first place.” Twilight pulled out a rolled up letter that was sent to her by the Princess. Dear Twilight, I would like you to Gather Sora and the other bearers and take the train to Manehattan. Seeing the success of the tower in Ponyville, other towers are now being constructed in other populated areas in Equestria and beyond. However, I have received word that construction has halted in Manehattan due to a large heartless appearing and disappearing in the middle of town, terrorizing the construction workers and bystanders that happen to be at the wrong place at the wrong time. Sightings of it say that it’s very aggressive, however it would then vanish out of sight without warning. It’s unclear, but it seems to only appear when construction on the tower resumes, Then it disappears before the guard would be able to dispatch it properly. I believe that a higher mind is commanding the heartless to act in such a manner as if to preserve it solely to prolong the completion of the tower. We have our Obvious suspicions of Maleficent and Queen Chrysalis, however the intention seems unclear. Would it not be easier to simply let the heartless to continue to lay waste to the city? I hope at the same time as you rout the monster you can investigate its reason for being here. I have sent word to train station in Ponyville to give you free passage this time for tomorrow morning. Please gather everyone by then and disembark for Manehattan. I pray for your success in solving this matter, though I have full confidence that you will do just that. Sincerely, Princess Celestia She then rolled up the parchment and set it away as Rarity spoke first. “Yes dear, we are aware of why we are here. You’ve made sure of that through the entire ride here.” “Only because you all been talking about what you would do when you get there.” Rarity clicked her tongue “Oh come now, it’s not a crime to talk about what we would do after our task here is complete. I’m sure even you have someplace you would like to visit here. Twilight simply frowned, she couldn’t say anything because she knew Rarity was right. She figured she’d do a little sight seeing after they finished their mission and ride the train home the day after. “Well the sooner we get this done, the sooner we can have some fun then right?” Sora started walking. “Hold on there, pardner. Ya can’t just start headin’ off in a new town. Yer only gonna get lost.” Applejack grabbed him by his tail and pulled him back into the group. “Oh I’ve done it plenty times before, this shouldn’t be any different.” Sora turned back to face them to see most of the girls glare at him. “What?” “Sora, we’ve been thinking that you kind of have a habit of wandering around when you’re not with somepony to keep you on track.” Twilight stated as the others nodded. “What? Since have I done that?” Sora asked, only to see the girls glance at one another before looking back at him. ~~~ Flashbacks Sora’s first visit to Canterlot Castle The First Night Twilight opened ( : Hey! This isn’t-) (I couldn’t find anything that fit the mood so sue me…) up the door to her guestroom hearing someone talking outside. With a yawn, her mane a mess, she stumbled out see what was up. “What’s going on out here?” her eyes blinked lazily before perking right up after seeing Sora walk past her. “Sora?” “Oh hey Twilight! You’re still up?” Sora smiled to her as he walked right along. “I am now” She yawned “It’s the middle of the night, Sora. Why are you up?” Sora stopped at a conjunction and peeked around the corner to see down one of the halls. “Oh I was curious about how big this place is. There are so many twists and turns, How does anybody- “Anypony” Twilight corrected “-Right, how does ANYPONY find their way around here?” Sora now peeked to the other side. Not  much on that end either, apparently. “I’m sure they try to learn when the sun is still out” Twilight deadpanned. “Why don’t you wait for the sun to rise to do the same. !! Sora then rubbed the back of his head “I guess you have a point…. Now.. I came from that way sooo…” Sora seemed to have a bit of trouble remembering where his room was. Twilight groaned “For real?” Ponyville After Sora gets his job Sora was trotting all over the town getting a lay of land. It was important after all. No telling what kind of quests would get posted on his job board. As he continued to travel about round a corner when he nearly bumped into Fluttershy Fluttershy gave off a weak little shriek and lost her grip on her the bag she was carrying. Sora barely managed to dive and catch it in time before it hit the ground. A good thing as some of the items inside were in glass jars. “Got it!” The two of them sighed with relief as he got back to his hooves. “Sorry about that Fluttershy.” “Oh, it’s alright, really” Fluttershy shook her head as Sora returned the bag to her. “You seem to be enjoying yourself, though” she smiled “Oh yeah, for a small town, there is alot more here than what meets the eye. Plan to see every inch.” He nodded with enthusiasm “Oh that’s wonderful then. Than I suppose you already dropped off Opal back at Rarity’s house?” Fluttershy asked with an innocent smile. “..... Huh?” that previous smile on Sora’s face still remained but you could tell from his eyes the sudden confusion from his eyes as he blinked a few times and looked at her. “You remembered right? Rarity sent her over because the poor thing hurt her paw and needed it treated. You came by and offered to take her back to Rarity’s home so that I could go shopping.” She giggled “She enjoyed riding on your back the whole time when you headed out.” ………. Sora’s was sweating bullets, that smile on his face was a facade as his mind was rapidly going through his memory…. He still had the cat at some point, and the thing just slept and did nothing else. He never looked back but from what Fluttershy was saying: OPAL. WASN’T. THERE. “Aaaahahaha, yeeeaah! Totally, No problem at all.” How is this possible, how did he forget… the walk was long… that cat wasn’t very heavy… Then he saw something he didn’t see before, then another then another and- “I’m so happy to hear that, Well I’ll let you get back to your exploring” As she was about to turn and leave she noticed a familiar white cat riding on top of a passerby’s cart full of cargo. “Opal?” Sora cursed whatever forces that brought this particular moment to fruition. “Uuuh, I can, explain.” Sweet Apple Acres A Few Days Ago Applejack was making her way to the barn to get ready to start out the morning as she and Apples always would do. However, something or rather somepony caught her eye. “Sora?” Sora was lying in the grass by the barn passed out and looked utterly exhausted. She made her way over to him and started nudging him awake. “What in tarnation are you doing out here on the cold ground?” Sora’s eyes opened up slowly before he immediately turned his face away from the sunlight hitting his eyes then gave a yawn as he slowly rose up from the ground Hearing a voice to his right he turned to face it and let his eyes adjust the blurs in front of him into clarity. “Oh, Hey Applejack… You’re at my house pretty early.” He yawned again “Here to train with me or something?” Applejack just stared at him unamused “Sora, yer on mah farm, sleeping on dirt.” … It took his sleepy brain to register what she just said, but once it finally processed he looked around and he could see Applejack was right. “Huh?... What am I doing here?” he said in a sleepy tone. “Ah’ could ask ya the same thing. What were ya’ doin’ last night, Sora?” He took a moment to think about it. After some time his memory returned “Ah! Oh Right! I was exploring the Forest.” “Excuse me?” Applejack cocked an eyebrow. She KNEW she didn’t here him say what she thought he said. “Uh, I was exploring the Everfree Forest, yesterday.” he repeated “Sora! What in Celestia’s name gave ya’ the bright idea ta’ wander around in such a dangerous place as that?!” Applejack stomped her hoof Sora shrugged “I do it all the time, I even have quests that have me going in there.” “Ya’ do this regularly?!” she asked with a shocked expression that then turned tino one of anger. “Sora, ya can’t just go into that forest all by yerself! Ya’ could get lost or run into dangerous creatures or a slough of them heartless. Infact were ya’ in there all night? Ya’ look a right mess.” Sora looked at himself. It was true, he was covered in dirt, leaves and who knows what else.“Well, I did get a little lost, but ONLY cuz it got dark. I didn’t have a light with me or anything so-” “No more.” Sora looked back “Huh?” He could see Applejack was having none of this. “No more Soloing the Dark spooky forest!” She then got behind him and started nudging him to the farm house. “What?! Applejack, I can’t just stop going in the forest, what if I get a request for something in there? Oh, and Manny is still there in the forest!” Sora protested as he was pushed along. “Is he there every time?” She asked though with her tone she could already predict the answer. Sora was about to speak, but nothing came out. She was right on that. Manny wasn’t around every time he went in. “Ah’m not saying ya need ta stop taking on jobs that lead ya into the forest. But ah’ AM saying that yer no longer allowed to set foot in that place without somepony comin’ with ya.” Sora felt himself get pushed up the steps to the porch “Wait? I can’t do that? What if you're all busy?” “Then yer just gonna have ta wait, no will ya’?” “Applejack I can’t-” “Not another word! Ya stink of Sweat and dirt, and not the hardworking kind. Go get cleaned up, then go straight home.” “Yeesh, Ok, ok, I’m going, mom” He sighed as he finally complied and entered the house. Big Mac had to side step and snort with a shake of his head. “Hooooey….Ya’, stink Sora…” He said. “Yyyyyyup” was his reply as he made his way to the bathroom. Applejack entering the house with a sigh. “Ah’ swear that stallion needs ta’ look after himself more.” she shook her head. “Yyyyyup” was Mac’s response.   ~~~~~~~~~~ Present Time Sora was looking away from the girls intense gaze on him once Applejack finished re telling that last “example” of his exploring. “You… Strike a good point…” “Seriously dude, you can be kinda reckless” Rainbow laughed as he floated over him. Sora immediately shot a glare at her. “Oh don’t even start Little Ms. Daredevil.” Pinkie Pie immediately started giggling as the Pegasus scowled at the Stallion “He’s got you there, Dashie!” Rarity turned to Fluttershy and whispered “I honestly don’t know which one is worse” “Hey! We Heard that!” both Sora and Rainbow yelled at Rarity. Rarity didn’t seem to mind whether or not if they did heard. Twilight decided to intervene “Look Sora, we just want to make sure that no one gets lost on our way there and actually have a plan when we do find this heartless, ok?” “I know, I know, and really I am here to do that just like the rest of you” Sora replied “Yet at times you do tend to run off head first into danger and unknown places without so much as a plan. It’s surprising that you even reach where you need to go with how often you do this.” Twilight shook her head.   Sora just smiled at that “Oh that’s easy. I just follow my heart” he places his hoof on his chest. This got the others confused “You follow… Your heart?” Fluttershy asked Sora nodded “Whenever I don’t know where to go, or not a clue of what to do. I just listen to what my heart feels is right.” Needless to say that did win a few points with the ladies for Sora whether if he was aware of that or not. It didn’t change their positions on the matter, but it won a few points However, Twilight immediately snapped out of it and cleared her throat. “I can’t say that is the most logical way to go about things.” It seemed too much of a fairy tale to just follow one’s heart in a situation like this in her opinion. “We do understand that you do like to explore everything there is to see, but for right now, can we just ask you to just stay with us the whole way there? After we wrap things up with our mission then you’re free to do as you wish until our train ride home arrives tomorrow, ok?” Sora sighed, but smiled and nodded “Fair, enough” This relieved the other girls seeing he was able to comply. Then it changed to confusion when he stepped up to them and held his hoof out. “Uuuh, Sora?” Applejack was about to ask him the reason for it but he beat her to it. “Come in close everyone and do what I do” There was a bit of hesitation before the girls finally decided to do what he asked, Well except for Pinkie she was already there holding her hoof up against Sora’s “I don’t know what this is, but I like it already!” she replied. Once everyone joined them Rainbow spoke. “Ok, Spiky, were doing it, What’s it for?” Sora just smiled “It’s something Donald, Goofy, and I would do whenever we go on an adventure or take on a big mission. It’s sort of like a promise” “Oooh, like a Pinkie Promise?” Pinkie blurted out with wide eyes. Sora nodded to her with a smile “Right! At least I think so anyway.” “Well, what’s the promise then?” Twilight asked, however doing this did make her feel like she was bonding with the others in some way. Sora took a moment to think about his words carefully. “I guess… you can say… It’s a promise that no matter what, We’re in this together!” He nodded as he spoke with such conviction that the girls could even feel the commitment to his words. They all looked at one another and were now holding smiles of their own. “OK!” they said in unison. ~~~ Tower Construction Site Later The group left the train station and made a relatively short trip to their destination. As Twilight exclaimed “Ah, we’re here, good. Now we can gather some information and hopefully prepare for when it returns.” Twilight noticed one of the workers there that seem to be giving orders. “That must be the foreman, let’s go” When they approached the busy mare she seemed to be multitasking as she directed four different mini projects that would join toward the main goal, the tower. “NO! That piece should be with group A, Leave it alone C! Go back to setting up the scaffolding for the next level!” She pointed at a group that seem to drop some materials and started rushing off to their respective areas. “Jeez, Gotta get this done before that thing shows up” She would heave a sigh. “Um, excuse me, ma’am” “ Huh?” The mare turned to face the group and immediately had a fit. “Hold it, HOLD IT! Didn’t you read the signs? NO Civilians allowed beyond this point.” She tapped her hoof on the ground to emphasize her words. “We’re trying to set this up before that crazy monster makes another comeback. I’m going to have to ask you to turn around and head back. You don’t have to go home, but you can’t stay here!” The worker was already walking off not even giving Twilight a chance to speak as she was back to barking more orders. “Hey! You two over there! Quit chatting, Break time was 10 minutes ago.” In the distance two workers could be seen hustling their way back to work with a look like they were caught slacking off by the boss… Which wasn’t so far from the truth actually. Twilight huffed displeased with being considered as just a Civilian then trotted back up to the mare. “Um, Excuse me, I’m afraid you misunder-” “You again? Look I’m asking nicely, you need to leave, if I see you and your friends here again, I’ll have to notify the guards to escort you off the premises.” “No, just a minute, We came here because-” “I don’t what your reason is, You still need to leave! It’s dangerous enough here as it is. No telling when that creature will come back. “That’s we’re trying to-” “Up, up, up! Final warning! Move your keisters before the guards move him for-” Flash! The Foremare finally shut up when a flash of light appeared within the group of Twilight’s friends. Sora had decided that enough was enough and pulled out a bead. When he turned to face the overbearing mare, her as well as some of the other workers that happened to see and/or hear his transformation were all slack jawed and staring right at him. “Do we have your attention now?” Her Response was a slow nod as her face didn’t change from open mouth stare. “Good” Sora smirked and nodded “Twilight?” Twilight with relief “Thank you, Sora. I don’t know how much more of that I could take.” Sora placed his hands behind his heads with the same grin “Hehe…”   After some time and much needed explaining, the foremare was a lot more compliant. “Well shoot, my apologies. We were informed of professionals arriving to deal with this heartless threat, though we assumed those professionals would look… Well tougher, you know.” “Well sorry to disappoint but we are considered best in the field. Especially Sora, here” Twilight gestured to Sora who was busy playing with Pinkie and Rainbow showing them his flowmotion skills again. With nearby buildings and scaffolding. Pinkie was clapping away as Rainbow looked excited about the display. Twilight slumped a little for a moment before immediately straightening back up and turning back to the foremare “As you can see…. He is uh, demonstrating his physical prowess to you.” “Looks like he’s goofing off with that smile on his face” the mare replied as he continued to watch. However she shook her head. “But, if the Princess says you’re the best then I won’t complain.” Twilight sighed “Thank you, can you tell us more about this heartless that attacked you?” “Right, right, It’s why you’re here after all” She nodded and took a seat, gesturing the others to do the same as she began. “So when it first appeared we were making good progress, the Foundation was made and we were already estimating the time of it’s completion.” “I am curious. Your constructions seems to be going for a much grander pylon then the one that is in Ponyville” Twilight’s curiosity was nagging at her about it. “Right well Manehattan isn’t a small quiet little town down in the country. So the bigger the tower, the more range of the protection it will give this place.” Twilight nodded “Right, that does make sense. And I assume that requires more time to build” “You betcha. We had to estimate home much was needed to scale it up and then a bit more past that for safe measures. “And that’s why yer still havin’ problems with this heartless.” Applejack replied “Bigger Tower, means more work, meanin’ more time needed” “Exactly, and that’s just more time for heartless to appear in town wherever they please. However this one seems specifically targeted with the construction. Knocking down what we build and setting us back every time it returns. Last time I checked. Those heartless things are suppose to me mindless right?” “Exactly, they just go on whatever instinct they have and practically throw themselves at their target” Sora landed right behind the foremare giving her and the girls that were joining the conversation a startle and a brief shriek from the foremare. “Oh… Uh, Sorry” “Sora dear, If you would be ever so kind as to never do that again” Rarity held a hoof to her chest as she waited for her heartbeat to slow. Meanwhile Rainbow and Pinkie were laughing about the other girl’s response to Sora’s entrance. Earning a glare from the fashionista. “Aheh, right. My bad, uh but you are right. A heartless on it’s own wouldn’t act as intelligently as this.” He folded his arms and gave a nod “Someone is definitely calling the shots behind it. “Just like the Princess guessed in the letter.” Twilight nodded as well as she held a hoof to her chin. “So the fight ain’t over til we find the one callin’ the shots” Applejack stated “Correct!” Sora stated “And I think we already have our culprits in mind.” The girls nodded and Twilight speaks again. “Right, if we defeat the heartless then It should flush out the leader. Then we can take capture them and bring them to the Princesses.” Sora shook his head “Easier said than done Twilight” “What do you mean?” She turned to Sora “It may be tough, but it’s still possible.” “Yeah, but don’t forget they can just portal their way out if things get too dicey for them.” Sora watched as Twilight stopped herself from speaking what was immediately on her mind. “Ah… Uh, that’s true.” After a moment she had a frustrated look. “That’s really annoying now that I think about it.” “Tell me about it. Even if I had a prison to throw them into, they won’t stay in it for long.” Sora sighed putting his hands behind his head. “Then I guess our only option is to defeat the heartless, then drive the leader off.” Twilight gave a sigh as well. “Uh, Twi?” Rainbow flew up to the group. “Did you get the details of what that heartless looked like yet?”  [ “We were just about to, Rainbow” Twilight waved her off. However Rainbow looked looked at the foremare. “Hey, that heartless you saw, Is it big with a lot of vines sticking out of it?” The mare was taken aback “Why, yes, it does. How’d you know Rainbow turned around and pointed to where she came. “Cuz it’s back for another round it seems” Everyone turned to see a large plant-like heartless land from the sky. It stood on two reptilian feet with a decaying looking flower bulb for a head. It’s face seemed to be hidden beneath the folded up decayed petals, but every now and then they could see a large yellow eye shift from whole to another or hide away entirely as the petals seemed to pulse and move slightly on their own. Always threatening to open, but then closing back up when it moves out too far. It’s body seemed to look like a massive hollowed out tree trunk where the legs pop out from the bottom and the flower head pops out from the top. Through the many cracks and knot holes on it Vines seem to be sticking out of each on. The vines were covered in jagged thorns all over them. Each of them moved and swayed in in their own directions as the creature itself seemed to be bobbing from side to side Once both it’s feet touched the ground. Sora could see Pinkie was already in the action summoning her element weapon and in the middle of it transforming into turret mode. “Well, that was quick!” Sora swung his arm out summoning his keyblade in flash, startling the foremare briefly from his sudden action then pulled out another bead and bid down on it to extend his time limit. “Better get to work!” He dashed ahead. “Ah’ was ichin’ fer a good tussle anyway” Applejack adjusted her hat then reared onto her hind legs before slamming both her forelegs back on the ground. In a flash just like Sora’s her gauntlets appeared just in time to cause a large crack on the ground before she charged after him. “Well, Can’t let those three have all the fun” Rarity giggled before she struck a pose with her head held eye and eyes closed waiting for her hat and rapiers to appear in the same way. Once they did she trotted on ahead at a more reasonable pace deciding to take on the beast with ranged attacks. “Oh, wait for me… Please” Fluttershy, a little flustered, and terrified at the beast they were facing eventually hovered off the ground and flew after them. “Alright! Maybe today will be my lucky day!” Rainbow pounded both her fore hooves together at the same time psyching herself up before shooting off like a rocket. “Everyone! Wait! We need to plan out how to… Oh nevermind” Twilight sighed before turning back to the foremare. “If you could please evacuate the workers while we deal with this.” Seeing that the foremare nodded she gave a bow. “Thank you very much.” then turned around and ran into the fray at her own pace. The fight was on and the heartless started off strong by jumping and stomping back onto the ground causing rolling shockwave speed right toward them. Sora’s instincts with large bodies had his body move on it’s own as it leaped over the shock wave then fire a Firaga spell in response. The attack struck it’s trunk and it caught on fire. “Well no surprise. Fire = Good. You got that Twi?!” Sora called back once he landed into a roll and continued charging after the beast. “Fire! Right!” Was her response as she decided to take the higher ground climbing up some scaffolding and firing off Firaga Spells. She had advanced very quickly in magic under Merlin’s teachings. Magic was her forte after all. During this high above on one of the buildings near the construction sight Pete stood at the edge hands on his hips as he observed the battle below. Huh… Those twerps arrived sooner than I thought. Well, not like it matters anyway.” He reached behind his back and pulled out a piece of paper and started reading it. “Let’s see here… Once Sora and those ponies appear… administer the potion onto the heartless and observe the results.” his other hand reached for a large glass bottle. Inside contained some glowing green liquid. “Some weird mumbo jumbo here” he gave the bottle a shake and observed the viscous fluid slosh around inside. He read the note again. “Oh, there’s more…. If possible, administer after you’ve let it fight first without it… Well fortunately I’ve already gone and done that, heh.” Back on the ground the Heartless seemed to be receiving some damage, but dishing out attacks of it’s own. The fire spells were effective, but they were also just as effective at angering it. Sora, Applejack, and Rainbow were having the hardest time, being the melee force of the group. The heartless would keep them at bay with its vines whipping right at them. Fluttershy’s abilities was put to the test as she would have to cast curaga on them, take an ether, then immediately cast defensive magic on them. “Wind!” she held out her wand and cast Aerora and casted Rainbow in a sphere of wind. “Whoa!” Rainbow looked around herself to see wind swirling around her in protection that even knocked away a vine that would most certainly struck her. She looked back at Fluttershy smiled “Alright, Flutters!” Seeing her success Fluttershy couldn’t stop the adorable smile on her face as she clutched her wand close to her chest. “Yes! It worked!” immediately after that her face became that of determination. She was finally feeling more useful to her friends now. She saw a few vines come toward Sora as he was distracted swatting away some others. She gasped “Sora! REFLECT! She yelled and cast the spell with all her might over Sora and a hexagon dome appeared just in time. Sora was only confused for a second about the dome until he heard the vines smack against it and then take damage from the explosive counter of the spell. “Whoa!” Sora took this moment to leap back to get some breathing room. “Thanks Fluttershy. That was a close one.” Fluttershy released the breath she was holding once she knew Sora was safe. Then watched him dash off again back into battle. She felt much more purpose now. This is where she should be. Supporting her friends with her magic and curatives. She may not be nearly as fast as Rainbow, but when it comes to someone’s health and well being, she flies there a lot faster then an average pegasus. She took another either to replenish her magic and set out to work. Rainbow with her new wind barrier was having an easier time harassing the heartless. Bashing at it’s flower bud head, knocking it’s senses around to leave it open for Applejack and Sora to give it a pounding from below. “Ha! This overgrown weed is no trouble when it can’t smack me with those vines!” She flew up, looped and performed a corkscrew dive at it’s head once again. The beast tried swatting her away with the vines but the wind barrier just deflected or redirected it’s attacks leaving Sora a nice easy ride to slam the barrier and her forehooves against it’s head again. “Eat this!” once she made contact she remained there for a few seconds, still spinning as if trying to drill through it’s before eventually slowing down her spin and flying off again. Sure she was still waiting for that moment her gem would glow and she would get to have her chance at a fusion. But she learned enough from Sora and battle that right now. Taking down the heartless was more important. She didn’t like these creatures running amok on her world. Especially when they can steal ponies’ hearts. Fusion or not, she wasn’t gonna sit around and do nothing. Her attack seemed very successful. The beast fell onto it’s back and it’s vines receded as it’s legs struggled to get itself back in the upright position. “ALRIGHT! I TOPPLED IT!”   She pumped a hoof and flew off Meanwhile during all this battle, Twilight, Rarity, and Pinkie are firing away with their ranged attacks and magic. Twilight was in the zone now. Casting firaga after firaga, casting reflera when a vine was swinging straight for her.   “Not today you overgrown rosebud! Burn!” and she casts yet another Firaga at it in response. Twilight had the same reasons to fight the heartless as her friends did, but she had one extra reason why she was more than prepared for this battle. After gaining such new found abilities and magic, she felt that she had to use everything in her arsenal. To this day she still remembers how useless she felt when that strange cloaked guy used Sora as a shield to block her magic bolt attacks, and even helpless when All her friends were captured and Sora laid unconscious. It was brief, but unforgettable. She and her friends were so close to being taken away by that stranger. If Sora hadn’t been able to steal his bag back and return to his form. It was a thought that would wake her up in the middle of the night, but no more. This time, She CAN fight back. She can help her friends, she will protect them. She would not go back to that time again where she had no idea what to do, not now, not ever. The Creature was given a proper wailing until it got back on it’s feet, but the battle was slowly turning over to their favor. Pinkie’s barrage of rockets and Bombs wouldn’t let up, Rarity’s would snipe at the creature’s weak points with her rapiers. But then pinned it in one spot when she combined her rapiers to fire that same shot she fired on maleficent before. Twilight wasn’t gonna let up with that fire magic, and she had stocked her bag to the brim with ethers before leaving Ponyville. Rainbow continued giving the thing a hard time, even trying to fly low and trip it up. Fluttershy was on point replenishing the health and defences of those in the front line even flying straight up to them to administer her care on them herself if she had to, Scared as heck for being so close to the creature, but nothing could stop her mission to aid. Applejack was making the terrain uneven for the beast’s footing by slamming the ground and making Pillars of Earth appear beneath it. And Sora was all over that creature slapping away most of the vines and striking up combos on it’s at it’s head or feet when there was an opening, or he’d back off and sling some Firaga instead or cast reflega if too much focus was on him with the vines. He was fine if he was the center of attention. It gives the girls more room to fight. His reflexes, magic, reactive instincts and flowmotion was what kept him relatively unharmed during it. “Applejack!” Sora dashed past the farmer “Shake up the ground again!” “Can Do!” Applejack reared back and gave one of her more powerful stomps with the gauntlet and countless spires of Earth shot out of the ground beneath the Heartless knocking it in the air a few feet, but that was all that was needed. Using Flowmotion sora bounced off from pillar to pillar like a flying pinball before changing his direction to a sharp vertical incline beneath the Heartless. “Pinkie!” he called out as he wound his keyblade back. “On it!” Pinkie gave a salute and a silly “serious” face before it immediately turned into a big grin. “INCOMING!” She grabbed and pulled the big lever on her Turret. Meanwhile Sora let use an insane high speed barrage of slashes and strikes that rivaled his deflection speed against Sephiroth’s vanishing strike onslaught. (You know the one. Start of the match you hit that triangle button.) This amount of force somehow kept the large figure suspended in the air as it took on more damage from the keyblade. It was only for 3 seconds, but that was enough time for Pinkie’s Surprise to finally reach. A giant party looking bomb with a huge lit fuse that just reached the inside of the bomb right as it struck the Heartless. “Rainbow!” Sora threw his hand out far behind him and a rainbow streak zipped by under the heartless and bomb, grabbing his hand and pulling Sora to safety as the bomb exploded. It was so bright everyone had to shield their eyes from the flash. But once it finished, the Heartless laid defeated, charred somewhat, and slowly turning to mist. Sora grinned and banished his keyblade to make a fist pump. “Yes!” He then looked up to Rainbow who was holding his other hand. She had the same smile as him. “We are AWESOME!” she cheered before finally gliding back down to set him back on his feet again. That was where the other girls regrouped. Once Sora landed on his feet he transformed back to pony form again. “Everybody ok?” He would ask. Twilight: “I’m good” Rarity: Just splendid, darling. Pinkie Pie: That was Amazing! Fluttershy: I-it’s over now, right? Applejack: Took a few scrapes but none the worse fer wear Rainbow: Aw, it’s over already? Sora nodded glad they were all ok. “OK, Good girls. But it’s not over yet” he turned to face the dying heartless. “Not until it coughs up that heart” Hearing this the girls looked back at the beast. He was right, if the heart wasn’t freed the fight’s not over. “Well it should be smooth sailing from here, it looks like we knocked it out cold.” After a second of thinking she then ask “Heartless can get knocked out right?” That was a question he didn’t expect  “uuuh… Not sure… I never let one live long enough to find out. You can daze them though.” He shook his head “Let’s save that for another time, let’s Huh?” “Hehehe, Not bad bozos! You really did a number on-OOF!” Dropping in with a loud thud, and tripping and landing on his face. Pete crashes in. “Ooooooow…” “Pete?!” Sora looked on with shock. After a moment the fat cat bounced back to his feet and posed as if that fall didn’t even happen “Hehehehe, That’s right Losers! Pete’s here to ruin this little victory party you’re having. Surprised?!” He smirked After a moment Sora dawned a puzzled look before sitting on his haunches and folding his forelegs. “I guess, when I think about it. Not really…” “Huh? “Well I assumed Maleficent probably fired you by now after that blunder back at Canterlot so I was surprised she’s still letting you work for her.” “HEY!” Oh that got Pete Steaming now. Even more so when some of the girls started giggling about that. “Why you little… Hmph! Well jokes on you! Maleficent obviously can see how capable I am since she sent me on this special mission. ~~~ Meanwhile Within Chrysalis hideout, Maleficent and Chrysalis were taking a moment to enjoy some peace and quiet. “Maleficent as much as it was needed for you to finally send off that buffoon you call an assistant, are you not worried that he might screw up that little mission you gave him?” Maleficent simply turned the page, her eyes never leaving that book. “Of course he’ll bungle things up. However I can trust that he can always get away after failing a mission. All I need from him is to tell me the results of that concoction we made.” Chrysalis tapped her hoof to her chin. “Smart move, which makes feel a little sorry that you already are aware of his failure.” Maleficent waved it off. “I believe the term is “When life give you lemons, make lemonade” Or so it goes”  And just like that the two of them enjoyed their quiet time a bit longer. ~~~ Back with Sora and the others Pete nodded “Yup, I’m her right hand man” “Well, enough of this chit chat, you here to rumble then?” Rainbow landed in front of the group and dug her hoof in the dirt “Cuz we’d be happy to throw through another window!” Soon Sora and the other girls starting taking their stances as well. “Puh! Please! You just got lucky that last time, sides. I’m not here to fight!” Pete pulled out the concoction he had “What is that? A potion?” Rainbow cocked her head to the side “We haven’t even beaten you up yet.” “It ain’t for me bird brain” Pete said as he turned and threw it at the heartless. Once it made contact, the glass container magically shattered into known existence freeing the glowing green liquid inside to work it’s magic on the heartless. “Hey! Who you calling bird brain?!”Rainbow barked, about ready to charge at him when he notice him throw the concoction at the heartless. “Uuuh… do potions heal heartless now?” “Not to my knowledge” Sora replied cocking his head in bewilderment of the stunt.                                                                                                     After a moment of silence, the Heartless started to convulse. Everyone, besides Pete started to take step back. The Heartless convulsed more and more until Finally it was no longer wasting away and back on it’s feet quicker than anyone of them would believe a creature of it’s size could do. “Gettin a bad feelin’ here everypony” Applejack was backing up like the rest of them but still looked like he was ready to pounce. The group watched the Heartless sway and twist around as if trying to free something. Finally the bulb head immediately opened up revealing The Heartless hidden face. It was round with a face that looked much like any other heartless face. However it then made a loud roar, so it’s jagged mouth opened up impossibly wide to make the roar. That was when a sickly green aura appeared over it. “Oh my…” Fluttershy’s eyes shrank into pinpricks as she covered her mouth. “Well this is definitely new” Sora said next. However, he stepped forward past his friends keyblade out and ready. Pete Laughed away “Heh hyeh heheheheheh. “Hope you losers area ready for round two! Now Go get’em-AAAUF!” As Pete was in the middle of pointing at Sora and the girls to sic the heartless on him. The heartless immediately swatted him away with it’s wild vines and started making his way toward them. IN the end Pete had once again been thrown right through a window…. again. “Ooooooo…..” “Everyone Fan out!” Sora called out as he ran towards the heartless biting down  on another bead. He could sense just from looking at the heartless that he wasn’t ready to take it on in just his pony form. However, that meant he had to take another dose of mental and physical pain from taking another bead. He could tolerate a third bead, but that didn’t mean it was still good for him to do that. He had to talk to the Princesses about it in the future, but for now. “Let’s Go!” The battle was far more intense this time. The group went for the same tactic before with Sora, Applejack, and Rainbow at the front with melee to keep it’s focus on them, Twilight, Pinkie, and Rarity in the back with ranged attacks, and Fluttershy on support and medical duty. This method was now being pushed to it’s absolute limit Sora and Applejack had to tank the majority of the creatures charges, strikes, and stomps, being on the ground. But it could be seen that all that “attention” on themselves was starting to get to them. Applejack would bring up an Earth pillar defense only for the heartless to crash through it with less and less trouble with each attempt. Her punches to push it back weren’t pushing it as far back now that this thing became so aggressive that it would now claw it’s sharp toenails into the dirt lessen the knock back. Sora was having even more trouble deflecting and dodging the Vine attacks. The heartless didn’t grow anymore, but it’s new behavior made the vines move faster and more violently, He was starting to receive more scrapes and cheap shots the longer he had to to deal with them just for him to get a few strikes and magic in as well. Rainbow wasn’t faring any better on her end as well. The Heartless now seemed to be using its opened petals to deflect her charges by lifting the ones in her direction up and bracing them for the impact. Whenever she tried to get behind it, it would flare up the petals behind the back of it’s head and leave it there until she was in her view again. She couldn’t create a tornado. The thing was too big for one of those.  This was all really frustrating her as Fluttershy had to recast another Aerora on her again for her protection, She didn’t want Fluttershy’ magic to go to waste. Fluttershy on her end  had to focus a lot of her time and energy on the three at the frontline. So much healing and defense spell casting, she was worried that she wouldn’t keep up as she nearly fumbled her next ether to recharge her magic. It was getting far too heated for her to even get close at this point. Twilight, Pinkie and Rarity were giving all they had with their shots. Twilight was constantly firing spell after spell at the thing going through her ethers just as fast as Fluttershy. Pinkie was starting to a little winded as most of her initial energy was being expended on remembering what button and lever did what as well as aiming, timing, deconstructing the turret and finding better vantage points when the creature was on the move. Rarity didn’t even want to know how she looked right now, she could feel herself SWEATING of all things. However, she couldn’t stop she had to focus her shots well, it was all she can do to halt the creature as much as possible striking it’s weak points, but at this point she would have to wonder if they even damage any more She would make it a routine to fire a shackling shot to keep it as immobile as possible However, even if she grounded it, it would still have a lot of reach for it. Sora had to step back for a breather. “Man, this is nuts” he panted “What was in that bottle?” !! He immediately cast reflega to avoid a giant foot trying to kick him. Rainbow landed next to him. “What’s with this guy?” she was panting as well before forcing herself to take the air again. “Come on! It was almost down for the count a while ago!” Twilight groaned she had to grab yet another ether and take a short breather. “Where is all this extra vitality coming from… What was in that potion?” she prepared to get ready for another round Just when it seemed like things were bad enough, The Heartless started doing something new. It’s petals started curling and lifting up halfway as it’s face was looking skyward as well. Rainbow was the first to warn everyone “Heads up, Everypony! It’s doing something else!” Right in front of them it looked like it was summoning forth a dark ball of energy  as it floated just above it’s face and started to slowly grow larger and larger. “I don’t know what that is but it can’t be good!” Sora dashed forward “Gotta interrupt it!” seeing this as chance while it’s distracted, he used flowmotion to get himself up to it’s head and start wailing on the head. Applejack was at the bottom punching it in the legs and the torso to make it stop charging as well. Rainbow flew at the head to help Sora but her she was so tired at that point tha her dive bombs weren’t as effective and to save her energy she just stood on one of the petals and started bucking at it. “Come ON you Stupid Plant thing! GO Down already!” Rainbow yelled through huffs and puffs of her own panting. Twilight Rarity and Pinkie were doing everything they could on their end as well, constantly firing at it’s head. They caused it a great deal of damage to be sure… However… Sora could sense that whatever was going to happen, was gonna happen any moment. “Rainbow!” he turned to see her now just blindly hitting air with her exhaustion. He grabbed her and jumped “AJ! GET BACK IT’S GONNA GO OFF!” using his flowmotion to kick off the Heartless he tried to get as far as possible from it. Applejack begrudgingly complied with his request as she beat a hasty retreat toward the others. “Over here!” Twilight called out to everyone “I’ll cast a bubble! Get near me!” Pinkie and Rarity deactivated their weapons and ran toward her with Applejack Fluttershy Sora and Rainbow close behind. Meanwhile the Dark Energy ball was pulsating. It was about to erupt. Sora and Rainbow crashed and tumbled into the group being the lasts one to wait for as Twilight immediately erected a bubble around them and reinforced it as much as she could with her magic. Sora managed to get back on his feet and look back at the heartless. “BRACE!” Everyone held onto each other in a sort of protective group hug with Twilight at the center preparing for the worst. THOOOM! The barrier held for as much as it could, cracks gradually forming on it…. But in the end… it was just too much. “I… I can’t hold it! AAAH!” the pain to Twilight’s head was unbearable and the bubble shattered. “AAAAAUUUGH!” the whole group screamed as they were blasted off their hooves and feet and flung far back and tumbling within the construction area. …. ………. Her eyes fluttered open… She could only hear a loud ringing sound, her vision blurred but quickly it was regaining clarity… Her body was in pain… why was she here?... That was when her vision cleared fully for her to see him… Sora, he was struggling, but rising to his feet. She could see fatigue and pain on his face as he gritted his teeth, forced himself to stand tall…. Then summoned his keyblade once more. He had no desire to give up…. No… She couldn’t let him just go it alone. There had to be something she could do, Anything… Her body was too weak to move… How frustrating… It was all in slow motion as she could see the heartless was making it’s way toward them. Sora started moving as well. No… NO… It’s not fair! It’s not fair at all! Why?! Why did it have to be this way! Her friend is doing everything he could to protect them, and she can only watch… Now everything was getting blurry again… she felt tears welling up… How frustrating...  How so very frustrating... “Sora…” the best she could muster was an outstretched hoof and silent sob. Not for herself, but for her friend. Flash! Suddenly everything went white with light as something shot out from her, her Element. The gem flew fast and managed to catch up with Sora stopping him in his tracks. At first in awe at what he saw. He then clutched it, before looking back. “Fluttershy?” He could see her, the only one conscious at the moment still reaching out to him. Even after all that she still wants to be help… With a nod to her and a her smile in return he gazed at the butterfly shaped gem. “Let’s show them what kindness can do then” still in pain he forced his body to hold the gem in position as well as his keyblade. At this moment, the Heartless was just upon them. “CONNECT!” Both Sora and Fluttershy were now engulfed in light. A bright spectacle that even caused the Heartless to halt in it’s tracks and back away from the painfully bright light Neither of them was gonna quit on their friends. > Chapter 35: Nurturing Compassion > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- o (As Always Green Text means "click me" to play theme music to go with what you're reading. Red text means to stop the music. Any words with [color=#afa4cc26]This coloring to their text means to click on it for a sound effect. If there is music playing, then let it keep playing, the sound effect is brief Completely optional: You’re free to ignore this) A Dive Into The Heart Once again, Sora returned to that familiar place within his heart. At this point, he decided to call it, the Station of Connection… Well, it was more like the name just popped into his head when he returned to this place. Going through this all before he casually watched his body descend to it before flipping to land on his feet onto it. Once he did wait. It wasn’t long before another Station appeared. (Picture Owned by Akili-Amethyst ) And on that station a sight Sora was all too familiar with by now. Fluttershy curled up in a cute butter yellow quivering ball with her wings hiding her face. It caused him to laugh a little and shake his head. “Fluttershy! Over here!” The pegasus squeaked from the response, shrinking into herself more until her mind processed the familiar voice and her head slowly poked out. “S-sora?” after making visual contact with him, her initial fear seemed to take a back seat the moment she confirmed his presence. “Sora! Are you ok?! You were so hurt, H-hold on, I’ll be right over.” he flapped her wings ready to fly over to him. “Fluttershy wait!” Sora tried to stop her but before he could a wall of light appeared in front of Fluttershy when she was Just about to cross the edge. She yelped and immediately backed away from it. Sora looked on surprised “Wait.. so… unless we make a connection, there is no way to cross to the others.” Now that he thought about it, Fluttershy is technically the first pegasus to join him here so there was a reason the others would try to run towards the edge. When he looked at her again he could see her frantically flying about trying to find away past the invisible wall. “Oh dear, oh dear oh dear” “Fluttershy! Calm down! I’m fine really and you won’t be able to cross right now. Just calm back down” Sora tried to calm her, the process took a bit of effort, but he eventually got her attention and did what was asked of her. Of course, that didn’t mean her concern about him was able to subside. The last thing she remembered was a battered Sora, standing in front of her and her… Wait, Where were her friends, where was the monster? “W-where… Where are we?” There, a question he HAD been expecting “Everything is alright Fluttershy. The best I can describe it is that the both of us are in a place where are hearts can meet.” He said gesturing to the place around them “This is where I connected with AJ, Pinkie, and Rarity.” “It is?” she landed back on her hooves and looked around. Although she was nervous, she was a lot calmer than a few moments ago “It’s kinda scary” “Yeah, I figured you’d say that.” Sora scratched the back of his head. “Tell you what, I know exactly what we're supposed to do here. However, I can’t do it without you, ok?” She quickly nodded “O-ok, I’ll try.” she looked around “What… What do we do then?” As if on cue, that disembodied voice from before appeared once again, scaring the daylights out of poor Fluttershy. Kindness is its product, it resides within a heart. Without it, the heart becomes cold and uncaring. Sora took a moment to soak those words in and think back to previous visits here. “It makes a person kind to others… and without it, it would make us cruel to one another. I think that’s basically what it’s trying to tell us…. So what is the magic word?” he thought about it, then turned to Fluttershy. Despite her brief moment of terror, it seems she was pondering the phrase as well. He smiled. She certainly came a long way from how she was when they first met. Yet, at the same time, her best qualities remained the same. “I hope everypony is ok” that look of worry returned to her face. Sora smiled “Even when your here your first thoughts go to our friends.” He admired that Fluttershy had no trouble responding to that “Of course I do, How can I not. The last thing I remember is everypony being hurt or unconscious.” She then looked at Sora “But, I couldn’t move… If only I could reach my wand I could’ve healed you and the girls. How were you able to move after that Sora?” Sora thought back to that moment “Uuum… I’m not sure what I can tell you. After that blast the heartless made, when I got up, I saw everyone was down.” he then nodded “I couldn’t just lay there while that monster was still there, So I got up and ran toward it. I used my last ether and my magic was charging” He shrugged “I figured I could stall and distract it from you guys until you all came to.” “Sora… I understand the situation, and I know now, that is something you would do… But I-I Um… I don’t think that was the wisest choice.” Fluttershy fidgeted, she seemed to be forcing her to speak her mind here, but immediately blushed and receded. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean your not wise, I mean uh… well…” however, she took a moment to stop herself… breathe in, then tried again looking at him straight in the eyes. “Sora, you're great but reckless. And that worries me, all of us.” Sora was kind of surprised to hear her say that. “Rainbow may not admit it, and Pinkie Pie might hide it with a smile. But the girls and I feel… feel close to you. So, as selfish as this may sound… For our sake, can you please take care of yourself more? Even if it’s just a little, it would mean the world to us, truly.” Sora wasn’t sure what to say about this now. It took him a moment but some memories did return to him that would prove her point.One good example was unlocking his heart to free Kairi’s along with the other princesses of heart. True, it was the only way that they knew how to return their hearts, but in the process, he nearly lost his. Thinking back on the looks of Donald and Goofy’s faces the moment he did it… He did feel bad about it. And if Kairi wasn’t there, he’d probably be gone for good as nothing more than a simple Shadow. More recently he was called out by the girls on his little “Adventures”, but he was pretty sure the story Applejack reminded of probably worried them the most. He did promise not to go solo anymore when entering the woods. However, he had a feeling that promise he made was meant for more than just that. Same for the promise he made today… They just want to know that their friend will still be there when they looked for him and in one piece. Thinking of it that way… He could see why they’d be worried. Just like back when Destiny Island fell into darkness and he watched his two best friends vanish before his eyes. He sighed and tapped his fist against his head lightly with his knuckles, then laughed a little. “Sorry… You’re right, Fluttershy. I guess when I’m adventuring or helping out my friends and other people, I kind of forget about myself a little. Fluttershy looked away kicking at ground shyly “Well... I can understand why. You care about others more than yourself. I suppose I’m the same way in a sense.” She smiled a little. Sora looked at her with a smirk. “That’s an understatement, you showed a lot of courage today” “What? I-I did?” “No joke, I seem to remember a yellow pegasus with a pink mane suddenly rushing past me to cast reflect when that heartless was about to punt me when I wasn’t looking, and that wasn’t the only time, as afraid as you were, you had no trouble flying in to block the heartless to keep your friends safe.” Sora pointed out. Fluttershy felt a little embarrassed for the praise, unsure how to reply “I… Well… I just want everypony to be safe… and for the fighting to end soon.” She took this moment to really soak in how far she’s come for just a simple reason. “I hated being so useless when my friends were hurting.” Sora just smiled and folded his arms. “Yeah, you made that clear… !!” That’s when a word hit his mind and it all made sense… “Fluttershy… Do you know what you have that makes you so kind?” Seeing her stare at him for an answer he placed a hand over his heart. “It’s what we all have whenever anyone shows kindness to another. But your heart seems full to bursting with it. Fluttershy, you are the most compassionate girl I have ever met. I guess that’s one of the things I like about you.” The moment all that registered in her mind she felt her heart skip a beat, however that last part he said just made her face turn into a lovely shade of pink “Oh, my…” But once again, that was short lived when that voice appeared once more scaring her back into a ball once more. Compassion… Compassion is the soil for Kindness to grow…. Your hearts are connected. A new power is unlocked within you. Sora clutched a hand into a fist “I knew it!” Looking down he could see Fluttershy’s element appearing in one of the blank spots just like the other gems for Aj, Pinkie, and Rarity. “Only two left, huh?” He said staring at the two still blank spots. Then looked back at the scared Fluttershy. She didn’t even notice the path of floating stained glass. He chuckled shaking his head before calling out to her “Fluttershy, come on! We gotta go help our friends remember?” “Huh?” Fluttershy peeked out to look at him, then noticed the pathway, at first she crawled to it til she was at the edge of her station, then tentatively tapped at it with her hoof, then stepped on it slowly, all the while Sora just smiled and waited for her. He certainly wasn’t gonna ruin the moment in reminding her that she had wings. Better afraid yet curious than terrified and reclusive. When she finally stepped on the third tile, it gave her enough confidence that it wouldn’t fall. Knowing this, she high-tailed it to him and jumped then hugged him, catching him off guard nearly knocking the two of them over. He felt his cheeks grow warm from the display, but he hugged back all the same. When they parted he held her out and let her wings keep her aloft at eye level with him. “Ready? If this is like those times before, you’re gonna be merged with me.” He asked her Fluttershy just smiled and nodded “Applejack explained to us how it was like… I’ll be fine.” He nodded. “Alright, just remember. Both our hearts will be connected very closely during this, what you feel, physically, mentally, or emotionally, I will too, and vice versa.” She nodded again this time with a more determined look. “And our thoughts shared… I’m ready, Sora. Let’s protect everyone. Together this time” This got the boy making that goofy smile once more as he summoned his keyblade and pointed toward the elements depicted on the station they were standing on. “Definitely” light soon filled the place and they eventually vanished within it. ~~~~~~~~~~ Manehattan Pylon Construction Site: Inside a nearby building Before the Fusion Pete did not feel good. “Ugh, my head.” He groaned as his consciousness returned, clutching his head. Struggling to get to his feet his mind tried to piece together the last thing he remembered…….. !! “Oh Yeah! The Twerps and the heartless!” he fumbled to the wind to get a look outside and was amazed at what he saw. That same Heartless that would’ve gotten destroyed without his intervention earlier, was taking those very ponies and key wielder through the wringer. It was perfect “Ooooh Boy, Wait til Maleficent hears about this” He chuckled sinisterly. Then he saw the creature charge up for an attack, “Uh Oh” He managed to duck under the window and waited out the blast, the next thing he saw when he popped back up was the area around the Heartless was leveled out any structures within its radius or at the least blew them away, and when he looked toward where he last saw Sora and the girls they were blown away as well. Upon seeing them now down and out it would appear he would have even greater news to report to Maleficent as the Heartless made its approach toward the heroes. “Haha! That’s it, big guy! Crush’em…. Huh? Wait a minute” That’s when he noticed one of them getting up. It was Sora struggling to his feet before running toward the heartless. “Hmph! That, twerp just don’t know when to give up” he was about to just sit and watch his demise when he noticed something fly off from one of the mares and reach Sora. “What the…” From his distance and position, he couldn’t see what was going on but had to shield his eyes from the immediate flash of light that blocked his view. “What’s going on?!” When the light show ended he was met with a new sight he never expected “Uh Oh, this don’t look too good.” ~~~ Back over to the heat of battle When the light disappeared Sora and Fluttershy wasted no time. Sora’s timer was gonna run out and he wasn’t gonna risk the damaging effect of a four bead. Fluttershy especially seemed adamant about it. Along with that, the Heartless wouldn’t stay dazed for long from the previous light show. So they raised their keyblade in the air pointing to the sky. As both their voices left Sora’s mouth. “HEAL!” It was like a green plant bomb set off. The regular flower and plant circle that would appear above the keyblade expanded into what could only be described as a floating flower bed contained within a ring of thick greenish looking roots that sprouted their own leaves or buds, then a green aura filled with leaves and petals burst from it covering a wide radius. It had no effect on the Heartless, but it seemed to have a grand effect on the other girls. One by one they immediately bounced to their feet feeling like how someone would after wolfing down a bag of sugar… well For Pinkie’s case nothing seemed to have changed other than a slightly manic looking stare as she bounced all over the place. “Wow! What’sgoingondoyouguysfeelSUPERchargedcuzIfeellikeIcantakeontheworldandstuffheehee” Pinkie giggled at a rapid pace. “Whoa Man! This is like When Sora healed me when I was knocked out but like a hundred times stronger. Woo, What a rush” Rainbow shook her head rapidly to handle the effects. “Oh wow, this is quite the experie-” Twilight was about to say before Sora cut her off. Guys listen, I’m glad you’re all better now, girls but right now I need you to focus all that energy on beating the giant heartless we’ve been fighting this whole time!” Upon hearing his words the girls all looked over to See Sora, with long pink straight hair, Fluttershy’s tattoo on the back of his jacket had Fluttershy’s emblem on the back. Along with his new keyblade, he held in his hand. (Picture created by aniamalman from Deviantart ) Rainbow’s jaw dropped “Fluttershy?! I Lost to FLUTTERSHY?!” She fell flat on her stomach legs sprawled out. All that energy was still there, but it didn’t stop her brief moment of depression. “What am I doing wrong?...” she then felt a hoof to her rear. “Get up ya big baby, just figure it out next time. We don’t have the time right now fer yer belly achin’, so come on!” Applejack said as she charged past Rainbow to join Sora. Rainbow begrudgingly got back on her hooves and lifted off the ground. “It’s annoying when she’s right” then flew off after her. Rarity and Pinkie Pie summoned their weapons once more as Twilight took another ether to replenish her magic. “Twilight! You have got a spare one of those? That spell deleted our magic and I’m all out!” Sora called as Applejack and Rainbow rushed past him. “Oh uh one moment!” she fumbled around in her bag, not enjoying the pressure of the situation but once she found she tossed it up “Here!” it vanished and reappeared over Sora doing its job refilling his magic. “Thanks!” he said before running toward the heartless, at that moment the time limit was reached and he was back in pony form running on all fours, blade in his mouth. Before he left, Twilight could’ve sworn she saw something… strange about Sora when he returned to pony form. But now it was obscure to see with how much dust he was kicking up running full speed at the monster to join AJ and Rainbow. So she opted to check it out later, and focus more on spell casting with her newfound energy. The Battle was different somewhat this time. Now everyone energized and alert, dodging the heartless attacks were a lot easier, and remembering what happened before getting KO’ed had them all warier. Applejack was thinking more on her pillar abilities and defensive measures, so now she was blocking the creature’s attacks. The vines would whip only to smash through some pillars until it would kill its moments keep it from even reaching her or Sora, and it was always easy to make more. Rainbow seemed to have a much easier time dodging the flying vine attacks, however actually attacking it was easier said than done. Even with Applejack’s defenses, there were still so many vines flinging around. It was taking Rainbow everything she had just avoid getting it. “Could really go for that wind shield thingy!” She called out to Sora. “On it!” Sora said as he deflected a few vines then back jumped, taking the keyblade out of his mouth and pointing it Skyward “WIND!” Rainbow got that wind barrier and then some! The barrier was like a protective torrent now. Blasting away all of the vines that dared to reach out to her. “Whoa!.... ALRiGHT!” She took that chance and dove in. the impact was a surprise to heartless after being untouchable by the pegasus for so long and caused it to stumble back. This was where Rarity saw her opportune moment. In the span of half a second, with the monster stunned, she combined her rapiers in one large one and started charging light. Her gem flipped over the bill of her fedora and rested in front of her eye and it zoomed in on the creature. “There!” The moment her reticule rested on her target, the large combined rapier fired a long beam of light that it was charging straight into the Heartless gaping mouth. “I do hope you’re hungry, darling. The beam continued to fire into the beast’s mouth filling it with light and causing its body lock up and spaz out. Then it ended with an explosion engulfing the large head. This caused the flower petals to close up around its head and shield it from any more attacks to its exposed head. “HEY! OPEN BACK UP!” Pinkie yelled behind her console and fired away at the flower petals with everything she had. Twilight, however, took a moment to think of the situation. Judging by how well that petal barrier is holding up against Pinkie’s barrage, it’ll be awhile before her onslaught will break through it. In the meantime, there had to be something they could do to damage it. With her mind going into overdrive she observed the monster closely. That was when she noticed there was still that hole in one of the petals… It looked big enough for- “That’s It!” Twilight exclaimed then turned to Pinkie. “Pinkie I need a bomb!” Pinkie turned to Twilight making a silly serious face and salute “Okie dokie lokie!” He dug into the back of her turret seat and somehow managed to pull out a round classic looking bomb with a fuse and a star pattern on its body. Then tossed it to Twilight who caught the hefty thing in her magic. “How did you… nevermind. Thanks!” She then got to work on her plan and called out for Rainbow Dash. Meanwhile took this opportunity of the heartless being stunned to rush in and give it a crack. Through the majority of the time being fused with Fluttershy, it seemed her mindset affected him where he was attacking less and supporting more.Defending Applejack if an attack would blindside her, and patching her up again, meanwhile making sure he kept his eye on Rainbow in case things got rough for her. As well with this new found urge for self-preservation, he was very skilled in defense, deflection, and especially evasion. Nut now was the time to attack. “OK! Let’s see if we can find a weak point to exploit!” I’m not too sure about this, Sora. He felt his body suddenly hesitate as Fluttershy voiced her concerns This whole time the only weakness has been its head, but the flower petals seem to be blocking us out now, and that wood around its body looks really sturdy. “I don’t understand why those petals are stopping us now, they weren’t that strong before. Whatever Pete through at the thing is a serious pain.” Sora came to stop, of his own volition this time. “INCOMING!” a shout from above drew their attention to Rainbow diving straight for the head with a lit bomb in her hooves. She was in a rush and for good reason with how short that fuse was getting. Meanwhile, with Twilight, she had an exasperated look on her face. “NO, no, don’t listen to my plan of quietly sneaking the bomb into the hole while it’s blinded. Just light the fuse now and dive bomb screaming your lungs out so the heartless, along with all of Manehatten can hear your approach.” “What is she doing?!” Both Sora and Fluttershy yelled in unison. At this moment Rainbow could see that same yellow eye appear through the hole in one of the pedals and leers at her. “Uh oh.” At that moment Rainbow could see the vines all train on her, and so could everyone else. For Sora and Fluttershy the easiest option would be to cast another aeroga on her, but with that lit bomb time is of the essence and although it would protect her, the vines would still slow her down where it be unclear whether or not she’d make it in time. Without a second thought they cast the spell and Rainbow was under the winds protection, there was more that needed to be done. LET’S CLEAR A PATH! Sora yelled in his mind. Right! Fluttershy’s response was anything but timid. He jumped and kicked off the Heartless trunk body to enter flowmotion. Sora didn’t fully notice this but he certainly felt lighter now, it made his jump reach much higher and soar even faster in his flowmotion along with the vines. He could see some of the forefront ones strike at the wind barrier slowing her down a little, Both he and Fluttershy took this time to do a little pruning. They slashed through the base of some on there way up and slid on top of another as they started cutting through more and more. Down Below, Applejack managed to catch a glimpse of jump up into the mess of vines and watch as one by one, the vile things were severed and falling to the ground only to disintegrate before they even touch the ground. However, Something else caught her attention when watching Sora jump up. “Was… Was that?” Sora jumped from vine to vine cutting the ones he left and the others on the way the next one he would slide on. Pinkie’s and Rarity’s beams and rockets helping blow away even more of the things. All this was a brief moment in time as Sora jumped with his hind legs, twisted and Narrowly dodging the flying wind orb with the blue pegasus and bomb inside. The two of them in slow motion shared glances. Sora with a cocky smirk, and Rainbow, who at first was returning the same look, until he noticed something else looking away from his face and something else on him. However it wasn’t like she could say anything to him, cuz that moment was as fleeting as the blink of an eye as they rushed past each other. Sora managed to twist back to face upright in the air and watch Rainbow Dive straight for the hole, he noticed the vines regrowing and aiming for her, but could tell they’d be too late. Just as she was about to collide she let go of the bomb and made an instant and rapid vertical climb. The bomb made it perfectly through the hole and banged around inside for a bit. “Pinkie Pie Special Air Mail!” Rainbow cheered as the explosion rocked everything within those petals. The heartless stumbled about and the petals were even blasted away. “ALRIGHT!” Sora cheered as he felt his descent toward the ground. The rest of the girls seemed to feel the same after finally making some progress… That is until They all saw a horrible sight. Although its head was clouded and blinded by the smoke of the explosion. It did hear Sora’s voice and shot out a few vines toward him. “Aah!” Once again time seemed to slow down. What was Sora to do? He was falling now, he was at the mercy of gravity, he already used aerial dodge once. What else could he do? While Sora tried to think of what to do, but apparently Fluttershy was quicker to respond. With a shriek in his mind and the sense of fleeing filling his mind, Sora watched his pony self-move back and upward narrowly dodging the vines…. And remained to hover in the air. “Wait… What?” That was impossible, right? Did he just… did he just…. “SORA!!!” This immediately caught his attention to look up at Rainbow staring bug-eyed at him. “Y-y-y-you-YOU GOT WINGS?!” …… What?... He turned his head to his side…. And sure enough, he was greeted with a flapping wing. It looked ethereal in a sense, however, every now and then fading in and out of existence. Yet looked perfectly attached to him like it belonged there. Meanwhile, the other girls stopped to take notice as well. “I was right!” Said Twilight as she looked on. It was only a glance and she couldn’t be sure when he saw his back, but now… what she saw confirmed it. “What does this mean?” Twilight was then reminded of something, something that nagged her back in the 2nd battle of Canterlot. However, it was something she would have to bring up later. They still had work to do. Applejack was in the same boat. “Since when did he get those…” Oh My… Fluttershy responded in her mind. Do you mean... This whole time, you were a pegasus, Sora? Sora looked at himself… then out into space. “I… just don’t know anymore.” that thought was cut short when a vine knocked him back to reality and careening away “GUH!” Once again Fluttershy acted and Sora caught himself in mid-air and righted himself. “Fluttershy, I think that’s you controlling the wings?” Am I? She asked surprised then shrieked and barely dodged another vine swipe. I-I am! This was when she took a phrase from Sora’s memories and held a smile Well, no time to ask questions now, just absorb the knowledge and use it. Hearing her confidence definitely helped him refocus on the task at hand. “Right” he smiled as well, keyblade his hoof, with the ability to fly, there was no need to hold it in his mouth for now. “And I think I’m starting to understand this fusion now… We’re not a fighter” Sora watched as his body aerially dodged more vines. “This form is that of a caretaker” He looked at his keyblade and saw the element on it shining. “Which means power is to protect and give strength to others! At this point, the dust cleared from the Heartless head and it gave out a loud roar. Its head was becoming a mangled mess, Dark mist leaking from all sides. I… I agree! I’m still scared… but I don’t want this thing hurting my friends anymore Fluttershy responded as Sora lifted the keyblade up high. As they both yelled in unison. “TRANSFORM!” The keyblade responded by first actually leaving Sora’s hooves and started to spin, the butterfly part moved down the shaft and laid over the hilt and handguard, the element Part then moved up and laid over the butterfly and expanding it to match its size, the keychain receded bringing the “familiar looking” bunny face past the butterfly and handguard and to the tip of the shaft. Then the hand guard and butterfly started spinning in the opposite direction the whole keyblade was spinning, going faster and faster before it was a brief blur and separated from the hilt itself. This was in the bunny keychain moved back down to rest at the bottom of the handle and enlarge into a three-dimensional version of itself. It now just looked like a wand of some sort, even the green tip of it started to emanate a warm light. The butterfly and hand guard merged as one and became what looked like a buckler. When they both returned to Sora, the buckler seemed magically lock itself in sync with Sora’s left foreleg, following his leg’s movement as if it was a shield on his arm. yet never physically touching him. The wand rested in his right hoof Sora could feel its healing power already going through his body to heal any wounds. With a nod, Sora and Fluttershy had a feeling they already knew exactly what both those tools can do. “Let’s go” Right! Fluttershy responded as his wings started flapping even faster as he flew forward, this time it was his will that made move so swiftly, however, Fluttershy being the expert on… well being a pegasus, she still steered. Buckler held in front of him, wand at his side Sora flew toward his first target. Applejack was trying to back up from the inevitable rampage after hearing such a savage. She conjured up another wall of pillars and high-tailed it back to the others to avoid the reach of the regrown vines and those stompy feet. The wall helped, but not much. It was able to chase after once it gave its second try to bust through. “Whoa Nelly” She turned and sprinted as fast as she could from the beast but it was gaining on her. However, just as it was about to stomp her, Applejack saw a blur shot past her in the opposite direction. A look back helped her confirm that it was Sora “Back off!” he flew in buckler out front and glowing. Once he was close enough it expanded immediately it was 10 times his size and dispersed a barrier of light that halted and pushed back the heartless upon impact. Undeterred, however, the beast immediately gained its balance again and changed the target of its rage, Sora. The expansion was as brief as it appeared as the buckler was back to its normal size, and from the look on Sora’s face, his plan was successful, the heartless had eyes on him now. Applejack was in awe at what she just saw, and no doubt she wasn’t the only one. Right before their very eyes, Sora fought as a pony instead of his more advantageous human self, changed species, then singlehandedly halted the beasts advance the moment he transformed his keyblade. “My stars… to think that’s Fluttershy fighting with him…” Applejack said to herself. Sora and Fluttershy were on point, They effortlessly blocked every attack the creature flung at them. Every time it would try to make a charge, it would get pushed back by Sora’s buckler expansion. It would try to strike at him with the vines, he’d either gracefully dodge in mid-air or deflect it again with his buckler, normal size. “Wow! Look at him go!” Pinkie cheered as she fired another volley at the beast, this time, the ranged attacks were making the beast stagger, whereas before it would take the hits like rainwater hitting your face and keep on dishing attacks. Seeing that as his chance Sora flew up to its face. Pulled the buckler in front then around to his other side and quite literally Back hoofed the beast hard with it before flying past it to get behind, knocking the creature into a daze. Sora then lifted his wand in the air as if signaling the girls. “Let’em have it!” He called out. This call to action was not lost on them as they all started giving it their all. Applejack did an 180 charging right back in. “Rainbow! Ah’ need a lift!” Without a second to lose a rainbow streak swooped down and scooped her up before replying. “Coming right up!” “Ah’ was getting tired starin’ at its legs. Let’s give it an old fashioned buck to the head, or two!” Applejack said with a determined look on her face. “Hah! Why stop there?!” Rainbow responded as she carried AJ up to the head to land on it and the two of them took opposite sides of the beasts head to buck it back and forth to each other as if it were a big round punching back. In its Daze state the two of them were practically getting away with murder since knocking its head around was only prolonging it’s dazed state. At the same time Light beams from Rarity’s rapiers were pelting its face as Pinkie was trying to blow up its trunk body to see if she could reveal a weakness, She was making progress as the body started to crack from under Pinkie’s barrage. Twilight was constantly firing Fire, Ice, and Lightning at the big head as well, she was glad Merlin taught her how to cast spells without harming her friends because her Thundara had a bit of Area of effect to its attack and the last thing she wanted was to Zap Rainbow and Applejack. Meanwhile, Sora and Fluttershy watched the girls give start pummeling the heartless. Observing really, Although the felt like he should be joining them. He also felt that his ways of attack are limited when Fluttershy’s keyblade transforms. Looking at his wand, he could tell that thing had more than one use. He then pointed toward Applejack and Rainbow with it and the tip started to give off its own light, then in a way, formed a little red orb of light that “popped” in all senses of the word. Once it that happened, that same red light washed over the two girls and they suddenly felt much more aggressive. “Whoa! What’s going on?! I feel even more awesome than usual” Rainbow looked at herself noticing the red aura enveloping her. “Ah, don’t know, but whatever that was Sora shot at us-” She kicked the head so hard even the body responded by stumbling to the side “It’s workin’ wonders on us!” Not wanting to lose out, Rainbow bucked at the head just as hard as Applejack, now the beast was getting knocked around in such away, it looked like it was making an impression of squash and stretch animation. Sora then noticed that Pinkie’s had finally taken it’s toll on the heartless’ wooden gut as the cracks soon gave way to expose the soft underbelly beneath. “Nice!” Perfect timing, because that creature was only going to take so much bashing before it forced itself to focus retaliate, dazed or not. “Rainbow! Grab AJ! New target to hit!” he pointed toward it. Rainbow looked over at the edge and finally saw it as well… Then the most devious looking grin grew on her “Oh this should be gooooood” she then took flight and grabbed AJ as she was still kicking at the giant round head. “Hey! What’s the big idea! I was just about to-” “Yeah, yeah, be mad at me after you see this” Rainbow flew down with her to the front of the beast and then faced her to the new spot. ……… “Ah’ wanna fly right inta that…” Applejack said with newfound determination and finality. Rainbow’s grin just got bigger. “I know you do.” she flew far back, with Sora tailing behind. He then flew under them as they were just above the other girls. “Heads up!” he called out as flew down to them and hovered just above Twilight’s head. “Sora?” Twilight looked up she was panting from casting over and over again. The next thing she knew she felt Sora tap his wand on her head. “Ah! Why did-Whoa” she cringed from the tap, but then noticed she felt much better, she wasn’t panting, and even felt more focused. “How did you?” “Blame the wand,shoulted” he said before flying off to restore Rarity and Pinkie. “Alright! Here we go!” Still hopped up on that red aura surrounding them, Rainbow screamed through the sky, holding onto Apple closing the distance to their target within a second. The whole time Rainbow entered a corkscrew spin with her. “Here come out patented special attack!” Since when did we even patented it? Applejack thought as she stuck her gauntlets out, and let them connect with the with soft exposed belly. Knocking the giant beast OFF IT’S FEET, but they weren’t done there as they were still spinning rapidly which started to drill through the beast. “APPLE CORE-SCREW!” Rainbow shouted out the name before they both drilled into the heartless and popped out the other side and flying away before they got crushed by it’s falling body. “WHOOOOO!” “OOOOH Catchy Name!!” Pinkie clapped her hooves at the attack. When Rainbow and Applejack returned to the group that red aura finally faded from their bodies and they seemed winded. Taking notice of this Fluttershy seemed to catalog it into her memory, which meant Sora saw it as well. Sora, whatever that red magic was, seems to boost their strength, but at the cost of draining their own energy without them feeling the effects until the magic wears out. I think it’s best that for now we avoid using it until we know more about it. Sora was amazed at how fast she made the analysis Uh, sure… But what if we reinvigorate them like how we did with Twilight and the others.He immediately felt his head shaking. No, we haven’t seen if there are any drawbacks to that yet either. For all we know, they may bottom out within the next second of using their magic or powers. Very Well Doctor, I shall follow your suggestions. Sora immediately felt Fluttershy’s shock and getting flustered. Me? D-d-doctor, no I, I mean- She was at a loss for words. So Sora decided to get back to the matter at hand. Well you seem to take the role pretty well. Come on, at the very least we have to defend our friends as they get ready. Oh, you’re right… Let’s go Sora then flew off toward the group. At this point, the Beast started rising up again. “Not on my watch, Stinky head!” Pinkie yelled as she launched a storm of bombs at it. “Please, don’t get up on our behalf,” Rarity said as she pinned it to the ground with that piercing beam attack from before. TASTE THE FURY OF AN MILDLY UPSET LIBRARIAN!” Twilight unleashed every destructive spell she ever learned at the thing. Some were spells that Sora never even seen before. Sora just turned to her “That was an oddly specific battle cry.” raising an eyebrow. “Why Mild?”   “You guys… go on and-oh boy- go on and fight without us, we’ll be right there” Rainbow dash managed to say as she and Applejack were recovering from their ordeal of energy expenditure “No problem “ Sora nodded then turned to face the monster his buckler in front of him as he as he hovered in the air. He the Heartless seemed to be taking a lot of damage, it wouldn’t be long now before it finally vanished for good. Even that green aura surrounding it wasn’t as strong as it was before. However, the moment that pinning beam keeping it down vanished it practically bounced to its feet, shaking the ground for those that weren’t hovering. It then screamed another loud roar at the group it started barreling towards them as fast as it could. This got Sora’s attention and he glared at the oncoming threat Looks like he’s not gonna give us the chance to recharge here. At this moment he made his way to the front of the group in between them and the heartless. That’s when he felt the wand charging for a more powerful spell… it wasn’t his doing, though. “Fluttershy?” he didn’t look at it, he could feel energy charging into it. I know what I said… So please, I don’t want to use it now… I want them to recover on their own… Then we’ll use it… We CAN’T LET IT THROUGH Fluttershy said with such conviction that it inspired the boy as he immediately held his foreleg in front of him that had the buckler linked to it. Leave it to me then, you just focus on that spell… the sense of agreement was felt as flew to a little farther to the front. The Heartless was now just a meter away jaws wide open, body low charging another one of those devastating spheres form before, it was a smaller version, though, so that it could run to them. This ticked him off. “You can keep that.” he pulled his foreleg back just like before, but this time charge as much energy to buckler synced with it. Before swiftly thrusting it back out toward the beast. Immediately the buckler launched from his foreleg, expanded to a ridiculous size emanating so much light power that Sora couldn’t even see the beast on the other side of it. But he could feel it connect with it and the sphere it was charging as it stopped and a wave of wind and energy dispersed uselessly in every direction except where the shield was blocking, along with that he could see the stumble back once the buckler returned to him and to it’s original size with ease in front of his foreleg. Although this display amazed the girls, this didn’t deter the creature though as it righted itself against and charged at them again. Only for it to receive another light shield bash to the face leaving it in a daze. Pinkie took this moment to fire a volley of rockets breaking off more and more of its once sturdy tree trunk armor with explosives. This caused it to stumble back again, but not as much as it shook the dizzy feeling away and went back at it. Every charge it would get closer as it received bash after bash from the buckler and strikes from Pinkie and Rarity. Sora! It’s ready! He nodded then looked back at the others. “Everyone, get ready. We’re gonna give you guys one more boost, this should help end this fight, But I need you all to stay where you are While it works it’s magic on you, Ok?” “Stay here and wait? But that thing keeps getting closer! If we sit still any longer, it’ll be upon us in no time!” Twilight argued. “We’ll take care of it!” Sora patted a hoof to himself, you guys just worry about recovering right now. We need you at your best. “How?! Your little shield trick is slowing it down, but it’s still pushing forward.” Rainbow said getting to her hooves “It’ll last! I promise. Look, believe that Fluttershy is utterly conflicted about using this power because how drained you and AJ looked Earlier just using that other spell from before. We know what this spell will do to you once it’s cast, but we don’t know if there will be any side effects after. However!” Sora fired another flying shield bash at the creature as it roared in pain. “This thing isn’t gonna sit around and let us take the slow and dangerous way.” Once the buckler returned he immediately sent it out again “So, please…. Just wait for a little longer… Time is running out!” The wand was still glowing ready to unleash whatever spell it had charged within it. It took a moment for the girls to all look at each other hesitant at first, they all reluctantly nodded to one another. Twilight then spoke. “Alright…. Do it, then” When the buckler returned to Sora he immediately flew up a short distance, wound back his foreleg holding the wand, then through it like a dart into the ground in front of the girls. Embedding its tip into the dirt. Before they could even question his reasoning for it, they immediately felt a search of power and energy resonate from the ground, through their hooves and vibrate through their body. It was…. A unique experience. “WhoOoOoOaAaAa” Pinkie said in a shaky voice and a giggle “KiNdA tiCkLeS” the rest of the girls didn't have to say anything, the way they acted to spell was proof enough that they weren’t sure how to react et the felt stronger every second. Meanwhile, for Sora and Fluttershy, They decided the best way to slow the thing down as to get closer to it.However, once they were close enough, the creature unleash its many vines onto them. However, their use with the buckler and it’s expansion power kept that barrage at bay, however, it was pushing him back since the beast wouldn’t let up. However, it wouldn’t deter him. Tapping into its expansion ability, Sora used it to form a bubble himself in a light sphere before forcing himself through the onslaught until he broke through and headed for the head, the bubble then disappeared and his shield started charging light energy. He then pulled back and thrust his foreleg or an explosive shield bash Halting the beast “YES!” Sora cheered before flying in gave a spin and bashed the heartless in the head. Then immediately pulled out before it started spazzing out and whipping its vines where through self-defense. This kept on for a good wiel, although the creature grew ever closer Sora gave it everything he had to slow it to a crawl. “YEAH GO SORASHY!” Pinkie cheered from her position, they could feel it, they were almost ready and Twilight decided to take the moment to relay a plan to the girls. “Pinkie, we can cheer later we still need to know your role of the plan.” Twilight dragged her back into the group huddle. Meanwhile it seemed the heartless had enough of all this and seemed to conjure in all its strength and energy then made another charge for them. Only this time, it was in a wild frenzy. Sora could still block but with such frantic unpredictable attacks from the vines and it’s head he was forced to back up even more than would’ve liked. At this point the wand’s boosting spell finally completed and left the girls feeling like they could take on the world and then some. The wand then dislodged itself from the ground and vanished to return in Sora’s hoof. Just in time as he pulled it in front of him and held his buckler in front of his eyes as the wand emitted a blinding flash, stunning the Heartless momentarily So he could back off to check on the girls.  “Ready to go? Cuz that thing’s not gonna wait once it can see again.” then they heard another roar. “Which is now apparently…” “Yes! Definitely! Rainbow!” Twilight yelled “On it!” Rainbow saluted before she got low, arched her body, then kicked off the ground as hard as she could, shooting like a bullet at the creature but instead of ram it, she buzzed around it. “Hey! Over here! Your Mother was a fungus!” whether or not the insulting worked, she did grab its attention as it tried to swat her out of the sky, but thanks to that boosting spell, dodging those things became way easier than before allowing her to blow raspberries at it and make rather rude gestures to it. With the beast currently distracted Rarity took this time to charge her rapiers and take aim, Twilight was pouring as much magic as she could into this Firaga. While Pinkie stuck her tongue out as she aimed all barrels on her turret at the beast. Meanwhile, Applejack slammed both her hooves so far into the ground they indented it by half a foot. Then she closed her eyes and focused. It was a thought in her mind, but it sounded like it could work. ~~~ A few minutes ago          “Applejack? What will you be doing?” Twilight asked the farmer as they were huddled together absorbing the energy from the wand. The farmer just shook her head. “Honestly Twi, ah’ don’t have anythin’ else up mah sleeves other than punchin, buckin, and makin’ pillars, and so far the pillars ain’t working, It’s head is too high for me without Rainbow’s help, but she’s gon distraction duty. ‘Fraid ah’m no use this time, girls.” “That’s not true Applejack. We need everypony’s help on this” Twilight gave a rebuttal. “Yeah, you can’t quit on us now” Rainbow added “Ah’ ain’t quittin nuthin. It’s just that, I think this time, my powers won’t make much of a difference.” “Well, with an attitude like that it won’t” Pinkie shook her head. “Well, Ah’m sorry but that’s the attitude yer’ gonna get since it’s true.” “Well, if what you already know doesn’t work, then how about trying something new.” Pinkie replied without missing a heartbeat. Applejack just gave her a deadpan look. “Well, it’s not like we have the time to make up some new move fly out our rear end.” “Then why not just try something new with what you have now?” Replied with a smile on her face. Applejack was about to respond but stopped herself for a moment and thought on that question…… ~~~ Back to the present “Here go nothin’, ah’ guess” Applejack sighed before closing her eyes and focused real hard. It was a thought in her mind, It sounded like it could work in her mind, but reality may say something different from how she pictured it. However, she gave it her all and focused as hard as she could. That's when the ground started to rumble around her…. She kept her focus, however, “Come on… Just work…. Please….” the plan’s outcome determined whether or not her new trick will her… The ground more and more and she opened her eyes and focused on the creature as she gritted her teeth… Finally, it seemed her hard work paid off when a large sharp pillar of earth shot out of the ground facing away from Applejack as it went right through the big gaping hole in the heartless; The heartless struggled now that it was stuck with a long rock pillar impaled through its previous open wound. Meanwhile, Applejack just looked on, in shock. “It… It actually worked?” “WHOA! What was that?! Was that you, AJ?” Sora turned to her to which she ended up smiling and nodded soaking in the recognition. “ALRIGHT GIRLS THAT”S OUR CUE!” Twilight shouted and released the largest firaga fireball she could muster at it, the explosion was huge and set it and it’s vines ablaze. In an instant, it was like looking at a living bonfire at this point.  “HA! Take that!” Rarity decided to fire her multi-beam attack back in at its open mouth again. It was highly effective before, and no doubt it still can be even now. And she was not wrong. Now the heartless was locked in place by a giant earth pillar going through the hole in its gut, constantly getting pestered by a rather annoying blue and rainbow pegasus, and being force multi concentrated light beams down its gullet while on fire. If that wasn’t bad enough, It was Pinkie’s turn. One would think, given Pinkie’s weapon, the benefits of that boost wouldn’t be as useful to her as the others, however, since the girl's weapons are a product of the elements and their hearts, it can only grow as strong as how they feel. A good example is how Rarity is STILL firing those light beams at the moment. With that in mind, we have Pinkie on turret guns, and her mind, heart, and body have been boosted significantly. “I’MMA BLOW IT UP!” She was gonna blow it up…. > Chapter 36: Quality Time > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- (As Always Green Text means "click me" to play theme music to go with what you're reading. Red text means to stop the music. Any words with [color=#afa4cc26]This coloring to their text means to click on it for a sound effect. If there is music playing, then let it keep playing, the sound effect is brief Completely optional: You’re free to ignore this) Chrysalis’ hideout         Just outside of the war room where Chrysalis and Maleficent currently resided, a corridor of darkness opened up. Out of it stumbled the portly henchman, Pete, and he was worried. Sent on a special mission from maleficent herself, he had all the self-confidence needed to believe he could get things done. Given his track record, it was amazing that he still had enough of an ego to believe in his own success. Now, however, that confidence was wavering. Things, unsurprisingly, did not go as well as he’d hoped during his time in Manehatten, and it was about the time where he had to deliver his report on what happened there. Knowing from past experience that delaying the bad news would only make things worse, (a lesson he wouldn’t be forgetting anytime soon) he heaved a sigh and dragged his sorry self over to the entrance where two changeling guards stood by. They gave him one look before allowing him to enter the short tunnelway leading to the war room proper.         Once he reached it he held onto the side of the wall and peeked his head in. “Uuuh, hello?” he called out reluctantly.         Maleficent’s voice was the first to be heard. “Ah, so you’ve returned, Pete.” He could see she was sitting by the table.         Pete cringed when Maleficent called his name. “Uh, yes, Maleficent.”         “Splendid, then I trust that you have a report for me on what happened?” She asked almost offhandedly as she seemed busy looking at a large map on the table. Meanwhile, Chrysalis was nowhere to be seen.         “Uh, well, ya see… It-it was all going as well as you had planned and victory was just within reach… and… uh.” Pete tried to ease into his failure as gently as possible, however, Maleficent decided she wanted him to get to the point.         “I am not concerned about your failures or bumbling, you great oaf. All I care about is what you saw after you administered that concoction to the heartless.”         “...Oh… Oh, is that all?” Pete felt relief in seeing that she didn’t expect him to win but at the same time the way she’d said it seemed to lower his already wavering self-esteem. “Well, the potion worked just as you expected, Maleficent! The Heartless acted like it was all supercharged or something and it went nuts on the little twerps, they could hardly do anything to it and they were getting pummeled. I thought we’d actually destroy the chump and his chump friends, but then they had to go and do that transforming thing and-”         Pete then regaled her with the details, eventually leading up to the point of the heartless’ defeat. ~~~ Flashback         The Heartless was on its last legs. It was impaled, on fire, being force fed light, and Pete even noticed that sickening green aura from before had diminished greatly. He could only guess that whatever the potion did was wearing off. Pete shook his head, knowing there was nothing worse than being in the position the heartless was in at that moment.  ...Or at least that’s what he’d thought before a voice managed to echo and reach his ears. “I’MMA BLOW IT UP!” ...Needless to say, he was wrong.   It was like nothing he’d ever seen. From one end of the battlefield came a barrage of what looked like fireworks, but there were so many that they took on the appearance of a dense storm, almost completely blotting out the sky above, and with every last rocket aimed straight for the already struggling Heartless. Back at the launch site Applejack and Rainbow watched in amazement as Pinkie moved her hooves over all the buttons and levers on her panel so fast that it looked like a blur. As smoke from the rocket launches and trails slowly started to obscure their vision of her they barely noticed as she put her goggles on and continued firing. The constant assault was brutal. The beast couldn't even respond to defend himself because of the previous attacks. It could do naught but stand there rooted to the spot as it was pelted by the rain of explosions. It was so intense that Rarity and Twilight had to stop their attacks because they couldn’t see anything through the explosions and smoke now obscuring their target. It was some time later before Sora eventually flew toward the area where Pinkie was last seen and started calling out for her. “PINKIE! PIIIINKIE!” At this, the onslaught finally came to a stop as silence reigned throughout the area. …. And then Pinkie’s head popped out of the smoke, slightly covered in patches of soot. “Did I get it?” “Uuuh, yeah…. I think you got it.” he gestured over toward the sky above the large smoky cloud that once held the heartless, where they could see a large heart float into the sky before vanishing. “Oh.” Pinkie replied, then immediately started cheering “HOORAY!  Good work everypony! Woohoo!” Sora just smiled and rolled his eyes as Fluttershy spoke within his mind That’s Pinkie Pie. It was at that moment where both Sora and Fluttershy decided now was a good time to separate, as the other girls gathered. Meanwhile, Pete had decided that he’d overstayed his welcome and made a quick exit via portal before anyone noticed him. ~~~ End of Flashback “And that’s what happened, ma’am.” Pete finished reporting what he saw, a bit nervous and unsure with how she would react to this bad news. However, he was surprised how she seemed so calm about the whole. Heck, she didn’t even look up from what she was reading. It was somehow actually more unsettling than if she’d gotten visibly upset. “So the mixture is potent but temporary… I see I’ll be sure to set some time aside in the days to come to see if we cannot improve upon it. In the meantime-” she snapped the book closed loudly, causing Pete to flinch before standing up, fully expecting her wrath. “Good work, you have done exactly as I have ordered.” …He slowly cracked open one of his eyes, which had been squinted shut since he was still in his cringing pose… “I did?” “Indeed, we required a field test of that particular potion created from the formula found in this book.” She held up the very book they’d stolen from Canterlot’s library. “A truly fascinating tome, whoever wrote this definitely had a knack for taking what this world had to offer and weaponizing it. It’s really quite a waste how this book was just hidden away like that.” “Uh, yeah, a real shame, ma’am.” Pete blinked a few times. He wasn’t fully following, so he decided to just nod his head during her explanation. As long as he wasn’t in trouble he couldn’t care less. “Very good work, Pete. with your task done,css it is time to make our next move.” Maleficent said. “Oh, really? Does that mean ya’ found one?” Pete perked up seeing her give a rather sinister grin. “The Queen’s subjects are quite useful for reconnaissance, what with that hive mind feature they possess.” she turned her attention to one of the changelings that was stationed in the room as a servant, apparently in case she needed anything. Of course, Maleficent was smart enough to know that there was another reason for its presence. With that hive mind, it was easy to deduce the true reason for the creature’s presence was to spy on her and Pete. “She is a very cautious woman… or I suppose I should say mare?” she asked casually. “Uh, I thought she was a big bug?” Pete scratched his head in confusion. Maleficent just laughed “Careful where you say such a thing, oaf. We are still in her domain after all.” Hearing this, Pete immediately covered his mouth with both his hands in worry. “Now then, off to your next mission.” at this point she opened a dark portal by the wall “This will lead you to where IT was last spotted. Find it and subdue it. Remember, we need it alive, so do. Not. Destroy it!” Pete immediately saluted “You got it, Maleficent! I won’t let you down!” “You’d best not…” She said ominously. Causing the hair all down Pete’s back to stand up. He gulped “Well uh… I’ll be going now.” he said before immediately rushing through the portal as it closed behind him. “Hmph…” she then turned to the changeling in the room. “Inform your Queen that I shall be arriving shortly. I’ve learned some rather interesting things today.” as the Changeling nodded she made her way out of the room. ~~~~~~~~~~ A hotel room in Manehatten The Next Day Sora slept really well that night. The fight was a hard one, so it made that night’s rest all the more pleasurable. Which was why it was SO annoying that the hotel room window had to have it’s blinds up, letting the sunlight shine onto his face and rouse him from his slumber. With a groan, a mutter, and some rather pathetic flopping and hiding his face with a pillow, he regrettably came to the realization that now that he was up, he wouldn’t be getting back to sleep anytime soon. And so he inevitably gave in, slowly rising from the lovely embrace of his mattress and pillow and rolled his sorry self out of bed. THUD Literally… “Ow….”  Ok, NOW he was up. Casually getting to his hooves he let lose a big yawn as he rubbed the back of his neck, trying to let his brain rev up and decide what he should do next. However while his brain was still booting up, his stomach got impatient and decided to answer for him by growling. “Mm… Breakfast sounds good right now.” It was no wonder, considering that he and the girls had all missed dinner. A quick trip to the bathroom and a splash of water to his face and he was wide awake as he used one of the hotel towels to dry himself off. When he was on his way out he opened the door only to be surprised to see Fluttershy already at his door and about to knock on it. With a squeak, she instinctively tensed up and backed up a few steps before her mind caught up with her and she blushed at her silly reaction. “Oh! Uh, good morning Sora.” she gave a small smile. “I was just about to see if you were up. Everypony else is already downstairs and having breakfast. I wanted to see if you’d like to join us.” Once again, his stomach answered for him, as another growl was heard. With a laugh, he nodded “That sounds great. Come on, let’s get moving, otherwise, all the good stuff will probably be in Rainbow’s stomach before we can get any.”  He made his way out and walked beside her. “So how is everypony? I figured they would be sleeping in, what with what happened yesterday.” ~~~ Yesterday In the hotel lobby, the receptionist was in for a bit of a surprise. It had been a dull day for her shift and news had been sent out saying there was a large heartless in town, doing battle with the Elements of Harmony and the alien from outer space. despite being so dangerous she would’ve loved to watch that, but unfortunately, she still had a few more hours left on her shift. Then suddenly, the front doors burst open revealing a spiky haired stallion pulling a wooden cart as a shy looking yellow pegasus hovered right next to him, making their way toward the front desk. When they finally arrived the receptionist’s mind was running several questions back and forth, so her body reacted on instinct from working this job for so long. “Uh, welcome. How may I help you today?” At this, the Pegasus hovered over to her and gently placed a full sack of bits on the counter as the Stallion spoke to her. “Four rooms please… It’s been a long day.” ...Four? “Uh, yes sir.” she turned around and prepared the keys that led to 4 vacant rooms. “Fortunately there are four rooms available on the same floor, the room numbers are attached to their respective keyrings.” She then turned to the cart. “I’ll send word for the bellhop to assist you with your luggage.” but as soon as the pegasus mare picked up the rings the stallion shook his head and kept walking. “No luggage here, just my friends.” As he walked past her with the pegasus in tow she finally got a glance of what was in the back of the cart. In it was a pile of heaving and exhausted bodies, and after looking for a bit longer she realized they were all mares. Then her mind took a wild turn. A stallion, a group of mares, a “Long day”, renting out hotel rooms to sleep away their exhaustion…. Her face slowly started turning red from the neck up. “Oh, wow, and he can still carry them to bed? What stamina...” she held her face with her hooves getting all flustered. Meanwhile, for some reason, Sora felt a chill run down his back. Someone had the wrong idea about him, he could just tell. ~~~ Present Time “Everypony seems to be just fine, like nothing ever happened to them. It seems like that nap was all they needed.” Fluttershy smiled and sighed with relief. “That energy crash had you pretty worried, huh?” Sora looked to her as they continued walking. She nodded, “I know it was for a good reason, but-” “You didn’t want anyone getting hurt or making things worse. I know, and you didn’t. In fact it was exactly what we needed.” “...I know…” she said quietly “I just wanted to help them without making consequences for them.” The two of them were silent for a moment before Sora spoke again. “Then we’ll just have to practice with it.” when she looked up at him he continued “We’re still new to this, and I have been meaning to find more time to practice the fusion weapons. I’m sure we’ll figure out more about what we can do. However, in the meantime I think you did a really great job the other day Fluttershy.” he looked at her. “AND I don’t think it was all that bad when we used those last spells.” She smiled a little “...Perhaps. I guess I just need some time to think about it.” she then shook her head. “But it’s too early in the morning for this. Lets just focus on filling our bellies.” Sora groaned “Augh! I second that! My gut feels like it’s trying to eat itself right now!” Another groan from his stomach confirms this, eliciting a giggle from Fluttershy. “Come on! Let’s get going!” he started into a trot to forge ahead and Fluttershy took flight to catch up. After going down a flight of stairs and passing the lobby, they arrived at the Hotel’s dining area where a complimentary breakfast was being served buffet style. It wasn’t hard to find the rest of the girls as other than Rarity, and for the most part Twilight, they were digging into their food like it was going to be their last meal. Both Sora and Fluttershy were a bit stunned by their ravenous appetites. Sora had to wonder if it was another side effect of that boost yesterday. Eventually, they were noticed by Pinkie Pie who was chatting and eating at the same time. She then gave a wave and a muffled “HEY GUYS! OVER HERE!” with her stuffed cheeks. So naturally, they had to make their way over. “Morning, girls. You got enough food there?” he stared at each of their plates, they were full and each mare had more than one in front of them. “Dude, how can you not be in our situation?” Rainbow asked as she shoved some buttered toast in her mouth. “That fight did take a lot out of us. Plus, skippin’ a meal last night sure didn’t help none either.” Applejack added as she was halfway through her plate of pancakes. Although Rarity was in the same boat, her personality made sure she would at least look dignified as she stuffed her face. So her table manners and use of silverware was modified to give her larger portions with each bite. As she dabbed her lips with a napkin she took that moment to speak her mind. “It is quite unheard of for me to eat this much, but my body demands it this time. Oh, I do hope this doesn’t ruin my figure down the line.” “I think the world can excuse you just this once, Rarity,” Twilight said after finishing off one of her plates and taking a swig of her drink. “I think this is a special case.” “How so, egghead?” Rainbow asked, with a mouthful of pancakes. “Rainbow, PLEASE. I expect as much from Pinkie but please do not copy her, swallow before you speak.” Rarity cringed from the flying pancake pieces coming from the pegasus’ mouth. Rainbow simply rolled her eyes but decided to focus on eating. “Well, since Rainbow asked, I guess today is a special case because of what happened yesterday.” “Well, we did fight really hard. That heartless was really annoying!” Rainbow groaned. “No argument there. It seems Maleficent and Chrysalis sure have been busy since last we saw them. I never knew you could actively create items for Heartless to use.” Sora replied before making his way to the buffet, soon followed by Fluttershy. When they returned they each only had a single plate and somewhat smaller proportions on it. While the other girls took notice, Twilight’s mind seemed to be already be figuring out the reason behind this. “Ah, I think I see now.” Fluttershy was the first to ask. “See what, Twilight?” “Well, I wasn’t sure due to the skipped meal and long nap, but us being this hungry while you two have a more moderate amount on your plate? I’m fairly certain your fused magic was a factor in this.” Sora nodded before taking a bite of his eggs “First thing that came to mind when I noticed it.” Fluttershy meanwhile seemed disappointed upon hearing that. “I’m sorry everyone. It was my idea to even use those spells in the first place. I only wanted to help.” “Whoa, whoa, whoa, easy with the self put-down there.” Sora turned to her. “It was just as much my fault as it was yours, and it was the best decision we could make at the time.” “Yeah, don’t go beating yourself up about it.” Rainbow added. “Besides, we were getting our flanks kicked, we needed that power up.” A round of reassurance and agreement was heard among the other girls which helped cheer Fluttershy up. Then Sora continued “Bottom line Fluttershy, we were all desperate for a trump card and you supplied it. Granted, we didn’t know about the after effects, but it was our first time using it. Also, I’m sure if you knew it was dangerous you would never have suggested it.” She gave it some thought, and everyone quieted down to let her think on his words… Then she started to eat her breakfast. Seeing that as a good sign, the others smiled and continued eating as well. As she ate she mumbled to herself about “more practice”. Some time later, the random chatter started up again as everyone was enjoying themselves for breakfast. Dash, Pinkie and Applejack even grabbed seconds. It made sense considering all that happened the other day, they had been the most active so they would need the most food. Their table was started to get looks from the other guests, and more noticeably the cooks, who were really being put through their paces to replenish the buffet line. Twilight looked up, watching her friends chatter amongst themselves and genuinely have a good time just put a smile on her face. “You know, this is nice. It’s just all of us together, having fun. I like this… We should do it more often.” “You mean where all of us are doing something together?” Rainbow asked, “Don’t we do that all the time when heartless show up?” This caused Twilight to grumble. “No Rainbow, that’s not what I mean. You may find it fun, but I find times like these more enjoyable.” Rainbow just rolled her eyes, How could the egghead not find stomping on heartless fun? Rarity decided to speak after taking another sip from her drink. “I have to agree with Twilight… We have been busy with our own separate things and the heartless, I guess we haven’t really enjoyed our time together since Sora’s first trip to Canterlot.” Sora recalled that memory. “Oh right. After the fight and the story we all went down to the city for some fun, then had dinner with the Princesses.” “I love tables!” Pinkie blurted out. “Everyone HAS to sit there to eat their food and talk with one another!” she hugged the rather large table they were using not caring that one of the muffins on her plate went into her mane when her head laid against the table. Strangely enough, it seemed to just vanish when her head went back up. “Ah guess Pinkie has a point there.” Applejack stated. “Ah know mah family always shares meals together, and always trade stories about how our day went.” “Well… We still need to stick around in case another crazy event happens with the pylon construction. The guards will notify us if something does happen, soooo... why not have some fun with all of us together while we’re here?” Twilight suggested. Sora was the first to speak. “I like that idea, any excuse to spend more time with you guys is a great idea in my eyes.” Whether or not he was aware of it at the time his words had the effect of giving each girl a bit of color to their cheeks, along with a somewhat faster heart beat. “Ahem, t-then it’s agreed.” Rarity stated, trying to continue the conversation before the heat rising to her cheeks would become noticeable. “Uh, yeah! Totally! Let’s just have some fun today!” Rainbow picked up on the gesture and aided Rarity, as well as the others. “Sounds good here.” Applejack replied, along with some nodding from Pinkie, Twilight and Fluttershy. Twilight then spoke “S-so, ahem. Sora, there’s a brochure stand at the front lobby. Perhaps you could look at them for something fun we can do?” “Just me?” Sora was confused by the suggestion. Twilight tried to make something up. “Well, it’s just that we would all end up fighting over where to go with our different tastes, so it’d be better that you pick since everything you do always seems to end up being fun for us too.” After a bit of thought, he eventually shrugged “Uh sure, I’ll be right back!” he took one last drink of his orange juice before trotting off to the lobby. Soon all of the girls finally relaxed. Now that the “elephant in the room” was gone Twilight decided to just cut to the chase. “Ok, so I’m pretty sure I know what everyone here is thinking.” and now that tense feeling returned. “We all saw each other’s looks, so I think we should finally talk about it….” She looked up at the others and lifted a hoof into the air “Raise your hoof if you have a crush on Sora.” …..It took some time, but eventually five other hooves joined hers. “Oh boy…” ~~~~~~~~~~ Elsewhere         Somewhere in a secluded, abandoned building, two beings were conversing within what used to be a common room. “Ugh, look at what this world has become in my absence.” one of the beings cast their red and yellow-eyed gaze out the window to see a bright sunny day. “Where’s the excitement? Boooring...” he grumbled.         This was when the other person in the room started speaking. “Generally that’s what the average light dweller would prefer, everything bright, orderly and predictable.” He would then close the shutters to gain the other’s attention.         “And that’s what makes this world SO drab… *sigh*... Though I suppose given your travels you’ve seen enough to prove my point.”         “I wasn’t on vacation you know. Now, how about we just get straight to it, and remember, behave yourself.” A hatch door opened from the floor boards showing a staircase into the dark unknown.         “Yes yes, I know. Can we just get on with it? I’m not overly fond of this “leash” you’ve placed on me.”         “Would YOU trust you?” “…Fair enough…” > Chapter 37: Murphy's Law > --------------------------------------------------------------------------   (As Always Green Text means "click me" to play theme music to go with what you're reading. Red text means to stop the music. Any words with [color=#afa4cc26]This coloring to their text means to click on it for a sound effect. If there is music playing, then let it keep playing, the sound effect is brief Completely optional: You’re free to ignore this) Murphy’s Law Ponyville It was later in the day, Mogson’s store was up and running, doing business as always. Lately, he’s been seeing some rather more adventurous types among his customers. It would seem that the populace was becoming more accustomed to life with heartless and some would even slay heartless themselves to gain munny and materials of their own. He had heard word of other towns getting their own pylons and guards… How long would it be before the citizens in those places started becoming more daring as well? He would get delivery requests from the guard barracks of other towns to be sure. At this thought, he looked over toward his “Volunteer” help. The Crusaders wanted to try their hand at being shopkeepers for his business. They were nothing but trouble the first day, trying to go above and beyond thinking they’d get a cutie mark out of it. It didn’t help that they brought those struggle bats everywhere they went. Seriously, why did Merlin have to get them involved as well? He asked himself. Whenever there were no customers they would take a moment to “Practice” while they waited for Spike to finish his training so they could play at one of those Struggle Matches Sora told them about. All that did was make a mess as they would swing the darn things around knocking VALUABLE MERCHANDISE over. After a rant and scolding when they knocked the potions off their shelf he was so close to just kicking them out. But darn it if these ponies weren’t so freaking adorable with puppy dog eyes, even more so for the little ones. Thankfully they actually learned their lesson this time and practiced AWAY from the shop. He also had to admit, they weren’t too bad at the job either. They got the orders right -most of the time-, they didn’t try to get into the synthesizer room as he made sure to lecture them on how complicated the process is using it, so they would call him over when a customer wanted something synthesized. He shook his head at the memory. Even their looks of confusion are adorable. Business was great… but it could be better. As he continued to watch the fillies work a thought came to his head… He needed to expand. All that munny and bits out there and he’s not capitalizing on it. He rubbed his chin…. Using the mognet he found out that none of the other moogles knew of this world yet, it seemed he lucked out when he stumbled on the place. It probably wasn’t even charted on any star maps, though it wouldn’t stay that way for long at this rate. It was only a matter of time. He flew up as if the heavens just given him some kind of divine inspiration. This world is ripe for the picking and he was the only one to know of its existence! “THAT’S IT!” That little outburst startled the girls and their customers as they all looked at the flying furball. “That’s what?” Scootaloo asked as she was in the process of handing over an ether to a  Unicorn. “I just had the greatest idea in the history of ever my dear pegasus!” he flew up and patted her head. “I shall start a franchise!” It took a moment before Sweetie Belle asked “A what?” “Not now children, I must brainstorm! Look after the shop while I’m gone.” he then disappeared into the synthesizing room without another word, leaving everypony there with the same look of confusion on their face. However, before any of them had a chance to really process what was going on he poked his head back out “AND DON’T BREAK ANYTHING OR YOU’RE BANNED FOR LIFE!” before pulling back and slamming the door behind him. Both Sweetie Belle and Applebloom looked to one another, then to Scootaloo, who was now trying to hide her struggle bat and return to work speaking to the next customer. This just left the other two fillies with a deadpan stare at their orange friend… Not like they were any different, they just like buying from Mogson’s store. Merlin would give them a Munny allowance whenever they completed special tasks or training for him. Potions came in real handy for whenever they were up to their usual antics and they or some other pony got hurt. At least when they get in trouble they’d be healthy again in practically no time at all, especially Scootaloo when she’s trying new things with her scooter. Sweetie Belle liked having an ether with her when she practiced her magic. It let her try more daring things, and if it was too much for her or totally drained her, she could replenish and try again when her magic was stronger. It was nice having a backup plan for their “Great ideas” and general everyday things. Applebloom was thankful for the potions as well, but her main reason for liking the Moogle’s shop is how Mogson could turn all sorts of weird stuff and junk from heartless into cool looking accessories. Magical accessories even. She never would’ve thought a belt could make her practically fireproof just by wearing it. She hoped one day she’d get on Mogson’s good side and he would show her the actual synthesizer. As they went through all the customers they finally had time to practice with their new struggle bats once the line was gone. They could still hear some noises from within Sora’s house so it was safe to assume Spike and Merlin weren’t done yet, they would just have to make do on the front lawn as they waited for the next line of customers to show up. It seemed a decision was finally made between the girls in regards to their roles. Sweetie Belle finally accepted the support role after that big argument they had back then in the clubhouse So she held the star shaped bat. The Role of Offense, however was hard fought between Scootaloo and Applebloom as both had their reason why they should have it, and at the same time a reason why the other should be defense. After a long “debate” they decided to ask Merlin for help deciding. His answer?  A struggle match. ~~~ Sora’s Training Room A Few Days Ago Both Scootaloo and Applebloom stared each other down. Both holding the same offensive type of struggle bat clenched in their mouths, they stood in the middle of the room within a large drawn out square that was meant to be the boundaries of the ring. Merlin, Spike, and Sweetie Belle were standing on the sidelines as they watched the stare down. Merlin broke the silence by clearing his throat. “Ahem, are we all aware of the rules of a struggle match?” Both contestants gave a nod while never breaking their gaze from one another. Suddenly a hoof was raised. “Um, I may have forgotten a little of it actually,” Sweetie stated with a nervous laugh. This kind of deflated the tension a little. “What? I just don’t play it as often as you guys. I’m still trying to understand this support role thing and working on my magic, I’ve been busy!” Merlin scratched his beard “True, and I have been teaching you Cure as well. I must say, though, you’re adapting rather well to otherworldly magic. You might even give Ms. Sparkle a run for her munny with how quickly you’re picking it up.” Hearing his praise made the little filly beam with pride. “Wow! Really?” Spike decided to interrupt. “Well that aside, I suppose we can give you a quick rundown as we watch the match, okay Sweetie Belle?” With her nod, Spike turned to Merlin. “Right then, if all issues are taken care of.” He raised his hoof up high as Applebloom and Scootaloo got back into position. “Aaaaaaand begin!” He made a chopping motion with his raised hoof and the two girls immediately charged at each other, weapons clashing in a brief power struggle between the two. Spike took this as an opportunity to educate Sweetie on the sport. “So what do you know so far, Sweetie Belle?” As the power struggle ended with Applebloom pushing Scootaloo away due to her greater physical strength, Sweetie Belle tapped her chin trying to recall the rules. “Um, both opponents have 100 of these weird things called orbs on them.” As Scootaloo was pushed away Applebloom charged in and gave a swing. It was a hard one that knocked the little Pegasus for a loop as purple glowing spheres sprayed out from the general area of impact while she flew back before both she and the orbs hit the ground. Applebloom ran up to those same orbs and they soon gravitated towards her and vanished within her body. “Your goal is to knock your opponent’s orbs out of them and claim it while at the same time defending to prevent them from taking them back, as well as your own orbs.” Spike nodded at what Sweetie said. “And, I think there’s a time limit?” She turned to Merlin who was looking between the match and his pocket watch. “That is correct, my dear,” Merlin replied offhandedly. “The match would go on for far longer if the only objective was for one contestant to take every last orb from the other, and as safe as the Struggle bats are, getting knocked around too much might end up with a participant getting knocked into another object or person.” Scootaloo quickly recovered, briefly flapping her tiny wings to slow her knock back and landing back on her hooves. She glared at Applebloom before charging back in. “So for reasons of both safety and time constraints, all Struggle matches happen within a ring and timed to at minimum one minute, usually up to a maximum of five.” Applebloom went in for another swing but Scoots was ready this time. She jumped over it leaving the little farm girl open to a hit combo that started from above and then below her when Scootaloo landed and turned to make an upper swing finish. Orbs scattered from Applebloom as she was knocked back and tumbled away a foot or two before getting back on her hooves. “However, if one opponent manages to obtain all the orbs, the match ends immediately in their victory.” “That sounds kind of hard...” Sweetie Bell replied as Scootaloo was thrown for another loop, once more losing the orbs she’d just grabbed. Merlin nodded. “It’s a rare sight to see, but it definitely tells you that the skills and abilities of one individual outclass the other’s.” Applebloom couldn’t keep up with Scoot’s combo strings and would end up on the defensive to negate as much orb loss as possible before countering with a strong hit or two hit combo. Purple and reddish orbs were scattering all over the ring before they would be absorbed by one of the girls and almost immediately knocked back out again. For amateur struggle match fighters, they were pretty fierce, especially considering that they were a couple of young fillies. Then again, the fact that they were also having a great deal of fun may have been a key factor in that. “It’s getting pretty intense,” Sweetie stated while watching the match. Spike shrugged. “You should see it when Sora and Rainbow play. Orbs are like, all over the place and they’re both stubborn about getting to them first.” “Wait! Rainbow plays struggle with Sora?” Scootaloo momentarily forgot the match she was currently in, costing her big time as Applebloom gave a wind-up swing sending the poor pegasus flying to the other side of the ring, orbs flying out of her as if she was a comet and the orbs were the tail of it. “Whoa!” “Try to keep focused Scootaloo, your opponent is now in the lead,” Merlin stated looking at his watch. “How can you tell?” Sweetie asked the wizard, to which he pointed above the ring. There she saw two sets of floating numbers, one being greater than the other. Above that greater number was Applebloom’s face, leaving the lesser number with Scootaloo’s above it. Hilariously, it looked like the image of Scootaloo was glaring at the image of Applebloom while that one was smirking and blowing a raspberry at her. Merlin chuckled. “Thought I’d have a little fun and make a scoreboard. In any case, time is running short.” The battle raged on for another minute. Though Applebloom had gained a massive lead, Scootaloo had started going all out so as to prevent herself from losing. This gradually gaining back her numbers. “Time’s up!” Merlin said, causing everyone present to look at the scoreboard. “A tie? What now? They did this to decide who would take the offense role.” Sweetie asked. Merlin simply smiled looking at the two fighters. “Why don’t you ask them?” At his words, Sweetie turned to see her friends were now hoof bumping each other as they were panting away, Orbs of both colors strewn all around them as they began to laugh. “What? What’s going on?” She was thankful there seemed to be no grudge between the two, but this still confused her. “Well…” Scootaloo scratched the back of her head. “I kinda forgot about that when we started playing.” Applebloom had a sheepish look on her face. “It was fun, Ah kinda lost track too.” Spike jumped in with an excited look on his face. “I know right?! Sora always finds time to join me in a match or two. It also makes for a great stress reliever when I’m frustrated about something.” This drew a round of agreements from the two fillies as Sweetie and Merlin approached them. “So, who gets the role then?” Sweetie asked, silencing the group as they all looked to one another. The was when Merlin decided to speak. “If I may be so bold, I believe the answer became clear from watching the two of them fight” “Really?” The Crusaders and Spike asked in unison. With a nod, the wizard stepped toward Scootaloo and Applebloom who quickly tried to stand at attention like Spike would when Merlin addressed him during training hours. He first turned to Applebloom. “Applebloom, I have observed your and Scootaloo’s ways of fighting and I can safely assume that the defensive role suits you better. “Whaaat?” Applebloom seemed dejected while Scootaloo hoof pumped and cheered inwardly, knowing where this was going. “But we tied, ah’ couldn’t be that bad at fightin’, right?” Merlin shook his head. “On the contrary, you were on par with Scootaloo when it came to offense that much was for sure.” Now, this confused the two girls. “So then why am ah’ a better choice for defense?” Applebloom dared to ask. “Because with all due respect, Scootaloo would be terrible at defense.” “HEY!” Scootaloo blurted out while Spike snorted at the blunt response and Sweetie covered her mouth with her hooves to try holding in her laughter. Merlin turned to Scootaloo. “Make no mistake Scootaloo, I commend how quickly you got straight back into the fray after getting knocked away by Applebloom’s powerful strikes, and making up for your comparatively lower striking power by launching more attacks to compensate. It makes you a great candidate for offense… but not defense.” Scootaloo didn’t know how to respond to that. “You can be easily distracted it would seem, even during combat if what we’ve seen here is any indication.” Immediately Scootaloo’s mind recalled her blunder of looking away from Applebloom and getting knocked to the other end of the ring in response. “Applebloom on the other hand-er… hoof, she always kept her focus on her opponent, and would even defend herself to lessen if not nullify your assault.” He turned back to Applebloom. “I can only assume farm life and your Earth Pony traits helped in giving you the fortitude to hold your ground like you did.” Applebloom stood proudly at the praise while Scootaloo rolled her eyes. Then Sweetie Belle spoke up again. “So then, I guess you win Scootaloo. You’re offense now.” “Yeah, but now the reason I wanted it so bad is gone.” Scootaloo kicked a rock as Applebloom’s bat was traded for the one with handle guards. Spike shrugged. “Just take what you can get, Scoots.” ~~~ Back to the Present With that big argument finally resolved the three of them found themselves practicing moves that involved teaming up with each other, as Merlin’s suggestion was that their greatest strength was working as one. Most would have to agree that they had a great team effort and worked better as a group. Sometime during their practice, they took notice of someone approaching from down the road, it was a strange bipedal person that seemed to be hiding their appearance within a long hooded cloak. “Hey girls, check out that weirdo,” Scootaloo whispered to her friends as they all stared at the approaching newcomer. Sweetie Belle glared at the pegasus. “Scoots, don’t be rude, you should never judge a book by its cover. Besides, you’re only saying that because they’re wearing a cloak.” “And walking on two legs.” Scootaloo tried to defend herself. “Spike walks on two legs,” Applebloom stated. “And Sora and Merlin are actually two-legged aliens.” “And don’t forget the minotaurs.” Sweetie Belle added. “Alright, alright, poor choice of words, but you gotta admit they seem suspicious.” “What does?” A new voice came from behind the three, causing one of them to jump, one to stiffen, and the other yelp before they all slowly turned their heads to see the very same being they were referring to looming over them, its face still hidden within the darkness of their hood. For a while, there was a tense silence before the being spoke again. “My apologies, I didn’t mean to scare you there, it seemed like you were talking about me.” All three of them rapidly shook their heads as they replied in unison. “Nope, nope, nope, nope.” “Ah, I see, well if you don’t mind I’m a tad lost, and I heard there was Moogle shop somewhere nearby.” Upon hearing this some relief returned to the fillies, though they still felt tense as Applebloom spoke to the being. “Um, well then, if you’re looking to shop, you came to the right place. It’s right over here.” She started walking toward the stall, her friends close behind. “Ah, wonderful.” The stranger replied as he followed behind them. When they approached he gazed over at the stall. “Where’s the moogle that runs the shop?” “Uh, he’s busy right now brainstorming, we’re covering for him until he’s done,” Scootaloo said. “Is that so? That’s very responsible of you three to help him. If that is the case, I was hoping to make a few purchases.” “O-oh, well, right this way then,” Sweetie replied reluctantly as the trio hurried over to the stall. The sooner they get this done, the sooner he would leave. ~~~~~~~~~~ Ponyville Train station A few hours later It was a long Ride back, but when the train from Manehatten finally arrived in Ponyville Sora and the girls were more than eager to get off and stretch their legs and wings again. The construction on Manehatten’s pylon took two days longer when compared to Ponyville’s, so they had some free time to enjoy the sights together and such. However, some significant events during their time there were not so easily dismissed or forgotten. Twilight felt that there were issues that needed to be addressed. One being about that brief moment where Sora could FLY with ethereal-looking pegasus wings. Another issue… Well, it was something her and the girls had to discuss WITHOUT Sora’s presence. She could feel the heat rising on her cheeks and her heart start to beat a little faster just thinking about confronting the girls, and she immediately tried to alter her train of thought before it would become noticeable. Celestia only knows the other girls, or rather everyone other than Pinkie were feeling just as awkward and uncomfortable about it as she was. They had all agreed that this kind of topic was better discussed at home rather than in Manehatten, where they were still on call in case another Heartless incident occurred. During much of that time, the girls had trouble speaking with one another. Again, except Pinkie Pie of course. Try as the others might, one does not simply ignore the Pinkie. ( Sorry guys, I just had to do it. :3 ) At the very least she didn’t seem like she was gonna up and spill the beans either. Whether that was due to not having the nerve or simply waiting for the others to talk about it was anyone’s guess. Putting all that aside, however, it was still a welcomed relief to feel the train finally stop at the station and make their way out. “Ugh, finally… Why does the ride back always feel longer?” Rainbow asked as she stretched her body to work out any kinks. “Honestly, I don’t know how you can even ask that when you slept the majority of the way home,” Rarity asked as she hopped off her seat and making her way down with the others. “Hey, even I can tell when I’ve had a long nap. My wings ache whenever I accidentally sleep on them.” Rainbow turned to one of her wings that she seemed to be stretching a bit more cautiously than the other, as she felt a little sore to move it at the moment. “Never one for sitting still, are you Rainbow?” Sora remarked with a smile as he walked past her. Before she could respond, Applejack beat her to it. “She seems to be just fine staying in one spot whenever she wants to be lazy.” This got the pegasus to give the farmer the stink eye while Applejack just walked on by with a smirk, not even glancing in her direction. “Alright everypony, let’s not snipe at each other. We’ve all been itching to get back I know, but we’re here now.” Twilight replied as she was already out in front, followed by Fluttershy and Pinkie. “I know I for one can’t wait to get back to my studies, but just so we don’t forget. Sora? I hope you don’t mind taking a moment to discuss that whole flying thing with us tomorrow.” She looked back at the Stallion. Sora raised an eyebrow. “From how you were going on about it earlier I figured you’d want to start talking about it the moment we stepped off the train.” The moment he saw her eyes sparkle and knew he should’ve kept his mouth shut. “CAN I?!” “U-um, actually, I’m gonna go ahead and take you up on the waiting til tomorrow offer.” Seeing her pout he rubbed the back of his head sheepishly. “Sorry, there's just a few things I wanted to take care of and it might take the rest of the day.” Reluctantly, she nodded with a sigh. “I suppose so.” She then proceeded to step out of the train. “Well, at least we can finally relax now that we’re-... What the?” Five steps out of the train she stopped in her tracks at what she saw in front of her. Soon the rest of the group spilled out of the train donning the same looks as her. Ponyville was a mess, and not the usual kind. Things just didn’t make sense. Roads leading into the sky, sideways homes and upside down buildings, a school of fish walked past the group to get into the train as if they were preparing to ride it. They could see one portion of the town that seemed to be painted entirely red, while another portion seemed to be rising and lowering as if the very ground beneath it was… breathing? Meanwhile, they watched as Town Hall flew over them and started spinning like a classical UFO before actually pulling them up toward an opening in the bottom of it. “Beam me up, Scotty!” Pinkie stated with a fake serious tone as the others were busy freaking out at their loss of gravity “Uh, girls? Is this some kinda pony holiday or event you didn’t tell me about?” Sora asked as he watched the ground get smaller and smaller. “No, it is not!” Twilight said as she was slowly rotated in place “What is going on here?!” “Ah think we’re ‘bout ta’ find out. Hold on, everypony!” Applejack pointed to the entrance above them that was sucking them into the building. When all 7 of them were inside the entrance beneath them swiftly closed back up board by board, eventually looking like a normal wooden floor again. Then gravity decided it’d had enough of these shenanigans and had them all come crashing down onto it.   “Ow… Ok, Ow. I think landed on my leg wrong there.” Rainbow said before flapping her wings and lifting off the ground. “Which one?” Sora said somewhat sarcastically as he got up as well. “All this, nonsense… It can’t be…” Twilight got up next and looked like she was trying to deny something she’d just thought of. “It can’t be what?” Sora asked before the door toward the Mayor's office suddenly opened, beckoning them to come closer… Literally, the door handles had stretched out and were beckoning them towards it. Seeing no other paths the girls reluctantly walked forward with Sora in tow. “Sugarcube, Ah’ honestly can't think of no one else who could be responsible for all this.” Applejack stated as she summoned her gauntlets. “But he should still be sealed in stone.” Twilight tried to convince herself as she watched Rarity and Pinkie summon their gear as well. “Who’s responsible? Who are you talking about?” Sora wasn’t enjoying being out of the loop, and the feeling only intensified when even Fluttershy summoned her element weapon as well. It looked like a rather snug, light yellow silk scarf around her neck with the element gem at the front of it, acting as if it was pinning the accessory together around her neck. The ends of it seemed to be attached to what looked like silk butterflies with gold engravings that outlined their body, antenna and wings, and not only were they moving, they were flapping their wings and hovering on both sides of her for a moment before landing on her and instantly becoming motionless cloth like the rest of the scarf. When the group entered the room, Sora finally got his answer. Behind the mayor's desk, the chair was turned to face the opposite direction, but two mismatched horns protruded from the top of it. Then the chaired turned as if it was a swivel chair and Sora saw… Honestly, it was only the third or fourth strangest sight he’d ever laid eyes on. There sat a rather oddly assembled being. Its body was long, and he’d confuse it for a snake’s if not for the fact that it was covered in a coat of brown fur. It had a gray goat’s head, white goatee included, with one horn resembling an antler while the other was an oddly shaped, light blue horn that might have belonged on the head of a drake. The aforementioned head was attached to a long neck with a short cropped black mane. One of its forelimbs was what Sora could only recognize as a griffin’s foreleg since he’d managed to see a couple in Manehatten, while its other forelimb was a Lion’s paw similar to Simba’s. On its back was a pair of wings, one blue and feathery while the other was purple and leathery like a bat’s. For its legs, one was a light brown cloven hoof and the other was a green dragon’s claw. Finally, completing the whole setup was a serpentine tail with red scales, off-white spines and a tuft of white fur on the end. However, the moment it opened its eyes and grinned at them Sora was struck by it’s most distinguishing features, red eyes with yellow sclera, and a single fang protruding from its mouth. The creature sat there like a cliche spy movie villain as it held and petted what looked like a small cat with features and coloration that made it look alarmingly similar to Mayor Mare. “Discord,” Twilight spoke the name with a venomous tone that honestly surprised Sora. Looking around he noticed that she and the girls were all already tensing themselves as if preparing for a fight. Meanwhile, the creature now named Discord simply smiled and continued petting the visibly scared feline Mayor before eventually speaking. “Why hello everypony… did you miss me? Cuz I’ve sure missed you.” > Chapter 38: Discord's Rat Race > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- (As Always Green Text means "click me" to play theme music to go with what you're reading. Red text means to stop the music. Any words with [color=#afa4cc26]This coloring to their text means to click on it for a sound effect. If there is music playing, then let it keep playing, the sound effect is brief Completely optional: You’re free to ignore this) Floating Town Hall         The girls were now staring down the newcomer as Sora was taken aback. “Whoa! Who’s that guy?” He trotted past the girls. “He’s like a jigsaw puzzle of animals or something, it’s pretty cool!”         “Oh, you flatter me, sir.” Discord bashfully waved a paw in response.         Twilight immediately called out to him. “Sora, get back! He’s trouble!”         “Hm?” Sora looked back at the girls. “Why? I’ve seen weirder stuff, even if it’s not by much.” He raised an eyebrow.         Meanwhile, Discord stroked his goatee and mumbled to himself. “Hmm, I must be slipping in my old age.”         Twilight shook her head. “Sora this is different! He’s the reason Ponyville looks like this, why the mayor looks like that!” She pointed her hoof toward the creature Discord had in his lap, causing Sora to finally notice it was Mayor Mare’s head on a cat’s body.         “Mrweow- A little help, please! Nyaaa- I feel a hairball coming! This is such a strange experience!         Twilight continued. “See? He alters the fabric of reality on a whim!”         “Him too?” Sora looked back surprised.         “.........What?” The girls and the Mayor asked in unison.         Sora just shrugged. “It’s a big universe out there, you know? I’m friends with a guy who can do that.”         “Is that a challenge?” Discord scowled a little.         Twilight shook her head. “You know what? We’ll talk about this later.” She rushed past him. “Come on girls!” Now the girls stood between Sora and Discord, their gems already aglow. “We need to stop him right now before things get too crazy.”         “I surrender.” Discord replied.         Twilight stomped her hoof. “Your mind games won’t work on- Wait what?” Only to get thrown completely off once his words finally registered in her mind.         “You win, I concede.” Discord said simply as he continued to stroke the mayor’s back.         The Mayor purred. “Mmm, this is so humiliating but I can’t Stop! Purrrrr...”         “What do you mean we win?” Sora asked tilting his head.         “Well since you're new here I’m gonna give you a quick little summary.” He then stopped scratching the Mayor’s back and let her scurry off in fear before he stood up from the chair. This got the girls all tensed up and readying themselves. “So, as my name should probably clue you in, I am the lord of chaos. I take immeasurable pleasure from shaking up the established order and keeping things from getting mind numbingly boring and stagnant. However, it would seem the ponies don’t take to kindly to me enlightening them on such beauty.”         Twilight interrupted. “Beauty? How could you call breaking the laws of physics beautiful? It’s just-”         “I can see that,” Sora replied rubbing a hoof under his chin.         “Oh-ho, I like this one.” Discord smirked while folding his arms.         “Sora, you’re not helping.” Twilight turned to the stallion.         “Anyways, back to my explanation.” Discord said as he suddenly disappeared from his spot and reappeared in front of them. “The truth is I have no reason to fight any of you this time.”         “What do you mean?” Sora asked curiously. At this Discord patted Sora on the head.         “I don’t exactly know who you are boy, but it seems you’ve caught the eye of a rather calculated individual. Then again, I suppose that was bound to happen sooner or later, now that your true identity has been revealed to Equestria.”         Sora was taken aback. “Huh? How did you-”         Discord interrupted. “Let’s leave that answer for later, shall we. For now, I must give my terms of surrender.”         “Unless it’s getting turned to stone again, fat chance.” Rainbow crossed her forelegs and stuck her tongue out at him.         Discord simply shrugged. “Well, you could’ve at least let me ask before shooting me down.” Seeing the girls weren’t budging on it, he sighed. “Then allow me to continue. Before you stone me again, there are some things that I was told to do.”         “Told to? Since when have you taken orders from anyone?” Applejack questioned.         Discord shook his head and sighed. “I can hardly get a word in edgewise with all these interruptions, do you mind?” And just like that everyone’s mouths disappeared, as if they were simply erased from their bodies. This, of course, caused quite a stir for them. “There we go, now I can actually speak.” While some like Twilight were struggling to say something only for muffled grunting to be heard, others like Sora and Pinkie seemed to be tapping at where their mouths once were in astonishment. “Now then, I’ll keep it brief for miss sour puss over here.” Discord gestured to a very livid looking Twilight. “Mmrmmrrmuuum!” She grunted in anger. “I’ll get to that, just stop interrupting. Now then, normally I would’ve loved to go round two with you all, but unfortunately, the one that freed me is a crafty one. For reasons I would rather not go into, I’m afraid I’m being forced to comply with his demands for now. And right now, he has sent me on a rather bothersome errand.” Discord sighed, conjuring up a bowl of cereal before scooping up some of the bowl with a fork as he mumbled during his chewing. “Unbelievable. Me, The Lord of Chaos, reduced to a simple errand boy.” He shook his head. “But I‘m trailing off topic, I’ll just get to the point since it won’t be long til it wears off.” This part got everyone curious. “So here's what I was told. It seems my “client” wants to test you, spiky hair.” Discord turned to Sora. “And the girls too of course, but he seemed a bit more focused on you. Makes me sort of curious about what you did to him…” after another shrug he gave up on that question. “From here, you must make your way to where he is waiting for you. Of course, as a test, it naturally won’t be so straightforward as that. It’s why your beloved Ponyville is as it is now. You have until sundown to find him.” It was at this moment that everyone’s mouths suddenly returned just in time for Sora to go. “What?! That’s it?!” “Chop chop, time's a wastin’ fella!” He chuckled “Oh! That’s right, one last thing.” He smiled and snapped his fingers. In a puff of smoke, Sora and the girls were back on the ground beneath the floating Town Hall. “Jeez, doesn’t even give us time to think does he?” Sora scratched his head, but then stopped when he noticed something different about his leg. “We can’t play his games. I don’t who he’s talking about but right now, using the elements on him again is top priority!” Twilight replied as she waited for the smoke to dissipate then turned around. “Rainbow, you and Fluttershy- Wha?” What she saw immediately halted her train of thought, and it would seem the other girls had caught on as well. No longer were they ponies, in their place stood simple rats. The only concession being that they kept their respective fur color and mane styles. “Aaugh! W-w-w-we’re RATS?!” Rarity sat back and lifted her forelimbs, her once beautifully manicured hooves were now dirty looking paws. “Ugh! So filthy!” She immediately attempted to clean them off but wasn’t expecting her body to react instinctively and try to clean them as a rat would. “Augh! Oh-Pptth-Bleh! The dirt and grime is in my mouth! Ppth!” “Omigosh! You all look soooo cute!” Fluttershy was on cloud nine admiring her now adorable looking friends. “Wow! We’re so tiny! Ooh ooh, I can eat a cupcake that’s larger than me now!” Pinkie said as she bounced happily. “My wings! Where are my wings?!” Rainbow was circling herself in a futile effort. “Dash, give it up. When's the last time ya seen a flyin’ rat?” Applejack shook her head as she watched Rainbow’s antics. “Ok, everyone just calm down-” Sora tried to mediate but was then grabbed and shaken violently. “Sora, I can’t use my magic! I can’t cast any spells without my horn! How are we gonna fix this?!” Yelled a panicking Twilight. “T-T-Twilight! Relax!” He tried to reply before finally grabbing her and making her stop. “Relax?! Who could relax at a time like this?! We’re rats, have no way to fly or use magic! We’re useless as we are now-” Twilight was interrupted due to getting slapped across the face by a pink paw. “Thanks, Pinkie.” “Anytime, she was becoming a real downer there.” She giggled. Sora then returned his attention to Twilight. “You ok now? Can I speak?” “Y-yeah, sorry about that… Not sure what came over me there.” He patted her head. “Happens to the best of us. Now, if we’re all done freaking out?” “Oh wait!” Pinkie raised her paw, then fell onto her back flailing. “Aaaaaaugh we’re raaaaaats! We’re doooomed!...” Then she immediately got back up with a smile on her face as if that didn’t happen. “Ok! You may proceed.”  “Right...” Sora just nodded to her. However, he was apparently getting used to her antics and ended up smiling a moment later. “Thank you for breaking the tension there, Pinkie.” To which the pink rat with the familiar poofy hair style just bounced and giggled. “Alright now everyone, let’s learn something from Pinkie here and relax for a moment… Ok, so we’re rats now, Rainbow and Flutters can’t fly while Twilight and Rarity can’t use their unicorn magic either… how about our weapons?” Applejack was the first to summon hers, surprisingly her gauntlets not only appeared but now even had finger guard parts for her new digits. “Well, if that don’t beat all.” She lifted one up and examined it. Pinkie was next. Looking to her back she watched as her beloved pink metal pack appeared, as well as her goggles on her forehead. “Hee hee hee, Teeny tiny turret on my back.” she gave it a playful wiggle. Rarity summoned her fedora and was thankful it appeared at the just the right spot to look fashionable on her. Finally, there was Fluttershy. On cue, her scarf with the hovering butterflies reappeared matched her tiny size. “Yay..” She cheered softly holding her paw up to let one of the “butterflies” land on it. She was more happy about seeing the cute little butterflies again than she was about having a weapon. Seeing their success Sora summoned the keyblade, thankful that when it did appear the size had shrunk down to match his current form. He gave it a few swings in the air then nodded. “Right, this can still work.” He immediately dispelled it and went down on all fours. “Ok, like it or not we’re just gonna have go with what that Discord guy says until we can turn back to normal.” “Are you serious? This has to be a trap or something.” Rainbow interrupted. “We should just go back up there and stone’em! That should break the spell.” “And how are we going to do that?” Rarity replied. “Simple, Flutters and I can just fly right-THUD ...Oh, right.” Rainbow’s enthusiasm vanished as she fell face first into the dirt after attempting a takeoff. “And the last pony crosses the finish line.” Applejack shook her head. “Hey!” “Alright, alright, let's settle down now. It can’t be helped.” Sora regained everyone’s attention. “None of us wants to do what a bad guy says, but right now it’s pretty much our only option.” He looked around. “Now the real question is… where do we go?” They all took a good look around and realized Discord sure wasn’t going to make it easy. Discord had jumbled up the town and threw in all sorts of things to confuse them. They couldn’t even tell exactly where they were at the moment. After a few moments of this Rainbow spoke up. “Well, now what? He said we have til sundown to find his this guy right? They could be anywhere in this mess… Should we split up?” Twilight immediately interjected. “If we were our normal selves then yes, but right now we’re small rodents. Without our natural abilities and size, it would be much more dangerous with the town as it is now.” “Right, so we’re sticking together then?” Sora was already scurrying off. “Let’s get moving, it’s already past lunch time.” “W-wait Sora! We haven’t even decided where… Ugh, that stallion.” Twilight groaned before running after him, followed by everyone else. And so this quirky day ensued for our heroes as they scurried down the street as fast as their tiny legs could carry them. As they ran off Discord appeared in front of the floating Town Hall while stroking his beard. “Now then, let's see how they fare with these challenges.” Looking on ahead he could see their first trial before them. ~~~ It was clear that making it anywhere in this town took more effort and energy than it usually did for the group. More so for the… less athletic ones as they made their way to the marketplace. “Haah… haaa… haaah… Sweet Celestia... I am not built for this.” Twilight exclaimed as she was struggling behind and stumbling a bit to join up with the group. In her pony form, such a trip would’ve been a simple trot, or a somewhat brief gallop to get to their destination. Unfortunately, her new tiny stature greatly expanded the apparent distance. “This is why you need to get out more egghead.” A blue rat with a multichromatic tuft of fur on its head spoke in Rainbow’s voice as it scurried past her. “Don’t even…. start… Rainbow. Knowledge... is... important!” She exclaimed as she tried to regain her composure. Internally though she was recalling her earlier considerations of adding a fitness regimen to her training schedule. “Meow meow meow!” Next to her Pinkie was hopping along looking like she didn’t have a care in the world. Twilight sighed. “Pinkie, you’re not a cat, you’re a rat.” “Well duuuh, Twilight, everypony knows that.” Pinkie replied without missing a beat. “So then why are you meowin’ so much?” Applejack turned back to look at Pinkie but noticed something tailing behind them. “Well, I thought if meowed maybe the kitty over there would be my friend!” She gestured to the same thing Applejack was now staring at. A big stray cat in the distance now chasing after them. Then she saw another before a few more immediately popped out from who knows where as they locked their eyes on the potential “fast food” scurrying past them. “Oh, you have got to be kiddin’ me…” Applejack gulped then turned to the others. “Fellas, we got company! The hungry kind.” This garnered everyone’s attention, causing them all to look behind them. Aside From Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie, this got the others VERY motivated to kick it into high gear, squeaking away since they couldn’t quite scream in terror in their current state. Fluttershy meanwhile had to be dragged away with the group by Rainbow and Sora. She may be an expert caretaker, but they weren't gonna risk seeing if she could tame the cats when she looks like lunch to them. She protested of course, but thankfully it was still Fluttershy so it was a rather quiet protest. As the group was chased all around what was once the market, they realized it had been transformed into a special haven for all things feline. Scratching posts replacing street lamps, yarn balls strewn about all over the place and another group of cats chasing down a school of flying fish off in the distance. There were even cups filled with various liquids sitting on the edge of tables and counters, perfectly positioned for the cats to jump up and push them off with their paws or tails. “This way!” Twilight said from her new position at the head of the group. Running for your life in terror tends to bring out the athlete in all of us. However, it was, unfortunately, a wrong turn as it had led them down a path that had a few cats lying in wait. When it was time they pounced toward the heroes causing them all to grind to a skidding halt to avoid being pinned down by feline paws. Now they were surrounded, forced to huddle together as their furry doom closed in on them. “Oh no! We’re trapped! What now?!” Things were looking bleak, they were all watching the cats warily for any sudden movements as they looked for a way to escape and-”Oh wait” Sora perked up… then face palmed. “Duuuh, I’m so stupid!” When he pulled his paw away his look of annoyance turned to a rather cocky looking smirk as he whipped that same paw out to his side and summoned his keyblade. “We have powers.” “...Oh yeah.” Said the rest of the group sans Rainbow and Twilight as they all just summoned their element weapons. Sure they were tiny versions to fit with their current size, but the power within them was apparently retained. This was proven when an overzealous cat tried to pounce onto the group only for Sora to jump up and smack the creature yards away, meowing loudly in defeat. This caught the other cat’s attention real quick. “Oh, Sora, please don’t hurt them too much. They’re just following their instincts.” Fluttershy called out as she ran up to his side when he landed. He nodded. “No worries, that was just a love tap… Hmmm, I guess our actual strength remained the same… only our size changed.” “You can say that again.” Rainbow had managed to grab one of the cats by the tail and was easily swinging it around in circles before letting it go and watching the poor pussycat fly off in a random direction. “Rainbow!” Fluttershy said sternly to her friend. “What? It’ll be fine! Cats like, land on their feet right?” From the same direction, the cat was thrown, they heard the sound of a glass window being broken into. “...That could’ve been anything.” Her eyes were all shifty as she tried to avoid looking at Flutters. Now knowing that they still possessed their usual strength and abilities, it was short work scaring the rest of the cats off with some well-placed explosions going off nearby and having earth pillars move toward them like how a crowd in a stadium would perform the wave. “Alright… uuuh, good work everypony.” Twilight called out. Not wanted to feel left out she walked over to Fluttershy. “Fluttershy, since you have your own element weapon, do you think I can borrow your wand for now?” “Hm? Oh, I would gladly lend you my wand if that is what you want… only, um…” Fluttershy looked at her backside and they were immediately reminded of their rodent state. While they were able to maintain their regular physical attributes as well as their elements and keyblade, their outfits and saddlebags were nowhere to be seen. Twilight’s hopes were dashed. No horn and no wand? She was even less useful than Rainbow right now and all she can do at the moment is swing cats around. “It would seem our garments and tools are either gone or hidden when we’re like this.” She sighed. “Well then, we just gotta get back on track, right? Then, poof, we’re back to-” Before Sora could finish that sentence a cloud of white smoke covered the entire area. When the smoke cleared the girls were looking at familiar brown coated pony again. “Whoa…” “Yay! Sora’s back to normal!” Pinkie cheered. “Yeah, but what about us?!” Rainbow commented. The other girls looked around and saw that they were still rats. “No fair! I want my wings back!” Sora examined himself, his clothes were still on his body where they were before, good. He reached up to feel his spiky hair, good. All in all everything seemed to be in order. He gave a nod and smiled. “Oh dear, I suppose that was the extent of my powers.” A voice from behind caused all of them to jump. When they turned to the source it was none other than Discord, chilling in mid-air with a sigh of defeat coming from him. Everyone tensed up and got into a fighting stance save for Sora. “Discord! Change us back right now!” Twilight demanded. “Oh certainly your highness, I’ll do that right away just cuz you told me to.” Discord rolled his eyes. “Well, then what gives? How come Sora is back to normal?” Rainbow yelled. “Hey cut me some slack, this was the best I could do with my limited power.” Discord gestured to everything around him. Mainly at the weird and out of place buildings and objects. “You try changing an alien, let alone a keybearer when you’re running on fumes.” “Limited?” Both Sora and Twilight asked at the same time. …….Discord tapped his chin “Oops… guess I kind of let that one slip.” Twilight couldn’t comprehend it. Discord’s power was limited? Was it from being sealed again by the elements? If they sealed him again, then would the next time make him utterly powerless? “I don’t like that look in your eye Twilight. If you're thinking it was the elements doing you’d be mistaken… It was my client’s doing.” Now, this just got the girls even more intrigued, what being could possibly be powerful enough to limit Discord to this state, and have him do his bidding? “In any case, I’ll just have to change up the trial. I’m actually surprised that you managed to head in the right direction. You ponies have some kind of super intuition or something?” “Nope, we just followed Sora as he went a random direction.” The pink rat stated. “PINKIE!” Everyone yelled before groaning. “Ah, I see, it was just pure luck. Well, I wonder how much that luck will fair from this point on.” “What do you mean?” Rarity asked. “Well, since I can no longer hold golden boy’s rodent form anymore, I had to… alter the trial a bit to fit with this new circumstance.”     “Alter? What do you mean?” Twilight asked but the Lord of Chaos immediately poofed out of existence. However, his voice remained. “Hahaha, now why would I spoil the fun by telling you? You're already headed in the right direction, you’ll just have to for yourselves.” His laugh continued until it slowly faded away as if he was flying off into the distance.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Sora and the girls looked around but found no trace of him. Twilight managed to scurry up onto Sora’s back as she searched. “Well, that’s just perfect. Sora’s back to normal, but the rest of us are still rats… We should’ve sealed him back at the town hall when we had the chance.” Sora, on the other hand, seemed to be pondering about that, but kept his thoughts to himself this time and changed the subject. “Well, for now, let’s just keep going.” He knelt down and looked at the other girls. “Climb on, we should be able to get there quicker now that I’m me again.” “Please don’t rub it in.” Rainbow griped as she and the girls climbed onto his back before he got back up and went into a gallop. “Let's just hurry up and get this done already so I can go to sleep and forget this whole thing ever happened.” The farther the group continued, the more strange happenings and obstacles that stood in their way. ~~~ “What the hay is this?!” After traveling a bit further down the path they found that it came to an abrupt halt… right at the edge of a large, dark chasm. “Where’d this pit come from?!” Rainbow exclaimed as she was riding shotgun in Sora’s spiky mane.   “Discord obviously.” Rarity replied as she peeked over to the side from her position on Sora’s back “Yeah Dashie, weren’t you paying attention?” Pinkie laughed as she appeared right behind Rainbow, bouncing over her and sliding down Sora’s muzzle until she was on his nose. She then peered down and said. “Ooooooh, you can’t even see the ground it’s so dark… ECHOOOO!” She shouted into the deep dark abyss only for it to return the same word back to her a moment later. “What do we do now?” Fluttershy asked. “Sora can’t fly, and it’s far too large a jump for anypony to make.” “Well actually-” Sora began but was interrupted by Twilight. “You have a point, perhaps we should find a way around-” “Actually you guys, I can-” “No wait, look at those things.” Rainbow pointed out to some very long street poles sticking out from the pit in random locations, as well as some crooked looking towers and floating hoops. “That stuff looks perfect for that “flowy-motion” thing Sora’s been showing me.” “And judgin’ from the looks of things, this a really big hole with those strange lookin’ houses walling things off…. It might take an even longer time going around it.” “Well that’s true, but actually-” “I gotta say that makes me feel a little uneasy,” Twilight responded while she looked on ahead. “It looks like he would have to be pretty precise with how far apart each one of those things is from each other and-” Now it was her turn to be interrupted as Sora just sighed and took them all off his back and head. “Sora?” Once the girls were off he then rummaged through his bag and pulled out a bead. He then bit into it, reverting to his true form. “There we go” He then proceeded to kneel and pick the girls up. “OH! I get it, you changed to your real form since you're more used to using Flowmotion with it. Good thinking Sora!” Twilight complimented as he made sure all the girls were able to fit in his hood. “Ok, everyone hold onto the cloth. And Rainbow, don’t stick your head out so much just because you want front row seats to this.” “Party pooper.” Rainbow groaned as she huddled with the rest of the girls. “What party?” Pinkie asked excitedly. “You better not be having a party without me!” “There are no parties here Pinkie.” Twilight groaned as Sora was taking a few steps back. “Ok, from my calculations if you swing off that pole then go left at a forty-five-degree angle you’ll reach that wall side and jump off it toward the other wall side 25 feet ahead of it. That's when you-AAH!” Once again she was interrupted by Sora, who had already started sprinting toward the ledge. “W-wait, I haven’t explained the whole course! You can’t just go through something like this without a plan!” “I already have one, you guys just won’t let me speak,” Sora said as he jumped off straight forward, nowhere near the direction of the pole Twilight mentioned. The girls started panicking and screaming. “Sora! What are you doing?!” Twilight yelled before the impossible happened right before her eyes. He seemed to jump once more in midair before he started flying towards the other side. “What the-! What is this!” “Sora, you can fly?!” Rainbow exclaimed, looked back to make sure he had no wings, which he didn’t. “Uuuh, Gliding actually, the ledge on the other side is close enough for me to reach like this.” “How?!” Twilight couldn’t wrap her head around this blatant disregard for the laws of physics. “How can you glide?!” “I learned it.” “This isn’t something you can just LEARN!” Both Twilight and Rainbow shouted at the same time, causing Sora to laugh the whole way until he landed to the other side. “Ok! Let's get moving.” He said as he started running on ahead with the girls riding on his hood, head, and shoulders now that he was upright again. “Don’t just dodge the question!” Twilight and Rainbow spoke in unison again. However, Sora wasn’t going to have time to answer as suddenly toy building blocks started shooting out of the ground in various areas like geysers. “Whoa!” Sora halted at the display and even back stepped when he felt the ground beneath him start to rumble, narrowly missing getting caught in another block eruption. “What’s going on?” “It’s Discord, whatever he wants is “what’s going on”... No rhyme, no reason, just chaos and a big mess.” Twilight replied as the geysers stopped one by one before the blocks started to converge on their origin points and start stacking together to take form. “I rest my case. Get ready for… whatever…” Sora took her advice and summoned the keyblade and took a fighting stance. As the blocks finally finished coming together their shape resembled bulky bipedal beings with horns. “Block Minotaurs?” Applejack peeked over Sora’s shoulder to get a look. Then the left over blocks started forming various weapons in their hands.  Some of the weapons, however, strongly reminded him of things wielded by people in his past, though at the moment he didn’t have the time to think of who. One being had what looked like an absurdly long katana, another seemed to be holding a giant buster sword that was just as absurdly long. There was one with a large shuriken, another held a blade with a gun’s grip for a hilt. If he wasn’t so focused on the fight right now he could probably figure it out in a snap, however, the creatures weren't gonna give him the luxury as they charged at him, each attacking with their own fighting style. It took Sora everything he had to dodge and back away from the group. “No good, they're too aggressive.” He said as he sidestepped then jumped out of the way of the one with the buster sword as it crashed its blocky blade down on where Sora once was, cracking the ground and getting the blade stuck in the dirt for a short moment before yanking it out and charging at him once more. Sora deflected the attack, but could not counter as two more of the constructs had managed to catch up and were already trying to swing at him. Once again Sora had to go on the defensive and back out, then immediately side roll out of the way of a giant flying shuriken thrown by the enemy that was hanging back. “I need some breathing room.” He said casting a few firaga blasts at the creatures to make them back off. “Leave it to me, Sora!” Pinkie yelled out cheerfully as she scurried up his neck and onto his head. She then summoned her element and activated its turret form. It appeared like it always did but once it made contact with Sora’s head, it’s bottom part seemed to alter and expand. Before Sora knew it, he was wearing a rather pinkish metallic army helmet as straps wrapped around both sides of his head and connected just under the chin. “Ooooh! That’s new! I like new!” Pinkie admired the new transformation as she herself was strapped in her seat as well. “Safety first, dear readers! Always buckle up!” ……… “...What?” Said everyone but Pinkie, even the Creatures seemed to pause as if they were confused by her words as well. However, that was short-lived as the creatures started charging in again. “Less talky more blasty!” And just like that she got to work firing a barrage of mini rockets and bombs at the katana one since it was closest. She managed to halt its approach and do some decent damage before it backed off. This gave Sora ample time to deflect the Buster Sword that came at him from the side and string up a combo as a counter before he batted the thing away with a heavy finish. During this whole time, the turret was adjusted like a chicken’s head. AND NOW FOR SOME PINKIE FACTS CUE THE CLASS MUSIC!! ( Image by January3rd on Deviantart ) ( Wait, what? What’s going on? ) ”Ok class settle down! It’s time for a brief moment to gain some knowledge from your wonderful pink teacher! Ms. Pinkie Pie!” Pinkie nudges the fake glasses she is wearing with a silly smile on her face. ( I did not approve of this… What are you doing? ) “Teaching my students!” Pinkie gestures to you. ( They’re not your students! Furthermore why and what are you trying to “Teach” them? ) “Tsk, tsk, tsk, Mr. Writer, you should be more prepared than that.” Pinkie shakes her head disapprovingly at the author. ( ...Huh? ) ”You good sir have written a metaphor that some readers might not quite understand, therefore I have taken it upon myself to quell such confusion! ( Confu-... You mean the chicken head part? I’m sure most of them know about it! ) ”But probably not all!” ( THEY CAN GOOGLE IT! ) “Now, now, don’t be rude. You are the writer, it is your duty to make sure what you write is understandable, isn’t that true? It’s one of your self-made promises you make yourself keep is it not?” Pinkie waggles a pointer stick at the author. ( I…. uh……. Huh…… Dang it, you’re right. ) ”Which is why I shall take the liberty of teaching the readers that are unaware of the amazing chicken head!” ( What? Are you an expert on chickens now? ) ”No. But she is!” Pinkie pulls out Fluttershy. Fluttershy shrieks, a wholly appropriate response to all this, and bolts behind Pinkie. “Um, W-w-w-what’s going on? ( Oh My God, you did not just do that Pinkie. ) Quiet you! You’re obviously not helping so I brought her here instead. ”W-what? P-pinkie, w-who’s that?” ( I’M NOBODY! You’re just daydreaming, hahahahaaaaaa…. Just get this over with. )  ”Now then, Fluttershy! Let’s ignore that red-winged stick in the mud and get straight to the question. ”Oh, um…. Ok?” Fluttershy seems utterly confused. Pinkie suddenly pulled out a chalkboard on wheels and drew a pretty good likeness of a chicken. “Ahem, now then Ms. Fluttershy.” She then tapped the pointer stick at the head of the chicken drawing. “Can you please explain how a chicken’s head would remain in place no matter how much you move its body?” “Oh, is that all?” Fluttershy immediately perked up smiling at the picture, instantly forgetting her current situation. “Oh, it’s rather cute.” She giggles. “Actually many birds can’t move their eyes, so instead of a vestibulo-ocular reflex, which targets the muscles around the eyes, chickens have a reflex that triggers the muscles of the neck. So where their eyes cannot move, their heads will compensate. It’s so cute to watch.” Pinkie is demonstrating Fluttershy’s explanation with a real hen in her hooves and moving it around as it’s head remains in one spot. She is sticking her tongue out and making a silly grin as Fluttershy continues. ”I sometimes end up playing with that ability when I tend to my chickens… O-of course, I ask first. It’d be rude to just grab them like that.” ”.....” Pinkie’s eyes start shifting from left to right after hearing that last part and she immediately sets the chicken down as it huffs and angrily clucks at her before walking away ”Hm?” ”Ahem, uuuh, that about does it for this installment of Pinkie facts! Thank you Fluttershy, you were a great help.” Before Fluttershy could say another word she is pushed off to the side out of the readers’ view. ( Ok, you had your moment. We’re not doing this again. ) ”Only if what you explain isn’t vague. Do you really trust yourself well enough to not make an analogy or statement that might go over some readers’ heads?” (......Fine, but no more “Guest appearances”, I’ll pull up the facts if need be. This little space here is just meant for us and THAT’S THAT, got it? That was the deal! ) ”Okie dokie lokie, Mr. Writer! Ahem-” Pinkie turns to you. “Now then. Back to the story!” ( My apologies to you all…. ) “Whoa! I like this feature!” Pinkie exclaimed, happy that despite Sora moving about as he fought, she had a relatively steady aim to keep on blasting more rockets and bombs at any enemy she wished. The other girls couldn’t help but be amazed at how Pinkie’s turret became wearable for Sora. “Fascinating, do the elements adapt to their current situation in some way?” Said Twilight as she rubbed her chin with one of her paws. This gave Rarity an idea as her fedora and needles were summoned. She looked out from the back of Sora’s hood, flipped down her gem targeting reticule and started firing piercing and precise light beams at any of those block beings that managed to get behind Sora. “I shall cover the rear!” She called out. “Well then, if that’s how it is… Can’t let those two show me up now, can I?” Applejack was now feeling a lot more confident since there was an opportunity for her to help and not be dead weight. She crawled up to Sora’s shoulder just as he brought down one of the beings, shattering it into a pile of blocks. She then crawled onto his hand. “Ok, let’s see what ah’ can do!” She summoned her gauntlets, but this time they suddenly changed and expanded around her in a sphere. Now she was in an orange metallic Hamster Ball like object. “What in the?” Sora took a moment to look at AJ in the ball and bounced it a few times on his palm. “Huh.” “Whoa! Hey, knock that off!” Applejack replied as she stumbled a bit from the bouncing. “Oh, uh, sorry, but what can we do with… !” He grinned. “Ah’m not likin’ that look on yer face, Sugarcube.” Applejack started to get a nervous feeling inside her when she picked up that look in his eyes. “Come on...” He asked before dodging a flying shuriken. “No.” “Your weapon is basically screaming it!” He pleaded before deflecting a few strikes from the katana one, before stepping out of it’s range. “Ain’t happenin’ Sora.” Applejack stomped her hoof from inside her ball. “Well, it’s either that o-Whoa!” He ducked and sidestepped another swing before Pinkie pelted the creature with rockets, making it back off. “Well it’s either that or back in the hood, I kinda need both my arms for this!” Applejack couldn’t respond to that right away. Now she really WAS acting as dead weight with her stubbornness… “F-fine, but ya better come get me when you do!” At that, he simply grinned and pulled his arm back. “Alright! Apple Fastball!” “Stop makin’ names for theeEEEEEEEEEEEE-” Sora made an overhand throw as hard as he could with his left hand, sending her flying towards the shuriken one. “Woohohooo nelly.” Applejack was getting more the nervous and tense the closer she got toward her target. However, within the span of a second, she noticed it preparing to dodge. Out of pure instinct and fear of failure, Applejack ran. She ran in that little hamster ball as fast as she could… and the ball steered in the direction she was running, which just so happened to be right back in line with the creature's head. She then lunged at it inside the ball and pulled her hoof back before thrusting it forward as if she was punching through it. This caused spikes to shoot out from the sphere’s exterior and collided with the creature, making it’s head explode into many separate toy blocks which scattered in all directions as she flew past. “Boom. Headshot.” Pinkie said in an Australian accent while she pulled her goggles down to her eyes as she watched the scene. She then proceeded to pelt the rest of the body into pieces. “Wow, a manual curve ball…” Sora blinked as he watched Applejack slam against the wall, shattering it into pieces. “That could be useful.” Sora stared at the new hole in the wall before he had to dodge yet another katana strike. “Ok, let’s bail! Pinkie, Rarity, cover fire!” Sora said as he started sprinting. “As you wish, dear.” Rarity said as she started sniping at the beings that were now chasing them, slowing their movements. “You got it!” Pinkie meanwhile staggered them to a halt with her rocket barrage. “Please, let me help,” Fluttershy said eagerly as she summoned her scarf, the gem butterflies on each end of them fluttered before landing on the back of Sora’s neck. “Hm?” He could feel the sensation on his neck and it made him tense for some reason. That was when the butterflies started flapping their wings, dispersing what looked like some sort of bluish light particles from the scales of their wings. Sora started to feel somethin well up inside him once the particles landed onto him. His body felt lighter, and he could feel that he was running even faster. “I-it worked!” Fluttershy cheered quietly as she, Rainbow, and Twilight watched Sora cover a huge distance a little over half the normal time. “Whoa… that was wild...” Applejack, now finally upright and out of the crater, her crash landing made was now sitting on the other side of the broken wall peering through the hole her passing had made. “Now, where are those-” She blinked as the next thing she saw was a large yet familiar looking hand, open and looking like it was reaching out for her. She then felt a bit of whiplash as she was “grabbed” by it and immediately lifted up to Sora’s chest level. “Whaa!… Wuh? Huh?” She sat there a bit dazed. “Sorry AJ, but we’re making a swift exit out of here.” He carefully lifted farmer over his shoulder so Twilight and Rainbow could drag her back into the hood to recover. “Ugh, feels like ah’ got hit by a runaway cart.” Applejack groaned. Fluttershy then had one of her butterflies flutter away from Sora’s neck and hover over Applejack, dispersing green particles over her limp form. Her mind started to clear relatively quickly. “Amazing Fluttershy, you’re weapon is so versatile. One-half is boosting Sora while the other is healing Applejack.” Twilight couldn’t help but admire Fluttershy's scarf and butterflies “O-oh, um, thank you.” Flutters blushed at the compliment. “I don’t think my element is that effective as a weapon, but I seem to… well, know what these little guys can do.” “You mean like their abilities?” Rainbow asked as she looked out the back with Rarity, however, those enemies were long gone by now. Fluttershy nodded. “Yes, I um, I believe I can help trap enemies too.” Sora’s eyes widened as he noticed something. “Hey guys, didn’t that discord guy say we have till sundown to get to his client?” He said as he continued running. Twilight turned to face him. “Uh, yes, but we should still have-WHAT?!” Already the sky was changing from blue to orange. “That’s impossible, it was JUST after 12, we should still have 4 more hours before the sky even starts to change color…” “Perhaps we just lost track of time, darling?” Rarity suggested. “That can’t be, If we had been running for that long, we’d be outside of Ponyville right now. Even changed around like this, the town still isn’t that big.” After a moment of thinking the rest of the girls had to agree on that fact regarding their hometown. “So then what could it be?” Sora asked. “Did Celestia decided to shorten the day today?” “That can’t be it. The princesses are far more responsible than to mess with the day and night cycles like that.” Twilight adamantly denied such a notion. “Sooo is it’s Discord’s doing? Can he mess with the Sun?” Sora suggested. Twilight was about to refuse but stopped herself and really thought about it. “Could he… I mean he did last time...” She pondered for a moment before shaking her head. “No, last time he was at full strength, but this time his powers have apparently been limited. Judging from what he’s been able to do so far, there’s no way he has enough power to wrest control of the sun away from Princess Celestia in his current state.” “Then how about casting an illusion of it? To make us think the sun is setting.” “That sounds strange in itself, why would he do something so random and nonsensical as fake the time of day?” Rarity asked. Seeing as they were no longer being chased she recalled her fedora and needles before ducking back into the hood to tend to her hair, which had been thrown about by the wind as they were moving. Rainbow tapped at Rarity’s head “Equestria to Rarity, He thrives off random nonsense, remember?” For a moment no one said anything. That was when something clicked for Twilight. “What if he did have a reason?” Twilight mumbled. “Hm? How so?” Sora asked. “The reasons I can think of are either that we’re walking right into a trap and the sunset is to make us sloppy in our haste, or that we’re getting close and the illusion is so we’d lose hope and either slow down or stop altogether.” Twilight kept wracking her brain for any other reasons. “Or he could just be Discord and enjoy messing with us,” Rainbow added nonchalantly.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     After hearing that, Twilight was starting to feel frustrated. “I knew we should’ve just turned him back to stone when we first saw him.” The other girls seemed to share the same mood when looking back at that opportune chance from earlier. Of course, then came Pinkie once she reverted her element and hopped back into the hood with the others. “What’s with all the frowny faces? We ain’t got no time to mope, we need to give Ponyville some hope!” She said as she tried to make a smile on Twilight’s face with her paws.  “I’m with Pinkie here, this boat runs on happy faces.” Sora smiled as he kept his pace. “That sounded a little corny.” Rainbow pointed out. “GASP! HOW DARE YOU?!” Sora gave a gruff posh voice and faked being hurt. This got some of the girls laughing, and soon the others joined too once Sora started laughing himself. Then he spoke with his normal voice. “Well now that we got rid of that foul mood, how about we go save the day again?” “How? Sora, do you have an idea?” “Well… It’s more of a hunch really. This whole time it’s been nagging at the back of my mind, but I think I might have a clue as to what’s going on. But that won’t matter unless we hurry up and get there.” “What kind of hunch are ya talkin’ about?” Applejack asked as she tried to peek over his shoulder and look on ahead, it seemed she had finally recovered. “...That weird guy is back… We’re in for a fight…” ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Is thing on?.... Ah, there we go. HELLO, LOVELY READERS! How's your day been, I hope it's been absolutely chaotic for you. It is I Discord, taking a moment to mess with the Author's story and add in something random... Well, I Suppose not QUITE as random since it involves this very episode sooooo... Ah well, seems like I'd get a good laugh out of it. I have a list of suggestions from the readers that placed their ideas in hopes it could be seen today. For fun, let's go about reading each one of them and why the author chose or DID NOT choose them, shall we? Oh and just for the record, I would've approved all of them. NOW THEN:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  By AdrianTHonest: An interesting idea for me to summon a keyblade and all, though it more than likely would be a fake in every. Those things are.... abit more complicated for my case I'm afraid... Mr. Curious Writer decided to place a bookmark on the idea for the probable future, so who knows, we might be able to see it for real. By RP422: The writer liked the idea of using such weapons like CLoud's and Sephiroths, So he approved and added onto it with some other familiar weapons as well as mixed it with That QuartzScale fellow's idea. Congratulations. By Moongaze14: Seeing your proposal for glide and double jumping definitely inspired the writer to add it in, though altered the story abit to have him bypass my perfectly laid out trial. sigh, how cruel, He could've at least tried it once but nooo, Sora just had to glide his way through. I bet he'd do it if there was a rare treasure after completing it. By Voltaje: HAHAHAHAAAA, My my, you've certainly had quite the request here Volt. It would appear throughout writing this whole story the writer was constantly sent that gender change idea from many others... He didn't take it well. Actually to be honest he almost considered this time, however, those "special conditions" you added to it just gave it an immediate vetoed..... Volt... do you just want to see lady Sora replace the male versions role for the rest of the story? It certainly seemed like that when we all read it during the Chapter's construction. I don't know and I won't judge. Nothing personal about it, your request was just a little too late and had a demanding feature to it that the author couldn't adhere to. Though they do admit the initial first day of it happening would be quite humorous and he would be lying if he didn't take a moment to think of such a scene in his mind. I know I did, haha. By QuartzScale: Some parts of your idea was accepted and mixed with RP422's idea. Because of the pylon, heartless was a no go, and to be perfectly honest with you Quartz I wouldn't be caught dead with those dreadful things. Yes, they cause chaos, but not the chaos I WANT. They just chase after the nearest heart they can see, sure you can bark orders to them but it's a bit of a double-edged sword. I personally preferred my idea of creating enemies with some blocks I found lying around. By GameAssassin: A good idea and I could've done that, however, everything was already PERFECTLY set up before Sora even arrived, it be like shoehorning in something just for the sake of it. Chaos is artistic and well planned-pppth HAH! Sorry, couldn't say that with a straight face haha. All in all a good idea, but the author didn't see a need for it. By Timer Reaper:  .... I'll tell you straight up what the author and his editors thought of your Roxas/Ventus idea... That is a can of worms that should not be open, or at the very least shouldn't be open so willy nilly as to just to add chaos. The moment that happens, it would alter the Story immensely even after this chapter. So no surprise it was vetoed. By AlenNoir: The writer definitely used your suggestion as inspiration and a point of reference to help him think of things that I would have created in the story. He is grateful to you for that, as am I. The poor guy was having enough trouble as it was with his little writer's Block "Episode" earlier. By SoraHearts: I'll refer you to read the next one for the answer to your suggestion By Cyber Phazon GotDM: This one was denied as Mr. Curious writer had no clue how to even go about your ideas, Again he was having a little writer's block episode so he couldn't think of a way to use it nor did he think he should. He'd fear he'd just make a mess. and not the mess I would've wanted either I'm afraid. By ikarosfan: Apologies, ikarosfan. As much as I love the idea. I'm afraid messing with one of those things is simply taboo. all sorts complicated magic and connections that I don't even want to touch. I can mess with the user no problem. but the keyblade itself is a different story. Well that about does it everyone!, for those that made suggestions and didn't find it here, I'm afraid byt he time the author did read them, the story was too far written in to fina way to add them. So don't think of them as denied, Just hold onto them.... for a future chapter... heheh. Well I better wrap this up before Mr. Writer catches wind of me messing with his story. He's still grumpy about the Pinkie thing after all. With that, I bid you all, ado. Here's hoping your day is orderless and exciting. > Chapter 39: Duel Under the Fleeting Sun > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- (As Always Green Text means "click me" to play theme music to go with what you're reading. Red text means to stop the music. Any words with [color=#afa4cc26]This coloring to their text means to click on it for a sound effect. If there is music playing, then let it keep playing, the sound effect is brief Completely optional: You’re free to ignore this) Earlier So last off we see Sora and the girls racing towards an unknown individual that Discord labeled as his client. However, let's take a moment to turn back the clock to an issue that had been left unanswered. When we last saw the Cutie Mark Crusaders, a strange customer had arrived wanting to do business with the moogle shop. Seeing as Mogson was busy at the moment they decided to take care of the customer as swiftly as possible. The fellow ordered a few ethers, a small stock of Hi-Potions and a tent, all the while striking up a conversation with the girls. “Pretty noisy over there.” He turned toward Sora’s house. “Is someone having a fight?” Odd, they could barely hear anything from where they were but they did know Spike was still training with Merlin. “Oh uh, yeah, there’s a training room in there. Our friends are using it right now.” Scootaloo said as she helped Applebloom collect the potions. “They should be in there for awhile, Spike seemed really into it today.” “You don’t say…. that’s good.” “Hm?” Sweetie Belle turned to the man curiously. “O-oh, it’s nothing, just admiring another’s dedication to training is all.” The customer replied. “Do you train as well?” Sweetie asked while she pulled out the bundle for the tent he ordered. “Sort of… Not as much as I did back in my younger days. Ah, is this everything then?” Before him sat the potions he ordered as Applebloom placed the exact number of Ethers he asked for next to them. The man began to grab the items with a scaly clawed hand. The girls could only assume it was a dragon’s claw. The two then watched as each item he pulled back into the cloak vanished within and his claw came back out empty, ready to grab the next one. “So, how much do I owe you?” That seemed to snap them out of it as they all seemed to be staring at his claw. Applebloom spoke first. “O-oh! Uh, that’ll be-” “Whoa! What the heck is going on?!” Scootaloo shouted causing. This caused the others to turn and see that Ponyville was no longer the town they once knew. And it was still morphing in the weirdest ways. “Well, he certainly has no patience.” Came the customer’s voice. “Huh?” The three girls turned to see his claw reaching out toward them, a magical aura already surrounding them. Almost before they could register the situation, they suddenly felt completely exhausted and their eyelids grew heavy. Without so much as managing to say a single word. The Crusaders blacked out. “Apologies, I had hoped to make this as clean as possible, but I’ll need you all in one place-” The being then changed the direction of his palm towards Sora’s house. “-and the less interference, the better.” The aura seemed to change colors before from outside the whole house suddenly gave off the same aura, then vanished. This apparently included the moogle shop as well. So just like that, Merlin, Spike, The Crusaders and Mogson seemingly vanished from reality. The being then buckled over, nearly losing his footing and gasping for air. “That wizard... he caught on too quick.” He looked at his claw, magical sparks were surging through it. “I guess time is of the essence now… should have until sundown.” When he retracted his hand a puff of smoke manifested in front of him. Once it dissipated Discord was standing before him wearing a smug grin. “So, what do you think? I know it’s a bit modest, but it’s the best I can do with what I have to work with after all.” Discord asked while he tapped his torso as if to emphasize something. “My apologies, but I really can’t have you running off.” The cloaked figure straightened up and started walking toward the road. “I’m afraid there was a slight hiccup with the plan. I’ll need you to shorten those “trials” of yours.” “You know, if you want I can just send them directly to you. and what's this about a hiccup? Did you by chance get bested by that Merlin fellow?” He snickered. “A Little Humility goes a long way Discord. Also, this Merlin… he’s pretty sharp for an old wizard. If he was able to catch on a half a second sooner, he would have canceled out my spell completely.” This made Discord fall silent and managed to arouse his curiosity. “I may not know much about this outside world you speak of, but for someone to almost matching the speed of your casting… just who are we dealing with here? I’m not just talking about the wizard. That key boy you spoke of as well.” “Hopefully after observing him in the trials, we’ll find out…” The figure replied. Discord simply sighed. “If you’re gonna be all stingy with the details then fine, see if I care… So you're saying there’s a time limit now. What are we looking at here?” “...He needs to be here by Sundown…” ~~~~~~~~~~~ Present Sora had been making a mad dash for the destination. The majority of the trip he was relying on the girls to keep him moving at top speed by pushing back any hostile opposition that would throw itself at them. Eventually, however, the time limit on his previous bead ran out and he was now literally “hoofing” it down the path. Despite all the obstacles and enemies, the group finally reached their destination, the Library. There, standing on the road between them and the building was the cloaked figure they had fought against in the Everfree. At the sight of him, Sora skidded to a halt. “You!” “Hey, kid... I see you’ve grown in experience since last I saw you.” The being replied. However, before Sora had time to respond he charged at him with phenomenal speed. Sora quickly stepped off to the side and reached into his bag, pulling out another bead. “Oh? Already going all out I see. Still no faith in that pony form of yours?” Sora paused, reminded of how their last fight went. “Oh no, please take it. Regrettably, we are short on time and I wanted to know-” The figure grabbed his cloak and ripped it off, revealing his true self. A black dragon about the size of an adult man, with a jagged white streak down the middle of it,’s head from the crown to the snout and a deep scar across his chest. His Irises seemed to be an amber color and almost looked like they were glowing. From the looks of his posture and how he moved his arms, this dragon seemed to have a similar range of motion to that of a human’s as well. This just made Sora even more wary of him. “-what’s so great about you?” He charged in again without a moment’s delay. Sora barely had enough time take the bead, biting down on it with a flash of light. When the dragon went to grab at him, a hand caught it and pushed back. The light dissipated and revealed Sora in his true form, a determined look on his face. “Good, I like that fire in your eyes.” The Drake immediately jumped back when he saw Sora’s free hand summon the keyblade and swipe at him. “It’d be a disappointment if I took your heart that easily.” Sora glared back as he felt some scurrying around in his hood then up his neck. “Don’t worry Sora! We got your back!” Pinkie climbed up to the top of Sora’s head to summon her element. “Just throw me at ’em, pardner!” Applejack hopped onto his shoulder summoning hers as well. “Even if’n he moves I can curve the shot.” Fluttershy had shifted the effects of her butterfly buff on Sora to that of a strength boost. “This should help, I hope.” “Never fear, your backside is under my protection, darling.” Rarity remained in the hood to continue her role as the rear guard. “Ugh, this is so frustrating!” Groaned Rainbow Dash as she and Twilight had to sit this fight out. “I know, but there’s nothing we can do right now…” Twilight replied. “Well, your little team sure can adapt to the situation.” The dragon replied he held his claws out and summoned a greatsword with an engraving of a dragon along the broad side of the blade. “Sadly, this fight is between you and me right now. Discord!” Then suddenly the Lord of all chaos appeared beside Sora in a puff of smoke. “You don’t have to be so bossy.” With a snap of his fingers, the girls suddenly vanished, leaving Sora on his own. “What? Where did you-” “Relax, they’re still here” He pointed toward the Library “I decided to do a little redecorating in there while we were waiting for you. Call it, a final trial.” Discord then flew over to the tree. “Either they manage to come out this door, or you defeat my client then you all win. However, if either you or those mares fail to complete these simple tasks. You lose.” “Lose? Lose what?” He narrowly brought his keyblade up to block a swift overhand strike from the dragon’s massive sword. So Fast, with that sword? Sora thought. “Do you really think you have the time to be thinking about that?” The dragon growled out. “I’m not here to lose.” They both backed off from each other. Sora could sense the ferocity in his tone and stance. For some reason, this dragon clearly had a bone to pick with him. For now, Sora can only focus on what was in front of them, because they sure weren’t going to let him think of anything else. “Let’s go, Hero.” And with that, he charged in once again. Sora did the same until they met halfway and their blades clashed. ~~~~~~~~~~ Meanwhile Twilight was disoriented. One second she was hiding out in frustration in Sora’s hood, the next she found herself falling face first onto a familiar looking wood floor. “Ooowww…..” When she righted herself and had a look around, she was even more confused. “What is this place?” The place was twisted in many ways with floating books and bookshelves here and there. It was then that she noticed the other girls were there as well. Except the five of them of them seemed to be trapped within a Hamster cage. “Girls!” She scurried over to them only to see they were walled off by hard transparent plastic as they banged at the walls screaming to her, however only muffled voices could be heard from them. “What? I-I can’t understand you? Are you all alright?!” Within the container, the girls were all screaming the same thing. “Twilight! Run! Behind You!” “I’m trying but I don’t understand what you’re-” It was then that she felt a warm breeze on her back. “...There’s something behind me isn’t there?” The girls inside couldn’t hear her question but could read her mouth and expression well enough to nod in unison. “Oh…” She slowly turned around to see a big purple striped cat with sharp teeth and familiar yellow eyes, staring down at her with a big toothy grin. Twilight immediately faced it and backed up until her plot bumped against the cage. “D-discord?” “The one and only.” The cat replied with a smug grin before he pounced on her like a panther. Twilight squeaked before narrowly dodging the attack and crawling under him. Meanwhile, the initial momentum from Discord’s attack had him collide with the hamster cage and knock it over, tossing the other girls around inside as it rolled away a couple feet. “Girls!” Twilight looked back in shock but had to start running again. Discord recovered faster than she would have wanted and run after her, laughing all the while. “Oh, I do love a good cat and mouse chase. Run little Twilight, run! Without your precious magic, you're nothing but a burden to them. Hahahaha!” Whenever she would climb up a book or object, he’d swipe and knock it over, and her along with it. Whenever she would try to hide under something, she would be reminded how “flexible” a cat’s body was, since anything she could hide under at its smallest could still fit his head. “Come now, Twilight? Where’s that wit of yours? Surely you can think of something other than running away.” He pounced toward her only to miss as she moved hard to the right and behind a book that was floating by. “Hiding again? At least try a little harder in finding a spot, Twilight.” He casually strolled up to the book and was about to grab it when it suddenly shot right at his face “Grk!” Bouncing off his head and momentarily disorienting him. Twilight still remembered what she learned when they were chased by the real cats, her actual strength remained what it was before being transformed. So she was confident enough that she could at least buck the book in in his face. However she didn’t stick around to see how effective it was, she bolted when he was distracted and hid. She needed time to think. Meanwhile, back in the cage the girls had recovered from their impromptu “ride” and were now planning something of their own. “Alright Pinkie. Let’em have it!” Applejack pointed toward the lid of the cage. The cage was on its side and they figured all they needed to do now was bust the top off. Pinkie pulled down her goggles and grinned. “Cover your ears everypony!” She fired a barrage of rockets toward the green lid. It popped off, causing the girls to cheer, but then it swiftly and magically snapped back on, causing them all to stare in silence. Eventually, Rainbow groaned and kicked the water dish away. “HORSEAPPLES!” While they were busy with that new problem, Discord was now out on the prowl looking for his lavender prey. “Clever clever Twilight, but if this is all you can do, then it’s only a matter of time before I find you again.” He said as he looked under a clothed table then continued his search. Twilight could hear him and agreed that her time was short. She needed to figure out something before she was discovered. But what? Without her magic, she could only rely on her physical strength, and even if she was as athletic as Rainbow or as strong as Applejack, that wouldn’t matter much with discord. The best should come up with was to throw a book at his face and hide. It can’t end like this she thought. After all that training with Merlin? After that promise, I made to get stronger… her memories flashed back to that moment when she shot Sora while he was used as a meat shield by that cloaked guy, then another image of when she was about to be taken by him only to be narrowly rescued by Sora. I can’t…. I can’t be useless… This magic I learned from Merlin, It CAN’T be for nothing… I just need a wand, a staff, a stick even! Anything to channel magic through without my horn……… Huh? And then a thought crossed her mind. Well, more like a memory. ~~~ Flashback Twilight, Fluttershy, Spike and Merlin were outside under the shade of the library’s branches, taking a break from their training. Spike and Fluttershy had whipped up some tea and snacks as they sat around on a picnic blanket and enjoyed their time talking to one another. “I must say, you all are coming along quite nicely in your training,” Merlin stated as he sipped some tea then looked at Fluttershy. “Fluttershy, seeing as you are only training for pacifistic spells, I believe you should be finished with your lessons very soon.” “Really? Thank you.” The yellow mare smiled at that. “I do have to wonder though, with your diligence and attitude to your studies, you’re second only to Twilight in learning magic. I understand your stance on no violence, but are you sure with how everything is these days, that you do not wish to learn at least one offensive spell?” Merlin asked as he stroked his beard in thought. “I… I understand your reasoning, Mr. Merlin. Truly I do. I am also aware that heartless aren’t creatures with thoughts or feelings like that of ponies or animals…” Fluttershy placed a hoof to her chest. “But something inside me feels as if it’s saying that Healing and defensive spells are all I need and should want… it’s hard to explain.” Merlin just chuckled. “Not as complicated as you may think, dear. The phrase you are looking for is “Following your heart” is it not?” “Oh! Like Sora?” Spike asked as he was munching away. “Precisely. The lad may not always have the most effective solution to a problem, but you can always trust that he will listen to what his heart says. For better or for worse, he’ll go where he feels is right.” Fluttershy smiled again. “This is what I feel as well, Mr. Merlin. I’m fine with what you're teaching me now.” Merlin simply smiled and nodded. “Then I won’t pry any longer.” At this moment Twilight decided to speak. “While we’re on the topic of following our hearts… if you don’t mind, a question has been on my mind lately. I get the feeling that there are more ways to channel magic,” Twilight then touched her horn. “besides my horn and Fluttershy’s wand. Is there another way to cast these spells, Mr. Merlin?” “Of course,” Merlin said flatly as he took another sip. “Guh-” That took the anticipation out of her. He answered just like that. “L-like what?” “Well, I suppose a common option would be one’s own hands.” He replied. “H-hands?” She asked, looking at her hooves. The only time she had hands was back in Pooh’s book. “Yes, though a hoof might be a bit harder.” He set his cup down. “You see for humans, hands can be seen as nature’s greatest tool.” In an instant be poofed into his regular human self and extended his hand out toward them to observe. “We humans see our hands as a part of our bodies, yes, but also the most useful mechanism we own. They grab, they hold, They touch, they poke, they point, they punch, they write, they slap, they push, they pull, give gestures to when we speak or try to convey something, they even make great shadow puppets.” He chuckled. Twilight and Fluttershy stared at the appendage with amazement. Twilight could agree that with her brief time with using hands, they were indescribable for her to put into words. “Because of this, it’s a lot easier for a veteran magician to cast a spell with their hands since they see them as tools as well. Tools that they use to channel magic.” Twilight nodded and absorbed every word. “Even Spike here as the same potential with the way he uses his claws.” “R-really?!” Spike asked with some crumbs on his face. Merlin nodded. “Indeed, however, you must first get into the proper mindset for it. Managing that however is a bit more challenging.” He then pointed to his head. “You must convince your mind that your claw is just as capable as a wand. Spike looked back at his claws and started flexing them. More than likely he was trying to do just that. “Then what about Ponies, Merlin? We have hooves after all. Would they work as well?” Twilight asked holding out her hoof. Merlin stroked his beard and hummed to himself as he gave it some thought. “Well, to be perfectly honest, that’s hard to say. Sure you ponies use them to grab things, as astonishing as that sounds.” Fluttershy and Twilight were unclear on why he said that last part. “But more often than using them in that way, you mostly use them as a method of locomotion. You walk with them more then you hold things with them.” He then looked at Twilight. “It’s not impossible, but it might just prove to be more difficult to convince your mind to treat them as an arcane focus.” Hearing this Twilight felt a little bummed at the disadvantage of being a quadruped. “Oh…” “Like I said, it’s not impossible. And it’s never been attempted before to my knowledge, so nothing is telling you that you can’t.” At this, she perked up. “R-right.” She decided to make a personal project out of it later for herself. “Ah, I see the tea and snacks are all gone,” Merlin stated looking at the empty plates and lifting the lid to the teapot. “I suppose that means we should get back to work.” “Right!” The three students replied to their teacher and helped pack up the dishes and blanket. ~~~ Present Twilight was struck with an epiphany. She looked at her paws, they weren’t her hooves nor the hands she once had for a short while, but they were still hers. Perhaps, maybe…  Meanwhile back in the cage, it seemed the girls had another plan. “Alright! Ready?!” Pinkie called out. “Ready!” Both Rainbow and Applejack said as each of them had one of Fluttershy’s butterflies circling over them, sprinkling some reddish sparkling dust over them as Fluttershy stood between them so she could better administer it to them. Rarity was on top the hamster house. Her rapiers converged into one large needle once more, she needed an elevated position for what they were planning. “As am I!” she stated. “OK! three-two-one-GO!” Pinkie unleashed yet another rocket barrage toward the lid, giving it all she’s got. Once again, the lid popped off. “GET IT!” “RAAAAAAAAH!” Rainbow and Applejack yelled out as they charged ahead, Applejack with her gauntlets summoned as well, they slammed their paws against the lid to prevent it from moving. “Got it!” They called out. “Rarity!” Fluttershy turned to the final one in the group to signal her. “Right!” Rarity’s targeting gem was already down and it located the perfect spot as the weapon above her charged then fired. “This shall end it!”  The light attack pierced through the lower center of the lid and into the floorboards beneath it. The lid was pinned. “Done!” “Let’s Bolt!” Rainbow yelled. Pinkie, Rarity, and Applejack dispelled their weapons and scurried with Rainbow and Fluttershy out of the box. Once they had all escaped they grouped together “Ok, thank Celestia that’s over. Now we just gotta find Twilight and get out of… Whatever this place is.” Rainbow said. “Yeah, but where is she?” Applejack asked. “This place seems pretty big.” She watched half a fridge drift by. “And not ta mention it’s all topsy turvy.” “Why don’t we follow that big cat?” Pinkie pointed off toward the distance where a feline Discord was snooping around. “Discord! Twilight has to be there somewhere, Come on!” Rainbow stated and charged ahead, followed closely by the others. Back to Twilight, the whole time she had been trying to focus in her hiding spot. “Ok, just change my thinking…” She thrust her paws out. “These are my focus…. these ARE My focus… Fire!” She thrust her paws out once more and quietly called out the most basic fire spell…. nothing. “Come on…. just work, please….” She tried again and again. She had an understanding of what Merlin meant, but to apply it, especially in an unfamiliar form, was proving to be difficult. “Come out, come out, wherever you are….” And Discord was definitely not helping the situation putting added pressure on her. She tried and tried and tried all she could, but nothing was happening. She tried other spells, other methods, body positions, she was even contemplating hitting herself over the head to see if that would do something. Obviously, she was starting to grow desperate. “Why won’t this work…. the pieces are all there, but why can’t I use it?” Just admit it…. you think it’s impossible… She gasped and looked around, only to find a mirror image of herself smiling carelessly toward her. Her eyes seemed empty, and a dark aura seemed to surround her. “What the-” Come on, it makes sense doesn’t it? No horn, no wand, no magic. Simple, right? “N-no, Merlin said it could be done.” Twilight rebutted. “Yeah, for HUMANS with their HUMAN hands. What do we even know about humans for that matter? Hey, for all we know, perhaps their hands are the equivalent of a unicorn’s horn. The other Twilight shrugged casually with a look on her face as if she didn’t have a care in the world. If that were the case then all of this is for nothing. Better to just give up. “It can’t be! Merlin said it was even possible to use hooves!” “You know very well he was just speculating, he’s never seen a pony do it. You can theorize all you want, but without proof, that’s all it is. A theory. Or I suppose since we’ve already tested, we can safely rule it false. Twilight shook her head. “I can’t give up on it that easily, I’m just missing something.” You said it yourself, didn’t you? The other Twilight pointed to her. All the pieces are there. Nothing is missing from what I can tell. Twilight was stumped. “But…. but-” Hey… don’t you think you should stop beating around the bush and admit it? You don’t really believe all this, do you? Twilight took a step back Oh don’t get me wrong, this magic from the outside worlds, that's pretty real. I mean you and Fluttershy have been using it left and right. It’s proven so it must be true. However, some of the other teachings the old man has given you seem… unscientific, don’t you think? Twilight was about to make another rebuttal to put this other self down… but nothing came out. Judging by your silence you know exactly what I’m talking about… All this follow your heart nonsense. Twilight clenched her teeth. Of course you can’t say it. HE believes in it after all, and you wouldn’t want to burst all his fairytale thoughts that his heart actually AFFECTS anything in reality. “SHUT UP!” Twilight yelled, tired of listening to this fake any longer. She then immediately covered her mouth remembering her current situation. “Ah, there you are.” And just like that, her cover was knocked away. She had been hiding under a tipped over the wooden box which had just flown towards a shelf and shattered, leaving her exposed to Discord as he stared down at her with a mischievous look in his eye. “I’ll admit the game was fun, but it’s about time we brought it to an end.” He reached for her. And at that moment, Twilight was again reminded of that scene in the past. Where she stood helpless as that dragon guy reached to grab her in a similar manner. N-no.... not again… I’ve changed, I’m stronger now, I CAN’T BE USELESS! Her body wouldn’t move, locked up in a memory. She was hyperventilating and shivering on the spot. She was stuck in her own despair... > Spike Adventures: An Unexpected Trip > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- (As Always Green Text means "click me" to play theme music to go with what you're reading. Red text means to stop the music. Any words with This coloring to their text means to click on it for a sound effect. If there is music playing, then let it keep playing, the sound effect is brief Completely optional: You’re free to ignore this)         Sora’s House, Training Room Earlier         Spike was really into it today. He was in a combat simulation and was making proper use of both his sword and his dragon abilities. This time Merlin had decided to kick it up a notch and enchanted the training dummies as well, now Spike was facing more “life like” adversaries that attacked him with training weapons as well. He was outnumbered three to one, but was still able to duck and weave out of the majority of their attacks. He would string up short combo strikes when he would get the chance, but sometimes he got too impatient and rushed in when he should have been backing off. However, whenever that happened he would bail himself out by breathing a wide burst of fire around him, stalling his foes just long enough to get himself out of that situation and back on track. That was something Merlin suggested after observing Spike’s previous training session.   Merlin had come to understand that Spike was a rather capable young lad, he just needed to have a more calm mind as not to rush in and get himself into pointless danger. Teaching him a way to fix that mistake was a start, but not a solution capable of ending the issue outright. As he continued to observe the simulation he contemplated a new method that would be a bit more help. More life experience would be a good direction, but he wasn’t sure how to go about it.   As he watched Spike roll into a flaming Spike ball and crash into one of the dummies, a thought occurred to the wizard. Perhaps he needed to take him somewhere, but where? As he contemplated taking a short trip to find such a place he pulled out his watch. It would seem it was still morning, but an hour had already passed. It was a good time to give the young drake a break to allow them to discuss the matter. At this moment SpIke had just finished a leaping strike that ended up with him decapitating the dummy with his sword, only for the head to float back and reattach itself, due to Merlin’s magic.   “Alright Spike, let’s take a breather shall we?” Merlin said as he made the dummies revert to their lifeless positions on the training floor. “You are making wonderful progress, my boy.”   Spike had finally lowered his guard as well as his blade and noticed that he was panting, he really gave this session his all. He wiped the sweat off his brow with his arm. “Thank you, sir.”   “Now then, how about we take a step outside for some fresh air. I’m in the mood for a spot of tea anyway.” Merlin commented before he suddenly froze up, as if… as if he could sense something.   Suddenly, everything around the two started to become warped and distorted as the house began to shake. “What?! What’s going-”   “Just a moment Spike!” In a puff of smoke Merlin had reverted to his original human form and was making a few gestures with his hands, before they were both engulfed in their own auras. “So, that’s your game is it?” Merlin replied ominously, “I don’t know who you are, but you won’t have your way so easily, good sir!” The auras turned brighter and brighter, so bright that Spike had to shield his eyes at that point. It was then that he had a strange feeling in his gut before he whited out and lost consciousness.         ~~~~~~~~~~ ???       When Spike finally came to, he felt a little nauseous. “Uuuuugh, what happened?” He mumbled as he slowly got to his feet. He noticed after taking a look around that he was still in the training room. However, Merlin was nowhere to be seen. “Mr. Merlin?” He called out, but when no answer was forthcoming, he decided to head out to find him. When he did so he noticed Merlin was still in his human form as he last remembered, but was now standing in the living room with a magical aura emanating from his outstretched hand and a look of concentration on his face.   “Fascinating, to think they would go to such lengths.” Merlin spoke to himself as Spike approached.   “Uuuh, Mr. Merlin?” Spike called out to the wizard.   “Hm? Oh, Spike! Glad to see you’re awake lad. I was afraid you would be out for awhile there after experiencing an interplanetary mass trans-warp so abruptly like that.” Merlin said to the dragon as he cut off his aura and turned to face him.   “Uh, inter-what now?” Spike wasn’t getting it.   “Ah, yes, nevermind that. Perhaps it will be simpler if I start from the beginning.” He cleared his throat. “But first, since you are awake, do you mind checking on those three for me?” He gestured to the couch causing Spike to notice the crusaders had somehow gotten caught up in… whatever it was that was actually going on at the moment. All three of them seemed unconscious and were each lying on a separate seat cushion. “It would appear they are no worse for wear, I can assume they were already unconscious before our little trip.”   “Trip?” Spike asked as he made his way over to the girls and started to shake them awake.   Applebloom was the first. “Mmm, huh?” Followed by Sweetie bell and then finally Scootaloo who took a bit more effort to bring her out of her “nap”.   “Zzzz… Not yet. 5 more minutes…” Scootaloo said in her sleep. Spike simply rolled his eyes before pulling the couch cushion out from under her. That got her up for sure.   “Wha-oomph!”   “Rise and shine Scoots, we don't have time to sleep.” Spike said   Applebloom yawned before looking around. “Why are we in Sora’s house?” She said as she waited for her memory to collect itself.   “Ah, that would be me.” Merlin said as he approached them. “When I checked outside I noticed the three of you sleeping inside Mogson’s stall. So I brought you in here instead.”   The three fillies looked at him. Now they were fully awake and staring wide eyed at the wizard.   Then Scootaloo spoke. “What is that thing and why does it sound like the old guy?”   Spike facepalmed. It’s true, they’d never seen Merlin’s true form till today, but had they forgotten about the whole human thing? Thankfully, Sweetie Belle proved him wrong by simply asking. “Mr. Merlin?”   The old wizard nodded before he huffed as he looked over at Scootaloo. “Yes, this is what I actually am. A very old human. I was certain seeing Sora’s human form would have eased you all into seeing me revert to my true form as well.   Scootaloo sheepishly rubbed the back of her head and laughed nervously.   Before the atmosphere could become any more awkward Merlin decided to change the subject. “But that is for a later time. The reason I’m like this is far more pressing at the moment.”   “What do you mean, Mr. Merlin?” Sweetie asked.   To which he replied swiftly. “Well first, do the three of you remember anything before passing out and waking up here?   “The last… Hmm.” Applebloom looked to the other girls. Now that they started thinking about they all felt like they had forgotten something. They all huddled and started thinking back. “Let’s see… we were runnin’ the shop…”   Sweetie Belle continued. “Mogson locked himself up in that synthesizer room cuz he had some brand new idea and wanted to be alone to think about it.”   “So it’s safe to assume we won’t be seeing him for a bit then.” Spike rolled his eyes.   Scootaloo was next. “And then….. and then… we started training with our struggle bats… but… something happened.” She folded her forelegs and was trying to recover the more recent part of her memories…. “Somepony showed up.”   “A pony?” Merlin asked.   “No, not a pony in the sense of the word, uh… I think Sora would say… a person?”   “Yeah! I remember! It wasn’t a pony but some tall hooded guy!” Sweetie jumped in.   “And they walked on two legs to ah’ think.” Applebloom nodded.   “Were they a human?” Merlin asked.   “We don’t know.” The girls said as they shook their heads.   “He was wearin’ this raggedy lookin’ cloak so we couldn’t even see his face.” Applebloom continued.   “Yeah, everything about him was screaming “Creep” all over from how I saw it.” Scootaloo added.   “So, what did this individual want?” Merlin asked   “I think… he said… he wanted to shop?” Sweetie answered as she tapped her chin with her hoof.   “Oh yeah, I remember that.” Scootaloo joined in. “So we took him over to the shop and he bought some potions, some ethers, and a tent.”   “He just came to shop?” Spike asked. “That’s it?”   “No, he also chatted with us too. He heard you training Spike and he asked if there was anyone there, so we told them about you training.” Sweetie answered.   Merlin stroked his beard. “Anything else you remember?”   Applebloom nodded. “Y-yeah… Ah’ remember when he went to grab his stuff, his hand was actually a claw… kinda like Spike’s.” She turned to the purple dragon.   Spike held out his claw and flexed it a few times. “So does that mean he’s a dragon?”   Applebloom shrugged. “Ah’ guess, we never bothered  to ask him. We just wanted him ta’ buy his stuff and get out of here, but- hmmm… somethin’… somethin’ happened.” She was really trying to remember.   “Don't’ overexert yourself.” Merlin stated. “It’ll come to you.”   The three girls nodded and tried to think back again. Sweetie continued. “I remember, he asked how much it all costed… but…”   Scootaloo picked up after that. “But then I noticed something strange happening and called out to the others.”   “What do you mean?” Spike asked.   “It was Ponyville, it was turning all wonky and weird.” Scootaloo replied.   “Wonky and weird?” Merlin asked, still stroking his beard.   “Yeah! And then…. I woke up on the couch… I think….” She said.   Merlin then turned to Sweetie Belle when she interjected. “No, something else happened before that…” She rubbed her head and tried to think on what it was. That’s when it clicked for Applebloom.   “Oh Yeah! Ah’ remember! That guy did it! He was the one that knocked us out.” She stomped her hoof. “He held his claw out to us and then… some magicky thing, or somethin’, and then we got all sleepy really quickly!” Applebloom hopped off the couch. “It was him fer’ sure!”     Merlin stared at the little fillies as he contemplated what they’d told him. “Hmm, so we have our culprit it seems. But their purpose for all of this remains a mystery.”   “So then why don’t we go look for this guy and find out for ourselves?” Scootaloo jumped off the couch. “And if he won’t cooperate, we just give him a kick to the flank.” She kicked the air with her hind hoof.   “I’m afraid the “kicking flank” part is beyond our abilities at the moment, young Scootaloo.” Merlin shook his head.   “Huh? Why not?”   “Because we have been transported elsewhere via teleportation.” Merlin replied to her.   Scootaloo cocked an eyebrow and looked around. “To where? Inside Sora’s house? Big deal, we just step back outside and crack some skulls.” She said as she summoned her struggle bat.   This was when Sweetie bopped her friend on the head with her own bat. “Weren't you paying attention? Merlin was the one who brought us here, not a teleportation…. Wait, does that mean-” Sweetie Belle turned back to the wizard as he nodded.   “Precisely Sweetie Belle, as you surmised, this mystery figure tried to teleport us and this whole building somewhere. Where? I’m not entirely sure. However I managed to respond fast enough to alter the destination, so I at least know where we are.” He said as he started walking toward the front door while Spike and the girls followed.   “And where is that?” Spike asked.   At this question Merlin opened the door to reveal a garden filled with all sorts of rather amazing looking hedgework of creatures playing various instruments, but at the center was the most impressive looking one of them all as it looked like a kind of fantasy castle on top of a hill. When Spike and the girls stepped out to get a better look around, they noticed the garden was within what they guessed was castle walls. “Welcome to Disney Castle.”   There was a moment of hesitation, but soon Spike and girls ended up wandering outside of Sora’s house to get a good look at their surroundings, utter astonishment and confusion on their faces. More “oohs” and “ahs” ensued the farther out they stepped. “Wow, whoever does the garden work here really is creative” Scootaloo said as she stepped up to one of the various hedges that were shaped like animal musicians.   “It’s nice and all, but the Princesses have a bigger one.” Sweetie Belle stated as she started to trot about.   Applebloom rolled her eyes as she walked past her towards another direction. “Ah don’t think it’s a competition between the two Sweetie Belle.”   “Wow… we’re really on another world?” Spike was standing in front of the hedgework shaped like some kind of grand fantasy castle and studied it for a moment. “I remember Sora telling me about this place when he told me stories of his adventures. How come you sent us here, Merlin?” he looked back to the wizard who was now outside as well, but facing the house with his hands out again and emanating a magical aura. “If you were able to alter our teleportation, why not just a few feet or yards from where Sora’s house once stood?”   “Nobody is perfect Spike, even as powerful and knowledgeable a mage as I am there are still limits to what I can and cannot do.” Spike raised an eyebrow but let Merlin continue. “I’m afraid the whole event was so sudden that I did not have enough to time to think logically on the issue, my first priority was to hijack the spell and alter it to something more suitable for us. In this case, changing the destination to somewhere I consider safe. Time was short, so I didn't have enough time to focus my mind on a particular spot in Equestria, therefore my mind turned to one of the places I’m more familiar with.”   “Well, then it’s not a problem right? You can just send us back, can’t you?” Spike asked, now a little worried.   “Of course, my boy! This kind of spell just requires a lot more magic than the usual teleportation spell, but it’s generally the same thing.” Merlin replied, to which Spike sighed in relief. “However, this will take some time.”   “Time? Why’s that?” Spike asked, worried once more.   “Didn’t that other guy do it in a snap?” Scootaloo asked as she lost interest in the hedges and headed over to Merlin. “How come it will take longer to get back?”   “I’m afraid our “guest” left us an extra present with this transportation spell. I can’t seem to get the house, or ourselves in the preparation stage for the transport.” Merlin replied   “What?” Scootaloo tilted her head.   “To put the process in terms you’d understand, imagine there is a shell over you, as well as over each of the other two girls, Spike, the house, even one over me.” She took a moment to imagine it but then nodded. “That shell is what seems to be blocking me from using my magic on the us or the house. Whoever this mysterious being is, they knew full well that I was a wizard and placed this obstacle before us to prevent me from instantly teleporting back.   “What?! What a jerk!” Scootaloo stomped her hoof.   “Indeed, one can only imagine what their true agenda may be.” Merlin responded.   “S-so are we… STUCK HERE?” Applebloom asked, worried she may never see her family again.   “Of course you need not be concerned, Applebloom. True this individual has used a spell to block my magic, but these spells are always temporary, in time it shall dissipate on its own.” A large group sigh came from everyone else in the garden along with Applebloom. “Of course, I’m not too fond of following this person’s rules, so I’m attempting to bypass it and get us back sooner.”   “Is that why your hooves-er sorry, I mean, is that why your hands are covered in magic like that?” Sweetie Belle asked as she trotted up to him.   “Precisely, my dear. Unfortunately I have misplaced my wand in Twilight’s abode, so I will have to practice what I preached to her the other day and manage this on my own.”   Spike folded his arms as he remembered that conversation. “Twilight… She and the others should be back from Manehatten soon…”   “Yes…” Merlin replied. “I believe you are coming to the same conclusion as I... “   The crusaders looked at one another in confusion before it clicked in their minds as well. “That guy wants to pick a fight with them!” They said in unison.   “Precisely.” Merlin had a stern look on his face. “It seems we were in the way of his quest to confront Sora and the element bearers.”   They all looked to each other. Could this guy be a lackey of Maleficent and Chrysalis? Or perhaps there was yet another group of bad guys they had to deal with now? That was when they heard a scream, causing them all to turn their heads to the far end of the garden. Above the path looked to be a sort of balcony/hallway, there they saw glimpses of heartless moving about.   “Heartless! Here?” Spike said in surprise before he called out his sword.   “We are no longer in Ponyville, Spike. This is just an inevitability that other worlds have learned to cope with. However, that does not mean we just sit idly by, if I recognize that scream that must be the Queen herself. Likely the foul beasts have caught her off guard. We’ll have to postpone our trip back for now.” Merlin said as he faced away from the house and conjured up a familiar looking tank like vehicle. The girls all grinned at seeing it, remembering it well. In a magical puff of smoke Merlin was already in the driver's seat, adjusting a pair of racing goggles on his face while the girls scrambled onto it and back into their previous battle positions. Spike just hopped on the back of the tank holding onto a railing. “Glad to see I don’t have to convince any of you. I am very proud of you four.”   “Well, we can’t just sit by when the Queen of this place is in danger.” Spike replied before giving a smirk. “Besides, what Twilight doesn’t know won’t hurt her, right?” This just made Merlin chuckle.   “Alright, less chatty and more drivey! We got hero work to do!” Scootaloo interrupted them.   “Too right, Scootaloo! Off we go then!” Merlin said before facing forward, grabbing the wheel and flooring it through the garden toward the exit.         ~~~         Queen Minnie had just stepped out of the royal library when she was met with a horrendous sight, the hall was filled with heartless. While t was true at this point that most of the castle was safe, with such a big place there was always one area or another that a heartless could get in. She would have to be on guard more often than before as well as be escorted by royal guards. However, after that incident with the Cornerstone of light and Sora going to the past the heartless seemed to have stopped appearing in that particular area altogether. It had been that way long enough for her to consider it another safe area. Why they reappeared now was beyond her at the moment. She was far from defenseless due to her light magic, but at the moment she was in desperate need of backup.   As luck would have it, just as she came to that conclusion she caught a glimpse of something rounding the corner at the far end of the hall. It then proceeded to plow right through the horde and make a beeline straight for her. When it finally reached her it skidded to a stop, knocking over the last of the heartless in it’s path and kicking up some dust. She would have to do something about that dirty red rug later. After fanning the dust away from her and waiting for it to settle, she was pleasantly surprised to see a familiar face. “Merlin!”   “Salutations your majesty, I hope you don’t mind the intrusion, we shall explain more after this matter is settled.” He then turned toward the group of heartless that were getting back on their feet again. “Alright everyone, let’s give no quarter. Spike, you're on the front lines!”   “Roger that!” Spike jumped and flipped over the tank to land in front of it in a stylish way. Well, what he thought was stylish at least, really he was just copying Sora’s moves and poses most of the time since he looked up to the guy so much. He then charged, blade out and heart set ablaze.   “Alright girls, I hope that you three have made peace with the roles you’ve been given.” Merlin turns back to the girls while Spike went all out on the heartless up ahead.   The three nodded as Applebloom spoke. “Yeah, it took a bit but we’re all fine with it now. Why?”   “Good, because I’m giving you three a bit more freedom.” He said as he pulled a lever in his seat. Suddenly the three girls shrieked as they were pulled into the inner workings of the tank. The tank itself bumped around a bit before the top part opened up and shot out three orbs of light. Each landed around the tank and when they touched the ground they dissipated instantly, revealing the crusaders in smaller vehicles of their own. They looked like they were made of gummi ship parts, and upon closer inspection one would realise that’s because they were! This resulted in them having the aesthetic of rideable toy vehicles.   Scootaloo’s was a plane, not that she knew what a plane was, but she quickly picked up what it could do as it immediately took off into the air. “Whoa! I’m flying! Look! I’m actually flying!... This feels weird since I’m not using my wings.” As she circled around above trying to understand how to control the thing, Applebloom was busy trying to understand her own vehicle.   Although she wasn’t familiar with it, Applejack’s vehicle resembled a truck. It was larger than the other two’s vehicles, and seemed far more sturdy as well. “Huh, it’s kinda like a big cart.” She messed with the pedals and steering wheel making her ride stop and go repeatedly until she figured out what the pedals and wheel did a short while after.   Sweetie Belle’s ride was actually something they all could recognize as it lifted into the air. It was an airship. However this one seemed much more maneuverable than the full-sized ones as it kept her out of harm’s way down below. “I don’t know what’s going on, but this is actually really cool!” She squeaked as she turned the wheel a few times. At the very least she had an easier time figuring her vehicle out.   Merlin smirked. “With this, I hereby you graduate you three from being baby sat to being supervised. You have free reign to assist Spike in routing out this riff raff.” He was right, the majority of the type of heartless there ranged from the typical dime a dozen shadows, soldiers, and even some hook bats. Meanwhile Spike was just tearing through the horde like a spinning flaming spike ball of doom before bouncing into the floor to cancel out of that move, pulling back his blade and stringing up a four hit combo on a small group of hook bats. “My my, someone is overzealous.” Merlin commented. “I'll remain here with her majesty, but not to worry, I’ll keep my eye on you all and assist if things get too hairy.”   Immediately afterward he saw Scootaloo fly overhead while cheering. “Wooo! These things have weapons!” Apparently amidst her time trying to get a better handle on her gummi vehicle she had discovered how to activate it’s weapons, which appeared as what looked like a 1950s sci-fi interpretation of a laser gun. There was one under each wing and they were firing a hail of red light beams at the heartless below as Scootaloo started doing fly-bys.   Observing their friend getting a head start, Sweetie Belle and Applebloom started looking around their driver’s seats for some kind of switch or button to activate their own weaponry. When they did Applebloom's turned out to be a sort of battering ram like front bumper, and a rocket booster in the back. “Wait, so ah’ just run em’ over with this? ...Ah’ can live with that.” She shrugged and floored it into the heartless, destroying the weaker ones upon impact of her spiked grill while tossing others into the air, leaving them as open targets to Scootaloo’s guns if she happened to be “passing by”.   Meanwhile random groups of heartless that were nearby Spike started blowing up in a blast of light and smoke. This caused Spike to stop and look back. The one who caused those was Sweetie Belle, as her airship was high above everyone else to avoid any confrontation as her ships cannon’s continuously fired on any heartless near Spike and Applebloom whenever their guard seemed lowered. “Whoa.” Spike said in amazement, then immediately jumped back to dodge Applebloom as she mowed through another group of soldiers with no mercy. “Whoa!” Finally he saw some of the soldiers that were launched by Applebloom get pelted with red laser shots from the plane Scootaloo was in before they disappeared, the remaining shots pelting the heartless that were still on the ground near him before flying past him overhead. “WHOA! When did you girls get those?!”   “Merlin is awesome!” Scootaloo said as she turned and flew by him again.   Meanwhile Sweetie Belle called out to him from above. “You can drop your jaw later, Spike. We got a Queen to protect!” She said before firing another cannon round at some heartless chasing after Applebloom’s truck. Not like they could catch her anyway, but still, it was nice to have someone watching her back.   During all this Queen Minnie approached Merlin. “I am glad for your assistance Merlin, but if I may ask, who are those brave individuals? They seem rather young.”   Merlin smiled and just continued to observe. “Not to worry your majesty, they may be young, but they are quite capable, I assure you.” They watched as Spike slashed through three soldiers before making a jumping upper slash knocking two more into the air, letting them get picked off by Scootaloo’s lasers. Meanwhile Applebloom was driving circles around a mixed group of shadows and Hook bats. This was mostly to distract them as Sweetie Belle rained cannon fire on them from above. “Besides, they have potential. Especially Spike over there.” He turned back to the purple dragon who was getting really into it. It was safe to consider him and the girls capable of handling these lower ranks of heartless, even in bulk. “I have a good feeling about the lad.”   The Queen continued to watch and it would seem the group were wrapping things up rather quickly. “I see we will have much to discuss on this and your sudden visit here.”   “You might want to ask some servants to bring you a chair and some tea. That particular discussion will take some time. That reminds me, how are Donald and Goofy?” It was nearing the time he was told that they would soon visit Sora in Equestria, so he asked out of curiosity.   “Oh, I believe they are on their way here, though I’m not sure when-” Minnie was then interrupted by a rather loud quack-like shout.   “Your Majesty! We’re coming!” It came from the pathway leading to the garden. This caused Spike to stop as well as the girls after they took out the last shadow. They could hear a pair of footsteps. When they finally rounded the corner Spike and the girls were surprised to see a rather angry looking duck dressed in some kind of blue adventuring gear and wielding a kind of wand charge straight at them. And just behind him, a rather clumsy looking... was that a Diamond Dog? Wearing green and yellow adventure gear, both of their outfits bearing an odd amount of zippers.   “Oh my.”  Queen Minnie held her hand to her mouth in complete shock.   “And this was starting out so well.” Merlin replied.   Meanwhile, Spike and the girls were confused staring at the newcomers. But with that look of aggression on the mallard one’s face, they could only react in kind, since the newcomers seemed to want to pick a fight thinking they were probably more bad guys to deal with.   And thus sparked a rather confusing and pointless fight. > Spike Adventures: Royal Knight and Court Wizard > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- There was a duck flying through the air. Now, normally when one sees a flying duck, they don’t think much of it. It’s a duck, therefore it can fly. However, this particular duck had no business being in the air whatsoever, considering that he has arms instead of wings. “WAAAAAAUGH! Take us down! Take us down!” Said said duck. “I can’t! You won’t get off my face!” Replied Scootaloo as she tried to simultaneously push the duck away and steer her plane. This accomplished little as the quacking mallard quaked in terror upon seeing they were now flying straight at everyone else. Now you may be asking yourself, how did these two end up in their peculiar predicament? Well, it was a rather pointless affair, but it started with the Crusaders and Spike retaliating towards the angry wizard named Donald and the somewhat confused knight dubbed Goofy. The fight itself may have only lasted a brief moment, but what a moment it was. The battle started with both sides running right at each other, while Merlin and Queen Minnie stood on the sidelines. The queen looked to her old friend. “Merlin, shouldn’t we stop them?” Donald cast a Firaga Spell at Spike right off the bat, but it was useless against a dragon. Goofy charged forward, shield held up in front of him, only to ram it against the front of Applebloom’s truck… Needless to say, the truck won that standoff, knocking goofy into the air while giving his signature yell. “By the looks on their faces, I’m afraid mere words aren’t going to cut it. Not to worry, just give me a moment. Now, how did that spell go again?” Merlin replied before adjusting his hat and rolling up his sleeves. Meanwhile, Donald cast Blizzaga on Applebloom’s truck which had been barreling toward him, making its wheels and jet thruster freeze up and slide to a stop right in front of him. The filly inside was shivering so much her teeth chattered from the effects of the powerful ice spell, even if it was mostly directed at her vehicle rather than herself. Goofy at this point in time was hurtling straight toward Sweetie Belle’s airship. When he noticed this he instinctively held his shield out in front of him before smashing into it, catching her off guard and causing the airship to slowly but surely fall to the floor. “We’re going down! Get your flank off the controls!” “I’m trying, but I’m stuck!” Goofy had apparently gotten his leg caught on something in the cockpit during the clash. Back on the ground, Donald’s tail feathers were being roasted by green flames, courtesy of Spike coming at him from behind while he was distracted with Applebloom. This caused the Duck to leap skyward and scream in pain, covering his rear end as he tried to pat out the fire, only to become Scootaloo’s first unintentional bird strike. “Whoa, hey! Get off!” He barely managed to grab onto something to avoid falling to his doom, and the moment he took hold he latched on out of fear due to being so high up. Unfortunately, the thing he latched onto was Scootaloo’s head, effectively blinding the pilot of the small aircraft. This was when Goofy and Sweetie’s slow crash to the floor had finally reached it’s end. Spike barely managed to dodge out of the way of Applebloom's truck, which had been tipped over after getting nicked by the airship as it screeched past. Which brings us to where we are now. “AAAAAAAAAAAAAH!” Was the one phrase that most, if not all the combatants yelled as the ones on the ground tried to scramble away, while the ones on the plane were coming in hot. However, just before impact, someone cast Stopga on the group. “Ah! That’s the one,” exclaimed Merlin as he cast the spell with his open palms. He then made a swift gesture with them which caused the Crusaders, Spike, Donald and Goofy to somehow levitate from their positions and practically fly toward the wizard and queen, all while they were still frozen in time, mind you. As he placed them gently on the ground, the spell vanished and time resumed for them, as well as the now unmanned vehicles, leaving the plane to crash not in an explosion of fire but one of many small gummi block pieces. The airship fared no better as a good portion of it was scattered and strewn about the floor. The truck was still mostly intact since it was simply knocked over by the airship’s crash landing. As for the participants of that brief fight. “AAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaah!!!… aaaah!… uuuuh… huh?” it took a moment for them to get their bearings after time resumed. “...Are we dead?” Scootaloo asked in a muffled voice as she was still blinded by Donald, who himself was still latched onto her head in terror. “Did we crash yet?” “Fortunately, you have not.” Merlin dusted off his hands. “I do not believe that your sisters and Rainbow Dash would think too kindly of me leaving you three to your demise. The same for Twilight as well, in regards to you Spike.” A sigh of relief sounded throughout the area as Donald and Goofy immediately sprang to their feet. “Merlin? What are you doing here?” Goofy asked. “And who are these guys?” Donald asked as he got into a ready stance in case the adorable defenseless ponies and dragon tried anything. “To answer Donald’s question, children would be the best term to categorize them all,” Merlin replied causing Donald to stumble over a little at the realization. “Yeah! You guys were getting beaten up by children! HA HAAA… Hey, wait a minute!” Scootaloo quickly got to her hooves. “Alright, I think that’s quite enough for one day.” Minnie finally stepped in between the two glaring individuals. “Donald, Goofy, I thank you both for coming to my aid, but fortunately Merlin and these young warriors arrived first and took care of the Heartless attacking me.” She then turned to Spike and the other Crusaders that had now gathered around Scootaloo “And you all have my thanks for your valiant effort today.” Scootaloo puffed out her chest at the praise while Applebloom, Sweetie, and Spike kneeled to her as they would for their two princesses back home. “Wasn’t an issue at all, your majesty! Those guys were just a bunch of small fry anyway. If Sora and Rainbow were here, they’d have totally wiped the floor with them in a snap.” Scootaloo boasted. “Oh! You guys know Sora as well?” Goofy walked up to the group with a big smile on his face now that he knew there was no reason to fight. “How’s he doing, anyway?” Donald responded. “I bet he’s been slacking without us around to keep him on track.” Scootaloo just stared at him. “...Does anybody know what the big duck said? Cuz I didn't understand of a lick of that.” This made Donald give her a deadpan stare. “Ahem.” Merlin cleared his throat, gaining everyone’s attention. “I believe it would be best if we discuss all of this in the garden. I still have to return these young ones home after all.” He then turned to Minnie. “Would that be alright with you, your majesty?” Minnie smiled and nodded. “That should be quite alright, I’ll even send for some tea and snacks for us.” “That sounds quite lovely, I’m sure the young ones would like that.” “You had us at snacks, your highness,” Spike spoke out as he and the Crusaders suddenly looked very attentive at the prospect of free food. Donald just shook his head. “Kids...” “Aw, don’t be like that Donald. After all, you have three nephews that aren’t too different.” Goofy patted Donald behind his back. “Ah, what do you know, you big palooka.” Donald huffed before following the group back to the garden, leaving Goofy to laugh before following along as well. They both knew he was right, however, it did beg the question. What would happen if both the triplets and crusaders met? ...A story for another day perhaps. ( : You tease, you. ) ~~~~~~~~~~ Garden A Few Hours Later During the explanation, everyone enjoyed the refreshments the castle chef had to offer after a table and chairs were delivered to the garden, of course. Merlin, Spike, and the Crusaders took turns telling stories of what Equestria was like, the current events and the tales they’ve heard involving Sora and the bearers. They also recounted a few of their own little adventures against the heartless and Maleficent, the latter of which actually genuinely impressed their audience, who knew first hand how tough of an opponent the witch could be. Meanwhile, Merlin was back standing in front the house, busy overturning the spell their unwanted guest placed on it. He took a few breaks for a spot of tea and a cookie when he felt like of course, but other than that he diligently continued his work. Spike and the girls were more than happy to pick up the explanations whenever he needed time to focus on his magic. “Gawrsh, sounds like Sora has been busy helping you fellers out than he has been with his training,” Goofy said as he took off his hat and scratched his head in thought. Spike was then reminded of Sora saying the same thing once before. That’s right, he did say that’s the reason he was brought to Equestria, but why? Spike asked himself. Was it to learn about fusion or something? “Don’t you remember goofy? That’s exactly why Master Yen decided to send him there.” Donald replied. This brought Spike out of his thoughts. “After we dropped him off, Master Yen Sid said that Sora needed to prepare himself for what lies ahead.” “What lies ahead?” Spike asked, “What’s that mean? Is it about that Xehanort guy he told us about?” Donald nodded before taking another sip of his tea. “Did Sora tell you about how he failed his Mark of Mastery exam?” “Mark of Mastery?” Spike thought for a moment. Then he remembered Sora had mentioned it with a bit of sadness in his voice. “That’s the test that would’ve made Sora and his friend Riku Official Keyblade Masters, but Xehanort ruined it all when he tried to take Sora as a vessel or something, I think.” Donald nodded. “True, but do you know what they were after during that test?” This got Spike and girls looking at each other. Come to think of it, Spike never did ask what was the point of the test. Waking sleeping worlds? He assumed it was just to help more worlds that were locked away like before, but this time locked in slumber instead of darkness. Other than becoming a Keyblade Master and helping sleeping worlds, was there another reason for all of it? No one even bothered to ask him. He was brought out of his musing when Donald continued. “It was for Sora and Riku to gain the power of waking.” “Power of waking?” Applebloom asked. “Waking ponies up is a power?” After a moment she perked up. “Like a special talent?!” This got the other Crusaders’ attention, as well as the confusion of Donald and Goofy. Spike immediately waved it off. “If that were the case, then Twilight would’ve gotten that Cutie Mark instead after all the times she had to get me out of bed. Goofy looked at Donald. “Cutie Mark?” Donald just shook his head and shrugged in return. “Anyway, what’s so great about being able to wake others?” Spike asked. Donald and Goofy looked at each other. Was it really necessary for them to explain everything? It had nothing to do with Spike or the Crusaders so perhaps it was a subject that didn’t need to be brought up. However, the queen spoke her mind. “Well don’t stop there, if they don’t get an answer they’re only going to be more curious. And besides, if you don’t tell them they’ll probably just ask Sora when they return.” “She has a point, boys,” Merlin called out in the middle of his work. “Regardless, I actually feel it’s important that they know.” He then spoke under his breath. “Or at the very least, Spike should.” Before speaking normally again. “Besides, we’ll be here for a while longer, as you can see.” He motioned to him casting a spell on the house. “It would help pass the time.” “They have us there, Donald,” Goofy said. Donald just sighed. “Yeah yeah. Alright, listen up you four.” He pointed to Spike and the girls which made them all straighten up and focus than earlier. “This is about all that we know, so don’t complain if we can’t explain the more detailed parts.” “Uuuh, can that Goofy guy explain it?” Scootaloo raised her hoof. “No offense, but I can barely understand what you're saying.” She said bluntly. “Well you’re getting better,” Sweetie Belle said. “Just a while ago you couldn’t understand him at all.” “SHHHH!” Both Spike and Applebloom shushed the other too. Donald meanwhile turned to Goofy with a look of exasperation. “Well, let me see here, I suppose we should start with the fact that we’re looking for some old friends of ours...” And so began a long and winding tail of Donald and Goofy’s experiences and adventures involving keyblade wielders. How they met Ventus, Aqua and Terra, and the times they spent with them. Their own perspectives during their adventures with Sora and how they looked high and low for them the first time they met. All the way up till the point where Sora failed his Mark of Mastery exam. Once it was finished, Spike and girls understood that Sora needed that power so he could wake the sleeping heart of Ventus, as well as free Terra from Xehanort, and find Aqua who was lost in the dark realm. Though Spike was surprised that they were trying to bring back Roxas as well. From what Sora told him, Roxas was his nobody, his other half. And he returned to Sora, in the end, so wouldn’t be better to leave Roxas as is? It was getting to the point where all this was starting to overwhelm the kids, so goofy and the others took breaks in between to help explain the parts of the story they didn’t understand. ( Cuz Celestia knows how hard it is explaining KH lore to someone out of the loop. ) by the time the explanation came to a close the Crusaders and Spike had a better grasp on what was going on, but still nowhere close to a full understanding. However, it was probably as good as they were gonna get for now. What they did understand was that some important people needed to be found and Sora is training to help him in this quest. “So basically, Sora is training in Equestria… So that he can receive that “power of waking” thing you mentioned, right?” Spike folded his arms and tried to contemplate the whole discussion. “Uh huh.” Said both Donald and Goofy. “Does this have anything to do with that fusion thing he does?” Scootaloo asked. “Fusion?” This got Donald and Goofy confused. “Yeah! That thing Sora does with Twilight and her friends with their Elements of Harmony!” Sweetie Belle replied. “Elements of Harmony?” Donald seemed even more confused. “What’s that about our friends in Twilight Town?” Goofy asked while scratching his head. Spike and the Crusaders looked at each other, wondering how to respond when Merlin spoke up. “I’m sure it goes without saying, but perhaps you young ones should return the favor by sharing some info in return. Best to keep Sora’s friends up to date after all.” “Nah, that’s ok.” Donald shook his head. “We’re actually going there ourselves today anyways.” He stood up. “We are?” Goofy turned to Donald, “But I thought you said we would check on him next week?” “I changed my mind. After hearing their story, I’m getting a bad feeling about all this.” Donald said as he readjusted his hat. After a moment Goofy just smiled and chuckled. “Why I betcha you’re just as worried about’em as I am, a-hyuck.” Donald just looked away. “Nah, he’s just hopeless is all.” He quickly changed the subject before Goofy could figure out he was right. “Merlin, how long until you think you can send the house back along with them?” “Oh, it should only be a couple more hours… Probably.” Merlin replied curtly as he remained focused. Donald shook his head. “Nevermind then.” He then turned to Goofy. “I still have the warp coordinates to that place, we’ll just use the gummi ship and get there in a jiffy. Let’s go Goofy.” “Gummi ship?” Spike took a moment to recall Sora’s story. He had mentioned that subject before. Some kind of ship made of gummy parts or something that flew through space, if he remembered correctly. “But uh, how are we gonna find this ‘Ponyville’? We've never been to Equestria before, remember?” Goofy brought up a good point, but Spike perked up and stepped forward. “I can show you where it is!” ~~~~~~~~~~ Gummi Ship Hangar Some time later “Whooooa….” Spike was in awe as he got a look around the place. Everywhere he turned there were parts and devices straight out of one of his comic books. He had no clue what most of them were for, but they sure looked interesting. “You hid all this under that hedge castle in the garden? You made it into a secret passage or something.” “Well, that’s because we… Huh… What was the reason we hid the doorway there again?” Goofy tapped his chin with a finger. “Well, that’s because…” Donald stopped in the middle of his sentence as well. He couldn’t remember either but immediately decided to shelf that for another day. “We’ll ask about that later.” He concluded as they stopped in front of what looked to be a control panel, but scaled down to an incredibly tiny size. “Chip! Dale!” Suddenly from under one of the seemingly random panels in the room, out popped a little chipmunk that immediately saluted “Chip.” “And Dale!” Said another chipmunk with a rather distinguishable red nose as he stumbled out of what looked like a circuit box and wobbled a bit until he finally got his salute right. The two then continued in sync ”Reporting for duty!” Both Chipmunk seemed to be wearing some kind of workshop attire. “Whoa, these little guys can talk? Normally I’d have to get Fluttershy to translate.” Spike stepped up and gazed at the two little guys, catching them off guard and causing them to stumble back. “Oh, sorry? Didn’t mean to freak you out there.” He chuckled nervously. “Chip, Dale, How’s the ship?” Donald asked, ignoring the mini dragon’s antics. “Oh, uh.” Chip straightened himself out before nodding. “All tuned up! We even replaced the wing parts. Same model though.” “It should run like a dream now.” Dale continued while jumping in excitement for a job well done. “Good, prepare it for launch.” “Already?” Chip tilted his head. “But you two just returned here today. Also-” he then turned to Spike. “Who is that? Is he the reason?” “We’ll explain another time, right now we gotta get going.” Donald changed the subject. After a moment Chip just shrugged. “Aaaalrighty then, Let’s get moving Dale.” He then scurried off with Dale not too far behind. “We should get going too,” Donald said as he and Goofy started walking. “Where to?” Spike asked. “To the Launch Bay, of course, those two fellers will prep the ship for us by the time we get there. They’re small but they’re pretty fast at what they do.” Goofy said as they went down another corridor. “You called it a gummi ship right? Is driving it through space like flying an airship, or riding a boat?” “Hmmm...” Goofy scratched his head and thought about that question. “Well now that I think about it, it’s pretty hard to describe to someone that’s never ridden in one,” After a moment of thinking he just chuckled and then looked forward again. “Well, I figure it’ll be easier to just show you instead.” “Because here we are,” Donald said as they reached the end of the corridor to open up to a larger room mostly empty but at the center of a circular looking pad was what Spike could only assume as the Gummi Ship they spoke of. ( Scene from Square Enix, but Picture found on gamespew.com ) Spike ran up to it and got a good look. “It… looks like it’s made of the same stuff the Crusaders’ vehicles were made of.” “They’re called Gummi blocks.” Donald pointed out as he walked past the little dragon and patted the side of the ship. “It’s a very useful material, letting you customize a ship however you want… almost.” He nodded before jumping on board and getting into the cockpit. “Though I suppose it’s not really surprising that Merlin found more uses for them. How does he do it...” Donald muttered mostly to himself as Goofy helped Spike get in before boarding it himself. There were three seats inside, one up front where Spike could only assume the steering controls were, and two others located just behind it on either side. “Whooooa.” He admired all the bits and bobs and blinking lights that circled around him as the glass like dome closed above them once everyone was inside. Spike went to the front, staring at the controls before noticing Donald take a seat there. “Hey, can I-” “No.” “Aww, you didn’t let me finish.” Spike frowned. “You were going to ask if you could pilot, right?” Donald replied without even looking at him as he started getting the ship up and running. Spike blinked. “Uh, yeah, How-” “Sora was no different when we first met him,” Donald said as they could now feel the ship come to life after he got the ignition going. “Would you trust a kid to fly a highly advanced spaceship they knew nothing about, let alone ever even ridden on one?” “Oh… So I guess even Sora never got to try then.” “No, he did.” “What?!” Spike said, outraged. “In time. Nobody becomes an expert in a day, you know.” Donald replied. “Ever since that Incident in the deep jungles, we started him off with small tasks like parking and moving him up from there.” Goofy elaborated while he hopped into one of the free seats. “I still don’t know how he was able to make it stop and go so sudden and abruptly like that...” Donald was confused on that to this very day. It was like when a new student driver would press the gas and brake pedals in a way that make the car abruptly jerk forward and stop repeatedly… and Sora somehow managed to do that with a spaceship, which had no friction based brakes. Just then Spike was shocked to hear Dale’s voice from out of nowhere. “Launch Bay is ready to go!” “Ok!” Donald said before turning to Spike. “Take a seat Spike, the launch is a bit jarring for the first few times.” Spike did so immediately. Suddenly Spike notices the ship rising up, the pad below the ship lifting them up toward the ceiling. He was about to protest and freak out about getting crushed flat when he also noticed the ceiling directly above them open up with a circular hole that just managed to fit the ship and rising pad. “COOL!” He looked around as they rapidly started rising up the hole. After a few moments, he noticed a light above, which he soon realized was the Launch Bay, as multiple metal doors started rapidly opening up before them showing one long corridor. Above it was a large screen that lit up and showed Chip as he gave a salute. “Green for launch!” He said. “OK!” Donald said as the ship began to hover off the pad it was on before slowly moving toward the long corridor in front of them. “Spike, you might want to sit back and hang on to something now.” Spike complied but was wondering why he should as the ship seemed to be barely crawling, and that's when it hit him. The moment the ship reached that corridor it shot through it like a bullet, slamming the purple dragon to the back of his seat, gritting his teeth and, temporarily, freaking out for a few seconds before they reached the end and the ship careened straight toward the stars above. “GO GUMMI!” Donald switched on the thrusters, causing the ship to shoot forward as the warp drive activated and they blinked out of view from everyone down below. The Crusaders, the Queen, the Chipmunks, and Merlin all watched the ship fly skyward, then blink out of existence. “Hm… This is good.” Merlin said as he then refocused on the house. “It should be a good learning experience for the lad.” Merlin certainly seems to have high hopes for Spike. But for what? > Chapter 40: All Out Drive > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- In front of the Library, the sound of blades clashing was an almost constant presence. Sora had been fighting for an hour now non-stop, and time was really taking it’s toll on him as he was constantly panting. The same could be said of the dragon he was up against. Despite the look of determination plastered on his face, it was clear that he was finally feeling the weight of his sword. However, neither one of them was going to quit now. Whatever was driving this dragon to battle was strong enough for him to ignore his fatigue and get back into his stance, if not a bit shakily at first. “Come on Keyboy… That all you got?…” He said through his heavy panting. Sora was using his own weapon to keep him standing, taking advantage of the brief lull in the fighting to get as much air into his lungs as possible. He was on his 4th bead. Recalling what happens whenever he takes the third one, he must be really desperate to retain his form. And with good reason, whenever he would return to his pony form he was constantly at a disadvantage. Not so much as he was during his first encounter with the drake, but still enough for him to realize that he wouldn’t be able to win without transforming. That 3rd one was still painful though, and the 4th was far worse. “You’re running on fumes too… So don’t act all… High and mighty with me.” He said through his gasps for air. “Don’t… don’t think I’ve just been fighting mindlessly. You and I both know that stuff you keep munching is giving one wicked headache.” The dragon stood up straight and held his sword out toward Sora. “Think you can take me down before that 4th bead’s magic runs out? Because the 5th one just might kill you.” Sora, not backing down pushed himself back into a proper fighting position. This guy was a quick learner it seemed since he could tell the drawback of the beads. “Well, then I’ll just have to stop you before that happens.” He tightened his grip on the Keyblade. “Tough talk…. Now let's see if you can back it up!” The Dragon charged in, making Sora do the same. Both blades clashed once more, and it resulted in a power struggle with the two of them trying to push the other back. Unfortunately, after a few moments of this Sora’s knee involuntarily buckled a little, allowing the dragon to take the advantage and push him back and off balance before going for a downward diagonal swing. Sora narrowly dodged it by using the momentum from being pushed back to backflip away from the strike. However, the dragon just kept charging forward. Before Sora’s feet could touch the ground the dragon was in range and launching an upward strike. Once again Sora barely manages to save himself by holding his keyblade out to block the attack, but the weight of the blade and strength of the dragon still knocked him into the air. “Gah!” Sora makes an aerial recovery immediately and throws his weapon at the dragon, who deflects it and then opens his mouth to shoot a stream of blue fire at the hero. “Whoa-Uh REFLECT!” Sora managed to call his weapon back in time to cast a Reflega spell. This finally made the dragon back off in order to avoid the spell’s explosive counter. Now Sora had some breathing space and fired a Thundaga onslaught on the dragon before landing back on the ground. The barrage was more of a distraction, however, once Sora was back on the ground he chucked the keyblade as hard as he could towards his opponent. Meanwhile, the dragon was so occupied with dodging as many bolts from the spell as possible that when he finally noticed the incoming strike raid, it was too late and he got knocked away. “Yes!” Sora took this chance to close the distance. He needed to end this fight soon because he knew if it dragged on any longer he would have no choice but to take the 5th bead, and there was just no telling what the consequences of that would be. However, by the time he was in striking distance, the dragon had already recovered and blocked ora’s attack with his sword, entering into yet another power struggle. “In a rush are we, Mr. hero?!” The dragon grunted. It was clear he wasn’t going to let Sora end this so easily. Meanwhile, deep in the library, it seemed a conflict was finally reaching its conclusion. ~~~~~~~~~~ Golden Oaks Library A Half Hour Earlier When last we saw the girls, all but Twilight were trapped in a hamster cage as Feline Discord chased the purple pony-turned-rat around the chaotic and jumbled up interior of what was once her home. The girls managed to free themselves, but by then Discord had cornered Twilight after discovering her hiding spot while she was distracted by her own doubts. Things were looking bleak for Twilight as her mind struggled to find a way out of this situation. But as Discord’s paw came down to pin her, Twilight had no time to come up with any well thought out plan of action, therefore she was forced to rely on her instincts… So she bit his paw. “OW! Was that really necessary?” He reeled the paw back in pain, but when he focused back on Twilight she was already scurrying off. “Oh, you plucky little-” He gave chase. “Seriously Twilight, it’s time to face facts and give up, you’re only delaying the inevitable at this point.” He then stopped and looked at a clock that drifted over his head. “My my, how time flies… Well, as much as I enjoyed our little game of cat and mouse, I’m afraid I’ll have to end it here.” with a snap of his fingers Twilight vanished mid-stride and reappeared running straight toward Discord. When she noticed this she skidded to a halt just before his paw before trying to turn around and run but was stopped when Discord stepped on her tail. “Alright, that’s enough of that. Fun time is over Sparkle.” He said. He proceeded to pick her up by the tail and lift her so they could see eye to eye. “Your friends are trapped, and you’re a mouse with no access to your magic. While I love the enthusiasm you’re showing by keeping this up, at this point, it’s just growing tiresome. Besides, you're just about out of time-OW! AGAIN!” Twilight bit him once again, causing him to let go. The moment she landed she was already running off. He decided to take a detour this time to catch up with her. Twilight rounded the nearby couch, only to skid to a halt when Discord landed right in front of her. “EEP!” She squeaked. “Alright, enough of this! Even I have my limits.” He then reverted to his original form and nabbed her before she could scurry away again. This time he was wearing a thick looking glove over his paw. “I have to say, I’m rather disappointed in you.” “W-what?” Twilight said while squirming in his grip. “I had such high hopes that you could solve your way out of this like you always do.” He then held her by the tip of her tail. “But this time you seem utterly hopeless. Is being turned into a rodent and losing your magic as you know it really that devastating for you?” This caused her to stop for a moment and look at him. “I mean sure, you had your low points when I saw you last, but now you just seem... Hmmm, what's the word I’m-Ah! Helpless. That’s it!” Hearing that struck a chord in her. The fight for survival suddenly vanished in her. He’s right. There’s really nothing you can do at this point. That voice again, and down below she could see it. That other her looking up at her with a calm know it all look once again. “Shut up…” She murmured to herself. “Hm?” Discord could barely hear it. You know I’m only saying what we both know. You’re out of your element, both figuratively and literally. “You're wrong!” She shouted this time. This caused Discord to reel his head back a bit. “Easy there, no need to get all hostile now, just admit that you lost and-” “I WON’T! You’re both wrong!” Twilight started to get her second wind. “Both?” Discord was beginning to wonder if his antics had been too much for her mind to handle. “I… I may not know what to do now… But I will figure something out. I promise you that!” “I suppose given time you may very well be right, but that’s neither here nor there in this case. What can you possibly do when time is something you don’t have?” He pulled her closer to his face. His talon starting to glow as he was about ready to end this. ...Twilight could honestly only think of one thing at this point. “Then this time…. This time… I’ll trust my friends to help me out.” “There you go again about that friendship nonsense.” Discord groaned. “I can see how that power can stop me, I’d be an idiot not to after being stoned by it twice already, but how exactly are they going to help you while they’re stuck in that cage?” “WE’LL BUST OUT OF IT AND KICK YOUR FLANK!” Came Rainbow’s voice, filling Twilight with joy. “What?!” When Discord turned to look, he received a mini rocket to the face. Like the pony-turned-rat who fired it, despite its smaller size it still carried the same impact of Pinkie’s regular rockets, causing him to let go of Twilight and careen off into a bookshelf. “Eat it, you meanie!” PInkie shouted from within her cockpit. Meanwhile Twilight flailed as she plummeted face first towards the ground, but luckily Applejack got to her in time to jump up and catch her. “AJ… Girls… You’re all ok!” Twilight clung onto her both out of relief from seeing her friends safe and to make sure she didn’t slip off of Applejack’s back and fall to the ground. “The feelin’s mutual, sugarcube,” Aj replied as she landed on her paws, just before the others joined up with them. “No way we were gonna let you handle this on your own, egghead.” Declared Rainbow when she arrived. Fluttershy meanwhile was on the other side of Applejack checking Twilight over for any injuries as her butterflies fluttered over Twilight, dusting her with their healing scales just to be safe. They seemed to follow her thoughts and concerns more than her commands. Rarity and Pinkie joined up with them soon after and Pinkie turned it into a big group hug. “Yay! The band's back together again!” She giggled. “I knew you guys would come.” Twilight smiled as she hugged everyone in return. “A touching reunion indeed.” Discord said knocking them out of their joyful moment to see him getting back up. “Seriously, where do hide those things?” He rubbed his face, remembering the rocket that slammed into it. “I guess you can call it another shared gift from our friend Sora.” Rarity replied as she summoned her elemental weapon and fired a large piercing spear of light. Discord was surprised it didn’t hurt “Was that suppose to hurt or some-what?” He then noticed that he was somehow stuck in place as the spear impaled his chest and the broken bookshelf before lodging into the wall behind it. “What?... What is this?” He tried grabbing onto the spear to yank it out, but his hands only went right through as if it wasn’t even there. “What magic is this?!” “Well we wouldn’t want you running off now, would we?” Rarity replied before she looked at the others. “The sooner we deal with him the better, I worry for Sweetie Belle and her friends’ safety, as well as Sora’s.” “No complaints there, let’s turn him into a statue again. I’m sure the birds back at the castle garden miss their hang out spot slash bathroom.” Rainbow said as she got into a stance. “Oh, now that was just uncalled for.” Discord retaliated as he continued to fight with the intangible light spear that went through his torso. However, when he saw their elements resonating with one another he had a serious case of Deja vu. “Oh no…” He tried teleporting but ended up reappearing in the same spot with the light spear still through his gut. “Seriously! What is this magic?!” The next thing he noticed was Twilight’s eyes glowing as they stood together, his least favorite part was up next. “No fair, no fair! I can’t go back yet!” “What’s wrong Discord? You seemed ok with it before.” Rainbow smirked. “Not like this! He still has my powers held hostage!” And then the rainbow beam shot off from the group and his face showed true despair when it struck him and his body started turning from the bottom. “No no no no NO! NOT LIKE THIS!” He fruitlessly tried to stop the transformation as if he could brush it off with his paws. However soon they were turned to stone as well. “I Still haven’t-” Was the last thing he said as the look on his face was etched in stone. After the deed was done the first thing to happen was the 6 of them reverting to their true forms in a flash of light. When they noticed, they gave a mighty cheer. Pinkie was firing off party poppers, blowing on a noise maker and dancing about on her hind legs. “YES! We’re back!” Twilight cheered. “My wings! Finally, I’m back in action!” Rainbow made an attempt to hug her wings before putting them to use by going into a hover. “I can use my magic again!” Twilight said as she tested out her horn by lifting up some books with magic. “Personally, I dreaded the thought of continuing my business in that form.” Rarity shuddered at the thought. “Ah’m with ya there. How was ah’ s’pose ta’ get anythin’ done when ah’m no bigger than the apples Ah’m buckin’?” Said Applejack. “Um, girls, I’m glad we’re back to normal but, shouldn’t we be going now?” Fluttershy interjected. They were all confused on why she was in a rush to- SORA! That’s right! Sora was fighting someone the last time they saw him, all on his own!  And as it was someone they’d ran into before, they knew he was no easy opponent, to begin with. “Right let’s get outta here! ...Where’s the door?” Twilight asked as she looked around, strangely enough, the library was still a jumbled mess. “How come this place isn’t back to normal? We stopped Discord after all.” “Your guess is as good as mine, Twi,” Rainbow said as she watched a book fly by like it was a bird. “Maybe… it's a time delay thing?” Twilight was shooting a guess but even she didn’t have confidence that that was the answer. The group remained in silence as one look of the place told them that they weren’t going to find the exit anytime soon. “We should try splitting up to look for it.” Suggested Rarity. “But what about him?” Fluttershy pointed at Discord with concern. “He’s trapped in stone Flutters, I’m sure he’s not going anywhere anytime soon,” Rainbow reassured her. “She’s right, finding an exit is our biggest priority. We’ll all go our own ways and search, then come back here when someone finds it.” Twilight said. With everyone agreeing they all left to search, but just as Twilight was about to leave, she saw her again. That other self. With that same smile on her face as if she knew more than she did… Twilight frowned and walked past her, but once she had she stopped and spoke to it without turning around. “I know you’re a part of my mind, but I that doesn’t mean I should listen to what you say.” The “other” Twilight simply laughed before vanishing, but not without giving one final remark. “Keep telling yourself that. You know I wouldn’t talk about it if you weren’t thinking it...” The search took a while, twenty or so minutes actually, but eventually Rainbow was the first to spot it. Apparently, the door was on the move constantly. Not as in it was shifting along the walls, as in it had its own pair of legs and was jogging around the place. While the girls gathered together, Rainbow was left to follow it so they wouldn’t lose track of it. After some time watching Rainbow from a distance, they were able to notice that the door was running a pattern. Going by that, Twilight was able to come up with a plan before picking out a good spot for them to catch it. They all hid behind the sofa and peeked out carefully, waiting for their chance... When it did appear, Twilight put her amazing idea into motion. “RUSH IT!” And they booked it toward the door. Rainbow, hearing the signal made a dive for it as well. When the door noticed the crazy pony mob running straight for it, it tried turning around and sprinting away, but rainbow got to it first and tackled it to the ground with all her friends dog piling it to help keep it pinned. “We got it!” “Quick! Open it!” Applejack yelled. “Where's the door knob? Your bodies are blocking my view!” Rainbow yelled from under the others. “Hey, why do you think they call it a dog pile, guys?” Pinkie asked. “Not the time or place Pinkie!” Twilight replied. “I think it was over here,” Fluttershy said as she tried to feel around for it. However, before she could find it the doorknob turned on its own and the door opened from beneath them. ~~~~~~~~~~ Just Outside the Library Sora and the dragon had been going at it non-stop, their feet were dragging at this point and their swings and swipes at each were starting to whiff the air rather than strike their target. Things were not looking good on Sora’s end, the dragon had managed to drag the fight out longer than he would’ve liked. After so many uses of the bead, Sora could tell that he had 8 minutes left, and that’s being optimistic about it. Soon enough he’ll change back to his pony form, which will only make things worse on top of his growing exhaustion. If only he had some time to rest or some kind of trump card to use... but he figured that was all planned out by the dragon. He separated him from the girls using that Discord guy’s power, Sora noticed his house was gone some time ago, and there was no sign of Spike or Merlin so he could assume the dragon had a hand in that as well. He more than likely did whatever he did while Merlin was training Spike, then had Discord wreak havoc on Ponyville so the people and guards would have their hands too full to come back him up. His opponent was prepared and knew far more about Sora than Sora knew about him. Heck, he didn’t even know his name. “Just who are you... anyway?” Sora went for a lunging strike which the dragon barely dodged, leaving him to stumble forward and receive a kick, though it didn’t have the same impact as it did when the fight started. Even so, it was enough to get Sora tumbling over to the side with a grunt. “Finally curious are we?” The dragon replied as he sluggishly charged at him, sword over his shoulder and ready to swing down, “Gonna... have to make me talk if you really want to know... more.” He went to swing it down, but his waning strength slowed the attack, giving Sora just enough time roll away from it and stagger to his feet. “And I have no intention of giving up.” “That makes two of us.” He ran toward him once more, the dragon doing the same. However, before they could clash they both stopped in their tracks when something zoomed right above them loudly. “What?” One look and Sora instantly felt relief. “The Gummi Ship!” “Impossible… That wizard’s doing?” The dragon scowled at the sight. Meanwhile, in the gummi ship. “There! You just passed it! I can see Sora, he’s fighting someone!” “Bringing her around!” Called out Donald as he made a hard U-turn that had both Spike and Goofy hanging onto their seats. Once Donald roughly landed the ship, he didn’t hesitate to jump out his seat and join Spike and Goofy as they exited the cockpit, weapons in hand. “SORA!” Donald casts a Curaga spell. It healed Sora’s wounds, but the exhaustion was still evident on his face. “Donald! Goofy! ...And Spike? How did you-” “It’s a long a story, we’ll catch up later.” Spike ran up to him and summoned his sword as Donald and Goofy stood behind Sora, weapons out and ready to fight. The dragon sighed. “Numbers again huh? Can’t say it’s a fair fight.” He eyed the four of them carefully. “You gonna run away?” Sora said to him. “Well, I’m not letting you. You have too much to answer for, and I want my friends back.” “Yeah!” Spike yelled. It was all he can think up at the moment. The dragon stood there panting, sword pointed at the four. It was clear they were gonna chase him down if he tried to run and he didn’t have anything to create a diversion… But then again... “Who said anything about running away?” He gripped his sword tighter. It was all or nothing. “I still need my own question answered as well.” His muscles started tensing up. “Give me your best shot, Hero!” His nostrils flared and smoke bellowed out from them before he started changing right before their eyes. His black scales changed to a more metallic looking sheen as if each one of them turned to steel. His size increased half over in pure bulk, one could see the muscles bulging obscenely even beneath his scales. Finally, a cerulean aura started radiating off of him, but this aura seemed more fire like than the kind you would see when a unicorn was using magic. It was fierce, just like his eyes when the transformation ended and he glared down at the group. “Uuuuuuh...” Spike stood there wide eyed, nearly dropping his own weapon from the shock of the sudden display. “Donald! Goofy!” Sora looked back at his friends, the two of them nodding to him in return. He then turned to Spike. “Sorry little guy. You mind if we take care of this? It feels like it’s been forever since the last time I fought with them. And I actually need to you to go to the library and look for the girls.” Spike had no complaints after seeing the other dragon Hulk out in front of them. “Uh, yeah… Yeah, sure...” And with that, he ran off. But just before got to the door, it swung open from the inside. “FREEDOM!” He was then immediately dogpiled by six exhausted mares that he was more than familiar with. “Umph! Girls!” He called out in shock. “Spike?!” He could hear Twilight, there was then some pushing and shoving until she finally found him at the bottom of the pile and pulled him out. “Spike! You're ok!” She pulled him into a hug. A very tight hug. “Twilight... Air... Need...” “Oh! Sorry, I guess I got a little Pinkie there.” Twilight relaxed her grip on him. “I resent that comment!” Pinkie popped up from the pile while raising her hoof. When she noticed everyone was looking at her she just giggled. “Not really, silly.” “Anyways, can you guys get off now!” Said Rainbow Dash from the bottom of the pile. Once they all started getting to their hooves, their priorities were put into order. “Wait, where’s Sora?” Applejack asked, but her question was immediately answered when she looked past Spike. “He’s still fightin’?! Wait, who in tarnation are those two fellers?” “Friends!” Spike said to reassure her. “Sora’s friends!” Fluttershy gasped. “Look at the cute little duck!” She had a look of pure bliss “Aaawww, he’s dressed up like he’s a pony. Sooo Cute!” She clapped her hooves together. “Riiight.” Rainbow looked over at her shy friend’s excitement before looking back at the fight before them. “I remember them from Sora’s story, that’s probably that one guy, Donnie or something.” “Sush!, Fight time!” Pinkie jumped in front of them with a bucket of popcorn from who knows here and a lawn chair to sit on. “Cue the battle Music Mr. Writer!” (don’t be so bossy) While Pinkie’s words left the others more confused than usual, the battle between our heroes and the Dragon was already under way. “Donald! Goofy!”  Sora called out as he stood up straight and placed a hand on his chest. “No time to explain but I’m really short on time. We need to go all out, now!” Hearing this and seeing his pose, his two friends were quick to pick up what he meant. “Right!” They replied in unison. Sora then nodded and closed his eyes for a brief moment. The girls were curious about what Sora meant before they saw a light come off of Sora and a crystal like spherical shell engulfed him only briefly. Once the shell broke apart both Donald and Goofy seemed to have disappeared. This reminded them of something recent. “Give me Strength!” Sora called out, and when the light show ended what stood before them, hovering in mid air was this: (Picture owned by Square Enix…. Obviously...) “No way!” Rainbow was slack jawed. “They can fuse too?!” “No, I don’t think that’s right Rainbow!” Twilight commented, her eyes also glued to the sight. This is different from their fusions... It’s… “It’s a Drive Form!” Both Applejack and Pinkie Pie replied. “Good... GOOOD, I SAY!” The dragon yelled. “If you’re not willing to give it your all, then you have no right holding that key!” He roared before he charged in, his previous exhaustion seemed like it was a thing of the past. But truthfully, his current form was just helping him ignore it... for now. The same could be said for Sora too. “FIGHT ME!” “With pleasure.” Sora replied before flying right at the enemy. The time was closing in on sunset when their blades clashed. The orange-ish hues of the twilight sky were starting to appear. The dragon went for a broad swing which was surprisingly fast given the size of his weapon, however, Sora practically danced in mid air as he flipped over the attack. While facing his enemy upside down he brought a hand forward in a swiping motion and his Oathkeeper followed suit as if held by an invisible hand, mimicking the same slashing motion and striking the dragon in the head. The Dragon grunted but it didn't end there, that moment of recoil from damage left him open for Sora to swing his other arm and bring the Oblivion on top of him. He was then subjected to Sora’s merciless onslaught of flying keyblades as he righted himself and thrusted his open palms one after the other repeatedly which in turn caused both keyblades to mimic the action and repeatedly stab at the dragon. Then finally Sora twirled three hundred and sixty degrees, pulled both arms back over his shoulder and gave what looked like a golfer’s swing to knock the dragon back a good few yards before chasing after him. The dragon crashed and tumbled a bit before getting back on his feet as he skidded over the dirt. “Sneaky little brat.” The dragon was ready for more and billowed a huge cerulean flame. Sora just thrust both hands in front of him, causing his weapons to start spinning rapidly, blocking the fire as he closed in. However, the dragon was waiting for that. With his enemy blinded by the fire, he couldn’t see the overhead blade strike from above. However what he didn’t count on was Sora’s intuition kicking in, causing him to stop and hold his hands out to both sides. “Reflect!” Another Reflega spell was cast, but this one was different. Twilight noticed that it seemed larger, stronger and overall much more formidable than the kind Sora usually uses. She then noticed Sora recasting the spell twice more as the fire was still surrounding him while the dragon recoiled from his blade being deflected. Because of the recoil causing him to flinch, he also had no escape from the multiple devastating light explosions that came soon after. Once again the Dragon was left open. This time Sora handed him a barrage of cross swipes as he circled around him thanks to his hovering. He then did a flip and double palm swings down, bringing both keyblades to follow the same path as his hands and gave a downward double strike, slamming the dragon into the ground. Despite the ferocity of the assault, the dragon took merely a second before standing up and punching at Sora, only for Oblivion to block. “That ain’t all I got kid!” His tail swept around to strike Sora but this was blocked by the Oathkeeper. The dragon only smirked before sucking in air. Sora immediately backed off to narrowly escape getting his face burned, then started flying to avoid the bellow of blue fire trailing after him. “Fine. How about some fire of my own. BURN!” With that, he fired off Firaga balls from both his keyblades like they were turrets as he continued circling the dragon. When the dragon’s flame stopped Sora thought it was another shot to charge at him. “You don’t know much about dragons, do ya boy?”  When the dust cleared Sora saw that the dragon was unscathed by the attack. “When you literally breathe the stuff, your body naturally tends to be a bit resistant to it.” He then threw his sword at Sora. “Whoa!” Sora bounced over it, then looked over to the Dragon only to find out he was gone. “What?” “Think fast!” He heard to his left and managed to catch a glimpse of a fist before he got punched to the ground, but thankfully he recovered and landed on his feet. “He’s gotten faster too?” He watched the dragon sprint to his fallen sword to grab it before running straight for him. “I can do more than take some hits when I’m like this!” The Dragon launched three rounds of fire balls at Sora, leaving him to deflect them with his blades. But that was all the dragon needed to help him get in close, starting another ferocious sword fight. This time he was able to parry both keyblades, however, Sora was able to parry his attacks too. Meanwhile, during all of this Spike and girls were watching on in utter amazement at the display. “My word, It’s hard to even keep track of their attacks.” Rarity observed. “GO SORA!! WOOO!” Pinkie Bounced in her seat, waving a big flag with Sora’s face and “#1” next to it. Applejack and Rainbow were speechless... until Rainbow finally said. “Soooo Awesome...” “I just hope this fight ends quickly before anyone gets hurt.” Fluttershy seemed to be trotting in place, anxious and worried about Sora’s well being. “They can do this!” Spike’s claws were clenched as he never even blinked since the fight started. “Sora can’t lose!” He watched his role model at work. Meanwhile through all of this Twilight stared on and wondered. Is this… a power of the heart as well? UGH! He’s trying to drag this out again until I revert back! That was bad for him. He could tell the Drive Form won’t last much longer. That will go first, then he probably has only a minute left after that before he’s back in Pony form and the Dragon would have the upper hand. Sora can’t allow that to happen. Clash after clash, dodge, and parry, one would strike and the other would counter only for their attack to be deflected as well. That was when he had an idea. Fine, then I’ll just have to pick up the pace! And so he did, his strikes becoming fast and Wild, but he still kept his head to avoid leaving any openings. The dragon gritted his teeth. He held up well, but in the end, it was still two blades against one. Strikes were starting to connect with his body rather than his sword. He’s getting desperate. That much the dragon could figure out. However, despite being desperate Sora wasn’t foolish. He still kept his opponent from making any major strikes. Eventually, the dragon slipped on a loose rock on the side of the road he stepped on, his leg buckling under the onslaught. The form he was in was starting to visibly crack as well. This is it! He can’t keep his form up much longer either! Sora thrust both hands forward, aiming both Keyblades at his opponent. If Fire doesn’t work, then- “FREEZE!” A sudden burst of ice and snow shot forth from both keyblades and blasted the dragon back, freezing parts of his body. “Gah!... Can’t move...” The dragon struggled but was left wide open. Not much time left. I just hope Donald and Goofy can pick up on what I’m planning He then flew in. “I’m cracking that shell you call armor!” And so began a very extensive barrage. It started with a flying Upper Slash to knock him into the air. This shattered the ice covering him, but that wouldn’t be a problem for Sora as he flew straight at him. Cross strike, slash, stab, spin strike, and a fade away to have him move behind the dragon and slap him up even higher. He physically grasped the keyblades in his hands and wound one back, before firing consecutive strike raids at the guy, each one smacking the dragon higher and higher into the air. When Sora felt like he was at the right height, he focused and raised both his hands above his head. “THUNDER!” Then the Dragon was struck by multiple thundaga bolts at once, paralyzing him for a brief moment as gravity finally started to pull him back. Sora waited until he was close enough to leap and fly over him. He fired another string of attacks, but this time it ended with him joining his weapons and gliding about, striking him like a silver blur. By this point, the dragon’s metallic sheen and the aura surrounding him was nearly gone. Finally, Sora was at the finisher of his combo as he back flipped off of the opponent, his keyblades doing the same until he was a few feet above the Dragon. I’m not liking where this is going The dragon thought to himself before Sora crashed down on him like a meteor with both keyblades, dunking the dragon towards the ground. As his body bounced a foot and half off the ground Sora’s form vanished, reverting back to his usual outfit with Donald and Goofy standing beside him when they landed. However, the moment their feet touched the ground, they had already started up one last attack. Not much time left, have to end it here! It was their last shot. The trio was in sync and seemingly defied gravity once again as they flew straight for him. “Trinity Limit!” Strike one, Break! They wailed on the dragon with fast, consecutive strikes, each one of them getting a hit in before the next one’s turn and running that cycle multiple times. The dragon was helpless to deflect any of them since they came from all directions at once. This ended with the three of them dashing straight through him weapons first. All that knocking him around just made the next part easier to do. Strike two, Major Drive! Still somehow floating in mid air they made a pyramid like position before their weapons spun in front of them, firing an insane amount of strange yellow energy orbs at him, pelting him all over and giving him no way to block them. Now he was disoriented and the pain was locking up his movements, helpless to prevent or avoid the next part. Strike three, Ultima! This one had the three space out and use their magical power to form a sphere of light, then other smaller spheres which circling it vertically. This sphere sucked the dragon toward it before the trio finally released the pent up magical energy in an explosive burst. It was quick, but it was devastating. With all three limits used, the final limit was ready. They finally landed on the ground, with Sora making a backflip like a show off as they stood to face each other. Final Limit! The three pointed their weapons into the air towards the center of their formation. Just like before with Donald’s limit, another, larger light sphere appeared with smaller ones spinning around it, only this time they did so horizontally. In addition to this, streaks of red, green and blue energy that resembled comet tails started swirling around it in varying directions. Once again the dragon was sucked in toward the light as things started getting brighter and brighter, to the point that Spike and the girls had to cover their eyes. When the light faded and everyone could see again the dragon was now lying on the ground. Alive, conscious, but out of commission battle wise. His scales were back to their normal black self, his aura was gone and he had shrunk back to his original size. Sora, Donald, and Goofy were in their battle stance, always wary in case he would get back up. However, after seeing the dragon’s state they started to relax. (End the music here if you want.) Spike and the girls were quiet for a brief moment as if trying to take it all in of what they just witnessed. Sora was the first to break the silence. “Well, I guess that’s tha-” BOOM! A loud booming thud shook the ground, they all looked around ready for another fight before they found the source. Sora’s house was back. Merlin stepped out in his pony form with the Crusaders in tow. “Ah, finally, transporting such large things is always so very taxing on the body.” He stretched making a cracking bone sounds to get the kinks out of him. “Whoa! What happened? Did we miss the butt whoopin’?!” Applebloom looked around. Scootaloo groaned at this. “Aw man. I wanted to see it!” Sweetie Belle joined Scootaloo “I wanted to see everyone's special moves…” She kicked a pebble. After blinking a few times the rest of them sighed, relieved that all was now right in the world. Then poof! Sora’s time was finally up and he returned to that oh so convenient equine form of his. This came as a shock to both Donald and Goofy. “Huh?!” Sora meanwhile finally started to feel all that exhaustion hitting him like a truck as he flopped to the ground. “Too much to explain right now guys... I could really use a nap right now.” And just like that, he passed out on the grass without another word, leaving Donald and Goofy in confusion. Meanwhile, Spike and the girls made their way over to the tree. That was when they were startled by another loud noise. It was the sound of a door slamming open over by the moogle shop, out of which came Mogson with a look of inspiration. “ALRIGHT! I’ve come up with the best plan ever!” He cheered. “I’m making a store chain on this worl-huh?” He cut off his excitement when he noticed everyone else all huddled around an unconscious Sora, a couple craters, scorched grassy patches, frosted ice over dirt, and a knocked out dragon off to the side. “...Is this a bad time?” > Chapter 41: The Other Brother > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ( Shout out to Gameassassin for editing this chapter so I can MOVE ON! ) Things were starting to calm down in Ponyville after Discord’s magic vanished. Everything magically returned to their proper places and obeyed the laws of physics once more, while the many citizens and guards that had been transformed reverted back to their original equine forms. However, the mayor will still have to deal with a few more hairballs caught in her throat over the next day or two. For some reason, however, the Library had only reverted back once the dragon Sora fought was defeated. Just one more question added to the already large pile our heroes needed answers to. Luckily, they now had access to someone who could give them the answers they sought. So after making sure that he was securely bound and that enough guards were present in case he tried anything, they were now prepared to interrogate- “Sure, I’ll tell you.” They were now prepared to calmly ask him a series of important questions in a civilized manner. “Wait, what?!” Twilight asked with her mouth agape, many of the others giving similar looks. “Y-you're just gonna tell us?” “Yes.” “Just like that?” Rainbow asked suspiciously. “Just like that.” “Huh, how about that.” Sora folded his forelimbs and sat on his haunches, unsure what to make of this. “I was pretty sure we were gonna have to try that good cop bad cop routine on him.” “I know! I was so ready to play the bad cop too.” Pinkie sighed as she was wearing an officer’s uniform while sitting at a desk with a lamp on it, the kind they used to shine on the faces of crooks. However, in one swift motion, she chucked the desk behind her, somehow removing her costume at the same time, immediately followed by a loud crash and a cat shrieking angrily. ...And nobody even bothered to look. (Cartoon Logic, I love you) Twilight just shook her head and chalked it up as “Pinkie being Pinkie” before getting back to the matter at hand. “Well, not that I’m complaining, but why are you being so compliant with us? Not too long ago you were trying to kill us, right?” He shook his head. “No, if I wanted to kill you I could’ve done it in a more silent manner, like lacing your next meal with poison. To be blunt, your homes are FAR from secure. Even someone as conspicuous as I am wouldn’t have much difficulty getting in and out without anyone noticing.” Pinkie was munching on a cupcake, but after hearing that she stopped mid chew and looked at her treat with concern. “I-I see... Ahem.” Hearing this was a little nerve wrecking for Twilight and the girls while the boys all gulped at the thought. The usual safe and peaceful nature of Ponyville’s community did tend to make the residents lax on the idea of any security measures beyond a simple locked door. “Well, thank you for NOT doing that. I suppose the two questions we should ask first is, who are you and why did you do all of this?” “Very well. My name is Black Scale, and I have come here to see for myself if this keyblade wielder is truly capable of fixing an ancient problem. You may know this problem as the Beasts of Tartarus.” Those words immediately had everyone but Donald and Goofy on edge, this dragon knew things no one other than them or the Princesses should know about. Sora, feeling curious asked, “How do you know about that?” “Have you ever asked Celestia and Luna exactly HOW they managed to imprison them in the first place?” When they all looked at each other, it was clear that it was a question no one even bothered to ask. Black Scale decided to take care of that issue. “Well here’s the kicker ladies and gents, it was done with sabotage. Because of my ability and knowledge of the four, I had to be the one to create an opening for Celestia and Luna to handle the rest.” “How would you know so much about them… Unless.” Twilight seemed to be in shock when she reached the conclusion. “I can see you already figured it out, indeed, I used to be a part of that group, so originally there used to be five “Beasts” that were the scourge of this world.” This newfound knowledge had Rainbow landing in front of the dragon. “So you were a bad guy, I knew it!” She was getting ready for a fight until Sora placed a hoof on her shoulder. “He was Rainbow, but not anymore, now.” “What makes you so sure of that? I mean sure he helped stop them and get them imprison, but why?” Rainbow turned to Sora with the question before looking back at the dragon. “You just SUDDENLY have a change of heart and decided to be a good guy? Real suspect if you ask me. How do we even know if he’s telling the truth?” Everyone agreed that despite her rash behavior, she was bringing up some rather good points. Sora and the girls then turned to Applejack. If anyone could determine a lie, it'd be the bearer of Honesty after all. She was already staring at the dragon. The whole time giving him a rather nerve wrecking glare. Despite that, the Dragon remained neutral in his expression and calm in mind. Applejack snorted and closed her eye for a moment. “Ah’ ain’t sensin’ anythin’. He’s been truthful so far.” “Well, if Applejack gives him a pass then we can believe what he’s saying then.” Twilight tapped her muzzle with her hoof. “Ah ain’t sayin’ ah’ trust him either.” Applejack blurted out. “What he said may be right, but Rainbow’s got a point that we don’t know why he did it.” She then joined Rainbow in stepping up to Black Scale and glaring at him once more. “So let’s hear that reason first, and don’t even try hidin’ anythin’. Ah’ can tell, when if what you say is a load of crock.” “And I’ll be here to give you a buck to the face if you do,” Rainbow replied. “Noted.” the dragon answered casually before continuing. “If that is what you wish, I suppose I should get this out of the way so there are no Misunderstandings between us. I take it the princesses explained to you about each of the “Beasts” in greater detail when they discovered their disappearance?” Twilight gave a nod. “Yes, a Unicorn with great magical power who can see into the future, a Minotaur that wields impossible strength that can level mountains, A Griffin that controls Time itself, and a Dragon that can hypnotize the minds of others to manipulate them to do his bidding and satiate his greed.” She stated. “All of them in one forbidden way or another are immortal.” Black Scale nodded. “Good then for the sake of getting to the point, it's important to know that the reason I previously used to be one of them was for the sake of my brother, Red Gaze. You may know him as the dragon of the “Beasts” Twilight so eloquently told us.” It was at this moment some shock was felt within the group. Nothing too exciting, as it did start to make sense in their heads the more they thought about it. “I had a feeling you and that dragon had a connection in some way, but as siblings?” Twilight was now in thought. “I am surprised I didn’t suspect it sooner.” “Understandable, It would be too convenient for me to be related to him. Your mind was probably expecting it to be more complex a reason, but in truth, that is the only reason I joined.” Black Scale leaned back and looked up into the sky. “At that time, family was more important to me. When I hatched, I had no idea who my mother and father was. Red Gaze was the elder Brother and so was able to be around long enough to at least remember their faces and who they were. He would never tell me what became of them though, but at that time it did not matter to me. He was all the family I had so I would follow him no matter what. Even to how we became immortal in the first place……. To be perfectly Honest it is not a memory I like to revisit often.” Twilight turned to Applejack, so far she made no mention of Black Scale lying so she could only assume it to be the truth. “It’s fine, what’s happened is already in the past. Let’s just get back on topic for now. So your relationship to your brother is the only reason you went along with him and the other beasts?” He nodded, “As I said, Family was all that mattered to me at the time. I was rather anti social in my younger years so making friends wasn’t a priority for me. For a time I just listened to what my brother said and helped our group in any way I could. I learned of each of their abilities as I gradually gained each of their trust. Not my intention mind you, it just sort of happened I suppose the more they knew about me, and Cosmic Nova never got to see far enough of my future.” “Cosmic Nova? Is that the name of the Unicom with the future vision?” Sora asked Black Scale nodded, “Yes, Self-named of course. I could only assume they chose that name to suit their own needs. That or they really disliked their actual name.” Sora found that a bit odd, but decided to let the dragon get back to the point and asked another important question. “So what made you change your mind about him and the others to take them down?” Black Scale was silent for a time. When he did speak he seemed reluctant to think back on his memories. “One Day, I finally could see my brother’s true colors.” “True colors?” Rarity asked aloud. He continued “I had no qualms about his method of controlling others to take their riches. I suppose you could call me an odd dragon, but I lacked any ambition to have my own hoard or to actively pursue gems unless I was famished. I often wondered if I was a dragon at all since that was the norm for my kind. So when my brother used his gift to amass his own hoard from the innocent, I made no effort to stop him. It was only material things anyway. One could always get another. However, one day, that all changed when I watched him eat two ponies trapped in his hypnotism, All because they had nothing of value for his ever expanding mountain of treasure. The looks on their faces… they didn’t even know what was happening to them. They just held that vacant expression as he made them march straight into his waiting jaws…” The dragon seemed to hold remorse in his eyes. “No one should have the right to take another’s life that way, ever. And our “friends” of the group were no different. Each and every one of them saw themselves as omnipotent. Free to do as they please, and treat the lives of others as they saw fit. I grew disgusted with it all, of them, especially my brother.” “And that’s when you decided something must be done,” Merlin asked stroking his beard. “Yes, in secret I made contact with the princesses, my former comrades and I were not a problem they could erase so easily. Despite their powers and magical prowess they too are not perfect and they can never be at two places at once. However, they did have a method at subduing us at the very least. All they needed was a chance to render each of the Beasts powerless if only briefly to do so.” Things were starting to add up. This must be how they were sealed up in the first place. Whatever this spell the Princesses used. So I take it you're the reason they were able to do take them down, but how. “As all powerful as the beasts liked to claim, they’re powers had limitations and things they were ultimately ineffective on. If there was one natural born ability I have, it had to be how observant I was. None of them would ever tell me their weaknesses, but out of curiosity when I was with them, I would secretly conduct minor little tests and experiments on them.” “You experimented on them?” Sora raised an eyebrow, meanwhile the girls all stared at Twilight, Spike as well. Twilight could sense their gazes on the back of her neck and tried really hard to face forward. “Again, I wasn’t the most social of the group. I Thought learning about my former comrades would be a great way to get closer to them. Cosmic Nova was the most difficult as I had to overcome her future sight to even get any data on her. However, once I did, It was a simple feat taking the time to come up with ways to skirt around her power, along with the others. It was fortunate in my case that they never saw me as a threat to them.” “What do you mean?” Rainbow was now the curious one. “You were one of them too, right? So you must have had a devastating power too…. Right?” “What is your power if we might ask?” Twilight asked but this was when Sora stepped in. “I think we already saw it.” He walked up to the dragon who stared back at him. “It had something to do with how you transformed earlier in our fight. Isn’t it?” The dragon smiled “You certainly are full of surprises, but I suppose any seasoned warrior would’ve thought of that as well. There are some things that could be learned by simply clashing swords.” Black Scales chuckled “Indeed you are correct, that was me using my power, but here's a riddle. I’m interested to hear your answer. It's no surprise to you that it wasn’t so simple to take me down, correct?” Sora nodded “It’s frustrating to admit, but you’re crazy strong, and when you changed you were far stronger than that.” Sora looked at himself “To even give me so much trouble when Donald, Goofy, and I went to final form…” “I’ll take that as a compliment.” the dragon smirked with a nod. “Well, then, here's a riddle, before I answer her question, why do YOU think my former comrades didn’t see me as a threat to them?” Sora had to take a moment to think. Was it because his peer wasn’t strong enough? No, if that were the case the four of them would fight amongst themselves on who was stronger then. Things might even have been different too. A quarrel might have happened along with that question of “who was stronger?” Amongst them. Plus he could feel that his power truly was a strong one. If Black Scale wasn’t already exhausted from when they fought before that, and if Sora took too long to take him down, the battle’s victor would’ve probably changed at that point. So what could it be… Why wasn’t his power considered a threat to the others? “Perhaps because… your power can only empower what the target already has?.... Maybe?” The dragon raised an eyebrow “And how did you come up with that?” Sora scratched his head. “I dunno, when we fought, it felt like I was fighting a super beefed up version of you, ya know?” (I can’t believe I added that phrase, I HATED that phrase because of that guy.) ( : It was inevitable, ya know?) (Aaaaaugh!) “Super beefed up?” Twilight asked curiously. “Well, I mean, I’m not sure what dragons can do in this world, but from what I’ve seen it was like everything he could do was dialed up to eleven. So maybe… he can give that power to others, perhaps?” Sora shrugged just spouting off what was coming off the top of his head. “Perhaps Because of that, maybe enhancing himself isn’t the same as enhancing them.” !! “Because, he can enhance their powers as well, but he can never enhance his own power since that’s basically what it is!” Twilight was starting to get it now. “So, seeing that the four beasts are powerful, if Black Scale were to use his power on himself, he’d just be a really strong dragon. His brother already being a dragon would probably know how to handle another dragon, The Minotaur can probably beat Black Scales in a power struggle no problem, The Griffin can simply use his time powers to avoid any attacks from him and wait for him to tire himself out, and Cosmic Nova can simply anticipate his every attack or keep a distance with her higher power of magic!” Twilight was pacing back in forth as she spoke. “So when you think of it that way, if he enhanced them, they’d be all the more powerful since they’re powers would strengthen too, whereas if he enhanced himself, he’s just a stronger than usual dragon.” It was at this moment that Black Scale started chuckling. “I’d clap my claws together if they weren’t tied up right now.” He continued to laugh. “Very good, if you can put your heads together like that, I’m sure I feel more confident and satisfied in my loss now.” He sighed. “These secrets I have over those four can only work for those that are resourceful enough, or at the very least, takes the time to think.” He then nodded “You are correct. My power is to simply strengthen the body and ability of myself and others, and yet to enhance my own power to enhance myself is impossible and would more than likely create a paradox if it did.” There was some murmurs and chatter within the group as Twilight was starting to make sense of it all. “Ok, so if what you’re saying is true, then how come the Princesses never spoke about you?” She did bring up a valid point. “You’d think they’d mention you even once when they found out the “beasts” were no longer in their cells. “They didn’t, huh? Not surprising I suppose.” At everyone’s confused look he continued “When I decided to confront them on this information I had two saving graces. One is that compared to the other “beasts” I would be considered the most forgettable of the group. I don’t like dealing with others, I hardly spoke to anyone other than my brother at the time, and I could care less about making friends. I was… recluse. While they made a name for themselves, I was more of a back up in case they’re gifts and abilities needed more “impact” if you will, but that worked for me. Let them deal with their own petty power struggle I wanted no part of it. Until they went too far and started taking lives.” He spoke coldly “Well despite that, it'd be hard to believe they’d decide to leave out information about you without reason.” Sora brought up. This had everyone silent for a moment. The dragon furrowed his brow in deep thought “... You do bring up a good point key wielder-” “Sora is fine” Sora replied The dragon continued speaking anyway. “If they truly wish to protect their precious Equestria, then it would stand to reason the fastest option would be to locate me to assist you. Better yet, I directly explained to them the weaknesses as well. Surely they would’ve remembered or documented that in order to tell you.” Everyone started looking to each other. Sora folded his arms. “Sounds like we’ll need to have another word with the Princesses later. But what matters now is that you're gonna help us now, right?” “What?!” Said Twilight, Rainbow, Applejack, and Rarity. Pinkie seemed to giggle at her friends. “You girls are making some funny faces, hee hee.” Pinkie stated as she was working on a banner. Rainbow groaned “Well, can you blame us? The dragon who literally picked a fight with us back with that whole keyhole thing comes back to pick another fight, WITH Discord on his side no less, with us again. And now that we beat him, he SUDDENLY wants to be our friend now.” “You misunderstand…. Rainbow, was it?” Black Scale stated, “I have no intention of being friends with any of you, we simply have a common goal at this point in time is all.” “Whatever doesn’t mean it helps me believe your story anymore to trust ya.” She replied. “I assumed as much.” the Dragon nodded. “Aside from that, Pinkie what are you doing, and where’s Fluttershy?” “Oh she’s out with Sora’s friends since they went to wait at their super cool alien space ship.” She said with glee as she then pulled up the banner she was working on that read “Welcome to the team, Scaley!”  On the front of it in bold letters with festive pictures and designs around it. “And I’m preparing for the welcome to the team party we’ll have for our new friend Scaley. “What? Since when did we even agree about him joining our team, and he quite clearly doesn’t want to be our friend and I quite frankly don’t want to be a friend of his.” Rainbow stated. “Scaley?” Black Scale mumbled to himself as he contemplated the nickname. “Oh speaking of Discord, what do we do about him?” Rarity asked as she looked off to the side at the familiar looking draconequus statue. Making a cringing pose. “I believe he went on and on about how he couldn’t use his full power?” “Oh, him, I took away most of his powers.” Black Scale said casually. Once again the room fell silent. “What?!” Once again the same girls said the same thing at the same time. “I’m sorry um, how do you simply take a god’s power away? Let alone the god of chaos for that matter?” “If you want the answers to that you may want to sit down for a bit. There are some other things I want to make clear. While you were all off having your own little adventures in this world. I’ve run a few errands of my own. Sora and the girls all looked toward one another. “As if this day wasn’t long enough, I guess we might be spending some time here tonight.” Rainbow groaned. “You could always leave? You don’t have to stay and listen, Rainbow.” Twilight stated “No way, after leaving us with a cliffhanger phrase like that?” Rainbow jumped on the couch and tried to get comfortable. “Besides…” She turned red in the cheeks as she looked away from a certain someone. “Didn’t we have something else we wanted to talk about too?” Twilight didn't catch on at first but when she did she seemed to act a little awkward as well, soon she and the rest of the girls in the room seem to be sporting some very pink cheeks, even Pinkie was showing some blush herself but still kept that happy go lucky smile. “Really? Can’t that wait, until tomorrow? This seems more important right now. P-plus Fluttershy isn’t here so-” “We can do that after listening to him but I’d rather get it over with sooner rather than later. The whole thing is making me uncomfortable the longer we put it off.” Rainbow didn’t want to show it but ever since Twilight brought up with the girls of how they all felt about Sora. More and more thoughts of what to say or do about it when they got home kept appearing into her mind. She was thankful the whole mouse episode happened for the entirety of the day as it kept her mind focused on trying to revert back to normal instead of letting it flood with more and more thoughts about what to do about Sora and the other girls. She wasn’t alone in this either. Applejack, although she liked the idea of putting it off, her personality and mindset said otherwise. “Ah’ agree, best ta’ nip this thing in the bud as soon as possible, sugarcube.” Sora was feeling out of the loop here. “Uuuh, what’s this about now?” He asked “Oh, nothing darling.” Rarity quickly answered, “Just some girl talk is all.” “Yeah, no boys allowed!” Pinkie pounced on Sora with a giggle. “It’s a secret.” She then bounced off him and to the other girls. “Uuuh, ok?” Sora was even more curious now but could see they clearly didn’t want him to know. “Well, I guess since we’re listening to him, I better get Fluttershy, Donald, and Goofy in here. They should know what’s going on too, they should be done taking care of the gummi ship by now.” Sora said awkwardly as he stepped out, he couldn’t understand what all the weird tension he was feeling from the girls was. When he finally left, all the girls, save for Pinkie, all seemed to collectively let out a sigh of relief when he did. Black Scale, for the most part, seemed to already know what was going on and what was implied and he cleared his throat to get their attention. “Just so you know, before his arrival here and for many many years, I have been out traveling the other worlds myself, and I can say without a doubt that, your particular case is a unique one.” “What?” Twilight raised an eyebrow, starting to feel red again, hoping he wasn’t implying what she really wanted to keep a secret between the girls right now. Rarity, Rainbow, and Applejack were getting that tense “what if” thought in their mind as well. “I’m just going to say this much.” He stated calmly “I don’t think the term “Polygamy” is in his vocabulary.” Great, and now the dragon knows... > CHapter 42: Clear The Air > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Outside the library, Sora made his way over to Fluttershy, Donald, and Goofy as his two bipedal friends were talking with his shy quadrupedal one. Though it was mostly just Donald trying to free himself from Fluttershy’s hug as she continued gushing over how he cute he looked. “Hey, guys.” He trotted up to them while smirking at Donald. “I see you and Fluttershy are already fast friends.” “Don’t even start.” Donald glared at Sora as he finally managed to break free. Sora laughed and stepped over to Fluttershy. “Sorry, he can be grumpy sometimes, though you shouldn’t hug him so much. Fluttershy gave a sheepish grin. “I know, and I do apologize but I’ve never seen a duck like him before. You're so different compared to the ones I normally see.” She said to Donald. “For one, your wings, they aren’t wings! They’re uh… hands and arms, like Sora’s when he isn’t a pony. Yet, you have feathers all over… How do you fly?” She then gasped. “C-can you fly?” “Of course I can fly!” Donald thrust both his fists in the air, shaking them angrily as he hopped up and down. “Really?” Goofy and Sora asked simultaneously while looking at the wizard. “Of course!... Well, with pixie dust anyway...” Donald looked away, arms folded, leaving Sora and Goofy to fall over from his statement. “Then you might as well say we all can!” Sora groaned. Fluttershy, remembering the pixie dust from Sora’s stories of his adventures couldn’t help but giggle at their reaction. After sharing that silly moment Sora got to the point of why he was there and started explaining, to the best of his knowledge, what they missed from the earlier conversation with Black Scale in the Library. “This Black Scale guy rubs me the wrong way,” Donald said. “Nothing feels right about this.” Sora put a hoof to his chin. “I can’t say I don’t agree with you, Donald. Rainbow made sure to say something similar when he said he wanted to help us.” He then shook his head. “But something in my gut says to let him, so I think it’s ok.” Knowing what this meant, Donald just groaned as Goofy chuckled before saying. “Well gawrsh, Sora, it’s not like we expected you to do anything but follow your heart.” Then Donald butted in. “It’d be nice if you followed your brain more, lunkhead.” as he said this he jumped up and knocked Sora “firmly” on the head. “Ow!” Sora lurched forward from the strike before rubbing the sore spot. Fluttershy smiled “Well if it’s any consolation. I don’t think anyone resents you for doing what you feel.” She then mumbled “I certainly admire you for it” before speaking up. “So I support you for it.” “Fluttershy…” Sora slowly grew a smile from what she said. “However, if we’re on the subject of making friends… is there nothing we can do about Discord?” “Hm?” Sora was confused on her question. “What do you mean. We caught him and he’s back to stone again.” “Yes, but, this time around, I don’t think he was as mean as he was before” She was quiet when saying this as rubbed her foreleg with the other one and stared off to the distance, too nervous to give eye contact. Sora had to admit he had been having thoughts on the subject. “Well, for someone with his reputation, He didn’t seem as bad as I expected him to be either.” He rubbed his chin. Fluttershy spoke up. “I don’t know if it’s ok to bring him back or give him his powers back, but…. Maybe it’d be nice if we did.” She then immediately shook her head “Or not, n-nevermind” At this, she started flying towards the library “L-let’s hurry inside. The Princesses should be here soon.” Sora watched her fly off. She looked like she wanted to say more… He turned to Donald and Goofy. “Come on guys, let’s go join them.” (Stop music here if you’d like) ~~~ A Little Later When the Princesses and their guards finally arrived at the library, there was much to explain. However, when they noticed the “mystery attacker” Sora and the girls spoke of to be Black Scale they were shocked and immediately commanded their guard to hold off on transferring Discord and Black Scale to Canterlot. What followed was a very long discussion amongst the involved parties, starting off with Sora and the girls telling the Princesses what occurred that day. Once they were brought up to speed, the Princesses turned toward Black Scale. “All this just to test young Sora’s abilities? Could you not simply have come and asked us directly?” Celestia asked the dragon. “We could’ve avoided this situation entirely.” The drake sneered in response. “And walk into that cesspit you call a city? No thanks, too much noise and too many ponies staring and trying to get in your business. The last time I came to you was out of necessity. Had I any other choice I never would’ve set foot in Canterlot.” Black Scale replied. Luna sighed. “Tis a pleasure to see you haven’t changed since then, Sir Black Scale.” “At least I wasn’t stuck on the moon for a thousand years, YOUR HIGHNESS.” Black Scale retorted. This got Luna to scowl at him. “Oh, it appears I’ve struck a nerve there,” Black Scale said with a smirk. “How wouldst thou even know of that when you vanished all those years ago?” Luna demanded. “I’ve kept myself up to date, princess.” He replied. “And why did you leave?” Celestia asked with a raised eyebrow. Black Scale shrugged and replied casually. “Because I knew you’d look for me after the deed was done.” “But why?” She asked. “Why leave Equestria? I understand your choice to be a recluse, but was leaving this place the best choice to do that?” Before Black Scale could reply, they heard Sora clear his throat. “Uuh, sorry to interrupt, but do you guys mind clueing the rest of us in on what you’re talking about?” “Also,” Twilight stepped up. “Could you tell us why you haven’t mentioned Mr. Black Scale here before now, Princesses? I mean, from how I see it at least, finding him should’ve been a top priority when the beasts were broken out of their prison.” The room grew silent as the Princesses looked at Sora, the girls, Spike, Donald and Goofy who simply stared back at them with curiosity. In time Luna hung her head slightly as Celestia sighed. “I suppose an explanation is in order for you all,” Celestia replied. “Make no mistake, 'twas not of ill intent that we withheld such information from thee,” Luna added. “We only assumed that informing you of him would have been a pointless endeavor.” “How so?” Sora asked. Both Princesses glanced at each other before looking at Black Scale. Celestia spoke first, “As you might be aware of now, he outclasses even other dragons in terms of how anti-social he can be.” “No arguments there,” Rainbow grumbled. “Yes…” Celestia nodded. “Well, you see, by the time the beasts had been captured and sealed away, our original plan was to then confront Black Scale and discuss the matter and even thank him for his aid in stopping the threat.” “And…” Black Scale leaned back and folded his arms, giving a suspicious stare at the princesses. Luna frowned. “Despite what you think Black Scale, sister and I truly did wish to thank you for this deed.” Then her gaze softened. “However, we can only assume that you caught wind of some of our subjects that still held ill feelings toward you.” “I did indeed.” Black Scale replied. “Busybody nobles that can’t even wipe their own bums, they were “concerned” for the safety of the ponies living in your domain.” He smirked. “Apparently they feared I’d become a threat myself. Some thought I never betrayed my former brother and comrades at all and was just lying in wait to free them and take over the kingdom. Some even claimed that I would undo the seams of Equestria as I did them and betray you all.” At that, he laughed. “That one always gets me. I’m afraid I’d have to actually like you ponies first in order to betray you.” In time his laughter died down and he wore a more serious face. “But in the end, all those claims were just propaganda and empty speeches to get the masses to huddle behind their word. We know what they really wanted, don’t we?” Both Celestia and Luna couldn’t look him in the eye when he said that. “What?” Twilight asked, her curiosity was screaming at her now. “What did they really want?” Black Scale grunted. “I’ll give you a hint, it was me they wanted.” This ended up confusing everyone, save for the two alicorns that were involved. Goofy scratched his noggin. “But uuh, why go through all that trouble of making you a villain if they didn’t want to scare you away?” “Your guess is as good as mine, dogman.” Black Scale replied. “Yet throughout time, there have been people that think that is the best way to do it.” “Did they want you for your powers?” Sora asked, to which the dragon nodded. “I mean I can get that having a boost like that would be really useful to a person, but I don’t see why they would go that far just so you can bulk someone up.” “It’s more than that,” Luna added, which caught everyone’s attention. “Black Scale’s ability is far broader in range then you would think.” “Huh?” Sora was unsure what she meant. “You see, in the battle to claim one of the beasts, the Minotaur to be exact, Black Scale was able to use his enhancing powers on an entire battalion of our soldiers in order to aid in subduing him.” “Whooooa!” This echoed from the shared voices within the library “You can do that?!” Pinkie asked excitedly. “That’s like a High-level party buff right there!” Everyone stared at her. “...What? It’s like, the perfect skill to use for a raid!” After a moment of silence, Black Scale decided to speak his mind. “The pink one concerns me, but I vaguely see the meaning of what she says.” He turned to the others. “These certain “nobles” and some military officers saw value in how I was able to strengthen such a large group of soldiers during that battle. I can only assume they wanted that kind of power at their disposal whenever they pleased.” He then smirked. “Fortunately for me, ponies live such short lives. I merely had to leave and outlive them, simple as that. In time I would either be forgotten entirely, or their descendants simply wouldn’t care enough to seek me out.” “My sister and I had always assumed that this was his reason going into hiding, even to the point of somehow leaving this world for over a thousand years,” Celestia added. “While I can understand his reasoning and had no right to stop him, the very least he could've done was let us thank him properly for his aid before going off to who knows where.” Dark nodded in agreement. “It’s a shame all these worlds are so closed off from one another. Imagine the cultural exchange if travel between them were easier and more widespread?” Sora, Donald, and Goofy thought of a certain wealthy Duck with the same idea in mind. “I thought you were a recluse?” Sora stared at the dragon suspiciously. “I am. I never said I was gonna join that little social gathering, I just claimed that it would make everything better.” Black Scale replied. “A real barrel of fun this one.” Donald rolled his eyes, all the while he was fending off another hug from Fluttershy. She just couldn’t help herself, she wanted to hug the adorable duck wearing people clothes! Sora already had his fill laughing at the scene earlier, however, he still gave the occasional smirk whenever he looked over at his mallard comrade dealing with his animal-loving friend. “Indeed.” Luna sighed. “Then he decides to galavant off into the stars to goodness knows where for over a millennium.” “Well, it certainly opened my eyes to things one would never see staying in one place all the time. So I like to believe I came out the better for it.” Black Scale shrugged. “...Well, seeing you still sitting here and speaking with us could be considered a good change, I suppose.” Celestia brought up. “Atta girl.” Black Scale pointed to her before his expression became serious. “Though as it turns out, I have something I need to talk to you about as well, regarding that book that bug queen took.” This got the two Princesses to take on similar expressions. He then turned to Sora and the others. “Of course, I still intend to help you all as well. Somebody needs to fix this mess your diarchy managed let happen.” And now the serious look on both Princesses was gone, a Scowl on Luna while Celestia avoided eye contact. “So, how about this, I’m gonna head with these two back to their lovely castle for a bit to talk about… grown-up things. Then, every now and then I’ll drop on by and get you all ready for the train wreck this innocent little world is about to experience.” “Wait, that’s it? Are you just gonna leave now? Just like that? After this whole conversation we had?” Twilight asked. Rainbow butted in. “Yeah, what’s the big deal?” It was obvious that she girl bore no trust in this dragon, already expecting all this to be a trap or something. Black Scale just turned to look at the Princesses, then back at the group. “Uuuh, yeah… I am…” He then pointed at Sora. “Other then the kid over there, I could care less about any of you. Heck, the kid only has my attention because he can slay heartless with that keyblade of his.” This got some of the girls as well as Donald to share a mean look at him. “What? Never said we were all gonna be friends. You all should’ve picked that up by now. This is all just me dealing with an ancient problem for the sake of my conscience, and I’ll use any tool necessary to do so.” The dragon stood up. “So, Princesses, lead the way. I have no intention of leaving this time.” True to his word, Black Scale got up and joined the two sisters as they escorted him out of the library with Discord’s statue in tow. But just as they got through the door Sora raised a hoof. “Hold on, what about that guy?” He pointed a hoof at Discord. “What about him?” Rainbow asked. “I mean sure he’s a jerk and all from what everyone tells me about him and from what I’ve seen, but are you really not gonna give him his powers back?” “Why would you even want him to have his powers back?” Rainbow had a dumbfounded look on her face, and for good reason. The rest of the girls were sharing her opinion as well. “Honestly Sora, it’s probably for the best that he is left as is.” Rarity replied. “You’ve seen what he could do with what little magic he had left. He’s just too dangerous.” Sora scratched his head. “I dunno, it just seemed like he went through a lot of trouble to do it the way he did.” Seeing that no one was getting what he was trying to say he continued. “I mean, other than those “Trials” he set us up with…. Was anyone in Ponyville actually hurt? Or worse?” He looked around. Twilight was about to say something but had no answer. “What’s more, he refused to let the heartless into town to wreak havoc. He could’ve easily done so, right?” Sora turned to Black Scale. Black Scale was silent for a moment. “Dealing with someone such as him, you have to be perfectly clear what he can and can’t do… However, now that you mention it, I never set any ground rules in regards to the town and the citizens, I was really only focused on you guys. If he wanted to he could’ve done any number of evil acts on the other townsfolk since it didn't break what I told him.” Sora looked around. “So… he’s not really a BAD guy… just a jerk like I said before, right?” For a moment everyone was silent until Celestia cleared her throat. “While what you’ve said may be true, there is some… history regarding him that you are unaware of that leave us skeptical of the idea. However, I do believe that anyone can change,” She then turned to the statue “Even him” then back to Sora. “For the time being, let's just shelve this conversation for later. It’s not like he’ll be going anywhere till then.” She smirked at that. Feeling that this was the best he was going to get, Sora eventually nodded and agreed. “Fine, but we won’t forget.” “I will!” “Well, Rainbow will,” Sora said while rolling his eyes. Rainbow huffed. “So long as he’s back to being a pidgeon’s bathroom, he’s not my problem anymore.” She shrugged. “Thank you, Rainbow, I think we get it,” Twilight responded. “We will keep that in mind, rest assured. Meanwhile, I suppose after coming back from Manehatten and dealing with this, you would all like some rest. So please, take your time and recover before you come to see us, it's not like we’ll be going anywhere after all.” Celestia said as she gave a bow to them all, which was mirrored by her sister before they both headed out. “Hopefully when you do visit It won’t be another battle for the kingdom again.” Luna smiled. In truth, everyone sort of felt like that was warranted, given their past trips to the capital. With the Princesses and their guards finally heading home and the town now back to the way it was, this left Sora, the girls, Donald, Goofy, and Spike to think about everything that had happened in the span of a single day. Looking outside, they could see that after all the distractions, the Princesses remembered their daily routine and started trading the Sun for the moon. “Man… How long have we been here?” Seeing the moon caused Sora to yawn. “I’m beat.” “It HAS been a long day I suppose.” Rarity stated. “Perhaps some sleep is just what we need right now.” A round of agreement was shared amongst the group. Sora then turned to his friends Donald and Goofy. “What about you guys? If you want, you can crash at my place.” “Your place?” Donald raised an eyebrow. At this point, he seemed to have given up on stopping Fluttershy from hugging him. It seemed futile with this girl, and it was relatively harmless anyways, even if his pride might have taken a hit from knowing WHY she was like this with him. “You mean you own a house here?” Sora nodded. “Yeah, they decided to build me one since I’ll be here for awhile.” “You sure that’s the ONLY reason?” Donald folded his arms, eying Sora suspiciously. “W-what do you mean by that?” Sora took a step back, genuinely confused why his friend was looking at him like that. Donald looked at the girls, then back at Sora again before grinning.  “Oh, nothing…” Later that Night Surprisingly enough, the majority of the villagers actually managed to get some shut eye. Whether that’s a testament to their fortitude or simply a sign that they’re getting used to these strange events is anyone’s guess. Over at Sora’s house, Donald and Goofy had taken their transformed friend up on his offer to spend the night in his equestrian home. Mogson threw a bit of a fit about more mouths to feed, but Sora assured the moogle that they were only staying for the night and then they’d be off. They took some time catching up and telling each other what had happened while they were apart before sleep finally claimed them. It appeared that while Sora was away, his other friends had been keeping busy. His best friend Riku had been sent out with the king on some covert operation by Master Yen Sid. Axel and Kairi were well on their way with their training and making great progress for beginners. When it came to talking about Kairi, he couldn’t help but recall some rather special memories of her. The day they met, their life growing up on the islands, his growing crush on the girl. And of course, the crazy adventures he had while looking for her when he was first cast out of his world, as well as the brief times where they were reunited. He sure missed everyone, especially her. However, one thing that he neither expected nor understood was that while he was thinking about Kairi, his mind kept drifting back to Twilight, Fluttershy, Rarity, Rainbow, Applejack, and Pinkie. He wasn’t sure what this meant honestly and started to ponder it as he lay in his bed, absently noting from their snoring that Donald and Goofy seemed to already be fast asleep on the couch and armchair in the living room, respectively. However, before he could think about it too deeply he ended up falling asleep without even realizing it. Regardless, his dreams didn’t seem to let up on the subject as random memories of the girls (Kairi included) started appearing and disappearing one after another, very fond memories that he enjoyed reliving since it was with them. Over at the library, however, it wasn’t nearly as peaceful, seeing as the girls had something that they needed to discuss before they could even consider sleep. It was a conversation they had all seen coming. Two wanted to avoid it, two wanted to talk about it, and two wanted to nip this in the bud before it made things even more awkward between them, or worse, made it so that they’d find it difficult to work with each other in the days to come. “Ok, now that the town is back to normal and there is no immediate threat in front of us or anything… Let’s talk about Sora.” Twilight sat in a circle with her longtime friends. Each of them was either blushing, trying to avoid eye contact or both. “Does anyone wish to say anything before we continue?” Rainbow, true to form, decided to use this opportunity to state her case first. “I dunno why we’re acting all shy about it, we already said back in Manehattan that we all like the Spiky dope.” This struck a chord with everyone as they were reminded of that breakfast back in the city. While Fluttershy seemed to shrink into herself, Applejack seemed tongue-tied, wanting to make a comeback at Rainbow but coming up blank since she made such a strong point. Pinkie raised her hoof. “I’m not shy about it. I wanted to tell Sora as soon as I realized it!” She said in a noticeably more bubbly and happy tone than normal, and that's saying something in her case. “Then why didn’t you say anything sooner?” Twilight asked curiously as her heart rate started to pick up at the thought of one of her friends going for Sora before she could come to terms with her own feelings. “Because the author was caught up in making the battle in Manehattan super awesome!” “What?” Twilight raised an eyebrow. “Because I was waiting for you girls!” Pinkie said, continuing before anyone could ask her about that previous statement. “You’re all my best friends. You didn’t honestly think that I wouldn’t notice each of you looking at him the same way, did you?” She waggled her eyebrow and elbowed Twilight, making the lavender mare’s blush spread from her cheeks to the rest of her face. Of course, Fluttershy wasn’t far behind, and even the other girls were a bit flustered, Rainbow included. Applejack eventually sighed. “Ok, fine, so we all like the fella.” She admitted. “So... what now?” At this, Rarity seemed to have a thought which caused her to smile. “Well dearies, I suppose we could always just tell him.” Upon hearing such a bold proposal, Fluttershy started having a DOES NOT COMPUTE moment, Pinkie smiled and nodded at the notion, Rainbow and Applejack tensed up and Twilight began fumbling with her words. “I uh, I mean we-That is um… uuh-w-w-we can’t just do that!” “Well, why not, Twilight?” Rarity asked with a sly smile. “We all admit to having feelings for the stallion. Why not just go up to him and confess?” “B-because! Uh…. I mean, you heard what Black Scale said. What if he was right about Sora!” At this point, she was rambling, still incredibly flustered by the idea of confessing. “I mean he said Polygamy might not be a thing with him, and Sora is technically an alien! Maybe it would push him away even more, or he never thought about having such a relationship in the first place. And then there’s that Kairi girl from the stories he told us about his adventures, they seemed really close too. We never bothered to ask about their relationship with each other! Also, what if he’s just not into mares? Maybe he would rather stick with his own race when it comes to dating, or maybe he just isn’t interested in pursuing a relationship, or what about that Kairi girl and-wait, did I already talk about her? I think I, uh, um...” During that pause in her rambling, she finally noticed the looks her friends were giving her. They were all staring at her wide-eyed, and Rarity was holding a hoof to her mouth while her eyes seemed to sparkle with barely contained... Glee? Amusement? Mirth? ...Twilight wasn’t actually sure what it was. “What?” Rainbow almost tripped over her words when she replied. “Wha-what do you mean what?! You said it like it was just going to happen!” “Huh?” Twilight was utterly confused. “The-the, thing! The…” Rainbow looked at the other girls, then back at her. “Twilight… are you saying you want to...” She was having trouble saying it so Pinkie decided to but in. “You want us to be in a herd with Sora?!” She blurted so loudly that it was a surprise the little dragon upstairs didn’t wake up from his sleep. Now the librarian was put on the spot, and it was her own words that did her in. “Wait, you mean you all weren’t thinking the same thing?” She turned to Rarity. “I thought that’s what Rarity meant!” Despite still being oh so giddy at what she’d heard, the fashionista still managed to speak. “I only meant us confessing and seeing how he would respond, but you would rather have he accept all of us!” She started fanning herself. “I don’t know if that’s a testament to how much you value our friendship, or if you’ve been harboring secret thoughts about us all this time.” “What?!” If Twilight’s face wasn’t red enough before it was borderline glowing at this point. “Twilight… do you really feel that way?” Fluttershy couldn’t stay quiet after hearing that. Great, now she was getting the wrong idea! She could then see it in their eyes. Those assuming looks, the bashful glances and her own trouble responding. No matter what she said at this point, this was the moment when the conversation would take a turn for the strange between them all. And they had Sora to thank for it. ~~~ Meanwhile Sora’s dreams were taking a strange turn as well. He found himself standing on the beach back home, the very island where he and his closest friends used to play.  Getting a good look around reminded him how much he missed coming here when he left to answer Mickey’s call to the mastery exams. He was also reminded of everything that had happened in his life since the moment he had that strange dream when he was 14. He didn’t even notice that he was suddenly lying on his back as if waking from a good nap. He closed his eyes for a moment… It was pretty comfy, once you get used to the fact that you’d get sand in places you really wish you wouldn’t. When he opened them, he saw Kairi hovering over him. “Whoa!” It was a familiar shock to his system as he was startled into a sitting position. “Even after all this time, you’re still as lazy as ever.” She said before laughing. After his heart calmed down he started laughing as well. “Well, you know me...” He started to respond, turning to face her only to be surprised when he saw a mare instead. “Huh?” “What do you mean, huh? Are you still half asleep?” The Mare with Kairi’s voice was now giving him a knowing smirk. It was odd. Same red hair… or mane would be the proper term, as well as a matching tail. Same blue eyes, same voice, but instead of a human, it was a pony. “Kairi, uh-“ “Sora!” Instantly was tackled by a pink blur, tumbling a short ways before landing on his back, looking up to see the party pony herself ( :Yay! First! ) (Technically Kairi beat you to that…) ( :Rats! Foiled by plot points!) (Indeed… can I? *points to the story*) ( All you boss! *salutes and hops back into the story*) “Pinkie?!” Sora couldn’t even begin to comprehend why she was here right now. “Pinkie! Do you really need to tackle him like that every time?” Hearing that familiar voice he turned to see Twilight as well. “Huh?” Sora wasn’t sure what was going on as Pinkie finally hopped off him, only for him to notice a blue pegasus hovering over him. “I swear, you’re gonna wreck him one day, and then who am I gonna train super awesome moves with?” The pegasus said. “Rainbow too?” He was so confused. “Well duh, me too. Did you forget we’re all here?” “All?” He got up and sure enough, the rest of the girls were there as well. Applejack was inspecting a coconut, Fluttershy was speaking to a seagull, and Rarity was examining some seashells, putting the prettiest ones in her saddlebags which were placed off to the side. Sora was confused as to why and how the girls, sans Kairi, were here of all places. “What are you all doing here?” He asked. “What do you mean, Spiky?” Rainbow seemed confused by this. “We live here, you dope.” “What?” Sora wasn’t sure what she meant by this until he blinked, suddenly finding himself in the middle of Ponyville. “Huh?” As if that wasn’t strange enough, he noticed that he was back in his pony form. He turned to the girls and Kairi was back to being human, but so were the other girls. Twilight was as he remembered seeing her human self last time, with the other mares taking on similar changes, respective to their original appearances. Same mane- or rather hairstyles, all wearing their elements of harmony like always. Applejack had her stetson, but other than that they all seemed to be wearing the same outfit as Twilight for some reason, even if they were palette swapped to match or simulate their coat color. At least they weren’t all naked like when Twilight first visited the Hundred Acre Wood, he wouldn’t know how to handle that other than turning into a tomato. “What is going on here?” He looked at them all, flabbergasted beyond belief. “Well, it’s time to go,” Kairi said as she walked up to Sora. “You promised to show me around, remember?” Sora didn’t remember saying anything like that, but before he could respond either way Twilight chimed in. “Actually, he’s supposed to help me out at the library today.” Sora didn’t remember saying that either. Rainbow butted in. “What are you, nuts? I just told you all that he has to train with me today. We still gotta fuse and stuff!” “Um, if it’s not too much trouble. I was hoping Sora could take me to that storybook he mentioned.” That one he recalled, Fluttershy seemed really excited to visit it. If only they weren’t called away to that Manehattan job so suddenly. “Hold on now ya’ll, I was going to ask him I help me with some apple buckin’. There’s a fresh pie waiting for ya at the end of the job.” Applejack said her piece. Pinkie scoffed. “Bribery? For shame Applejack.” She shook her head. “You’ll have to do better than that.” From out of nowhere, Pinkie pulled out a catering cart piled high with cakes, pies and some kind of beverage. “All this could be yours, Sora, for the low, low price of having fun with me today!” Sora was now wondering when and how fun became a form of currency. Rarity raised her hoof. “Wait, I was hoping to invite him to some tea at my boutique, I still have so many things to ask him about the fashion of the worlds he’s visited.” She then blushed a little. “Though honestly, it’s merely an excuse to enjoy his company.” And NOW Sora was blushing. It became clear from that statement and looks on the other girls' faces that these “Promises” and “Requests” were just excuses to speak with him. In all honesty, he couldn’t choose. “Well, he can’t be in all places at once,” Twilight stated then turned to him. “Who is it going to be, Sora?” “What?” He was caught off guard by this question. “It’s simple, you’ll have to decide on one of us,” Kairi said as all the girls formed a close circle around him. “Choose.” “Why are you saying it like that?” Sora wasn’t getting a good feeling from that phrase. She clarified. “It’s simple, you can’t possibly be everywhere at once. You’ll have to pick who you want to go with.” “Pick? But then, what about the others?” Sora asked. It seemed straightforward, sure. It's true he could only do one thing at a time, but the way the conversation is headed, it was making him feel uneasy. Like there was more to what they were saying, and he didn’t like it. “So… who’s it gonna be?” Rainbow added. “One girl, one chance, Mr. Hero.” She trotted right up to him. “I, uh...” He looked unsure. As if what Kairi had said wasn’t enough, Rainbow’s words were setting off a lot of red flags. “Or, perhaps you’d rather choose none of us at all.” This time Fluttershy was the one to speak, nearly startling him with how quietly she’d snuck up behind him. “I-if that’s what you want.” But she wasn’t the only one. Looking around, it seemed the other girls had gotten closer to him and were closing in on him. At this point, he could only look around as the girls would keep asking him to choose. Yet the whole time, he couldn’t come to a straight answer. After a while the only thing he could say was “I-I don’t know!” that was when all the girls stopped and stared at him. Suddenly they all turned away in unison and started walking away. Before he could say anything or even reach out to any of them, they all said “Fine, then don’t bother deciding at all.” and the floor beneath him vanished, causing him to start falling. Falling deeper and deeper into a dark abyss. However, the shock of suddenly falling into darkness was enough to snap him out of his dream. He shot up in a sitting position on his bed in a cold sweat and panting. After taking a moment to regain his senses he looked around. “A dream?...” He rubbed his face with his hooves before eventually laying back down as he simply stared off into the distance. “What was that all about?...” > Chapter 43: Get your BEARings > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The next day, things had been awkward for Sora and the girls. Thanks to his dream last night, Sora had been left somewhat absent-minded for the most of this morning. Thoughts of what he remembered of the dream and memories of each girl that was in it would occasionally break whatever else he was thinking about and soak up his attention so much so, that Mogson found it odd that the stallion actually didn’t wolf down his breakfast like every other morning he cooked for him. It weirded, the old Moogle out, but he didn’t want to get dragged into it. He could feel the potential drama somehow from the boy, and right now, drama is the one thing he doesn’t need right now. Over on Twilight and the girls’ end, Things were awkward and strange for them as well. Twilight’s accidental blurting of her true thoughts caused a stir in all of their hearts. It's true that they all admit to having a romantic attraction to Sora, but the thought of herding with him… Keeping in mind it’s not uncommon to see such a relationship, and there are even herds where the mares in that relationship would focus their romantic feelings on solely the stallion in said herd. However, the question that remained in each of their minds was if Sora is the only one their heart goes to if a herd was even made between them? Needless to say, all these new and strange thoughts were starting to take their toll. They needed to clear their thoughts. Fortunately, Twilight and Sora already had something planned for that. Donald and Goofy left in the gummi ship for home to let Master Yen Sid know what had just happened, thinking that consulting with the great wizard might enlighten them more on the situation about Black Scale’s time “planet hopping”. Sora and the girls both were in the library once again. It was something He and Twilight had planned on doing back before things got busy for them. Yo, what’s with the book?” Rainbow asked as Merlin levitated it onto the table they all gathered around and placed it in front of Sora. “It’s something we wanted to show the rest of you.” Sora said as he went to reach for the book cover.” “Hey! Look it’s Sora!” Pinkie said as she pointed at the book cover, to the other girls surprise they indeed saw Sora’s Human form sitting with what looked like, a little yellow bear with a red shirt both staring at the stars above. “You have a book about yourself?” Rainbow Dash asked scratching her head. “Haha, no, Rainbow…. Actually, I’m not sure why the cover is like that, but that’s not the point.” Sora shook his head. “Everyone took care of any errands or chores they had for today right?” It took a moment before one by one, the girls all nodded or confirmed they did just that. “Good, cuz this might take all day.” “To read a book to us? I don’t really see the importance of-” Rainbow started to say before Twilight hushed her and responded. “Just give us a second, Rainbow. I promise you’ll be more than excited about this book.” Sora said as he opened the book. Rainbow just folded her forelimbs then shrugged. “Unless it’s another Daring Do story I haven’t read yet, I doubt-” the next thing she knew, she was engulfed in a gentle light. The same happened to the other girls and Sora. The looks on their faces, Sora wished he could take a picture of it. Sora was already in the book first along with Twilight, It seemed that her clothes remained on her human form thankfully this time. He gave her a nod before he pulled out a mini box, that almost immediately expanded to a far larger one causing Sora to buckle a little from its weight. “And thank you, Merlin, for thinking ahead.” He set it down and opened it to check the contents. “1.. 2… 3…… yup 5 sets of clothes right here.” he stood up and dusted off his hands.” “Good, because it looks like they are arriving now,” Twilight said as she pointed up at them. Sora nearly faced his gaze skyward in response, but immediately remembered the last time this happened, blushed then jerked his line of sight down to his feet. “R-right, w-well, Can I trust you to help them out with “This part” of our day?” Sora was already walking off aways to give himself distance before sitting down to battle his more primal side to remain the considerate friend he wanted to be seen as. Even if the term friend seemed a bit lacking after that dream last night. Twilight couldn’t help blushing and looking away as well. “Y-yes, that, that would be for the best.” The rest of the girls were now starting to appear at relatively the same time as they floated down toward the compass mark on the page. However, no longer were they mares but young women. However, none of them really noticed that until they finally reached the page… with two feet. :”H-hey, what the?” Said a girl with Rainbow’s voice. “Wh-where are my hooves? What are these?” the same girl would gesture her hand to her feet awkwardly then would get a shock at what she was pointing with. “What are those?” she would then fall over losing her balance. “whoa-WHOA-AAAAH!!” A few of the other girls would follow her as two others were struggling to understand their new bodies and trying their best to stand up. One of them being a Curly Pink-haired one with a big grin on her face. She seemed to be enjoying this more than the others. “WHOOOA I GOT DIGITS!” she said as she would try to make her fingers flex. “Oh dear.” Another girl with pink straight hair seemed to be more concerned with something else as she was trying to cover it with her arms. The purple haired one looked devastated. “My coat! My beautiful coat is gone! I feel so exposed!” she shuddered. Meanwhile, Sora rolled his eyes listening to them. “It’s not that you FEEL exposed, you ARE exposed, Rarity.” he folded his arms and looked off into the distance, a pink hue on his cheeks. Rarity didn’t understand what he meant until she noticed the girl with Fluttershy’s hair with a rather embarrassed look on her face as she tried to use her arms to the best of her ability to cover- Rarity gasped as she caught on and looked at herself. “And here we go.” Sora could only guess what that rather audible gasp meant. “What is the meaning of this?! My, My, MY-” Before she could even continue there was a hand over her mouth, It was Twilights. “I know I know, and trust me Sora and I will explain everything to you all, but right now, we need to get you all dressed.” (You can end the music here) ~~~ A little later “Please stop,” Sora said with a blank expression on his face as many hands and fingers started poking at his face and hair. “Whoa, this is so cool and weird!” Said Rainbow. Twilight had managed to help the girls get dressed first so that Sora could assist in teaching them on how to use their current forms. Much to his dismay, the textile sense of touch on their hands seemed to distract them every now and then as some of the girls would try to grab and touch things. For Rainbow and Pinkie, it was Sora’s hair. “Oooh, the tips of them are kind of pokey!” Pinkie said with a big grin as she would rub her palm on Sora’s head. Applejack seemed more interested in touching trees when they actually manage to get the group to move into the area where Pooh’s house was. “Huh? You know I buck Apple trees so much, but not once have I ever felt their bark like this.” She seemed almost as Fascinated as when Twilight discovered touch for the first time. Sora stared at the librarian with a smirk. The girls had managed to learn how to keep their balance on two feet rather quickly, however that was probably more instinctual for them to keep upright. Everything else about being a human was more of a challenge them. Like learning to flex their fingers when before entering the book they never had fingers in the first place. Rarity spent her new found sense of touch checking out her new outfit she was given. The clothes they were all given were pretty basic. A simple Blouse and pants each in their own color to help tell who’s is who’s when Twilight had to help aid them in wearing them. Along with some unmentionables as well that would go underneath the clothes for important reasons that don’t need be explained… obviously…. (*Looks at the reader* Right?...) and uninspiring looking shoes. Comfortable and functional they were, but utterly drab in her eyes. She made a mental note to get all the girls measurements once she had better control of her own body to rectify this “heinous” act of fashion. Sora had to wonder if he was taking his sense of touch for granted the way these girls were acting on it. Especially Twilight since she was STILL touching things for the sake of touching now that she was human again. At least Fluttershy seemed more reserved, though he could only guess it was because they haven’t run into an animal yet or Pooh and his friends. If anything would tempt her to touch, it'd be one of those. The walk to Pooh’s home took some time as he and Twilight had to be on the lookout in case one of the girls would stumble or need help. He was surprised how well Twilight was getting used to walking and balancing like a human, she even jogged a short distance in front of him to catch Applejack before she fell on her rear end after stepping on a loose rock that moved under her foot. There were falls among the girls and some bumping into one another. But they were still progressing well, Pinkie was on a more frightening level with how well she was picking it up. “So where are we headed anyway?” Applejack asked as she managed to finally pry her attention away from the tree she was stroking to keep pace with the others and stumble along. Sora managed to push away Rainbow’s and Pinkie’s hands on his head and continued walking forward. “Well, hoping he or the others haven’t been spooked again, we’re going to see my friend Pooh first. I wanted to introduce you all to my friends here. But I also thought the more of us being here, the better we can solve this strange mystery hanging around the Hundred Acre Woods.” “You mean that Heffa-woozoo thing you tried to tell us when  we got here?” Rainbow asked. Twilight sighed “Perhaps it would have been better to explain it after we taught you all how to stay on your own two feet.” Sora scratched his head. “Guess I was in a rush to get past THAT part to take a moment to see if what we said actually stuck.” He folded his arms. “Well, basically, I have some friends here that are in trouble, but I can’t seem to figure out why. They all claim it has something to do with these creatures called Heffalumps and Woozals but I haven't seen anything like that before.” Twilight continued “Sora and I traveled around the place but whatever we found or was told left more questions than answers.” Twilight had managed to pull out a notebook and quill, Sora was unclear as to when she had that on her. “So I suggested that inviting the rest of you here would help fan out the search for answers.” Sora could see the mixed reactions on the others faces and was quick to answer. “Don’t get us wrong, we were gonna bring you here anyway whether there was a problem or not. I actually was really excited to show you all  my friends here and this place.” He scratched his head “It’s just, recent events just sort of, made me lose track of things and we should’ve said something sooner, I know.” The girls looked at each other, Rarity spoke: “Well, we were sort of busy what with those pylon things and whatnot.” “Far as I can tell, he ain’t lying.” Applejack responded. “And it’s not like any harm came from not telling us sooner. We’re here now aren’t we?” The other girls couldn’t really argue with that. “I guess, but no more “waiting” to tell us this stuff, ok?” Rainbow said with a shrug as she looked at herself. “Cuz this is kind of cool. I mean it'd be better if I still had my wings, but it’s still kind of cool seeing what it’s like being an alien.” “I suppose there are some merits to being… a human was it?” Rarity said her fingers were now going through her hair. “I felt a few knots in my mane with these… Fingers? Yes, Fingers. I can feel every strand of my mane so clearly.” she then started fussing over her hair. “Just imagine how delicate and precise I can be when I brush or style it!” “Well, I’m glad you’re all enjoying… touching stuff, but there is more to being human than that.” Sore responded before he stopped in his tracks “Oh we’re here!” He pointed over to a familiar looking tree home with the sign “Trespassers Will” above its door, but even better was the sight of a small bear with a red shirt in the middle of doing his stoutness exercises. “Hey, Pooh!” Sora made his way over to the bear only to be shocked at Fluttershy immediately being able to overcome her hurdles of locomotion to rush past him then pick up Pooh in a welcoming hug. “Whoa!” He blinked “Ooooh, you are soooo cute!” Fluttershy said. “Oh.” Pooh gave his signature laugh and smile taking this sudden attack of his privacy like a champ. Then again, he tends to take on all sorts of new things rather well usually thanks to his rather laidback attitude. “But I thought I was a bear.” This made Fluttershy giggle “Of course, you are silly.” as she continued to snuggle him. Sora finally managed to reach the two. “Hey Pooh, I’d like to introduce you to my friend Fluttershy, but it seems she already introduced herself kind of,” he said as he gestured to the pink haired girl hugging the bear like a stuffed animal. Pooh seemed to brush off the whole thing like it was nothing as he just smiled “Well, any friend of Sora’s is a friend of mine.” He then looked at the two of them, “But what about them?” When Sora and Fluttershy looked back. They could see the other girls doing their best to catch up with the two. Until Rainbow tripped over her own foot and fell over bringing everyone else down with her since she was in front of them, save for Twilight obviously, as she started to help them back to their feet again. “Uuuh, yeah, them too.” Sora chuckled nervously “I’ll be right back.” he then ran over to the girl's aid as well. When all was settled, Sora proceeded to introduce the girls to Winnie the Pooh who gave his usual warm welcome to Sora’s friends as the girls greeted him positively in return in their own ways, and before they knew it, as Sora and Twilight took this moment to really fill the other girls in on what’s been going on. They all found themselves joining Pooh in his stoutness exercise. “Well, sounds like to me this could all just be a bunch of hooey.” Applejack said as she reached down to touch her toes like the others. “I mean, ya’ll never seen one, right?” “Piglet said he has,” Twilight brought up “It’s probably best to start with him.” When she noticed the other girls confused looks she responded “Another one of Sora’s friends here.” “Not to mention my very best friend,” Pooh added while they started the squatting part of the exercise. “As he said,” Twilight replied. Meanwhile, Fluttershy was now interested in meeting a cute little piglet. “Ok then so what's the plan? We go see this piglet feller about the heffa-whatsits?” Applejack asked. “That’s one part of it,” Sora chimed in, “We have some other friends here with problems of their own. So, Twilight and I thought the more of us the better.” When the exercises finally ended, Sora stretched and turned to Pooh, “You’re not too busy to join us, right Pooh?” Pooh folded his arms and tapped his head with his paw in thought. “Hmm, I suppose so, then again, I’m not sure what it is I’m busy about.” This caused Sora to smirk “I’m gonna go ahead and assume that you're free then.” Pooh nodded and smiled innocently “Well if you say so, Sora.” ~~~~~~~~~~ And So… One thing unexpected to everyone was how well Pooh’s exercise actually helped the girls. Among trying to understand and use muscles they previously never had before as ponies, they’re biggest issue was keeping their balance and composure while on two feet. They made their way over to Piglet's house and Sora’s first reaction was to look up above. “Well, Thankfully it isn’t Windsday.” “Huh?” Twilight turned to him confused as to what he meant. Sora just shook his head. “I’ll tell you another time, promise.” then he waved it off and made his way to the tree home with Pooh. “Piglet! Oh, Pigleeeet!” Pooh bent down to knock on the tiny door “Are you home?” At first, it was pretty quiet, but then suddenly the tiny door opened and something peered around it. “P-p-p-Pooh?” after confirming that it was indeed him a sigh of relief could be heard before Piglet finally stepped out of the house. “H-hello Pooh, not that I’m not glad to see you, but what are you doing here?” he then turned to see Sora walk up. “Oh, and Sora too and-” he turned to Twilight “Twilight… Right?” to which the purple haired girl nodded with a smile. Piglet nodded as well until he was suddenly scooped up off the ground “YIPE!” “Ooh, you are just the cutest little piglet I’ve ever seen!” Fluttershy couldn’t contain herself at the sight of Piglet and proceeded to “express her affection” for the little guy. Piglet on the other and was confused, disheveled, and terrified “Aaaah! H-h-h-heeeeelp!” Fluttershy gasped, “Oh My, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to-“ When she set him down he immediately scurried behind Pooh. “I appreciate your enthusiasm about this place and my friends Fluttershy, really.” Sora chuckled “Well, who wouldn’t be excited jumping in a book to meet new friends!” Pinkie popped up next to Sora. Rainbow folded her arms and raised an eyebrow. “When she says it like that, this whole premise sounds weird.” “Isn’t strange enough that it actually happen though?” Rarity commented as she walked by, her ability to get the hang of her new body could be shown as she was starting to walk with more elegance than the others. “l can’t wait to set up the “Meeting new friends party!” Pinkie puked out confetti from her hair to make it rain around her with it. Strangely enough, a few balloons floated up from behind her back and into the sky. It seemed Pinkie was understanding her new body to a degree that could only be achieved by Pinkie at this point. “Sora, did you know that your friend is a magician?” Pooh said as he watched the whole scene. “Sometimes I wonder that myself Pooh…” Sora responded nonchalantly as they watched Pinkie continue with her antics. Once everything settled down Sora got to the point of their visit, “Alright, So Twilight, why don’t you start with what we had planned right now and I’ll lead the girls to Rabbit’s next. “Right.” Twilight nodded as she stood next to them. “Wait, Twilight’s staying here?” Applejack asked. “Yeah, I still need to introduce you guys to everyone else, but Twilight and I decided that going to Rabbit’s first would be important. “Why is that?” Rainbow asked. Twilight answered. “It was my decision,  after some thought when we left the woods the first time, we both came to a thought that some other incidents might revolve around Rabbit’s problem first. Hopefully, we might get some answers that might piece together what really is going on here.” The girls looked at each other, for a moment before Sora spoke again. “It’s really so we can cover more ground. Once I introduce you to everyone, Twilight and I considered that if we all split up and gather information from everyone else, we could finally get a bigger picture on what’s going on, here. Twilight nodded. “I promise, if this wasn’t important, we’d be having fun and generally have a more pleasant time  showing you around here.” After a moment of silence and everyone looking at one another Fluttershy surprisingly spoke first. “Well, if you don’t mind, I’ll do whatever I can…” She had a bit of confidence in her voice. “You said there were more animal friends to see too right?” Sora then smirked And her true priorities show “Yes, there is, just uh, try to contain yourself a little more as to not surprise them.” She blushed with a sheepish grin “R-right…” “Come on, Rabbit's house is this way,” Sora said and was already off, the girls close behind. Meanwhile, Twilight grabbed both Piglet and Pooh’s attention. “We’ll catch up with them later, I was hoping we could talk more about that heffalump or Woozal you said you saw… (You can end the music here) ~~~ A little later For the first time since they arrived here, the girls seemed to have for the most part mastered simple human locomotion to the point that they were talking with each other casually. On one hand, this was good. He wouldn’t have to constantly look over his shoulder to make sure one wasn’t gonna run into a tree or trip over their own feet…. For the most part. However, on the other hand, they seem to have unknowingly left the keyblade wielder to his own thoughts. Something that He desperately was trying to avoid right now. Ever since that dream last night if his mind wasn’t preoccupied, he would think back on that dream.; Before the trip into the book, it was really getting to him. NOW It was starting to dominate all his thoughts right now. He had to wonder if it was fate that after he dreamed about what the mares would look like as humans he would actually get to see it happen in reality now. He would be lying if he didn’t say that they looked…. Very appealing as humans as they did as their original forms, and THAT right there surprised him about himself. He saw them attractive as mares as he did as humans. He had an idea bouncing around in his head about this, but... It just couldn’t be right? As Rabbits House was coming into view he looked back at the girls and unsure on what to do. How deep was this? Is this really what his heart was saying or was he just over thinking it over a silly dream that more than likely meant nothing. Is his feelings for them becoming more serious than he originally thought? Farther than just friendship? He shook his head fiercely. No, his mind was wandering again. He had to distract himself. He decided to bring up something random to talk about with them. He slowed his walk a bit and listened to their conversation, waiting for a moment to jump in. He just had to be over thinking these kind of things anyway… Right?” > Chapter 44: Coming to a Sack Head > --------------------------------------------------------------------------                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Rabbit’s Garden “OUT! OUT I SAY!” Rabbit was in utter distress as he chased off yet another flock of crows. “Fiends! Pilferers!” He waved his broomstick at the birds until they flew far into the air. He then sighed in aggravation as he returned to where his scarecrow once stood. He then set the broom on the ground before grabbing an old shirt, a couple of long sticks, gloves and various other knick-knacks, before beginning to construct a new one. When he finished, what stood before him was a rather sorry looking replacement, that soon wobbled and fell apart before his feet.  After getting over his initial shock of the failure his ears drooped and he slouched in defeat. “It’s no use… without my scarecrow, my garden will be ruined…” “Don’t be so negative Mr. Bunny guy! Turn that frown upside down!” Rabbit sighed once more. “That’s easy for you to say, you’re not on the precipice of an agricultural disaster.” It took a moment before his ears perked up. “Wait, what?” He turned around to see a happy, pink face in front of him, attached to an equally happy-looking pink girl with even pinker curly hair… which also somehow managed to exude a feeling of happiness, who was currently kneeling down to stare at him. “Hiya!” She said loudly. Rabbit shrieked in surprise and nearly stumbled onto his now destroyed scarecrow pile. The girl giggled. “You’re funny.” “Pinkie? How’d you get here so fast?” Sora said as he and the rest of the girls had finally arrived at Rabbit’s garden. Once he got to his feet Rabbit was already full of questions. “Sora? You know this… person? Who are they? What is going on?” He was then startled by how close the yellow-skinned one got to him with sparkles in her eyes. “Oh My Gosh, I never knew Bunnies could get so big! You’re so cute!” She then immediately hugged him but quickly let go. “Oh! Sorry, sorry, I’m still working on that.” During the process, she had lifted him in the air a bit. So when she let go, he fell on his bum like a sack of potatoes. “Uh, it’s fine… I guess.” Rabbit groaned. “First a small talking bear, then a small talking piglet, and now a giant talking rabbit.” Applejack strode up with Sora and the others. “Are ya sure we aren’t still under Discord’s magic?” “If we are, then this by far the tamest trick he’s pulled so far if you ask me,” Rainbow said as she looked around. “It’s fine guys, Rabbit is supposed to be that tall,” Sora reassured as he approached the long-eared gardener in question after Fluttershy helped him up. “Hey Rabbit, I brought some friends to visit the Hundred Acre Wood and help with the Heffalump and Woozle problem.” “Really? That’s good, I am at my wits end quite frankly.” Rabbit replied as he turned to the pile he laid on. “What’s all this?” Rainbow asked as she joined the circle. “Well it WAS supposed to be my replacement scarecrow, but so far it hasn’t scared off a single bird.” “Why would you want to scare off birds?” Fluttershy asked. “Isn’t that mean?” “It’s for the crops sugarcube.” Applejack answered for him. “This is a nice Garden you have here, you take good care of your vegetables.” She knelt down to look at one of the pumpkins. “Why, yes! Thank you. There is no greater joy than tending to my garden.” Rabbit said proudly. “I can understand that.” Applejack smiled and gave a nod. “Yeah, though it looks like those crows enjoy your garden for other reasons,” Rainbow said as she pointed up to the flock of crows watching the group in the trees. Rabbit gave that flock one look and just groaned. “If only I had my scarecrow, my perfect scarecrow...” His ears drooped before they perked back up and his tone changed as he shook a fist at the birds. “I wouldn’t even have this problem if it weren’t for those darn Heffalumps and Woozles.” “Well, maybe we can help with that,” Sora said as everyone gathered around. That was when they all heard a crash. “Huh?” “Goodness gracious, what was that?” Rabbit ran over to the source which seems to be around the corner of his home. Sora wasted no time joining him, the others as well soon after. When they reached it they were shocked to see what looked like an utter mess of jars, branches, leaves and- “Oh no! My Honey!” He ran over to check the damages. “After I worked so hard collecting it all.” Sora stared for a moment. “That's a lot of jars, rabbit.” He stated before he and the girls started helping Rabbit pick up the pieces. Sadly some jars were broken beyond compare, but at least a sizeable amount still remained intact, though a lot of them were tipped during the crash so the contents were a different story. The ground had some sticky spots to say the least, so traversing the area was a pain for everyone, but in the end, they managed to get everything in order as best as they could. “That’s all of them I guess.” Applejack said as she wiped some sweat from her brow. “Sir, no offense but why do you have all these jars of honey behind your house?” “I… ran out of room inside it.” Rabbit admitted. At this Sora turned to Rabbit’s house and peered in through one of the windows. There were jars all over the place, he could easily guess what was inside them. “Rabbit, why do have so much honey?” At this Rabbit seemed to pose like he was brilliant. “Well, I figured if we have a problem with Heffalumps and Woozles in the hundred acre wood, it’s only smart that I get to that honey first and hide it away before they even get a chance to swipe it.” Sora and the girls looked at each other for a moment before Rainbow asked the question they were all thinking of. “But if they’re after it, then wouldn’t that just make your house a big fat target for them?” After blinking a few times that proud, confident look on Rabbit’s face changed to one of despair and sudden realization. “Oh no… Oh no no no! You're right! What have I done?! If they find out, it’s over!” He grabbed his ears as he was starting to have a nervous breakdown over what he believed was to come in the near future. Sora sighed and the girls looked at Rainbow. Rainbow, realizing what she’d just caused scratched the back of her head sheepishly. “Uuuh, sorry?” ~~~~~~~~~~ Twilight had been busy with her investigation as well. While Sora and the others headed off to Rabbit’s house, Twilight took this time to question Piglet on the “Heffalump and/or Woozle” he saw that fateful day. “W-well it started out like any normal day, I suppose.” A flashback was then brought to the forefront of Piglet’s mind: It had been a nice morning for Piglet as he woke up, did a little house cleaning, then had some breakfast. After all that, he had decided to pay his friend Pooh an early morning visit. As he wondered what wonderful things they would do that day, he suddenly heard a thump from outside. His immediate response was a “YIPE!” before scurrying off to hide under something, his armchair this time. He shivered under it for a good minute or two before finally peeking out. Nothing had invaded his home, so that was good. Then another thump sounded and he shot right back under the chair again. Another rinse and repeat of him gaining the courage to peek out again, this time managing to actually step away from the chair. Cautiously, Piglet slowly made his way toward one of the windows. When he finally reached it, he tentatively took a look outside and immediately regretted it. A tall dark figure was flying toward him aggressively. He screamed and made a mad dash, not deeper into his home, but rather out his front door and running as fast as his little legs could down the path to Pooh’s, screaming all the way. Not even once did he look back. That was all he could recall about the creature. Twilight had been writing in a notebook the whole time, taking notes on Piglet’s story. “So you never took a moment to really look at it?” Piglet shook his head. “I’m sorry, but I didn’t. I just wanted to get out of there as soon as possible, that scary orange face glaring at me was just t-t-t-terrifying. “Orange face?” Twilight asked, jotting that feature down just in case. Piglet shook and hugged himself. “It was horrible, it had the look like it wanted to gobble up small animals, such as myself.” Pooh meanwhile patted his head to help reassure him he was ok now. Twilight was now in deep thought. A creature with an Orange face… It’s small but it's still a lead I suppose She decided to take a closer look at Piglet’s Home. “When you came back, was there anything taken or out of place?” Piglet was about to speak but then stopped himself after he really thought about the question. “Strangely enough, no… Everything was still where I left it… the only thing that was weird when I came back was that strange coat I found. “Strange coat?” Twilight perked up and turned to them. “Y-y-yes, It’s um actually still hanging in that tree over there.” He pointed to a tree that was on the edge of Piglets yard. Hanging on top of it, waving in the wind was a rather old looking coat that somehow seemed to have got itself caught on one of the branches of the tree. It was indeed odd for that thing to be there. She ran over to it and tried to use telekinesis to grab it, only to be reminded she had no horn. Twilight sighed. “Right…” She then remembered that conversation with Merlin about magic again. It didn't really work that time with Discord because she was under pressure, but maybe now… She reached her hands out to the jacket while taking a couple of deep breaths. “OK Twilight, you got this. It’s still the same principle, the focus is just in a different place.” She concentrated, she concentrated as hard as she could. She imagined both of her hands were her horn. After using magic with her horn so much, she was so used to focusing her magic on it that it took practically no effort at all. Add that to the fact that Unicorns innately focus all their magic there from a young age, and she basically had to fight her thinking AND her instincts to get this to work. “Humans can do it… so, in theory, I should be able to as well, seeing as my body is human right now.” She managed to tell herself as she grunted and continued staring ahead with a strained expression. Meanwhile, Piglet and Pooh stood behind her in confusion. “Is she alright Pooh?” Pooh tilted his head to the side. “I’m not too sure Piglet.” He tilted his head to the other side as he contemplated the answer. “But judging from her face, perhaps that tree has wronged her in some way.” “Oh, my,” Piglet replied. ~~~~~~~~~~ Meanwhile Back outside of the book, Merlin had been sitting at the table where the book laid. He was having a cup of tea and enjoying some literature since Spike still had to take care of some chores around the Library before he could actually go back to training. He had been reading a book on the creatures of Equestria when suddenly he heard a burp and the sound of flames coming from behind him. “Hm?” Looking back he noticed a scroll falling into Spike’s outstretched claws. “I say, would that be that mailing system you and the Princess have going?” “Uh, yeah, you know about it?” Spike asked curiously. “Only a little. During my time assisting the Princesses with that ‘project’ of theirs.” He took another sip. “Said that they would send me a message that way if anything came up… would that be the case, Spike?” Spike started reading the note only to frown. “It says to give this package to Sora and let you explain, but what package are they-HURK” Seemingly in response to his question Spike belched up some green flames, out of which appeared a package that he barely managed to catch. “Whoa… I guess that answers that…” “Ah, splendid, so they feel confident in trying it out.” Merlin set his tea and book aside before trotting over. “Try what out?” Spike asked curiously, inspecting the box before it was picked up telekinetically by Merlin and drifted over to him. “Now now, wouldn’t want to spoil the surprise. Speaking of which, I have some preparations to make.” He trotted out the door. “Be sure to report to the training room once you’ve finished cleaning, Spike.” Spike just stood there with a blank face. “Um... What?” ~~~~~~~~~~ Back at Rabbit's House It seemed Rabbit had finally calmed down from his little “revelation” and he along with Sora and the girls were now handling their original task of searching for clues. Meanwhile, Rabbit was also contemplating what to do with his honey surplus now that he knew that it was making his home a target. As far as Sora could get out of Rabbit, everything was fine one morning, but when he returned that afternoon from visiting Kanga, he found his scarecrow gone and crows helping themselves to his crops. So, unfortunately, not much information to go on. Sometime after that and having his little freak out episode, Tigger showed up talking about how the Heffalumps and Woozles had arrived. That got Sora to thinking. “Rabbit, how did Tigger know about the Heffalumps and Woozles being here?” Rabbit stopped for a moment as he was carrying a jar of honey along with Pinkie, Applejack, and Fluttershy. “Well uh, I’m not entirely sure. I suppose I never really got around to asking him that.” “Perhaps this Tigger fellow had his honey stolen if what I’m led to believe about these creatures is correct?” Rarity asked as she was searching the premises but remained in earshot. Both Sora and Rabbit shook their head and spoke in unison. “No, Tigger doesn’t like honey.” This only peaked everyone’s curiosity “Well, it seems like the only option we have now is to just find this Tigger fella and ask him ourselves.” Applejack replied as she set down a jar near the pile they had been making. Sora nodded. “It's the only thing I can think of at this point.” He turned to the others. “Since you three are helping Rabbit, I guess Rarity, Rainbow, and I will go see Tigger. Just keep an eye out for anything that might help with the investigation.” “You got it.” AJ never was one to leave something half done anyway. “Okie dokie lokie!” Pinkie seemed more interested in eating the honey than she was in moving it, but she still wanted to help. “O-ok, be careful you three.” Fluttershy was happy to help someone in need. And besides, she was still kind of excited about meeting a giant talking bunny rabbit. “Fine by me, I was starting to get bored just standing around,” Rainbow responded as she and Rarity joined Sora. “Rainbow, don’t be rude.” Rarity berated her friend before giving a polite bow to Rabbit. “You have a most lovely home sir, though we must be off.” Rabbit relished in the praise of his home and waved off Rainbow’s remark. “Oh why thank you, and not to worry, I’m sure Tigger will do something about her boredom.” He finished with a small smirk. “What does he mean by that?” Rainbow turned to Rarity and Sora. Sora simply laughed. “Now I’m curious about that too.” He started walking, Rarity in tow. Meanwhile Rainbow just stood there confused. “What?!” She asked before catching up to them. The walk wasn’t long, seeing as they merely stepped out onto the book pages to get to the picture of Tigger’s place and then just appeared right in front of their destination. Rainbow finally got her answer when she got a look at the place, it looked like a makeshift playground. Rarity looked around at all the strange things to climb and jump off of. “Hmm, this definitely looks like a fun place for Sweetie Belle and her friends to play at.” Sora made a mental note to think about that later. “So, we’re here, where’s this Tigger guy you mentioned?” Rainbow said distractedly, already making good use of the place as she climbed on top of a fallen log. However, before she got the chance to do more her question was swiftly answered by a distant voice. “I got you now!” Everyone looked around for the source of the voice, Rarity being the first to spot it and call out. “My word! Up above us!” She pointed. When the other two looked up they were greeted with Tigger flying, or rather, tumbling through the air wrestling with something. The strangest thing was how Tigger seemed to be carried off in what Sora could only assume was a gust of air or something. “What the-LOOK OUT!” He barely managed to dodge in time as the gust seemed to make a hard turn and dive straight for him with Tigger in tow. Tigger meanwhile seemed too preoccupied with his “adversary” at the moment to notice Sora or the girls. “OK, that is by far the strangest way to fly in my opinion.” Rainbow watched in awe and confusion before she too had to move out of the way as Tigger and the gust seemed to come back, narrowly missing her this time. This caused her to lose her balance and fall off the log she was standing on. “W-whoa!” “I’m pretty sure that’s not his doing,” Sora said as he ran after Tigger. When the wind made another turn, he managed to anticipate it’s direction this time and ran to a spot where they would collide. “Hold on Tigger, I gotcha!” He clapped his hands together and spread his feet apart before spreading his arms out as if he was trying to imitate a goalie. This ended up with him catching Tigger and the “fiend” as the wind seemed to disperse against his body on collision. Of course, the momentum still made Sora fall back and tumble a couple feet before landing face-up on the grass. “Ha! Thought you could get the best of Tigger did ya? Well, you need to think again. Take some of these!” Tigger said as he made a growl that he THOUGHT was intimidating as he laid a few punches on… a sack with a hat on it, as Sora and Rarity could see. “And one of those!” He gave it a kick sending against one of the fallen logs. Making it look like it was on the ropes. “And the coup de gracy!” He then did what he did best, right off of Sora’s gut mind you, and bounced high in the air to pounce on his “foe” “HA! That outta learn ya!” He struck a pose when he suddenly noticed he had an audience. “Well now, who might you two be?” He smiled at Rarity and Rainbow as if nothing happened until he heard a groan. He turned to see Sora getting up whilst rubbing his stomach. “Hey there Sora!” He bounced over to the boy but picked up on his belly rubbing and looked at him curiously. “Say, what’s the matter with you? Bellyache? Ate something you shouldn’t have?” Sora just chuckled weakly. “Hehe, naw, don't worry about it. Just had a run in with a flying Tigger is all.” “Oh, well you should be more careful th-Hey wait a minute!” Tigger catches on. “Have you come to do some bouncing today?” Or not… “No, not quite,” Sora answered. “First, while everything is still calm, let me introduce you to a couple friends of mine.” He gestured over to the girls. “Tigger, this is Rarity and Rainbow.” Rarity extended her hand. “A pleasure, dear.” “Sup.” Rainbow blurted out as she dusted off herself. Tigger didn’t waste a moment as he bounced over to the two. “Well they there, any friend of Sora’s is welcome here. Though I gotta say-“ He pounced on Rainbow’s head looking it over. “I never knew hair can so many colors at once.” He grabbed at it and gave it a few tugs. “It’s not a wig is it?” “Ow! Hey, get off!” Rainbow nearly lost balance for a moment before she managed to grab him and throw him off, only for him to land on his tail and proceed to bounce around Rarity while holding onto his feet. “That one's got a lot of spunk. I like her!” He said obliviously. Meanwhile, Rarity watched nervously as the energetic little tiger started looking at her. “You on the other hand look all gussied up. Going to a dinner date or something?” “What?” She blushed a bit as the image of Sora wearing a nice suit, sitting across from her at a candlelit dinner flashed across her mind. “N-no, I just- A lady must always look her best after all.” “Ooooh…” He responded while still bouncing on his tail. Then made a 180 in midair and looked at Sora “Say, what’s a lady?” Sora meanwhile seemed too busy trying to stifle his laughter at this rather interesting meeting to comment. That was when another, younger voice was heard. “Tigger! TIGGER!” Sora recognized that to be Roo’s voice and turning to his side he could see the little guy hopping in their direction from out of the brush. “Did you get it! Did ya-Huh?!” He stopped halfway when he noticed Sora. “Hey, Sora! You’re here to help too?” “Help?” Sora asked but Tigger interrupted him as he jumped between them and made a goofy heroic pose. “All taken care little buddy! I taught that Woozle not to mess with a Tigger!” “Woozle?” Sora asked then turned to the sack with a hat. “That thing?” He blinked. ~~~~~~~~~~ Back at Piglet’s House Twilight was entirely focused. A bead of sweat was rolling down the side of her face, her hands were trembling, her arms were getting tired of holding them up for so long. Yet she kept going. She was close, she felt it. Any second now, she would do it. Pooh and Piglet meanwhile were now sitting on a picnic blanket sharing some tea while watching her. “More honey, Pooh?” “Why yes indeed, Piglet. A large helping if you please.” Obviously… After fulfilling his friend’s request he looked back at Twilight. “Gee, Pooh. H-h-h-how long do you think it’s been since she’s been like that?” “I’d be happy to tell you, Piglet,” Pooh responded before taking a sip, taking a moment to notice that the teacup was now stuck to his nose due to excess honey. “If I knew, that is.” Twilight meanwhile seemed to be in her own little world. So focused on proving this theory of hers right. She could feel it in her gut that she was onto something. If she couldn’t figure it out now, she resolved to find time to try again later. This was her field of expertise. Not only that but she is the bearer of Magic itself. It’s not like she had to do it, but out of sheer curiosity and to prove her wrong, she had to... Her? Be honest with yourself… You really don’t believe in all this nonsense about the heart, do you? She stopped for a moment… where did that thought come from? It was like that time with Discord… When that other version of herself appeared. She shook her head. No, she can’t agree with that. There has to be something to all this, she just hasn’t figured it out yet is all. Or maybe it’s just a bunch of made up ideas of what they THINK is how it all works… Then again, maybe the old man was right about the hand thing. But that seems to be a human thing. You’re a unicorn. No Horn, No Magic. It’s as simple as that. She refused to believe that. It may be a small possibility, even microscopic, but that didn’t mean it was impossible. She just has to focus. This was something Sora believed in as well. There had to be truth in it. ...And for a brief moment, her hands were covered in a magenta aura... > Chapter 45: Inspiration and Conundrum > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was only for a brief moment, but Twilight saw it. She used Magic! She saw that familiar aura on her hands and on the coat she was aiming for. It was only for around half a second and she barely managed to move it at all, but that was more than enough to give the scholar a familiar, starry-eyed look on her face. It was proof of concept. “It worked… It works, it works! It actually works!” She exclaimed while bouncing in place. Meanwhile, Pooh and Piglet started clapping for her, though honestly, they weren’t sure what she was talking about. However, they were still happy that it worked… whatever “it” was. “Hurray!” Pooh cheered. Picking up on his cheer Twilight turned around and awkwardly scratched her head, only now remembering that they were still present. “Ahehe, t-thanks.” She then pulled her hand forward and looked at it. “Merlin WAS right, all you need is a focus.” She clenched it a few times. “Though I have to admit, this is trickier than I thought.” She then looked at the coat above. It seemed fortune was on her side, as that brief tugging she applied on it was just enough for the coat to slowly slide off during her excitement, only just now fall off and into the bushes below. She made her way over to it, picking it up to get a closer look. It was weathered, pretty old looking, and she had the feeling that it hadn’t been worn for a long time. She was so engrossed in examining the details that she didn’t notice Pooh walking up to her, making her jump a bit once she noticed his sudden proximity. “Rabbit will be pleased to have his coat back!” He gave an innocent smile as she calmed her heart rate. “Rabbit’s? How do you know that Pooh?” Twilight turned to the bear in curiosity. “Well, that's very simple,” Pooh replied and opened his mouth to continue, but stopped. After a few seconds, he wore a puzzled look and went into his thinking. “Now how do I know that?” Both Twilight and Piglet sighed. They should’ve expected such a response. “Still…” Twilight straightens up. “We do need to meet up with others. For the time being let's head over to Rabbit’s and show them what we’ve found.” She said as she neatly folded the coat and held it under her arm. It seemed Twilight was getting more and more accustomed to having hands instead of hooves. “Oh, wait for me!” Piglet came running after them. He was curious about this as well, but mostly he just didn’t want to be left all alone when there were Heffalumps and Woozles prowling around. ~~~~~~~~~~ Rabbit’s House Approx. 30 minutes later “There, that oughta do it.” Applejack just placed the last Pot of honey in Rabbit’s wheelbarrow before dusting her hands off, only to stop and stare at her hands. She wasn’t sure what compelled her to do that, but it felt like the natural thing to do after finishing up some physical labor. “Huh…” She didn’t linger on the thought for long before giving a whistle. “She’s all yours Pinkie!” She gave a wave and watched the hyper pink girl run up, lift the wheel barrel with ease and dash off with a giggle. Whether it was an earth pony trait, or she was just too bubbly to even feel the weight, she was the quickest one to get the honey where it needed to go. While that was going on, Applejack used the times in between Pinkie’s trips to discuss gardening with Rabbit. This was when Sora, Rainbow, and Rarity came into view along with Tigger and Roo. They narrowly dodged Pinkie as she ran past them. “Hi, guys! Bye guys!” She called out as she whizzed by, kicking up dust behind her. When Sora waved the dust away and looked back Pinkie was already gone. “Ooookay then.” Sora tilted his head. “What do you think that was about?” Rainbow coughed a bit as the dust settled. “Beats me, let’s just ask AJ and that Rabbit guy.” And so they headed over to the garden where they could see the two already deep in conversation. “Ah, I agree, with just a little elbow grease it's actually a pretty hearty vegetable and grows fairly well compared to others-“ Rabbit seemed well engrossed in a topic before Rainbow decided to interrupt. “You guys seem to be hitting it off pretty well.” She said with her hands behind her head. “Well seeing as they both have a similar trade, I can see why.” Rarity said before something rushed past them and Sora. Something orange. Rabbit was quick to notice it and his ears drooped. “Oh no, no no no-“ Immediately before it pounced on him and he tumbled onto his back. “Hey there, Long Ears!” Rabbit could only sigh as he looked up at his attacker. “Hello, Tigger…” He did not share the tiger’s enthusiasm. Rainbow snorted while trying not to laugh, Sora simply smiled and rolled his eyes, Applejack was just a little confused and Rarity seemed more interested in straightening out her outfit from when Tigger ran, or rather, bounced passed them. As for Roo, he just smiled and waved. “Hey Rabbit!” He said. “Hello, Roo…” Rabbit answered in a monotone voice as Tigger finally got off of him. “So whatcha got goin on here?” Tigger asked, looking around before he started bouncing on his tail in a circle around Applejack. “And who’s the lady in the big hat?” “Uh, the name’s Applejack.” She answered. “I’m guessing you’re another friend of Sora’s then?” “Right you are, Hoo hoo hoo hooooo!” He answered as he spun 360 degrees during a, particularly high bounce. Sora decided to speed things along. “Applejack, this is Tigger-“ “With a T-I-Double Guh-ER!” Sora just continued. “He also lives in the 100-acre wood.” “And I’m Roo!” Says the little kangaroo who simply copied Tigger by bouncing around and waving at Applejack. “He and Tigger are kind of a pair.” Sora smiled and shrugged. “You certainly have interesting friends here, Sora.” Rarity said before something came to mind. “By the way, we saw Pinkie Pie, but where is Fluttershy?” “Yeah, I’m kind of wondering that too,” Sora asked as he looked around. “Ah, she’s inside. She said she wanted to make something for everyone.” Applejack answered. “Yes, she asked to use my kitchen. Of course, I was so engrossed in moving the honey and tidying up around here afterward that it never occurred to me to check on what she was up to.” Rabbit replied. “Same on my end too. Not sure about Pinkie Pie but it seemed like she was just as distracted by us.” Applejack then tapped her chin. “Now that I think about it we didn’t really do much in the investigation either.” She then sighed. ”What with the honeypots and all.” “Well it certainly helped me, so I am very grateful.” Rabbit replied with a nod. “Yeah, it needed to be done anyway, so better sooner rather than later.” Sora just shrugged. “All Done!” Pinkie called out right behind Sora and Rainbow, making them both jump and startling Rarity as well. Looking back, they could see Pinkie standing right behind them with a now empty wheelbarrow, wiping some sweat form her forehead. “Whew, you can make a lot of honey cake with all those jars.” That begged the question for Sora, where did she even put all that honey? Before he could answer however, he happened to notice three more figures he recognized entering the clearing. “Did somebody say Honey?” It was Pooh, along with Twilight and Piglet. They seemed to have just arrived and Twilight seemed to be excited about something. ~~~ “There!” Fluttershy seemed to have made herself at home in rabbit’s home, despite the roofing being a bit lower than her height. With Pinkie helping to set things up, the group all sat together in a circle on a picnic blanket enjoying tea and cupcakes, save for Pooh and piglet, one having already having tea from earlier, the other already digging in a pot of honey rabbit oh so graciously “gave” to him. Rabbit was wondering how Fluttershy and Pinkie even made cupcakes, since he didn’t recall having all the ingredients needed, but Sora directed him away from thinking on it any further. The poor fellow didn’t need any more stress right now. As expected, when Fluttershy finally met Tigger and Roo, her eagerness to hug them bubbled up rapidly. However, she tried her best to compose herself this time in order to be polite. ...That lasted about ten seconds before Tigger and Roo were suddenly in her arms being snuggled to death while she let out a high pitch “squee”. Roo seemed fine with it, it wasn’t too different from when his mom would hug him. Though it was odd that a random person would do that with him. Tigger, because of his greater size was hanging off Fluttershy’s arms with his legs dangling in the air under her. During this time, Sora and Twilight had been sharing what they discovered with the group. Upon presenting the items they had found, Rabbit was quick to declare their origins. “These are part of my scarecrow!” He picked up the sack head with the derpy looking face that might have passed as an angry glare if you squinted hard enough. “Where did you find these?” “Well, we found the coat in a tree near Piglet’s house,” Twilight answered. “And Tigger was somehow riding on the sack face in the air, trying to wrestle it.” Sora gave a shrug. “Wait, what?” Twilight turned to Sora only to see Rainbow and Rarity nodding to that statement. “I sure showed it a thing or two,” Tigger replied as he started shadow boxing at nothing. Sora rolled his eyes at this, yet continued. “It was strange since it wasn’t particularly windy when it happened.” “That is peculiar.” Twilight tapped her chin in thought. “The coat was found high in a tree as well, so it's likely that whatever force that pushed the sack, may have done the same for the coat and what’s left of Rabbit’s scarecrow.” She looked over at rabbit who was already trying to put the sack and coat back on his temporary scarecrow. But without the original “skeleton” part of it, he could only give up with a sigh and neatly put them away for now. “I have a thought, but I have to ask. When the sack and Tigger were um, flying I suppose, was there anything odd about what you saw? Sora, Rainbow, and Rarity just stared at her awkwardly before she sighed facepalmed “Aside from the fact that Tigger and the sack flying around, I mean. Like anything else you noticed?” Sora raised an eyebrow but Rarity answered “Well, I do recall something that was amiss. I dismissed it at first, but I felt something familiar when the scene occurred, however, I could not place my hoof on WHAT it was that felt so familiar. “Hoof?” Piglet tilted his head. “You felt that too?” Rainbow turned to Rarity, much to the latter’s dismay since Rainbow still had a cupcake in her mouth, sending crumbs flying in her direction. Nevertheless, she nodded at Rainbow’s question. Twilight started thinking. “So whatever this is, is seems to give off something familiar to the girls and I. What about you, Sora? Did you feel it as well?” Sora folded his arms and closed his eyes, taking his familiar thinking pose. After a few seconds, he shook his head. “Well I did feel something, but I wouldn’t call it familiar… it’s sorta like when I experience someone else's magic, I guess... Sorry, that's the best I can come up with as an answer.” He shrugged as he took a sip of tea. “No, that actually helps a lot!” Twilight had that starry eyed look again. “How so?” Applejack asked. “I’ve been talking to Merlin about magic, and after some time I developed a theory that I placed on the back burner until I had more proof, and you three might have actually given this theory some foothold in becoming a fact. It’s actually a revolutionary concept that could make scholars and even Merlin himself-” “Twilight, you’re rambling!” Rainbow groaned. “What’s your egghead theory have to do with the scarecrow?” Twilight was like a deer caught in the headlights before immediately feeling embarrassed and clearing her throat. “R-right, sorry… What I’ve been trying to get at is that there is a possibility that this is Equestrian magic in affect.” The group was silent as they all looked at each other before turning back to Twilight. Where Sora and the girls were confused, the residents of the hundred acre wood were utterly lost on what was even going on. Fluttershy asked the one question that was on Sora and the girls’ minds, “So you’re saying magic is the cause of all this?” “Yes, but not just any magic, Our magic.” Twilight’s hands started making gestures while curled up like hooves. “I still can’t fully explain it, but somehow our world’s magic is affecting the book in some way. Whether it’s from us entering the book world or just from the book itself being in Equestria, our magic is… Leaking? Seeping? Erm, in any case, it’s entering the book and having an effect here.” She pointed at the ground. It seemed she wasn’t even aware at the moment how articulate she was being with her hands, given she‘d lived the majority of her life with only hooves. “Ooooh, that sounds awesome!” Pinkie clapped her hands excitedly then stopped to look at them. “Oh, I like that!” She started clapping some more until Applejack had to stop her from going overboard. “Okay, so our magic is making everything here all haywire. What do we do about it?” Twilight opened her mouth to speak but nothing came out, she then took a moment to think… And gave a sheepish grin. “That, I don’t know. This is entirely new, so I’m not sure what we can do about it.” “Really, egghead? All that hype and you got nothing?” Rainbow groaned. Twilight pouted. “What do you expect? This is all new territory, it’s not so easy coming up with a solution when the situation has so many unknowns, and when what we do know is based on a barely established theory.” Fluttershy seemed to be giving it some thought as she picked up a cupcake. “Well, if we’re able to feel our magic here, why don’t we just follow the feeling to where it came from?” She wasn’t being serious, more like spitballing an idea expecting no one to listen or wave it off. But when she noticed that everyone was quiet she looked up only to see them all starting at her. “Um… Was it something I said?” She started to shrink into herself from all the stares pointed at her. “That’s actually a good idea Fluttershy.” Sora then stood up after finishing his tea and cupcake. “Any objections Twilight?” “N-no, when I think about it, it’s actually so obvious that I’m surprised I didn’t come up with it myself.” “Well, you do have a tendency to overthink things. People tend to miss the simple solutions when they’re always looking for complicated ones.” Sora shrugged. “Simple problem, simple solution, I like it. Nice work Fluttershy.” Applejack patted her friend on the back, Fluttershy herself getting embarrassed from all the praise. “O-oh, it’s nothing, anyway I can help.” “Okay, so we’re gonna find where the magic is coming from by using our senses? Sounds like fun! Like game of who’s the best water dowsing rod, but with magic!” Piped up the peppy pink party pony person. “Oh, I’m game!” Rainbow shot up already looking pumped up for the competition. Twilight was about to stop them. “Whoa, we’re on the same team here, we don’t have to-“ “Readysetgo!” Pinkie yelled before she shot off with Rainbow not too far behind. “Hey no fair, I wasn’t ready!” Twilight sighed. “We haven’t even decided what to do when we find it…” She face palmed. Sora and Applejack nodded to each other before turning to Twilight. “We’ll go after them. I guess once we find it we’ll all head back here and figure things out from there.” “I’m on board with that idea.” Rarity said. She then turned to Fluttershy and Twilight. “Us three will head in the opposite direction then.” “Oh, ok.” Fluttershy agreed as she was cleaning everything up. “R-right after I take care of this. It would be rude to leave a mess in Mr. Rabbit’s front yard.” Twilight sighed. “Right, you have a point.” She turned to Rabbit. “Thank you for letting us discuss things and rest here, Rabbit.” “O-oh, it’s not a problem, really. Honestly, I have no idea what you all were even going on about.” He turned to Pooh and Piglet. Piglet seemed to be just as perplexed, Tigger and Roo seemed to have given up on trying to figure out what was going on and were bouncing around Rabbit’s garden to pass the time, something he’ll immediately have to reprimand them for. And Pooh… had his face stuck in a honey jar again. “Sorry we can’t help clean up guys, we might lose the other two.” Sora waved at them before he and Applejack set off as well. ~~~ Sora and Applejack had to split up when they noticed Rainbow and Pinkie going different directions in the distance. Applejack chose to go after Pinkie Pie, leaving Sora to catch up with Rainbow Dash. He had to hand it to the girl, she was getting a better grasp on what her human body could do as he actually had to put a bit of effort into catching up. “Hey!” He called out causing her to finally stop to look back. “Any luck?” Rainbow shook her head. “No, I’m not feeling anything over here.” She took a moment to look around. “And I have no idea where we are…” Sora chuckled. “Ah don’t worry about it, we can always return to Rabbit’s house by going back to The Pages anyway, it's why taught you guys how to in case we’re all separated for some reason.” “Yeah I know, but then how are we gonna show the others whatever is causing all this if we do manage to find it? We can’t backtrack to it if we have to warp or whatever to find our way back, we need to know where we’re going.” Rainbow added. Sora paused for a moment. “Hmmm, I guess you have a point…” He started thinking. It wasn’t long before they were both walking deeper into the forest. “Well, I’m sure we’ll figure something out.” He shrugged. Rainbow just narrowed her eyes. “Seriously, we’re leaving it up to luck now?” After some time she could only sigh. “Whatever. It's not like I have any ideas either.” “Let's just focus on finding it, for now, we’ll figure out the details once we do.” And with that Sora marched on, leaving Rainbow to stare in amazement. “You’ve almost got enough optimism to rival Pinkie Pie.” Rainbow then took a moment to think about what she said. “Well… around half as much anyway.” “Nothing wrong with that right?” Sora stated. “She can definitely cheer anyone up.” Rainbow smiled and rolled her eyes. “Yeah, it’s like she has no off switch sometimes.” They both laughed as they kept walking. After a few minutes, Rainbow started talking again. “Hey, Sora?” “Yeah?” He kept looking forward. “How come we haven’t done it yet?” She asked. He finally looked at her. “Done what?” “You know… that whole element fusing thing you do with the others. I can’t figure out what I’m doing wrong for it not to work.” Sora laughed. “Right, you're still dead set on getting that to work.” In truth though, that’s not what she really wanted to ask. It was actually a split second decision on her part to ask a different question. For some reason, her mind and emotions really weren’t ready to ask the one she wanted to. “I can’t actually explain it if that’s what you’re asking, I don’t even really know how it works. I just know how to activate it when one you girls send me a gem. I think it’d probably be best to ask one of them instead since its starts with the element first.” Rainbow made a mental note to do just that later. “I guess that’s true. I dunno, it's just kind of frustrating. At this rate, I wouldn’t be surprised if I really am the last one.” “I think you’re just trying too hard, you know?” Sora tried to comfort her. “When the time comes, I’m sure you’ll know what to do.” “I guess... but like, don’t you have anything that can help? I’ll even accept vague hints at this point.” Rainbow drooped. Hearing her talk about hints did remind him of something, it would be a good distraction at the very least. He figured it’d be best to get her mind off of it for now. “Well, for now, it would help if you thought about what your element represents.” “What it represents? Well, that's obvious, Loyalty.” Sora shook his head. “Right but I meant does loyalty also mean something else or… Hmm, I guess it really is hard to explain when I don’t have an answer for it.” He folded his arms and looked to the side. She didn’t quite understand what he was getting at, and was about to ask more questions when she suddenly stopped. She had the strangest sense of home… Wait! “I think I sense it!” “You do?” Sora turned to her only to see her running off again. “Again?!” So he followed suit. They were already deep in the woods, now that they’ve run even deeper into it Sora just gave up on the notion of trying to figure out where they were. Yet as luck would have it, the place where Rainbow stopped was all too familiar to him. When he broke into the clearing he got a good look around and recognized it as Tigger’s play area. “What? But, weren’t we just here earlier?” “Yeah but… I’m getting a feeling… somewhere here…” Rainbow was looking around trying to pinpoint where the sensation was coming from. She then grabbed her head and started groaning while rubbing her fingers against her scalp. “Uuugh, this would be so much easier if we knew what we were looking for!” She rubbed her head. “Is it a gem, some kind of magic ball or something like that?” Sora took a look around. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary, but now he was starting to feel something odd as well. As if the atmosphere wasn’t the same as it usually was. “Aww man, you beat us!” Hearing that bubbly tone Sora immediately recognized it to be Pinkie. When he turned to look he saw her and Applejack come out of the brush not far from him and Rainbow. “You guys got drawn here too?” He asked. “Uuh, looks like they’re not the only ones,” Rainbow said, pointing to the other side of the clearing where Twilight, Rarity, and Fluttershy stepped into view. Looking at everyone in surprise, Sora shook his head and sighed. “Why bother splitting up if we just end up together anyway?” However, he ended up laughing about it after a few seconds. When the group gathered together it seemed that only Sora and the girls were present. This raised a question. “Where’s Pooh and the others?” Applejack asked after looking around a bit. Rarity shook her head. “We thought it was best if they just stayed at Rabbit’s.” Twilight nodded and continued where her friend left off. “Correct, we weren’t sure what we’d find. It could be dangerous for all we know.” Sora looked to the side, he never really experienced anything particularly dangerous in Pooh’s book. The worst he’s had were bee swarms attacking him. However, caution was expected when encountering something new, and this was definitely new. “Ok, so what now?” “For now… I suppose we all just keep following the source.” Twilight shrugged. With no other options, the girls followed the sensation. It was strong here, Rainbow and Rarity were wondering why they never felt this much of it when they were here before. It also seemed like it was spread all over the place but with some patience, which was surprising for Rainbow’s standards, all 6 girls seemed to end up staring at one spot. “There!” They all said at the same time before looked at one another in astonishment. Their surprise turned into utter shock, however, when the spot they pointed at started glowing and forming a ring. Then swirling orbs of light begin to float out of it and drift all around them. Individually some would pop like bubbles leaving dazzling sparkles of wonder while others would duplicate only to burst later one as well. Everyone looked around in amazement, it was quite the sight to behold. “Ok… so now what?” Sora asked. The girls looked at each other. They hadn’t thought about that. They turned back to the “Magic circle” before them. It took a moment before Twilight seemed to come to a conclusion. “Let’s ask Merlin.” ~~~ Golden Oaks Library 10 minutes later The book flashed and pages turned until Sora and girls flew right out of the book. Sora having done this many times before landed on his feet, or rather hooves. Twilight barely managed to do the same as she was returned to her original self. The other girls ended up in a heap on the floor as this was their first time. “Pinkie, why were Rabbit’s honey jars in The Pages?” Sora asked. When the group had warped to said hub there was a pyramid of them just lying next to the “portal” to Rabbit’s house. Pinkie popped out of the mare pile and gave a salute. “Sir, it was the best place to hide them from the Heffalumps and Woozles, sir!” She then giggled at her play acting. Sora smiled and rolled his eyes. “I don’t think we have to worry about those anymore.” “Ah, you’re back! Just in time too.” Merlin said as he stepped into the library. “Merlin! There you are.” Sora ran up to him, Twilight not too far behind. “Listen, we have a problem that we’d like your help within Pooh’s world,” Sora said. However, Merlin lifted up a hoof to stop him from saying more. “As much as it pains me to say it, I’m afraid that will have to wait.” Twilight was confused. “W-what? Why?” She was swiftly answered by the sound of a loud roar that shook the very ground beneath them. “Ahem.” Once everything settled down for the time being Merlin pointed out the door. “That would be why.” Sora and Twilight turned to each other with concern than to the girls who were all finally back on their hooves. They all ran out to get a look, nothing nearby seemed out of the ordinary. Looking over at the town everything was in order there too, save for the panicking citizens. “Other way, everyone.” They all turned around and far off in the forest they could see a very large, horned creature. It seemed to be duking it out with some other rather large animal. “What are those… Are they heartless?” Sora asked. “Wait, isn’t that an Ursa Major?!” Twilight yelled out in shock. “You’ve gotta be kidding me!” Rainbow groaned. “Can’t we for once have a whole day off?! Why is everything always on the brink of disaster?!” “Cuz the author has been bottling up his desire to write fight scenes for a while now, he could barely it back anymore.” Pinkie said, dabbing a hanky she got from who knows where against her eyes to wipe away the tears. “You did your best, sir…” Everyone in the room just turned to her and went silent for a few moments “...What?” But just then another roar came that caused them all to put it out of their minds and chalk it up to “Pinkie being Pinkie”. Turning back to the giant battle before them, they all had a sense of ominous foreboding. It was gonna be another long day for Sora and the girls. > Chapter 46: Test of Strength > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Just outside of Golden Oaks Library Sora and the girls watched on in amazement and horror as the two large beasts seemed to be having it out with each other. They could see animals fleeing from the forest in the hopes that they wouldn’t get caught up in the battle. “How long has this been going on?” Merlin pulled out his watch again. “Mmm, thankfully not terribly long.” The heartless in question had the appearance of a gigantic, menacing looking Minotaur with a strange black blade seemingly melded into its back. It had the familiar glowing yellow eyes that most heartless seem to share and sported a jagged underbite. Its skin was a dark purple with black chainlike markings on its wrists that seemed to peel off towards the back and flutter in a nonexistent wind. Finishing off the look were curved horns that looked as big as a house. Hanging from the horns were large metal rings, almost like they were piercings for the horn. They swayed and shook with every motion the heartless would make. Overall, despite the rings, the blade, the tattoos and the horn rings, this Heartless seemed pretty straightforward. It looked so close to a Giant Minotaur that Sora was a little disappointed. Just a little. “Thanks to Spike, however, I did get a hold of the Princesses and they have sent you a faster mode of transportation. Rather swiftly I might add.” Merlin gestured to the royal carriage with two pegasus royal guards strapped to it parked in front of Sora’s home. They seemed rather anxious after watching the battle from a distance. “It’s almost like you were waiting for us.” Pinkie said with a smirk. “That's because we were, for quite some time actually.” Merlin pointed out. Pinkie tapped her chin and squinted. “Well played, Wizard man… Well played.” ... “I have so many questions to ask.” Twilight started but shook her head. “But that can wait, we have a job to do. Sora?” “Hm?” “You and Rainbow to should fly on ahead of us.” She told him. Sora raised an eyebrow. “Uh, sure, but what for?” “Quite frankly, out all of us here, you have the most experience with fighting large heartless,” Twilight stated to which Sora nodded. “So we’re going to make use of all that knowledge and experience you have by having you scout out the heartless beforehand.” She then looked back at Fluttershy who started getting nervous at the sudden attention. “Last time, we just barely got through thanks to Fluttershy being able to fuse with you when we needed help the most. And even more so because your keyblade transformed into a support role the way it did, healing us and boosting our abilities for a prolonged battle.” Everyone was silent, so Twilight continued. “Knowledge is important, so the more we know about this heartless and the ones to come after, the better. So I figured, since Rainbow is the fastest one here, she can carry you over there much faster than a pegasus carriage ever could. Once you two are there, I want you to observe what you can and try as many different attack types as possible in order to learn its strengths and weaknesses.” She tapped a hoof to her chin. “It's stretching a bit, but I think if you have time beforehoof to get a feel for it, then by the time we get there you will know exactly what we all need to do.” Sora looked over at everyone else then back to Twilight. “That sounds pretty smart actually.” He smiled. “I do get worried about what might happen to you guys whenever we run into a new bad guy to stomp.” “As if it's not the same on our end with you.” Applejack pointed out, lightly jabbing at the stallion’s side. “Yes, she is correct.” Twilight nodded. “It’s also helpful that Rainbow is going since you sometimes tend to just… runoff on your own when we aren’t looking. Granted, Rainbow may not be my first pick when it comes to looking out for you-“ “Hey!” The blue Pegasus was slightly offended. “-But, it's better than nopony.” Twilight continued. “Plus, she is the fastest Pegasus around, so she should be able to bail the two of you out of a sticky situation if needed.” Sora just scratched his head and chuckled. “Well, can’t argue with that.” “Don't just brush this off. If things get too much for you two, then you back off immediately, understood?” “Hey, why am I included in that?!” Rainbow asked. “Do you even have to ask, Darling?” Rarity rolled her eyes. “UNDERSTOOD?” Twilight took a step towards the two who both nervously looked at each other, then back at Twilight before nodding. “Good… you may go then, I expect you to come up with something by the time we get there.” She then turned to the others. “Girls, let's get ready. Fluttershy and I may know healing magic, but it's best to stock up on curatives as well.” “I guess we’re stopping by Mogson’s shop then.” Applejack said adjusting her hat. Sora and Rainbow watched everyone start to leave. “I guess we should get going,” Sora said to her. “Ah, just a moment Sora?” Merlin trotted over to the two. “Might I see that bead bag of yours? The one you use to turn into your human self?” Sora was confused at the request, but seeing no reason to refuse, he retrieved it from his saddlebag and handed it to Merlin. “Thank you.” Sora then watched in horror as Merlin made his horn glow and set the bag on fire, instantly reducing it to ashes. “What?! Merlin! I needed those!” Sora was in utter shock as was Rainbow. “Yeah, how is he gonna change into a cool alien when we need him to!” “Yeah! How am I-wait, you think my human self looks cool?” Rainbow blushed a little but Merlin grabbed their attention by clearing his throat. “I’ve disposed of it because you will no longer need it.” He then held out an amulet he pulled from under his hat. “This will do the job far better than those detrimental beads. They were a temporary thing anyway.” Sora stared at the amulet for a moment before taking it and looking it over. “This, is supposed to replace the beads?” The amulet was gold with silver vine-like carvings on it that seem to lead to the center where a red round crystal was displayed, there also seemed to be circular lining around the crystal, as if that part was moveable. “Exactly and I’m sure you have more questions, but as you are well aware, time is of the essence. So here’s the rundown:” He then placed his hoof on the amulet and flipped the center part of it. On the other side was the same crystal, only it seemed to be glowing on that side. “It won’t activate until you wear it, but this is what you do to change into your human self.” He did it a few more times for Sora to get the picture. “After 10 minutes that glow will dim until it’s completely out, when that happens it will flip back by itself and start charging up again. Meaning you go back to being a stallion after 10 minutes of use.” Sora decided to try flipping the center part a few times to get used to it, then flipped it back to its normal state and tried to figure out where to put it. “Ah, allow me.” With a glow of his horn a few gestures with his hoof out of habit, the amulet floated from Sora’s hoof and pressed itself onto his inner shirt. “There we go, not worry. I just made it… well, I guess the simplest way to explain it is I sort of magnetized that part of your shirt to that side of the amulet, but instead of magnetism, I used magic in its place. Better that way, otherwise your shirt would attract all sorts of metals, ho ho.” Merlin joked. “Now then, the last part is that once it runs out of gas, it’ll need 30 minutes to recharge before its back in action.” “30 minutes? But what if I need to be human again sooner than that? There were situations where I had to stay human for a longer time.” Sora brought up. Merlin simply waved him off. “Not to worry lad, I did say this amulet was far better than those beads and I aim to prove it. If you’re ever in a need to return to that form sooner than half an hour, there is one trick you can use to speed up the charge.” He gave a wink. “Just grasp the thing, clutch it tightly, and channel all of your magical powers into it. Of course, once you do, you’ll be completely out of magic yourself, so I’d keep a few extra Ether’s on hand if I were you.” “That's it?” Sora was surprised the method was so simple. “Of course, The Princesses and I worked hard to make sure what replaced the beads was as useful and convenient as possible,” Merlin stated. Sora did recall Celestia making a promise about that. Staring at the amulet, he had to admit the trade-off definitely sounded better, since the beads seemed to harm him the more he took in one sitting. That couldn’t have been good for him in the long run. And Merlin seemed to know more about it than he was telling him, they were kind of pressed for time at the moment. Something he would have to ask about later, then. “That's really cool and all, but can we get going now?” Rainbow garnered their attention as she trotted in place looking between them and the ongoing giant battle in the distance. “Quite right! Apologies for delaying you. You should be off then!” He shooed Sora over to Rainbow who grabbed hold of his withers and shot off like a rocket. “Take care, my boy. I’m sensing the trials to come will be important... for all of you.” Merlin said while waving, leaving the two confused on his cryptic message. But they had more pressing issues to deal with in the form of a giant heartless fighting a space bear. Merlin watched on for a moment before nodding. “Things are certainly progressing faster than I predicted, to be sure.” He turned to Spike who was watching Sora and Rainbow go. “It might not be long before you end up surprising me as well, lad.” ~~~ Scene of the Battle 5 minutes later In record time Rainbow had brought Sora almost straight to the battle and was it ever a sight to behold. A full-grown Ursa Major was trying its best to pin down and tear a giant heartless to shreds, but the heartless seemed to have enough strength to prevent this and take a swing or two at the bear in turn. “Sooo, anything I need to know about the giant bear?” Sora asked as they were closing in on where Sora intended for them to drop in. “I dunno, it's a big bear? Looks pretty cranky, but at the bad guy thankfully. It's probably on its turf or something.” Rainbow shrugged. “Look, I ain’t Fluttershy, ask her about animal things. I’m all about being fast and awesome.” “Clearly… Well then, I guess we just gotta wing it from here.” Sora replied. “So, same old same old?” She replied. Sora just laughed and shrugged back. “Yeah, pretty much.” And with that Rainbow picked up the pace, eager to get into the mix. “Ok Dash, let's give it a wake-up call!” Once Rainbow had carried Sora all the way to the battle she let go of him as the two of them dove from the sky. Being the first ones to respond, their first goal was to make sure they got the heartless’ undivided attention. That matter was simple as they lined up with each other, gaining as much speed as they could from the altitude before they nodded to each other just a few yards above the beast, suddenly flipping their position from a nosedive to a double head stomp. This caused it to lose its concentration on the battle of strength with the Ursa Major for just a second, but that was all the bear needed to push the heartless back. Sora and Rainbow had already bounced off the heartless head and were on good old terra firma looking up as the Bull like creature took a starry bear palm to the chest, knocking it back a ways and stumbling onto the trees below. This lets the Ursa Major pounce on top of it. The tremors were something fierce for those nearby and Sora had to take a moment to get his footing “Alright! YOU GET 'EM BIG GUY!” Rainbow hoof pumped. She had no issue, thanks to her wings. “DASH!” Sora called out to her as he was galloping ahead. “Let’s go for its head again!” “Huh?! Oh, right! You got it!” She wound up before shooting off toward the Heartless with great speed as it struggled to fend off the Ursa Major. She got a clean hit, ramming both forehooves square into its jaw. This lets the Bear get another attack in the form of a slashing strike to its chest. However, the heartless soon grabbed hold of the creature with its claw, attempting to pull the big bear off of it. In response, Sora made a mad dash before leaping into the air, twirling and whipping out his keyblade to perform a quick Fire Strike Raid at the Heartless’ elbow joint. This caused the arm to falter due to the impact, giving the bear the opportunity to get yet another strike in. However, despite getting a hit in, the bear was then knocked into the air by its foe’s hoof before it came crashing down and shaking the ground from the impact. “Whoa!” Sora had to stop and look back. “This heartless is strong.” He then notices the bear start getting up. It seemed like the big guy wasn’t gonna take that cheap shot lying down. He then started to feel the ground rumble, prompting him to turn back and see the Heartless trying to get back up as well. “Oh no, you don’t!” Rainbow was coming around for another strike. Sora galloped over to the Heartless, jumped then grabbed at the amulet Merlin gave him. “Let’s see if this works!” He flips the gem inside the amulet over to the red side and immediately his entire body flashed with a bright light. A second later, Sora’s big shoes landed on the Heartless’ snout. “It worked...” He looked up at the beast's eyes with a smirk of defiance. “Alright!” He then charged right up its face, keyblade out. He gripped the hilt, wound up- ”Stay down!” -and then swung as hard as he could against its face causing the bull to reel back in pain, throwing Sora off who was then caught by Rainbow. It wasn't enough to stop it, but it slowed it down enough so that when it was back on its feet, the Ursa Major was already on it again. “Well, we scouted it out!” Rainbow said. “What’s the plan now, Spikey?” Sora looked over at the two creatures in thought. Then at the surrounding area, noticing that parts of the forest were getting devastated by those two. Fluttershy would have fit about all the animals losing their homes, so Sora had to think of leading the heartless away somewhere. Looking around, he noticed a clearing off in the distance. Now that he had the target location, the question was how to get the big guy there. “Heads up! The girls are here!” Rainbow called out as she gestured her head off to the side. Those royal carriage pegasi were no slouches. Sure, they couldn’t keep up with Dash, but they still made a great time. That was when Sora had an idea. “Perfect timing, throw me at the carriage!” Rainbow looked at him in confusion, before shrugging and getting into a spin. “Once you throw me, try to keep the heartless distracted till I get back!” “Uh, ok… I’ll try!” She spun faster and faster until finally- “Off you go!” -she hurled Sora at the oncoming flying carriage, Sora took a moment to somersault in mid-air before spreading his arms and legs out and beginning to glide, surprising Rainbow for just a moment before remembering back when she was stuck as a rodent “Right… He can do that...” She would have chased after him since he dodged answering her question last time about it, but she remembered the mission at hand and reluctantly flew back at the heartless and Ursa Major. I was at this moment that Pinkie stuck her head out the window. Twilight noticed this. “What's going on, Pinkie? Are Sora and Rainbow okay?!” “Uh huh!” Pinkie said cheerfully. “What are they doing?!” Twilight asked her. “Ask Sora yourself! He’s here now.” Pinkie replied as she waved. The girls were unsure what she meant by that when they suddenly heard his voice on the other side of the carriage door. “Hey girls!” “What?” Twilight was perplexed as she saw the human form of Sora hanging off of the carriage window. “Look no time to talk, I’m thinking we can get a leg up on this guy, but he’s kind of wrecking the place.” Sora then leaned back to point out to the clearing in the far distance. “I’m thinking we should get the Heartless over there to get him out of the forest but to do that I’m gonna need Applejack and Fluttershy!” “M-me?” Fluttershy was already shaking, afraid that she might have to fight the big scary heartless. “Whatcha need?” Applejack slammed her hooves together, summoning her gauntlets. “Yes, and make sure to let us all know please,” Twilight asked. Back over with Rainbow, she was flying circles around the two giants as the continued to duke it out, intervening every now and then with a flying hoof dive or just being a general pest to the heartless whenever it looked like it was about to gain the upper hoof. It wasn’t long before she heard Sora whistle, letting her know he was back. When she turned to him he was still hanging on the carriage and waving at her, but the carriage itself was now altering course. She flew over as swiftly as she could, and when she arrived she could see Applejack looking like she was getting ready to jump… at her. “So what's going on over here?” “It’s a bit of stretch, but it might work,” Twilight said to Sora before sticking her head out to look at Rainbow. “Rainbow, we’re gonna move the heartless over there.” she points to the clearing. “Grab Applejack please, she’ll explain what’s going to happen.” With no other prompting Rainbow complied and flew closer to grab Applejack. “Good, we’ll see you two there?” Sora gave a thumbs up as he hopped in the carriage and flipped the amulet to revert back to pony form. This, of course, gave everyone inside a bit of a shock. Something he had to explain on the way over to their destination. “Ok partner, take me over there.” Applejack pointed at the heartless. Rainbow did just that, but not without asking questions. “So what’s going on? How are we gonna move the fight way over there?” Applejack sighed. “Honestly, I’m thinking Sora might be overestimating my abilities, but we’re gonna grab their attention…” “OK, how’s that?” Rainbow asked as she flew over to the beasts. When they were about to approach Applejack internally psyched herself up. “You’re gonna hurl me at that there heartless over and over until it gets ticked off.” Rainbow blinked for a moment... before a smirk started to form on her face. “I like this plan...” And then she picked up the pace. The heartless didn’t see it coming the first time. When it was about to grab at the Bear’s neck, something strong collided with its face that caused it to lose its footing and stumble to the side. Rainbow had spun in place, much to Applejack’s dismay, and flung Applejack at the Heartless as hard as she could. Despite the dizzy feeling, the farmer kept it together to pull one gauntlet back and give that creature a hoof-shaped, metal covered sucker punch. Upon impact, she bounced off in recoil, just in time for Rainbow to catch her and ready herself for another throw. “Was the spinning necessary?” Applejack asked with her eyes still swirling a little. “I dunno, but it felt like it was,” Rainbow replied with a big grin. Applejack only groaned, hoping to keep her lunch down.  Meanwhile the heartless had stagger pretty far, relatively speaking anyway. The bear only helped in matters by charging at it and pushing it even further in the direction they wanted it to go. “Come on, we still got more ground to cover.” “Hopin’ ya wouldn’t say that.” Applejack slumped while Rainbow flew after the two giants. Over at the intended destination, the royal carriage had finally landed out in the center of the clearing where Sora and the other girls quickly hopped out. “Good, this should be far enough,” Twilight said after getting a look around. She then turned to the Pegasi pulling the carriage. “We’ll take care of things from here, you two should go find a place to hide for now while we handle this.” They both gave a salute. “Yes, ma’am.” And like that they were off, deciding to find a cloud that was nearby yet out of the way enough that they could observe and remain on standby. Sora was already glancing around as if looking for something. “From the sounds of things it looks like everything's going according to plan on Rainbow and AJ’s end, so we better get ready too.” “Ok then, what is the plan here exactly?” Twilight asked. After a few moments of looking Sora seemed to be satisfied with something and gave a nod. “Pinkie.” Pinkie was already between them with a bandana on her head, a “serious business” face and a salute. “Yes, sir.” She immediately giggled though, failing to keep up the facade. “Gonna need you to set up shop right over there.” Sora pointed to the top of a nearby hill. Pinkie turned to it and gave a smile. “Oooooooh. Okie dokie lokie!” She then saluted again and started bouncing her way over. Sora nodded and turned to Rarity. “Rarity, remember when we fought Maleficent and she turned into a dragon?” Rarity tapped her chin with her hoof trying to recall everything she could about that day. “Regrettably, I felt absolutely sweaty after that fight.” Sora rolled his eyes but continued. “OK cuz I need you to use that one thing you did to her, the big, uuuh, needle… thing.” He tried to describe it. Thankfully Rarity picked up on what he meant. “Oh, certainly, I’ve actually been practicing with that in my spare time.” She smiled, feeling somewhat excited to try it out. “Perfect! Now then,” Sora then turned to Twilight and Fluttershy… Back with Applejack and Rainbow Dash, they were making good progress on their task. The Minotaur Heartless was steadily being forced out of the forest using the unlikely tag team with the Ursa Major, though the bear hardly seemed to notice them as it just kept doing what it was doing while the two girls “helped”. Rainbow Dash was flying in as the Ursa finished giving the heartless a Grizzly backhand. (Pinkie: Boooo!) (Oh be quiet…) “Ok, this should do it,” Rainbow said. “It better.” Applejack was starting to look a little green. “I don’t think I can take much more uh this...” And with that Rainbow started the wind up as the heartless stumbled back from the bear’s last attack, before hurling Applejack as hard as she possibly could. As straight as an arrow, Applejack flattened herself out to decrease wind resistance, as taught by the flying expert herself, and slammed both gauntlets straight into the heartless’ face. This particular impact actually pushed the beast back and into the clearing by a few yards. “Take that, Varmint!” “Gotcha!” Rainbow was swift to snatch AJ up and fly ahead to join the others, just in time to see the start of the plan that Sora and the other girls came up with. It started off with a beam of light firing at the ankles of the heartless, causing the big beast to trip and fall over itself. “Whoa!” Rainbow and AJ watched in surprise. Looking at where it came from, they saw that it was Rarity. Once her shot struck home she gave a knowing, confident smile as she flicked her head up so the gem on her Fedora she used for aiming would flip back into place. “Splendid…” She praised herself as she tossed her mane back. A Little show-boaty, but one couldn’t complain seeing how far she had just sniped from. “NOW!” They heard Sora’s voice, turning to see him at the foot of the hill thrusting an open palm forward. Atop said hill was Pinkie Pie, already set up in her turret with a big grin on her face. “YEEEAAAH, SPLOSION TIME!” She cheered as she started hitting buttons and pulling levers. Then a barrage of fireworks and bombs were careening toward the heartless, relentlessly bombarding it with festive, yet devastating explosions. This caused the Ursa Major to finally stop and notice the tiny little creatures, backing away from the booming sounds on reflex. “Fluttershy, you're up!” Twilight and Fluttershy were actually somewhat closer to the forest as she nudged the yellow pegasus. “O-oh, um, right.” Fluttershy turned to the giant bear and gulped, yet flew over to it despite any misgivings. Meanwhile, Sora started charging in at full sprint, Keyblade out in one hand and the other reaching toward Rainbow and Applejack. “Applejack!” Picking up on the gesture she nodded, reverted her gauntlets back into a necklace, which then launched her gem at him. “Comin’ at ya!” “Um, hello ma’am.” Flutters was quick to identify the bear’s gender and tried to get the Ursa’s attention but it seemed more distracted by the explosions that pelted its, or rather HER foe. When the Element was close enough he leaped into the air to catch it, and before he even touched the ground he held his keyblade out with the gem over it. “Connect!” A flash came and went as Applejack vanished from Rainbow’s arms. “Hmph… Lucky…” Rainbow crossed her forelegs and looked away with a pout. When the flash disappeared AJ’s gem was once again firmly placed on the back of Sora’s jacket while streaks of blonde ran through his hair. The keyblade changed into the Farmer’s Key just before he touched down on the ground, but the moment he did he was already sprinting again. “Oh, I see, I’m sorry this happened.” Meanwhile, Fluttershy somehow managed to get the bear’s attention, and boy did she look and sound pretty peeved. “But, um, you see, that's exactly why we’re here.” “OK, gotta make this quick. We gotta take it down now before it actually starts attacking.” Applejack agreed, Ok! Then we bash til we get the hammer- “Then we smash five times as hard!” He finished. He then noticed that Pinkie’s barrage was finally letting up. “Twilight!” He called out without even looking at her. “Do it!” Twilight conjured up as much magic as she could muster in one go into her horn. This was a big target, after all, so she had to improvise. The plan was simple, Sora heard that Merlin had taught Twilight the spell Gravity. He also picked up that every now and then Twilight would experiment with those spells to look for other applications. So, his great idea was to immobilize the giant heartless with an exceptionally large Graviga. Not even Sora had attempted such a move in the past, and if done right, she would quite frankly have stepped into a new field of magic no other has set hoof into. At least to both their knowledge anyway. She’d be lying if she said the prospect didn’t excite her. “Oh, they sound like a sweetheart. I do remember seeing them once before in Ponyville, but I’m afraid I didn’t get the chance to actually talk to your little one.” Fluttershy and the bear were now so deep in a conversation that they somehow tuned out the rest of the battle. Meanwhile just as Sora was closing in, the Minotaur beast finally retaliated. It reached behind its back, grabbed the blade fused to its flesh and to everyone’s surprise, ripped it right off, swinging it at the fused pair. The attack was short a few yards but the wind pressure pushed the boy back and slowed his running. “What the? It can do that?!” Sora held his arm up to block the wind and any debris that might fly at his face. “Uh oh!” The heartless was quick to swing that blade again, and this time Sora was in range. Defense, Sora! Applejack yelled into his mind. Running off of instinct, both their minds were as one as he spaced his footing, stood his ground and lifted his keyblade overhead to block the attack. Once it connected the ground couldn’t withstand the blow and his feet were cratering the earth beneath him. How strong is this thing?! That attack almost broke his guard! “Hrrrg!” Now fighting to keep the blade from pushing him down even further, it took him and Applejack a few seconds to finally push the blade off and bounce it back into the air. “FORCE!” Twilight yelled once she’d stored up enough magic to cast the modified Graviga. A gigantic, dark purple sphere appeared above the heartless, lowering itself onto the beast until it was completely engulfed. Everyone watched as the magically enhanced gravity pressed it so hard into the ground that its body was shattering the earth beneath it and causing a massive indent in the clearing. In the process it lost its grip on the giant blade, letting it fll to the ground with a loud clang. They could feel its impact through the earth. Fluttershy was starting to feel more comfortable conversing with the bear, so much so that she nearly forgot the reason she was doing it in the first place. Thankfully the sound of the sword hitting the dirt caught her attention, causing her to look back. “O-oh, right!” She nervously turned back at the Ursa Major. “Um, s-sorry to ask this, really I am but can you do a teeny tiny little thing… please?” Sora jumped out of the crater he was in and took a good look at the heartless. “Well, despite the surprise, everything is going well.“ He then noticed gem on his keyblade start glowing. “Oh, perfect timing.” Then let's get to it, time's a-wastin’ Applejack responded. Sora just nodded and held his keyblade out before him, one hand on the hilt and the other on the blade. “Transform!” Within moments the keyblade morphed into its 2nd form, the barrel hammer. Now holding it with both hands he lifted it up and stared down the beast. That was when they heard another set of rumbling. Sora turned to see the Ursa Major charging straight at them. “Uuuh… did it work?” The bear ran as fast as a giant star-covered bear could run before jumping high over the heartless and, to Sora’s surprise, dropping a People’s elbow right on the small of it’s back. “Whooooaaaaa, What?!” (Music ends) Looks like it worked, go Fluttershy! Applejack cheered, Meanwhile said timid little pegasus just clapped her hooves and blushed a little when she noticed Sora and the other girls looking at her and cheering her on from a distance. (Pinkie: Whoa, whoa, whoa, HOLD UP!... People’s Elbow?) (What? I thought it fit rather nicely.) (Pinkie: An Ursa Major... using People’s elbow…. You just wanted to see a bear use that move didn’t you?) (NO!............................ maybe…) (Pinkie: *giggles* moving on) (Editor: Doesn’t that move usually involve bouncing off the ropes?) (GET BACK TO WORK, WE’RE ALREADY WAY BEHIND SCHEDULE! *whip crack*) Sora and the girls watched as the bear start getting up after that amazing display, using its hind legs to kick up dirt onto the heartless before looking back at it to give a sharp victorious nod and snort. Eventually, it seemed to become bored of the thing now that it was out of its territory and began lumbering back to its home. “You were great ma’am.” Fluttershy flew up to the bear’s face and pet its head. The bear made some sounds that only Fluttershy could understand. “Oh, that would be splendid.” She then realized something. “Of course, a bit of warning beforehoof would be appreciated, i-if you don’t mind.” The bear just nodded, making another bear sound before continuing on its way. Meanwhile back with Sora. He stared down at the defeated heartless, black mist already coming off of it as parts of its body faded away. “Well… I guess that plan worked a little too well…” “I’ll say.” Rainbow landed next to him. “It's kinda lame, like… that was it?” That’s a good thing, Dash. The faster we take down these heartless, the bett- “She can’t hear you, Applejack.” Oh… right. The farmer gave a sigh, causing Sora to do the same. Sora had to admit, this fight really was kind of easy. Sure it was a good thing, but it gave him a sense of foreboding as well. It was almost TOO easy. That was when they noticed an excess of black mist suddenly leave its body. Seeing the entire thing start fading out of existence and the amount of mist escaping, everyone had expected this was it and that a crystalline heart would finally start rising up into the sky. Instead, something else rose up from within the escaping mist. It rose onto its hooves and its piercing yellow gaze could be seen through the mist. Sora immediately went into a defensive stance when he noticed. “I knew it!” When it the mist finally cleared, they got their first good look at their enemy’s new form. It was fairly similar to the previous one, yet aside from the obvious fact that it was smaller, it also had several alterations that made it appear even more intense. Its body was still mostly purple but now seemed to have chainlike marking with the links styled to look like the heartless insignia. They appeared to wrap all around its body as if restraining it. They connected to chainlike tattoos at the back of the wrists and ankles that seemed to be float off the body, similar to the ones on the larger form. They even moved around in the air like them too, but there was one major difference. At the ends of them, the black mist started radiating off, raging at first but quickly calming down before evaporating out of existence around a foot from the starting point. The jagged jaw was now even more pronounced and intimidating as if it could bite one of them in half if it wanted to. The already bulging muscles seemed visibly denser, to the point that it was difficult not to notice. All in all the creature looked far more menacing than it did when it was gigantic, as it seemed to adopt a slightly more feral stance while standing its ground, intimidating everyone with a flash of its angular and muscular form. Rainbow Dash just scoffed. “Big deal, it's still smaller now, that will just make the flank kicking all the more-“ She trailed off as the heartless grabbed the handle of its ridiculously large blade and lifted it over its shoulder like it weighed nothing more than an ordinarily sized sword, the sheer size of it reaching the trees in the far back and knocking them over... and glared at them. Sora and Dash were silent, one grimacing and the other getting a strange feeling of nostalgia after seeing yet another opponent with an overly long sword. “...Dash?” Sora called out. “Yeah?” She replied, both their eyes still locked on the heartless. “AJ says to stop talking.” “Yeah, that’s fair.” The giant light needle that Rarity fired had started disintegrating behind the heartless, but by this point, it had already served its purpose. Once it fully disappeared, Sora saw the bull tense its arm and its left leg. It was going to move. Both he and Applejack could sense it now. They were too close. They both moved his eyes to Rainbow. They knew the other girls were out of range. “FLY!” Rainbow locked up for a split second from the sudden yell but she felt herself get lifted up and tossed into the air. She reacted on instinct and her wings spanned out, allowing her to hover before she heard the sound of two weapons colliding and a gust of terrible wind blasted into her, sending her tumbling away from Sora. A quarter of a second after Sora and Applejack hurled Rainbow skyward, minds perfectly synced, they commanded his body to pivot to their left and hold out the hammer defensively. Just in the nick of time too, as the business end of that massive blade was already coming at them from the side to cleave them in two. The weapons made contact. There was a millisecond of resistance, but Sora and Applejack didn’t have enough time to plant their feet, so in the end, they were knocked away with a yelp. Hurtling from both the impact and the wind pressure the attack had created, Sora took a full second before his own instincts kicked in and he made an aerial recovery, finally landing back on terra firma. It was astounding for the girls that were far away from the attack. All their hard work and planning, only to see this smaller version is far scarier to deal with than the large one. That was when the “bull” started charging at Sora again, sword held out. Thankfully for the forest, it was running towards the center of the large clearing, so no more trees would become collateral damage to the massive blade. “HERE COMES SUPPORT!” Pinkie called out, and just as quickly she was firing her rockets again. This thankfully snapped everyone back to reality from their stunned moment of awe and concern. I addition, the constant pelting actually slowed the heartless down to the point where it back stepped and held out its blade in front of it to defend itself from the onslaught. This gesture surprised the group, but they were nonetheless emboldened after seeing that their attacks were having an effect. Twilight cast Thundaga in order to break its guard, briefly causing its muscles to lock up briefly. Meanwhile, Rarity had taken pinpoint aim and fired two thin yet strong beams at each of the Minotaur’s wrists, causing the beast to drop that massive sword. As this was happening, Sora was already charging straight at it. Pinkie let up the pressure at just the right time so Sora could run straight for it, wind up that hammer, then smack the bull back. This time the bull was the one hurtling, it crashed and tumbled once it touched the ground but eventually righted itself and was on its hooves again before it finally stopped sliding back. “This one is... different” Sora murmured. The beast then bellowed an intimidating roar and charged straight at him. This Heartless seemed dead set on taking on Sora. He wasn’t sure if it was the heartless trait of attacking the closest heart they saw or that it just seemed to want to fight him for some reason, but either way, it didn’t change the situation. They had to take this creature down. Twilight fired a few Firaga volleys, Rarity took a shot at its ankle to trip it up, Pinkie unleashed another barrage. This finally got the bull’s attention. Staggering to stay on its hooves, it roared in what seemed like anger before it thrusted its hand into the ground below it, then pulled up a huge portion of it, five times his size, and hurled it. The large piece of debris managed to escape the waves of incoming rockets somehow and head straight over Sora’s head, causing him to stop and look back. “Oh no, Pinkie!” Pinkie was caught off guard. Before she knew it, there was this flying piece of Earth coming straight at her at extreme speeds. She scrambled out of her seat as fast as she could, and thankfully Rainbow managed to dive in and grab her with a high-speed flyby, narrowly getting the two of them out of the way before the oversized dirt clod collided with the turret. The turret itself looked like it turned into light for a moment before shattering and returning to Pinkie in necklace form. “Holy cupcakes!” Pinkie managed to say after a moment. “That was nuts!” Rainbow just sighed at the relief that Pinkie was fine before turning her attention back to Sora and the Minotaur. After witnessing Rainbow’s daring save, Sora finally released the breath he was holding and turned back to the Minotaur. The creature, now having dealt with the nuisance was charging at Sora again. But this time he was more prepared, charging the creature as well. He had to make sure this thing didn’t get its hand on that blade again, at any cost. The reach was too long and the attacks were devastating even if they didn’t hit the mark, so he and Applejack challenged it head-on. It was becoming increasingly strange how much this heartless seemed to resemble a person, actually appearing to think about its actions and surroundings. If it wasn’t for the insignia on its chest Sora would’ve thought it was an actual flesh and blood creature. But that couldn’t be, as far as he knew anyway... and yet... Sora! Think about that later! Applejack called to him mentally, just in time for him to see that they were already upon the creature. It started by trying to throw a punch at him, to which he dodge rolled to the side and let his foe pass by him, before turning and swinging his hammer upward at its gut. However, this time instead of getting launched as expected, it merely staggers back as if in pain but remained planted on the ground. That didn’t make sense. He did it before, so what changed? For now, it didn’t matter, it just meant he needed to land more blows. This time, however, the bum finally started retaliating, Sora having to rapidly dodge and block a series of powerful blows. Every time he blocked he noticed that he and Applejack were getting pushed back in a test of strength, if only a little, seeing how much he slides back whenever he had to do so. As powerful as the hammer transformation was, Sora and Applejack just weren’t getting as many attacks in as they’d hoped. It was clear the weapon’s size made it more useful for crowd control or taking on larger foes. If only there was a way to harness that power so they could attack much with more speed and flexibility… for now, though it would probably be best to revert the weapon back, which they both immediately agreed to do. Now that their weapon was back in its keyblade form they can get more hits in, though at the cost of a good amount of strength. At this point it seemed a fair tradeoff, Sora and Applejack were now doing much better against the beast. Getting more blows in, dodging more than just blocking. The Minotaur eventually wound up for a strong two punch combo that dragged the wind along with it. Sora backstepped to dodge the first, then pivoted his body to the side for the second. He then countered by continuing his pivot, hopping into the air and smacking his opponent on the back of the head, temporarily disorienting it and leaving it open to a long combo  from Sora, finally ending it with a swipe across the abdomen, twirling into a strong upward slash, and jumping up with keyblade raised overhead. “Eat this!” With a cry, he slammed the beast into the dirt with enough force to crack the Earth beneath it. Rarity took this as her opportunity. During their “duel” she had been preparing another charged shot with all her rapiers combined. With her gem reticule once more at the ready, she was planning to pin this beast with her binding strike when she saw a good opportunity. The aim was perfect, the path to the heartless was clear, gravity was starting to pull Sora back to earth, she fired. That was when the strange became the outright bizarre. As if the bull could sense something coming that would ruin its day, it used one arm to push its body aside forcefully, narrowly avoiding the large light needle that impaled the spot it was lying on just a millisecond ago. “What?!” Rarity was shocked. The others were as well, but they had already started reacting to this new development. The bull tumbled along the dirt, stopping on one knee momentarily before standing back up again. Sora and Applejack touched the ground and were already running straight at it again. Twilight decided to fire Blizzaga this time, a more focused shot rather than the shotgun fire Sora would use most of the time. The first one missed as the bull started charging off. Rainbow finally placed Pinkie on the ground. “Quick, the turret! Bring it out again!” Rainbow said. Pinkie just shook her head. “Can’t.” Twilight fired ahead of the bull’s path this time. “What?!” Rainbow was confused. “Why not?!” The spell hit home and froze the bull in place. It seemed like this would be a free shot for Sora and AJ. Pinkie pointed her element. “I’ve been trying the whole time but my element won’t do as I ask.” When Rainbow finally looked at the gem, she noticed that it didn’t seem to hold it’s usual shine. It was slightly dimmer, and she could see pink sparks flying about every now and again within it. Meanwhile, that “free shot” Sora and Twilight thought they had made disappeared before they even knew it. Sora was going for a leaping strike when the bull broke through the ice encasing it. Sora and AJ were too surprised by its sudden freedom to defend against the punch that went straight into Sora’s gut. “HURK!” Sora’s and AJ’s cry of pain could be heard across the whole field before they were sent flying back with great speed. During that flight, Sora flashed with light for a second before Applejack reappeared, the two now flying in separate directions before crashing into the ground. “NO!” Fluttershy immediately flew towards them. “Oh no…” Twilight was floored by what she had seen. “Sora, AJ!” Rainbow flew towards them as well, Pinkie seemingly matching her speed on the ground. Rarity had gasped and was on edge, that punch looked bad. However, her attention, along with Twilight and Rainbow’s soon turned back to their enemy. It roared with confidence before pounding its chest with a fist, turning toward its blade in the distance. No, this cannot happen. Twilight was back to casting spells, Rarity was charging up another pinning shot, while Rainbow wanted to give this stupid heartless a taste of its own medicine. Fluttershy had tuned everything out as she was completely focused on the health of her two friends. Pinkie had helped to check on Applejack, surprisingly she was more or less was ok. A little scuffed up, but she was fine to stand on her own hooves. Sora, on the other hand, was another matter. He had gotten the wind knocked out of him and could barely manage to get on his hands and knees, clutching his stomach in pain as he tried to recover his breath from the blow. Thankfully, Fluttershy’s Curaga spell soon took the pain away and made it easier for him to regain his normal breathing. The fog in his mind soon cleared and he got back to his feet. “Hah… pant…. Thanks, Flutters…” He heaved a sigh, still holding his stomach. Even though the pain was gone, the memory of that gut punch still lingered. “This heartless is different. Way too different.” Applejack and Pinkie had soon joined up with them and Fluttershy, being cautious, cast Curaga on Applejack as well. She was leaving nothing to chance right now. Back with Twilight, Rarity, and Rainbow, they were giving their all. Twilight tried to slow it’s progress to the blade with Blizzaga and Graviga, even tried that new Stop Magic Merlin recently taught her, though that particular spell didn’t seem to work on this heartless. Perhaps she wasn’t good enough with it yet, or their foe was just too powerful to be affected by that type of spell. Rarity’s attempts to pin the beast were pointless, it somehow seemed to sense when she would fire her light needles, so she opted for hitting it’s joints with her beam attacks instead. Those attacks were so fast the bull couldn’t react to them no matter how much it wanted to. This aided Twilight’s efforts in slowing it down by tripping it up every time it tried to move forward. Whenever Twilight and Rarity would get the heartless on its knee or make it stumble. Rainbow took the opportunity to make sweeping strikes at it, knocking the beast back a few feet every time. The beast may be strong, but because it was smaller it had less mass, making it easier to knock back than when it was huge. Sora and AJ rushed off without a word, both knowing that they had to cut off the beast while the others were distracting it. They couldn’t allow that thing to reach its blade, or else the fight would become even harder. Twilight meanwhile had just taken a moment to replenish her magic with another Ether. Out of the group, she was the one who used the most magic, so it made sense that she would carry more ethers with her than the others. The spells she kept flinging around were powerful, extraordinary even, but that also meant she seemed to burn straight through her reserves. After using her fourth ether of the fight, she took notice of Sora and Applejack running back into the fray. The sight of them filled her with relief, knowing that they were okay after the hit they took. Her thoughts then changed from defensive to offensive. She learned a great deal about this beast during its earlier bout with Sora, and now that he was back in action she could practically sense victory approaching. She knew that she had to do everything she could to see this through. Sora held his hand out. He was gonna ask Applejack for another shot at fusing, but before he could even call out her name he felt a gem slam itself into his hand. “Huh? That was quick AJ... I didn’t even have to ask you.” He said, calling out his keyblade. “Ask what?” She asked while running beside him, having already summoned her weapon again. Sora could see the gem still in her gauntlets, so with confusion, he looked back at his hand and turned it over. Rainbow couldn’t believe it... After all this time... ...It still wasn’t her. “WHAAAAT?!” Twilight was shocked. She saw her gem in SOra’s hand. “What?” Then that… that could only mean… Taking advantage of their moment of distraction, the Heartless made a mad dash for its weapon. “Uh oh!” Sora had no room to question it. He held his keyblade out with the gem over it. Twilight felt anxious. “Connect!” Both he and Twilight vanished in a bright flash of light. (Music end) > Chapter 47: Gray Star > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Unknown Location Back here once again. Sora had long since gotten used to this song and dance, but the place always managed to pique his curiosity. Looking down at the stained glass below his feet, he can see that there were only two vacant slots left in the picture, though it was fairly obvious by now what they would be. He then started looking around. Seeing that he was here then no doubt she would be too. Twilight opened her eyes once the flash of light vanished from her vision and was met with complete blackness. “Whoa, just like they said, a black void-“ she made a 360 “all around. This is supposedly what’s inside us, or perhaps it’s just a representation or…” she shook her head “questions for later, Twilight. We have more pressing matters to attend to. Right Sora?” … There was no reply. Twilight looked around again. “S-Sora?” She called out again, and again there was no response that she could hear. Everything was just... silent. “This… This can’t be right. If this is is really it then Sora should be somewhere around here too.” She walked around while looking in all directions, even above and below her, but nothing. No sign of Sora, or the supposed tower that he’d be standing on, she couldn’t even make out what she was standing on, all that was below her was void.”This… this doesn’t make sense at all. What am I supposed to do now?” “Oh stop freaking out, you knew deep down something like this would happen.” That voice, Twilight turned around. “It can’t be…” As she saw another her step out from the void and casually walk over, Twilight took a step back in shock. “You can deny the truth all you want, but in the end, we both know what’s really going on here.” ~~~ Back in the Forest Clearing The Flash dissipates and Sora stands there confused, as do the girls. Not only does he not look any different, Twilight is back in the same spot she was before the light show. “Wait, hold on. What happened? Where’s the fusion?” Rainbow asked in surprise. “Where is the striking new pose and flair?” Rarity asked. “Where’s the cool new keyblade?!” Yelled Pinkie. Twilight was beside herself. “It can’t be... the fusion failed?” Sora then remembered their situation and turned toward the heartless. Taking advantage of their distraction, the heartless had managed to reach its weapon and was lifting it off the ground once more. “Oh no. Guuuys?!” They can’t afford to sit around anymore. “No! NO!” Twilight felt nothing but defeat seeing the heartless grab his weapon, knowing that they’d lost whatever ground they’d managed to gain up till now. She fumbled a hoof into her saddlebag, nearly dropping the ether she pulled out while the rest of the girls were scrambling to back off and think of a new strategy. It was clear by now that the creature was smart, far smarter than the average heartless. The way it looked at Rarity from a distance clearly said the same method to disarm it would not work twice. In fact, it planned to nip everything in the bud as it charged straight for her, blade in tow. “No!” Sora sprinted as fast as he could. Rarity, already having picked up on her unfortunate situation, began to run. This prompted the angry Bull to lunge as far as it could and take a chance with an overhead strike. When Rarity looked back and saw the attack coming, she didn’t know if it would reach her or not, but she was not taking any chances. She sidestepped as quickly as her body was able to. The good news was, she dodged the attack. The bad news was, the force of impact shook the ground beneath her, causing her to lose her footing as the immense air pressure swept her off her hooves and blew her into a tree hard enough to knock her unconscious. “Rarity!” Twilight was in shock, as she saw the creature lifting its blade to try again. “STOP IT!” She screamed and went to cast a Thundaga, only for nothing to happen. “What?!” With the spell failed the creature went to strike again. Thankfully it was staggered slightly when Rainbow rammed it at full speed. “Back off!” This gave Sora an opening to finally get in close and string up a barrage of slashes, knocking the beast’s head around and making it take a step back. This lets Sora take a step forward. “Eat This!” He hopped into the air, lifted his keyblade over and behind his shoulder, both hands gripping tight. For a moment one could see light charge into the blade before he brought it down hard onto the beast. It collided and blew the Heartless away a few yards. However, it landed on its hooves and skidded back a few feet, before narrowing its eyes at Sora. That was when Applejack came charging in. “My Turn!” She galloped as fast as she could, got in close, ducked under the minotaurs right hook, then jumped up with all her might giving the strongest hoofed uppercut she had ever given in her life. This knocked the minotaur into the air with her, where she twisted her body until she was facing away from the beast, giving it her signature buck back to the ground. Sora had to take a hand off his keyblade and shake it back and forth. “Jeez, he’s solid.” Rainbow hovered by him. “No kidding, it’s like punching a brick wall.” “Firaga!” Twilight calls out, but nothing. “Blizzaga!” Again, nothing, “Aeroga, Reflega, Magnega!!!” No matter how hard she would try, the spells she learned would not come. She slumped with her head held low. “Why?” She mumbled to herself. Pinkie meanwhile met up with Fluttershy. “Hey, Fluttershy! I need healing!” Fluttershy was already at Rarity’s side using curaga on her. Hearing Pinkie’s plea she whipped back, wand at the ready. “How bad is it? Where does it hurt?” “What? No, I’m fine! I need you to heal my gem!” Pinkie held up her necklace to Fluttershy. “It’s being all weird and not doing the thing I want it to do!” Fluttershy blinked, staring at the gem. Sure, it looked different and that was concerning, but… “Pinkie... I’m not sure if I can fix that.” Back at the frontline Applejack, Sora and Rainbow were taking turns attacking the beast. However, the minotaur was catching on as it would take a hit from Rainbow, but then block Sora’s attacks before side hopping AJ’s Gauntlet strikes. “What the hay, I thought Heartless were dumb. This one knows how to fight back!” There was no mistaking it. To Sora, this reminded him too much of Heartless Ansem. Maybe not so much the combat, but the fact that it could think for itself. Thankfully, by this point Rarity was taken far out of range of the blade by their other friends, letting Sora focus more on the fight. Applejack’s gauntlets proved to be pretty sturdy when she instinctively lifted one up to guard herself against a strike. She was pushed back a few yards each time but was never blown away by the attack so long as she had her footing. It was almost like the earth below her were trying to lock her hooves in place. For Rainbow, dodging wasn’t an issue due to her speed and maneuverability. At the very least they were keeping it busy, letting Fluttershy and Pinkie carry the unconscious Rarity over to Twilight. “Twilight, are you ok? You’ve been standing there muttering for a while now.” Fluttershy asked. “Yeah! How come you and sora didn't fuse and stuff?” Pinkie asked, having opted to carry Rarity on her back so Fluttershy could work on healing their friend and checking for anything wrong. Twilight just stood there for what felt like ages until she finally looked up. “I don’t know... What went wrong… I…” She looked utterly distraught. She was feeling useless again. ~~~ Earlier She couldn’t believe it, that doppelgänger was back. It came from out of nothingness and strolled right up to her, a confident know-it-all look on her face. Everything she was told about this process wasn’t happening at all, and now she was face to face with this. “Why are you here? What have you done? Where’s Sora?!” Twilight decided to stand her ground and try to look intimidating. “As if I would know. I only know what you know.” The fake replied then looked around. “And it looks like this place already has your answer.” “Stop lying! You must have done something. This isn’t anything like I was told.” Twilight gestured to the void. “The only thing here that was confirmed is all this... this nothingness.” The fake just smiled and took a seat. “Couldn’t have said it better myself… or could I have? I am a part of you after all.” “Nonsense, you’re just another trick of Discord’s!” Twilight made her rebuttal. The fake made a buzzer sound. “Wrong. Discord is back to stone again, you and your friends saw to that if memory serves.” That one Twilight couldn’t deny. Just when she about spoke up with another possibility the fake beat her to it. “Let me guess, now you’re gonna accuse me of being some Heartless trick as well?” This got Twilight to take a step back. The fake just shook her head. “Now you’re just grasping. As far as we know, the majority are just mindless beings of darkness. Sure, there is that Ansem heartless Sora told you about when he explained his past, and this particular heartless you are fighting definitely shows some signs of intelligence. But one isn’t even here and knows nothing about you, and the other… let's be frank. It seems about as smart as an angry Minotaur looking for a fight. I think we can assume its not capable of mind games.” “Well, that… that is true, but this isn’t the mind, it’s the heart. And we know heartless are all about taking them. So why not-“ Twilight was interrupted again by her doppelgänger’s laughter. “Oh come on, even you don’t believe that nonsense. The “heart” as it’s considered-” the fake made air quotes with her hooves. “is nothing more than our brain creating emotions or memories, or feelings of affection and blah blah blah. You learned this, we just use hearts with stuff like this cuz it sounds and looks better, and your heartbeat speeds up when you get the hots for that special somepony. Don’t lie to yourself.” She rolled her eyes. “The smart ones like us just don’t bring it up because it's common knowledge to our peers and something that sound nice to the regular ponies.” “Why would you say such awful things?” Twilight was taken aback. “And why use my voice to say it?” “Well, I see you're not denying it.” The fake replied. Twilight just now realized that as well. “I…” She tried to argue back but hesitated. “Go on, tell me I’m wrong. It’s just that easy.” The fake simply smiled. “Tell you what, you can even lie to me and say it if it helps. Applejack won’t be able to tell from in here.” Twilight gritted her teeth. She didn’t like that faker’s attitude, and yet for some reason, she couldn’t bring herself to say those two words. “Yeah... I thought so. You can’t deny it because it’s only logical.” The fake stepped forward again making Twilight back up. “Right or wrong, your mind has already accepted that as the ACTUAL answer to all this heart nonsense.” She gestured to herself. “I’m just the mental construct you created so you won’t feel bad and have someone to blame, right? Only, oh no! It appears I look just like you. Guess that means you can’t lie to yourself, huh?” Twilight had nothing to say as the world around her turned white. (Stop Music) A connection could not be established... ~~~ Present Twilight was fumbling her words trying to respond. “I’m sorry. I just don’t know, perhaps I didn’t meet the conditions for the spell to work, or… I’m just not sure.” This made Fluttershy and Pinkie confused, unclear as to what she was going on about. Conditions? Spell? Did she and Sora fail in some way? It was impossible to tell without actually being there. “And now it's gotten even worse,” Twilight said before looking at them. “I can’t seem to use my magic!” “What?! But you were just using them a minute ago. Are you outta mana? Use an ether!” Pinkie said. Twilight shook her head. “It’s not that, I just can’t seem to access my magic for some reason. I don’t know why.” “You can’t make that bubble spell like you used to?” Twilight sighed. “I doubt it Pinkie.” She said as she tried to demonstrate subconsciously. “If I can’t use magic then-“ Without a second thought she conjured up the bubble shield. “I… can use it.” This made no sense to her. “But then, why?” She tried firing a magic dart and as she did before going under Merlin’s tutelage, and sure enough, she could fire one out. She couldn’t understand why this was possible. What could she do with this? Far less than she could before the fusion failure, that much was for sure. Meanwhile, Sora, Applejack, and Rainbow were still going at it. Sora’s amulet ran out and he was reverted to pony form once again. Regrettably, this form wasn’t going to help any of them since this particular heartless required them at their best. So he needed to use one of his Ethers just to charge up the amulet once more, which was easier said than done when there’s a super powerful Heartless trying to cut you in half. Duck, dodge, bob, and weave. Every chance he could he would take a shot or string up a brief combo of attacks on the creature. It was the best he could do for the moment. Applejack would come in at times to block blows or deflect swings with her gauntlet and Earth powers, while Rainbow had to take a moment to catch her breath after rushing the minotaur so much. She wasn’t the only one winded though, Sora and AJ were panting as well. This fight was dragging on longer than it should. They needed to end it soon before exhaustion set in because it seemed clear that the minotaur didn’t have to think about such a “trivial” issue. Once Rainbow caught her breath she was ready to go. Her first goal was to distract it from Sora, and she managed to accomplish that with her usual consecutive sweep and punch. Sora, not wasting the moment back stepped a bit and reached into his saddlebag, tossing an ether to replenish his magic before channeling it all into the amulet. This took longer than expected, so Applejack and Rainbow took turns punching and bucking it. Applejack was able to cause more damage, but that ended quickly when she noticed it was going to swing its sword again. She stepped in and placed both gauntlets on the flat of the blade, using as much strength as she could to slow down if not stop the swing. Even the earth that was attempting to lock her hind legs in place was breaking off after giving away, but she at least succeeded in delaying the attack. Sora didn’t hesitate to use his amulet and just like that he was back to his human self. Rainbow came through for Applejack by diving on the minotaurs snout, letting the farmer push and alter the swing upward just above everyone. Sora ran past her, his hand out. Without missing a beat, AJ shot out her gem into his hand. In the under two seconds, he made the pose “Connect” A flash, and their fusion appeared just in time to hold their keyblade over them to block a downward fist from the beasts free arm. Then push it off and jump over the creature’s low blade sweep. Sora flipped and used the momentum to slam down and launch an overhead strike on its head. The sound of metal and bone making contact, and by the time Sora landed on the ground, they saw the creature stagger back clutching its head, its left horn having been severed. “Well, that's progress,” Sora said, now feeling the fatigue for both of them, the same could be said for Applejack. Surprising everyone, the creature then started to glare at Sora. “Uuuh…” it then puffed up its chest, held its arms out and Roared so loud and powerfully, Sora wasn’t prepared and was pushed back by the force of it all, along with Rainbow. Yeah that’s progress alright. NOW it's just mad. AJ replied. “Unfortunately I don’t think we have the luxury of waiting it out, let's go!” Keyblade out, Sora runs in. If one thing he can trust, this heartless was rather single-minded, focusing on either the strongest or whatever ticks it off the most. Which in this case, was him. As they expected, the beast charged right for them. What was unexpected was that it dropped it’s blade this time, and its speed seemed to have doubled as it continued on like the angry bull it is. Another test of power was established as it rammed its head straight at Sora as he defended with his keyblade. In this form and fusion, he was able to stop it in its tracks after being pushed back a few yards. However this time, this seems to frustrate the beast and it then gave Sora a sucker punch, staggering him and leaving him open to another swing of its other arm, However, the memory of the last time he was punched rushed to his mind and he stumbled back just to narrowly avoid it. He remembered. One hit from that knocked both himself and AJ out of the fusion. Whether it was out of shock or the strength of its punch he wasn’t going to risk another hit from it. Besides, it was also very painful. The bull was unrelenting as it continued to attack Sora. Back with Twilight, she recognized she didn’t have the time to figure out what went wrong, she would have to make do with what she had. Thankfully taking ethers and potions still worked for her as well. She had come up with a game plan. Fluttershy still had to tend to Rarity and Pinkie’s gem still wouldn’t let her call out her turret, but at least there was one thing that the happy Pink mare had to help. Whatever it was she stuffed in her hair and her party cannon. “Never leave home without it.” Pinkie said as she patted her weapon of mass festivity. “So what are we putting in it.” She asked Twilight. “Me.” Twilight pointed at herself. “But this cannon will need to fire me out faster than it ever has before. Is that possible Pinkie?” Pinkie’s eyes seemed to sparkle. “Oooooh, I always figured Dash would be the one to ask. Never in a kajillion years did I think it’d be you, Twilight!” She then pulled out a wrench and hammer. “Just leave it to me.” And just like that she opened up a panel on the back of the cannon that no one even knew existed and started tinkering away. Sora and Applejack were faring better than the last time they fused but it didn’t change that they were on the defensive as the hulking beast continued to swing at them maliciously or charge at them carelessly. Rainbow Dash started noticing her attacks were becoming less and less effective the angrier it got to the point where it mostly would shrug off her strikes. “Ugh, Come on! Why can’t heartless ever be exhausted, it's not fair!” She complained, but still, she kept at it, despite how much her body wanted to take another break. It seemed like their foe was just an undefeatable juggernaut, but Sora knew that was further from the truth. The moment they broke its horn, for the first time ever, it got mad. If Sora had to go by what he typically expected from a heartless then all this would seem impossible. But if he entertained the idea that this particular heartless was more than a mindless monster, then they definitely made progress from how it started to breathe more heavily and the fact that not only did it not take losing its horn well, but it had a look of pain as well. He could only assume it would be enough as he was going to take a chance at the most opportune moment. For now, he dodged, deflected, and blocked, though his blocks were failing him as it was basically his and AJ’s strength and fatigue, against its insanely powerful punches. Every block sapping more and more of their ability to fight. “All Done!” Pinkie exclaimed as she wiped the sweat off her brow with her foreleg. “Woo! She’s gonna be a doozy in the next party.” she giggled “Ok Twilight, hop in!” “Uh, R-right.” Twilight stared at the business end of the party cannon. It was her idea, but NOW she decided to get nervous about it. She shakily lifted her hoof toward it. “I’ll just uuh… Hop in and-” She then felt two hooves on her backside lift her off the ground and into the cannon. “Don’t be such a slowpoke! We’re on a tight schedule!” Pinkie said eagerly as she did the deed then casually bounced over to the other side of the cannon with a smile on her face. “W-wait! I-I’m facing the wrong way!” Twilight’s tail and back legs dangled outside of the Cannon’s mouth. Her hooves frantically kicking in the air. “Pinkie? PINKIE?!” She could feel the cannon move. Pinkie was taking aim. “Just gotta aim you at the big scary monster guy aaaand there.” She gave a nod before pressing the fire button. “Fly, Twilight! Flyyyyy!” Twilight’s screams could be heard by all as she was flying tail first toward the bull. Who fortunately seemed to be too distracted with trying to pummel Sora and break his guard. “Ah ok, ok, ok, I can do this!” and just before she collided with the beast’s head, she manages to compose herself enough to continue with her initial plan and erect a small bubble shield around herself. At the speed she was going, she slammed into it, bounced off its head like a pinball skyward, went into a daze from the force of impact, lost her shield bubble in the process, then face planted into the dirt. Just before the Minotaur slumped over trying to keep itself together.” “Now!” Sora said with Applejack’s echoing from it. He then lunged straight for it. The Minotaur managed to at least see this coming and blindly swing at his direction despite it’s dazed state. However it was fruitless when another flash of light appeared in Sora’s place when the beast realized it was just punching at air, it was too late. Sora was now above him already making a flip, Applejack sliding just under the beast crouched low. The two of them yelled a battle cry as Applejack went for a gauntlet uppercut to its jaw, and Sora going for another overhead strike, giving it his all now that he and AJ weren’t fused. It was a pincer attack that rung throughout the battlefield. (Stop Music) There was a moment of pause as Sora landed next to Applejack, both staring up at the Minotaur weapons ready. Then finally the beast toppled over and fell to the ground. Both of them narrowly having enough time to back off to avoid being crushed by the body. The two of them were panting as they continued to stare at it for a few moments more before looking at each other. “I think we got it,” Sora said before he took a more casual stance. “... Yeah, I think so too” Applejack responded, doing the same. Everyone was starting to relax, Pinkie patted her cannon “Twilight! You ok?!” Calling out her name got everyone’s attention and they all turned to Twilight who was shakily trying to get back on her own hooves again. “Did we win?” she asked as she was still trying to clear her head. Sora had to stifle a laugh at the sight before shaking his head and joining AJ and Rainbow to check on Twilight. “We sure did, sugarcube. That move ya just did gave us the opening we needed.” Applejack patted the librarian on the back. Rainbow flew in and tapped Twilight on the forehead. “Man that thing you just was crazy, even for you, egghead.” “I helped!” Pinkie came in rolling the cannon with her. “Shot her at the big meanie with this!” “Yeah, we all heard that part,” Sora said with a nod. “C-could you all give me a moment. The w-world is still spinning… ugh….” “How’s Rarity?” Rainbow asked. “She hit that tree pretty hard from what I saw.” “She’s fine thankfully.” Fluttershy flew over to them. “And awake it would seem…” Rarity slowly made her approach behind Fluttershy, holding her head. “You might feel sore for a while,” Fluttershy said sheepishly. “I’m already feeling it now, darling.” Rarity replied. Sora shrugged. “Well, the spell was meant for getting you back in the fight really. I suppose it only focuses on what's necessary. “ “Like if you broke your spine upon impact,” Fluttershy said as she was in medic mode. “Or perhaps a ruptured organ or-” “Alright, alright, I think we get it. I’d rather not think of what could have been if you don’t mind.” Rarity wanted to change the subject. “Well, it all worked out in the end, right?” Pinkie cheered. “Good job everypony!” “Yeah, jobs done. Now we just head on home, be celebrated as heroes again, and get some grub.” Rainbow stated with confidence. “I could really go for a hayburger!” “Surprisingly, me too.” Sora chuckled, the other girls weren’t sure what he meant by that. Twilight just shrugged at it, there was still another issue still on her mind. She looked over at Sora. “Well, I’ll flag down the guards then. Despite the fusion failure, so long as we got results that's all that matters, right?” “Yeah, what was that about, I’ve never seen a fusion not work before, what happened? Rainbow asked. That’s right, Sora was so distracted with the minotaur after the failure, he forgot about confronting Twilight about it. “Twilight, about that fusion-huh?” That was when he finally noticed something off. “Sora?” Twilight turned to the boy in question then noticed it as well. “Wait... It's still there?” “What is?” Applejack turned to look as well, along with the others. “The heartless… It’s still here.” Sora answered. The creature laid unconscious but was not disappearing. In their rush to finish the fight, they made the mistake of assuming it was over when the Minotaur was knocked out when they already knew from experience. No heart? No peace. That was when the beast decided to open its eyes once more. “MOVE!” He barely managed to say as the beast scrambled up swiftly and already was lunging toward the group. It made everyone’s hair and fur stand on end just to see it move so tenaciously toward them. Everyone tried to back away Twilight tripped on herself “AH!” She quickly righted herself ready to run but the moment she looked back she could tell she wouldn’t make it. A dark fist already was coming straight for her. In response, she threw up her shield bubble and it barely managed to hold from the attack. Her mind was in pain and her bubble cracked all over before shattering when the beast pulled its fist back. So much power in that one attack. Is this… what those three faced the whole time? Twilight asked herself as she recalled how Sora, AJ, and Rainbow were fighting the creature. She collapsed under her own weight. The strain on her magic was too great. She looked up. Already, the beast was going for another strike. Please… Not here… However, someone suddenly stood in front of her. Of course… what was she thinking, No way her friends would let that happen. She felt relief as Fluttershy and Rarity were already at her side, Sora, Rainbow, Applejack, and Pinkie leaping past her to meet the attack. On Sora’s end, he immediately met the attack head on. There was no way he was gonna let this heartless have its way. Not with Twilight, or any of his friends. Fist met blade, Applejack Rainbow, and Pinkie right behind him pushing the fist back with him. “Applejack…. one more time…” He took a step forward. Applejack picked up on what he meant and nodded. “Right…” When the attack was finally pushed back. Sora didn’t hesitate to step in deep into the beasts personal space, hand out. The moment he felt that gem in his hands he whipped it forward and made the pose. “Connect!” He used the flash to temporarily blind the beast. It helped stall it form making another angry swing. However, this creature seemed to at least remember where Sora was standing and blindly swing in that direction. When the flash of light vanished, Sora’s head was just about to meet the beast’s punch when suddenly The Minotaur ended up punching nothing at all. “Gotta be a little quicker than that!” the beast turned to his left only to met with a barrage of swift speedy strikes to its face, it couldn’t even see. It had to back off and get a better look so it jumped far back. When it gazed at its foes, his view was already being blocked by Sora’s face, and the cockiest grin he could ever sport on his face. “Where do you think you're going?” And just like that, it was getting pummeled by another string of attacks before finally, Sora kicked off its chest into a backflip to avoid its desperate attempt to counterattack. When Sora was about to land on the ground he instead stopped in mid-air. The fusion was complete, but Applejack was with the other girls in awe. Sora sported a new keyblade this time, and many strands of his hair were different colors of the rainbow. And the tell all. The Gem of Loyalty on his back, along with a pair of long, almost ethereal like wings coming out of his back. Rainbow’s wish comes true, She and Sora fused. “Oh yeah, my time to shine!” And she is loving it. > Chapter 48 Silver Lightning > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Silver Lightning It all happened so suddenly. The last thing Rainbow could recall was seeing Sora call out for Applejack’s gem, then the next moment she suddenly found herself… wherever this is. ( Image created by Akili-Amethyst ) “What the- Where am I?” She looked around until she noticed Sora off in the distance. “Sora?! Wait… is this?” She looked down at what she was standing on and immediately her jaw dropped before slowly forming an ecstatic smile. “Omigosh! Omigoshomigoshomigoshomigosh-YES! Finally!” She was so excited she started trotting in place before taking to the air with a flip. “WOO!” “Rainbow?” Sora turned toward the shouting. He was a bit confused at first since he expected to be fused with Applejack right now, but he quickly realized what happened. Somehow, Rainbow’s gem came to him instead. He wondered why that happened now of all times, considering all the other fusions seemed to be triggered by a specific event. “Hey Sora, LOOK! LOOK! We fused!” Rainbow yelled at him with excitement. Sora could only chuckle at her enthusiasm. “Not quite, but almost, Rainbow.” He then shook his head before looking a bit more serious. “Since we’re in a tight spot, we gotta get this right.” He looked at the stained glass he was on, noting the last two empty slots. “Seeing as you’re able to see me it’s already a step in the right direction.” “Able to see-wait? Are you talking about what happened with you and Twilight? Yeah, what was that all about? That’s never happened before, right? Far as I know.” Rainbow said puzzled. Before Sora could answer a flash of light appeared before Rainbow, leaving behind something that stunned them both. It was a Keyblade. A Rainbow colored one at that, which seemed to emanate a great power. The shocked look on her face was matched by Sora’s. He was expecting a roundabout riddle like before, not to witness the birth of a new Keyblade wielder! Sora’s thoughts briefly flashed to Lea. He was really starting to rethink what it takes to receive a Keyblade. Rainbow was motionless as she stared at it. “Sora? Is that a… A...” Sora was stumbling with his words at first. “As far as I can tell… y-yeah.” Rainbow remembered the story Sora told her and her friends, specifically the part when he first got his Keyblade, and she was both excited yet confused. The two of them were silent for a moment before Rainbow spoke again. “What do I do now?” Sora just shrugged. “Heck if I know… touch it, I guess?” Indeed you should “WHO SAID THAT?!” Rainbow looked around. “Aaaand there's the voice.” Sora looked up, already expecting it. For your dedication and loyalty, it is only fitting you are rewarded with a power equal to it if not far more. Rainbow at this point calmed down remembering the voice the others spoke of, and it certainly seemed like a wise disembodied voice. “Well, I’m glad somebody finally noticed.” She replied with a cocky smile and proud pose. She preened for a moment before her most burning question brought her back to reality. “So, uh… I can just take it?” You can. Once you do, you will become a Keyblade wielder, and you’ll travel amongst the stars beyond seeing wonders no one from your world has ever seen, facing challenges that only you can take on, using powers and magic you could not have used before. Well, who could possibly say no to a deal like that? And she was perfect for it. Just imagining herself as the first pony Keyblade Master. Well, wielder, but that’s nothing a bit of training can’t change, she thought. Off to the side, she noticed Sora seemed pretty quiet about all this. He definitely didn't seem outright against it, but he did seem bothered by something. “This is perfect right?! With two Keyblade wielders, we can take that jerk down twice as fast now, right?” Sora nodded. “It is and that's true, but… Something doesn’t seem right about this.” “What do you mean? I get a Keyblade, we kick that stupid heartless in the flank and boom! We go home heroes, like always.” Indeed, and only adventure awaits you beyond that. Well who could possibly say no to that deal, Rainbow had little reason to after hearing the word “Adventure”, so she stepped toward it. However, something was bothering Sora. He couldn’t help but feel there was something more to this. Rainbow stepped closer to the Keyblade reached out, but just before she made contact with it Sora spoke out. “Wait… what does it mean by that?” “By what?” Rainbow turned to him with confusion. “I’m just saying, this voice keeps bringing up adventure and traveling out amongst the stars and all that… Why?” “Why? Well, obviously that’s what you've been doing right?” Rainbow answered, “I get the Keyblade, and we get to go to other worlds and stuff whenever we want.” Not entirely… This got Rainbow to look around. “Hold up… what do you mean by that? You just said we’d get to go out on adventures and stuff right?” That is what YOU claimed. Never has it been said that once you grab this Keyblade, your friends will join you. It can be granted to you to help slay this heartless you are currently up against, but the moment you take that blade, your fate will shift to where your friends cannot follow. “What?!” Rainbow was shocked. “You're telling me if I touch that I’d never see my friends or Equestria ever again? Incorrect, it will not be the last time you see them, but your new duties will take you beyond Equestria, and more often than not you’ll be out there more then you will be here. Being a Keyblade wielder comes at a price, one that varies from one individual to another as do many things in life. This is your price. If you wish to be stronger, to defeat this foe, then take it. “You can kiss my flank if you think that’s gonna happen!” Rainbow blurted out as she stomped a hoof down and glared. You refuse? Even if this is the only way for you defeat it? Rainbow yelled out into the void in response. “Who says it is?! You?! Some mysterious talking voice from Celestia knows where?! Oooh sure, as if I’m gonna leave my friends behind just because YOU say so. That’s not how I roll!” Sora went from shocked to smiling as he listened to her rant. “Friends don’t ditch friends. Sure, Sora ended going to other worlds, but he mostly did it so he could look for his missing friends! And together they’re trying to save the whole freakin’ universe from some super bad organization seventy... or something, I dunno. I kinda forgot their names and was more interested in the cool fights and places Sora’s been to really.” Sora stumbled a bit at that last part but chuckled to himself. Figures she would be more interested in the fights and adventures. She doesn’t HAVE to know the bad guy's name, only the best spot on their face to deck’em. “Look, what I’m saying is that I’m not gonna ditch my friends at the drop of a hat for a sword and promise of space adventures... A really cool looking sword and probably super awesome space adventures and- no no NO-” She shook her head violently to get the starry-eyed image (basically, herself in a cool pose standing on a mountain of defeated heartless with a Keyblade in her hoof pointed to the sky) out of her head. “MY POINT IS, I’m not gonna ditch my friends for something like that. If this is all your gonna give us, then you can forget this dumb fusion thing and let my friends and I handle it on our own. Sora’s still got Applejack, Rarity, Pinkie and Flutters to fuse with after all!” She turned away from the Keyblade to look at Sora. “Besides, one wielder is more than enough for that big ugly bull guy, right Spiky?” Sora could only smile and give her a thumbs up. “Right!” Is this your decision? The voice asked. “I’ll be there for my friends no matter what.” Rainbow responded. Sora nodded. “So will I. Despite traveling to so many places, I did it because of them. And now with the new organization trying to rise in power, I’m fighting WITH them. It's true I meet many people and make friends on other worlds as well, and eventually I would have to move onto the next world to continue my own goals. But I’ve always gone back to visit, and I WILL always be there when they need me...” He kept his gaze at Rainbow. That’s all Rainbow could have asked for. Saying goodbye one day will hurt, but she knows it won’t really be goodbye, just “until next time”. When the time comes he’ll have to go away for awhile, but he’ll be back, definitely. She knows it. Who needs more power? When you have to leave your friends and loved ones behind, what’d be the point? Whether it was the right answer or not, it was HER answer. “That’s right. I’d never leave my friends hanging! Just then, a path connected both Sora’s and Rainbow’s floors. Loyalty to your friends requires unwavering commitment. Your hearts are connected. “...Wait, what?” Rainbow was confused as she looked around for a moment. The Keyblade was gone, disintegrated into tiny light particles that scattered and faded away into obscurity. All that remained was the path, and Rainbow’s gem appearing in the stain glass picture on Sora’s floor. Just like the other girls described. “I think… I think that was a test, Rainbow.” Sora looked at the image of Rainbow’s gem before looking up at her with a shrug. Rainbow just groaned. “Man I hate those! Why do they always have to be a secret? That’s why I hated pop quizzes back at school!” She then took a moment and sighed before smiling. “So, I guess we passed or something?” Sora nodded. “Yup, this usually happens after we answer a riddle, but I guess the weird voice wanted to shake things up this time, or something? I dunno, the point is it’s fusion time, so come on over!” He waved her over to his side. She blinked a moment a moment, but soon her initial excitement returned tenfold and she practically teleported over to Sora’s side. He then summoned his Keyblade and pointed it at the glowing image of Rainbow’s gem. “Ready?” “Do you even have to ask?” She smirked. “Good point” He channeled his light and soon the void around them filled with it. ~~~~~~~~~~ Sora and Rainbow stared down at the Beast as ethereal wings seem to flap behind Sora’s Jacket, keeping him in midair. The blade he held was just as unique as the others and fit this particular fusion to a T. ( Artwork created by Aniamalman ) This one felt extremely light in Sora’s grip, but there would be time to examine it further later… Sora looked on at the beast. The fight had been long and taken a lot out of everyone, but even so, this had to end, and he and Rainbow were gonna be the ones that did. With Rainbow’s mindset combining with his own penchant for speed based combat, they spared no time rushing in. “Alright! Let's get to it!” With a single flap of those mostly translucent wings Sora was already in striking range. The beast barely had time to put up his guard, only for Sora to break it with a swift side strike before it had time to buckle down. This left it open for them to get in close and give its face a walloping at supersonic speeds. The other girls could barely keep up with what was happening as he landed 20 blows in mere moments, knocking the Minotaur’s head around like a bobblehead. This got the creature to step back and stagger, almost falling over even. Rainbow didn’t miss this kind of opening as Sora’s “wings” flapped once to position him over the bull, before flipping over it entirely with a downward strike, finally toppling the beast over and onto its back. Got’em now! Rainbow said in Sora’s mind as they landed on the beast’s abdomen, Keyblade held out a few inches in front of him and pointing at the enemy. He lifts it up to give a finishing blow but the beast managed to recover quick enough to lift its arm over its chest, knocking Sora away with it. This caused Sora to hurdle backwards before making a rather elegant aerial dodge to stop his momentum and right himself. Oh, that’s it! No way this meathead was gonna ruin her debut. Sora flew right back at the bull as it managed to get to its hooves, punching the ground with so much force it caused a wave of pressure that halted and pushed Sora back again. “Oh no you don’t!” Both Sora and Rainbow’s voices rang out before he lifted his Keyblade in the air “THUNDER!” However instead of Thundaga crashing down onto their enemy, it came crashing down onto them. Or rather, the Keyblade. “What the?” The blade seemed to crackle with magic and electricity before the entire thing start radiating a kind of yellowish glow, electrical currents coursing through and sparking around it. That’s different... Rainbow said once they got a good look at it. Kinda cool though! Sora thought back to when used magic while fused with Pinkie. This… could be a good thing. Rainbow then quickly responded. Well, I hope you’re right, cuz here he comes! Sora had barely enough time dodge to the side as the beast charged like a bull. Not wasting a moment, Sora then flew after it and quickly struck it’s exposed back. The results were shocking, pun intended. Once his weapon made contact, the bull locked up on the spot as if that Thundaga spell actually hit him. The Keyblade had absorbed the spell and held onto it like loaded ammunition. “Oh, that’s Awesome.” A cocky grin appeared on Sora’s face as he continued to wail on the beast. The other girls were in awe at the display. Every swing the Beast made, Sora seemed quick enough to dodge. Every. Single. One of them. However, He knew he could keep this up forever. It also seemed like Rainbow’s personality was affecting him a bit more than the other girls’ did during their fusions. When he lands a solid strike. “That all you got?!” When he dodges an attack. “Too slow! I’m running laps you!” Ultimately, it was kinda wearing the other girl’s nerves a little bit. Well, except for Pinkie Pie. “YEAH, GO SORADASH!” She cheered with pom poms. “Come on girls, we gotta help too.” Applejack was already charging passed them, bringing the rest of the girls back to reality and reminding them that they were in this fight as well. They couldn’t just sit and watch! Rarity was already summoning her needles, Fluttershy taking another Ether before she started casting Aeroga on everyone. Pinkie looked at her element. “Nope, still nothing huh?” She pouted before bouncing over to her trusty old Party Cannon. “Then it’s time to improvise!” She exclaimed as she rolled it into position. Meanwhile Twilight stuck with Fluttershy for now, while her more damage dealing abilities were still on the fritz for some reason, her shield spell still worked. She would just have to play support this time. Applejack was the first to join in the fray Sora drew the creature’s attention by sidestepping a fist. This gave AJ an opening to get in close and sock the creature in the gut, knocking it back a few yards with her strength. This left Rarity and Pinkie the opening needed for their attacks. Rarity fired a volley of beams from her needles straight for the creature’s joints, stalling it as Pinkie used her Cannon to fire just about anything she could fit into it, which happened to include a rather large rock she found whilst getting into position. Thanks to her recent modifications the cannon fired the rock just as fast as it did with Twilight, hitting the minotaur in the chest and stunning it. With the creature stunned, Sora lunged in again and unleashed yet another rapid barrage of attacks upon the creature. This was it. It was down, staggered and weakened. It was finally time to take it outonce and for all as it struggled to get back to its hooves. Alright! Let’s finish this! Sora thought. He could feel Rainbow smirking. I know just how to do it she replied, and immediately Sora started flying upward. At first he was unsure what was going on, though the girls back on the ground only took a moment to catch on to what they were doing and assumed it was Rainbow’s idea. It is something only Rainbow can do, after all. As such they continued their attack to keep the beast distracted. Meanwhile, Sora was climbing higher and higher into the sky. Rainbow had an idea that would blow this guy away and finally put an end to all this, plus it was her coolest move. When she deemed they were high enough, Sora finally stopped rising and hovered high above, looking at the fight below. “Uh, ok, so we’re here. Now what?” We dive! She replied. “What?!” Sora asked before he felt his body start to dive headfirst toward the ground at ludicrous speed, half from gravity, the other half from Rainbow using her pegasus magic and Sora’s “wings” to increase their speed as much as possible. Faster and faster he dove, everything just on the edges of his vision was blurring out as the air seemed to be compressing around him from the pressure. By the time the minotaur finally managed to look up it was far too late for him to notice, let alone respond as Sora briefly broke the sound barrier, Keyblade aimed straight at its head. However, something suddenly appeared between them just a few yards away from impact. It was too late to stop or change course as he collided, or rather fell into it. It was a portal… a dark portal of some sort. When he popped out the other side, he found himself in the forest miles away from where they were fighting. (stop music here) “WHAT?!” the surprise caught both of them off guard and caused Sora to tumble through the air in shock while still breaking the sound barrier, PAINFULLY busting through any tree in his way before the two of them finally managed to get things under control, gradually slowing to a stop. “Aaaah jeez.” He landed for a moment to rub his head. “That third tree got me right in the face.” Don’t remind me, the pain is doing that already Rainbow replied also sounding dazed within his mind as she feels the pain as well. When they finally had some clarity, they took stock of their surroundings. “Uuuh… where are we?” ~~~ Meanwhile, back with the other girls, they were all shocked at what stood before them. Or rather who. “Maleficent?!” Twilight took a step back. Between them and the heartless stood the witch herself. Taking their moment of shock as an advantage, it gave her just enough time to throw up a barrier between the girls and the beast “Do give my regards to the boy, you all made it quite easy to find you thanks to all that ruckus.” She then turned to the beast who started ramming and punching at the barrier. “To think the first one I find is this unruly… but he WILL listen to my words.” “I hope you’re not expecting us to sit here and let that happen!” Applejack called out. “And where are Sora and Rainbow?!” Twilight yelled. “I do not know, nor care about the whereabouts of the Rainbow maned one, but regrettably with the speed he was moving when I arrived I was only able to send the boy off somewhere else in the forest. So I’m afraid I don’t have the time to entertain you all before he returns. In the meantime these ones shall be more than happy to occupy you.” She raised her staff high and the green gem on the top started glowing. Immediately, green fire engulfs both her and the beast, transporting them elsewhere. When the fires died down, in there place were few dozen heartless. Soldiers, Large Bodies, Shadows, Jackalopes and those apple themed caterpillar-like heartless as well. “How’d she do that so fast?!” Pinkie stared in shock as she got back behind her cannon. Applejack clawed at the dirt facing their new foes. “Dagnabbit! There’s nothing we can do about it. We gotta deal with these varmints first!” She was the first to lunge in, taking out a group of Soldiers with a heavy stomp to the ground. “After all that work, she just comes and takes it all away.” Rarity sighed as she was already setting to work with her element. “Wind!” Fluttershy at this point could only act as support, covering her friends with Aeroga. Twilight, other than firing Magic shots, could only join support and defense with Fluttershy, regretting that she couldn’t do more at the moment. Pinkie was just about to fire her cannon when she heard a strange sound coming from her neck. Looking down gave her a big grin. “Well finally!” Her element looked like it was back to normal again. ~~~ Back to Sora and Rainbow’s location “This again?” Now’s really not the time!” Sora hovered in place holding his Keyblade out ready for a fight. But against what? Himself it would seem. > Chapter 49: Battle of the Swift > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The fight started abruptly the moment Sora laid eyes on his doppelganger. The silent foe apparently wanted to get straight to the point, darting off into the trees before coming at them from the side. To the right! Rainbow called out. “I see it!” Sora narrowly managed to block the strike before countering with a swing of his own. His double responded with a backstep before moving back in to continue his onslaught. The sound of clashing metal continuously rang throughout the area. This guy’s pretty fast. Rainbow stated. When Sora managed to break away she got another look at the double and noticed it was holding two keyblades. Hey! No Fair! “Well, it's not like we can do anything about it right now-and HERE IT COMES AGAIN!” Sora brought up his guard as the double was already running toward them at full sprint. The defense was key at this moment as the double seemed to up his game, increasing his attack speed while alternating between keyblades. This leads to a continuous stream of strikes, leaving no openings for Sora as it wore down his guard. Sensing this, Rainbow went with her instincts and flapped her wings. This caused the ethereal wings to reappear on Sora’s back, lifting him into the air and giving him a moment’s reprieve. But only a moment, as the double, then proceeded to throw it’s keyblade’s at Sora, Rainbow barely having them dodge the first blade while Sora awkwardly swatted away the second due to the sudden shift. Man, controlling your flight is weird. Rainbow stated just as they both noticed the double continuing its Strike Raid Barrage, again putting Sora on the defensive. “This is getting nuts.” Sora knocked away another attack as Rainbow controlled his flying and made him flip out of another one. And annoying! I’m getting tired of taking his hits! We’re faster and we can fly, so let's dish some back! “I’m with ya there, Dash,” Sora said as he flipped out of the way of two more Strike Raids before swooping in. The clone seemed to catch on in time and hurled another Strike Raid with one keyblade before getting into a defensive stance. Sora smacked the flying keyblade away before closing in with a strike, once again clashing keyblades and pushing the double back from the force of momentum. For a split second, it seemed like a power struggle before Sora’s “wings” lifted him up with a light flap, leading him into a somersault over the double’s head. This left it temporarily unbalanced, giving Sora an opening to spin around and unleash a powerful four-hit combo before smacking it away with a finisher. EAT THAT! Rainbow cheered mentally. Only to brow annoyed as it then used Aerial Recovery before landing back on its feet, pivoting around and charging right back at them. Jeez, this guy just won’t quit. “Neither will we!” Sora said before he and Rainbow did the same. The sound of clashing blades rang out with renewed ferocity as both fighters were now moving so fast that they were passing one another all across the field. Surprisingly, the Double was almost keeping pace with their combined speed. Back and forth they went, every now and then stopping in one spot only to sling a chain of blows to each other, which they would either dodge or deflect. Where Sora and Rainbow had an advantage in speed and flight, the double had an advantage with his extra weapon and quick responses, as if not a single thought was going through its head unless it was about how to strike down Sora. At one point when they passed, the double managed to get the upper hand by deflecting Sora’s strike with one keyblade while the other was already moving to knock Sora down to earth. However, Sora recovered quickly by tucking and rolling once he reached the dirt, immediately twisting around and jumping in the opposite direction while Rainbow assisted with their wings. Once he touched the ground again he banished his keyblade and sprinted at the Double, who was flinging another Strike Raid Barrage at him. As Sora charged, he side jumped one, flipped over another, slid under a third, hopped and spun in mid-air to deflect the fourth, then let Rainbow take him back into the flight to dodge the fifth and sixth with side aileron rolls to the left then right. Because of this, they managed to clash with the Double before it could resummon its second blade. Before it could reach out to do just that, Sora grabbed the Double’s free hand and kicked it in the face, disorienting it long enough for Sora to unload an insane combo of strikes, knocking the Double back. But before Sora could land a finishing strike he had to duck and slide under the double’s retaliating horizontal swing, instead of shooting up with a devastating Upper Slash that had the thing spinning backward for a few yards before it finally used aerial recovery and left the two squaring off again. When they closed in on each other once more, Sora decided to try some magic. Thrusting his keyblade forward he called out, “FREEZE!” and fired a shotgun blast of Ice. Though weaker than usual, it was still enough to stop the double in its tracks and give Sora the advantage. He moved in with a cross slash followed by another Upper Slash, then winding up a downward strike that would smash it back to the ground. However, the double managed to pull one keyblade up to block that strike in the nick of time and then swat Sora away with the other. “GUH!” Sora recoiling from the attack, allowing the double to give him a taste of his own combo before finishing with the same downward strike it had just blocked, leaving Sora as the one sent to the ground. “Aaugh!” When he opened his eyes he immediately rolled to the right, barely dodging the double’s finishing blow. Quickly getting to his feet, he noticed that they’d been backed up against the almost invisible barrier that caged them in. Just like the double from before, it was another dome to keep out anyone else. This one’s tough, not as fast as me but he’s no slouch. Rainbow stated. Sora glanced down at his amulet. Just 5 more minutes before he would need to reset it or risk continuing the fight in his pony... form… “I got it!” He flipped the amulet and deactivated it, reverting back to his pony form in a bright flash. What are you doing?! No offense, but when comes down to a fight, you’re a lot better at it in your true body! “True, but-” Sora then leaped into the air. “This body should be better for you to fly in.” That she couldn’t deny as she kept Sora’s body high in the air, easily avoiding another flying keyblade strike, allowing Sora to focus on attacking. He used Thundaga and was surprised at how powerful it was, the general area around the Double being subjected to such an onslaught of lightning strikes that it almost seeming like one giant bolt. It was so stunning that Sora actually stalled for a moment, blinking. “Ok… This keyblade is good with lightning... Definitely keeping that in mind.” So Awesome... Rainbow seemed amazed by the Spell. Sora couldn’t blame her either. Even the Double seemed to have been affected greatly by it as electric currents were still sparking all over its body, seemingly paralyzing it as it stood there twitching erratically. “This is perfect! Let’s go!” Sora called out, having Rainbow swoop in. Once they were in range, Sora wound back and then swung with all his might at the double’s torso, knocking the foe back to tumble against the ground until it crashed against the barrier. “YES!” both Sora and Rainbow fist hoofed. Then they watched as the double quickly collapsed on itself into a sphere of darkness, before expanding out to its original form, the only visible difference being that it was now back on its feet. “Wha-” Was all that they could manage to get out before the Double kicked off the barrier wall with amazing force, sending it flying toward them like a missile. “WHOA!” Sora barely managed to block the impact, but the force behind it still sent them flying with the Double on a collision course toward the other end of the barrier. As if that wasn’t bad enough, the double had its second keyblade lifted over its head, poised to bring down in another strike. No, you don't! Rainbow shouted as she commanded Sora’s wings to flap and swiftly move Sora to the double’s side, narrowly missing the strike and instinctually bucking the double away before slowing Sora to a halt. The double only recoiled from the attack briefly as it flipped its body around to land on the barrier feet first before kicking back off toward Sora. In response, Sora and Rainbow charged as well. However, just before they could collide, Sora took advantage of the double’s inability to fly and held his keyblade forward, firing another shotgun blast of Blizzaga. Rainbow then had them effortlessly dodge the now frozen Double, spinning in mid-air so Sora could throw a strike Raid at it. The double helplessly crashed into the ground, which finally freed it from the icy prison it was held in, but could not avoid the flying keyblade that slammed into it immediately afterward, much to Sora and Rainbow’s surprise. “Don’t let up!” With this Sora summoned his keyblade and launched another Thundaga, exhausting the rest of his magic reserves. (Stop the music) This time the Double was at a loss, firmly indented into the ground while paralyzed from the thundaga spell. Sora had to admit it was a sturdy foe, but they had it where they wanted it, as the barrier finally vanished from all around them. “Finally…” He looked around then back at the enemy. “Ok, now to get some answers.” Answers? From what? This thing? I don’t think it can even talk! Rainbow was confused. “Talk or not, I at least have to figure out if it’s really some kind of heartless, and if not, why is it always appearing when I don’t want it too and why is it always trying to pick a fight?” Reluctantly Rainbow flew Sora in close but kept in hovering in case anything happened. Well hurry up and get this over with, I’m sure the others are still busy with that minotaur heartless. “O-oh, Right! I forgot about that in the heat of the moment.” Sora shook his head. “We should probably just go-” “SORA!” Sora turned and was surprised to see Fluttershy with the rest of the girls in tow. Meanwhile, her element, which was in scarf form seemed to be reacting in a strange way, the butterfly decorations at each end of them seemingly trying to fly toward him. “Girls?! You’re ok! W-what about the heartless?!” Sora and Rainbow were then tackled by a flying pink missile known as Pinkie. “Yay! You’re ok!” Said the pink mare. Sora laughed. “Glad you all are too.” It was then that he noticed the two butterfly ornaments from Fluttershy’s scarf were now floating over him and circling around as strange dust like light particles seemed to be sprinkling onto him. He could feel his energy coming back to him, his fatigue lessening by the moment. “Wait-” He then remembered what they were here for. “What happened to the Big heartless we were fighting? Did you beat it?” “Uh, not quite...” Twilight sheepishly approached him along with the others. “Maleficent appeared and took it away after she sent you here.” Twilight elaborated with her head down. ~~~ Earlier Regrettably, the girls could only watch as Maleficent vanished with their target, there were just too many heartless in the way to stop her in time. “Oh no!” Twilight felt the familiar fear of failure creep up on her until she felt a tap on her shoulder. “We’ll have to worry about that later, Darling.” Rarity was back in battle mode, already firing consecutive beam strikes at a Large Body’s joints and head, stopping it in place before defeating it completely. Applejack then ran past her. “She has a point, let’s just take them out then find Sora and Rainbow.” She then leaped as high as she could before slamming her forehooves first onto the ground, creating a wave of Earth Spires under a group of heartless in front of her. Some were destroyed instantly, while others, such as the Applewyrms manage to escape by curling into a ball and bounce off of the attack and the Jackalopes managed to scurry away from it instead. Rarity, however, was able to pick off the Jackalopes with her precision shots and was patient enough to wait for the moment the Applewyrms uncurled to strike them in the soft underbelly. Her skills at multitasking coming to the fore as she kept tabs on so many targets at once. However, even she couldn’t keep an eye on all of them, but that was where Fluttershy would come in using Aeroga to defend her friends, and surprisingly her Element as well. The butterflies on her scarf seemed to have minds of their own and would deflect or block any attacks toward her by creating a sphere of light around themselves and flying in front of them. This let her focus on taking care of the others, yet Twilight felt there was still more to that scarf that they haven’t seen. “I’M BAAAAAAAACK!” Pinkie Pie cheerfully screamed, drawing everyone’s attention. Her element was back in action and she was in her turret once more. “Ok, Element! Time to pick up the slack for napping on the job!” She patted her turret on the console like one would a pet, then adjusted her goggles before going nuts on all the buttons and levers. “Oh dear.” Rarity managed to say before everyone saw the sky blotted out by a cloud of rockets, bombs, and fireworks. Everyone in the line of fire scurried about for a bit until they noticed none of Pinkie’s attacks got anywhere near them. She was the closest they had to an artillery expert after all, even though it was usually with confetti and other party related ammunition. This, combined with her innate connection to the weapon in question, gave her an instinctual control over where her shots went, though she barely needed it as the rockets and fireworks always seemed to home in on the heartless anyways. Thanks to Pinkie’s enthusiasm when returning to the fray, the battle ended sooner than any of them would have expected. Which was perfect, as they had more pressing matters to attend to. “Is everyone alright?” Applejack asked once everyone converged on Twilight to talk. “Picture perfect, Dear.” Rarity stated. “Though I could definitely use a hot bath, I feel so sweaty.” She grimaced, leaving Applejack to roll her eyes. “I’m fine now that my elements all better.” Pinkie said with a smile then petted her gem. “Who’s a good magical artifact? You are!” “I’m fine, my new friends were very helpful” Fluttershy held her hoof out to left one of the scar butterflies land on it. “Thank you so much you two” Twilight looked down for a moment. “I’m... physically fine, I suppose. Not so much mentally, now that Maleficent got away with the heartless. No telling what she has planned for it.” She sighed. “And now Sora and Rainbow are who knows where in the forest.” “Well, the first part can’t be helped.” Applejack shrugged. “We’ll just have to focus on finding our friends.” “But where to look? I’m afraid after all that fighting, I have lost my bearings somewhat.” Rarity said thoughtfully. “Its fine, Sora and Rainbow fused right? And you saw those strange wings on Sora’s back. He used them pretty well, I’m sure he’s looking for us by air.” Pinkie added. “If that’s true, he and Rainbow sure are taking their time.” Rarity said. Twilight felt concerned. “You don’t think they got sent farther than we thought, do you? Or maybe they’re in a fight as well?” “That… didn’t cross my mind until you mentioned it, but it could happen.” Applejack replied, then they all looked at each other. “Speaking of which, where were those Royal knights with that carriage again?” She looked up at the clouds it took a bit before she noticed them viewing things from above. Perhaps they were waiting for the signal, Twilight mentioned something of the sort to them earlier thinking that they might be in the way. “I’ll get their attention. Hopefully, they noticed where Sora was sent to from up there.” Twilight said as she was about to raise her hoof “He’s that way.” Fluttershy cut in unexpectedly, pointing in a certain direction. The girls all looked over, it was nothing but dense forest from their perspective. Rarity was the first to ask. “Um, how do you know that, Darling?” Fluttershy let one of the scarf butterflies land on her hoof again. “My new friends told me.” ~~~ Present Sora blinked. “Wow, Fluttershy’s element can talk?” He turned to the yellow mare who looked away sheepishly while lightly kicking at a rock. “W-well in a way I suppose...” She replied, meanwhile the butterflies seemed to be contentedly fluttering around her for now. “And they keep her safe too, I’m gonna call them Flutter Guards!” Pinkie said. This got a silent reaction from everyone, but they all had to admit the name was pretty good. “Uh, well clever naming aside, ” Twilight interjected. “Are you two ok? It sounded like you were fighting something before we got here.” Sora’s eyes widened at that, he and Rainbow had momentarily forgotten! “Oh no!” Due to everyone’s brief happiness of being reunited and their curiosity to know what had happened to their target. Sora and Rainbow had briefly forgotten their foe has yet to be subdued. As one would imagine, this was the perfect time for said double to launch itself out of the crater and toward the group, both keyblades out and ready to throw another strike barrage. At this moment Sora and Rainbow did not say a thing to anyone or to each other, his body reacted instead by sprinting past them all. Keyblade already summoned back and pulled back as he jumped and his wings propelled him into the air and at the double as fast as he could. “Transform!” in the middle of his flight, his keyblade changed, that much he was certain, he didn’t even have time to look at it now. He could only take a guess on how to use it as he felt the keyblade finish changing, then swing it as hard as he could at his enemy. “HAH!” … He wasn’t sure if he blinked or not, for a split moment he was unclear on had happened, he and Rainbow both. They were now staring at the open sky before them. Out of instinct, he whipped his head back behind him and the of them had just now realized that they were not behind the Double. “Huh?” What was even stranger was that the double seemed to look as if he was STARTING to react to being cut in the gut, the keyblade he had just thrown was already going off course as if bounced off or was deflected by something. Oh and by far the STRANGEST part was that everyone and everything was moving excruciatingly slowly. Uh, what the hay is going on? Rainbow asked “I’m… not entirely sure” Sora answered before they remembered their weapon and decided to take a look at it. Surprisingly enough, out of all the things Rainbow’s keyblade to change into, it turned out to be a sword. In retrospect the two of them seemed somewhat underwhelmed by this, the keyblade version already looked so close to looking like a sword anyway, the handguard was gone, the keychain attached to the element remained though now it looked more like a tassel with ornament at the end. The element was at the very end of the hilt as to be expected, and the rainbow designed teeth seemed to have melded with the “blade” looking part of the keyblade, and wrapped around it, stretching from one end to another looking like was forged into it. If one were to touch it, they wouldn’t even feel a seam.and lets not forget that right now the blade seems to be glowing. That part was the most noticeable. I was kinda expecting something cooler? Rainbow had So to lift the weapon closer for them to look at. “I guess they can’t all be gems. But then again” he looked around, everything was still in slow motion, even the other girl’s reaction as they seemed to just now noticed the enemy. Rainbow thought Rarity’s reaction was hilarious since she seems to be SLOWLY gasping, Pinkie’s was confusing, she seemed to now be wearing some kind of martial arts Gi with a headband on slowly pointing at the Double with a “serious” look. Seems like she was about to say something. Soooo, what's happening anyway? Everyone's moving like turtles… that fell in molasses or something. Sora looked back at the weapon. “I think it's us. Well our weapon really” Rainbow seemed interested You mean the sword…. Does our sword have time powers? Sora folded his arms and thought, “I’m not sure it's QUITE like that, but it has slowed things down for us. That's when they noticed the glow on the blade flickering. “Huh?” it flickered again. Ok, I don’t need to know magical weapons to know that is probably not good. “I’m gonna say it safe to assume this little trick doesn’t last forever.” He looked back at the Double. “Let's head over to him, I want to try something before this trick ends.” Rainbow dis so by hovering him over till they were behind it now. During this time he flipped the medallion and was back to human form. “Ok-” he gripped the sword and swung it horizontally at the double. They could see it’s body now reacting to that attack, albeit slowly. “NICE!” “Ok I take back what I said about this sword, this is a pretty cool trick It the blade flickered again, only this time the next time it flickered was sooner than the last. Guessing that’s our timer “Then we haven’t a moment to lose” Sora got into a stance before unleashing his fury with random slashes in every direction and as Rainbow had him hover all about the double as the blade’s glow flickered faster and faster until. The two of them could see the rest of the world speed back up. To their speed, or would it be them slowing down to world’s speed instead. However, just before that happened Sora finished out with an aerial flip back and letting Rainbow flap his wings as hard as she could to let him slice right at him and pass by. “Omae wa mou, shindeiru.” Pinkie called out. Of course, the other girls could not quite respond to that as they were too busy being amazed at the double seemed to be responding what seemed like a hundred invisible slashes from out of nowhere as Sora was in human form again behind the double before it ultimately cut in half by the torso and fall to the Earth, already vanishing into mist before it touched the dirt, all that remained however seemed to be a ghostly looking ember that just seemed to now be floating an inch or two off the ground. “Uh, what just happened?” Applejack asked. “I saw what happened but… what happened?” “I’m not entirely sure, but I think that Sora and Rainbow would know.” Sora landed onto the ground just as his amulet finally ran out of mana and reverted back to his pony form, he then noticed his weapon returned to keyblade form. “That was… short.” it was then that Rainbow finally unfused with Sora, his wings disappearing and his mane, tail, and jacket reverted to normal, as she appeared right next to him. “Oh man, that was Awesome! Did you guys see that?!” Rainbow cheered “We did, but what just happened?” Rarity asked as Rainbow ran up to them utterly excited. “Oh right! You girls probably saw a blur, Well it was so cool! Well At first I thought it would be lame since the keyblade only turned into a sword, I mean why turn into a sword when the keyblade was just fine as is right. But then-” As Rainbow continued to ramble on about what had just happened. Sora took this moment to get a closer look at the ghostly looking ember floating where the Double used to be. He then sat in front of it, examining it for a moment. “What are you? Your certainly not a heartless. As he reached a hoof out to grab it, the ember then sparked causing him to real his hoof back a bit, the ember then floated upward before he heard a phrase. You all show promise, perhaps one day we will finally meet, hopefully soon when your affairs are dealt with. And just like that, the ember vanished entirely as if erased from existence. Sora looked at the spot a bit longer, before turning to the others, who all were looking around in confusion. “So you heard that too?… This world is getting strange.” > Chapter 50: Hero's Reprieve > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hero’s Reprieve Sora’s House Two Days After the Forest Battle Two days prior, after all, was said and done, Sora had a pretty exhausting day after fighting the minotaur heartless and his clone. He even fused multiple times, one of those times fusing, happened to be brand new with its own set of complications. And he took more than his fair share of beatings from both foes. Needless to say, it was a miracle he didn’t collapse on the spot when it was all over, but the fatigue was clearly visible to the other girls as they decided to take him home to rest. They would talk about matters while he slept and would fill him in when he woke up. And then nearly a day went by and Sora still did not leave the house. Sure he got up when he smelled Mogson’s cooking, but he seemed half asleep. As Mogson claimed it, he would shove his face with grub before barely saying thank you and slinking back off to bed. The fact of the matter was, after all that fighting and fusions in such a relatively short amount of time, his body and mind were out of commission for a whole day… He slept through the second Morning cuz he’s Sora after all, and oversleeping tends to be his shtick, but eventually, the scent of a warm cooked meal traveled to his nose causing him to finally wake up and look around. Remembering where he was and why he slowly managed to get out of bed and stumble a bit toward the door as his body was still trying to wake up with him. Fortunately, it caught up before he took the stairs down and could see Mogson once again cooking breakfast. “Smells great…” he said with a slight yawn. “Well, if it isn’t the lad we’ve all been waiting for, kupo. Back from the dead are ya?” Mogson teased as he flew over to the table to drop down another plate. “Good morning to you too” Sora gave a weak smile with a sleepy-eyed stair as he approached. Apparently, it was an omelet this time for breakfast along with some toast. He took his seat, thanked the Moogle for his meal before grabbing the pitcher on the dining table and pouring Apple Juice from it to his glass. “Juice is from your farmer friend. Well, the apples for it were. I juiced myself,kupo. She figured it perk you up whenever you decided to get your flank outta bed, hehe” Sora nodded, mentally reminding himself to thank Applejack later. Also remembering all that happened the last time he was conscious. “I guess I’ll have to say hi to the girls so we can figure out what to do next.” “Oh, there will plenty time for that, kupo,” Mogson replied. “I don’t open my shop until later and I’ve been dying to know what you’ve been up to. You and you’re little harem seem to have gotten the rest of this world into a bit of a tizzy,kupo. “Harem?” Sora cocked his head to the side, but Mogson waved it off. “Something you don’t need to know, trust me.” he cleared his throat. “Along with that, I figured I pull out the catalog,kupo. Been awhile since you peeked into it and figured you’d want to see what's new.” Mogson then flew off to coffee table picking up the catalog books from both Equestrian furniture, and one for moogle shop related goods and brought it over to Sora. “You’ve accumulated a lot of bits and Munny, you should really treat yourself after all the things you’ve done here, kupo.” The idea did sound pretty good. They had been pretty busy as of late. No telling how much munny they collected after it all. And he had collected quite a lot of bits as well. He flipped through the pages of one before looking at the other, then returning to the other book and so on. Halfway through eating his meal, he seemed to come to a decision. But before he could say it to Mogson, there was a knock at the door. “Huh? Now, who could that be,kupo?” Mogson turned to it. “I’ll get it” Sora hopped off his seat and made his way to the door. When he opened it he was surprised to see Spike, with his dream sword in his hand. “Spike?” “Sora? You’re finally awake!” Spike beamed “I hope you don’t mind if I use your training room.” “Uuuh, sure, I guess not but-” before he knew it, the little drake ran right past him. “Awesome, Thanks!” he was almost a blur as he made his way to the room. “Well he certainly looks eager” Sora blinked “Yeah, the kid practically treats that place as his second home lately. Making quite the racket mind you, kupo” “Well, of course, he’d be so eager after hearing all the stories Ms. Dash has been going on and on about that fight, the other day.” Said Merlin, entering with his usual quiet way “Ah, good Morning, my boy. Glad to see you’re up and about.” Sora blinked before smiling “Morning Merlin. Yeah sorry about that, I was pretty drained I guess. “It's only natural,” Merlin replied before giving a nod to Mogson. “When your changing form, it's different with those girls then with Donald and Goofy?” Sora followed from behind. “Well that's true, it's hard to understand why.” Merlin turned back and chuckled. “Well, if you have the time and don’t mind making a cup of tea and joining me in Spike's training, I might be able to enlighten you on that.” ~~~ Golden Oaks Library Twilight didn’t get much sleep last night, nor the night before either. Her mind had been other matters, Their last fight, Sora’s doppelganger, Maleficent’s words, and most of all her failed fusion with Sora and her sudden inability to use the magic of the other world. Of course, at the first chance she got, she went straight to Merlin to discuss the thing. ~~~ Yesterday Merlin examined her closely, he listened to her story and nodded “That’s it, Ms. Sparkle, just like that.” As instructed, Twilight was balancing herself on one hind leg, and start hopping in place repeating “E Pluribus Arcanum” over and over. She was really concentrating and doing her best to remain in balance. Merlin had her keep this up for several minutes before finally tapping her on the shoulder. “And that should do it, go ahead and try a spell.” She nodded and thought for a moment. “Firaga!” She raised her wand to the sky and immediately a giant ball of fire appeared, flying from her wand far into the sky above the clouds until it was out of sight. “Ah! It's back, Oh thank you, Merlin, I was really worried I was locked out of the new way of magic.” “Not a problem, Ms. Sparkle. The solution is simple, but sometimes it can be too difficult to attempt without help.” Merlin gave a nod and smile. “You can say that again, I’ll have to jot down that method in case it ever happens again.” “Oh, that won’t be necessary.” Merlin shook his head. Twilight was confused now, “Wait, but it clearly worked. It's best to record it, for future generations that use this magic.” “On the contrary, Ms. Sparkle, I just made that method up. It does absolutely nothing.” Merlin smiled. “But... Wha-I… But my magic-” Merlin interrupted her. “Has been with you all this time.” Merlin then started walking past her. “You never lost it, you only just assumed you did. That, you should record.” And having said that, Merlin stepped out of the library. “Now then I believe I’ll have a stroll in town. Do remember to keep practicing. Ms. Sparkle. You’re making exceptional progress.” ~~~ Present Twilight couldn’t understand it, one moment she couldn’t cast any spell other than equestrian, the next moment she cast a fireball, and just to be sure she tried all her other spells… just as Merlin predicted. They were all back… How did Merlin know they would come back? As he said, that magic never left her… so that meant. Something stopped it, he made her do a useless chant and balancing and yet it worked… She kept beating around the bush in her mind, but eventually, she had to accept that the lesson Merlin was trying to give her was that, the only thing stopping her from casting outer world magic, was her belief on that magic. It was so simple, yet so difficult if she had to figure it out on her own… She trusted Merlin’s word since he was the teacher in this field, the expert. He knew no matter what he’d say. She’d believe it as the answer to her problem. She wouldn’t be so deep in thought about this if it didn’t remind her of her failure fusing with Sora... She was getting straight down to the point, out of everything she learned in life. Deep down, she couldn’t admit, that part of her, couldn’t see how such a feat was actually possible, physical, magical, biological. All she had to go on was that it all involved the elements, Sora’s keyblade, and the heart. “What is a heart?” Now that was the question she really wanted an answer to. And so in order for her to never hinder her friends again, she decided to start a new project, to learn more about the heart. ~~~ Sora’s House: Training Room Merlin took a deep sip of his tea before lowering it and sighing with satisfaction. “Ah, Equestrian tea certainly has a more floral, yet fruity taste to their blend. Not usually, my choice, but it’s a nice change of pace from my more robust choices.” “Uuuh, I guess” Sora shrugged as he looked at his cup before looking out at Spike, he was already going at it with his dream sword. Attacking a training dummy with a repeated combo he seemed comfortable with as a basic attack. Seemed to adopt a faster pace like Sora’s but at the same time, he used his smaller height and weight to make more bouncy style. Not quite aerial, but it did seem close to it since he would bounce the same height as the dummy’s head. “He seems to be getting better.” “When a child sets a goal for themselves, its remarkable at what lengths they would reach to get to it,” Merlin said as he observed the little Drake go at it. “What’s his goal?” Sora asked. Merlin then stroked his beard. “Well, he never did say, but it's not so hard to figure out that answer.” “You mean, get a keyblade? Or protect his friends?” Sora took a sip finally form his cup. Merlin seemed to chuckle lightly before smiling. “Well, I’m sure such things are on his mind, but I feel like those things are merely driving his goal..” “Really?” Sora took another sip as he watched Spike. “What else could his goal be?” “I’m afraid that's not my business to tell, and I could still be wrong.” Merlin smiled as he levitated a book in front of him and had it open to a certain page. “It is best if you ask him yourself” “You have a point there” Sora kept watching. It kinda reminded him of how he and Riku used to train as kids. “Ah, but enough of that, I do believe I have a promise to keep” Merlin stated refilling his cup. “Oh, right, It has been bugging me.” Sora turned to Merlin. “Recall that day I first went into Valor form the first time with Applejack and Pinkie… It was strong, but I was really exhausted afterward… sure it didn't help the fact that I fought for all Canterlot before that, but this was like…” “As if it took your entire being and once you no longer needed, you crashed. Am I correct?” Merlin asked. “Uuuh, pretty much, yeah!” Sora pointed at Merlin. “This time it wasn’t as bad as I didn't get into valor form or anything, but I fused back to back, and then that weird clone of me showing didn’t help matters… It just made the exhaustion more noticeable when Rainbow and I finally separated, I guess.” Merlin nodded. “Yes, I can see that happening” he took a sip. “To be honest with you, my boy, this is an unprecedented field. What you and the Element Bearers are doing, is essentially something completely unheard of… but at the same time, it seems destiny has a plan for it.” “Huh?” Sora raised an eyebrow. “Allow me to explain, just keep in mind this is basically speculation and going on theory The Princesses, Yen Sid, and I have been pondering.” He finished his cup. “We believe, that the elements of Harmony, which the bearers have seemed to somehow resonate with the keyblade due to the connections you all have with the heart.” “The heart?” Sora nodded that was something he was confident in believing after all that fusing with the girls. It only made sense after all. “Right, I recall how you and the others described what it’s like fusing the very first time, Yen Sid and I agree it is but another means two or more hearts can reach out in a time of need.” Merlin continued “The keyblade and the elements seem to act as the tether to give it a more tangible shape and effect… if that explanation makes sense.” “I think so?” Sora had his pondering look before giving a nod. “So how does that affect me getting tired when I fuse.” Merlin turned to Spike watching his progress. “Well, when you fight or train, you exert energy to do so, correct? To this Sora nodded. “When you think about it, just about doing anything requires energy, especially something as active as combat,” Merlin noticed Spike panting a bit before he moved in for a low attack, that entered into a rising slash. “Same with magic. It doesn’t just come from nowhere… well, you know what I mean from that. You need ether if you run out of mana and that's basically Magic’s energy needed for casting spells. When you went into Drive forms, you had to consume whatever energy it was that fueled them as well. Drive orbs, I believe” Sora nodded it was a different source remembered, but then begged the question when he fused with the girls he could tell it never used that energy source., Why was that? Merlin seemed to answer that. “If one were to go by that logic, then when you fuse, you should be able to use that same energy to fuel it. And yet you get exhausted, not only that, you can immediately go from one fusion to another at any time if I’m correct… the only source of energy resilient enough to cover something like that without needing so much as an outside source to replenish it, at least in such a short time, is your own body’s energy… Hm… In a way, I suppose it was only natural.” he stroked his beard. “The heart is a part of you, so your body serves to follow your heart and mind after all.” he then gave Sora a smile and laugh. “And Your more heart than Brain, lad” “Hey!” “Just a bit of fun lad, but with some truth. You always follow your heart and so I can assume your body is just accustomed to exerting its energy for that very purpose.” He tapped Sora’s chest. “And fusing friends that represent the very elements of friendship. You can only imagine how much energy is needed to handle all that power.” He then returned his watch on Spike as he blasted a green fireball at the dummy. Thankfully, it was fireproof. “It's remarkable how much your body can handle, young man. Then again I have seen many of your feats so I suppose it shouldn’t be all that surprising after all.” It was something he never really thought about, but he has been through A LOT in his travels, it would make sense that his body would have grown accustomed to it by now. “So, I guess I understand. “Fusing with the girls eats up my stamina so that just means I should pack a snack when I go into battle form now on!” Merlin was silent as he looked at Sora, he wasn’t expecting that response, but after thinking on it for a moment Sora generally wasn’t wrong, it just wouldn’t have the same immediate effect like when one would use a potion. “True words, my boy. Simple but effective.” he decided to refill his cup. “That being said, it's all the more important that you scrutinize more when you need to use fusion. At Least if you run out of mana or drive, you can still fight. When your body runs out of energy… your dead weight.” At that Sora nodded. It didn’t need to be said but it was important that Merlin brought it up… He has fused a lot, he knew how it felt when he separated from fusing with the girls. Once the adrenalin and he was no longer caught up in the moment. Along with that were thoughts about Twilight, and the time he connected with Applejack and Pinkie. Then after a brief pause, Merlin continued “there are also two other facts that further complicate the matter” "Uh ..." Sora gave Merlin a confused look and asked "what?" After a long sigh, Merlin answered "Well, first of all, I think the very way in which the keyblade reacts to the magic of this world is rather anomalous" In hearing this, Sora gave Merlin an even more confused expression "what does it mean?" “Well ,see Sora, the magic we commonly use is of a different nature from what instead use the inhabitants of this world, our magic is based on the mana and is directly generated from our essence, so when we exhaust our mana it after a while 'it regenerates on its own, but the magic of this world is directly generated by this same world, and its inhabitants limit themselves to absorbing and releasing it, but if their world no longer generates magic, even its inhabitants would lose every magic power " "So to put it briefly, the magic we commonly use and that of this world have different origins and therefore properties, but when you use a fusion you seem to be able to mix these two forms of magic into a new and unknown one" "Then your condition is still rather enigmatic, of course the medallion allows you to easily manage the transition from human to pony and vice versa, but don't forget that however the medallion is a temporary solution and currently you are still a creature halfway between a human being and a pony and we still do not fully know what that involves " Sora remained to reflect, it was true he had never considered with particular attention what it meant to be a “being in between” nor what were the differences between his form of magic and that of girls. After a moment of thinking, he got up. “I got nothing” “Hm?” “Yeah, I tried to think on it like how you and Twilight, would… but I got nothing on why that is. Its as you say. I listen to my heart, but now that I have a better understanding of what’s going on with fusion… My hearts telling me to take in what I know, and move forward…” he smiled as he walked to the side of the building... Spike took a short breather before he got back into a fighting stance again. Just as he was about to charge. He saw something jump over him. “Huh?” and it landed on all fours. It was Sora. by the time he turned around he had flipped his medallion and in a brief flash turned into his true self standing on all his two legs and tossing something at him. “Nice moves,” Sora said as Spike caught a struggle bat. Sora seemed to be holding one as well. “Mind if we go a few rounds?” he took a fighting stance. Merlin simply shook his head but laughed softly to himself “Lad doesn’t know he just made his day.” Spike’s eyes seemed to sparkle at Sora’s question before a look of determination replaced them and he took his own fighting stance. “Anytime, Sora!” Sora brushed his thumb under his nose before giving a big grin. “Alright!” Merlin? “Way ahead of you lad” Merlin had already gotten the struggle orbs ready to go. Once that was all taken care of Merlin raised his hand. “Alright, the rules are simple, combat one another to knock orbs from out of your opponent, the one with the most before time runs out, is the victor. You’ll have one minute this round. Ready?” Spike gripped his bat, as did Sora. “Begin!” > Chapter 51: Taking a Step Back > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sora’s Training Room Struggle matches were always a joy to see in Twilight Town, all able bodies were welcome to be a combatant and the current mayor was always eager to see a match and was on cloud nine when the annual tournament came around. Fans loved seeing the best of the best duke it out, but always eager to see a newcomer see what they’d add to the table. If Spike were in Twilight Town, and of course people got passed the part where he was a dragon, he would definitely spark some interest with his way of battle. “OK!” the little Drake charged right into Sora as the latter went on the defensive, curious to see what the little guy could do. Spike jumped and went straight for the face with an upward diagonal swing which Sora blocked, but before he had a chance to counter, Spike was already bringing his bat down on Sora’s head while he was still rising in the air from his jump, Sora deflected again, but that attack gave the dragon enough momentum to evolve that attack into multi strike as he let the force spin his body in mid-air. Sora had to block four more attacks before gravity pulled Spike back to the ground who barely landed on feet. “Not bad!” Sora commented before going for a low upward swing To which Spike was quick to evade. Spike then tried to get around and for a strike to Sora’s back, but the veteran dodge rolled forward to avoid it before quickly turning around and guarding Spike’s second charge. Because his legs were smaller, he decided rolling was a faster method to Sora, then just a foot away from him, he kicked off the ground with his feet and tail fly right him with another swift strike. Again, blocked by Sora’s bat, but Sora could feel the force to end up leaning back a bit. But still managed to bounce the dragon into the air. “Gotcha!” Sora jumped up to him then unleashed a 5 hit aerial combo strike, orbs scattering all around from Spike before Sora batted him away with a six horizontal slash. He chose not to dunk the little guy like he would with other opponents or heartless. As Spike was sent flying he noticed in his mind that being hit didn’t hurt. Sure he felt the force of every attack and they all felt strong, but he felt no pain. Something he had to ask after this fight. He flailed a bit before managing to get upright and on his feet again. When he did, he already saw the last of his orbs get pulled into Sora. and that got him to focus back on the fight. “Time’s running out and Sora is in the lead. What will you do, Spike?” Merlin had his pocket watch out and using his magic displayed each participant’s orb count. How he was able to keep track of it was Spike’s guess, but again something to ask later. His role model was giving him the “come on” hand gesture with a confident grin. He just hadto meet him in kind, rushed, on foot this time, but he was using that to let his mind think about what to do next. While not as fast as his rolling, he was picking up the pace now with those stubby legs. Sora decided to meet him halfway to see how he would react. He could see the look of not expecting it, but it swiftly changed to one of determination as went in for the strike, but ending up clashing bats with Sora. Still, he wanted to take the initiative hopped back to break the tension before rushing in for a combo strike. Sora would meet his attempt with evasive movements. Spike tried to anticipate how he would dodge, but he would never get a hit. So he had to think of a way to get Sora unaware. Wait… Sora was waiting out the barrage and it seemed like now was the time to get another hit in, so he stepped in and— THWAK! He was momentarily stunned physically and mentally, what hit him? His eyes closed instinctively to the impact but forced open a peek to see It was Spike’s tail that was leaving his face. Sly… With Sora, Spike wasted no time restarting his onslaught. Time was short so he had to get greedy. “Here I go!” He began with a downward overhead swing as gravity brought him back to the ground with his feet. The second he was. He rushed Sora and continued. Left, right, upward diagnosis strike, that bounced him in the air a little over Sora’s head just before he brought down another downward strike that got him into a spin, only this time, he felt and could hear that he was striking something other than Sora. Eventually, his spin slowed he was able to see Sora managed to bring up his bat and guard that last strike. “Uh oh” “Great form, Spike” Sora then pushed the dragon in the air so he wouldn’t be able to grab at any of the orbs he managed to smack out of him. HE crouched down to let himself absorb most of the dropped orbs before leaping up toward Spike, bat wound back. Spike flailing to get himself in a more favorable position while in mid-air, before the sound of a whistle was blown. “TIME!” Merlin somehow had a whistle with him as he raised a hoof in the air. Sora stopped his attack and instead caught Spike before landing on his feet. Then setting the little guy on his own two feet. “Results, Sora: 152 orbs collected” Merlin gestured to a scoreboard he magically conjured up. “Spike: 44 orbs collected. Which makes Sora the winner!” he then gestured to Sora. Spike groaned falling back and panting, for some reason, that short fight with Sora was more tiring than his normal training session. It was only natural though since he was fighting Sora. He had to give it everything he had. “That was awesome! I wanna go next!” a voice coming from behind Merlin toward the doorway. It was Scootaloo, along with Applebloom and Sweetie Belle. They were peering in before Scootaloo’ made an outburst after seeing such a heated match that they all tumbled into the room. “Yo, can we do that with our bats too?” Scootaloo managed to pull out her struggle club. Mogson was floating into view from behind the doorway, taking notice of the fillies. Applebloom was up again and bouncing pulling out her Struggle bat with the guard on it. “I’m up fer a round or two.” Sweetie Belle also pulling out her struggle wand. And that’s when a thought crossed the moogles head that had him rub his paws. “This is could be big munny…” and just like that, the Moogle was off. ~~~ Golden Oaks Library The door opened and entered Fluttershy. “Hello? Twilight?” She was looking all around the library and spotted Twilight lost in thought while looking over a book. From the looks of things, it seemed her friend didn’t hear her so she approached her and tried again. “Umm… Twilight?” She tapped her side and it was like she flipped an “on” switch as Twilight straightened up as if lightning struck her and gasped rather vocally. This made the pegasus squeak and backstep a bit and fire off an “I’m sorry” before she could even think of what just happened. Apparently Twilight was so deep in thought as she almost forgot to breathe. So when Fluttershy tapped her instead of looking up and replying to her like a normal pony would her body was screaming at her to breathe. This was a kind of concentration that even she never knew she could achieve. “W-w-what brings you here this morning?” After a moment of calming down Fluttershy’s element was in scarf form as the butterfly ornaments at each end start fluttering and hovering off the ground all around Twilight. “Well, I felt like I could spend some time working on my magic here... If that's ok with you, I mean.” Twilight looked at the butterflies hovering around her. Lifting up a hoof to touch one only for it to fly just out of her reach but still circle her. “it's no trouble at all Fluttershy, it's a library after also it's still technically open to the public… um, what are they doing?” She had to ask. Fluttershy just giggled “They say they are examining you. For injuries” “They speak to you?” Twilight’s curiosity once again distracting her from her previous thoughts. Fluttershy tilted her head to the side and thought about it. “Sort of, it's not so much they are speaking to me, but more like, I know what they are thinking, and they know what I’m thinking… I guess.” She shrugged as she joined her on the couch as the butterflies returned to her to rest, completely motionless ornaments as if they never moved at all. “Fascinating..” Twilight’s eyes never left the butterflies until they went inert. “What other capabilities do they have. I think I recall that they helped us find Sora and Rainbow, right?” Fluttershy nodded “Yes, they even give you a boost.” “A boost?” Twilight asked. “Yes, you see, earlier this morning they fluttered around the animals sprinkling pink light all around and everyone was up and completely energized. Even Angel who was still napping on my back at the time. I have never seen him get up so fast.” Fluttershy giggled at the memory or a suddenly peppy rabbit. “So they can heal, track, and stimulate others?” Twilight making a mental note of this as she mumbled. “I feel like they can do more, but I’m not sure what. So I came here thinking I can find that out with you as well.” Twilight wasn’t expecting this but she was more than welcome to it. It would keep her mind form “other matters” she had been thinking about. She got her magic back and for now, that's what mattered. “Sure, Fluttershy, I’d be happy to help.” ~~~~~ High Above Ponyville Rainbow didn’t get much sleep last night. How could she, she got to fuse, that only meant one thing. She had to break in her new element weapon as much as she could. “Take that!” A cloud shaped like a heartless is cut in two by a rainbow blur. “You’re gone!” another one was sliced in an X form while another was dispersed from collision it appeared quite a few clouds were used as training dummies as Rainbow zipped about cutting them down, but with what? Shooting from the left, then to the right, practicing a high-speed serpentine maneuver before shooting up a few yards and winding and staring down at her next cloud foe. Forearms at each side of her and away just before she went for the kill, her forelegs were encased in a gold substance, much like how a stocking would for a pony. They then morphed and expanded out into long blades in the shape of gold lightning bolts. A big cocky grin on her face as she dove in quicker than a flash then did a quick spin before contact and just like that, a group of “cloudless” were destroyed in the blink of an eye. After the attack, the blades reverted back to the black “stocking”-like design on her front legs as she then gave a fist pump. “Yeah, baby, these are awesome!” She looked at her hooves with a big grin on her muzzle. Rainbow couldn’t have been more ecstatic about her element. Already thoughts and fantasies ran through her mind of being cheered on by the country for her awesome display. Not to mention the wonderbolts announcing that she would be their newest member. But first… she should probably get back to her job and reform those clouds to place them over Ponyville… like she was told to do… after a few more minutes of “testing” her new weapons. Just like the other girls, she knew they could do more than just turn into blades…. right? ~~~ Town Hall Later that day After Sparring with Spike, and teaching the Crusaders the rules of Struggle, Sora decided to leave the rest to Merlin and Mogson since they seemed oddly interested in teaching the girls the ropes. He decided to use this opportunity to take on some odd jobs and made his way over to the TOwn hall to the job board. Because he was away for so long some of the jobs on the board were long taken care of, and the tasks that were available were relatively quick to handle. Mainly delivery runs from one place to another. A few times for Sugarcube Corner that for customers that had forgotten something, or were unable to make the trip for an order. This was no problem for someone that mastered the art of flowmotion. It was quite a spectacle for the bystander that happened to be at the right place at the right time to see a young stallion dashing down the streets and alleys, leaping sliding off railings, ropes, and wires, bouncing off walls, and swinging off light posts and poles. Now he was looking up his next job for some bits. “Hmm, not much left on the board…” He started reading one of them when suddenly he heard a familiar voice “Ah! There you are Sora!” It was Rarity, she looked like she was in a rush. “I’ve been looking for you at your home, but then told that you would be out working.” “Well, yeah, figured I’d kill some time and-” “Well, that’s, just perfect, dear! If you are looking to kill time, do I have the job for you.” Rarity interrupted as she trotted behind him and started nudging him in the direction of her boutique. Sora was getting a strange feeling about this, “Uh, what is the job exactly?” ~~~ Carousel Boutique Things had been a bit busy for Rarity’s store nowadays. Her Adventure Chic was gaining more and more attention by the townsfolk, and she was getting requests from places like Canterlot and Manehatten since ponies saw their outfits as they went to fight deadly horses, and of course part of the fame was also given by small moments of self-advertisement whenever she had the chance, this ended turning into word of mouth that spread like wildfire. The requests were a welcomed surprise and making custom orders was what she lived for, but as more and more ponies showed. Their interest and sent in order requests. She had to rethink her strategy. For starters, customers that actually entered the store get first priority, to an extent. If there was a mail order, she’d deal with the customers that arrived at her boutique first before taking on the order. That said, the mail order would be completed before she opened the store the next day. Finding time to sleep or rest was increasingly becoming an issue. So far she could manage it since the brand name was still growing, but she had to face the facts, this wouldn’t last much longer with this kind of popularity. She might need extra hooves. She thought about this as she measuring a stallion that said he wanted a hoodie similar to Sora’s. And that’s where she thought of the perfect pony to help her out. He had more than free time after all. Thus Sora’s reason to be here. “Sora! I need you to measure this stallion for me!” Rarity called out as she was working on a Mare. “On it!” Sora had just finished writing out the measurements of one customer before grabbing the spare measuring tape and running over to the next customer. ... “Sora! We’re running low on blue satin, can you run into the back and bring out some from storage, dear?” Rarity was working on her next piece Sora was busy at the register getting a customer’s payment “Uh blue satin… uuuh” “It’ll be labeled, of course” “Oh, Right then!” As he put the money in the register, he was off … Sora was carrying a mannequin to the front. “These things… are heavier than they look…” he had to drag it to the front window since Rarity wanted to place another outfit on display to attract window shoppers. “Oh good, place it right at the end there!” Rarity was sewing part of another outfit, making sure to respect the customer’s request for extra pockets to enchant later. “I placed the outfit there so you know where to put it. Do be careful when putting the outfit on the mannequin if you would. It’s durable, but can never be too careful.” Sora set down the Mannequin and picked up the outfit. This one wasn’t part of the Adventure Chic line. That much he could tell. It was a rather big dress encrusted with gems…. He wasn’t entirely sure how to go about it. The outfit came in three parts and they all looked rather similar to each other “Wait, is this the top, or the bottom?” Sora held a part in one hoof while staring at the other in his other hoof. In the end, it took a couple of tries after he noticed one of the parts was a jacket and he placed on the hind end. At least he knew where to put the saddlebags on the first try. ... Sora was beat, never before did he had to run around so much in one building, without fighting something at the same time. Things were slowing down finally to the point where he could finally collapse on the sofa. As Rarity floated a glass of lemonade in his hoof, to which he graciously accepted. “Is this every day for you?” he asked before he started downing the whole glass. Rarity kept walking over to a mannequin she had that held an outfit she was currently working on. “This is actually new for me. I had a feeling the new fashion would attract ponies, but never did I imagine to this extent, I’m afraid.” She stared intensely at the outfit before pulling off the belt. “This is a bit much” she pulled out a darker colored one to replace it and started examining it. “Despite the hectic atmosphere today, my heart couldn’t help but leap with joy with how popular this new fashion line had become. Though, it might be best if I reach out to other designers in Equestria about it. “Huh? What for?” Sora asked. As he finished his glass. “Well, I feel as though “Adventure Chic” should be shared with other designers, for the sake of its growth.” She nodded at the belt and decided to leave it on the mannequin and started circling it to examine every inch. “This ensemble could definitely use some shoes…” she went to her sketch pad and started brainstorming. “As great as these designs I have made, they come from one mind, my own. Which has been inspired by a lot, mostly by you, Sora.” She looked up at the stallion who was watching her intently. When they locked eyes, Rarity couldn’t help but blush slightly and look back at her sketch pad. The way she said that it could be taken in more than one way. However, she pressed on. “However, if I share this with other ponies. Like-minded designers ... then who knows what will come from that, and doesn’t that just grabs my curiosity and wonder all the more. “You’re really into your passion if you would even share with competition.” Sora smiled, he liked that genuine smile on her face. “The greatest innovations often are created from a little competition.” Rarity stated as she gave a nod and stepped back to view the outfit in whole again. “And healthy competition would be a breath of fresh air what with us always galavanting about saving the world and all.” She then paused and looked back at him. “Of Course I’m not saying I am tired of being a heroine either. It has its perks after all.” She gave off a knowing smirk. “Perks?” Sora had to ask. “Why of course, you wouldn’t believe the discounts and freebies, now that I'm known as one of the heroines fighting back against the heartless.” Now that he thought about it, they had been doing a lot of “saving the day” than anything else. And seeing Rarity so hard at work… instead of looking exhausted she seems eager. Sora wasn’t sure, but it seemed that working with fashion was just relaxing for her. Well… as long as she was happy about it, he guessed. “Ah, I do believe break time is over. The day is almost done. Come along now.” Rarity was on the move once again. “F-for what?” he asked with a raised eyebrow. Rarity “Simple, dear. We wait for any last-minute customers as we tidy the place and move the displays around if needed for the new designs I’ve set up, then package up all the mail orders.” “Mail orders?” he followed her around the corner and noticed. “Oh, you would not believe how many orders I’ve gotten ever since that Manehtten trip. Ditzy, the poor dear, looked like she was straining with her bag when she delivered them all.” Rarity went behind the counter and pulled out.a huge stack of letters and placed it on the counter… and then another, and then another. Sora looked at the stacks wide-eyed. “Now can you do me a favor and get packaging supplies for me from the back?” “Packaging? A little early to start sending them out when you just got those letters.” “Early? Sora, I’m almost done.” Rarity trotted off. “Almost done?” he blinked and followed her to where she had outfits neatly placed with names on them… A LOT of them. “Whoooa…” “Yes, I know, I’m behind, but I’m sure if I can make the last few by tonight. Now when you get back with the packaging, all you have to do after that is gift wrap the clothes.” she made her way to her sewing machine. “Oh and make sure you don’t mix up the address tags, Sora. or we’ll have to recheck them all.” Sora looked at all the outfits… then at his hooves. “R-right…” he sagged at the potential workload before flipping his amulet to revert to human form. Better with hands then hooves in his opinion. Though he was still plenty drained already. ~~~~~~~~~~ Changeling Hive There was commotion going on in one of the far larger subterranean chambers of the HIve. a large group of Changelings was struggling to keep a heartless chained down. And not just any heartless. It was the minotaur heartless from earlier. And they were losing this battle. At one end stood Maleficent and Pete watching the struggle. “A feisty one.” Maleficent watched with an amused look. “It only proves to show a hint of who the owner of its heart used to be.” “And he was strong enough to cut down mountains, right?” Pete gulped “Sure glad he’s gone now.” “Well, he and his prison mates sure didn’t make it easy for us.” A voice from behind, Maleficent. “So why are my soldiers having to fight this thing. “I thought you had full control of heartless.” “If I wanted to control it I would’ve done so your majesty, however, I’m afraid I’ll be too busy to babysit our guest,” Maleficent responded before turning to Chrysalis and giving a slight bow. “So what, you’re just going to leave it like this? I can’t have this running amok and tearing up my hive.” Chrysalis glared at the witch who simply smiled. “Oh perish the thought. On the contrary, you will be thanking me before long.” Maleficent’s grin grew even larger. This got the Queen’s attention, to which Maleficent just stepped forward looking at the beast. “You’ve controlled heartless before, you know the idea and how the process works. Heartless will listen to a strong heart and obey, to an extent, always keeping in mind that controlling them is generally similar to holding your heart out like a carrot on a stick.” Maleficent then looked Chrysalis in the eyes, in a way to get the queen's attention. “If mastered fully, your army increases indefinitely, but minor heartless are simple to control for people like us. The more powerful ones, however… well… If you don’t show control, you might as well forfeit your heart now. Chrysalis tensed up staring at the large heartless. “The fact of the matter is, your highness, I must seek out the other ones before our would-be hero and his irksome pony friends find them first. And I can’t be in two places at once.” “So your telling me to put this thing under a leash. One that I have control of.” Chrysalis glared. Maleficent turned and gestured to the beast once more as it then roared so loudly that anyone in the hive could hear it as it yanked on its chained arm dragging the group of changelings holding it across the floor. “The question is; Do you think you can handle that?”